#[[ he is Trying ]]
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pipplerino · 2 days ago
So i saw art of Davey cryin and imagined Mack saying "King never cry"
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the-barefoot-hatter · 3 months ago
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pediatricians are hard to find.
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you aren't broken and other important things a triangle needs to hear
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tare-anime · 2 years ago
One thing that I like about sxf is that despite being a shonen (with not a teenager protagonist), Endo makes Twilight hot and very capable, but at the same time, make it hard for fans to give him harem.
Like, Endo does create lots of awesome women, but it is clear that Twilight has no (romantic) interest at them at all.
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Twilight didn't even bat an eye. Dumped her just like that
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Twilight clearly never see her more than colleague and mentee. He even despise the idea of their cover story as married couple
How about older woman? Handler??
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Twilight clearly afraid respects her as older sister boss and mentor. And that's that.
The City Hall women who swoon at him?
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Twilight imagine them as evil and despicable.
The only woman who can make him making lots of expressions, such as:
Devastated and confused
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Lovestruck Skipping a heartbeat
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And truly smile
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Is just Yor.
Love it 🥰
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messymoonmad · 2 months ago
Father Zeus, im a trans guy on my period and I’m dying, am I going to get pampered or told to suck it up
Zeus : >:( suck it up! men don't cry, dont be a pussy now *hurries to get you warm blankets and 20 different types of pads and hugs and cradles you like a baby*
(The answer is toughlove)
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Zeus : can you take the pain LIKE A MAN or should I call Apollo ?
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divine0rdainment · 9 months ago
Adam: So if we are dating... Does that technically make me Charlie's step dad?
Lucifer: Well, no, we aren't married yet-
Adam, not listening: Charlie, to start I want you to know I'm not trying to take your dad away. Or become your mother...cuz she's a bitch.
Adam: *grabs her shoulder* And one day, I hope you and I will become close... Close enough to call eachother family... Also give me back my fucking Axe. If you don't, I'm gonna ground you.
Charlie: No.
Adam: Damn it!
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affableramen · 6 months ago
@ pants when tartaglia listens to zhongli’s osmanthus wine instead of his economical brainwashing
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eidolons-stuff · 1 year ago
Wednesday: "What is taking Xavier so long?"
Thing: *signs* "Who cares! We need to get ready!"
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daisybell17 · 1 year ago
Fourth if July — Loki [song fic] {PART 3}
(warning: death‼️)
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Sitting at the bed with the halo at your head Was it all a disguise, like Junior High
Years had gone by since your passing and while Loki wasn’t the same God he once was, he’s living out the simple life. He no longer visited your grave as frequently as he did, which he had forced himself to do, he knew that if he kept wallowing at your grave every other day, it would drain him of life too, which he knows you wouldn’t have wanted.
So as life went on he packed up the house you both built your life on and sold it off, it felt wrong for Loki to live in the walls and room you no longer filled with life, and every corner of that lovely place only brought a sharp pain to his heart, knowing that those moments of love are now but memories in his heart.
Moving into a new cottage just outside Asgard, Loki had built himself his own little life. He had an alter dedicated to you and planted flowers that would blossom in a beautiful garden, all for you.
Besides his princely duties, he started taking care of stray animals. He used to watch you take in all sorts of creatures and it only felt right by him to do as such. Now he truly understood the “why’s” of you and it only made him fall deeper.
Despite all this, he always found himself seeing you in everything he did, almost like you were disguised within the walls, just a moments glance from Loki’s perception. It reminded Loki about how you both were in your early 20s, playing all sorts of silly games and pranking each other every second you got…Oh how he wishes you were here, but alas, you haunted the mind of the mischievous God, disguised to seem real in walls you never entered.
This realisation made Loki breakdown on a random Wednesday morning.
Where everything was fiction, future, and prediction
There was one day Loki had come to visit your grave with a scrapbook in hand. He sat in front of the moss covered stone and held the scrapbook up “I made this for you…it’s been 8 years since you left me my darling…I brought a gift for you”
He opened the scrapbook and faced the pages to your stone “I gathered everything I have learned in the 8 years since your passing…It’s been a long time my Love.” He opens a folded letter, revealing a long paper filled with inked remarks “This was the letter I wrote on the one year anniversary of your passing…”I wish you were here, I wish I was with you. There have been nights where I created false realities in my head, just so I can pretend to have you alive and with me again…I slowly realised that I could dwell in this fictional fantasy forever…or I could change my life, do something right by you…and I’m trying…I really am…I just wish you were here to see that your light shines brighter, even when you’re not with me…I miss you each day my Love, and I will miss you forever…but I must leave fiction and build another future…Please forgive me for moving on so quick, but I know you never wanted me to be dwelling in pain for so long…Missing you does not pain me, it allows me to always be reminded of the person who changed my life, who changed their own life, and everything we built - L.L” It was quite a letter hm?” He looks up at your grave, allowing for silence to fill in as he imagines your response.
He continued to flip each page, reading another letter or showing an old picture or miniature gift you had made, the scrapbook is beautiful, Loki knew that if you could hold it, you would read and admire each page for hours.
(a/n): hello! i wanted to get a part 3 out so here you go!! will definitely follow up with a part 4 and lokius HAPPY headcanons! hope you enjoy thus short update!
TAGS: @ladychota @scoliobean
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divorcecourtdad · 1 year ago
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castieldelamancha · 2 years ago
dean writes silly little poems in his head about cas' eyes but the thing is he's an awful poet so they all sound like "your eyes are so blue like...like that cool mustang i drove past a couple weeks ago...and that doesn't even rhyme"
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crimson-door · 1 year ago
okay so q!Forever and Richas are now cooking a way of kinda doing what q!Bad wants, but using a website instead of his voting machine
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polishedforsurvival · 5 months ago
"i didn't mean to talk your ear off."
Prompts for the Grumpy vs Sunshine Trope | Accepting | @kerothi
"You're not in any trouble," Levi assures him when he catches the look on Jean's face as he watches the rest of the new Levi Squad be dismissed for the evening, while he's so luckily chosen to stay behind and help Levi clean up. "Even if it might feel like punishment getting stuck with me."
It's a joke, mostly, but his signature deadpan delivery does little to make that clear.
"You seemed off today. More than you usually are, I mean." There he goes again. He's being sincere, though. "Like there's some shit on your mind." And if there is, hell, Levi can't blame him; with all the shit they've been going through lately, there's a plethora of things that could be bothering him. Take your pick.
And he's not one to pry, isn't going to try to force anything out of him (not going to do something that he finds annoying as fuck when done to him), but he does care, and so he simply leaves him an opening, if he so wishes.
It takes a few moments, but Jean eventually takes it.
Levi doesn't say much while the young soldier shares what's on his mind, mostly the occasional hum or nod to show he's listening while he tends to the dishes, a word or two when it's needed. He's still talking when Levi hands him the last dish to dry, and that seems to be when Jean realizes he's been going on for a while.
"I didn't mean to talk your ear off."
"Hmn." Levi's looking down at his hands while he dries them. "You ever get roped into listening to Hanji's shit? That's talking your ear off. Until the sun's up, if you're unlucky enough."
It's his way of saying it's no big deal. Jean might be a member of the military, a soldier that could die at any moment, but he signed up to fight titans, not... all of this. And at the end of the day, he's still a teenager. They all are.
Levi tries to keep that in mind, when he can afford to.
"Better for you to let it out, anyway." Levi looks over at him. "Wouldn't want you to hold it all in and end up constipated."
Something he himself is all too familiar with.
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dreamsb0u · 2 years ago
cat cross [callin em stray] would for SURE think cur is a little weird
but that'd be mainly because he's only ever encountered cat-types like himself
hound boy is for sure a New Creature
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like ".....why are your ears so big??"
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The inspection
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separatist-apologist · 7 months ago
Rhys isn't done suffering
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tteokdoroki · 2 years ago
itoshi rin is a LOSER through and through and that’s what makes him attractive 😔
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im-a-wizard-dammit · 2 years ago
"There are now four people in my head, it's-a getting to be a busy place in there!!"
--Medici, after discovering a few things about himself
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