#—trying to make it a little more sweet 🥺 even for just a second 🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺
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willowser-but-nsfw · 2 years ago
i don't think bakugou is a big fan of doggy style because he likes to see your face and be close to you but — i fully believe he is a sucker for running his hand up the curve of your back on the occasions that it happens
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crescenthistory · 4 months ago
did i hear you say you were writing another animagus!reader x regulus where they cuddle at hogwarts in each their cat forms? 🥺🥺
you know what they say, don't believe everything you hear... except for that, that's actually true
Words: 2.4k
Warnings: not proofread, fem!reader, copious amounts of fluff, established relationship, bsf!remus, background wolfstar, reader and reg are kinda goody-two-shoes, platonic physical affection
Note: read more about cat!animagus!reader's shenanigans with reg, wolfstar and james here & here
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Sweet Like Honey; Karma is a Cat
What a conundrum.
Remus should take this as an opportunity to be a good friend. You have spent almost two decades showing him exactly how to do that, playing the perfect part of the sister-he-never-had, loving and supporting him through life. For never turning your back on him, Remus is sure he owes you far more than what he can ever repay you, so he should try every single day. He should be a good friend.
But it was just too funny not to.
"At what point is it our duty to wake them up?" Sirius' voice whispered in his ear, shaking with mirth.
"I'm wondering the exact same thing." Remus dragged his words out to avoid making a decision. "How long do you think we can get away with?"
"I mean, they are already 15 minutes late to their Charms lesson, so we're dead men walking for not having said anything so far."
Remus is just able to tear his eyes away from you to glance sideways at Sirius, a too-fond smile already playing over his lips as he sees the exact mischievous look on his boyfriend's face that he expected. The look he fell in love with, not that Remus would be sappy enough to think about that right now. "So what you're saying is..."
"Leave it for a while longer?" Sirius grinned.
"Leave it for a while longer." Remus confirmed, whispering through a laugh, shifting his body further into Sirius' side as he lets his eyes fall back on you.
Well. On what he and Sirius knew to be you and Regulus, but what all other students in the library thought was just two cats sleeping in an armchair.
There was an elongated square of sunlight cast onto the middle of the seat by one of the beautifully decorated windows of the ancient castle, every cat's dream spot. The green velvet covering the seat of the mahogany chair was already riddled with fur from how long the two of you had been curled up around each other in it, white, grey and black hairs mixing together. Your forms might as well be mixing together too, fluid in a way that defied physics yet looked impossibly comfortable. Remus supposed you had to milk as much pleasure out of being an animagus as possible to make that whole mandrake leaf ordeal worth it. Though you could not answer even if he asked you right now, he was sure you at this very moment thought it was.
Remus' smile widened as he saw your chest rise dramatically as you breathed a sleepy huff, turning your head over slightly and burrowing it further into Regulus' plush neck. Your little cat bodies laid facing each other, arms around each other in a way he thought looked a little too much like a human hug.
It would be the absolute picture of serenity, two young things with no care in the world but each other – had it not been for the large clock ironically hanging right behind you, reminding you that you were not supposed to be here right now.
The four of you – five before James ran off the second he spotted red hair a few shelves back – had spent your two hours of shared free periods to read up together, for once actually doing a considerable amount of studying during it. Sirius was rubbing it in your faces, yours by consequence and Regulus' by design, that you still had one lesson left for the day when you abruptly stood up and demanded that you need a study break. When you then promptly dragged Regulus off into a corner, Sirius got the karma of a lifetime as he grew very concerned about what kind of break you would be engaging in. That was until the two cats lazily strolled back in and made themselves comfortable in the chair they now claimed as theirs.
Knowing you, Remus knew you hadn't intended on falling asleep, but maybe the fact that you did meant you really needed it. Yes, surely, you must have been exhausted and your body demanded a rest, so frankly he is quite an amazing friend for ensuring you listen to your health and your needs.
"Cats shouldn't be allowed to be that cute," Sirius all but grumbled as he looked at the two of them. "I should hate them on principle, but look at them Moony!"
"Quite literally no one is demanding that you hate cats on behalf of Padfoot, Siri."
"Padfoot is!" Sirius gave him a you can't argue with that logic look, but Remus knew he could.
"Ah, yes, my boyfriend the dog," he mused, cocking an eyebrow at Sirius who promptly reached out with his finger and pulled it back down.
"I could so give you a comeback to that, but I respect you too much not to say it in public," Sirius muttered and Remus couldn't fight his laughter.
Something moving in his periphery brought his attention back on you, seeing you shift even more into Regulus which caused him to begin stirring as well. Go back to sleep, go back to sleep, Remus whispered to you in his mind.
As always, you didn't listen to him, and ever so slowly Remus saw you peel one yellow eye open, blinking blearily at the room before turning your head back towards Regulus. The greyest of your four paws came up to gently pet at the black cat's neck, almost as if you were smoothing over the fur you had ruffled in your sleep. It made Remus' heart ache with love for you both, even as his stomach was slowly dropping.
A soft prrt! escaped Regulus before he instantly began purring and tightening his hold on you with his little cat paws, nosing his head against yours. A kind of softness Regulus rarely let himself fall into in public, though this was arguably a grey area.
It almost looked like you were about to be driven back into sleep by the vibrations moving through you from Regulus' chest. Remus noticed Sirius paying attention raptly as well, which was unfortunate.
Because when you shot up out of your seat with a small squeak, jumping as if startled as you looked towards the clock – now a good 30 minutes into your 45 minutes lesson – Sirius let out a loud bark of laughter. It earned him more than a few hushes from those around, but most importantly, it earned him your head snapping around to look at him with eyes that could rival a basilisk’s.
Considering Remus was already on a streak of making disloyal choices towards his loved ones, he didn't fight his instinct to stand up from his seat and back up when you ran and jumped onto the table right in front of Sirius' face with a hiss. You slapped at him with a clawless paw to which Sirius whispered something along the lines of "hey, knock it off, be cool" while trying to hold you at arm's length. You scowled at him as aggressively as any cat could, raising your back slightly before you arguably tut-ed at him and jumped back down.
Remus fought for his life to not laugh.
You turned around and ran over to Regulus who was still lazily stretching and gaining his bearings, not an ounce of care shown towards the near-assault of his brother. Nudging him with your head towards the end of the chair, he got the point and jumped down, already falling into his usual graceful mannerisms.
Together you scurried off back into your corner.
When you came back a mere minute later Remus swore there was no difference in your facial expression. Remus carefully walked around the table – where Sirius was still sitting with a petulant pout – hands up in surrender.
You crossed your arms, leaning your weight onto your right hip as you glared at your oldest friend, clearly expecting him to speak first. Behind you Regulus was strolling over, looking like he was trying really hard to be miffed but falling just short.
“How dare you,” you said – and it was a statement, not a question.
“In my defence,” Remus started, hands still up but so were the corners of his lips. “You two looked adorable.”
“That will surely hold up real well with the professor,” you scoffed.
“We didn’t make you fall asleep, princess,” Sirius grumbled to which you turned to him with a bitch please look Remus is fairly certain you picked up from Sirius.
“Apologies for expecting my friends to have my back. How stupid of me.”
“Very stupid indeed,” Sirius murmured as he took a sip of his coffee, grimacing when he found it to be cold. He nearly spilled some when Regulus gave him a light slap up the back of the head.
Remus figured it was time to pull out the big guns.
He manoeuvred his held up hands to be stretched out towards you instead with a rueful smile as he inched closer and closer. You had a moody expression still, eyeing him with suspicion, but you didn’t move out of the way. He dared make a small cooing sound as he brought you into a hug, coddling you like one would a child after they hurt themselves to keep them from crying.
“‘M super super sorry, lovie,” Remus half-muttered half-laughed into your hair as he rocked you a little bit. Your arms were still crossed against his chest, but you were leaning into him. 
“Don’t believe you, Loopy.��� 
Regulus snorted at that and Remus looked up at him over his shoulder and the boys shared a look of humour and shared love for you that warmed his stomach. Though when Sirius nipped at Regulus’ sleeve to get his attention, the faux-miffed expression was plastered right back on the younger boy’s face.
Siblings, Remus thought and chuckled a bit into your hair.
“You laughing at me?” you questioned incredulously. 
“No, I’m laughing at our boys.” His response was quick to rid himself of any further accusations.
You instantly nodded against his shoulder. “Understandable.”
“Hey! Don’t bring me into this, amour.” Regulus' chiding tone was met with you uncrossing your arms at last, reaching a hand out behind you blindly, which he immediately took and squeezed with his own.
You let your other arm curl around Remus’ back. Forgiveness at last.
He pulled back to look down at you with a goofy grin, and was pleased to see you could no longer contain yours either. “You were really cute. Didn’t want to disturb you.”
You gave him a look. “Right, no laughing at our expense whatsoever.”
You gave him a light shove while you snorted, pushing him away from you. “This is what I get for my sacrifice for you?” you said as you shook your head at him not much unlike McGonagall would during detention.
“I would argue you got a pretty sweet deal with that sacrifice, doll, seeing as you can curl up with your equally sacrificial boyfriend and sleep in the library whenever.” Sirius nodded solemnly, while jutting his chin towards Regulus. “This one would never let that happen in any other form.”
“Oh, I’m sure I could’ve convinced him,” you replied, looking at Regulus with an almost salacious smile. As if to prove your point – or just to prove Sirius wrong – he came up to stand closer behind you, arms going around your waist. You leaned your weight back against him with a happy sigh.
“Disgusting,” was all Sirius offered.
You raised an eyebrow at him before turning your head sideways to give Regulus a short, sweet kiss.
“Disgusting,” he groaned once more, pressing the backs of his palms into his eyes.
“Karma,” you and Remus sing-songed at him at the exact same time in the exact same tone. 
Your eyes met in surprise before you both burst out laughing, any pretend fight seeping out of you as you both beamed at each other.
Siblings, Remus found himself thinking once more.
“Well, now that we don’t have a lesson to get to anymore, I suggest we get out of here,” Regulus sighed, squeezing your hips as if to underline his point.
“Where we heading?” Sirius asked as he swung his legs out to get up.
“I don’t know where you’re going,” you started. “But Remus will go hunt down a certain Head Boy and get him to make up some excuse to Professor Flitwick for why Regulus and I did not attend class so that our absence is removed from the records.” You put on your sweetest smile as you turned towards Remus at the last part.
“Regulus, what have you done with her?!” Sirius stage-whispered his accusation at Regulus who only responded with a certain impolite gesture.
“And why would James do that?” Remus drawls, certain that his entertainment was written all over his face.
“Oh, I’m sure he owes you for something, you figure it out.” You spoke as you tried to put your bag over your shoulder to leave, but Remus and Regulus both reached for it at the same time. They gave each other a look, trying to decide who will take the literal burden, before they both turned to Sirius and dropped the bag in his lap. He rolled his eyes at the both of them, but pulled the strap over his free shoulder nonetheless. 
“You are quite the minx, aren’t you?” Remus asked, going for chiding and landing somewhere along the lines of compliance.
“Learned from the best, Rem!” you cheered brightly, pressing quick smacking kisses on both his and Sirius’ cheek.
Before they could muster up a response or a reaction, you had already hauled Regulus down the halls of the library towards the exit with half-heartedly hushed giggles. The raven-haired boy looked over his shoulder right before you turned the corner with a barely-contained smile, inhibitions straw thin in your presence.
Remus understood him well.
He turned to Sirius with a pleased smile to find him already admiring his reactions from where he stood beside him.
“I get why they’re cats,” Remus mused as he interlaced their fingers, following the general direction you ran off to, ready to hunt down James and possibly claw up some furniture. 
“Because they’re adorable but also massive menaces?”
Remus breathed out contently. “Yeah.”
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aethelwyneleigh27 · 1 year ago
Dad!Simon "Ghost" Riley Imagines List
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Before you ask, yes I been meaning to use @ave661 renders ever since she posted the Dad!Ghost part 2. Did I use most of them in this post? You know damn well I did.
Did I put in so much work into this one post? Yes. Am I going to be upset if it doesn't do as well as the ones I didn't put much effort in (Ahem the quokka Price imagine)? Also yes.
Tagging people who I think would like this: @puff0o0, @blingblong55. Honestly that was it but if y'all wanna be tagged in the next post then tell me in the replies :)
Parings: Ghost x Wife!Reader
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❥ Dad!Simon who values nothing else over spending time with you and your child, even if it's something as simple as him and your little one laying down on your lap while you watch tv together. (Top left pic 🥺)
❥ Dad!Simon who gives the baby a bath for the first time, doing his best not to get soap in their eyes. Him rubbing the baby's head gently with his thumb to wash the suds off the little one's head and hair while they look up at him and coo.
❥ Dad!Simon who had a heart attack the moment he heard the baby cough while they're still in the baby bath net. He just turned away for a second to grab the towel behind him, the one moment he took his eyes off them, the little rascal tried to drink the bath water.
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❥ Dad!Simon who's ever so gentle with dressing the baby, they're too little and too fragile in his eyes. Watching the baby try to chew on their own fist while he puts their little socks on. (Matching skeleton mittens for the little baby 🥺)
❥ Dad!Simon who loves hearing his baby let out such loud giggles whenever he kisses them, it's music to his ears to hear his little one let out such a hearty laugh, their little arms and legs flailing because their face is being tickled by his stuble.
❥ Dad!Simon who absolutely adores when his baby attempts kissing him or you (their momma) because it's basically just them having their tiny hands on his or your face while they're open-mouthed and almost headbutting their little lips on either yours or your husband's face.
❥ Dad!Simon who absolutely love nap time, mainly because he takes the naps with them. Nothing more sweet than waking up with the little one's life you two brought to this world.
❥ Dad!Simon who you found awake in the middle of the night to put the baby back down to sleep.
"Come on now pumpkin, you should let your momma rest. She's extremely tired of taking care of both of us.." Simon whispers while he cradles the baby in his arms, trying to lull them back to sleep.
You couldn't help but smile, knowing that what you do doesn't go unappreciated.
"I would never get tired taking care of you two" You said in a hushed tone, making Simon's head snap to the doorway.
To see you, his loving wife look at him as if he was the most important thing in this world reminded him if why he wanted to marry you a few years back.
❥ Dad!Simon who receives a video you sent him while he's deployed of the baby waking up from a nap.
❥ Dad!Simon who doesn't notice you in the room while you were trying to collect laundry, he was working out, you caught him doing push ups and your baby's attempts in copying their dad.
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❥ Dad!Simon who bought the baby a little stuffie that they now are emotionally attached to and bring everywhere, yeah the baby constantly signals Simon to kiss the stuffie too.
❥ Dad!Simon who had to train Riley not to lick the baby so much because dog slobber and even though Riley was well behaved, poor thing didn't have much of a self-control the first time you guys brought the baby home.
❥ Dad!Simon who thinks it's absolutely adorable that his little one likes Riley so much.
"Dada!" The baby called out for Simon.
"Dada, Ri-ley" They said, pointing out a little finger to your family dog.
"Yeah pumpkin, that's Riley" Simon said, letting the little one make a beeline and waddled quickly towards Riley, giving the dog a hug with their tiny arms.
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❥ Dad!Simon who spends forever looking for the skull part of his mask only to find the baby trying to chew on it, couldn't really blame them because the sight was cute and he knew how agitated they were with teething.
❥ Dad!Simon who constantly washed his gloves and almost never took it off during your baby's teething stage because god they were a strong biter. The gloves helped cushion the pain of the bites a lot.
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❥ Dad!Simon who swore his heart was about to burst when he saw you and the baby meet him before he was able to go home after deployment for a surprise. (Of course Price was the one who set it up, he wanted to see his grandchild (might as well be)
"Dadadada–dada—da" Your baby squealed out while reaching out, recognizing Simon almost too fast even with the mask on.
"Pumpkin," Simon says as he takes your baby out of your arms and into his "–yeah, dada's here now. Missed me like I missed you?" Simon asks the baby as if they could actually respond.
The little one let out a happy little gurgle, hands reaching out for Simon's face.
"I'll take that as a yes" Simon tenderly kisses the top of the baby's head through his balaclava.
❥ Dad!Simon who loves baby hugs, the tiny little arms providing a bit of warmth while he holds his baby in his, rubbing their little head with his gloved hand and fingers.
Taskforce interacting with little Ghostie
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beautysamour · 1 year ago
waking miguel in the middle the night pleading him to fuck you to sleep (insomnia sucks) with the most innocent look on your face 🥺👉🏻👈🏻
miguel o’hara fucks you to sleep ˚ ༘`✦ ˑ ִֶ 𓂃⊹
— a/n: so cute!
warnings ゚𐦍༘⋆: vulgar language
“Mierda,” Miguel tsks out as your pussy sucks him in easier with each of his thrusts.
You instinctively lean up into him as he leans down, he lightly bites down—his fangs resting on your pulse point.
“Fuck,” you wrap your arms around his neck, pulling him down to your chest.
“Fuck, Miguel—fuck. You’re so good, so good,”you babble. Your entire back lifts from the bed as your back arches, “Mmm—right there baby—yes, right there!”
Miguel heavily thrusts in and out, in and out, in and out—as his tongue trails down the valley of your breasts, turning his head every few seconds to lick the sides of it.
Miguel sucks on your right breast as your moans got louder, more intense. His thrusts slow down a little, making it a thorough grind as he sucks harder.
He closes his eyes as you wrap your legs tighter around his waist and tighten the grasp around his neck.
You jerk your head down, watching his hand as it hugs your body trailing down to—
“Miguel,” you breathe out, “Fuck, that’s not fair…”
He takes his mouth off the side of your breast, pressing a kiss on your nipple as he brings his face to your pleasure contorted one as his fingers worked their way in your pussy.
“Not fair, huh?” He cups your jaw in his somewhat cleaner hand, making sure you couldn’t look away, “But it’ll help you sleep.”
“Please, Miguel? Just this once,” he recalls you begging with those sweet, wide eyes, and your mouth hanging open.
Of course he couldn’t say no to you, not with the way your pussy smelled oh so sweet. Now, your eyes watered as he put all his attention on you—all so you could fall asleep.
You whimper and nod the best you can with his hand cupping your jaw—your hips buck up as the bed starts to creak, “Ye—yeah. Thank you—!”
You’re cut off by a moan as his pinches your clit.
“Not yet,” he winces as he looks away from your eyes, your wet cunt weakening him, “After this, you can thank me.”
He rubs your pussy the best he can with his cock in the way, moving his hand from your jaw to your nose, “You always sound so pretty, cariño. Can you be a little louder? You sound a little muffled.”
He doesn’t care what your answer will be, with all the moaning and whining you’re doing you probably couldn’t even give him one.
Your eyes nearly fluttered shut and your mouth widened at the lost of one of your senses, you couldn’t breathe. Not through your nose—a moan rips out your throat as your mouth hangs open.
“That’s it,” Miguel hums, his mouth going back to your breasts. He looks up, watching your expressions as he twirls his tongue around your nipple, his fingers leaving your loose pussy.
You choke on your moans as his finger prods your ass, his wet fingers making you buck your hips into his thrusts.
Your mouth opens and closes as you try to form words but all that comes out are loud moans as Miguel mutters praises against your breast. Your eyes shut as you focus in on the feeling of his dick veins rubbing against the insides of your pussy—each vein suddenly very apparent to your senses.
An embarrassingly loud moan once again leaves your throat as he slows down his fingers in your ass—your pussy getting overwhelmed with how frequent his dick veins rubbed against your sensitive walls.
Miguel narrows his eyes, you were close—but was this enough?
Your moans get louder with each thrust, the feeling of his warm breath and his fingers making you thrash your head around, “Mi—guel,” you whimper out in short breaths.
He slowly separates from your breast, not forgetting to kiss the top of each as a thin layer of drool coats his chin, “I know, cariño.” He watches your body twitch under him, your pretty mouth opened so prettily. He leans down, pressing a soft kiss on your cheek—hopefully this would be enough, “Come for me.”
Air enters through your nose as your other senses leave you—a euphoric feeling taking over. Your eyes feel heavy as you quietly whimper at the sudden emptiness in your pussy.
It pained Miguel to pull out, but he would’ve lost his mind if he didn’t. The night wouldn’t have ended.
He watches as your chest moves up and down with each breath you take, your eyes never opening. The lust in his body slowly turns into simple love as your once pleasure contorted expression turned into a peaceful, beautiful, resting one.
Only you, and your pussy, could manage to make the rough, cold, Spider-Man a lovesick fool.
Miguel moves closer to your body, leaning down to press a long, still soft, kiss on your forehead, “Sleep well, cariño.”
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mykoreanlove · 11 months ago
say please? 🥺
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“Open your legs baby, come on.” You shook your head in disagreement. Your boyfriend’s piercing eyes didn’t leave yours, not even for a second, as he was cowered in front of you, begging on his knees like the good boy that he was. His long fingers softly glided over your shins up to your thighs, but you still denied him access. “Baby, just do it.”
A soft energy surrounded him as he was trying to seduce you. Eun Woo had multiple sides to him, but he knew that you liked his whiny, pleading characteristics the most. Seeing him in such a state of contrast ignited a fire within you, one that would burn you with deep desire.
His appearance exuded an aura of danger, his well-defined physique and tousled hair presenting a captivating, heartthrob allure. Yet underneath this exterior, he radiated warmth and kindness, embodying qualities of compassion and love. “Don’t you want me to make you feel good?” His deep voice was hushed, yet sweet as honey. His eyes were glistening, painfully needy of his one true love. “Open your legs for me. Come on, princess.” You shook your head once more. Eagerly. Eun Woo chuckled in frustration, deciding on taking another route. “So, you don’t want my lips on the insides of your thighs? Pampering you with kisses? Soft, sweet kisses? The ones that are moist? Is that it?” You felt your thighs tingling, immediately responding to his words, screaming at you. “Now open your legs for me, honey.” He noticed you squeezing your thighs together in response and smirked internally, knowing that his tactics were paying off. Eun Woo got up on his knees and propped his arms on both of your sides, leaning in for a kiss but stopping right before touching your lips. His scent was intoxicating. His breath was too sweet. Everything in you fought hard to not give in. “You know that I can make you feel really good, don’t you, baby? The kind that has you high for days? Hooked even?” He watched you cautiously, all his focus was on you. You heard him whisper sultrily once more. “Open your legs for me, darling.” Eun Woo’s eyes darted down to your throat, only for a millisecond, catching you gulping hardly. He knew what he was doing to you, just as you knew what your resistance to him did. But now he was getting impatient. He turned his head to the side and graced your ear with his soft lips. “Let me taste you, baby girl. I really want to fucking taste you. Slide my tongue into your wet pussy. You are wet for me, aren’t you, baby?” He noticed your chest heaving heavily, going all in now. “Let me tell you what I want to do to you, y/n. You are going to open your legs for me, and I will dive head-first into your precious cunt. And I will drink you up like juice. I’m going to circle on your clit, poking and sucking until you’re jelly for me. Let me make that cherry pop, baby girl.” A soft moan escaped your lips, his words definitely painted a picture for you. “Open your legs for me, now.” You felt the heat in your body, but you decided to make him wait a little longer, you needed him agitated for a bit longer. Eun Woo clicked his tongue impatiently; the annoyance was written all over his face. “After I made your cherry pop, I’ll be sliding my tongue into your hole, baby girl. Sliding in and out, in and out while your delicious juices will be drooping all over me. Let me lick your folds. Let me lick you clean. Please just let me tongue-fuck you. Please.” His voice was almost breaking, his need for you too unbearable. Eun Woo turned around to face you again while breathing deeply. He noticed your dilated pupils and flared nostrils; he could even sense your pussy’s heat from up here. Fuck, you both needed each other badly, so he tried one last time. “Open your legs for me, baby. Please?”
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hoshifighting · 5 months ago
Hear me out. Shy Vernon Hansol Chwe with little to no confidence hopelessly in love, full on crushing, with a girl who's already his girlfriend but he just can't help it but be smitten. So he shows it by slow love making
shy bf!vernon, hopelessly in luv!vernon 🥺
a/n; omgggg stawwwp, i love him sm, he's the best bf ever!! i feel it 😭
warnings: smut, fluff, love making.
shy, nervous vernon with those soft, fluttering eyes of his always looks like he’s on the verge of saying something but never quite does. he’s so in love with you, hopelessly, it’s almost ridiculous, considering you’re already his girlfriend. but that’s just hansol—he doesn’t stop being that awkward, sweet guy just because you’re together now. if anything, he’s even more enamored.
and tonight, you see it in the way his hands slide over your skin, slow and hesitant at first, like he’s still not entirely sure he’s allowed to touch you this way. you’re lying on the bed, the room dark, soft breaths filling the quiet space. vernon’s leaning over you, his hair falling slightly into his eyes, lips parted like he wants to say something but can’t quite form the words.
his fingertips trail down your arm, brushing lightly over your skin, and you can see the way his chest rises and falls, as if he’s trying to steady himself. he’s shy, always has been, but also always had those eyes—deepe, that shows in every movement, in every look he gives you, that he's obsessed with you, and looks at you more than you think he does.
you reach up and touch his face, cupping his cheek softly, your thumb brushing over his bottom lip. he leans into your touch, eyes fluttering closed for a second, and when he opens them again, they’re filled with something so soft and tender it makes your heart skip.
“i just… i don’t even know how to say this without sounding dumb,” he mumbles, voice barely above a whisper as he leans down to kiss you, slow and sweet. it’s like he’s afraid of rushing things, afraid of breaking the delicate moment between you two. “i just love u so much, it’s kinda stupid.”
you giggle softly, tugging him down closer, your lips brushing his. “not stupid at all,” you whisper back, your hands sliding up to his hair, pulling him in for another kiss. he melts into it, his whole body leaning into yours as he deepens the kiss, still moving slow.
“i know,” he murmurs against your lips, his breath warm and shaky, “but i can’t help it. it’s just—sometimes i feel like i don’t even deserve you. you’re… you’re just everything. you make me feel everything.”
you kiss him again, softly, your fingers tangling in his hair as you whisper against his mouth, “you do deserve me, hansol. i’m yours, remember?”
his breath hitches at that, and you can feel him shiver slightly, his hands gripping your waist just a little tighter. he pulls back slightly, his eyes searching yours as if trying to find the right words, but instead of speaking, he just lowers his head to your neck, pressing soft wett kisses along your collarbone.
“god, i love you,” he murmurs into your skin, his hands slide down your sides, tracing every curve, every dip in your body as if he’s memorizing the feel of you. there’s nothing rushed about the way he touches you—it’s like he wants to savor every second, every gasp you make.
the pleasure, it’s gentle, like a slow-burning fire that warms instead of burns. his kisses trail lower, over your chest, his lips brushing against the sensitive nipples as his hands squeeze your meat, or circle your clit with a tight thumb. every touch, every kiss feels like a confession, like he’s trying to tell you with his body what he can’t quite put into words.
when he finally pushes inside you, like he’s afraid of hurting you. his breath catches in his throat, and you can see the way his eyes flutter shut, his brow furrowing slightly as he tries to hold back, to make this last. “are you okay?” he asks, as if he’s afraid to ruin the moment. his hands find yours, lacing your fingers together as he presses deeper, his hips moving in that same slow, unhurried rhythm.
you nod, biting your lip, and the way you tighten around him has his eyes squeezing shut, a soft groan slipping past his lips. he lowers his forehead to yours, his breath hot and ragged, and the way his body shakes slightly tells you how hard he’s trying to keep it together.
“fuck… u feel so good, always, always so good f'me” he mutters, his voice trembling with the effort it’s taking to control himself. “i don’t—god, i don’t wanna go too fast.” he leans down and presses a kiss to your lips, his hands tightening around yours as his hips roll slowly, making you feel his cock deep without worry. your fingers tighten in his hair, pulling him closer, and the soft moans that escape your lips only spur him on. he’s completely lost in you, shaky gasps as his forehead rests against yours.
“u r so beautiful,” he murmurs, his lips brushing against yours as he speaks. “i just… i don’t think i’ll ever get used to this. to you. to how good it feels to be with you.”
u can feel the way his body trembles slightly, his hips stuttering for a moment as he tries to hold back. his hands tighten around yours, his grip almost desperate, like he’s afraid to let go, afraid of losing you even for a second. you feel your heart swell at his words, and you pull him even closer, pressing your lips to his as you whisper, “i’m not going anywhere, hansol. i’m right here with you.”
his breath catches in his throat, and he lets out a soft, almost broken moan, his hips moving just a little faster now, the need starting to overtake his hesitation. but still, he’s careful, gentle, every jerk of his hips driven by the overwhelming love he has for you.
“i’m so in love with u,” he whispers, “i don’t think i could ever love anyone the way i love u.” his body pressed so close against yours, making you know he means every word.
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latenightdaydreams · 5 months ago
Königs POV of seeing his ex at the bar during a celebration. Short story with steamy public sex please💛⭐️
I hope this is considered short ? 🥺
König x ExGirlfriend (fem)
Master List ✍🏽
>cw: fem/afab, public sex, oral, p in v
1.4k word count
The very moment you walked into the room König’s eyes landed on you. Subconsciously he had been searching for your eyes in the sea of people. He’s missed the way you look up at him as he towers over you. When you notice him, you look away.
A wave of anger rushes over his body as you ignore him. From underneath his hood his eyes follow you making your way through the crowd to the bar. He figured under these circumstances; you’d speak to him. Everyone is here from work just to celebrate and you can’t even be cordial.
The fact that you aren’t with anyone relaxes him, but the way you’re dressed…are you trying to get every man’s attention? The short tight black dress hugging the curve of your hips so perfectly like a glove. His hands itch to wrap around you once more, pulling you on to him in a passionate embrace.
Under his hood, he brings his drink to his lips. Whatever Horangi was just saying doesn’t even matter. His words blur into background noise as his eyes linger on you. The way you smile brightly at the male bartender, leaning onto the bar top and showing off your cleavage. With one hand he reaches out to pat Horangi’s shoulder to cut him off as he stands to walk to you.
His eyes travel over every part of your body, your round ass teasing him as you lean over. There is absolutely no planning here, he just feels the need to get near you; to speak to you. Once he’s behind you, he slowly reaches out and taps your shoulder. In his chest his heart thumps wildly. The unknown, the possible rejection is driving him insane.
“Schatz.” König’s anger fades away as he sees your soft eyes turn to him.
The way you say his name is so sweet like honey. He can feel the tip of his cock tingle, remembering what you sound like when you moan out his name. There is no shame as he lets his eyes trail up and down your figure before meeting your eyes again.
“I like your dress.”
“Thanks.” You shift your weight awkwardly as König thinks of what to say next.
“You look great, Schatz.”
The way you smile up at him and push some of your hair behind your ear after his compliment makes him heat up. He knows what that means, you’re still into him. His words still make you melt. This gives him a boost in confidence, maybe there is a chance between you both.
König sits with you at the bar, chatting with you about the new changes at work and just any new updates in life. His eyes never leave your lips as you speak, smile, wrap your lips around your straw to drink. If he could go back in time and make the changes you asked of him, he would. Being this close is beautiful, but also hurts a little. He wants to be closer.
You stand, walking off to the bathroom. König rubs his hands on his pants, getting the sweat off as he loses you in the crowd. His leg bounces with anxiety as he struggles internally with wanting to follow you or just stay. A few more seconds pass before he stands, walking quickly to the women’s restroom.
The door opens, thankfully the restroom is empty other than the one stall with a closed door where you are. He locks the main door behind him, resting against it wondering what your reaction would be to seeing that he followed you; he didn’t think about that beforehand. Your feet can be seen from under the stalls. He rests his head back as he looks at his reflection in the mirror. A giant man suited up in military garb with his sad looking eyes.
The sound of you opening the bathroom stalls door grabs his attention. König looks at you as he freezes and just looks confused. He swallowed and stepped forward towards you. There are so many things that he wants to say, but nothing comes out.
“What are you doing here?”
“I—I uh…” He scratches the back of his head over his hood. “I wanted to be alone with you.”
“Anywhere. I just…” He takes a step forward. “I miss you, y/n.”
Before approaching you further he lingers and waits to see what your reaction to his confession is. He’s bracing himself for a possible explosion, but instead you walk up to him and hug him. His arms wrap around your shorter body like an anaconda; he’s missed how you feel in his arms.
“I’ve missed you too.” You whisper.
König pulls away slightly to lift your face to meet his. He pulls his mask off to show off his familiar scarred face and pale, graying, blond hair. For a moment he watches you look over his face. You’re the only woman that wasn’t repulsed when you first saw his scars, and yet here you are again appreciating them.
“Ich liebe dich immer noch, Schatz.” König speaks under his breath as he leans in to kiss your lips.
Your lips are sticky from your lip gloss and taste like the fruity drinks you had. He lets his tongue slip out and push past your lips, swirling his tongue around yours before sucking it between his lips. His pants have become uncomfortably tight; his hips grinding into you so you can feel just how much he needs your body.
A chill runs over his body as he feels your hands slowly move down his abdomen to grasp his erection. He can’t help but to moan softly into the kiss, his hands cup your face as he pulls away from the kiss. Your eyes lock as you continue to move your hand on him. For a moment he gazes down at you, trying to remain level headed, but he can’t. He needs you. Now.
König quickly lifts you in his arms and walks you to the bathroom counter. He places you down, lifting your short dress up to expose your lace white thong. A pleased hum leaves him as he drops to his knees in front of you. His warm hands glide along your smooth skin, grabbing your legs and placing them on his shoulders as he kisses the thin fabric of your underwear. With one finger he pulls the fabric aside, taking a deep breath in.
The sound of your desperate moans drowns out the sounds of the music from outside the bathroom door. His tongue swirls around your clit and parting your slippery folds. You taste better than he remembered. He could eat you, drink you for hours, but his cock is too needy.
König stands and looks down at you as you catch your breath. In one quick motion he pulls his bottoms off, stroking his cock in his hand as his eyes drop down towards your cunt. He rubs the tip between your folds, coating himself in your slick when you whimper his name.
“Liebling…” He leans in to kiss your lips; letting you taste how delicious you are.
As your lips clash his hips push forward, the head of his cock pressing into you. Your hands grab at his arms, his muscles flexed as the warm gushy feeling of your tight walls consumes him. His lips pull away, his head resting on yours as he grips your thighs. He presses himself deeply into you, lingering for a moment to allow you to adjust to him.
“Are you okay?” His voice is low and raspy.
“Yes.” The sound of desire laced in your tone drives him over the edge.
König pulls away, gazing down at your tight little hole stretched out from his thick cock. He quickly shoves himself back in letting out a soft moan. His hips buck into you rapidly, no longer concerned with anything other than making you cum on his cock. The twisted expression of pleasure on your face gives him the reaction he craves; you’re already so close. So sensitive for him. At this moment you’re his again.
Outside the door a drunk woman walks up, trying to push it open but it doesn’t budge. She looks confused, pushing again. The sound of his broad hips clashing against your supple flesh mixed with the mixed moans can be heard. Once realizing the situation, she laughs, turning to use the men’s room instead. König looks over his shoulder at the locked door before turning his attention back to you. His eyes landing on your bouncing breasts, nearly falling out of your dress.
“Shhh, Schatz.” He covers your mouth with one hand in a failed attempt to not be heard.
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tsukii0002 · 22 days ago
I liked your mc calling the brothers their husband post. Would you do something similar with the undatables? Absolutely fine if not!
Hello!!, Thank you for you message 🥺. Apart from the dateable ones I include the non dateable ones because they deserve it. This time the situations are longer and more elavorate, a little bit of love for the side characters. Although it took me a little while, I hope you enjoy it.
Part of the brothers
Warning: I wasn't sure how to write these situations so the formatting may be a bit messy, and in this case Mc is the same person as the reader.
Diavolo had to go to the human world to close some deals with the Corvo company and you decided to accompany him. But it was a matter of minutes before people approached him to ask if he was a star or a celebrity. Following his friendly nature, he talked to everyone and even took pictures, a small group of people approached you, seeing that you knew him.
Woman: How handsome, is he a model?
Man: Who is he?
Mc: He is my husband *smile* and he is not a model.
Diavolo didn't dissimulate, he didn't wait, he turned quickly and walked briskly beside you. His eyes were shining, crystalline, he didn't know what to do, that was unknown ground for him. He was trying to tell you a hundred things so fast that you didn't understand him. You took him by the arm and pulled him away from the crowd. Despite his excitement, he put his hand on yours with extreme gentleness, as if he was afraid that his touch would make you suddenly disappear.
Mc: Did I say something I shouldn't have?
Diavolo: What? No, no, you haven't said anything you shouldn't….
He looked away totally blushing.
Diavolo: Are you sure… that despite of everything, of who I am… you would want me as your husband?
Mc: *moved* I couldn't think of anyone else Dia.
Diavolo: *shining like the sun* I couldn't be anyone else but you either, spouse.
You had agreed to help Barbatos tidy up a room full of relics, the demon was very grateful to you.
Little D: It's very sweet of you to help Mr. Barbatos.
Mc: Well, it's only natural to help my husband.
The little demons put their little hands to their mouths while laughing excitedly. You laughed too, but you stopped when you felt a whisper in your ear, when you turned around there was Barbatos, with a kind smile and his cheeks a little colored, he was looking at you with immense affection. He put his hand to his chin and began to watch you curiously, now you were the nervous one. The Little d's laughed mischievously.
Barbatos: It is, without a doubt, the greatest treasure I could find in this room.
Mc: Th- the what?
Barbatos: Ju, ju, the time I spend with you, my spouse.
Barbatos held you by the waist and hand, as if to dance, you grabbed his shoulder and let him guide you around the room. He hugged you as he caressed your face with his cheek. It was hard to read, but his eyes exuded an endearment rare to see in him.
Barbatos: I never considered having a spouse before.
Mc: *laughing* No?
Barbatos: No, but now that I've found myself having the best spouse in the three realms, I've realized how much I wanted to have them.
Mc: Damn *totally blushing*
Little D's: Kyaaa!!!
Solomon had gotten into an argument with a demon, the sorcerer seemed to be having fun, but you knew you had to stop him from getting into more serious trouble (with Barbatos). The demon was throwing in his face certain problems with his artifacts and conflicts of the past while your master just laughed, you jumped in the middle without hesitating, the demon looked at you.
Mc: Stop it, you are not going to achieve anything arguing with him….
Demon: Do you even know who this shameless guy is?
Mc: Of course I do, he is MY husband.
The scene was hilarious, Solomon with his hands up grabbed by the collar of his shirt by a demon, the chaos stopped, the second one looked with a face of disbelief and the first one at first had his usual smile, but then he suddenly turned red and seemed to emanate heat. He began to gesticulate, the demon let go and the crowd dissipated. Solomon stood looking at you, very still, his face had no trace of his usual amused expression, he looked unusually shy.
Solomon: *taking his hand* Really… would you want a husband like me?
Mc: *squeezing his hand* I can't think of a better one.
Solomon laughed, that cute laugh, shy he was also charming.
Solomon: The two most powerful wizards in history, as husband and spouse… no one will stop us Mc.
You and Simeon were going to run some errands in Devildom, you used to go together, because you were not intimidated to go out alone and Simeon felt better if he accompanied you. Some demons still had problems with the angels, (you are already mimicked), and some were not afraid to approach to provoke.
Demon: Oh? Who could this little angel be?
Mc: My husband.
Simeon dropped all the fruits as he looked at you, surprised, very surprised. The angel then started looking around and picking up the fruit with a nervous smile. With a look from you the demon left, embarrassed. You crouched down beside Simeon and could see that he was avoiding your gaze with a rosy face. You both stood up and laughed, though Simeon still avoided your gaze. You set off again and after a while Simeon spoke.
Simeon: I thought it was just me… *brings his hands to his face* I thought I was the only one who wanted to be your husband.
Mc: Well *acting surprised*, I'm pretty sure I've had an angel husband for a while.
Simeon: If so, *grinning nervously again* then I've had a human spouse for a long time.
The angel carries all the bags in one hand and holds out the other to you. Determined, you take it.
Raphael had convinced you to go to a knitting club in the human world (how ????), the grannies loved it and when they saw you enter they began to whisper excitedly. You sat down in the ladies' circle next to Raphael and started knitting (or trying to), as conversation began to arise. One of the ladies asked you kindly.
Granny: Tell me, my child, what is your relationship with Raphael?
Mc: Raphael is my husband
Raphael blinked, then looked up with a look of confusion and looked at you even more confused, cocking his head like a puppy. The ladies began to whisper even more excitedly. Raphael looked around as his colors rose, pulled his chair closer to yours and looked you in the eye. The grannies left you alone.
Raphael: You…. *pause for reflection* are you serious?
You didn't really know what he meant, but you nodded, he seemed to reflect, with that serious face of his. The angel was an indecipherable person most of the time, it was part of his charm.
Raphael: I… I promise to be a good husband, I will always take care of you and I will make sure that…
Mc: *being cautious* What?
Raphael: *smiling* That my spouse will always be happy.
Mephisto had invited you to a party at his family mansion, despite denying it he tried to be by your side the whole time, trying not to leave you alone, but being the host it was too complicated. He talked to all kinds of demons while you watched him, you could see how he constantly looked in your direction in a hurry. Several of the guests approached you.
Demon: Why are you here *smugly and* how would you know Mr. Mephistopheles?
Mc: He *looking him up and down* is my husband.
Mephisto's face was a picture, he had heard it. It didn't take him two seconds to approach you, striding towards you, totally flushed.
Demon: Are you serious? That's impossible.
Mephisto: *raising his voice* I am their husband! And they are my spouse!
You remained silent, he had embraced you in a protective way, interposing himself between you and the demons, it was your turn to blush, the guests left. Mephisto held out his arm to you, you took it, he was looking straight ahead with a pout on his face totally blushing, but he put his other hand on yours, firm. I didn't know what else to say, you laughed.
Mc: I won't be a problem, husband?
Mephhisto: Don't separate from me, there is no problem… *almost stuttering* spouse.
You had promised to take Thirteen to a punk band concert upon the recommendation of some class friends (because yes, you had a social life in hell outside of the brothers and the others). Thirteen was trying to make every possible plan with you, and seeing her face colored with excitement or thrill was totally worth it. There you recognized a friend.
Dyed hair demon: Mc! How nice to see you, who is your friend?
Mc: Oh, this is my wife.
Your friend's face colored, Thirteen seemed to have stopped working as her eyes opened wider and wider, while her face blushed more and more, but then she let out a big laugh and hugged you tightly, giving you kisses and kisses all over your face, leaving her lipstick marked. Without taking her eyes off you and with the sweetest smile in the world she laughed again.
Mc: It's our special night, just for the two of us.
You circled her waist, then she took off one of the earrings hanging from her ears and put it on your finger, to then link her hand with yours.
Thirteen: *with very flushed cheeks and a mischievous smile* I love making these plans with you, spouse.
Thanks for reading🌸
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aemndxx · 10 months ago
I NEED a smut fic with Bambi!reader and Rafe ☹️ literally anything will do your writing always eats
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𝓇.cameron. ┆ bambi baby.
◟ ㅤᡣ𐭩ㅤㅤ ݁.﹒ hihihi babies. !!!!!!!!!! 🥺♡ྀི i missed y'all sm. here's this lil' thing that's been on my mind all night… it's set in the rafe 𝓍 bambi!reader au i'm makin'… but u don't gotta read the others to understand this at all-- this is jus' a lil' bit of smut. 🫶🏼
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"ah-ah, hey!" rafe scolded you, slapping your freshly manicured, dainty little fingers away from touching your slippery, puffy pink folds, oozing more and more of your slick as the seconds passed, with your boyfriend having you seated in between his manspread legs, your back pressed back against his hard, bare, muscular chest, completely naked.
"you don't get to touch this," rafe tuts warningly, making you instantly pout cutely, glossy lips all pink and kiss-swollen from rafe's sloppy, abusive kisses just minutes ago.
snapping out of your hazy, dreamlike thoughts, you squeal girlishly, all high pitched and sweet, as rafe completely cups your weepy, sweet little cunny, giving your cunt a possessive squeeze as if it were a warning not to cross him.
"this? this right here?" he asks tauntingly, with two little slaps against your drooling cunt, making his big hand all wet and causing you to mewl softly, trying to squeeze your smooth, plush thighs together, but rafe stops you, glaring down at you with clear disapproval, a threat in his steel-blue eyes, making you press back further more into him, shrinking against him, seeking his bigger size to feel safe and secured, even if he was the one abusing your little cunt right now-- you didn't mind, and neither did rafe.
"it's mine," he purrs into your ear with a soft, low baritone voice, his tone was teasing, though his voice was still a deep, lazy drawl, cupping your bare cunt with his large dominant hand, his face buried into the cook of your neck, inhaling your sweet, overwhelmingly addicting scent, before he begins kissing and licking and sucking another claiming lovemark on the delicate, sensitive skin of your little, easily breakable, sweet-smelling neck.
"all. fuckin'. mine," he coos menacingly, causing your insides to melt and butterflies to swarm in your belly-- you couldn't help it, you were so in love with rafe, and his possessiveness over you always made your brain turn into mush, even when he wasn't playing with your little cunt.
"you understand that, bambi baby?" he questions mockingly, keeping his voice hushed, yet he still kept that deep, lazy, baritone drawl to his voice, making your little clit throb and twitch with need, which rafe notices of course, because he always does-- swiftly, skillfully, he gently pinches your little nub, only to start rubbing two pads of his calloused fingertips against it, causing you to whimper softly and squirm for a moment, before you begin to gently hump your boyfriend's deft fingertips that were currently massaging your 'pretty princess cunt', as rafe likes to call it.
you nod eagerly, maybe a bit too eagerly, but again, you don't care-- always so sweet and innocently naïve for your boyfriend, just the way he likes you, all shy and sweet and codependent on him, looking up at him with your thick, fluffy black lashes, all doe-eyed and precious for him, a bit weepy too, just like your sweet little pussy, rafe notices.
and rafe is already aware, as usual, that you need a good, long, hard fucking, and that's exactly what he's gonna give to you-- after all, you're his girl, his future wife and the mother to his children, he'd never deny his precious bambi anything, especially a good fuck.
rafe smirks as he watches you nod obediently, the anger in his brow smoothing out and his soft lips curling up into a small, lazy smirk, "good girl, baby," he praises sweetly, giving the side of your head a long kiss, before easily slipping the two fingers he was using to massage your clit to now slide them inside of your needy cunt, feeling the way your wet, velvety walls flutter and quiver when he wiggles them around inside of you for a few seconds, hearing the way you gasp and moan so prettily for him.
"oh, daddy!" you cry out, your little, freshly painted pink toes curling from the sudden shift in pleasure, thighs shaking and belly clenching with your need for delicious release. "oohhh, f-feels so... so good i-inside of me," you mewl deliriously, moaning breathily and heart pounding, your bare breasts heaving as you suddenly feel rafe curl his long, talented fingers inside of you, insistently rubbing that place that makes you orgasm in seconds and wail like a newborn baby.
"D-DADDY!" you sob breathlessly, your shaky hands now going to reach and squeeze his clothed thighs, digging your long, gorgeous nails (which rafe of course paid for) into the gray sweatpants that he was currently only wearing, making you even more horny and desperate for him.
rafe chuckles breathlessly at how needy you're for him tonight, but he doesn't mind, he never does-- and with a light, sinister laugh from him, one that promises that you're going to have a very, very long night ahead of you, your boyfriend speeds up the pace of his fingers that were fucking into you almost violently, until you're dripping all over his hand, just the way rafe cameron likes you to be.
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gracie-eilish · 1 month ago
Peachy🧡✨🍑 pt. 2
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an: here she is y'all. i was NOT expecting all the excitement from part one so thank you for that!🥹 that was so exciting to see!! im not used to writing any kind of smut, so please forgive any bumps in the road if you find any🥺 i’m trying over here!🫣🤪 anyways, i hope you like it!!
warnings: smut, fingering (r! receiving)👀, billie being a total flirt cause duh
It had been about a week since you last saw Billie, but for some reason you felt like no time had passed. Because for you at least, you'd subconsciously spent every day with her since that night. Her little flirts and nicknames had been ringing in your mind, making you blush and your heart skip a beat even just thinking about it. In fact, you couldn't even look at a peach without your breath catching. And don't even mention what happend at night when you were alone with your thoughts...
Tonight your friends were all getting together again but this time at Billie's place. You guys all rotated around apartments so it wasn't one person's responsibility to host everyone. You were already in the area so you decided to head over a little early, wanting to return the favor of Billie helping you clean up the other night, hoping you can help set things up tonight.
You gave yourself one last glance in the car's mirror before reaching to open the car door. You stopped yourself remembering your mini perfume in your purse. You spritzed some vanilla and peach scented perfume, your signature scent, onto your pulse points, and a few extra sprays on your neck before tossing the bottle back into your purse and getting out of the car.
You weren't deliberately planning for something to happen tonight... but if something did you wouldn't be mad, your little friendly crush was growing to be not so friendly anymore.
Within seconds of you ringing the doorbell, the door flew open revealing Billie. She had a surprised but sultry smile on her face.
"Hi peach," she said. “You’re here early! D’ya miss me that much?” Her words sent a shiver down your spine and a flush to your face.
You giggled trying to brush it off. “Stop Billie. I wanted to return the favor from the other night and help you get everything ready for tonight!” You said sweetly.
So sweetly it made Billie’s heart start to melt. It was quite obvious to everyone Billie had some kind of feelings for you. And for a while Billie just thought it was her normal kind of crush on a hot girl. But recently she felt the shift too. It was something more and moments like this made it hard for her to keep up the charm.
Well, not that hard.
“God you really are an angel aren’t ya?” She said with a smirk, finally letting you into her apartment. You just giggled and continued down the hallway towards her kitchen, leaving Billie standing in the cloud of sweet peachy perfume you left in the air. Billie inhaled your sweet perfume as she shut the door and leaned back on it for a second before composing herself and making her way to the kitchen.
After a little while, the rest of your friends started to arrive, tearing the two of you apart. But Billie kept her eye on you subtly all night. She just couldn’t get over it.. The way your hair just fell perfectly over your shoulders, and the sweet freckles dotting your nose, and how the sound of your giggle could win grammys in Billie’s opinion, and that god damn sweet peach perfume that was now stuck on every surface in her apartment infiltrating her space like you were infiltrating her mind. And the sweet little looks you gave Billie right back across the room, made more than just her heart throb.
As the night grew on and conversations grew tired, someone suggested putting on a movie. More as background noise but everyone gathered around and snuggled up in their chosen spots.
Naturally Billie patted the spot next to her when you made your way over. But being the flirt she is, Billie pulled you down onto her lap (not that you were complaining), wrapping her arms around your middle as you got comfy.
“You cozy, peach?” You blushed at the nickname. You had just started to get used to the spontaneous “baby” or “mama” but having a nickname all to yourself was kind of driving you wild.
You just nodded, not trusting your voice right now. Billie hummed in satisfaction, smiling before pressing a soft kiss right below your ear making you breath hitch.
As the movie began, Billie pulled you in closer to her, your hands brushing against each other on your tummy.
The movie being a rom-com, provided the perfect backdrop for you and Billie. As the movie went on, and tensions rose, so did the tension between you and Billie. Billie's hand slowly moved under the blanket, her fingers gently brushing against your thigh. The touch was subtle, almost imperceptible to anyone else, but it sent a jolt of electricity through your body. You bit her lip, trying to suppress a gasp, as Billie's fingers began to explore, slowly inching upwards.
Billie's touch was deliberate and teasing, making your breath catch in your throat. She knew your friends were just inches away, oblivious to the intimate game unfolding beneath the blanket. The contrast between the innocent movie and your hidden passion was exhilarating. Billie's fingers traced lazy circles on your inner thigh, her touch feather-light and teasing. Your heart raced, and your body tingled with anticipation.
"Can you stay quiet for me peachy?” Billie whispered, her breath hot against your ear. "Mm-hmm." you nodded, unable to properly speak.
“Is this okay?” Billie whispered, even the flirty little minx she was, of course made sure you were okay first. You smiled softly before nodding again, letting her continue.
Her nose nuzzled into your jaw before she pressed a few kisses there. “You always smell so good peachy,” she purred making you let out a breathy, quiet moan. Billie's fingers continued their ascent, slipping under the hem of your shorts, finding the soft lace of your panties.
With expert precision, Billie hooked her fingers into the fabric, slowly pulling it aside, exposing your folds. Your breath hitched as you felt the cool air on her sensitive skin, your body already responding to Billie's touch. Billie's fingers traced the outline of your pussy, teasing the edges, making you squirm under the blanket.
"You're so wet already, for me peach," Billie whispered, her voice dripping with desire. "I love how responsive you are mama." Your cheeks flushed with pleasure and embarrassment, knowing your friends were mere feet away, unaware of the erotic scene playing out beside them. And forget about the fact that of all the ways you thought about hooking up with Billie, this surprisingly was not one of them… not that you minded either way.
Billie's middle finger dipped into your slick heat, eliciting a soft moan that you quickly stifled with a hand over your mouth.
Billie's finger moved in slow circles, massaging your clit, her thumb pressing gently on the sensitive bundle of nerves. Your body trembled, eyes fluttering shut as you tried to focus on the movie, but Billie's touch was too distracting, too pleasurable. You could feel your juices flowing, coating Billie's finger as she worked her magic.
“You’re doing so good baby love,” she whispered in your ear, pressing another kiss to your neck. “Being such a good girl.. bein’ such a peach.” Her words sent you into overdrive, biting down on your lip so hard you were sure you would draw blood.
As the movie's dialogue filled the room, Billie's finger slid deeper, curling upwards, searching for your sweet spot. Your breath quickened, your body tensing as you fought to keep your moans silent. Billie's thumb continued to rub circles on your clit, her touch firm and relentless. Your hips bucked involuntarily, your body betraying your attempts at control. You turned your head slightly to look at Billie who until you turned your head, looked totally un-phased while watching the movie. As if she wasn’t ravishing her complete dream girl under the blanket.
"Let go f’me, angel," Billie whispered, her voice a soft command. "I want to feel you come around my fingers." Her words were like a spell, pushing you over the edge. It was so good you heard a ringing in your ears.. wait no. You actually were hearing a ringing.
You and Billie looked away from each other towards the sound of the ringing.
Of fucking course it was your phone.
You hit decline, if it was that important they’d call back. You sheepishly apologized and giggled at your phone being so loud right in the middle of the movie. You turned your ringer off with a sigh and settled back into Billie’s lap.
She pinched your clit, sending a jolt through you, you kinda forgot her hand was still in your pants. Giggling, you snuggled back into her and her arms tightened back around you as she started to rub slow circles on you clit, building you back up.
Until your fucking phone rang again.
Well it didn’t ring, but the screen lit up with your siblings contact across the screen again. With a huff you situated your shorts and got up to leave the room to take the call. Billie followed quickly behind, watching you stumble like a baby deer a little bit. She stifled a laugh as you picked up the phone.
“Hello?” You answered with a bite in your voice. Billie came up behind you, snaking her arms back around your waist. She nuzzled her nose on your jaw before kissing the area.
“This better be fucking important,” You groaned into the phone.
an: and with that i would like to formally introduce you to evil gracie hehehe🫣🥰 do you wanna part 3???👀
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holybibly · 7 months ago
Mommy I hate to be a bother but can you give me and the other bunnies a shorty of this naughty thought https://www.tumblr.com/holybibly/756656577787936768/did-the-bunnies-miss-me-have-you-been-obedient?source=share
I can't stop thinking about so please I'll even be a good bunny for you🥺🥺
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Mmm, bunny, just because I love you so much. Here's a little teaser of what will soon be a full-length work, because I can't get these thoughts out of my head either.
Unholy hour of the day, my sugar fuzzies: Alpha Mommy Hwa gives his greedy wolf cubs a lesson they won't soon forget.
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You were hot, too hot for you to handle; your whole body was on fire and tingling like you were in heat, and you had the feeling you could feel Seonghwa with every cell of your body. Your long velour ears were twitching slightly, and your cheeks were wet with the tears and drool that Seonghwa's long tongue had left behind as he licked the tears from your warm, flushed skin.
Your slutty bunny nature was singing with pleasure as you basked in the amount of attention that the Alpha was giving you at that very moment. You could taste the thick, rich taste of his sickly-sweet pheromones on your tongue and the wet feel of his tongue on your skin, his rough, possessive fingers digging into your flesh until it was bruised and bloodied. But it only made you more needy, your sticky, sweet slime pouring out of your hole like a waterfall, filling the whole room with the fertile, creamy scent of peaches and cream.
The rational part of you was still resisting, fighting against your strong instinct for self-preservation and morality, telling you to squeeze your legs together and cover your slutty, needy cunt. But the velvety purring of the head alpha behind your back and the pathetic whimpering of San and Wooyoung at your feet plunged you deeper and deeper into the lustful depths of pleasure, making your thoughts of virtue and modesty melt away.
The whole situation was Woosan's fault. When those seductive wolf pups invited you to play this morning, you never imagined you would end up like this—on Seonghwa's lap, wrapped in one of his luxurious fur coats and covered in jewellery from head to toe, while his huge, thick alpha-cock stretched your tiny pink cunt until it almost hurt. You writhed and cried in his arms, begging him to fuck you and satisfy your hunger and need, but your mommy was merciless, torturing you for hours on end, and not just you, if Wooyoung and San's red, painfully hard cocks pressed tightly against their tense, stained, and glistening with pre-sperm stomachs were any indication. 
The viscous, clear liquid was trickling down between the reliefs of their abdominal muscles and dripping onto the floor, collecting in puddles of liquid lust between their spread thighs. And you thought for a second that maybe when it was all over, the main Alpha would make them clean up the mess with their tongues. While he will sadistically watch the wolf pups lapping up their own cooled sperm. Sometimes your mommy was very sophisticated when it came to punishing, but even that didn't stop any one of the wolves from trying to stick his dick in you up to balls. 
Maybe none of this would have happened if San and Wooyoung had just fucked you or licked your pussy like they usually liked to do, but their inner instincts urged them to mate you, to make you their own. And now they were paying for their greed, fucking the air and coming dry while Seonghwa rolled your pussy on his huge cock and made them watch.
Part of you even felt sorry for them, their pretty faces covered by heavy silver snout muzzles, tight leather collars wrapped around their necks, and at the base of their dicks, the beautiful metal rings that kept their knots from swelling were glistening. 
You scream, a shiver running through your entire body as the thick head of your Alpha's cock nuzzles the edge of your cervix, thanks to a particularly deep thrust. Oh God... The memories of how Mingi, Hongjoong, and Seonghwa rearranged your insides two nights ago, how they literally fucked you to the brink, come flooding back into your mind, and a new load of thick, sugary mucus spurts out of your hole. Seonghwa had been especially kind to the huge, passionate wolf that night, letting him have his way with you, but after Mingi and that daddy had fucked you almost to the point of unconsciousness. The head Alpha took you again, tied you up with his knot, and fucked you at a brutal animal pace, folding you in half so that your legs were pressed against the sides of your head.
Your mommy had fucked you countless times—in the morning, in the afternoon, in the evening, at night—pulling you onto his cock like a glove, but you still couldn't get used to the size of it. It felt like his cock was getting bigger with each session, more veins showing on the heavy velvety length and his thick knot practically tearing you in half as he fucked you like an animal. Stuffing you with his cock and pouring so much cum into you that your belly swelled like you were in the early stages of pregnancy.
Seonghwa's appetite for you was insatiable. Everyone in the house, including Hongjoong, had to remember that you belonged to him and only to him. And if the sore, raw, never-healing bite on your neck wasn't enough to make everyone understand that, Seonghwa would always give them an object lesson.
The Alpha's fur coat was too heavy for you to carry, but Seonghwa had recently taken to dressing you up in it. Naked in his luxurious coat and draped in tonnes of jewellery was his favourite look on you. At the moment, you had a diamond collar around your neck that clearly indicated who you belonged to; it was restricting your breathing almost as much as the Alpha's long, skilled tongue in your throat.
A pathetic wail caused Seonghwa to tear his lips away from yours and turn his attention to the moaning, writhing mess at your feet. San and Wooyoung were tense to the breaking point. You could see their muscles twitching and contracting beneath their golden, sweat-soaked skin, their tongues tracing the metal bars of their muzzles, and the veins in their necks bulging as the Alpha tightened their leashes.
"Have a look at the pretty cunt my little sugar thing has." Hwa purred softly, sliding his hand down your body until his long fingers parted your labia as he exposed your tiny hole stretched around his cock to the greedy, dark gaze of the wolf pups. The soft, wet edge of your entrance clung to Seonghwa's knot with every deep thrust he gave it.
"A-a-alpha, please..." You whine, clutching your hand to Seonghwa's wrist as he continues to hold your pussy open and vulnerable.
The deep, dark growl of the wolf pups echoes with the smug, dark laughter of the alpha leader, and you instinctively cringe at the terrifying, vibrating sound that shakes San and Wooyoung's chests as they bare their sharp teeth and dig their claws into the dark parquet, leaving long, jagged stripes on the expensive wood.
His fingers release your labia, only to slap the palm of his hand hard against your clit, causing you to squeal and squirt around his cock. The walls of your pussyclench together to hold Seonghwa's hot, smooth length inside of you, and copious amounts of clear liquid spurt out of your hole onto the floor as he continues to slide in and out.
"All this is mine." Seonghwa growls in a low voice, his mouth sinking into the raw bite on your neck, only to suckle it roughly.
Another growl is elicited from San and Wooyoung, and the Alpha licks your skin one last time before he turns his attention to the cubs.
"Impatient, greedy bastards." Hwa's long fingers tangle in Wooyoung's silky, two-toned hair, squeezing and pulling his face down on your pussy with great force, almost burying his pretty face in your folds, but the snout prevents Woo from getting what he craves so much. His luxurious, fluffy tail whips out behind him as he smells the rich scent of your slick, and he moans loudly, his whole body shaking as if he has a fever. The need to fuck you, to breed you, to fill you with his cum until your pussy is warm and saturated with all his cum drives him literally crazy. He arched his back to press himself even closer to you, even though Seonghwa's cock was still deep inside you, so deep that Wooyoung could see it bulging out on your stomach.
San's no better, rolling his hips and fucking the air, hoping for relief; his sharp cat eyes focused on you, catching your every reaction like his life depended on it. And when streams of milk start running down your body, flowing freely from your breasts, his tongue hangs from his mouth, and his breathing becomes laboured.
"Mmm, Sannie, you want to have a feel of our little fluff too, don't you? Come here." Seonghwa grumbles and yanks hard on San's leash until there is another adorable face right next to your cunt. Your mommy's fingers slide between your folds again, rubbing the sticky slime all over your pussy, and then he brings his dirty fingers to your mouth, and you obediently open your lips for him, allowing him to push them into your mouth.
Another moan, mixed with a growl, escapes from Wooyoung and San at the sight of your little tongue swirling around those long, slippery appendages, and the main Alpha moans in satisfaction.
"Look how desperate you are; you want to try it too, don't you? You want to eat MY bunny's sweet, sticky snatch, don't you?" The wolf cubs nod their heads in desperation, their muzzles almost bumping into each other. "You'd have to do better than that if you want me to let you do that, you little bitches. For now, all you can do is sit back and enjoy the show."
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these-written-reveries · 9 days ago
His Remedy
‣ Pairing: König x GN!Reader
‣ Genre: Flangst (angst & fluff)
‣ Summary: When König realizes he has feelings for you.
‣ Warnings: König is an anxious boy 🥺, mention of panic attacks, degrading thoughts
‣ Word Count: 1,452
‣ A/N: König really has a heart of gold, doesn't he? (When you ignore the spine-breaking, ruthless beast he becomes on the field). Sighhh...this sweet gentle giant deserves more love...
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➼ König will immediately grow 10x more anxious around you once he realizes he has feelings for you.
• While he is a little more in tune with his emotions than someone like Ghost, it will still take him way too long to realize the depth of his feelings for you.
• He'll be pretty much oblivious, thinking that what he's feeling is just a mix of his usual anxiety and the fact that this pretty person seems to enjoy talking and spending time with him. Of course that's gonna make him extra nervous!
• Only later will the realization hit him like a freight train.
• Suddenly, he's stuttering more when he speaks around you, opting to remain mostly silent so he doesn't make a total fool of himself.
• He's visibly jittery. Between his leg constantly bouncing, his increased fiddling of whatever he gets his hands on, and the fact that he can't seem to hold eye contact with you for longer than half-a second, you begin to grow concerned.
• When you ask him about it, he freaks out, as if you'd caught him red-handed or something.
• It deeply confused you, but you tried your best to soothe him, placing a gentle hand over his.
• König flinched away from you, immediately exiting the space, and leaving you behind feeling all the more hurt, worried, and confused.
• Meanwhile, König was struggling with his overwhelming feelings for you, and the added anxiety that came along with them.
• He was so scared he'd say or do the wrong thing that would make him look bad in front of you, or worse, would upset you or make you look at him differently.
• He liked the way you looked at him. Your eyes always held such sweet tenderness and care for him. He didn't want that to change.
• But now he couldn't even truly enjoy it when you looked at him that way, or your smile, or your laughter, or your voice, or anything about you, because he was so damn anxious all the time!
• It frustrated him. Why couldn't he just act normal?
• His normal self was still pretty quiet and anxious around people, but you were different.
• With you, he felt calm and grounded. He could talk to you freely and you never judged him. In fact, you often complimented him—something he was not used to whatsoever, unless it had to do with his usefulness due to his size and strength, or his other military skills.
• With you, it was never about how useful he was. It was about who he was as a person, his special talents that he rarely shared with anyone else, even his looks—with you calling him handsome, despite the fact that you'd never seen his face before.
• He adored every bit of you so much, and he was so scared of losing what he had with you, that he found himself having near-daily panic attacks over it.
• Never had he been so frightened of losing something until you came into his life.
• He began keeping himself locked away in his room, trying to avoid what his anxiety had convinced him was inevitable...losing you.
• There was no way you'd want to be with someone like him.
• He wasn't good enough for you. There were way better people out there in the world.
• You were probably mad at him anyway since he stormed out on you the last time he saw you.
• He already messed everything up.
Was für ein Blödmann!
Stupid, stupid, stupid!
*Knock, knock*
König froze, slowly peeling his hands away from his head as he glanced up at the door. He didn't say a word, hoping if he didn't, whoever it was would leave so he could go back to panicking in peace.
"K-König? Are you there?"
Your sweet voice rang through the door. König breathed it in like a breath of fresh air, his body relaxing just slightly, as if a warm blanket had been placed over his tense shoulders.
Until his rapidly beating heart decided to ruin the moment, bringing him back to reality.
He groaned, placing his hands over his face once more.
Another small knock could be heard, followed by the doorknob being jiggled.
"Oh, you are there. Sorry if you're sleeping. I'm just worried about you, and I wanted to check on you. I-I guess I'll come back later..."
König's heart clenched at the thought of you worrying about him. It saddened him, but more importantly, it filled him with a sense of hope.
Maybe he hadn't fucked everything up...yet.
He stood from the bed, just as your footsteps began to fade away.
He reached for the doorknob and swung open the door.
König quickly felt like hiding once you turned to look at him, your face morphing into something almost unreadable as you blinked at him.
Why did you seem so...shocked?
He immediately closed the door upon realizing he had forgotten to put his mask on before revealing himself to you. His grip on the handle tightened, his eyes squeezed shut, no air entering or exiting his lungs as he remained still as a statue behind the door, wishing he could disappear completely.
Then came your sweet voice again; closer now, as you had positioned yourself on the opposite side of the wooden wall between you.
"König? You okay?"
König's head fell forward in resignation, his forehead hitting the door with a thump.
"No," his muffled voice answered, just loud enough for you to hear.
"I'm sorry for looking! I should've looked away…" you said.
Just as he suspected. You were completely put off by his looks. Now you were simply comforting him out of pity because you were too nice to tell him he's ugly and—
"I guess I was too shocked by...how beautiful you are."
He knew by the sound of your voice that you were flustered. You really meant what you said.
Of course you did. You'd never once lied to him. He loved that about you.
He loved you.
And you just called him beautiful.
He didn't know how to respond.
The door creaked open, revealing König's nervous face. You offered him a small, reassuring smile.
König couldn't help the smile that began to overtake his pouted lips. You were too damn cute.
Silence fell between the two of you once more.
He watched as your eyes scanned over his face. This time, he let you.
"Guess I really was right, calling you handsome all this time, huh?" you joked, beaming up at him.
He couldn't take it anymore. His heart felt like it was going to explode.
"Please don't leave…" he spoke in almost a whisper.
Your eyebrows furrowed. "What? 'Course, I won't leave. Not unless you want me to."
"No, I—...You might want to be far away from me when you hear what I'm about to say. But, I don't want you to. I-I don't want to lose you. But I can't keep it from you anymore. I…" he trailed off, his throat beginning to constrict as his breathing grew more heavy.
His shoulders slumped as he sighed, looking down between the two of you.
You took a step closer, forcing him to step back enough for you to enter the room and shut the door behind you. Once inside, you took another step towards him, grabbing his hand before he could back away, keeping him tethered in place as you looked up at him.
"I won't leave," you repeated, your voice firm, but gentle.
Your thumb traced over the back of his hand, and this time, it soothed him.
You waited patiently, your eyes filled with the sweet tenderness and care he grew to cherish so much. This time, he allowed himself to get lost in it.
This time, he allowed the words to slip freely from his lips.
"I love you."
His words caused your breath to hitch, your eyes scanning over his as you processed his confession.
The silence wasn't long, but every second felt like years to König; each one making him want to curl into himself more.
He closed his eyes and awaited your rejection.
As the seconds dragged on, no words were spoken, yet a thousand were said in your following actions.
A small squeeze of his hand.
A gentle pull.
Soft lips against his scarred knuckles.
König couldn't breathe; and this time, it was in a good way.
Only when he opened his eyes again did you finally say the words aloud.
"I love you too."
• From that moment on, König was finally set at ease. Your love was the remedy to his bleeding heart; the calm to the raging storm in his mind.
• König decided then, that this time, and every time after, he'd love you fearlessly.
➼ And never would he cease in his mission to be the remedy you need.
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➼ Main Masterlist ➼ Request Info
‣Taglist: @jslittlebirdie @alittlesmartcookie
‣ If you’d like to join the taglist for König, let me know by sending me an ask/message, or comment on this post!
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taegimood · 1 year ago
What do you think are the ways txt would make you needy?
(Like calling you pet names, starting to get touchy...)
nonnie!! ooooh this thought.. i’m gonna assume you mean intentionally? sorry if i’m wrong 🥺
txt knowing just what to do to get your attention and make you needy for them..
yeonjun is all about teasing touches. fleeting ones - ones that make you wonder if he meant to do that as your thighs rub together longingly. (of course, yeonjun always knows exactly what he’s doing). he’ll stand just a little closer than usual, enveloping you in his scent, his warm breath fanning over your neck as he leans over to “see what you’re up to” without ever actually touching you — or his hands skimming lightly over your waist as he passes by you in the kitchen, hard bulge brushing against your ass on purpose — or his nimble fingers trailing along your thigh as he “helps you fix your shorts” because you just look cold, is all. (which of course causes you to actually shiver). he especially will bring out the more intimate pet names to really get you going, too. “you seem tense, kitten..” (cee wya 👀) or “what’s wrong, sweet girl?” 🤤 he really is a sly fox, huh?
soobin gets extra touchy. not in a sneaky way like yeonjun, because he knows that the more direct he is, the wetter your panties will be when he finally takes them off of you. soobin generally tends to be on the shyer side — so when he gets bold with you, all nonchalant as he sits you over his lap to “show you a video he found” or even going as far as to have you taste test something he’s baking by “innocently” putting an icing-coated finger to your lips for you to suck clean… well, there’s no way your pussy isn’t gonna be throbbing. he definitely uses your hand kink to his advantage as well. will come up behind you and massage your shoulders under the guise of helping you de-stress, meanwhile right before he steps away he’s sneaking his hand around to graze your throat.. a caress that has you reeling before he’s walking away leaving you high and dry 😩 (or wet, rather)
beomgyu is a MENACE. will shamelessly and infuriatingly have his hands all over you, but the second you try to reciprocate, he’s waltzing away to “go do something he forgot” or just straight up not letting you touch him back, dodging you as he giggles in your face. he just loves being a brat and a tease. you’re standing on a chair trying to decorate your shared bedroom wall, and he’s using that as his chance to squeeze at your ass — you squeal in surprise and he’s laughing, laying on a smooch and then a solid smack as he walks away while you’re left standing there like 😦. he’ll say the most unhinged shit, too. out in public and everything when he whispers “would love to fuck you dumb in those” right in your ear as you pass by a lingerie display window. your gasp has him grinning to himself, especially when he can tell just how much it effected you from the wobbly way that you tried to shove him after in defense..
taehyun is outright with it. similar to gyu, he doesn’t beat around the bush, but he does, however, make you want it. where beomgyu is big and teasing with his methods, taehyun on the other hand.. one look from him has you squeezing your thighs together. that look, which he gives you when he wants you all to himself. out with friends and his eyes are boring into yours from across the table, or he’s seated beside you and you can just feel the heat of his stare.. he’ll have your thigh beneath his large palm, massaging his fingers against your heat while casually carrying on a conversation with your friends, ignoring the way you’re trying hard not to whimper at his touch. other times you’ll be milling about, organizing stuff around the apartment, when you look up to see him leaning against the doorframe with his arms crossed, just watching you — before you can even ask he’s stating so matter-of-factly, “i want you.” the heat that INSTANTLY pools in your panties is record-breaking. and he knows it, too.
huening kai’s usual sweet touches come with an edge when he’s trying to get you hot and bothered. he’s still sweet! but.. there’s a little something else there, too. he’ll brush your hair off your forehead innocently, and in the same motion, he’s dipping his head to press a hinting kiss beneath your ear. gentle hand at your waist as he guides you past him, but wait, is it your imagination when his hand slides forward to press against your lower belly..? this man is always pet name central, but when he wants to stir you up, there’s almost a teasing, deliciously condescending lilt to them that you find yourself questioning whether or not you really heard as your breath catches in your throat. he’ll make sure you know for sure, though, when his hand gently grips your chin so he can press a kiss to your forehead with a smug little smile and a cute crinkle of his nose~ accidentally slipped a little dom kai in there oops 🫣
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yawnderu · 1 year ago
A/N: We made it to 3k less than a month after I reached 2k followers 🥺<3!!
I was genuinely not expecting this when I first made my account, but so far I've gotten so much support and I've met so many lovely people. I'm always reading your comments and reblogs, you mfs are hilarious JFEHJBFEHJB💕Onto the nasty sinful monkey sex now.
Synopsis: tired of working a dead-end job with no rewards, your childhood best friend offers you a job at his company, promising the stress levels are minimal and the pay is good. You accept with no second thoughts, not realizing you were tricked into becoming a stress relief toy for his men.
CW: humiliation, hard sex, gangbang, double vaginal, triple penetration, unsafe sex, creampie, 14 vs 1, cum swallowing, bukkake, spit kink, cockdrunk reader, deepthroat, handjobs, size kink, watersports.
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Being a commander who saw his soldiers as family, Graves knew he always had to watch out for his men, reward them for their hard work and loyalty, and what better way to do that than with a sweet little thing like you? Their own personal stress relief toy, who was tricked into taking a job at the Shadow Company, yet so willing to please. So eager.
"You're enjoying this more than you should." He's teasing you, of course, yet his cocky expression does nothing to help the pooling warmth on your stomach. One of the shadows is sitting behind you, gloved hands hooked under your knees to keep your legs open while Graves grinded his clothed boner on your bare cunt, the fabric feeling almost painful if it wasn't for how wet you are.
"Maybe I am." You manage to reply, barely able to speak between whiny moans and soft gasps, his cock rubbing in all the right places, but the stimulation wasn't enough. No, he had been teasing you like this for the past 20 minutes, making his men watch as you became a putty mess in his hand. The shadows were men of discipline and self-control, keeping their hands folded politely behind their backs, ignoring their painful, throbbing cocks until their commander allowed them to use their brand new chew toy.
"I want you to know," He began, hand slipping under your chin firmly to force you to look up at him, hard cock rubbing faster up and down your cunt, pressing into you harder. "That I ain't playin' with you, Stray. My men will do anythin' I tell them to. Last chance to pull out." He warned and you shook your head no, his cocky smile growing even wider as his other hand went to squeeze your tit, looking for any signs of discomfort and much to his delight, seeing none.
"I can take it." The words are more of a reassurance to yourself, gaze drifting around the room and counting the men inside. 14, including Graves. You swallow thickly, nervous eyes drifting back to Graves, who simply raises an eyebrow in return, waiting for you to realize just how fucked up you are if you don't pull out.
"I can take it." You repeat, slowly believing the words more and more. He simply smiles and ruffles your hair affectionately, the same way he always did growing up.
"Attagirl." He pulled away from you and you can see the satisfaction in his eyes, knowing you'll do a good job for him. He nods to his men and they quickly get to work, hands groping you all over, long fingers entering your cunt roughly to the point you're becoming nothing but a whiny, whimpering mess. They're rough and impatient, your wrists being grabbed and forced onto their hard cocks until you're willingly jerking them off, hands barely able to wrap around their thick lengths. It's intimidating, yet so hot to be locked in a room full of hormonal, pent-up military men.
"On your knees." One of them commands, yet you're forced on your knees before you can even try to get up. Four cocks are in front of you and you begin sucking with no hesitation, eyes closing as you give into your role at the company. Your lips wrap around one of them, slowly taking him deeper until he gets too impatient and forces your head down to the base, the gagging noises your throat lets out simply making it feel better.
"Good girl." You don't even know who's praising you, but it's enough to give you the encouragement you needed, starting to bob your head up and down until you're pulled off the cock, a new one being shoved down your throat. They're using you— you know it, and you're letting them. You get passed around, tasting and sucking on different dicks while your hands keep themselves busy, deep moans and groans coming from above you. They get too impatient quick, the man you recognize as Oz wrapping his fingers on your hair, pulling on it until you willingly get up, throwing you into bed and opening your legs wide with brutal force. You look down, eyes widening as you see just jow thick he is.
"You said you could take it, ain't that right?" He uses your words against you, the tip of his cock rubbing up and down your folds, your head dropping back as a moan escapes your lips. That's all he needs for confirmation, hands firmly holding the curve of your waist before he buries his cock to the hilt in one thrust. A pained moan escapes your lips, eyebrows furrowing as your nails dig into his arm— the pretty, long acrylic nails Graves paid for earlier that day.
"Shit... S‐slow down, asshole." The way you struggle to take him is almost cute, a cocky smirk pulling on his lips as he shakes his head no once, holding onto you tighter while he slams in and out of you. You don't have much room to complain before another cock is being shoved into your face, your lips willingly wrapping around the tip, hollowing your cheeks while your tongue circles all over it. Your whiny moans are muffled as you slowly begin to suck more and more, the pleasure of being groped all over and being fucked good slowly getting rid of any hints of regret you may have.
"Fucking slut." Oz says, hand coming up to gently pinch and pull on your nipples while he fucks into you faster. All you can do is nod, tears dotting your eyelashes at the mix of pain and pleasure, using the cock in your mouth to cover up the embarrassing sounds escaping you from being a used like a whore. Your body is manhandled into another position, a different shadow underneath you who wastes no time on fucking into your cunt, filling you just as much as Oz was. Your hands are kept busy jerking off more cocks while your mouth is put into good use again, muffling the moan of protest that threatens to escape when you feel the tip of a dick teasing the entrance of your ass.
"Wait—" You manage to speak when the shadow takes his cock out of your throat to give you time to breathe, only to be interrupted by your throat being forced open again. You close your eyes tightly, trying your best to relax, the folds of your tight hole slowly being eased, the man is being surprisingly gentle for someone who holds so much power over you.
"Good girl." He praises softly, voice deep with desire, yet holding so much care. His hand gently caresses your ass as he bottoms out, giving you time to adjust before his hands rest on your waist, pulling you up and down his cock, the thin layer of skin diving your ass and cunt making the pleasure even greater. It doesn't take much before you're willingly slamming your hips down, moving in your own pace and fucking yourself into the big cocks inside you like a greedy whore, too eager to wait.
"Lovely girl, ain't she?" You can recognize Grave's voice, choosing to ignore it for now as you simply focus on feeling good. It doesn't take long until the men are taking turns with you, wet cunt leaking everywhere, yet none of them seem to care. You wince as you feel a second cock on the entrance of your pussy, nervous, yet eager to please. You don't even have to lift your head to know whose cock it is— fucking Phillip Graves. The man who got you into this situation on the first place... which you're now glad happened.
He's surprisingly gentle as he squeezes his cock into your airtight hole, the pain of the stretch only being overpowered by the feeling of a cock slamming back into your throat, nose hitting dark, curly pubes every single time the masked man makes you deepthroat him. Your whiny moans are mixed in with the lewd, wet sounds of your holes being used and abused. You lost count of how many times you were filled, mind too hazy from all the overstimulation, yet you can register the door closing behind them, leaving you alone with Graves.
''Attagirl.'' He praises, his hand running down the length of your sweaty hair as his soft cock settles into your cum-stained lips, half-lidded eyes looking up at him with curiosity. Your mouth is suddenly filled with a warm liquid and you swallow without thinking about it, eyes closing once he's done pissing into your slutty mouth. He slowly pulls out, putting his cock back in his pants and admiring the mess his men did of your body, covered in cum and small bruises from their strong hold when they were fucking you.
''I got another job for ya. Ever heard of the 141?''
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bella-feed · 7 days ago
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All My Love
pairing: bf!jeonghan x f!reader
warnings: turns suggestive at the end (??), kisses (lmk if i missed anything)
genre: fluff. pure fluff
wc: 839
author: its my dearest mootie @sanaxo-o's bday, and i couldnt be more excited. HAPPY BIRTHDAY MY DIVA! ILYSMMMMMM 😙😙😙😙🫵🏻💋🫵🏻💋🫵🏻im so sorry this fic is short just like joshua's 😔😔 i wrote this while stressing abt econ 😭😭😭😭😭. anyways i really hope you like it 😙🥺🥺
bella's masterlist || taglist
tagging :: @mooniewrld, @syluslittlecrows, @joepomonerof, @potayaa
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The moment you step into your apartment, the lights flickered on, and a familiar, sweet voice callex you out.
“Happy Birthday, love.”
You barely have time to register what’s happening before Jeonghan is in front of you, grinning like he’s been waiting for this moment all day.
The apartment isn’t filled with extravagant decorations, no balloons or a big party—just a cozy setup with fairy lights strung along the walls, a homemade cake sitting on the table, and your favorite takeout neatly arranged beside it.
It’s so Jeonghan, simple yet thoughtful, like he knows exactly what would make you feel special without overwhelming you.
Your heart swells as he steps closer, his hands finding their way to your waist. “How does it feel to be another year older?” he teases, trying to find your eyes as you register everything.
You huff, playfully rolling your eyes. “How does it feel to date someone another year older?” You answered back with the same tease.
He hums, pretending to think. “Hmm, well, I think it just means I have to love you even more than I did last year.”
You laugh, shaking your head at his cheesiness, but before you can say anything else, he’s pulling you into a slow, lingering hug. His arms wrap around you securely, his chin resting on your shoulder as he whispers, “I’m so happy you exist.”
And just like that, any exhaustion, any worries from the day melt away. You close your eyes, breathing him in, feeling the rhythm of his heartbeat against yours.
After a moment, he pulls back slightly, just enough to look into your eyes. “Okay, birthday star,” he grins, tugging you toward the table, “make a wish.”
You glance at the cake, the soft glow of the candles reflecting in his eyes. But as you look at him—at the way he’s watching you so fondly, so full of love—you realize you don’t need a wish.
Because everything you could ever want is already right here.
But Jeonghan, patiently waits. “Go on,” he encourages, nudging you slightly. “Even if you don’t need a wish, you should still make one.”
You sigh dramatically, closing your eyes. And after a few seconds, you blow out the candles, letting the warm flicker of light fade into the dim glow of the room.
Jeonghan claps softly, clearly pleased with himself. “Good. Now, let’s eat before the food gets cold.”
You don’t argue as he pulls you into a chair, opening the takeout containers with practiced ease. The two of you fall into familiar conversation, him teasing you about getting older, you throwing it right back at him, laughter filling the space between bites of your favorite meal. It’s simple, but it’s perfect.
After dinner, Jeonghan suddenly perks up, reaching behind him. “Oh, before I forget—your present.”
You blink as he hands you a neatly wrapped box, tied with a delicate ribbon. “You didn’t have to get me anything,” you say, even as your fingers carefully untie the bow.
He snorts. “Of course I did. What kind of boyfriend would I be if I didn’t?”
Inside the box is a small, silver bracelet with a tiny charm dangling from it, a familiar shape that makes your heart ache in the best way. It’s a delicate, engraved star, an inside joke between the two of you from one of your first dates.
You run your fingers over the charm, looking up at him. “Hannie…”
He shrugs, but there’s a warmth in his gaze that gives him away. “I just thought it suited you and all my love for you, my little star."
Your chest tightens, “It’s perfect,” you whisper.
His smile softens, and without missing a beat, he reaches over, carefully clasping the bracelet around your wrist. His fingers linger, tracing over your skin before he looks back up at you. “You like it?”
“I love it.”
His grin returns, bright and teasing. “Good. Now, let’s move on to the second part of your gift.”
You raise an eyebrow. “There’s more?”
He leans in closer, his voice dropping to a whisper. “Yep. And this one… is a surprise.”
Before you can ask, he suddenly scoops you up into his arms, effortlessly carrying you toward the couch. You yelp in protest, but he just laughs, plopping down and pulling you onto his lap.
“You are another year older now,” he muses, arms wrapping around your waist. “Maybe I should start carrying you around more often. Wouldn’t want you hurting yourself.”
You swat at his chest, but he catches your hand easily, pressing a soft kiss to your knuckles. “Thank you, Hannie,” you murmur, your voice quieter now, more sincere. “For all of this.”
His teasing demeanor softens instantly. “Anything for you,” he says simply, tucking a stray piece of hair behind your ear.
And as he leans in, his lips meeting yours in a slow, lingering kiss, you know there’s nowhere else you’d rather be.
Because with Jeonghan, every birthday—every moment—feels like a wish come true.
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[credit: @adornedwithlight (dividers)]
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jd-loves-fiction · 23 days ago
Sorry, two requests in one go but I NEED TO GET THIS OFF MY SYSTEM OR I FORGET
Same platonic dynamic with Boothill, Welt, Jing Yuan and Blade with reader who turned into a small child all of a sudden (around 2-3 years old, so toddler)
🌑 RAAHHH FEED ME (I couldnt resist the angst sowy :)) Also am I crazy or do they all give girl dad... they all feel like girl dad's to me, expect maybe Jing Yuan 😅
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✦ 𝐁𝐨𝐨𝐭𝐡𝐢𝐥𝐥 ✦
Possibly the most experienced in this field actually???
Not to remind y'all of the absolute angst of his backstory, but he adopted a little kid in the past so... he's actually pretty knowledgeable when it comes to kids
Doesnt make this smooth sailing tho
Firstly, he's super confused on how this happened and how to undo it - spends so much time stressing about it that he almost forgets he has to take care of you now until you start screaming
Now that he's looking at you, oh you're so cute it should be illegal
Cuteness aggression to the max with the most self-restraint a man could possibly have (knowing he could easily seriously hurt you)
Once he accepts that his only option is waiting it out, he's focusing on making sure you're comfy
Surprisingly very in tune with your wants and needs
Overall, you'll be well taken care of with him, though the moment you're soundly asleep, memories of the past come back to haunt him, reminding him of all he lost
Though he reasons with himself that the past has passed and all he can do is keep going without letting it drag him down
And you're helping him do just that ❤️
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✦ 𝐖𝐞𝐥𝐭 ✦
Utterly confounded
Mostly just curious
How did this happen? Do you still have your memories? Did your brain also revert back?
But he also cant deny how freaking cute you are🥺
Very gentle, holding you close, whispering softly even if you're screaming - makes you sleepy immediately
If you start screaming incoherently he's gonna have a hard time figuring out what you need but will try his best and remain calm the whole time
Does anything you want him to, literally
Want to play dolls? He's making a cute voice and everything. Want him to read to you? Putting on the softest tone known to man and putting you to sleep before you're through the first page
This also applies to food - whatever you want to eat, he's letting you, since he knows this situation must be pretty stressful and he doesnt want you start screaming at him :(
Once it's over he probably wont mention it again to you in case you think it's embarrassing, but will keep the sweet memory close to his heart - it makes him feel fuzzy to think he could take care of you when you're so vulnerable
Also you're just so damn cute, he cant get over it 😭
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✦ 𝐉𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐘𝐮𝐚𝐧 ✦
Give him a second he's gonna have to laugh about this for a while
Decent experience with teens and older children because of Yanqing and other students he's trained, but toddlers?
No clue, he's so lost
Genuinely tries to apply lion cub logic
It's the closest experience he's had to raising a kid ok?! He's trying 🥺
Probably ends up getting yelled at by Yanqing because no, human children do not work in any way similarly to lion cubs >:(
After that he's trying a little harder
He's surrounded by people who know more than him on this so he's putting you on his hip and carrying you around while he asks them what to do
Comes back to his office after and puts you down, not realizing that you're crawling over to Mimi
Nearly has a heart attack once he does realize but it's all good, Mimi's a good boy and just naps while you play with his mane
He was honestly ready to use you as an excuse to not do this work and seeing you napping with Mimi just solidifies it for him
The next time Yanqing comes by to make sure you're ok, he finds you all cuddled up on Mimi, so he leaves with a fond sigh
Jing yuan was totally awake btw
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✦ 𝐁𝐥𝐚𝐝𝐞 ✦
Oh sweet god he is not equipped for this AT ALL
Immediatly running to Kafka or Firefly for help (Silver Wolf is suddenly not so mysteriously absent) and they are somehow even less helpful than he is
Grumbling the whole time but does try his best to care for you
Does NOT know why you're screaming pls stop 😭
Has a surprising among of patience - he knows what children are like, so he's not blaming you for anything you do or losing it on you
He's good at keeping himself calm when the situation doesnt require him to lose his shit
Excels at... napping :)
Honest to god cant think of much else to do with you besides putting a sword in your hand, which both Kafka and Firefly scold for even thinking about
Cant really blame him, that's what his parents did and he turned out just fine :) (Note the sarcasm)
Something in his cold (literally) dead heart warms at the sight of you fumbling about and smiling sweetly at him
He never thought himself particularly inviting but he sure doesnt mind that you think so
The whole situation has him pondering his past but most of all, his humanity - what he lost of it and what he still has
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