#‘he only ever tried to push his views on Sasuke’
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depressedhatakekakashi · 1 year ago
Kakashi: *shows countless times in canon he cares about his students and wants to train them, but a lot of that training is outright skipped for ‘more interesting storyline’
Weirdo’s: nah, Kakashi didn’t teach any of his student’s anything and didn’t care about them at all.
#like god DAMN#Y’all can’t handle an imperfect teach can you?#you can’t handle a character who makes mistakes but genuinly tried his hest#who was thrown into the job even though he did not ask for it#and STILL did his best#‘he doesn’t care about sakura’#WHY THE FUCK WOULD HE PROTECT HER AND CONTINUE TO SAVE HER IN ALMOST EVERY FIGHT IF HE DIDN’T CARE#‘he didn’t teach sakura anything’ yes the FUCK he did#he taught her chakra control which she obv excelled at#and a jonin level technique that allowed her to avoid being knocked out in the konoha crunch#and allowed her to wake Naruto up as well#‘he only ever tried to push his views on Sasuke’#no he didn’t#he only told Sasuke to stop seeking revenge when sasuke turned chidori#a move kakashi taught him to face a shinobi with an impenatable defence that WANTED TO KILL PEOPLE#there is a whole year before that where he knows Sasuke’s goal and never once tells him not to seek revenge#and him not being able to connect with Sasuke doesn’t mean his intentions were not genuine#sometimes people simply don’t understand each others trauamas and struggles#even when they desperatly want to#‘he was terrible to naruto’ fucking WHERE#He chose a specific sensei to teach Naruto chakra control#recogbizing it as Naruto’s weakness#and chose a dude who was a jonin specificlly because of his teaching capabilities#as for the fucking time skip#it’s made vary obviouse even before the team splits that Kakashi and all the other Jonin are on missions constantly#that’s the whole reason Shikamaru and a bunch of genin were sent after sasuke#instead of you know#FUCKING JONIN#None of the jonin were available#they were all on missions
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suikung · 6 months ago
Hi! Can I request something with Itachi and Kisame nonconning Itachi's little sister when they go to the village to capture Naruto and she tries to protect her friend? And Itachi is really mean to her especially since he's in front of Kisame🫣 stay safe and have a good day/night💗
A knock resonated throughout Naruto’s room. Both of you weren’t expecting any guests over so it was quite strange. Naruto was quick on his feet to open the door, to careless to even ask who it was. But honestly who it was would have surely not responded back. What stand in front of him were two figures dressed in robes with straw hats. “Hey! Who are you guys?” Quickly Naruto was pushed into a wall. “A bit harsh don’t you think Itachi?” spoke the man with the sword clinging on his back. You froze. Had you heard correctly? Was the other man standing to the right, the one who had just thrown Naruto at a walk your older brother. Rage took over your body, rushing from your spot on the floor to Itachi with a kunai in hand. Immediately you were disarmed. “It seems our Jinchuriki had guests” the same man from earlier spoke up.
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“What did you do to Naruto?!” Despite being in a vulnerable state in front of them, you quickly rush over to check on your friend. He was alive but the push into the wall he received from Itachi had knocked him out cold. Ensuring his safety you turned back to the two men, “Why did you come back Itachi?” It was silent, no one dared to speak. Finally he spoke, a voice you recognized as Itachi’s but one that had lost all its emotion. “That doesn’t concern you, but now that we’re here I’ll tend to some business I left.” Could he mean he was going to kill you after not doing so the night of the Uchiha massacre? “Itachi you know this brat?” You could know see the men more clearly, having removed their hats. Itachi looked the same, those deep lines below his eyes however grew worse. What seemed to be his partner was a shark, a shark with legs the best way you could describe it.
“Well Itachi?” his partner spoke up, sounding clearly annoyed at the lack of response. “Yes, Kisame she’s my younger sister.” The man called Kisame looked stunned, clearly he did not know Itachi had a younger sibling apart from Sasuke. “Well she sure it quite the beauty. I don’t know how you just left her here when you left. Personally since I would’ve taken her with me.” It was dead silent, your heart beating faster still unsure of their next moves on you. You could only cling harder to Naruto hoping he would regain conscious soon, but it wasn’t looking as if it would happen. “I intend on taking her, just not with me back with me. You’re more than welcome to join Kisame.” Itachi appeared right behind you, dragging you off of Naruto and onto his bed. “Well well. Don’t mind if I do. I didn’t think you had it in you Itachi.”
With one hand Itachi held you down on the bed and with the other he pulled off his robe. You tried to free yourself from his hold, but even with one hand he managed to over power you. From the side appeared Kisame, disrobed as well, giving you a clear view of just how strong he looked.
“You haven’t gotten any stronger, you’re still weak (Y/n). There’s truly no way you’re be able to escape the both of us.” Itachi’ spoke, his eyes glaring at you with the sharingan. His words hurt, but they didn’t matter. You kicked your feet at him, hoping he’d retreat from you but he did not. Instead with a look he signaled to Kisame to grab your legs. However he did much worse. He pulled off your pants leaving you only in your underwear. ‘No, they’re not going to do that to me are they.’ The panic on your face evident as ever, but before you could scream for help Itachi had activated his magekyo placing you under a genjustu. Quickly they disposed of the rest of your clothes, leaving you fully naked in front of the man you once called your brother. Both men undid their pants, dropping them to the floor.
You were now positioned in an upright position, Itachi in front of you and Kisame behind you. Finally Itachi ended his genjustu, and the first thing you saw in front of you was him. Sheer horror was plastered on your face as you looked around to realize you were naked and the men around you were partially. The position made it no better. Kisame’s hands were wrapped around your waist,however they didn’t stay there long as they glided down onto your folds.
This slightly enraged Itachi, why wasn’t he the first one to touch you, but no less he’d have to step it up. His arm brought your face forward, kissing you harsh. His tongue lapped around your teeths, trying to break through your teeth. Met with resistance he squeezed your nipples, the sudden pain causing you to shriek. This allowed him to enter your map, tasting his own sister.
Kisame’s hands made quick work through your folds, landing right on your clit. This being a spot you’d never knew you had. The sudden touch on the bundle of nerves sent a chill down your spine. “I think she’s ready don’t you think Itachi?” His tone of voice almost told you he was smirking behind you. You pulled away from Itachi, tears now in your eyes a silent plea for him to reconsider.
“Mhm” was all that left him. With that Kisame lifted you up. Just enough for them to line themselves to your pussy. You had no time to prepare, a virgin, about to take two cocks. First Kisame inserted himself in, the sudden stretch left you silencing screaming. So painful no sound managed to escape you. Second was Itachi, practically ripping you apart now. The scream that had refused to come out now exerting itself full force.
No time was left for you to adjust, you probably wouldn’t even with time from the sheer combined diameter of their cocks. A synced rhythm game from them, having no trouble syncing as they were battle partners.
Itachi stared intently at you, his sharingan being activated just incase you tried to pull anything. “Don’t cry acting as if you’ve never imagined your brother taking you. You’ve always just been a little whore. I’m just finishing what I should’ve done a long time ago.” His words coming out with grunts in between. “Please Itachi, just let me go and I won’t let anyone you were here!” Despite the position you were in, you still pleaded to him. Hoping he had one ounce of remorse, the sympathies brother he once was still in him.
“You really think I’ll let you stay here? We’re taking you back with us. I can’t leave my sister here to slut herself out after experiencing having cock inside her for the first time.” Kisame laughed behind you, he couldn’t believe such a stoic man as his partner was saying this to his own family.
The men sped up, stomachs tightening up from not only being in such a tight space but from having their cocks rub against each other. “Not inside her Kisame. That’s my privilege.” Your eyes widened at his words. You weren’t stupid you knew how pregnancy came to be. “No! Itachi please. No no no!” Your pleas fell on deaf ears.
Kisame quickly pulled out releasing his seed on your lower back. Itachi on the other hand continued fucking into you, his thrusts quickening until they became sloppy. Immediately your insides warmed. He had finished inside you, he really did it.
He kissed your forehead before leaning down and whispering in your ear, “We will beat Sasuke in restoring the Uchiha clan my dear sister.”
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achilleslyre · 2 years ago
but that’s my point— he wasn’t pretending or trying to achieve heartlessness at all. isolating himself? absolutely, that’s a complete different conversation though. appearing heartless was never a goal of his. he didn’t care to work with his team since they slowed him down. he wanted to succeed as quick as possible, get power as quick as possible, to be able to be at itachis level as quick as possible. it’s because of his trauma he acted like that— he does anything to get stronger faster. i mean it’s canonical that he doesn’t even eat food he likes, he eats foods that make him stronger. him not wanting to initially work with team seven doesn’t have anything to do with attempting/pretending to be cold/heartless, it’s just about catching up to itachi. there was no facade he was ever trying to play. sasuke is an extremely up front and honest character. he’s blatant about his intentions and ideals at all times. he doesn’t play any charade.
i never said sasuke was less traumatized in shippuden? he’s literally more traumatized lol. but anyways cutting himself off from others and cutting himself off from his loving self are two different things. i wasn’t responding to his isolation, it was in response to his love. he never was cut off from that. also not that it’s important or even pushes a point but i just want to say that when you’re that young there is a huge difference between being 12-13 and being 16-17. you’re not mature at 16/17 but compared to when you were 12/13…. you’ve matured a *lot*. 3-4 years isn’t much in the grand scheme of things, but it is when you’re that young.
my chosen quote was not from after they established a relationship… it was from the academy days… literally some of their earliest days together before they were even team seven….. so i’m just gonna disregard that whole blurb lol
my point wasn’t intended to be that naruto is all consumed by his hatred, i was emphasizing the topic of the hatred inside him because that’s literally what the post is about. the point was is all his motives are based in the hatred/anger he had as a child for the situation he was put into, and that he’s not a character that is joyful or happy as a main characteristic. just that he has an actual human range in personality, but it all stems from his hatred. he most certainly is an empathetic character and exerts compassion and understanding to other characters (namely antagonists) with tragic pasts but.. the two of us definitely just view the way he interacts with his peers differently. the pranks and mischief aren’t done to gain laughter.. it’s to gain attention. he’s so attention starved as a kid that he does anything to garner it. often times his mischief doesn’t even result in laughter, just anger. so i don’t particularly see why you would interpret that as him wanting to bring joy/laughter to others. sure sometimes it does make people laugh, but it’s shown immediately in the animanga that he causes havoc which pisses people off. it’s always just been that he just wanted other people to look at him.
but he certainly isn’t only snippy and mean to authority figures. he is a major jerk to random people his age too, often times for no reason other than he didn’t like their initial impression. he teases, name calls and sometimes genuinely just tries to fight these characters. he’s just not a character that tries to bring happiness to everyone all the time. yes he certainly has empathy, and brings hope to people and inspires people and he cares deeply about the friends he does make, he’s a protagonist after all. but by observing his connections to people other than antagonists (when he has to exert his shounen protagonist model) he is often a jerk lol.
i feel that so many people seem to take the basis of naruto and sasukes characterization and switch them…. i see too many people infer naruto is made of happiness and love while sasuke of hate and anger but i have always seen naruto as a character that is full of hatred and anger and he has to let go of that with the love of others. sasuke as a character is so full of love yet he has to follow that through with grief and anger and learn to bear others hatred.
naruto never really had the heaviness of love in his heart until he went through the process of controlling kuramas chakra and had to confront the hatred inside him. frankly it says it blatantly that he had always held hatred in his heart for the situation he was forced into and the way the village treated him because of it, until he was able to accept and move past that hatred and have love for kurama and his dad and the people of his village. so i genuinely don’t understand where this notion that naruto is just pure sunshine and happiness came from. sasukes whole story starts out with wanting revenge on his brother because he loves his family and his clan so much. it’s a constant clear notion that he hurts so bad from his brother’s betrayal because he loved his brother, and that his rage against konoha is because he loved his clan that konoha sanctioned a genocide of. it’s constantly stated that the uchiha hold intense love in their hearts.
it’s sasukes connection with the people around him that formed his love where it’s the lack of that connection that formed narutos hate…. the way they expressed their emotions is very different because they’re both in insanely different scenarios no matter how much they understand the others pain. narutos hatred makes him want to finally receive the love that the village never gave him, but sasukes love makes him want the village to experience the pain that they inflicted upon him and his clan… maybe sasuke expresses his love more negatively and maybe naruto expresses his hate more positively, but that doesn’t change the fact that sasukes actions came from a place of love and narutos actions came from hate. they just needed each other to balance the other out….
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kishillaa · 4 years ago
SSM21 Day 24: Fairytale
"I really don't think I should go, Ino." Sakura, sprawling on her bed, before her was her revision book she more often than not study at when she's not busy running around the hospital for her seemingly never ending shift.
Ino is sitting on the chair of her study, wearing a camisole and short pants. Her baby blue eyes are thick with pleading emotion, "You don't have to be there long. Just until you have to go for your shift. You know I need you there. And plus, you have to go out once in a while. Till when are you planning to only stay indoor during your free time, which is rarely I might add."
"This isn't a fairytale for me to be leisurely go around and enjoy parties, Ino. I would really like the comfort of our home. My room." She said, gesturing to her room.
Ino crossed her hands over her chest and look pointedly at her bestfriend, "This isn't about a fairytale or not. You've gotta get out of this confined place once in a while. What comfort are you looking for over your books?"
Sakura push her book away a little and turn around to look at her bestfriend slash housemate. She and Ino has been bestfriends since kindergarten, while she pursue her study in medical school, Ino went on to take a major on psychology, and when she finished her study, she decided that modelling is her thing.
She's tried to be at every of her show for support but lately, she noticed that Ino has something up her sleeve. After her show that Sakura attend, she will introduce a fine young man and ditch her with him.
Sakura sighs, it might be a huge coincident that there's always a guy to introduce. Tonight though, she really couldn't go. She has a midnight shift, which started at 11. Ino's show starts at 8 and end around midnight. She has to prepare to work at least an hour prior so she could be there on time.
Mentally do the math, she thought maybe she can go home early, 9 something or 10 maybe. So she heaves another defeated sigh as Ino squeals, running towards her wardrobe to retrieve a dress for Sakura to wear.
3 hours later, Sakura found herself seated on a fancy chair facing the stage for a fashion show. It was a party like fashion show, where the show will be held during a formal dinner party.
Ino was flawless and beautiful as always, walking on the stage, styling her modelling dress and poses for pictures.
"That was great, Ino!" She exclaimed as her bestfriend approached her, "I don't understand why you were so nervous. You were perfect earlier, like you always did."
Ino giggles as she spoke, "Thanks, Sakura. But Mikoto Uchiha is my idol. To modelling her own collection she designed herself is an honor, and I was afraid I messed it up. You know how I am when I got nervous."
Sakura put her hand on Ino's shoulder in reassuring manner, "You worried for nothing, then."
Ino beamed at her, "You're the best! Anyway, I met this guy before I came here. His name is Sai and he asked if I want a drink. Do you mind if I–" She pause to smile sheepishly at her pink haired bestfriend.
Sakura rolls her eyes. Well, at least she isn't trying to hook her up with someone, "Alright, I need to head home soon, anyway."
Ino scoffs and shakes her pointing finger in Sakura's face, "Live up a little, will you? It's still early, why don't you court a few beautiful men here before you go back to that dreaded real life of yours. I'll suggest you live this great and amazing fairytale just for a moment." Ino walks away with one hand raises up for a goodbye.
Sakura lets out a snort at her bestfriend. "Fairytale my ass." She murmurs and glances at her wrist watch which she didn't often wear because of her job and decide that she'll kill a little of her time here before make her way home.
As she put the elegant cup on the tip of her mouth, her eyes caught a sight of a man, looking rather ravishingly good, standing, leaning against the wall, away from other people. His eyes train upon his iPhone, and as if sensing her eyeing him from afar, he lifts up his head and their eyes met.
Sakura feels like her breath stuck in her throat as she stares at that man's eyes himself, so devilishly handsome. She almost satisfy as his eyes moves to roam over her body – thank Ino for styling her in this pretty long dress that hug her body perfectly – and grateful that he looks up at her with a look that only meant he's interested.
Without further ado, Sakura place the glass in her hold on the table, rise herself up her seat and slowly, walk over his direction.
As she reaches him, she stopped a few steps away. Sakura tilted her head to the side. "Want a company?" And to that, ladies and gentlemen, Sakura hope the ground swallow her whole. What a lame thing to say for a good looking guy.
She almost stunt when the devil himself look amused before he nodded, "Sure."
Sakura grins up at him and move to stand beside him, leaning together against the wall as she cross her hands over her chest, "This kind of thing aren't really my forte." She told.
"That makes the two of us." She heard him mutters.
She looks at him, "Why come here then?"
"Mikoto is my mother."
Sakura's eyes almost bulged from its socket, "Mikoto? Like Mikoto Uchiha, the one hosting this party and designed those dresses?"
The guy, the handsome handsome guy lift up one eyebrow, "Yes. In fact, I wonder why you didn't recognise me yet."
Sakura chuckles lightly, "I'm sorry, Mr. Uchiha. But I don't know anything about you, or your mother, or your family. I heard my bestfriend talked about it, but never really care to know more. I came because she was one of your mother's model."
From her peripheral view, she saw him nodded, "I'm Sasuke, by the way." He said, as if detest the way she addressed him as Mr. Uchiha.
Sakura turns her body to face him, and pull out her hand, "Sakura. Sakura Haruno."
Her smiles, wide, bright and beautiful display before him and Sasuke couldn't help but hold her delicate hand in his, firmly shake it once, "It's a pleasure meeting you, Sasuke–kun." She was hesitant, as she add the honorific.
"The pleasure is all mine, Sakura."
Her name that roll out of his mouth molded through his tongue makes Sakura's heart skip a beat. Never has she ever heard her name sounded so sinfully good.
They didn't spoke after that, watching over people dancing through the ball room with the slow dance song. "You know," Sasuke heard Sakura spoke, gaining his attention to look over her, "I don't usually do this, but let's dance."
She thought he's going to decline her right away, but didn't startle when his hand is offered before her. Smiling up at him, Sakura slid her hand over his. He grips it with such gentleness and he leads them to the dance floor.
As they dance follow the tune of the song, he spoke. "You're not bad."
Sakura lets out a shy giggle and murmurs her thanks before she responded, "I was a cheerleader back in high school."
"I see."
"How about you? Do you do any sport?"
"I was in football team."
"That makes sense. What do you do now?"
He has the amused smile on his face that makes Sakura tilted her head to the side, "What?"
"You really don't know me."
"Should I?"
There is a light rise and fall of his shoulder, "I guess you don't really have to. My father own a law firm. I worked under him?"
"A lawyer then?"
A nod, "How about you?"
"Guess." She said, cheekily grins at him.
He do a once over at Sakura before he said, "A model."
That makes her snort, "Thank you for finding me that appealing. But no, I am not."
"A hint?"
"That will be too easy."
"Alright, I'll guess randomly. A teacher?"
A head shake from Sakura.
"Another lawyer?"
She chuckles, "I was interested in that when I was in school, but I found it too intense."
"A no then. I really think you'd make a nice model."
"I'm not really interested in those. I'm a residence in Konoha Hospital."
A surprise raised eyebrow, "A doctor. Surgeon?"
"Right." Sakura turn the hand that's over his neck to look at her watch. She sighs when it shows its a little over 10.
"In fact, I need to go now. My shift starts in an hour."
"Really?" That was definitely a disappointment in his tone.
Sakura let our a giggle and poke her finger on his chest, "I have a day off two days from now. Around seven in the evening at The Yakiniku?"
Sasuke lift an eyebrow teasingly, "Is it a date?"
"It's definitely a date. I need to go now. See you in two days." She pat a hand on his chest, and walk away.
That man, that beautiful, handsome and angelic face man, is probably the closest fairytale she has ever indulged herself in.
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writer-akihiko · 4 years ago
...i would like to request a part 2 of the Kennyo×Reader×Y!Nobunaga plz only if you want to I understand if you cant/dont want to I just loved it so much 😣💘❤
All For Her - Yandere!Nobunaga X Reader X Kennyo PT 2
Not gonna lie to you, it was so hard to pick an ending for this. I enjoyed writing the conclusion to this work that I'm sad to see it end. Don't worry, I have many Yandere works I'm still working on!
Because you requested for a second part, I decided to make this a bit of a more hurt/comfort type since I wanted to give you some happiness in this work.
TW: Yandere, Self-Poisoning, Hurt/comfort
"How would you like to rule the world by my side?"
Those words…
Those words were your death sentence.
"Your death will surely be my greatest victory," Nobunaga cried, swinging his sword at the monk. "The people would find it heroic how I rescued my bride from the Ikko Ikki's leader―"
"You defiled her!" Kennyo roared, unsheathing his staff. He blocked the rampant parries of the Devil King. "And you think that's love."
"This will be the last time you hold her, Kennyo."
He roared, howling at the pain of the sword. Kennyo fell to the ground, the stab to his shoulder numbing all of his senses as the blade cuts deep into his flesh.
"Perhaps YN would cast you away if I scar your face once again… Oh… How adorable she'd look to you in horror with the new scars I give you," Nobunaga teased, his menacing tone only edging his sword. "Or, I should kill you right here, and your head should be my bride's present…"
"Not so fast, Nobunaga."
A uniform of dark blue came to view, and two twin shining katanas.
"Masamune… Should I consider this a betrayal or a duel?"
"Consider this your loss," Masamune confidently chided.
"Why... Why do you defend a demon One Eyed Dragon?!"
Masamune struggles against Nobunaga's sword, pushing him away and giving distance between them. "Abbot... I'm not defending you. I'm doing this for her," He said, smiling at the man who won his Kitten's heart. "I'll let her be happy with you. Anything, just anything away from the Oda. Now go."
"You'll be in my prayers, Date."
Kennyo hung onto Ranmaru, the swishing of swords and cries of confusion dying down as Ranmaru escorts him away from the battlefield.
Masamune heaves out, taking a large blow to his chest as the Devil King of the Sixth Heaven holds a sword to his neck.
"How would you like to lose the other eye for treason, Date Masamune?"
"Apologies Lord Nobunaga."
"You owe me one, Masamune."
Ieyasu and Mitsunari raised their swords at Nobunaga, blocking the oncoming attack from reaching Masamune's neck.
"Oi, Date Dragon, don't fall just yet…" Keiji said, holding onto Masamune, with Kojuro trying to stop the bleeding from Masamune's armour.
"I won't Keiji… Not until I see her happy…" He said, passing out from the fight.
"Kennyo!" You were frightened by the red stains on his kimono as Ranmaru brought him in from the battlefield. Before you confronted Kennyo, Sasuke bowed to you, joining up with his group.
"YN, I'm glad we meet again but I must go on with Kenshin's plan."
You bowed to both Sasuke and Ranmaru, appreciating their help.
You tried to wrap and dress his wound as quickly as you could, salvaging any amount of salve you could. Kennyo winced in pain, enduring it for now.
After dressing his wound, you couldn't stop shaking. He was weak at the moment, barely opening his eyes. You could feel his hand reach out to yours, and you brought it to your cheek.
"YN… I'm sorry I couldn't protect you…" He said, trembling under the thought of the battle.
"He… He did this to you…" You whispered, frightened of the thought of Nobunaga and the terror he brought on to the battlefield.
Kennyo tapped your palm once again, bringing you to listen to him. "The Date Dragon saved me, YN… For that I am grateful…" He coughed, pressing his hand down on his chest. You quickly cleaned up any saliva that seeped out, begging him to take rest.
Enough was enough, you thought.
You couldn’t afford anyone else to be hurt.
Be it your friends in the Oda; Masamune, Hideyoshi, Ieyasu…
Or be it your friends you met through Kennyo; Kenshin, Ranmaru, Yukimura…
You couldn't.
Not for your selfish reasons.
Once Kennyo had passed out, you kissed his temple, whispering your affections and apologies.
"My love… I'm sorry… Live for me, won't you?"
You ordered one of the guards to carry you on horseback as swiftly as the horse could to the battlefield. You clutched the napkin carefully, your eyes searching for the warlords.
Without hesitation, you jumped off the horse, running up to where Ieyasu and Mitsunari were holding off Nobunaga.
Ripping off your hood, you revealed yourself to the warlords. "NOBUNAGA! I CALL TRUCE!"
Nobunaga saw your face, and he blocked off his allies, reaching out to you.
"She said, she called for truce," Kenshin said, standing next to you and guarding you.
Once all the troops had returned, you allied yourself with the Uesugi-Takeda warlords as the warlords of the Oda alliance reluctantly sided with their commander.
Nobunaga spoke first, "Now, my Princess, did you call truce to willingly return to me?"
You firmly replied, casting away your anxious subconscious at the sound of his voice, "I'd be a fool."
"Instead," You spoke again. "Let the Uesugi-Takeda leave. Let me stay with them, in exchange for the Oda claiming this land and the resources here."
They did not word it, but Kenshin and Shingen stood by you with no rebuttals. Your heart stilled at their silent agreement and support.
Shingen added on, "Consider the Princess collateral for your war, Nobunaga. With her, the alliance has reason to believe you won't be a threat to us."
Nobunaga was unimpressed, reaching for his katana. "What half-assed words… There is no benefit to the Oda in this arrangement."
The other warlords of the Oda were dumbfounded. Hideyoshi spoke up, "My lord! This is considerably generous-"
"Do not cross me."
You shivered, remembering the cold tone of that voice. No, this was not the time to give in. You threatened the warlords, revealing the needle closer to your skin. "Let me go, or you will have nothing to live for, Oda Nobunaga."
Those manipulative eyes quickly looked in horror as you pricked yourself, the poison quickly drawing into your system.
"YN!" Sasuke cried out. Yoshimoto quickly caught you, but you stopped Yoshimoto from touching the wound.
"Suffer as I did, Nobunaga."
The Devil of the Sixth Heaven, in front of his vassals, fell to his knees.
"Ieyasu!" He roared. "Heal her!"
The Tokugawa lord did not budge an inch.
Ieyasu curtly responded. "Call off the war, then I'll do it."
"Too little too late, Nobunaga," Masamune said, sheathing his katana. "Your allies will abandon you if you go on with this war."
"Lord Nobunaga, no, Nobunaga," Hideyoshi claimed. "Return the admirable lord I served, not one who falls so easily."
Kenshin chipped in, "I will retreat my troops as well, Oda. You're not a worthy opponent now, so fight me once you've gained your honour."
The Uesugi-Takeda warlords stood behind you, as Yoshimoto clutched your poisoned body.
"Foolish girl, you knew this would finish him," Yoshimoto whispered, trying to discretely draw out the poison.
"It's done. The Oda will retreat."
The moment Nobunaga said those words, Ieyasu rushed to your side, immediately drawing out the poison from your blood. "Honestly, you're such an idiot after all this time," He scolded, a tear or two slipping down his cheek.
"And not one of you has changed," You said. "Ieyasu, everyone, thank you…"
All you saw was your dearest friends crying out for you as the world turned black.
Days later, you woke up in your room at Kenshin's place. Nothing but seeing Kennyo entered your mind, as you raced to his room.
"YN?" He was well and up in his futon, being visited by the Uesugi-Takeda group.
You jumped into his arms, finally being able to feel his warmth.
"I heard what you did, my dear…" He said, sitting you on his lap. "Thank you."
You shook your head, "It was for you, for everything you'd granted to me. My freedom, my livelihood… and love," You said, looking up to your lover. "For that, Kennyo, may I marry you and can we stay together until our time ends?"
Kennyo himself was shocked, not expecting such words from you. He turned red, and unexpectedly the warlords still didn't leave the room.
"C'mon old friend! Your lovely lady proposed to you!" Shingen cheered on.
Sasuke and Yoshimoto nodded. "What a wholesome ending," Yoshimoto added on.
"Gosh, why do I have to witness th-"
Yukimura was quickly silenced by his lord and his best friend. Kenshin simply smiled, drinking his sake in response.
Kennyo hugged you, his tears soaking your kimono. "My love… I will. I will live for you and stay with you until our time ends."
"You swear on it?"
"Of course, it’s all for you."
"LN Kenta! Are you listening?!"
The boy slumped his head to the desk, reiterating the history lesson, "-And the leader Ikko Ikki was rumoured to have escaped the battlefield with Lady LN YN but no proof has ever been found except for a bear made by Lady LN left in Kennyo's temple…"
"Right!" The history teacher exclaimed. "Next test will be about Oda Nobunaga's married life, including the tale of Lady LN and all relating battles…"
Kenta shuffled out of the classroom, slinging his jacket over his shoulders and then and there, he saw his lover Mai waiting for him.
"You could've eaten on your own…"
She smiled at her boyfriend, leaning on his shoulder. "Well, food's better when you're around people you love!"
Unbeknownst to the couple's eyes, a stalking figure of the captain of the baseball team watched them, his gaze envious at LN Kenta.
"Oi! Oda-senpai!"
"Oda Nozaki! Hurry up!"
The dark haired boy shifted away from his hiding spot, putting on his cheerful façade in front of his kouhai and friends. "Guys! I'm here…"
"Sheesh… Took you long enough…"
"I bet Oda-senpai was staring at the Drama Club's tailor again… Katakura Mai-san right?"
Nozaki shushed his teasing kouhai, shoving their caps straight on. "Hey, don't waste your time on gossip. We've got a war to train for."
"It's just a friendly match Nozaki!"
As the group went ahead, Nozaki trailed behind, taking one more glance at his beloved Mai.
It's alright, my little fireball. This rivalry between me and Kenta…
It's all for you.
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nejibaby · 4 years ago
Love Language
Pairings: Neji x Y/N
A/N: First time writing a fic for Neji. In fact, this is my first time writing a fanfic involving anime characters. But I’m so whipped for Neji I couldn’t stop myself from writing this. Please let me know your thoughts about this. 💜
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When you opened your eyes from your sleep, you immediately knew you were having one of those days. “Those days” meaning the days where you feel a need for skinship. It was one of those days where you were feeling extremely clingy.
Oh but the skinship you crave doesn’t necessarily have to lead to sex or anything, you just wanted physical touch. It was something you find comforting. It was, after all, your love language.
So when you peeked to the other side of the bed — your boyfriend Neji’s side — you couldn’t help but want to press yourself closer to him. But knowing that he was a light sleeper was enough reason to stop yourself from doing what you want. He just came home from a mission last night and he deserved to rest as much as he can.
You watched his profile as he took deep, even breaths — a telltale sign that he was fast asleep. You slowly and gently touched the side of his face, pausing still as you checked if he woke up at your movement. When you deemed that he was still asleep, you lightly rubbed your thumb over his cheeks, just a featherlight touch but an act where you poured your love for him.
You slowly rose up from the bed and placed a soft kiss on his forehead, exactly where his curse mark lied. Afterwards, you whispered, “I love you, Neji.”
It was the first time you’ve said those three words out loud. You felt a little but guilty for not being able to say it when he’s awake, but it’s not just something you can say out of the blue. Besides, you have to build up courage to actually be able to say it. Right now though, right now you were still a coward.
He stirred a little in his sleep. You were alarmed, afraid that you had woken him up or worse, that he had heard your confession. But his movement stopped when you ran your fingers through his hair. When you are sure he has fallen back into slumber, you slip out of the bed.
The Hokage, Tsunade, assigned a mission to you today so you had to get up early if you wanted to cook breakfast for Neji.
At a young age your parents taught you the importance of learning other people's love languages in order to build a good relationship with them. That’s how you found yourself observing what makes your friends happy. You wouldn’t tell them this though. You were quite sure they’d end up teasing you for worrying over trivial things.
You were sure your love language was physical touch because you often find yourself happily linking arms with Sakura or passionately fist bumping with Naruto. Not to mention you would hug them goodbye instead of waving your hands. It probably meant nothing much to them, but to you, it made you feel loved and accepted. It warmed your heart.
From observation, you learned that Naruto was happiest when people acknowledge him and his hard work so you made it a point to cheer him on and to give him words of affirmation from time to time. With Sakura, she likes to spend as much time as possible with you when you both don’t have missions to do. You were guessing she was lonely because of Sasuke leaving but it could also be because she was an only child and wasn’t really fond of her parent’s shenanigans. Either way, she was always up for quality time.
You were the closest with these two so you made it a point to act according to their love language. And just like what your parent’s said, it worked on strengthening your bond with them.
It was with them that you confided with your little crush on Neji. At first they found it weird. Because how can someone so sweet like you take a liking to someone who was a little… cold? Detached?
You chastised them immediately after hearing what they’ve said, claiming that Neji was honorable, strong, smart, good looking, and just overall dreamy.
Sakura giggled at how you zoned out with hearts on your eyes as you uttered those words and that’s when she knew you were serious.
Naruto, on the other hand, was cringing. He knew how mean and condescending Neji could be. It was painted on his face how he didn’t like Neji for you. But at least your crush wasn’t Sasuke.
When you got your bearings together, you immediately turned to Naruto and told him to keep his mouth shut. You recalled saying, “Naruto, If you ever talk about my teeny tiny crush, I’m going to leave Konoha all together, just like Sasuke did!”
You were exaggerating, of course. You wouldn’t leave Konoha just because of that, but your speech worked on Naruto. You recalled that his eyes widened in surprise and then promised that he won’t tell a soul. You doubted if he could keep a secret but eventually, you just didn’t care anymore. It was just a crush anyway, it wasn’t a big deal and it wouldn’t matter if he knew. If anything, you both weren’t really that close to begin with, so there’s no friendship that could’ve been ruined. And besides, Neji has always been the all-business type of guy, you were sure a little crush was something insignificant to him.
When Naruto left the village to train with Master Jiraiya, you eventually became closer with the other shinobis that were more or less closer to your age. This includes Tenten, Lee, Ino, Shikamaru, Choji, Kiba, Shino, Hinata, and surprisingly, Neji too.
It all started when Sakura had begun training with Lady Tsunade. You’ve been assigned to a lot of missions where you were teamed up with different shinobis, but what was weird was that Neji was almost always on your team.
You just wished Lady Tsunade was assigning both of you often in one team because you were always both free at the same time or that you worked well together or that you were both very skilled and had high success rates on missions. Any rational reasoning really, as long as it’s not because Sakura had pulled some strings.
At first you were really nervous about teaming up with Neji on missions, afraid that you were going to mess up in his presence. But when the initial nerves died down, you’ve masked whatever little feelings you’ve had for him quite well. Not that it was hard. In fact, it was easy for you because you prioritize the safety of the village before anything else.
But the missions truly did make both of you closer. What started as only speaking about the missions became casual talks about your friends. Nothing much, mostly small talk, but it was enough to ignite the small flame in your heart.
When you arrived back from your missions, despite being tired, you would always gather your friends around to hang out before another mission was handed to you.
Being a jonin meant you were assigned to more higher rank missions, but sometimes, it just meant having much, much more missions than normal. It was tiring, only having a day or two to rest unless you were injured before another mission was handed over. So somehow it became a tradition of some sorts to gather around after you’ve finished a mission. After all, only you and Neji were jonins in the group.
Unbeknownst to you, your friends viewed you as someone who glued them together. You were the reason why they were much closer than before, now that Naruto wasn’t around. So when possible, they would make it a point to meet with you, knowing how lonely it could be now that you were alone after your parents died when Orochimaru attacked Konoha.
Sakura would often give you a look when Neji was around as all of you spend time with each other catching up. He rarely joined the gathering, preferring to rest instead of socializing. But every now and then he would come too. And when he did, somehow Sakura found a way to make him walk you home. Not that he wouldn’t do it without Sakura urging him to.
Ever since that one mission where you, Neji, and Shino were ambushed, Neji became much closer to you. Maybe it was because when one of the attackers somehow managed to stab him, you came to the rescue.
You were an exceptional kunoichi, your skills were one of the most regarded in the village so you were able to bring down most of the attackers, but not before they left a huge gash on your leg. When the fight was over, you rushed to Neji to heal him using medical ninjutsu that Sakura taught you. Luckily, Shino was only left with a few scratches.
“You know medical ninjutsu?” Neji asked, surprised.
“Yeah. A little. Sakura taught me every now and then when I’m not on a mission.”
“You should heal yourself first.”
“No, I’m fine. Your wound needs more attention than mine.”
It was true, his wound looks a lot worse than yours, but in the end you managed to heal it. However, it took too much chakra from you so with whatever minimal chakra you could use, you tried healing your wound as well. But that left you tired and weak which didn’t go unnoticed by Neji’s byakugan.
You were able to walk for a mile before your body couldn’t anymore. Neji has been looking out for you after you’ve healed him just in case this happened.
“We should probably rest a while,” Neji says.
“No, no. It’s just a few more miles to Konoha. We should keep going,” you say.
Neji looks at Shino, silently asking if they should continue or not.
Shino nods ahead, “It’s much safer if we reach the village as soon as possible. Why? Because you are both not in good shape from the ambush. If we stayed here longer, we might get attacked again. If we push through going back to the village, we’ll reach it before sunset.”
Neji looks at you and then nods his head. “I will carry you.”
Before you could resist, you were already on his back and he was already jumping through branches.
You wrapped your arms around him so as not to fall. He felt warm and you felt safe. A weak smile found its way to your face, grateful that you had comrades looking out for you.
You even allowed yourself to be giddy because of the fact that Neji was there, carrying you to safety.
“I’m sorry,” you say. Your body was shutting down from exhaustion but before you lost consciousness you said, “And th-thank you, Neji.”
Sakura had been waiting by the village gates knowing you were supposed to arrive that day. She perked up upon seeing Shino but then tensed when she saw you being carried by Neji. “What happened?”
“There was an ambush when we were on the way back after the mission. I was careless. I got stabbed. Y/N and Shino fought them off. She healed me but she lost a lot of chakra in the process.” He explains in one breath.
“Let’s get her to the hospital.”
Since that day, you became so much closer with Neji. Whenever he finds you walking alone, he’d offer to walk with you. When you were both assigned on missions, you noticed he started bringing food pills for you. When you were somehow at the training grounds at the same time, he’d hand you an extra bottle of water.
You figured it was his way of thanking you. Nevertheless, the gestures made your heart flutter.
You weren’t going to let him be the only one who’s being thoughtful, so when you trained together, you’d make sure you brought an extra towel for him to use to wipe off his sweat. Sometimes you’d even bring him food, claiming you miscalculated the amount of food you cooked. You weren’t sure if he caught on with your little crush, but you sure hoped he didn’t. The smile on his face as he thanked you for these little gestures was heartwarming to say the least. And it was enough to make your week better.
You weren’t quite sure when Neji had started to take a liking to you but you remembered a time where your friends pointed it out to you.
It was a day after Neji completed a long mission. He seeked you out so he can train with you. You immediately agreed, knowing you didn’t have anything planned that day.
When you were both finished, drained from the intense training, you handed him a towel as he gave you a bottle of water. You were both trying to catch your breath when a voice came calling out your name. You both turned to the source of the sound.
Once you saw it was, you squealed and immediately came running towards him, engulfing him in a bear hug. “Lee!” You exclaimed.
He laughs and spins you around. “How has the prettiest flower in Konoha been?”
You snort. “I think you meant the strongest kunoichi next to the Hokage.”
“That works too.” He brings you down and notices Neji watching the interaction. You both walk towards Neji and Lee says, “I see you have been training with my rival.”
“Yes. Neji helps me train when he’s around. He just came back from a mission yesterday.”
“I see. What do you say, Neji, will you indulge me in a battle?” Lee says as he throws punches and kicks in the air.
Neji’s eye twitches, “Sorry, Lee. I’m tired.”
By the time Neji replied though, Lee was already counting push-ups. It was impossible to be able to talk to him when he’s in the zone so you and Neji just let him be and walk away.
When you were both away from Lee, Neji clears his throat and asks, “Have you always been that close to Lee?”
You were confused by the sudden question. “Hm. I guess so. We’re all friends, right? But we got a lot closer recently. When you were away on a mission, Lee kept bugging everyone to train with him since you and Guy sensei were away. But well, no one really wanted to train with him because they were busy with other stuff. And since my training buddy,” you nudged his elbow, “was away, I agreed. Honestly, his timing couldn’t have been better. Kakashi sensei just taught me a new water style jutsu and I was trying to see if I can weave the signs faster. Lee was the perfect partner for the job.”
You frown, what does that mean? “Is there something wrong, Neji?”
You let it go, not wanting to make him uncomfortable. Just as you were about to round the corner going to your house, you halted, “Oh, I forgot I was supposed to meet Sakura today!”
“Okay. I will walk you there.”
“Thank you, Neji,” you said as you felt your cheeks blush.
When you found Sakura, you greeted her with a hug while whispering, “I need to talk to you about something.”
She gave you a look but nodded anyway. You turned back to Neji and thanked him for training and walking with you.
He nods and tells you that he’ll be heading out then.
“What happened?” Sakura asks.
Just as you were about to answer, Tenten came running towards the both of you, “Oh, there you are!”
“Tenten, what’s up?”
“What do you say we get together and do it up a little? At Yakiniku-Q.”
You and Sakura turn to each other. She just shrugs. “Sure.”
Tenten smiled brightly and dragged you two to find Ino and Hinata.
Tenten found Ino first. She was with Choji and Shikamaru. Tenten immediately went to Ino to talk about her plan. Meanwhile, Choji scoops you up in a hug. You laugh, “Well someone’s eager to see me.”
“I haven’t seen you in a while!” He exclaims as he puts you down.
You hang your arms around Choji and Shikamaru’s shoulders, “Yeah, I’ve been training nonstop. How are you guys?”
Shikamaru whispers under his breath, “How troublesome” but you ignore him.
“We’ve been on missions here and there.”
You were supposed to respond but Choji’s attention has shifted to Tenten and Ino when he heard “Yakiniku.”
“Yakiniku?! I’m in! I’m in!”
“You guys aren’t invited.” Tenten declared.
“Huh? Why?” Choji frowns.
“Because it’s time for just us girls to hang out. Right? Let’s have a girls-only get-together!”
“Sorry, Choji. I’ll treat you next time!” You console him.
“Alright! We just have to find Hinata then.” Tenten says.
When she was able to convince Hinata to join, you all went to Yakiniku-Q together. As you entered the store, you silently asked Sakura, “Why do you think Tenten invited us here?”
“I’m not sure. But I think everyone’s a little bit down from missing Naruto.”
“I miss him…” You say wistfully. And a little bit loudly. You only noticed it when you looked up and found that Ino, Hinata, and Tenten were all looking at you. And then you turned your head, you saw that your male friends were there too, by the other table, looking at you as well.
You flushed at the sudden attention and stepped behind Sakura in an attempt to hide yourself.
Kiba was the first to break the silence, “Oi! Who do you miss, huh?” He says teasingly, moving his eyebrows up and down.
You felt yourself becoming redder and redder as you found Neji looking at you and Kiba curiously, but with a slight downturn of his mouth.
“Is it—”
You lounged at him to cover his mouth before he was able to finish his sentence. “Don’t you dare, Kiba.”
He raises his hands in surrender. You reluctantly remove your hand from his mouth. Lucky for you, he remains quiet, but he has a smirk on.
Sakura pulls you away to lead you to the girls’ table. You kept eye contact with Kiba as you mouth, I’m watching you while glaring at the man.
“Why did you even react like that when you were just talking about Naruto?” She whispered.
“Have you seen Kiba? He kept subtly looking between Neji and me. I’m pretty sure he’d tell on me right then and there so I had to stop him.”
“Why didn’t you just say it was Naruto?”
“I could have but the undertone in his voice sounded like he was implying I have feelings with the person I miss.” You explained exasperated.
Sakura just sighed.
You dropped the conversation as the girls started talking about what to order and how great the deals were. You immediately relaxed and smiled, happy to be in the presence of your friends.
You took a peek at the other table to check if Kiba had said anything, only to be met with Neji’s eyes focused on you. You stilled, not expecting him to be looking at you. You gave him a small smile and a wave, he just nodded, face devoid of any emotion and then he turned away.
You frowned.
Tenten was cooking the meat while the rest of the girls had engaged in small talk. You joined in the conversation every now and then but your mind was occupied by how weird Neji was acting.
Your friends were quick to notice it. Tenten handed you a serving of the cooked meat, “What’s bothering you?” She asked softly.
“You don’t seem yourself, Y/N…” Hinata said.
You quickly shook your head, “I’m fine.”
“Didn’t you have something you want to talk about?” Sakura pipes up.
You groan, knowing full well you weren’t going to escape this conversation. “So there’s this guy,” you pause as you took a bite off of the cooked meat Tenten gave you.
“You mean Neji?” Ino asks.
You suddenly choked on your food at the sound of his name.
The girls laughed at your reaction. “Well that’s embarrassing,” you muttered as your cheeks flushed pink. You look at Hinata, you were suddenly shy that your dilemma involved her cousin.
She nodded and offered you a smile so warm you feel your shyness dissipate. “Wa-was I that o-obvious?” You stuttered.
“Not really.” Ino chimed in. “Sakura here was the one who’s obvious. She’d always look between the two of you when he’s hanging out with the group. Not to mention the amount of times she asked Neji to walk you home. I’m pretty sure everyone in our group of friends caught on it already.”
You narrowed your eyes on Sakura and she cringed. “I’m sorry!”
You deflated and then shrugged your shoulders, “Doesn’t matter. As long as he’s not aware. Wait! He’s not aware, right?” You look at Tenten and Hinata.
“I’m not sure, I don’t think he’s ever mentioned it.” Tenten said.
You turned to Hinata in question, “He’s not really the type to share about those things.”
“Right.” You said before taking another bite on your food.
“So are you gonna tell us what happened?”
“It’s probably nothing.” You casually replied.
“Out with it.” Sakura said, her patience wearing thin as you tried to skirt around the topic.
You sighed but told them anyway. You told them what happened earlier after you finished training with Neji and then the conversation you had after you saw Lee. You even told them about the small interaction that happened at the shop while you all ate.
“I never thought he was that type.” Ino broke the silence after you told them the story.
You looked at her with curiosity. “What type?”
“The jealous type.”
Ino might as well have grown two heads with how you looked at her then. “Huh?” was all you could ever think to say.
“It’s obvious he likes you.” Tenten teased.
“If it was obvious then I would have known. I’m pretty sure we’re just good friends.” You said matter-of-factly.
Everyone groaned at what you’ve said, even Hinata. “You’re so dense,” Ino muttered.
“If he only sees you as a friend then why does he keep on stealing glances at you every now and then?” Tenten asked.
“What are you talking about?”
She discreetly pointed her finger towards Neji’s direction. You whipped your head to see and, lo and behold, there was Neji staring at you, but he was quick to turn away. You blushed and your friends giggled at the interaction.
“I’m too sober for this conversation.” You declared as your friends continued to tease you. “Alright, let’s drink!” was the last thing you said before you pushed the thoughts of Neji aside.
You smiled at the memory. If Neji’s jealousy hadn’t been pointed out by your friends, you would have never started acting on your feelings. And you wouldn’t even be here waking up early cooking breakfast for him. You wouldn’t be the receiver of his kisses or hugs although you only got them in the confines of your house.
You were naturally affectionate, Neji knew this and he would indulge you with affection privately. In all honesty, if it was up to you, you would be holding his hand in public for the world to see, maybe even peck him on the lips from time to time, and hug him as much as possible.
However, Neji was a private person so you assumed he didn’t like public displays of affection. You respected that. But that doesn’t mean he doesn’t get a little bit jealous when he sees Lee lift you up and spin you around or when he sees you and Kiba playfully pretend to fight which somehow always ends up with you on Kiba’s back or when Choji wraps you in a hug. Shikamaru and Shino aren’t as affectionate as the others but sometimes he’d find you slinging your arms over their shoulders. It bothered him sometimes. But all his worries quickly vanish at the end of the day, knowing it was he who gets to hold you at night and he who gets to see you first in the morning.
Coincidentally, you had your own worries when it comes to not being able to be affectionate with Neji in public. Sometimes your insecurities got the best of you. You would hear unreasonable voices in your head. Maybe he’s not proud of me. Maybe he only sees me as a temporary lover. Maybe I’m not good enough.
But you know this isn’t true when you find him looking at you with his loving eyes. He’d always give you the softest look that warms you more than hugs do. It was a look reserved for you only and it satiates all your thirst for affection, more than physical intimacy can.
You know he feels your love just as much from the way you’d cook him food, heal his injuries and brush his hair. Neji was an independent man, but somehow you made yourself so important that he found himself depending on you more. This wasn’t a problem for you because if it’s for Neji, you’d gladly accept such responsibilities. Always. Just for him.
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fangirlandiknowit101 · 4 years ago
I figured out what to do to celebrate 5,000 kudos. I think it's finally time to post the snippet I wrote for The sun within me at the very start, at the same time I wrote the first chapter. Probably means I never meant it as a crack fic after all, even if all my chapter notes were absolutely unhinged (and at some point I'll post all of those, too).
Pretty sure I haven't posted it before, and that only @evakaname had the privilege to read it just after I wrote it (and you probably forgot it bc it was sooo many years ago).
I'll post it even though, in a way, it can probably fit into the actual fic. I won't say it's a spoiler because it's part of a very different storyline, as you'll notice on Sasuke's characterization, except it's also about when everything is over, and it's time to go home. But it's not going to be part of the fic itself (though I'm sure many of you imagined a conversation like this happening at some point).
For anyone who wonders which one of them "the sun" refers to, and to everyone who thought it was Naruto... Well, in the very beginning it was supposed to be Sasuke...
I wrote this almost exactly seven years ago *wipes tear* can't believe how time passes!!
He saw them at a distance, walking together, smiling, laughing; Itachi ruffling his alter ego’s hair and earning himself a playful shove in return.
He couldn’t do that.
He didn’t know how to smile like that, had forgotten what sound his laughter made.
It settled like a weight in his heart, the knowledge, that no matter how he tried he would never reach their level.
This Itachi would never smile at him the way his real brother did. Even if it was just an aching memory now it was precious to him. He’d thought staying here was an easy way out, the possibility to start over and have everything he’d ever dreamt of.
Averting his eyes, he turned and was met with blue piercing through him. Blue, that refused to back off, refused to give him space, refused to fucking give up. He bit the inside of his cheek harder, only noticing now he was biting it at all. The pain grounded him, steadied his concept of reality that had gotten so messed up the past weeks.
Naruto came closer, stepped into his personal space, as if that space still existed between them. Naruto didn’t think so, obviously, not with the way his hand lightly cupped his neck and not with how his breath washed over his mouth. So close he could easily fill his nostrils with the familiar scent.
Lips were brushing his now, and Naruto’s fingers caressed his palm, lining up their marks but not letting them touch. He could feel the strange yet familiar pulse in his palm, like he was sending out little chakra bursts for Naruto to catch.
“Maybe your face forgot how,” Naruto started, voice barely audible, eyes too easy to drown in, “but I know your heart remembers. You can still smile, you still have a sun within you.”
Sasuke couldn’t force down a snort, and the sound felt odd in his ears. Out of place. Just like him.
“Crescent moon here, remember?” he said, pressing their palms together, finally, grasping Naruto’s hand with more desperation than he wanted to acknowledge.
Naruto’s brows mirrored his, slanting downwards, eyes still soft as his tone hardened.
“You do know that the only reason we can see the moon is because it reflects sunlight, right?”
“So you’re saying I’m only here because of you.”
The words hung between them, heavy in the silence, a light breeze picking up to tousle their hair causing dark strands to momentarily block his view.
“I’m certainly only here because of you,” Naruto said, not even needing to sound convinced because they both knew it to be the truth.
Again they stared at each other in silence, trying to read each other’s hearts, trying not to notice the conflict that stirred from the same argument over and over. His palm burned, reminding him of hot and heady, of blissful blindness.
“I’m not ruled by hormones,” he forced out, stubbornly, clenching his teeth when Naruto groaned and moved his hand from neck to collar and shook him in frustration.
“You’re so fucking needy, Sasuke! You need love in your life, you need happiness and you fucking need to be hugged! What’s so hard to accept?! It’s not a weakness you total shithead!”
Sasuke glared, cold daggers embedding themselves in tan skin, twisting with a satisfying though imaginary result.
Naruto didn’t care.
“I’ve waited for you for so long, do you understand that? I’ve waited for you to escape your darkness, waited for you to settle into life again, waited for you to realize this place isn’t home for either of us, and you know what? I’m going to wait forever if I have to, because you’re my best friend, my most important person and my soul fucking hurts just thinking about being separated from you again.”
Still close, too close, Sasuke could feel Naruto’s chest heave against his own, feel his nails threaten to tear through the fabric of his shirt.
“Say you’re a crescent moon or whatever the hell you want, I’m still not giving up on the part of you that shines on its own.”
Any moment now the skin on his palm would start to burn off, would crumble into ashes. It was unbearable and he was at a loss. He used his free hand to grab the back of Naruto’s head, intertwining fingers with soft hair, pushing their foreheads together harshly.
“I hate you. I hate my life, I hate everything that ever happened to me. Understand? Or do I have to break it to you in simpler words, you, you moron, you goddamn blockhead…”
He sucked in a shaky breath, eyes closed and Naruto’s warmth enveloping him so easily. Lips touched his, gentle turning rough as he kissed back, pushed himself into the heat that always overwhelmed him, had him torn between moving closer and shoving a chidori down Naruto’s throat. Teeth clashed and tongues licked soothingly, everything was too bright and too electrical. Blinding.
It didn’t mean he agreed with Naruto.
It didn’t mean everything was solved between them.
It just meant that Naruto had managed to defrost a tiny part of him, probably some place insignificant, yes, maybe his toes he thought as an arm snuck around his back to hold him securely. His fingers curled around Naruto’s nape as wet kisses were placed along his jaw, his head tilting involuntarily and he was going to beat Naruto up later.
When he got his sword back, he’d run it through the dobe a couple times, to prove his point. That shitty fox would heal him anyway.
“Sasuke,” Naruto breathed in his ear, and he was blind.
So incredibly blind.
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dimigex · 3 years ago
Beautiful, Perfect Disaster - KakaSaku
A03, FF
This is an old piece that has been waiting on me for too long. I've decided to start lightly editing the mostly finished pieces I have to clear out doc. Also, @birkastan2018 I believe we talked about this story once, and you wanted to see this whenever I finished it!
The sun sank beneath the horizon, gold and orange deepening to purple or blue as stars fought their way through dusk. Kakashi sat at his desk with a stack of paperwork beside him; the words had begun to blur together. He stubbornly refused to admit that his vision wasn't what it had been ten years ago. Thirty-three and already an old man, Kakashi thought. He blamed it on the stress of raising genin, then leading the village; it had nothing to do with age.
Truth be told, Kakashi should have gone home hours ago. The summer sun set well after the end of the day for most office jobs, but he wanted to try and get ahead of his workload. It kept his mind from wandering to all the things that he didn't have. There was no one for him to rush home to, no one who cared if he spent an extra three hours working on reports, or even stayed at the office all night.
Popping his neck, Kakashi rose and removed the Hokage's robes. The hat rested on an empty chair on the opposite side of his desk. He only wore them when necessary, but hadn't bothered to change back after his last meeting. Even the newly designed jonin armor felt more natural, though he wasn't wearing that beneath the robes today. The charcoal grey pants and undershirt were comfortable enough since he'd planned to be at his desk all evening. It wasn't as if half a dozen Anbu wouldn't appear at the first sign of danger, anyway.
With one glance at the work still piled on the desk, Kakashi turned toward the door. He started to open it, then stepped back in surprise at finding a figure in the shadowed hallway. Sakura glanced up at the sound, lip caught between her teeth and eyes puffy from crying. Kakashi did a double take, hating the way his chest tightened at the sight of her. When he said her name as a question, the girl forced a fragile smile onto her lips. Then, her facade crumbled, and a single tear slipped free of her left eye.
The protective barrier shattered, and Sakura threw herself forward with a sob. Kakashi managed to catch her awkwardly, if only to keep them from falling to the floor in a tangle of limbs. Her arms curled around his middle, body achingly warm in a way that had nothing to do with the summer heat outside. Belatedly, Kakashi realized that Sakura wore jonin blues and no armor over it. He struggled to suck a breath around the lump in his throat. "What happened?"
Tears spilled out of Sakura along with broken words. "Sasuke said I'm too clingy and needy, that he's already told me that we'll never work together. And he has, I shouldn't have tried to get him to spend time with me when he was back in the village. I shouldn't have-"
The next words were muffled when Sakura hid her face against Kakashi's chest. As the dampness of her tears bled through his shirt, hot anger stirred in his gut. Kakashi normally prided himself on his ability to divorce emotion from his life, but not this time. Sakura's hands tightened, and his heart hammered hard enough that he feared Sakura would be able to hear the sound. He struggled to draw breath through his constricted throat.
Thankfully, heartbreakingly, Sakura pulled away and wiped her eyes with trembling fingers. "I'm sorry. You must think I'm being terribly childish."
"Not at all," a voice that sounded very much like Kakashi's answered. Then, it continued. "I think he's a fool who never deserved you in the first place."
Sakura's green eyes widened. She pulled back until they stood half a dozen feet apart: Sakura shy and embarrassed and Kakashi conflicted by the truth he hadn't meant to say.
Her eyes searched his, looking for Kami only knew what, then she nodded. "Thank you for saying that."
"It's true." Kakashi had more control over his voice this time, but barely. "What you have with Sasuke isn't love; it's not supposed to hurt this way."
Heat flared between them, and Sakura closed the distance to glare up at Kakashi. "And you're an expert on it?"
Of course not, Kakashi thought. Look at how poorly I've handled this. For months, I've felt something, but I refused to admit it until it came spilling out like poison. Kakashi couldn't say that. Sakura's anger wasn't directed at him, anyway. He could bear the brunt of her fury if that's what she needed. He could bear a lot of things. "I know enough to see that this isn't it."
Kakashi knew that he'd made a mistake when Sakura looked at him with a mixture of pain and disbelief. The room spun, and he thought that he might be sick. He fought the nausea down and took a half step in her direction. "I'm sorry."
"For what?" Sakura spat. Somehow, she drew herself up, towering over Kakashi in her fury. "For lecturing me about something you don't understand? For acting like you cared about me? For-"
"For falling in love with you." The words hung between them for a moment, louder than the echo of Sakura's anger.
Kakashi had never looked squarely at the thought, never viewed what was happening between them as more than general protectiveness. But now, he knew it for what it was. He let out a breath and closed the distance between himself and Sakura. "I'm sorry, but you deserve someone who won't put you second or third or fourth every time."
"And, that better is you?" Sakura's voice changed in a way that Kakashi couldn't quantify. It had a breathy quality, an uncertainty, but he couldn't read the tone over the buzzing in his ears. "Is that what you mean?"
Kakashi forced out a humorless laugh at the suggestion. "No."
"You're just like Sasuke," Sakura accused, stepping into Kakashi's space. "You throw that word around so easily that it doesn't mean anything."
"I am nothing like Sasuke," Kakashi ground out, biting off each word. Icy numbness and burning anger surging through him in turns.
Could Sakura honestly believe that Kakashi would say something like that to make her feel better if he didn't mean it? That he'd make up a lie to help her forget the stupid boy who had never loved her or protected her the way that she deserved? Sasuke had always been more empty words and broken promises than anything else. Kakashi had broken only one, one that he made to himself months ago.
It would be easy to cross the line now, everything was falling apart anyway. Kakashi could pull Sakura back against his chest and show her how inadequate words were. Except, he couldn't bring himself to do so. He's already said far more than he should have, more than he ever thought he'd have the opportunity to say.
Sakura looked up at Kakashi through teary lashes, eyes red and puffy. She didn't speak at first, didn't respond to the venom in his voice. Then, she challenged him with her stare. "Did you mean it?"
The hope in Sakura's voice made Kakashi ache and his lungs clench. "I can't-."
Before Kakashi could finish his thought, Sakura scoffed and turned away. HIs hand caught her wrist, gentle enough that she could pull free if she wanted to. Then, a voice that sounded so much like Kakashi's spoke without his permission. "You deserve more than I could ever give you."
Sakura exhaled and leaned in enough for Kakashi to feel the residual heat from her body against his. Her hands came up and brushed Kakashi's cheek, pulling a soft sigh from his throat. Emboldened, she hooked her fingers in the fabric of his mask. Sakura paused at the whispered warning of her name, fingertips slipping away from the fabric, then asked, "did you mean it?"
Kakashi couldn't deny the truth, not with those brilliant green eyes shining up at him. "Yes."
Rising on her tiptoes, Sakura pressed her lips to Kakashi's, the fabric of his mask between them. The tentative brush made his knees weak, especially when her hands slipped down to his shoulders. Closing his arms around her felt like the most natural thing in the world as the room tipped around him.
Kakashi waited for some sign that Sakura felt the same, some indication that everything had changed, but she didn't speak. He took courage from the fact that Sakura didn't pull away at least. Kakashi raised one hand to trace the delicate curve of her lips and felt the shiver that raced through her body. He couldn't breathe through the fabric of his mask, so he lowered it.
Sakura's eyes remained squeezed shut when Kakashi lightly kissed her forehead. He whispered against the skin, hardly recognizing his voice. "I didn't mean to make things more difficult. If you don't feel the same, we can pretend like this never happened."
"Can we," Sakura asked Kakashi's chest, head dropping forward to rest against him.
When Sakura's eyes didn't rise to meet his, a swirl of anxiety twisted through Kakashi. His heart pounded hard enough to break his ribs when he hummed in agreement. "If that's what you want."
The words came easily, but Kakashi didn't know if they were true. He had only recently started to realize that the anger and fury he felt when Sakura talked about Sasuke went beyond friendship. If she turned away from him now, he would accept it, but things would never be the same. He feared what the kiss had done to their relationship, even as he longed to pull her closer.
Kakashi didn't push Sakura for an answer. He waited without speaking until she lifted her gaze. Sakura paused, taking in both the familiarity and foreignness of the face that she'd seen through a mask for so many years. Kakashi forced himself to smile like his entire life wasn't hanging on her answer.
Sakura's hand came up a second time, tracing the bare skin. It took every ounce of self control that Kakashi possessed not to pull her tighter. Then, with aching slowness, she rose to kiss him. Colors exploded behind Kakashi's eyelids at the warmth of Sakura's lips against his. The curve of her body beneath his hands, the touch against skin so unused to it-everything left the room spinning.
They parted slowly, just enough to draw a breath but Kakashi couldn't stop the way his head tipped back toward Sakura's. He tasted her breath on his lips and almost crossed the line a third time. In that instant, he knew that he would never be able to go back to just friends. This moment, no matter what came from it, would be cemented in his memory forever. He would never be able to look at Sakura without remembering the soft curl of her hands in his shirt or the pattern of freckles he'd never noticed across the bridge of her nose.
After a moment, Sakura let out her breath in a whoosh that made Kakashi's knees weak. Then, she looked up and smiled so beautifully that it made his heart skip a beat. "I want to know if it's ever more than empty words."
A dozen flippant replies rose in Kakashi's throat, but he quieted them at the memory of what drove Sakura to his arms in the first place. None of his replies would have been enough to convey the depth of what he wanted to say. He raised one hand to brush her cheek, then slid down to tilt her chin. Sakura sighed when Kakashi met their lips together a third time, a breathy uncertain sound that knotted his stomach.
For a moment, Kakashi felt trapped on the edge of a precipice with logic and safety on one side, the unknown spanning below him. He tightened the arm around Sakura's waist, pulling her closer as he surrendered to the dizzying emotions spiraling through his chest. If Sakura needed something more than words, he could offer actions.
Kakashi poured every ounce of withheld longing into his touch, dropping his walls in a way that he'd never done for anyone else. Sakura melted against him, every perfect inch of her body pressed against his. Kakashi threw himself over the edge and plummeted through the heartstopping freefall.
It took Kakashi a moment to realize that his hands had drifted low enough to lift Sakura from the ground, and a longer second to realize her legs were wrapped around his waist. Electricity pulsed through his body as he stumbled back toward his office until she bumped into the edge of his desk. Sakura's fingers tangled in Kakashi's hair, inviting him to follow her backward.
Bracing his palms on either side of Sakura's hips, Kakashi pulled back to gasp in a desperate breath. The space gave him the clarity that he needed. He wanted Sakura more than he'd ever wanted anyone else, more than anything. And, he knew that was the exact reason to stop, before he didn't have the strength to do so.
Kakashi leaned his forehead against Sakura's, surprised when she didn't object to the sudden stop. He drew another shaky breath before attempting to speak. "I don't want this to be tangled up in your relationship with Sasuke. I don't want to be the one you run to when it's bad only to have you promise me that everything's better the next day. I don't want-"
Sakura pressed a finger against Kakashi's lips. "I know."
Darkness poured through the windows behind Sakura when Kakashi turned his gaze toward them. She drew him into a gentle kiss that held only a flicker of the earlier fire. "I don't know what to say," she confessed in a soft whisper that made bile rise in Kakashi's throat. "I never expected you to say these things, I never knew that I wanted you to say them."
The woman glanced away, a blush coloring her cheeks as she continued. "I just-can we take things slow? I don't want any of the things you mentioned either, but I know that I don't want to leave this room not knowing if I'll ever feel this way again."
"What are you saying," Kakashi questioned, leaning more weight on his hands. He would take whatever Sakura gave without a hint of disappointment, at least until she left. Only then would he allow himself to feel the pain. He braced for the truth, that she wasn't ready for more or that she'd just gotten caught up in the moment.
Sakura raised a hand to run her thumb along the scar that had taken Kakashi's original eye, tracing the path the mask normally hid. He fought the urge to pull away when she followed the curve of his cheek, and turned instead to lightly kiss her palm. The blush on her cheeks deepened. "I'm asking you to dinner later this week," Sakura finally answered.
Kakashi couldn't stop the chuckle that rose in his throat. None of her words even remotely suggested that, but he wanted it enough not to care. "Only if you'll allow me to walk you home tonight." The corners of Sakura's lips pulled down, but Kakashi quickly added, "just to the door, I promise."
Snorting softly, Sakura nodded and Kakashi offered a hand to help her jump down from his desk. Fire scorched through his entire body at the connection but he forced himself not to react, especially when her fingers threaded through his. By the time they'd reached the street, Sakura pulled away and walked beside Kakashi like she'd always done. But, he couldn't shake the thought that nothing would ever be the same again.
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bikerboyfriend · 3 years ago
I love your analysis on naruto!! If you want could you give your opinion/analysis on Itachi and sasuke’s relationship?
thanks :) and...wow okay 😩 I put all my shit about Itachi under the cut bc it got too long (naruto spoilers btw 🤨🤨🤨 for the whole series)
Itachi and Sasuke's entire story is just horrifically sad. What makes me so mad about the ending, is that there is no way that Sasuke could resign himself to Konoha after learning everything about the massacre. Nor would Naruto & Kakashi have ever forced him after learning the truth from Obito. Regardless of what Itachi wanted in the end—HE HIMSELF is like that because of years of manipulation from having served Konoha for 3 years under the ANBU.
So, it's not like what Itachi wants is even...something to fight for🤷🏾‍♂️ there are hundreds of life experiences he didn't go through because he became an ANBU at that age & then immediately defected. He doesn't even want anything for himself, his main goals were peace in the shinobi world & keeping his brother safe.
Sasuke doesn't even know the truth about the massacre until after he kills Itachi and learns all of this alone in a bar somewhere. The greatest conflict lies with Sasuke, because he looked up to and loved Itachi so much and then spent the rest of his life throwing everything away to track down and kill him. He refused to call Itachi his brother or even say his name until they see each other and he spends years conflicting over it.
I think Sasuke, with how smart he is, knew that Itachi just losing his mind and killing everyone made no sense. I also think no matter how bad of a person Itachi tried to make himself in Sasuke's eyes, every single other memory he with Itachi up until the massacre was good. Sure Itachi was distant before the clan's final moments, but he most probably didn't think too much of it when he was younger. Probably partially blames himself for that too. The whole thing just didn't make sense, but he's the only one left and he has to avenge them. And he probably didn't let himself contemplate on these thoughts too much because it'd feel disrespectful to the the clan that lost their lives.
So then upon learning the truth. Tbh, it's no wonder he just lost his mind. Like, I had a lot of things I was gonna say but like, no wonder. Like that one post said, the Uchiha genuinely love eachother to insanity. They feel too much, they think too much & it always leads them to this. I don't think any of them are inherently bad, just victims to how they're treated by others. And what's even more fucked up, is rememeber how Itachi gets re-animated during the war and they meet again, sure he gets some more closure but like...it's not like Itachi has anything new to say. At this point, there's like a very stark change of the way Sasuke sees Itachi. Idk it was real sad...I'm not making sense anymore 😄
SO THEIR RELATIONSHIP. TL;DR ...I think there was just a lot of longing and guilt on both sides. I honestly think, that if Itachi didn't feel so immensely guilty for the clan and dropped the act, he could've calmed Sasuke down when they met again in order to have Sasuke kill him. They loved each other very much and I think it's really sad that they both had to go through this on their own....yk. They missed eachother a lot nd it's really terrible how things turn out 🏃🏾‍♂️
There's a lot to Itachi, but also nothing much because of how short of a life he lived when you think about it. He's severely traumatised and all this trauma he goes through before he even turns 12. Konoha took advantage of that, like they did with any kid there and made him into a weapon. His best friend, the only people who shared and understood his views and sentiments kills himself after a GROWN ASS MAN stole his eye & he gives the other to Itachi. Then Danzo took even further advantage of that and asked a 12 year old to pick between letting his entire clan get killed or allowing him to kill them all and spare his brother. Then he defects and CONTINUES TO PROTECT KONOHA within Akatsuki, all for his brother. Then he dies at his brothers hand.
And doing this, Itachi decides that Sasuke is the one who should punish him for all these actions. Which is.....very bad, Sasuke was maybe 7-9 years old at this time. He's fully aware for his actions, but he has to deal with the guilt somehow and he pushes it all onto Sasuke so he can..."make himself stronger". Which is dumb as hell, but to him it's the best way for Sasuke to come out of the situation stronger. He genuinely thought that this was the best outcome and when Sasuke talks to him during the Great Shinobi War, he's so conflicted at how Itachi could think that was the best option. Idk im just recounting atp 🤷🏾‍♂️ but I think it's just really sad that Itachi thought that's all he could do for his brother & Sasuke very reasonably, ended up like that. Yk...just very twisted 😩 Ok thx for reading this entire mess
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imuser304 · 4 years ago
Best Birthday Ever
Rock Lee x Genderneutral!Reader
the love of my life's birthday today!! Happy birthday, king!! *smooch*
TW: None! just sappy & cute
(Not following the Naruto plotline)
Let's just say he's turning 16, for the sake of convenience.
WC: 4148
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"(Y/n)!" Lee called from their apartment door. They came out quickly and opened the door, knowing today was a special day. Lee was turning 16, and boy, were they excited. Lee was their best friend at the time, and not only that, but like the way these stories go, (y/n) had developed quite the set of feelings for the sweetest boy in all of the five great nations.
They were still only wearing their pajamas when they opened the door. "Happy birthday, Lee!" they exclaimed, wrapping their arms around him, Lee immediately reciprocating their touch.
"Thank you, (y/n)! I appreciate it! I came by to see if you would come train with me!"
"Of course," they let him out of the hug and grinned. "Let me go change, I'll be ready in just a minute. But you can come in and wait if you'd like," they offered, opening the door a little more. Lee came in, and closed the door behind him. "Okay, I'll be right out."
Asking (y/n) to train was how Lee was trying to show his affection. Spending as much time as he could with them, and as often as he could, alone with (y/n). That was one of the reasons, anyway.
Lee surveyed their apartment, the books on her shelves, the mug on the coffee table. There was also the weights he had gotten them for their birthday a year before, and from the looks of it, they had been getting used plenty, and that made him happy. Someone who shared his interest in getting stronger. That's what made him happy.
The rest of the group of the teens in Konaha at the time, (including (y/n), excluding Naruto and Sasuke) had been planning Lee's party for weeks, because everyone knew that Lee wasn't going to do it himself. He had no clue he was going to even have a party, in fact, so far, other than the quick reminder from (y/n), Lee had almost forgotten it was his own birthday.
The whole group knew (y/n) and Lee had feelings for each other, even if they themselves didn't know. So, Shikamaru, being most of the planner and the one who would set the party plans up without fail, made sure that (y/n) would keep him distracted until the party.
(y/n) came out of their room a few minutes later, dressed in their nicer set of ninja gear, knowing it looked better on them than their usual Chunin attire.
"You ready, Lee?"
Lee didn't, or couldn't reply. He thought (y/n), even if their attire wasn't that different, looked stunning on them. Maybe it was because it was different than usual.
"Lee? you're staring?"
"Oh! I am very sorry! You just look radiant today!"
(Y/n)'s face went red at the compliment, but doing their best to hide it, she crossed to the door. "We should go now," they chuckled, and left.
After 30 minutes of sparring, specifically with weapons to get to know their tools, (y/n) had an idea, sparked by Lee using his nunchaku in their battle.
They were both taking a break, sitting in front of each other while drinking some water, and Lee re-wrapping his forearms and hands.
"What is it, (y/n)? you look like you are thinking."
"Oh I- I wanted to... ask if I could try your nunchaku? You make it look so easy. It's mesmerizing."
"I assure you, it is not as easy as it looks. But of course! There is nothing more youthful than learning a new skill!" Lee handed them the sticks and they both stood up to see (y/n) make an attempt to use the tool they had never even held before.
They held them out, away from their face as an instinct, afraid of hitting them self. After a few minutes of Lee watching (y/n)'s failed attempts, they turned to Lee and blushed, a little embarrassed of how terribly they were doing.
"Maybe you could show me the ropes?"
Lee had been waiting for them to ask, not wanting to invade on teaching them self.
"Of course! first I guess, maybe you are holding them wrong." He fixed their hand, and adjusted their wrist a little, "Maybe do not hold them so tight?"
They loosened her grip, feeling the weight of them strain their hands. Lee backed up, and they tried again to swing, still holding it out too far.
"I'm... still doing it all wrong. What else can I fix?"
Lee approached them, standing slightly behind, holding their arms. "May I?" (Y/n) had no clue what he was asking, but being so close to him was so warm and comfortable, they figured it would be fine.
Lee slid his hands down to their wrists, holding their hands over the nunchaku, but also pressing their bodies together. Weather or not it was on purpose wasn't totally clear, but it's not like (y/n) didn't like it.
"I think when you swing them, you use your hands, and that is making your movements sloppy. So try-" Lee began moving their hands, but used his wrists more than the muscles in his hands. "try swinging with your wrists, it gives you a wider range of movements, and is easier to control," he explained, leaning in a little closer. "And I think you should close your eyes."
"You trust me, right?"
"Well, yeah, but if I close my eyes, I'll hit myself or you-"
"No you will not. Just relax, you will be okay, I will stay like this to show you why. Ready?" they could feel him breathing, and just how fast his heart was beating with their back pressed to his chest.
"...Okay, Lee. I trust you." (Y/n) closed their eyes, letting Lee guide their hands and arms. He slowly pulled their arms back closer to them while swinging the sticks around.
"I think what you are missing is trust. Not that you do not trust me, but you do not trust your weapon or yourself. With nunchaku, at first, they are a little frightening. But after using them for a while, they become an extension of yourself." While he was explaining, he was moving her arms, and even starting to walk around so (y/n) could get comfortable. (Y/n) had been taking slow, deep breaths while listening. They had never been this close to Lee, it was a whole different experience, feeling his body around theirs as he guided them in training with a tool they were completely unfamiliar with.
There were a few minutes where neither of them said anything while Lee was moving them around. The only thing heard was the nunchaku swishing through the air. There was nothing to say, it was just... comfortable. They moved in unison, and eventually, without noticing, their breath had also fallen in sync.
(Y/n) whished Lee would just stop training for a moment and just hold them, but it seemed that would be... out of the picture. It took everything they had not to burst into flames and melt to the ground.
It only lasted a minute longer, though. Lee let them go after reminding them to keep their eyes closed and just move the way they were comfortable with. (Y/n) knew it was Lee's birthday today, but he made them feel special.
Not that Lee didn't. Lee felt about the same way as (y/n), if not even more warm inside. They were everything he wanted in a partner, and if he was even just a little smarter, he would realize that he was in love with (y/n). Finding ways to be alone with them, and be physically close was always something he strived for, finding he always had the best time when they were around.
"I think I get it now..." they mumbled, opening their eyes, continuing to swing their wrists.
"You definitely got the hang of it, (y/n)! How youthful! Now it is a matter of training for battle!"
They stopped swinging, letting their arms drop to their side.
"Actually, can we just spar normally one more time? I'm getting sorta hungry, I didn't eat breakfast this morning-"
"You didn't eat breakfast!? (Y/n)! Breakfast is the most important meal of the day! Why would you skip it?"
"Well... I kinda went to bed sorta... really late, then I only woke up a few minutes before you came around, and I figured you ate already, so I didn't want to keep you waiting for me? Is that a good enough reason?"
"No! I would have gladly waited for you to get enough nutrients for morning training. Also, what were you doing up so late?"
"...I can't tell you. You'll see later, I promise!"
"Okay then, it is time for you to eat. Let me pay-"
"If we're getting lunch, let me pay for you, it's your birthday! I would feel bad!"
"Well, (y/n), I want to pay. It is always my pleasure!"
"Okay, how about this. We spar one more time, and whoever wins, gets to pay. How does that sound?"
"Okay, but I assure you, I will win!"
"Alright then, I guess we'll have to see about that," they teased, moving to the middle of the training grounds. Lee was entranced by their youtfulness, and was distracted enough by their fighting spirit to forget what he was doing. "You coming?" they called out, beckoning him to get ready.
"Yeah, yes! I am coming!" He snapped out of his daze, and ran to match up with (y/n). "Are you ready?"
"Whenever you are!" They both nodded after this, and began.
Almost immediately, Lee disappeared from view, though, (y/n) knew his movements perfectly. Lee was behind (y/n) about to sweep their legs out from under them. They sent some chakra to her feet to push off the ground as they jumped to avoid his attack.
"Easy to predict, Lee!" they shouted in the air, pulling their leg out to hit his shoulder, assuming he would move before they touched the ground. But he didn't, and (y/n) landed a direct hit, without really meaning to.
Within the same second, Lee moved quickly away to try and attack while they were both on their feet. The match continue on, Lee almost completely unable to land a hit on (y/n). It wasn't usually like this. Lee, on average, would beat her four out of five times.
After a few minutes of boring do over moves, (y/n) lost their footing, and started to trip to the ground, but not before grabbing the collar of Lee's jumpsuit, and pulling him down too.
Faces now impossibly close, they could feel his hot breath on their cheek. Lee had her pinned down to the ground, the strangest of tensions resonating between them.
[Lee's POV]
They are- beautiful. (Y/n) is usually beautiful. But now more than ever. What about them is so different from this view? What is happening?
[(y/n)'s POV]
He's pinned me. He's pinned me. He's pinned me. He's pinned me. He's pinned me. He's pinned me. He's pinned me. He's pinned me. He's pinned me. He's pinned me. 
Holy shit.
Kiss me. You dummy. I won't make the first move. I won't do it.  Kiss me. Do it.
[3rd person POV]
"I am sorry! I did not mean to- well, uhh-" Lee immediately got off of (y/n) freeing them from under him. Both of their faces were bright red and embarrassed, (y/n) slightly resentful.
"You win, Lee. Where are you taking me?"
"...hmm... how about that tea shop in mid town, with the really good dango?"
"Sounds nice. Let's go there."
Was (y/n) a little mad? yeah. Did Lee pick up on it? No. He could never.
They spent most of the day together, (y/n) often asking what Lee wanted to do. He always replied with the same "whatever makes you happy," because truthfully, whenever (y/n) was happy, Lee was happy. And yet, he still didn't realize exactly how they were feeling about each other. If (y/n) admitted they liked him, he would realize it in that moment, that that's what was happening, to him too.
They ended up spending quiet a lot time at the library. (Y/n) wanted to brush up on their medicine knowledge, and optimize the food pills they had been making. They had worked with the Nara clan, and the Akamachi clan, but there was still something missing.
Lee sat next to them with his book, learning about different types of taijutsu, seeing how he could improve his own.  But every time he read or saw something interesting, he would show it to (y/n), and talk about how he could improve himself from what he read. This led to short shoulder touches, close faces, lots of smiles and furrowed bushy brows, and accidentally brushing hands. Every little thing made both of them red and embarrassed, but they didn't stop.
"Here, Lee, look at this," they whispered, pointing to a passage about chakra forms. "Did you know, that when a chakra user is embarrassed, or nervous, or... in love, the form changes, and it's either spiky, or fuzzy. Fuzzy is associated with happiness and good, and spikey with anger and mostly anxiety. I just... thought it was interesting."
"It is! I mean- you could not really tell with me unless I opened the first gate, but, it is still neat!"
Just then, the clock struck five, and it was time to get Lee to his party. "Lee, I want to show you something," they said softly, putting the books away. Lee followed right behind, and they left.
"What is it?"
"You'll see when we get there," they giggled and grabbed his hand to pull him along. Lee wasn't expecting (y/n) to hold his hand the way they did, but he held on tighter, liking the way it felt to have their hand in his.
They soon arrived to a park. At the moment, it looked normal, nothing weird going on here. Sort of. "What are we doing here?" he asked, squeezing their hand tighter.
"SURPRISE!!" Everyone popped out of the bushes and under the playset. Lee flinched back for a second before realizing what exactly what was happening.
His face grew into a grin, and without (y/n) noticing, laced their fingers together, making them scoot a little closer.
"Do you like it?" they asked quietly to Lee before everyone started crowding him.
"Did you do this, (y/n)?"
"Well, I helped, but a lot of the actual planning was left to Shikamaru." Lee's smile wouldn't fade. It was glued to his face, seeing everyone gathered together. Gai-Sensei stepped to Lee, and grabbed Lee into a hug, pulled his and (y/n)'s hand apart.
(Y/n)'s eyes cut to their now cold hand, only just realizing how warm Lee's hand was, and how cold they were without his.
"Lee, my boy! You're growing into a fine young man!"
"Thank you, Gai-Sensei! You have done well to teach me!" Lee had noticed it too. His hand was empty, and it just... didn't feel right. In that moment, he had finally realized his feelings for (y/n).
'Oh. I like like (y/n). Do I love them? Is it too soon to know?' He thought to himself, letting Gai go. 'Maybe I do love them-' His thought was interrupted by another. 'Do they like me? Would they ever like me?'
"Lee," (y/n) snapped him out of his own mind, trying to get him to look at something. "Look what we got for dinner!"
Karashi was standing over a pot of curry, a few besides him, with various amounts of spicy curry to match everyone's pallet. It had been a long time since Lee had his last plate of the curry of life and rice. So as much as the party was a good surprise, having the curry of life for dinner? Lee felt like he was on top of the world. (Only, with his new found feelings, he was missing something.)
"Karashi! it has been a long time! You came all the way here for my birthday?"
"Of course! Anything for a friend. And, you get the first plate!"
Lee looked at (y/n) and grinned.
"Yeah, maybe that was my idea..." they laughed, only for Lee to scoop (y/n) into a hug, and thank them over and over. "Lee, you're- I can't breathe!" they choked out.
"I am sorry!" he let them go, staring deep into their eyes. "I am just... very happy!"
"I know that. Go get some curry already!"
"If I get the first plate, then you have to get the second!"
"I- Because I... I want you too!" He exclaimed, urging (y/n) to follow him.
They got their curry, (y/n) chosing to get the mildly spicy, and Lee with the spiciest. Everyone else also got their food, but of course, Lee was back for seconds in no time.
About 45 minutes after everyone got their food, everyone had completed their meals, and felt full and satisfied. (Y/n) turned to Lee, who was up, talking to Neji and Tenten while everyone else chatted. "Sorry to interrupt, but Lee, uhh-"
"What is the matter, (y/n)?"
"...Presents or cake first?"
"Oh. Are we doing them now?"
"Yeah, we were hoping to."
"Hmm... then cake it is!"
Lee grinned wide again, and finally decided he wanted to grab their hand. Before they walked away to the table where the cake was, Lee brushed his hand along (y/n)'s fingers, which made their heart skip a beat, and their face turn red. Lee waited until they brushed their fingers to the back of his hand to sneak his fingers into the cracks between theirs. Neither of them said a word about it, but everyone saw. Lee picked up their hands, and without thinking, stuck them into the pocket of his jumpsuit.Sakura was lighting the candles, and it was time for Lee to be sung to. After a quick chorus of the song, he blew out the candles atop a vanilla cake with white icing and the words "happy 16th birthday, lee!" in dark green icing, the same color as his suit.
Then, of course it was time for presents, where he made (y/n) sit next to him the whole time. In all honesty, they weren't even sure what they were. There hadn't been a confession, or a kiss. So far, it was just hand holding and blushing a lot. Lee didn't even know if (y/n) even liked him back, and felt the chance that they were holding his hand out of pity was high, though, he still liked the way it felt.
He opened every gift, getting a wide array of tools to work out with, and obviously he absolutely loved every one of them. Now the only thing he hadn't opened was (y/n)'s gift. It was finally time for him to, and it almost made (y/n) nervous.
"Here, I painted it myself, I hope you like them." they handed Lee the neatly wrapped box, which he opened carefully, not to rip the paper.
Then he opened the box to find a new set of nunchaku with hand painted lotuses on the side, and covered with a few layers of clear coat the wouldn't come of while using them.
"I love them!" He exclaimed before even pulling them out of the box. He set it on the ground and pulled (y/n) into a hug, thanking them for everything.
"I don't know what I did to make you so excited, Lee." (y/n) hugged back, leaning on his shoulder as they sat.
"You have done a lot of things! I am just happy you are such a good...?" A good what? He didn't want to say friend. He wanted to be more than friends, and if he said friend, it would block out the idea otherwise.
"I'm... a good friend?" they asked, letting Lee go, pretending they wasn't saddened by what he didn't say.
"Umm... yeah. I suppose so." Everyone who was watching them mentally or physically face palmed, because it was obvious that they were more than that.
After awhile of playing party games and talking, the party started to wind down, and everyone helped clean up. After the area that was used was clean, people started to leave, until it was just (Y/n) and Lee alone, again.
They moved to the swing set to hang out. Lee was trying out his new nunchaku, though, he was more just admiring the pretty design.
"You're probably tired of me by now, right?" (y/n) asked as they watched Lee. It was dark out now, and they probably needed to start heading home anyway.
Lee shook his head and sat on the other swing next to (y/n). "There is no way I could get tired of you, (y/n)."
"But you've been around me all day, and I know sometimes I can be pretty annoying-"
"You being around me all day is what made my birthday this year the best. I like being around you," he said, and looked to the ground under him, deciding now would be a good time to say it. "I... I like you, and not... not as a friend..." he stuttered out, still unable to look up at (y/n).
(y/n)'s heart jumped out of their chest now that he had actually said it. "Lee I- I have another present for you."
"Y-you do not have to-!"
"Relax, just close your eyes and I'll give it to you, okay?"
(y/n) stood up and walked to Lee, then bent down, and push some of the hair from his face to kiss his forehead. He immediately opened his eyes in surprise, and his cheeks turned red.
"Keep your eyes closed!" they giggled. He closed his eyes again and took a deep breath. (y/n) held his face, then brought their lips to his, gently waiting for a response. (Y/n) pulled away, and he opened his eyes again, and before they could step back, he pulled them back into another kiss, cupping their cheek, and slowly standing up.
"I like you too, Rock Lee."
"Thank you for the best birthday ever, (y/n)," he chuckled, and held them close, keeping their foreheads together. "I do not know what else I could have wished for."
"So then... are we... dating now?"
"I would hope so!" he laughed. "I will take you on a date tomorrow after training. Or for dinner. But I should walk you home now and make sure you get home safe." Lee gave one last quick squeeze before letting go.
"You would do that even if we weren't dating," (y/n) giggled, then did the same awkward finger brushing thing before Lee grabbed their hand and didn't let go.
"That may be true, but even so, it is different now."
So Lee walked (y/n) back to their apartment, and talked the whole way there. (Y/n) had been hit with a rush of exhaustion, and just wanted to sleep now. "Hey so uhh- Lee... I was wondering something?" (y/n) started as they approached her apartment door.
"Since... well... I guess I was wondering if you wanted to spend the night... wait, I didn't mean- I mean... we- we could cuddle?" Lee's eyes went wide at the idea, he was so ready to cuddle, other than he desperately needed to shower and change his clothes.
"I would love to! I can run back to my apartment, and get a shower and change, then be back here in a half hour! Is that alright?"
"Yeah. I'll do the same. See you in a little bit," (y/n) gave him another quick hug, then he disappeared.
(y/n) was able to shower and get ready for bed before Lee got back. But once he was back, he wouldn't let go.
A few minutes later, Lee was comfortably laying, (y/n) right on top of his chest, listening to his heartbeat in the dark room. His arms were wrapped warmly around them, and both of their eyes were closed. (Y/n) was already half asleep while Lee stroked their hair, skimming consciousness himself.
'best birthday... ever.'
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pinkhairedlily · 4 years ago
Chapter 2 - Student Council President Sakura
Sasuke skipped out during the cultural festival just like he did back in the last year of his middle school, content in hearing nothing but his own breath, the bustle outside his window, the sporadic chirping of the birds in early mornings and late afternoons, the shuffle of feet from his neighbors and the occasional clanking of dishes. When hours extended late into the evening, the activities would be replaced by the muffled night life that seemed like eons away but was actually just five blocks far and so he would pick out the drums, the bass drops, and the rave chaos and fall asleep when the crowds pack up, but not all days were like these. He would stay awake well past the closing time with silence confronting his consciousness, and his only friend would be the CD collection of a Japanese artist called The Charm Park from a previous tenant who left it behind. He spent his winter break like this.
When spring term came around, Sasuke noticed a shift around Naruto. The tiptoeing was still there, but it lessened to an extent where his classmates would greet him ‘hello’ and ‘good morning’ while they walked to their hideout. He was right in not asking because the blonde eventually overshared everything.
The second years held an impromptu race before the culmination. Naruto, eager to get the front seat view, pushed against the crowds, incidentally landed on the track, became the representative of the first years, and won the race. Ultimately, it ended on a good note despite the rookie athletes being overshadowed, and Naruto’s bully magnet has transformed into some sort of people magnet. His classmates have asked him for lunch several times in the presence of Sasuke, but Naruto turned them down.
“You can ask for shares in their bento boxes or struck gold and have them make you one,” Sasuke said. “You don’t need to litter around here.”
“I feel sorry for you,” Naruto replied, grinning while handing him a juice carton.
It was cherry tomato flavored – an unusual choice for the simple-minded Naruto who would easily settle on an orange or grapefruit juice. Sasuke understood this was the blonde’s kind of pull on people, and he heard what he tried to say between the lines. “It’s the stares.”
“And the request for the background story no one really wants to hear.”
Sasuke sipped the last of the juice from the carton. “Just think of it as your villain origin story.”
“But I want to be a hero and do main character things!”
He crumpled the juice carton in his hands and playfully threw it towards Naruto, perfectly landing in the middle of the styled spikes. “You simpleton.” The blonde gave him an intense glare and threw the carton back to Sasuke, missing the small smile that formed on the latter’s lips.
When the last term wrapped up, student rankings were finally pinned in the major hallway entrance. Sasuke was itching to go home and eat a pack of instant ramen, but Naruto picked him up from his classroom and dragged him to the hallway. As usual, there were the awed and open-eyed stares, basically confirming that he placed first, but there was also clear contempt towards his nonchalance.
“You are really a genius, Sasuke.” Naruto patted him on the back – soft, gentle pats, reassuring, and proud. It was like the ones given to him by his parents when he placed first or won a contest. All of a sudden, the place was too stifling, and his hand unconsciously went to his throat to massage it, hoping he could get rid of the thing that was blocking his airway.
A hand with a bluish fingernail shot out from his dimming sight and brought him back to reality. It was Sakura holding out her hand for a handshake. “I guess you beat me…by 0.5 point.”
“You had a bet with Sasuke, Sakura?” Naruto asked. In between the cultural festival and the spring term, the two had become familiar with each other, occasionally greeting each other in the hallways between classes, but Sakura never had a direct interaction with Sasuke.
“Yes, during the cultural festival,” the walking cherry blossoms happily replied. Her hand was still struck out, earning questioning glances from the surrounding student body because who would dare ignore the unofficial darling of the school?
“It wasn’t a bet.” Sasuke tugged on Naruto’s collar. “Let’s go, Naruto.” He turned with the blonde in tow, but Hatake Kakashi blocked his way. He had on a protective stance with crossed arms and slight brow raise. The book he was always carrying was peeking out from his pants’ pocket.
“Don’t leave a girl waiting for a handshake, Mr. Uchiha. That’s disrespectful in a competition.” His lips were curved in that consistent ambiguous smile that highlighted the beauty mark on his chin. Kakashi firmly grabbed Sasuke’s hand in the next seconds and placed it on Sakura’s still open palm.
Contrary to his assumption, her palm was rugged with rough contours and with evident history of calluses – the hands of a hard worker. Sasuke wanted to blame his stored prejudices on her cherry pink hair. He looked up, annoyed and wanting to get his hand off from her hold but was frozen in place by the visible flush on her face. Oblivious of his effect, Kakashi’s grip remained on Sasuke’s hand in an attempt of a handshake. “That seals the deal this term. Looking forward to your competition next term.” The spectators rode on the teacher’s easy-going energy and shrugged off this weird encounter.
Naruto was the one who tugged on Sasuke’s collar and pulled him away from the crowd. The latter immediately shoved his hands inside his pockets and walked away briskly. Ever so briefly, Sasuke glanced back and saw Kakashi patting Sakura’s shoulder, probably offering congratulations, and validating her. He wondered whether the teacher noticed the subtle hair tuck or the redness of her ears and nape. Naruto’s arm blocked his view as the blonde placed it around his shoulders, snickering and praising his ‘friend’s genius skills’ all the way to the school gates where they eventually separated and welcomed the summer break.
Not a week into summer Naruto hunted Sasuke down and knocked incessantly on his door. “Grumpy! Save me!”
“If you’re on the verge of dying, call 119.” Sasuke increased the volume of the cd player to drown out the noise. The knocks stopped after a few seconds which gave Sasuke temporary relief.
Nope, he wasn’t gone. “What do you want?”
“Math remedial classes. In exchange, I have ramen.”
No one really visited him and so if he would open the door, Naruto would be his first ever visitor. Sasuke tried to ascertain his feelings – whether he was angry that someone intruded in his personal space or relieved he didn’t need to be alone with his thoughts.
“You better brought a lot,” Sasuke said as he opened the door. Naruto held up an eco-bag full of ramen, chips, and soda. On his other arm were their school books and Math notebook.
“You’re hopeless.” Naruto’s scores were averaging between 40s and 50s. “I thought you were on scholarship?”
“There’s no academic crap so I’m good.” Naruto kept on glancing around Sasuke’s apartment, noting the neat line-up of books, the opened cases of CDs, the lack of television, and the closed curtains over the wide full-length windows. “How come your apartment is cleaner and bigger? I could never keep my space clean. It takes so much energy!”
“I have the better side of the coin, remember?”
“Eh but your fridge is empty,” Naruto noted as he started to cook ramen.
“As if yours isn’t. Besides, don’t you need to study first?”
“No, no, no. Haven’t you heard of positive reinforcement? Incentive first before the hard work!”
For the next two weeks, Naruto came over with ramen packs and Sasuke would help him with Math classes. On the last day, he accompanied Naruto to school as the blonde submitted his requirements.
“Thank you, personal tutor. Because of you, I have passed my make-up classes and can now enjoy the remaining days of summer!” Naruto punched his fists in the air, invigorated by his academic freedom. “So what are your plans?”
“Leave me alone. That’s your payment.” Sasuke quickly said, followed with a sigh. His social battery was down, and he believed it was already swimming in negatives.
Naruto yelled a greeting to someone and damned if Sasuke knew who it was, but he was suddenly being dragged into a baseball field. Naruto had quite the strength, and Sasuke just knew he was lifting weights in his free time.
“Mind filling in? We’re just short for two in a practice game.”
“Yes, I mind,” Sasuke said without missing a beat. “Naruto, I hate you.”
Naruto gave him a very worn-out mitt while he swung the batt over his shoulder. “Just one game. I’ll have ramen delivered to your apartment.”
Sasuke released a sigh again. What a drag.
The players settled in their respective places, Sasuke stayed on the pitcher’s mound, and Naruto was the batter. The catcher signaled him to release the ball. Relying on his muscle memory, Sasuke pitched a curve ball towards Naruto, and the blonde easily hit it towards homerun.
“Sasuke! Great pitch!” Naruto ran towards him with his arms ready for a hug but Sasuke dodged the attempt.
“What a monster pitch. Are you sure you don’t want to try out?” the second years asked. Naruto was obviously very taken with the sport and didn’t miss the chance to start talking with the members. When the question was asked, he turned to Sasuke with a silent plea in his eyes, but Sasuke knew it wasn’t the place he can belong in.
“You have Naruto. He seems to be a great batter, don’t you think so?” Sasuke said.
“Well, if it came from the genius Uchiha Sasuke, then we gotta take Naruto in.”
Sasuke waved goodbye to Naruto who decided to stay for the remaining of the practice game. He didn’t have the energy to feel sorry for himself, having been left alone again by someone who found a better place. And it wasn’t as if he didn’t like baseball. It was his brother’s favorite game.
“When is Itachi coming back?” He kept on rolling the car windows up and down on his side, sick of the sights of the endless sea and the cliffs. “Why does he need to go to England when there are good schools here?”
“That’s where the best medical program is, Sasuke. Your brother is just chasing his dreams.” His mother turned to him from the passenger side. “When he graduates, let’s all go visit him in Oxford.”
“Let’s have him pay for our Euro trip,” his father jokingly added.
His father was a careful driver – his eyes never left the road, he rode with a constant speed that was neither fast nor slow, he was careful with blind curves. In his lifetime, he got a parking ticket once when his wife’s water broke in the office, and he haphazardly parked across the lane to quickly get to her and ensure the safe delivery of their youngest.
His father was a careful driver, but others were not. A motorcycle shot out of nowhere while they were turning on a blind curve. The car veered to the other side facing the sea and the cliffs, the tires sliding forward and then downward, loud thumps as if repeatedly beaten by waves on rocky shores, and finally a loud crash.
Sasuke was disoriented. The sun was setting on the ocean, but he smelled gasoline instead of the salty air. He had an inkling his forehead was cut because the blood was hindering his sight. He heard grunting noises and pained screams from his parents, but he didn’t know if they were still in front of him or under him, but he felt someone pull him out of the car.
Thank goodness all three of them were still alive.
“You’re bleeding. Sasuke, Sasuke, here a handkerchief.” His mother’s face was cut across, and her one eye was gouged out. She firmly put the bloody handkerchief in his trembling hands. “Go, put it on your forehead.”
His father. Where was his father? He was already lying down on the sand. That was weird. Weren’t sand supposed to be gray? Why was it red? Why was it bloody red? His father’s one hand was on his side, the red water flowing through his fingers’ tight clasp. He reached out his other arm to Sasuke’s leg, patting it reassuringly. “Are you okay, son?”
His mother was coughing now. And then there was a loud explosion. It was deafening and roaring and then Sasuke heard nothing.
He heard nothing but waves for the next twelve hours. Maybe he was just asleep, and this was just a long nightmare. Then the sirens came.
Sasuke woke up drenched in a cold sweat, his mouth dry, and his heartbeat convulsing in its own chamber. He probably screamed again. He checked the digital clock on his bedside table, and it blinked back eights at him. “What a useless thing.”
Regardless of the time, he slipped into his sweatpants and hoodie and made his way downtown. He saw a café with cream puffs on display and decided to order one as his dinner. Just tonight.
“Hello, good evening. What are you buying?” A cheery voice greeted him on the counter.
He quietly pointed at one plate of cream puffs. “And one iced latte for dine-in.” There was a flash of recognition when his eyes met those of the girl on the counter.
She was dressed in the usual neutral black and white get-up of café employees, her hair was black and cropped short below her neck, she had light make-up on – it was a good disguise to throw off her scent, but her emerald eyes were a giveaway.
“Got that.” She brushed this off so easily that he thought he imagined the previous scene. Never mind, he didn’t even want to ask. His demons were enough to occupy his headspace. He stood silent, looking aimlessly at the handwritten menus while she prepared his coffee. “Here’s your order. Thank you.”
He took the tray containing his cream puffs and latte from her hand. When he grazed her palm, he basically got the confirmation he needed. She was a hard worker. He quietly slid on the loveseat at the end of the café with the clear view of the passing crowd and streets and consumed the sweets he ordered from time to time. His stomach was grumbling; he might have missed dinner and he still didn’t know what time it was.
Yes, noise is good, crowds are good. In them, I can be no one. He didn’t know how long he was staring outside. When his hands strayed to the plate, his cream puffs were already gone and his latte almost halfway there. She was also sitting in front of him, out of her work clothes but still in disguise. They just sat there in silence as the café started taking final orders and closing some sections of the place.
“Tough day?” Sakura was looking outside the window when she asked this. He initially thought she was avoiding him, but it was apparently for his own sake. With her looking away, he was allowed to be vulnerable.
“Bad dream,” Sasuke replied, taking up her invisible offer. He swirled the latte and regretted not getting a pure espresso to keep himself awake for the rest of the night.
“Hmm, that explains the sweets and caffeine, but that’s no good.”
He didn’t want to go back yet to his apartment. He wanted to lose himself in the crowd. “I’ll also walk myself to exhaustion.”
“Just aimless walking with no particular destination in mind, huh? Did that too one time and arrived home with an intense stomachache.” She took something from her bag and pushed it across the table with her eyes cast downward. “Something to fuel you on your journey tonight.”
“That’s no good – skipping meals.” Sasuke pushed the untouched bento box back to her side.
Sakura pushed it all the way to his hands, her eyes still never meeting his. “Too late for that now. It’s twelve midnight, and I’ll go home to rest while you’ll still be walking for God knows how many miles until sunrise. E-A-T.”
“Don’t you charge for outside food?”
“Silly, you have me. Now finish that so I can go home.”
Sasuke opened the bento box, holding no expectations to the contents because any proper meal was sumptuous to the appetite of a hungry person, and as he ate, she watched the passing crowds and a few minutes later, the burst of fireworks in the night sky. It was the culmination of the town’s summer festival.
She accompanied him in easy silence until he finished eating and pushed the now empty bento box to her side. She didn’t move from her place, her eyes still glued on the sights outside, so he took that as his cue to leave.
He made the mistake of looking at the window and saw her reflection looking at him leaving. He held her gaze through that and sincerely conveyed his feelings. “Thank you.”
She smiled at him and waved him goodbye.
The lights went out in the café when he stepped outside, and while he started to walk aimlessly, her eyes followed his back, a stranger in disguise wishing him comfort from the dark.
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stopthebig3 · 5 years ago
Am I the only one who thinks that Sakura's an immoral cunt? People bitch about Sasuke standing up to Leaf (a fascist state) when it's a noble thing to do, but she stands with Leaf's fascism and she's called ... nice? Like, how can you talk about morals and have the nerve to call Sakura a moral person when she knew about slavery and child exploitation and was fine with it? Wtf? Isn't it about time people accepted that she's always been a selfish bitch who only thought of herself and her vagina?
My issue with Sakura is that I find her so shallow and embarrassing as a person. Ever since the beginning, she dumped her bestfriend, who helped her with her issues, over a crush. She’s constantly jealous and petty towards Ino even after they supposedly make up. And did she shit talk Ino to Salad or why doesn’t Salad trust Ino, who literally just waves at Sasuke??
Everytime her parents were brought up, she made it clear how she doesn’t care about them. Abandoning her family isn’t hurtful to Sakura. When Sasuke was leaving, she tried to emotionally manipulate and guilt-trip him into staying with her. She literally said, if he were to leave her, she would feel the same as being all alone, like Sasuke feeling all alone because his entire clan was massacred and taken from him in one single night when he was 7. She compares her pain to Sasuke’s pain of losing his entire clan, and acts like they’re the same. And reminds him that she has a family, unlike him. The lack of tact and compassion in that scene is just incredible.
She doesn’t take what Sasuke wants or feels into consideration. He has rejected her date offerings and her love confessions multiple times, and she does not care. Because it’s solely about what she wants. He has never encouraged her feelings and never gave her any reason to believe that he returned them. If her feelings were pure, she’d respect Sasuke’s wish. Instead she stalks him and keeps pushing her romantic feelings on him.
She acts like she loves Sasuke, but she never even attempts to understand him. All she does is cry and act like she suffers so much from loving him. She tries to make him pity her so he’d change his mind. Which again shows how shallow her view on him is, she doesn’t even know Sasuke appreciates strength, not acting pathetic. When she gets herself into trouble again and Naruto has to save her, she doesn’t even care but sulks over the fact Sasuke didn’t seem to care. She’s the same as she was in part 1 sulking over the fact Naruto cheered for her and Sasuke didn’t. She doesn’t change in any meaningful way, only thing that changes is she can hit rocks and heal.
Sakura is just an overemotional, hormonal child, and hardly ever has anything of substance, insight, or relevance to say. Sakura cannot say anything about Sasuke’s character, personality, behavior, motivations, and past.  All she says is “don’t leave me”  “I will make you happy”  “I love you so much it hurts” “I suffer so much from loving you” . Her feelings are so terrible that even Kishimoto thinks it would sound “contrived” to try to give them any depth. Majority of the audience sees her “love” for Sasuke having no substance and no believability, which is why the ship is constantly clowned by the casual fandom.
Even in her 30′s, she’s clinging onto him for years like a loyal puppy waiting for treats and still not getting even a kiss in return, while Sasuke acts bland as hell in all his interactions with her. She’s so insecure she’d destroy her own house and make herself homeless if her kid even dares to ask anything about her relationship. I remember jpn comment saying Sasuke probably gave her dick once out of pity/pressure, but she’s so shallow she doesn’t even care “she wasted her life for nothing”. It’s just so disgraceful.
So why would Sakura care about injustice or anything of importance when her brain doesn’t even have room for her parents, her “bestfriend”, basic compassion, or anything else except her embarrasing lust for Sasuke?
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redcameleon · 5 years ago
SSM 2020 Day 3
Prompt: Sleeping Soundly
Summary: Sakura has the ability to travel to people’s dreams and alter them. So she helps resolve Sasuke’s nightmares.
Rating: K+.
A/N: The story is set during ancient times when kingdoms still existed. This was inspired by the drama Mystic Pop Up Bar. Go check out the show!
Life is surely filled with mysteries. Mysteries of the mind and the body. One can argue that they both are just equally as important, equally dependent on each other, and equally strong. But Sakura would argue otherwise. The mind is the key to everything. A strong-willed mind can withstand anything. It can even push one’s limit beyond anything they imagine. Unbeknownst to some, it even has the ability to affect one’s body. When the mind is strong, the body is as well. And when the mind is weak, so too is the body. Thus, becoming the key to unlock one’s potential.  
This is what Sakura has control over. Not necessarily the mind itself, but the thoughts underlying it. One might ask, how is this possible? Through dreams.
A scholar once believed that the mind is the door that to peak into person’s subconsciousness. A dream is like a projection of one’s beliefs, thoughts, and hopes. Many things are uncertain, but one thing Sakura’s certain, is that she is not like other people. Ever since she was little, her dreams have never stopped being so vivid, so clear. Her mind has always been so alert and conscious, even during sleep, movements so clear and swift, she can practically do whatever she wants in the dream plane.
That’s when she realizes she’s special. She was ten when she found out her abilities can be stretched out to enter other people’s dreams. Seeing what they see, standing in the sidelines, watching the events unfold and change from one thing to the other.
She was thirteen when she found out she was able to alter those events. Creating her own playground in other people’s dreams, architecting rooms and houses, making things disappear or appear.
Back then she had to learn to manipulate her powers and hone them by using it on her friends. But soon, she realizes, it’s both a blessing and a curse. She was then feared by many. Feared that she is a puppet master who can control people’s minds to do whatever she wants. Feared that she will someday bring doom to their village.
The thing is, she did believe them. By the time she was sixteen, she decided to run away and leave her village behind.
Sasuke’s day has finally come to an end. With a war coming, the palace is becoming more eager to manufacture weapons and armors. Bows, arrows, swords, and spears are constantly in the make each day. Constantly being surrounded by the hot furnaces, handling scolding metal and heavy hammers, Sasuke’s body aches all over.
The walk back to his house feels the most rewarding. A day at the forge earned him three days’ worth of meals. He can barely remember when he started working there. The only thing he remembers is the face of his brother going into war. It’s been two years since he last saw him. He wonders if he’ll ever see him again.
Boiling some water in a pot and cutting up vegetables, he settles for a simple meal for his dinner before deciding to sleep right away. All cleaned up from the coal and dirt on his body, he lays himself on the futon, closing his eyes.
Just as his mind is starting to drift, flashes of blood fill his mind. He can hear the screams of women, of children. He sees arrows lodged into trees and ground. He keeps running and running deeper into the forest, running as fast as his legs could carry him. His body feels sluggish, as if putting one leg over the other is the hardest thing to do. His whole body feels heavy. He looks back to see if anyone’s following him when he accidentally trips on a branch, rolling down a hill and falling into a dark endless pit.
His body jolts as he sits up, covered in sweat. This has been the nth time he’s had the same dream. They never fall far from similar themes of blood, war, and fear. It’s like he’s watching his memories on tape being rewinded over and over again. Memories of the civil war that happened in his village years ago. Sometimes he gets to see his brother in them and they’re not as bad as he thinks. But some days they’re worse because he sees his brother in them, dead.
He runs a hand over his tired face and ruffles his hair in frustration. He lies back on the futon and stares at the ceiling.
Brother, where are you?
“Hey, Sasuke, Sasuke!” Someone finally snaps him out of his musings. He turns to the source of the voice.
“Careful with that.” The man points to the hot rod in his hand. Sasuke quickly sets it on the table before taking off his gloves.
“You okay? You look like you barely got any sleep last night.” It’s apparently too obvious that he didn’t get any sleep last night.
“I’m fine.” He goes to the back and splashes some water on his face. He lets it cool himself down as he stands there, staring at his reflection in the water. The man places a hand on Sasuke’s shoulder.
“Hey, you know what might help? I heard there’s a shaman in town that can give you good dreams!” Sasuke quirks an eyebrow at the suggestion. He surely is not one to believe in ghosts or spirits. He might believe in an afterlife, but hearing about someone who can supposedly give him good dreams is a bit too far-fetched.
“I’m telling you it really works! My brother went to see her the other day and he said she could really do it! Just try it once. You got nothing to lose, right?” He’s right. He doesn’t have anything to lose. His nightmares are already bad anyway, he can only hope that things get better from there, right?
He decides to give this shaman a try. At the end of the day, following the directions the man gave him, he comes across a small house at the edge of the village. The house looks small and humble. The yard seems barren except for the clay jars lined up along the sides. He notices the bell that hangs from the ceiling. He approaches the entrance and knocks a few times.
“Come in.” He hears a voice from inside. He slides the door and steps inside. He finds a woman sitting on the floor behind a table. He’s never been inside a shaman’s house before but he can say it’s not like anything he imagines. The room appears empty, except for a futon on the right side of the room, and an incense on the other side of the room.
She eyes him and chuckles.
“Wow you must really need my help.” Sasuke is beginning to re-evaluate his decision. But he might need her help after all. He steps closer and takes a seat in front of her.
“I’ve been having nightmares.”
“I see. And what kind of nightmares?” She’s probably heard this so many times, judging by the unchanging tone in her voice.
“People dying. War.” He can’t tell if it’s just his imagination but he can see her eyes widen a bit.
“That’s rare. You see most people say they want dreams of meeting their loved ones, flying, travelling.” She can tell that he only wants one thing. Peace. Peace of mind.
“Okay. I’ll help you.” She gets up and sits next to the futon. She gestures him to sit as well. He gives her a questioning look before he decides to follow her words. He sits there and Sakura hands him a cup of tea.
“This will help you relax. It’s chamomile tea.” He takes a sniff before sipping the beverage. He then lies down and tries to even his breathing. She’s lying of course. It’s not just any regular tea. It’s a special liquor of hers that can put a person into a deep slumber. Not long after that, Sasuke begins to drift into sleep. His eyes flutter closed.
Sakura grabs his hand in hers and touches his pulse. She closes her eyes and tries to match his breathing. Inhale. Exhale. Inhale. Exhale. She focuses on Sasuke’s heartbeat in her fingertips. A few minutes pass and she begins to enter his dream.
Darkness. Everywhere around her. The moon is the only thing lighting up her path. She notices she’s in a forest. She walks a few steps before she sees an arrow lodged in the ground, followed by a trail of blood. She then begins to hear screams. She keeps walking and starts hearing fast footsteps. She quickly steps to the side, hiding behind a tree. She then sees Sasuke panting and running. She follows behind him to see where he’s heading. He keeps on turning back, as if someone is chasing him. She looks back to see no one.
She keeps following him. Deciding that she should end his misery, she grabs both his shoulders, startling him.
“Hey.” He turns around, fear evident in his eyes. His face is covered in dirt and sweat.
“Who are you? Let me go!” He tries to break free, but she holds him in place, remaining calm.
“There’s no one here. No one will hurt you.” Sasuke keeps his gaze on the ground, seeming afraid to look at his surroundings. Sakura decides to brighten the surroundings. Literally.
The sun slowly starts to rise, a colorful orange and yellow hue appearing from the horizon. Sasuke notices this and looks up to the sky. He can see the woods clearer now. The arrows stuck on the ground begin to crumble and sprout branches and leaves. The blood on the ground and barks slowly fades to nothing.
His eyes widen in surprise. Fear and terror seem to have dissipated from his eyes and Sakura can’t help but let out a relieved sigh.
“Look, there’s nothing here that will hurt you.” She points towards the path behind him. He turns around to see a clear road ahead of him. The trees surrounding him appear livelier. Birds are singing and the sun shines down on him, engulfing him with warmth that he hasn’t felt in a long time. He breathes in the clear air.  
Sakura takes his hand and starts walking along the path. He lets her lead him to wherever they’re going. A village is starting to come into view and before he knows it, he’s arrived at the entrance of his village, of the village where he grew up in.
He takes in the surroundings. Children are running around laughing, women are carrying tubs of leaves, and the men are carrying a boar, laughing and patting each other on the back, celebrating their hunt.
He can’t remember the last time he’s seen his village this happy. He feels his mind is more at ease as he finally spends a well-rested night.
He opens his eyes, and finds sunlight peeking through the cracks and edges of the house. He rubs his eyes and looks around. He sits up and notices he’s still at the shaman’s house. However, the shaman is nowhere to be found.
He spends some time to recollect his thoughts and remember what had happened the night before. He remembers seeing sunlight and trees in his dream. He remembers hearing children laughing. He gets up to find the shaman to thank her before he hears a door being opened.
Unbeknownst to him, a door at the back of the house open and he sees her walk in with a bowl and a glass of water.
“Good morning. I see you must’ve slept well last night.” She sets the items on the table in front of him and kneels. He sits himself back down.
“Thank you.” It’s the best rest he’s had in years and he has her to thank for it. She shakes her head and smiles at him.
“I’m glad I can help. Here’s some breakfast for you.” He eyes the bowl of soup in front of him and thanks her for the meal before downing it all in one go.
He gets up to head out for the forge.
“My name is Sasuke.” Sakura looks at him for a moment before responding.
“Nice to meet you, Sasuke. I’m Sakura.”
He will surely remember that name from now on..
A/N: I have a few more ideas on how to expand the story. So let me know if you guys are interested in reading more :)
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rinneganwritings · 4 years ago
Never Far Away; Chapter Nine: Only Love Can Break Your Heart
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Word count: 3,346 Summary: Tamako finds herself feeling very lonely and unsure of what the future might hold for her. She meets up with Itachi, who shares some devastating news. This sparks a new flame in Tamako.
Warnings: Slight NSFW content
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Tamako is tired when she and the other women arrive in the new village. It’s shiny, bright and the lights are very attractive. Tsunade wanted to come here because of the casino, Shizune just wanted to get somewhere to stay the night, and Tamako was just following because she had nowhere else to go.
She often thinks about how her encounter with Itachi had gone miserably, and how it didn’t go according to how she had planned it. She wanted to see him again and maybe try to explain to him how she was feeling, but she knew he’d probably just send her away again. Tamako was starting to believe that Itachi’s feelings for her had diminished or dissipated long ago.
Her heart ached as Tsunade finally led them into the beautiful and luxurious inn. This was such a better looking inn than the last one they had stayed in. Tamako is wondering how they’ll be able to manage to stay here, but Tsunade knows her way around people. She’s got a few tricks up her sleeves.
“C’mon, kiddo. Let me show you how to get a free night stay,” Tsunade coaxes, and Tamako follows her inside. Shizune trails behind them, a little unsure.
Inside, the host is a stuffy older man who looks to be about Tsunade’s real age. He seems a little snooty, but Tsunade doesn’t let that stop her from following through with her plan. Tamako watches her saunter over to the counter, and she tries to mimic her actions.
“Hi there,” Tsunade says in a sultry voice. Tamako almost starts laughing, but manages to keep it together.
“What can I do for you?” the older man asks. He seems a little weary of the three women, but he tries to stay professional.
“We’d like a room… but, we’ve got a bit of a predicament,” Tsunade says as she starts to push out her chest. Her large breasts sit on top of the counter. Tamako looks down at her own breasts, which aren’t Tsunade’s size, but they are growing well.
“I can’t help you then. You need money to rent a room.” The older man warns, pointing towards a sign that reads “No money, no room”.
Tsunade throws her hair back a little, then she slowly undoes her shirt to reveal her tits to the older man. He takes in the sight for a moment, then turns away from all the women. Shizune and Tamako share a confused look.
When the man turns around, he’s holding a rag up to his nose and a room key in the other hand. He hands the key to Tsunade, who blows him a kiss after she’s adjusted her shirt. Tsunade then guides the other two towards the hallway, laughing slightly.
“Wow, that’s a great trick!” Tamako exclaims as they begin climbing the steps towards their room.
Tsunade smirks, “It’s only too bad it works mostly on just men. I’ve had it work on a few women, but they mostly aren’t too impressed.” She then looks over to Tamako’s chest. “You could probably do this as well, if you’d like. You’re not as flat chested as I thought.”
Tamako blushes and crosses her arms over her chest. It’s not often that people make comments about her body, and especially not since she’s become a young woman. Sasuke had made a few dumb comments once when they had gone swimming one day, and he had accidentally seen her breasts. Tamako thinks that maybe that was the first time he’s ever seen a woman’s chest.
“Lady Tsunade, I think that’s enough for tonight. You might be making Tamako a little uncomfortable,” Shizune pipes up as Tsunade finds their room.
“Awhh, let me have fun. Tamako isn’t bothered, right?” Tsunade looks over at Tamako.
“Oh, yeah I’m alright!” Tamako shakes off her uncomfortableness, realizing she needs to get used to this kind of life. She’s a rogue ninja now, and there will be times where she’s going to meet all kinds of crazy people like Tsunade.
When Tsunade opens the room, Tamako is in awe. It is gorgeous, roomy and lush. The carpets are a pastel pink color, while the walls are cream. There’s a large window that showcases the view of the whole town. Tamako has never stayed anywhere this fancy, and this place was even better looking than her room back at home…
‘Oh...home. I’ll probably never stay in that room again.’
Tamako felt so crushed for a moment, standing in the entryway as Shizune and Tsunade inspected the room. Shizune turns towards Tamako, giving her a small smile. Tamako takes a second to take a deep breath, then she starts to look at the luxurious furniture in the room.
“I’m glad you have that trick, Tsunade. I’ve never stayed anywhere this nice,” Tamako says briefly.
“Yeah, it definitely has its perks!” Tsunade explains, jiggling her breasts. She snorts for a moment before turning to Shizune, “get it? Perks!? ‘Cause my tits are so perky?”
Tamako giggles while Shizune groans and rolls her eyes, but Tamako notices a smile on her face. The women look around the bathroom and the bedroom, noticing it’s nice and roomy everywhere.
“I think I’m going to turn in for tonight, Lady Tsunade.” Shizune explains, but Tsunade is a little upset.
“No way! We just got here! C’mon, let’s go have a drink!” Tsunade cheers, pulling Shizune by the arm. Tsunade begins dancing with her, but Shizune just kind of stands there awkwardly.
“Please, Lady Tsunade. I’m tired, and I would like to make use of that bathtub.” Shizune pleads, and Tsunade narrows her eyes at her.
“Alright, but only because I’ve got Tamako here with me.” Tsunade says, wiggling her hips as she walks over to Tamako. Tamako laughs.
“Fine, but I cannot get drunk like last time. I’m still kind of a lightweight,” Tamako says, scratching the back of her head nervously.
“Ohhh, come now. You’re Takani’s daughter, it shouldn’t take you too long to start drinking like she used to.”
At the bar, Tsunade orders them a bottle of sake. They use some of the winnings from the last card game they played to pay for the liquor. Tsunade explains how using the boob trick a lot can make it lose its appeal to some people.
They sit in the corner table, watching for drunk or naive men to pass by. Tamako is dressed in a rather tight kimono, which stops just under her ass. She’s never really worn anything this revealing before, but she knows that Tsunade talked her into it so that the men might give them money or buy them booze.
“You really do look like her,” Tsunade slurs, already a little buzzed.
“Like my mother? Everyone says that. Yumiko favors my father, to be honest.” Tamako explains, leaning her chin on her palms.
“Yeah, she did. She’s flat chested and has a stick up her ass just like he did!” Tsunade says, laughing loudly. She hiccups and then blushes. “I’m sorry, I didn’t mean that.”
Tamako just chuckles, “don’t worry, I know how Yumiko can be. She’s tough as nails and she had to grow up fast, so she didn’t always have the most time for fun.”
Tsunade pours them both another drink, and she realizes the bottle is empty. She gets up on shaky legs to get them another bottle. Tamako watches her from the table, wondering if she’s always been this dumb. Her heart hurts as she thinks about Itachi. There’s probably a good chance that he’s fallen out of love with her long ago, and here she was, ruining her life to chase after him.
“Penny for your thoughts,” Tsunade says as she places another bottle of sake on the table.
“I think I’m making a big mistake.” Tamako confesses, covering her face with her hands.
Tsunade places a comforting hand on her shoulder, rubbing soothingly as she allows Tamako to wallow in her own self-pity. Tsunade knows how that feels, and she’s definitely felt this kind of pain before. Sure, it’s not quite the same kind of situation, but the pain is a similar one.
“Well, I don’t know about that,” Tsunade says as she pours them another drink. She passes one of the drinks to Tamako, then Tsunade downs her own.
“It’s just, I didn’t expect Itachi to trick me. I really thought he loved me,” Tamako begins. “I know it’s been some time since we’ve seen each other, but love can’t dissipate that fast, can it?”
Tsunade thinks for a moment before laughing, “Hey, let me just say one thing. There was this guy on my team when I was younger, and he has never stopped loving me.”
Tamako looks at her in shock, “Orochimaru?!”
Tsunade bursts out laughing even harder, making lots of the patrons in the bar start staring at them. Tamako isn’t sure how to react. Orochimaru wasn’t a good person, and for him to continue loving Tsunade forever, maybe it meant something good for Tamako and Itachi.
“Oh, kiddo...you crack me up. I meant Jiraiya, but I do think that maybe Orochimaru had the hots for me too. Most people think of me that way,” Tsunade says confidently. Tamako sighs a breath of relief.
“Let’s just say, Itachi probably didn’t stop loving you. If anything, he might be trying to protect you. But besides that,” Tsunade leans over to get closer to Tamako. “What are you going to do about your sister? She’ll never stop chasing you, you know?”
Tamako frowns and downs her drink, “I know. I’m hoping she’ll just stop eventually from sheer exhaustion, but I’d also hate that for her. I still love her so much, but she needs to let me become my own person.”
Tsunade eyes her for a moment, “you need to live your own life, kiddo. She’s your sister and she’ll always try to protect you, but you need to make your own decisions.”
Hours after leaving the bar, Tamako lays in bed staring at the empty ceiling. She couldn’t shake the anxiety her conversation with Tsunade gave her. She hates this guilty feeling that’s rising within her, building up in her stomach and making her feel like she’s going to vomit...or cry.
Tamako gets up quietly, and she grabs a jacket and her shoes. She needs to go outside and clear her mind. Being in this lush room doesn’t really help her understand her true feelings. The moon is large and bright, and the stars are calling to her.
Once she’s outside of the inn, she starts walking down one road, which leads to some beaten down path to the outskirts of the town. It's a quiet night, except for a few lovers who are walking about. It makes Tamako long for her own companionship. There’s a part of her that thinks maybe she should have stayed in the village, and maybe she could have waited for Sasuke to grow up a little...then maybe they could have gotten together. Sasuke isn’t her first choice, but he is reliable and familiar. He’s still a kid though.
Tamako barely pays attention to what she’s doing, though her ears are trained to listen for small noises that could mean an enemy. When she hears the call of a crow, her heart stops beating for a moment. She hopes it’s Itachi, but she figures it’s really just wishful thinking.
Those thoughts are swept away when she sees him standing in front of her. He’s got a stern look written on his face, but his eyes are telling a different story. Within them, there is sadness, love and a touch of guilt.
“Tamako, you didn’t listen to me.” Itachi says, and Tamako stops right in front of him.
“Why should I? We don’t even know each other anymore,” Tamako retorts coldly. Itachi can feel a sadness invade his mind when he hears her tone.
“You need to listen to me. Have I ever steered you in the wrong direction? I’ve always tried to guide you properly, and so has Yumiko.” Itachi argues, walking over to her. He’s hesitant to touch her, but he can’t help himself. He brushes back a few stray hairs, and he cups her cheek.
Tamako wants to be angry and yell, but she melts right into his touch. It’s been so long since he’s given her attention like this. Even if it’s momentary, she’s going to enjoy it as much as she can. Itachi looks deeply into her eyes, and she can tell he’s fighting back tears.
“Even if you were to come with me,” Itachi starts. “It’s not like I have much longer.”
Tamako pulls away, staring at him in disbelief. She’s not even sure what he’s talking about, but she really doubts this has anything to do with enemies or a bounty. Itachi has done good to keep himself stronger than most and mostly well-liked, despite slaughtering his clan.
“What are you talking about?” Tamako asks. Itachi sighs, and he can tell he’s already told her too much.
“I am ill, Tamako. It’s not something I can cure, but I can treat it. Even with the best treatments, my life is diminishing quickly.” Tamako can barely concentrate on his words. She doesn’t want to think about what this actually means.
“You mean...you’re going to die?” Tamako asks. Her breath hitches in her throat as she clings to him. He wraps his arms around her, holding her close and kissing the top of her head.
“This is partly why I didn’t want you to follow me. I thought by the time I would perish, you would have moved on to someone else. I would have hoped that your teammate would have charmed you enough, but as luck would have it, your feelings are strong just like my own.” Itachi explains, tears falling from his eyes. He can’t help it.
Tamako sobs into his chest, crying out and repeating “no” over and over again. She can’t handle this right now. It’s just too much information to take in. Her heart breaks as Itachi tries to comfort her as much as he can.
“What if I tried to find a cure? I could do that for you,” Tamako looks up at him with tears in her eyes. Most of them have spilled over, but she looks so pitiful this way. It’s really making Itachi weak.
“Tamako, love...please, don’t ever do that. I need you to understand that your life has so much more potential than mine. You cannot dedicate your life to mine, alright?” Itachi says sternly. “Besides, I do not want you to watch me die.”
The words hang heavy between them. Tamako wants him to take her away and live a quiet life in the forest together. Itachi would love to be that selfish and do the same, but he cannot. He can’t bring himself to ask that of Tamako. He loves her dearly, and he’d never be able to die peacefully if she made it her life’s duty to watch him die.
“Let me learn medical ninjutsu, and I’ll cure you. I know I could, if you just let me try,” Tamako pleads.
Itachi shushes her quietly, placing a tender kiss to her forehead. Without thinking about it, Tamako leans up and kisses Itachi softly. He holds her closely, feeling the tears in his eyes well up once again. He wants her, and only her, but this cannot be her life.
While she’s not paying attention, he places her under another short genjutsu so he can return her to the room in the inn.
Tamako is in the kitchen, cooking dinner with Mikoto while they wait for Sasuke, Itachi and Fugaku to return home. Mikoto is going on and on about how Itachi was becoming a very skilled policeman just like his father, and Tamako is gushing over this as well.
Tamako and Itachi have just gotten engaged, and soon the wedding bells will ring. It’s going to be such a blessed and happy day in summer when those two finally wed. It had almost been decided since they were children. Mikoto and Takani got pregnant roughly around the same time, and the two women bonded over that. Itachi and Tamako grew up together, and as they got older, they fell in love with one another.
The door slides open, and Tamako and Mikoto hear Sasuke announcing his presence. Behind him is Itachi and Fugaku. They all enter the kitchen, and Fugaku kisses Mikoto.
Itachi walks over to Tamako and wraps his arms around her. He presses a kiss to her temple before whispering, “I’ll always love you.”
Tamako snaps out of the genjutsu a little quicker this time. It’s left her so heartbroken, but so much more determined than she’s ever felt in her life. When morning comes, she’s resolved to ask Tsunade to take her on as another apprentice.
Tamako needs to learn medical ninjutsu so she can figure out the cure for Itachi’s illness. Tamako knows that there are so many cures for illnesses, and even though some of them are hard to find, she will make it her life’s duty to find it.
Nothing could take that away from her, and nobody will talk her out of it. Even if it takes longer than she’d like it to, she will continue to strive for that cure. Just know that Itachi still loves her after all these years has spurred her on.
When morning finally arrives, Tamako is basically bursting with excitement. While her heart aches for Itachi and she worries about him even more, she knows she can do something for him. Tamako has been wanting to train under the legendary Tsunade forever, and now this is her chance.
“You’re looking different, kiddo. What happened to you?” Tsunade asks as she gets ready for the day.
“Lady Tsunade, would you teach me medical ninjutsu?” Tamako asks, and Tsunade laughs. It’s not the first time she’s heard this, and memories of Shizune come to mind.
Shizune was so young when she asked Tsunade to teach her ninjutsu, but also they had a bond seeing as Shizune is Dan’s niece. Tsunade felt a little bit of an obligation with Shizune, but now the same situation was kind of presenting itself.
Tsunade sighs for a second, mulling it over. She had been planning this shinobi sabbatical for quite some time, and she wondered if it were even a good idea to teach Tamako something so important. Besides, what had happened to Tamako that made her so eager to want to learn this?
“This is pretty tough stuff to learn. Are you sure you’re willing to listen to me no matter what?” Tsunade quizzes, and Tamako nods. Tsunade studies Tamako’s reaction, and it makes her realize that maybe Tamako has found out about something that’s making her want to learn medical ninjutsu.
“Of course, I am completely ready.” Tamako is practically bouncing up and down, making Tsunade chuckle.
Tsunade smiles, “alright kiddo. I’ll train you.”
She’s a little worried about how much of this training Tamako can take, but she knows that Tamako is strong. She is Takani’s daughter after all, and while Tsunade is mostly known around these parts, Takani was such a force to be reckoned with. Tamako had definitely inherited that from her mother as well as her beauty, but Tsunade could see that determination that Nakachi had.
Tsunade has a good feeling about it, despite a few reservations she did have. It seemed like a good plan for Tamako, and besides, it could keep her out of trouble. Tsunade decides to take on Tamako as her student, and with that, she decides to send Hiruzen a message that Tamako is not a rogue ninja, she is just looking for some guidance outside of the village.
Maybe, this will keep Tamako away from Itachi for some time. Tsunade knows that will be her end goal anyways, but if she can distract her for some time, it may change.
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onomatophia · 5 years ago
devils roll the dice, angels roll their eyes
Notes: i literally know nothing about police procedurals so sorry for any of the inaccurate depiction/info. shoutout to tswift for releasing Lover and giving me new titles to work with
Pairing: Haruno Sakura/Uchiha Sasuke
Summary: Because that's what Haruno Sakura is, a paradox. An enigma he's been trying to solve since he laid eyes on her. Who knew that hidden behind that innocent, angelic face is the leader of Konoha's largest mob?
In which Haruno Sakura is a mob boss and Uchiha Sasuke is a police detective playing a game of cat and mouse. It's a love hate relationship.
"Huh," Haruno Sakura muses as her eyes roam about the interrogation room she's in, "I was kind of expecting more of a bare cramped space with nothing but two metal chairs and a flickering lightbulb swinging above while you give me useless threats to provide you with information. You know, like the ones on TV. How very disappointing," she says and gives out mock sigh of disappoinment.
Detective Uchiha Sasuke only continues to look over the folder containing all the information about her, refusing to spare her a glance.
Seated in front of him is temptation incarnate herself. Dressed in nothing but a flashing red suit and black killer heels, Haruno Sakura is a sight to behold. Her skin tight suit is only buttoned on the navel, covering only her stomach and showing off a portion of her black lace bra, giving him a good view of her cleavage that seems to be taunting him everytime he looks up at her. Her hair is tied up in a messy bun, showing off her slender and creamy neck that makes Sasuke clench his fists. She looks like she's straight out of the garden of eden; one look at her and Sasuke feels like he's committing a sin.
He thinks that such glaringly bright color should clash against the pastel pink of her hair but then again, he supposes it's only fitting. Because that's what Haruno Sakura is, a paradox. An enigma he's been trying to solve since he laid eyes on her.
Who knew that hidden behind that innocent, angelic face is the leader of Konoha's largest mob?
Sasuke clears his throat and tries to focus to the task at hand. He has a job to do and being attracted to the fugitive he's been chasing for the last two years is only counterproductive to his work.
"I assume you are aware what you're brought in for, Miss Haruno?"
"Aww, you even used your pet name for me in your workplace. That's very sweet of you, Detective," Sakura says with a saccharine smile.
Sasuke's eye merely twitches at her jibe. "What were you doing in Shimura Danzo's mansion the night he was murdered?"
She leans back in her chair and starts to examine her nails in a bored fashion. "Mr. Shimura was a close friend of Tsunade's, I figured it would be nice to have a chat about the family business with him."
"Family business," Sasuke repeats. "Didn't know that's what you refer to organized crime these days. What kind of business do you have to talk about with the Chief of Konoha's Police Force in the middle of the night, then?"
"I just came for a truce, that's all. The police has been rather meddlesome with my businesses lately." Sakura leans over the table and rests the side of her face on her palm.  "So you brought me in here because you think I murdered Danzo, is that right, Detective?"
"You were the last person he saw before he died. Your location was ten minutes away from his mansion during the time of the murder. He was the one who started the investigation against you, giving you a motive to get rid of him. I could go on and on but I don't want to waste time. Either confess now or we find evidence against you," Sasuke says smugly.
Instead of fear and panic, however, Sasuke can only find amusement dancing in her mesmerising green eyes and something tells him that this woman in front of him is up to no good.
"Why Detective Uchiha, that might be the longest thing you've ever uttered to me in the last two years. Should I go on a murder spree so I can improve the communication issues we've been having in our relationship?" Sakura asks innocently.
Sasuke just grits his teeth, "It would be in your best interest to cooperate, Miss Haruno."
"His mansion is quite far from my place so I decided to spend the rest of my night at nearby motel bar. And last time I checked, I don't have the ability to teleport nor do I have a doppelganger so how can I be in two places at once?"
"And it just so happens that CCTV cameras in that motel bar were broken?" he asks sarcastically.
"Not my fault that the owner wasn't good at maintaining their establishment," she replies with a shrug.
"You failed to show us a receipt as proof that you were down at the bar at the time of murder."
Sakura smirks at him. "With this pretty face, would you really expect me to buy my own drink when I can barely finish all the free drinks a few hotties had been sending my way last night?"
Sasuke clenches his jaw, not liking ugly feeling churning in his stomach. He chalks it up to irritation at her, not at the thought of her being with other men. "So Danzo's not the only one to fall prey to your deceptions last night, then?"
Sakura laughs. "If I didn't know any better, I would think you're jealous, Detective."
"You're delusional."
Instead of being offended, she lets out a chuckle instead. "Don't worry, Detective. I slept alone last night if that's what you're worried about. After all, there's only one particular man I want to take home with me every night but he's always annoyed with me whenever we see each other."
Sasuke could feel her heels sliding up and down his leg and if it weren't for his practiced control, he would've shivered right there and then at the contact. He gives her a warning look. "Careful Miss Haruno, if you don't want me to have to handcuff you."
"Ooh. Kinky," Sakura says with a wink.
Sasuke tries to hold back a growl of frustration wanting to come out from his lips. He refuses to rise to the bait and give her the satisfaction of reacting to her taunts.
This woman really knows how to push his buttons.
She's been held in the interrogation room as the prime suspect for the murder and so far, no one has succeeded in breaking her. Even Ibiki Morino, the famed interrogator in their precinct, tried to make her talk but to no avail. She is a tough shell to crack.
Sasuke is about to ask her another set of questions when the door to the interrogation room suddenly opens, revealing the captain of their precinct, Hatake Kakashi. A woman with long blonde hair tied up in ponytail and dressed in a formal black suit stands behind him, holding a briefcase and Sakura's belongings with her.
"Sorry to interrupt Detective Uchiha," Kakashi says as they both enter and then turns to Sakura with an inscrutable look, "but Miss Haruno here is free to go."
Sasuke abruptly stands up, brows furrowed. "What do you mean?"
Kakashi gives him a look of resignation. "The killer just voluntarily surrendered himself five minutes ago. Detective Uzumaki is processing his statement right now."
"I take it my client can leave now? You've already held her here for twelve hours and it would be better that she not spend any more minute trapped in this place." The woman interrupts, her blue eyes sharp, daring them to challenge her words. Sasuke has seen her with Sakura often and assumes she must be her lawyer.
"Yes," Kakashi replies. "Thank you for your cooperation, Miss Haruno."
But Sakura was not paying attention to him, she was busy locking gazes with Sasuke who is looking back at her with accusation in his eyes.
He thinks her alibi is much too sloppy and that it's awfully convenient that some random murderer decides to confess his crime when he could easily get away as there are no traces of evidence of the murder. He knows, with such certainty, that the woman in front of him is the one responsible for killing Danzo but with her power over Konoha, catching her would be like finding needles in a haystack.
Sakura smiles knowingly at him and turns on her heels, "See you later, Detective."
Sasuke stumbles as he opens the door to his apartment. He usually doesn't drink because he can never hold his liquor but today proved to be a very challenging day so when Naruto asked the whole squad to go to the nearby bar, he didn't hesitate to go with them.
"You're home late."
He doesn't startle when he hears her voice, he knows she'll be here. It's Friday, one of the days she reserves only for him.
She's the one who bought this penthouse apartment for him anyway, she can come in whenever she likes. It's an expensive place with a pretty good location and it gives Naruto something to tease him about. With their meager salary as cops and with his family's modest background, his friend cannot fathom how he could afford such a place and thus comes to the conclusion that Sasuke has a sugar mommy. Sasuke cannot count how many times he has decked Naruto for such an insinuation.
He removes his coat and hangs his keys before turning to Sakura who sits by the kitchen counter, dressed in one of his shirts and leiurely sipping wine.
Sasuke clenches his jaw, still quite angry with her. Angry with her for not letting him in on her plans, angry with her for just sitting there and looking so perfect and making his heart stutter every damn time. He feels his body burn as they held their gazes for a moment and he's sure it's got nothing to do with the alcohol he consumed.
Still, he might be stupid for her but he has pride to maintain so he decides to ignore her and head straight to the bedroom, aware of Sakura following him from behind.
She sighs as she leans against the door. "Come on, we haven't seen each other in a week. Are you really gonna be difficult tonight?"
Sasuke stares at her for a moment before returning to his task of divesting his vest.
Sakura groans out loud and steps into the room to come near him. She bats his hand away and starts to unbutton his shirt herself, refusing to look at him while Sasuke continues to scowl at her.
Silence reigned in the room for what seemed like a long time before Sasuke decides to break his resolve and question her. This has often become a game for them whenever they had a row, see who breaks first. Sakura always loses; she is far too impatient to prolong their guessing game and Sasuke can be an immovable mountain when he wants to.
This time, though, it's Sasuke who breaks the silence. "Why didn't you tell me about Danzo?" he asks without preamble.
Right now they are just in his apartment, not in a cold interrogation room. Right now they are just Sasuke and Sakura, not cop and fugitive. No need for theatrics, they shed their masks the moment they walked through the door of his apartment.
With nothing left to unbutton, Sakura only fiddles with ends of his shirt before she sighs and looks up at him. "He was planning to kill you. He was planning to send you and your squad on a suicide mission so he'd still have his hands clean even as he completed his goal."
Sasuke frowns, "I don't remember doing anything that might've displeased him."
"No, but you reopened an old case that might incriminate him."
He doesn't bother to ask how she knows this. She's Sakura, she owns Konoha and she can do anything she wants. He thinks back to the case he and Naruto had been halfway through solving, a case involving a massacre of some politician's family ten years ago.
Sakura nods to the direction of his bedside table where he sees a stack of folders lay. "You might want to have a look at that. It might help with your case."
Sasuke finds it ironic that he's the cop whose job is to protect people and yet it's a wanted criminal who's been doing all the saving.
"You didn't have to do that," Sasuke says. For me, were the words unsaid.
"Well I can't just let you die, then that's one less cop on my side." Sakura then loops her arms around his neck and smiles at him.
Sasuke only shakes his head. "Bullshit, I don't even do anything for you."
It's true. In the past year they've been meeting up in secret, there were no inside informations exchanged between them that could be of use to Sakura. And while he let himself off on the ongoing investigation against her, he does nothing to get her out of the hook either.
They've both agreed that with their arrangement as complicated as it already is, they should try to keep their jobs out of it as possible. This was the first time she's involved herself in his own matters.
"Fine, if you died then I'd have nobody to warm my bed," Sakura ammends playfully.
"You have men, even women, crawling at your feet," he points out.
She narrows his eyes at him and pinches his chest, "Are you really gonna make me say it?"
They stared each other down for a few seconds before Sakura finally cracks. "You're important to me, okay? I don't—I don't know what I'm gonna do if I ever lose you so I'm gonna do everything in my power to not let it happen, even let this whole city burn if it means you're okay."
She doesn't have to say those three words, it already hangs in the air between them. Sasuke has known for quite some time because even with her cold facade, Sakura wears her heart in her sleeve. He can feel it in her kisses, in every lazy Sunday morning sex, in every tomato flavored dish she tries to cook for him but fails, in that fond smile she reserves only for him, in the different places she brings him to and everytime she gives him a peak inside the walls she so carefully built around herself.
"Sakura," he starts to say before he trails off, unsure what to say and what to do. "I..."
He feels the same way but he's afraid to admit it out loud. They've done such a good job of tiptoeing around each other, ignoring the elephant in the room and pretending what they have is just a casual thing, that there are no feelings involved. He's afraid that if they admit their feelings out loud, whatever fragile thing they have would break.
Sakura takes a deep breath and waves him off before he can say anything. "Danzo's been rather meddlesome lately anyways and I needed a distraction for the upcoming shipments to be unnoticed. It's the"
Her words were cut off when Sasuke suddenly pulls her flush against him, slanting his lips against hers as his hands roam about her body and igniting a fire between them that not even deep kisses can extiguish. Sakura responds immediately, tightening her hold on him and kissing him back with the same fervor. He pulls her even closer, wanting to feel every inch of her as they continue kissing like there's no tomorrow.
"You're mine," she says breathlessly when they pull apart, resting her forehead against his.
"Aa," he agrees because what's the use of denying it?
They were silent for a moment, basking in each other's presence before Sakura decides to break it with the troublesome smirk he knows all too well.
"Now where are those handcuffs you promised to use on me earlier, Detective?"
Sasuke's lips twitches into an exasperated smile as he looks down at her and pushes her back down on his bed. "You are nothing but a pain in my ass, Haruno," he says before climbing on top of her and leaning in to kiss her.
He can't help but feel that something just changed between them and something in him relaxes at the thought that they had just taken the plunge and cemented their relationship as something real, something they both want to fight for.
He knows what they're doing is wrong. He should be putting her behind bars; not caging her in his arms, but he can't find it in himself to care. She's got half the cops of Konoha in her pockets anyway, being the one particular cop inside her pants makes no difference.
this was supposed to be angsty but it turned out soft and fluffy?? lol
just realized that the main theme of my fics is sakura being badass and awesome and wonderful and sasuke on the sidelines being pussywhipped. i love it
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lazylazyhowl · 5 years ago
miscue (of snakes and cherry blossoms - sasusaku)
miscue (noun, verb) – failing to respond to a cue; an inadvertent mistake
[“They must call her foolish behind her back, but she supposes there are worse things to be.” Sakura. Sasuke. An open window, and saving the other. Post-war fluffy angst. (But not angsty fluff, no).]
AO3 Link
There’s no denying that her office is cluttered. Sakura tries to keep it tidy, but the paperwork that steadily increases together with her responsibilities as Head Medic isn’t so forgiving.
“Can I open the window?”
For a moment, there’s a stab of self-consciousness that there are smells her colleagues might have been too tactful to point out.
“Go ahead, Sasuke-kun.”
Without moving her gaze from her work, she tracks the faint signature of his chakra as he moves across the room to fiddle with the lock. Sai was in charge of keeping watch of him tonight, so they should have some leeway.
The scent of dew and earth fills her nostrils with the slight breeze that enters her office. Beneath her coat, a small wave of goosebumps climbs up her arms from the chilly air. She can hear the rustle of the trees and the lively chirping of birds returning to their nests.
“It’s a full moon tonight.” He announces with his back to her and face tilted up to said celestial body.
He’s undoubtedly losing weight, and she doesn’t know what more she can do to help. His back seems small in those loose-fitting clothes, she thinks, against the orange-blue backdrop of early evening outside. It’s a strange thing to observe when he’s always been tall gait and broad shoulders to her.
She can’t see what he does from her seat, so she simply returns to the papers on her desk with an acknowledging hum. Jotting down the last few notes on the patient case file, she closes the folder and sets it aside before cracking open a new one.
“It’s already been a month, huh,” she says. “Time flies.”
“It felt longer actually.”
“Oh, I can see how.” She checks to make sure she’s getting correctly the kanji for the name of this thirty-year-old patient. Quite a rare spelling. “So much has been happening.”
“I lost track of time,” he says after a bit.
“Right, I need to get a clock for your room!” She grabs her notepad to scribble down a reminder.
“No, I mean-” There’s a slow headshake in his tone “-the moon, it’s beautiful.”
She pauses mid letter despite herself and smiles, knowing he would never mean it like that. He’s always been clueless in these matters. It’s quite endearing.
“Is it ever ugly?”
In the unassuming silence the follows where he says nothing, she finishes writing with a firm press of her pen.
A clock would be good for him. The council is demanding he be drugged up half the time of a day, as if sealing his chakra down to half what normal shinobi needs to move about wasn’t enough. Absolutely ludicrous! With his wounds healing, she’s also run out of excuses for the daily visits that probably used to help him orientate, too.
“I guess not,” he finally says with hints of a chuckle, his shoulders slouching a little more.
Putting away the notepad, she resumes her work again. The key to optimism is to focus on what can be done, rather than what cannot. Being with Naruto taught her as much.
The test results for this patient is fairly straight-forward. Just malnutrition and lack of sleep, a combination not entirely uncommon these days with so much work still needs to be done in Konoha.
They were going through something close to an upheaval. Her shishō has been pushing for changes left and right, sometimes rather ham-fistedly (but with no less cunning), taking advantage of the smoke and debris of war that has yet to settle.
For all the newness of the situation, even the chaos is beginning to bleed into routine after a month. Adaptation is a truly amazing thing.
She prescribes the man two types of supplements and makes some additional notes for his discharge tomorrow.
“I lose track of time staring at it,” Sasuke says.
“Ah, me too.”
“I look at it sometimes when I can’t sleep.” It was in fact the only thing that got her through many sleepless nights for a while, but her words sound trite to her own ears, like some blatant ingratiation to force a connection with him.
She doesn’t care to look for the hints, but she does wonder if Sasuke has taken offense. He’s never had patience for people who pretended to understand, and she’s still not sure she does. Perhaps she would never.
“Aa, I end up watching it most nights.”
“I’m sorry, I wish I could give you some sleeping aid.” He’s rapidly developing monstrous tolerance for their tranquilizers, and she can only worry for his constitution after this is over.
“No. It’s nothing I haven’t been through. Some of the drugs Orochimaru gave me before also made sleep impossible. There wasn’t much to do outside of training and traveling.”
“Right.” But she’s not sure what is, because to be honest everything he just said is all wrong in her mind. He was barely over thirteen.
“The lulls in between are the worst,” she says noncommittally, but it’s perhaps the one thing they could agree on—he and she, both being single-minded people.
“The moon was there no matter where I was. Wasn’t hard to form a habit.”
She keeps her eyes on the paperwork but fails to concentrate on the words between her hands. Her throat is suddenly dry. She hasn’t realized they could just talk about his time away from Konoha like this. She thought she wasn’t allowed to know about the him of that period. He’s proven as much when he left her on that bench all those years ago.
But maybe that night has never held much significance to him. Maybe from his point of view, he only did the sensible thing, what was probably best for her, if not himself, and she’s the only one who’s still sore, who treats it like the landmine it’s not.
“All those times, it never occurred to me. That’s…beauty.”
Something in the movement of the air tugs at her attention then. She looks up and gapes at the sight of him standing precariously tall on the edge of the windowsill.
She runs to him in an instant, knocking over some folders on her way over. Even one arm down, he turns around on the narrow ledge with grace not unexpected of a shinobi. Still, her heart skips an ugly beat.
His inky hair is tousled, bleeding into the cooling sky; his flawless skin paler than the glaring full moon at his back. Mismatched eyes unblinking, he watches her for explanation.
“You need to get down from there.”
She’s sure she had a good reason, but she can only come up with, “It’s dangerous.”
“We’re on the first floor.”
“I-I know.”
But something about the him right now unsettles her.
“Just- Get down, please.”
He considers her words for a moment and dips his head a fraction. “Alright.” And he turns around and leaps out before her wide eyes. She only knows to reach for him on pure instinct.
“Oi Sakura.” The baleful barb in his voice startles her as she hastily releases her grip on his ankle. He pushes himself off the ground to glare at her over his shoulder with a coal-black eye, looking about to pop a vein. There’s a heated flush to his cheeks that matches the redness of his nose from having fallen face-first into the grass and dirt outside.
“I-I’m so sorry Sasuke-kun!”
She jumps over and kneels next to him as he sits up, green chakra glowing over the minor cuts on his face. He’s as good as new in an instant.
“What was that for?” he asks as he accepts the handkerchief that she meekly holds out for him. It takes the better part of her control to keep from flinching where their fingers lightly brush.
She breaks eye contact from the intensity of his stare and considers lying before telling the truth. “Well, I-you scared me.”
“I scared you.”
“N-no!” She snaps her gaze back to him. “Not you. More like…what you did.”
“Hn.” His shuttered tone says he’s zeroed in on an instant he thinks she’s referring to, and she clambers to clarify.
“You leapt out the window.”
He huffs, eyes turning hard. “It takes more than half a meter drop to hurt me. I’m low on chakra, Sakura. Not crippled.”
He stands and dusts himself off, no longer looking her in the eye. Well, if he wasn’t offended before, he certainly is now. It’s well-deserved, really, but somehow, she finds it easier to breathe.
She rises and tugs at his empty sleeve before he can walk away. “I’m not scared of you, Sasuke-kun.”
She speaks for no one else, but this he has to know. She has to make sure he knows, because it’s probably the insecurity that pervades him these days. That he courts unrest and dissension. That he’s that something to fear, and be shunned and left in isolation and neglect.
That he’s somehow less human than the next boy.
She looks into his eyes until she sees the hardness melt into resignation.
“But I still scared you.”
Her heart quickens again. “That’s because you jumped-”
“-out the window, you’ve mentioned,” he says with an eye roll and something between agitation and a sigh.
There’s a sting in the corner of her eyes she hopes is just reaction to the chilly wind. “You don’t understand!”
“Aa, I’m still waiting.”
“It- You-” Her voice is starting to crack. How she loathes that she’s always showing him this lovelorn, pitiful part of her that she knows he doesn’t care for. She feels eight-year-old again before him, small and bumbling, an unaccomplished mess, and he just stood back and watched her in all his dignified apathy.
“Sakura.” His hand grips at her shoulder firmly, a dash of concern in his countenance. She blinks at the watery sheen in her eyes, wondering momentarily, where he still gets his strength from.
“I thought you were going to disappear.” At his wide, blank stare, she averts her face, her tears spilling anew. She’s aware her words are as silly as she feels.
That stillness to his demeanor, that foreign tranquility—like silence, like rippleless water. It occurs to her sometimes that maybe he’s making peace. That he’s given up before the fight even begins.
Then his suddenly far-too-baggy shirt fluttered in a gust of strong wind, lifting to reveal a vulnerability of skin and bones, the white bandages underneath and stark black seals carved all over his body. And the next moment, he leapt.
“Right then…I was…afraid…” The massive leaf canopy that hangs over them rustles wildly. She picks at the hem of her coat, looking everywhere but at him.
He feels empty and faded when he’s like this. Calm. Placid. Like he could be gone if she blinked too slowly. And then she’d wonder if the reason for this all is that she’s actually just another one who can’t forgive, another one who can only associate him with tumult and discord, despite all her vocal averment for his goodness.
His grip slipping from her shoulder draws her gaze back to him. He’s looking down to where she’s holding a fistful of his empty sleeve, and he wraps his hand over hers, the calluses on his palm grazing her knuckles with such gentleness, it hurts.
She lets go and steps back, never expecting him to step forward and pulls her against his chest.
She flushes. Her body goes rigid as the weight of his chin rests over the top of her head and his large hand fits behind her neck. Her arms are crushed between their chests, and she smells medicine and grass; the spice of detergent in his clothes, the saltiness of the gauzes beneath.
“Sakura.” His voice thrums deep against her forehead, through the skin of his throat. “I made up my mind, you know. I’m not going anywhere.”
“O-oh, that’s…great.”
Nothing is said for a while, and they remain in that position. He shows no sign of budging, and she’s not sure she has ever had it in her to break away from him.
“You’re worried about me.”
His scent, the coolness of his skin. His faint, beating heart against her thundering one. She chokes when she feels his thumb on her earlobe.
“And you’re not afraid of me.”
“I’m not.” She shakes her head the best she can in his embrace.
“Promise me one thing.”
His chest expands in a deep breath.
“Don’t go anywhere, either.”
Ah, how sly, Sasuke-kun.
She curls her fingers into the front of his shirt and nods against his chest. “I promise I’m not going anywhere.”
Sasuke adjusts the angle of his chin against her headband, the metal sapping heat from his skin on contact. Sakura’s grown wonderfully, he thinks, so able and strong; might walk so far out of his grasp, no dōjutsu in the world can find her for him, when all he’s known of her for so long are naïve smiles and spindly arms and legs.
When they finally part, he wipes gingerly at the corner of her eye. They both know that this is in no way fair, because they are both the sort that looks far ahead, and even though she is certain to keep her words, he might never be able to keep his.
But the heat of her breaths breathes something tenacious into his chest, seeping into his lungs, and bones and marrows.
And for at the very least tonight, he decides he will not be going anywhere far away from her.
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