#{ ty for the tag lea! ^-^ }
daily-lea-crosscode · 5 months
The moment I saw this I needed to follow :D
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the people yearn for lea
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moonsmultimusings · 6 months
what do you feel nostalgic for?
a place you once knew.
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maybe it's somewhere you visited once, somewhere you go regularly, or somewhere you lived at one point. regardless, you long desperately to go back and just be. just exist there. is it the landscape you miss? the excitement of a city or the pleasant solitude of a small town? is it the people? do you need to make something right there? whatever it is, you need to go back. your heart is aching. you can't stop picturing yourself walking the streets, taking in your surroundings. did you know you'd feel this way when you were there? how could you have predicted this feeling when you had it all in the moment?
tagged by: @phantomuheist tagging: @musingmemories, @miraiq, @caramelcuniculus, @braveryhearted, and YOU if you'd like to steal it!
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rel124c41 · 5 months
Good old Jaido is being ironic, acting happy on the worst day of his life. Why would an artist create happy music to pair it with such sad lyrics?
tags: unrequited love, angst and tragedy, hurt no comfort, complicated relationship, regrets & sorrows, friendships, bro doomed by the narrative, happy birthday to me fuckers
word count: 2,087
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The first dance goes to Floyd, his brother.
This is only natural because, of course, the bride dances with the groom on their wedding day.
At his seat at the family table, Jade rolls a glass of celebratory champagne in his gloved hand. Freshly poured, it still bubbles with some last desperation. Champagne is a sipping wine but – carbonation burns the bridge of his nose with white pain as he gulps it down. Each organ in Jade stirs like kicked sediment, bubbling over. 
Floyd’s side of the table is weighed down by their father, mother, himself, and grandmother; yours is weighed down by Grim, who is trying to steal extra food off his father’s plate. The reservation hall is drowned in people though, all coming together to support your unity. 
The only one who fails to uphold this support wholeheartedly is one-drink-down-ten-more-to-go Jade Leech, the pillar of brotherhood crumbled and eroded. 
It is my own fault. Jade thinks as his mother pours him another drink. All my fault.
You and Floyd dance to ‘Can’t Take My Eyes Off You’. Sung by Frankie Valli, each lyric and note match up with each other perfectly. There is no juxtaposition between melody and meaning. With you cradled in his arms, Floyd looks down, softly mouthing each word to you. By doing so, he expresses that each word is genuine, engraved in his soul. 
To Floyd, he truly cannot take his eyes off of you, magnetized in. When there is a break in lyrics, he steals June coded kisses – warm like the beginning of summer. You two nuzzle cheek to cheek, amorous. 
As expected, Floyd cannot stay slow-dancing for longer than a minute. Melody starts to change. From sweet, it goes to this jumping excitement as the baritone horn and baritone saxophone intensify. You two start to pull away, independent in your motions. 
Besides the tight hold both your right hands have … refusing to let go … tying the knot.
The music goes: can’t take my eyes off of you, bum bum, whump whump, bam-d bam-d, bum bum, whump whump. You shimmy your shoulders back and forth, a smile eclipsing your face. Floyd throws you a wink, hips swaying side to side. Despite the ridiculousness … no, because of your joint ridiculousness, it amplifies that sentiment of nuptial bliss: you two were destined and designed for each other.  
Moved by music, you even hop in platform heels. Then, blindsided and unexpecting Jade watches, as the beat reaches its peak. You two shout, both of you jumping, but making certain your eyes connect when you shout the lyrics: “I love you, baby!!” The crowd goes wild with cheers, clapping along to the music. 
And if it’s quite alright, I need you baby to warm a lonely night! You and Floyd throw away coordination lessons as the song continues, already the perfect dance partner for each other. 
This entire wedding feels like one big, ironic joke being played on him. 
Jade looks up from his happy, bubbling champagne when Floyd dips you so low that your spine is parallel and supine to the ground, floating only four inches or so. Both of you laugh louder than the music and cheers. A polite smile is still glued to Jade’s face. 
He says words that only the watery ear of his champagne hears, “I should have never introduced them.” Unsaid because he is swallowing his alcohol-scented sorrow: It is all my fault.
The second dance goes to their father.
You seem to remember those coordinated dance lessons afterall. Especially graceful in his father’s imposing arms. Though, you keep your stance far away from his father’s shoes. Trembling at the mere notion of just touching the side of one. Burnished elkan leather that probably costs equivalent to your engagement ring. 
Your engagement ring – ah, what a cursed, loathed object it is in Jade's world. 
He was there when Floyd bought the ring. Do you know this? Jade thinks you probably do not. The proposal spot was all Floyd’s plan while the engagement ring was Jade’s. 
“Get her this one.” Jade had pointed towards an engagement ring with a criss-crossing design on the band and a diamond the size of a dime. “Diamonds are known for their durability.”
Diamonds would be able to sustain through a wild lifetime with Floyd. 
Washing dishes and spreading cream cheese on bagels in the blissful morning light, typing on computers and holding a phone up to your ear to talk in the middle of noon, brushing teeth and reaching under the sheets to stroke teasingly at his navel, moving further down and down, in the blanket of night light. Living a domestic life until you were dissolved into seafoam. All the remains of your love. A single diamond ring on a skeleton finger. Resilient.
Even though one should be the main player in their own life, it seems Jade is destined and designed for the background. 
When Floyd told Jade where he would propose, it kicked his ribs and stomach harder than any alcohol could. ‘I’m already down, why push me further’ is what Jade’s half-a-second wrinkling expression spoke. With the news broken, Jade smiled with hidden rage, “I’m sure she will love that.”
The place Floyd proposed? It was the place Jade introduced you to his twin. 
Isn’t it ironic? Jade knew you first but he will never know you the best. You will reveal your pink love and black secrets to Floyd yet never Jade. Jade: your first friend in Twisted Wonderland, now your brother-in-law. 
The third dance goes to their mother.
You are truly more beautiful than any diamond. You are something that gleams brighter than all the jewelry on the ocean floor or in sunken shipwrecks. When Jade and Floyd were little, they used to steal stuff from each other all the time. Noses would be broken because hey, that shell you found is prettier than mine! It only makes sense that they would find themselves attracted once again to the same, shining allurement. 
They learned to share as all children do. They broke off pieces of a sturgeon’s scales together and shared that. The diamond that is you though? Jade means a lot to you, he knows it; he knows it does not go beyond friendship. 
When you are dancing with his mother, you shine. Laughter pianos out of your mouth in a genuinely happy melody. Unlike him, you do not have to force this mirth. Acrylic nails grab your wrist and twirl you so fast you could puke. Giggles are a kinder substitute. Despite your early anxiety, all is alright now. 
Jade reflects upon that. The only moment you were frowning at that wedding.
He was speaking to Trey Clover when you appeared out of nowhere, platforms clicking. The visage of you stole his breath away; then, you stole him away from his conversation with Clover, apologizing. Jade let himself be dragged by your firm hand. As the tendrils of your hair and wedding veil bounced with your pace, Jade watched the dorsal side of his diamond gleam and raced down to a secluded hallway. 
You turn on Jade, blindly bright. Sevens, you look gorgeous. Even with that frown on your face – how can he help, he wants to soothe it away immediately – you are a sight he will never tire off. 
“Am I doing the right thing?”
For a second, Jade’s world stops. 
He thinks for a second, perhaps he could be the main character. For second, the diamond on your ring finger is not so loathsome to him. Instead of it representing infinity, it turns finite. It is a piece of jewelry you can take off. It takes only a second before you speak again:
“I mean, Floyd has been so great through all this. Super understanding, super wonderful. I mean he’s put up with all my little whims. And he was so excited about seeing the dress! I mean, the tradition of not seeing the bride before the ceremony is boring and super outdated –”
Ah, he is back in the secondary character position. You were only talking about the tradition you brought over from your world. It had a little bit of your culture that you wanted to keep with you – not seeing Floyd until you walked down the aisle. 
Jade is incredibly stupid to think you were talking about the wedding. You do not seem the type to call off a wedding. He smiles and asks, “That eager?”
“Well, I,” you fluster and look away. ‘No. I’m not, but it was the only thing Floyd and I really fought on. I’m starting to realize that it is a bit silly.”
“Keeping tradition is often how we show love for the generations before us.”
You weigh Jade’s words carefully on the scale of your consciousness. He wonders if he spoke his heart if you would take that into consideration or ignore it. After a pregnant silence, you say, “But I don’t really have a family history anymore.”
Jade blinks, surprised, as you continue, “Today, Floyd is going to become my family. Or, well, I’m going to become part of his. I have nothing of myself to offer in terms of tradition anymore.”
“You will just choose to assimilate to the circumstances?”
“Wouldn’t anyone do so for love?”
Those words fall like an anvil on Jade’s heart. “Yes. I fear they might.”
“Fear is such a drastic word!”
Jade laughs as you say, “Ah but I suppose it is true. I’m actually terrified right now.” Your hands fall down to play with the hem of your gown. You run your thumb over the outfit you will only wear once. Such a monumental, life-changing piece of fabric. 
The diamond catches a flicker of light, reflective. Jade asks, “Are you having regrets?” He waits with bated breath. 
“About Floyd? No. Never.” Your expression only solidifies the truth of your words. 
“Then my advice?” You look on with eager eyes. Jade smiles through the pain. “I say you should keep with the tradition. Weddings are a merge of the very notion. When you become a Leech, you still have your identity to care for.” That is not the real reason though. Because, this. This Jade gets to steal: the first sight of you in your wedding dress.
“Thanks, Jade. You’re the best friend – the best brother that a bride could ask for.”
Hand over his heart, concealing everything, “It is my pleasure.”
The final and fourth dance goes to Jade.
Carried by a crowd that rushes, you two dance a mad dance, hands welded together. In your gown, you move like Jade imagines all those sneaky princesses that defied and tricked the Seven must have – well, six princesses. Like an oscillating dream, you lean back, arms out. Laughing, you swing right back into Jade, chest to chest and arms out to the side instead.
When your hearts connect in the dance, Jade thinks he could be foolish enough to steal a kiss. Just one to be a solution to all his troublesome pining. A shade of Venus pink, shining and alluring him into a dumb mistake. 
I had you first but I will not have you last. Or in any ways that matter to your heart. 
The song that plays is a melody that demands dancing. It is a force that moves your hips to sway side to side. Puppets you jump around, platforms banging along with the lyrics. And what tragic lyrics they are. The smile on your face would make him think he was listening to a love song. 
Fluent in quite a few languages, Jade knows better. Though, Jade is unsure why the song is structured like this. Why would an artist create happy music to pair it with such sad lyrics? It is such a cruel juxtaposition. Jade smiles when you twirl yourself so your dorsal side lies against his front, snug in his arms as he dances with you. Those Venus-hued lips pull up in a diamond grin.
Why would an artist create happy music to pair it with such sad lyrics? There is only one answer. Irony. 
Jade laughs and helps you back to your feet when your platforms catch on the bottom of your wedding gown. You thank him so genuinely. Jade never wants this particular melody to end.
Then, it does.
“Can I steal my Shrimpy back,” Floyd jokes, when the song ends. You happily launch yourself into his arms, ready to dance until your feet are sore. Stolen successfully. 
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orthodoxxing · 6 months
hiii! tagged by belovedest (oh fuck i have to spell your url now) @zweizimtsterne <333
last song: adele's 'river lea' - ive just been listening to my big fuck-off adele playlist w almost all her songs while i washed my hair lmao. fantastic singing in the shower material and river lea is actually one of my all time favs of hers
current fave: lost my mind trying to choose, then just went on my on repeat playlist bc the numbers dont lie. i think from it im gonna choose 'what love?' from the new IDKHOW album - its my fav track on it and im rly enjoying the entire album. that little 'forget the things you heard (heard, heard)' is one of the funnest moments of music in 2024 so far. otherwise ive been listening to like, almost exclusively different types of dance music pretty much. so like one of my last obsessive listening on repeat moments was the phibes remix of toxic, which is like a dnb dj and a uk rapper remix of britney so thats where my taste is at currently LMAO
song of choice: gonna mention yet ANOTHER dance remix of a famous song but this is like my personal hidden treasure: oliver heldens's 'i was made for lovin you' with nile rodgers. oliver heldens is probably my favourite like pop-adjacent dj and basically what he did was write the best bassline of his entire career and went 'fuck, this is too good, i gotta get nile rodgers on this'. and then he DID. the texture on that fucking bass is INSANE its so incredible it like tickles a place in the back of my brain that i didnt know existed
anyways this tag game is deffo finding me in a weird place in terms of the music im currently listening to (clearly lmao) but. fun to keep a record of it anyways
tagging @malaak @raceweek @boutella-sofia @blorbocedes if u want<3 ty sammy for saving half of fastest for me to tag i famously dont have many other friends
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van-yangyin · 2 years
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I was tagged by @sunseekersims to show my On repeat Playlist. Ty for the tag 💕
Almost everything is monopolized by SK8 the Infinity and Kingdom Hearts, I like to know that 😋💖
I want to tag @lea-heartscxiv, because I know you have Spotify and I want to tag too anyone who have it (and I don't know it) and want to do it if see this post. If you see it from here and want to do it tag me so this way I can know it. Also, I've been tagged for a while now, so I don't know how many people have already do it.
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thyme-in-a-bubble · 1 year
omg lea i think u might’ve already changed it but i do still want to be tagged in ur stuff sjfjsjdjs i’d appreciate if u could tag inkluvs <3 ty baby <3
- @inkluvs (ivy)
oh, yeah I did, darling (since I already knew you changed it) but still, thank you so much for letting me know you still wanna be notified! ♡
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fearless2ndmate · 5 years
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Title of Your Sex Tape
Chapter Two: Skin Pressed Against Me Tight
AO3 one two three four five six seven eight
Yes, chapter two has arrived. Sorry it’s so short. Happy birthday Lea (she’s 21 today!).
Tags: @Ellamaianderson @Shika1200 @Blackqueenstarsteed1 @gatoenlaciudad
All my work is 18+.
I feel so untouched, and I want you so much that I just can't resist you. It's not enough to say that I miss you. I feel so untouched right now; need you so much.-The Veronicas, Untouched
If anyone had asked Lea how long she sat on that couch, she wouldn’t have been able to give any answer at all.
Suddenly, after an indeterminate amount of time, the door burst open, and Tim came skidding to a halt. His robe—he must’ve gotten another; the one he’d been wearing before was still laying at her feet—was hanging off his bony shoulders and he was still tying it around his waist, his hair looked very much like he’d just had sex, possibly even multiple times, which was very likely because he had done exactly that.
His face split into a heartstopping grin. “You stayed,” Tim said breathlessly.
Lea blinked at him.
“You…” She gulped. “You asked me to.”
He grinned, strolling over to her, his movements casual. “You’ll be at the next shoot, right?”
“Um.” Another gulp. “I dunno, they said it was a one time thing…” Her voice was soft, hesitant. It was hard to imagine that not too long ago, she had had this beautiful man’s you-know-what in her hand.
“Consider this an offer for a permanent position, then,” he said with another grin.
Floored by this, Lea was silently gaping at him.
“If you’d be interested, I mean,” he added hastily. She still didn’t speak, so he went on, “What did they offer you? I’ll make them pay you double.”
“Dou-“ she sputtered. “There’s no need for that much of an increase, three hundred is more than enough—“
“Fine, four hundred fifty, then,” he waved her off. “That’s as low as I’m going.”
“There’s really no need for an increase at all,” she squeaked.
“You deserve it,” Tim informed her.
She blinked at him. “You just met me.”
“Yes,” he agreed patiently, “and I already know you deserve it.”
As Lea continued to blink at him with wide, shocked eyes, the silence between them stretched on. He was just standing there, grinning at her, looking perfectly content to rock back and forth on the balls of his bare feet. 
Finally, she stood, brushing herself off and absentmindedly patting her thighs. “So, um…” She gulped nervously.
He was so tall.
“Are we done, then?” she finished. 
His grin morphed into a smirk and he said, “For now.”
Stepping hesitantly towards the door (which she’d have to maneuver around him to get to), Lea found he loomed over her even more the closer she was to him.
“What days do you have school?” he asked as she neared him.
“Tuesdays and Thursdays,” she said softly.
His smile widened.
“Perfect!” he exclaimed happily. “The next shoot is on Wednesday.” Then, after a moment, “You’ll… you’ll be there, right? You never really answered before.”
Blushing and choosing to examine her feet, Lea said, “Y— yeah. Yeah, I’ll be there.”
He was standing in the way of the door, so she awkwardly stepped around him, trying not to inhale his scent as she did so. As she moved, however, he reached down and took her hand in his.
His eyes—fucking hell, she’d never get over those eyes as long as she lived—were intent on hers as he brought her hand up to place a soft kiss to her knuckles.
“I’ll see you then, Lea.” He said it against her skin, his lips reminding her of when they were against her own, and she could’ve sworn her flesh burned where he’d touched her the entire way back to her apartment.
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Just her luck that it would rain the one day she’d forgotten her umbrella. At least her purse was essentially waterproof, though, and she wasn’t even soaked through; just her jacket and hair (though the latter would be an absolute nightmare once it dried). 
Still, Lea was dripping onto the floor when she stepped into the building.
Tim rushed over as soon as he saw her. “You’re soaked,” he observed.
He was most decidedly not soaked, nor was he any less breathtaking upon the second meeting.
“Did you walk here?”
“Only part of the way,” Lea said with a shrug of one shoulder.
He frowned, undoing his robe and sliding it off. She did her very best to not look at his body or wonder at the fact that the man had no issues whatsoever in stripping down in front of all his coworkers. To be fair to him, though, no one batted an eye.
“Here,” he told her, settling his robe over her shoulders. He had to step closer to her to do it, and she rather wished he hadn’t, because his proximity made her terribly nervous. “Can I see your phone?”
Lea blinked at him a few times, wondering why he’d want to see her phone, but took it out of her purse and handed it to him regardless.
He tapped the screen a few times, typed something, and handed it back to her.
She examined the contact he’d just created for himself, and when she saw his name, two things occurred to her: first, that his last name (which she now knew was Chalamet) was very fancy indeed, and second, his first name wasn’t spelled Timothy as she’d originally assumed, but Timothée, which was even fancier than his last name.
“Could you text me your address?” he asked, breaking her from her thoughts.
Lea looked up at him, blushing profusely (he was still naked, okay?). “Y— yeah.”
Doing as he’d requested, she put her phone back in her purse and allowed him to take her hand. “There’s food if you’re hungry,” he offered, “or we can just go straight to my dressing room.”
“I ate,” she told him, gulping anxiously.
“Good,” Tim said, beaming and leading her into the room—his dressing room, presumably—they’d been in before.
The door shut behind them, and he reached around her to lock it, his eyes intent on hers for several seconds before flitting down to her lips.
“Fuck,” he sighed, “I can’t wait to kiss you.”
Lea bristled, blushed profusely, and found herself unable to formulate a response.
He took her hands in his and walked backwards towards the couch, grinning down at her.
Next thing she knew, Tim had pulled her into his lap, the skirt of her dress riding up and her legs on either side of him. The robe he’d put over her shoulders fell to the floor with the movement, and he was smirking up at her.
“This can’t be comfortable,” he said softly in reference to her jacket before helping her remove it.
“I’ll get you wet,” she warned him anxiously.
“Mmm,” he hummed, wrapping his arms around her lower waist to hold her against him. “Does that mean you’ll dry me off?” She blushed but didn’t respond. “And anyway, I don’t care about that.”
She was frozen atop his nude form, unable to think. Or breathe, for that matter. He trailed his hands from her waist down to her legs, his thumbs brushing over the bare skin of her thighs and sliding upwards to grasp her hips as he looked at her.
“Kiss me,” he breathed.
Lea bit her lip nervously, and his hands tightened on her hips as he watched, further bunching up her dress. She leaned down and pressed her lips to his, and he groaned into her mouth.
Before she knew it, he was sucking her tongue into his mouth and reaching under her dress with slow hands, giving her ample opportunity to stop him if she wanted. But she didn’t want to, was the thing. 
She shifted and suddenly felt his length hard between her legs, pressing against the dampness of her panties, and she inhaled sharply. He gripped her ass through her panties, his fingers digging into the fabric, and encouraged her to move her hips back and forth over him.
She did so, and found that it felt good. Really good. Unaccountably good. So good, in fact, that she found herself unable to hide in the moan that loosed itself from her throat when he rubbed against her clit.
“Feel good?” Tim asked softly, trailing a hand up her waist to her breast. His hand hovered over it as he looked up at her inquisitively, and she understood that he was wanting her consent. She nodded jerkily, one of her still-wet curls sticking to the skin of her neck from the movement.
He squeezed her breast, and she whimpered, threading her fingers into his hair and leaning down to kiss him again. He smirked against her lips, continuing to guide the movements of her pelvis against him. His hardness was stimulating her clit consistently now, and she felt something building up inside of her.
“You like that?” he breathed, moving his lips to her neck, where he sucked gently on her skin. 
Lea gasped, pressing closer to him and moving her hips faster. 
It felt so good.
“I’ll take that as a yes,” he laughed softly. She titled her head to the side to allow him better access to her neck, not even realizing she was doing it. “You’re so fucking perfect it’s unreal,” he groaned against her throat.
In the back of her mind, Lea idly thought that that seemed like an odd thing to say to one’s coworker, but she was too far gone to voice that particular thought.
She made to get off of him so as to touch him (as was her job), but the hand on her ass squeezed, and he said, “Can we keep doing this? I’m enjoying feeling you against me.”
Lea blushed but resumed moving her hips over his, continuing to stimulate her clit. Her breathing was getting faster, a knot in her lower abdomen tightening.
“Does it feel good?” Tim asked gently. “Do you like that?”
She blushed. “Maybe I should stop.” She didn’t, though.
“Why?” he asked, looking concerned. “Do you not like it?”
“I do,” she admitted, “but it feels too good, and I’ve never…” she trailed off.
“Really?” he asked, surprised, pausing their movements. She nodded, and he took her chin between his fingers and kissed her softly, slowly. “Keep going,” he told her. It’ll feel amazing, I promise.” Then, “You don’t have to be nervous. I’ll take care of you.” She gnawed her lip, looking down at him anxiously despite his words. “Please,” he added on after a moment. “I wanna make you cum. Please let me.”
He continued to encourage the movement of her hips, brushing his lips over her cleavage as he did so.
“So fucking beautiful,” he murmured against her skin. “Feel so good against me. Can’t wait to make you cum, gorgeous. Wanna feel it. I can feel you through your clothes,” he groaned. “You’re so wet.”
“S— sorry,” she managed to force out, the word a little moan.
“Don’t apologize,” Tim told her with a soft laugh. “It’s so fucking sexy.” She did, continuing to stimulate her clit by rubbing against his length. “Keep going, baby. I wanna make you feel good.”
She’d lost control of her breathing, but he continued.
“Yeah, that’s it. That feel good?” He was staring up at her, biting his bottom lip and watching her intently.
Lea was trying not to moan too loudly; were they even allowed to do this? Her job was to get him hard, not let him make her orgasm. 
Lea was panting, her chest heaving as she moved her hips faster and faster. The knot inside of her was tightening, and she thought she might explode.
“There you go,” he encouraged darkly, watching her face with an intensity that should’ve been startling but only served to turn her on even further. “Let go. Cum for me, Lea.”
“T— Tim,” she gasped out, and he pulled her down to kiss her hungrily, his tongue in her mouth and his hand in her hair.
She moved her hips once, twice, three times, and then he bucked his own up against her, and she burst with a moan of his name, collapsing against his shoulder.
Tim held her close, rubbing her back as her body spammed with aftershocks. They sat there for several minutes, her cradled in his arms, before she stood on legs somewhat resembling those of a newborn fawn in that they were so shaky.
She’d just had her first orgasm. With her fucking coworker.
“Lea?” he asked hesitantly.
She said nothing, focusing on straightening her dress instead.
“Please don’t be embarrassed,” he pleaded.
“Embarrassed?” she choked out. “Who’s embarrassed? Not me! Definitely not me. Nope.”
He was silent for several seconds as she stared steadfastly at her shoes.
“We should probably talk about—“
“Nope!” she cut in urgently. “No talking needed, none at all, thanks! I’m pretty sure you’re needed on set anyway, so…”
“Uh huh.”
More silence.
“Don’t go anywhere, okay?”
She nodded, wishing he’d just leave already so she could collect her thoughts.
And then he left, and she collapsed back onto the couch, reeling. 
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rosyfingereddawnn · 3 years
That’s The Way (Chapter 5)
Pairing: Jimmy Page x Reader
Word count: 4.3k
Warning(s): Nothing! This is such a sweet chapter :)
Author’s notes: Another sweet little chapter with Jimmy and Y/N, with a guest appearance from Lillian, everyone’s favourite rascal ;) This chapter was honestly such a joy, and my partner in crime @rebel-without-a-zeppelin is so amazing as always!!! As usual, please enjoy, happy reading, and send us messages if you have theories, comments, music recommendations for the playlist, or if you want to be added to the tag list :)
Chapters: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4
Y/N was in the kitchen, washing the dishes as she hummed to a tune she had just heard on the radio. She had just spent the morning baking biscuits, brownies, and all sorts of homemade goodies, and everything was still warm and cooling on a plate on the counter. Lillian’s loud footsteps reverberating through the house signalled that these delicacies wouldn’t be there for much longer.
“Y/N! Y/N!” she shouted in her high-pitched, innocent voice, as her footsteps grew closer. She scurried through the kitchen to stand at her sister’s side, looking up at her with her big eyes.
“What is it, Lil?” her sister responded, still scrubbing a bowl with a soapy sponge.
“I need you to braid my hair,” Lillian replied softly, her smile glinting in the afternoon sun.
“What for? What’s the occasion?”
Lillian’s lips pursed into a grin that she was trying to hold back. “Nothing,” she said in a sing-song tone, her head curling into her shoulder bashfully, “I just like the way it looks.”
Y/N huffed. “I’m kind of in the middle of something here,” she motioned towards the sink with her sudsy gloves; it had been filled to the brim with dirty dishes, though the mountain of tableware was lessening by the minute.
“Pretty please? I just want to feel beautiful like you,” her little sister whined, tugging on Y/N’s clothes.
Overcome with empathetic emotion, Y/N conceded, removing her gloves and turning the sink off. Crouching down to Lillian’s level, she held her hands, gazing into her eyes.
“Lillian, don’t say that about yourself. You are beautiful, truly,” Y/N coaxed earnestly.
“But when you braid my hair, I feel my most beautiful,” Lillian frowned.
Y/N couldn’t argue with Lillian, because she herself had bouts of self-consciousness and low self-esteem. Oh, the joys of being a young girl, Y/N thought, a wry grin on her lips. Ruffling her sister’s hair slightly, she replied, “Go sit at the counter and grab yourself a biscuit then.” Lillian giggled as she scurried over to the counter, reaching to grab one of each baked good from the three plates.
Y/N ripped off a piece of paper towel and handed it to Lillian so she wouldn’t leave any crumbs in her wake, as Lillian swung her feet as she sat atop the tall barstool chair and munched on her biscuit, a mischievous look on her youthful face. Y/N stood behind her, putting two elastics around her wrist.
“What kind of braids do you want, Lil?” Y/N asked, grabbing a nearby pencil to separate a perfect middle part down the back of her sister’s hair then tying off one side.
“I quite like Dutch braids,” Lillian said cheerfully.
“Okay, Dutch it is.”
Just as Y/N separated three strands of Lillian’s hair, the phone began to ring. Oh come on! Y/N thought with a huff. “Hang on a minute, Lil, let me answer this.”
“Hey Y/N, it’s Jimmy,” a familiar voice echoed through the phone. Y/N’s eyes widened at the sound, a smile creeping onto her lips. There was a part of her that hadn’t expected him to call, though the way her heart skipped a beat at the sound of his voice only confirmed how happy she was about it.
“Hey Jimmy, how are you?” she replied, leaning against the wall in an attempt to look composed, though she was twirling the cord around her finger nervously, almost combusting from excitement.
“I’m well, love, how about yourself?” he asked, his soft voice coming across as calm and casual, though he was, in fact, not calm at all, unbeknownst to Y/N. His sweaty palms readjusting their grip on the phone every few seconds as they spoke would have been a dead giveaway.
“I’m doing well, thanks.”
“JIMMY!” Lillian squealed from the background, “Tell him I said hi!”
Y/N laughed, “Oh, and Lillian says hi.”
Jimmy chuckled, “I heard. A very enthusiastic little one. Tell the sweet girl I said hello, if you don’t mind.”
“I will,” Y/N giggled before a pause, “What’s up?”
“Well, I have a day off today, you see. I’m going book shopping, and I was wondering...if you’d like to possibly come along...” he trailed off, almost unsure of his invitation.
Y/N’s stomach dropped at his invitation. He wanted her company?! As much as she wanted to jump for joy and scream, she had to suppress her emotions as best she could. Lillian was sitting right there after all, and if she caught wind of her small crush? Y/N would never hear the end of it. All of St. Albans would know, given how enthusiastic Lillian can be. She cleared her throat, recomposing herself before answering, “I’d love to come along! Thank you so much for the invitation,” Y/N gushed, “What time were you thinking?”
“How about twenty minutes?” Jimmy asked, “I’ll have my driver take us, so you don’t have to worry about transportation.”
“Perfect! See you then.”
“See you soon, love.” With that, the phone clicked, signalling the man’s departure.
“What did Jimmy want?” Lillian asked as Y/N walked back over to behind her chair.
“Oh nothing,” Y/N replied, taking three strands of her hair, “just asked if I would come shopping for books with him. He’s picking me up in twenty minutes.”
“Oh, that sounds like so much fun!” Lillian said cheerfully, genuinely happy that her sister was spending time with her friend. She was not at the age to assume any type of budding romance or feelings between the two, much to Y/N’s relief.
“Yeah, I’m excited!”
“Maybe you should give him what you baked,” Lillian offered, “I think he’d like them!”
“That’s a good idea,” Y/N agreed. “Since I’m not going to be home for a while, can you help Mum with the dishes? I feel bad I didn't finish them.” Lillian nodded with a hum as she quietly munched on her biscuit and a comfortable silence settled between the sisters.
Oh, to be that young and naïve, Y/N thought as she finished braiding Lillian’s hair, no stress, no problems, no worrying about boys...
Just as Jimmy had said, his driver was in front of Y/N’s front door in exactly twenty minutes. She put a biscuit, brownie, and oatmeal cream pie into a plastic bag and tucked it into her purse before walking out the door. Butterflies erupted in her stomach as she walked towards the car, seeing Jimmy in the back seat with an open spot next to him.  
“Hello Y/N, love,” Jimmy greeted jovially as the girl slid into the seat next to him. The smile on his face felt warm and welcoming to the young girl, easily returning a smile with the same emotion.
“Hi! Thanks again for inviting me to join you,” Y/N replied as the driver smoothly pulled away from her house and started down the road.
“Oh, no problem! I was hoping that I didn’t have to go alone, so I thought of you,” Jimmy grinned. Y/N couldn’t help but notice the way he fidgeted with his fingers nervously while he spoke. Could he actually be feeling as nervous as she was?
“That’s so sweet, thank you,” Y/N responded bashfully, smiling from ear to ear.
An unsettling silence diffused through the car, the only significant sounds being the radio playing softly in the background and the occasional bump in the road. The two, sat close to one another, felt so far away, as the cavernous quiet settled over them.
With a clearing of his throat, Jimmy spoke up, “Did you know that this is the first piece of vintage clothing I ever bought for myself?” he asked, showing off the navy blue military jacket he was wearing, adorned with several ornate gold buttons.
Y/N turned her head to look at his jacket with a grin, “That?” she answered, trying to sound serious in an attempt to tease him.
Jimmy frowned. “Yeah, you don’t like it?” he asked, slight panic bleeding into his voice at her teasing.
“Did you get it at the Embassy or something, to go off to war? Are you assuming the position of a Revolutionary War general, because I’m afraid you’re in the wrong country. And century.” Y/N said, a smile creeping past her lips as she failed to contain some of her laughter.
Jimmy huffed and rolled his eyes. “Okay, it has a lot of buttons,” he admitted defensively.
“Yes it does,” Y/N chuckled. Then after a few moments of silence, she concurred reluctantly, “I like your jacket,” she said with a smirk.
“I knew it, I knew you did!” Jimmy laughed triumphantly, “It’s so cool, right?”
“It is pretty cool, I admit.”
“There’s also a bunch of pockets, so you can fit all sorts of bits and bops in there too. You wouldn’t even know,” Jimmy said with a wink.
“I can only imagine what you keep in those pockets,” Y/N grinned mischievously.
Jimmy’s jaw dropped in feigned shock. “What a naughty mind you have, Miss Y/N! How can you assume such a thing about me?”
“I’ve heard a few whispers about you and Jackie in my day,” Y/N giggled, “things I wish to not get into at this particular moment in time.”
“What did you hear? Who told you?” Jimmy said, an air of panic in his voice as he straightened in his seat.
“I can’t tell you that!”
“It was Jeff who told you, wasn’t it? The bastard.” Jimmy scowled, turning away from her to run his fingers through his hair. The slight tremor that rushed through them made the young woman smile. He was nervous.
“I said I can’t tell you! That’s for only me to know,” Y/N giggled.
Jimmy paused for a second, contemplating his next sentence before piping up, “Well, I should say that Jackie and I broke up actually,” he said quietly, his panic now overcome with sadness.
Y/N frowned, feeling bad for her friend. “Oh Jimmy, I’m so sorry. I can only imagine how difficult it is for you right now.” She draped her arm on Jimmy’s shoulder, hoping her physical touch would comfort him in any way. Jimmy leans into her touch, a sad smile settling on his lips.
“Thank you, love.” he nodded.
“When did it happen, if you don’t mind me asking?”
“A few days ago,” Jimmy continued, “I’m actually in the same boat as you.”
Y/N cocked her head in confusion. “In what sense?”
“Jackie was married the whole time, and I had no idea,” Jimmy replied solemnly.
“Oh my gosh, that’s awful!” Y/N said, “I can’t believe she would do that to you. You don’t deserve that.”
“I guess we were both someone else’s second choice.”
Y/N’s lips downturned into a frown, “Yeah…” she trailed off, “it’s the worst feeling in the world.”
You’ll never be my second choice, Y/N thought, I’ll always choose you, Jimmy.
“I might have a temporary remedy, though,” Y/N quipped as she opened her purse to retrieve the biscuits she had packed for Jimmy. “I baked these earlier, and Lillian said that you might enjoy them.”
Jimmy smiled as she handed him the bag. “Thank you for this, I really appreciate it, love.” As little as the words were, there was a tone of genuine appreciation in his voice. He really must have been going through a dark time. If there was a way she could help, no matter how small, Y/N would take that chance.
“You’re welcome. A baked good always makes me feel better, so I hope it does the same for you.”
Jimmy smiled down at her, his heart warming at her unbelievably kind gesture. Before he could say anything else, though, the driver had pulled up to the book shop; flicking hazard lights on so the two could get out right in front. They thanked the driver and walked into the store in tanduum, arms linked.
“What were you thinking about getting?” Y/N whispered as the smell of aged paper and freshly-cut wood greeted them.
Jimmy gave her a look that screamed did you really have to ask?
“Oh, okay,” She says, drawing out the first word with a subtle laughter in her voice. “Nevermind, stupid question.” Crowley manuscripts and textbooks. She knew that. She cursed herself for not thinking before she asked.
“You’re not stupid, don’t say that,” Jimmy said gently as he rubbed her arm soothingly, walking with her deep into the shelves and stacks of books. They were so close, her physical proximity and presence taunted him, and her scent dizzied him.
Their eyes scoured through the various titles, seeing if anything caught their interests. Y/N saw the trademark bright orange spine of The Catcher in the Rye, and quickly pulled it out. She never had the chance to read it whilst at school, but it was on her mental reading list.
Jimmy watched her intently as she read the synopsis on the back cover, her irises twinkling in the golden light that shone through the store. Her lips, her beautiful lips that he dreamed about kissing one day, were pressed together in concentration. She must have just put some lip balm on, because even they were twinkling. They looked like little pillows, so soft and supple and warm…
Y/N’s face now looked at the shelf once again before glancing at Jimmy with a grin. He prayed that she didn’t see him admiring her. Jimmy simply smiled back as if nothing had happened.
“The Catcher in the Rye, I see,” he initiated.
“Yep. I never got to read it in school, and it’s on my little mental reading list. I heard it was really good,” Y/N shrugged.
“What else is on your mental reading list?” Jimmy asked, “I can help you look for those, too.”
“Hmmm,” she thought aloud, “Marjorie Morningstar by Herman Wouk, Middlemarch by George Eliot, and Summer Crossing by Truman Capote. I also want to get The Fantastic Mr. Fox by Roald Dahl for Lillian. I loved it when I was little.”
“You’re a woman of good taste,” Jimmy grinned, feeling himself falling for her even harder. He had thought it impossible, yet he was obviously proven wrong by the feeling of contentment that settled over him whenever he so much as looked at her.
“Thanks,” she said, blushing as she sheepishly chuckled at the compliment.
The two slowly walked through the aisles trying to find the titles Y/N had mentioned. Jimmy found Marjorie Morningstar and Summer Crossing, and Y/N loved the way his face lit up when he finally found what he had been looking for. Y/N was able to find Middlemarch and The Fantastic Mr. Fox herself, as Jimmy practically drooled upon sight of her when she wasn’t looking. His personal thesis of Y/N being an angel had been proven correct many times that day, but these rather intimate circumstances really pushed it (and himself) over the edge.
Crushes are so foolish, he thought, why am I acting like this?!
Jimmy invited Y/N to go to his Pangbourne boathouse for some tea after their shopping excursion, for a chance to talk in a more private setting and scan through their purchases. He showed her around his house, since it was the first time she had been there since they had met; it was a Edwardian-Pre-Raphaelite hybrid dream, and Y/N found herself amazed with every nook and cranny.
“Next summer, you’ll have to come up so I can take you out on the boat,” Jimmy said as he showed her his boat and the view from the dock.
“That would be so fun,” Y/N smiled, “how often do you take it out?”
“Not too often, unfortunately, with all the travel and studio time.”
“Ah, I’m sorry. I’m sure that will pick even more now that the Yardbirds will be traveling more.”
“Yes, you’re definitely right. But I’ll make time next summer for that boatride,” he grinned as he led Y/N back into the house and into the living room. She pursed her lips to hold back a smile full of gratitude, but to no avail.
His housekeeper must have just put a tray of tea and biscuits on the coffee table, because it was still steaming.
The two sat opposite of one another, taking things off the tray as they pleased, silence hanging in the air. Once they were situated, Y/N daintily crossed her legs with a smile as she held the cup on top of her clothed thigh.
What a sophisticated lady Y/N is, Jimmy thought as he looked at her, I wonder what she would be like in a more intimate setting…
Shaking the dirty thought from his mind, he rambled, “So I’ve been thinking about something...the other guys in the band know about it, and they agree with me...actually, it wasn’t my idea, it was Jeff’s…”
It wasn’t Jeff’s idea. He lied.
It was Jimmy’s idea.
“Oh! What is it?” Y/N asked as she tilted her head in confusion, “It sounds bad, should I be scared?” she ended with a giggle.
“Oh no! Of course not. You see, there’s so much to say, and not a lot of time to say it, so I have to go big.”
Oh my God, Y/N thought, what if he asks me out? Jesus Christ. I hope he does. But he probably won’t. He doesn’t like me. What can this mean? Jimmy, you’re killing me! However, she sat with an expectant look on her face, trying to accurately anticipate the information.
“I was wondering...if um, if you—Oh, Christ, I’m horrible at this,” he chuckled embarrassedly with a shake of his head, a pink flush dusting his cheeks.
Oh fuck, he’s gonna do it! Y/N thought excitedly.
“Oh gosh, don’t be afraid! It’s just me! Really, what’s the worst I can say?” Y/N joked, hoping to ease his obvious nerves.
But it’s not just you, Jimmy thought, you’re so pretty and nice and smart and funny...you don’t know half of the things you do to me…
“Well, I suppose you’re right,” he said, humouring her, “The Yardbirds are leaving to go to America within the next few weeks for the Dick Clark tour, and I—I mean, uh, we, would love it if you joined us.”
Y/N’s breath rushes past her lips with a surprised, almost unbelieving gasp. They wanted her to go on tour with them?! She again had to fight the stupidly giddy smile that would find its way on her lips.
“I would love to! That is so generous of you, thank you so much! I feel like I’d cramp your style though...I wouldn’t want you lot to lose women because of me,” she laughed.
“Most of those birds are nuts anyway,” Jimmy laughed with her, “They’re too caught up in themselves to notice the other people around them. Honestly, in theory, you’d probably attract more women to us.”
“I’m that bad, huh?” Y/N smirked.
Jimmy’s face became even paler than it already was. He didn’t mean that at all.
“Oh no! That’s not what I meant at all! Sincerest apologies, Y/N, I feel terrible. You’re so beaut—”
“I’m kidding, it’s okay,” she cut him off with a lighthearted chuckle, “I know where you’re coming from.”
“Okay, good,” he sighed, relieved. Y/N smiled before an awkward silence settled over the gorgeous tea room.
“So when is this tour happening?” she asked.
“End of October.”
“Wait, shit...I’m in university right now…”
“Oh, you’re right, fuck…” Jimmy muttered, his lips pursed in a pensive line, until he almost jumped out of his seat with excitement, “Wait! I have the perfect excuse for you.”
“Really? What did you have in mind?”
Jimmy smirked. “What if...you said you were participating in a study abroad-internship-sort of program for the fall semester?”
“I’m listening,” she said with a light giggle.
“Say that ‘it’s an opportunity to explore the depths of the cultural renaissance that is the British blues scene, which has indefinitely flourished over the past few years, as well as utilizing communication and leadership skills in a practical environment.’”
Y/N raised her eyebrows in surprise. “Oh, that’s good,” she nodded her head, “that’s really good. I love that.”
“Then all you need is for myself and Simon Napier-Bell to sign off on it, as well as your dean, and you’re good to go.”
“That’s genius, Jimmy!”
“Why, thank you Miss Y/N,” he said with a joking courtly bow.
Y/N, with much pushback from the dean at her university, was able to acquire course credit for going on tour with the Yardbirds. Simon Napier-Bell, as well as other members of the Yardbirds administration, had to come into the dean’s office to fight in Y/N’s favour. All she had to do was take photographs and write a paper on it for the end of the semester.
Not too bad.
The week preceding the beginning of the tour, Y/N was so full of nervous excitement that she could barely sleep. By the time her brother dropped her off at Heathrow airport, people had taken notice of the dark circles that hung around her tired eyes.
“Y/N, you look like hell,” Jeff exclaimed as Y/N got out of the passenger seat of Tommy’s car.
“Thanks,” she deadpanned as she shut the car door, walking to the back to grab her luggage.
“My God, you have to pull yourself together,” he added as he walked with Y/N, “you look like a raccoon.”
“He doesn’t mean that,” Chris called hopefully.
“Well, I’ll sleep enough when I’m dead,” Y/N smiled as she walked over to the group at the sidewalk with her suitcase, “and I guess you’ll have to play ‘Rocky Raccoon’ to serenade me then.”
“If Y/N did, in fact, have to ‘pull herself together,’ she wouldn’t be wearing a floral dress and a jumper to an airport,” Jim said.
“Thank you Jim,” Y/N smiled, “but I do look like hell though. He’s not wrong. I’m really tired.”
“Oh, I’m sorry. Why’s that?”
“I didn’t sleep this entire week,” she chuckled, “My excitement for this day got the better of me.”
“Why don’t you take a nap on the plane then, love?” Jimmy asked, “You can get sick from lack of sleep, and we can’t have you sick when we’re abroad.”
“I brought my melatonin just for sleeping on the plane,” she smiled, “and I just took a shower too, so I’m ready to go to bed.”
“Lads, we have to go now. The security line is already awful,” Simon called as he rallied the boys and Y/N together to enter the airport.
Everyone obliged, groggily entering the airport as the road crew pushed heavy baggage carts of encased instruments, monitors, and other electronics behind them. The security line was dreadfully long, but they made it through and boarded the plane with little time to spare.
As Y/N was walking on the tarmac to board the plane, Jimmy caught up to her.
“Where are you sitting? What does your boarding pass say?” he asked, out of breath from running.
“I’m in 10C,” she laughed at his disheveled state, “what about you?”
“Oh, looks like we’re sitting together then,” Y/N smiled.
The two entered the plane and once they got to their seats, Jimmy realized that he had the window seat.
“Uh, Y/N?” he asked, shifting his weight between his feet anxiously.
“Do you mind if we switch seats and you take the window seat?” he inquired, a sheepish countenance flooding his face.
“Oh no, I don’t mind at all,” she smiled as she sat down in Jimmy’s original seat, “Why do you ask? I think the window seat is so cool.”
“You see, I’m afraid of heights,” he explained as he sat down in the aisle seat, “not to be dramatic, but all the air travel has me fearing for my life.”
“Oh, I see. That’s valid,” she understood, “Planes can be uncertain.”
The two engaged in quiet conversation before the plane engine started with a roar, and the aircraft started to make its way down the runway. Once the speed accelerated and the wheels rumbled, a telltale sign that the plane would be leaving the ground any minute, Y/N noticed how Jimmy’s leg started bobbing up and down uncontrollably.
Hoping to sooth his worries, she intertwined her fingers with his as the plane ascended, sending him a gentle, comforting grin. Jimmy squeezed her hand to reassure her that what she was doing was helping. His spirits were automatically lifted, and his entire body felt bubbly as heat invaded his cheeks.
About a half hour into the flight, Y/N’s eyes were starting to droop, but she was desperately trying to fight off the sleep. She had to stay awake and not look stupid sleeping in front of Jimmy.
Jimmy took notice of her drowsiness, seeing her lightly dozing against the window, as he put a fragile hand on her shoulder. The girl woke up with a deep inhale, lightly grinning at him as if she weren’t just asleep.  
“Y/N love, why don’t you take a melatonin now and try to get some sleep?”
“Yeah, you’re right,” she admitted self-consciously, “I have to give into it now.”
She took the melatonin with a few sips of the water one of the stewardesses had given to her.
“Put your head on my shoulder so you don’t wake up with a sore neck from the window,” Jimmy coaxed gently.
“Thank you,” she said with a stretch, placing her head on his shoulder, closing her eyes, “‘night.”
“Sweet dreams,” he laughed.
Next to Jimmy, the soft motion of the plane lulls Y/N closer and closer to sleep. Head on his shoulder, inhaling the scent of his aftershave, and something that was so uniquely him, Y/N slept the best she had in weeks.
Taglist: @blood-on-blood @reincarnated70sbaby @jonesyjonesyjonesy @jimmys-zeppelin
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protoindoeuropean · 3 years
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i was tagged by @homeosloven (ty!!) to post some of the messages sent to my name from “the unsent project”
needless to say most of the messages are very emotional so reading them can be a lot (though i did end up laughing for like a full minute at one that only said “hey”. very concise lmao). also have to say i really love the black one – not bc i take it as relating to me, but bc it presents such a beautiful image
i’m tagging @aeschylus-stan-account, @bunny-banana, @dijetedrago, @lea-ts (i feel like the last one is the evil twin of your İ’s (even if it’s incorrect)) and anyone else that finds this interesting!
p.s. this also made me go look back at some of the real “testimonials” i got at astronomy camp in all the years i attended (it was tradition that we all exchanged them anonymously on the last day and i still have them all collected in a folder) and the funniest and the truest ones i got were: “trackmania noob! no offence” and “you have the makings of an astrophysicist: beautiful and smart”
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mimiplaysgames · 4 years
A Powerful Enough Dream (Ch. 9)
Pairing: Terra/Aqua (eventually) Rating: T Word Count: 4,554
Summary: It is time to rescue Ven. Aqua steps into Castle Oblivion, not knowing what’s waiting inside.
Read on AO3
A/N: I wasn’t planning on publishing this one too soon - it just happened lolol. I do want to say that I’m sorry this chapter is so canon-divergent. I planned it before KH3 came out and I don’t have the time to rewrite everything. I hope you enjoy it anyway!
Oblivion, pt. 1
Stars shoot past Aqua in a melted blur. The faster she goes, the less she notices. Keyblade wielders should be humble. They should take their time to acknowledge and admire life, promised as students that their Light sturdies under such discipline. But screw it - she’s too excited to bother with the view.
All she has to do is listen. Once her heart connects to that place, her glider leads the rest of the way.
Sora and the others lag behind. Their gummi ship is impressive but it’s basically a tourist’s vessel, locked to the celestial highways that have to be traveled in full, unable to perform any of the warps her glider is capable of. At some point, she disappears from their radar, and she hovers in the middle of space to wait for them.
It shouldn’t take this long to get to Ven. They hold her back.
Aqua breathes heavily into her helmet, watching for signs of Sora’s bright red beast of a ship. The confines of her armor, absurdly enough, take some getting used to. She made it with her own hands, once a proud moment from her road to mastery. Yet it feels like she’s outgrown it. It’s heavy and tight, constricting the rise of her arms and the strides of her legs. It could be that she has gotten used to living without it. It could be that it doesn’t recognize her anymore.
That’s a terrifying thought. Aqua shakes it out of her head. It’s just because it’s been a long time since she’s worn it. That’s all.
Lightning snaps and cracks, and Sora’s gummi ship breaks through a barrier that tears a hole through space. Behind it is a mess of passageways marked by colored stars and dust. By normal standards, a passageway to the Land of Departure means he’d need to discover and unlock his way, but instead Sora has to blast through to catch up to her. There has to be some kind of transgression for it, but they’ve wasted enough time to think about collateral damage right now.
Her engine revs up and she soars, Sora trailing closely. She can’t feel the air through her armor as it darkens, but pressure mounts on her shoulders. Negative space squeezes her waist, her arms, her chest, threatening to collapse. It’s thickening. She’s getting close.
By the time she lands, there aren’t any more stars left to see.
Shedding her armor, Aqua breathes in humid air. Storm clouds smother the sky, but it doesn’t rain. Did it ever in the years she’s been gone? The dirt doesn’t thirst for anything, and the cliffs buckle with every step.
The castle (not home, something else) is ugly. Painted the color of stale excrement, it contorts in ways that can’t have been built by human hands. Towers stick out sideways and upside down, criss-crossed and layered where no staircases could practically fit inside. The castle suspends itself in the air by nothing except someone’s imagination.
There’s supposed to be grass underneath her shoes - or maybe stone tile leading to the terrace. Either of the two. Looking over the cliffside, she’s supposed to see rivers miles below, too far to hear their work. Now it’s just blackness. Morbid curiosity questions how long it would take for her to find new ground if she jumps off.
A couple of yards away was where Ven caught a grasshopper and claimed it as his own pet. He never expected he’d crush it by accident. He never expected he’d bury it in that same spot.
If Aqua remembers correctly, there’s supposed to be a tiny dirt path, right here, that would’ve led her to a clearing in the forest, down a lower altitude by several notches, where she and Terra kept a chest of old toys they couldn’t let go of, and letters they wanted to keep but forgot about. Where they kissed for the first time because she was curious, and Terra shrugged it off like it wasn’t a big deal, and she did the same.
Where there should be that forest is nothing but air now.
But home is home, always a fortress, always there to shelter, just like it does for Ven if only by a new expression.
The thunder of Sora’s engines roar before they quiet, exhaling one last time when he lands. He brings everyone with him - Lea is the first to come out, mouth wide open in a stupefied gasp, his glare demanding an explanation.
“Castle Oblivion?” He gesticulates, letting his hands slap his hips. “Sure, it’s not the easiest place to get to. But you could have done us all the humanly decent thing, and said so.”
“Castle Oblivion?” Aqua repeats. The words sound foul.
“You mean your lot didn’t name it?” He crosses his arms as he steps by her side. He’s too smug, like he finds that fact giddy.
“No, of course not, this…” This is the first time it’s ever happened in our history.
“If it wasn’t you, then it had to have come from our favorite, friendly Nobody.” Still smug. Stars, she’d punch him. “Xemnas.”
Despite the warning in her eyes at the mention of that name, Lea sneers. “It’s quite the comfortable home, if you’re interested in psychopathy.”
“You’ve been inside?” she hushes, tying up an apology behind her lips. What if he doesn’t know?
“Don’t worry.” He waves a hand at her. “I was a Nobody at the time. Not like I was that attached.”
So he knows. “You’re lucky you ever got out,” Aqua mutters.
“That attached to what?” Sora skips over, an innocent smile plastered so hard on his face that the horrible truth still wouldn’t peel it off of him.
“Memories,” Riku answers.
If Riku knows, then surely he’s lost some. Aqua nearly blurts out her concern for him, but he flashes her a gentle smirk and rolls a shoulder like it barely matters.
“Is that supposed to mean something?” Sora asks as Kairi tags along, who is unzipping and zipping Donald’s cap.
“The Organization used it to research memories,” Lea says. “We even went so far as to manipulate them - you know, plant a little bit of this, tweak a little bit of that.”
“And this is important, why?”
“The castle has a defense mechanism,” Aqua says, glancing at Riku, “to protect the delicate balance of this world so we could give all Keyblade trainees a safe refuge. The rooms aren’t truly real anymore. Threats who wander in are… forced to relive certain events in their life.”  
But Riku doesn’t have much of a reaction.
“Anyway,” she continues, “the memories replayed aren’t always exact. They reflect the heart of the person the castle is reading. So yes, it would be the perfect place to experiment with them.”
“I’ve been in this star-forsaken place more than I wished for,” Lea says, giving the castle a lookover. “My most important mission was to find one particular room. I never did.”
Hearing that was comforting. “Because the rooms inside move around,” Aqua says. “The point is to make the intruder confused. Make them obsessed with remembering correctly that they continue to wander. Until they forget why they’re there.”
Sora gapes, his eyes bulging. “You were the one who designed it like that? You’re savage.”
“Gawrsh,” Goofy says, holding a chin to his hand. His vowels ripple. “Ya think it’d be a nifty place to keep Xehanort locked up in.”
Donald frowns and fists his hips. “And you left Ventus in there?”
“Yes, and I’m the only one who can get him out,” she says sternly, choosing not to elaborate on the how. She sucks in a breath. “The castle won’t exactly recognize me, either. But I have the key.”
“How do we stop ourselves from losing memories?” Kairi asks. For a first mission, this one is entirely inappropriate.
“We don’t. I’m going in alone.” Aqua has long accepted the responsibility, thinking about this moment since the day she closed those doors. She chooses to ignore the disappointed look on Kairi’s face - once full of curiosity and hope at finally being allowed to show her worth.
“But you shouldn’t have to do this alone,” Sora says, stepping forward.
Aqua purses her lips. She’s done good not telling him everything.
“I do.”
“What is it with you and Terra and your obsessions with marching a one-man parade?” Sora grins, rubbing his nose. Riku snorts. “You’re going to have to learn to take ‘Nah’ for an answer. I think Ventus would agree with me.”
“Ditto,” Lea says.
“It was your bright idea to leave him and now we have to fix it,” Donald grumbles.
You were the ones who followed me. Aqua bites her lip.
It’s Aqua against six others who disagree with her, who came all the way here like she’s the one needing a chaperone. Ven would have wanted to come too, given the chance. He’s just better at submitting to her demands, even if he hated them, even if he didn’t want to understand they were for his safety.
“But your memories-”
“It really isn’t fair that Sora forgets what it’s like to be in there anyway,” Riku says, arms crossed and flexed.
Sora furrows his brows. “What would we forget?”
“Whatever you’re giving the castle,” Aqua says, starting quiet then raising her voice. “It will snatch something you’re passionate about… Your best defense is to simply look away. Believe in your own integrity, instead of what you see.”
“That…” Kairi picks at her cuticles. “Doesn’t sound too bad.”
That’s only because they’ve never spent years weighing the consequences.
“Consider this: how long would it take you to get to Ventus?” Lea asks.
“Not long at all. I can summon him to the first room,” Aqua says.
“Then we skidaddle in and run the stars out.” He mimics walking movement with his fingers. “You’re too paranoid. We didn’t travel all this way to admire the decorator’s taste. Award-winning, I tell you.”
Aqua takes a moment to study each of them, hoping her eyes spoke of horrors she can’t find the words for. But they smile back with encouragement. She considers tying them up with her chains to see if they enjoy feeling trapped under pressure.
She sighs. “The less amount of time we take, the better.”
The front door protests when she opens it, heavy and dragging across the pale floor. The inside is sterile, so white that the reflected light blinds. Every surface she can see is scrubbed clean of any and all personality. Like a hospital. Like a morgue.
At first glance, it’s just a simple room. A door innocently waits on the other side, the same monocolor as everything else. Their footsteps clank hard on the tile floor.
“Can’t believe I get to see the magic this time,” Lea says, the volume of his voice normal, but too strong for this room.
“You bums are pretty late for the show,” a gravelly voice replies. Aqua catches him leaning casually at the corner of the room, his black helmet a stark stain against the wall. She swears he wasn’t there before. She swears she got rid of him. She wonders if it’s still Ven’s face underneath.
“You again,” Sora barks.
“Took you long enough to get here,” Vanitas says, straightening up. “A really long time. Venty-Wenty needs his mommy to wake him up, but it’s like…” He snorts. “It’s like you forgot you had a kid waiting for you. Some mother you make.”
Donald slaps his webbed foot on the floor, his voice grating. “We’re too busy to deal with you. Now scram!”
“I have more right to be here than you,” he says, a sudden leap downhill trickling through his voice. His posture, however short he is, stays tall and proud. “I got here first. I outperformed the parent.” He jabs a finger in the air. “Don’t believe my sincerity, but I’ve got all the family business to pick with my own brother. It’s inhumane to keep us apart.” Vanitas summons his Keyblade, electrical sparks warping the air before its monstrosity takes form. “It’s been almost thirteen years, Aqua. What do you say? We can make this reunion worth the wait.”
Aqua scoffs through her nose. So he wants to think he’s still that much of a threat, after everything she’s seen. She keeps her nose high. “I don’t think about the gnat I’m stepping on.”
He pauses before he laughs. “You almost bruised me there, Master Aqua. What kind of selfish person would say something like that.” Darkness sputters from his body, ribbons crawling out of the leathery web of his skin. Monsters, Unversed. Red-eyed and twitchy, with more spunk and intelligent thought than the feral mind-numbing of a Heartless. “It suits you.”
This time, Aqua doesn’t hesitate. Her Master’s Defender takes form, and she charges. The sound of Keyblade summons bounce off the walls like bells as the mob of Unversed swarms. She takes out a swath of them in one icy hit, a sudden euphoria taking over her body - it’s good exercise to have. Beating him up should release some of the tension in her shoulders.
Still, she has to be careful about one thing: she can’t let Vanitas follow her.
“Get rid of them!” she yells.
By superficial glance, Vanitas is outnumbered, but the Unversed keep coming. Wave after wave of aggressive emotion. As though humans will never go numb.
Sora takes the enthusiastic lead. Lea stays behind and relies on his pot-shots. Riku hovers near Kairi, who does her best juggling creatures she’s never fought before. Donald sounds like he’s cursing when he really isn’t as he casts thunderous spells, and Goofy builds a strong defense on the front line, right by Sora’s side.
Aqua focuses on Vanitas, who has his arms wide open like a goal post.
But Sora juts in, and Aqua staggers to avoid hitting him.
“He’s nothing but a creep. Leave him,” he says, blocking one of Vanitas’ explosive attacks on her behalf.
“I have to end this,” she spits.
“Then stop talking and end it,” Vanitas growls, his Keyblade brimming with heat as he slams it against Sora’s.
“What about the time we’re spending in the castle? It’s ticking,” Sora asks her, his brows furrowed upside down.
“You’re boring me,” Vanitas says. He ghosts through the space between them, throwing an electrified force like he’s batting a swing. Aqua dodges, using the Defender as a lightning rod, and redirects the intensity until it crumbles into a wall away from everyone else.
“We’re not alone!” Lea calls out, the smoke of his fire spells clouding the room.
Something slithers, weaving through the air with a high-pitched wiggle. The thing is white, bending like it can compute Aqua’s strike before she has the chance to think of it. Its skin is thick yet fluid, reverberating her magic like it’s jelly. All of its movements are calculated - the way it walks is unnatural, as if someone is inputting commands into its mind.
“Finally, some proper entertainment.” Vanitas catches Kairi off-guard, throwing her backward. “You got children in your team. Proud of yourself?”
If Aqua goes ahead and hurries to Ven, none of them would have to sacrifice their memories.
If she leaves them alone, would she betray their need for help?
“Just go,” Sora says. “It’s not a big deal. Look at him.” He waves to Vanitas, who is messing with Lea now. “He’s like an angry chicken.”
That’s the last word she’d use to describe Vanitas, but they’ve wasted so much time already.
“You promise?”
“Promise to trust my word?”
Aqua sighs and grips his shoulder, her fingers digging into his sleeve. His eyes go wide, getting the message. “Don’t underestimate him. I’ll be back as soon as I can.”
The door handle churns when she grabs it. Pops, whirs, and shouts rally behind her in a thunderous roar, and she stops herself from turning the knob.
“I didn’t say you could see him!” Vanitas yells, coming toward her like she’s the only one whose existence has any value. Riku blocks his way, scruffed up from vanquishing enemies in one intricate attack a moment before.
The lock turns. She wants to see Ven but she doesn’t, not with enemies so close.
Vanitas dodges strings of attacks from all sides, from her friends, from Goofy throwing his body across the room, from Donald screaming incoherent gibberish. “Not without me!”
It almost sounds… painful. If he’s this bothered, then she can only imagine how much hatred and disgust fuel his words.
Poor Ven for having to deal with him.
She shuts the door behind her, suffocating the noise, cutting off Vanitas’ verbal assault, like an eraser swallowing an exclamation mark.
Aqua stands at the entrance hall of what used to be the old castle, gold pillars holding up ivory walls, coated in stained glass light. Down the hall are staircases leading up to the throne room where she had her Mark of Mastery, right where they’re supposed to be.
She should’ve been more careful than let the castle into her mind. Damn it.
“Nothing is real,” she declares. Someone could be upstairs. The Master. With his bushy mustache and ridiculous hairstyle that she’s offered to cut for years. What would he say to her?
Maybe she could apologize. She really wants to.
No. The castle will conjure him only because she’s thinking of him. “I won’t look. I won’t.”
Some part of her jumped at the thought that it could be Terra… She could hear Terra’s voice. It’d be exact, his smile something she’s needed. It could be wonderful. It could be sad.
“I won’t look,” she whispers, taking a peek up at the balcony over the foyer to see if she could at least spot a head of hair. She sees the stained glass mural in the same beautiful shapes she’s mimicked with crayons, hovering right above the thrones. The colors do their best work in the late morning, just like how they glistened prims on Terra’s shoulders when she dueled him.
Aqua inhales sharply. She runs past the stairs and down another hallway to the left, to a door that normally would lead to the kitchen.  
Is she remembering that right? The kitchen?
“It doesn’t matter.” It does. But Ven. She grips a new door handle, so much like the ones back home (the same golden color).
She hisses. “Ven,” she calls, willing the word onto the door.
Aqua enters another empty white room with yet another door at the opposite side, like she smothered white paint all over a filled canvas. Who knows how far she’s moved away from the others by now, or how many rooms have sifted in between.
But the whiteness is exactly what she wants - to get to Ven, she’ll need some peace and quiet, and a bit of time to grieve.
Something is wrong, though. Aqua doesn’t take another step. The rooms should read her, not watch her.
“Who’s there?”
Footsteps lightly tread, weighty but feathery. A man in a black robe gracefully makes his appearance from behind a stone pillar, his face a secret under the hood. A giant of a man, barrel-chest with a thick waist, at least two heads taller than her.
“I had missed the chance to see you before,” he says, his voice deep and smooth, but forceful like the bottom of an ocean. Aqua’s heart hammers at the familiarity. “Now I’ve been granted a tabula rasa...”
Aqua scoffs, Defender at the ready.
“My friend,” Xemnas says.
“You’re not my friend.”
“Even I am not that cruel to be so cold. How can you say that to someone who has longed to see you?”
“Am I supposed to feel sorry for you?”
Xehanort’s Nobody hums, halfway between a chuckle and solemn breath. “I don’t need the pity.”
“Then I have nothing else for you.”
Aqua is the first to move, casting a barrier around herself for protection, expecting him to conjure up spells of his own. Instead, out of his palms burst two red sabers that throb when she gets close.
He strikes her with both, clutching Defender’s jab and throwing her off balance. He’s too fast for his size - he has to be utilizing the darkness to bend the laws of physics. Showing off his acrobatics and reappearing in places she doesn’t expect, he toys with the space between them, coming close to taunt her into hitting him. Then he goes away in a flash. Aqua scrambles to keep up.
“Enough of this,” she mutters.
Summoning her Master’s chains takes more from her than any other spell, but they’re her rock and wind - as though Eraqus is with her every step of the way, approving her decisions. They are Light incarnate into metal, threads that peel chunks away from her heart to take form. To justify conjuring them, she needs to land a certain blow.
This is Xehanort’s Nobody, after all. Watching him wince will be a welcome sight.
They wrap around his body, locking his sabers against his thighs. He shudders from the pain, his knees losing their strength. Yes, that’s exactly what she wants.
Like finding new resolve, Xemnas stands straight on trembling feet just as she was sure he’d collapse. She must be exhausted from conjuring them, she has to be. They shouldn’t be this weak. Dark energy crackles and whips against the links. His arms manage to flex outward, pushing against the hold.
Maybe that’s the point. To survive this, he can’t be anything close to human. He’s technically Nothing.
Or maybe it isn’t. Maybe she isn’t sure she wants this.
“An old trick,” Xemnas says, loosening one arm.
This is her only chance. Aqua pinches the gap between them in an instant, her Master’s Defender high in the air to knock him out.
Xemnas grabs her by the wrist, the Defender suspended in air. His hand is so large that his fingers lock together, twisting and squeezing her that she’s worried he’ll break it.
Aqua tries to jerk free but the pain cuts into her circulation.
He watches her squirm. “Like a trapped mouse with not the mind to know there’s nowhere to go. No need to skirmish so much.”
“Let go of me.”
“Why do you hate me so?” He squeezes harder and lifts her, her feet dangling off the floor. She yelps. “You fight me though you know me as faceless. Such harsh disregard for my existence.”
“Spare me,” she breathes, her wrist throbbing, “your stupid pleas.”
“But I do plea.” Xemnas gently lifts the hood off his head. It’s not the shoulder-length silver hair that surprises her, but his face. Yellow eyes, but the same face.
She gasps. “Terra.”
Wrong. Everything about him is wrong - the smile, the malicious glint in his eye, the tightened half-smirk. A callous Terra looking down on her like the gnat under a shoe, needing to be scraped off.
“You’re hurting me,” she whimpers to (Terra’s face), hoping to catch the tiniest reaction in his eyes that he’d feel bad for doing so - just like Terra would. But he doesn’t.
This is supposed to be Xehanort’s body without a heart. But she’s been misleading herself, hasn’t she?
(Terra’s body) wanting to be her friend, wanting to stay close, wanting to reconnect. And she wanted the same. Aqua swallows bile.
This bastard stole from her.
She throws a kick into his face with enough force that he lets her go. Xemnas stumbles backward, holding his chin where her shoe made contact. He winces. Good.
“You’re nothing like him!” Aqua says, flexing her sore, thick grip on the Defender. It twitches and singes.
Xemnas stays where he is, carefully massaging his chin like she isn’t in the room anymore. If he heard her, he doesn’t give notice, staring blankly at the floor. She wonders - for the slightest moment - if what she said actually stung him.
“You can try,” he says.
“Excuse me?”
“Try it.” He conjures his blades. “Obliterate me. Let’s see if you make peace with doing so after seeing my face.”
Shut up. Aqua lunges at him, ignoring the ache on her wrist. But instead of using his blades against her, a wall of light erects from the floor. She collides into it. It electrocutes her, throwing her back.
An offensive barrier? Terra’s used this. Protecting her in the Realm of Darkness right after finding her. This really is Terra’s body.
A cry echoes against the tile. It came out of her own mouth. She can’t lose it here.
“It doesn’t matter if you’re his body,” she whispers to herself, standing up. She stumbles as Xemnas casually approaches, his footsteps as soft as the adrenaline dissipating from her body. Numbness is quickly replaced by the stinging in her wrist. It’s harder to take calming breaths.
It matters. It matters too much.
Aqua huffs, telling herself to stop thinking about who’s in the room and start thinking about the people depending on her. “You’re wasting my time,” she declares.
She turns on her heel and heads for the door.
A blast explodes near the exit. Over her shoulder, Aqua sees Xemnas holding out his palm, smoke fizzing out of the leather of his glove.
“After all this time?” he asks.
Aqua gives herself a conscious reminder that Nobodies can’t truly feel. Lea is sure to disagree, but there’s little in Xemnas’ voice to tell her there’s anything left of Terra in that mind.
She yells. Such a primitive thing to do, but it tricks her body for a few precious moments into feeling she has the strength to pull off something big and reckless. Chains of light emanate from her body.
The chains pummel in different directions, and Xemnas erects several barriers to counter each one. Neither of them actually target him. It’s not that she’s getting worse at her aim. Or getting brittle. She knows this. It’s everything to do with (him), and she’s ashamed of it.
At least they’re distracting him.
Aqua yanks the door handle with her good hand, a pressure bursting from the other side and swallowing her as she closes it behind her.
Warmth beats on her shoulders. Tall stone towers conquer the space around her, blocking off the horizon. Aqua only sees gently setting sunlight. She’s somewhere on a terrace of a castle, tucked away from the main streets.
Her heart drops when she realizes it’s Radiant Garden.
“No, no, no, no,” she murmurs, palming the brick walls behind her for a door. For the feeling of a doorknob. She can’t have this now. She can’t stand to witness one of her worst memories.
A few feet ahead. There, a gray door that would take her out to an alley - out of this room. It’s just a room.
But the castle knows.
It only takes a second. A tall figure catches her peripheral attention.
Terra, with a scowl on his face. He’s impeccable: thick, effortlessly tousled hair just right, the pensive deepness of his eyes far away and hurt, unsure of her presence there. Something about him is tense, like he’s about to turn over his shoulder and walk away from her all over again.
Aqua has only one wish to ask what she used to call home. Smile. Please, smile.
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is0gild · 4 years
Ice Cream and Fire Oven Pizza - Bonus Chapter 4
Pairing: Elsa x Lea/Axel || Side Pairing: Riku x OC
Summary: Modern AU. She's an introvert ball of nerves who works at Ice Palace, a mall food court ice cream shop. He's the outgoing, sassy goofball who works at the Pizza Planet across the way. Hilarity, snark, and fluffy romcom hijinks ensue.
Word Count: 16,518
Credit for super friggin’ cute and super friggin’ amazing cover art goes to the super friggin’ talented ky-jane here on tumblr!
Tumblr media
Lea gave a low thoughtful hum as he zipped up the back of my dress. "Well lessee here… the sound of dry leaves crunching under my shoes… the smell of movie theater popcorn… that specific shade of deep red the sky turns at sunset…" A brief pause and another quiet hum as he gently finger-combed and played with my hair, eliciting a small shiver from me. "Oh! Let's not forget the feel of the first breeze of summer warming my skin."
My eyelids drooped as I shot a look over my shoulder at where he sat at the edge of his bed in skinny jeans and topless. "...I was more looking for things you liked that maybe, sort of… had a price tag?"
He chuckled, his arm hugging my waist from behind, pulling me back towards him so he could press a kiss to my shoulder. "Trynta figure out what to get me for my birthday, hm?"
"Now whatever would give you a silly idea like that?" one corner of my lips tugged up as my hand covered his, toying with his fingers. "Perhaps I was simply making polite and completely theoretical small talk."
"Oh-ho, I see. Well if you were theoretically fishing for gift ideas for the birthday boy, how 'bout this?" A tiny yelp escaped me as he suddenly yanked me backward, my spine hitting the mattress. He hovered over me now in all his shirtless glory, his hands finding mine as he pinned them to the bed to either side of my head. Smirking down at me with hooded eyes, the tip of his nose brushed mine and his breath warmed my lips as he purred, "You. Me. Locked in my room from dawn to dusk while I just worship every last inch of your body."
Face warming, I looked away, pressing my cheek to his comforter as I gave a small scoff. "This is for your birthday, not mine, remember?"
He did not hesitate to take advantage of the easier access I'd just given him to my throat, nibbling down it. "Funnily enough, I was actually thinking the exact same deal for your birthday as well. It's a win-win for both of us, really."
I cleared my throat, trying not to get distracted as he teeth now lightly nipped at my earlobe. "Come on, there's got to be something you want besides just… that."
"Honestly?" he pulled back a bit and my gaze met his once more as he playfully waggled his eyebrows. "Getting to see you naked is the second greatest gift you could give me."
Snorting, I narrowed my eyes up at him suspiciously. "...what would be the first then?"
Lea nuzzled our noses together as he cooed, "Your love," before capturing my lips with his.
I laughed against his mouth, breaking the kiss. "Have I mentioned what a sap you are?"
"Mm, it may of come up once or twice," he nodded solemnly before burying his face into the side of my neck again, only this time to blow a raspberry. I gasped and spasmed under him, managing to free one of my hands so I could swat at his shoulder. This only seemed to encourage him to do it again as his chest rumbled in amusement. But then his whole body deflated on top of mine as he released a soft, grumbling sigh. "Damn this motherfucking econ exam I hafta take today. I'd call in sick in a heartbeat if it wouldn't flunk me outta the whole course for missing it." With a groan, he planted a quick peck to my forehead before reluctantly pushing himself up off the bed and onto his feet as he began a hunt for a clean shirt.
Sitting up myself, my fingers set to work weaving my pale hair into a loose braid. "Seriously, I need ideas for what to get you."
"Seriously, I know you'll figure out something awesome on your own." He grabbed a tee that was hanging from the brim of his hamper, giving it a quick sniff. Guess it passed the smell test, for he then tugged it on over his head. The front bore a circle with a curved grid, yellow on the inside with a thick red ring border and large, bold but faded text wrapping around it proclaiming, THE POWER IS YOURS! Then he grinned big at me, "I mean, the first gift ya ever got me was perfect after all!"
My brow furrowed. "...my first gift?"
I'd gotten him something before?
Since when?
Both eyebrows reached for his hairline and he dramatically clutched at his chest. "Don't tell me you forgot about Bubbles!"
He snerked then moved over to one of his tall, cluttered bookcases where he plucked something from the top shelf - a spot of honor, no doubt - before holding it out in front of me. "Bubbles," he repeated by way of explanation.
In his hands was the toy from Wandering Oaken's Trading Post - the orca robot with a machine gun. A little derisive huff blew out my nose as I took it from him. "This? It doesn't count as a gift. I didn't even pay for it."
"Ya tried to. Not your fault if the cashier let it go for freesies." Snatching one of his Converse up off the floor, he started hopping up and down on one foot as he tugged it onto the other before setting to work tying it. "'Sides, spending munny doesn't necessarily make something a gift. Some of the best presents out there can't be bought in a store."
"But I didn't even pick this out for you," I continued to argue with a small sour twist to my lips. "You did."
Finished donning both his shoes now, he snagged his messenger bag off its wall hook and started hastily stuffing it with whatever supplies he'd need for his test. "But you saw that I liked it, thus ya got it for me. That right there was some superb gift decision-making! And I'll have you know outta everything in this room, it's my most favorite."
I wrinkled my nose and frowned down at the cheap toy in my hands. "...really?"
"Mm-hm! 'Cept for you, of course!" he chirped, bending forward and bracing his hands on the bed to either side of me as he pressed his lips to mine. I rolled my eyes but bit back a grin as he straightened back up. "And I have the utmost faith that you'll be able to find something else I like without even breaking a sweat, babe. 'Sides, whatever it's gonna be, I'll love it no matter what cuz it'll be from you!" Slinging his bag strap over his head to hang across his chest, Lea unplugged his phone from the charger and pocketed it. Then he squinted up at the ceiling and tapped a curled finger to his lips before snapping his fingers, "Ah! Mustn't forget Marshmallow!"
He crossed his bedroom to open the door only to be immediately greeted by the sight of Saïx standing on the other side. In his arms was the big ball of white fluff in question, poofy tail enthusiastically wagging as his tongue lapped away at Saïx's chin. The show of puppy-dog affection did not seem to be wholly appreciated, if Saïx's dull scowl was any indicator.
"Oh! Heh… mornin', big guy!" Lea said brightly. "Thanks for keeping an eye on the pooch last night! Hope the lil furball didn't give ya too much tr-"
His words were swallowed in a grunt as Saïx just shoved Marshmallow into his chest, then wordlessly turned to stalk off into his bedroom, slamming the door shut behind him. Eyes fixed on where Saïx had just disappeared, Marshmallow immediately began to whimper and squirm in Lea's arms.
Struggling to maintain his hold on him, Lea grumbled, "Aw c'mon, what am I, chopped liver? Where's my doggy smooches? You're my pupper after all!"
Marshmallow's reply came in the form of gnawing on Lea's thumb.
Sighing, he put him down. "I tell ya, Mr D of W, I am this close to kicking your fuzzy ass to the curb where you'll hafta turn tricks for Scooby Snacks just to survive."
The threat fell on deaf ears as Marshmallow came running over to me, demanding attention. I hummed a laugh and reached a hand down to pet him, glancing towards Lea out of the corner of my eye, "I think Saïx is one puppy-sitting session away from murdering you with a Scooby Snack."
"Nah. He puts on a grumpy front, but he loves that lil slobber-factory. I saw the two together last night. There were cuddles. There were snuggles. There were even," here he paused, dropping his voice low for dramatic effect, "...belly rubs."
I mock gasped. "The scandal."
"Right?" Removing the hair-tie that was around his wrist, he handed it to me before nudging Marshmallow over to make room and plopping down on the floor himself, using my knees as a backrest as he tucked his feet in under him to sit cross-legged. As I set to work running my fingers through his hair and gathering all his crimson spikes together, he went on, "Now I should only be gone a few hours. Dog food's under the sink in the kitchen and the lil fellah will probably wanna go for walkies soon. Bruni's already gotta full belly so all good there, but some time outta the terrarium might be nice and-"
"I know all this already. This isn't my first time watching them, you know," I snorted, finishing his ponytail and pressing my lips lightly to the top of his head to let him know I was done.
"Sorry, can't help it. I just take my responsibilities as a pet dad very seriously," he chuckled, standing up once more and spinning around to smirk down at me. "Unlike some people who strangle imaginary animals during acting class."
My hand shot out to pinch him, but he hopped back out of my reach with a laugh. I huffed, "Don't you have a test to be getting to?"
"Yeah, yeah. But first," he braved stepping closer to me once more, eyes crinkling as he reached down to take my hands in his, "c'mere and gimme some sugar, sweet thang." I let him pull me up to my feet as he brought my hands up to clasp behind his neck. Then he slipped his arms around my waist, pulling me close for a kiss.
Marshmallow circled our legs with a small growl. Pulling away, Lea stuck his tongue out at the dog, "Don't be jelly. I saw her first." Then he was turning a soft smile towards me, cupping my cheek with his hand as he rested his forehead against mine and murmured, "I love you."
Still wasn't used to hearing that. Still wasn't used to the way it made my heart jolt nor the explosion of butterflies it set off in my stomach. And definitely still wasn't used to saying it back.
And so…
The sound of my hand flying up to cover his eyes.
"El, c'mon," Lea pouted.
My lips pursed to one side. After some hesitation, I slowly pivoted my hand so it was only over one of his eyes now.
It helped. Don't ask me why or how. It just did.
As he blinked it open and half his green gaze settled on me, my face grew uncomfortably hot as I mumbled, "Love you too."
There it was again. That big, dorky grin. "There ya go! Progress! Now I only hafta be a pirate for you to tell me that, yar!" Planting a swift peck to my cheek, he released me and headed towards the door. "Gotta run, wish me luck!"
"Good luck," I smiled after him as he closed the door.
Save for the sound of Marshmallow happily panting away from his seat next to my feet, the room fell abruptly quiet.
For a grand total of two seconds.
The door banged open and in Lea rushed once more. I tipped my head to one side, "Did you forget-"
He took me in his arms and dipped me backwards, kissing me long and slow and deep. I was breathless when he at last broke it off and straightened us both back up. "Kay, bye for real this time," he winked before bolting out the door, clicking it shut behind him again.
Fighting the upward pull I felt at one side of my mouth, I ran my hands down my dress to smooth the nonexistent wrinkles out and cleared my throat.
Right. Back to the matter at hand.
That matter being I still had no clue what to get Lea for his birthday.
Since the boy himself had been absolutely zero help, it might only be natural to assume the next best step would be to ask his closest friends and family. But Saïx had just gone to bed and as nice as he could be during his regular awake hours, the thought of disturbing him while he was just settling in to get some sleep seemed like a bit of a deathwish. Ruling him out for the moment, I supposed the next best options would be Xion and Roxas, but…
Was it wrong for me to feel so… self-conscious about going to them for present ideas? I mean, I was the girlfriend after all. Wasn't it my job to know these things? Shouldn't his friends be the ones coming to me for advice on what to get Lea, not the other way around? I know it was totally silly, but I couldn't help but feel embarrassed for not just… automatically knowing the answer. I simply wasn't quite ready to put my shame on display like that in front of his friends. Not just yet, at least.
Luckily, there was another I could turn to without any fear of judgement.
"So tell me," I began conversationally as I crouched down next to the terrarium, one elbow propped on my knee as I cradled my chin in my palm, "of the three of us in this room right now, you've known Lea the longest. What would you suggest I get for him?"
Bruni blinked back up at me. Then lashed his tongue out and flicked it over his eyeball.
I gave a soft snerk at that. "That's just your answer to everything, isn't it?" I sighed, straightening back up to my full height and setting the enclosure's lamps aside before opening it and reaching inside. Scooping the little salamander up, I turned and walked back towards the bed, Marshmallow trotting along behind me with his tail going a mile a minute.
"It's just… well, you know how Lea is," I told Bruni as I took a seat on the mattress and rested my head back into the pillows. "So impulsive… anytime he sees something he wants, he just buys it on the spot. It makes it very hard to find something he'll like that he hasn't already purchased himself."
As I stroked the reptile's head with a fingertip, a whimper from next to the bed drew my attention down to Marshmallow, who was staring up at me with forlorn puppy eyes. Smiling, I pat my free hand to the blankets. Needing no further invitation, the pup sprung up onto the bed and flopped his full weight down onto my belly, forcing a small grunt out of me. Making a noise that was half wheeze, half laugh, I said, "Marshmallow, I think you're getting too big for that."
He tilted his head at me with a tiny huff and doggy frown.
"Oh, well then, my mistake. Consider the comment withdrawn," I grinned softly, my fingers scritching behind his ear. The grin slowly faded however as I shifted my gaze up towards the ceiling. "...I suppose I've just never really been a fan of the whole gift giving thing. Don't get me wrong, I like the idea of giving something to someone you care about that you'll know they'll love. It's everything else around it that I dislike… the agonizing over hundreds of options in search of the perfect gift, the uncertainty that comes with finally making a decision of whether it was even the right one, the anxiety as they open the gift and the fear of a negative reaction… and even after all that's finally over and done with, there's a lingering wonder of if they even really liked the present or if they just said they did to spare your feelings when really they were disappointed with the absolute crud you gave them…"
When the only response I received was a soft snuffling noise, I glanced back down to see Marshmallow curiously but gently sniffing at Bruni. Nothing to be concerned over. Marshmallow had long ago learned that Bruni was friend, not food. Still, my eyelids drooped, "Hey, you even listening to me?"
Puffing out a low snort through his snoot, the dog blinked up at me.
"That's better," I lightly tapped his nose before depositing Bruni on top of his head. As the salamander began to explore his new white, fluffy terrain, the dog hardly seemed to notice or mind as he just rested his chin on my chest. Idly ruffly the fur at his cheek, I muttered, "Then of course there's also what to even do for his birthday. I mean, Xion and Roxas have that surprise party planned, but that doesn't start until mid-afternoon, so it's up to me to keep Lea busy until then. And not just busy… I want to do something nice for him. Something he'll really like." My teeth gnawed at my bottom lip. "...I mean, I've already made plans for something… and I think he'll enjoy it, but I don't know. It's so simple… maybe too simple… maybe he'll think I put little to no thought into it because I didn't really care enough…"
Marshmallow yawned deeply, lazily licking his chops while Bruni graced me with the sight of his tail-end as he started crawling down Marshmallow's back.
"Oh, I'm sorry, am I boring you two?" I chuckled, my hand moving to block Bruni's path before he wandered off too far. Then my face scrunched slightly before I conceded with a nod, "But you're right. I've made a decision there already. It's done, so no use second-guessing myself over it. My time and energy would be better spent on what I haven't figured out yet: the present."
Settling Bruni back on his throne - aka the spot between Marshmallow's ears - I then reached over for Bubbles, picking it up from where I'd left it lying on the mattress. I held the little robot up in front of my face, squinting at it. Lea had called it a great present, but…
"Reveal unto me your hidden and untold wisdom on picking the perfect gift, oh great and powerful plastic one," I implored Bubbles.
The toy just stared blankly back at me and remained stoically silent.
My eyes narrowed. "Fine then. Keep your secrets."
...was I really resorting to asking an inanimate object for advice now?
I really was hopeless.
But I couldn't help it, I was really that clueless when it came to gift giving, especially for a boyfriend. You'd think I'd have years of experience from when I'd dated Hans, but gifts between him and me had never really… mattered. There had never been any substantial meaning behind the presents, no real sentiment… it'd just been stuff like the most expensive, latest model of wristwatch for him, or some fancy, glittery bit of jewelry for me. It'd all been about putting on a show of looking like a happy couple, just like everything else had always been between us. But for Lea, I actually cared about getting something he'd like. I just really didn't want to screw this up. I just… I wanted to make him happy.
"Ugh, maybe I should just cave and ask Roxas and Xion for help," I grumbled under my breath.
Marshmallow snored, apparently having elected to take a nap.
Bruni had made a break for it and was halfway to the foot of the bed by now. The little fugitive.
Deciding not to disturb Marshmallow until it was absolutely necessary, I let the salamander continue his adventure. If it looked like the little guy was going to take a swan dive for the floor, then I'd leap into action. For now, I just glanced at Bubbles again with a tiny frown. "...what's your deal anyhow?" I whispered. "A firearm-toting, killer-whale-transforming robot must have some sort of story behind it, right?"
Putting the action figure back down on the comforter, I snatched up my phone. Pulling up Google, I pursed my lips to one side as I stared at the empty search bar for a few seconds before deciding the bluntest, most direct course would be best and simply typed in "orca robot with machine gun toy." It actually didn't take long to find exactly what I was looking for and-
My eyes widened and I gasped, sitting up straight and knocking Marshmallow out of his beauty rest with a disgruntled huff.
I knew now.
I knew exactly what to get Lea for his birthday.
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"Now turning down Market Street. And directly on our left, dear sightseers, you'll find a candy store, accessories boutique, and local post office."
"Are you sure you can't see at all?" I grumbled as I stopped Lea's car at a red light, glancing at him dubiously out of the corner of my narrowed eyes.
"Yup!" he chirped, turning his head to look at me. Or rather… not look, seeing as how he was currently blindfolded with a black strip of cloth. "Blinder than a bat with vertigo after a twenty-hour bender at a tequila bar! But I know Twilight Town like the back o' my hand, babydoll! Could navigate these streets with my eyes closed." He smirked, pointing at the blindfold, "As demonstrated."
My lips twisted sourly as the light became green and my foot pressed on the gas.
The day had arrived. His birthday. I was currently chauffeuring him to the destination I'd picked out to kick off celebrating the big day. A destination that was supposed to be a surprise, thus the blindfold. A fat lot a good that was doing though. I muttered, "You should consider getting your own circus sideshow, your recall skills are so freakishly good."
"What can I say, I know how to get it memorized," he declared cockily, poking a fingertip to his temple. "'Sides, never can be too careful. This lil party trick could save my life one day."
I snorted as I checked the rearview. "Sure it could."
He waggled his index finger, "You scoff now, but just you wait. When I get kidnapped but know exactly where my abductors have taken me despite having a sack thrown over my head to keep me in the dark, we'll see who has the last laugh. We'll see," he taunted, pointing two digits at his covered eyes then pointing them at me. Well… more like at the space in front of me, aka the steering wheel. While he had the uncanny ability to pinpoint his own precise location on a map without the use of his vision, it seemed he was a little bit foggier on where exactly I was.
"When you get kidnapped?" I echoed. "Not if?"
"Trust me, it's an inevitability at this point."
A grin tugged at my lips. "...what if your captors take you outside of Twilight Town?"
"Well then, I'm fucked," he shrugged.
"Very well," I hummed a soft laugh. "If someone manages to overpower and get the drop on a behemoth like you, and if they put a bag over your head, kidnap you and throw you in a car, and if they take you hostage somewhere within the city limits... then and only then, in that absurd and oddly specific scenario, will I concede that you may have had a valid point."
"Thank you," he lifted his chin with a lofty sniff. "Oo, now we turn down Station Heights, huh? The plot thickens."
On seeing that the street sign we'd just passed confirmed his words, I said nothing, just growled low in my throat.
He chuckled. "I think we can both agree that this," his hands reached for his blindfold, tugging at the knot in back, "is really just a formality at this point and is doing jackshit, so may as well just-"
"Ah-ah! Leave it," I snapped, jabbing a warning finger in his direction, even though I knew he (allegedly) couldn't see it.
"Mm, love it when ya get bossy. Your wish is my command, mistress," he waggled his eyebrows with a click of his tongue, hands dropping back into his lap. "Gotta say, El, when ya started off the morning by handing me this thing, I thought today's activities were gonna be lil more hitting the sheets, lil less hitting the streets."
Shifting my grip on the steering wheel, I dropped a casual, "Who's to say that's not the plan for the blindfold later?"
Who me? Trying to distract him from mentally tracking our whereabouts by appealing to his baser urges? I would never!
"Woman, don't tease me if ya don't plan to make good on it."
"Who's to say I won't?" I quirked a cheeky eyebrow.
Lea "looked" towards me again with a toothy, lopsided grin. When he next spoke however, it wasn't to comment on that. Instead, he furrowed his brow and cocked his head. "...be mindful of that tram."
I blinked. "Okay, one, I was nowhere near that thing. And two, pretty sure you're messing with me and can one hundred percent see."
"Nope!" he said brightly before tapping his ear. "Heard the ol' gal chuggin' along. She has a very distinctive thrum. I tell ya, El, take away my sight and I become a regular Daredevil - what I hear is what I see, clear as goddamn day."
"Right," my eyelids drooped.
"Like that! Right there! From the skepticism in that one word alone, I can see the perturbed look on your beautiful face, Love," he cooed, leaning over towards me with lips puckered. Presumably, the intended target was my cheek. Instead, the smooch landed on the headrest of my car seat. He pulled back, "My, how leathery you taste today."
I snorted. "Huh. Must have forgot to moisturize this morning."
"Must've," he agreed. Then, "Hey, ever wonder where totes wackadoodle streets like Where Nothing Gathers Way come from?"
My left eye twitched as we pulled up to a stop sign at that very road. "Streets? As in, more than one?"
Lea beamed, "Oh yeah! There's loads of 'em out there in the world! Don't tell me ya've never heard of the infamous Bucket of Blood Street."
"That's a real street name?" I scrunched up my nose as I flicked on the turn signal.
"Mm-hm!" he nodded. "Over in Arizona. Named after a shootout in the 1800s at a saloon located there. Then of course, if you're lookin' for some class, we can skip our happy asses on over to Vegas and take a stroll down Hanky Panky Street."
I scoffed. "Now I know you're making these up."
"Am not! I'll prove it to ya!" he jammed his hand down his pocket, digging out his phone. I watched out of my peripheral as he swiped the lockscreen away before his thumbs became a blur of typing.
Okay seriously, if he could successfully google this while blindfolded, I'd eat my own braid.
Just as I pressed down on the brakes for a crosswalk, Lea shoved his phone in my face with an all too pleased, "Read 'em and weep, sweetcheeks."
I was greeted by the sight of the search results for a string of characters and numbers that were just a complete mishmash on nonsensical gibberish.
Kudos for actually being able to pull up the search app at all, but I think I could consider my braid safely off the menu.
To him, I just deadpanned, "I stand corrected."
"Bam!" he smugly retracted his phone, moving to sheath it at his hip once more. "Game, set and... shit," he hissed out under his breath as the phone missed his pocket and fell down the crack between his chair and the center console, followed by a muted thunk from somewhere below.
Shifting lanes, I lightly singsonged, "Gone forever."
"You mock - quite cruelly, I might add - but it actually very well could be, " he grumbled, sticking his hand down there after it to blindly fumble around for the thing. "People think the Bermuda Triangle is in the Atlantic, but nope. Nu-uh. It's here, right under my goddamn car seat. You don't even know half the crap that's disappeared down here, never to see the light o' day again."
Alright, I'll bite. "...like?"
"Does the name Amelia Earhart ring a bell?"
"Please," I rolled my eyes with a soft huff, fighting a grin. "There are no historically famous female pilots lost in the black void beneath your car seat."
He razzed his tongue at me, hand still rooting around under his chair. ""Scuse you, but outta the two of us, pretty sure I'd be more the authority on what important figures from history may or may not of gone missing in my car, thank you very much."
Shaking my head, I reached a hand over to gently squeeze at his shoulder. "You can stop, I'll find it for you after we park."
"Spoken like the black hole below's soon-to-be next victim," he harrumphed, giving up on his search and straightening back up in his chair. "Now lessee, where were we?" he muttered, tapping his chin as he "stared" up at the ceiling. Then he brightened, snapped his fingers and pointed at me, "Psychopath."
"Uh…" Both eyebrows shot up my forehead as I slowed for a pedestrian. "...pardon?"
He held up a pair of digits, "Two words. Psycho..." insert pause, "...path. Psycho Path. 'Nother weirdo street name out there."
I tipped my head to one side, one corner of my lips lifting as I drove forward once more. "Okay, that one's pretty clever, actually."
"Right? Definitely way more fun and interesting than dumb, boring ol' Sunset Terrace."
I scowled.
Guess what road I'd just turned the car onto.
Go on, just take one look at Lea's shit-eating grin and guess.
...let's see what we can do about wiping it off that dumb, gorgeous face of his, shall we?
The tires loudly screeched as I made a sharp turn without warning into a massive grocery store parking lot, ignoring the blaring honks from the vehicle I had cut off in the process. Lea yelped as the momentum threw him into his car door. "Crap! The hell?! El, wha-"
I jerked the steering wheel into another hard left and his words were swallowed in a grunt as his shoulder hit his door again. Pressing my lips into a flat, determined line, I said nothing, just zoomed down the parking aisle. Now Lea laughed, "Oh-ho, I see how it is. You're trynta discombobulate me, get me all turned around so I dunno left from right, up from down. Nice try, but I gotta mind like a steel trap, babe. Ya won't get me lost that-"
Another abrupt turn tossed and silenced him.
We'll see about that, bucko. We'll see.
I weaved the car in a high-speed, winding path around the parking lot, making sudden jerky stops here, driving in reverse through empty parking spaces into the next aisle there, just constantly and unpredictably on the move. Lea remained quiet now, a crease forming between his eyebrows just above the blindfold - most likely concentrating on keeping his sense of direction and where we were intact. After a minute or two of this - right about when I saw what looked to be an annoyed employee emerging from the supermarket, probably aiming to put a stop to my recklessness - I maneuvered the car towards a different exit than the one we'd come in through and floored it, propelling us out of the lot and back onto the streets.
"That all ya got?" Lea shot me a half-smirk.
My eyes settled on what was coming up on the road ahead. Then a wicked grin twitched at the corner of my lips. "Hardly. We're just getting started."
That's when I drove the car into the roundabout.
A risky move, yes. There probably weren't a lot of roundabouts in Twilight Town and given his track record thus far, there was a good chance Lea knew every last one of them.
Didn't mean he'd know which direction I'd exit out of it.
Not if I raced around it eight times, anyhow. Or was it nine? Honestly, I'd lost count.
"Devil woman," Lea hissed, bracing one hand on the dashboard and the other to the door, steadying himself against the centripetal force.
My nose crinkled in amusement as we started our tenth (eleventh?) lap. "You like it."
"I really do."
Finally I picked a road at random and turned off the roundabout onto it. From there, I swerved down a few more lanes and side alleys for good measure, hoping to further throw his internal GPS out of whack. At last, I puffed out a sigh as I started driving like a sane person again, glancing towards my phone. The map app (sound muted so Lea wouldn't hear street directions from it) was going a bit haywire trying to adjust and correct course for our destination after that wild ride I'd just taken us on.
Lea chuckled, interlocking his fingers behind his head and leaning back in his seat. "Ya got moxie, kid, I'll give ya that. Tell me, is the rest of Red Nocturne Avenue as in awe of you right now as I am?"
I was this close to smacking his shoulder when I caught sight of the street sign and my hand froze.
This wasn't Red Nocturne Avenue.
This was Dragoon Drive.
...had I really done it? Did he actually not know where we were anymore?
I gave him a sideways squint, holding my tongue as I steered us into a right turn.
"Speechless, huh?" his grin ticked wider. "Yeah, the pure and unadulterated awesomeness that is yours truly has a tendency to do that to the ladies. Not to mention all o' the pretty sights Powerwild Court has to offer."
Wrong again. We were now on Dancer Boulevard.
Smiling as I basked in the glory of my tiny victory, I did my best to mask it with a soft hmph. "Fine, you win. Guess there's no fooling you."
"Damn skippy!"
It didn't take much to get us back on track and heading in the right direction again. From there, it was just a few minutes and several more incorrect street names from Lea before we'd arrived at the final address.
"Conduit Way? Really?" Lea arched an eyebrow as I finished parallel parking. "Ain't nothing here but sewage treatment facilities. Babe, I love ya, you know I do, but hate to break it to ya… a tour of one of those icky places isn't exactly my idea of b-day fun."
Luckily for him, we weren't on Conduit Way. I merely smiled, "You'd be surprised. Out… and ah, not yet! Blindfold stays."
His hands dropped from where they'd been trying to remove it again and he just grinned and shrugged before unbuckling his seatbelt and opening his door over the sidewalk. By the time I'd made my way around to his side of the car, he'd managed to climb out without tripping over the curb.
I pressed a quick peck to his cheek before turning and crouching down to start patting my hand around under his chair, trying to locate his phone. My fingers finally bumped into something, closing around it. I frowned.
...whatever it was, it was most definitely not a phone.
I pulled the object out to discover a tiny troll doll with neon pink hair, goggles and a little scarf wrapped around its neck. I held it up to Lea, "And this would be?"
His hands fumbled with it for a second, feeling the thing out before his face lit up. "Amelia Earhart! Ya found her!"
I shot him a small, withering look. Though it was more so only for my benefit, since he couldn't see it. "You're just messing with me. I refuse to believe that it's actually named that."
"You don't know!"
I gave a snort and shook my head as my hand plunged into the dusty shadows beneath the car seat once more. This time I successfully fished out his phone.
"Thanks, boo. Dunno what'd I ever do without ya," he chirped as I handed it to him.
"Probably not be blindfolded and thus dropping your phone in the first place?" I suggested, rising to my feet once more and dusting off my dress.
"Touché." Then he bent down to reward me with a smooch, right smack dab on-
"That was my eyeball, thanks," I deadpanned, screwing my face up a bit as he pulled back.
He beamed. "Meant to do that! Peepers need love too, ya know!"
"I'll take your word for it," I shook my head as one side of my mouth quirked up. Taking the troll doll back from him, I set it on top of the car's dash before closing and locking the car. Then I tucked my hand into Lea's elbow and began leading him over towards the building's entrance. Halfway to those doors, something on the sidewalk caught my attention and my eyes crinkled. "Little to your right," I told him, gently veering him with my grip.
The sharp crunch of brittle leaves being crushed beneath his Converse filled the air. He perked an ear up at the sound, then he flashed his dimples down at me. "D'aaawww, you remembered!" Again, he was ducking down. I think this time the aim had been to press his lips to mine. Instead…
"And I suppose nostrils need love as well?" I half grimaced, half grinned as I swiped the back of my hand across said nostril that had been the unwitting recipient of his affections.
"Absolutely! But what's that?" he cupped a hand to one ear. "...do I detect a note of discontent to my maiden fair's lovely voice? What oh what could the problem be, I do wonder!" Then he snapped his fingers with an evil smirk. "Ah! Not enough tongue. Gotta fix that," he started bowing towards my nose again, mouth open and tongue snaking in and out of it.
A clamped a hand over his whole face and shoved him back, grumbling, "Dork."
"Mm-hm!" he hummed, kissing my palm before freeing his head from my grasp. "And proudly so!"
We reached the entrance and I pulled open one of the doors with my free hand, using the other to tug Lea over the threshold. Once inside, I directed him off to one side so we wouldn't be in other people's way before pulling us both to a complete stop. His head pivoted to and fro curiously, even though the black strip of cloth was still covering his eyes. Then he sniffed the air, "...popcorn?" He cocked one eyebrow then pointed to his blindfold, silently requesting permission.
I bit down on my bottom lip, chilly uncertainty spiking in my chest, tiny but sharp.
This was it.
The moment of truth.
Time to find out if this had been a halfway decent plan or if I should just be crawling under a rock already to die of embarrassment over what a pathetic idea my useless brain had come up with.
I gave him a tentative nod. A full two seconds ticked by before I remembered he couldn't see it. Reaching up to squeeze at my braid, I voiced a small, "Yes."
He untied and removed it, blinking a couple times as his eyes adjusted to the light. Then he glanced around, taking it all in: the massive lobby we stood in now with its walls regally embellished with gold, curly trim. The plush red carpet beneath our feet leading to a wide, old-timey looking concession stand that looked like it'd been yanked straight out of the 50s. The noisy, vintage popcorn maker behind it, paired with a retro yet newly-polished soda pop machine. The black-and-white posters lining the walls boasting popular movies from various decades long past. He squinted at one of those in particular, right between Giantland on its left and Mickey's Circus to its right. "Classic Kingdom Theater?" he read off slowly.
"Mm," I hummed in confirmation, giving my braid one final yank before releasing it and instead fidgeting with the pendent on my necklace. "It's a movie theater, but not a normal one. It only screens old films. Every week, they pick a few from a certain decade to play. This week is the 90s which is apparently the cut-off for what they'll consider a classic, but some weeks they'll have movies from as far back as the 30s."
"This is… How did I not know about this place?" his forehead wrinkled as he glanced over his shoulder towards the glass doors that led back out onto the streets. Then his eyes widened slightly as a lightbulb seemingly flashed in his brain. "Wait… we aren't on Conduit Way. Which means we're… hang on, gimme a sec, I know this place..." Another pause as his eyes swept the room with a thoughtful frown before he tapped the side of his fist into his palm. "Got it. This used to be that defunct and abandoned tram lot warehouse."
Nodding, I said, "It only had its grand opening a little less than a month ago. Apparently some local billionaire bought the place and renovated it into this." I smiled softly, "Looks like there's someone who might quite possibly like the classics more than you, if such a thing is even possible."
"Local billionaire, huh?" he rubbed his chin. "Not a lotta those running around. Betcha it's the same one that owns Le Grand Bistrot."
"And Ice Palace too, I think," I agreed. Then I hesitated, licking my dry lips. "...so… what do you think? ...do you… like it? I hope you like it. I mean, you should like it." I blanched at my word choice, then hastily amended, "N-not that I'm telling you what you should or shouldn't like, I just meant that you, uh… you like… movies." I winced, fingers fiddling with my necklace more frantically. "Of course you like movies. Duh, everyone likes movies. Wait… no, not everyone exactly, I suppose, that's a bit of a broad generalization…"
Please like it.
"...but what I'm trying to say is that you in particular… you like the sappy classics. Although…" I frowned, tucking in my bottom lip,"...not even sure if they're showing anything sappy this week… but they're still classics, so that's something at least, right? Something you'll… like? Hopefully? Or… was this a bad idea?"
Please be happy.
" ...what am I saying, of course this was a bad idea," I was quick to answer my own question, saving him the trouble. "Such a bad, awful, uninspired idea. I should have come up with something else. Something to do with… dogs! Because you love dogs. I should have taken you to a dog… show. Yes, a dog show. Or… or a toy show, or a… car show? Because you like your car, so you'd like a car show, right? Do they even host car shows in Twilight Town? If they don't, then something else to do with cars, like… go-karts! Yeah, we could've gone to Disney Town Speedway or-"
Lea's hand cupped the nape of my neck, yanking me forward and shutting me up by otherwise occupying my mouth with his.
...fudge, I'd been doing it again, hadn't I? The whole anxiety-fueled rambling thing?
Lea had learned fairly early on in our budding relationship that sometimes this was the only way he could get a word in edgewise.
I gripped at the front of his shirt and he inhaled deeply before finally pulling away, but only by about an inch so he could press his forehead to mine. His fingers brushing my bangs behind one ear, he murmured, "You're right. It was a huge mistake bringing me here."
My heart plummeted and I stared hard down at my feet. I knew it. This had been such a dumb idea. Stupid, stupid, stupid-
"Cuz now that I know this place exists, I'm gonna be dragging ya here all the time. So when you inevitably get sick of it, just remember this is all your fault."
My eyes snapped up to meet his, which were crinkling at the corners. "...really? You… actually like it?"
"Like? No. I love it. Thank you for bringing me here, couldn't think of a better way to kick off my birthday," he pressed his lips to the tip of my nose. Then he straightened up, lacing our fingers together with a big grin and tugging me towards where tickets could be purchased. "Now c'mon, let's go find out what flicks you're treating me to."
I snorted, arching an eyebrow, "Wow, you're going to actually let me pay for you for once?"
He chuckled, "Course! Today is Lea Day after all and on this most blessed and holy of days, you're supposta spoil me rotten! Plus, I'm yo date and like I told ya before, I ain't a cheap one. You'll see that for yourself soon enough when we head on over to concessions. Now let's have a look at our options here…" he scrutinized the movie listings overhead. "Clueless… The Sandlot… Oo, Edward Scissorhands…"
I watched him as he idly rattled off a few more movie titles, slightly tipping my head to one side.
...he'd meant it… right?
He actually liked that I'd surprised him with this? He wasn't just saying that to calm me down or so that I wouldn't feel bad? I mean, I guess I never really could be sure when it came to stuff like this and I'd just have to learn accept that and take people's words for it, but-
"Holy shit, The Mummy with Brendan Fraser?! Oh hell yeah!" he excitedly tugged at my hand several times, pointing. "Babe, that's it! That's the one!"
...okay, I actually think I could be pretty sure in this case he was being genuine.
Don't think it would be possible to fake that much enthusiasm for a cheesy action-fantasy blockbuster from the 90s.
A pleasant tingle bubbled inside my chest and I couldn't hide my growing smile as I stepped forward to buy our tickets.
Guess I could consider the morning birthday activity a success.
Now to hope I would do even just half as well on the birthday present later.
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We actually managed to squeeze in seeing two movies, considering we'd gotten there early enough in the morning. Good thing too seeing as how I don't think I would have gotten much say in the matter anyway, not with the way Lea had all but dragged me into Groundhog Day once he'd found out I'd never seen it after we'd exited the first movie. By the time we were finally leaving the theater, it was getting close to 1PM - perfect for lunch. Not that we were starving. We'd both filled up plenty on popcorn and candy, Lea especially. But now we could get something more substantial in our stomachs, or so I'd told him. Thus once we were on the road again, I couldn't help a tiny smile as I checked my phone and confirmed we were right on schedule for-
"Turning off Mako Lane onto Avalanche Street, huh? Must mean it's time for the surprise b-day bash Xion and Rox planned for me at 7th Heaven," Lea clapped and rubbed his hands together, a smirk emerging beneath where the blindfold was tied firmly in place once more.
I heaved a low sigh through my nose but chuckled as I steered his car into the parking lot. "You know what? I'm not even going to fight it anymore. Just please at least try and act surprised when we get inside?"
"Always do!" he flashed his pearly whites.
After pulling his car into a parking space close to the bar and shutting down the engine, we both climbed out. I went to the trunk first, pulling out the present I'd gotten for him - a tall box covered in ice cream print gift wrap. I'd snuck it back there earlier this morning after the blindfold had first been donned. Holding it against my hip, I then took Lea's hand in mine and led him towards 7th Heaven, carefully guiding him up those wooden steps onto the wraparound patio and through the front entrance.
"Golly gee, I wonder where it is you've taken me now, El, cuz I really haven't the foggiest!" Lea announced as we walked in, delivering the line loudly and with all the emotion and believability of cardboard.
My eyelids drooped at him before I shook my head and glanced around. Gosh, Lea had a lot of friends, all of them gathered here right now, shushing each other and struggling to stifle their giggles as they watched us step further into the room. Saïx could even be seen off to one side of the group, looking positively pleased as punch (not) at being included in the festivities - guess his brother's birthday was one of those three days a year he begrudgingly endured daylight. I also spotted Anna and Kristoff, his arm draped around her shoulders as she excitedly yet quietly waved to me from the crowd. It came as little surprise to see Riku and Rayne next to them, along with Kairi and Sora.
And of course, standing front and center of the small mob were the masterminds and orchestrators of this little shindig themselves: Xion and Roxas. I glanced towards them, arching one eyebrow in silent question. Both grinning ear to ear, they nodded their heads rapidly, giving me the okay. Temporarily setting my gift down on the nearest table, I then moved behind Lea and reached up to undo his blindfold. Just as I slipped it off him and his eyes fluttered open-
"SURPRISE!" erupted from every corner of the room accompanied by party blowers and poppers, filling the air with a whole rainbow of streamers and confetti.
Lea dramatically clutched at his chest with both hands, gasped and made choking noises, then fell over backwards, collapsing to the floor with a loud THUMP!
I blinked, then squeezed my eyes shut and hung my head with a sigh, pressing my fingertips to the spot between my eyebrows.
For the love of… I'd said to act surprised, you big doofus, not like you'd had a friggin' heart attack.
As everyone else around us devolved into laughter and chatter, Roxas's shoulders sagged and he groaned, "Goddamn it, Lea, you knew again?!"
Xion glared at his prone form, stomping over towards him. "This happens every year, you stupid jerk!" she huffed, kicking his foot with hers.
"Rude!" Lea harrumphed, sitting up and crossing his arms as he shot a flat look up at her. "Is that anyway to treat your friend who just suffered cardiac arrest, not to mention is the birthday boy?"
She threw up her hands, so done with him as she turned to walk away, "That's it! No more surprise birthday parties for you since you always ruin them!"
"What?!" He scrambled to stand now and chase after her, "Aw, but I love surprise parties!"
"How would you know, seeing as you've never really had one? Not one that's actually surprised you, anyway," Xion grumbled as she rejoined Roxas and matched the pouty scowl he was shooting at Lea for the double whammy.
"C'mon, kiddos, ya almost had me this year, I swear! No doubt you'll get me good next birthday, I'm sure of it!" Lea did his best to placate them, but judging by the zero change to their sour expressions, they were unmoved. He chuckled sheepishly, rubbing at the nape of his neck for a second before his face brightened as he seemed to recall something. "Hey! Guess who turned up?" he asked them as his hand dove into the pocket of his skinny jeans, pulling out-
"Amelia Earhart!" Roxas's eyes immediately lit up on seeing the troll doll emerge.
Seriously?! Okay, no, I still wasn't buying it. This had to be a bit. The three of them had to have planned the whole silly thing at my expense. There was no way that thing was actually named Amelia Earhart.
"You finally managed to rescue her from the Bermuda Triangle!" Xion laughed, taking the little toy from him.
"Actually, it was El." Just as I had my gift for him in hand once more, he reached back towards me to snag my other hand and tug me forward to join the three of them. Smiling down at me, he went on, "She fearlessly braved the dreaded unknown beneath my car seat, sticking her hand under there and risking life and literal limb to bring our tiny, intrepid heroine home and-" He abruptly stopped mid-sentence, seemingly noticing for the first time that I was carrying something. "Hey, what's that?"
Holding it behind me and out of his sight, I asked innocently, "What's what?"
"You know what," he smirked as he stepped closer to me, bringing us toe-to-toe and invading my personal bubble while he tried to reach around my side for it. "The thing you're hiding behind your back. The suspiciously birthday present shaped thing."
I stretched my arm away, keeping it out of his reach as I grinned back at him, teasing, "Well if it looks like a present and is shaped like a present…"
Crooked smirk twitching wider, he caught me around the waist with one arm, pulling me up against him - all the better to reach the cheerfully wrapped box with, of course. I don't think he was trying all that hard however, not really. His arms were easily longer than mine, so if he really wanted the thing he should've had no problem getting it. And yet I was able to keep it out of his grasp. He didn't seem to mind, his eyes hooding and his lips a breath away from mine as he murmured, "But I thought the blindfold was your gift to me."
I snorted softly at that. "Really? What kind of gift would that be?"
"A fantastic one. Or so you'll find out later tonight," his eyebrows slyly bounced.
"It certainly doesn't take much to make you happy," I crinkled my nose at him, one corner of my mouth curving up.
"It really doesn't," he agreed, pressing a lingering kiss to the hollow where my neck met my shoulder that left a little tingle in its wake while at the same time his hand casually reached for the present again. "Now gimme."
An audible gag at our antics - courtesy of Roxas - reminded me that we weren't alone. As Xion sniggered, I cleared my throat, disentangled myself from Lea's grip and took a step back. "You'll just have to wait and open it up with the rest of your gifts later."
"Happy birthday, Lea!" Anna suddenly appeared at my side, clinging to my arm with a giggle and almost making me drop the present.
"You're getting old, Red! How's that social security treatin' ya?" Rayne beamed cheekily as she latched onto my other arm, which did make me drop it. She was quick to catch it for me however and once I had it back, I hugged it protectively to my chest.
Lea scoffed, "I'm not old, ya twerps, I'm-"
"Decrepit, we know!" Roxas supplied, barely ducking in time as Lea took a swat at him and coming back up with an impish gleam in his eye. "Now grab your walker and c'mon, ya old coot, cuz it's time you make your rounds and receive all your birthday punches!"
Fingers waggling as his hands reached for the precious cargo in my arms once more, Lea said, "Be with ya in just a sec, I just wanna-"
Xion stepped forward, putting herself between him and his coveted prize, "But you're the guest of honor! You can't leave all your adoring fans hanging like that, for shame!" She shoved the troll doll into his face, "Amelia and her glorious flamingo hair judge you!"
He snerked at that, brushing the toy aside. "Amelia should learn not to get her non-existent lil panties in such a twist."
The troll immediately snapped back up, nose to teeny, plastic nose with him now as Xion coaxed in a light singsong, "Come with us. You know you want to. You'll be the center of attention." She gave the thing a slight wiggle for emphasis.
"...I do love being the center of attention," he slowly, almost begrudgingly allowed as he glanced past her, still eyeing the gift in my hands.
"We know ya do, big guy," Roxas slugged his shoulder - the first of the aforementioned birthday punches, perhaps? "And just think… the sooner the whole meet-and-greet is done, the sooner there can be cake!"
That caught Lea's full attention. "Cake, you say?"
"Mm-hm! Your favorite, bud: strawberry and sea salt ice cream cake!"
"Well, why didn't ya say so? Musn't keep my public waiting!" Turning to the face everyone else in the bar, Lea grinned big, threw out his arms wide and called out, "Who here's ready to celebrate the birthday boy?!"
The crowd cheered as he strode forward, disappearing into the throng with Roxas hot on his heels. Xion shot me a tiny wink before she went after them. Anna and Rayne - still hooked to either of my elbows - laughed as they spun all three of us around into a rather sloppy about-face and all but charged us towards the presents table, me stumbling to keep up with them.
Once I'd deposited mine with the others, I glanced around 7th Heaven with a small smile. "The place looks great. Do we have it all to ourselves?"
"Yup!" Rayne said brightly as she handed Anna what looked to be a big box of party favors to unpack and distribute. "We've rented it out for the rest of the day and beyond. Trust me, this party is gonna be going until the wee hours of the night."
I crossed my arms as I continued to take it all in. "Roxas and Xion really did a wonderful job with everything."
She quirked an eyebrow at that with an odd little smirk. "Did they now? Like what?"
My head tipped to one side. "Um… well, like the-" I was interrupted by a squeal of delight from Anna, who'd just finished opening the box. She pulled out a brightly colored conical hat with a tinsel poof at the top and swiftly put it on my head. Wincing as the elastic snapped under my chin, I then pointed up at the thing, "Like the birthday hats?"
"I brought those," Rayne grinned, seemingly pleased that they were already such a hit.
"Oh? Well, then the streamers and par-" once again, I got cut off, this time by Anna shoving a party horn in my mouth that furled out and whistled. Rolling my eyes at my sister as she bit back a snerk, I removed the thing and finished, "Party blowers."
"Me as well," Rayne declared chipperly yet also somewhat distractedly as she started rearranging the presents into a more aesthetically pleasing display.
My brow furrowed, then I looked around the room again. "...the decorations?" I asked, pointing to where the giant, prismatic cut-out letters declaring "Happy Birthday!" were strung up across the back wall, surrounded by dancing fairy lights.
"Me yet again."
"Huh… guess that'd explain that one then," I gestured towards where another string of letters were hung, these ones spelling out "It's a boy!" Seemingly as a last minute afterthought, a sheet of bright red construction paper had been taped up between "a" and "boy" with the word "birthday" scrawled across it in sharpie.
Rayne shrugged, patting her swollen tummy, "Bought that before we knew jellybean here was a girl. Had to find some use for the thing!"
A low huff of amusement escaped my nose before I shook my head. "So why did you end up being prime party planner?"
"Why else?" she chuckled. "Practice for my own baby's future birthday parties! I volunteered and Xion and Rox were only too happy to let me take over."
I snorted as Anna continued to pile party favors on me. I was now also sporting several cheap, beaded necklaces, some glow-in-the-dark bracelets, and a pair of comically large sunglasses with lenses that were almost as big as my head. I was basically a walking advertisement for a party store at this point. When Anna had been given the job of distribution, I somehow got the feeling she wasn't supposed to distribute all of it to me. Ignoring her for the time being, I said to Rayne, "I don't think throwing a party for your kid and throwing a party for Lea are quite the same thing. Not unless you're planning on giving birth to a fully grown, twenty-six year old man."
She pulled a face at that. "First of all, ouch. Painful. Don't even joke about that. Second of all, pffft, you. Trynta act like your man isn't basically an oversized toddler."
"Hey!" I tried to be indignant for my boyfriend. But then my lips pursed to one side, "...alright no, that's fair." Then I frowned slightly, "Why didn't you tell me you were organizing the whole thing? I could have helped."
"Don't worry about it!" Rayne brushed off. "You had your hands full with keeping him busy for the first half of the day."
"Yeah, keeping him busy," Anna echoed, suggestively waggling her eyebrows as she slipped a "Party Girl" plastic headband onto my head behind the birthday hat.
I narrowed my eyes at my sister. I think the humongous sunglasses made it lose its impact however. "I took him to the movies."
"Is that what the kids are calling it nowadays?" Rayne sniggered with a wicked smirk. "Well I'll be taking Riku to the movies," she made air quotes with her fingers, "later tonight, if ya know what I'm saying. Taking him to the movies all night long."
TMI, Rayne. TMI.
"What about the movies?" Riku (speak of the devil) grinned at his wife as he walked past carrying a box of what would presumably be more party supplies, slowing to a stop beside her.
"Nothing, hon. You'll find out later," she winked at him, planting a kiss on his lips.
A slow grin spread across his face as he murmured back, "Alright, looking forward to it." Then he turned to call back over his shoulder, "Hey! Am I the only one working on getting all this stuff inside?"
Sora suddenly came running past carrying a box almost as big as he was, huffing and puffing out a hasty, "Sorry!"
"And you're just as lazy as he is," Riku grumbled to Kairi as she came in next with two smaller boxes, one stacked on top of the other.
"So you noticed!" she giggled as she too jogged past him, spotting the top box was about to topple off and shifting her hand up to steady it as she went.
Rolling his eyes, Riku just readjusted his grip on the container he was carrying so he could secure a better hold on it before following after the other two.
"I see you've put the hubby and the hubby's friends to work," I snorted dryly as I watched them go, before turning my attention on my roomie once more. "Did Xion and Roxas actually end up doing anything to help with party prep?"
"They usually take care of it all in previous years, just this time they were nice enough to let me be in charge of everything so I could get as much birthday planning experience as possible! I wanna be the mom that throws the best parties!" She paused thoughtfully for a moment then. "They did pick the place though," she gestured around the pub, "and also helped blow up all the balloons."
"I brought the cake!" Anna happily announced as she tried to press a "Make a wish!" sticker to my cheek. My hand caught her wrist, stopping her in her tracks as I drooped my eyelids at her.
Had to draw the line somewhere.
"No, I brought the cake," Kristoff abruptly appeared at her shoulder to correct her. Come to think of it, strawberry and sea salt ice cream cake did sound like something that could probably be custom ordered from the Ice Palace. He playfully grinned down at her, "You I had to keep from eating the thing on the whole ride over."
Anna gave an offended gasp, "Hey! So not true!" One side of her mouth lifted as she threw up her dukes before him, "Them's fightin' words, buddy!"
He grunted out a laugh as she socked his shoulder. "Woah there, Feisty Pants. Easy," he caught her fists, one in each of his hands, and used his hold to spin her around so he was now hugging her from behind.
"I helped," Anna insisted with a halfhearted pout.
"You most certainly did. You helped by successfully not eating the cake before we could get it here," he agreed, pressing his lips to her cheek. She cracked a smile then, seemingly mollified.
"Today's the day, Tifa!" Lea's voice suddenly cut through the hubbub of the festivities all around us. We turned as the crowd parted to reveal the redhead, cocky smirk twisting his lips as he thrusted a finger towards the person standing across the table from him, none other than Tifa herself. "That bottomless ale for a year is mine!"
She chuckled, cracking her knuckles. "Don't think I'll go easy on you just cuz it's your birthday, beanpole."
"Would never expect ya to," he shot back as he threw himself down into a chair, slamming his elbow on the table and holding his hand up, fingers curled and smirk widening.
"What's that all about?" Anna asked quietly as a hush fell over the room. She'd set to work on getting Kristoff all decked out now in birthday finery, complete with stickers. Surprisingly (or maybe not really) he let her.
"Tifa - the woman he's challenging - owns the bar and has a deal going where if you can beat her at arm wrestling, you get your drink of choice free of charge for a whole year," I whispered back, not taking my eyes off the two contenders.
"Really?" Anna's lips formed a tiny 'o' as she paused mid-snapping a hat onto her boyfriend's head. Then she glanced back towards Tifa. "...wouldn't that put her out of business?"
Rayne made a noise through her nose that was somewhere between a snerk and a scoff. "Please. The woman hasn't lost to a challenger yet."
"Hafta warn ya," Lea was telling his opponent now as she settled into the seat opposite the table from him, "I've been doing extra reps at the gym. Gotta new trainer too. Name's Phil… perhaps you've heard of him?" The last part came out a touch smug.
"That old, washed-up has-been? You should demand your munny back," she flashed a half-grin as her elbow planted on the table as well and she clasped his hand with hers. "You sure about this? Not too late to back out. Hate to make a grown man cry on his birthday."
He barked out a laugh at that. "It's my party and I'll cry if I want to. 'Sides, it's a matter of manly pride to me at this point. You're going down, girl. Now go!"
That, my friends, had been the sound of Tifa taking a grand total of zero-point-three seconds to totally and utterly obliterate Lea's "manly pride.".
"Better luck next time, beanpole," Tifa winked as she stood up, dusted her hands together and walked away.
"Crap, can't believe ya'd humiliate a guy like that on his birthday of all days!" he called after her, sulking and hissing through his teeth as he shook some blood flow back into his hand.
His moping was short-lived however as Roxas and Xion rolled out the ginormous cake a minute later. The customary song was sung, the candles were blown out, and presumably a wish was made. Then slices were divvied out, Lea of course happily taking the largest piece whereas I opted for what was quite possibly the smallest, given that I still wasn't exactly sea salt ice cream's number one fan. I will admit however, the strawberries helped.
Shortly after that, karaoke started up. And shockingly, I may or may not have been the one to get the karaoke ball rolling. Willingly, no less! It'd even been my own idea, no one had to drag me up there or anything this time! Perhaps taking part in Wicked has gotten me more comfortable with performing on stage. Or maybe that college acting course I was taking with Lea now was already starting to work its magic on me. True, the semester had only just begun and we were just a couple classes into it, but hey… every little bit helped, didn't it?
In any case, I went with a song I'd picked out especially for this occasion and especially with Lea in mind… Jodi Benson's Happy Birthday, Princess. I thought it suited Lea quite perfectly actually as I smirked over the mic at where he sat in the audience, cheering me on. Of course once I was done, I was quick to exit the stage to avoid any sort of encore performance.
One song was enough for lil ol' awkward, misanthropic me, thanks.
But still… baby steps. I count this as a win.
From the relative safety of the back of the room, I watched as several more people took their turns at the mic next, each with varying degrees of success. As I now fought a small smile watching Anna lug Kristoff up to karaoke so he could sing Ain't No Mountain High Enough with her, I felt arms slip around to encircle my waist from behind while a faint but familiar boyish cinnamon scent reached my nose. "So here's where my lil hermit disappeared to after her big number, hiding tucked away in a dark corner," Lea's voice murmured against my ear, his breath tickling a bit.
My hands covered his as I leaned back slightly, settling comfortably into his chest. "I wouldn't say hiding so much as… enjoying the ambiance."
"Mm," I felt more than heard his hum of acknowledgement as he rested his chin atop my head. "Why're you all by yourself? Where are Raindrop and Riku?"
"They slipped off a few minutes ago in the direction of the restrooms." My face scrunched up a tad. "There's a good chance they've locked themselves in one and are making out like a pair of hormonal teenagers in it."
"Shit, they beat us to the punch," he chuckled and I elbowed him in the ribs for the comment, which only seemed to make him laugh harder. "Can't believe they left ya alone like this though. They're fired, let's find ya some new friends to hang out with."
I smiled, knowing he was only joking. "I'm good, thanks. Anna and Kristoff will be done and back in just a few minutes anyway."
His fingers idly played with mine, weaving and unweaving them only to weave them together again. "Aw c'mon, lemme help ya find a new posse, it'll be fun! Lessee, who do we got here…?" He used his hold around my middle to pivot us both, forcing my gaze away from where Anna was having no shame getting overly flirty with her lines on stage which in turn was causing Kristoff to get all flustered and horribly butcher his half of the song. I instead glanced about the room now, which was still quite packed - I think even more people had shown up since we'd arrived. Many were faces I recognized from Friday night drinks or laser tag or just from around the mall in general. There were also several that were unfamiliar to me sprinkled in amongst the rest.
It was one such stranger that Lea now directed my view towards with a, "Ah-ha! How 'bout that guy? Mr Broody McBrood Face over there with the blonde, spiky hair doing the cool-mystery-guy lean against the bar. That's Cloud. He and Tifa go waaaaay back.
"And that other dude that he's angrily eye fucking from the across the bar?" He steered us now to look at said dude. "The one with the long, white Fabio locks and looks like the whole Halloween Town store threw up on him? That's Sephiroth, or Sephy for short - take note, he's a real huge fan o' that nickname. Anyhoo, the two of 'em are locked in an eternal battle to be the one true champion supreme over Darkness."
I blinked. "...Darkness?"
Now Lea turned us to face the pub's small arcade section. "Name of one of the pinball machines over there. Those knuckleheads are always fighting over who holds the high score. Currently, Sephy is top dog on the scoreboards, so he's standing guard to make sure Cloud doesn't steal the number one spot out from under his nose. Yeah, they take that game way too seriously… so whaddya say, do they sound like prime bestie material for ya or what?"
"Or what," I wrinkled my nose and shook my head. "Think I'll pass."
"Alright, not your cup of tea, got it. Maybe this next bunch will be more your speed. See that gang over there, butting heads with Hayner, Olette, and Pence?" He swept me around to point me in another direction now, causing a tiny laugh to escape me. I spotted four people - a guy (who appeared to be the leader) with a scar across his face and wearing a beanie engaged in what looked to be a rather heated debate with Hayner, a girl with red eyes and half her face hidden behind bangs, a tan muscle-bound guy, and… well, I really couldn't make out whatever the deal was with the fourth one. Not with that large coat they were practically drowning in and the large brimmed hat shrouding their face.
"That's Seifer and crew," Lea went on to explain. "Or the Dusk Town Center Disciplinary Committee, aka the fancy lil title they gave themselves that basically means glorified mall security. Don't let the sneers fool ya tho, they're a real sweet lot… all warm and friendly-like. You'll fit right in with 'em!"
"Shut your mouth, chicken wuss!" Seifer suddenly shouted as he grabbed Hayner by the front of the shirt, who shoved him away with a snarl.
"Oh yeah… super friendly..." I deadpanned. "Not sure they're exactly my crowd though."
He gave a low chuckle, his arms tightening around my waist. "No? Dang, thought they'd be a shoe-in for sure. Hmm, who here can meet your impossibly high standards?" he teased. I would've reached back to tickle him for that remark if it weren't for his fingers gently squeezing mine now, holding them captive. He then turned us to face an occupied booth across the way.
"Got it this time for sure! That guy right there is Tarzan. He works over at that jungle-themed café at the mall. And the chick he's with? His girlfriend, Jane. She's hella smart, like step-aside-Einstein-there's-a-new-brainiac-in-town kinda smart. She's an anthro major over at Twilight U. Dunno what that girl sees in her neanderthal boyfriend. Don't get me wrong, he's nice and all, but dude's a total ape. Seriously, I legit think he was raised by gorillas." As if on cue, the man in long dreads grinned and proceeded to stand and beat his chest with his fists, cracking up the brunette he was sitting with. "See? See?" Lea pressed triumphantly.
I snorted softly as I watched the couple. "They do actually look kind of sweet… but no thanks. Wouldn't want to be a third wheel."
"Fine then, guess there's just no pleasin' ya, Lil Miss Wallflower," he cooed, nuzzling his nose into my cheek. I squirmed, closing one eye against it as I fought a grin. "If making friends is off the table, we'll just hafta find something else for ya to do. Hmm… oh! You can come sing a duet with me!"
"Sorry," I shook my head, "but I've already performed my one song for the day."
"What?! Aw man, I didn't know it was a one-and-done kinda deal, no fair!" I could hear the pout coloring his words. "C'mon, I love your voice. Just one more for me? You can't deny me on Lea Day, that's sacrilege!"
An amused huff escaped me. "I think I'll take my chances."
"The impudence! You're lucky you're so cute, otherwise there'd be a reckoning," he gave a halfhearted harrumph. Then, "Fine, ya don't gotta sing. Just come up on stage with me while I devote a love ballad to you."
"No thanks."
Ugh, so cheesy.
I could already feel my face warming at the very idea.
"C'mon, it'll be romantic. Let me serenade you," his voice dropped low as he started trailing light kisses down the side of my neck.
Well… I guess maybe… one lil song wouldn't h-
Hold it!
Oh-ho, no. Nu-uh. Nice try, bucko, but you're not going to get me that way!
"And I'm sure it'll be just as romantic if you serenade me while I'm sitting at a table in the audience," I said sweetly back.
A chuckle hummed in his throat. "Alright then, have it your way," he released me so he could spin me around and plant a smooch to my forehead. There was a wicked gleam in his eye now. Perhaps it should have set off warning alarms in my head.
But it didn't.
"Just remember… you asked for it," he smirked and winked before disappearing into the crowd in the direction of the karaoke stage.
Maybe his parting words should have filled me with a sense of dread and foreboding.
But they didn't.
Ah, what a naive little fool I was. It's true what they say. Ignorance really is bliss.
Anna and Kristoff soon finished their song and I clapped with everyone else as they stepped off the stage, making their way back towards me. It was just as we were finding an empty table that my blissful ignorance was shattered and tragedy struck.
It struck in the form of Lea's voice coming through the overhead speakers singing, "Oh-oh-oh-oo-OOH!" to the opening notes of Lady Gaga's Bad Romance.
My face paled, my spine snapped rigid, and I whipped around to see him standing on the karaoke stage now with the cordless mic up to his lips. He made direct eye contact with me and flashed a wide cheshire grin as he kept crooning away at the song's intro, beckoning me with a crook of his finger. It seemed my presence was requested on stage.
I gulped, rapidly shook my head and crossed my arms as I sat down in my chair with more force than intended.
Nu-uh. No way. Not on your life, pal.
He was undeterred. In fact, his toothy grin only broadened as he hopped down off the stage, singing the gaga-ooh-la-la's now as he came charging straight across the bar towards me.
So I, of course, did the only logical and mature thing I could do in response.
I squeaked and scrambled to try and hide under the table.
Problem solving at its finest.
Unfortunately, I wasn't quick enough and he'd snagged my wrist before I could safely get under full cover. As he dragged me back out into the open, I snapped, "You said it would be romantic! This song is not romantic!"
"You lost your chance at romance when ya refused to come on stage with me, babydoll! Now suffer for the birthday boy!" he cackled as he pressed me back down into my chair. I tried to stand up again, but his hand on my shoulder held me firmly in my seat. Then he raised the mic to his mouth once more, picking the lyrics back up as if he'd never been interrupted in the first place and started to dance around me in a way that was… hrm… how shall I put this? ...provocative, but... so exaggerated to the point of extreme silliness and absolutely absurdity. As people around us started clapping in time with the music with whoops and whistles, I looked down and buried my face in my hands.
Don't worry, I wasn't feeling mortified…
...merely homicidal.
I was seriously going to murder him for this.
But no. I couldn't. Not today. Not on his birthday, of all days. Surely, I could give him a pass, just this once.
I'd slaughter him tomorrow instead.
That's right, yuck it up while you can, you giant dork. Your days are numbered.
Also, I didn't know whether to be disturbed or impressed by the fact that he seemed to know this song by heart and didn't need that little karaoke TV to remind him what the next line was going to be.
As the chorus began now, he straddled my legs for a crude approximation of what might be considered in the very absolute loosest sense of the term a lap dance. He whipped his free arm around over his head - oh gosh, was that dope doing The Lasso? - and Anna managed to wheeze out between her peels of laughter, "Oh my gawd, just how friggin' hammered is he?"
"Pretty sure he hasn't touched a single drop yet," I turned my head away from Lea, bringing up a hand to shield my face as I pretended I was anywhere but here right now.
"You mean this is him sober?!" she busted up all over again and nearly fell out of her chair, clinging to Kristoff's arm for support.
Any retort I might've made to that was swiftly forgotten as Lea, still singing away, spun around to give me a front row, up close and personal seat to his gyrating rear end. Rolling my eyes, I used both hands to shove the thing out of my face. A sharp gasp from Anna had me looking at her again. Swallowing splutters and snerks, she chided, "Sis, behave yourself! You're in public!" She tsked, still struggling to keep a straight face. "Groping a guy like that, so unladylike… what would Mom and Dad say?"
I blinked. What was she even-?
Oh god.
I basically, technically, for all intents and purposes and with the whole world to bear witness (or at the very least, the whole bar)... had just grabbed my boyfriend's butt.
Okay. Now I was mortified.
Thanks a lot, hands. You little harlots, you… you… jezebels, you-
Annnnd now Lea had flopped over backwards on top of our table. Just where exactly was he going with this next? Did I even want to know? I mean, really?
Whether I did or not, it seemed I had little choice in the matter. It was kind of like a scene out of a classic black-and-white film, where a sultry bombshell in a slinky dress would be stretched out seductively on top of a piano while sing-schmoozing the pianist. Except there was a table instead of a piano, Lea instead of the bombshell, leaving me as the sing-schmoozing recipient.
All still to Bad Romance, mind you.
Which is just every girl's dream, am I right, ladies?
My eyelids drooped as I fixed him with a dull stare. I was determined to not give him anything. Zero reaction. Zilch. Nothing. There was a tiny gleam to his eyes now as they crinkled, sending a clear message: Challenge accepted. In the end, it actually didn't take much to break my resolve. Just him hooking a finger into my necklace, drawing me close so he could "whisper" (if it could even be called that, considering the mic was still broadcasting his singing) into my ear the lyrics, "You know that I want you… and you know that I need you… I want it bad, your bad romance."
That's when it happened.
A mutinous little snort rushed out my nostrils. Then I was cracking up laughing and shoving his face away. Beaming in victory, he hopped up off the table to resume singing and dancing around me like an idiot. And for the record, he seemed to take way too much delight in the parts of the song where he got to shout, "I'm a free bitch, baby!"
The buffoonery thankfully only lasted another minute or two before the song came to an end. After he gave several flourishing bows to the loud round of applause for his performance, Lea handed off the mic to someone else. I did not envy the next person up for karaoke who had to follow that act. Then Lea flashed a grin as he leaned over where I was still seated, bracing himself with a hand on the table. "Well now, I hope we learned our lesson!"
I crossed my arms, smirking up at him. "We most certainly did."
"Good. So next time I wanna serenade ya on the karaoke stage, you…" he trailed off, waiting for me to fill in the blank.
My smirk widened. "...barricade myself in the bathroom until the song is over."
He gave a soft pft at that. "It's adorable that ya think I couldn't just bust that door straight off its hinges and-"
"Lea! Get your ass over here!" Xion suddenly came bursting through the crowd, skidding to a stop in front of him with a giggle. "It's that time at last!"
He whipped his head towards her, blinking a couple times. "Huh?"
She snerked, "Don't gimme that dumb look! It's Present Time!"
His whole face lit up before he glanced towards me slyly. "Oh goody, and I know exactly whose I'm gonna open up first!"
My hands were already reaching to tug and twist at me braid as I frowned. "Or, uh… or maybe you could start with… some of the other gifts? That way-"
-I could secretly compare what other people had got him to what I'd got him and then-
"-you, um… you wouldn't be playing favorites! Yeah! And, er…"
-if I thought my present terrible by comparison, I could maybe covertly remove it from the pile and-
"...that just wouldn't be... fair! You know… to the other gifts!"
-sneak out, buy him something better, return and slip the new one into the stack with everyone here none the wiser, least of all Lea!
"...which might hurt their… their feelings! And you wouldn't want to go around hurting the other gifts' feelings, now would you?"
Wait, what was I going on about?
Ugh, mouth… I leave you unsupervised for two seconds and this is what I come back to?
Well, at least you tried. A for effort… No, you know what? C-minus. Do better next time.
Lea pressed his lips to my cheek and ruffled my bangs. "Well, all the other presents will just hafta put on their big boy pants and suck it up," he playfully teased before going with Xion to where his treasure horde awaited him. I grimaced slightly before slowly following behind.
Most of the partygoers had already gathered in a circle around the present table. I squeezed into a spot between my sister and (a somewhat disheveled but thoroughly satisfied-looking) Rayne. The chatter around us was shushed as Lea approached the small mountain of colorfully wrapped boxes. He immediately zeroed in on mine, yanking it out and raising it high over his head to be met with cheers from the whole room. Then he held it up to his ear, giving it a little shake and arching his eyebrow with a grin.
Oh gosh, what if he didn't like it?
I mean, I'd felt so… so sure when I'd first laid eyes on it. So confident in my decision when I'd made the purchase. So certain as I'd wrapped it, zero doubt in my mind that he'd absolutely love it - which was so out of character for one such as myself who'd second guessed every gift decision I'd ever made in my entire life. Well, now I was second guessing this one too. Up until a minute ago, it'd seemed so perfect. But now all of a sudden, it just seemed so… so stupid and-
-and oh god, he was ripping it open!
I couldn't watch!
My hands flew up to cover my eyes.
Ahhhhh, much better! Now I had absolutely no clue what was going on!
...except now I had absolutely no clue what was going on. Oh dear, had he finished removing all the wrapping paper? Had he opened the box? Was he looking inside this very second? What was his reaction? Was he happy? Confused? Indifferent? Underwhelmed? Disappointed? Crestfallen? So unimpressed by what a mundane, thoughtless gift it was to the point of taking offense and throwing it in the nearest trash can, lighting it on fire and- dear lord, not knowing what was going on was worse. So, so much more worse! Why wasn't he even saying anything? If he'd just say something, maybe I could at least get some sense of his-
"Holy shit."
...yeah, I didn't know what to do with that.
Was that a good "holy shit" or a bad "holy shit"?
Or maybe a wow-this-present-sucks-so-much-that-I'm-breaking-up-with-you "holy shit"?
Perhaps if he just said one more thing-
"Holy shit."
...preferably something else and that was maybe a bit more descriptive.
Ugh, screw it. I couldn't take this anymore.
I parted my fingers ever so slightly, just enough so I could peek between them. There he stood now with an action figure in molded plastic packaging in one hand while the other reached inside the open cardboard box on the table in front of him, still with bits of shredded gift wrap taped to it. Out came a second toy similar to the one he was already holding and just as brightly packaged. Other than both of his eyebrows reaching for his hairline, Lea's expression was unreadable as he glanced from one to the other.
"He's part of a set," someone suddenly blurted out.
Took me a second to realize it was me.
As Lea's gaze locked on mine, I bit my bottom lip and wrung my hands together for a second. Then, "Bubbles, I mean. He's… They're… all of them together, that is... they make a set." I hesitated for another beat before finally stepping forward to reach inside the cardboard box, pulling out the third and final one so I could hold it up to him as well. Heart thudding in my ears, I hastily began to explain, "Besides the orca you already had, there's also robots for a great white shark, a dolphin and a whale shark. And they all have machine guns too!" I tacked on with a bit of nervous excitement, then frowned. "...for… some… bizarre reason." I shrugged, "Anyway, now you have them all. Bubbles has, er… has been reunited with his brothers! Or… sisters, maybe? I mean, far be it from me to assume the gender of a," I paused, squinting at the toy's packaging for a second and slowly reading off,"...royal sea dinosaur deformation robot." I wrinkled my nose. Yeesh, what a mouthful. Clearing my throat and suppressing a tiny grimace, I then uncertainly asked the question that I was dreading the answer to. "So… what do you think?"
Still, Lea said nothing, just pursed his lips to one side as he scrutinized the action figures again. But then he uttered one single, solitary word. "Riptide."
I blinked. "Uh…?"
...was that a good "riptide" or a bad "riptide"?
A smile broke out across his face now as he tapped a fingertip to the plastic encasing the one in my hands - the whale shark. "Riptide," he said again. Then he lifted the great white, his hand giving it a little wiggle, "And this one's Whirlpool."
Oh! He was naming them.
That was a good sign, right? Was the present a success? Had I done it? Had I achieved the dream?
"This is great, now the kiddos and I can play with 'em all together!" he laughed. "Xion will be Riptide, Rox Whirlpool, and I of course will control Bubbles."
One side of my mouth quirked up. "Then I guess that makes that one for Saïx," I nodded towards the dolphin.
"You kidding? Saïx wouldn't be caught dead playing with toy robots," Lea razzed his tongue in his brother's direction, whose only reply was to fix him with a dull stare. "Then again, who knows, once in a blue moon he might surprise us. In that case, he can borrow it, but only if he asks ya nicely first."
"Me?" I furrowed my brow at him.
His infamous dimple emerged. "Course! Cuz that's the one you'll normally play!"
"Oh." I'd been assigned one of the robots. Was it odd that that made me a teensy bit giddy? Trading him the whale shark for the dolphin, I inspected it with a small grin. "So what's this one's name then?"
My eyes snapped up to meet his again and I echoed incredulously, "Craig?"
He nodded firmly, "Mm-hm. Craig."
I cocked an eyebrow at him. "...so their names are Bubbles, Riptide, Whirlpool… and Craig."
"What? He looks like a Craig!" Lea defended.
"Don't be silly, how on earth could an aquatic robot toy possibly look like a-" I cut myself off as I glanced at the little figurine in my hands again. I blinked once, then twice. "...actually, he kind of does look like a Craig." My head tipped to one side with a thoughtful frown, "Huh."
Lea then hooked his finger under my chin, lifting it and drawing my attention back to him so he could kiss me before murmuring against my lips, "These are amazing, El, I love them. Thank you."
My face warmed as I bit back a small smile and nodded. "You're welcome. Glad you like them."
Tucking them all with care back into the big cardboard box, Lea called out, "And now, the show must go on! So lil time, so many presents to get through! Onward to the next tribute celebrating the greatness that is me! Minions!" he pointed to Roxas and Xion. "Bring me the next offering forthwith! Chop, chop!" he clapped his hands together twice.
They both just drooped their eyelids at him as Roxas deadpanned, "Yeah, no. Not happening."
"Ugh, fine! Guess the birthday boy's just gotta do everything himself!" Lea harrumphed before walking over to pluck the next gift from the top of the pile and thrusting it up above his head again for another round of cheers from everyone gathered to watch.
I observed for a while longer with everyone else as he gradually made his way through the stack. Amongst other things, he got a video game rated M for extreme violence, blood and gore from Roxas, a DVD box set for some series that looked old, sappy and right up Lea's alley from Xion, and a big, heavy hardcover book from Saïx that was difficult to discern from the title whether it was a novel or some sort of academic text. Lea quickly hid the flicker of a grimace at the last one, thanking his brother all the same. Towards the end as the heap began to dwindle, the crowd and press of people started to get to be a little too much for me and so I decided to slip outside for a few minutes for a quick breather. There were only a few presents left anyhow, so I was sure I wouldn't miss much.
Dusk was beginning to fall as I stepped out onto 7th Heaven's deck. I was the only one out here as I moved to take a seat at one of the picnic tables, closing my eyes and relaxing on the wooden bench. After all the hubbub inside, the solitude and quiet was a welcome change. The cool autumn gust felt good on my skin and I breathed it in as it toyed with my braid.
Not sure how long I stayed like that. Probably only a few minutes before I could hear the murmur from the festivities once more as the bar's door opened briefly before closing again. Then the sound of approaching footsteps on the patio before the bench creaked under the weight of someone taking a seat next to me, their knee brushing against mine.
"You all good?" his voice reached my ears.
I opened my eyes now, turning my head to look at Lea. He was slouched comfortably where he sat, propped up by his elbows on the tabletop behind him, flashing me a gentle grin. I smiled warmly back and nodded. "I'm fine. Just wanted some fresh air. You should get back to enjoying the party, I'll be right behind you."
The corner of his eyes crinkled before he slung an arm around my shoulders, hugging me tightly into his side. His teeth lightly nipped at the tip of my nose before he rested his cheek against my hair. "Lil fresh air sounds good. I'll head back inside in a minute."
As I settled my head into the crook of his neck, I hummed a contented sigh. Then I pointed out towards the sunset, simply telling him, "Look."
I felt a small chuckle rumble through his chest. "That certainly is a lovely shade of red."
"Mm," I agreed softly. "...I unfortunately can't do anything about a summer breeze for you though. Not until next year anyway."
"Don't worry 'bout it. Three outta four ain't too shabby."
I gave a low snort at that. Then, "So… you having a good birthday so far?"
"The best," he nodded against my hair. There was a smirk in his tone as he added, "I mean, course it's no locking us in my room together, worshipping every last inch of your body, that whole shebang, but still… pretty damn good."
A blush creeped into my cheeks as I hesitated before saying, "Good thing that's the plan for tomorrow then."
I felt him tense beside me. Then he was lifting his head off mine as he pulled away slightly to fish his phone out of his pocket. He tapped his thumb to "Work" under his contacts before bringing it up to his ear as he beamed big at me.
"Welp," he delightedly chirped, "Looks like I'm callin' in sick for tomorrow!"
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Author's note: BE WARNED! Extra long chapter gets extra long Author's Note! Keep reading at your own peril xD It's all just basically fun facts and me explaining the random inner workings of my oddball brain as I wrote this chapter, so if none of that interests you, then just skip it all, no skin off my nose xP
Early on in writing "Ice Cream and Fire Oven Pizza", I decided I wanted to figure out when Lea's and Elsa's birthdays were for no other reason than just because I could! So with the help of several "what the day you were born on says about you" websites, I spent days poring over the meaning of more birthdates than I care to admit before finally deciding on (insert drum roll) August 3rd for Lea's bday! It was a really silly thing to spend all those hours on cuz at the time I had no plans for their birthdays to ever come up in the story at all, it was just a random fact I wanted to know about both my characters xD But then as I was writing these bonus chapters, I suddenly remembered figuring out those birthdays and realized Lea's big day was coming up between 2 chapters I had planned and I was all, "well shit, I should probably write it!" And whew, I tell ya, for starting out this chapter having absolutely ZERO CLUE what to write, I certainly came up with a lot of BS to fill it with, making it my longest chapter yet xD Hehe, guess I overcompensated, oops! Hopefully it was all fun to read tho! I'll probably get around to writing an Elsa bday chapter too, but hers isn't until February 5th, so we have a lil bit before we get there. Also, timeline is getting a lil vague, wibbly-wobbly with these bonus chapters, but if I try to line this chapter up calendar-date-wise with whatever the date was exactly that Elsa ran away at the start of this story, pretty sure at this point I have to say that Oaken ALWAYS has a big summer blowout going on in his store, no matter WHAT time of year it is xD
Hopefully strawberries and sea salt ice cream cake sounds good :P According to the internet, it should be delicious, I'm just not sure if it SOUNDS delicious to the reader haha! I just thought plain old sea salt ice cream cake would be too basic bitch for someone like Lea on his BIRTHDAY of all days, so I went too far in the other direction at first (still sea salt cuz DUH, but I think there was also chocolate and blackberries involved? Again, the internet said it would taste PHENOMENAL, but it didn't SOUND phenomenal xD) before toning it back to just strawberries xD Anyhoo, another chapter jam-packed with references! Some might have been more subtle than others tho, so I wonder if you guys were able to catch them all? I brought Tifa back for a proper cameo this chapter, since I didn't really do her justice back in chapter 12 - hopefully this made up for it xD I even came up with a lame twist on Cloud and Sephy's whole Darkness bit from the KH games - I know it's a lil off since Sephiroth is supposed to BE Cloud's darkness, but shhh, close enough, dang it! On another note, I spent way too long trying to figure out what song Elsa would sing at karaoke, especially for what amounted to just one friggin' sentence lol! I wanted a birthday song that wasn't the standard one, but everything I could find was either too sexy or too sappy for El, either of which would have made her too flustered to sing in front of a bunch of people xD I almost went with one of the birthday songs by either The Backstreet Boys or NSYNC cuz she actually probably would have been the most comfortable with their lyrics, but I just couldn't bring myself to write Elsa singing goddamn Backstreet Boys or NSYNC x'D Just when I'd been about to give up all hope of ever finding the right song, I happened upon "Happy Birthday Princess" sung by Jodi Benson, which I felt Elsa would not be embarrassed singing to Lea while at the same time letting her be a lil cheeky about it xP It's a song on an album entitled "Disney Princess Tea Party" and Jodi Benson is actually Ariel's voice actor! Fun Fact: I imagine in the "Ice Cream and Fire Oven Pizza" universe, people like Jodi Benson and Idina Menzel still exist just instead of being voice actors, they're singers equivalent to Christina Aguilera, Beyoncé, and Lady Gaga fame. Speaking of Lady Gaga… xD THAT happened cuz, due to circumstances beyond my control, Bad Romance has been playing on loop in my household almost constantly for like 2 weeks while I was writing this chapter haha! You'd think I'd get sick of the song, but actually it got me pretty hooked - and I'd liked the song before, but you know I never actually LISTENED to the lyrics until I heard it nonstop and lemme tell you, that is one surprisingly HORNY song xP In any case, my brain eventually warped it into me totally being able to see Lea singing it at karaoke and being a total dope about it too xD But hey… at least I didn't include the full lyrics to the song this time! We've finally reached a point in the story where someone singing isn't pivotal to their character growth and thus I can gloss over it, huzzah! On one final note, those action figures are real! I think I mentioned that about the orca robot back in chapter 30, but the whole set is a real thing! And I know, honestly maybe it would make more sense as a gift you'd give to Demyx since they're all sea life themed, but I could definitely see Lea going totally bonkers over them too just cuz their weird AF which, let's face it, is Lea's brand xD
Thanks for reading, I super duper appreciate it! And an extra BIG thank you to those of you who’ve liked, reblogged, and followed so far, seeing those lil notifications always brings the biggest, goofiest smile to my face!
Next bonus chapter is once again gonna be focused on Lea and something going on in his life, but is gonna be a lil less mindless nonsense and a lil more serious… but still flavored with my odd brand of humor tho, cuz it's me and that's just how I roll! And the hint will be… car keys! Ooo, how are THOSE involved?! Stay tuned!
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fucktheroyals · 4 years
Music tag game
Thanks for tagging @s-r-clowns ! 😊
20 songs on shuffle:
Crazy Over You by Blackpink
Therefore I am by Billie Eilish
Do it by Chloe x Halle
Safety Net (feat. by Ty Dolla $ign) by Ariana Grande
Don't Rain On My Parade (Glee Cast Version) by "Glee Cast" (Lea Michele)
you should see me in a crown by Billie Eilish
Still Alive by Taro Umebayashi, Matt Cabb, WISE
Reflection by Lea Salonga
xanny by Billie Eilish
God is a Woman by Ariana Grande
Sour Candy (with Blackpink) by Lady Gaga
Lightweight by Demi Lovato
dorothea by Taylor Swift
All I Want for Christmas Is You by Mariah Carey
What About Us by P!nk
Come & Get It by Selena Gomez
Fake Smile by Ariana Grande
Like a Prayer by Madonna
Get On Your Knees (ft. Ariana Grande) by Nicki Minaj
I Turn to You by Christina Aguilera
10 songs I've been listening to
my hair by Ariana Grande
And I Am Telling You I'm Not Going by Jennifer Hudson
Sour Candy (with Blackpink) by Lady Gaga
I'm Every Woman by Whitney Houston
All I Wanted by Paramore
Cuz I Love You by Lizzo
Boombayah by Blackpink
The Wizard and I by Idina Menzel and Carole Shelley
Emotions by Mariah Carey
Chasing Pavements by Adele
9 Most Influential Albums:
this year? ever? guess I'm going with ever (also it says influential so some of the albums of an artists aren't my favorite but they were more influential for me also I dont listen to a lot of full albums, and they aren't in order!!!
The Album by Blackpink
When We Fall Asleep, Where Do We Go? by Billie Eilish
News of the World by Queen
Innervisions by Stevie Wonder
Sweetner by Ariana Grande
Random Access Memories by Daft Punk
Unbroken by Demi Lovato
Demon Days by Gorillaz
Because the Internet by Childish Gambino
Tagging @queenofmoons-spn @littlepenguin21 @littleduck46 @waywardangel-13 and anybody else who wants to do it!!
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torpidcloud · 4 years
i was tagged by @marcbartra ty lea!!
plants or gardens // cloud-watching or star-gazing // water or fire // paperback or hardcover // running or hiking // sleeping with socks or without socks // fruit or vegetables // hanging plants or succulents // dark wood or light wood // handwritten or typed // instagram or pinterest //dc or marvel // books or movies // oceans or meadows // forests or fields // sweet or salty // ice cream or chocolate // hoodies or sweaters // piercings or tattoos // summer or winter // boots or sneakers // house or apartment // cars or motorcycles // curls or straight hair // castles or cottages // sunny days or storms // reptiles or birds // disney or nickelodeon // strawberries or watermelon // essays or posters // phones or laptops or desktop // glass or stone // dark or light // photos or paintings // circuses or theatres // reading or writing // dogs or cats // poetry or novels // monsters or ghosts // thrift shops or libraries // fiction or non-fiction
i tag @55studies @non-binary-boy @celiabedelia and any1 who sees it and wants 2 do it
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flamereign · 4 years
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SPEED: At the moment, slow.  It depends very much on the thread, of course, but please don’t expect super fast replies from me right now;  despite having time on my hands,  my writing muse & motivation haven’t been super high and I’d rather write when I feel like it rather than forcing myself and worrying about drafts too much.  Nevertheless, if I find myself taking longer than a month, I do take my time informing my writing partner on whether I’ll drop it or not & of course, apologies to anyone who’s been waiting. I never mind a nudge!
REPLIES: I prefer long and short threads,  though I have a preference for anything plotted and longer as I lose muse for short, unplotted threads a lot faster.  Sometimes I will prioritize some threads over others, depends on how well I know my writing partner and how plotted out the thread in and of itself is -- though as I mentioned with speed, the longer the threads become, the longer it’ll probably take me to reply.  I do tend to ramble when I’m inspired, but I don’t really expect anyone to match length. 
STARTERS: I do the occasional starter call & end up regretting it more often than not because I don’t actually like writing starters all that much ...  I’ll always like it more when the other party writes the starter, though I will write them if needed. 
INBOX: My muse for meme replies is even lower than my muse for thread replies, so while I super appreciate getting random asks and memes sent in, I do always ask for patience; I try to reply to everything I have in my inbox and have a hard time deleting anything,  but any askbox replies can take up to months sometimes.  I usually write meme replies when I have no inspiration for anything else. 
SELECTIVITY: I’m very selective in who I follow back as I like to have a clean and slow dash,  but I don’t mind interacting with non-mutuals.  
WISHLIST: I don’t really have a set wishlist other than wanting canon interactions ( especially when it comes to fellow organisation members to help flesh out Axel as well as Lea ) a little more than I’m getting right now, but with the fandom being kinda dead I’ll take what I can get. I’m super into AU and cross-overs in any case, so my wishlist is basically just to plot with whoever feels like writing with me. Never be afraid to hit me up in IMs or through asks -- I give my discord to mutuals without hesitation too. 
HONEST NOTE: Tumblr hasn’t really been my priority for a while and though I still super love writing and I really love writing Axelea ( he’s still my favorite muse to date ),  I’m not as active as I used to be anymore;  this obviously reflects in the speed of my replies and the speed of me getting back to people or even reaching out to new people in case interest is shown.  For now my focus has mainly been on keeping the connections I’ve managed to build over the last three years properly fleshed out whenever possible rather than trying to plot anything new ( exceptions notwithstanding ) and though it does make me a little sad that I seem to sort of have lost the passion for writing and being on tumblr, I’ve been trying to focus more on being here when I want to be rather than because I think I have to be -- and I urge everyone else to do the same.  This is a hobby and not a chore and shouldn’t be a source of stress.  That said, I would like to reiterate that you’re always free to approach me for plotting and simply chatting about our muses as that’s something I always super love doing. 
TAGGED BY: @breselin​ and @tharanduil​  ( ty kindly loves!! ) TAGGING:  whoever feels like doing this, go wild and tag me! 
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reginaldmaudling · 4 years
Tagged by: @intoni ty babe :o)
rules: name 10 favorite characters from 10 different things then tag 10 people
Edith Crawley (Downton Abbey)
Dr Mackenzie AND Gail - you cannot make me choose between the two, that’s sacrilege! (Trying Again)
Olivier Mira Armstrong (FMA: Brotherhood)
Axel/Lea (Kingdom Hearts)
Ted Hastings (Line of Duty)
Benedick - I love a stupid lovelorn dumbass (William Shakespeare, Much Ado About Nothing)
Princess Anne - she is a mood (The Crown)
Sokka (Avatar: TLA)
Legosi (Beastars)
Jack Weatherill - I’m including a character that existed irl idk if that’s allowed but whatever Jack is too affable and gorgeous - despite being a Tory - to not be here (James Graham, This House)
I’m not tagging TEN people, I’ve bothered enough people as it is with the amount of meme posts I’ve had to do recently XD but @yverocher @cestpasfaux24601 and @goldy-shinyson shall get it anyway b/c ur my faves and u just looooooooove being nagged by me :’D
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