#[disowned by your leader wow....
sentofight · 1 year
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ooc. akihiko's logic. can be on the verge of death but never tell mitsuru, junpei or shinji about what happened. mitsu will slice and ice him, junpei will remember it for years to come, shinji will beat him to death.
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gloriousmonsters · 4 years
filed under ‘fics that i don’t know if i’ll write because i don’t know where it would GO but the idea is just really funny to me’: scenario where xue yang was basically supposed to leave out the front door and come back in thru the back when jgy publicly disowned him, and he got attacked by unrelated/not In the Know people which is how he wound up in that ditch, so jgy’s just been sitting in jinlintai like ‘...is he dead? no, he’s too mean to die. where is he doesn’t he know we have a work contract’ (xy doesn’t think work contracts are real. if he likes you very very much he will consider complying with it, but it’s like. a suggestion)
and in the second-ish year of xy living in Yi City sends su she to look for him like Could You Please Remind Him That As Per My Last Email He Was Supposed To Check In :) Thank You anyway sms manages to successfully hunt him up and is treated to the EXTREMELY fucking baffling sight of xy shopping for groceries. with a blind priest. and an extremely foulmouthed teen girl. xy is making frantic shushing motions at him. is this some kind of elaborate prank
(under the cut bc it got a bit long lol)
of course sms winds up invited to dinner because xxc is like ‘oh, a friend of... my friend! please join us!’ and sms is silently mouthing is that xiao fucking xingchen at xy and a-qing is losing her shit internally over New Suspicious Guy but can’t do anything about it and xy really doesn’t want sms to come to dinner because he’s out of that life now!! he’s gotta think of the family and he doesn’t want to come back for one last job! but he can’t say that without (a) being suspicious and (b) looking uncool so. dinner it is
but like, it’s FINE despite everything being super awkward until a-qing swears at the table and xxc apologizes and sms, without thinking, is like ‘it’s fine. some of my disciples come off the streets, i know what it’s like’
xxc suddenly gets interested and also lights up like--my friend, your friend is a sect leader? one who takes in children from the streets? sms, mildly panicked, is like uhhh yes, i started my sect pretty recently, have my default little speech about how i think inner/outer disciple separations and too much value placed on blood relation are both bad ideas. xxc is vehemently like i absolutely agree and this is about the time xue yang remembers right, he and song lan wanted to start a sect that was all equal and unaffiliated and shit, and his stomach drops. he tries to inject sarcastic commentary but it’s too late. sms and xxc are talking enthusiastically now
It Gets Worse because then sms has to bring up the watchtowers and xxc is like ‘....there’s a chief cultivator who implemented something like that? wow maybe things aren’t as bad as I thought’ which is just an open invitation for sms to wax fucking POETIC about jin guangyao, and xy is on the verge of stabbing him and taking what may come after when sms gets the utterly terrifying look of having had an Idea and says ‘actually, your friend and I met while working for him’
(xy is mouthing both what are you doing and i am going to fucking gut you across the table. sms ignores him, which is annoying. clearly two years have given him an unforgivable amount of confidence)
xxc is like ???! but quickly states that he didn’t want to talk about the past if his friend didn’t (thank you, daozhang) but sms is like ‘of course, we’ve just been quite worried about him--he did important work and then he vanished...’ significant pause ‘around the time jin-zongzhu came into the position and began to try and change things, so we thought...’ and xy is staring at him like. are you trying to imply I wound up in a ditch because someone attacked me due to working for an unpopular humanitarian leader. that’s the stupidest shit I ever--glances to the side, finds out that xxc is clearly coming to that conclusion too, and he looks fucking enchanted. he is clearly forming a whole possible narrative in his head where xy worked to improve the world and was just too humble to mention it or something
at this point xy starts trying to do some calculation in his head for a minute like ‘i mean did my corpse research indirectly contribute to all the front-facing nice shit a-yao does? i guess i killed a fair few political opponents and etc for him’ and doesn’t answer ‘he’s talking shit’ with quite enough conviction when xxc asks ‘my friend, is that true?’. it’s done for. xxc is convinced he had a Secret Noble Past now
and of course this is about the time sms swings into his ‘why don’t all of you come back to koi tower’ pitch with all the subtlety of someone trying to sell them on a pyramid scheme
xy’s pissed but also conflicted like... he did like working with a-yao, and more importantly he guesses that saying no would make things a lot less friendly between them, and xxc is clearly torn between not wanting to get involved in the world again but... if you have important work you could be doing, my friend... and a-qing could go to a Good School... and neither of you want to just. leave me behind (the one thing a-qing and xy are vehemently agreeing on) maybe... maybe we should think about it? a-qing is against it until sms, who’s managed to sink a few skill points into convincing kids that being a cultivator would be cool, actually, suggests that if she learned some cultivational skills she could hit people with her stick way more effectively, and then she’s conflicted too. although this whole thing seems super suspicious
at one point sms accidentally (’accidentally’) calls xy ‘chengmei’ and xxc is just quietly having a Moment over ‘oh my god his name relates to gentlemanly and helpful behavior that’s amazing...’ while xy fumes
this is point where i like. have no idea where it would really Go and a number of the places would be pretty dark, but in some other respects it could be a.... fix-it? fix-some-things-and-make-others-worse? but obv i have spent a While thinking about the first part so hopefully it can be exorcised from my brain now
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tuiyla · 2 years
enjoying your anti-finn tag, and just thinking about how as annoying as he can be in S1-2, there's some awareness of it on the writers' part. Lines like "I have to work so much harder at pretending to listen to her" are douchey, but deliberately so. They mostly know who this guy is. S3 is when I feel they lose the plot. Compare S2 prom to S3. S2 KNOWS Finn is wrong, that he is ruining this night for both girls. S3 has him literally assault Quinn in front of everyone and end the night as king.
Are you psychic Anon because I was just writing a new entry for the anti Finn Hudson tag when you sent this lol.
I see what you're saying; honestly, I think the writers were always way too far up his ass to be able to see what a douchebag they had created, but early Glee is often more tolerable with Finn. And season 3 is quite probably his worst season, where I just repeatedly wanna punch him and avenge the people he's hurt.
The way I would probably put it is that he was at least a more enjoyable character in the early seasons. You're right, certain lines are at least deliberately douchey because Glee still had awareness of its satire roots and wasn't afraid to extend that to Finn. You know, scenes like the one he has with Will in the locker room in Sectionals make me cringe because it essentially boils down to "oh poor little white boy who everyone looks up to and thinks is cool", but then he does at least genuinely step up as a leader. And I've said it before though haven't properly elaborated that I think Finn could have been a super interesting character who struggles with high expectations while never feeling like he's enough. But Glee rarely ever allows space for his mistakes and flaws and thinks it has to always default to him as this heroic leader, which frankly makes me wanna puke.
The season 2 and 3 proms contrast is a good point and I thank you for making it because there's truth to that. In season 2, he gets kicked out and that's that. In season 3, not only is he allowed to come back after very nearly physically assaulting a girl in a wheelchair but he's crowned Prom King because of fucking course he is. And Quinn is the villain in that situation! How. Glee refuses to acknowledge 95% of Finn's bad actions, that's how. He's consistently a hypocritical douche who doesn't give a shit about women's agency in particular but he's the straight white guy RM wished he was friends with in high school so it's fine I guess. Finn is just another puzzle piece in Glee's messed-up morality where good characters are good regardless of their awful actions and bad ones will stay bad no matter how selfless or kind their actions are. He's an enormous piece of that puzzle, but just one piece nonetheless. Worthy of a thousand posts, honestly.
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oh wow truly some king shit right there <3
I'd just like to add one thing even though I do think you're right about how Glee's perception of Finn is even more warped as the show goes on. The first instance of a deep dislike for Finn I can recall is 1x10 Ballad, when telling the Fabrays about Quinn's pregnancy is framed as his truth to tell and we're told the story solely from his perspective. I remember feeling so weird about that framing and how Glee didn't for a second seem to care that Quinn was just disowned and it was all Finn's fault because he had to live his truth or whatever. It was a complete disregard for her agency, not for the last time, and throughout it all Finn is our hero. An ignorant, wildly frustrating manchild excuse for a hero. Little did I know how Glee would eventually piss me off even more with an instance of Finn's blatant disregard for a woman's agency and the show's framing of it.
So, you know, it's a general problem that Glee is just stuck very high up this man's ass and can't see past this idea of ~the quarterback~ who leads this group of losers. Season 1 does at least acknowledge his shitty moments, notably his homophobia towards Kurt, but like I said it also has instances like Ballad. And to be clear that was a complicated situation but still fuck Glee for trying to tell me this was his story to tell.
At the end of the day, I can honestly say that I'm glad you're enjoying my anti Finn tag and only feel maybe a hint of guilt about that. Guilt, because I don't believe in anti tags and needless negativity, but upon looking at his character even just now I can't pretend that raging about Finn's writing isn't therapeutic and I can't pretend I don't think it's 100% justified. I'll still say nice things about what the character could have been every now and then but the lack of awareness on the writers' part is exactly why I'll never be on board Finn's character. He's just way too frustrating to me - way beyond the example of IKAG, which is what most people assume is the sole reason behind my distaste for him. Oh no, it goes deeper.
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heliosthegriffin · 3 years
Jaune of the Dead II
  -------------- Two Hours earlier ------------
“C’mon Rubes, you can’t depressed all day just because you’re imaginary boyfriend ghosted you.” Yang said playfully to Ruby.
“He’s not imaginary! He’s taller than dad, blonde, and wears a white trench-coat, I keep telling you this! That the mean Schnee made me blow up, and then he showed up did a glowy thing, and I felt great! Then walked me to the place, and then disappeared like a ghost! Then I found out he supercharged my aura! How do think I could have done so well in Initiation!” Ruby said to her sister rapid-fire.
A tall redhead puts her hand on Ruby’s shoulder. “You shouldn’t sell yourself so short Ruby, accepting your successes is necessary for good mental health, and from what I saw was enough to put some huntsmen to shame.”
Ruby pouts. “Yeah, I know! The thing is I can’t one shot a Nevermore and fly on my own! The thing is I know how strong I am, and I am not strong enough to do those on my own!”
Yang and Pyrrha sigh. 
“Ruby, c’mon you’re awesome! You’re talented and you’re strong, so stop selling yourself short, wait never-mind that does apply to you.” Yang said with a shit-eating grin.
Ruby’s face was a brilliant red as she started pounding weakly against Yang’s arms. “Yannng! I drink milk, I’ll be tall one day!”
“If you say so, Rosebud.”
Pyrrha watched the exchange with a amused smile, feeling very pleased with her team so far.
She hadn’t expected to partner up with a prodigy and her sister, but destiny was full of twists and turns.
Many, many twists, like Yang’s partner and the leader of team BYRN.
Bleiss Schnee.
The notorious Black Sheep of the Schnee household and disowned daughter of Jacque Schnee for reason’s kept private, though considering what she heard of the man in the day she has known Bleiss, it didn’t paint flattering picture why he did what he did.
Who disowned their child based on appearance?
The Black Sheep slept noisily in a dark corner of the room with her limbs thrown all across the bed as she slept under neath a black canopy bed with... her toys all still vibrating under her sheets.
A series of black glyphs floated menacingly around her bed as she slept.
Thankfully the curtains on the side of canopy bed only showed a hazy figure behind the curtains. 
Bleiss had made her team go out last night to celebrate making it through initiation. They had gone to club after club, well Yang and her did, Pyrrha and Ruby left not feeling comfortable on that scene.
Yang had come back to the dorm alone, as Bleiss wanted to find someone to ‘Break her in half while folding her legs over her head,” or to find “A soft little sub to break between her legs.”
Bleiss had somehow come back empty-handed and frustrated.
Then she brought out the toys.
It had been hours before she went to sleep.
She had no idea how Ruby slept through it all, especially Yang screaming bloody murder trying to break her glyphs, which when broken unleashed somesort of insect like grimm that stung Yang without mercy. 
Pyrrha was one-hundred percent sure that she started moaning louder to annoy Yang.
Thankfully, Ruby seemed to know what was going on. Apparently having walked in on Yang in a private moment before, but she still blushed red at noticing what her leader was doing calling it ‘Filthy.’
Pyrrha was also sure that it was a fools errand to try and wake her up for class. Bleiss had struck her as the type to have a couple trips up her sleeve. It did make Pyrrha ponder why she needed defenses why she slept though, but following those paths of thought those only led to dark explanations. Bleiss might make it clear one day if they grew close, and maybe, hopefully, it would have a more happy origin.
Bleiss had also made clear as leader of Team BYRN, she would go to class when she damn well felt like it. She had pointed out a loophole in the Beacon Rule book, apparently she could skip class as long as she maintained a 90% average in her classes, she could not be dropped from the classes. 
A rule that was normally reserved for 3rd and 4th years who often took missions and had spend time recovering and could not attend classes, so were normally given abridged lesson and makeup tests.
Pyrrha had no idea how she going to do it, but she’d try her best to support her leader.
Pyrrha looked back to her teammates, and hopefully friends.
Yang had gotten Ruby into a headlock and was rubbing her head with her knuckles.
“Ah! AH! AH! I yield, I yield!”
“Yeah, you do, who’s the big sister, I’m the big sister, woo-woo!”
Yang dropped Ruby to the ground, who then started pouting.
Then a look of realization hit her. “See that proves it!” Pyrrha raised a elegant brow towards Ruby. “Proves what?”
“That I didn’t do all that crazy awesome stuff at initiation on my own! If I could Yang wouldn’t be able to beat me up like that!”
Pyrrha gave it some thought she had a good point.
Yang flexed her arms. “I don’t though, maybe you’re just making it excuses.”
“Maybe you just a big head!”
Yang smirks at Ruby, and then cups her chest. “I got some big somethings!”
“Ah, Yang!”
Pyrrha shook her head at her teammates antics, then her internal clock told her they had around ten minutes before class started.
Pyrrha gently clapped her hands together, not loud enough to cause shock, but enough to gain attention.
“Ahem, I do believe we have classes soon.”
The sisters looked at each other and then started cleaning themselves up for class.
Ah, she could scarcely imagine the day becoming more interesting.
--- 10 minutes prior ---
Professor Port’s lesson was interesting if veiled behind misdirection. At first Pyrrha had considered that he might be a little self-absorbed, until she started listening closely. He was purposely distracting them with long-winded stories to test their observation skills, which if one actually paid attention to would start to reveal valuable information on Grimm.
Bleiss’s twin had also the same class period as them along with her team, SBRN, Saturn. It seemed Weiss went out of her way to ignore all of them expect Pyrrha, offering her hollow praise and empty compliments.
Pyrrha had politely decline her offer to take notes together. Her team seemed nice, but it was clear there was division among-st them.
Weiss then proved to be as superficial as Pyrrha thought, having clearly been taking notes but not understanding the subtext. Prof. Port had to step in once it was clear the Greater Borbatusk was too much for her, it’s armor plating across its back and head, remained unscratched till Prof. Port grabbed it by it’s tusk and flipped it, cutting it’s belly open.
“Well, children let this be a lesson to you all, that if nothing else remember you have room to grow! And to cut a Borbatusk across the belly! HO-Ho-ho!” Despite his cheery demeanor, Pyrrha couldn’t help but notice the glint of disappointment in his eyes.
Pyrrha wished she had imagined the pleased look in Weiss partner’s eyes at her failure, and her teammates apathy towards their leaders failure. What had she done to sow such discontent in her team?
The class was dismissed and they walked to their next class, a new one if rumors were true, one that had been set up merely a day ago before suddenly being added to their schedule.
What, a odd occurrence.
It was hosted by a new teacher too, one Pyrrha had never even heard of, or the seniors if the rumors where true. But, if the rumors were true, which they usually weren’t, he was the youngest teacher in Beacon history.
How exciting.
Pyrrha, Ruby, and Yang stood outside the door staring at Weiss with her teammates entering beside her.
“I see my sister is not coming to this class, either.”
“Nope.” Yang said popping the p.
Weiss gave them all a haughty look. “Fine by me, that noisy harlot is an annoyance anyway.” She gave Pyrrha a fake smile. “It’s not too late to make the best team in Beacon history,” She looked towards the sisters. “I don’t mind trading one of mind for her to join.”
Pyrrha felt a flash of anger inside her, that was mirrored on Yang’s face, but she quickly suppressed it. “I’m sorry, but,” She put a hand on Ruby’s shoulder, and gave Yang a winning smile. “I feel I’m already on Beacon’s best team.”
Weiss scowled and stomped into the classroom.
Yang simmered before tskking. “What’s her problem.”
“I sincerely have not idea.” Pyrrha actually did if one did consider what was heard about Jacque Schnee. But, best wait before jumping the gun.
“She’s shorter than me, she probably mad she doesn’t have enough milk.” Ruby said seriously.
A snorting laugh echoed out of Yang and Pyrrha.
Pyrrha wiped a tear out of her eye.
Yang laughed. “Yeah, I bet she doesn’t have enough milk!” Yang said giving Pyrrha a knowing nod.
“I’m glad you two understand the power of milk!” Ruby said going into the classroom.
Pyrrha and Yang followed in after Ruby, and where momentarily amazed by the interior of the classroom.
It was bigger on the inside, with shelves of books covering the walls, diagrams and maps covering the walls, not an inch of the room was bare. Where there were not diagrams and books, where glass-cases, and various objects, ranging from swords, glass shards, skeletons, and weird objects that Pyrrha couldn’t hope to identify.
This did not look like the work of a day or two, this room looked as though it had been used for years!
“Wow, impressive.” Yang said from beside her. Then she scowled. “Uh-oh, looks like we got trouble this period.” She said elbowing Pyrrha to get her attention to nod towards a group of people even Pyrrha had no tolerance for.
Team VMMP; Vampire.
Vernal Wennbar
Milita Malachite
Melanie Malachite
Neo Politan.
A team of thugs and low-lifers that had somehow managed to get into Beacon. 
Who, unfortunately had real skill to back up their attitude.
Yang squinted her eyes. “Something is off about them tho,”
Pyrrha had to blink thought to make sure they were the same team, though.
They were so quiet, and actually dressed for class.
Was.. Was Vernal wearing makeup?
No, she must be imagining things.
Pyrrha decided to ignore them and go sit with Ruby, Yang following behind her.
Then they waited, the class deathly quiet. 
Team VMMP unusually quiet had been more than enough to cow the others into silence.
6 minutes passed.
5 minutes passed.
4 minutes passed.
and soon it would be only one minute before class started.
Their teacher, who ever it might be, hadn’t appeared yet.
Then came the sound.
Of heavy shoes rhythmic hitting the floor.
It had started near the edge of their hearing, sounding as if it was coming from across the school. Only for it to grow louder and louder, becoming more noticeable till it was evident it was coming towards them.
He entered exactly as the 9:59 went to 10:00, right on time.
A head of long, messy, blonde hair came through the doorway, the hair easily coming to his mid-back. His face sharp and judgmental, but looking handsome in a imperious way. Two deep blue bloodshot eyes scanned the room as he went in, underneath his eyes were deep black bags, that spoke of a lack of sleep.
His body language tense and wary, not that much of his body could be seen as hit was covered by a billowy white leather duster, which opened to reveal stained, faded, well worn, and stitched up work clothes and pair of heavy duty work boots.
A sheathed sword on his belt.
That’s not what drew Pyrrha’s attention to him though, no it was her semblance. He was wearing metal gauntlets too over his hands and had some sort of metal armor underneath his clothes or maybe worked into them.
He was also wearing five necklaces, had a dozen rings, and had nearly twenty pounds of things, Pyrrha couldn’t imagine what, stuffed into his pockets. And that was just metal! It wouldn’t surprise her if he had more in there made of other materials.
Why did he have all those things?
She then heard Ruby’s breath hitch. “That’s him!” Ruby whispered to her and Yang.
Before she cold react he spoke.
It was not what she expected.
It was quiet, very quiet, tired too, like he had just woken up. His voice was deep, but raspy like he had a cold. But it commanded attention and impossible to ignore as within its core was a razor thin edge of Power. Of something that made his voice make her her shiver and alert to him.
‘He is dangerous,’ Something insider her warned.
“My name is Jaune Arc, I am eighteen years old, and I will teach you all the in’s and out’s of advanced aura manipulation, Soul Theory, and defense against the Paranormal. Any questions?”
9 years and 360 days ago
Little Jaune Arc was on his own.
He didn’t get it.
He told his parents, but they laughed at him and told him everything was fine. There was no scary lady in his closet.
He told them again. They laughed again.
He told them everyday, but they weren’t laughing anymore, they were mad. 
They said if he kept making up stories for attention they’d ground him.
When he asked if he could sleep in their room, they said he was a big boy and had to sleep in his room.
Jaune stopped talking to his parents on the fourth day. They hadn’t even gone into his room. It was like that with everyone though, no one seemed to believe him, or want to go near his room!
Alicia was out hunting and out of Scroll range.
He tried Saphron and his elder sisters, but they were too busy for him. Saphron was always talking to Terra. And told him to get more creative if he wanted attention from her. Terra just laughed at him.
June was always on her scroll, and told him to buzz off.
Daisy wanted to watch tv or to paint, and told him he was distracting her, or be a model for her.
Jazz would just turn her music up till he left, or drag him into dancing.
Grace would just make him work in the garden with her, but everything he said went in one ear and out the other.
And the Rachel? 
She is too young, couldn’t even walk yet.
He vented to them anyway. That was a new phrase he learned. He also learned what a phrase was at school.
“I don’t get it,” He said to his youngest sibling. “they won’t take me seriously! I keep asking and asking them to just wait till a storm hits and stay with me, but they just keep laughing, getting mad, or ignoring me!”
Little Jaune Arc grabbed his hair with both hands.
“It’s so annoying! Why is this happening?”
Rachel just played with her toys, pretending to drive a car.
A glint appeared in Jaune’s eyes.
He started playing too. 
He sighed though. 
“What should I do, what should I do?” He repeated to himself.
“I tried to get them to look at the window, but they keep ignoring it, I tried showing them my scars and they said they were from playing in the woods, it’s like everything I say is just being ignored.”
Jaune rolled the toy car back and forth.
Rachel bumped her car into his, pinching Jaune’s finger inbetween the metal.
A light white glow appeared on his hand.
Jaune looked at his finger in wonder.
He focused on it and tried to force the feeling back out.
Nothing happened.
Jaune frowned and looked at his hand.
He grabbed a toy car and slammed at his pinky.
A warm feeling engulfed his pinky as a white light block the car, the car bouncing off of it.
He tried to imagine it being warm again.
A faint white light ghosted over his finger, before dying.
“Hmm,” He looked at his finger. “I have no idea what I just did,” He looked at Rachel. “but, you helped.” He gave Rachel a kiss on the forehead. “Thanks sis, I don’t know if you can understand me, but thanks anyway.”
Rachel looked at him with baby blues and gave a toothy smile and giggled.
“You want to keep playing?”
An: Pyrrha’s more fun to write than I thought she would be. Next up though, on the fan fic list is Arc Acres, then Dead Knight, then Prodigy AU, then Sacred Rites II.
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wangxianficrecs · 4 years
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❤️Attempting the Impossible
by Ariaste
T, 36k, jiang cheng & wei wuxian, wangxian, background zhuiling
Summary:  Jiang Cheng gathers up his determination in both hands and goes to the Cloud Recesses to embark on one of the most difficult endeavors he can imagine: Repairing his relationship with his brother.
To his surprise, he discovers he's become an uncle again... several times over.
Wei Wuxian, what the fuck?!
My comments:  In which Jiang Cheng, motivating himself to reconnect with his only family... discovers that he’s got FAR more family than he’d thought.  (Witness Jiang Cheng’s bumbling attempts to communicate with adults, fabulous avuncular powers, and shamelessly petty blackmailing of his oldest nephew.)  This is a family romp, and it’s utterly adorable.  Each of the kids has a very strong personality.
Now enjoy far too many excerpts, because this story was chock full of laugh-out-loud gems.
Excerpt 1:  Lan Chun blows carefully on her tea to cool it, sips a little, makes a little squirm of happiness, and says again, “You’re from Yunmeng!”
“Yes,” Jiang Cheng says. “I am the Sect Leader.”
“Wow!” She beams at him. “I’ve met three sect leaders, you’re the fourth! Do you know Zewu-jun? He comes to see us every month--he’s the leader of the Gusu Lan sect,” she adds helpfully, as if he doesn’t fucking know that, even though he is a grownup sitting in the middle of the Cloud Recesses guest house , drinking their tea. But kids just talk like that sometimes when they want to show you that they know that information, so he says nothing. “And I’ve met Sect Leader Jin of Lanling, who is ten whole years older than me, I did the math all by myself, I’m very good at math--”
“A-Chun, arrogance is forbidden,” Lan Hao whispers to her.
“It’s not arrogant to say I’m good at math! I’m better than you are, er-ge! And I’ve met Sect Leader Ouyang, because he’s Ouyang-gege’s dad, and Ouyang-gege comes to visit da-ge sometimes. And now I’ve met you. What’s Yunmeng like? Did you bring lotus seeds? Do you like them? I like them. Can I see your sword? Can you fly on your sword? Did you bring your whip? Can I see that? Have you ever used your whip to decapitate somebody ? I think you should try decapitating somebody with your whip, because that would be cool .”
Shit. He hasn’t ever used the whip to decapitate somebody, but that would be cool. Fuck. He sips his tea sternly. “Ask one question at a time.”
Excerpt 2:  “Wei Wuxian!” he snaps. “How dare you? Are you disowning me?”
“Eh?” Wei Wuxian has half pulled out of Jiang Cheng’s grip, but at this he pauses, alarmed.
“I’m your brother!” Jiang Cheng shouts at him. “Are you a moron? You can’t impose? What impose? I’m family, there’s no such thing as imposing on family!”
Wei Wuxian gives him a stricken look and goes red in the face. “Listen, you don’t--”
“I come all this way, I discover out of the blue that I’ve got seven nieces and nephews that you didn’t tell me about, I find out that there’s a giant demon boar that can knock over trees wandering around near your house, and you’re declining my help just to be fucking polite? What’s the matter with you!”
“We can handle it ourselves!” Wei Wuxian objects. “It’s only one giant demon boar! Between me and Sizhui, it’ll be fine! We can take care of it!”
“Just because you can doesn’t mean you have to,” Jiang Cheng snarls. “I’m not leaving. Go tell Hanguang-jun. Ask him if he wants me to stay here or go fetch the components for you.”
And with that he sits back down facing the path, crosses his arms, and glares into the woods as if that could make the giant demon boar menacing his family turn around and wander somewhere else.
Excerpt 3:  She pouts, looking eerily like Wei Wuxian even though it’s both physically and temporally impossible for her to be his blood daughter. She recovers just as swiftly. “So how’d you make her sleep, huh?”
“I recited tongue twisters."
“Aren’t your arms already getting sore?”
He shifts Her Ladyship a little, very carefully so as not to wake her up, and shakes his head. “I’m strong. It’s from decapitating so many people with my whip.”
Wei Wuxian snorts, covering his mouth with his hand, but A-Chun’s big eyes go even wider. “Wow! Really?”
“Absolutely,” he says gravely.
Excerpt 4:  “He has a boyfriend,” Jiang Cheng says, aggrieved. The stern uncle aesthetic is not going to be much fun if no one’s going to take him seriously. ... “It’s Jin Ling.”
This makes Wei Wuxian open his eyes and turn on his back, frowning at the ceiling. Finally! Success!
“Hm,” says Wei Wuxian. “On one hand, what good taste, going after shijie’s son. On the other hand, what poor taste, going after Jin Zixuan’s son.” He shrugs and curls back around the cushions. “Can’t be helped. Lans all have wretched taste. If it’s not noisy and embarrassing and, preferably, a murderer, they don’t want it.” Without opening his eyes, he raises one finger philosophically and says, “That’s what happens when you’re a repressed bunch of virgins. But well done, Sizhui, picking a boy who’s only fifty percent a total disaster. Lan Zhan did such a good job raising him. Gonna kiss him about that when he gets back."
I made a list of the kids, so I could keep them sorted: Lan Yuan (Sizhui, M, 19) • Lan Shu (Siyuan, F, 11) • Lan Hao (Sixia, M, 9) • Lan Chun (Sihan, F, 7) • Lan Ding (Siyue, F, 5) • Lan Que (Siyong, M, 2) • Lan Ying (Siqing, F, baby)
post canon, humor, reconciliation, brotherly feels, accidental baby acquisition, adoption, adopted children, lan wangji is a good dad, wei wuxian is a good dad, jiang cheng’s avuncular powers, jiang cheng POV, family feels, fluff, kid fic, family drama, light angst, adorable juniors, not the usual group, jiang cheng needs a hug, REALLY BADLY, self worth issues, this is a not-at-all-disguised Family Romp, giant demon boar, lan sizhui is the best boy, and also a schemer, feel good fic, comfort fic, favorite, @ariaste
(You may wish to REBLOG as a signal boost for this author if you like – or think others might like – this story.)
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snowe-zolynn-rogers · 3 years
Pairings: None
Word Count: 1,945 Words
Summary: Five worried members of class 1-B and a day off for the hero courses.
Warnings: Cursing, Injury Mention, Caps, Death Mention, Broken Bone Mention, Panic Attack Mention, Abuse Mention, Disownment Mention, Blood Mention, let me know if I should tag anything else.
Usernames: Existence Is A Prison  Aizawa: feral cat dad, Aoyama: gay salt, Hagakure: ranch flavored jello, Tokoyami: foil-mecha, Shinsou: farmer toshi, Kuroiro: life is a nightmare, Shiozaki: saviour, Tsunotori: schrodinger better run, Honenuki: pure, Monoma: nat20
Aizawa, We Agreed No More Cats: Chapter 4
2:55 PM
Existence Is A Prison
nat20: @feral cat dad @gay salt @farmer toshi @foil-mecha @ranch flavored jello
nat20: Are you guys okay? There was an announcement for all available staff to come to the USJ asap. Isn't that where you are?
nat20: Guys?
nat20: I get that y'all are training but can one of you answer? I'm getting worried.
nat20: Akemi, sis, you better fucking answer me.
3:00 PM
Existence Is A Prison
nat20: Akemi, this is breaking law three of being half-siblings. Getcha ass in the chat and fucking respond to me or I'm taking a protective quirk and coming down there myself.
saviour: You will do no such thing. Clearly it's dangerous since the announcement was directed toward all available teachers. That doesn't sound normal to me, even if someone had been just injured. Seiko, it's best to try to make things decently safe for their return instead of hound a response.
life is a nightmare: Six different news sources say that three unidentified people were admitted to a hospital nearby UA, said to have been transported from the USJ, which was attacked this morning by an unidentified villain, the attack being resolved by UA's pro hero staff members only ten minutes ago. Two more people were injured and are supposedly in Recovery Girl's office.
nat20: AKEMI @gay salt
gay salt is now online
ranch flavored jello is now online
foil-mecha is now online
gay salt: I'm back, Seiko. I'm fine. Almost everyone is fine.
nat20: Five people are hurt!
ranch flavored jello: Yeah, all three pros were hurt.
nat20: Which students got hurt!?
foil-mecha: I think you already know what you're suspecting, Seiko.
nat20: No. No, he's not dead. If Shinsou's dead, I'll personally bring him back to life to scream at him. My little brother isn't dying dammit.
gay salt: Not dead, mon dieu. Shinsou is severely injured but he isn't dead.
nat20: Who else is hurt? That green kid again?
ranch flavored jello: Yeah, Midoriya's hurt again. To be fair, he wasn't thinking about how he was using his quirk, just that he was using it period.
foil-mecha: Hold on, they're calling on Aizawa and Shinsou's condition, I'll do a video chat with you guys.
foil-mecha has started a video chat
The bones in his arms are splintered and he's got facial fracturing. Fortunately there doesn't seem to be any serious brain damage. But his orbital floor has been almost completely destroyed. We have no way of knowing if his eyesight will be impaired or not once he's healed. -Unknown
Well, you heard the man. -Unknown
Sir, what about Thirteen? -Unknown
No need to worry there, despite some pretty bad lacerations to the back, Thirteen is gonna pull through good as new. And AllMight is also without any serious injuries. He's in the nurse's office right now. Recovery Girl's power should be all that he needs.-Unknown
What about Deku!? -Unknown
How's Midoriya? -Unknown
Midoriya? Oh, Recovery Girl was taking care of him too. He's fine.-Unknown
How is Shinsou!? -nat20
Who was that? -Unknown
My half-sibling, we both live in the dorms with Shinsou and Aizawa. They're worried about them. So is the rest of the class 1-B students that live in the dorms with us. -gay salt
Shinsou has a mild concussion, a severe bruised nasal bone, and his jawbone was fractured so he needs to have his jaw wired shut for a bit until he's back to being strong enough for Recovery Girl to heal him. He should be better in about a week or two.-Unknown
What the fuck happened to him that he got that badly hurt? -life is a nightmare
During the villain attack, Shinsou decided to fight alongside Mr. Aizawa. against the villains and this big monster thing was hurting Mr. Aizawa and this creepy guy was about to hurt Asui, Mineta, and Midoriya. -ranch flavored jello
Call me Tsu. -Unknown
Tsu, Mineta, and Midoriya. But Shinsou got the creepy guy to respond to him with the mist guy's voice and he brainwashed him. Then the monster hit his face into the ground really hard. But he covered Mr. Aizawa with his own body and got his face hit down again. -ranch flavored jello
Shinsou was really out of it, ribbit. He was calling Mr. Aizawa his dad.-Unknown
Tsu, Mr. Aizawa legally adopted Shinsou as of 8 o'clock this morning. -ranch flavored jello
I'm gonna hang up, we're all gonna head back. I'll visit you Seiko. -gay salt
You better. -nat20
gay salt has ended the video chat
2:40 AM
Existence Is A Prison
farmer toshi is now online
life is a nightmare: Shit, I'll shadow over, hold on, Shinsou.
2:50 AM
Existence Is A Prison
life is a nightmare: shinsousleepingagainsther.jpg
life is a nightmare: Guess I'm claiming he's my boyfriend when they ask why I'm here because I can't even shadow out right now without waking him up.
gay salt: rip to you, Kageya, but me and Seiko need our beauty sleep.
nat20: so go to sleep, Kageya, you need to sleep.
2:16 PM
Existence Is A Prison
saviour: I'm pre-making some easy meals since they both have facial damage and need softer foods.
farmer toshi: What are you making?
saviour: Well, I have Seiko working on frozen smoothie bags. Kiyomi is helping precook some vegetables and stuff that can be blended down to baby food consistency. Pony's really good at making homemade juice so she's making you juice with lots of protein and stuff so you don't loose too much weight and set your progress back.
ranch flavored jello: Me, Akemi, and Fumikage are making soft food for you both once Toshi gets his wires off. We've been making a lot of soup. We may have gone overboard.
ranch flavored jello: So far we have chicken soup, broccoli and cheese, potato soup, split pea soup, egg drop soup, cheese soup, soft curry, corn chowder, turkey rice soup, ham chowder, cheeseburger soup, creamy meatball soup, chicken cordon bleu soup, chicken pot pie soup, and and miso soup.
farmer toshi: You guys are so sweet. Thank you so much. I wish I could hug you guys right now but they want me in the hospital today for observation.
gay salt: I expect a hug when you come home.
feral cat dad is now online
nat20: DAD'S BACK!
feral cat dad: Hello, dorm children. This is Mr. Yamada, Mr. Aizawa told me to tell you all thank you for making him and Hitoshi food for when they come back on Friday.
pure: It was nothing! We want to help them get better as fast as possible and, to do that, we need to keep them healthy!
feral cat dad: I'll add myself so Shouta can have his phone back.
feral cat dad has added Yamada
farmer toshi has changed Yamada's name to President Megaphone
nat20: Wow, you don't waste a second, do you?
farmer toshi: I didn't when I was attacking villains in the USJ.
schrodinger better run: What happened in there, by the way? My phone went missing yesterday and the day before and I finally found it last night.
farmer toshi: Well, you see, some wannabe criminals calling themselves the League of Villains teleported themselves into the USJ just before we were about to start training and our communal father figure was about to go fight them and all my instinct just told me to follow him so I did.
President Megaphone: Kid, you really don't have to tell them just because you live with them.
farmer toshi: These are basically my adopted siblings, Mr. Yamada. Of course I want to tell them.
farmer toshi: Anyway, so I was fighting thugs and Dad had already gotten to this "Shigaraki" dude who was like their leader or whatever and the fucker decayed his right elbow and I was trying hard to get to him but the fucking cronies wouldn't let me by them.
farmer toshi: Then this huge fucking monster grabbed Dad and hit him into the ground and broke his arms. That thing couldn't be human, it's brain was out and it was like 9 feet tall.
farmer toshi: That Shigaraki fucker spoke to me. I can't even remember what about, but he was mocking me, I can tell. But the teleporter told him they needed to leave because Iida had made it out by that point.
farmer toshi: So this fucker tries to decay either Midoriya, Asui, or Mineta to "break AllMight". But I used the teleporter's voice to brainwash him and that monster hit my head into the ground like he did with Dad for brainwashing its friend.
farmer toshi: I knew Dad was out because the thing had hit his head into the ground again and knocked him out and that thing would try to hurt him again if I didn't do something. So I put myself on top of him because I couldn't lose a Dad I just finally got. But the monster hit my head down again.
farmer toshi: I had finally managed to get up to get me and Dad out of there when AllMight showed up. AllMight put us on a stair landing and I had to get up the rest of the way. Another villain tried to get us while I was getting him up there to get out but I just stabbed her and pushed her down the stairs.
farmer toshi: Mind you, I was running on adrenaline this whole time. So, when the UA teachers came in, I was pretty numb emotionally because I was basically out of steam but I wanted to get Dad out of there so I kept going until Sero and Uraraka helped me up the rest of the stairs while the teachers got there.
farmer toshi: I'm pretty sure Snipe is who caught me but then I just passed out and woke up in the hospital not being able to speak and had a panic attack.
feral cat dad: I've figured out speech to text and I appreciate what you did for me, Hitoshi, but I was worried about you when that thing had me. I don't want you dying to protect me.
farmer toshi: Trust me, I don't plan to nearly die again. The headache was killer and I'd rather never experience that again.
feral cat dad: Good. Now, make sure you rest, kids.
2:15 AM
private chat with Bakugou and Yamada
Bakugou: Look, I know it's late, but my mother kicked me out and she's disowned me because she now wants me to drop from UA and I won't do it. I need somewhere to stay and I know Aoyama and them were talking about dorms yesterday after the USJ incident.
Yamada: It doesn't matter if it's ideal. Head to the school, I'll come get you inside and we'll go for your stuff from your parents' house tomorrow after school and I'm putting a rush order for emergency UA protection for your custody right now.
Bakugou: I think I need Recovery Girl, she got my arms pretty bad. I'm losing blood like crazy and I can barely grab things to keep going but my leg is sprained so I need help moving.
Yamada: We can worry about healing injuries once you're here. Until then, just be safe and get here as fast as you can. If you can't make it here, then I'll come get you.
Yamada: Just keep responding, little listener. How bad are your injuries?
Bakugou: bloodyleftarm.jpg
Bakugou: bloodyrightarm.jpg
Bakugou: sprainedknee.jpg
Bakugou has sent their location
Yamada: Fuck.
Taglist: @everythingisstardust 
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soggybensolo · 5 years
Request: “Shes 1000 percent opposite from him. She’s from the light side and He set an arranged marriage for them Because he fell in love with her. She gives birth to their baby boy and he is amazed!”
- @80s90steen
Pairing: Kylo Ren x Wife!Reader
Word count: 1.2k
A/N: WOW- it has been three years since I sat down to properly write. this was something brand new I whipped up for you. I'm so used to digging through my crusty dusty drive and just posting old content I deleted or was just too coward to post the first time around. I had so much fun writing this and it just flowed out of me! I was inspired by all the new star wars and wanted to pay tribute to galaxy’s edge. also, I named the reader's sister just so it was easier.
  She was a senator’s daughter and sister to their newly-elected queen. If you asked her she was a nobody but to the people of Naboo she was their unofficial humanitarian. Always promoting good health and giving away all that she had. Where help was needed she was always there to aid. No matter the cost or the work- she was there. She helped build schools and reclaimed water systems.
  She would visit other planets and spend her good fortune there. She was blessed with wealth and never had to worry about her next meal. Because of this, she gave back to the galaxy. 
  On the far part of the outer rim was a planet named Batuu. It was once a thriving place of beauty but turned forgotten and ran down. Many life forms still inhabited the planet and many of them were in debt. Any credits earned at the black spire outpost was cut into more than half and placed into the pockets of Oga Garra. she was intimidating, cruel, and greedy. (y/n) was there to negotiate and help liberate the debt of the poor Batuuans. 
  The first order had been there for a few weeks and their supreme leader had an eye on her. Her generosity had not gone unnoticed.
   Kylo stood in the market watching her closely. She had a basket of Batuu buns on her hip. Her dress was a pale blue, feet bare, and her hair was free and flowing in the summer breeze of Batuu.
“Bright suns, would you care for a bun, sir?” she smiled offering him a freshly baked good.
He looked down. (y/n) was small in proportion to him. “Where are your shoes?”
“Oh! An off-planet travel needed them more to me.” laughing humbly she placed the bun back into her basket. “She apparently lost them in a sabacc match back at Oga’s cantina.”
“How kind of you-” he scoffed “-Now care to tell me what it is you are doing?”
(y/n)’s smile grew wider and she rolled her eyes playfully. “You’ve had me arrested and interrogated several times throughout my stay. You have a copy of my identification as well as a sample of my blood for your records. Every time you do this I come back clean and with no ties to the resistance.”
“Every do-gooder is associated with them somehow and the moment I found out how it is you fit in I will have you arrested once more- and this time for good,” he warned.
“I’m starting to think you’re using this whole resistance thing as an excuse to talk to me.”
If not for his helmet, Kylos flushed cheeks would have been on display.
  But she was right. Any chance he had to follow her, he would. Any chance he had to speak with her, he would. When it had come time for her to unsuccessfully part with Batuu he followed her back to Naboo. Though he swore it was for business, he only ever spent time with her. They would spend most of their time together wandering the endless rose gardens and chasing one another around the royal library. When it was dark enough out the couple would count stars. She taught him how to dance elegantly and which fork to start out with at an important dinner.
  While he was harsh and rough around the edges, he couldn’t help but fall for her. She was everything. Everything about her had him amazed. She was fair, kind, funny and most importantly loveable. Maker, how he loved her. He wanted nothing more than to spend the rest of his days with her. 
  When he finally got the courage to ask for her hand in marriage he played it off as an advantage for Naboo and made it seemed arranged, but she knew deep in her heart it was all for love. Their wedding was grand and traditional. Though not a single soul approved of the courtship and not many chose to attend their wedding she was not ashamed of the man she loved. (y/n) wanted all of Naboo and all of the Galaxy to know that she loved Kylo Ren, Master of the Knights of Ren, and Supreme Leader of the first order.  
“I’m sorry for not being at your wedding, little sister… but I have an image to uphold” Queen Giada sighed.
(y/n) packed her final bag and handed it to her lady in waiting. “I am too. I love who I love and will not apologize to anyone for it.”
“I know- I wasn’t asking you to.” her sister swallowed the melancholy lump in her throat. “You’re more than welcome to come back for harvest and for life day. He just can’t come with you.”
  (y/n) stared out the window silently praying for the strength to stay composed. Not soon after her wedding to Kylo was she asked to leave Naboo. In exchange for her not being banished, she was granted emancipation and changed her surname to Ren. no longer was she part of the royal house of Naboo. Her trial was heavy and not a single eye was dry. Her father and mother stayed silent and her sister publicly disowned her but in privet, she didn’t let her go.
“The holidays are meant to be spent with your family, and Kylo is my Family. If he is not welcomed, then I am not welcomed.”
Giada dropped to the now vacant bed. “Is this how it has to be?”
“You are Queen first and my sister second.”
 Though (y/n) never let it show Kylo knew it was hard for his new bride. She was so confident and proud of her decision that she never let a tear slip in front of him, but he knew. 
  Four years into their marriage, several false negatives, and two miscarriages later- (y/n) was finally pregnant. They were going to have a family of their own. Kylo was nervous and scared but had to remember it was him who asked for a baby. 
“Did he just move!?” He gasped pulling his hand away from her stomach.
“Yes. wanna feel again?”
“No- wait- yes- no-” He hesitated repeatedly moving his hand closer and then away. “Yes. Wait, wait, wait- ok yes!”
(y/n) laughed placing both of his hands on her bump. “That’s crazy, huh? How he just moves like that?”
“It feels weird!”
“Imagine that but inside of you.”
  She was glowing in every trimester. Pregnancy looked good on her. When it was finally time for her to deliver Kylo reached out to Naboo and asked for a place of haven where their son could be born and claim native to the planet. When he received a response he was angry. “She and her son may step foot on our planet’s soil but you may not.”
  Infuriated and hopefully (y/n) settled her heart on Chandrial. Homeworld of Kylo Ren. the two went in secret, careful not to alert any locals of their arrival. It was a long labor but in the end a rewarding one. He was in all. Amazed by his wife. She had brought life into the world. his son, Kingston Ren.
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xoxo-nikki-xoxo · 4 years
Just finished reading about your OC Arabella. I'm dying to know how the hell this girl died in Elijah's arms?!
Its a really dark story guy but if you want it well here it is! 
Word count 1,142
Side note: I hope you guys enjoy! if you have anymore asks about Arabella send them in I would love to answer.
The music was loud as Arabella entered Marcels new home across the river.
“I don’t know why I agreed to doing this Marcelus, I thought you said it was just a dinner catch up, then I go home.” Arabella says outside of entry door looking at Marcel
“Ma, I never said that, plus I want you to meet my crew, I want to show you what I have created” Marcel says as he opens the door. Looking at the people I smiled it was a good size amount of people. Marcel had guided me over to a boy who I presumed to be one of his good friends, sense he is the first I am meeting.
“Josh! I would like you to meet someone. So besides me being raised by Niklaus this girl right here was the mother I never had.” Marcel says as he puts his hand on Arabella's back guiding her over to Josh
“Oh, I uh- didn’t know you had a mom Marcel” Josh says looking at him then at Arabella smiling “Well my names josh! Hi, it's really nice to meet you” Josh says extended his hand out.
“Nice to meet you too Josh. It's good to hear that Marcellus has friends” Arabella smiles shaking his hand. As she shakes his hand, she can read he is a good person.
“Um not to sound rude or anything... But like what are you? You look like a vampir-”
“Josh you can't just ask the lady if-”
“It's okay Marcel, I get asked this question a lot. I'm a rare breed of vampire, like Klaus I'm a hybrid... But not a werewolf.” Arabella says turning looking at the candles, with a sort glance at the candle they soon lit “I'm also a witch”
You see when I was born back in Denmark sometime in the 1500’s I don’t quite remember the date anymore. Anyways my father, Alfred, was our coven leader. The kind of magic my family/Coven practiced was dark, it's called expression. It’s much more powerful than any forms of dark magic in the word. It draws of off energy, all types of energy actually. I was the 2nd oldest in my family, needing to add more members to the coven my parents had me. In hopes to be able to grow stronger as a whole
When my father learned of my lack of magic, he disowned me in the coven. Vowed that no matter what happened I would never be coven leader. My mother on the other hand loved me, I was her first daughter. She raised me well despite of my father disapproval of my existence.  
By the time I was 16 my parents went on to have 2 more children, a boy and girl, Brinley and Ivy. Because I was disowned from my father, I wasn’t allowed to study or practice magic. But my mother would sneak me old grimoires so I can study the spells and potions. I wasn’t completely useless to my family. My father did at one point allow me to create positions for the coven. But unknown to my family though was the amount of witchcraft knowledge I had. I became and still am a master at using herbs and potions. That’s actually how I escaped my coven. I was able to slip in a simple sleep potion into dinner and escape that night when everyone was asleep.  
That’s how I actually met my husband, Elijah. He found me wondering in town and took me under his wing. You see in my coven we all have a special birth mark on out wrists. It’s a symbol meaning Death. He recognized this symbol and took an interest in me, see his brother Niklaus had searched for my coven to break the cruise is mother put on him. So, when Elijah had found me, he thought he had found to perfect leverage against my family.
I remember quite well my human relationships with the Mikaelsons. Elijah took a romantic liking to me. Rebekah liked the attitude and fashion sense I had, while Kol picked at my brain about the witchcraft my family studied. And for Klaus he only cared about me because of the leverage I gave him. They were all quite charming Elijah being the most, over the course of the months I was living with them I fell in love with Elijah. His love hit me hard, and consumed my whole being.
The night I died Niklaus had forced me to drink his blood. It was the night my family was going to attempt to free Klaus of his curse. That was the same night my father had ordered my oldest brother and a few of the other local boys to kill me. Seeing as not only did my father not like me, but with me living with the original family was the last straw for him. He wanted me died and so he got it.
I was left to die in the middle of the road in town square. A show case of just how powerful my family was and a reminder to anyone who crossed my coven would be died. I remember the coldness of the ground on my body. The peace I felt as I was dying, I couldn't feel no pain. That’s when he found me, I was staring up at the sky my heartrate slowed. I clearly remember Lijah finding me
“No!” I heard him yell he had rushed to my side lifting me up putting me into his lap. He had bit his wrist and was putting it up against my lips
“Drink Bella... please... No-no-no. Not like this... You can't die like this” I had died in his arms.  
The next few days where one big blur as I was trying to get my hungry under control. And well being a vampire. It came to be a big surprised when I was able to use magic. 
I used my knew found skills against my family, after they failed to break Klaus cruse he granted me the permission to do as i please and o i did. I slaughtered my whole family. Killing my siblings in fount of my parents. Then them after. 
My murders didn't end there that night. The whole Village fell victim to mine and the Mikaelsons rage. After it was said and done we watched on a near by hill as it burned to the ground.
“wow I didn’t even know witches could be vampires” Josh said chuckling nervously
“Well I'm special” Arabella giggles looking up at marcel smiling.
“Yeah and I'm pretty luckily I had you Bella” Marcel says smiling as he goes to his bar “ Who knows what i would have turned out like being raised by only the Mikaelsons” Marcel adds smiling as he pours the 3 of us drinks.
“Well let's get this party started shall we!” Marcel says holding up a glass as he takes a drink. Arabella smiles taking the drink Marcel handed her.  
“To Arabella for raising you right and onto letting you become a monstrous” Josh says  
“To Arabella” Marcel repeats as we all take a drink
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haec-est-fides · 4 years
Filodox’s Trials of Apollo Reactions [Part I]
Welcome to part one of a reflective journey through Trials of Apollo ft. my original ebook annotations! I’ll be your host, 2020!filodox.
For this first episode, we’ll be going back to May 2016, the beginning of it all: The Hidden Oracle.
Annotations for this round are brought to you by 2016!filodox.
Is there anything we should know before we begin, 2016!me?
2016!filodox: I swore on the Styx never to read another Riordan book after he killed Octavian. And yet here we are.
... Alright then! Let’s get started.
But first, a more detailed overview on how this series will work: I will excerpt bits and pieces of the books based on what I highlighted / annotated on my first read. Beneath each quote, I will share what I wrote in the annotation. Below that, I will (occasionally) laugh at my past self, clarify the note, or say how my view has changed.
I encourage questions, comments, and concerns (of which there may be many), so go ahead and use that replies feature if you feel so inclined! However, these are just my opinions and (occasionally) emotional reactions, so no hate pls. <3 (Or, if you do send hate, pls make it funny.)
Now, diving right in with Riordan’s dedication!
To The Muse Calliope. This is long overdue. Please don’t hurt me.
2016!filodox: Hurt him. He didn’t even name the chapters.
As you can see, I had yet to experience Lester’s haiku and was already mad based on the table of contents alone. I went into this series very salty...
I inflicted a plague on the Greeks who besieged Troy.
2016!filodox: At least he did something right. Once.
I was just,,,extremely ready to die on Octavian’s hill. (Though I was a huge Troy / Aeneas stan before all this, just to be clear.)
Is anything sadder than the sound of a god hitting a pile of garbage bags?
2016!filodox: I actually find this particular god crashing into a dumpster quite amusing.
I also blamed Apollo for what happened to Octavian. I think that had a lot to do with how Apollo acted on Delos in Heroes of Olympus, basically disowning Octavian and whining about how some “creature” scammed him? That was bullshit. Apollo needed to own the fact that he blessed Octavian, but he just abandoned him and denied all the blame. TL;DR I had a grudge, okay?
My mind stewed in confusion, but one memory floated to the surface -- the voice of my father, Zeus: YOUR FAULT. YOUR PUNISHMENT.
2016!filodox: Wait, is this bc everyone blames Octavian and therefore Apollo? Bc lol but also no?
*cough* Octavian did nothing wrong 2k16 *cough*
Zeus will reconsider, I told myself. He’s just trying to scare me. Any moment, he will yank me back to Olympus and let me off with a warning.
“Yes...” My voice sounded hollow and desperate. “Yes, that’s it.”
2016!filodox: Apollo is a self centered frat boy, I forgot...but it is slightly...endearing? *narrows eyes*
Ah, how close I was to stanning Lester in the first chapter, when he was at his most “goddy”. You know, I actually made a rule for myself when I started reading Trials of Apollo that I would not under any circumstances stan Apollo. That was a naive goal, because it was never really a danger.
Regardless, Zeus had held me responsible for Octavian’s delusions of grandeur. Zeus seemed to consider egotism a trait the boy had inherited from me. Which is ridiculous. I am much too self-aware to be egotistical.
2016!filodox: I am going to Murder him.
*chef kiss* the hypocrisy ! the lack of self-awareness !
“I just...I assumed -- I hoped this would be taken care of by now.”
“You mean by demigods,” Percy said, “going on a big quest to reclaim the Oracle of Delphi?”
2016!filodox: That sounds like a decent quest, or you know, QUESTING FOR THE SIBYLLINE BOOKS
I’ve always said I can see the future but an inch to the left. Also, I don’t like Ella.
It warmed my heart that my children had the right priorities: their skills, their images, their views on YouTube. Say what you will about gods being absentee parents; our children inherit many of our finest personality traits.
I mean ?
Apollo, when Austin and Kayla show ambition: THEY GOT THAT FROM ME <3
Apollo, when Octavian (or Nero, or Caligula) shows ambition: srry i don’t know him ??
He had a weak jawline, an overlarge nose, and a beard that wrapped around his double chin like a helmet strap. His hair was curly and dark like mine, except not as fashionably tousled or luxuriant. His lips curled as if he smelled something unpleasant. Perhaps it was the burning seats of the bus.
2016!filodox: Nero ???
Not quite sure how to feel looking back at this moment. Call out post @ myself for instantly recognizing Nero, when afaik this scene was before we had any hints that Roman emperors were even a plot point? But here’s the thing: I don’t remember why I could recognize him so easily. I don’t remember where 2016!me obtained this ancient Rome knowledge. A mystery.
On another note entirely, did Nero really like,,,astral project into Apollo’s fever dream to address him directly? Because Rhea does. And sometimes Python does. But Nero? Can he do that?
The man laughed as flames licked at his purple sleeves. “You’re not sorry yet, but you will be. Find me the gates. Lead me to the Oracle. I’ll enjoy burning it down!”
2016!filodox: I too enjoy burning things down. # Nero confirmed
My only comment here is “oh you sweet summer child,,,”
Oh. Perhaps some of you are wondering how I felt seeing [Will] with a boyfriend rather than a girlfriend.
2016!filodox: No, actually. I wasn’t wondering. I was plotting how to kill you, them, and quite a few other people. Do you think I could trade you for Octavian?
Oh man, back at it again with the salt. XD
I could only remember my conversations with Octavian, the way he’d turned my head with his flattery and promises. That stupid boy...it was his fault I was here.
A voice whispered in the back of my mind. This time I thought it might be my conscience: Who was the stupid boy? It wasn’t Octavian.
2016!filodox: I can’t really...explain my emotions upon reading this. I’m still not quite okay, but this...it’s bittersweet in a way. I don’t know if this is a poor attempt at a proper closure, the author’s way of beating a dead horse, or just a way to make Apollo seem pitiable. Whatever it is... Octavian was important enough to remain in Apollo’s mortal memory. He somehow made promises to a god and had Apollo wrapped around his finger. And despite being so much like Apollo, the god blames him. Like everyone blames him. But Apollo also realizes, accepts on an infinitesimal scale, that “it wasn’t Octavian”. He wasn’t perfect, but neither is Apollo. Apollo is (at least) subconsciously admitting his own guilt in the whole affair.
...yeah. I will note that this bit isn’t meant to develop Octavian, but rather uses Octavian as a prop to support Apollo’s development? Which is why it still stings. Like thanks, I guess.
“Your judgement in the past has been...questionable. I wonder if you have chosen the right tools for this job. Have you learned from your past mistakes?”
2016!filodox: Nero has made plenty of mistakes to learn from
Love how I just assumed it was Nero back in chapter 10 and went with it, zero hesitation. Also love how I heard Python say Nero has made mistakes and went “oh absolutely”. In fact, here’s something funny in retrospect that will become more and more apparent: I did not like Nero in 2016. Or, at least, I thought I didn’t. There’s something really odd going on here that baffles me, looking back...
“A triumvirate is a ruling council of three,” I said. “At least, that’s what it meant in ancient Rome.”
“Which is interesting,” Rachel said, “because of this next shot.” She tapped her screen. The new photo zoomed in on the building’s penthouse terrace, where three shadowy figures stood talking together....
2016!filodox: Is it bad that I’m smirking? Because it’s getting interesting ~ *clear malicious intent*
Wow, edgy. Triumvirates are just a neat, Roman thing and I stanned.
“The last triumvirate I dealt with included Lepidus, Marc Antony, and my son, the original Octavian. A triumvirate is a very Roman concept...like patriotism, skullduggery, and assassination.”
Ohhhh, wait. I think I’d watched the HBO series Rome by 2016, which would at least partially explain my ancient Rome knowledge. (Amazing tv show btw!)
“He heard them talking in Latin.”
“Latin? Were they campers?”
Pete spread his hands. “I--I don’t think so. Paulie described them like they were adults. He said one of them was the leader. The other two addressed him as imperator.”
2016!filodox: !!!! (obligatory 💕)
I was such a simp for Latin in high school. And the Roman Empire. Still am, but hey.
“The Beast is planning some kind of attack on your camp. I don’t know what it is, but it’s going to be big.”
2016!filodox: Runs in the family I guess
The Octavian / Triumvirate parallels are everywhere... 👀
“The emperors made themselves gods. They had their own temples and altars. They encouraged the people to worship them.”
2016!filodox: # deify me
*smacking my past self with a stick* You stop that! Edgy child!
Anyway, a much better point here is like,,,the Imperial cult was huge in the ancient Roman world. Looking at Apollo’s explanation here, why did only the “worst” three emperors get to be immortal? Did famously “good” emperors like Augustus and Marcus Aurelius have the option of becoming minor gods, but they chose Elysium or something? Are there slightly less infamous emperors just hanging around anywhere as minor gods? A lot of Roman emperors live on in human memory is all I’m saying.
“Wait!” Will said as I reached the door. “Who is the Beast? Which emperor are we dealing with?”
“The worst of my descendants.” My fingers dug into the doorframe. “The Christians called him the Beast because he burned them alive. Our enemy is Emperor Nero.”
2016!filodox: I honestly can’t believe it took this long to reveal this? Was anyone surprised?
Nero’s reveal is rather late in the book compared to Commodus, Caligula, and even Tarquin iirc? But it makes sense, being the first book of the series. Also love how 16-year-old me was like “this reveal is silly because everyone, like me, recognizes Nero on sight” and didn’t question that assumption at all.
“Germani.” Instinctively, I moved in front of Meg. The elite imperial bodyguards had been cold-blooded death reapers in ancient Rome. I doubted they’d gotten any sweeter over the centuries.
2016!filodox: BITCH. See? This is why I love Rome. They knew what they were doing.
Ngl, as someone of Germanic heritage, I felt really represented by the Germani, which is hilarious on so many levels.
He tried to compensate for his ugliness with an expensive Italian suit of purple wool, his gray shirt open to display gold chains. His shoes were hand-tooled leather, not the sort of thing to wear while stomping around in an ant pile. Then again, Nero had always had expensive, impractical tastes.
2016!filodox: I don’t exactly like Nero, and actually think he was quite the shitty emperor, but I guess I mildly respect and “like” him on principle (in this book at least).
OH YOU SWEET SUMMER CHILD. I was so convinced that I didn’t actually like Nero, despite all of the lowkey evidence to the contrary? Who hurt you, past me? (Lmao, it was Tacitus, Suetonius, and Cassius Dio.) My working theory is that I was too much of an Emperor Augustus stan at the time to admit liking Nero. It’s hysterical. Look at me equivocating like a champ.
I’d been so proud of my son, the original Octavian, later Caesar Augustus. After his death, his descendants became increasingly arrogant and unstable (which I blamed on their mortal DNA; they certainly didn’t get those qualities from me).
2016!filodox: I’m glad Apollo and I can agree on something. Augustus was amazing and those who came after him...significantly less so.
See! The propaganda really got to me, what can I say?
Nero clasped his hands as if in prayer. “Oh, my. It seems we’ve had a slight miscommunication. You see, Apollo, Meg brought you here, just as I asked her to. Well done, my sweet.”
2016!filodox: This was obvious but I still find it...gods, the only word I can think of is “delicious”
. . .
“The Beast killed my father. This is Nero. He’s -- he’s my stepfather.”
I could not fully grasp this before Nero spread his arms.
“That’s right, my darling,” he said. “And you’ve done a wonderful job. Come to Papa.”
2016!filodox: Okay, but we should have known this since it became apparent her weapons were Roman. Also, oof. Also also, WHY did Riordan feel the need to add that last line? Why?
“After the fire, we’ll rebuild,” he said. “It will be glorious!”
2016!filodox: The amount of times I have used this very logic is worrying.
For (some) context, Firelord Ozai is my favorite character from AtLA. <3
The scene might have been funny except that the Germani were now back on their feet, five demigods and a geyser spirit were still tied to highly flammable posts, and Nero still had a box of matches.
2016!filodox: Oh, I find this plenty amusing!
The emperor stared at his empty hand. “Meg...?” His voice was as cold as an icicle.
2016!filodox: The various ways his tone / voice have been described throughout this conversation are just 💕
*looks at camera like I’m on The Office*
Seriously, though. Nero’s voice is like the central descriptive element of his character because he’s so manipulative. It’s really cool and a great use of detail.
[Meg] turned to Nero. “You told me never to lower myself to my enemies’ level.”
“No, indeed.” Nero’s tone had frayed like a weathered rope. “We are better. We are stronger. We will build a glorious new world. But these nonsense-spewing trees stand in our way, Meg. Like any invasive weeds, they must be burned. And the only way to do that is with a true conflagration -- flames stoked by blood.”
2016!filodox: Real 👏🏻 Gods 👏🏻 Require 👏🏻 Blood👏🏻
I was way too enthusiastic about this whole situation, wasn’t I?
Nero grinned. “Good-bye, Apollo. Only eleven more Olympians to go.”
2016!filodox: Wait, shit, WHAT
Having read Tower of Nero, this probably had something to do with Python interfering with the Fates, huh? But does that mean it’s more Python’s plan or Nero’s? If this was Nero’s plan (with his 12 kids literally replacing the Olympians) that’s,,,really fucking bold.
Then I heard the screaming from Camp Half-Blood.
2016!filodox: Music to my ears ~
I’m presenting every edgy detail of my annotations so I have a proper case file when I inevitably have to face the question “On a scale of one to ten, how relatable is Emperor Nero and why should you have realized it’s a ten sooner?”
In a flash of silver light, the camp’s magical barriers collapsed. The Colossus lurched forward and brought his foot down on the dining pavilion, smashing it to rubble like so many children’s blocks.
2016!filodox: Payback! Dear gods, I can’t stop smiling! I’m just like “YES!” I know this will all probably get fixed or whatever but I’M HAVING A MOMENT.
I’ve learned to appreciate the small wins. <3
Percy grabbed one of the crown’s sunray spikes. He sliced it off at the base, then jabbed it into the Colossus’ forehead.
2016!filodox: As much as Nero is FAR from my favorite, I really don’t like defacing ancient (or replicas of ancient) statues and art...
This is where I just start laughing at myself tbh. I was so insistent on not liking Nero. Like, I sound like I’m in denial. Peak equivocation. What happened to that heart emoji a few chapters back? Why did I suddenly make it about *checks notes* ancient art? Updated translation: nooo don’t ruin the Colossus Neronis it’s so sexy aha
Just as the [arrow] reached its apex and was about to fall back to earth, a gust of wind caught it...perhaps Zephyros looking kindly on my pitiful attempt. The arrow sailed into the Colossus’ ear canal and rattled in his head with a clink, clink, clink like a pachinko machine.
2016!filodox: HOW MANY EX MACHINAS IS THIS ?! The dryads, the arrow, Percy, the enchantment, and THIS ?
One of my criticisms of Trials of Apollo in general is just that the stakes are so much higher and Riordan usually solves that problem by having his heroes win on long odds. The chances of them succeeding at like,,,anything they attempt are astronomical, but of course they manage. It’s not surprising but it does get a little tiring.
“Yo, Nico,” Leo called, “please tell me that’s it for the physical abuse.”
“For now.” Nico smiled. “We’re still trying to get in touch with the West Coast. You’ll have a few dozen people out there who will definitely want to hit you.”
2016!filodox: Oh I’d love to hit him. With the flaming, Imperial gold payload of an onager. Preferably WITHOUT the Pontifex Maximus attached to it -- unless of course you mean the false pontifex, Jason Grace.
Leo was the salt in the wound for this one, ngl. He rekindled my undying ire over Octavian’s death. As I said at the beginning of this, I was extremely ready to die on Octavian’s hill after Heroes of Olympus. That sentiment sticks around for a while...
And we can call that a wrap!
Though it may seem like it, my annotations are not, in fact, a compilation of Nero’s greatest hits. There are a lot of scenes of his that I love (naturally) but I didn’t have anything to say about them when I first read the series. Maybe I’ll share those another time.
In any case, I hope you got something out of this ridiculously long post! Until next time! <3
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gayforthe13th · 5 years
Hi may i request angst 13th x reader? In which reader is her companion from before who turned a villain n 13th caught, imprison u in the vault (like missy's cage). She said she has a duty of care toward u n plan to fix u. But u wont have none of that. Anyway the fam stumble across ur prison n doubt the doctor for having a prisoner aboard the tardis in secret. What happen next is up to u. Thanks.
the relationship part of this is literally just mentioned. Also mild angst
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   After spending months in your little prison the Doctor was at least nice enough to provide you with entertainment. A couple of books here, a video game system there, and enough vinyl records to keep you sain for the many days you’d be spending in your makeshift containment. Yet, you found yourself bored, almost sad really, the Doctor hadn’t come to visit you in days and really she had been your main source of entertainment for a while now. You used to travel together, just the two of you, she had picked you up and had taken you to see the wonders of the universe. But the universe was so fragile. You were never a good person, ever since the decimation of your planet you found that being a good person got you nowhere.
   It started off small at first, when the Doctor was in danger you found that the only way to help her would be to do what she refused. You’ve killed a lot of people in her name, you thought she’d be proud of you. She had loved you once, or so you thought, but in the end, you assumed the way she treated you was because of loneliness, her kisses were just a side effect of that. You knew she’d find someone better soon, another group of friends to disown you for, so you ran. 
  And out of anger and jealousy, and hatred, you destroyed. In the end, she caught you, on some planet where the sky burnt and fire raged across its cities, and now, here you were. She thought she could help you, you don’t think she ever understood the way you felt about her. She used to visit you all the time, used to pretend she could make you ‘better’, you resented her for it. Now though, as you sit in your prison you can hear the laughter of those she replaced you with and you wanted nothing more than to slaughter them, watch her hearts break as her new friends died at your hand. Or maybe, you were just bored.
  It worked like this; every time one of them would pass by your room you’d knock on the door. Simple. One small knock at a time, at first they never even noticed it, but the more frequent it became the more you piqued their curiosity. Humans, so simple. When they shuffled to the door you’d stop, and wait, and they’d leave again. 
  Until one day, you didn’t stop. Instead, you played your favorite song. You could practically feel their confusion, heard their footsteps as they paced the door looking for a way in. and then, it slid open with a woosh and in the room, you sat, feet propped on on your coffee table as you watched three curious humans enter your room entirely unawares. It was the girl who noticed you first. “Oh finally!” you said, catching the other’s attention as you placed your hand on your head dramatically, “I’ve been locked in here forever! Could you be a dear and go get the Doctor for me?” you smirked, watching as the girl’s mouth fell open.
  “Wh-who are you?” she asked, taking a cautious step forward. Ah, the leader perhaps? Or maybe the stupidest one.
  “An old friend,” you hiss, watching as she flinched at your words, “I don’t believe we’ve met.”
  “I’m Yaz, this is Ryan and Graham and wow- does the Doctor usually keep people in her ship?”
  “Only her favorites,” as if on cue the Doctor runs into the room in a state of panic, only to relax once she finds that you have yet to actually murder her pets.
  “I was wondering where you all had gone to,” she said, and you wave lazily at her.
  “My dear, you’ve been gone ages! I’ve been so awfully bored, and here I see you’ve found new pets,” you growl, standing up from your seat and marching over to her, “have you found more to cure?” The Doctor stares you down unflinching, a hint of sadness in her eyes. Her companion clears her throat, and the Doctor turns her attention away from you to look at her. 
  “You guys should head back..” she says, a hint of warning in her voice. 
  “Who are they, Doctor?” Yaz asks, straightening herself, challenging her. Oh, you loved this. Not so obedient after all, you could just see how it upsets her, you wriggle in excitement. The Doctor glares at you, it only serves to make your smile grow. She sighs, shaking her head and turning back to her new friends.
  “(Y/N),” she says, “she’s just..an old friend.” The answer must not have been satisfying because the companions all but rolled their eyes at her.
  “Do you keep all your old friends in secret vaults?” you giggle, pushing passed the Doctor to wrap an arm around Yaz. You feel them both tense.
  “Oh, she sure does! I’m not even the first! You’ll be in here too if you step out of line.”
  “That’s enough!” the Doctor growls, grabbing your arm she pulls you away from Yaz and forces you to her side. You snatch your arm away from her, fixing her with a glare. For a while its a staredown, the Doctor challenging you to try something. There’s no way out of this, this is her jurisdiction, but you can try another tactic.
  “I’ve been so lonely, Doctor,” you say, fake sadness in your voice, “why haven’t you come to see me? Do you not like me anymore? Am I not enough for you?” Her resolve almost breaks, you watch as her shoulders fall. Slowly you inch towards her, cupping her cheek with your hand, “have I ever been enough for you?” the Doctor sucks in a breath, and for a moment you think you’ve won. Then, she’s pushing your hand away from her face, her eyes cold as she steps back over to her friends and ushers them out.
  “That won’t work on me,” she says, “you’re too dangerous to be let out.”
  “So what!?” you growl, pacing the room like a caged animal, “you’ll keep me here? For how long Doctor? How long can that sit in your conscience!” Her friends are looking at her pensively now, but her attention isn’t on them. She says nothing to you as she shuts the door, but you’ve planted a seed in the minds of her companions, now all you have to do is watch it grow.
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linderu · 4 years
utakata hanabi. - ch 1/2
characters: khun, bam, rak, shibisu pairing: khunbam series: tower of god / kami no tou ao3: https://archiveofourown.org/works/24567637/chapters/59331619
based off siu’s blog post from s2 ch298 with rak khun bam lighting sparklers. included: quite a few of my headcanons for khun’s character development/thought process throughout the series, shibisu wingmanning, and rak comprehending more than we think.
super cheesy since it’s set on the floor of tests, before bam knows michelle light is rachel. no webtoon spoilers for this chapter.
“Shibisu, what are you holding?”
“Ah, these? They’re sparklers.” Shibisu held the box up with a grin, giving it a little shake. “Have you really never seen these before? But they’re so much fun!”
“No, I haven’t.” Bam eyed the box curiously, tilting his head as he wondered what they could possibly be used for. “‘Sparklers’...? Do you eat them?”
“Huh? No!” Shibisu looked at Bam incredulously, before barking out a laugh. “Maaaaan, you really don’t know about sparklers? You’re missing out!”
“What do they do? Can you tell me?”
“...” Rather than giving Bam the information he wanted, Shibisu grinned wide, and tossed the box of sparklers his way. “Why don’t you ask Khun to show you?”
With the object of interest in his possession, Bam turned the box over in his hands carefully, examining its sides. It seemed they were sticks… that lit up? Was that it? Why would Khun be interested in something like this?
Heading off to find him, Bam didn’t notice the knowing smile Shibisu was wearing as he watched him leave.
“What? Sparklers?” Khun furrowed his brows. “Isu gave you them?”
“He told me to ask you how to use them… will you?”
“Ah.” Everything clicked into place at once with that small piece of information, and Khun practically deadpanned. “Isu… that bastard.”
What did he think he was doing, trying to set him up like this? Out of all the regulars that were present on the floor of tests, Khun felt Shibisu was the guy he had to watch out for the most.
He knew things about Khun no one else was aware of just from observing him. Maybe he should plan to kill him sometime.
“Is that a no…? Maybe I should go give them back.”
“Bam—wait a second.” Khun extended a hand, grabbing Bam’s shoulder just as he turned to leave. Was he really about to do this?
One look at Bam’s eyes told him everything he needed to know.
“I’ll show you, okay, Bam? So don’t give them back to Isu.” Letting go of Bam’s shoulder, he smirked. “Meet me by the exit when it gets dark out, send me a message over your pocket. But it’s our secret. Don’t tell anyone else.”
“Okay--!” Bam’s lips stretched into a wide smile, and, Khun, finding his happiness absolutely contagious, felt the corners of his lips tug too. “I can’t wait!”
If it meant he could see more of Bam when he was enjoying himself, then maybe this wasn’t such a bad idea after all.
From Bam: Khun, I’m here!
Khun peeked around the corner he was hiding in towards where Bam stood by the door to the “outside”. Of course, he had gotten there first (and well before Bam), but it wasn’t like he was going to let him know that.
He watched his teammate look around, presumably for him, and seemingly nervous.
Really... what an interesting guy, he thought to himself. How could someone who came into possession of the Black March before the floor of tests be so meek? He was chasing after some girl who Khun guessed didn’t want him around with such conviction despite having zero battle sense or intent to kill. What did he expect to accomplish, coming into the tower like this? Even just standing around doing nothing and Bam seemed like he was out of place.
He really couldn’t leave him alone. Every time he reassessed his goals, Khun found himself sinking more and more into this idea that he just had to climb the tower with him.
“Yo, Bam.” Coming out of his hiding spot, Khun rounded the corner, a hand held up in greeting as he smirked.
“Khun!” Bam’s face lit up in a bright grin, and Khun’s own expression softened at the sight.
“Have you been waiting long?”
“No, not at all!”
“That’s good to hear.” Walking over to Bam, he gently grabbed his wrist and gave it a tug. “Let’s go.”
Khun stopped in his tracks and scowled, the door to the outside partially held open with his foot. Of course this guy just had to get in his way...
“Where do you turtles think you’re going without your leader?!”
“Rak?!” Bam stared at Rak, eyes wide with surprise, while Khun just palmed his face with his free hand, exasperated.
“You stupid crocodile!” Khun snapped at the third of their ‘trio’, rounding on him with what was almost a pout. “What are you doing here? Go to sleep!”  
“I saw the black turtle go somewhere suspicious. As I thought, you’re trying to do something without me! I’m coming too!”
“Ugh. And who said you could join in, huh?!”
“Khun, why don’t we let him come…?” Khun glanced back towards Bam, who was looking at him with almost pleading eyes.
The two exchanged a look—Bam, silently conveying his intent on including their friend, and Khun, who already knew what he had to do, but didn’t want to do it.
In the end, he just couldn’t say no.
“Fine.” Khun sighed, wondering if Rak’s interference was planned by Shibisu, too.
“Ready, Bam? You light them like this.” Khun clicked his lighter and brought the flame towards the end of the stick. Sparks flew everywhere, a couple even tickling his arm, and through the muted light of the firework, Khun could tell right away that Bam was captivated by the sight.
“Wow…! It’s like there’s stars coming from it!” He exclaimed giddily, watching the sparkler slowly burn. “But, doesn’t it hurt you? It seems like some of the flames are touching your arm, Khun.”
“Oh, that? I guess you can feel it a little bit, but not by much.” Khun glanced around for Rak idly, wanting to pass the sparkler off so he could light a new one for Bam to hold. “Hey, you crocodile. Want to hold it? You can have the first one, since you’re the leader.”
“Of course I am!” Rak snatched the sparkler up in an instant, and started waving it around wildly. “What is this thing, blue turtle?! It’s on fire!”
“You’re going to break your arm swinging it around like that. Cut it out.” Khun ignored Rak’s question, opting to let the lizard figure it out for himself.
“It looks so pretty when you wave it, though…” Bam murmured, watching the trail the sparkler left as it soared through the air. Rather than watching the sparkler, too, Khun was gazing at Bam’s expression.
“Bam. Do you want to try?” Khun held out a sparkler with a grin.
“Ah, okay! Yes!”
“You hold it like this. It’s the end that won’t burn, okay? When the sparkler is done, it’ll stop up here.” As he explained, Khun placed the stick into Bam’s hands accordingly, and pointed out the bottom of the actual ‘firework’ part. “I’m going to light it now.”
With a click of his lighter, Bam’s face was lit up by the soft glow of his own glittering flames. Now that he was the one holding the firework, Khun watched the sparkles dancing in the reflection in his eyes.
“You were right, Khun! It doesn’t hurt at all.” Bam stared at the sparkler in his hands with glee.
“Try waving it, Bam.”
Flicking his wrist, he swirled the sparkler around in the air in tiny circles, laughing at the sight. Khun couldn’t help but chuckle along with him.
“Fun, isn’t it?”
“Yeah, it is! It’s almost like…” Bam’s expression softened, and he looked up to the ‘night’ sky, his smile becoming slightly forlorn. “Like stars…”
Khun watched him silently for a minute, taking in the shift in his mood. He was well aware of who was on Bam’s mind when he became like this. Rather than asking about it, he held his tongue, and also directed his gaze to the fake sky.
The breeze tickled his hair lightly, and for a while, the only sounds there were came from the background noise which always accompanied the tower, and the quiet sizzling of the sparklers. Even Rak was silent, watching the last of his sparkler burn out a little ways away from the two.
“... The lights of the tower are pretty, though.” Khun said simply, crossing his arms. “They’re a lot like stars, in some ways… or so I hear.”
“Rachel knows they’re not the same. I wonder what they look like, for her to want to see them so badly.”
“Who knows. That’s only a question she can answer.” Khun turned back to him, his face solemn. “I wouldn’t think too hard about it, Bam. You’re on separate paths right now.”
“... I want to find her. And catch up to her so I can climb the tower with her.”
“Even though she threw you away?” Khun murmured. How could he have so much devotion for a girl who chose the tower over him, and didn’t even bring him along when he wanted to stay by her side?
He’d never had that much loyalty for anyone in his life.
“She must have her reasons.” Bam insisted. “I won’t know until I find her and ask.”
“Hmmm…” Khun hummed, his eyes narrowing in thought. It was strange, he realized. Through being around Bam, he felt like he was exposed to a much wider range of emotions than he was used to. Normally he just went through the motions day to day, not really striving towards anything except achieving his greater, long-term goals with his usual underhanded ways. With Bam, though…
At this moment, he felt envious. Concerned. Eager. Curious. Khun both wanted what Bam had, while not wanting it whatsoever. The ability to follow your heart no matter what life threw at you… it was such a rare and precious trait, especially when it came to the types of people who tested their fate by climbing the tower.
Why couldn’t he be that way, too? What would have changed if he had that same outlook in the past?
And yet, he was also worried about Bam’s loyalty coming full circle to burn himself in the end. Khun was disowned from his family in a similar way. The notion of the same thing happening to Bam, someone who was so selfishly selfless, didn’t make him feel good at all.
He had too many questions. About Bam, about this tower, about his family, about himself —maybe if he followed this guy for just a bit longer, he might figure something out for once.
Khun blinked, glancing over to Bam—except, it was too dark to see him. The sparklers had long sizzled out, and he had been so wrapped in his thoughts that he hadn’t noticed.
Crap. He really was acting strange lately.
“Shouldn’t we head inside? It’s getting late.” Bam suggested, glancing back in the direction of their rooms.
“Yeah… where’s—” Khun, in the middle of asking where Rak was, peered around in the dark and caught the crocodile’s eyes. He cut himself off, watching Rak warily—though it was difficult to see without much light, the look he was being given coupled with the lizard’s unusual silence gave him a bad feeling.
“What are you looking at, crocodile…?”
“Hmph.” Rak merely huffed, before starting off ahead of them towards their dorms. “You still have a long way to go, blue turtle.”
“Huh—?! Why you—!” As he was about to storm after Rak, Khun paused when he felt a light tug on his sleeve. He threw a glance back to the source, his tension easing as Bam came into view.
“Thanks for showing me the sparklers, Khun. I had a lot of fun.” Bam smiled innocently, and a dangerous line of thought seeded into Khun’s mind—which he attempted to shut down immediately. (Was this how Bam looked at Rachel? At the one person in his life he cared so much for?)
“I hope we can do it again sometime! I’m glad that we became teammates, Khun.” With a final flash of his grin, Bam trailed off after the crocodile, leaving Khun staring dumbly at his retreating back in the dark.
This guy—no. That was wrong, to refer to him in such an impersonal way. At this point, Bam meant too much to him for Khun to keep treating him like he wasn’t involved in his life. Bam was either going to become Khun’s demise, or a brand new beginning.
Either way, he looked forward to watching it all unfold. He was too curious.
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tcplnyteens · 5 years
All Out: The No-Longer-Secret Stories Of Queer Teens Throughout The Ages Edited by Saundra Mitchell
Written by Anna-Marie McLemore, Natalie C. Parker, Nilah Magruder, Mackenzi Lee, Robin Talley, Malinda Lo, Dahlia Adler, Kate Scelsa, Elliot Wake, Scott Tracey, Tess Sharpe, Alex Sanchez, Kody Keplinger, Sara Farizan, Tessa Gratton, Shaun David Hutchinson and Tehlor Kay Mejia
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In this wonderful collection of short stories, you will be pulled into worlds filled with magic and worlds much like ours, where love, in any form, can overcome all. Whether it be two girls becoming pirates and taking charge of their lives, a thief and witch tearing apart a corrupt system or a new years revelation, this book will pull at your heartstrings and is bound to make you want to fall in love.
This book is such a great collection of short stories and I would highly recommend it to all. There are so many important lessons within each and every one of these stories and I think there are valuable pieces of information that I think everyone should have in their repertoire.
Roja: This story was so good, I’m not usually one for historical fiction but it is starting to grow on me, especially when magic and fairytales are involved. I loved this retelling of Little Red Riding Hood. I loved that it involved an accurate trans character, there are real historical accounts of girls dressing as men to fight, although they were not always trans, I did love the accurate historical representation. It was so great that the girl wasn’t ashamed of him and loved him for who he was, she fought for him even though people looked down on her for existing. These people didn’t even care enough to acknowledge her as a human. Her strength, her power, her willingness to fight against those oppressive men is not only representational of the plights of what women have gone through for centuries, but it’s also great to see a powerful female character stand up for what she believes in and for the people she loves. This story was just wonderful and I loved it so much. It is one of the many reasons I would recommend this book.
The Sweet Trade: I feel like this story fits a common theme that appears in some of the books that I’ve read: girls wanting to be pirates, which is awesome. I love that even though Clara is only sixteen she knows what she wants from life and it’s not to be married to some pushover of a man who only wants money. She wants to take control of her life and create her own destiny which is completely badass if you ask me. And then she meets Pearl, who is also running away from her wedding, and they help each other, women supporting women at its finest. It is such a sweet little story of two girls falling in love as they take charge of their lives. I liked it very much, although I wish it were a tad longer.
And They Don’t Kiss At The End: I don’t have a whole lot to say about this story but it did like it a lot. My most prominent reason for enjoying this story so much was that it had asexual representation. You never ever see aromantic or asexual representation and I really loved how this book went about it, it was just wonderful to see. Another reason I loved it was because Vince didn’t pressure Dee into doing anything she didn’t want to, he was completely accepting of her boundaries and that is so important in any kind of relationship. These types of stories are the kind I want to be made into a full out book, it’s so important for teens to know that they have options and whatever they might be feeling or not feeling is normal. Diverse representation in media is so important, and this book does it right.
Burnt Umber: This story was sweet and simple. I love the fact that you don’t really see the end coming. From the beginning, all Constantijn can think of is the handsome boy who works at the docks, it’s very endearing until Joost comes to model for his class. I was so excited that maybe they’d become friends and then something more, but then it turns out Joost is kind of mean and Constantijn loses interest, yes he may be pretty but he isn’t nice to Constantijn’s friends. I think that this is an important story about knowing what’s good for you and what’s not, no matter how appealing it may look on the outside. It is a very sweet little story and I enjoyed it thoroughly.
The Dresser And The Chambermaid: Again with the wonderful historical fiction! This was such a sweet little story, I don’t have a whole lot of analysis for this one but I will tell you I was so happy in the end when they both got to be dressers and Suzanna got recognition for her hairstyle. It was so funny that when they were kissing in the hallway and the king kind of walked in on them and was just like “whatever, I can’t judge since I’m going to meet my mistress and cheat on my wife” and just left. Like that was a little piece of comic relief and I loved it, what a wonderful upbeat little story.
New Year: Same as the last, I don’t have much to say about this story. I do think however, it was a great way to highlight the adversity that queer people have faced throughout history, especially queer people of color. ‘Minority’ groups have long faced persecution, as well as queer people. When you persecute two groups that sometimes overlap, its an onslaught of discrimination, and although this story doesn’t go very deep into that issue it hints at it. But I also think that this story was a little bit about the main characters queer awakening. She has little exposure to the LGBTQ community but she sees something in it that intrigues her and makes her feel something, and I think it’s important that people realize that exploration outside of the socially accepted “norms” is good and can show you parts of yourself that you didn’t even know existed. At least that’s what I gained from this story.
Molly’s Lips: I love this story, first it is a reference to one of my favorite songs, which is great, who doesn’t love Nirvana(more specifically the Vaselines)? I think it’s great that this story addresses the insane amount of grief the country was feeling over his man’s death. He was an icon loved by millions, and he was just gone. I love this because I totally get what Molly is feeling. When you love someone that much you just want to be enough to make all the hurt go away and make sure they will always be okay, but it’s not always enough to just be there, you have to listen and try to understand because that’s what they need you to do. The way this story played out, however short, was just perfect and adorable, like so many of the stories in this book I wish it were a full-length book.
The Coven: This story also contains something I read about often, witches. I love magic! Magic is so cool, in almost any aspect. I also just love the way this was laid out, I love Dean’s description of Vivi, I’m a sucker for women in cool hats and doing *scandalous* things in eras past. I also love the little easter egg in there, Gertrude Stein was having a conversation with young Ernest Hemingway, cool! But I just love this story, it’s very mysterious and its another piece of historical fiction, a story after my own heart. And who doesn’t love a little magic in Paris? I also liked that Dean had those foggy days because I totally feel that, when you’re a person who tends to take on other peoples problems because of your big heart, you put those problems ahead of dealing with your own pain, it was really great to see her deal with her grief and realize that she can help herself.
Every Shade Of Red: Another take on a fairytale, yay! Everyone knows the classic story of Robin Hood stealing from the rich to give to the poor, most kids my age grew up watching the Disney version with all the animals. But this version has a special place in my heart. I love fairytales and retellings of them, and I love that in this story we have Robin as a leader of a motley crew but he’s also trans which is so cool, we have a trans character where the story isn’t only about them being trans. That is so important, most YA novels and stories that have trans protagonists its only about their journey of self discovery and figuring out what they want to do with this newfound freedom, which isn’t a bad thing, but trans people have lives outside of their transition and dysphoria and I think it’s important that people recognize that. But I also think that this story would ring true for many trans people, their parents disowned them or cut ties completely because of who they truly are and this happened for Robin in this story, although I do like the twist that he used to be Marian, I was kind of suspecting it but it was still surprising. This story gives off Six of Crows vibes, even though there are no trans characters in that book it has similar themes (go read it if you haven’t yet). But I was so incredibly upset with the ending!! Totally unfair of them to do that to Robin, it was a cruel twist of fate that I didn’t see coming, and Will’s father no less, like wow. Did not see that coming at all, not cool, not cool at all. I did love this story but there needs to be more, I need to know if they find their way back to each other because if they never do I’ll be very upset for like, the rest of my life.
Willows: I had mixed feelings about this story. It was interesting and weird but also really confusing. Benjamin was himself, but also other people. And the Return? Like what is that? And if the town knew that he and Sebastian were a thing, why hadn’t they taken care of it yet if they cared so much about maintaining the sanctity village? Also in the end when they run away it was kind of implied that Sebastian knew that the witches were there and teat they could protect them, but it was written in a way that made it kind of hard to understand. Overall this story was intriguing but I think things could’ve been laid out more clearly so that it makes better sense to the reader.
The Girl With The Blue Lantern: I love this tory! Although its a little short for my liking its so cute, although I wonder what Oriana is, is she a sprite? A fairy? A nymph? Who knows but I like her. It sucks that Ella had to live with her father like that it was so awful, I can’t imagine, and then she’s been taking care of him and helping him this entire time and when she finally has enough money to et themselves up for a decent life he takes her money and accused her of stealing from him and selling her body to make money. Like that an awful man she never deserved that. I was a little nervous though when she stepped into the water, I thought something bad might happened but I was so glad that they are able to be together now and will be able to love each other forever, it’s such a nice happy ending. Very cute, 10/10.
The Secret Life Of A Teenage Boy: Again too short! I know this is a book of short stories but I want all for them to be full books, I love all of them too much. I did love this story, its just so sweet and innocent and its kind of a self-realization story, he always knew he was different and was to afraid to say anything but then by fate he meets this guy and it changes his whole life, even though it only took not even an hour, stuff like that just makes my heart melt, because that’s what I want true love to be like, one minute can change your whole perspective on life, and you just gotta roll with the punches but you also have to know what is good for you and what you want from life and I think that this story was a perfect example of that and I really enjoyed it.
Walking After Midnight: I love this era, the ’50s and ’60s are my jam, especially fashion-wise, but the era was so cool in many ways. This story was so sweet, I think it was another little piece of the lgbtq+ spectrum that we don’t usually get to see, maybe demisexual or asexual, but either way it was a super cute story about exploring your options, no matter where you are in life, you’re not stuck, there is a way out and you have options, it doesn’t matter your age or race or gender, you have those opportunities if you look for them they’ll be there. I just really like this story because it was just so hopeful and upbeat and it did have some serious parts but it was very just flowing but it also had a great underlying message.
The End Of The World as We Know It: I love this, I was born two years after the Y2K thing so I totally missed it but it sounded interesting. I also missed the Columbine shooting, the fact that this book brought it up was like a punch in the gut, the way that the characters said it was probably never going to happen again, and here I am in June of 2019 and in the twenty years since the Columbine there have been over 230 school shootings in the US, and although I don’t usually get into politics on this account I think that this is an important statistic that everyone should know. On a different note, I did like this story, it was sweet and simple, another story of self-discovery and young love like many in this collection, it was just super chill and I love the note at the end when it says “sorry I couldn’t stay I had to go break up with my boyfriend” like what a great way to start out the new year.
Three Witches: I love this story although I am a bit confused about the title, I don’t really know what it had to do with the story, I can only assume it is Gracia, Violante, and the unknown woman at the end of the book. This story made me sad but also happy, sad because this woman was being accused of being a sinner for loving a woman, she was being punished because the church said it wrong to love freely. It made me happy because she, in turn, found love in her imprisonment and set both herself and Gracia free. Stories like this really pull at my heartstrings because I don’t understand, and this is my personal opinion, I’m not judging anyone, how you can believe that one superior being makes everything so and he said that loving someone is wrong, I just don’t understand that. But this story made me happy because they both discovered strength in themselves and each other in times of weakness and that’s what love really is.
The Inferno and the butterfly: I love love love this story! It’s so good! Both of these boys had gone through so much and thought they had people who loved them and cared for them and both had that idea ripped from their hearts and minds but they found each other and they found a way to create real love that wouldn’t be taken away by anyone else, and that is beautiful. As I addressed earlier, historical fiction is growing on me, but magic has always been something I loved reading about. This story kind of reminded me of a darker shade of magic, old London and magic are like the best duo ever and this is such a great little love story and the combination is so good, this is probably my third favorite out of this collection.
Healing Rosa: This story is so cool, I have a little bit of an obsession with different cultures and their healing rituals, myths about where they come from interest me so much and I think that’s why I love this story so much. Another reason why I love this story is that it addresses in some aspect, mental illness and how it can affect someone, not only mentally but also physically. Lastly, I love this story because, in the end, Rosa’s dad accepted her for who she was and realised that his own sadness and bitterness was nothing compared to what he would experience if he lost his daughter and that’s what truly pulled me into this story. There are so many people in this world who are disowned and pushed away by their families because they don’t know how to accept their children’s differences and I think it’s important that we address the happier sides of the narrative instead of only the bad ones, it gives hope to those who may not have it, and that goes for everything in life.
Top Three: Every Shade of Red, Roja, The Inferno and The Butterfly
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shieldisntalife · 5 years
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Bold what usually applies to your muse Italicize what sometimes applies or in some verses Normal text what rarely applies or in specific verses Strikethrough what never applies
financial: wealthy / moderate / poor / in poverty
medical: fit / moderate / sickly / disabled / disadvantaged
class or caste: upper / middle / working
education: qualified / unqualified / studying
criminal record: yes, for major crimes / yes, for minor crimes / no
married - happily / married - unhappily / engaged or betrothed / partnered / single / divorced / separated (wow, he really gets to have all of this, doesn’t he??)
has a child or children / has no children / wants children
close with sibling(s) / not close with sibling(s) / has no siblings / sibling(s) is deceased
orphaned / adopted / disowned / raised by birth parent(s)
extroverted / introverted / in between
disorganized / organized / in between (depends on what it is)
close minded / open-minded  / in between
calm / anxious / in between
disagreeable / agreeable / in between (depends on the situation and person tbh)
cautious / reckless / in between (usually prudent but sometimes reckless)
patient / impatient / in between
outspoken / reserved / in between
leader / follower / in between (leadership skills but prefers not to exercise them)
empathetic / un-empathetic / in between (depends on the person and situation)
optimistic / pessimistic / in between
traditional / modern / in between (mostly modern, but he has a few things)
hard-working / lazy / in between (depends on the situation)
cultured / un-cultured / in between
loyal / disloyal / unknown
faithful / unfaithful / unknown
monotheist / polytheist / atheist / agnostic
belief in ghosts or spirits: yes / no / don’t know / don’t care
belief in an afterlife: yes / no / don’t know / don’t care
belief in reincarnation: yes / no / don’t know / don’t care
belief in aliens: yes  / no / don’t know / don’t care
religious: orthodox / liberal / in between / not religious
philosophical: yes / no
heterosexual / homosexual / bisexual / asexual / pansexual
sex repulsed / sex neutral / sex favorable
romance repulsed / romance neutral / romance favorable
sexually: adventurous / experienced / naive / inexperienced / curious
potential sexual partners: male / female / agender / other / none / all
potential romantic partners: male / female / agender / other / none / all
combat skills: excellent / good / moderate / poor / none
literacy skills: excellent / good / moderate / poor / none
artistic skills: excellent / good / moderate / poor / none
technical skills: excellent / good / moderate / poor / none
drinking alcohol: never / sometimes / frequently / to excess
smoking: never / sometimes / frequently / to excess
other narcotics: never / sometimes / frequently / to excess
medicinal drugs: never / sometimes  / frequently / to excess
indulgent food: never / sometimes / frequently / to excess
splurge spending: never / sometimes / frequently / to excess
gambling: never / sometimes / frequently / to excess
Tagged by: @warwearysoldier​ and @amazongoddcss​ (thank you! :D )
Tagging: YOU! but especially @liesforaliving​ and @gracefuldisgrace​ whom I’m tagging so they see this ;)
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adventuresnek · 5 years
[LFRP] Shas’shil Onfrai - Mateus
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Latest Update: July 10th, 2019
Name: Shas’shil Onfrai
Age: 23
Birthday: 4th Sun of the 6th Umbral Moon
Race: Xaela Au Ra
Gender: Female
Sexuality:  Homosexual
Hair: Lavender, straight, and often left wild as the wind.
Eyes: Violet, with seafoam green limbal rings.  
Height: 5′11″
Build: Living the life of a wanderer has given Shasha a fairly athletic form. Her arms and legs are slender, yet muscular, and her stomach is flat with only a subtle hourglass shape.
Distinguishing Marks: Three slim claw marks separate her right eyebrow into four segments. A shallow cut across her cheek.
Common Appearance: Shasha’s features can be described as fair with an twinkle of innocence in her eyes and ambition! Almost always wearing a smile painted pink,she keeps her scales polished and free of dirt, her skin smooth and hydrated, and her teeth sparkling white! Despite her adventuring nature, she maintains a presentable image and presses her cloths before and after every journey. She prides herself on looking fashionable with long leather boots, slim fitting jackets, and skirts to match her free lifestyle.
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Profession: Adventurer (Former Airship Mechanic Apprentice)
Hobbies: Tinkering, weaving, and cooking!
Languages: Hyur Common
Residence: Dravanian Forelands
Birthplace: Azim Steppe
Clan: Qetir
Religion: None
Fears: Growing old without seeing the world
Spouse: None
Children: None
Parents: Vortrois Onfrai (Adopted Father), Qestir Merchants of No Importance (True Parents)
Siblings: Two Sisters, One Brother
Other Relatives: Kashin Onfrai (Adopted Brother)
Pets: Scraps the Pup
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TRAITS ––– -
Extroverted / In Between / Introverted
Disorganized / In Between / Organized
Close Minded / In Between / Open Minded
Calm / In Between / Excitable
Disagreeable / In Between / Agreeable
Cautious / In Between / Reckless
Patient / In Between /  Impatient
Outspoken / In Between / Reserved
Leader / In Between / Follower
Empathetic / In Between / Apathetic
Optimistic / In Between / Pessimistic
Traditional / In Between / Modern
Hard-working / In Between / Lazy
Cultured / In Between / Uncultured
Loyal / In Between / Disloyal
Sneky Hooks — — — -
Technophile Despite her traditional upbringing in the Steppes, this Xaela has an almost obsessive fascination with Magitek. She spent some time learning basic engineering and mechanical repair during her apprenticeship under an Airship technician. The presence of the Garlean Empire and the ancient technology unearthed over the years has only strengthened her love of machines and the opportunities they can offer the world if placed in the right hands. She’s often seen tinkering with some strange device, making mild adjustments to her pistol, or working on restoring parts to a Garlean Reaper she had discovered in her travels, one she keeps hidden until the day she can fully restore its functionality.
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Unbound Spirit At Shasha’s core, she is a free spirit yearning for adventure. She seeks to explore the deepest chasms of the earth to unlock their secrets, but her true calling is to soar the skies above and even dreams of the stars beyond! She enjoys learning of the difficult culture they inhabit the world, and doesn’t aspire to traditional, quiet lifestyle or her people. She dares to commit the sin of speech if it means a life unchained by the society that raised her.
Liar Truthful in nature, the brand she carries is one of shame in the eyes of her people. Born to the Qestir Tribe of the Azure Steppes, the name she introduces herself with is but two lies she tells, and every word after is a further deception to her people. Speaking of her tribe seems to be a bit of a sore subject, as she’s still conflicted despite her confidence in her path.
Eorzean Loyalty Though she is born in the Far East, Shasha’s loyalties lie more in Eorzea, specifically Ul’dah and Ishgard. After being disowned by her parents, she was adopted by a traveling, elderly Dravanian man who raised her as his own daughter. He taught her all manner of trade skills, Eorzean history and cultures, and of magic. She grew to love him as a father, and soon came to call Eorzea her new home. She spends much of her time exploring or performing odd jobs. Her free time is spent on her hobbies, learning new skills, repairing and caring for her father’s hold cottage in Dravania, or seeking new social experiences while visiting Ul’dah. She can also be seen exploring Thanalan, scavenging old battlegrounds and abandoned Garlean sights for Magitek, or searching the lands for Allagan technology and artifacts.
Onfrai Estate Built on the edges of the Goblet, the Onfrai Estate stands as a testament to Shasha’s determination and hardwork over the past few years (and the inheritance of her late foster father). Within the unassuming dwelling lies the heart of her operations, her basement workshop, filled to the brim with books, magitek devices, and other various engineering goodies that might tickle the fancy of tinkers and technicians alike. The pungent odor of whirling, well oiled gears fills the workshop, seeping out from the chimney above. To many, a fowl odor, but to Shasha, it’s the smell of progress! Outside the estate one might find the an astroscope looming over the fence, tilted high towards the sky with a twirling shard of Aetheryte transmitting the images it captures to the database below. Across from the scope is Shasha’s current project, the mobile workshop. She aims to outfit Beastman scraps and vehicles into a means to take her work on the road. Beyond the slapdash auto-carriage is a roaring furnace used to refine scraps and salvage the Xaela finds along her journeys. Those who live on the outskirts of the Goblet may have the misfortune of being her neighbor, and the issues that might come of it. Despite the possible disturbances, the estate is always welcoming new clients, guests, and employers, but be sure to check with her retainer outside before attempting to enter, else you might be tackled by the gaurd dog inside. (Goblet Ward 6, Plot 39 Mateus)
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The Mun — — — -
I am a strange woman, outspoken and often blunt. I am new to FFXIV as for May of 2019, but I’ve been rping on WoW since the Burning Crusade. I am pretty jaded towards most subject matter, so I don’t shy away from mature or adult themes. (No matter how graphic). IC and OOC will always be separate l, and I have no intentions of judging you for how you rp your character unless it’s purposely meant to hurt others. For the most part, I try to be friendly, bubbly, and talkative, for I love conversation, especially things to challenge my mind! Erp is alright, but story and character development are key to me. I love dark themes and even horror! Here’s a little bit of what I’m looking for in terms of RP:
Story driven, worldly, and long term.
Para is fine, I’m adaptable!
Politics, exploration, drama, tragedy, comedy, romance is alright but it never should be the focus, slice of life is also okay, but again, shouldn’t be the only thing that’s offered.
Heavy fantasy, dark, mature, horror, and risk of character death is all perfectly fine. An immersive story is what I crave most.
My time is EST, but I do stay up relatively late.
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Contact Info - - -
Feel free to send a tell to me on Shas’shil Onfrai (Mateus)
Tumblr messages are always welcome, I don’t bite, I’m a Boa after all, not a viper!
I do have Discord, but I prefer to get to know someone before I give out my contact info.
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I've seen people compare and contrast Dean's pearl wish with his djinn dream in s2, but what are your thoughts on Amara giving him what he wants most and the pearl his heart's desire? Given one is his mom and the other his dad. And one needing to be reversed.
Dean’s heart… an enigma for the ages :’D We should throw in from the pile of other smaller instances, the largest plain text one, which is 4x14 and the siren telling Dean that he wanted a brother-figure most in another episode which dealt with manifesting desires… Though that one’s been argued to shreds and has terrible context even taking a straightforward read of it as what it says on the tin, because it’s to force discord between Sam and Dean in the run up to their worst falling out, and so it’s a replacement in a very sinister way rather than the cleanest comparison you make of Amara giving Mary - actual Mary - back and the pearl granting John - actual John - back, compared to every other instance of wish fulfilment along the way. 
Anyway I think it is clear Amara had the better instinct… I feel like we all know about Dean and his issues with John, and I think it’s very much that the pearl picked up on a desire to resolve these things, and especially maybe exactly what the episode ended up being for them with John - just the chance to see the family unit together, and in a way see off the dream of what was missing there. That Mary being back begged a question of why not John as well - why hadn’t Amara restored BOTH parents, and why wasn’t Dean’s desire that SHE read in him to have this completed family with John AND Mary. 
I think the episode dealt with it really interestingly because I keep laughing in disbelief that what I never thought would happen even subtextually but totally had been joking to myself would, was Dean “coming out” to John in some way that set up normative family values against family don’t end in blood aka the weird ass family that he’s collected for himself through the years. 
Even as far back as that quote’s original use in 3x16, Bobby’s supplanted John and steps in as father and a strong subplot of season 3 is Bobby taking on that role, with 3x10 having a lot of this between him and Dean specifically… The show then goes on to not only build this up over the years to the point that Bobby’s the better dad, but in 7x10 goes so far as to suggest that he had been historically, retconning their history just one shade further from the way in 1x22 Bobby comes across almost like a vaguely known family friend to the one who wanted to play catch with Dean and defended their right to be kids with John over the phone, almost to the implication that the reason in 1x22 they’re worried about going to Bobby because last time they saw him he threatened to shoot John… was over their parenting of the boys. 
Like, John not only missed out and has some serious trauma with his boys, but in the family unit the show holds up as better than blood family, Bobby has historically and firmly supplanted John over a long arc through most of the core part of the show and final iconic death episode, so even though Bobby is also dead, we have AUBobby back if we WANT to step-dad him back into the family via Mary, and regardless, it’s clear that from childhood to way beyond John’s life, Bobby set down a challenge and the motto of the show and WON, and John doesn’t actually have a place in Dean’s family unit; he has the place in the NORMATIVE blood family, the white picket fence nuclear family from 1x01 that we see for all of a few seconds before it’s destroyed. But the family that means the most to Dean by all accounts of the show from season 3 onwards is not one that actually includes John and the more people Dean adopts, the less John factors into this, until by season 13 and 14 he’s shuddering out of the last of it by getting to raise a son of his own from tentative horror about inflicting a childhood on him like what John did to them, to actually bonding with Jack and being a better father than John was - thankfully with much lower stakes and 2 other dads to pick up the slack for the hard stuff when he’s emotionally incapable of reaching out at first.
And then we have how in season 1, the entire arc is about finding John, and in 1x16 we get that conversation between Sam and Dean which shatters my heart every time I go through: 
DEAN: Yes, that, but it’s more than that, man. (He returns to the dresser and is silent again, then once more turns to Sam.) You and me and Dad—I mean, I want us….I want us to be together again. I want us to be a family again.
SAM: Dean, we are a family. I’d do anything for you. But things will never be the way they were before. (DEAN looks heartbroken.)
DEAN: (sadly) Could be.
SAM: I don’t want them to be. I’m not gonna live this life forever. Dean, when this is all over, you’re gonna have to let me go my own way. (He and DEAN share a look.)
And then in 1x20:
SAM (Grumpily) That’s probably what Dad’s thinking. Course it would be nice if he just told us what he thinks.
DEAN So it is starting.
SAM What?
DEAN Sam, we’ve been looking for Dad all year. Now we’re not with him for more than a couple of hours and there’s static already?
There’s obviously like, a whole season of material on this but these moments stand out to me about what they want and how compatible the Sam Dean John team really is (without factoring in Mary being alive so there’s some more happiness to it all in what we saw).
In 1x16 Sam has John’s 14x13 idea of a happy end - of getting out of the life and being able to do normal human things and settle down and all that jazz, and John’s really sad that Dean never found it, and just sees a lack in Dean’s life. And then there’s the issue of having John around where obviously there’s a lot of reasons in the 14x13 set up that if it had been permanent it would have been better, but still what we saw was the very rosy honeymoon period of having John back. Like, they weren’t working a case together so we got no leadership conflict, but while Sam and John had the most heartbreaking chat to resolve everything between them, they also had one of those in the iconic “spent it on ammo” scene, which was, you know, wonderful and all, but then somehow John still ends up dying within the week after his last 3 conversations with Sam were all blow out arguments. And John in this episode was snatched from technically the middle of his falling out with Sam about Stanford, when he was coming from whiplash of disowning to wow damn the kid got big and competent and, er, hunter-y. Nullifying that argument from John’s POV just as Sam has lived just too much life to be mad about it when faced with a John of that era. Conveniently for their development in the episode, ya know. John was very cannily picked out of time for the perfect balance of emotions. Multiple time periods of John could be used for what he and Dean went through, but only Standford-era John could be chill and easy for Sam to handle like that.
So. We’ve got John nullified from being part of the core family and we’ve got him being potentially dangerous to keep around for a long time, even if we can assume the cheerful period would be longer. We still had, like, AUBobby. And whatever would have happened getting John up to speed on their lives and putting him to work. Sam is HUNTER BOSS now. Chief. King of Hell by default because the demons are all too scared of him to elect a new one. How’s John going to fit into a dynamic where even AUBobby’s acknowledged Sam’s the alpha? Sam’s issues in season 1 were largely being the kid still, helpless with being only 22 and relatively inexperienced at least compared to John and Dean even though he’s NEVER portrayed as incapable, he’s just struggling with being young and not being the natural leader his personality has always been and he’s always had trouble with. (the 1x10 fury about the kids thinking Dean is his boss is the best microcosm :P The actual argument of 1x10-11 in full explains it all though if you rewatch those 2 with this in mind.) 
And then why does Mary get to stay? First of all, just because they don’t have ANY experience of her, not as hunter!mom, barely as mom, and she’s a sainted concept with no personality so they don’t have a CLUE about who Mary actually IS and all the ways she can be flawed and weird and messy and like them and unlike them. In some ways a problem with John was always too MUCH John became a thing very quickly, while they’ve been thirsty sponges for anything about Mary. Dean remembers the tiniest specs of info about her and Sam is arguably in a worst place of not knowing at ALL. 
She also never got to fuck them up with trauma and getting a chance to fuck up and upset them as adults is wonderful because they get to go through Dramas and Struggles about having mom around and her doing crap things like sleeping with Ketch or whatever and like… that’s still delightful filling in gaps compared to them carrying enormous burdens from how John raised them… Even knowing Mary was a hunter and made the deal etc is a retroactive pain they only carry from season 4, so all their formative years she was a blank slate and John was causing all the damage. Even if we break John and Mary down to how they address Sam and Dean’s trauma, John shows up to make up for/free them from what already happened to them, while Mary arrives to fill in blank spaces and give them an experience they never had before. 12x22′s speech addresses all this in one way or another, about both the history retcon Dean’s had time to absorb since season 4, but also that the trauma came from John, and even the very setting of the childhood kitchen and Mary’s inability to see past her tiny children mirroring their inability to see past Mother Mary at times giving us how much they’re building their emotional landscape over this frozen-in-time leap of 33 years. 
Amara gave Dean forward development he needed most in a way that was ongoing development of a relationship over time, while the pearl resolves something that can be done in an afternoon, and free Dean to move on to a world beyond John and to embracing and understanding his own family values without the spectre of what John wanted for him… Better for them to all get a resolution about John, a good final memory, but then to accept that he came from the past, and to put him back there. While Mary is a scrappy disaster person just like them, and very much a living person with her own crap… John emerged like a ghost, and ~moved on~ like a ghost. But the unfinished business was on the living winchesters, rather than on him. 
… It was fantastically well done, I probably don’t need to say about how I feel on it :’) 
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maren-reads-books · 5 years
All Out: The No-Longer-Secret Stories of Queer Teens throughout the Ages Edited by Saundra Mitchell
Written by Anna-Marie McLemore, Natalie C. Parker, Nilah Magruder, Mackenzi Lee, Robin Talley, Malinda Lo, Dahlia Adler, Kate Scelsa, Elliot Wake, Scott Tracey, Tess Sharpe, Alex Sanchez, Kody Keplinger, Sara Farizan, Tessa Gratton, Shaun David Hutchinson and Tehlor Kay Mejia
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In this wonderful collection of short stories, you will be pulled into worlds filled with magic and worlds much like ours, where love, in any form, can overcome all. Whether it be two girls becoming pirates and taking charge of their lives, a thief and witch tearing apart a corrupt system or a new years revelation, this book will pull at your heartstrings and is bound to make you want to fall in love.
Like previous reviews of short story books, I will go through each of these stories in quick mini-reviews so that you guys can get unlimited access into the bookish section of my brain. This book is such a great collection of short stories and I would highly recommend it to all. There are so many important lessons within each and every one of these stories and I think there are valuable pieces of information that I think everyone should have in their repertoire.
Roja: This story was so good, I’m not usually one for historical fiction but it is starting to grow on me, especially when magic and fairytales are involved. I loved this retelling of Little Red Riding Hood. I loved that it involved an accurate trans character, there are real historical accounts of girls dressing as men to fight, although they were not always trans, I did love the accurate historical representation. It was so great that the girl wasn't ashamed of him and loved him for who he was, she fought for him even though people looked down on her for existing. These people didn't even care enough to acknowledge her as a human. Her strength, her power, her willingness to fight against those oppressive men is not only representational of the plights of what women have gone through for centuries, but it’s also great to see a powerful female character stand up for what she believes in and for the people she loves. This story was just wonderful and I loved it so much. It is one of the many reasons I would recommend this book.
The Sweet Trade: I feel like this story fits a common theme that appears in some of the books that I've read: girls wanting to be pirates, which is awesome. I love that even though Clara is only sixteen she knows what she wants from life and it's not to be married to some pushover of a man who only wants money. She wants to take control of her life and create her own destiny which is completely badass if you ask me. And then she meets Pearl, who is also running away from her wedding, and they help each other, women supporting women at its finest. It is such a sweet little story of two girls falling in love as they take charge of their lives. I liked it very much, although I wish it were a tad longer.
And They Don’t Kiss At The End: I don't have a whole lot to say about this story but it did like it a lot. My most prominent reason for enjoying this story so much was that it had asexual representation. You never ever see aromantic or asexual representation and I really loved how this book went about it, it was just wonderful to see. Another reason I loved it was because Vince didn't pressure Dee into doing anything she didn't want to, he was completely accepting of her boundaries and that is so important in any kind of relationship. These types of stories are the kind I want to be made into a full out book, it's so important for teens to know that they have options and whatever they might be feeling or not feeling is normal. Diverse representation in media is so important, and this book does it right.
Burnt Umber: This story was sweet and simple. I love the fact that you don't really see the end coming. From the beginning, all Constantijn can think of is the handsome boy who works at the docks, it's very endearing until Joost comes to model for his class. I was so excited that maybe they'd become friends and then something more, but then it turns out Joost is kind of mean and Constantijn loses interest, yes he may be pretty but he isn't nice to Constantijn’s friends. I think that this is an important story about knowing what's good for you and what’s not, no matter how appealing it may look on the outside. It is a very sweet little story and I enjoyed it thoroughly.
The Dresser And The Chambermaid: Again with the wonderful historical fiction! This was such a sweet little story, I don't have a whole lot of analysis for this one but I will tell you I was so happy in the end when they both got to be dressers and Suzanna got recognition for her hairstyle. It was so funny that when they were kissing in the hallway and the king kind of walked in on them and was just like “whatever, I can't judge since I'm going to meet my mistress and cheat on my wife” and just left. Like that was a little piece of comic relief and I loved it, what a wonderful upbeat little story.
New Year: Same as the last, I don't have much to say about this story. I do think however, it was a great way to highlight the adversity that queer people have faced throughout history, especially queer people of color. ‘Minority’ groups have long faced persecution, as well as queer people. When you persecute two groups that sometimes overlap, its an onslaught of discrimination, and although this story doesn't go very deep into that issue it hints at it. But I also think that this story was a little bit about the main characters queer awakening. She has little exposure to the LGBTQ community but she sees something in it that intrigues her and makes her feel something, and I think it's important that people realize that exploration outside of the socially accepted “norms” is good and can show you parts of yourself that you didn't even know existed. At least that's what I gained from this story.
Molly’s Lips: I love this story, first it is a reference to one of my favorite songs, which is great, who doesn't love Nirvana(more specifically the Vaselines)? I think it's great that this story addresses the insane amount of grief the country was feeling over his man's death. He was an icon loved by millions, and he was just gone. I love this because I totally get what Molly is feeling. When you love someone that much you just want to be enough to make all the hurt go away and make sure they will always be okay, but it's not always enough to just be there, you have to listen and try to understand because that's what they need you to do. The way this story played out, however short, was just perfect and adorable, like so many of the stories in this book I wish it were a full-length book.
The Coven: This story also contains something I read about often, witches. I love magic! Magic is so cool, in almost any aspect. I also just love the way this was laid out, I love Dean’s description of Vivi, I’m a sucker for women in cool hats and doing *scandalous* things in eras past. I also love the little easter egg in there, Gertrude Stein was having a conversation with young Ernest Hemingway, cool! But I just love this story, it's very mysterious and its another piece of historical fiction, a story after my own heart. And who doesn't love a little magic in Paris? I also liked that Dean had those foggy days because I totally feel that, when you're a person who tends to take on other peoples problems because of your big heart, you put those problems ahead of dealing with your own pain, it was really great to see her deal with her grief and realize that she can help herself.
Every Shade Of Red: Another take on a fairytale, yay! Everyone knows the classic story of Robin Hood stealing from the rich to give to the poor, most kids my age grew up watching the Disney version with all the animals. But this version has a special place in my heart. I love fairytales and retellings of them, and I love that in this story we have Robin as a leader of a motley crew but he's also trans which is so cool, we have a trans character where the story isn't only about them being trans. That is so important, most YA novels and stories that have trans protagonists its only about their journey of self discovery and figuring out what they want to do with this newfound freedom, which isn't a bad thing, but trans people have lives outside of their transition and dysphoria and I think it’s important that people recognize that. But I also think that this story would ring true for many trans people, their parents disowned them or cut ties completely because of who they truly are and this happened for Robin in this story, although I do like the twist that he used to be Marian, I was kind of suspecting it but it was still surprising. This story gives off Six of Crows vibes, even though there are no trans characters in that book it has similar themes (go read it if you haven't yet). But I was so incredibly upset with the ending!! Totally unfair of them to do that to Robin, it was a cruel twist of fate that I didn't see coming, and Will’s father no less, like wow. Did not see that coming at all, not cool, not cool at all. I did love this story but there needs to be more, I need to know if they find their way back to each other because if they never do I’ll be very upset for like, the rest of my life.
Willows: I had mixed feelings about this story. It was interesting and weird but also really confusing. Benjamin was himself, but also other people. And the Return? Like what is that? And if the town knew that he and Sebastian were a thing, why hadn't they taken care of it yet if they cared so much about maintaining the sanctity village? Also in the end when they run away it was kind of implied that Sebastian knew that the witches were there and teat they could protect them, but it was written in a way that made it kind of hard to understand. Overall this story was intriguing but I think things could've been laid out more clearly so that it makes better sense to the reader.
The Girl With The Blue Lantern: I love this story! Although its a little short for my liking its so cute, although I wonder what Oriana is, is she a sprite? A fairy? A nymph? Who knows but I like her. It sucks that Ella had to live with her father like that it was so awful, I can't imagine, and then she's been taking care of him and helping him this entire time and when she finally has enough money to et themselves up for a decent life he takes her money and accused her of stealing from him and selling her body to make money. Like that an awful man she never deserved that. I was a little nervous though when she stepped into the water, I thought something bad might happened but I was so glad that they are able to be together now and will be able to love each other forever, it's such a nice happy ending. Very cute, 10/10.
The Secret Life Of A Teenage Boy: Again too short! I know this is a book of short stories but I want all for them to be full books, I love all of them too much. I did love this story, its just so sweet and innocent and its kind of a self-realization story, he always knew he was different and was to afraid to say anything but then by fate he meets this guy and it changes his whole life, even though it only took not even an hour, stuff like that just makes my heart melt, because that’s what I want true love to be like, one minute can change your whole perspective on life, and you just gotta roll with the punches but you also have to know what is good for you and what you want from life and I think that this story was a perfect example of that and I really enjoyed it.
Walking After Midnight: I love this era, the ’50s and ’60s are my jam, especially fashion-wise, but the era was so cool in many ways. This story was so sweet, I think it was another little piece of the lgbtq+ spectrum that we don't usually get to see, maybe demisexual or asexual, but either way it was a super cute story about exploring your options, no matter where you are in life, you're not stuck, there is a way out and you have options, it doesn't matter your age or race or gender, you have those opportunities if you look for them they'll be there. I just really like this story because it was just so hopeful and upbeat and it did have some serious parts but it was very just flowing but it also had a great underlying message.
The End Of The World as We Know It: I love this, I was born two years after the Y2K thing so I totally missed it but it sounded interesting. I also missed the Columbine shooting, the fact that this book brought it up was like a punch in the gut, the way that the characters said it was probably never going to happen again, and here I am in June of 2019 and in the twenty years since the Columbine there have been over 230 school shootings in the US, and although I don't usually get into politics on this account I think that this is an important statistic that everyone should know. On a different note, I did like this story, it was sweet and simple, another story of self-discovery and young love like many in this collection, it was just super chill and I love the note at the end when it says “sorry I couldn't stay I had to go break up with my boyfriend” like what a great way to start out the new year.
Three Witches: I love this story although I am a bit confused about the title, I don't really know what it had to do with the story, I can only assume it is Gracia, Violante, and the unknown woman at the end of the book. This story made me sad but also happy, sad because this woman was being accused of being a sinner for loving a woman, she was being punished because the church said it wrong to love freely. It made me happy because she, in turn, found love in her imprisonment and set both herself and Gracia free. Stories like this really pull at my heartstrings because I don't understand, and this is my personal opinion, I’m not judging anyone, how you can believe that one superior being makes everything so and he said that loving someone is wrong, I just don't understand that. But this story made me happy because they both discovered strength in themselves and each other in times of weakness and that's what love really is.
The Inferno and The Butterfly: I love love love this story! It's so good! Both of these boys had gone through so much and thought they had people who loved them and cared for them and both had that idea ripped from their hearts and minds but they found each other and they found a way to create real love that wouldn't be taken away by anyone else, and that is beautiful. As I addressed earlier, historical fiction is growing on me, but magic has always been something I loved reading about. This story kind of reminded me of a darker shade of magic, old London and magic are like the best duo ever and this is such a great little love story and the combination is so good, this is probably my third favorite out of this collection.
Healing Rosa: This story is so cool, I have a little bit of an obsession with different cultures and their healing rituals, myths about where they come from interest me so much and I think that's why I love this story so much. Another reason why I love this story is that it addresses in some aspect, mental illness and how it can affect someone, not only mentally but also physically. Lastly, I love this story because, in the end, Rosa’s dad accepted her for who she was and realised that his own sadness and bitterness was nothing compared to what he would experience if he lost his daughter and that's what truly pulled me into this story. There are so many people in this world who are disowned and pushed away by their families because they don't know how to accept their children's differences and I think it’s important that we address the happier sides of the narrative instead of only the bad ones, it gives hope to those who may not have it, and that goes for everything in life.
Top Three: Every Shade of Red, Roja, The Inferno and The Butterfly
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