#[ sorry for that ask spam btw ]
coleomegilla-maculata · 7 months
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Saloon conversations
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storm-of-feathers · 3 months
franticly googling how to be best friends with all my mutuals when i never answer dms and barely answer asks but i want to be best friends
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lynnbutlertron · 1 year
I don't know if the requests are still relevant, but is it possible to see something domestic with them? they sleep together or cook idk
btw your art makes me so happy :^]
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i was gonna add more to this .. maybe ill reblog it with whatever i do next? but YES. Domestic . Scudlertron. This is my take on that (at least for now because i have so many ideas i just really should go to bed now) - they bicker a lot .They are grouchy old husbands.
but its okay because mr b makes cookies for scud and he gets all excited for them!!!!
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Gaghhghg so many thoughts!!!!!!! IM SO GLAD MY ART MAKES YOU HAPPY THO!?!?!? THANK YOU!!!!!!!
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ask-shane · 3 months
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bunnies :3
-jax :D (i keep forgetting my questions)
really cute. they look so soft!
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twigs-sprigs · 2 years
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finally have a proper ref for him and also a little timeline of his evolution through the PA au! i can prolly explain all of this if anyone has any questions, my brains been back to this au lately i cannot stop thinking abt it DNWJKDW i wanna draw the whole squad eventually but have him for now!!!
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ihamtmus · 9 days
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revan for my dear friend @ramblingsofachristiannerd 💜💜💜
i hope you have the happiest birthday!
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sociallyawkwardseal · 4 months
Is it. Really that weird that I like keeping my personal blog away from my writing blog? ._. I'm pretty sure that's normal for a lot of people, especially people who either Do webnovel posting or intend to go into webnovel posting.
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fleetsonourgecentral · 5 months
I suddenly remember That you never told us how a meeting between Prime/Archie! Sonic and Fleetway (Amnesiac/Good) Super Sonic would go.
Also I want to read Fleetway Sonic and scourge reactions if They somehow end Up dating (I like Fleetonic and I need something to draw lol)
I imagine any meeting between Prime and Super would likely come after Prime has already had the misfortune of meeting Sonic, and subsequently had at least one (1) argument about Super. If the argument hasn't already happened by the time Prime and Super meet, it's definitely imminent. I imagine Prime would be a lot more forgiving of Super than Sonic is (partly because he just doesn't have the same baggage Sonic does and partly because he's just overall less of a dick) so he'd be sympathetic to his plight. He'd be much quicker to believe Super when he says he doesn't want to be that evil person who hurts and kills people for fun. Sonic would scoff and call him a trusting idiot, but it's not that Prime is oblivious to or ignoring the danger that Super can cause, he just doesn't believe dogpiling the guy about it will actually help his situation
Sonic's reaction to finding out they're dating would just be more "I think you're fucking stupid" or, depending on how not-awful his relationship with Super is, just a quiet scoff. He probably tells Prime that if he's soooo fond of Super, then he can take Super with him back to his dimension, but he's probably also secretly worried about Prime actually following through, because if anything goes wrong, Sonic isn't there to help stop it. Chaos energy in the fleetway dimension is fucky and corrupted; for all his bitching and "don't come crying to me if he tries to kill all your friends", Sonic doesn't actually want another universe to suffer from that corrupted energy. He definitely doesn't want the chaos energy in the prime zone to become corrupted the same way his was, either
I can't imagine Scourge has much emotional attachment to Super to care too much. Like, he sees a part of himself in Super, specifically in how both of their identities used to be tied to Sonic, but he doesn't like that he can relate to Super. He doesn't hate or dislike him, but he definitely doesn't like him, either. He just often ends up being the one Ebony calls for out of everyone else in the freedom fighters because he's the one with the least amount of history with Super, so Super doesn't put him on edge the same way he does everyone else. So if Super started dating Prime, he'd probably just make some snarky comment about weak-hearted goody-two-shoes flocking together
Ultimately, the two of them together will probably mock the relationship. They probably only find out because one of them comes home and immediately starts bitching about how "did you HEAR Super and Prime are dating now???" and then they spend an hour talking shit about them. After all, even if Sonic has warmed up to Super a little, he probably still doesn't trust him or is comfortable being around him, and Scourge is a stubborn fucker who won't change his mind about disliking Prime out of sheer spite, so neither Prime nor Super have much of Sonic and Scourge's respect
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muzzlemouths · 8 months
Sorry for spamming your blog, was showing some friends dead mall dare and got distracted. Have a great day/night!
STARES AT YOU WITH BIG ROUND TEARFUL EYES. It is not a problem in the slightest!!!!! <3
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tum-bakery · 1 month
The people miss reading Baker Speaken the Talks
Awww thx!
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mayisgoingnuts · 1 month
I remembered I have an AU where Skid and Eyes share a body. The AU is called Seeing Stars and I'm currently revamping Skid's design for said AU, I can tell you more about it if you want
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sooo i may have redoodled that one panel from @spinjitsuburst (can i @ u i AH.) cabinet man auu...,,.,,
i may have gone on a lil little tiny bit too much on my alt,, UHH
i was gonna draw skybound ver but,,, srj was alr on mh mind
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braisedhoney · 2 years
also sorry in advance about how many asks i might be sending in Captain.. im back to using Tumblr and you're one of my favorite artists here so i want to go crazy on interacting xD
omg never feel like you have to apologize for sending in asks!! i love answering them, i just occasionally procrastinate bc of one reason or another, nothing to do with the asks themselves. i’m flattered to be one of your favorite artists, that’s really big praise considering how many people post stuff that blows me away daily ;; thank you.
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kimmkitsuragi · 1 year
okay i changed urls again!!!! pls like if u see
holddthegirl -> kimmkitsuragi
films & shows & etc sideblog: @loidsxf
about: x
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manonthewinedarksea · 11 months
manonthewinedarksea i love you but how did you find me & what compelled you to like 27 of my posts i must know
1. Somewhere in the depths of gothic lit tumblr
2. Oh my god guy posting about things I like on tumblr.com/liking all art I come across (for the artist’s brief serotonin boost)
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kandidandi · 1 year
- shadow controler anon
run for your life
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