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aquamanandfriends · 3 hours ago
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"Shhh--" he exhaled, grinning as he did so. Raf kissed her hard, pressing her firmly against the wall, his hands both moving to her hips, his right sliding lower, feeling her thigh.
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Carmen laughed against Rafael's lips, the sound morphing into a laugh as he pressed her against the wall. She fought the urge to wrap a leg around his waist, the way she would before a low dip, which only made her grin into the kiss. Even now, she was thinking about dance.
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aquamanandfriends · 3 hours ago
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"Let me know if you see anything else you want," Quinton offered. "You know, I've been meaning to tell you, it's really not fair that you're also funny through text. You're funny in person and text, it can't be both."
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"No, I'm good." She drank to relax or disconnect, but Raisa wanted to remember tonight. She couldn't remember the last date she'd been on that felt this easy--one she didn't want to ruin by being the messiest version of herself.
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aquamanandfriends · 3 hours ago
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He wanted to moan against her lips but caught himself and swallowed it down doing his best to kiss her quietly. Raf knew he'd latched the curtain but this was still pretty public. The fear of being caught prickled over his scalp and he turned Carmen, stepping her back against the wall.
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Carmen smoothed her hand over his jaw, his shoulder, his back, fingers searching--but for what, she wasn't sure. She whimpered against him, clutching at his chest to drag him closer, losing herself to him the moment their lips touched.
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aquamanandfriends · 3 hours ago
He chuckled when she pulled herself closer. Her hand on his thigh. "Ravioli's a good pick. I think I'm going with the spaghetti and meatballs. Do you want a drink?" Quinton wondered, his eyes skimming over the wine.
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"Ravioli then." Raisa's thigh tensed beneath Quinton's touch, abs tight. She wrapped her fingers around his wrist only to relinquish her hold a second later, hand dropping to Quinton's lap. Beneath the table, Raz locked her ankle with his. Heat radiated around her, nerves frazzled.
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aquamanandfriends · 3 hours ago
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Just when he was thinking about closing the gab between them she grabbed him and pulled him into a deep kiss. The action sent a sharp bold down to his crotch, the rush of blood made him dizzy. Raf gripped her shoulder with one hand and her hip with the other, leaning into her lips, looking for more but he wasn't sure exactly what that was.
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Carmen swallowed hard as the dress shifted again, doing her best to hold the front against her chest. She didn't pull away, not wanting the first to break, but watching Raf's Adam's apple bob, his wet tongue swiping between the lips that had been so warm against hers, was not helping her self-control. Mind made up, Carm cupped Raf's cheek and kissed him, losing herself before she could convince herself to pull away.
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aquamanandfriends · 3 hours ago
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"A few people got the spaghetti and pan pizzas, but the ravioli was what everyone was talking about the most. Best bread sticks too with a white sauce," Quinton hummed and squeezed her thigh, his pinky brushed her skin, trying to see how warm she was.
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Raisa traced a loopy capital R against his wrist. The way Quinton's hand rested against the inside of her thigh, so confidently, made her simultaneously tense and relax. The halter dress looped over breasts and around her waist, revealing the length of her back and navel, the fine hairs there rising. "Do you remember what everyone liked most?"
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aquamanandfriends · 3 hours ago
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The strap fell off her shoulder and he bit his lip, his other hand moving up her arm to play with the other strap barely holding the dress to her. Raf swallowed hard, his tongue slipped between his lips. His head tilted to the right. He wanted to kiss her shoulder... her skin looked so smooth.
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Carmen tilted her head back to look Rafael in the eye. She wasn't trying to be funny, but if he thought her flirting was humorous, she should probably stop. Carm threaded her lips, thumb following his collar down until the digit brushed against skin.
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aquamanandfriends · 3 hours ago
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Her nails sent little shocks down his body and made his skin stand on end. "I mean you can but it's hard to pick," Quinton noted running his hand around the inside of Raisa's thigh ever so calmly. "Five months? Or so, give or take. Went out with a group to celebrate the wrap of a show."
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Raisa skimmed her fingers over Quinton's pulse point before raking her nails along his arm. If he wasn't pulling back, neither was she. "In other words I can't ask you for recommendations, then," she said with a laugh. Raz skimmed over te entrees, humming as she considered her options. "When was the last time you were here?"
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aquamanandfriends · 4 hours ago
"Mmmhmm," Raffy chuckled, pressing his lips tightly together. "You're funny," he reached up and played with the strap of the dress that was now loose over her shoulder. Raf bit his lip as he blurred the line.
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Carmen tried to keep her eyes soft, but her lips still quirked around the edges. They were being ridiculous. "I asked first," she said, fingers playing up his shirt and over his shoulders before playing with his collars.
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aquamanandfriends · 4 hours ago
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"I know," Andy nodded, "Doesn't mean I don't want to shatter your expectations," he smirked. "I'll be me," he was so glad they had met now and not earlier, he wouldn't have been able to handle this sort of commitment. With that, Andy pulled her flush against his hips in the water and smiled against her neck.
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"I haven't, either," she reminded him. Yvonne's sapphire eyes seemed lighter, her gaze sweeter. "Hey. I'm not expecting anything, okay? This Different. I'm not holding it to some pre-set standards or anything, okay? Just...just be you. That's all I'm expecting."
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aquamanandfriends · 4 hours ago
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As soon as they were in the booth Quinton's hand found her thigh, it was magnetic. She'd said not to hold back, that she could handle it, so he wasn't going to filter himself. Their waiter gave them menus and left them to read them over. "I know this sounds like bullshit but everything on this menu is a ten."
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The restaurant was warm, inviting, and bustling with a soft energy. As Raisa glanced around, the hostess double-checked their reservation, then started leading them toward a booth in the back. Their spot gave them a profile view of the kitchen as chefs flipped food in the air. She could see a group of muscular men and a few women near the bar--if Raz had to guess, firefighters. Smiling, she slid into the booth, leaning back as she let Quinton join her.
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aquamanandfriends · 4 hours ago
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Baby girl. She'd never been called that, and didn't think she'd like it but god there was something about how Vik said it? Yes mommy. "Oh-- hey--" Ellie knew Vik was bold but she didn't expect this. She exhaled a little laugh when Vik grabbed her hips. Of course there was a blush on her cheeks, she was drunk and now Vik was flirting with her? She didn't have time to figure it out and Vik was spinning her. "Ah!" she laughed then gasped as Vik squeezed her hips, her own hands moving over Vik's ribs.
Long Overdue [Vik/Ellie]
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"Oh baby girl, you're long overdue for some fun." Vik grabbed Ellie's hand and tugged her toward the dance floor. "Come on. I'm sure these hips can handle it, but I'm still willing to steer you around the curves." She smirked and twirled Ellie under her arm, then drew her close, hands resting against the brunette's hips. Sure, she'd had a bit too much to drink, but hearing that Ellie had never had a sapphic experience was too depressing for words.
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aquamanandfriends · 4 hours ago
He exhaled a hot breath as her body pressed against his. Fuck. Raffy swallowed hard and prayed he wouldn't get hard right now but jesus the look in her eyes. "I don't know, are we?" he asked with a smirk, his hands finding her hips as if at the start of a dance.
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Carmen ventured the smallest step forward, enough to fit her body against Raf's. The way she tilted her head back, eyes so shyly finding his, was reminiscent of something they'd watched from another pair, at the beginning of another dance. "Are we still talking about the dress?" she purred.
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aquamanandfriends · 4 hours ago
"Ah god--" Avin grunted but kept the tortuously slow pace. His lips parted against her neck and he moaned. Inez rocking back against him he didn't expect but god it felt so good. "Jesus you're so fucking wet..." he hissed into her ear.
The dichotomy of such a painfully tender kiss with the slow rhythm of his hips was nearly enough to break her. It was everything Inez hadn't realized she needed while remaining true to who Avin was. Pressing her feet flat into the cushions, she rolled her hips up, abs tight, body tense, skin flaring with fresh heat.
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aquamanandfriends · 4 hours ago
"We've got a booth with a good view, but maybe we can go up to the roof for dessert," Quinton offered pushing the door open and being welcomed by warm air that smelled of tomatoes and herbs. The place was packed and Quinton was glad he'd called ahead. "Harris for two," he told the person up front with a confident but friendly nod.
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She needed him to quit this. This softness, sweetness; she didn't know what to do with it. Raz noted the way he thanked the driver, smiling to herself as she slid out behind him. Tilting her head back, she took in the building for Belle Noche--beautiful red brick, a dark door with brass metalwork, plants creating a stunning archway. "Damn."
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aquamanandfriends · 5 hours ago
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Raf lifted a brow, tilted his head to the side with a cute half grin on his lips. "Why not? You should spoil yourself a little." He bit his bottom lip as she stared deep into his eyes. "You deserve to feel good," Raf insisted. "And you look really good in this dress."
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Carmen's eyes widened, the truth of Rafael's words throwing her off-guard. She turned, Raf's warm fingers brushing against her back, the narrow dressing room keeping them close. Carm held the dress to her body before meeting his gaze. "Just because I want something doesn't mean I should have it."
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aquamanandfriends · 5 hours ago
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She turned and he was close, his lips pressed to her cheek. "Good," Quinton cooed then looked out the window, "Here we are," he smiled brightly, thanked their driver, then opened the door and helped Raisa step out.
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Raisa said nothing, eyes still on the window. The gentleness of his voice combined with his tantalizing touch was almost enough to distract her into saying yes to moving in with him. Her thighs tightened beneath his touch. Sucking on her bottom lip, she nodded, finally lifting her gaze to look up at him.
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