#’sorry i didnt kill him’ girl you saved everyone
manga-panels-daily · 2 years
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reallyromealone · 11 months
Okay so hear me out.
Sanzu x reader but it's an arranged marriage for connections between Bonten and another Yakuza. But the entire time reader is just kinda forced to dress as a girl because his dad didn't have a daughter to shuffle off to Bonten, so when Sanzu gets time alone with reader and actually gets to talk to him and hug him - he finds out reader is a guy and is just like "WTF- Wait I actually like this better" or something.
Absolutely uwu
(name) was uncomfortable as he was dressed and polished, makeup making his face look more feminine than it was.
He hated that he looked like this.
He was going to his "engagement party" with Bonten higher ups, he was being married off to bontens second, he didn't even know who he was. He just hoped it wouldn't go south.
He didnt know who he was, what to do as he walked into the venue, both Bonten and (Yakuza) were guarding the grounds as (name)s father left him by the arm as if he were a daughter and (name) wanted to claw his eyes out with his manicured nails "behave, fail and I will /kill/ you" (name) wasn't even a spare, third born and just a chip for his father so he knew he was serious. The venue was impressive, many people from various organizations there along with political leaders, it was quite the event.
He was never celebrated this much.
Cremes and pinks, gold silverware and expensive plates along the white tables and the marble reflected the expensive chandeliers.
It was all too much.
"Your fiance saved no expense for you" his father said and practically threw him to the wolves to get a drink.
He just wanted to scream.
He was greeted and congratulated by everyone before he even got to meet his future husband, everyone commenting about how lucky Sanzu was to get with such a beautiful girl, all of them pretending like it was love at first sight, not knowing (name)s secret. He didn't even know who this "Sanzu" was, the entire time being chatted up by others and talks about future children being wed for stronger bonds, (name) wanted to puke.
"So you're the little bird our Sanzu is marrying" a white haired man with a tattoo on the side of his head commented and glanced at "her" up and down almost judgingly but made a sound of approval "he wouldn't shut up about you, he's absolutely smitten from a photo" he said passively before smirking if you grow bored of him let me know"
(Name) concluded he did not like the one he learned was named Koko who mentioned Sanzu was off assisting their boss with something of importance, (name) wasn't sure what and he didn't know if he wanted to know.
He stood at the window, the venue being at the top floor of a luxury hotel, the city looking tiny from this high and the lights of Tokyo lit up (name) in a way that made him look ethereal, the city reflecting off his eyes.
"I was looking for you" a voice said calmly and a man walked beside him and stared at the city below with his fiance "beautiful" he said no longer looking at the city lights but at the painting of a "woman" before him, never let it be said that Sanzu wasn't romantic, he only was when he chose to be.
Like now, the man pulling (name) close from behind to look at the city and kissing his hand gently "you truly are a sight" he whispered in his ear and kissed gently and (name) yelped at the sound and Sanzu halted, he wasn't as easily fooled "are...are.. you a man?" He asked pinning (name) to the glass and looking at him fully, taking in the features.
"M-my father... He didn't have a daughter so he used me instead... I'm sorry for lying to you but I wasn't exactly given choice... I understand if you want to leave" Sanzu was pissed yes, he was lied to and given a man instead of a woman...but he was still that beauty he fell hopelessly in love with.
His pretty little doll.
"I'll keep you, it's better honestly that youre a man" Sanzu looked critical as he looked over at (name) "everyone will be looking for a helpless bride when in reality it's a pretty little husband" he pulled (name) close and his lips ghosted the poorly huffed Adams apple "I mean how could one miss this?" He huffed out a laugh as his piercing eyes stared into (name)s entire being "letting go of such a beauty would be fucking stupid after all"
(Name) let Sanzu kiss him as they hid from their own party "you're coming back with me, I'll have people collect your shit" he said simply and bit into (name)s shoulder possessively "get used to me baby, because you're /never/ getting rid of me"
And (name) in his heart of hearts... Didn't want to get rid of him, the man who despite it all looked at him like he hung the moon.
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nintendont2502 · 5 months
just saw ur caste dating discourse post and realized meulin would've been lambasted by all of those groups for getting w the 2 highest landdwelling castes. kankri would write her callout post. feferi would've been accused of coercing sollux to be w her etc etc
girl would be in the TRENCHES fighting off the waves of terminally online freaks kankri keeps sending her way,, someone save her
genuinely i dont think a single beta troll wouldve made it through the discourse unscathed LMAO
aradia? well clearly shes only with sollux because he could easily kill her w/ his psiionics (god help them if the grumblr mob ever finds out that he *did* technically do that one time)
tavros is held up as like the posterchild for why lowbloods and highbloods shouldnt be in quadrants even though he and vriska were uh. never in a quad together. does he try *telling* anyone that? probably not!
sollux? psiionics. threatening aradia into a quad. (also tbh getting into a quad with someone when youre a goldblood is lowkey problematic because what are they supposed to do after you're sent offplanet and helmed? its honestly really manipulative holding someones quad hostage only to leave them forever which is why all golds should take a vow of celibacy-) hes only making it worse by being an absolute dick to everyone involved and escalating shit so far that theres multiple attempts on his life and everyones *convinced* hes a serial manipulating asshole because lmao why would he tell those idiots theyre wrong
karkat? you mean that hemoanon freak thats probably just a highblood trying to pass himself off as a lower caste so he can manipulate lowbloods into his quads?
nepeta and equius would be torn APART - not only is he three castes higher than her, but hes also far physically stronger so clearly shes the weak defenseless victim here (they keep saying this even after she culls someone for it. nep im so sorry)
kanaya shouldnt even *be* in a quad since shes a jade and theyre meant to be sequestered (similar argument to golds where actually its really cruel and manipulative to be in a quad with someone when you know you two are going to be forced to be apart for sweeps - no they dont care that she left the caverns. she still shouldnt be doing that shit its a bad example for other jades smh)
terezis honestly the most divided because her relationships are either her and karkat (potential highblood, terezi might be victim *or* karkat is a lowblood and shes the one with power over him) or her and vriska (no one wants to know whats going on there). although tbh she is a lawyer which means she can get her quads tried and killed for whatever bullshit crime she can come up with if they try to leave :/ never date a cop lawyer folks
vriska. mind control. do i need to say more. every vriska relationship is toxic and awful and she wouldve been cancelled 50 times over if the ringleaders of her callout posts didnt mysteriously 'deactivate'
equius. too strong to date - how can you be in a quad with someone that not only has a shit ton of social power over you, but also could literally tear you apart if he wanted to. also lowkey problematic for making and fighting/kissing (??? its unclear online and no one wants to know) robots :/ like those are clearly stand ins for lowbloods that hes attacking/potentially fetishising and they literally have to do everything he says thats fucked up
gamzee. highblood. automatic oppressor. part of a niche religion - if you try to quad him you either have to convert (cultural (caste?) appropriation) or dont become part of the clurch (rude, disrespecting his beliefs). constant discourse about whether clowns can even consent to a quad because theyre presumably high all the time as part of their religious practices. constant discourse about how assuming clowns are high all the time as part of their religious practices is casteist as fuck.
eridan. somehow one of the least problematic trolls out of the group (which is saying a fucking LOT). only has quads with someone a caste higher than him (although that caste is fuschia. is he the victim here??). pursues lowbloods constantly though which is problematic as fuck (at least he doesnt kill them if they turn him down. the bar is on the fucking floor)
feferi. god forbid a woman do anything. pale with eridan? sure hes only a caste lower than her but also shes the literal fucking heiress - what was he gonna do, say no? he cant even hide in the ocean from her!! shes a seadweller too!! flushed with sollux? holy shit hes like 8 castes lower than her of fucking course he had to say yes! shes probably only dating him so she can helm him later anyway :/ really its problematic as shit for her to even have friendships with trolls of other castes because shes just using them without giving them the benefits of being in a quad (shes the literal heiress of course shes going to get whatever she wants from them) - but also if she stayed distant and didnt talk to anyone then shed be accused of being full of herself and thinking she was better than anyone else and #NotMyHeiress
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A Choice
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Summary: kylo struggled with his past, the lies, feelings and heavy burden of being his mothers son. But at the temple he'd found solace, not in the force or his teachings. But you, the young girl with her own struggle in the dark. He fell in love. Time passed, alliances change but his feelings did not. And now he has you captured, but not even he knows what he's going to do with the woman who makes his heart race.
Warnings : swearing, kissing, angst, fluff and general feels, softer kylo?
A/N: the promot for this is: kylo is a soft boi and no one can change my mind. I hope you enjoy my first kylo oneshot 😊🥰
Wordcount: very long, not sorry
Not beta'd
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For the first time in a long time he was unsure, at a complete loss on what he should do. You looked back at him aprihensive, fearfull yet he could see the deeper concealed relief and dare he say joy?
Your eyes were wide and expressive, just as they had always been. Skin still glowing its beautiful deep bronze even in the harsh white light above. Your breathing was erratic, switching from shallow panicked breaths and low deep intakes that he knew were used to calm and center yourself.
His eyes roamed you, he felt himself flush slightly thankfully he had his mask still in place. You were no longer a small gangly pre teen but a woman. Supple curves had replaced the lithe muscle youd been youd been honing. Your hands though shackled showed no signs of calluses. And the dress you wore wasnt practical for hard labour, fleeing or fighting. It was clear the rumours were true, you hadn't stayed with skywalker to complete your training. And you certainly hadnt chose a life of a warrior.
Kylo sighed heavily, he didnt know how he felt about your fate. You'd come to train along side him, allbeit not by choice. But you'd still ended up by his side. You'd only really ended up there because you were a potential problem like him. Strong in the force, yet it was rooted in the dark side. The first time youd used the force properly you'd intentionally hurt your father. The fact it was to save your mother from being beaten to death was never acknowledged. As far as everyone was concerned you were a ticking time bomb they needed under control or eliminated.
He remebers you fondly, youd grown together becoming close despite skywalkers attempts to seperate you both. The first time he met you was the day you arrived, a small girl two years younger then him. He was nine when you were dropped off. You were scared and didnt understand why you were seperated from your parents. Skywalker didnt take time to explain things properly. Instead telling you that you were going to be trained and become a jedi. As if you should almost be excited, greatfull even.
Youd cried, pleading with wide tearful eyes to anyone who looked at you to take you home, that you had to go home and protect your mother, that your father was evil and will hurt her. No one paid anymind, thinking you were just a child making excuses to get your way. Untill kylo's own mother came to the school with the news, your father had succeeded. He had murderedyour mother, beating her to death with hks bare hands.
He remebers that day well, the way youd burst into a rage. Screaming at the top of your lungs you told them you were right and you knew he'd hurt her again. He remebers the conflict he felt. Youd been seperated from your mother for only six weeks? If that? That was all it took. Six weeks for your father to kill your mother, and kylo couldnt help but agree with you as you yelled at the two jedi. It was partly Luke and his mothers fault, they hadnt belived you when youd initially told them why youd attacked your father, nor had they bothered to try and investigate it.
Youd even tried to lunge at luke during your initial grief. Kylo had only just caught your tiny wrists tugging you back to himself, curling around you in a half hug, half wrestle. It was then youd broke down, falling to pieces on the spot bawling your eyes out. He'd felt it then the protec5ive rage twistingnin his guts as he tried reassuring you, why couldnt anyone see you were just a kid. A Terrified six year old now completely alone.
You almost looked the same now, scared lost and alone begging silently to just go home. When you were children he'd wanted to return you to your safe haven, even after the death of your mother he wanted to find somewhere you could go, somewhere safe away from the life of a jedi. It wasnt what you wanted, you just gave up after your mothers funera, seeing the coffin had given you a brutal awakening. You had no home to return to.
Yes, he'd wanted to ind somewhere for you to live peacfully away from it all. But now? The thought of releasing you alone into the galaxy left a bitter taste in his mouth. He had lost that benevolence and naive trust in the greater good. Only he could truly offer you safety.
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"Sir? Is there a problem? Should we dispose of the rebel and intterogate the rest?;" the tropper began speaking, misunderstanding the supreme leader's stark silence. The unnamed male began making a move closer to you. But Kylo stopped him a single raised hand waving him off, ordering him to stand down.
"No. No i will deal with this myself. Leave us" his voice was low, calm and thoughtful. He couldnt tear his eyes from you, it was hard to belive you were here infront of him. Despite years of hardening himself to his own feelings everything he had thought and felt about you came rushing back. His stomach was twisting in anxious pulls, his heart desperately trying to beat out of his chest.
But you laid still, somehow managing not to fight your bonds that held you to the table. Instead of breaking down into a panic you were looking around the room. He could tell you were struggling to maintain calm as you saw the many tools scattered about the interrogation cell. But you were also counting, lips twitching ever so slightly. It was somthing he had taught you all those years ago, counting when panicked can help you focus. Can keep you alert and in the moment instead of crumbling.
"But sir;"
"Get. Out." with that the trooper left hastily, not wanting to push his superior any further.
When kylo was sure the hall was clear he moved stepping closer to you, hands rising to remove his mask. He paused, should he reveal himself? If he did what was he going to say? Would he be able to hold his nerve? He observed you for a long moment. How should he begin? He didnt want to interrogate you like the others, didnt want to frighten you away, he told himself it was because you could be a valuable asset. But he knew that was an excuse, he didnt want you to run from him, you were probably the only person who understood him.
They said you were an evil child too, muttered about how you were probably going to end up as a sith. That the rage had already settled into you, youd already given in it was just a matter of time. And to some extent they were right to be wary. You and him both sat up at night debating the truth in the force in hushed whispers. Wondering outloud if the dark side was truly dark, or if it was all just subjective. You both didnt see the separation between evil, and evil deeds commited for the light.
Kylo sighed heavily as he tried to weigh up what he should do for the best. He wasnt keen on the idea of interrogating you. But he didnt want to go easy on you and let you go so if you really were a rebel trying to clear your name in some desperate need for acceptance.
In truth he wanted to sooth you, to tell you everything was going to be okay and swear he'd look after you. But again, he was unsure where your loyalties lie at the moment. Afterall you were found with the rebels.
"I know who you are, they told me. Tried to use it to manipulate me" you broke the silence for him, soft spoken and quiet just as he remebered. He held his breath for a moment feeling a wieght lift from his shoulders. You knew. He quickly decided to trust your words. His hands moved slowly riseing to his mask before sliding it off tucking it in the crook of his arm.
"Its been a long time. Your prettier then i thought youd be, its actually really intimidating" You smiled up at him, and moved your trapped hand in a little wave making him scoff at your antics rolling his eyes. Prettier? Of course the first thing youd do it tease him. Stupid brat.
"You havent changed much, you still have no self preservation" he uttered leaning to the side and placing his mask down on one of the trolleys.
"Self preservation? Should i be frightened of you?" You uttered after swallowing dryly, he could see the tears welling in your eyes. Despite the tease you were scared. Scared of him, it made him look away for a second. Fuck. He had to get this over with.
"I dont know should you? Are you hiding something?" He pried sternly whilst bringing his attention back to you, his face set in stone. You frowned at him looking hurt, he just arched a brow still trying to decide if you were going to be a loose end or not. He really hoped not, but a rebel is a rebel and they must be snuffed out. No matter how painful it will be for him.
"No, but you wont belive me untill you look so go head, look. I have nothing to hide" you finally answered shaking your head with the inch of so of movement your bonds allowed you.
"I would rather you tell me yourself. I dont want to hurt you, i will actually help you if you need it. But i need you to tell me everything" he replied a little to quickly for it to be a trap. You frowned for a second, trying to find deceite in his words but there was none. He was being genuine, it made you relax a little drawing a huge comforting breath.
"Can you do that for me?" He coaxed inching closer lightly traceing the side of the examination table with the tips of his fingers. He seemed hesitant. As if he couldnt trust himself to touch you, but the temptation was there.
"Y-yeah, i dont know alot though but i'll tell the truth. I have nothing to hide, itd be useless anyway i know how skilled you are at reading people." You said with minimal shuddering breaths, trying to ease your panic induced shivers and anxiety fueled sobs. Kylos heart jerked painfully. You were terrified of him. But then again he couldnt fault you for that, he was the one whod killed your frineds, burned down the new temple and then fled to the darkside making a name for himself as a brutal warrior. He was now the ruler of a cut throat regime. The feared supreme leader of the first order well on his way to becoming Emperor. And you were at his mercy strapped to a table.
His stomach lurched. He didnt like it, you didnt belong here,not like this; tied down and scared. He hated it, the way you were so defenceless. It disturbed him seeing you in such a vulnerable position.
"How? How did you escape that night?" He hadnt intended for that to be his first question. But he had to know, he needed to know how youd made it out. He had mourned you, the guilt of killing you almost crushed him. He convinced himself you were away, created a delusion, a story in his head as to how you couldnt have possibly been in the temple. He had to tell himself you survived just to sleep at night. And then he heard a rumour, that the resistance knew of a survivor from skywalkers temple, that is was a girl. Your age. Your looks. It had been the first time he had felt true relief in a very long time.
"I was... I'd had another feeling. It was worse then any others, i knew it was bad; something terrible was going to happen and i got scared." You uttered recounting the night everything went to shit and you learned what true evil deeds were. Kylo inched closer, eyes trained on you hanging on everyword. He knew of your ability, empathic foresight, you didnt get visions in your sleep or hear distant whispers in meditation. You got feelings, gut feelings that made you experience emotional reactions of the furture. Youd feel greif before a death, pain before an injury. Fear before a fright. You'd only ever confided this in him scared of what skywalker might have said an done.
"I snuck out of my room to come and check on you, i dont know why but i just... i knew the feeling was about you. It hurt too much. Then i saw him, saw what he" you explained trailing off not needing to state the obvious. You both knew very well what Luke had done.
"After that i ran, i didnt? I wanted to help! To save you but i? How could i? Im sorry! Im so sorry i was so scared... everyone said that we are similar, so when i saw what he did i? I dont know something inside me just told me to run. So i did. I didnt want..I thought he'd done it, that he'd already? And then? I thought that he'd?" your explanation became a sob, fear and guilt pouring from you in harsh waves and half sentences. Kylo's hands clenched as your force came to life, you were almost reliving it. Terror. Confusion, hopelessness, shame he could feel it now as if he were there beside you.
"You thought you were next didnt you? That he was going to murder you after me." He uttered understanding instantly what youd belived. You were young on the cusp of adulthood but still a child, just like he was. And you were both scared, but you had the opportunity to run. He only had a few seconds to defend himself. Had he been quicker he'd have found you outside and would have taken you with him.
"I ran like a coward. I've never forgiven myself" you uttered quietly, your shame rising. Youd always felt as if youd let Ben down. Left him to die, that it was your fault. Tears finally began falling, youd struggled for so long with that. Your freind who youd loved so dearly died because you didnt have the guts to even call out and startle Luke. If youd made a noise, distracted him then maybe ben would have survived. The only thing you thank the resistance for was the fact theyd told you who kylo ren was. It absolved the guilt, freed you from that dark heavy shadow.
He finally rested a hand on you, the leather clad palm squeezing your bicep in a firm reassurance. It drew your attention to him. He held your gaze with a sincere look. Before speaking in a firm, yet calm tone of voice. Leaving no room for argument or doubt.
"No, you ran because you saw a so called jedi try to slaughter a boy in his sleep. You were a scared child who just wanted to survive. Theres no shame in that" his voice was firm. He needed you to understand that there was nothing to be ashamed of. You couldnt help your fear, or your reaction. It had taken him a long time to come to terms with his own fear. To accept it as natural, children are hard wired to run in the face of danger. Run, hide and survive.
"When i heard about what happened afterwards i... i was glad? Is that bad? I wasnt happy with the loss but i hoped it was you, hoped you were alive. But? I thought you were dead, how could you? It was luke skywalker, i didnt think you could survive. It crushed me, i was so happy the temple was gone but then guilty because i didnt stay. If id stayed, helped then maybe we could have survived together" you confessed to him slowly, still confused over your contradicting feelings. You constantly swung back and forth between being happy hearing whispers that ben had gotten out, yet angry that skywalker had pushed ben into the darkside out of fear.
Kylo nodded slowly, he too had wanted to look for you afterwards. At first he belived youd perished in the flames. But as time went on something told him you had escaped. He couldnt put his finger on it, he'd belived he had been going mad. Making pitiful hopless wishes and was trying to convince himself a miracle had happened, and youd escaped his rage.
"Im glad you didnt. Snoke was not tolerant. He'd have pitted us against one another. Years later I heard rumours youd got away, i wanted to find you, i really did. I felt...A responsibility? But in the end i decided against it... snoke would have killed one of us and made it a lesson" kylo barely contained a shudder. He couldnt imagine being put in that position. He didnt know what he would have done, having to choose between his own destiny and the only woman he'd ever considered spending the rest of his life with.
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Back at the temple he'd spent many nights pondering the future he could have with you. As sexual maturity settled in he couldnt help feeling more certain in his selection, you were the dream girl, the powerful woman he could rely on. He watched you grow into your abilities and beauty. He wasnt stupid, he knew even though he was a jedi he was expected to continue his blood line so there would be atleast one powerful jedi to play hero and protector of the people for the next generation.
As he grew along side you his mind always invisioned you as that woman, his wife and mother of his child. He had dreams of a small dark haired, olive skinned little boy grinning up at him with your expressive eyes, hands reaching towards him as his own held up a smll toy only to have it force-pulled from his hand by the small boy. There was also a younger child toddling around in the hazy background of the scene. Somehow he just knew the younger cild held the same glowing caramel eyes you had. Sometimes he would hear your giggling from somewhere in the room, other times the scene was mute, not a sound he'd just watch and smile as the two children laughed happily with one another.
But each time he had these dreams a new warmth filled his chest, one not creted by rage and loathing but love. He knew without a doubt the children were his own. It was a dream that comforted him in many cold uncertain nights, it haunted him to this day.
But perhaps it wasnt a dream? Maybe it was a premonition. The force gifting him a vision of the children you would birth him. The family he will have one day. He allways thought it odd that in these dreams you and the chilren were in black robes, bright white surroundings that didnt resemble a house but a ship of somesort. So maybe they were visions of his own future, not just fantasies of a lonley teen with a crush.
This might be his chance to make the dream a reality. It was so close yet so far, the reconciliation he was almost ashamed to adimt he craved. Not that he ever told you that, he uttered nothing of the dreams. But skywalker knew, he was completely against it.
Once kylo left he couldnt help think luke had been against it out of fear, maybe by that point he'd already given up on him. Writing him off as sith already and wanted to avoid an even more powerful generation of dark force wielders. The two of you would have incredibly strong children with ridiculously high midichorian counts. It was possible luke feard the power such a union could unleash.
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"I geuss things worked out in a wierd way.." you uttered after a few moments of silence, unaware of how kylo's mind had wandered into old thoughts. Old desires and hopes rearing their heads with vigor and his resolve began building. The excitment and need to keep you by his side growing with every moment he spent next to you.
"I am thankfull for things turning out this way. We are both alive" he spoke methodically, nothing giving away the temptation he felt, the dark tugging him towards you in a new seduction. It was like the force was toying with him, placing you before him once more, helpless and alone. Yet still the same young woman he knew. The funny diplomatic but anxious ridden girl he'd belived he'd lost for so long.
You smiled at his words, though automatic and almost thoughtless they sounded genuine. He sounded sincerely thankful for the both of you to be alive. Slowly you began truly relaxing into the bonds holding you. The more you spoke the more you recognised him. He was still ben, just more; dare you say honest? If that was the right word? Mybe not but you always knew he had this darkness, kylo had always been lurking , pacing back and forth behinde those hazel eyes. Ben had just masked it. Just how youd msked your own demons. You both hid parts of yourself whilst with skywalker. Kylo was the animal inside, raw unbridled power who embraced the force in aggression and victory.
"Why are you with the rebels now?" He asked in a starind voice, the words finally managing to roll off his tongue thick and accusatory. He felt a sickening anticipation his hand absentmindedly rubed his chest trying to ease the tight squeezing of his heart. He was holding his breath agonising over your answer. What if you were with them? What if he had lost you anyway? What does that mean for the two of you then? Would he have to kill you? More importantly could he?
"Im not. Or i was physically there with them but im not apart of the rebel alliance. I dont know what they told you but im not. They said you were hunting me! That you were going to!?" You paused for a moment as the fear inside rekindled. Theyd said he was hunting all force sensitive beings just as vader once had. That he would kill you slowly, torture you into insanity before ending you. They said he thought you had run off to continue your jedi training and that he was furious with you.
Youd had thoughts of him attacking you, with his saber and the force. It was terrifying, youd never out matched him, not in hand to hand combat, the force or deuling. He decimated you each time and those had been just sparring matches where you knew he held back. In a real fight you wouldnt survive two mineuts.
"Calm down, take a breath. Im not going to hurt you, do you here me? Im not going to hurt you, i just want the truth thats all. Just tell me the truth, and everything will be okay. I'm here to listen, id never belive those traitors over you" he instructed slowly squeezing your arm again trying to ease you. To coax you from your panic. You swallowed dryly, feeling a light spark of hope from his words. The fact he still held your words in high regard soothed you somewhat, he still knew you and trusted you to some degree. It was a relief. Tell the truth, you can do that. because honestly you had nothing to hide. And soemthingntold you if he did doubt you he'd take the time to look through your mind before sending you to execution.
"They tracked me down, they were trying to pull me in. They have been trying to recruit me for a while now. They're running low on force sensitive people to throw infront of you. They were willing to overlook my darkside at least untill they find skywalker themselves" you uttered after wetting your lips nervously. You had no loyalty to the resistance or skywalker. You werent involved anymore, this wasnt your fight and youd have no part in it.
You tipped your head to face kylo, a smll smile grazing your lips taking another moment or so to truly drink in the sifpght. He really had become handsome. Taller then youd expected, broader to, he was stunning. Nd the scar across his face would have marred anyones elses beauty but it... suited him, his character it gave him a visual to the rugged edge he'd always hidden. He looked dangerousnd magnificent. Your eyes flicked away frim his before he could see your flushed cheeks. Now was not the ti,e to start fawning over him. He had questions and you had the answers. Everything else can wait.
"I even debated joining just to kill him myself. But when they told me you were kylo i? I didnt want to become your enemy" you added shrugging a little before pausing hesitating on your lst statment. It was true though, you had no quarrel with the first order. Sure it was a little daunting to see another empire try to rise. But didnt that just men without the jedi this is the normal. Empires rising and falling in the external fight for dominance. There will always be someone who thinks they can do a better job ruleing. That they deserve a chance, and if need be they will take the top spot by force. Surely its better to just stick with the devil you know?
"They couldnt understand that. And still pushed, chaseing me across systems! This time they had me truley cornered, trying to scare me, telling me that the first order were after me because im a threat; that you were hunting me, wanted me dead they said they heard it in a transmission" your words grew more panicked, more weary and your chest tightened once more as the adrenaline flooded your veins. You felt more vulnerable and uncertain by the second.
Kylo growled low in his throat, rumbling in his large chest echoing off the walls as if they'd been struck. The force arou d him quivered as he began a descent into anger once more.
"So they are trying to scare you into their ranks?. Pathetic" his lip curled into a violent snarl. His hands clenching, jaw locking for a moment, teeth grinding. To think theyd try to manipulate you to brazenly. Lie to your face and threaten you with him, his fury.
You whimpered, pressing back in to the table shivering, quaking in fear so violently that he heard it, physically heard your body shuddering against to cold metal. Your eyes were closed, biting your lip willing yourself to disappear. He relaxed. The force, shit. He forgot, you were force sensitive and his rage would affect you more then others. To you it would prickly, pinch and grate on your very skin like bladed sandpaper. Cut and scrape.
"I was not looking for you, or hunting you. I toyed with the idea but you hadnt been spotted in the rebellion i? I assumed you were content being away from it all" he acquiesced, mamanging 5o control himself and dial back his rage. Instead he inched closer cupping one of your cheeks urgingnyou to look at him.
You hissed, drew a deep sharp breath cringing waiting for... something? Anything! But instead he held still, letting his palm warm your skin through his glove. You peaked up at him tentativly. He gave a small half smile, one of reassurance yet also questioning you, asking you to trust him.
"i dont want you dead, i never have and never will. Your no threat to me, you never posed yourself as a threat. So i wouldnt treat you as one. It seems noone truely understands how much we care for and trust one another" he spoke barely a whisper, as his hand smoothed over your cheek. You nuzzled into him delicatly blinking slowly, enjoying the contact. It was, nice. To feel someone, to feel him again. Youd take anything you could, any gentle touch or soft glimpse of ben you could get.
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It didnt last, he pulled back removing himself from you as he spome once more, tryingt to go back to business. But that didnt ,atter, he had show you a few seconds of almost loveing kindness and that was enough for you.
"Everything they told you is a lie, a desperate attempt on the rebels part trying to recruit all the force sensitive people they can find, even ones that werent good enough to be trained" he stated firmly, dropping his hands behinde him taking on a powerful stance, hos chest swelling slightly, arms bulging in the robes he wore, tugging on the seams slightly showing off his physique.
"They were... persistent i have been evading them for years but? When they found me this time... something was different. It was odd they were trying to make me hate you, trying to scare me saying you betrayed them. They hinted at me useing my darkness, suppose they want to try fighting fire with fire" you continued slowly trying to put everything into words was hard. Because honestly there was so many emotions and caveats that you had to think through and label. So much trauma and fear, pain, regret to force yourself through to explain the situation. All while staying truthful and making your point.
"They dont know you saw the whole thing?" He asked with a frown, surely they knew what had happened for you to survive, or have an inkling? Unless they belived he loved you so had spared you and if so they were truley cruel to try and use you against him.
"No, no one seemed to know the whole story. And those that do? Well your the first person ive told. And I was small, if you recall not even you could find me when i skipped my lessons" you finished with a small chuckle. He rolled his eyes before tipping his head to the side agreeing with a half shrug and laughed.
"You were always tricky to locate, your ability to shield your life force was something i admired and loathed" It was true, you managed to get away with alot because you could effectivly disappear from the force at will. It made keeping up with your shenanigans hard.
"Yes well it didnt do me any good hiding from the rebles alliance did it? They have eyes everywhere kylo." You sighed trying not to let the weight of your failure show, it was hard though. Youd literally wanted to achieve one thing. One tiny thing and that was to be left alone, dissappear into the galaxy. Kylo frowned drawing a deep breath, not only the confirmation that the rebles did indeed have connectiones in everycorner of the galaxy, but he could also see that being found had got to you. You werent playing or trying to hide behind false pretenses. You were genuinely upset, anxious and flighty. you were never one to accept your failures well and he could see being found was frustrating. It hurt him, tore into his tightening chest, what if you didnt want to see him? Or worse, what if you didnt want to stay?
"You really arent with them are you?" He uttered, more of a self realisation then anything else. He watched spinning slightly to rest his hip against the table you were on. He expected you to flinch, to tug at the bonds or yelp trying to pull away from him. Instead you gravitated towards him, tilting your body in his dorection subtley, seeking him out for some comfort. Though he didnt get time to comment or even smile at the small subconscious movement. Instead you began speaking, blinking up at him with tearfully hopeful eyes.
"No, im not and i never will be, this isnt my fight. It never was, i never wanted training or? or stupid force abilities; Why would i fight for the jedi; or even your mother? when they only want me to kill for them. Return me to skywalker to finish training just to taint myself by killing you?" You paused trying to shake the anger frommyou. It was hard though, looking back now everything was a manipulation. You were training to be a weapon of 'peace'. Nothing more, nothing less.
"No way. Absolutely not, he took so much away from me, it was like i was an animal to them. Nothing but an evil child meant to become a tool to use. But unfortunately they wont take no for an answer" you admonished, your words drifting from sincerity to frustration, irritation and finally resignation. He could not only hear it but feel it, it would seem you have relaxed enough to let him sense you. Feel you for the first time since he'd left.
It was euphoric, like coming home in a sense. The same airy feeling. Thealmost dry smokey whistful and warm feeling you always gave him. Yet it was clouded, fear, almost frantic paranoia. Frustration and panic. Turmoil. But most of all you felt tired.
Exhausted, from the years of hiding and running. Fighting and hideing the force, blocking it out. Compressing the raw power inside of you into a tiny space hidden in your mind. Keeping the all powerful force of life itself under lock and key. Surpressing everything youd come to know and accept all while running for your life.
"i didnt think youd try to fight for them, or against me. Or i had hoped not" he offered meekly with a shrug, glancing at you offering a slight tilt to his lips.
"I dont want to fight anyone, but they are adamant i do just that. Apparently i have no choice i have to choose because i was trained"
"So if i asked you to fight for me? For the first order?" He asked unable to deny himself the chance to hear you. He wanted you to be heard, to be given the chance to speak and be given a choice. If frightened him, he didnt know what he would do if you denied him everything. But he was determined to try and keep himself in check and abode your wishes.
"i just want to live. Its all i've ever wanted to do Kylo" you whispered. Kylo hummed and nodded with a tight smile, it wasnt a no. But it wasnt exactly a yes eigther. There was no guarantees youd stay beside him, but he couldnt help feeling at ease with your answer.
"I understand" 'I did too' kylo finished the thought with a heavy sigh. He truley did understand, he wanted nothing more then to live out his life. Not be manipulated or judged for things he couldnt control. The only difference between the two of you was that he found snoke and fed his hatred letting it become his power, he'd wandered deeper into the force and his darkness. And youd dinstanced yourself from the force and hid away.
"You know they wont leave you alone untill you make a choice. Until then youll never get any peace you were a skywalker pupil they wont let that go. Youll never be free" he uttered with a sigh, hewas so ewhat greatfull to the resistance for leading him to you. But also felt a gnawing bitter anger, they had been trying to ue youjust as snoke had used him. He was no fool, he knew very well how much he'd been taken advantage of. He told himself being aware of it made it better somehow? Less humiliating? Yet he broke free of it in the end. Just as his servitude was ending, yours was trying to begin.
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He was proud of you in a sense, the way you flatly refused to be a pawn. In a way you refused what he could not. Only his keeper was snoke and yohrs would have been his own mother. Yet even through all of this anger, pride and shame he couldnt help feel an overwhelming pity for you. Because as he said, youdnever be free of them, the resistance. The jedi they were parasites, latching onto anything that will ensure their own survival with little thought to those they damage and destroy along the way. All that mattered was their own ambition and goals. Youd be forever running from them.
"Well not while im here anyway." You chuckled motioning to the way you were strapped to the table with an uncomfortable grin. Kylo cursed and quickly flicked his fingers up, releasing your bonds before helping you sit up. You thanked him rubbing your wrists gently trying to stop the pins and needles from stinging your finger tips.
"You could be" kylo uttered an barely a whisper. Almost as if he didnt want you to hear him. You paused flicking your gaze to him confusion twisting across your face.
"Could be what?" Kylo swallowed as your eyes locked with his, he looked uncertain and small just as your words had been. You were vulnerable in a way he loathed, youd forgotten yourself, your power your drive. It was gone, and it made his heart clench painfully and his blood boil in his veins. He wanted you more and more as it became clear youd done nothing but hide and cower. Spent your years running from the first order, the war and resistance. Desperately looking for somewhere wanting nothing more then to forget about your past.
"Free here. You could be free here, with me. The rebels wouldnt dare set foot here and youd be protected. I would protect you" he emphasised stepping closer, his thighs touching your knees. And then his huge hands found yours. Twisting them in his grasp gently thumbs rubbing your reddened wrists trying to sooth them. Your gaze locked on to his face, trying to read his expression. But he dipped his hed down, his hair hanging down sheilding his face, keeping his secrets.
"Your-your offering me freedom? In the first order? I doubt the rebels would take that well, they'd say I was kidnapped or something stupid." Your voice waivered before laughing humourlessly, shaking your head scoffing at him thinking it was just wishful thinking. Theres no way kylo would offer you a home here in the first order. No matter the history or fondness between you. You were an ex-jedi student of skywalkers temple and found with a huge group of resistance fighters in a makeshift military base. The first order thought you were a traitor to them or something.
"Not if your decision was made public. If we made sure you were seen" kylo offered without a moments hesitation, his head riseing once more. Gifting you a single glance before his eyes darted around the room, looking anywhere but you as he tried finding the confidence to say what he really meant.
He felt like a teenager again, desperately wracking his brain trying to find those magic words that would turn his dream into a reality. That'd give him his own happily ever after innthis clusterfuck of a situation.
"You want me to stand beside you when you raid bases and ships like some propergander prop? Let them see that skywalker created not one but two;" your frustrated words were cut off by him shaking his head at you. Growling leaning forward pressing his way between your knees standing firmly before you. His hands trailing up your arms, resting just below your elbows in a strangely distant yet intimate hold. Panic threatened to wash over him for the first time in years.
"No! Of course not! Nothing like that. And thats not to say i think your weak either. I know how powerfull you were, the potential you have. And even though youd become a great asset to me as a soilder or posterchild i wont use you like them, i am better then that" he grunted, his voice somwhere between offended and saddened. His anger flared momentarily, did you truly think he'd be just as dishonest as the rebles? As skywalker and his mother? That he'd use you and cast you out when he was done? It hurt, gutted him to belive you thought so little of him. He knew he had changed but even he like to think he had some integrity left.
"But thats not to say I'd refuse to train you if you wish, help you master the darkside, not fear and loath it." His words wavered as he saw the face you made, the twisting of a frown and the feeling of distaste curling around you like a potent perfume infecting him, becoming trapped in his throat with all of the words he wished he could say outloud.
"Or not, you can stay here with me as a confidant; a friend. Someone i can actually trust" he uttered shrugging, removing one hand from you raiseing it up in a surrendering motion as he began ratteling off another option. That sounded as if there was alot more thought put into it then he was willing to admit.
"Or if you want to take a place beside me. Not as a soilder but perhaps as more... As empress? I'd- i mean to say that... The position is open to you, if you wish. All you have to do is say and.. i would" he stuttered slightly, his grip on your arm loosening as he focused on his own hands grasping you nervously. Running his thumbs across the soft skin of your inner arm gently. He was anxiously waiting your reaction. He may have voiced his thoughts prematurely but? He wasnt going to take it back. He liked you. No. He loved you, you were the only person in his life that hadn't used or manipulated him. You accepted him dark and all.
"Empress? Your empress? Are you? Are you serious? What? Wheres that come from?" You fought the words, wresteling them out through hitched breaths and shock. Your stomach flipped, filling with butterflies and your cheeks burst into a bright blush. Mind instantly latching onto the idea.
You couldnt help it, the sweet gentle intimacy only brought back the feelings youd thought had died. Feelings that had been dangerous, forbidden. And yet here and now they weren't. You werent jedi, and neither was he. You were free. Free to give and take in a selfish love. Free to claim what your heart desired and protect it feircely. Not only that but its what was being offered, freely without remorse or fear or the need to hide. It was too good to be true, theres no way there wasnt a hidden catch. If there one thing you learned is the force doesnt work in mysterious ways, it was exchange. What it gives it can and will take without a moments notice and theres nothign you could do about it. Everything had a price, and to offer this up so carelessly meant the price will be dire.
"I have always liked; no thats to say? You are the only woman i've ever loved. I love you even now" He uttered suddenly, unable to catch himself. He paused when you gasped audibly hands rising to your mouth, covering the shock. He? He didnt just? Did he? He couldnt possibly have just admitted something like that so thoughtlessly. So casually, as if his words wouldnt possibly alter both of your lives.
You shook your head subtly, tears pricking your eyes. It was too much to hope for. Love. It was a fools errand, forbidden, taboo unachievable for your kind. Jedi cant escape their teachings even when they leave the orders and temples.
Kylo grasped your quivering hand pulling it from your mouth before drawing it to his own. Pressing the back of it to his lips, eyes closing as his kiss lingered. Drawing in a deep breath theough his nose andmheld still. Enjoying what could very well be the last tender moment he would ever get with you. A moment he will cherish.
You sniffled leaning forward pressing your head to his chest your other hand riseing to capture the cloak at his waist. He hummed tucking the hand at his lips into his own once more holding it to his chest delicatly. And you both stayed like that for some time reveling in the silence, just enjoying the comfort youd both longed for.
"I have always loved you" he uttered breaking the silence, taking the chance to wrap himself around you, his arms moving to hold you, drawing you closer to him, pressing you to his chest.
"Your beautiful, funny easy to be around and? You have never lied to me or tried to sway my decisions. Not once, you are grown now beautiful, articulate everythingni thought youd be. The first order needs someone to admire, a crown jewel so to speak" his words seemed light, yet sincere. Almost hopefull.
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You closed your eyes whining under your breath pressing into him harder. Your hand squeezing his cloak dragging him closer. It was more then you could dream. He inched closer hands finally capturing you, arms wrapping around you pulling you flush against him dippingnhis head down to rest on yours. You responded instantly curling your own arms around his torso. Holding on tightly afraid this was ll just some fucked up hallucination thats goingnto be ripped away. That the force will tear him from you again.
"I need you. Need something; someone to fight for. All this time I've been fighting for power. Rage and hate fueling my every move. But i dont want that. I honestly dont, i want to be more then what became of vader. More then another power hungry sith or evil dictator. I want to end not just the jedi but the sith aswell. Just like we talked about. Nothing but the force itself" His explained softly, tracing light patterns across you with his fingers, flexing his rms to hold you even tighter, press you closer. You both clung to one another as if your lives depended on it. Yet there was no rush, not anxieties just the twoof you finally accepting each other as more then comrades or friends.
"I want you by my side, but i only want you to stay if thats what you want." His words waivered slightly, your ongoing silence becoming deafening.
"It would keep the rebels away if they saw you made such a decision and you were happy and i believe i could make you happy, that we could make each other happy." You hummed listening carefully. Still loosing yourself in the feeling of being so close to him. So wrapped up in his tender hold, your life forces drifting around one another as if trying to re-establish itself. Trying to find the comfortable sweet spot that would revive your bond.
"We could build something remarkable together. You and I, we could prove everyone wrong. And this isnt some sudden realisation. I have always had a strong attachment to you. Always loved you. I just didnt understand it before" the reasons continued to pour from him almost desperately. He could help it, he felt as if it was now or never. That he had to make a convincing argument to keep you by his side.
You sighed and pulled back from him reluctantly slowly dragging your hands across his ribs as you did so. He frowned, eyes searching yours, he made to grasp at you again but you intercepted raising your own hands to meet his, delicatly placing your palms to his weaving your fingers between his own.
"D-do you really mean it? That... that you love me?" You spome in a hushed secretive tone. As though testing him, testing yourself unsure if you could trust youd heard him correctly. But perhaps it was also becuase you needed the clarification, reassurance that he had admitted to something so significant, so utterly life changing.
"Yes, it was one of the many things skywalker berated me for. It was forbidden, you were forbidden. It was why i distanced myself from you in the weeks before, i was trying so hard to fight it" he gave a tight smile, it had been hard to abstain from you. To pull back and desert you as he tried desperately to be a good jedi. To follow the hypocriticall code.
When it was brought down into its most basic components the jedis code was to protect and love everyone as a whole but never become selfish enough to love and protect individuals. The greed of such selfish adoration will breed possessiveness; the refusal to give up the one you loved. This then gave way to worry, paranoia. And from there you fall to fear; the fear of loss. Settle into loathing and hate. Finally suffering; suffer the loss of your love, suffer the greif and regret when you lose all that you held most dear. That was the decent into the darkside. The journy most sith fell prey to. And it all started with forbidden love.
Kylo was pulled from his thoughts as your voice cracked, weak words tumbling from you as you revealed he was not alone in being caught out by his uncle. You too had been warned many times about your feelings towards ben.
"He got at me about it too. I love you too. He scolded me many times, even hinting at me to leave if i couldnt control it" and just like that the daydream was gone, the proverbial spell broken and it felt as if the whole world came crashing down upon you. Just like before, only this time it wasnt codes, oaths and the fear of beong caught that was stopping you from pursuing him. No, it was worse. Status, titles and public opinion.
No. this was? It cant work! Hexs the leader of the first order, a jedi killer. And you were effectivly an apostate. An ex jedi that the rebels were desperately trying to recruit. You were found with them! Brought in as a prisoner and cuffed inside an interrogation cell. Itd ruin his credibility, if he were seen with you.
Kylos heart seized as he heard the thoughts loud and clear. You were projecting in your panic. In the sorrow and anxious devastation. No. No! He wont allow it. He wont let you deny yourself happiness, he wont let you deny him now he knows the truth.
"No. No dont? Dont say that we can. We can be together we can. I can make it happen. Im the supremeleader anything i say goes. I can; we can build our own future together" kylo hissed, shaking his head sharply squeezing your hands as you tried detaching yourself from him.
"But kylo...What would the first order say? Surley they would have issues with me; an ex jedi caught with a batallion of rebel's suddenly beside you exachanging vows" kylos reply silenced you. It was a snarl, a deep frustrated growl echojngnin his chest sending shivers down your spine. Goosebumps rose on your skin, your tummy fluttered. There was something about his reaction, about knowing he would argue, that he'd fight for you. It made you feel relieved and anxious all at once. Youd never had anyone fight for you before, you normally had to do that all by yourself.
"Im their supreme leader. Theres not much i connot take care of. I would create a story of half truths. Paint you as my lover, my secret fiancé who i hid away from everyone for her own protection; that i feared snokes reaction if he ever knew" his words soothed you so ewhat, and he could tell. You relaxed, listening to him intently. It made sense sort of?
"Id say youd been hunted by the rebels because of who you were to me. Explain that the whole operation was to rescue you, that the rebels got to you before i could come and collect you once id killed snoke. And the raid was just me bringing you home.
"But i was brought here in cuffs? That trooper knows im here, in an interrogation cell it cant? I wont be your down fall;"
"It was a ruse for your safety!" Kylo finally snapped at you, his desperation to keep you becoming irritation. Why didnt you trust him? Why did you doubt he could fix it, handle everything and take care of you. He loved you, you loved him that should be enough shouldnt it?
He drew a deep breath befpre cupping the sides of your face lightly. Your eyes closed and you gave into his touch. Enjoying the warmth on your cheeks as his hands held you. You pressed into the soft leather of his gloves silently wishing he'd taken them off. You didnt want barriers between you, you wanted him, just him. His skin, his affection his love everything!
"Everyone knows anything could happen when it comes to those... vermin. I had you cuffed and brought here as a precaution. They could have done anything to you my love, warped your mind, pumped you full of toxins to insight hallucinations looking for information about me, us the first order?" His story unfolded around you, creating the perfect romantic tragedy. Rewriting the script of your romance as if he'd already finished a manuscript. You almost forgot how quick he was thinking on his feet, conjuring stories and reasons with ease.
"I had to do it this way, incase they belived youd turned on me. You could have played the part of a deserter to survive. But now, once ive had time to read you, to peer into your mind i know you hadnt betrayed us. You managed to fend off their cruel games and twisted words" he continued his reasoning, useing logic to create the perfect reunion for the two of you. Setting the stage for you to both love one another freely.
"And you came home, stronger than ever. Ready to take your rightfull place. And the rebels would feel Iied to by their general, of course she had to have known who her sons fiance was, we did grow up together. Theyd lose morale. And we'd gain it. And id finally have you all to myself. With no shame, or fear. Just us together as it should have always been" his rant came to a slow sweet end. Making you smile, grinning shyly up at him. You liked the sound of that, being with him like regular people. Normal lovers able to enjoy one another.
"But most importantly be safe and loved for the rest of your days. We could have everything we were denied, we could be together. Truley be together, do you hear me?" His hands shifted, dragging over your ears, further and further back untill his fingers stretched out i to your hair lightly massaging your scalp. And then he moved nuzzling into you, breathing deep trying to drown himself innyour scent. It was just as he remebered, light spice that seemed to cling to you from your love of the exotic, coupled with a slight sweet honeyed scent that came from every scented soap, shampoo and conditioner. And then the overall delicate scent that was your own. It was the smell of home. The scent that haunted him just as much as his dreams. He'd missed it. Your eyes fluttered closed, melting into him natheing in the long lost warmth of a kind embrace.
"We can do it. Together me and you, nothing will stop us. Nothing will ever come between us my love, please dont... dont turn away, dont leave me. I love you. I still love you and i promise you; swear to you that i wil, protect you. Protect us... there can be an us now. We will never hide, or shy away from each other again" his word grew almost frantic, pleading even. You pressed into him tighter tlitling your head tryingnto tuck yourself into him properly and rest against his chest. But he paused, stopping you carefully before tipping your head up promtpingnyou to look at him, locking eyes again.
"Please give us a chance? Give the first order a chance. You wont regret it. You wont" you tentativly moved to cup his own cheek tilting your head to the side taking in the sight of him. So vulnerable and raw. Sincere and sweet? Hopefull. You couldnt deny him. You knew it deep down, there was no way you could abandon him. Not when youd both finally revealed your true feelings. Not when he already had all the answers, all the excuses and plans. But that didnt mean you werent going to ask what was expected of you.
"What would i have to do? As empress i mean? I dont want to... i wont have to fight? Or officially join the darkside and become sith? Will i?" Kylo froze his entire body shuddered. Did that mean? Were you really going to stay?! He grinned unable to stop the giddy laugh from bubbling in his throat. It was more then he could imagine. The rush of happiness, anticipation. But quickly shook his head before speakign answering all of your fears and doubts wanting to nip them in the butt before you could dwell on them and overthink.
"No, not at all. Not for a second i wouldnt force you my love. Like i said the choice is yours, it will always be yours. Whether you become my apprentice, empress or stay as a freind i will protect you from skywalker and the rebels. You never have to fear them or look over your shoulder again" he uttered dragging his hands over yu, lower, curling around your waist resting in the curve of your back.
"That is if you stay.You-you are always free to walk away now. It would be painful to watch you go, but i would let you. Id have you escorted to where ever you want to go" his promise came with a fearfull swallow. But he wanted to make sure you understood, that you knew you had the choice. That you truly had a choice and he'd respect your wishes.
"Though id much rather have you here with me, beside me. I belive we were meant to find one another again. I really do. I dont want to let you go. I just want you to be safe, to have the saftey and security of a home. Something that had been ripped from us as children."
"Kylo;" you tried halting his rambling, the anxious words that escaped him as his thoughts ran rabid, second guessing his own offer. Would you think he was trying to takl you out of it? Trying to chase you away? Fuck. Fuck what if he misspoke or pushed to hard?
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You could see the wild panic, the odd nauseating fear that spiked from him, making the force tremble around the both of you restlessly. But you couldnt manage to get a word in as he began falling into another half anxious monologue of explanations and reasoning.
"You know what it feels like to be manipulated and have your life mapped out for you. We had many decisions made for us, too many options taken from us and we both paid for them with blood and fear. We know how cruel family is. You deserved better. You deserved a choice" he finalised with conviction. He made to open his ,outh once more but you hushed him, a single palm covering his mouth, managing to stop another round of persuasion from the large sweet man.
"We both did... And maybe we can make things better together? We can make a real family, a home and right a few wrongs? Be ourselves without shame or remorse together. One united front? Us against the galaxy?" Your hand slowly drifted to his hair as you spoke, making your decision. Your fingers danced in the thick ebony locks. You smiled when he couldnt refrain from nuzzling into you once more. He really wasnt the big scary man he tried to be. Just a huge loth cat.
"What? You mean? Youll stay with me? As my empress? Youll really stay?" Your heart broke at the tiny disbelieving voice, so unlike him. Yet exactly what youd expect from the old ben. The one who felt so much weight, so much responsibility with little love for himself. Back then he was so uncertain, so frightend to chase after what he wanted because he felt denying himself made him strong.
"Id be honoured kylo. I can think of nothing id like more than to spend my life with you, if youll have me?" You anounced, dragging his face closer your own unable to stop the fluttering in your tummy, or the way your face flushed, and the excited giddiness overwhelming you.
He wrapped himself around you, nose touching your own eye flicking from your own gaze down to your lips, the temptation to press his own against yours and devour you. Lock you into a kiss that had been long overdue.
"Of course, fuck yes i mean i? I want you by my side. I love you" he whispered, not wantingnto break the spell. The euphoric haze that seemed to isolate the two of you from the rest of the galaxy in this moment.he couldnt, wouldnt jeopardise this one peacfull moment you had together. The moment youd both been praying for since your early teens.
"I love you too. Theres just one thing i ask from you?" You breathed out, grazing his nose with the lightest of touches. Barely hanging on to the thread of control you somehow maintained.
"Name it, its yours" his voice dipped low. No thoughts just feeling. Pure joy and eager acceptance. He didnt care what it was you wanted. Youd have it, he'd grant you anything even the impossible. He'd find a way to give you the univers in its entirety if you asked.
"Dont lie to me. Even if the truth hurts, even if its dangerous or frightening. Dont hide things behinde half truths and lies. We have both had enough of that for a life time" you could see his eyes soften the aprihension that your qeustion had caused quickly disappeared. He seemed saddened almost, humbled. Your unsure what it was he expected you to ask, but apparently it wasnt honesty.
"You have my word my love. I swear i will never lie to you, never. I trust you to know everything, youll always know as much as i do" in that moment he swore to you and himself. Made it an oath, his own code to live by.
You sighed fully relaxing into him before coilingnyour arms around his neck tugging him down closer and began rising you your tip toes. He didnt need to think, about his next move. His lips met yours in a gentle kiss. The first light pressing on your lips together soon gve way to soemthing heated, years of repressed emotions and desire. Before you realised what was happeneing you were scooped up in hos arms. Legs locking around his waist your kiss now coupled with hands tugging you against him, rocking you against him in a delicious grinding that only spurred the both of you on.
Your kisses quickly became desperate a flurry of nips, kisses and the lapping of his tongue. The constant pressure of his tongue finally pried your own mouth open. He wasted no time in pressing on, fucking into your mouth with his tongue growling as your own fought his, twisting around his own in a decadent battle. His fingers tightened on your ass, digging into the flesh before thrusting his hips against yours. You gasped, tongue faltering in its own assault, he used the mone tto delve deeper, dominating you claiming victory over your playful defiance. Not that you minded, not in the slightest. You moaning when he began tracing the roof of your mouth lightly, a tickling pleasant feeling making you whine, shuddering and arching into his hold.
"Supreme leader i;" you yepled as the modulated voice of a trooper called out only to stop mid sentence as he realised what he'd just walked in on.
"GET THE FUCK OUT!" Kylos shout was accompanied with a blast of the force towards the unsuspecting trooper. Not that he needed prompting, at the forst yelled words he'd already turned trying to run as fast as he could in the opposite direction. Only managing a few feet untill he connected with the opposite wall on the hall. The force following closely slamming his helmet clade head even harder into the wall. And then he dropped into a heap of white armour on the floor.
"Oh god; that poor bastard. Is he gonna be okay?" You uttered flushing, giggleing somewhat nervously as there were foot steps in the distance out in the hall growing fainter. Apparently there'd been an audience.
"If he stays down he will be" kylo huffed petulantly. It would have been cute had it not been for the look of murder in his wpeyes, violence on his mind. You sighed before pecking him once more, trapping him in a barrage of sweet kisses between words.
"Kylo. Leave him be... i wasnt going to fuck you here anyway, theres cameras" his eyes flicked to the small cctv cameras in the corner. You had a point. He sighed slowly letting you stand befpre him once more and reached out to retrieve his mask, which you promptly toom from him, holding it carefully. You didnt want him to disappear behinde it just yet. He gave you a look, only to shake his head at you as you subtly twisted the carbon mask from him stubbornly. He chuckled realiseing quickly you wanted to keep looking at him.
"Right~ Come, let's get you home;" he faltered as you stepped up beside him eagerly. It was odd, having someone wanting to be so close to him. He? Liked it. But only if it was you, everyone else better keep their fucking distance... especially if you were there.
"Lead the way" you grinned cutely up at him. It was enough to stop him in his tracks. This was it, his future; your future. It all starts now, starts here. And force be damned he could barely contain the excitement. You were his, and he was yours, and nothing would ever interfere again. For the first time in years, he felt that all powerful hope the rebellion raged on about. And honestly? He could understand it. This was a new, powerful feeling. He felt like he could achieve the impossible. And he would. There was no doubt in his mind now. You'd both succeed where others failed because you had one another.
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viviwivipoo · 6 months
Headcanons on how the kitsune boys would spend time with you?🙃
hehehehe4eehehehhe4haekgh awuoirg hi yes of course
Fuyu - 
okay first 
he mentions in his dialogue that he wants to go to broadway
so going off of that he would definitely want to watch plays and musical and stuff with you
I feel like he would like,,,
watch shows with you or something
like i saw another acc (@/blushblushbear) say that fuyu watches bridgerton and gossip girl
i cannot agree more
he loves dramas
or actually anything you watch (if you watch shows and stuff)
like if your watching a show / movie on the tv
he’ll just sit next to you and watch
occasionally makes snarky comments about the show / characters / etc. etc…
okay i know my friend said his love language(s) would be physical touch and words of affirmation in the general hc’s thing
and i agree
however i also feel like he’s a quality time kinda guy
just being with you makes him so happy
sometimes he just watches you do things
like basic tasks
or scrolling through social media
or like watching you go on the computer to do stuff and yadda yadda
he would want to cook with / for you
lord im gonna BUSTTTT
probably fancy food
likes long car rides with you
likes museum dates
blud might be an art nerd‼️
absolutely would do spa dates
would let you give him a makeover
like do hair, makeup, etc etc
make him a pretty princess
would absolutely dance with you
whether it be inside, in the rain, where ever. 
lalallaSGH AJSFHGASFHBPAHR i cant think of anything else
Haru -
fancy dinners are a must
and you best believe hes always paying the bill
movie dates too
either at the theater or at home
actually i think he would prefer watching movies at home with you
so that he can cuddle with you while watching it without those darn recliner chairs in the way
would also cook for you
like dinners and stuff and/or breakfast in bed (as he mentioned in his dialogue)
would pick out some of your outfits (if you let him)
and would do or help do your makeup / nails if you do that stuff
he likes to go on walks with you
like connecting with nature (🤓☝️)
(kidding about that nerd emoji i also like connecting with nature)
also i feel like he would do silly photo shoots with you
boba dates boba dates boba dates boba dates boba dates bo
semi-off topic but i feel like he would be very into pda
he wants everyone to know that you are his
and he is yours
also off topic but i feel like i had to share this but he would give you random massages
like if your just laying face down scrolling through your phone he’ll sit next to you and start massaging you back
or like if your sitting down doing something he’ll just start rubbing your shoulders
i feel like he would also let you do his hair and makeup and stuff
i feel like he would like doing basic tasks with you
just to be around you for a little longer than he already is
like brushing your teeth / hair, going to the grocery store, etc
also i dont know i didnt think of this earlier but he would want to go out clubbing / partying with you
im sure i can conjure up more for haru but my brain physically wont let me
Aki - 
silly dates
likes lego-building dates
would go on tiktok live with you
and watch them with you
on said tiktok lives, he would be doing the randomest shit
and pranking / harassing people
would also beg to make tiktoks with you
secretly loves going to target with you
Must be holding you hand at all times though
food truck dates
and food tour dates
Would take pictures of all the food and post them on insta or smth
Build-a-bear dates but he would choose the ugliest bear for himself
loves playing video games with you
plays genshin (ironically), zelda, etc
would BEG to play among us with you and would always be red (and constantly be the imposter)
when you guys hang out he will an OBNOXIOUS amount of insta reels / tiktoks
when you guys are at restaurants he would fake a engagement / anniversary / birthday to get free food
has lightsaber battles with you (he collects lightsabers)
loves to watch you put on your makeup (if you wear any)
goes to the mall with you and pranks people
mall photo booth is a must
makes you go to conventions
ex. funko pop, anime, comic con
movie nights, and he buys you your favorite snacks
Movie nights would include diehard, spaceballs, superbad, mall cop, white chicks
unironically likes the kissing booth and jimmy neutron
may or may not have a crush on jacob elordi
i cant think of anything else lalaallal
sorry for the lack on aki's end again he's a little hard to write for 😔😔
ty for the req 😜
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Bnha 391 and General Small Comment;
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Ok so i didnt like a lot of things with bnha lately for most of the things, especially how story deal with its villains. Yeah, it is not over but until now, i dont think its good. Story focus on power more than it focus on actually adressing the flaws of society author build up at first place.
- Deku hasnt speak to Shigaraki yet but until this point, the way he dealt with villains, his interaction with them isnt good enough. like, you cant change things by keep saying everthing black and white or saying there is hope. I think story didnt give enough  character development for Izuku to come that point so at least, i hope, Shiggy will do something about it.
- Todoroki family plot bad. It was always bad because of how much story focus on Endeavour’s bad written redemption arc, he literally choose everyone over Touya since beginning until the end, i hate how he casually hugs him and speak over him when Touya was talking. Guy kinda feels guilty, yeah, but he express that ‘guilt’ in a very selfish way that it drives me nuts. Literally your typical abuser. I cant believe of all people, Endeavour has to be the one who close to him, not Rei, not his siblings but him...And with other family members too. I think some people already talked about this, that main problem with Todoroki family is that they keep blaming him for speaking up and once again, if this is the final arc for Todo family, Fuyumi and Natsuo’s speech sucks.
With Shouto, i think the problem is that bnha is a story about saving people’s hearth, not psychically defeating them and as readers, we should witness that change between Shouto and Dabi, that beginning point (like ‘your power’ scene for Shouto) didnt happen yet. And i wonder, do anyone remember um fake heroes plot? Endeavour’s bad hero career with how violently he attacks towards criminal from Twice’s speech chapter or how he almost killed Koichi in vigilantes? Dabi’s speech? What is the point of all of these things, if its not gonna be adressed properly, especially between Dabi and Shouto since they are villain and hero. I know its not over but until now, it was bad. To be honest, only thing i am satisfied with Todo family plot is Rei and Touya interaction. It looks like the only one its completed for final arc. Because she literally choose Touya over millions to save him, no justification, no victim blaming, no anger, just a worried mother, calling her son’s name and tells that she is sorry, and thats it. She doesnt make whole speech and self pity, unlike Bakugou and Endeavour. See the difference. And if author wasnt so obsessed with Endeavour’s nonexistent redemption arc, i am sure that we would get more of Rei. She did what she could do best for Touya as civillian, ordinary person. This part of story is fine but others? Bad.
- Allmight and others too. I dont want to talk about every detail because you know the summary, flaws of society isnt adressed properly/at all and story focus on power dynamic and etc.
But for at least this chapter, i would like to say, i kinda like this one. Uraraka and Toga development, interaction. At first, Uraraka would brush off everything Toga said and does, which makes sense since she was from other side. And Toga would talk your typical villain but after that Toga crying scene, Uraraka seems to be able empathize with her than many other heroes ever could for villains. The way she just accepted that she was wrong about her, that she changed her mind, she also knows that she is in pain and she says sorry, she is not angry, she is not rejecting her, she tells her that she found her. I mean, look at her face when she speaks to her. Like, great start, Uraraka. I think there are still many issues with story and how fast everything happens but i really like this one. It feels like an actually hero speech who geniuely wants to empathize with villain, completely stranger, just a girl who is like her. Unlike before, she doesnt talk like a robot with ‘you did commit crime so everything happens to you, you deserve it’ type of attitude. No. This time Uraraka is different.
At least for this chapter, for now, Uraraka Ochaco is rising.
Edit; I made it Clear that i write this based on my personal opinion. Literally, every second of this post is "i think". Certain people use this to insult and harass me. It just shows what kind of people they are. If you disagree, make your own post without mentioning/making me involve in any way. Of course, if you want to debate about series with respect, i dont mind. I dont think being kind is too hard.
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mimiteru · 7 months
dude this is what happens when you have shity internet Dx i know there was a option to edit but before i realize that i deleted the post 🔫 idc anymore i'm gonna write it again
how tf does this app work i'm sorry mutual who reposted my draftJDKS
tw: death of a character, mentions of vomit
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• Remember Kahil? You know the vampire who once was user of the datusha/kriss and bc of it's power he kill most of the Vaeternus, moments later he commits suicide trapping the sword with him?
Well lets put more emotional damage and say this was a relative to Nitara, maybe a brother why not
(i rewatched the Nitara intros and her mother also died damn, that's rough buddy)
they had a really strong bond, so Nitara was broken and devastated by his brother's tragic end, and after a long time of grief, this "revelation" as she would say, came to mind. From this time she tries so hard to save her so no Vaeternus could face the fate of death
And you know, "trying" is a strong word, the coven at this point are kinda tired of her all the time visiting them and bringing her failed ideas
The coven are like: "yeah yeah you know why don't you go and try to take over outworld or something" as a joke just to get rid of her.
And she did go to Outworld so..
• Now, her voice... It's not the best, it's so monotone and she doesnt realize it
But now i can't stop thinking about her with a valley girl accent, the way she would say the word "like" repetitively in one sentence is insane
There were times when Havik just rip of his own ears to not hear her, she talks a lot
She likes to do monologues, i feel like it's normal for Vaeternus to have this... Theatrical way of speaking, that goes on and on
Nitara does not know how to lie, if you dig enough she would accidentally say the truth or let out her plans without knowing
• At first the interactions Nitara has with Rain were harsh but later he starts to understand the big problem that the Vaeternus were living in, so maybe these two will be allies in the future??? Please??
Tho at this point she is trying to persue ppl to help her cause, whether it's from the good guys or the bad guys, and not even god itself wants to make a solution to help the Vaeternus yeah she's fucked
With the fictional dead family i create around her it makes a little bit of sense when she's trying to make Smoke a vampire too, Nitara sees herself since the guy also lost his mom and sister
or instead he sees her brother in Smoke, which is kinda creepy and dark but thats how my girl copes <33 /j
• The Vaeternus have a way to go to Earthrealm from centuries ago, this could mean that the vampires have more noledge of human traditions, slangs and even technology than Outworld does
This can also includes Earthrealm pop culture, influencing the way they dress or act, there could be Vaeternus who moved to Earthrealm permanently, hiding in the shadows
Imagine miss girl tries to make chitchat with Havik, Darrius and Sareena making a Earthrealm references and everyone just look at her like "wtf r u talkin about?"
This is chronically online comunicating with normal people
Nitara finds Earthrealm movies about vampires fascinating by the way of how they portrayed her kind, bc sometimes those movies are so wrong and sometimes they are so accurate its scary
She finds the "familiar" character to be very useful, she will have it in mind and maybe find one of those to help her look for food and other plans
• There was a time when the vaeternus didnt need blood to maintain their survival (idk if it was on Liu Kang or Geras intros) and there was were other things they could have feed on, but little by little vampirism began to be part of their nature that it was impossible to change their ways, condemning their own species.
Trying to get back to a normal diet probably would take another millenia
And if they eat or drink something no blood related i imagine them vomiting A LOT and with a horrible stomach pain, not the best moment for a vampire
• Her eyes glow in the dark
Once Nitara tried to sleep upside down bc she saw it in one of those movies, and she find it so comfortable??? It's kinda embarrasing for her but she keeps sleeping on that position from now on
She's a failure, she's a loser, and i think that's beautiful
Yeah i don't have more to say, also
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Yeah that's it bye
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pwnyta · 5 months
Its impressive... Horikoshi really made little miss Deus Ex Machina even LESS narratively satisfying then I could have ever imagined. Both with Mirio AND now Deku....
TBF Its on me thinking it was kinda interesting that Deku lost his arms in Shiga-world and that for some reason translating to it happening outside too, I was curious how the fuck that happened but luckily we didnt have to dwell on that because Eri comes in and rips her horn off for some reason...
Wasnt the Quirk destroying bullets made from her blood... It says on the wiki it was her 'biological material' so maybe I assumed it was her blood... but like?? Why she have to rip her horn off? Aizawa (great to see you again btw im sorry Hori didnt think spending some more time with you would be beneficial for some reason but GREAT TO SEE YA BUD) BUT WTF DID YOU TELL ERI TO MAKE HER RIP HER HORN OFF!? Also lmao Ectoplam being put on babysitting duty is fucking NUTS. What do YOU MEAN?! Also he helped a little girl chop her horn off.... work. IDK if he was the best choice for this for various reasons....
ANYWAYS... Eri being like 'My horn is part of me and since you told me how my Quirk works... this should help' So like... you have hair ya know... A lot of it. You probably coulda/shoulda started with that... especially since it woulda been like... a callback to Deku eating All Mights hair to start the series off ya know?
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For at least All Might... but Bakugo was dead for like a straight up year IRL... and honestly I would have accepted Eris quirk more than the actual hilarious nonsensical bullshit that happened. Which to remind everyone...
[An origami ninja folded himself up so small and wrapped/sewed himself around Bakugos ripped apart heart while a man who creates denim threads sewed it back together... neither of these men are surgeons but its fine because all that didnt save Bakugo he actually used his explosive Quirk to restart his OWN heart somehow...
Am I getting all that right? Its been a hot minute.
A hot ridiculous minute....]
All Might coulda been interesting though. And Hori somehow rarely disappoints when All Might is involved (accept AFO randomly having a quirk that completely undoes Stains Quirks ability. That was bullshit. He had a Quirk for that but not one for the rewind? OK... W/E. AFO is so disappointing.)
Hori letting Bakugo be dead for an IRL year completely killing the tension of the scene then reviving him in the most bull-shittest way I never could have imagined 🤝 Deku losing his arms in a somewhat interesting way only to get them back like a chapter later via some bullshit way via Eris horn I never could have imagined.
Also I didnt say it before but Ojiro, Sato, and Sero being shoved into this is so fucking funny. Hori really said 'Oh shit I forgot about these three... gotta pretend theyre useful somehow'
Love that.
Love my boys. Good for them LMAO.
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marymary-diva17 · 1 year
Eywa second chance
neteyam x female ao'nung + sully family
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ao'nung = angi
Heartbreak and sorrow was something that had become new to Angi as she was watching the one she loves so much, being laid to rest in the ocean. Neteyam and her had fallen in love and started secretly seeing each other, now the one she wanted to be with forever was now gone. Taken from the world after he had given up his life to save his family and his new friends. Now angi was feeling blame as she thought if she did something Neteyam will be alive and not dead, and that his family will not be broken.
Angi " ........." angi was standing in the sallow water with her family and the rest of the clan, as everyone was watching the sully family lay their eldest son to rest.
Tsireya " it going to be okay sister we all are going to miss him" angi was trying not to fall out crying at the moment, because that when everyone will question. She wanted to give respect to neteyam and honor him as the navi she had seen him as. The funeral soon ended and everyone had went to their homes.
Tonowari " daughter" neteyam had pushed angi and everyone else to safety, which had cause him his life in the end.
angi " I'm okay im just going to miss him that all he was a good friend, and someone special" she was not lying she was going to miss him so much.
ronal " pull yourself together my daughter the sully family has been through enough, we don't need them worry about anything else this neteyam funeral ..... enough damage has been done due to select few" ronal looked at her daughter angi didn't know if her mother was worried about her or disappointment in her. Angi always knew she was not her mom favorite that title went to tsireya, rotxo, and her unborn sibling.
rotxo " mother we are all mourning his death angi can care as well"
ronal " well your sister has done enough and so has that sully boy, the two of them always causing trouble and never can do anything right ... and looked where it got us death and injured I don't know if you are my daughter anymore"
Tsireya " mother angi and lo'ak didnt mean for the demons to find them they were just trying g to help payakan"
ronal " why are you still defending them that boy is way you and your brother got hurt and nearly killed, and you sister has never cared about anyone else she worreid me and your father ... what is something happen to you all because of their actions to save the outcast"
Tsireya " mom I'm okay look I have healed"
angi " mom I wanted to help payakan he one of us"
ronal " you were trying to show off not caring if everyone else was chasing after you two, you and loak are the reason many lives were lost and many are hurt ... all of this is because of you why have I been cursed with a bad daughter"
angi " mom you need to clam down it not health for you or the baby"
ronal " don't start caring now about anyone in this family or clan ... sometime I think you are not my child you can never do anything right .... you brought shame to the family and clan"
angi " mom I didn't mean any of this to happen neither did lo'ak"
Ronal " you have brought this upon the sully family"
angi " mom"
ronal " just get out of my face I can't look at your anymore"
angi " mom please ..."
tonowari " mu daughterI think it best if you leave her be .. there has been enough damage made" angi looked at her father and sibling for supper but it seems like they were keeping their distance from her, angi soon took that as her key to leave the home.
angi " ......" angi was walking on the path she could see what her mother meant, as she had gotten some glares form her follow clan members but the ones that hurt the most were the ones from the omatacayia.
angi " jake and neytiri " angi had soon came across Jake and neytiri they had given her a cold glare.
angi " I know I'm the last person you wish to speak to right now and see but I'm sorry for your lost neteyam was good person"
neytiri " you have done enough to my family girl and now look what happened my son is dead, and it all leads to you if you never told lo'ak about the tulkun my son will be alive"
Jake " neytiri it not her ....."
Neytiri " yes she to blame every since we got her she nearly endanger our kids lives she is to blame, Neteyam should be alive and our kids shouldn't be traumatized"
angi " I meant no harm I was jus trying to be their friend I didn't...'
Jake " young lady I think it best of you move along my family need time to heal" angi said nothing else she soon moved away from them, but soon came across the last remaining sully siblings.
angi " hey guys"
sully kids " ......"
angi " I'm sorry for your guys lost neteyam was a great friend and sibling, he even impressed me to be a good older sister as well to my soon baby sibling"
lo'ak " how dare you come here and act like are we are friends my brother is dead because of you ... all because you went to tell him of our plan and now he dead"
angi " i didn't mean to I wanted him to know what was happening, I never knew him and everyone else were going to follow us"
kiri " we got hunted down we lost our brother and many others, because of the words you spoke"
spider " I have been told you bene easing problems for everyone, and now you are acting like you care that evil"
angi " please I meant not harm I was trying to be a friend and being a good future tshaik"
kiri " you will never be tshaik I heard you mom say she was giving, the role to your sister or maybe anyone else but you will never have the role as no will want you as tshaik you are not perfect for it"
angi " guys please I know we all lost neteyam and he was special to us all ...."
lo'ak " you were nothing to him and will never be anything to him is this life or other .... do everyone in my family and clan a favor leave us alone and never come near us again maybe do the same for you own family and clan as well because wherever you go nothing good happens"
tuk " I miss neteyam why did he have to leave us"
spider " you are even a true navi"
kiri " let go we had spent enough time talking with her" the duly kids soon started walking away tears were falling down angi face, she had called her IIu she need to get away for a while. Angi was swimming out in the open at night she knew it was not safe, but she need to get away for everyone safety.
angi " neteyam I'm sorry it all my fault if I could relive this year I would, you are dead because of me and no one else it to blame"
angi " I failed you and everyone I'm not sure what I'm mean to do anymore I failed as daughter, sister, friend, and fellow navi" Angi soon reached the spirt tree and connected the tree asking for some help.
angi " please great mother help me I need some guidance and support right now I'm lost don't know what to do" Angi had opened her eyes to see the tree glowing brighter and brighter, until the light had started to overcome everything in the water. Angi could no longer see anything as the light had blinded her, and she could not move as well what was happening right now.
angi " ahhh" angi soon reached up from her bed to see she was back home, maybe she passed out and was brought home. She now knew she was in more trouble when she left her room and entered the common area no on else was home.
angi "maybe they are still sleeping I should leave them be" angi had soon left the family home and was standing outside, enjoying some time alone as she was getting ready to face everyone again.
????? " Morning angi" angi soon felt her heart stopping when she heard that voice, it was so familiar to her she soon turned around to look at the owner of that voice. She felt like time stopped and nothing was making sense as she was looking at navi show spoken to her. How was any of this possible how was any of this really happening now.
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star-sim · 6 months
oh wise vanya please help me apparently my year of dignity and male-lessness decided to spice things up and now i’m in a Dilemma!
a bit (a lot) of context: so around two and a half years ago there was this guy who liked me and then confessed to me, at the time i liked him a little too but i think it was mainly because i liked the idea of liking someone and someone liking me?? if that makes sense.
so he confessed to me one day and i was like “oh i like you too lol” because i literally did Not know what to do in that situation and then it was lowkey awk because we mutually avoided each other at school 💀 we were really young tho BUT THEN like a month and a half later he was said he didn’t like me anymore (HE SENT THAT OVER TEXT LMFAO…) and i responded with “okay” (i realized that i didn’t really like him at that point too so i was kind of relieved tbh) it wasn’t even a relationship because bffr we didn’t even hold hands so why was bro being all like “let’s break up 😐” like… were we ever even together be honest
it was VERY awkward after that like lmao we wouldn’t even make eye contact but then a few months later we became close friends because we were friends before (idek how atp); then he moved away during the summer because he was going to some boarding school & we still kept in contact up until last summer
he got a girlfriend in may of last year?? and ever since then i’d been VERY distant like i didn’t talk to him at ALL because i have to uphold the girl code… apparently he told his girlfriend about me though and i’ve heard from a mutual friend that she doesn’t like me that much and disliked me even more after she found out that he had a saved folder of me in his photos (that’s on him tho bc wtf 💀 that’s kind of a Red Flag of him)
anyways back to today… i opened my snapchat after 8263872 days of being dormant and apparently he texted me for the first time since JUNE three weeks ago and i unknowingly left him on sent 💀💀
now i could either: a) open his message because honestly i am morbidly curious or b) leave his message to marinate forever and leave him on sent indefinitely
which would be more girlboss because i am done w men irl 😐 send help pls
liking someone purely bc you like the idea of liking someone and them liking you back is SO REAL
UGHH he is so middle school boy love.... the "let's break up" over text when the most ygs did was probably look at each other.... pukes
youre such a girl's girl, youre SO realness for not talking to him for the sake of girl code... ugh im sorry controversial opinion it irks me when ppl are angry at their s/o's ex... like u didnt even do anything to her, is it a crime to exist. if anything, she should be mad at HIM??? like who is the one keeping pictures of their ex? not you, so why are you literally the subject of her anger. ever since new years i've been trying to tone down my d1 hater tendencies but ouuuu that makes me to annoyed on your behalf like LEAVE HER ALONE 😡
i say... open the message. see what this bitchass has to say. i'm also kinda curious too. whether or not you respond is up to you, but if youre worried about girl code, i don't see an issue? he's the one doing shady stuff, your entire existence is not tied to him and your actions are independent of him, if that's hard for him or his gf to see then they clearly aren't mature does it kill them to use critical thinking
but if you DO leave him on sent... it would be pretty funny
everyone ditch his ass he deserves no one!!!!!
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aita-blorbos · 1 year
AITA for trying to some-what help my classmates relationship
I (12 NBY) go to a junior high and this just happened and its so wild
so these two classmates who ill call A (12 M) and C (12 F) were flirting in the school cafetiria and it was so cheesey i could practically smell it, and everyone agreed that it was so boring :/ they were just too perfect! in the end they broke up right then and there and my brother , D (12 agender) was kinda dissapointed in me
i went over to say sorry to C (while being prickled) and she MADE ME TRY TO MAKE THE GUY JEALOUS SO SHE CAN WIN HIM BACK and i did not want to do this but it was too late to say no
she wanted me to kiss her to make A angry and try to fight back for her, one the guy is too nice you couldnt make him pissed off if you want to two I DIDNT WANT MY GIRLFRIEND (ill call P, 12 nby) TO SEE ME AND MAKE HER UPSET so i asked D to distract her while i was doing this
i was trying to tell her this, and because we were outside and some dude couldnt score a basketball game, the ball hit me and I HEADBUTTED HER AND HER PRICKLES GOT INTO MY FACE and EVERYONE thought i kiss her
A didnt even do anything (even if he wanted to, the dude was a balloon what was he to do) and just floated away, and didnt 'fight back for his love' like C wanted to
so everyone in the school now HATED me and WANTED THEM BACK AS A COUPLE?? WHAT THE WHAT?? they even picked on me while in class because of this :/
now heres the kicker, this other girl, M (12 M) asked me to help her because she has a plan to make them back together, and listen shes the rich kid i couldnt say no even if i wanted to tbh
her plan was to spread rumors of her and A being a couple so C can instead fight for her love, again this didnt help and she kinda looked like a sad sponge (since C kinda cant really dispose of tears its complicated)
in the end i found out that this was a ploy by M to get together with A (had a massive crush on this guy) and it was her true motive, threatend to tell my girlfriend that i 'killed' C but it turned out P knew about it because D ran out of milkshakes to throw at her (but its ok because C explained to P everything)
alot of chaos insued, a literal storm brewed and me, P, D and C had to save A from M's storm and in the end we ended up in the cafethiriea, M was like "why wont you date me" and C and A responded "because we love eachother :)" and M was like "you are such a wet cheeseball ://" and left
A and C were back together and now everyone hated them again
(pretty sure D was still salty abt me insulting C, when i wasked P to not be like this D said smth like "theres no risk because youre not going out w eachother" and P splashed him w a milkshake god that was hilarious)
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rollingsins · 1 year
Omg I am so excited I can't even 😭
Mindy focus! There's so much at stake and Tara isn't coming. Poor baby, stuck in jail even though she didn't do anything wrong. Let cute unhinged women kill some idiots.
Lol R is right. The scooby doo gang really is such a ridiculous group. They may seem smart and competent but really only Sam can save everyone. She's the real deal! And bless poor Liv. She's just a "ditzy companion" love that!
Oh Tara LOVES putting R on her back 😂
Maybe Ghostface just lost track of time. He's an idiot in his own right.
Nevermind, there he is. LET'S GO
Damn, the tension is so high my heart can't take it. Chad's war cry, I imagine, must be so ridiculous. I wanna hear it
Okay I'm wrong. Calling it now. Judy can't possibly be stronger than Chad. Damn it.
Wow Liv, very helpful. Sure go and hide behind R and antagonize Ghostface even more. What a great idea 🙄
Sam to the rescue! Wohoo
Omg no way. R is about to shoot Ghostface!?!? To protect Tara?? Aaah
I can't even form coherent thoughts right now. What the actual fuck. Richie?!?!?! YOU FUCKING TRICKED ME!! Damn girl. You really tricked me. Wow. And I believed that crusty stinky nasty cheetoh fingers man couldn't be Ghostface. I feel so ashamed and embarrassed. I want to formally apologize to Judy. I'm sorry miss sheriff. But you'd make a compelling Ghostface...
Oh no my poor baby Sam. She got betrayed by her not so great anyway ex boyfriend. I just wanna hug her.
OH SHUT UP JUDY!! WHO CARES ABOUT WES! RICHIE IS RIGHT HERE IN HIS GHOSTFACE ATTIRE. LET TARA GO. I swear I will fucking deck Judy. HOW IN THE HELL IS SHE ALLOWED TO BE THE SHERIFF WHEN SHE CLEARLY WANTS REVENGE FOR WES?? NAH AH. I take back my apology. Fuck her. Just let Tara go and clear her name. Useless lady.
Also FINALLY Liv to the rescue!! Thanks baby girl for protecting R!
MINDY FUCKING THANK YOU! For a moment I thought I lost it. RICHIE WAS FUCKING THERE!! You can always rely on Mindy.
2 FUCKING GHOSTFACES!??! HOLY SHIT I DEFINITELY DIDNT EXPECT THAT!! JUDY IS STILL A POSSIBILITY?? Most likely not but I keep on holding onto hope. I got humiliated enough already with Richie.
Damn girl. You have no idea what journey I just went through. My heart really is pounding a bit. I feel ashamed for getting tricked by Richie, betrayed by myself for not even THINKING there could be 2 Ghostfaces. Of fucking course it was Richie. That man was so utterly suspicious. Unfuckingbelievable. Judy girly I'm only half sorry. Your entire WES spiel is annoying me. Just leave Tara alone, Richie is Ghostface. Period. Poor lady just wants to figure out who killed her bland and boring son and I am accusing her of being a cold blooded killer. Oopsies.
I can't. I don't know what to say. I'm so relieved that Tara is free but FUCKING RICHIE!! Ugh. I can't get over it. I'm so stupid for immediately eliminating him just because he said Mr. Ghostface. Fucking fuck probably was the muscle. He definitely wasn't the brain of the whole situation, that must be the second Ghostface.
Also I mean this in the kindest and nicest way possible but fuck you. A second Ghostface?? Here I thought we'd finally figure it out but nope! It's just the beginning. I feel both annoyed and relieved. Annoyed cause it's fucking crustlord Richie and relieved cause another Ghostface! Maybe I can redeem myself and figure out their identity. Probably not though...
That chapter really sent me through all emotions you could possibly feel. I will go hide in a corner now cause I'm so embarrassed. It's been Richie all along. Damn you for tricking me! That was my rambling for now. I'm sure I will have more to say once I let it sink in. Thank you very much for making me feel so stupid and happy at the same time 😂
Hiiiiii bby ☺️
💀 love your theories, sorry for tricking you
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thegeminisage · 1 year
Hmm. 20-22 inclusive …. making you be negative 😈 I’m assuming you’ll do zelda but as a scholar I’m also interested in your spn thoughts so you pick mwah
oooh dealer's choice this is so tough...what if i just answer for both LMAO im so sorry ok Lets Go
20. part of canon you found tedious or boring
for zelda: i really, really wish i liked wind waker. i wanna like wind waker so fucking bad. i love wind waker's story. i love wind waker's ganondorf. i love how bright and cheerful the graphics are contrasted with how solemn it is underground. i love the dungeons and the gameplay. but god i HATE the cartoony little balloon heads. it takes me right out of those serious moments. i don't mind stylization but if it could have been just a LITTLE BIT. less stylized. just a LITTLE LESS like animal crossing characters. it's beautiful to look at but for a game with such serious hidden elements WHICH I LOVE i find trouble taking it seriously.
for spn: god, all of crowley's little arcs. he was almost never interesting, and while you can excuse bad writing for cas because it's cas, you can't make crowley happen. fetch is never gonna happen! you can show me his fun hot mom and his dead son and it still isn't happening! he's just the walking talking embodiment of the "angels and demons are just like OFFICE WORKERS" trope which i hate so fucking deeply because it's the least sexy direction they ever took and the exact opposite of what i want from my angels and demons. all of the middle seasons suffered deeply from this. crowley COULD have been interesting, but tbh, i liked him best in the season they killed him off.
21. part of canon you think is overhyped
for zelda: i could do wind waker again but actually i completely understand the hype, bc wind waker is a great game even if i can't deal with it like a normal person. same with botw - i found most of the joy thru exploration, so it just didnt Hit on replays the way other zeldas do, but its influence cannot be understated and the hype is deserved. what if everybody is right all the time to hype any and everything about zelda?? oh wait actually. sorry. twilight princess ilia. idk if people hype her but if they do theyre wrong. love and light to her, she's Fine, but it feels kind of like a knockoff of malon (superior) and i generally dislike when link has romantic interests besides zelda, even if the love interest gets amnesia (wistful sigh). this sin was especially egregious bc zelda barely has any screentime at all, but i forgive tp for this because what screentime she DOES have is spent being in lesbians with midna. so it works out just this once due to the power of gay people, but that's some thin fucking ice. anyway, sorry to ilia and ilia fans for being a misogynist
for spn: i hate canon claire. i can't get into it in depth but like...sorry, even without the issue of My Own Claire Ideas, i still don't know if i could do it. being gay does not save her from having the exact same "damaged but spunky teen girl" personality given to almost EVERY OTHER TEENAGE GIRL (or young woman) on the show. to some extent she, krissy, mary from the winchesters, charlie, jo, alex, etc etc all have the same personality with a few defining quirks tacked on as an afterthought. do i love some of these characters? yes, of course. are they well-written? absolutely not <3
22. your favorite part of canon that everyone else ignores
for zelda: in general, i think skyward sword gets a bad rap despite lanayru desert's entire (waves hand vaguely) and zelda being a fucked up evil goddess who canonically manipulates link's love for her. AND GROOSE. never forget groose. more specifically i think not enough people have acknowledged 1. the champions corpses are definitely still in those cockpits 2. oot link essentially became a stalfos by walking into the lost woods without navi and never came back. hello?? generally those dark little implications that u have read between the lines to get <3
for spn: oh baby its michael!dean. i waited so long and i only really got what i wanted for one episode but it was so good. it was SO good. no one else is as hype about the fact that it took nine REAL LIFE YEARS to get there. a DECADE of my finite time on earth. but ohhh was it ever worth the wait. what else could i possibly write 100k+ about
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zatannaroth · 2 years
𝑩𝒍𝒂𝒄𝒌 𝑴𝒂𝒈𝒊𝒄
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Burn every single witch alive!!
Read every single articles, the innocent's wanted Justice for the death of Batman. He was killed by someone who had magic. They didn't know who it was but wanted them ALL gone. The batfamily felt hopeless trying to save innocent's who were accused of 'witchcraft' .
Gordon lost many cops that night and he too felt 𝐡𝐨𝐩𝐞𝐥𝐞𝐬𝐬.
Gotham was now worst than ever and not because the villains but the people who lived there. Many killed the joker, riddler and the falcons. Bruce wouldn't let his city fall apart. Not after he had made.
𝐇𝐞 𝐣𝐮𝐬𝐭 𝐰𝐨𝐮𝐥𝐝𝐧'𝐭.
"This shit is starting to feel like the Salem witch trials, accusing everyone is a witch and kill without any reason." Jason sat down next to Tim who he was currently looking at the monitors. "I'm afraid so..but we still have to find Bruce's killer." He haven't gave up for answers.
Jason sighs, he and Bruce didn't have such a good relationship with the old man but he did cared for him. "Has Dick found anything yet?" Tim shake his head and turn to face Jason. "No..but Barbara knows that a lot of people are sure accusing Ivy for it." Ivy has been isolation in a secret base that batfamily had made in case of an emergency.
"I'm surprised that they didn't accused her first, in the beginning... Hell I would." Tim gave him a look. Jason shrugs "what? you wouldn't too?." "Bruce was found with black magic, not with vines." Tim decided not to pick an argument. "I'm going on patrol..keep an eye out." He gets up from the chair and puts on his mask before heading out. "Careful out there!" Jason called out.
Tim was on top of an old warehouse that the penguin used to run. Now it's all empty. And he too was gone. So far Tim had saved several civilians from being burning alive. Now everything was peaceful beside the dogs howling and cats going though dumpster, it felt like a ghost town where he was at. Tim needed to relax, to breathe again. Now since Dick was in charge of anything, to be the new leader and Bruce's Enterprise.
Tim was so distracted in his own head that he hasn't noticed the black sparks coming out the old warehouse next store. Until there was a loud noise of glass shattering. He looked up and saw a girl with a grey jacket.
Her hands were shaking with black light.
He called out. But when the girl saw him. And began to run. Tim got his grapple hook and head over to the next building. "STOP!" He shouted. But the girl didn't even cared and jump to an other roof.
𝑆ℎ𝑒 𝑖𝑠 𝑠𝑢𝑟𝑒 𝑓𝑎𝑠𝑡, 𝑏𝑢𝑡 𝑡ℎ𝑎𝑡'𝑠 𝑛𝑜𝑡 𝑔𝑜𝑖𝑛𝑔 𝑡𝑜 𝑠𝑡𝑜𝑝 𝑚𝑒.
He pulls out his battranger and throws it at her. The girl trips and before she could get up. Tim's grabs her. "I'M SORRY, I DIDNT MEAN TO." She cries out.
𝑊ℎ𝑎𝑡 𝑑𝑜𝑒𝑠 𝑠ℎ𝑒 𝑚𝑒𝑎𝑛?
Tim had the girl around his arms as she tried to kick back and scream but ending up landing on his lap. Tim didn't fought back but instead held her tight, letting her lose her energy. The girl did eventually started to feel drain and started slowly to pass out, letting her head on his shoulder.
He moved some hair away from her face and saw her tears coming out. He felt bad for her but had never seen somebody this afraid seeing him. Tim decided to not let the others knows just yet. He pick her up in a bridel style and headed to one of his safe house. Raven woke up and her head was pounding a little. She groaned and held her head, laying back to the pillows. But then got up immediately realizing this wasn't her place.
"Oh good, you're up." She wasn't alone.
She didn't remember what exactly happened but looking over to a guy who has black hair with blue eyes with a suit. She was with THE Red Robin. She could feel the room shaking. But didn't mean to. She couldn't control her powers.
"Hey.." Tim grab her hand and felt her world stopped shaking.
𝐻𝑜𝑤 𝑑𝑖𝑑 ℎ𝑒 𝑑𝑜 𝑡ℎ𝑎𝑡?
Tim sat down in front of her. "I'm not going to hurt you.." he whispered. Tim had 𝗻𝗲𝘃𝗲𝗿 show his secret identity to anyone. But he wanted her to trust him.
"I...I mean do to it" she told him. Tim didn't understand what had she meant.
"didn't mean to?... "
"To kill him...it's all my fault."
Tim didn't wanted to react or at least in front of her. He just nods and gave her hand a gentle squeeze. If everybody found out that SHE was the one that kill the dark knight. They wouldn't show her any mercy and burn her alive.
.....𝑡ℎ𝑖𝑛𝑘 𝑇𝑖𝑚 𝑡ℎ𝑖𝑛𝑘....
"what's your name?" he could look her up on his computer and hopefully find anything on her. The girl hesitate at first, "My name is.. Rachel, Rachel Roth." She looked into his eyes, they were so calming for some reason. Why did she felt trust in him?
Tim notice her eyes were purple, rare then normal. And her skin looked like she was glowing...she was gorgeous to be a witch. "Urgh..I have some tea ready if you would like some, to calm you down." He rubs his neck and forgetting that on hand is on her.
"Yeah..tea sounds nice."
Raven watches how Tim let's go of her hand while he got up and grab two mugs with tea and walked back over to handle it to her. She mumble a thanks and took a sip of the tea. her mind felt much more relaxed.
Tim wanted Rachel to take her time, he knew that she's been through a lot. And wouldn't wanted to scare her. Athough Rachel did looked around his age. "How are you feeling?"
She assured him with a small smile but her eyes didn't match it. Raven then decided to talk what happened that night with the Bat.
"I was just kidnapped by some person..they took me to a abandoned church. They knew that I wasn't normal, started to enchanter these words that weren't some language that I knew..." She took a breath before to continue
"I felt someone possess over my body, there were a lot of screaming, blood, and dead bodies all around me... including 𝒉𝒊𝒔. He try to save me and I kill him! all I did was run, run as fast I can...It's all my fault that everyone is seeking revenge for his death. Killing each other, thinking it was them."
Tim didn't wanted blame her. But she was responsible for Bruce death. And for not coming forward in the beginning. Tim had to really think about what next.
𝐻𝑜𝑤 𝑡ℎ𝑒 ℎ𝑒𝑙𝑙 𝑖𝑠 ℎ𝑒 𝑔𝑜𝑖𝑛𝑔 𝑡𝑜 𝑒𝑥𝑝𝑙𝑎𝑖𝑛 𝑖𝑡 𝑡𝑜 𝑡ℎ𝑒 𝑜𝑡ℎ𝑒𝑟𝑠?
"Rachel I'm going to need you to stay here in order to protect you. But you have to tell me... are there more like you?" Rachel shakes her head "No, I've mostly been alone...but I'm trying to control my powers."
𝑡ℎ𝑎𝑡 𝑒𝑥𝑝𝑙𝑎𝑖𝑛𝑠 𝑤ℎ𝑦 𝑠ℎ𝑒 𝑤𝑎𝑠 𝑎𝑡 𝑡ℎ𝑒 𝑎𝑏𝑎𝑛𝑑𝑜𝑛𝑒𝑑 𝑤𝑎𝑟𝑒ℎ𝑜𝑢𝑠𝑒..
Rachel let out a small yawn and tried to cover it up. But Tim thought it was adorable, "You're tired..just sleep here." He assured her. But Rachel refused. "No..it's you bed I can sleep on the floor." She was about to get up from the bed.
"Rachel you don't deserve to sleep on the floor. Not after what you had been though."
"What about you?"
"Don't worry about me, I got work to do".
He gets her mug and puts it's back to the kitchen sink. Rachel lays down on the bed but doesn't closes her eyes yet. She looked up at the ceiling. "Sleep Rae." Rachel got up and look over at him who was currently sitting in a desk chair.
"I'm sorry but to asked, what do I to call you? Like red? Robin Or something."
she was actually curious in what to call him.
"Well the name Red is taken. But my name is Tim Drake."
"Well Thank you Tim..for saving me. I promise I would do anything to help to the stop this mess I've created."
Rachel fell asleep soon after and Tim continue to research her past, and was shock to find
Angela Arella Roth
Ran away from home to join church of blood
Only a minor when she gave birth to a girl.
Claims the father of child is a...
Tim looked over at peaceful raven, she was no witch...
𝐁𝐮𝐭 𝐚 𝐃𝐞𝐦𝐨𝐧.
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gayspock · 2 years
ok the undiscovered country! i actually dont know much at all about this one but i hear people like it
knowing gene died like 2 days after seeing this.... the killer is at large, seriously...
in tthe credits and ive paused like 2 times btw. anyway its so strange thinking that walter koenig is like an older gent now. i think chekov, no matter how old he is, is like a little cunt to me
GOD GEORGE TAKEI HAS SUCH A GOOD FUCKING VOICE. its beyond crazy. also great to see sulu in the captains chair... as he freaking deserves
woahhh hey rand.... hope youre well grace lee whitney rest peacefully my love
points its that big fuck off red bridge in america
hi spock bestie (kicks legs) lets hear your little speech
also admiral (?) cartwright isnt that the same actor as siskos dad hi dude waves friendily
kirk: ☝️🤨 me? spock: i have personally vouched for you kirk: 🤨you 🤨 have 🤨 personally 🤨 vouched? ☝️🤨 for me?
will the girls be fighting ...
okay i know i did joke and jest: however, to summarise i didnt find star trek v nearly as egregious as people said it was. ultimately i found it had its funny moments and was a bit of a mess but i had my fun. itd be wrong to say its a ~good~ movie but frankly the way people went on about it you'd think it was some utter disgrace
all that being said: seeing kirk now, even in this opening scene, speak with conviction against the klingons is refreshing as hell after it. like- shatner super obviously did write tff . you can tell with how kirk is just kind of there doing insane shit and saying heroic crap throughout the movie. literally every obstacle is solved with him doing something ridiculous to save the day. its funny as hell BUT now its like ok now we have an actual character back with us god bless, god speed
speaking of i do like the choice to have him oppose this so vehemently for that reason + addressing the more difficult issue of the klingons since, well... as seen in the LAST movie they just sort of laugh them off. LOL
oh so you remembered you have a son, kirk , now that its actually relevant
also can we be nice to valeris. can everyone be nice to valeris
OUGHHH SPOCK IN HIS VULCAN ROBES. also god i really am so fucking happy when they do vulcan philosophy & spock like this. its all i want, man
valeris said #stop #racism.
and so they raise their points.... did they not raise their points?
again ugh not to be a spock girlie but something something the isolation the arbitrary measures by which we judge each other, the cultural differences in klingons vs humans how much different are the differences in humans vs vulcans how readily will they be to reject us at the end of the day something something theyre my o nly family and yet they bristle and they reject the things fundamental to Me and-
now what is occurring...
btw i have coffee cake yum yum
also did they take out their gravity something on the klingon ship. BECAUSE THATS ANOTHER THING I WANT TO SAY ABOUT SCI FI, YOU KNOW... so miserable that they have the gits always tethered to the ground . i insist we need to turn the gravity off more . i dont care if the budget doesnt allow for it
oh my god rheyre servingggg in this movie arent they
th... the BLOOD I-
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yaaayy lets kill kirk
okay chang with your little sultry side eye t the camera
theyre sending my girls to prison oh my godddddd...
kirk ....
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dont be so hostile this is your new best friend ki-
holy guacamole...
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SPEAKING OF. i'll be so mad if valeris is the assassin. i MEAN I WOTN BE. but i will be. ugh. no respect for women ever in the world. but it feels too obvious and i dont just mean like... in terms of needing a good twist like i dont minddd that but frown sad face... im just sad a cool vulcan girlie might get the short end of the stick so i ddo hope if it is her its a good reveal / good reasoning to make up for it. you know what i mean? i'd be sad if she was JUST brought in for that singular purpose AND/OR if this is something to do with... reasonably affected persons due to the discrimination getting into some extremist shit like get a better twist and try different avenues of conversation for discussing the nuances of that even if you do want to talk abt the darker side of what oppression leads to within minority groups like theres 10 million different points of discussion and you so strangely choose the same one every time and when people contest that its "lacking nuance" even though this seesaw is so terribly unablaced but whatever its also nothing
terribly ironic of me to go on that ramble in the las tliveblog post about managing expectations LOL HELP ........ SILLY GOOSE . either way im super jumping the gun here
martia slays so hard
also this whole translating thing is so funny god bless youse
i also had to pause mid scene here to go do other shit help WHICH ISNT THE BEST TIME TO PAUSE AND COME BACK BUT
also anyways as i was saying im glad it wasnt... yeah you know but nonetheless SIGH. sooo sad ugh i liked her can we not just get a SPECIAL LITTLE FUCKING GIRL. punches wall. saavik i miss you too, i want you back toooooo saavik
"ive been dead before :/" SLAYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY
spock... babygirl- kirk leave his shit alone .
yay for mistakes yay for admitting our mistakes
oh my god....... sguyss...
"outlived our usefulness" spock you're kind of in your 40s right now if anything lets all be real here youve got some legs left in you its kirk thats one foot in the grave god bless his soul
warrior to warrior... so real
if theres something abut a star trek man its that he'll fucking spout shakespeare whenever the fuck he wants no damn context either hes just going bababaabab
surgery on a torpedo . so good
sisko's dad has been up to no good
okay hell yeah kirk speech lets go
hi again sulu . i like how hes just been chilling off on his own sh-
okay no stop th
stop it dont say it like that im going to get weepy and im suddenly remembering why i put all of this off for so long again decomissioned i'll kill myself i really will i'll fucking kill myself RIGHT HERE RIGHT NOW
OH my god ... oh my go dddd noo no no no stop the final curise fuck off STOP IT I'M GOING TO THROW UP I'LL KKILL EVERY SINGLE ONE OF YOU STOP IT
no im terribly pathetic i am i will tell you that much
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keruworld · 1 year
IDK aren't the things you listed about Buffa mere justifications for the atrocities he has committed? Yes, it's part of a game, there's no question about that.
But it's part of a game he at least has a hand in designing if we assume this is Beroba's game and not Buffa's game. Way, I see it, those "casualties" didn't need to be casualties if their aim was Niram's Vision Driver.
He could have just made a game where the only ones affected were the remaining Riders, but no, he still went with what Beroba designed because girl needs to have her daily dose of human misery.
While I don't exactly want Michinaga to have the "death by redemption" trope or anything related, but I want that redemption earned. I want there to be distrust toward him.
I want him to atone, I want him to try and regain the trust of the people he's hurt the most.
I want him to work hard for that redemption, but as things are now he'd get away with his actions scot-free, especially considering he's just going to forget everything once all of this is over, as per DGP rules.
You say Keiwa's a hypocrite, maybe it's true but I don't see it that way. Keiwa' to me hasn't trampled on anyone, he certainly hasn't sabotaged anyone for the competition, in fact, he has sabotaged himself for trying to be fair. The only act of sabotage I see him do was when Sara was in danger and he stole Sae's buckle, but that was because he values his sister's life over anything else.
You say Buffa hates himself for the casualties, but are we so sure about that, is that even canon, or is that your interpretation of what happened?
Sure he may not have made a victory dance when he killed Ace, Keiwa, or Niram, but he nonetheless gloated about his victory over Keiwa, a victory he got after attacking the man who just witnessed a world-shattering view of the girl he saved pushing a man to his death.
"You said you would be happy if everyone's happy. Why don't you become fuel for my wishes?" *proceeds to throw Keiwa into the hole on the ground.
What atrocities I wonder? The kill of Ace and Keiwa? I know Im taking theirs deaths as nothing... but come on, why do you think that Ace was not angry to Michi when he revived? Why he didnt say: HEY YOU MOTHERFUCKER, YOU KILLED ME!! Because if you are in the game, you know what are the possibilities. And Ace of all the people know this very well.
To whom he has to atone? To whom he has to regain trust? To Ace? To Keiwa? To Neon? To all the casualities? Why? Because he won and made everyone miserable? He wished for that? That's truly evil!! X,D (sorry, im being sarcastic here)
"You say Keiwa's a hypocrite, maybe it's true but I don't see it that way." When I said that everyone is hypocrite and add Keiwa too... is because Keiwa hides his pain of the lost of his parents behind being the nice guy, and it's ok, and may be you could have the best wish for win the DGP like "end world famine", but in a rooted game like the DGP, that is rooted to it's core, if you want to fight for the most good wish, you can't be good, you have to get your hands dirty. Keiwa was just naive, and that's good, Buffa was there to get the dirt on himself. The script have been protecting Keiwa like a baby... sadly... because of all characters... he havent had much development. But I hope now he gets the development that he needs. I think he's adorable. (that's why deep down inside I think he and Michinaga could be best friends)
"You say Buffa hates himself for the casualties, but are we so sure about that, is that even canon, or is that your interpretation of what happened?" You know... a character dont need or have to say it directly, especialy someone like Michinaga. Of course is my interpretation by watching his expressions. Always serious, unhappy, pissed. May be my interpretation is wrong... But this exactly scene where he have just killed Tycoon and all that was left was Geats, the boy was almost in tears saying his dialogue to Ace. It was the most saddest expression of all. If this was not repent for just killed Keiwa, to just have got his hands dirty… I dont know what it is. He didnt wanted to, but he had to.
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"You said you would be happy if everyone's happy. Why don't you become fuel for my wishes?" *proceeds to throw Keiwa into the hole on the ground. This scene was sooooo good. Because Buffa... was totally a bitch, he played the bad guy to the end. And I know he did bad... but come on he was right of what he said to Tycoon. I could bet that Keiwa is not angry with him too. X,D
I know it looks like Buffa have gotted his way out like nothing, like he had his redemtion like nothing... but if you carefull watch I think is not like that, he have suffered and almost break. Again... yeah... almost all of this is my perception, my interpretation that the stupid and evil bull is a good boy in the inside. I too couldnt defend him like this some chapters ago... I haven been puzzled too, is he good? is he bad? why are you doing this? how you will end this? But this is exactly why Geats have been so fun... at least for me.
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