This blog is nowadays mostly about pointing out the hypocrisy in naruto fandom. I'm not super active, post whenever I feel like it. And yeah this blog is Naruto ending/post-ending negative. If you like Sasusaku or Naruhina or even Narusaku probably not for you. Sorry I love being an awful hater!
Don't wanna be here? Send us removal request.
I love how Its sasuke who is CANONICALLY a very stunning person so much that people stop in their attacks to praise him but ss act like sakura is the prize somehow and out of his league
It's self inserting. These women self insert into Sakura and need to feel desirable. Many such cases in shipping fandoms.
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recently there was a sasusaku hate tweet 🫶
"This is the worst relationship in all manga, there's nothing, nothing, nothing to get from this thing, it's crazy"
Well summarized. There really is nothing to gain from ss.
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k bye <3
#lmao#anti sakura#what's shocking is there are people who read this chapter#and still think kishimoto wasn't shitting on sakura
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I know your blog isn't about JJK but what do you think of Megumi? Sorry but I find him so tasteless and I hate to see him being compared to Sasuke 😵💫
Sorry but I really like him. People compare every dark haired aloof character to Sasuke, it's just how it is. I do remember Gege said he took some inspiration from Sasuke for Megumi's personality? But they are still very different characters and the comparisons when it comes to the decisions they take are pointless.
I don't have a problem with other dark haired aloof male characters, I like Kageyama, Levi, Hiei as well.
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the problem is...... that nowadays sakura's fandom only got bigger and cocky and im seeing too many people like her now...
She also has a lot of haters. Her criticism videos and posts still get more likes than the fan ones. But it's true people have started this campaign where they pretend she's actually misunderstood, or the recent claim that the anime made people hate her lol. Which is delusional because I remember plenty disliked her antics when the manga chapters came out. But when you got a social media platform like tiktok and twitter, bad and delusional takes just spread there like wildfire. There's countless political posts that are straight up lies that get viral, so it's not shocking bullshit posts about anime happen as well.
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Studio pierrot gave Sakura scenes that made her look better. And they added many narusaku scenes. Tiktok is not known for intelligent takes however. I personally didn't even finish the anime, only the manga. She's still weak and unlikeable.
I’m crying they’re delusional now
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...are there people comparing Kikyou and Sakura? Hdjdhsjah I can't. They're not even NEAR close the same.
Kikyou's a complex character and while I do have my misgivings about her writing, she at least showed developments and, again, complexity in her character. A big part of her character is that emotions can be illogical and hard to let go. In the end, Kikyou let Inuyasha go and accepted her peace she rightfully deserved.
Sakura on the other hand...imo, I see very little developments and she's fairly shallow and self centered (her confessing her fake feelings to Naruto just to get him to stop trying with Sasuke showed that extent). The novels did not help her character at all imo, as it painted a fairly clear picture that she'd constantly harass Sasuke to get him to accept her feelings. Had Kishimoto showed her having the ability to let Sasuke go for her to focus on herself and be better, that'd elevate her character so much and would genuinely show her as a decent role model, especially in letting go a romance interest and be her own person with personal goals outside chasing romance.
But, sadly, no, she never did move on and she even showed that she was willing to put Sasuke (or, at least her feelings about Sasuke) above their own child.
Sakura is in no way similar to Kikyou. The only parallel I can get is, as you've pointed out, is 'getting in the way of the fave ship'.
Of course this is entirely my opinion. Still, I can't get over the fact that there are people comparing Sakura and Kikyou. But, I probably shouldn't be surprised; toxic Sakura stans are not known to be reasonable. 😕
Every female character in Inuyasha is more likeable than Sakura. Sakura is constantly lamenting how "I can't do anything" over and over again. It gets annoying. She also doesn't understand either Sasuke or Naruto, all of her confessions showed that very clearly. She just has this crying weak little girl persona that never left. Yet she has the gall to brag about her powers and how amazing she is and how she's better than Tsunade and how she is gonna steal the Hokage seat like girl sit down, you need to be saved in literally every single arc.
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There was a Japanese poll on favorite shonen jump female characters in one magazine and Sakura was #1 for women and #2 for men. So naturally, Sakura stans are bragging and getting more energy to be toxic to people. But the TOTAL count of votes was 2872! That's basically nothing. And that number is what all of these many characters got together. So it means maybe around 200 votes for one character. Even an average Naruto post on tumblr has more likes than that. But I hate how the craziest and most toxic fandom gets more arrogant due to things like these.
And remember there was a poll once in Animage where Sakura was the most hated for both men and women. link You really can't act like the whole jump readership is giving their votes.
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Tumblr recommendations make no sense. I get DC shipping posts and other DC stuff recommended despite the fact I don't follow DC, I'm not in the fandom, I don't like the posts of DC verse.
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Where's the evidence that Swagkage said Adult Sakura can beat Madara or people who hate her are mysogonists??
It's really hard to claim this according to the video he made. He was so unbiased he said he doesn't hate sakura rather he is neutral but she understands why people hate her. He pointed out pretty good points like how she did nothing, only cares about her ego and he stated how he doesn't understand how the hell she end up with Sasuke.
I saw how they harass him on twitter and he was wondering why people still do about the video he made years ago. I bet him saying he regrets it is because he gets big amounts of hate he must have hidden the video or sakura stans reported it. I see many sakura stans report accounts showing hate towards sakura.
He made another video about Sakura vs Madara, I haven't watched it but apparently he said Sakura can beat Madara (others say he didn't say this, I can't deny and I can't confirm either way). This is why he gets hate from both Sakura haters and Sakura stans. Because the Sakura video is pretty much very unflattering to her, even if true.
I also noticed he had hidden the video about why people hate Sakura, though it can still be viewed through other people's reaction videos to it. It's crazy, Sakura stans are such a stupid and terrible fandom.
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But after Sakura confessed the first time and said she would be lonely if Sasuke left he didn’t think about how bad of a thing she said.
He called her annoying lol. Even emphasized how he was right that she's annoying. Annoying is what he says whenever Sakura says something ignorant.
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I just saw that ur blog is safe for anti sasusaku but oh lord their fans are completely annoying and harass any other ship involving sasuke acting like sasuke is just for sakura but will close their eyes for any other ship that involves sakura- i got hate on my fic because it involves sasuke and a love interest which isnt sakura!
Because they are self inserters. Same with SN, they are okay with Naruto being shipped with Gaara, Shikamaru, Neji, Sai, basically anyone while Sasuke can't be shipped with anyone except Naruto. SS do this with Sakura. My friend even said SN is like gay SS, same portrayal and tropes. I don't even know why going from NS to SN is so different, but it seems to happen a lot with shonen mc self inserters. They read a completely different manga than the rest. Sasuke is actually shown to be chased after by a lot of characters so it makes more sense to portray him that way, I mean at least when it comes to the other characters interest. Sasuke himself isn't really interested in being center of attention.
Sakura could have an affair with a fodder and Sasuke wouldn't give a fuck.
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According to SS “you’re annoying” isn’t an insult. IDK what to even say at this point.
Everytime Sasuke said it Sakura had just before it said something ignorant. Made fun of Naruto for being an orphan, changed her reasonings in a spur of second showing she was not genuine (and taken her own family for granted) and told Sasuke things can go back to the way they were when he had just said he wants CHANGE. It's not a compliment or endearment. Note how for Sakura it was said during negative moment when Sasuke genjutsud her, while for Naruto he said usuratonkachi after they reconciled. Kishimoto wasn't exactly subtle with his writing of Sakura.
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Swagkage saying adult Sakura can beat Madara isn't true. He said she can do some damage but that's if it was a different case. He was really fair about describing sakura tbh.
Yeah he is rather absurd when it comes to that but some naruto fans genuinely think new generation "has to" beat the older generation no matter how little sense it makes. That is literally what one guy said in his video. What they don't realize is that Jiraiya and Orochimaru both acknowledged that Naruto and Sasuke had surpassed them, while Tsunade said no such thing about Sakura. She was literally cut in half and was keeping everyone alive and landed hits on Madara, while Sakura couldn't even touch him.
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What do you think of girls hating in Kikyo for no reason? She suffered so much in Inuyasha and treated unfairly.
Shipping. She actually does come in the way of the ship because Inuyasha does love her too. Kagome is more relatable than her. Even the way Kikyo was brought up is just not something a lot of readers can relate to. Personally I find her a fascinating character. There should be more female characters that aren't moefied and sexualized to death while still having that "cool" personality. It would also be nice if people could look at Kikyo and Kagome's characters and realize they come from totally different backgrounds. I don't hate either of them.
Sakura hate on the other hand is not due to "coming between a ship" because neither Sasuke or Naruto care about her enough. Naruto and Sakura don't even interact much anymore, and Sasuke literally react like this when he saw her after many years;

And he never kissed her in canon.
The reasons people dislike Sakura are:
a) she wastes most of the screentime and many important situations she's in (which is a lot compared to many other characters) by being useless
b) she treats naruto poorly yet naruto is the one who has to save her ass all the time, and if not him then kakashi, yamato, you name it
c) she treats sasuke like an object, she doesn't care to listen to him at all, and acts like a victim because sasuke isn't romantically interested in her
d) she treats other women who help her poorly
As for me I dislike her fanbase more than her. They are insufferable and toxic, and can't accept the fact she's just not an amazing role model, badass or a likeable character in canon. They call you a misogynist for disliking her canon manga character, but then change her character into something different in fanon. Not to mention they always blame other characters for her failures.
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Swagkage gets hate from Sakura fans?? So they REALLY don’t know what they’re crying about huh.
Swagkage has said he dislikes a lot of his old anti Sakura takes (even though they were fine, he just doesn’t feel the same about them.) he’s one of the people that pushes the ‘adult Sakura could beat Madara’ agenda AND is a believer that Sakura blitzed Kaguya when she punched her.
I’ve listened to Swagkage for background noise so like I’ve heard quite a few of his ramblings lol. He and his girlfriend do believe that a lot of the hate Sakura gets is rooted in misogyny & believe she’s overhated (although he still believes the fake confession was absolutely awful. He’s not completely pro Sakura. He’s still critical of her undeniably awful moments.)
I kinda feel bad for the guy cause he has annoying dudebros saying Sakura is an irredeemable slut and shitting on him for his neutral/pro Sakura takes but then he also has Sakura fans shitting on him?? Even though he’s been more than generous with her in these past few years??
Idk it’s just funny. He literally gets nicknamed ‘sakura’s wife’ for his pro Sakura takes. Absolutely outrageous he gets any shit from Sakura fans because he doesn’t blindly defend her actions.
I mean his Sasuke video was apparently really bad where he made every action of Sasuke about Itachi, including him sacrificing his life for Naruto lol. But the thing is you can actually debunk those statements, while you can't debunk things what he said in the Sakura video, which is probably why those stans were so mad in the first place. A lot of Sakura stans are SS and the fact he straight up said Sakura's obsession with Sasuke is really annoying doesn't help his case.
I am not surprised why her stans dislike the video, because to me it proves completely why Sakura is an unlikeable character. Them harassing him is the part where they went wrong. His video is not by any means the only video which shows how bad Sakura's character is.
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Just wanted to say, Sasuke winking at Sakura was never happened in the manga, it was a translation error.
The translators at VIZ are fine, but they miss things, or by censoring or translate things differently, or change the context of certain words and scenes. In some places they mistranslated things, in other places they changed things, and in other places they were really inconsistent on whether or not they were going to mistranslate something. Another is that they miss nuances. VIZ translation and online scanlations are good and although both are sometimes equally inaccurate. I don't blame them or complain because a lot of people translating online put a lot of effort into it and try to portray it in the best quality possible.
But I hate VIZ for cutting out all the author text descriptions that are added at the beginning and end of each chapter. For eg:-

This is from VIZ. And now I'll show you how it looked on the official one and in the scanlation.
See the difference, do they really have to do this?
Ok now let's go see if Sasuke winks at Sakura or not.

The first one is from official VIZ translation and the bottom one is from the raw. The sound effect used in here is ニッ (ni) which means "smile; grin; smirk; heh". Thus it shows that he never winked at Sakura.
If you claim that the word bubble covered his left eye...let me show you something

Here Luffy was using second gear. Look at the orange bubble, it looks familiar, doesn't it? It's the same sfx 「ニッ」 used in the Sasuke panel. We can only see his back, but how do we know he is grinning, yes, it is because of the sfx used there. Without showing his face, we could tell he was actually grinning.
The same sfx is used here in this panel as well. Here both her eyes are shown closed.
If they're still claiming that Sasuke was winking, then I can only say that Luffy was winking at Blueno and that girl was winking while both her eyes were closed.
And I also wanna talk about Sasuke's leg shaking when he heard sakura's confession.

The sfx used in here is ピタ Pita = stops; freeze; pause. This same sfx used in VOTE 1
Sfx used in here ピタッ Pita . ッ added to make an onomatopoeia "stronger"
Sasuke was walking away while Sakura was confessing and he suddenly stopped and turned around to say, "You're really annoying." Sasuke was walking away in vote 1, and when he heard Naruto, he suddenly stopped, and turned around and called out his nickname, "yo, usuratonkachi"

If you want to know when Sasuke's legs start shaking/trembling, 1) it's during the UMC 2) when he's stuck against the wall and can't escape, and Itachi comes at him like he's going to pluck his eyes out. Sfx used in here is ガクガク (gaku gaku) - tremble tremble; shake shake

As for the sfx ガクッ (gaku) which means- Collapsing; losing strength; losing balance; slumping; bend with a jerk. In the first panel, he lose his balance and collapsing because what he's facing is not a dream, it's reality. The reality is that he lost his family and everyone. And he became alone. In the second panel he collapses due to the sudden pain in his shoulder.
#this was brought to my attention#yes viz fails to properly translate things at times#and sometimes they take a lot of liberties#I knew the wink wasn't correct because other translations didn't translate it as such#even if it was it wouldn't make sasuke romantically interested in sakura#however it's good to shoot down any ss delusion#anti sasusaku
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