#{The Healer}
supfag · 9 days
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parkerlyn · 7 months
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Remembering how to draw everyone by…making memes out of them ajfdklsaj
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eSims for Gaza
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The Healer Pt 4
The story continues. I'm still enjoying this one, so we'll keep going!
Part 1 / 2 / 3 linked here. (If I get to 5+ parts I'll make a master post)
“Natalie! You’re here!”
Jack shouted with excitement when he saw me. Garrett and Rita trailed behind him, their expressions happy, if a bit mild and unenthused. I was still sitting on the ground, catching my breath after my first battle in this strange world. The corpses of the monster flowers had faded into the grass, leaving little evidence of my fight behind. I waved to them, feeling a strong sense of relief in seeing familiar faces.
The three of them had been my teammates in Fantasy Realm, even if they weren’t the kindest people I had ever known. While playing together they were often inpatient with me, unforgiving of mistakes, and constantly pushing me to spend more time and money improving my character when they knew I had very little of both. I had always given in, and disliked myself for doing so, hoping it would improve their opinion of me, knowing deep down it wouldn’t. I might call them friends… and I would be shocked if they called me the same.  But after waking up in this weird real world of the game, I was just happy to know anyone at all.
I was afraid to be alone.
The group reached me, and with a grin, Jack reached out and helped me to my feet. I brushed the dust off of myself and looked them over. They all looked like they had in our old world, the only difference was their clothing. Jack was dressed in leather armor, reinforced my metal along the chest and back. Garrett had a large sword strapped across his back, with scant coverings over the rest of his enormous frame. Rita had a simple cloth robe and a large wooden bow.
“We all chose our familiar classes.” Jack saw my studying look and informed me. “Seemed the safest thing to do given that we don’t know what happens if you die in here.”
Rita rolled her eyes. “I can’t believe you guys are taking this seriously! This can’t be real. We're still in the game! It’s just some hoax, someone hacked the game. Eventually my dad will tear the VR company apart, sue them into oblivion and then we’ll be let out!”
I paused at that. “We weren’t playing the game when this happened though.”
“We just forgot.” She answered forcefully, her gaze annoyed as usual as she met my own.
Rita had always disliked me. Our parents knew each other, her father was a well-known lawyer who had pushed her to follow in his footsteps. As someone who had struggled with the weight of parents’ expectations, I sympathized. But she had quit law school after a week, turning to full time gaming instead. She didn’t do well enough to make any money, but fortunately her mother paid her bills.
Her father was disapproving to say the least. He apparently used me as an example to her of someone successfully “taking over the family business,” never mind that I hated the pressure, resented my parents’ strict expectations and escaped whenever possible. It didn’t matter. Rita despised me, and no attempts from myself or from Jack could smooth the rift between us.
Garrett looked me over from head to toe, confused. “You don’t have a weapon.”
I froze at his words. Garrett had a large sword, obviously a barbarian type class. Jack had a one-handed sword, a fighter or swordsman. Rita was an archer with her bow. But me…
There was only was class in the game that couldn’t use weapons.
“No…” Rita started laughing, so hard that tears were forming in her eyes. “No… you DIDN’T do something so STUPID….!”
Garrett was shaking his head, frowning disapprovingly. I ignored them, my entire attention was on Jack. We had been friends since freshman year of college. He had helped me find my first class, I tutored him in chemistry. We had supported each other through ups and downs, told each other about our fears and dreams…  
And he was looking at me with hatred in his eyes.
“You are a Healer.” His voice was quiet, but the lack of emotion in his tone made my hackles raise. I started to back away.
“Jack… I…”
His hand gripped my throat, and I was lifted off the ground. I gasped, unable to get air, and struggled against him, but with a strength stat of -10 I knew there wasn’t much hope. I wouldn’t be able to cast my healing spells either, without being able to speak the activation word.
I need to be able to cast without speaking. My brain focused on that, almost desperately avoiding dealing with the situation I was currently in: My friend was killing me.
**The Healer enters an early hypoxic state - 10 damage for each second that airway compression remains in place. **
**The Healer takes 10 damage. **
I had only seconds to live.
** The Healer takes 10 damage**
I grabbed his hand, focusing all my desperation into the need to cast my only spell: Small Incision.
** Through sheer force of will, The Healer has discovered Wordless Incantation**
**The Healer casts Small Incision. Jack the Hero takes 1 damage.**
As the messages floated across my vision, Jack yelped in pain, clutching his bleeding hand, dropping me to the ground. I laid still for a few moments, focusing on breathing, the pain of my neck and in my lungs a reminder of what had just occurred. I stared up at Jack, hoping to see remorse on his face.
There was nothing but rage.
“How DARE you pick a useless class like healer?” He snarled, holding pressure on his hand to stop the bleeding while staring down at me. “Our lives could depend on doing well in this game, and you seriously chose a class with minimal fighting potential, whose healing abilities are worse than any potion that can be purchased in a shop?”
He stepped closer, and I flinched back, my heart beating wildly. “You are so obsessed with your parents’ disapproval, that even in a life-or-death situation you had to pick being a doctor? Are you really so messed up?”
I opened my mouth to explain. I knew this class well, the strengths and weaknesses. I could use it to the team’s benefit. I had been a good teammate, one of the reasons we had placed so highly in the last tournament. I wanted to say all this and more.
But as I stared into the disappointment in his eyes, I felt myself slipping into old habits. Of staying quiet and nodding. Of keeping the peace and letting myself take the blame. I hated it, despised myself for it… but kept silent all the same.
“Should we just leave her behind?” Rita asked, giving no concern to me as I struggled to catch my breath after Jack’s strangling attempt. “She’s useless after all.”
“She used to provide good support.” Garrett spoke up. “We can keep her on the team until we find someone more useful…”
“I am not giving a spot on our team to a healer.” Jack closed his eyes and rubbed his temples for a moment, as if trying to calm himself down. Finally, he looked down at me coldly. “You can tag along with our team, without an official spot. You will do your best to be useful. Otherwise, we will leave you to die.”
Leave them! My heart screamed at me. Being alone is better than this! You didn’t commit some great sin by becoming a Healer! You just chose the best you could! Tell them!
Slowly, I nodded. “Fine.” My voice was still hoarse from the pressure he had placed on my throat. I adjusted my tone with the ease and familiarity of practice. “I’ll follow along.” I pushed the screaming voice in my head back, along with my pride. I knew I was worthless, a failure. I had been told that every day by the two people on the planet who were supposed to love me the most. Jack was only the latest person to say it out loud.
This was what I deserved.
The first month passed quickly. We went on multiple quests together, and settled into a comfortable rhythm. Jack would take the lead, with Garrett beside him to tank. Rita picked off far away opponents, and supported from the back. And I…
I did everything I could.
Outside of fights, I was cooking, keeping inventory, asking for quest information, and keeping the gear repaired and functional. Many nights I stayed up late, sharpening swords or repairing gear, only to have my hard work receive a nod and no other recognition.
In fights, I demanded even more of myself. Slipping in between enemies, causing damage. I delved down most of the “surgical” pathway of the healer ability, which allowed me to cause a diverse array of damage. I built up my MP until I could activate Wordless Incantation, as I found the group's irritation was a lot less if they couldn’t hear me. I immobilized enemies and allowed the others to finish them off. Because I had a hand in almost every single enemy’s death, I received a good amount of XP and fame from each fight, which angered Jack to no end.
“Stop stealing our experience!” He snapped after a fight, reading the notification that stated the rewards and experience given out.
“You asked me to immobilize them.” I answered quietly, feeling tired. “Do you want me to stop?”
“…” He glared at me silently for a few moments before answering. “Figure out a way to do it without taking my XP.”
“I mean it, Healer.” From the moment he heard my class, he had never called me by my name. Our friendship, the time we had spent together… none of it meant anything next to the weight of the one undeniable fact:
I was a Healer. And therefore, in his eyes, I was a burden.
I kept my head down, trying to help out as much as possible. I learned not to ask for recognition. To not expect thanks. And I thought things would never change.
And then came the day we met Winter.
“Ouch!” Stephanie yelped as I carefully placed the needle through her skin, placing a simple suture across the wound on her calf. I didn’t hesitate with her cry of pain, tying the knot and moving on to the next stitch.
“The area has been numbed with magic, don’t pretend it hurts.”
“Yeah, I was just messing with you.” Stephanie laughed stuck her tongue out. “How did you know?”
“Because I know how it feels to sew my wounds shut without the local anesthesia spell.” I kept working without looking up. “You wouldn’t just be saying ‘ouch.’”  
“Uh…Well, thank you.”
I felt surprised at her words. After a year with the Hero’s party, I was so used to doing things without any gratitude or recognition. You’re not with them anymore. I let out a mental sigh of relief at the thought, and smiled at Stephanie. “You’re welcome.”
“YOU SMILED!” Stephanie tried to get up to hug me, but Alton reached over from where he was sewing cloth nearby and pushed her back down, shaking his head with a grin.
“Don’t interrupt her work.” Winter’s response was much colder, causing Stephanie to freeze in place.
“I’m on the last one anyways.” I squared off the last knot on the suture, cutting the tails and placing a clean bandage over my work. “Keep it dry for 48 hours, and then you can remove the outer covering and bathe.”
“Not to cheapen all the work you just put into repairing this cut for me…” Stephanie hesitated. “But wouldn’t a healing potion be easier?”
Alton shook his head, but before he could say anything Winter spoke up. “Stupid human.”
“HEY! I’m not stupid!” She glanced at me. “Right?”
“No, you’re not.” Raising an eyebrow at Winter, who settled down with a grunt, I continued. “Have you noticed that over time you’ve had to use more powerful healing potions?”
She thought that over. “Well, yeah, but… I’m higher level, and have more HP… Isn’t that normal?”
“Have you tried to use a basic potion recently?” I pulled one out, and tossed it to her. “Here.”
Stephanie caught it, clearly confused. “I’m only missing 5 HP… I don’t need something that heals 10…”
“Try it.”
“Okay.” She shrugged. “If you insist…” She drank the potion quickly, and then flinched at the notification. “…It didn’t work? … Not even the cut healed.” 
Alton continued to sew, but spoke up. “The more you use healing potions, the less they work. Fortunately, this seems limited to healing potions… mana recovery and other types of potions such as detoxification seem to not develop the same resistance. It’s also a slow process, but it’s becoming a universal issue. If you check the world chat this is a heated topic of discussion. Most people believe the that it’s related to level… but that’s not the case.”
“How do you know that?”
“They still work on me.” I answered quietly. “That’s why I carry the basic ones around.”
“Foolish humans… these potions were meant for true lifesaving emergencies… a basic healing potion should be enough to recover up to 50% of your health… but you drink them like water until they are worthless to you.” Winter sighed, looking over at me with a small smile. “That is why the Healers are such a vital class. In a world of constant danger and battle, of destruction and pain, only they have the power to heal and preserve. They are a noble, selfless light that protects those around them… someone to be protected at all costs. There should be a Healer in every party… but instead Nat is the only one left.”
“You did save me before!” Stephanie did get up unobstructed and hugged me. “Thank you!”
“And me.” Winter added, staring at the ground. “She saved me as well.”
“Hey, I distinctly remember passing out in front of her and being saved too, guys!” Alton spoke up, tying up his thread and checking the repair on his cape before looking at me. “I guess we are all indebted to you.”
I stared at all of them, feeling disturbed in my heart. “You guys… I’m…”
I’m worthless. Weak. And my weakness was used to destroy countless lives.
“… Thank you.” I silenced the words in my heart, and spoke a simple thanks instead.
“…” Winter was staring. I always felt he could see more than I wanted him too, as if my hidden thoughts and feelings were on display in front of him. But instead of commenting, he simply bent down, plucking a blue flower from the ground, and handed it to me.
“That’s so cute!” Stephanie clapped her hands, before freezing. “Wait! Are you two…?”
Alton paused in packing up his things and stared in our direction.
I shook my head silently at her before turning back to Winter. “Thank you. The mountain wild flower’s petals have strong anti-inflammatory properties. I’ll dry it out and process it for medication at our next stop." I pressed the flower carefully in one of my books and packed it away.
Winter nodded at my words. “You’re welcome.”
“It’s for medicine?” Stephanie frowned, disappointed. “Well, that’s boring. Where’s my drama?!”
Alton smiled widely. “Oh, don’t worry, I got your drama! Look in the world chat!”
Pausing, all of us pulled up the chat, excluding Winter, who leaned on a tree nearby and watched the display over my shoulder. The top topic in the chat was skyrocketing with engagement… and seeing the title it wasn’t hard to understand why:
There was great discussion today among players as a loud disagreement broke out among the Hero’s Party after their last quest line. Although it is unknown the exact nature of it, it seems to be surrounding the recent addition to the party.  Rebecca the Sorceress is the newest member of the Hero’s Party after the departure of the much-despised Healer. Many had cheered her arrival, as well as supporting the apparent budding relationship between the Hero and his new magical lady.
“And you guys ask why I think humans are stupid.” Winter muttered as he read along with me. I shushed him and continued on with the post.
But is there a fracture in the once iron-strong team? Words such as “Useless,” “Hiding” and “Potion sponge” were heard shouted by Rita the Holy Archer, with the Hero defending and Garrett the Giant siding beside Rita. Rebecca appeared to be in tears. Is this bullying the newcomer? Is Rebecca actually dragging the team down? What does this mean for the plans to attack the forty second gate in a few days?
Discuss your thoughts below!
I sighed and closed the chat, seeing that comments were mostly just going back and forth over the juicy gossip. “What a mess.”
“You don’t sound surprised.” Alton commented with a grin.
“No. I’m not. Rebecca… she’s…”
“Useless?” Stephanie interjected.
“Full of tears and excuses?” Was Alton’s contribution.
“A snake who poisons those foolish enough to trust it.” Winter quietly added.
I laughed. “… I was going to say she’s a lot of drama… but I like your answers better. They are used to a certain standard of having everything done for them, even if I backed off quite a bit towards the end, when things had gotten really bad. I don’t think Rebecca will see my role within the group as appealing, though.”
“Oh well, their loss is our gain!” Stephanie cheered, hugging me again. “Let’s go hunting! I want meat for dinner!” She pulled out her sword excitedly.
“Yes, Natalie should have some meat to help her recover from all the battles we’ve been through.” Winter nodded, checking his bow and following.
Alton stood up and looked over at me. “Meat for dinner doesn’t sound bad… what do you think, Ms. Healer? Do you want to go hunting?”
“I don’t want to ruin their fun…” I started to say, looking at the backs of the two already moving ahead.
Alton’s voice was serious. “No. I’m not asking about them. I’m asking what YOU want to do.”
I paused, and my gaze met his own. After a few moments, I smiled. “Meat sounds great for dinner.” And I meant it.
“Then let’s go hunting with them.”  Was his answer.
And hunting we went.
With only two days left before we would face the forty-second gate.
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theanoninyourinbox · 27 days
Micah and The Healer
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Micah, the patron tom of Healers and forbidden relationships, and the Visitor of the Dark Forest. He seldom stays in Starclan for long, his wandering days still in his blood. He wandered into the Miretrees some time after One Eye had made it, and was attacked by Dark Forest Cats. He fled, and found himself in a cozy hollow, with a dead tree stump providing a shelter. There he met The Healer, a cat not OF the Clans, but of their beliefs. They had made a practice to send off their most injured and dying patients with an overdose of poppy seeds, and had been punished for this. The two became friends, but it was quickly apparent that The Healer was Fading away. They asked Micah for one last glimpse of the living world, and Micah carried them to where the hollow had been. There was a Twoleg den there, with a weeping Queen. Her kits were dying, and she begged anyone to save them. The Healer broke from Micah's grasp, and with their last action, Faded over the kits. Micah wept alongside the Queen...until tiny mews filled the air. Micah watched the previously cold, still kits wriggle and nurse, and marveled that his friend had kept saving lives, even at their last moments...
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i haven't made gifs in a long time but today i made some for robbie ! mostly just because i want to write about him but can't find any gifs to put with my posts 😖 i wanted to share them though because i just love him so much 💕🐣
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coffeexxcigarettes · 3 months
Try as I might,
I cannot light fire inside
The world is dark
It will get darker.
Sit here with me.
Do you
Keep walking
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Oliver looking particularly cute and delectable 😊
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Honestly, shoutout to Dina, Soul Steeper for all of the great work she does. Thank you, Healer, for all you do.
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Closed - The fall
Savi had been on dozens of missions in her years at Overwatch. She knew the moves, she knew the battle strategies, and she was damn good at her job. Even if she was a little awkward, and had a hard time talking to people.
Today seemed to start of the same as every mission day. She ate her high protein and calorie packs, and kept up her barriers and healing as much as possible. Omnics swarming in every direction, and having to listen to everyone all at once.
But the difference was this time they were pushed back onto a precarious bridge. Omnics being far too many in number this time. She was trying to keep a barrier in from of Cassidy as she healed May at the same time, so she never even had a chance to see the hit before it happened. She heard a loud crash, and then screams. She saw Hanzo first, and even when everyone else manage to dodge out of the way, Savi lept from the safety of the still intact part of the bridge after him.
The omnics had taken out a heavy support, and collapsed the entire north side of the bridge, cutting themselves off from the rest of the group, but launching Hanzo and Savi into the ravine below. Savi was barely able to get into a position where she could use her powers and catch them both. Placing a barrier under herself and the archer, and slowing their decent till they landed, with a bit of a thud on the stone below.
The small alien rubbed her head having felt blood dripping down her temple, but she was more concerned about her teammate, who she ran to the side of the second she was on her feet.
"Mister Hanzo! Are you ok?"
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thebekashow · 7 days
the Healer
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so in the AU the good Alice originated from, she was both a voice actress and the nurse for the infirmary. Allison and her were very close but eventually Allison "fell down" in chapter 5 so Alice was left to care for the party on her own.
she didn't really feel much for Sammy except pity for his insanity.
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dustedmagazine · 3 months
SUMAC — The Healer (Thrill Jockey)
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Photo by Nate Newton
The Healer is an ambitiously heavy sort of moniker to lay on a record — if not a presumptuous one. But if any band can match up to those implied ambitions and that variety of heavy, it’s SUMAC. Certainly it’s the case that SUMAC’s idiosyncratic synthesis of improvisation and metal’s ultimate worship of the riff has unusual power: frequently their playing cracks open new spaces, full of violent suffering and meditative dispassion, those disparate affects sometimes simultaneously present. When a new SUMAC record appears, you sort of know that’s coming. The experience is still unexpectedly transporting when it envelopes you. Is that healing?
Likely that’s up to the listener and the listener’s needs. For sure The Healer feels like a complement — if not an extension — of SUMAC’s previous LP May You Be Held. In my review of that record, I noted the ways in which it seemed invested in the concept of ritual and experience of catharsis. The Healer is even more insistent: note the record title’s indication of purification and rejuvenation; note also that one of the songs is titled “New Rite.” All those signs and symbols accumulate. The band seems to want its audience to go through something profound, and to come out the other side changed for the better.
Despite the strong thematic ties between the records, The Healer operates according to a differing formal logic. May You Be Held was blisteringly volatile: songs slowly fought their ways towards conventional structures; held themselves together, sometimes briefly; then exploded and disarticulated, into sheets of emotionally charged noise. On The Healer, players Aaron Turner, Brian Cook and Nick Yacyshyn pursue what feels like an opposing set of tactics: the songs want to cohere, to assume those conventional forms from the jump, and SUMAC holds that off as long as possible, stubbornly following intuitions until the riffs and rhythms can no longer be denied.
Listeners wanting a somewhat more traditional metal record experience may find those tactics more comfortable to engage. Listeners wanting a SUMAC record will be happy to know that the band’s tendencies toward intuitive sonic conflagration are not entirely domesticated: see the incendiary second half of “Yellow Dawn” or the driving middle section of “New Rite.” Some lyrics from that latter song capture the record’s general effects: “In tumult, mind carried / Thought obscured / Inlets to flowering expanse.”
That may be too rosy a picture. Not all ears will find a “flowering expanse” in these moody, doomy performances. Album closer “The Stone’s Turn” explores especially forbidding sonic terrain through its opening passages, an evocation of the “tumult” invoked just above. But around the sixth minute, a melodic element begins to shape the thunderous noise, and while the storm moves in and out of the song’s unstable center, the shaping impulse never completely cedes to the chaos. At one point, Turner howls, “Now hands may rest / On gentle skin / Held.” The implied reference to the earlier record’s title feels purposeful, and soon Turner sings, “Licked by golden flame / We are remade.” That seems a fitting metaphorical account of SUMAC’s ideas of healing, ritual and music. Harsh, but beautiful. Bruising, but full of care. It’s a really good record.
Jonathan Shaw
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supfag · 6 days
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parkerlyn · 5 months
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Play the Game | Bonus Stories | Patreon
Hi all!
To catapault myself get back into the creative mindset, I've been doing a sketch-a-day over on Patreon this month! So 21 so far - mostly Nameless with a couple of fanarts.
Previews below, and also Ho-Oh makes an appearance in one? Either way, there's lots to enjoy! 🧡
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And one other announcement...
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I'll be streaming this weekend for the first time! For now it'll be art, but eventually I may have some writing/game work up.
The stream will be this Saturday, April 27, at 1500 GMT for ~3-4 hours. You can find me on Twitch now, and I'll post a link here again once I'm live.
The plan is for it to be pretty chill, just drawing and chatting and would love to have you stop by to say hi 🧡 See you there!
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scumashling · 3 months
Tfw you decide to do an endurance watch of a well known terrible-no good-very-bad male power fantasy anime and you think to yourself "wow, that was truly a terrible-no-good-very bad male power fantasy anime, I could write this story so much better" so you start rewriting some basic plot points, juicing the magic system and making the characters less ridiculous and the next thing you know you are tits deep in the remade fictional world and have fallen in love with the new versions of the characters and you now have to explain to people who just wanna know what you've been writing that your current passion project is a fucking Redo of Healer au
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appalachianlich · 9 months
pspsps come get a teaser video piece from a UI section
You can check the #project stuff tag on my blog if you want to see more of the game this goes with.
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more robbie gifs but this time they're from the final scene ! watching this part always makes me sad, he didn't deserve what happened !! 🤧
the first gif is my favourite, he has the softest puppydog eyes 🥺💕
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