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caeca-iustitia · 8 months ago
I'm hot and sweaty...
And now I want to brainstorm SOLDIER Vincent outfits since today's chaos has inspired me...
0 notes
leclercsainzz · 3 months ago
PAIRINGS: drew starkey x fem!reader
TYPE: social media au
A/N: their summer fling slowly turned into a deep and genuine connection, as they realized they couldn’t bear to be apart from each other
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liked by drewstarkey, hichasestokes and 799,972 others
yourusername: when in doubt, photo dump(:
tagged: @drewstarkey @madelyncline
view 7,736 comments
user: when in doubt, post drew starkey
user: MY MAN MY MAN MY MAN (drew starkey)
madelyncline: mom, i made it to the photo dump!
madelyncline: body so tea the british are coming 🫦
madisonbaileybabe: damn— im speechless 😍
user: drew is soooooo fine oml
austinnorth55: cutie 😘 @drewstarkey
↳ hichasestokes: more like HOT
↳ user: they’re just like me frfr
user: soooooo are you and drew dating or?!?!?
↳ user: girl— they’re just friends
↳ user: “friends” okay
user: MARRY ME??!? OMG 😩
user: i’m confused on whether they’re dating or not
user: BODY OMG
user: i get it, drew, i do
user: ma’am, i have feelings for you
user: she stays feeding us with the drew content
user: so ya’ll fucking or what?
↳ user: straight to the point, i like it 🤣
drewstarkey: who’s that fine man in the third post?
↳ yourusername: 🤷🏻‍♀️ just some weirdo i met
↳ user: so you admit he’s fine?!!?? 😏
user: how lucky of drew who gets to worship her bodyyyy
user: body goals
carlaciagrant: woah— she’s hot!!! 🥵
user: mother is mothering once again
user: body-ody frr
user: the hottest girL ever, i swear
user: wowzers 🫦
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liked by jonathandavissofficial, drewstarkey and 801,028 others
yourusername: hot girl summer
view 5,927 comments
user: GIRL— thE last post?!?!?
user: that better be drew 🙂‍↕️
user: drew is definitely the one taking these pics 😉
madelyncline: did mamacita get her margarita?
↳ yourusername: she did;)
user: i looked at her post and sighed
user: that looks like drew’s hands, no?!??
user: drew and her DEFINITELY fuck
↳ user: i just know they fuck good!
↳ yourusername: we’re just friends
↳ user: LMAO “just friends”
carlaciagrant: SEXYY 😍
↳ yourusername: right back at you 💗
user: excuse me?!!!? the last post?!!? yn?!? what is this?!!?
user: @drewstarkey you lucky son of a bitch
user: the definition of mamacita is literally yn
user: his hand is under her hoodie?!!? HELLO?!!?
↳ user: i noticed it toOO 😭
rudeth: that last post? keep it pg, please
↳ user: LMAO
kelseaballerini: stunning girl
↳ yourusername: 🫶🏼 love yaaa
user: girl— is that drew?
fionapaloma: hottie
↳ yourusername: mwah 💋
user: ooh to be yn
drewstarkey: stunning
comment has been deleted
drewstarkey: you got lit, huh?
user: praying that is drew’s hand 🙏🏼
user: body goals fr—
user: yndrew nation rise up
hichasestokes: “friends” they say
comment has been deleted
user: idk if i wanna be her or date her
↳ user: i wanna be drew
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liked by yourusername, madelyncline and 819,937 others
drewstarkey: 🎭
view 5,849 comments
user: he just got 10x more fine with that buzzcut
user: is that yn in the third post?!??
user: um? the cake?!? hello?!? SAME
rudeth: i made that cake with extra love ;)
↳ drewstarkey: 🙂‍↕️
user: nOt rudy baking the cake omg
user: is that yn in the bed?!!?
user: biceps omg— 😍
user: the things i would do to have his hands wrapped around me
user: getting the buzzcut was THE BEST decision ever omg
user: if you zoom in on the third post, it’s literally yn
madelyncline: buzz 🐝
yourusername: thanks for cropping me out on the first post(:
↳ drewstarkey: this isn’t about you, darling
↳ user: DARLING OMG?!!??
↳ user: “we’re only friends” my ass 🙄
user: my man finally remembered he had an account
user: joseph andrew starkey 👅
user: babe, come home! the kids miss you
user: yn getting that everyday omgggg 😩
hichasestokes: ooh wow 😍
user: chill— my girl is on this app
user: everyone wake up! drew posted
user: that’s literally yn, no? there’s no way they’re “just friends”
user: he called yn, “darling” sbsolslandndssksodn
user: he can choke me till i pass out with those biceps 🥰
user: need him bibically
jonathandavissofficial: 🤩
user: getting that buzzcut was the best thing you could ever do
user: @yourusername lucky mf, i fear 😭
↳ user: she fr bagged my man
user: the man of my dreams
user: HOT
user: i need to touch grass omg makslspa
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liked by carlaciagrant, austinnorth55 and 837,026 others
yourusername: 🇮🇹
view 4,836 comments
madelyncline: my girlfriend
↳ yourusername: hii babyyy;)
madelyncline: SEXc 🫦
user: so that girl on twitter wasn’t lying
↳ user: what girl?
↳ user: this girl on twitter tweeted that yn & drew were in italy
user: MOTHER 😍
↳ user: so you’re the lucky girl huh? 😭
user: that’s definitely drew in the corner of the fifth slide
madisonbaileybabe: ooh lala mamacita 🙂‍↕️
↳ yourusername: te amo 🫦
see translation: i love you
drewstarkey: stunner
↳ yourusername: 😘
↳ user: i am NOT normal about this omG— ajdjsksnsns
↳ user: “friends” yea right
↳ user: they’re definitely dating
↳ user: biTch omg???!??
madisonbeer: gorgeous girl!
user: do you ever not look good?!?
rudeth: wow, you’re fancy, huh?
user: babes, you’re literally so hot
user: alexa— how to be drew starkey?
carlaciagrant: my god, you’re sooo fine
↳ yourusername: are we about to kiss rn 🙂‍↔️
user: feed = blessed
user: yes yes yes yes! 😍
user: i wanna be drew so badly omg
user: drop that white boy and come my way 😩
hichasestokes: where was my invite?
user: girllll 😍
user: wishing i was drew
user: hottie alert
chase — yn
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madelyn — drew
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liked by kendalljenner, drewstarkey and 844,829 others
yourusername: tomfoolery
tagged: @madelyncline
view 5,528 comments
user: born to be her man, forced to be her fan 😭
user: please, drew is so lucky
user: stunning!
madelyncline: i love yaa, girlfriend 😘
madelyncline: HOTTTT
drewstarkey: pretty lady
↳ yourusername: 🙂‍↕️
user: okay bodyyy
user: ur perfect
user: so are her and drew together?
↳ user: YES
↳ user: no lol
↳ user: nothing has been confirmed so 🤷🏻‍♀️
user: OBSESSED with you omgg 😍
leahkateb: gorgg
↳ yourusername: noo, that’s youuu 🫶🏼
user: when you bless our feed >>
user: 😍 soooo stunning, i swear
user: body so tea
madisonbaileybabe: the hottest :3
user: yn, give me one chance
user: are we just going to ignore drew’s comment?
madisonbeer: hello, pretty girl 😍
user: mother
user: @drewstarkey give me my wife back 😭
user: you have the prettiest smile ever
user: yndrew who? we only ynmadelyn
user: her man is definitely the lucky one
user: what’s the deal between you and drew?? 🤔
user: i think we can all agree that drew took these pics
user: in love with youuu 😩
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liked by madelyncline, rudeth and 823,017 others
drewstarkey: 😼
view 5,037 comments
nick_v_cirillo: 😍 wow
↳ user: yn’s biggest competition has arrived
| liked by yourusername
user: gUYS— she likes my comment kmsbdjsns
↳ user: what comment?!!? 🤔
↳ user: the onE with nick being her biggest competition
user: hey baby daddy
user: Is THAT YN?!??
user: yn?!?!!?? 👀
user: the laSt slide 😭
user: THE white boy of my entire life 😩
user: smash
user: @yourusername oooh girl, you’re sooo lucky 😭
user: “just friends” my ass
madelyncline: are you cheating on me:( @yourusername
↳ yourusername: NEVER, my love
user: the second photo has me going FERAL 😍
user: bitch— that’s literally yn in the last slide anskdndn
user: i’m so confused 😭 are him and yn together or???
user: question of the century tbh
hichasestokes: sexy
user: sexiest man alive, i swear 😍
yourusername: hot 🫦
↳ user: girl?!!???
↳ user: this confirms they’re together right?
user: the way he’s holding her 😭😭😭
user: i just wanna be one of your girls
user: he’s so fine omg 😍
user: oooh to be yn
user: the last post, i can’t—
user: drew starkey, my man
user: making the second slide my wallpaper
user: thats the loml
user: drew starkey, the man that you are 🫦
user: i NEED him sooooo bad
user: ON MY KNEES 🧎🏻‍♀️
user: yn, you lucky bitch 😭
austinnorth55: 🤩
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liked by rudeth, madisonbaileybabe and 875,940 others
yourusername: life lately with my favorite guy drew starkey 💋
view 5,937 comments
user: oMG OMG OMG
user: i just fell on my knees in walmart 😭
user: friends or???
jonathandavissofficial: oh? 😏
user: what— UH SINE WHEN?!!?
madelyncline: YAYYYYYYYYY
user: i thought they were just friends?!??? 🤔
↳ yourusername: we are haha
user: the fourth slide, hello???!?
drewstarkey: pretty girl 😘
↳ yourusername: 🫶🏼 ilyyy
user: wait— are you guys dating or???
↳ yourusername: just friends lol
↳ user: i’m confused, hold on— 😭 what?
user: “friends” LMAO
user: i love how she’s trolling everyone with the whole “friends” bs
hichasestokes: the hottest pair of besties
📌 pinned
user: friends who fuck, maybe
carlaciagrant: love you both!!
austinnorth55: your best friends hot;)
↳ yourusername: sooooo hot
user: baby girl, i’m genuinely confused 😭 are ya’ll together or?
↳ yourusername: he’s actually the loml
user: bItch the FOURTH SLIde????
user: wait, so they’re together together??
↳ yourusername: 🙂‍↕️ yuppp
user: MOM AND DAD 😍
leahkateb: hottie
↳ yourusername: besitos xx 😘
see translation: kisses
user: about time, omg
user: theY’re so hot together
user: the second and fourth slide 😭
user: took my man just like that
user: it’s over for us yn girlies
nick_v_cirillo: ❤️
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liked by yourusername, hichasestokes and 885,836 others
drewstarkey: fun times with my favorite girl yn ln 🫶🏼
view 5,736 comments
user: its official, they’re together 😭
yourusername: hiii babyy
↳ drewstarkey: come give me a kiss;)
yourusername: SEXc 😍
user: the text message
user: confirmed obx cast is yndrew’s children
user: i feel so single 😭
user: we’ve lost him, girlies
hichasestokes: hey dad 👋🏼
↳ drewstarkey: hi son
user: drew really bagged the baddest girl ever 😭 iktr
| liked by drewstarkey
madisonbaileybabe: my favs! 🥰
user: his sneaky link turned into his girlfriend 😔
madelyncline: my parents 🫶🏼
jonathandavissofficial: much love for you both
user: can ya’ll adopt me too, please?
user: @nick_v_ cirillo they took your man
user: they’re so hot 🫦
user: all aboard the yndrew train
user: we get it, you’re taken 😭
user: ooh you lucky girl @yourusername
user: i love when hot people date
user: about time
user: yn’s sooooo gorgeous 😍
user: idk who’s luckier him or her
user: friends or dating??
user: its official anskkssn, they’re dating 🥳
user: thank goD he remembered his insta password
user: this man is sooooo fine 🫦
| liked by yourusername
user: i love them together omg 😭
user: they make such a beautiful couple, i swear 😩
user: mom and dad
user: their babies are gonna turn out cute
user: my family 🥺
user: hottest couple ever
user: yndrew nation rise!!!
user: he’s hot, she’s hot, they make a hot couple 🤤
user: it was about time omg ajajaksndnd
1K notes · View notes
tcmmysheiby · 2 months ago
oh, loverboy - dbf!joel miller
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authors note - listen, i love myself some pedro pascal but game!joel?? another level for me, ok. you can picture with either game!joel or show!joel, you do you. i haven't written in five years and i have come out of writing retirement just for this man. pls be kind to me!! any feedback is appreciated, especially as this is my first smut in so long and i'm used to writing about peaky blinders boys! feel free to send me asks, requests, whatever whatever u want
warnings - dbf!joel, afab, reader described as wearing a dress, dry humping, cheating (joel is married!!), joel takes readers underwear, reader is v horny and shameless about it, facesitting/riding (aka reader would kill joel irl), lots of dirty talk, pussy pronouns, brief female masturbation and brief mention of male masturbation, dryer is in the kitchen cause i'm british ok!!!, slight cum play but not really, use of the word slut, joel gets off on having just hair pulled at js, somewhat switch!joel towards the end but maybe not idk, semi-public sex, office sex, age gap (20 years, the rest is down to you)
word count - 8k.
You knew it was wrong to be besotted with your parent’s best friend, especially when he was a married man but how could you resist? Joel Miller did nothing to help your cause. 
He was polite, handsome and always walked around like he oozed confidence and could do whatever he wanted and no one would bat an eyelid.  His smile was enough to have you clenching your thighs during family meals and your fingers stuffed deep in your pussy the very same night as you dreamed of what else that mouth could do. It was a long, tortuous, heavenly roundabout that you were stuck on and frankly, you didn’t want to get off. 
What did you do in a previous life to deserve this? Why couldn’t you have met Joel in another life? A life where Joel and your dad didn’t meet every Saturday night to play card games and drink beer whilst discussing the latest game. A life where your mother and Joel’s wife, Charlotte, didn’t have spa nights and drink cheap fruity wine they got from the local store. You deserved more, you deserved better, you deserved Joel. 
You have been so good. You’d resisted him for years. You’d perfected your best, fake smile during every anniversary dinner, congratulated them as they announced the renewal of their vows, you’d helped his wife pick out her wedding dress alongside your mother, you’d done everything you were meant to do. When was it your turn? 
“What you thinkin’ bout, girl?” 
You dragged your eyes away from the kitchen window and over to Joel who stood in the doorway, halfway to the fridge before he stopped. How long had you been staring out the window at him? You had only come in here to check on your laundry, how long ago was that? Were you going crazy? 
“Nothin’, Joel,” you said softly, quickly glancing down at the dryer, only a few minutes left. “You and my dad havin’ a good time?” 
You nodded out the window and towards the car that Joel and your dad had been working on for almost six months now, they never seemed to get any further with their latest mechanical mission. On the lawn next to the drive sat your mother and Charlotte, both of them engrossed in conversation as they sipped on lemonade whilst basking in the Austin summer heat. You didn’t hate Charlotte exactly but you envied her and you didn’t know what was worse. You envied her pretty flowery dresses and long curled hair that always look elegant, her fingernails which were always painted a pretty light blue colour and perfectly maintained, envied the fact she slept next to Joel every night and probably didn’t realise how lucky she was. God, maybe you did hate her. 
“Be havin’ a damn better time when I don’t have to look at that car again, swear your dad buys the stupidest shit going,” he scoffed before opening the fridge and pulling out two beers, eyeing up the cheap brand your father had purchased. Joel then turned towards you, “Looks like something’s on your mind - “ he paused before the slight graze of a smirk morphed on his luscious face. “Or someone?” 
It was your turn to scoff, only yours came out uncomfortably loud. “N’ what’s that meant to mean?” 
“C’mon, charmin’ girl like you must have someone by now,” Joel questioned, an eyebrow arched as he stared over at you. Was he moving closer to you? No, it was your imagination. “Not seen ya’ with anyone since that lil boy you had back when you were twenty, what a fool he turned out to be.”
Yeah, a fool indeed. What a waste of time he turned out to be. 
“Tell me about it.”
“Nobody then?” Joel was definitely closer. Could your laundry please hurry up?
You took a quick look  at him briefly before smiling and shaking your head. You turned back towards the window, your back to him now. “We all ain’t lucky to be loved up like you, Joel. Boys my age, well…” 
“What’s wrong with 'em’, sweetheart? That guy turned you off men completely, huh?” 
“Well, they just ain’t my type, Mr. Miller…” You trailed off, you hadn’t called him that in many years. “I like men that are a bit older, ya know?” 
As soon as you finished your sentence, you felt Joel's presence behind you. 
This is what happened between the two of you. Nothing out of turn was ever said but there was a tension, an indescribable sends-you-crazy in the middle of the night, tension. You were adamant it was just you being delusional. You were twenty-years younger than Joel, he would never have any interest in you that way. Plus, your parents were his best friends. Oh, and he was married.
Were you some infatuated young woman who just couldn’t stop fantasising about her dad’s hot best friend? This was more than a fantasy though, this had been going on years. You’d spent endless nights with your hand tucked in between your thighs as you thought dirty things about him. Had mastered every excuse going as to why you couldn’t attend any of the Miller’s functions that Charlotte insisted on throwing. 
“Older?” Joel leaned across you to grab the bottle opener. Of all the places for your father to have left it, why did you have to be in front of it? You got a whiff of his aftershave and almost fell to your knees there. “What makes you like older men so much, huh?” 
“Just somethin’ about them, somethin’ special, somethin’ that makes me feel a lil’ bit naughty, you know?” What were you doing? Words came out of your mouth before you could even process what you were going to say. Joel being behind you, his arm brushing past your waist as he brought the bottle opener towards him. It was all too much, you couldn’t stop rambling but he looked so good, black t-shirt so tight and jeans fitting in all the right places. Did she tell him how good he looked all the time? “They got more experience, more knowledge, and know how to treat a lady right. Boys my age, they don’t know what they doin’. Boys at college showed me that, that’s why i’m wantin’ an older man, ya know? Want someone who ain’t gonna mess me around or throw me to side when someone prettier comes along.” 
“These city boys stupid if they throwin’ you to the side baby,” Joel purred, his breath hot on your neck. He looked down at you from where he stood, trying his hardest not to stare down your shirt. You always made it so difficult for him. “You have many boys in college?” 
Joel moved to your side and faced away from the window. He stared straight ahead as he placed one of the beer bottles down and brought the other to his lips. You stared directly at his wife as you tried not to imagine her husband bending you over the counter, dropping to his knees and using his mouth to eat your pussy from the back. She had no idea as she giggled alongside your mother, had no idea of the thoughts that had ruined your brain since hormones came to play. 
“They wanted me, I didn’t always give them the same attention back.” 
You took a step back at the sound of the dryer beeping, finally. You grabbed the washing basket you had discarded to the side and lowered yourself to both knees as you emptied your load of dry, clean washing into it. Maybe this wasn’t the best position to be in considering you only had to glance slightly to your right and make eye contact with Joel’s bulge. You weren't straining your back for no-one though. 
You felt your heart drop as Joel crouched down to your level besides you. The two of you were no longer in view of the window, nor the front door if anyone was to walk in. This felt wildly inappropriate, you loved it. You just silently prayed that Joel felt the same gravitational pull as you did. 
It all seemed different. You’d had these conversations before, sometimes there had been flirtatious comments but Joel was a tease, could flirt with a lamp post if he really tried hard enough. There was something about the way he was looking at you now, almost as if there was resistance there. Like he was trying to resist you. 
“Older men won’t always treat you well,” he rasped, training his eyes to stay level with yours and not fall below your neckline. Your little white tank top doing nothing to hide your chest, it seemed you had skipped wearing anything underneath.  Such a tease, he thought. “Young pretty thing like you wanting a bit of them? C’mon now, you can’t handle no-one your own age, let alone someone twenty  years older than you.” 
There was a taunting smile on his face. Your heart began to thump under the thin material of your vest as you looked at him, not paying attention to the clothing in your hands. His head tilted to the side slightly as he eyed you up, waiting for you to respond. 
“You are twenty years older than me,” you whispered out loud before you could stop yourself.  “Do you think I couldn’t handle ya?” 
Joel shook his head and sniggered slightly. “I know you couldn’t handle me baby, ain’t no shame in that.” 
“Why don’t you give me the chance to prove you - “ 
“I’ll have these.” The words were spoken and an item of clothing was stolen from your hands before you could finish your sentence . You suddenly felt tiny as Joel stood up. You looked up at him, eyes wide and mouth open as you watched him hold your pink, lace panties in his hand. “I’d prefer them used but this will do.” You kneeled with your mouth open, unable to make any argument back. Joel looked down at you before he bent over slightly to grab your jaw. You whimpered pathetically at the action and a wide shit-eating grin was on Joel’s within seconds of you making the sound. “Goodbye sweet girl.” 
“Joel - “ 
“Goodbye sweet girl,” he repeated sternly, his eyes lingering on yours as he stood up straight and walked out of the kitchen, your panties stuffed in his back pocket and both bottles of beer in his hands. 
You were a fool. A big fool. 
As soon as Joel had gone, you were running upstairs into your room where you slammed the door shut and threw yourself down on the bed. It had never gone that far before. He’d taken your panties - your favourite but you’d let that slide. Your mind was clogged with thoughts of him with your panties wrapped around his cock as he edged himself over and over again. His hand pressed against the locked door of the bathroom he shared with his wife. He wouldn’t be thinking about her though, no, his mind would be flooded with filthy images of you doing the stuff his wife wouldn’t do for him, you bent over wherever he wanted, his cock stuffed wherever he wanted, your mouth wide open and pussy sopping for him. You wanted them back, covered in his cum and filth, his scent embedded in the material. He was making you feral, the panties you were currently wearing already so soaked.
He wanted them used? Well, he’d get them used. 
“Fuck,” you breathed out, your right index and middle finger slowly massaging your clit. 
It was the same routine almost nightly. The moment your fingers touched your clit, dirty thoughts of Joel would arise in your brain. You wanted every inch of him, wanted his fingers rubbing delicate circles on your clit rather than your own, wanted his tongue lapping you up as he slowly slipped his large fingers inside of you, slowly but surely bringing you to the edge over and over and over again. 
You felt restricted by the panties you were wearing but you needed them soaked. Needed Joel to have one smell of the fabric and go mad with lust, unable to control himself to the point he tugs his cock out wherever he is and strokes and strokes until he’s coming so hard that the only thing he can purr is your name over and over again. You were so mad for this man, you needed him to be the same back. 
This is what you were put on this planet for. You were made to make Joel miller go crazy at the scent of a younger woman. 
You rubbed your clit harder as you arched your back, mumbling his name repeatedly until it was the only thing you could do. Your legs spread wider as your eyes fluttered open and shut, the room blurring as you felt the pressure grow in your lower abdomen. 
You always came quick when you thought of Joel but this, this was humiliating. 
As your orgasm washed through you, all you could do was concentrate on Joel’s voice. I know you couldn’t handle me, baby. You could, you knew you could. You could hear the disgustingly beautiful words that he would speak to you as he thrusted his cock in and out of you, the delicious stretch as he split you open and opened your legs wider than you ever could yourself. 
“Oh fuck, Joel, Joel - “ you stuttered shakily, your orgasm sending shockwaves through your body. You tightened your legs around your hand that was still rubbing your clit and your back arched off the bed, the sound of his name on the tip of your tongue as you slowly came down. 
You needed him. You were going to have him. 
You spent the next few moments trying to gather your thoughts and talk yourself out of making a bad decision. This could ruin your life and your relationship with your parents but most importantly, it could ruin everything with Joel. Not just the sexual stuff either. Being able to have someone to call in the middle of the night when you were stranded at a party and too frightened to call your mother, the memory of having your first sip of alcohol with Joel when you were eighteen, the way that he would smile sweetly to you whenever he saw you unloading groceries from your mothers car. It would all be ruined, gone. A new, uncertain, dangerous territory would arise and you would be stuck there, unable to go back on what you have done. But you wanted this more than anything, had dreamed about this endless time. If you could only have him for one night, then one night it would be. 
Before you could talk yourself out of anything, you jumped off the bed and ignored the pulsing feeling in your pussy. You reached over to the freshly washed laundry and grabbed a hoodie and a pair of leggings. As tempting as it was to walk down the stairs in nothing but your soaked underwear and an oversized t-shirt, have Joel peel them from your body before taking you over to the dining room table and fucking you, you had to have some class about you. 
The sound of your parents and Charlotte could be heard from your bedroom, they must have come in at some point but you were sure they hadn’t heard you. You listened out for Joel’s voice or laughter but heard nothing.. A part of you hoped he’d rushed off home to fuck himself with your panties. You bounded down the stairs with a skip in your step, excited for what was to come.
“Where’s Joel?” you asked as you came into the kitchen, voice laced with fake innocence as you smiled sweetly at the three of them around the dining room table. Your used panties hidden in the pocket of your hoodie. 
“Garage,” Charlotte answered. “Everything okay? Anything I can help you with?” 
Absolutely not. 
“Yeah, I just need to ask him something about Sarah.” 
“Before you go,” your mother started, stopping you as you made a rush for the front door. She showed you her laptop screen, a stunning spa resort on the screen. Nice. “Me and Charlotte were thinking about booking a weekend away at the end of summer, are you interested in coming?” 
“You really should,” Charlotte answered, not giving you a chance to oppose the situation. “I could always see if Sarah is free to come along with us so you’re not stuck with us the whole time.” 
You shrugged your shoulders and glanced towards the garage door through the kitchen window. Could you really be in close proximity to Charlotte for a full weekend? Especially considering what you were about to do. 
“I’ll think about it,” you answered with a smile, hoping it would be enough to satisfy them. “Anyways, bye.” 
You rushed out the front door and over to the garage before they could say anything else. As you reached the door, you caught a glimpse of Joel around the corner, your heart skipping a beat as you stared at him. He was so pretty, years of labour engrained on his face but he wore it so well. His hair was messy after spending hours running his fingers through it, most likely at annoyance towards your father for buying another car that didn’t run. His beard was unruly and all you could picture was the feeling of the coarse hair running along the inside of your thighs and leaving red marks in its wake. 
You coughed loudly and caught his attention. He turned around slowly, already trying to fight an erection at the sight of you and a seductive smile. “I want my panties back, Joel,” you began. You wanted to move closer, run your hand up his chest and grab the curls at the back of his neck but you maintain your dignity, for now. “They’re my favourite pair.”
Joel tutted and shook his head.“Not happenin’, darlin. They are mine now.” He threw the rag he had in his hand on the work bench behind him, eyes not leaving yours for even the briefest of seconds.
“But what if I give you something better?” You slowly stalked over to Joel and pressed your body up close towards him and fought the urge to not stare up at him. “Somethin’ so much better.” 
Joel watched with hooded eyes as you reached in between your bodies, your hand accidentally grazing his lower belly. He took in a deep breath and clenched his fists. He was struggling as much as you and you loved every moment. 
“You filthy girl,” Joel chuckled darkly, the sight of your panties having his cock rock hard against the rough denim material of his jeans. He was fucked. He took them from your hand and admired them with a glimmer of humour in his eyes but there was something darker there, almost worrying. He fondled with the material, his rough finger moving along the crotch and he audibly moaned when he felt the wetness.  “These are still wet, baby. What you been doin’ up those stairs, huh?” 
You tilted your head to the side and grinned. “You wanna’ know?” You asked, so sweet and sexy that the way you spoke went straight to Joel’s cock. You ran your hand up Joel’s chest and over his neck before pressing the two fingers you’d used to get yourself off against his plump lips.  “You can have a taste if you wanna’.” 
“Pretty girl - “ he purred, unable to finish his sentence as you pressed your fingers into his mouth. “Dirty girl,” he finished, his mouth enclosing around your fingers as he took in the faint taste of your previous orgasm. His large hand wrapped around your wrist, keeping you in place whilst he stared down at you with a fire in his eyes that you’d never seen before. He popped your fingers out of his mouth, “Always knew you were a fuckin’ slut for me.” 
You stood up on your tippy-toes as you attempted to capture Joel’s mouth with your own but he pushed you back, enough to make you stumble back into the bonnet of the car that Joel and your father had been working on. 
“Please, Joel,” you whimpered, sounding more pathetic than you normally did when you were around him - you wanted something to happen when you passed him your wet panties but this, well this was something else. You watched him as he walked over to you, an internal battle playing out in his head but he knew which side of him would win. You reached out for him as he got closer but he gently slapped your hands away. “I’m not a slut, i - “
“Ya  think I don’t notice the way you suddenly become a slut whenever I’m around? How I’ll walk into your house and you’ll be dressed in jeans and a shirt and within five minutes, suddenly you’ve got on them lil’ pyjama shorts with the frills on the bottom and an even littler tank top that you should be fuckin’ ashamed to be wearing around your parents,” he spat. He stood directly in front of you, one large hand reaching out to lay flat against your stomach as he pushed you further against the bonnet until you were practically laid flat against it, your elbows the only thing keeping you slightly sat up. “But you ain’t ashamed. You fuckin’ love it. Love knowing that my cock’s damn near bustin’ out my jeans all night, don’t ya?” 
“I didn’t know, Joel - “ You knew. 
“Didn’t know? See, you’re a liar as well as fuckin’ slut. You think you deserve my cock?” 
“Yes, please,” you moaned loudly without any shame. No concern for the three people not that fat from you. You were fucked if anyone was to come into the garden. Due to the placement of the work bench, you were thankfully out of sight of the house. 
“Why?” he asked, his hand running up and down your stomach delicately. 
“I’ve been so patient, Joel. It’s been torture, knowin’ you going back to her and fuckin’ her when it should be me you fuckin’,” you cried out, your eyes watering with desperation. “Don’t you think I deserve ya cock? I’ve been good, I promise. I gave  ya’ my used panties. Made myself come whilst wearin’ them, just for you, thought of you, I promise.” 
Before you could begin to process your actions, you grabbed Joel’s hand and moved it further down so it was situated in between your thighs. You had ‘forgotten’ panties and with your previous encounter with Joel, your orgasm and this current situation, you were dripping all the way down to the seam of your leggings. 
“Can you feel it, Joel?” you asked, voice soft and quiet. “Can ya’ feel how wet I am for you?” 
Joel moaned lowly as he slowly moved his fingers along your clothed pussy, the material from the leggings adding an extra layer of pleasure. You were already so sensitive still from your previous orgasm but you weren't going to back out of this. 
“I feel it, baby,” he grunted. “Fuck, ya’ so beautiful, so wet, I ain’t got no choice but to fuck ya’, have I?” Removing his hand, Joel placed both of his hands on each side of your inner thigh and split your legs apart so you were fully spread out for him. The action caused you to fall flat onto your back and you attempted to open your legs even wider for him. “That’s it, good girl.” 
Joel took one large step until he was situated between your thighs. His hands reached up to grab your waist and he moved your body down until you were pressed against his bulge, his hard cock pressing directly onto your clothed pussy. His hands tightened around you as he slowly rubbed his cock against you, his eyes fluttering shut with ecstasy. 
Joel felt so wrong. If someone was to walk into the garage and see the scene in front of them then Joel would be leaving yours with a black eye but how was he able to resist such a beautiful woman who was equally as desperate as him? He’d tried so hard to resist you, spent the last few years trying to purposely avoid you but there were times when he couldn’t, and he couldn’t even count the amount of times on one hand that he had to rush off to your parent’s bathroom and stroke his cock until he finally saw sense. This was his best friend's daughter, this was you. Not some random girl in a club that just wanted a quick fuck. This was quiet, pretty, sweet you. He didn’t even want to think about his wife who was blissfully unaware of his sinful thoughts, especially didn’t want to think about her when your hips were moving and creating more pressure on his cock. 
“Want more, Joel,” you whispered, eyes shut as you continued to grind along his cock. You definitely looked a mess but Joel didn’t seem to care, not when his hands left your waist and he let you take control. “Cock feels so big, bet it feels even bigger deep inside of me.” 
Within seconds, you were flung around so you were now bent over the bonnet, your legs dangling over the edge. Joel’s hands were on your waist again as dragged you back so your back was perfectly arched for him and arse up in the air for him to admire. His cock pressed against you as he shamelessly rutted his hips into you, allowing the sensation to go straight to his cock - and head. 
“Pretty fuckin girl’, told you earlier that you wouldn’t be able to handle my cock,” he moaned, one hand moving down to squeeze the flesh of your ass. There was nothing delicate about the touch, you didn’t mind. “But like I said, gonna have to fuck ya’, aren’t I? Wouldn't be fair of me to let you carry on like this, so desperate and horny for an old man’s cock that you gotta’ stuff your fingers inside your pussy every goddamn time I’ve been in the same room as ya’.”  
You’ve never seen Joel this desperate, all fury and hormones as he rubbed himself against your ass, almost as if you weren't there. You could do nothing but grind your hips up against him, waiting and anticipating and his animalistic nature took over. He messily fucked his cock against you, whispering sweet nothings out loud as the usual authoritative Joel slips away. His eyebrows dipped as his orgasm approached and suddenly, he felt like an eighteen year old boy again. He was no better than those college boys you bitched about. He wasn’t going to come in his pants at the feeling of your ass pressed against his cock and he certainly wasn’t going to sit next to his wife on the drive home and pretend that he didn’t just get himself off using your body. 
“No, no, no, where you goin’, Joel?” you whimpered as you felt the loss of his body against yours. You turned your head around and reached for him, only for him to shake his head as a warning. If you touched him, he wouldn’t be able to stop himself. “Want you to come, need you to come, please, I’m so desperate, please. Can fuck my throat, please - “ 
“Shut up,” Joel snapped, taking a few steps back as he eyed you down like you were his prey. “If I only get to fuck you once, then it ain’t being like this, you understand? Plus baby, your parent’s are in the house, my fuckin’ wife is in the house. Need to be careful if we gonna’ do this, shouldn’t even be doin’ it but fuck, you right girl, you waited long enough, ain’t ya’?” 
You nodded pathetically as you stood up straight. “So long.” You were no longer the woman that walked into the garage and made Joel suck on her fingers. You were weak, desperate and a horny pathetic mess. Frankly, you didn’t care slightly about the people inside the house, not when you could see how hard his cock was. 
“I need to go by my office tonight and pick up some paperwork.” Joel stated, not looking anywhere else but at you. His cock was throbbing in his briefs, begging to be released and forced inside your tight, warm pussy but Joel needed to wait. He couldn’t do this here - couldn’t risk his wife or your parent’s walking in despite how badly he wanted to bend you over the stupid car. “You’ll be there, won’t ya’?” 
Again, you nodded pathetically. “I’ll be there.” 
“Wear a pretty dress, or skirt, yeah?” The sound of Charlotte's voice reached both of you at the same time and you took note of the way Joel grimaced - he wasn’t ready for this to be over yet. He was already counting down the hours until he could help you get over your need for his cock. “No panties either and I’m keeping these.” 
When you had woken up that morning, you hadn’t expected that this is where you would be but here you were, standing outside Joel’s office feeling like nothing but an idiot. You looked down at the dress you’d put on just for him, a pretty pink off-the-shoulder flowery summer dress, you looked cute, irresistible. 
You stepped inside, knowing the way to go from your previous visits with your father. Those times had been innocent, you’d sat in Joel’s office whilst him and your dad discussed whatever business they needed to talk about. This time was  different. You felt so anxious as you approached the office door - not bothering to knock as it was already slightly open. You had a plan to open the door slowly and say something that would have him dragging you over to the desk but you didn’t get a chance. Before you could say anything, his voice was ringing through the room. 
“Take your dress off for me.” 
You stood still in the doorway to his shared office with Tommy as silence occupied the room you were in. Not even a hello, straight to the point. Joel faced away from you as he flicked through some paperwork that was untidily placed over the desk, could he feel how desperate you were for him? 
“What if I say no?” you fire back, your tone of voice playful. 
Despite your voice showing some confidence, you could feel yourself getting smaller under the harsh gaze of Joel as he turned back to look at you briefly. The glance only lasted a few seconds, but it was enough to let you know he wasn’t down to play your games anymore. Joel turned back towards the paperwork and sighed loudly enough for you to hear it from the other side of the room. Was his cock aching at the thought of having you? 
“Ya’ think you’re so cute, don’t you?” Joel asked rhetorically. “Did you listen to what I said earlier on? Did you wear your panties or nah?” 
You shook your head even though he couldn’t see you. “I listened to what you said, Joel. Behaved myself. I’m not wearing anything underneath this dress.” 
“So do as you're told and take that dress off before I have to come over there and do something about it, understood?” Tempting. You watched as Joel strolled casually over to a sofa besides his desk. He looked at you properly for the first time and his cock hardened at the sight of you. “We shouldn’t be doing this, you know that.” 
“I know,” you said softly with a shrug of your shoulders. “But I kinda’ don’t care.” 
Joel stifled a laugh. “Me neither, baby.” He raised one eyebrow and nodded towards your dress, encouraging you to finally free yourself of the loose clothing which felt like it was stuck to your body. 
Standing at a distance from Joel, you allowed the dress to slip from your body until it fell lightly to the floor. You were completely naked for him, body bare and on show. Goosebumps arose on your skin as you watched him take every inch of you in, his eyes slowly trailing over your collarbones, down to your breasts where the nipples had peaked due to the cool air, down your soft belly which was gagging to be covered in his kisses, and finally your pussy. If he was any closer, he would be able to see the glistening in between your legs. 
“You think she’s ready for me?” 
“She?” you asked with a confused expression etched onto your face. 
“Your pussy, baby,” Joel cooed, his voice soft and loving. “God, you can be so innocent when you wanna’ be. Come over here, wanna see all of you.” 
You gulped as you walked over to him slowly, suddenly feeling anxious at the feeling of his eyes roaming over your body. He looked so hungry for you with his right hand rubbing against the growing bulge in his jeans. So pretty, you thought to yourself. 
When you finally stood in front of him, you looked everywhere but down at the fact that had ruined your dreams since you could remember. Maybe this was wrong but it felt so right at the moment. 
“I can see she’s ready, she’s so wet for me already,” Joel said, his large palms coming to lay on the back of your thighs. You shuffled forward slightly until his face was in direct view with your soft belly. Joel leaned slightly forward and placed one chaste kiss directly above your belly button. As you looked down, Joel looked up and the two of you were silent for a brief moment, just staring at each other and waiting for one to back out but when neither of you spoke out against what you were about to do, Joel continued on. “When we got this office, Tommy brought some dumb shit for it. Told him we’d never need a sofa in here but I’m starting to think that maybe it wasn’t a bad purchase at all.” 
“Why’s that, Joel?” 
“Because imma’ eat your pussy on it.” He said the words so casually that you almost fell to your knees there. “Bet you’d look so pretty with your thighs on either side of my face.” 
“Joel,” you hummed, hands automatically coming out to thread in his thick hair. A soft moan came through Joel at the action.
“What do you want, pretty girl?” 
Joel gracefully pulled you down so you were straddling his lap, his large hands roaming along the skin on your back as he admired you. “So beautiful,” he mumbled, mouth pressed along the base of your neck. “Wanna mark you up so bad. Fuck if you were ten years older, not my bestfriends daughter and I weren’t married, I’d do such bad things to you, fuck you full of my cum till I was leaking outta’ ya’ for days.” 
“Can’t, I wish you could, more than you’ll ever know,” you whined, fingers gripping his head as the flurry of kisses along your neck went straight to the fire in your loins. “But you can do what ya’ said before.” 
“Tell me what you want me to do, wanna’ hear them dirty words come from that sweet mouth of yours.” 
“Want you to eat my pussy, Joel. Please.” 
Joel grunted before taking a hold of your body and shuffling you around on the sofa until he was laid flat and you were straddling his waist. Joel looked as desperate as you as he thrusted his hips up, shuffling you slightly along his body. 
“Come on then, I’m waiting for her. Been waitin’ on her for far too long.” 
Joel grinned widely, excited at the prospect of having his best friend's daughter come all over his tongue. Joel was obviously lying if he said that he hadn’t thought about this before but they were just taboo thoughts that he had, nothing serious, everyone fantasised, right? He almost felt ashamed when he left your parents house only hours before, cock still hard and leaking in his boxers as he pictured you spread across your fathers car. He tried to make conversation with Charlotte on the way back home but it was physically impossible, his mind clouded with the memory of you bent over your dads precious project with your ass in the air, basically inviting him in. But he felt no shame now. Not with you, straddling him and looking down at him with an anxious, but compliant, smile on your face - he was completely and utterly fucked. 
“Happily, Mr. Miller.”
You sensually moved your body further up his, pausing briefly to place your thumb against Joel’s mouth. You dragged his bottom lip down as you smiled down at him sweetly, the memories of your fingers in Joel’s mouth as he sucked them clean had you throbbing onto his t-shirt, sure to leave a stain in its wake. Before you could go any further, Joel gently wrapped a hand around your wrist. 
“Up here, now. You know what to do, doll.”
Smiling, you placed both of your hands against the arm of the sofa that was behind Joel’s head and lifted your body up so that you could move until you were hovering above his face. You’d never done this before. Sure, you’d had someone go down on you but never like this, never so intimate and never whilst you had been this wet. Joel was in no rush though as you hesitated above him. He would never force you to do anything that you didn’t want to do and he understood that you were most likely nervous - you was fucking your father’s best friend after all. The sight he had wasn’t too bad either, your pussy soaking and dripping just for him. So close to his mouth.  After some hesitation, Joel came to the conclusion that he couldn’t look at your sweet cunt for any longer and do nothing about it. 
Both of his strong hands gripped onto your thighs as he brought you down to his face and delved in, a moan coming from both of you as his tongue immediately started to lick along your clit in a teasing manner. You lurched forward at the sensation, your hands gripping onto the sofa with a tighter grip. 
“Oh, that feels so good,” you cried out, one hand leaving the sofa to grab his locks. “Don’t stop, please, please don’t stop.” 
Joel wrapped his mouth around your clit as he gently moved his head from side-to-side, he would keep you on top of his face for the rest of his life if it was possible. You looked down at the sight of him, so beautiful and sensual that you couldn’t help but moan just from that. Your thighs squeezed against the side of his face as you felt yourself relax into him, allowing yourself the chance to roll your hips and meet the stroke of his tongue. His hands grabbed both of your thighs as a sign of encouragement. 
“You taste so fuckin’ good, baby,” he purred before placing small flicks against your clits, starting slowly but becoming more distressed as your moans became louder and more frequent. “She’s so fuckin pretty, girl. Such a pretty pussy, so wet and all for me.” 
“For you, Joel,” you breathed out as your eyes squeezed shut and you stuttered forwards. Joel’s actions were becoming more ferocious on your cunt, his tongue having no limits as he continuously brought you to the edge. 
You could barely speak, only the filthiest of moans coming from your timid body as you continued to grind along Joel’s face. Worries about harming him were gone, all you could focus on was the unmeasurable amount of pleasure that he was bringing you. If his tongue alone could do this, what could his cock do? 
Joel didn’t need to hear you speak though. The moans and whimpers that blessed his ears was enough to tell him everything that he needed to know. You were gone when it came to him, would allow him to do whatever he wanted and just the feel of his cock against your ass and his tongue on your clit had done that to you. He wanted to ruin you so bad it almost hurt him. 
As you looked down at Joel again, your eyes flickering open for the briefest of moments, you noticed the cockiness that glimmered behind his eyes. 
“I’d do this every day of my life if I could,” he said as he lifted you up briefly. You whimpered at the loss of contact but also at the sight of him. His face glistened with your wetness, his beard drenched and lips swollen as he stared up at you. Darkness had clouded his eyes. 
You can. You can. You can. You wanted to scream at him. But he couldn’t. He was married. 
“Just shut up,” you mewled before reaching down, grabbing his hair and planting yourself firmly on his face. An animalistic growl came from Joel as he returned his heavenly lips to your core. His moans and whimpers vibrated against your clit as you tugged harder on his hair with every action of his tongue.  
You found a rhythm that had Joel’s eyes slightly widening but he didn’t once stop as you rode his face, his tongue and lips drinking in every drop you released. His tongue went from moving leisurely swirls along your clit to rough, mixing the rhythm up and having you yearning for more. 
His cock was so hard it was painful. He wanted nothing more but to flip you over and fuck you from the back, have you keening and arching your back for him as you screamed his name over and over again, legs shaking and orgasm so strong you black out but he needed this just as much. Wanted to have you flood his mouth with your arousal, he needed to struggle to breath as you put all your weight on his face and took what you needed, deserved. 
Your head was thrown back as you chanted his name like a prayer, your voice becoming embarrassingly higher. Small flicks that he left against your clit were becoming more distressed and the thrust of your hips was almost making it hard for Joel to breath but he would die happily if it meant dying in between your legs with his tongue pressing against your enterance.
“I’m so close,” you whimpered out loud, your cunt clenching around his tongue as he behaved like a frenzied woman between your thighs. His tongue was everywhere all at once and you could feel yourself start to build up, the excitement of the release making you tug on his hair harder as fucked yourself harder on his face. 
Joel pulled back for air, his breath laboured and eyes glossy. He gave himself a few seconds to collect himself as you made stared at each other, both so fucked out your brains it was ridiculous. 
“You gonna come for me, pretty girl? Gonna coat my face?” Joel asked, his words broken up due to being unable to tear his mouth away from your clit for more than a few seconds. “Answer me baby, tell me how good I’m making you feel - “ Joel cut himself off with a long, drawn-out moan as your hands returned back to his hair. “Keep tugging my hair.” 
Tugging harder and putting most of your weight onto Joel’s face was the only response you could give him. Your moans and whimpers matched Joel’s as he continued his tortuous assault on your cunt and you weaved your fingers throughout his hair, your fingernails digging slightly into his scalp causing a delicious burn. 
The burn in your lower stomach grew stronger with every movement of Joel’s tongue and your legs started to shake around his head. “Come, pretty girl,” he growled against your clit. “Come so hard on my tongue I can taste you for days.” 
You dissolved into pleasure as you felt your orgasm rush through your body, every part of you in utter bliss as lowly moaned out Joel’s name. His own cries of pleasures were adding to the orgasm, the vibrations rippling through you. His hands grabbed you tighter as he held you down, surely not able to breathe but frankly, not caring in the slightest. This was heaven to him. Being able to feel your thighs shake and stutter, your whole body clench up and the taste of your wetness gushing out of you and onto his tongue, drinking up every inch of you like he was a man dying - he was done for. This was perfection. This is what he had been craving for so long.
It felt as if everything had stopped as you gently moved your cunt across his mouth, the last of your orgasm sizzling out. You attempted to move off Joel and give him a chance to catch a breath but he pulled you back down, using his tongue to clean up the evidence of your orgasm. It was only when the pleasure became too much that you pulled him back with another pull of his hair, earning an almost silent whimper from him. 
“You did so well, baby,” he whispered as he moved you down to his lap and sat himself up. Joel’s hand moved to your face as he brushed some of the hair out of the way. You looked so good, so blissful and angelic. He looked even better though, completely fucked out as he tried to labour his breathing. 
You nodded slowly and pressed your forehead against his. “So good. Thank you, thank you so much.” 
Joel gulped and hesitated before speaking, “We can do this again,” he started, ignoring the voice in his head screaming at him to shut up. This was so wildly inappropriate but how was he meant to resist you after you’d just sat on his face and ridden him to high heavens? His heart clenched at the hopeful smile on your face. “Our secret though, baby. Can’t tell no-one, ya’ get that?” 
“Our secret.” You leaned back on Joel’s lap, expecting to feel his hard cock pressing into your sensitive core but instead, you just felt his soft bulge and a hint of disappointment hit you. “You not get hard for me, Joel?” you asked sadly. 
There was a devilish smile on his face as he watched you shuffle back until you rested on his lower thighs, your eyebrows pressed together. You undid the buttons of his jeans and slid your hand inside of his briefs so you could cup his bulge - he had wanted you so bad before, what had happened? 
Joel continued to watch you with a smile as your mouth formed into the perfect ‘o’ shape at the realisation of what had happened. 
“For me?” you asked sweetly as you removed your hand from Joel’s boxers, the remnants of his come on your finger tips. 
“For you,” he answered with a faint blush to his cheeks. “Made me come untouched, girl. All from those pretty fuckin’ hands of yours in my hair and the way you rode my face…” he trailed off and grabbed your ass, pulling you against him. “Suck ya’fingers baby, taste me.” 
You did as told, maintaining eye contact as you slipped your digits into your mouth and tasted him on your tongue. Fuck, he was delicious. 
“Funny,” you moaned around your fingers before letting them pop out your mouth. You leaned forward and pressed a chaste kiss to the side of Joel’s mouth, ignoring his look of confusion. “Told me I couldn’t handle an older man but it looks to me like you can’t handle a bit of younger pussy.” 
Joel chuckled as his fingers started to trail along the inside of your thigh. “I’m not finished with you yet, darlin’. Fuck, I ain’t even started yet.”
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fastandcarlos · 5 months ago
George In Paris : ̗̀➛ George Russell
summary: during summer break your two paths cross, leaving the fans putting their investigative skills to the test
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liked by peforman, its_lucien and 793,723 others
ynusername: the ending of summer break, excited to get back on set in a few days time ☀️
username1: stfu I’ve been waiting for season 4 for so long 😭😭
username2: you’ve got no idea how happy this post has made me
its_lucien: so excited to see you and have a proper british catch up soon 🍷
username3: forget filming, who tf is that guy in the window 🤔
ashleyparklady: I am gonna need all the gossip asap girlie when you get off that plane!!!
ynusername: @/ashleyparklady good because I am so ready to spill 🥺
username4: glad you’re well rested but SO ready for another season to come our way!!
username5: all I wanna know is who’s the lucky guy that gets to date yn???
emilia_clarke: you can’t just spring something on us like that yn!
username6: I can finally sleep easy at night knowing we’re gonna see the end of this damn cliffhanger ☺️
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liked by lucasnbravo, ashleyparklady and 838,067 others
ynusername: back in my favourite place on earth with some of my favourite people. season 4 is on its way 🇫🇷
username7: look at them all eurgh this makes me so happy 🤩
philippineleroybeaulieu: even if sylvie isn’t happy to see you, I most definitely am ❤️
username8: my year has officially been made!!
username9: I wonder if window guy went with her to paris too 🤔
username10: @/username9 are we really calling him window guy?? 😂
username11: it makes me smile so much knowing they’re all back together again
lucasnbravo: can’t wait for the dream team to be back together again!!!
username12: those pictures of paris make me want to go so bad 😭
maddenrichard: it’s been a hot shooting with you, enjoy heading back to paris again 💕
ynusername: @/maddenrichard gutted to be going on set again without you there
username13: the countdown is on for season premiere 🎉
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liked by landonorris, lewishamilton and 2,027,436 others
georgerussell63: a dream summer break that I never wanted to end. looking forward to getting back behind the wheel next week 🌊🐬
username14: you could iron on those abs they’re so flat 🤯
landonorris: well you certainly look like you’ve been enjoying yourself my friend
alex_albon: how many sit ups did you do before posing for that photo??
georgerussell63: @/alex_albon none thank you very much 🖕🏻
username15: we can’t wait to see you back on the grid this weekend!!!
danielricciardo: could you have posted a more subtle photo to let the world know you’ve got an unidentifiable girlfriend!?
username16: wait who tf is that and where has she come from??
username17: so this is how we find out that george isn’t single anymore 😭
charles_leclerc: offended that I didn’t know about her before you posted to the world 💔
username18: reminding myself to smile and be happy for him 😩
lewishamilton: looks like someone’s had plenty of rest 😉
username19: keeping a close eye in the garage this weekend to see if we can spot someone!?
mercedesamgf1: we can’t wait to welcome you back next week george 🩵
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liked by georgerussell63, camillerazat and 782,057 others
ynusername: it feels unfair to call this work when the location looks this good 🔥
username20: I feel like I’m living my dream through yn these days
brunogouery: it’s never work when you get to work with a legend like me 😂
ynusername: @/brunogouery you’re the main reason I enjoy going into work everyday ofc 😂
username21: this is the sort of my place I fantasise about living in one day!
its_lucien: you need to take me to that macaron place as soon as my plane lands!!
username22: why is george randomly in the likes over here??
philippineleroybeaulieu: paris really does look good on you 🔥
username23: smiling about the fact everyday we’re getting one step closer to season 4 ☺️
peforman: what isn’t photographed is you crashing mine and ash’s date in the first photo
ynusername: @/peforman no idea what you’re talking about 🤷🏻‍♀️
username24: you can see why paris is the city of love ❤️
username25: there’s no way you can ever call that work, it’s like being in a fairytale
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liked by its_lucien, georgerussell63 and 812,084 others
ynusername: always nice to have a little surprise visitor on set 🥰
username26: a surprise visitor who for some reason doesn’t have a face 🤔
lucasnbravo: who is this person and why have I not met them??
ynusername: @/lucasnbravo they’re coming to the shoot tomorrow and I promise to introduce you ☺️
username27: why is george back in the likes, do these two know each other??
ybffusername: look at you guys, you’re already so good together 😩
username28: whoever this guy is he seems to dress pretty similar to how george does too 🤨
username29: there’s a week off from races this weekend, what if he went there to visit??
ashleyparklady: is this who I think it is?!
ynusername: @/ashleyparklady I can neither confirm nor deny 🥺
username30: there’s no way that it’s george, he could be anywhere in the world right now
username31: if it’s the two of them I think I might cry 🥹
camillerazat: drop whatever you’re doing and come and tell me all about this asap!
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likes by landonorris, danielricciardo and 1,958,492 others
georgerussell63: turns out that it’s quite hard to hide in france too 😂 regardless it’s been the most incredible week seeing my girl in action and exploring a little bit of france too ☕️🇫🇷
charles_leclerc: how on earth did you manage to bag yourself a world famous actress 🤯
georgerussell63: @/charles_leclerc I can’t help being such a charming man
username32: damn I knew it was george in that window all along!
landonorris: can’t believe you finally asked her out after pining for her for so long 🙏🏻
georgerussell63: @/landonorris shut up before I shut you up myself!
username33: explains why he’s been sneaking into the likes so often recently 😂
carlossainz55: rebecca absolutely loves the series and now she’s freaking out that she might meet yn 😭
georgerussell63: @/carlossainz55: we’ll have to organise something my friend
username34: they look so sweet, so happy for the two of you 💕
ynusername: I loved showing you around this weekend, the best time with you ❤️
username35: am I the only one who had no idea they were together??
alex_albon: mate you gotta come and catch me up cause where tf did this come from?
username36: at last window guy is no more 🙌🏻
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liked by mercedesamgf1, lewishamilton and 903,723 others
ynusername: he finally managed to get me to see his world, who knew f1 was so much fun. thank you so much for hosting me mercedes 🏁
username37: it’s adorable how supportive they are of each other 🥰
landonorris: even though it was brief, it was a joy to finally meet you!!
danielricciardo: such an honour to meet such a talented actress this weekend 🤩
ynusername: @/danielricciardo you can be as nice as you want I’m still not getting you a cameo 😂
username38: the crossover we’ve been waiting for for so long…
alex_albon: now I understand why george talks about you so much 😂
georgerussell63: @/alex_albon stop exposing me for being a man in love!
username39: yn you look right at home in an f1 garage too!
lewishamilton: it was an honour to finally meet you, hopefully see you again soon 🩵
username40: the way he looks at her is honestly just the sweetest!!
mercedesamgf1: you’re welcome back anytime, we loved having you with us 🩵
username41: idk who introduced these two together but thank you for blessing us with this adorable couple
georgerussell63: so glad you enjoyed it, it means the world that you came and watched the race 🥺
ynusername: @/georgerussell63 there’s nowhere else I’d have rather spent my weekend 🫶🏻
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liked by ashleyparklady, georgerussell63 and 1,039,361 others
ynusername: season 4 is finally here. hope you guys enjoy it as much as we enjoyed making it. au revoir for now paris 💞🇫🇷
lewishamilton: congratulations on another amazing season yn, can’t wait to watch!!
username42: I’m already three episodes in and feel like I’ve been on an emotional rollercoaster 🎢
georgerussell63: I’m so proud of you, the most talented human I know 💕
ynusername: @/georgerussell63 thank you for always supporting me throughout the season 💞
username43: I’ve been dreaming of this day for so long…I can’t believe it’s finally here ☺️
ashleyparklady: I already miss you so much it’s not fair 😩
username44: I don’t think I’m ready to say goodbye to paris yn just yet…
landonorris: don’t tell anyone but I secretly watched…and I loved it 🙈
georgerussell63: @/landonorris I told you that you’d love it!!
danielricciardo: still waiting on the day for them to call me up to the cast too 😂
ynusername: @/danielricciardo you’ll be waiting for a very long time 😉
username45: it’s scary just how talented you are, every season just gets better and better!!
username46: george won the lottery the moment he met you yn 🥰
charles_leclerc: can’t wait to watch and see you do your thing yn!
iamrebeccad: the proudest best friend being able to see you do what you love 💞
username47: okay but now season 5 when!?!? 🥺
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ramblingautisticman · 4 months ago
After they get together, Wade is instantly pulling away from physical contact. He is wearing the mask more, wearing long sleeved shirts and huge hoodies- even if it's the summer- and the whole thing really confuses the shit out of Logan.
It wasn’t like they had no physical contact before. Wade would wrap an arm around his shoulder when they had finished a mission, he would lean on him while they watched TV. They would end up holding hands while walking the dog and cuddled up to each other half asleep on the couch. Logan thought that when they officially started dating, it would be even worse. Not worse- but more. Honestly, he liked the gentle touches. Logan hadn't had that in so long, hadn't had someone touch him that softly or kindly with no fear on their face, that if felt special. Made him feel good and safe and cared for.
Then, all of a sudden, it stopped. They started dating, and not even two days later, it stopped. No more leaning, no more holding hands or cuddling, nothing. And then the mask started being put on more- even when they had no mission- then it was long sleeved shirts and hoodies. Quickly, Logan became all too familiar in seeing Wade head to toe covered up, even in the dead of summer.
Logan didn't bring it up for a few weeks- thought that maybe Wade just needed some time to adjust- but then a month had passed and they barely touched. He just wanted to hold hands while they walked Mary Puppins again. To feel Wade's head on his shoulder as they watched TV. To wrap his arms around Wade as they slept. To kiss him on the cheek for the first time. That was it.
Logan had his suspicions. It wasn't hard to put the dots together. And so he tried to bring it up. He tried to broach the subject casually, sitting at the table eating breakfast while sat opposite Wade.
"Ya not hot in that big hoodie there?" He asked, hoping that maybe just starting with the hoodie would be a good idea. Would be simpler. "What you on about? It's not even that hot." Wade had lied through his teeth. It was boiling in this apartment- the hottest week of the year- and the air con had broken a good few days ago now. He could see and smell the sweat on him. "Don't lie- Wade- just take the damn hoodie off." But he doesnt- he just makes some joke about how hot Logan is instead while finishing the last of his cereal, then heading over to the couch and pressing play on whatever he had paused.
And it hurts. He wants Wade to trust him with this. To let him help. He wouldn't date Wade if he didn't think he was attractive- both inside and out. Maybe he hasn't been has obvious about that as he should have. Maybe Wade is just feeling insecure. Whatever it is, Logan is going to help.
So he hatches a plan. He sits down one morning while Wade is still asleep, and writes down a list of everything he is going to do to help, and to prove he really does like everything about Wade (he isn't ready to say the big scary 'L' word yet). A plan that would respect Wade's boundaries while still breaking down that barrier that had been built.
Step 1) Start giving Wade his favourite snacks.
This would probably seem stupid to anyone else, but Logan knew Wade. He knew that he only had a few foods and snacks that didn't make him feel nauseous or sick (thanks to the good old cancer he had), so buying snacks for Wade that he knew he could actually stomach seemed like a nice but simple gesture to start with. Make Wade aware that Logan payed attention and remembered these things. He needed to work up to bigger stuff later. Make sure Wade didn't freak out or notice what he was doing.
And that's what he did. He bought Wade a few packs of his favourite chips (or crisps (the writer is british deal with it)) and gave them to him when they were sat on the couch one day. A spontaneous gift. Wade seemed more excited that Logan had remembered what kind and flavour they were than about the actual chips themselves, which was fine with Logan. Completely fine. Seeing Wade so happy at a simple gesture was both joy inducing and kind of sad. Had no one else ever remembered his sensitive stomach? Remembered that he had cancer? Whatever. It didn't really matter, because Logan was going to remeber every little detail he could.
Step 2) was a little harder. It involved a little more thought and care, and a little more risk.
Step 2) was to Get Wade a hoodie that smelt like Logan.
Again, something that seemed normal in any relationship, but he wasn't sure how Wade would react. He hoped that because it was a hoodie, and because Wade was currently wearing a lot of hoodies (the same 2 in rotation), it would be a well appreciated gift. He didn't know if Wade would want to change out of the 2 hoodies he was already comfortable in- he wanted to try though. Plus, having something of his boyfriends would be a good gift. Prove that he wanted people to know Wade was his. That he wasn't ashamed. And maybe he just wanted Wade in his clothes. So he headed to the store.
He got one in the same red as his suit, made sure that it was thin enough to not make Wade actually melt in the heat but thick enough to keep him warm in the cold (if he was still like this when it became cold again, he wanted to make sure he wasn't going to freeze), and proceeded to wear the hoodie around for the next few days. Logan made sure Wade was either out or not watching when he wore it, wanting it to be a surprise.
And eventually, a week later when he deemed it good enough, Logan left it out for Wade with his clothes for after he showered. Wade comes out with the new red hoodie on, and Logan can't help but smile at the other.
This is where Step 3) comes in. Step 3) Compliment Wade as much as possible.
"You look real good in that hoodie." He said, stepping closer to the other. Wade laughs a little, sounding slightly embarrassed, and just shrugs a little. The hoodie is massive on him- Logan's huge muscular build is far bigger than Wade's waisting away skinny body- and it looks like Wade enjoys that, because he is wrapping himself up in it like a blanket. "Smells like you. You're a sneaky guy, aren't you Peanut? Plus, it matches the mask. Very well done." Wade responds with an obvious smirk under said mask. "So you like it? Because you are very, very handsome right now. Also cute." Logan mutters, matching that smirk.
And okay, Wade directs the conversation somewhere else then, but he hasn't taken the hoodie off in a week and Logan takes that as a good sign. He also never combats his compliments. He never responds, but he never directly disagrees, which seems like a second good sign.
Next step it is then. Step 4) Start using pet names.
It's not that he doesn't already, it's just that he doesn't really use the normal relationship pet names. Bub and Mouth is about all he has for Wade right now, and he wants to expand on that. Logan likes using pet names for people he dates- people he likes (loves) in a romantic way- he just hasn't really used any yet. And he wants to change that.
"You want jelly (jam (again, british writer, deal with it)) on your toast sweetheart?" "Baby, do you think Mary needs a new bed? She's chewed half the corner of this one." "Honestly princess, I don't think anyone on this stupid show is even thinking about plot." And Wade seems to like every single one, because every time he says any of them (even if it's not the first time), Logan can hear his heart rate pick up, and he freezes for a moment before going back to the conversation.
And he keeps those three in rotation- the three Wade seem to like and the three Logan thinks fit the best- and Wade never tells him to stop, so he doesn't.
Step 5) is honestly one of his favourites, because Step 5) is calling Wade his boyfriend around other people.
He starts of light. Casually mentioning that they are dating to their friends when the see eachother for the first time in awhile. Then when they are out and about, and he casually mentions that "Oh yeah, just out with my boyfriend" "Yeah, just grocery shopping with my boyfriend" "I've got a date with my very handsome boyfriend after this" and he always makes sure Wade hears him.
He wants Wade to know that he isn't ashamed of people knowing they are together- he actually likes it. Being able to show off his handsome boyfriend to his friends or in public is very much fulfilling Logan's masculine side, and Wade is a blushing mess everytime. He can tell, he doesn't need to see. Wade is stuttering over his words, nodding along with whatever Logan is saying.
It's adorable and Logan wants to see it more often.
After another 2 months of dating, and a good two months or repeating his little 5 steps, Wade seems slightly more comfortable. Logan doesn't push him- doesn't want to break what trust he is building- and he accepts every slight change with gratitude.
Wade slowly gets alittle closer as they sit on the couch. He sometimes rests his leg against Logan when they sleep- and he doesn't seem as afraid to flirt back and forth for awhile now.
And now, he can try Step 6) Talking with Wade.
It's the most terrifying step of the 6. That's where all of this careful build up could shatter beneath his feet and he could ruin everything, have to start all over again. Or, Wade might pull even further away than he had at the beginning. But he knows he has to do it- wants to do it- and so he does. It's worth the risk.
So one night, while Logan and Wade are sat together watching some shitty late night shopping channel, Logan decides to bring it up. Not so casually this time.
"Hey Wade, can I ask you something?" He asks, his voice calm and soft, using the others name to hopefully make it seem a little more important. Wade turns away from the TV, fiddling with the sleeves of his hoodie (he only takes it off when it doesn't smell like Logan, and makes him wear it until he does again), a small nod. "Yeah- what's up babycakes? If its to ask if I think you'd be good on Bake Off, I may have bad news Peanut, because I've seen your attempt at making pancakes, and that would not make Paul proud." Wade jokes, his voice having a tiny hint of nervousness too it, and Logan is kind of glad for the joke but less for the nervousness Wade is expressing.
"Nothing bad, I promise- I just...I want you to know that I care for you. Alot. No matter what- and if you aren't comfortable touching and taking your mask or hoodie of that's okay. I-....well...I just want you to also know that I'm okay if you do. If you do want to take them off aswell. I do like how you look- ya know that, right? Like alot. And again, if you aren't comfortable I get it- but I also need you to know that I think your super handsome and hot either way. Sorry...I'm not great with this kind of thing- but I'm trying..." Logan rambles on like an idiot, something he doesn't do often, but he needs Wade to understand. Needs him to know. He isn't sure if it works or not, because for awhile there is a deafening silence filling the room.
Logan starts to panic, because, why was Wade so quiet? And still? Had he overstepped? Had what he dreaded would happen actually happened?
But all of a sudden, he hears quiet sobs. Which makes him freeze. "W-Wade?" He asks, his voice breaking a little. He had made Wade cry. Wade was crying. Shit. Shit. Shitshitshitshit. This wasn't how it was meant to god. He really had fucked up, and he wasn't sure how he was going to fix i-
"I'm sorry." Is all he hears, cutting him away from his thoughts, and his heart breaks even more at that. "Hey- no, why are you sorry baby?" Logan asks quietly, moving alittle closer to Wade. He desperately wants to reach out and wrap his arms around Wade, pulling him close and rub soothing circles on his back, but he doesn't want to make Wade feel worse. He respects Wade's boundaries.
"Because I'm such a fucking mess....I'm ugly and-and I just...you can't really think that- can you? Your so fucking stunning and I'm....and I'm me! I'm covered head to toe in fucking scars and-and they aren't even good looking scars- and....and I just....I'm sorry.. I can't be...be normal.. " and every word is breaking Logan's heart even more. How the hell could Wade think that? Any of it?
Logan like- no- loved every single thing about Wade. His stupid jokes, his rambling, his cute little voice he put on for Mary Puppins, how he always helped any kids that asked for it, his body, his voice, hell- he even loved the nicknames. He loved everything this man did, does and will do. No matter what.
And here Wade was thinking he was ugly- thinking he was some fucking disgusting creature. Logan should apologise to him for failing to do what he set out to do. Failing to prove to Wade he loved him no matter what.
"Wade...listen to me right now. I...I love everything about you. Everything. I love every scar and every blemish because that makes you, you. I think you are the best boyfriend in the multiverse, and I am so fucking happy that you are mine. That you chose me, the worst version of me. I think you are a handsome, sexy, extremley good looking, kind, gentle, crazy, person, and I love it all. And I want to see you baby, I havent seen your face in so long. I want to see your pretty eyes again and that stunning smile- and I want to hold your hand in public, to kiss you on your cheek, to cuddle you at night- I want all of that. So...so please...please- if you want and only if you want....take the mask off- of just the hoodie. Please? Because I promise, I am going to spend the rest of my days proving that everything you think about yourself is wrong. That anything negative is positive." And maybe this is another messy ramble, but Logan doesn't care because he can't let Wade keep thinking like this. He gets having bad days- knows that there will come days in the future where Wade wants to wear the mask and the hoodie for a day, but he can't let him feel like this all the time. He can't. He won't. He refuses.
Logan stares at Wade, patiently waiting for any reaction. Anything at all. And there isn't one for a moment, until Wade is slowly pulling his mask off. As soon as he does, Wade looks at him scared, tears rushing down his face, eyes looking anywhere but Logan.
And it's been so long since he has seen that face- that face he fell inlove with- that he can't help the tears in his own eyes start to rush down his cheek. "Hey...there you are." He whispers, a small smile spreading across his lips. It feels so good to see him. To actually see him.
"H-hey..." Wade whispers back, his voice sounding broken and too quiet, and Logan is determined to fix that. "Can I...can I touch you? Just your cheek or hold your hand? If not that's okay. Take your time. I'll be waiting as long as you need." Logan says softly, waiting for Wade to shut him down- the mask being off already such a huge step, but suddenly he is nodding and Logan is placing a gentle hand on Wade's cheek, gently running his thumb over the scared skin.
In this moment, he can't understand how Wade thinks he looks ugly, because to Logan? To Logan he looked like he was sculpted by the gods themselves. Wade looked like something out of a painting. He looks so stunning that Logan just can't understand.
Wade must see this in his eyes, because Wade quickly looks confused. "You...you really do mean all that.." He says, and Logan nods with a smile on his face. "Of course I do. I love you Wade. Nothing is going to stop that- and...and I hate that you feel this way about yourself because you are the most beautiful person I have ever laid my eyes on...and I'm going to keep my promise. I'm going to prove every word." And this time, Wade looks like he understands. Like he truly believes, and Logan can't help but lean in and softly press their lips together.
This time, Wade doesn't pull away from the touch, instead, he finally leans in.
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inf3ct3dd · 1 year ago
ellie headcanons ..!
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warnings : literally none, perfectly sfw 😍😍
content: loser!ellie x reader, more ellie-focused than relationship focused (sorryyyy 😞😞)
authors note: i’ve literally never done headcanons omg 😓 this is js my random ramblings 🔥🔥🔥
pt. 2 ! taglist!!!! masterlist!!
- send you an excessive amount of reels. every 5 seconds. cute cats, random facts about space, stuff she thinks is funny, it all goes to you.
- definitely had a “rock collection” when she was little, but she was so ???? excessive with it??? like every time she saw a rock she picked it up. she walked so weird bc her pockets were just FULL OF ROCKS.
- also, was literally the grimiest kid ever. playing in ROLLING IN the mud, going snail hunting when it rained!!! she was the kid that would go in the bushes and mess w rolly pollies all the time for NO REASON.
- is weirdly good at fishing?? joel took her all the time, and shes a self proclaimed “fishing master”
- WAYYY clumsy. always running into a wall, tripping on air, or missing steps on the stairs (smh its cuz of that damn phone 😒😒)
- im so into the whole “adam sandler” fits cuz its so true. esp during the summer, its some stupid t shirt that says “master baiter” and a pair of old basketball shorts.
- speaking of t shirts, she’s def the type to own an absurd amount of dumb t shirts.
- gets all her clothes from like, walmart and goodwill. she does not CARE!!!
- cuts her own hair too 🤞🏽🤞🏽 shes soooo self sufficient 😍😍😍
- bites. she is such a biter.
- speaking of, i feel like she js has to have something in her mouth constantly. gum, random pieces of plastic, bottle caps, pens, anything 😞
- speaking of mouths (wow sierra so many connections!!!) she def had braces , but she hates wearing her retainer so her teeth are like ever-so-slightly fucked up
- is AMAZING at committing to the bit. she will drag it for DAYSSS if you don’t tell her to stop. once did a (awful) british accent for 4 days until you threw something at her and told her to shut the fuck up
- definitely not shy, just kind of…odd. she’ll talk to anyone that talks to her, she just doesn’t really approach people.
- weird obsession with pickles. has a pickle stuffed animal with a mustache and glasses that she bought from goodwill
- hangs up so much stuff on her walls!!!! tickets, old notes, cards, pictures of people, drawings, old tickets, literally anything she thinks looks cool
- obsessed with rollercoasters!!! she took you to the fair for your first date
- also like- very good at fair games. she’s so cocky about it too, you’ll go home with like 20 stuffed animals she won for you and she’ll carry ALL OF THEM with the stupidest smile on her face
- wears all of joels old contractor-workwear clothes during the colder months
- trys so hard to be “mysterious” but she’s never actually doing anything so she just does stuff like not telling you what movie she’s watching or what she’s eating
- also just texts you 24-7!!! like every time she’s doing something she’s like “i made a quesadilla” “i went to the store” “i took a shower” she just looooves keeping you updated
- tries to raise one eyebrow but ends up just squinting one eye. so funny 😞😞
- really good at solving rubix cubes???
- definitely had a fuck ass bob at one point
- GLASSES. that is all. glasses.
- listens to so much dad rock, midwest emo, indie, she LOVES male manipulator music!! but like she isn’t like thatttt shes so niceeee 😞😞
- mostly calls you babe/baby, she’ll call you really dumb pet names as a joke like “pookie” 😭😭
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songdrop · 7 months ago
i don't understand why people shit on the good doctor
yeah the autism representation is not perfect, it never going to be cuase it's a spectrum. But it's not the worst?
i hear people say they infantilize Shaun but it's said time and time again that Shaun can do things on his own and even told directly to people in the show and to the audience as a result that we don't need to cuddle Shaun.
It's like the criticism of the first trans episode being transphobic. as a trans person myself, i don't think the ep was transphobic but i had transphobia as part of the events and message of the ep. just cuase it shows the bad stuff, it doesn't mean it is actually condoning it.
and outside of the rep or minorities, it's a damn good show
it makes me feel things, i fuckin cried in some of the episodes
the sound design, AAH the MUSIC it's soft and light and fluffy and feels good and yet it using music to bring out emotion and makes big moments bigger.
i don't like how in the Guatemala special episodes they made it all orange and brown like they do in 3rd world counties, or what americans think any country is outside of Europe. they do that shit to mexico and southern california. I live in socal and it is not brown, well the ground is during the summer but you know what i mean
this is one of my favorite shows, David Shore was made two of my mine now, The Good Doctor and House. Two autistics as leads, one being intentional lol
and yeah it sucks that the actor of shaun isn't autistic, but it's funny that both house and good doctor leads are british and i bet alot people don't know lol
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emotionaldamages · 1 year ago
american girl & british boy - lando norris
summary- established relationship
pairings- lando norris x sargeant!reader
authors note- might be spelling errors, feel free to put in requests
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liked by landonorris, logansargeant,and 2,837,872
y/nsargeant I ♡ my bf
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landonorris my love
logansargeant disgusting
logansargeant i expected a better caption from you considering how much of a swiftie you are
username they’re so lover coded i fear
username couple goals
lilymhe you're cheating on me
y/nsargeant it's not what it looks like baby
alex_albon @ landonorris you seeing this???
landonorris I am??
alex_albon we'll get married lando
y/nsargeant oh fuck no back off lily and lando are mine alex
username don't you just love lover from other couples
username if they ever break up please know i’ll be dead
username that should be me holding your hand💔💔
username don’t let your boyfriend stop you from finding the love of your life
maxverstappen p said she wants you back asap
y/nsargeant tell her I'll be back soon😔🤞🏻
username i wish i was lando so i could just stare at her all day
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liked by y/nsargeant, carlossainz55, and 2,927,415
landonorris my travel buddy
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y/nsargeant I love you❤
username I love them so much together:(
username hes so inlove
username if my future bf doesnt love me this much i swear-
username tHaT sHoUlD bE mE
carlossainz55 I thought I was your travel buddy😔
y/nsargeant not anymore buddy
charles_leclerc your down bad my man
y/nsargeant so are you so stfu
username y/n arguing with the other drivers is everything
username I'm going on tinder
logansargeant gross. give me my sister back
landonorris no can do buddy
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liked by charles_leclerc, landonorris, and 3,837,872
y/nsargeant yup yup going back to these mfs in a week
tagged landonorris, mercedesamgf1, pierre gasly, lewishamilton, charles_leclerc, arthurleclerc, carlossainz55, oscarpiastri, and logansargeant
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mercedesamgf1 delete that-toto
y/nsargeant no can do grandpa
mercedesamgf1 your not allowed in the garage
y/nsargeant I always find a way in😍 now go to sleep gramps
username LANDO
username y/n stays bullying toto
username lewis was kidnapped
oscarpiastri I slayed
username can we talk about how cute charles looks
y/nsargeant him dying is cute?
username PLS-
username y/n always getting flipped off
y/nsargeant I know right😔
pierregasly she gets on my nerves
logansargeant she deserves them
y/nsargeant I'm older dont try me
logansargeant BY 5 MINUTES
y/nsargeant best 5 minutes of my life and then your screeching came along
landonorris I'm pretty sure you were screeching as well baby
y/nsargeant dont defend him😒
username them arguing in the comments is the best
username carlando❤
username I'm obsessed with all of them
lewishamilton I was kidnapped for no reason
username summer is almost over
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liked by carlossainz55, y/nsargeant, and 3,827,182
landonorris my gf made me post this but late night shenanigans
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lilymhe y/n always has the best sleepovers
username I want this friend group
username y/n being on top of that thingy is terrifying especially with her thoughts
username I need friends
maxverstappen y/n decided to jump off that
carlossainz55 I got pushed off the couch by y/n
alex_albon y/n stole my gf
charles_leclerc she hit me with a wooden spoon
arthurleclerc she let me sleep
lewishamilton she yelled at me to bring roscoe
pierregasly she yelled at me to bring kika
logansargeant she slammed the door on my face
danielriccardo she threw cake at me
oscarpiastri she stole my phone
landonorris she made me sleep on the floor
username damn they really came for her throat
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liked by landonorris, maxverstappen, and 3,152,837
y/nsargeant back to paddock-sitting no more vacation-sitting
tagged lewishamilton, charles_leclerc, maxverstappen, landonorris, lilymhe, alex_albon, pierregasly, sebastianvettel, danielriccardo, heidiberger_, alexandrasaintmleux
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landonorris we are so cute
alex_albon was a chef slay
pierregasly we are not that bad
lilymhe yall are horrible
y/nsargeant what she said
heidiberger_ what she said
francisca.cgomez what she said
username lando and y/n are the power couple
charles_leclerc stalker
username y/n stalking charles
maxverstappen you are a mean babysitter
y/nsargeant and you need to stop running away
username dont you just love love
username I want a lando and y/n relationship
username if they dont get married istg
danielriccardo lan looking a little funny in the first photo
sebastianvettel nice see you guys
username oh to be loved
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teeth-farie · 26 days ago
Restroom Rendezvous
Wade Wilson (Deadpool)/Reader
…: I’m back from the dead! I can’t guarantee that I’ll post often, but I at least wanted to share something I wrote. Deadpool has been my hyperfixation since I saw DP&W last summer, so this is set right after that. Thanks for reading!
Wade totally wasn’t caught up on Vanessa’s rejection, not at all. Things don’t work out sometimes, and that was fine, really, it was. She let him down easy, he was thankful for that, at the very least. People change. She had and so had he. They simply weren’t what each other needed anymore. 
It hit him bitterly, that he can admit. He spent many long nights drowning his sorrows in ice cream cartons and reruns of the great British bake off, and a couple nights actually drowning himself in the bathtub. It was a rough period, but life goes on. 
He’s since come to terms that romance just isn’t in the cards for him, not when most people ended up nauseous after a first impression. However, that wouldn’t stop him from living vicariously through Logan’s love life. 
He’d put up a good fight so far, but Wade would be damned if he let all that go to waste because The Wolverine doesn’t know how to flirt with this universe's population. Seriously, he’s never seen someone be so politically incorrect and over correct in his life. 
It all leads them to a seedy little bar, but one with enough charm to know you probably won’t be getting an std. Probably.
He has to tug Logan away from the bar and to the pool table before he can get too shitfaced, sighing in exasperation. 
“It’s like you don’t even want to find anyone.”
“You said I’d be getting laid, not that I’d fall in love.”
“Oh, but don’t you just love the trope of strangers to fuck buddies to lovers?”
Logan snorts a puff of air from his nose as he grabs a pool stick and rubs the little thing of blue chalk on the end of it.  
Wade turns to scope the bar population, leaning up against the edge of the pool table as Logan lined up pole tip to white ball, cradled by his fingers. 
“At first I was like, ‘let him have some time, he’s new to this universe’, but now I’m like, ‘fuck it, he’s had enough time!’,” Wade begins, the sounds of pool balls clacking making him roll his eyes. 
“See, that’s exactly it! I took you here to mingle and now you’re huddled away playing fucking pool. Alone. You aren’t even playing with anyone.”
Clack. Roll. 
“I didn’t even think you could play pool alone, it seems like a very obvious two player game, but you do know best,” 
Clack. Thunk!
“OW!!” Wade turns dramatically, hand on his ass to face the other man with a look of betrayal. 
“Did you just hit my ass with a pool ball?”
“Shouldn’t be sittin’ on the table there then, bub.”
Wade frowns and Logan chuckles to himself, jaw flexing with his hidden grin. 
“You’re gonna make me do the work for you, huh? You big baby. You big 5’3 baby.”
“YEESH, don’t get your panties in a twist, I’m leavin!”
There’s that saying of ‘there’s always more fish in the sea’, but the fish out here look a little too dead eyed for his tastes. Well, Logie’s tastes. 
Just when he’s about to call it quits, he spots you (Duh, you know what you came here for). 
There’s nothing outright that he can pinpoint that draws him to you. Maybe it’s the way you dress, or the way you hold yourself, but something about you makes him feel just about as giddy as a kid in a candy shop. Part of him wonders if maybe he could snatch you for himself. 
Checking his breath in a cupped hand, he winces and shrugs. It’s not like the rest of him was all that better. 
Wade leans up against the bar next to you, dark hoodie shadowing his mottled face under the overhead lights. His smile still gleams, crooked lower teeth and blistered gums. 
“You’ve been looking over at me and my friend a lot, I noticed it.”
“Ah, guilty as charged.” You respond, a split smile, beer on your breath. “I’m sorry though, if it made you uncomfortable.”
“No! No no, the opposite, actually,” he sits down on the barstool, leaning on his elbows against the sticky countertop. “See, my friend over there,” he points over his shoulder, voice suddenly low and conspirative.
 You follow the point of his thumb to his friend, thick and burly, bent over the edge of the pool table to line up another shot. Truly a magnificent specimen, but your eyes don’t seem to be on that prize. 
“I’ve been trying to set him up for ages now, and between you and me, he thinks you’re real cute.”
“He does, does he?” 
“Oh yeah, super cute. He might seem like an asshole, but he’s a real softie at the center, all gooey and shit.”
“Ok, ok, I see I’m losing you a bit- but what’s the harm? Come on over, just don’t say I brought you over here.”
You sigh, resting your cheek on your palm, and he can’t help but feel a little scrutinized under your gaze. 
“You know, it wasn’t him I was staring at.”
“I…oh, pfft, yeah, this whole thing,” he gestures to his face, scarred and tumored flesh pulled taut and tender. “Wanted a ticket to the freak show?”
“No, not like that,” you say quickly, a little hot in embarrassment. “I meant, I think you’re…cute.”
Wade almost balks at you, silent before scoffing. “Cute? Pardon my French, but are you fucking blind?”
You laugh, and you’re a little worried that you probably shouldn't have. “Listen…”
“Wilson. Wade Wilson. Did that sound cool?”
“Wade,” you say, and the way you say it makes him feel all tingly at the base of his spine. “You seem like you really love your friend.”
“Totally! We’re BFF’s, best friends forever, we’ve got the matching necklaces, too.” He tugs on the thin chain dangled around his neck, a half heart charm jingling underneath his hoodie. 
You’re resting your hand on his thigh, a deliberate movement that makes his fingers twitch a little, necklace falling back under his shirt. You lick your lips a little, and he’s back under your spell.
“Wouldn’t your friend want you to…have a little fun?”
His mouth falls open to say something, then closes, then opens again. “F..fun? I like fun, what kinda fun are we talking about?”
Your head leans back with a laugh at his flustering, hand squeezing his thigh just a little tighter. He shifts in his seat and you notice it, of course you do. 
“The kind of fun where you follow me into the bathrooms and I,” you stop, fingers inching up just a little bit higher on his thigh, just shy of bumping this fic rating from mature up to explicit. “Well,” you sigh out, and move your hand away entirely. “I wouldn’t want to give it away, not when you can come see for yourself.”
“Yes,” he strains, leaning up in his seat like he was ready to jump you right then and there. “I want that, I wanna have some fun with you—if, if you still want it?”
“Honey, I’ve been groping you for the last minute, of course I still want to.”
“Right! Right, right, right,”
“Leave a bit of distance, don’t make it so obvious,” you say to him, getting up from your seat and nodding towards the bathrooms with a wink before you leave. 
Wade’s heart pounds in his ears almost louder than the bar's music. Surprisingly jazzy, they probably came on a themed night. In ways, he thinks his heart might be singing too. 
He looks over to Logan, finding him still at that damn table. At least this time it looks like someone’s joined him, or he hopes so. He really wants to be following you right now. 
Then, with a skittish bit of flair, Wade slinks away into the crowd. 
Wade’s tarnished skin feels impossibly hot when your mouth makes contact, lips and tongue over the length of his jugular. His hands wander, catching on your clothing, rumpling the fabric under his grip. Yeah, this fic is getting rated explicit. 
“This is fucked,” he huffs, head lolling back against the bathroom stall. You make a questioning sound against his neck and his whole body shivers. “S’posed to be hooking you up with Lo’, not…not…” you’ve found the tender little spot below his ear as he speaks, blunt teeth pressing firm and he hates how reactive he is to it. 
“God, you’re not playing fair, this isn’t fair,” he wheedles, tugging on your clothes. 
You laugh and wiggle your leg between his, hip pressing against his groin, and you’re pleased to find him half chubbed already. “If I were fair, I’d be talking to your friend right now instead of kissing a cutie in the bathroom.”
“I’m- am I the cutie?”
“Yes, you’re the cutie.”
You’re mouthing lower and Wade is sure his heart is going to burst from his chest Alien style. Your teeth catch on the chain of his necklace, a touch of your tongue against his skin and you tug, breathing out a laugh when he whimpers. 
“That shouldn’t have been so hot,”
“But aren’t you glad it was?” 
You’re only stopped by the neckline of his hoodie, lavishing your mouth over the exposed skin of his throat. He’s breathing heavy, Adam’s apple bobbing beneath your teeth. 
He’d never thought anyone would want to be close to his cancer riddled skin, let alone kiss. The scabbing and sores of his skin don’t bother you, you devour him all the same. 
Just as he thinks it can’t get any better, he feels your fingers tug on the waistband of his jeans. 
“Is this ok?” You’re asking, all soft and hushed, like you haven’t unraveled him at the very seams. 
“Uh,” he stammers like an idiot, flushed red and sweating. “Yes, yes, it’s ok, it’s more than ok, actually! I’d really uh, it’d be totally cool, totally consensual—“
You cut him off with a kiss, fumbling with his buttons and pulling down the zipper with a huff puffed from your nose. 
His pants shuck down easily enough, caught around his thighs while your hand finds his erection. The first touch is like bliss, your fingers wrapping around his mottled cock and tugging, toying with the foreskin around the tender head. 
You make a pleased sound, reverberating into his mouth as you give him a testing squeeze, his hips canting forward. 
It feels better than he anticipated, much better, though he supposes it’s due to only having his right (and left) hand for a while. 
“No undies, huh?” You’re laughing, a sickly sweet sound that makes his knees feel weak. “And here I thought you were just trying to set your friend up. Were you hoping for this all along?”
He shakes his head, though it’s more like a frantic twitch. “Huuh, nuh-uh,” 
“No? I think you did,” his cock weeps enough to make the slide of your fist easy, the soft palm of your hand so much better than his own blistered one. “I think you were hoping I’d pick you, that I’d come kiss you all better, make you feel good.”
“Please,” is all he can muster, nosing against your head with a pitiful sound. 
“Oh, you poor thing,” you croon, letting go of his cock to put your cupped palm below his chin, expectant. “Come on, get it wet for me, Wade.”
It’s all but purred, the way you say it. Like butter and cotton candy had a baby and it was your voice. And he’s obeying, gathering the saliva in his mouth and spitting it into your palm, flushed red hot and wanting. 
“Good boy,” you whisper and he thinks he’s in love. 
Your wet hand is grabbing his cock again, slick and dripping. 
“Tell me what you like, cutie.”
“Tighter? Oof- not that tight, j-just kinda- ohhh,”
His body feels like it’s blooming, warmth flooding into his nerves different from the anxious, hormonal flush of his blood. He sucks his lip in between his teeth, eyes rolling when the web of your finger and thumb catch on the head.  
“Now that’s a pretty expression,” up and down, up and down, wet and messy. “I think it’s cool, how your dick is like the rest of you. Nice on the hands…” you thumb over the uneven skin, thumb pressing against the more tender and raw flesh, pulsing with his heartbeat. 
“Oh, ha..haha, r-ribbed for your pleasure, amiright?”
“Oh, Wade…” your tongue slides across the shell of his ear, saccharine voice a heady whisper. “I’m not the one that’s gonna be bent over.” 
“Oh my god,” he wheezes, hands shooting up to cover his face in near comedic embarrassment. 
You laugh in his ear and it sounds utterly mocking, your voice trailing off into a sigh of a moan (which isn’t helping him in the slightest- or it is, and that’s why he’s suffering).
“God, you’re wet, I don’t think I even needed you to spit at all.” You thumb over the head, a back and forth rub that gets your fingertips sticky with his pre. “Look at that, like a fucking garden hose.”
Wade huffs loudly through his hands, spreading his fingers to peek out, pupils dilated under the milky sheen of his eyes. “Don’t stop,” it comes out strained and weak when he says it. “K-keep talking, I need- I-I—“ 
His hips jerk in aborted thrusts, biting on his own tongue when his teeth clench. He whimpers, and you kiss him better, tongue against tongue. 
“Close,” he still tries to whimper anyway, his balls drawing up to his body in anticipation, the building of his orgasm festering in his gut. 
“Close? Alright, alright,” you start to shuffle him forward and he makes an indignant sound when he’s pulled away from your mouth. “Aw, don’t look at me like that, I’m just trying to avoid getting a stain on my clothes.”
You position him over the toilet and he grabs at the tank of it, your hand wrapping around him from behind and pointing his cock down to the bowl. It’s not the first time he's jerked off over a toilet, but this time is definitely more enjoyable. 
“There you go,” he can hear the smile in your voice, feel your hands wrapped tight around him. It makes him feel kinda jelly inside, soft and jiggly and vulnerable. 
He finds himself holding onto the hand on his stomach, your other making quick work of his erection, pumping quickly to push him right back to the edge again. 
“C-can you,” he swallows, tries to catch his bearings. 
“Can I what, sweetheart?” 
It only makes him whine, a gutteral noise from the back of his throat. “Say I’m good,”
“Ha, you want to be a good boy? Want me to call you that?”
“Please,” really, it’s all he wants. At least in the moment. Or maybe after too, think about the way he made you happy and apply that to himself so he doesn’t seem like that much of a fuck up anymore. 
You don’t notice his inner quarrels, of course you don’t, but you still squeeze his hand back, dig your thumb into just the right spots with your other to make him push back against you. It’s enough to tip him over from the edge where he teetered, down into the fallen abyss or whatever poetic shit his mind could conjure. 
You keep his cock aimed and he spills into the toilet, shuddering with the force of it. It’s the deep rooted kind of orgasm, the kind that makes your eyes roll and bones go gelatinous. Yeah, that kind. It’s honestly the best orgasm he’s had in months, he thinks he could actually cry. 
No, scratch that, it’s not hot to cry after sex, even if it’s a bathroom handy. 
He feels your hand move up and down against his stomach, petting him, such a soft action that he does sniffle a little. 
“Good boy,” you say to him, tender, kind. 
Oh boy, here comes the waterworks. 
Wade would have been an idiot not to have grabbed your number after that night. Actually, it’s more like you grabbed his phone and put your number in yourself, which made him fall just ever a little bit more in love. 
It’s scary, he thinks, to try again after so much heartbreak. Vanessa would always be his friend, even if at one point, he had still wished it to be more. Actually, he thinks she might be proud of him for making another new friend, and that thought does make him feel warm inside. 
He meets you today at a cute little coffee shop for a technical first date after the restroom rendezvous (which he’s still surprised got no knocks on the door, thanks author).
It’s cliche, sickeningly so, but it’s so healing to his mangled up little heart that he’s damn well bringing a bouquet with him, too.
He knows it’s your favorite spot, not because you told him, but because he did some light stalking on his own. Hey, there’s nothing wrong with doing a little research! He had to make sure you weren’t an ax murderer or something (which would have just been another score in his book). 
He watches you from the window of the shop for a minute, a certain type of nervousness gnawing in his chest, more so than he felt with you before. Maybe it’s because this time it’s more than just a mindless fling. Maybe he just really likes you. 
You catch him when you look up from your phone, giving him a wave through the window and he gathers himself up once more, and pushes open the door. 
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elizabebabe · 8 months ago
𝐥𝐨𝐯𝐞 𝐢𝐬𝐥𝐚𝐧𝐝 ೀ 𝐬𝐭𝐮𝐫𝐧𝐢𝐨𝐥𝐨
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𝐢𝐧 𝐰𝐡𝐢𝐜𝐡: you're scouted for love island and you and your manager think of it as a business opportunity but what happens when you actually want to find love?, you're in for the summer of your life.
𝐰𝐚𝐫𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐬: use of y/n!
𝐰𝐨𝐫𝐝 𝐜𝐨𝐮𝐧𝐭: 2k!
𝐭𝐡𝐨𝐮𝐠𝐡𝐭𝐬: i'm insanely nervous to post this but, here we go, i based this off usa love island even though the uk version is typically my favorite maybe after i finish this series i'll do a british version?...you will find out which brother i'm using soon, feel free to imagine what you're wearing this is meant to be an inclusive story so, hair, makeup, fashion, is all subjective, i'll remember to make the dialogue about your appearance vague, i hope you enjoy.
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'love island'
you had heard about the show but you never expected to be scouted for it, so when you got a call from your business manager you were surprised…and disappointed.
“hey, y/n”, she said with anticipation.
“what’s up?” you quickly replied, you had already settled in for bed having already grabbed your favorite read off your bedside table, your own phone ring making you jump. 
“got a very interesting email today..” 
that grabs your full attention, putting your bookmark into your book and nesting it in its favorite place on your side table.
“and that is?” you say excitedly.
“love island wants to cast you.”
your smile drops, “oh.” being the only thing to leave your mouth, you can’t help but feel upset you were expecting more, maybe someone liked your designs enough to sign you. you’ve been building your own business up for a while now but having a contract with a ‘real’ company would definitely help your bills being paid.
“what do you mean..”
“oh” she mimicked your voice.
“was expecting better news.” you say calmly picking your book back up.
“y/n!!, this is great news!. you can go on and wear your designs and if people like them they’ll buy from your website.”
you turn to the next page, “maybe..” you bookmark your place again closing the book.
“i’ll give you time to think about it.”
you scoffed, a mere “fine.” escaping your lips. 
you picked up your last rinsed dish, putting it in the dishwasher, quickly closing it then drying your hands. you then examine the prune on your fingers but it’s cut short by a ring, you hurried over to your phone left on your coffee table.
“hi” , you say to your manager: rhia.
“i can’t, i'm sorry.” you say nesting into your couch.
“but this is a huge business opportunity!”
“it’s a love show, not ‘shark tank.’” you say sarcastically, getting up from your couch and grabbing your laptop you left in another room. 
“y/n..? where did you go?” she notices your absence 
“right here.” you say carrying your laptop back to the coffee table sitting in-to the butt groove you’ve perfectly molded just for you.
“okay..two birds, one stone.” rhia comments, gaining a confused look on your face.
“what the hell is that supposed to mean?” you say while opening your laptop.
“you’re single, unless you count that damn butt grove on your gross couch.” your jaw drops, you close your laptop, dropping it on the table ahead of you.
“that is…so messed up.” you said dramatically 
“okay, i'm sorry but it’s true.”
“not many people get scouted for shit like this, you have to go.” she adds
“okay, okay..” you're reluctant but rhia has never steered you wrong before…right?”
“i’m y/n..”, you said awkwardly at the camera as you fidgeted with the lacy bits of your outfit, this was going to be your introduction on the show so you knew the pressure was on, what if the public didn’t like you? what if you came off so unlikeable and nobody wanted to speak to you ever again?
they scouted you from your instagram and after seeing a few of your reels they knew you’d be a great, you were casted to fit a certain role “the hopeless romantic.” the producers knew bringing you in and a few interesting characters would make for fireworks on television.
“i’m 21 and i have my own company, “i’m funny, romantic, maybe a little bit shy.” you motion with your hands. 
“but that doesn’t mean i can’t stand my own, i open up a lot once you get to know me.” you giggle shyly
you were nervous especially when it came to what felt like 10 cameras staring at you, don’t forget the people behind them being extremely intimidating. it was a new environment for you, you naturally spent most of your days inside sketching so to do something ‘out there’ was scary.
“i’ve been single for a bit now.” you thoughtfully and playfully count on your fingers.
….“yep, it's definitely been a bit.” you chuckled.
“my type?” , you repeat the question from the people off camera. “i like funny, i just want to laugh!.” you exclaim. “oh probably someone nice as-well.” you laugh.
“physically?”, you tap your finger on your lips, trying to come up with an honest answer.
“hmmm…” you reckon, i like dark hair quite a bit but i’m definitely not opposed to a lighter color. “i don’t think i really have a physical type..i mean i like brown eyes quite a bit to be fair.” you smile. 
“hopefully i can find the love of my life here on ‘love island’. “ you comment bashfully. 
 you remember the main objective is to show off your brand but you can’t help but feel genuine hope to find someone here, rhia was right it has been just you and your butt groove for a while which made you a bit embarrassed causing your lack of interest, but now you might actually be invested in the ‘love’ part..
you have never been to a tropical island or at least one like fiji, it was gorgeous, littered with clear water and the smell of a tropical summer, you were being driven up to the villa in a cabriolet, the hot wind brushing through your hair and your bikini straps almost sticking to your skin from the heat.
it was new to you, and it felt so freeing. you pushed your hands in the air, the gentle breeze touching the beads of sweat on your arms.
you felt confident for the first time in a while looking at the bikini you chose to wear, a neutral color but it matched your skin tone so perfectly you couldn't help yourself. you decided to pear a wedge alongside it, you looked good and you knew it.
the car stopped as it approached the villa doors, the cameras around you catching your reaction, it was beautiful. if the villa looked this good from the outside you couldn’t help your mind from wandering about the inside. 
you opened the car door, and took a step out, you put on your best smile and strutted towards the open doors.
your first extinct was to explore but you were guided towards another set of open doors, they revealed a sort of backyard, you could see a massive pool and a few day beds under some gazebos, before your attention was taken by girls squealing in your direction, you snapped your head towards them noticing they were at a table with a few drinks.
a tall blonde waves at you excitedly followed by a shorter kinky haired woman, you walk towards them, the smell of the island mixed with their perfumes hitting you nicely, “hi!” you say excitedly.
“hey!”, they both reply, you hug & swap names.
clair has chocolate skin that glistens in the sun, she wears a sparkly red bikini to compliment it, her curls bounced as she hugged you. 
abby joked about wanting a tan to catch up with clair, earning a side eye from her, making you and abby giggle, she wears a lilac one piece that praises her curves. they were both gorgeous and also had good conversation, they made you feel quite comfortable already.
“how are you?” clair mentions curiously. 
“want a drink?” abby says as she begins pouring some champagne into a glass and holding it out for you.
“i’m doing okay, a bit nervous.” you say as you take the drink from abby.
clair giggles, “we feel the same way.” 
“there’s no need to be nervous!” abby says with an upbeat attitude. you smile at them, “what do you do?” clair questions you.
“i sell clothes, i'm actually wearing one of my designs.” you say motioning towards your bikini, rhia would be proud you were actually able to mention your business.
you collect “ooo’s” and “ahh’s” from the girls which gave you a boost of confidence, “i’m going to need to borrow that.” abby says quickly.
you find out clair works in tech and abby works as a beauty therapist during your continued small talk. you typically hated this part of getting to know people but they made it so easy, especially abby since she comfortably led the conversation. 
the continued convo stopped once you heard heels coming closer and closer to you all, making all of you turn around, you observed two new girls, they were holding hands and strutting towards the rest of you. you all cheered, giving them an appropriate greeting.
you hugged them both, one of their perfumes being a little too strong for your personal liking but you were never one to judge. 
one of their names was kaia and she looked like trouble at first, since she had quite a stern look on her face but when she smiled it lit up the room. she had short black hair and a tattoo on her chest that popped out of her deep blue bikini.
the other girls name was leah, her hair was wavy but it looked styled, her skin being soft was the only thing you could think of when she hugged you. she was wearing a silver bikini and a tiny white cover up.
trying to get to know kaia and leah was quickly interrupted by ariana madix the ‘love island’ host walking out the doors. 
you had never really watched the show, maybe just seen a few clips but seeing the girls reaction to her stupidly made you feel a little left out, they were so excited.
truthfully you had started to feel a little overwhelmed, whether it was the environment or the large amounts of conversation. you take a few sips out of your glass hoping it would take the edge off.
while being lost in your own thoughts ariana had already walked over, sharing hugs with the girls then opening her arms for you, you give her a gentle hug then pull away. 
“who’s ready for a summer of love?” ariana questions in a high genuine tone.
“me!!” abby quickly replies
“we are!, “more than ready.”, different responses coming out of different mouths.
“perfect, let’s go to the fire pit.” ariana states.
the firepit was tucked a little away from the pool you noticed right when you walked out, it was basically a couch shaped like a half circle.
you all follow behind her as the warm breeze hits our skin, all the girls take a seat at the fire pit, you’re not far behind sitting next to clair and across from ariana, the other girls branching out in the middle.
“how is everybody doing today?” ariana questions making eye contact with each of us.
the girls talk over each-other, “y/n?” 
“i’m a bit nervous but i’m ready.” you giggle, the other ladies laughing alongside you.
“you've come to the right place for romance. the sun is shining. we're at a beautiful villa in fiji. pretty soon you will have some gorgeous guys to share it with. buuut before you meet them, i need the hot goss.” 
“abby, what are you looking for on the island?” ariana adds.
abby squeals excitedly, “i need a guy that can keep up with my energy, i want a break from leading my relationships, i'm so used to having control of the conversations and…many other things and i'm so bored of it.”
“oo and definitely someone long term.”
“i like it!” ariana replies.
“what about you, kaia?”
she smiles, “i typically like a bad boy.” she chuckles
we all playfully sigh at her comment.
“but, i’m here to change that. i haven’t had a relationship longer than like 3 months.”
we all nod, ariana giggles “well you’re at the right place.”
“i hope so.” kaia responds.
she sighs, “i mean i unfortunately agree with kaia, but i just need a specific look and they all happen to be assholes..so.”
ariana scoffs jokingly, “clair, what’s up?”
“kind hearted is all i need, emotionally intelligent, smart.” clair replies quickly almost like she planned what she was going to say.
“y/n?, how long have you been single?”
“looooooong time.” you drag your words and follow with a chuckle, making the other girls laugh.
“i mean, well, hopefully you’ll meet your future boyfriend in a few minutes. i'm so ready for you to meet these guys.”
“are you ready to meet them?”
“whoo!”, you cheer, trying to push any nerves you feel away.
okay. let's do this.
you find yourselves in a horizontal line on 5 hearts, clair decides to stand next to you, you share a smile with her.
“this is it, you guys. this is the moment we've all been waiting for.” ariana states standing across from you all.
you're about to couple-up for the first time. what that means is you have to pair up with one of the boys. 
“oh, my gosh, i have goosebumps.” clair comments, rubbing her arms and looking at you, you take a look at them. she wasn’t kidding, you notice the bumps lining up her arms.
“one by one, the lucky guys will enter the villa and choose one of you.”
“before they do, you will step forward if you're attracted to them. you have the power to influence their decision. if you like them, you better step forward because they might get snatched up.”
“alright, let’s meet the first boy.”
you all look at each-other , the anticipation killing you.
“here we go.”
what will the boys be like? who will you couple up with? find out next time on ‘love island’....
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i hope you enjoyed, i'm a little bit worried about the pacing of this so any criticism is definitely appreciated, this was just an intro so be patient with me bc it will be getting juicy, thank you for reading! ˙ᵕ˙
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alocon · 1 year ago
A Soulmate Who Wasn't Meant To Be - Max Verstappen
written by alocon
Note: Based on the song A Soulmate Who Wasn't Meant To Be by Jess Benko
Summary: You are a Red Bull Racing driver who decided to make a song over the summer break about your ex... Who just so happens to be a Red Bull Racing driver. Said driver decided to listen to the song, reliving memories from when you were together as the lyrics progressed
Warning: Angst? I guess. Plus some social media at the end x
[The Masterlist] [Part Two Here]
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A Soulmate Who Wasn't Meant To Be - MV¹
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Max looked at his phone, reading the post and instantly heading to the link to listen to your new song. He sat back on his bed, listening as the guitar started.
"I never should've called"
[October 2010]
Picking up the phone, you sighed before you dialled the number that he had given you earlier.
“Hello, is this [Name]?” He asked once he picked up the phone.
“Yep. It is indeed,” you responded, hearing a sigh through the screen from the man.
He smiled. “I was hoping you would call.”
"’Cause I knew you would leave me"
[October 2010]
“Racing is the most important part of my life,” he said as you both sat in the coffee shop talking, getting to know one another. “It's always racing over anything. I want to be a Formula One driver one day.”
“I get it, I'm the same.”
"But I didn't think you could do it so easily"
[November 2018]
“No. I can't. Racing over everything, remember? Just like I said when we were 13. This is over.”
“Max you can race and be with me, you know?”
Max turned to you, bitterly laughing. It was obvious that any love he had for you was long gone. “Not when we're going to be driving together.”
“It's not like there's anything in the contract about us not dating. It's never changed how we drive together. Are you seriously going to throw us away for no damn reason?” You questioned, watching as he shrugged before nodding. You stood up. “Fine by me.” It was not fine by you, but you weren't going to let him see that. You walked out of his driver's room. Just like that. 8 years down the drain.
"I never should have held your hand on that cold rainy night"
[November 2010]
“You look nice,” the 13-year-old said, greeting you with a hug. You hugged him back, of course. Your 13th birthday was last week and he had got you some flowers for it, knowing that you loved them. He looked at you as you began to walk. Looking back, you slipped your hand into his, making him smile, cheeks flushing slightly. That wasn't the only time that you held hands that night. You held hands on the run home whilst you darted from shelter to shelter, attempting to avoid the awful weather. 
“You said the weather would be good,” you stated to him through laughs as you got to the bus stop, pausing to take shelter for a moment.
He was also laughing and turned to you. “I thought it was!”
"Cause further along it would cause another fight"
[December 2010]
“It's not my fault that your dad was following us all night!” You were angry at the accusations that your boyfriend was yelling at you.
“He got so mad about it. He wants us to break up because you decided to hold my hand.”
“And is that what you want, Max?”
He sighed, taking a breath to calm himself down. He stepped closer to you, pulling you into a soft hug. “No. No it's not. I'm sorry.”
"Stranger, that's all I see. When I look into your eyes."
[July 2023]
You stood on the top step of the podium, having just won the British Grand Prix. Beside you, in P2, was Verstappen. On the other side, in P3, was Lando. The champagne spraying had already happened and it was now time for a photo. You felt eyes on you.
Turning around, your eyes met Max's. He looked at you with something you couldn't read, but you didn't care. Your eyes gave back a completely blank look, almost as if you didn't know him. You shuffled along for the photo, both drivers on either side of you. You felt Max's hand place against your back. You shuffled out of his grip, swapping places with Lando so he was in the middle. His arm went to where Max's just was but you didn't push him away. You made a 1 with your hand, Lando making a 3 as the three of you posed with your race engineer.
"A Soulmate That Wasn't Meant To Be"
[April 2019] 
“What happened between you two anyway?”
You turned to look at Charles and Seb as the pair eyes you both sat as far away from one another as Charles’ driver room couch would allow. It was an innocent question. He didn't know. 
“I guess we were just soulmates who weren't meant to be,” Max answered, shrugging as he spoke.
You rolled your eyes. ‘Something like that,’ you thought.
"Stranger, who knows all my secrets"
[January 2010]
You gasped. “No way you did that!” You said, looking at Max as he laughed softly. 
“I did.” It took him a few minutes to calm down before he looked at you. “Your turn. What's your biggest secret?”
"Can pull me apart and break my heart"
[February 2019]
Your first time being around Max properly since you both broke up. He treated you like you weren't as important as him. He treated you as if you didn't have more wins than him, acting like he was the better driver, the better person, as if he didn't rip you apart into a bunch of tiny pieces when he out of the blue ended your 8 year relationship. The pair of you had been dating since you were 13 and he threw that away for nothing.
He used the excuse that racing meant he couldn't be with you but that wasn't true at all. You were both driving together for years and it changed nothing. But he went from, one day being excited about you also moving to Red Bull with him, to ending the relationship with no explanation. It made no sense.
"A Soulmate Who Wasn't Meant To Be"
[September 2014]
“Do you think soulmates exist?”
It was a question you had been curious to know for ages. You asked him so casually as you sat on his bed, watching a show on the TV on his wall. He looked at you, not even hesitating to answer. “Well if they do, I hope you're mine.”
"I never should've kissed, kissed your hand"
[October 2010]
You met him for the first time. He walked over and introduced himself to you. It was some dumb competition. 2 teams, hand the karting grid in each team. Your team vs his, whichever team scored more karting points got to choose everyone else's outfits the next week. Of course, you had won and, of course, Charles had expertly suggested that you all make them wear fancy dress princess dresses. 
You laughed as he walked over to you. “I wouldn't have to wear this stupid dress if it wasn't for your last lap overtake,” he declared, feigning annoyance before following your laugh, unable to hold it back any longer. 
“Well, for the record, Max. You make a very pretty princess.” You picked his hand up in yours, teasingly placing a kiss on it before breaking out into laughter again at the unimpressed look on his face.
"I am under your control"
[December 2023]
“Let Max Through.”
The three words that drove you insane. Even when you were quicker, even when you were fighting him for championships, it was always you being told to give up the place for him. Even when either of you could easily win, Horner favourited Max. You hated being in Red Bull at the moment. You hated how unfair it was. You hated the way that he was the golden boy and you were nothing. You would have more wins than him if Christian didn't berate you every time you didn't listen and let Max through. But not this time. This was your championship, and noone will take it away from you. 
"I will never understand"
[December 2023]
“We told you to give the place to Max,” you heard Horner say through the radio as you crossed the line. 
“I was quicker, though.”
“I don't care.”
“He's already world champion, does it matter?”
You really didn't understand why you were nothing to them. 
"I never should have said “I love you”. You never said it back."
[November 2018]
“Seriously, Max. This is so out of the blue. I love you. I thought you loved me.”
He didn't reply, just stared at you with a blank expression. That was when you realised. He didn't love you. Maybe he never did. 
"So why do I still care for you?"
[July 2021]
“What happened?” You asked as you walked up to the pit wall, the red flag having just came out.
“Max and Lewis touched.” You looked to the screen, seeing Max's car in the wall. You felt your heartbeat grow faster. Shit. That looked bad.
“Is he okay?”
“Yes. We're getting him to medical now.”
"Stranger, that's all I see. When I look into your eyes, a soulmate who wasn't meant to be. Stranger, who knows all my secrets, can pull me apart and break my heart. A Soulmate Who Wasn't Meant To Be."
[August 2021]
You sat down beside Kimi and Anthonio, who looked at you. “He's being a dick again, I take it?” The Finn asked and you nodded, infuriated. 
“When isn't he being a dick to you. What did he do this time?” Antonio was the next to ask a question.
You shrugged, beginning to explain his major outburst to you, calling you the worst driver he's ever been teammates with, a bitch, saying he was glad he ‘got rid of you when he got the chance’, saying that you're nothing compared to him you'll never be anything. As per either his usual outbursts, Jos was sat watching in the corner.
"I wish I could go back to the day we met and leave you be."
[May 2022]
Those were the words you shouted back at him when, once more, Jos and Christian berated you for not letting him through. He seemed taken aback. You had not shouted back at him like that before. He never realised you could shout that loud and full of hate. 
“Don't say that about him.” Christian's voice boomed as he screamed at you once again.
“Well, if I didn't, maybe I would've been able to be respected by you guys, rather than treated like shit.”
"Sit and look pretty"
[August 2023]
“What?” You looked into the audience at the person who said that. As you went to speak, you heard someone do it before you could. 
“Fuck you.”
Such a simple phrase yet elegantly put by Max as he flipped the questioner off, before shooting you an apologetic look. He felt bad for snapping rather than letting you speak. He just couldn't help defending you. He really didn't hate you, he never could. In fact, he felt quite the opposite for you. He could never let you know that, though
“Being a Formula One driver is tough, even more so for women because we are judged by people like you. I do not just sit there and look pretty. I do my job.”
"Never should've called. Never should've kissed."
A lot of the time, you regretted getting with Max. It was always bound to go badly. Sometimes you wondered if you were really that stupid. Stupid enough to believe it was the right thing to do. That you would work out.
"Never should've said."
[January 2024]
You sighed, looking at the photo of you and Max you found under your drawers in your room. You saw some writing on the back. It must've been there for a while, likely falling out of your drawer after you rearranged it the previous week. You turned it over, recognising Max's writing.
“Diary thing, 
This photo is of me and the love of my life. My dad made me break up with her. I didn't want to but it was either her ass on the line or mine. And I didn't want him to terrorise her. Anyways I miss her, that was all. I never should've said that I wanted to break up with her”
What the fuck?
"Stranger, that's all I see. When I look into your eyes, a soulmate who wasn't meant to be. Stranger, who knows all my secrets. Can pull me apart and break my heart. A soulmate who wasn't meant to be."
The song came to an end and, by it, Max was crying. He opened his phone, finding the post on Instagram, typing out a comment. One that she didn't reply to.
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liked by lewishamilton and others
youruser: Surprise, new song out now!! Link in my bio. Thank you lewishamilton for being my guitarist!! (Bonus Pic of Arthur because he took the 8th photo of me!)
tagged: lewishamilton, arthurleclerc
-view all comments-
lewishamilton: Such a beautiful song, thank you for letting me be the guitarist. So so proud of you ❤️ 
youruser: Thank you !! ❤️
georgerussell63: Great song!! Smashed it 👍
youruser: Appreciate it, Mr. Russell
charles_leclerc: Excellent song! Maybe I could be your pianist next time? 😉 
youruser: Absolutely, you're already on my collab list dw 😉  charles_leclerc: Right alongside Yuki and Pierre as your backup singers, I hope? We've all heard their excellent karaoke 🎤  youruser: Obviously!
carlossainz55: Such an emotional song, loved it 😭❤️
youruser: Thank you, Carlos!!
maxverstappen1: Lovely song! I really enjoyed it
landonorris: Right. That's it. You're paying for my therapy.
youruser: You're a driver too. Pay for your own ✋️🙄 oscarpiastri: Can you pay for my therapy tho? youruser: Ofc, send me the bill landonorris: ACTUAL FAVOURITISM???? WHAT THE HELL youruser: 😚😚
yukitsunoda0511: I am officially your biggest fan, I'm obsessed.
youruser: Yuki!! You're an angel 🤍 yukitsuonda0511: So are you! 🤍
danielricciardo: All 3 of us are crying over your song rn. 
youruser: Crying session in the VCARB garage, pull up.
estebanocon: Much better than your drunk singing 😉
youruser: I'll have you know, Mr. Ocon, that my drunk singing is wonderful. estebanocon: No its not. charles_leclerc: No its not. pierregasly: No its not. lance_stroll: No its not. youruser: Screw the lot of you.
pierregasly: She can sing? I didn't know she could do that. (Not well at least, drunk karaoke is always horrific with you)
youruser: 🫵🫵 When I find you.
lance_stroll: Well done, great song.
youruser: Thank you.
fernandoalo_oficial: So proud 👏 
youruser: Thank you !!
zhouguanyu24: Wow 😍
youruser: Thank Youuu omg
valtteribottas: Beautiful song, kiddo 
youruser: Thank you Val!
alex_albon: New favourite song.
youruser: Ahh thank you
logansargeant: I got to hear it early!! Luckiest person ever.
youruser: Logan you're actually one of the nicest person to ever exist. alex_albon: Ah So this is why he's crying. yukitsunoda0511: Lucky :( youruser: Dw Yuki, I'll show you early next time! X
liamlawson30: My girlfriend has been playing this on repeat.
youruser: TELL HER I LOVE HER liamlawson30: Nah, you've stolen enough of the WAGs.
nyckdevries: Excellent song!
youruser: Nyck!!! Miss you 💛
mickschumacher: Launch Party soon??? This is actually heaven in a song.
youruser: Thank you. Launch Party soon, you're so invited
nicholaslatifi: Great song!
youruser: THE GOAT HAS ARRIVED, THIS IS NOT A DRILL 📣📣 Thank you Nicky
sebastianvettel: So so proud of you, kiddo.
youruser: Thanks, I miss you Seb x sebastianvettel: I miss you too. Meet up soon? 
kimimatiasraikkonen: So many words for the song and every one of them is positive 
youruser: Kimi 😭❤️
nicorosberg: Wow!! Well done you two 🤩
youruser: Thank you, Brit (Kill Lew please this comment was his idea) lewishamilton: Thanks, Britney nicorosberg: Never mind. You're both annoying 😂
jensonbutton: Beautiful, beautiful song
youruser: Miss you Jens!
AlphaTauri: Wow??? 🤩
youruser: THANK YOUUUU
schecoperez: Is this about who I think it is?? Lovely song x
youruser: It might be, depends who you think it is about, thank you. X
formula1: Song of the year???
christianhorner: It's not bad. 👍
user: "not bad"? I'd like to see you do better. *liked by youruser*
mercedesamgf1: THAT'S OUR GRID GIRL <3
youruser: Ahh 😭 love u admin mercedesamgf1: love u too
user: notice how other teams are commenting but not redbull??? The team she fucking drives for?
user2: They don't respect her as a driver or person, it sucks :(
-The End-
-Word Count: 2,601 (incl. social media. 2,061 without)-
Hi All, Hope you enjoyed! Have a nice day. Got nothing against Max btw, just fancied an angsty story btw. Thinking of another angsty Red Bull story soon Alocon
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tavolgisvist · 3 months ago
The trial for the dissolution of The Beatles’ contractual partnership 
"And I've changed. The funny thing about it is that I think alot of my change has been helped by John Lennon. I sort of picked up on his lead. John had said, 'Look, I don't want to be that anymore. I'm going to be this.' And I thought, 'That's great.' I liked the fact he'd done it, and so I'll do it with my thing. He's given the okay. In England, if a partnership isn't rolling along and working -- like a marriage that isn't working-- then you have reasonable grounds to break it off. It's great! Good old British justice!
(Paul McCartney, Life Magazine, April 16, 1971)
‘I don’t mind being bound to them as a friend. I like that idea. I don’t mind being bound to them musically, because I like the others as musical partners. I like being in their band. But for my own sanity, we must change the business arrangements we have…’
(Paul McCartney, interview, Evening Standard, April 21-22, 1970)
From my point of view, I was getting done in. All the decisions were now three against one. And that’s not the easiest position if you’re the one: anything I wanted to do they could just say, ‘No.’ And it was just to be awkward, I thought. … I got so fed up with all this I said, ‘OK, I want to get off the label.’ Apple Records was a lovely dream, but I thought, ‘Now this is really trashy and I want to get off.’ I remember George on the phone saying to me, ‘You’ll stay on this fucking label! Hare Krishna!’ and he hung up – and I went, ‘Oh, dear me. This is really getting hairy.’
(Paul McCartney, The Beatles Anthology, 2000)
'Eventually,' McCartney recalled, 'I went and said, "I want to leave. You can all get on with Klein and everything, just let me out." Having not spoken to Lennon for several weeks, he sent him a letter that summer, pleading that the former partners 'let each other out of the trap'. As McCartney testified, Lennon 'replied with a photograph of himself and Yoko, with a balloon coming out of his mouth in which was written, "How and Why?" I replied by letter saying, "How by signing a paper which says we hereby dissolve our partnership. Why because there is no partnership." John replied on a card which said, "Get well soon. Get the other signatures and I will think about it.” Communication was at an end.’
(Peter Doggett, You Never Give Me Your Money, 2009 - P.88)
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I thought, “This is crazy, no one likes me enough to just let me go, give me my little bit of the proceeds and let me split off.”
(Paul McCartney, 31 January 1974, interview with Paul Gambaccini for Rolling Stone)
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A draft of an undated letter in John Lennon‘s hand that essentially bars Paul McCartney and his new manager, Lee Eastman, from accessing The Beatles’ recordings without authorization. 
THE HEAD OF Media Sound.
Please do not release hand over any Apple Record Tapes to anybody other person except either John Lennon, George Harrison, Ringo Starr, or someone bearing a letter with one or more of their signituer [sic].
John Lennon, President, Apple Records George Harrison, Director
(from thebeatleaesthetic)
…Not that I didn’t see the others. I did, and kept asking them to let me out and they said, “No, Allen says there would be tax complications.” I said, “I don’t give a damn about tax considerations, let me go and I’ll worry about the tax considerations. I didn’t want to be an ABKCO-Managed Industry.” It was weird. My albums would come out saying “An ABKCO Company,” and he wasn’t even my manager. … [Growing more emotional] My back was against the wall. I’m not proud of it. But it had to be done. To him [Klein], artists are money. To me, they’re more than that.
(Paul McCartney, Jan 1974, interview with Paul Gambaccini for RollingStone)
I do think if it were just up to the four of us, if we were totally unencumbered, we would have had a dissolution - I hate these heavy terms - the day after John said he was leaving. We would have picked up our bags - these are my shoes, that's my ball, that's your ball - and gone. And I still maintain that's the only way, to actually go and do that, no matter what things are involved on a business level. But of course we aren't four fellows. We are part of a big business machine. Even though the Beatles have really stopped, the Beatle thing goes on - repackaging the albums, putting tracks together in different forms, and the video coming in. So that's why I've had to sue in the courts to dissolve the Beatles, to do on a business level what we should have done on a four-fellows level. I feel it just has to come. We used to get asked at press conferences, 'What are you going to do when the bubble bursts?' When I talked to John just the other day, he said something about, 'Well, the bubble's going to burst.' And I said, 'It has burst. That's the point. That's why I've had to do this, why l had to apply to the court. You don't think I really enjoy doing that kind of stuff. I had to do it because the bubble has burst - everywhere but on paper.' That's the only place we're tied now. <…> You see, there was a partnership contract put together years ago to hold us together as a group for 10 years. Anything anybody wanted to do - put out a record, anything - he had to get the others' permission. Because of what we were then, none of us ever looked at it when we signed it. We signed it in '67 and discovered it last year. We discovered this contract that bound us for 10 years. So it's 'Oh gosh, Oh golly, Oh heck,' you know. 'Now, boys, can we tear it up, please?' But the trouble is, the other three have been advised not to tear it up. They've been advised that if they tear it up, there will be serious, bad consequences for them. The point, though, to me was that it began to look like a three-to-one vote, which is what in fact happened at a couple of business meetings. It was three to one. That's how Allen Klein got to be the manager of Apple, which I didn't want. But they didn't need my approval." <…> I first said, 'No, we can't do that. We'll live with it.' <…> The build-up is the thing - All these things continuously happening making me feel like I'm a junior with the record company, like Klein is the boss and I'm nothing. Well, I'm a senior. I figure my opinion is as good as anyone's, especially when it's my thing. And it's emotional. You feel like you don't have any freedom. I figured I'd have to stand up for myself eventually or get pushed under. <…> So then we began to talk again about the suit, over and over. I just saw that I was not going to get out of it. From my last phone conversation with John, I think he sees it like that. He said, 'Well, how do you get out?' <…> My lawyer, John Eastman, he's a nice guy and he saw the position we were in, and he sympathized. We'd have these meetings on top of hills in Scotland, we'd go for long walks. I remember when we actually decided we had to go and file suit. We were standing on this big hill which overlooked a loch - it was quite a nice day, a bit chilly - and we'd been searching our souls. Was there any other way? And we eventually said, 'Oh, we've got to do it.' The only alternative was seven years with the partnership - going through those same channels for seven years.
(Paul McCartney, April 16th 1971, interview with Richard Merryman for Life Magazine)
John Lennon, George Harrison and Ringo Starr have accepted Paul McCartney’s decision to leave the group and will not appeal against the recent court decision to appoint a receiver to look into their affairs. Mr Morris Finer, QC, representing Apple Corps Ltd, Lennon, Harrison and Starr, reported to the Apple Court on Monday that his clients considered in the circumstances that it was in the best interests to consider means whereby McCartney could disengage himself from the partnership. His clients felt that prosecution of the Appeal would be hostile to the atmosphere best suited for negotiations – and accordingly asked for their appeal to be dismissed. McCartney’s QC, Mr Jeffrey Hirst, welcomed the suggestion to drop their appeal. The decision of the other three to allow McCartney to go his own way strengthens the likelihood that Lennon, Harrison and Starr may record together again – possibly with Klaus Voorman playing bass.
(Melody Maker – May 1, 1971)
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…on “Wild Life” there’s a line that refers to “a lot of political nonsense in the air.” Later, he was talking about political nonsense, all the trouble between him and the others, between the McCartney’s and Linda’s father, John Eastman, and Allan Klein. Politics, Paul called it, and he didn’t like it. All he wanted was to be out of the whole thing, to own the copyright to his own songs, forget the Beatles, sign a piece of paper saying we’ve split up, everything’s going to be shared by four. “And John said, “Yeah, but that’s like asking us to stop the bombing in Vietnam.” We eventually decided that we were all Vietnamese, so that’s all right… “But I keep wanting to send him postcards saying ‘The war’s over if you want it’ – tell him what he’s saying. It’s just crazy, I’m sure the truth’s a whole lot more simple than it’s made out.”
(Paul McCartney, Nov 1971, interview with Steve Peacock for Sounds)
Maybe there's an answer there somewhere, but for the millionth time in these past few years I repeat, 'What about the TAX?' It's all very well, playing 'simple honest ole Paul' in Melody Maker but you know damn well we can't just sign a bit of paper. You say, 'John won't do it.' I will if you indemnify us against the tax man! Anyway, you know that after we have OUR meeting, the fucking lawyers will have to implement whatever we agree on, right? If they have some form of agreement between THEM before WE meet, it might make it even easier. It's up to you, as we've said many times, we'll meet whenever you like. Just make up your mind! <...> If you're not the aggressor (as you claim), who the hell took us to court and shit all over us in public?
(John Lennon, Dec 1971, a letter of reply to Melody Maker)
Some context:
9th September 1971 (US) and 8th October 1971 (UK) - release Imagine (with How Do You Sleep?) 13 September 1971 Stella McCartney was born (by emergency caesarean section, Paul prayed for her (and Linda) and got his daughter, wife and the name for new group). 10 (11) November - interview with Chris Charlesworth for Melody Maker, published 20th November. 4th December - Melody Maker publishes John's furious letter to Paul and Linda. In November 1971 Lennon Remembers (the interview with Jann Wenner) releases as a book.
In early 1973 Lennon, Harrison and Starr served notice that they would not be renewing Klein's management contract when it expired in March, Klein sue The Beatles, Apple, Lennon, Harrison… they sue Klein.
In 1974, Wenner received a mysterious cream-colored envelope in the mail, care of “Johann Weiner” and postmarked Los Angeles, California. Inside was a single Polaroid picture of John Lennon and Paul McCartney hanging out on a garden patio with friends: Linda McCartney, hoisting a pool stick; Keith Moon, in shorts and Roman sandals; and May Pang, Lennon’s then lover, holding McCartney’s daughter Mary on her lap. On the white strip below the image, dated “Palm Sunday 1974,” was the message “How do you sleep???!!!”
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What Wenner didn’t know was that the Polaroid captured a pivotal moment in the history of the Beatles—the period when John and Paul managed a degree of détente after the acrimony of the breakup.
(Joe Hagan for Vanity Fair, September 29th, 2017)
I’m going to be an ex-Beatle for the rest of my life so I might as well enjoy it, and I’m just getting around to being able to stand back and see what happened. A couple of years ago I might have given everybody the impression I hate it all, but that was then. I was talking when I was straight out of therapy and I’d been mentally stripped bare and I just wanted to shoot my mouth off to clear it all away. Now it’s different. When I slagged off the Beatle thing in the papers, it was like divorce pangs, and me being me it was blast this and fuck that, and it was just like the old days in the Melody Maker, you know, ‘Lennon Blasts Hollies’ on the back page. You know, I’ve always had a bit of a mouth and I’ve got to live up to it. Daily Mirror: ‘Lennon beats up local DJ at Paul’s 21st birthday party’. Then we had that fight Paul and me had through the Melody Maker, but it was a period I had to go through. Now, we’ve all got it out and it’s cool. I can see The Beatles from a new point of view. Can’t remember much of what happened, little bits here and there, but I’ve started taking on interest in what went on while I was in that fish tank. It must have been incredible! I’m into collecting memorabilia as well. Elton [John] came in with these gifts, like stills from the Yellow Submarine drawings and they’re great. He gave me these four dolls. I thought, ‘Christ, what’s this, an ex-Beatle collecting Beatle dolls?’ But why not? It’s history, man, history!’ I went through a phase of hating all those years and having to smile when I didn’t want to smile, but that was the life I chose and, now I’m out of it, it’s great to look back on it, man. Great! I was thinking only recently – why haven’t I ever considered the good times instead of moaning about what we had to go through? And Paul was here and we spent two or three nights together talking about the old days and it was cool, seeing what each other remembered from Hamburg and Liverpool. So y’see, all that happened when I blew my mouth off was that it was an abscess bursting, except that mine as usual burst in public. When we did a tour as The Beatles, we hated it and loved it. There were great nights and lousy nights. One of the things about therapy I went through a few years ago is that it cleans you by forcing you to get rid of the negatives in your head. It wasn’t all that pie and cookies being a Beatle, there were highs and lows, but the trouble is people just wanted bigmouth Lennon to shout about the lows. So I made a quick trip to uncover the hidden stones of my mind, and a lot of the bats flew and some of them are going to have to stay. I’ve got perspective now, that’s a fact.
(John Lennon, interview with Ray Coleman for Melody Maker: Lennon – a night in the life, September 14th, 1974)
HOUGHTON: You seem to attack McCartney in your first couple solo albums. How do you feel about Paul McCartney now? JOHN: Uh, we’re – haha. [laughs] This is like a joke: “We’re just good friends.” We’re – we’re pretty close now, like I was telling you before. Whenever he comes to America, he comes with Linda to see me, and we go eat, and we reminisce about old times, and we really have both – evolved out of whatever feelings we had when we first split. I think we were – I think it’s a case of, we were more scared than we thought. All of us. The fact – however the split happened, being suddenly on your own after ten years was a pretty scary thing for all of us.
(John Lennon, October, 1974, interview with DJ John Houghton)
Thanksgiving 1974, November 28, John joins Elton John on a Madison Square Garden stage: Whatever Gets You Thru The Night, Lucy in the Sky with Diamonds - and I Saw Her Standing There, which John announces, 'We thought we'd do one last number so I can get out of here and be sick. This is a number of an old estranged fiancé of mine called Paul.'
December 20th 1974: the signing final Beatles dissolution papers and George's concert at Madison Square Garden.
We had a business meeting to break up The Beatles, one of the famous ones that we’d been having — we’re still having them 17 years later, actually. We all flew in to New York specially. George came off his disastrous tour, Ring of flew in and we were at the Plaza for the big final settlement meeting. John was half a mile away at the Dakota and he sent a balloon over with a note that said ‘Listen to this balloon.’ I mean, you’ve got to be pretty cool to handle that kind of stuff. George blew his cool and rang him up: ’You fucking maniac!! You take your fucking dark glasses off and come and look at us, man!!’ and gave him a whole load of that shit. Around the same time at another meeting we had it all settled, and John asked for an extra million pounds at the last minute. So of course that meeting blew up in disarray. Later, when we got a bit friendlier — and from time to time there would be these little stepping-stones of friendship in the Apple sea — I asked him why he’d actually wanted that million and he said, I just wanted cards to play with. It’s absolutely standard business practice. He wanted a couple of jacks to up your pair of nines. He was one great guy, but part of his greatness was that he wasn’t a saint.
(Paul McCartney, 1986, interview with Chris Salewicz for Q Magazine)
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gifs by nikidontsurf
May Pang: Originally when they were supposed to sign it in December (of ’74), before Christmas, it was that time period of George’s Dark Horse tour; at the last minute John didn’t want to sign it because there was one clause he felt uncomfortable with and he wouldn’t come to the meeting. SG: Which clause? May Pang: Since he was the only one of the group living in America that he would be the one responsible for the taxes. It would be over a million dollars. He did not want to shoulder that burden. So he wouldn’t come out to sign it. Paul and Linda had already set up cameras to take photos of everyone signing it, and George was there because of the show, and Ringo had signed it previously in England but was on the telephone to confirm his signature. All the legal counsels for the individuals as well as legal counsels for Apple both in the US and the UK were there waiting. As time went on, poor Harold Seider bore the brunt of everyone at the hotel asking “Where’s John?” He called John and me at home and I said, “He’s not coming.” And Harold said, “What?” and I said, “He doesn’t want to shoulder this tax burden.” Harold knew that they were gonna come down on him. And John was going, “Tell them the stars aren’t right, tell them anything, I’m not doing this.” So… when Harold hung up the phone, he had to face the crowd, and you had to know there was a big crowd in there, over thirty people. He said to them, “The stars aren’t right, John’s not coming to sign the agreement.” George called us immediately, and I said “Do you want to speak to John?” and he said “No, but you can give him a message from me. I started this tour on my own and I’ll end it on my own.” If I could tell you that we could hear George screaming through the rooftops… The next day Paul and Linda came over and they said, “What’s wrong? Let’s see if we can work this out.” SG: and..? May Pang: Paul and Linda dropped by and John explained the situation to them. Then we went off to see Paul’s father-in-law Lee Eastman to sort it out, and in the end we came out with satisfaction. At the meeting Lee kept saying to John, “George will never forgive you,” and Julian called at exactly the same moment and said to me, “George just told me to tell dad and to say ‘all is forgiven, and please come to the party after the show'” and I said ok, and walked back into the room. Lee was telling John off the whole time I was on the phone, as well as Neil Aspinall who accompanied us, going on about how George was never going to forgive him. So I repeated Julian’s message out loud, that all was forgiven, and it couldn’t have been a better set up. So then John said, “Well! Looks like we have a change in plans then. We’re outta here.” And if you could see the look on Lee’s face, that I had just upstaged him.
(May Pang, 2008, interview with Shelley Germeaux for Dayrippin’)
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gifs by pennielane
George and I are still good pals and we always will be, but I was supposed to sign this thing on the day of his concert. He was pretty weird because he was in the middle of that tour, and we hadn’t communicated for a while because he doesn’t live here. I’ve seen Paul a bit because he comes to New York a lot, and I’m always seeing Ringo in Los Angeles. <…> George was furious at the time because I hadn’t signed it when I was supposed to, and somehow or other I was informed that I needn’t bother to go to George’s show. I was quite relieved in the end because there wasn’t any time for rehearsal, and I didn’t want it to be a case of just John jumping up and playing a few chords. I went to see him at Nassau and it was a good show. The band was great but Ravi wasn’t there, so I didn’t see the bit where the crowd was supposed to get restless. I just saw a good tight show. George’s voice was shot but the atmosphere was good and the crowd was great. I saw George after the Garden show and we were friends again. But he was surrounded by the madhouse that’s called ‘touring’.” <…> When I did that charity at Madison Square Garden, I was still riding high on ‘Imagine’ so I was OK for material. But when I did ‘Come Together’, the house came down, which gave me an indication of what people wanted to hear. At the time I was thinking that I didn’t want to do all that Beatles—but now I feel differently. I’ve lost all that negativity about the past and I’d be happy as Larry to do ‘Help’. I’ve just changed completely in two years. I’d do ‘Hey Jude’ and the whole damn show, and I think George will eventually see that. If he doesn’t, that’s cool. That’s the way he wants to be.”
(John Lennon, interview with Chris Charlesworth for Melody Maker: Rock on! (March 8th, 1975)
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Paul and Linda on George's Dark Horse Tour show at at Madison Square Garden 20th Dec 1974
George called just before his concert. 'Do you want to speak to John?' I asked. 'No.' George had heard about John's decision and he was livid. 'Just tell him I started this tour on my own and I'll end it on my own,' he snarled. Then he slammed down the phone. Later that night Paul calld, too. Unlike George, he was exceptionally even-tempered. John explained to Paul his feelings about the unfairness of the tax provision, and they both agreed that they would try to find a solution.
(May Pang, Loving John, 1983)
December 21st, 1974: John joins in on an radio interview George is recording in his hotel room and provides a suspicious explanation for the lack of meetings amongst the four former Beatles. John and George had actually just come from George's end-of-tour afterparty, where John, Paul, and George all hung out together and hugged.
In December 1974 John, May and Julian went to Orlando, Florida and went to Walt Disney World.
I met John Lennon at Disney World while working as a monorail operator. He, Julian and May Pang rode in the front of the monorail on two different occasions with me. I allowed him and Julian to operate the train. The second day John came out to the station and actually ask if I was working. He and Julian waited until I arrived in the train and again rode with me and drove the train. May Pang took a lot of pictures that day. As they left the train that day John ask if I would like to take some pictures and waited while I retrieved a camera. I have a great 8×10 of John Lennon and I together. (Cast Member Hal East)
May Pang:
Riding the Disney World monorail back to our hotel, I overheard a father tell his son he had heard a Beatle was visiting. “Which Beatle?” The father said, “George Harrison." I burst out laughing. John asked why. We then all started laughing so hard that the Dad turned around. It then registered which Beatle was at the park that day - and why we were laughing. “It’s O.K.," John jokingly said, "we all look alike.”
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Photo and info from meetthebeatlesforreal
SG: So did they work out the tax thing? May Pang: Of course… It was worked out within the week. It was signed at the Polynesian Hotel at Disneyworld in Florida if you can believe that. <…> May Pang: … John putting his signature on one of the documents that he had to sign, for the dissolution of the Beatles. So I had the last photo, because the other guys had already signed it. SG: Actually signing the dissolution of the Beatles?! May Pang: Pen in hand as he’s signing his signature. Prior to that you’ll see pictures of him reviewing the contract. SG: And you thought to take a picture…? May Pang: John wanted me to take the picture. In fact he joked about it, saying “C’mon Linda, take the picture!”
(May Pang, 2008, interview with Shelley Germeaux for Dayrippin’)
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Photo by May Pang, from her 'Instamatic Karma: Photographs of John Lennon'
May Pang: ...And then we came back (from Disneyworld) and we spent time with Mick (Jagger), and went out to the Hamptons, and Montauk where we picked out that house, and we saw the McCartneys, and David Bowie…
(May Pang, 2008, interview with Shelley Germeaux for Dayrippin’)
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zepskies · 1 year ago
Miss Professor
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Pairing: Jason Teague x F. Reader
(Love triangle: Jason T. x Lana Lang)
Summary: Jason has to make a decision. You, or Lana Lang.
AN: Here’s the sequel to “Assistant Hottie.” Hope you enjoy!
Song Inspo: “Look at You” by Screaming Trees
Word Count: 5,200 Tags/Warnings: Angst, love triangle, hurt/comfort, fluff and a tinge of spice.~
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Jason finds you in the bowels of the university library.
Out of four giant floors of books and computer labs at Central Kansas A&M (CKM), they just had to put the Writing Center in the non-proverbial basement. There you have to wear at least two layers at all times, despite the late-spring swelter outside.
Like now, when he enters the Writing Center lobby and finds you at your desk, tapping your red pen on your lip as you work on revising an essay. Jason smiles at the sight of your fuzzy red and green sweater over your jeans and ankle boots.
“You know, Christmas came and went, like, five months ago,” he teases.
You glance up at him as he steals a chair from your coworker’s desk. She’s conveniently been on break…for two hours now. Leaving you with a mildly enormous stack of essays to edit and leave feedback on.
“Yeah well, I’m running out of winterwear. It’s almost summer, for God’s sake,” you grouse. And yet, you shiver when another pass of the AC vent above your head hits your back.
Jason smiles, but he also shrugs off his jacket and drapes it around your frame. It’s lighter than what you’re wearing, but he hopes the added layer helps. You can’t help smiling up at him, though your brows end up furrowing.
“Oh, don’t do that, you’re gonna be freezing,” you protest. You try to take off the jacket, but Jason stops you by wrapping it snugly around your shoulders.
“It’s okay, I don’t plan on being here that long,” he replies.
You raise a brow. “Oh really?”
Jason grins. “You’ve got my British Lit. paper, right?”
You narrow your eyes at him, with a light grumble. “Some friendship this is. You only come to see me when you want something.”
Jason mock frowns at that accusation, but he plies you with raised brows and waggling “gimme” fingers until you relent. You reach back into your files with a sigh and hand him his ten-page essay, complete with your revisions and suggestions for the final draft.
“Here you go, freeloader,” you quip.
“Many thanks, Miss Professor,” Jason rejoins.
The nickname always manages to make your face warm a bit, no matter how you try to stamp down the butterflies in your stomach. It doesn’t help when he smiles at you like that.
His glinting green eyes soon dim, however, as he takes in the sheer amount of red marking up the pages of his essay. All 10 pages.
“Damn, woman. Was it that bad?” he asks.
“You’re actually getting better,” you say with a smile. “I’m seeing signs of improvement.”
Jason continues to flip through with a frown. “Right.”
Though when he actually starts reading your revisions, the familiar slopes of your handwriting, his disappointment begins to relent. You’ve made corrections here and there, but you’ve also written a lot of encouragements in the margins, like, “Good use of the word ‘solidarity.’”
And, “This whole paragraph perfectly explains your point. Just add a transition into the next section and you’re golden.”
Not to mention his personal favorite: correcting his typo on eggzagerate, and drawing a doodle of a fried egg above it. He doesn’t think you do that for all your customers. 
It makes him smile.
Though he looks up when he hears you yawn. You try to stifle it, but he can see clearly now that you’re tired. It’s almost 9 p.m.
“How long have you been working?” he asks.
“Since I got out of my last class at 5,” you admit. Finally, you spot your coworker coming back from her break (and she’s still on the phone, chatting away to her boyfriend).
“Have you even eaten dinner?” Jason asks.
You shake your head, with a pointed glare at your coworker. “No time. I’ve been chained to this place all night.”
The girl gives you a fake smile when she returns to her desk and grabs one of the thinnest essays from the pile. After shooting her one last narrowed look, you give Jason your full attention. He’s trying to temper his smirk.
“Come on,” he says, nudging your arm. “Let me treat you to the Central Kansas delicacy of Chicken Finger Friday.”
You laugh at that; the university food court leaves much to be desired. You still have plenty of work to do, but you’re willing to push it off until tomorrow and take him up on his offer, if it means a hot meal and spending some time with your friend. It’s been a few weeks since it’s been just the two of you, hanging out.
After grabbing your backpack and clocking out for the night, you and Jason walk together across campus. The evening air is warm. It begins to defrost you as you two venture down the sidewalk. You smile to yourself and playfully bump into his side.
Jason shoots you a grin and bumps you back, though he grabs your arm when the heel of your boot catches on the edge of the sidewalk. You both fumble a bit and laugh.
You tuck a wily strand of hair behind your ear. Part of you wants to ask what he’s doing this weekend. Maybe he’d want to go to the lake with you, hang out on the dock, or go for a swim…
But of course, that’s when his phone buzzes. He fishes it out of his pocket and his brows raise. The text is from Lana, asking him if he can come to the Talon.
I really need your help with something.
Jason lets out a breath and looks up at you apologetically.
You know that look.
“Your girlfriend?” you ask, trying not to sound too disappointed.
Jason nods. “I hate to do this to you, but we’ve both been so busy, I haven’t seen her all week.”
And this is the first time this week that Lana has reached out to him first, wanting to see him… Well, she’s also asking for a favor, but she wants to see him.
“You know, one of these days I’d love to meet this mysterious girl,” you remark, lightly shoving his arm.
Jason smiles, but inside he’s clamming up. For obvious reasons, he hasn’t told you that he’s dating Lana Lang. Though it doesn’t make it easy to keep it from you, to lie to you. Over the course of the school year, you’ve become one of his closest friends here in Smallville.
You encourage him to explore his interests and keep focused in school, and you’ve often been a listening ear whenever juggling his classes and helping to coach the Smallville High football team stress him out.
And he’s done the same for you. With your time split between being a teacher's aid at Smallville High and working in the Writing Center to make ends meet between classes, you've done your share of venting, sometimes through frustrated tears. Jason's been more than willing to provide a strong shoulder to lean on.
Now, you don’t know that dating Lana is part of his stress, but he just…can’t afford to tell you.
It doesn’t matter that Lana’s 18, and he met her months before he took this coaching job. This is a small town, and he knows how people will talk if word gets out that he’s dating a high school senior. Not to mention, he’d get very fired.
“I’m sorry,” he says to you. “This seems important.”
Again, you have to hide your disappointment when you smile at him. “It’s okay. I should probably get back to work anyway—”
“Uh-uh. No,” Jason says, grabbing your arm when you start to turn in the direction of the Writing Center. "You’re done for the night. I wanna see you marching full-speed for those dry-ass chicken tenders.”
He nods toward the campus food court, making you expel a sigh.
“If I must,” you lament.
“And you’d better not keep working on your laptop,” he warns. “If you so much as crack open that Mac, I’ll know.”
He levels a finger at you as he walks away. You roll your eyes and head to the food court, with the promise of food just beyond the glass doors. 
After a moment, you chance looking back at Jason. He catches your gaze, and he points two fingers from his eyes to your face in stern warning. 
You giggle and shake your head at him, but you keep walking toward the food court. 
Jason smirks in satisfaction. He continues on to the parking lot, and to his car.
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When Jason gets to the Talon, he crosses paths with Clark, who’s just walking out. 
“Hey, man,” Jason greets, with a jovial pat on the younger man’s shoulder. Though he can’t help but wonder why the guy is here at this time of night. “Little late for a coffee fix, huh?”
“Hey, Coach T,” Clark smiles. “Could say the same about you.”
Jason blinks at that. He cards a hand through his short hair and laughs it off. “Yeah, I was in the mood for a slice of your mom’s coffee cake. Any left?”
Martha Kent supplied the Talon with its baked goods, and they were most certainly worth driving across town for. It’s a pretty good excuse, if he says so himself.
Clark nods. “Yeah, should be.”
“All right. G'night,” Jason says. Clark nods and waves goodbye before he heads to his red truck in the parking lot. 
Jason shakes his head and steps into the coffee shop, where he finds Lana alone. She’s cleaning up a large takeout bag from Gino’s, the Italian restaurant across the street. He silently takes note of it, but doesn’t yet comment when he kisses his girlfriend in greeting.
“Why’d you send up the Bat Signal on this fine Friday night?” he asks, wrapping her in his arms.
Lana smiles up at him. “Well, I’m probably going to be slammed all weekend with the shop, but I’ve got this huge speech for class on Monday and was hoping you’d help me practice.”
She pulls those doe-like hazel eyes on him, and Jason’s almost captured by them. This time, he lets out a small sigh.
“You know I’m always down to help you out. Always. But you know, we haven’t just hung out in a while now,” he points out.
Lana concedes to that with an incline of her head, but she still eases out of his arms to finish cleaning up.
“Yeah, I’ve just been really busy,” she says.
“I have too,” Jason replies. “But even with my crazy schedule, going back and forth from campus, don't I still make time for you?”
Case in point, he was willing to come out to her on the drop of a hat, late at night, and on the crunch week before his final exams. But he would be hard-pressed to remember a time when Lana went out of her way to see him.
Lana pauses, casting him a frown. "I'm trying my best, Jason. You know I'm graduating in a few weeks. Everything's ramped up to 11 this year."
Yeah, I know the feeling, Jason thinks, but after a moment, he caves with a nod, even though his gaze lingers on the Gino's bag.
“Have you eaten?” he tests. “Let me get us some takeout.”
He almost said, Let me take you out, somewhere nice. But he hadn’t been able to do that since before he got to Smallville. He’s beginning to wonder if he ever will again.
“Oh,” Lana says. Her eyes avert from his as she wipes down a table. “I already ate.”
Jason draws closer to her and dips his chin in order to catch her gaze. Eventually, she pauses and glances up at him.
“With Clark?” he asks.
Lana tightens up, just as he predicted. “Why would you say that?”
“I saw him when I came in,” Jason replies. He tilts his head at Lana, who never used to be a good liar. But ever since they had to start hiding their relationship, he’s noticed how good she also hides her thoughts and feelings around other people…maybe even to herself.
“Yeah,” she breathes. “He was here. But we were studying for finals, and we got hungry. That’s it.”
Jason shakes his head, but she grabs his hand with both of hers. He looks down at her tan, slender hands, and can’t help but be drawn back to her beautiful face.
“It’s not a big deal,” she says, as if that can dismiss the churning in his gut.
“Listen,” he says, rubbing at his face. “I know I’ve asked you this before, and I’m sorry but…do you still have feelings for him?”
“No,” she refutes, “I’m with you, Jason. How many times do I have to prove that this is what I want?”
She seems so annoyed and vehement that Jason has to believe her. He wants to, so badly.
Maybe too much.
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The last straw comes just two weeks before the end of spring semester—with the coming of senior prom. Jason knows he can’t ask Lana, but she assured him that she wasn’t going. 
He has a late class that night, but afterwards, he promised to pick her up and get dinner together in Metropolis. A nice date, a long-ass way out of town, so they’re unlikely to be recognized.
On the Friday evening, just hours before a high school dance, you and Jason sit together in the one class you have together: Introduction to Mass Media. 
It only meets once a week, for three hours. Technically it’s an elective for both of you, but you’d told Jason to pick any class outside of his major that he was interested in. Anything to broaden his horizons, and you promised to join him. For some reason, he chose this one. 
He thought it would be easy. Just a study of pop. culture stuff, with a mix of social media, maybe a dash of sports, if he was lucky. He’d actually been surprised with how much he was enjoying the segments on videography and broadcast journalism. 
Right now, however, he's distracted. You can certainly tell, the way he keeps checking his phone.
“What’s wrong?” you lean over and ask in a whisper. He knows how anal Professor Jones is about cell phones in class. The man had a “contraband bucket” to collect them in, if he caught a student using one.
“Just letting my girlfriend know I’m gonna be a bit late,” Jason grumbles, though he’s looking at the screen. “Jones is droning on past the eternity mark, as usual.”
A man clears his throat above you and Jason. You both look up and meet the flat gaze of Professor Jones. He shakes the bucket in his hand with an arched brow. Already there's about three contraband phones inside.
Jason gives a wan smile. “Come on, Professor. We were supposed to be outta here 20 minutes ago anyway.”
The lines in Professor Jones’s face betrays one simple truth: he doesn’t give a shit.
“Bucket, Mr. Teague,” he says.
Jason’s lips press in irritation, but he’s forced to drop his phone into the waiting bucket. He doesn’t see two mixed text messages from his girlfriend.
You lay a comforting hand on Jason’s arm. “I’m sure she’ll understand.”
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By the time Jason gets to the Talon, the lights are dark and Lana’s not home. Suspicion creeps in, making him feel a little crazy. 
He decides to get back into his car and drive down to Smallville High. There the gym is decked out to the nines in some kind of underwater theme. It reminds him of his own senior prom a couple of years ago, complete with the punch bowl and cheesy snacks. 
But soon enough, the nostalgia comes to a screeching halt.
A familiar ballad croons from the band on the stage.
"And how can I stand here with you, and not be moved by you? ...Would you tell me how could it be any better than this?"
He sees Lana on the dance floor, wearing one of the most beautiful dresses he’s ever seen. And she’s in the arms of one Clark Kent. 
Jason's never hated Lifehouse so much.
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On Saturday morning, before the Talon even opens, Lana opens the door to Jason while still wearing her robe.
“Hey!” she says, with wide eyes, though she lets him in.
“You seem real surprised,” Jason notes.
“Yeah, I mean, it’s early for you on a Saturday,” Lana remarks with a short laugh. But she still leans up to kiss him. She only manages to get his cheek, since he doesn’t bend down to meet her like he usually would.
She frowns. “Is something wrong?”
Jason doesn’t answer at first. The words are stuck in his throat. He gestures for them to move away from the glass doors, where anyone can peek in. So they travel up to her bedroom and close the door.
It’s not the first time he’s been in her room, though not much has ever happened on her bed. He’s waited completely on her signals for that one. Though now, he’s actually kind of grateful that their relationship has never progressed that far. It makes what he’s about to do easier.
“Where were you last night?” he asks. He figures they’d better start there.
“I tried calling you,” he adds, when Lana doesn’t immediately offer a reply.
“Well, I didn’t hear from you. I figured you were busy with your classes, so…I went to prom by myself,” she says.
Jason sighs. “You didn’t seem all that lonely.”
Her eyes widen. “What?”
Her confusion looks so real. A perfect face, and a damn near perfect lie.
“Look, I saw you and Clark on that dance floor,” Jason finally says. “Wasn't that just the perfect Hallmark moment?”
“Jason…” Lana finally starts to break. She doesn’t want to admit what’s broken, her gaze falling to the floor.
“No, let me say this,” he says. “Lana, I really put my all into this. I did whatever I could to be with you. To love you, to protect you. But in your heart, I think somewhere down the line you decided you don’t want that to be me.”
Lana’s eyes flood with tears, but she doesn’t deny it. 
“I think it’s time to really call it quits this time,” Jason says, “for both our sakes.”
He can’t help but reach out to her. His thumb brushes her cheek. Lana’s watery gaze meets his as her lower lip wobbles. She grabs his hand.
“I’m so sorry, Jason,” she confesses.
He won’t say it’s okay, but he accepts that with a nod, and he kisses her cheek. 
It’s a goodbye that’s meant to last.
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Once he’s back in the relative safety of his car, Jason lets out a deep breath. He grabs his phone from his pocket on some unspoken urge; in that moment, he needs something. Someone.
He needs you.
You answer on the third ring, sounding sleepy on your day off.
“You’d better be on fire,” you say. Jason smiles at the sound of your grumpy voice.
“Hey,” he laughs a little, though he's surprised that it comes so easily. “You doing anything right now?”
“Besides sleeping?” you toss back. “…No. Not really. My life is boring.”
“Boring sounds nice right about now,” Jason says, more seriously than he meant to. “Wanna take a drive or something?”
You hesitate, just for a moment. Then your voice greets him again.
“Let’s go.”
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When Jason arrives at your house, you come out to meet him. He gets out of his car, and already he looks wrong. He looks drained of all energy.
“What’s wrong?” you ask in concern, grabbing his arm when you’re close enough. His eyes find yours.
“We broke up,” he says.
It takes your brain a second or two to compute. (You’ve just finished your first cup of coffee, after all.) But then, you’re moving to wrap your arms around his neck in the tightest, warmest hug you can give.
He holds you back for a while, and you relish in the feeling of his hands smoothing around your back and pulling you in close. His chin tucks on your shoulder, and you rub his back.
“I’m sorry,” you say quietly.
He hums in response. Sometimes, what is just is.
He lets you drive him out to the lake near your house, in your beat up Volvo. This lake is your favorite place in the world, you tell him, as you two sit side-by-side on the dock. Your sneaker-clad feet dangle over the edge, next to his longer legs.
“So far,” he corrects. “There’s a whole lot of world out there.”
You smile. “Yeah, you gonna show me? Got a magic carpet tucked in your dorm somewhere?”
Jason laughs, and you’re grateful to see his smile so soon.
“Yeah, along with a dusty-ass lamp,” he says.
You smile, but you tilt your head at him. “Are you okay?”
Jason’s grin slips a little. “Yeah, I think so…is that bad?”
You bite your lip. “Depends. What was her name? I don’t think you even told me.”
Jason turns to you, and he sighs deeply. It takes him a moment, but he eventually answers while looking you in the eyes.
“Lana Lang,” he says.
The name rings a bell…and as it comes to you, it blares like a foghorn. Your eyes widen and your mouth falls open in shock.
“J-Jason…she’s a student,” you stammer. “Not like, us students. Like—”
“I know. We met before I got the coaching job,” Jason explains quickly, before you can blow up at him. 
He can see you’re freaking out, trying to contain your reaction with a hand over your mouth. But the more he explains, the more you withdraw into a simmering silence. He can tell, however, that you don’t know how to feel about it. 
“Do you regret it?” you ask.
It’s not the first thing he thought you would say, but it’s very you all the same.
“Well, being outmaneuvered by my own quarterback stings like a bitch, but I still think I’m better looking,” Jason jokes. Because that’s what he does when he’s uncomfortable.
Too bad that was the wrong answer.
You roll your eyes with a disgusted huff, and you pull yourself up onto your feet. You start to leave him there at the dock, but Jason hops up as well and grabs your hand.
“Hey, wait,” he implores. “Look, I’m sorry. And I’m sorry I didn’t tell you. It was just…easier.”
“Why, because you didn’t trust me?” you challenge. “Or because you felt guilty about what you were doing?”
The truth is, Jason doesn’t feel guilty. Not for his relationship.
“I was trying to protect her reputation,” he says. “I know how smalltown people think. She’d be the talk of the damn town. And for what? Because we’re two years apart?”
“And I’m smalltown, is that it? I’m sorry I’m not as evolved as you, Mr. Metropolis,” you snark. “Forgive me for being a lowly country bumpkin with some morals.”
“That’s not what I meant,” Jason says with an angry frown, throwing up his hands in frustration.
You shake your head at him and start booking it towards your car.
Jason follows. “You know you can’t leave me out here, right?”
“Just get in the car, before I change my mind!”
He obliges you, and it’s a painful ride back to your house. He really can’t believe you’re being like this. It’s the first real argument he’s ever had with you. He knew you might get upset, but he did think you’d be a little more understanding…
“Look, we met in Paris last summer,” he admits. And a hint more vulnerable, “I just…couldn’t help but fall for her.”
“I get it, Jason,” you reply. Your voice is flat. 
“Just please don’t tell anyone,” he asks. “We’re done. She’s about to graduate.”
As mad as you are at him for lying to you, you begrudgingly see his point. You can also start to understand why he didn’t tell you. 
But, regardless of how you feel, you don’t want him to lose his job. You know it’s the only way he can afford college.
“I wouldn’t do that to you,” you say, before you can reign yourself in.
Jason turns to you with a hint of a smile. “Thank you.”
It’s still awkward when you two get to your house. He turns to you, like he wants to say something that’ll most likely soften you. 
You’re not ready for that. 
So you kill the engine and get out of the car without looking at him. Jason takes the hint; he doesn’t say another word to you when he gets into his car and peels away.
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The next weeks that follow are hard for Jason. As a member of the staff, he’s forced to go to Smallville High’s graduating ceremony.
He watches Clark and Lana graduate together with the rest of their friends. The two of them hug after she gets off stage, looking at one another with a moment of blushing smiles. It’s an inevitable look.
It makes Jason feel sick. He leaves as soon as he can, going back to languish in his dorm room. He lays on his bed over the covers with his hands folded over his stomach and his eyes closed.
He thinks about you. 
He can see you in his mind’s eye, with a pen balanced between your teeth and your hair falling over to brush the pages you pour over.
He sees your fuzzy green sweater. Your smile. The shade of your hair, your eyes, your laugh, your furrowed look when you’re concentrating hard on revising a sentence.
The more he sees, the more he wants to call you. To hear your voice, even if you're just going to yell at him. 
Jason sighs. He sits up in bed and has a thought that soon takes hold of his body, and has him swinging his legs over the edge of his bed and pulling his backpack closer.
He pulls out a folder for one of his classes and finds an essay you revised. His eyes scan over the encouragements you’ve left in the margins, along with the stray doodles. They still make him smile.
And it reminds him of the first note you ever gave him, which he keeps tucked in a small drawer in his desk. He tosses the folder onto his bed and goes to that drawer, where he finds your hastily written haiku.
Assistant Hottie
You flatter me, see through me
Smarter than he thinks.
You don’t know that those words have kept his head above water in times where he’s wanted to quit school.
Or even worse, in those times when he’s wanted to go to his father, tail between his legs, to ask for money and a job doing anything easy.
So now, Jason realizes that he needs to make another decision.
He gets out of bed, and he goes to see you.
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Jason travels down to the basement of the CKM library, to the Writing Center, where you’re sitting at your desk as always on a Thursday night. You have a pile of essays stacked high next to you, and your forehead is wrinkled while you read a problematic passage.
The smell of coffee makes you look up first, before you realize who brought it. Your eyes widen at seeing Jason, along with his small smile and peace offering.
“Hey,” he says.
His voice washes over you, his eyes that always manage to disarm you, even now.
Despite your better judgment, you take the coffee from him and revel at its warmth. It has to be 60 degrees in this damn room (you’re one step shy of bringing your winter gloves next time).
You sip at the coffee and hum in delight at the taste of caramel and cinnamon—a combination that only your family, and Jason, would know you loved.
Your gaze flits up to his, more begrudging as you sigh.
“What can I do for you, Mr. Teague?” you ask.
Jason grins and takes your coworker’s empty chair to sit across from you.
“I’ve got a little haiku for you,” he says, handing you a folded piece of paper. You eye him in confusion, but you set down the coffee on your desk and take his second offering. You unfold it and read something that genuinely takes you by surprise.
Hey, Miss Professor
I’ve got a question for you…
Want to get dinner?
You can’t help but laugh. It’s most definitely not a haiku, but you also know that it’s his best shot. His smile is sheepish, making yours deepen. 
“So, what’s your answer?” he asks. 
You glance down at the page, then back at him. You bite your lip, and your heart clenches. Is this it? you wonder. Is he asking you out, for real? You can’t quite tell what he’s thinking. 
“What kind of dinner?” you ask.
Jason’s grin fades. “What do you mean?”
“Is this our normal kind, where we roll out like we’re Thelma and Louise?” you ask, making him snort. “Or is this the kind where I need to change out of my dirty sneakers and brush my hair?”
He shrugs; his amused grin is back. “I mean, however I get you is all right by me.”
You nearly utter another sigh, but Jason surprises you yet again—by grabbing your hand. 
“But, uh…I’d like this to be the kind of dinner where we try something new,” he says, licking his dry lips. He looks a bit uncertain, you think, hiding the fear of rejection. “Maybe you’ll let me do my Cary Grant impression and get you some flowers. Box of chocolates.”
The corner of your mouth twitches. “Chocolates?”
“Whatever it takes,” he says. His tone is joking, but he seems serious. You know him well enough by now to spot the difference.
“Whatever it takes, huh?” you ask.
Jason’s hand tightens on yours, but his eyes never leave you. He really is serious, and it makes your heart stutter and trill with warmth. It feels a lot like hope.
He leans in, his head bowing towards yours…but you lay a hand against his chest.
It stops him, until your fingers curl into his shirt.
Your gaze slowly meets his.
When he reaches for your cheek, this time you let him pull you in. 
His kiss is sudden, but it’s still a gentle test. You take in a deep breath through your nose as your eyes fall closed. You press your lips against his, answering him. His fingers slide into your hair and drag down the back of your neck. It makes you shudder and tug him even closer by his shirt. 
Jason’s solution is gathering you into his lap, where you take his face with both hands and kiss him with unfettered passion. The locked doors of your heart are swinging open, and it’s a sweet relief to be honest with each swipe of your tongue against his. 
He’s gripping your hip, his fingers pressing into your thigh, while the other hand supports your lower back and presses you flush against him. As the kiss slows, so does your hand in his hair, more soothing now than gripping. 
When your lips eventually draw apart from his, it’s with panting breaths. You stare into his eyes, as yours brim with relieved tears. You touch his cheek.
“I better not be a rebound,” you warn him. “I can’t take that, Jase.”
Jason shakes his head, holding you a fraction tighter. “No, believe me. That's the last thing you are."
You bite your lip, and he encourages you to release it with his thumb brushing across your lower lip. You've been on his mind longer than he can readily admit. Since the first day he met you.
"I know I haven't made it easy, but will you trust me on this?” he asks. "I really wanna do this right with you."
It takes you a moment to decide, but you do. You trust him.
So you nod and brush your fingers along the apple of his cheek. 
“Okay,” you concede. "Let's do this."
Jason grins. “Oh, thank God.”
You giggle softly and hide your face in his neck. His chest shakes with a chuckle as he holds you back. It feels very right to hold you, he thinks.
Just as it's a relief for you to finally be in his arms.
“Where d’you wanna go for dinner?” he asks.
You laugh, a bit giddy as you cling to him and thread your fingers in his golden hair.  
“I don’t give a damn.”
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AN: Haha, I hope you liked this! ❤️ These one-shots are kind of AU, in that I don't get into the Stones of Power arc of S4 just for simplicity's sake.
I do have one more one-shot idea rolling around in my head for these two...the reader meeting Jason's infamous mother lol (Genevieve Teague, played by the fabulous Jane Seymour)!
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Smallville Masterlist
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illiterateaffairs · 2 years ago
behind the scenes chapter one | i enjoyed our meet cute
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masterlist | next
pairing: jamie tartt x actress!reader (ted lasso)
rating: T
word count: 4,722
summary: you’ve been in richmond one day and you’re already having chance encounters with famous british football players, what are the odds?
a/n: welcome to the first chapter of my new jamie series, behind the scenes! fake dating is a god tier trope and i’ve always wanted to write something for it. it will also be very rom-com-y, just like ted would like. i really hope you enjoy the first chapter, i’m so excited to kick off this new story and can’t wait to hear your thoughts. also wanted to shout out @buckychristwrites​ who wrote an incredible fake dating jamie series called could this be and you should totally check it out if you haven’t already ♡
Your alarm goes off at 8AM on the dot but you’re already wide awake. You’ve been in London for 48 hours and instead of taking in the sights, you’ve been trying to reset your sleep schedule. After landing at 10AM Friday morning, you pretty much passed right out as soon as you arrived at your rented, two story brownstone. 
See, London was eight hours ahead of Los Angeles - your home base. While you were used to traveling for work, you’d never had a job in another country before. And jet lag was a bitch.
You’re an actor. You have been since you were 15, when you got a recurring role on a kids show after an opening casting call. Some called it luck, but you called it busting your ass in theater classes as soon as your mom could afford them. You’d been a “drama queen” since you were in diapers and you begged her to sign you up for every class, camp and play in your small town and she did everything she could to support your dream. She’s your biggest fan.
By the time you were 20, you’d had a sitcom and several supporting roles in films that made you an underrated fan favorite. Your biggest break came, though, when you were 22 and were given the opportunity to star opposite A-list actors in the superhero film of the summer. After that you blew up, you did a few more action movies and a couple other dramas. 
Now, freshly 25, with a lot of credits filling your IMDb page, there was one genre you still hadn’t tackled: romance. And that’s what brought you to London. You were filming your first romantic comedy in the beautiful town of Richmond. Usually when your job brought you to a new place, the first thing you wanted to do was explore it. However, spending the last couple days in and out of sleep was preventing you from doing so. Today was Sunday, your last day before production kicked off tomorrow, and you’d be damned if you didn’t get the chance to get out and do something before you were swamped with work.
You get ready quickly, eager to not waste another second inside. However, just as you swing your front door open, you come face to face with your assistant, who’s hand is poised to knock. 
“Oh, good, you’re already up,” she chirps, brushing past you and into your temporary home as she taps away on her iPhone. 
“Margot, I thought we agreed on no work this weekend,” you sigh, reluctantly following her into your living room.
“I agreed and you agreed, but Harry on the other hand,” she frowns holding up her phone, “He didn’t agree.”
You groan. Harry was your publicist. You’ve worked with him since getting the role in one of the Spiderman movies. He always had some crazy idea how to boost your public image, most of which you’ve shot down, but his most recent pitch he hasn’t been able to let go of. 
“He’s still bugging you about that shit?” you question, flopping down in an armchair. 
Margot perches on the arm of the sofa, “He’s only bugging me because you keep ignoring him. He still thinks it's a good idea.”
The good idea in question was agreeing to a fake relationship with another celebrity - or anyone really. Usually the goal of a PR relationship was to gain attention for one or both parties, or their upcoming projects. While that wouldn’t hurt, your publicist thought the benefit of having a fake boyfriend was that you’d appear more desirable. 
In your previous roles, you’d been typecast as the funny best friend or snarky sidekick. Not only was this movie you were about to film your first as the leading lady, it was the first where you were playing a romantic lead. You also haven’t been known to be seen with many suitors in your personal life as well. Not that you hadn’t had any significant others since entering the spotlight, but they’d been short lived and you tried to keep those relationships under the radar, not necessarily wanting the public’s opinion on your dating life. 
Of course, that didn’t stop journalists and people with Twitter accounts from speaking on it anyway. Since you got cast in this Rom-Com - Hopeless Romantics was the working title - you’d been subjected to criticism over how you couldn’t possibly be seen as a realistic love interest when you’ve yet to be painted as such both on and off the screen. Though, you’d love to point out that just because you hadn’t played a romantically driven character before didn’t mean you couldn’t now. You’ve learned to just ignore trolls like that. 
That didn’t mean from time to time the odd comment didn’t get under your skin. 
Still, you didn’t see the point in faking a relationship just to get these people off your back. You had the best fans in the world, who’d watch you do anything no matter the genre. And your co-star was Charlie Knox, who’d been pegged as this generation's Hugh Grant, so plenty of people would be buying tickets regardless. You could hardly argue, feeling flushed after your chemistry reed with the actor even though he was doing just that; acting. Harry had even previously suggested faking a relationship with him, which would be the perfect scenario according to him, but Charlie was of course already taken. 
“He’s going to have to give up eventually,” you shake your head, “Because I’m not doing it.” Margot makes a weird face and you tilt your head, “Don’t tell me you think I should do it.”
“No, of course not. You should have the autonomy to make your own decisions about your love life, real or fake,” she insists, “I just wish Harry didn’t make such a big deal about it.”
“Yeah, I’m sorry he’s bugging you about it. I can talk to him again.”
“No, don’t worry about it,” Margot sighs, “You should be enjoying your day off. Were you on your way out before? What were you thinking of doing?”
You shrug, not really having had a game plan, “I was thinking breakfast or something to start, and then seeing where the day takes me.”
She nods, once again tapping on her phone, “That sounds nice. Don’t be out too late, though. A car will be here to get you at 6AM for the read through.” As she stands up and starts walking to your door, she glances at you, “And wear a hat please. Last thing we need is you to be stampeded by fans like in The Lion King.”
“Margot, I love you, but there is no need to bring Mufasa into this,” you tease, “I promise I will be discreet, but only if you promise me you will also take time for yourself today.”
“I promise,” she says with a small smile, but before you know it, she's already back on the phone and out your door. 
You can’t be too hard on her. You were also known to prioritize your work over everything else most days. But she was not only the best assistant you could ask for, she was also one of your closest friends, and she deserved some time off. You’d have to talk to Harry at some point tomorrow to get him off her back. And yours. 
But first, food.
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It had been one month - one fucking month - since Keeley had gotten back together with Roy. And it was the worst month of Jamie’s life. 
Yes, he still has feelings for Keeley. Yes, it hurt him to see her choose Roy, even if it had nothing to do with him. And it was twice as bad that Roy and him had finally started becoming actual friends after all these years. But that wasn’t really the problem. 
It was the way everyone has been looking at him since it happened.
It started with the apologetic look on Keeley’s face that greeted him when he answered the door one summer morning. Before she could get a word out, he knew what she was going to say. In fact, he’d seen it coming. Despite Keeley insisting she wasn’t choosing between him and the grumpy old fart who was now his head coach, the two had been spending more and more time together. Keeley was around the club more and Roy was less grumpy. That morning, Keeley told him she wanted him to hear it from her that they were thinking of starting things again. His stomach twisted, disappointed that he’d practically lost her for the second time. But, God, the look of sympathy she was giving him felt even worse.
That was nothing compared to the way Roy looked at him when he walked into the locker room later that day. Roy wasn’t one to talk about or express his feelings, but he still managed to somehow convey his guilt and apology through a single look. Jamie just shook his head, eager to not speak a single word about the topic and move on. For the first time he wished Roy would just yell at him like he usually did. 
Then a week later, Roy and Keeley were publicly a couple again. The rest of the team and staff were elated, but the few who’d known Jamie had been pining for the bubbly blonde again looked on at him sympathetically, patting him on the back and muttering affirmations on the way to training. In the grand scheme of things, they were just being nice, but he fucking hated it.
He was Jamie Fucking Tartt. He could be with anyone he wanted. Sure, the only girl who’s liked him for him and the only one he’s truly loved would rather be with someone else; someone else who was one of his best friends now. So what? The last thing he wanted was everyone around him treating him like a wounded puppy. He was fine.
It didn’t help that he saw Keeley and Roy all the time. At work. At team celebrations. At friendly gatherings. They were everywhere. In fact, they went the extra mile to include him in things to make him feel better, though it had the opposite effect. He felt like a charity case. He didn’t need them babysitting him, like he couldn’t spend a single night alone without collapsing into a full mental breakdown. 
To be fair, the last time he’d had a night to himself, he’d made the mistake of turning on The Notebook for the first time out of morbid curiosity and he wept for an hour. But it was The Notebook for fuck’s sake, what else was he going to do?
Things improved little by little as the weeks had gone by. Sam and Colin stopped giving him glances everytime Keeley visited the locker room to drop something off for Roy. Keeley stopped looking at him with guilt riddled eyes, but there was still a weird energy between them when they hung out. And with Roy things felt mostly normal. 
At least he thought so, but this morning Jamie’s been wandering around his house aimlessly waiting for Roy to show up for their regular early morning training. He’d been ready at promptly 4AM but there was no sign of his coach. He waited thirty minutes before calling but no answer. So, he plopped on the couch and watched some cooking show for another hour or so before trying again. It wasn’t until 8AM - four hours later - he got a call back from Roy.
“Hey, I thought old people were usually up early,” Jamie teased upon answering, “Did you oversleep, grandad?”
Instead of Roy’s gravelly voice responding, he hears another familiar voice in the background, “Is that Jamie? Tell him I’m sorry.”
Jamie’s stomach twists. Of course.
“Uh, yeah,” Roy’s voice eventually says, “Keeley was here and I forgot to set an alarm. We were going to get breakfast but then we can meet at the park if you still want?”
Roy grunts as Keeley speaks up again, voice distant, “Oi, ask if he wants to join us.”
Roy sighs into the phone, “Yeah, unless you want to come to breakfast with us?”
Jamie closes his eyes. Another pity invite. “Um, thanks mate. That’s alright, though. Think I’ll get some running in on my own and maybe we can meet up later tonight.”
“Yeah, that works…” Roy says before tacking on, “Sorry, Jamie.”
Jamie chuckles humorlessly, “Not a problem. Talk to ya later.”
He hangs up and tosses his phone across the couch. Not only did Jamie not like feeling like a third wheel, he didn’t like being one because the other two felt guilty. Especially when he was still getting over his feelings for one of them. He groans, forcing himself off the couch, eager to stay true to his word. He needed to run off these feelings. 
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You’d been leisurely walking through the streets of Richmond for a little while, enjoying the early fall breeze and the sights as the leaves started to change color. You’ve been trying to keep an eye out for a place to grab breakfast or a snack, but you’ve been distracted by the shops and the people walking around you. For your part, you were donned in sunglasses with a ball cap tilted low on your head. So far no one has stopped you, which was nice. Not that you minded meeting the occasional fan. Most were sweet and you adored connecting with people face to face, but there was always the risk of someone just in search of an autograph or selfie despite not caring about you or your work, not to mention nosy paparazzi who pop out of nowhere to get a photo. So, you’re enjoying the semblance of normalcy while you can. You sense that once filming starts, those in the area will be eager to catch a glimpse of you and your costars any chance they get. 
You’re a little too comfortable with flying under the radar, when as you’re turning a street corner someone runs right smack into you. You both fall to the ground, your sunglasses flying clear off your face. Your heart hammers in your chest, wondering if someone had done this on purpose, but the stranger next to you also appears to be scrambling. 
“Fuck, sorry,” they mutter, grabbing your discarded sunglasses for you before pulling you both up. As he places the glasses back in your hands, his eyes meet yours for the first time, “Oh shit, are you…”
You smile sheepishly, his eyes alight with recognition. You’re still a little anxious from the encounter, as you try to get your breathing to return to normal. You vaguely wonder if this guy is going to ask for a picture or something, when you actually hear the familiar click of a camera and your blood runs cold. 
“Hey Jamie Tartt!” an accented man calls, “Who’s the girl, Jamie?
The man in front of you looks back at you with wide eyes and grabs your hand, “Shit, come with me.”
You can barely process what he’d said as he pulled you down the street, “What? Where are we going?”
“Somewhere private,” he explains as you continue jogging alongside him, “Where there’s one paparazzi, ten will follow. But I’m sure you know that.”
You can’t argue with him. But you do wonder who the hell this guy is that he’s so familiar with paparazzi. You also briefly consider if following a guy you’ve never met through alleyways is a smart decision, but you hardly have the time to dwell on it. 
After a few minutes, this mystery guy, who you can only presume is named Jamie if the paparazzi was right, leads you through an unassuming storefront that ends up being a charming and quaint little café. You look around curiously. It’s not completely vacant, but the patrons don’t bat an eye when the two of you enter. The middle aged barista behind the counter looks at your companion with a warm smile and greets him, once again, by Jamie.
After your heart rate returns to normal, you turn to the man beside you. He gives you a tiny shrug, “I come here when I don’t want to be bothered. Not many people know about this place but it has the best scones in Richmond.”
You squint at him in curiosity, “So, I’m guessing you’re…someone of note then, too? If that paparazzi was taking your picture and you have a secret hideout.”
He chuckles, looking a little bashful, which you have a feeling is out of character for this guy, “Uh, yeah, I’m Jamie Tartt? Premier League footballer for AFC Richmond?”
Your cheeks heat up, “Oh, uh, sorry, I’m not really familiar with…”
He cuts you off, “No need to apologize. Wouldn’t expect an actress from the states to know anything about English football.”
You chuckle, despite yourself, “Well, if it helps I don’t know much about American football either. Or any sport for that matter.”
Jamie’s lips quirk up again, “I know you, though. From that thing.”
You snort, “Well, I’ve done a couple of things.”
He shakes his head, “No, no, no, you’re in that one movie, what’s it called,” he snaps his fingers, “Meet Me in Melrose, that's the one!”
“Wow, that’s a deep cut,” you comment, the film being an indie you worked on years ago; one of your first bigger roles despite the lower budget project.
“Yeah, my old coach? It was one of his favorites, so the whole team became obsessed. We’ve watched a bunch of your stuff,” he explains.
“That’s cool,” you nod with a small smile.
He nods along with you before suddenly becoming very aware of his situation, “Uh, can I order you something? Or, shit, you probably had somewhere to be. I usually try to wait things out for a while here, but if you have to go…”
You once again consider the oddity of casually hanging out in a cafe with a man you just met, but he seems trustworthy enough. And even a bit intriguing.
So you respond, “No, I don’t. I was just out exploring before. I was actually looking for a place to eat so this is perfect. I’m happy to hang out here for a bit.”
“Okay, cool,” Jamie nods again, still feeling a bit unsure of what to do when a Hollywood movie star is suddenly in your midst, “Uh, do you like coffee? Tea?”
You shake your head, “You don’t have to buy anything for me.”
“Well, I was the one who crashed into you and abducted you here so it’s the least I can do.”
You giggle, “Okay fine, I’ll take a hot chocolate. Coffee makes me anxious and tea tastes like a worse version of water. No offense.”
Jamie laughs to himself before walking up to the counter to order for you both. He returns moments later with a hot chocolate for you and coffee for him, as well as two of those scones he mentioned, before leading you over to a small booth in the back of the cafe. 
“So, uh, you must come here often if the staff knows your name,” you say as you blow on your drink for it to cool, “Unless they’re all soccer - sorry - football fans?”
“Actually, Olive, the owner of the café doesn’t know shit about football. It's part of the appeal,” he tells you, “I manage to avoid photographers most of the time, but even if they’re not hounding me, I still like to come here to get away from things.”
“That makes sense. I feel like it's hard to do that in LA. Even the small businesses are overrun with influencers trying to find the trendiest spot nowadays,” you muse.
“Is that where you live? LA?” he asks.
“Mhm. Have you been?” 
“Nah. Been to New York before, but spent most of my time in some clubs,” he tells you, “Have you been to London before?”
“No, actually,” you admit, “I’ve always wanted to come but never got around to it. I’m actually here for a film.”
“Oh, yeah, a Rom-Com, right?” he asks and you nod, “It’s all anyone can talk about around the club these days. We’ve never had a big movie shoot in Richmond before.”
“Hmm, wait til everyone hears how you kidnapped one of the stars,” you joke, finally braving a sip of your drink.
Jamie laughs, “I think I’ll keep that one to myself. Plus, I don’t think they’d even believe me.”
You laugh along with him, thoroughly enjoying his company as well as the delicious cocoa. You also finally try the scone Jamie placed in front of you. Your eyes light up after the first bite.
“Is that blueberry?”
Jamie’s eyes widened, “Sorry, I should have asked…”
You furiously shake your head, “No, no, don’t apologize. I love blueberry.”
Jamie’s lips quirk up, “Me, too. It’s my favorite.”
You smile back, but it drops when you feel your phone buzzing in your pocket. Pulling it out, you see that you had a missed call from Harry along with a few text messages. Instead of responding, you roll your eyes and put it away, eager to forget that the man exists until tomorrow.
“Uh, everything okay?” Jamie asks tentatively. 
“Oh, yeah,” you reassure, plastering another smile on your face. Then you find a part of yourself that desperately wants to vent about your situation to an unbiased party, “Actually, uh, I’m not sure how much pressure football players are under for their image, but have you ever been asked or been in a fake relationship for PR?”
Jamie leans back, processing the question, “Uh, no. I haven’t really had a problem finding my own girlfriends.”
You snort, “Of course.”
“But I’ve heard of it happening with other footballers,” Jamie adds, “And there was this whole reality dating show I did and none of that was real.”
You gasp, “You were on a dating show?”
Jamie nods reluctantly, “Yeah. It was called Lust Conquers All. It was a low point.”
You can’t help but laugh, “Wow, I’ll have to check it out.”
“Please don’t,” Jamie groans, rubbing a hand over his face, wondering what possessed him to even bring it up.
After your laughter quells, Jamie eyes you curiously, “Why do you ask? About PR relationships, I mean.”
You sigh, looking down at your hands in your lap as you answer, “My publicist wants me to do the whole fake relationship thing.”
Jamie’s eyebrows furrow, “Why?”
You shrug, not eager to admit but still wanting to know his take nonetheless, “Apparently, I don’t seem like a romantic person, because I haven’t done a romantic role or publicly dated someone before.”
Jamie continues to look confused, “So? Isn’t that what actors do? Play new roles even if they haven’t done it before?”
“Yes, thank you,” you agree, nodding furiously, “But since I’ve only played cynical or sarcastic characters, that’s how people see me. Apparently, I don’t seem like a good choice for a movie called Hopeless Romantics.”
“But you’re not like your other characters in real life right?” he asks, “You’re not completely cynical about romance.”
You falter, your eyes flitting away from his. Jamie scoffs.
“Oh, come on, don’t tell me you’re anti-romance.”
“I’m not,” you sputter, “I just think dating is a little more complicated than the movies make it seem.”
Jamie doesn’t listen, “Wow, I can see why your publicist thinks you need a fake boyfriend for this to be a little more realistic. You can’t be against love and in a movie about love.”
You gasp, lightly shoving him, “Hey! I’ll have you know I’m not against love. It’s just…hard to come by for me.” You sigh, trying to figure out what exactly you’re willing to admit, “The last few guys I’ve dated weren't so great. They either only wanted to date me for the exposure or connections or money.”
Jamie’s expression sobers, “Oh.” 
“Yeah,” you nod, “My last relationship, if you could even call it that, was so short lived. It ended because he stole this fancy vase thing from my house.”
“Wow,” Jamie whispers.
“And jokes on him, it was from pottery barn,” you huff, “But yeah, basically its not love I don’t believe in. It’s other people. So I’ve been pretty content to be on my own these days.”
“I get that,” Jamie says softly after a beat, “I’ve dated plenty of girls who only wanted me cause I’m a footballer. Or cause I’m great at sex,” you snort, shaking your head, but he continues, “Not that I really wanted a real relationship, but it still hurts when someone doesn’t want you for you.”
“Exactly,” you nod, picking off pieces of your scone, “I’ve never been with someone who felt genuine. Have you?”
Jamie sighs and you sense there’s a story there, “Once, but I fucked it up. Didn’t realize what I had until it was gone. Classic right?”
You huff lightly.
“The worst part is she was kind enough to stay my friend even after the way I treated her,” he continues, “So not only does she treat me with kindness that I definitely don’t deserve, but I have to sit by and watch her be with someone else.”
You frown, “That must make it hard to move on.”
“You have no idea,” he chuckles humorlessly. 
“And you haven’t been with anyone else since?”
“A couple girls, but nothing serious. And no one recently. Haven’t really seen the point.”
“So I guess I’m not the only one who might be a little cynical then, huh?” you ask with a teasing smile.
He gives you a half smile. “Yeah, I guess I can’t be one to judge.”
You study him for a few more moments. After your introductions, you would have guessed Jamie Tartt was another classic playboy athlete, and after conversing with him that seemed to be his reputation. But now you weren’t so sure. He was…peculiar. 
You continue chatting for a while longer. He tells you more about his football team and you tell him a few spoiler-free details about the movie you’re shooting. Before you know it, you’d been camped out in this cafe with Jamie for a full hour. Time flies when you’re enjoying yourself. You had to imagine the paparazzi had to have left the area by now. And while you weren’t in a hurry to cut your conversation short, your hot chocolate was no longer hot and your scone was long gone. 
“Hey, this place is really nice by the way,” you comment, as you gather your trash, “I might have to come back here. That is, if you don’t mind sharing your secret hide away with me for the next three months?”
Jamie chuckles, following you back to the front of the café. “Feel free.”
You smile at him softly, as you walk out the door, “Maybe, I’ll uh, see you around?”
He shrugs his shoulder, “Yeah, I’ll be around. Maybe you could catch a football match while you’re in town.”
“I’ll definitely keep that in mind,” you nod, “Well, thank you again for the rescue. I owe you one.”
“Nah, it was nothing. Get home safe, yeah?”
“You, too. Bye Jamie.”
He bids you farewell, before you two reluctantly turn and head in different directions. You wrinkle your nose, recapping your encounter in your head. What a random coincidence to run into an apparent famed football star on your first day in town. You wonder if you ever will run into him again, but you assume the odds of that are low.
Meanwhile, on his walk home, Jamie is questioning whether or not he should have asked for your number. In a strictly platonic sense, just to keep in touch or to be available in case you needed a friend while you were in town. But he brushes the thought away. Like a famous actress would want to willingly hang out with him if she wasn’t hiding from paparazzi. Yeah right. Odds are this was all a dream and the boys would laugh in his face if he brought it up tomorrow. 
Real or not real, he’d remember your morning together fondly. 
a/n: please let me know any and all those! again, so excited for this story and brand new journey for jamie x reader. also! i will be starting a fresh taglist for this story, so let me know if you’d like to be tagged. the distractions taglist will stay the same for any one shots i may continue to post in that universe. <3
taglist: @respondingtoshowerthoughts-blog​ @royalestrellas​
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the-w0nder-twins · 2 months ago
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I love winter and everything it brings. I am so grateful for the crispy cold air and all the big bulky warm clothing and pretty lights. Nothing beats holding Chloes gloved hands and walking through a lit up street with a warm drink. I always dreamed about what Christmas would be like with Chloe in our time apart. And don’t get me started on snow! We haven’t had any yet this year but you can bet on some photos the second we do!
Sorry, sorry! But, I was never really a fan of summer personally. It’s too damn hot. Controversial I know… I’m an autumn and winter girl all the way. 🍁
- 📸- @oldnewstock aka mysterious British zesty fruity Dubai slaying man (for the people who watched the stream)
- Editing- me
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after-hours-art · 24 days ago
White Party and not so white lies
Pairing: Chuck Bass x plus size f!reader
Genre: fluff, angst
Warnings: language
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Every relationship comes across some run-ins. Chuck Bass and Blair Waldorf are no exception. Especially when their 'relationship' wouldn't be called a relationship per se. Spurned Blair brought herself a little English souvenir from Europe. And Chuck Bass didn't stay behind. So when they meet again in Hamptons before the start of the new academic year, both of them are torn by strong feelings. And the presence of you only adds the oil to the fire.
Hamptons isn't your go-to place to spend summer. You much prefer Italy. However, you let Chuck persuade you to join him and his step-siblings' friends there for the last week of summer vacation. Who would've thought that one night at the bar could spark a feeling in your local womanizer? Yet, it did. For two months, he was very much involved in the stirring of the relationship that grew between you two. 
You are resting on the lawn chair, pastel pink bikini with small daisy prints only adding character to your soft curves, when you suddenly hear sounds of the argument coming from the main house. You don't think much of it, after all arguments are fine between friends. The noises get louder and, therefore, closer, allowing you to unintentionally eavesdrop a big part of the heated conversation.
- You left me at the fucking airport! You can't expect me for like your new bitch.
- Don't call her that!
- So then you get to call James a British fraud?!
- The conversation is over, Blair. I hoped you two would like each other. She's literally another version of you but in Upper East Side. Classy, good student, knows her fashion. You two should click like freaking Siamese twins. She has more in common with you than you have with Serena.
- Screw you, Bass.
Loud sounds of heels hitting the wooden floor make you guess that you won't start a loving friendship with Blair. A shadow in the shape of cocky billionaire's kid falls on you.
- You're stealing my sun. - you say, tilting your head back a little to be able to look at shadow's owner.
- My apologies, but I can't have you burned in this sun. - soft, low voice works calming on you as Chuck leans down to kiss you, his hand automatically sliding down your arm in a soothing manner.
- So... I guess I'm not invited to the White Party anymore? - you ask once he breaks the kiss and sits on the lawn chair next to yours.
- And who told you that? - ha asks, his hand absently tracing small shapes on your outer thigh, enjoying feeling of your soft skin under his fingers.
- Well... told as much as I heard. 
Chuck smirks, scoffing a little.
- So you heard the whole... conversation? - he asks gently.
- You two were very loud and clear. - you murmur.
- And despite how loud and clear and hateful Blair Waldorf can be, she's also not the host. And Celia Rhodes loves you. And you're staying. I didn't suffer all those hours on shopping for your white dress for nothing. 
The last sentence makes you laugh. Chuck smiles himself, too. He loved your laughter from the moment he met you at the bar. His hand goes higher on your thigh as he leans closer to you, kissing you, his tongue gently nudges your lips, encouraging you to part them. Once you do so, his tongue slides in your mouth, tasting you, letting out slight moan. His hand moves to the edge of the bottom of your bikini. He breaks the kiss once you two need to breathe. His lips now travel along your jawline, moving how to your neck, delicately kissing all the sensitive spots. 
- God, you're divine - he murmurs against your collarbone, using all his willpower to not leave a hickey, as you forbidden him from doing so for the sake of the White Party. Showing up with a love bite, even when in a relationship, would be considered a bad taste in the eyes of older guests. His kisses travel across your collarbones, slowly down to your sternum when...
- For the love of... get a damn room. - Serena says as she and Blair walk out from the house. - Oh, hi Y/N. - the blonde smiles when she spots you as she throws her towel on the lawn chair. Blair's gaze sends daggers in your direction as she walks past you to join her friend. Chuck pulls away from you and sighs.
- Hello to you too, sister dearest. - Chuck mutters, still looking pisses at Blair, who pretends that you both are not here.
- Hey, you coming to the party? - Serena asks you.
- Y-yes... - you say, looking at Chuck as if searching for his support, which you get in the form of kiss on the cheek.
- Come. - Chuck says as he gets up, offering you his hand to help you get up. - We'll 'get a room' like ladies here suggest. 
You sigh and nod. You never intended to fight with Blair. You didn't even know that she and Chuck had some unfinished business until he told you that when you got to Hamptons. You get off the lawn chair, following Chuck as he leads you in the house. Blair looks over her shoulder, glancing how you wide hips sways as you follow her... your Chuck. Her stomach twisting with jealousy at the sole thought of you and him in bed. 
- God, that he had to bring her with him. - Blair scoffs and turns to Serena, getting back to the conversation they had.
- So, you didn't you anything whole summer? 
You stand in front of the mirror at the hallway, waiting for Chuck to join you. As you adjust your hair, suddenly, a reflection of Blair appears in the mirror.
- You know... James is just the best. - she says, playing with her hair.
- That British guy?
She rolls her eyes when you call her newest love interest that. 
- Yeah... 'the British guy'. - she says, in her mouth, making it sound like an insult.
- Well... good for you. - you say, adjusting the strands of your hair before you put on Harry Winston's silver necklence that perfectly puts your outfit together. Blair makes a disgusted face. 
- As if you could bring any more attention to your cleavage... - she mutters, putting on transparent lip gloss. You turn your head and glance at her.
- As if you could act more jealous. - you talk back, your voice dripping with a mixture of sarcasm and kindness, and put on a smile when you see Chuck coming from the upstairs. - Have fun at the party. And please, Blair, try to behave civil. I didn't steal your boyfriend, I merely was in the right place at the right time. - you add and walk over to your boyfriend, leaving Blair with parted lips and expression of disbelief. She sees red when Chuck greets you with a kiss, his hand travelling to your hair, then your cheek. 
- Damn that mother-chucker... - she scoffs, walking out to the garden with the most charming smile, as she looks for James.
You stand with a glass of white sweets wine next to your boyfriend as you and his step-grandmother are having a delightful conversation about the garden designer. Cece goes on and on about the flowers, the prices, and costs of maintaining. You feel Chuck's hand gripping tightly on your waist. You look at the white rose bush that Cece is showing you, and over it spot Blair kissing her date right in front of two of you and Chuck. James leaves once he sees you two he realises why she has done it. You look up at your boyfriend, seeking any signs of jealousy, but you don't find any. Instead, he leans to your ear and whispers.
- I told you not to worry about Blair. - he says in low voice, the kind that drips with desire and makes you shiver. - I love you. And I thought I made it pretty clear in bed this morning... - he says, kissing the nape of your neck when Cece turns to call Serena over to you. You don't answer, putting your hand over his in acknowledgment of his words as you watch Blair run after James, partially feeling bad for her, but after all she's just using the poor guy to make Chuck jealous. Feel Chuck take your glass from your hand.
- I'll go refresh your drink, princess. - he says and disappears in the crowd.
You walk over to Jenny and Erik with whom you connected pretty well, given that they're similiar age to your younger siblings who unfortunately couldn't make it to Hamptons as they are doing mini tourne around Western Europe as your sisters wants to go to boarding school for high school. You feel a pang of jealousy in your stomach when you see Chuck talking to Blair. Million thoughts run through your head as you see them. What seems like an argument between them two might be as well a conversation or some form of a twisted foreplay. 
- You okay, Y/N? - Jenny asks and looks in the same direction that you do, her smile slowly fading as she spots Blair with whom she still has tense relations. 
- Yeah... I'm okay. - you say. - Excuse me... - you say and put the glass on the bar when you see Blair walk past you and walk through the house. You follow her to the front of the van der Woodsen's summer house. You walk to the door, stopping halfway when you see her with Chuck again. You swallow nervously, leaning against the door frame. You're too far to hear, but you can only try and read the expressions. At least for a moment before a car stops in front of the entrance and covers your view. Minutes pass when she spots you, walking in your direction. 
- He lied. - she says as she passes you. - He loves me. You are just... a summer fling.
You grab her and stop her mid-step.
- What do you mean? 
- That Chuck and I are meant to be. All this time with you, he was just licking his wounds.- she says as she yanks her arm out of your grip. You stare blankly, your eyes following her.
You rush to catch up to her when you accidentally hit against someone's chest.
- Oh my.. I'm so sorry... - you look up to see who you bumped into. - James
- No need to, dear. And.. my name is actually Marcus. - he smiles and looks at you. - Have you perhaps seen Blair? She vanished into thin air when I went for refreshments. 
- I think I know with whom... - you say, your glare telling it all as you see Marcus clenching his jaw.
- She told me that it's over between them. - he says, visibly pissed.
- He told me he loves me so I know how you feel. - you murmur. He looks at you. 
- You'd look like young Queen Victoria if you'd tie your hair up. - he smiles. - Allow me... - he gently touches your hair and tries to recreate for the memory how the queen had her hair styled in the painting. He carefully holds your hair in place, nudging you to look in the mirror. You chuckle and smile seeing your reflection, as your generous figure and put-up hair now really makes you resemble Queen Victoria when she was young. 
- You aren't wrong, Marcus. - you smile at your reflection. - I'm sorry Blair is... well, Blair. You don't seem like a bad guy.
- And you don't seem like a woman that should've been left alone. Someone might want to steal you. - he let go of your hair, letting the strands fall freely on your shoulders. He reaches his hand out to you. 
- Mind if I'll keep you company? 
- Two abandoned lovers? - you chuckle and take his arm. You are hurt indeed that Chuck has been playing a perfect boyfriend whole summer only to tell his ex lover that he loves her. But you can't be angry, feelings aren't to be controlled. You just regret that he can play two fronts so well, make passionate love to you, and then confess love to her. You let Marcus lead you as he starts talking about England. You smile seeing how you two partners shoot confused gazes when you and Marcus step in the garden. You see Chuck walk directly at you two, his expression at least pissed.
- What the hell you're doing with her? - he asks.
- Did you lose Blair in the crowd? I simply assumed you two are each other plus ones by now. - you say, still holding the Englishman's hand.
- What the hell? Y/N, what crazy idea was born in that pretty head of yours?
- Idea? You should tell us why you and Blair are sneaking around confessing love. 
- We didn't confess anything! Y/N, don't make things up.
- I'm not making anything up. And don't yell. People are starting to stare. - you scold your... your still boyfriend.
- Then what gave you that idea? Haven't I spent summer with you? Haven't I brought you to Hamptons? Haven't I bought you this dress? Did I spend a moment away from you? 
- You did. - you say and let go of Marcus's forearm. - You met Blair in front of the house. You said that you love her. End of story. 
- You met... Dear God... - he scoffs, now looking purely mad. He takes a sip of whiskey from his glass. - I fucking told her that I don't want her anymore. That I have you. That the Birt can have her.
You and Marcus stare at Chuck dumbfounded as you try to connect the dots.
- Why would she lie? - you murmur, feeling a hand landing on your waist. You look up to realise that it's Chuck's.
- Because she's Blair. What other reason do you need? - he scoffs and looks at Marcus with glare that unequivocally says to get the hell away from you. 
- Blair! - Marcus looks agitated as she makes her way to your little gathering. Brunette walks to you with a smile that slowly disappears. 
- What? - she asks, confused by your faces.
- Did you tell my girlfriend that I love you? - Chuck asks. - Right after I told you that I'm no longer interested in you?
Blair shrugs her shoulders. 
- You do. Have you seen yourself in the mirror? You look at me like a lost puppy. - she says and then looks at you. - Besides, he'd cheat on you sooner or later. I wanted to save you the humiliation and trouble. A little white lie in a good cause. - she smiles innocently.
- I wouldn't cheat on Y/N. - Chuck looks offended, though fidelity isn't his strongest forte. He never really had a girlfriend, more of a collection of one-night-stands.
- Chuck. You would. - she says, walking away. Marcus follows behind her, leaving you and Chuck alone. You turn to him, letting go of his hand. He looks confused by your action. 
- Y/N. Please. I wouldn't cheat on you. Ever. 
- Yet she said that you would. She knows you her whole life. Two months are like nothing next to that. 
- Y/N... - he tries to take your hand, but you slide it from his fingers. - Y/N, please. 
- Did you love her? - you ask quietly. 
- In past tense. In past tense, yes, I did love Blair Waldorf. But now I love you Y/N Y/L/N. Get that in your pretty her of yours. - he says, looking more pissed off than before, apparently not being a fan of talks of this kind. 
- Just... leave me alone for now. - you say and turn around to make your way back to the house. Chuck sighs and looks behind you, keeping an eye on your till you disappear behind a corner. He finds the bar and pours himself a glass of whiskey, already wondering how to fix the situation that he has never had before. He loves you. He's sure of that. Wanting to introduce you to his father and Lily. He takes a sip of the brown liquid, letting the alcohol burn his throat and hopefully also the knot in his stomach. He closes his eyes, recalling everything her had shared with Blair, past two months with you, every 'relationship' he ever had. The conversation with Blair plays in his head replays in his head. Hearing the sound of heels in the hallway, he walks there, hoping to find you, but he finds Blair. 
- Why did you do this? - he asks. 
- You think your girlfriend would be happy if i said that I asked you for 'I love you' and you just froze instead of saying that you love her? - she asks. - Now, at least, you saved your face. I don't mind being the bad guy. 
- Why did you do that? - he asks again. His gaze finds hers, the tension in the air cumulates with each second. 
- A sweet girl like Y/N doesn't deserve an unsure relationship. And I hope she'll realise it soon. 
- She just did. - you say softy, your voice filled with a feeling of betrayal.
Blair and Chuck jump away from each other as you emerge from the start behind the wall. Your expression looks broken. 
- Y/N... - Chuck starts, but you raise your hand, signaling him to stop. You look at Blair, her heart clenching as she recognises the look. It's the same that she had when she realised that Chuck had left her at that handicap. She finally sighs, pushing the strand of brown hair behind her ear.
- I... I gotta go. Marcus is waiting for me. You two... figure it out, I guess. - she puts her hand on your shoulder as he passes you. - I tried to save you from this. - she says before walking to the entrance, walking out to the red car. 
Your eyes are locked on Chuck's. His body yearns to you. He'd fall on his knees if that would make you forgive him.
- Y/N... 
- I asked if you love her. You said that it was past. Past lovers don't look at each other like that. 
He grabs your hand. 
- Y/N. I love you. Please, believe me.
- She just lied for you. How am I supposed to believe you? 
He pulls you closer. His lips naturally find yours, his right hand holding your cheek, his left hand gripping gently on his waist, his fingers digging in the soft flesh. When he finally breaks the kiss, he doesn't let go of you. 
- I love you. I do. I'm sorry for the lie, I'm sorry for Blair's jealousy, I'm sorry that I acted somehow jealosu of Marcus when I was supposed to worship the goddess I have in my arms right now. Please, Y/N, if you give me a second chance, I swear I won't let you down. - he says, emotions pouring from his words, his fingers gently caressing your cheek. - Please.
Chuck Bass is begging you. Not that he isn't capable of begging it's just... it's not an everyday sight. Begging Chuck Bass. You stare blankly at him. You gently grab his wrists and push his hands away from you. 
- If you love her... - you start.
- I don't. - he interrupts you.
- ... then go after her. 
Chuck's breathing becomes a little heavier, his mind not able to wrap around the idea of leaving you and going after Blair. You slowly take a couple of steps back, ready to leave to your room and start packing. 
- Thanks for the summer, Chuck.
You start walking up the stairs. He stands at the first step and watches you go upstairs before he rushes after you. He finds you in your room, and your luggage opens on your bed as you start packing. He grabs your wrist and spins you around so you face him.
- Y/N, listen. - he says, his voice low and filled with heavy emotions. - I want you. I love you.
- You can't love two people in the same ti-
- You are second. - he says, cutting off your words. - You can't love two people because if you fall in love with the second one, you never loved the first person to begin with, I know that. And I fell in love with you. Not in a twisted way. We don't need games. I love you for you. Please, believe me. - his thumbs caress your soft cheeks. 
- You can't have it all, Chuck. - you warn him.
- I already have it all. Here. In my arms. - he says, pulling you into a gentle kiss, slowly deepening it. At first you don't return the favour but second later you give in the feeling. You kiss him back, biting onto his lower lip, earning a low, deep moan from him. You finally break the kiss, your eyes a little red from a couple of tears you shredded before. He gently holds you, his forehead resting against yours.
- I love you. Stay with me, I will serve my redemption however you'll like. I'll be just like during summer. 
- Chuck... - you gently push him away. - I think we should take a break. Reevaluate.
His expression looks broken, but seeing your serious expression, he only nods. 
- So... you wanna get back to New York now? - he asks gently. Once you nod, he starts folding clothes on your bed.
- I'll help you pack. And I'll have Arthur drive you. - he says, helping you pack, his eyes locked on you the whole time.
// October
Summer faded, and world turned red, orange and brown. It's officially autumn and start of your senior year in high school. But even the coldest days aren't scary to you, especially when you get a good warm-up running around the stylish, expensive stores with your unlikely best friend.
- Retail therapy is the best. - Blair chuckles as you two walk out of Chanel store, your maids behind you carrying bags from your 6th Avenue shopping spree. After the summer in Hamptons, you bumped into Blair at the Fashion Week, and just like Chuck had predicted before, you two somehow clicked. Now you see each other at least once a week to gossip, study together, or just for lunch. It's definitely not a lie that the best people come unexpectedly.
- Speaking of the best... - she grabs your arm, making you stop. She points at your car against which leaning is no other but Charles Bass. His head is slightly lowered as he smells the bouquette in his hands - your favourite flowers. You stop breathing for a second. 
- Go. You have no idea how much he missed you. - Blair says, clearly excited at your reunion.
- Missed me? - you ask confused. - He never called nor texted me.
- He gave you the space you asked for. Instead, he gained all information from me once he saw us on Gossip Girl together. It's like a daily interrogation, and questions are all about you. - she gently pushes you forward. - Go get your Bass back so he'll get off my back. 
Chuck lifts his head, turning in your direction. His eyes instantly lighten up, his expression softening as his eyes take in all of your persona, from the lovely autumn coat to the rose from the cold wind cheeks. You stare at him for a longer while, unsure what to do, finally choosing to walk in his direction. 
- Hi - you say hesitantly once you're few steps from him.
- Autumn is your time of the year. - he says, admiring the way beige sweater matches, the dark orange skirt hugs your hips, and your soft thighs are covered with burgundy tights. - This colour scheme on you could only compete with that pink bikini and white dress you wore this summer. - he says softly and hands you the flowers. - Blair probably told you already that I asked her about your favourite flowers. I hope you like them. - he smiles when you bury your nose in the flowers. You smile as soft petals touch your face. His hand gently goes to your hand, his thumb caressing top of your palm.
- Thank you. - you say and look at him. - But why?
- Because I can't give you space for more than two months. It has been hell keeping myself away, having Blair and Gossip Girl as my only source of information about you. - he gently squeezes your hand. - I'm sorry, Y/N. I'm sorry for what happened at the White Party. I love you. I never stopped loving you. And I promise that I will be the best boyfriend you'd ever have. 
You stare at him, turning your head to look over your shoulder at Blair. The brunette nods her head, and so does Dorota and your maid to encourage you to say 'yes' to Chuck. You turn back to the man and sigh.
- You mean it? - you ask hesitantly.
- I do. I love you. - Chuck says softly, his right hand finding your cheek, his left slightly squeezing your waist as he gently pulls you closer, your foreheads almost touching. - I never loved anyone or anything as much as I love and adore you, Y/N. - he says, leaning closer to you, his lips hovering over yours. Your eyes remain locked on his, his gaze soft and adoring. You lean closer and kiss him, his grip on your waist tightening as he pulls you closer, wishing that he won't even have to let you go. You deepen the kiss, pouring into it all the feeling that you kept hidden for the past two months. 
- I love you... - Chuck murmurs against your lips once you break the kiss to catch a breath. - Come with me. I'm sure Blair can finish her shopping on her own.
You turn to your friend, who shows you a big smile and thumbs up. You nod and turn to Chuck.
- Okay. - you say, not controlling how wide and happy your smile is. Chuck's heart swells with love at this sight. He opens the door to his limo for you.
- Ladies first, princess. - he smiles, his eyes never leaving you as you get inside. He follows you, shutting the door. He takes his seat next to you and hands you a glass with your favourite wine. 
- No tell me all about those two boring months when you wanted space. - he smiles, sipping on his whiskey as the car enters the traffic on busy New York streets.
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