#she often likes the similar type of characters as you btw!!
ihamtmus · 9 days
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revan for my dear friend @ramblingsofachristiannerd 💜💜💜
i hope you have the happiest birthday!
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rabbitsrants · 6 months
What do you think of D.C.'s M26, do you think it was just a fire of pairs for us Shinran?
i think, in total there are two significant shinran moments worth talking about
i enjoy certain elements of the first scene:
ran impulsively goes after a member of the black organization and puts herself in danger because he poses a threat to haibara. their fight is AMAZING, i love how ran dominates pinga despite him attacking her with a knife
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something similar happens in the manga as well (chapter 434), so the writing for ran absolutely tracks here
chianti sees the fight and interferes by attempting to shoot ran - shinichi barely manages to save her in time
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here's the thing: i absolutely hate the writers for often reducing ran to a damsel in distress in these movies, that's an issue i'll further analyze in a bit
with that being said, i don't mind shinichi saving ran in this scene. it's an impactful shinran moment, cause so far the writing is similar to the manga
the only difference between chapter 434 and this movie is the fact that shinichi actually sees what's happening and is able to actively protect ran. i don't have a problem with that, because that's what shinichi and ran do - they protect each other.
what i love even more is how shinichi decidedly urges ran to stay put, i think that's also very in character for him:
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he wants ran nowhere near the black organization, for very specific reasons that i'll get into another post
so far, this is a well executed scene, right? it's a very realistic, high-stakes moment that we'd expect from the manga. so far, so good, right? RIGHT?!
no. cause this is where the movie writers fuck up:
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this is is supposed be ran??? no fucking way.
my girl is the definition of reckless and stubborn. she's not just the type of person who'll enter a burning house to save a girl she barely knows (chapter 174), she's also the type of person who refuses to waste a single second when human lives are at stake. no matter how much shinichi begs her to stay away.
chapter 640
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and she does this in chapter 822 on the mystery train as well: shinichi yells at the detective boys, sonoko and ran, he tells them not to leave their room, no matter what. and ran repeatedly attempts to go against his instructions because she's worried about haibara, despite receiving a text message that she's okay, btw. ran's intuition tells her that something is wrong with haibara, so she's gonna fucking look for haibara!!!
i need the movie writers to understand that my girl is absolutely unhinged. she cares about other people very deeply, to the point where she's incapable of watching from the sidelines as they potentially get hurt
so how would i have written this moment? what would've been a more realistic version of this scene?
shinichi and ran get into an intense fight: shin desperately urges ran to stay put, she refuses to listen. and then there'd be two possible outcomes:
a) ran continues to go after pinga and dies in the process (remember, ran was fully prepared to die for haibara in chapter 434)
b) shinichi realizes that he can't stop ran and offers her a safer way to help. ran accepts and they work together as a team to get haibara back
why didn't the movie writers go for this approach? my theory: they don't want ran to take a bigger role in these movies, so option b) was a no-go for them. obviously it'd make even less sense for them to kill off ran, but like i already explained, there's no way ran would just give up on haibara in that moment
so why include this moment at all? what's the point of starting such a strong scene if you're not gonna progress the plot?
the point is ran being a damsel in distress.
which brings me to the second shinran moment in this movie:
ran goes after pinga again and he kicks her off the balcony, she's about to fall and get hurt
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kuroda ends up saving her and shinichi feels inadequate
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idk who this woman is but this ain't ran
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a woman who's consistently depicted as strong, fierce and very capable of protecting herself:
chapter 43
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chapter 169
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and that's not to say that shinichi doesn't worry about her sometimes, ofc he does:
chapter 493
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but that doesn't take away from the fact that she's a fucking badass who can defend herself
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and it's not just that she's capable of protecting herself, she protects shinichi too.
chapter 5
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it's like the movie writers read the manga, took note of moments where shinichi comes through for ran but completely forgot that it's mutual, they come through for each other:
chapter 389
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chapter 1050
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the movie staff doesn't get ran, they seem to have no idea how strong or caring she is and i hate how much it's hurting the fandom's perception of her
in conclusion:
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visit the shinran library for more
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shuttershocky · 8 months
That previous TM post reminded me of something.
What really tells me the Koei Tecmo writers did their homework with Type-Moon is how Fate/Samurai Remnant slightly changes the TM theme of decay to portray that Iori has something wrong with him.
A common trope that Nasu likes to weave into his stories is how the people living today are living in the past's skeletons. Unlike a lot of media that tends to portray the past as some grandiose and magical time that met an untimely end from disaster, the past wasn't always great, it was just... Large.
A theme of slow decay permeates a lot of Nasu's works. Once, the Nanaya, the Ryougi, the Asakami, and the Fujou were fearsome, powerful clans of oni hunters, but over time they all fell to ruin slowly, with only the Nanaya really having a singular incident that can be pointed to for their fall. The Tohno were (and still are) an incredibly wealthy and influential family of oni in the guise of businessmen, but one cruel act out of line after another, and there's just an enormous, empty mansion containing a single Tohno, the family dead or scattered. Mahoyo's longest chapter takes place in a lavish, abandoned amusement park, filled with everything from a multistory house of mirrors to a giant rollercoaster where everything still works, but couldn't survive more than a few years, a foolish waste of a fortune. Kara No Kyoukai is about a rich girl that grows increasingly distant from her wealthy noble family until she leaves them to live in a completely empty apartment instead, the flashbacks to the Ryougi family showing no warmth or nostalgia despite the luxury.
Even Fate, the series all about digging up ghosts of the past and showing you how kickass these guys are, always goes into how heroic spirits are often filled with regret, having led bloody and tragic lives that caused them so much pain and yet meant that they would be remembered forever—literally removing them from the cycle of death and reincarnation to be put into another one where they are reborn and killed on a mage's whims.
The past was grand, wealthy, larger than life, and it rotted from the inside out and failed the people living today, who have to build new, simpler lives from the pieces, but might be happier that way.
FSR does something similar, though with an important difference. Just like in other TM works the past in FSR is larger than life, being the Sengoku period and the Shimabara rebellion, with both the incredibly cool sword saints and horrific massacres, but the people living today (1651) could not be happier about living in a peaceful, much more insignificant time and have no interest in what they left behind whatsoever. They're not living in the decaying remains of the past, they've rebuilt on top of it completely. You would have to be insane to look back even out of curiosity, because that would be staring into unimaginable bloodshed.
Nowhere is this better illustrated than Nasu himself talking about how the name "Miyamoto Musashi" is seen today, compared to in 1651 after Musashi had just died.
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A sword-saint now, a legend, and at 60 duels with 60 wins probably the most skilled duelist to have ever lived, but for his contemporaries, he was a terrifying man that killed dozens to prove his martial skill. Nobody in Miyamoto Iori's time remembers him for being Musashi's son the way we do.
But Iori, Iori looks back. The first hint was that servants always have some connection to the master, and there's seemingly nothing in common with the king and god-slayer Saber and the humble Iori. The next was Saber's reaction seeing Iori's seemingly fearless behavior towards an enemy that could kill him in one blow (something you don't even need New Game+ to see btw, I haven't played NG+ myself lol), it was recognition.
There's a reason why Iori's main rival is Chiemon, a character whose only defining trait is being unable to let go of the bloodshed he experienced in the Shimabara Rebellion.
In FSR more than in any other Type-Moon title, the past is buried deep to the point where it can barely be seen, and yet inside Iori is the desire to dig it up. Study it. Surpass it. Find his father resurrected in his prime and kill him (her) again, to prove he would have been an even more terrifying monster than she ever was, had he been born just a little earlier.
There's something wrong with him.
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meowcatmutie · 2 months
hello. here's a post about homestuck characters' typing styles, but mostly focusing on punctuation because that's something i see a lot of people get wrong when they write homestuck characters
read this post if you care about writing them perfectly! if you don't give a shit about this feel free to scroll past. I'm very autistic about all of the little things in homestuck like this so maybe i'm the only one who always notices these things. idk! i want to talk about this anyway
john/june types in all lowercase and generally uses all proper punctuation.
dave almost never uses punctuation or capitalization! this is very important! he does not use apostrophes or periods practically ever unless it's in an ellipsis (instead of separating his sentences with a period, he just writes each sentence in a new message), commas very rarely, and he only uses question marks when they improve the clarity of a sentence (i.e. if it wouldn't have been easily understood as a question otherwise). he may use exclamation points or all caps if he is shouting, but he doesn't shout often. he also very occasionally writes a word in all caps for EMPHASIS.
jade almost never uses apostrophes or periods (unless in an ellipsis), and types in all lowercase unless she is shouting. she DOES use question marks and commas, and she uses exclamation points liberally.
rose, dirk, and jane all use perfect grammar. this is pretty obvious.
jake capitalizes the first letter of each sentence and puts a period (or whatever else) at the end, but in between those there is Nothing. no commas or apostrophes, and he doesn't capitalize proper nouns.
roxy types in all lowercase, doesn't use apostrophes or periods (unless in an ellipsis), only sometimes uses question marks, and uses exclamation points frequently. her typing style is the least consistent otherwise.
aradia's typing style is very similar to dave's, but with slightly more exclamation points.
mostly everything about tavros's typing style is pretty obvious and also not all that consistent so i don't have much to say about this, except that the word "i" is always lowercase, and he uses apostrophes in their normal places.
sollux uses periods at the ends of his sentences, but he uses apostrophes inconsistently.
karkat uses all proper punctuation, but on rare occasions might omit the period at the end of a sentence.
nepeta doesn't use apostrophes or periods (except in an ellipsis), DOES use commas, and uses exclamation points VERY frequently. also, she uses cat puns, but she doesn't shoehorn a cat pun in every 3 words, and she doesn't tend to replace very common words with cat words. (yes, this is about people having her replace "you" with "mew". it bothers me)
kanaya is pretty obvious, but i'm going to iterate anyway that she almost never uses any punctuation at all.
terezi DOESN'T use periods (except in an ellipsis), and frequently omits apostrophes, but not always. also, most people know this already, but sometimes i see people get it wrong, so i will note that she only replaces the letters A, I, and E with 413.
vriska uses perfect grammar and uses exclamation points liberally. her usage of 8s to replace letters is typically confined to only B and eight/ait/ate sounds, she ONLY replaces other vowels with 8s when she is very agitated/angry/upset. often, when an "eight" sound is in the middle of a word, the T will be retained, e.g. "explan8tion", "rel8tionship", "n8ture".
equius uses almost perfect grammar, except that he ALWAYS omits punctuation at the ends of his sentences.
gamzee uses all proper punctuation.
eridan NEVER uses any punctuation.
feferi mostly uses perfect grammar. obviously she uses a lot of exclamation points too, because she is -EXCIT-ED.
thx for reading. if you ask me to beta your fic i will do it btw
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Do you understand Scag? I do.
This is a big list of dialogue meant to highlight Scag's writing quirks, which may be useful in fanfiction and roleplay. I've been so fascinated by Scag and her dialogue that I had to do this.
Scag uses a lot of Internet slang, which makes sense because she is a TV that knows a lot about old computer programs and make references to streamer lingo. The most obvious of this is "How do I ban this guy chat" (to Pest) and "Yours... not so peak" (to Prototype), including suffixes like -core, -maxxer or -maxxing, and -filled.
She also has a fairly inconsistent typing pattern when it comes to capitalization.
The Suffixes
The suffixes are the weirdest part of Scag's dialogue, especially if you don't know about Internet speak so much. I will unfortunately have to explain some of this to you.
core is often applied to make new genres of aesthetic or music (think scenecore, emocore, weirdcore, and horrorcore). The way that Scag uses it is as an adjective, usually to describe a person or item belonging to a certain group.
Examples: "HORRIBLECORE" (when sprayed with water), "SWEETCORE" (when given roses), "go get cleancore soon though" (talking to Mark about sawdust), "WINCORE" (talking to Prototype about watching CDs), "IT ADDS TO THE AESTHETICCORE!" (talking to Reddy about sparking animatronics), "Dude thats like scagcore" (when Spud! mentions having an old TV monitor like her)
It's noticeable that "win" by itself is already technically considered slang, similar to saying "w" (which is win). I find it funny Scag still says -core at the end of it though.
-maxx, -maxxing, -maxxer
-maxx is a suffix that has been applied to mean "getting the maximum output for the minimum input", essentially meaning to work smart and not hard. Scag mainly applies this word to mean something done thoroughly.
Examples: "Spellmaxx this out for me real quick" (to Wallter)
-maxxing is the big one used in most of Scag's dialogue.
-maxxer is used to describe when you are a part of a group that does the above. She only uses this word twice, once to describe Prototype and the other to talk to Spud!.
Examples: "the friendfilled visitmaxxer" (to Prototype), "dont fret spudmaxxer, you'll probably find your home" (to Spud!)
-filled is used similarly to "pilled" where it's an adverb to describe a lot of something, similar to -maxx. For example, "humorpilled" is "full of humor" and its context is used in a joke.
Examples: "OH you don't get the humorfilled joke do you" (to Gnarpy about a television joke), "happy joyous birthdayfilled occasion btw" (to Poob about their birthday), and "Your projects can range up to skyscraperfilled heights???" (to Wallter talking about construction)
In some chats with a few characters, Scag uses the suffix "head" to describe when someone is performing an action that is intrinsic to their character. For example, when she mentions commissioning Wallter for her floppy shoppy floor, she says, "I'm glad I commissionheaded you for the building LOL"
Scag calls herself a "computerhead" when requesting that Bive doesn't use her like a computer, and refers to FleshCousin as a "parrothead" when it is mimicking her words.
Capitalization (and lack of consistency)
Depending on who Scag is talking to, the capitalization of her sentences and words vary. Sometimes I'ms are capitalized but sometimes they're stylized as i'm (lowercased).
It seems a lot of Scag's capitalization style goes down to how she feels, for example;
Excitement or emphasis — All caps, examples being: "DUDE / Your sillytalk is on POINT" (to Split on hearing her jokes), "Hrm..... / a floppyshoppy tower... / ONE DAY" (to Wallter on talking about construction), "ARE YOU READY FOR / GAMEUM NIGHT ULTIMATE 10000 / with exclusive puzzlefilled fun." (to Prototype as a dialogue opener)
Quiet/Introspective — A very rare side of Scag, she often talks in lowercase if thinking or talking in a more quieter tone. Some examples are when she talks to Split, "ermm... / methinks that the little hamsters in my internal structure has stopped the production of joyfilled thoughts..." as well as her talking to Spud, upon realizing that he doesn't know where his home is, "wuh oh / dont fret spudmaxxer, you'll probably find your home"
Scag uses a lot of periods, but she also often ends sentences without any sort of punctuation whatsoever. When she uses punctuations, she often also uses an excess amount of ellipses to drive her point home.
Examples: "uhuhh....... / LAME" (to Reddy about FNARB), “Hrm..... / a floppyshoppy tower... / ONE DAY.” (to Wallter about his construction), "... / cringeeee" (to Mark about being old or whatever)
There are whole interactions where Scag doesn't use punctuation, such as her talk with PartyNoob, entering the elevator, being showered in rose petals, and her idles.
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harvestingsun · 6 months
This is a massive rant btw. I have a lot of thoughts about this movie
(TW: Bad spelling and not remembering any names 💀)
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Yh so I'm ranting rn
Like it was good, but not great 🕴️. Does not compare to the first 2, DEFINITELY not the second one, that one was just 🙌🏽 . And u know, that's ok, it's hard to pull a puss in boots and do better than the originals, but still the movie was lack luster
These are my points for why:
1. Plot was SO obvious. As soon as I saw that fox I knew she d be the new dragon warrior, cuz yh. Just obvious. And you know what? I wouldv been fine with that if they developed her character more. Like her bond with po SHOULDV been developed SO MUCH MORE. It felt like their whole dynamic was she was sarcastic and he went 🥺 n that's it. Like, why couldn't they have bonded more on them both being orphans ? How she feels unwanted because the world has rejected her and KEEPS rejecting her, but Po (who has gone thru a very similar thing) can teach her that yes that may be true, but that won't always be the case and once she finds her found family she can feel accepted, just like what happens to Po.
2. The villain and her daughter - so much potential but not enough done for them. Like just. I loved their dynamic, just SO MICH POTENTIAL BUT NOT ENOUGH GIVEN. There was one flashback of them meeting. That's it. There was basically only r4 interactions between them aswell: the betrayal scene, the "I'm using you" scene,the flashback and the final fight. And in NONE of these does it show how strong of a connection they have what about their relationship makes the fox betray Poe for the chameleon??? I wish we had a shi fu and tai lung type flashback where it showed the chameleon raising her and them developing a bond so that we know how hard it is for the fox to go against her orders
3. The villain herself - what motive ? U cannot convince me that "I'm evil because all the kung fu masters rejected me because I was too small" WHEN THERES A SNAKE THE SAME SIZE AS HER AND A F*CKING BUG WHO ARE BOTH AMAZING KUNG FU WARRIORS . like no. Just no. Someone would accepted her. U can't use her size as a reason for her becoming evil, just no. Instead, why not explain her reason being that she was poor/living in the streets ? A large portion of the movie is set around how there's a large group underground who have turned to crime, and poverty is often rampant in cities, so why not use that ? It also allows her to bond more with the fox as they have the same upbringing, but instead the chameleon was never able to get past how no one helped her and everyone rejected her, whilst the fox is able to accept where she is and find ppl who will accept her. Then they could've had a rlly impactful scene in the end where the fox accepts change and wanted the chameleon to change with her because SHE loves her and would fight for her, mother daughter style. Like writing that out just rlly made me think about how much they missed the mark, almost all 3 KFP movies are about father-son bonds, this movie could've had an impactful mother-daughter bond n it blew it 😩. So yh, I don't think the villains motive was fleshed out enough, I just don't think that her being small should have been the main centre for her character. Compare her to all the past villains, her motive is too simple and not developed enough
4. Tai lung and shen. NOT USED ENOUGH. How dare u bring those GODS OF VILLAISN back and not use them properly. And also have Po barely be surprised about them . SHEN IS THE MAN THAT COMMITTED MASS GENOCIDE AGAINST UR SPECIES, KILLED UR MOTHER AND LEFT U AN ORPHAN, Y R U NOT SHOCKED OR WORRIED THAT HE S HERE. And on top of that, ain't no what that peacock would simply bow and go " 🙂" and leave. He ain't bowing to Po, why would he respect him ? Shen doesn't CARE about being the dragon warrior, that wasnt his calling or whatever. Like, i could hav accepted it if he at least had a sentence apologizing for his actions, just ANYTHING that explains why he s so calm. I'm not angry that he is calm, I'm angry that it wasn't explained 🕴️(and tbh, I don't even think he needed a redemption arc much. He did horrible stuff, yes he has trauma, doesn't explain his actions. His death was a result of his arrogance and karma for his actions, I just think his character was fine (stressing him as a character was well written) the way it is, of anything this movie and taken away from his character )
And tai lung. Most of his character in this was comedy. And him going from "you are a mistake🙄" to "actually ur not a mistake 😏" within 10 minutes was annoying. I wish there was more interaction between him and Po. Then fighting together, bonding. Have them BOTH grow to move on from the title of dragon warrior together, since that title is such a grand part of both of their identities that they both have had a tough time letting go of. Once again, I'm not angry that he made jokes n was acting goofy (that was fun, I liked that), I'm annoyed that the movie didn't explain or provide context for why he was able to get over his past feelings and beliefs.
I can understand that they died and were able to let go of their actions in their mortal life, i just wish that it was addressed or properly shown. Especially shen, in his last moments he was given the chance to fess up n be good and he still refused. Bro died with u finished business, I would like to see how he came to terms with that or at least hav it b addressed
Overall, the bringing back of the past VILLAISN was fumbled. So much potential, but not used and on top of that it just kinda makes a joke of them and their original actions.
--> quick add on that I just remembered. Where r the five ? Like, I understand that they could've get the actors back or whatever. Ok find. But why not hav the chameleon capture all of them at the start and then they remain captured/past out/in a coma the rest of the movie until they R rescued :/. Like. That's such a better way of writing them out cuz a. It gives Poe even more incentive to want to take down the chameleon B. It makes the chameleon a much more threatening villain, cuz all the chameleon does in this movie is push one dude down some stairs, and then bring back so dead ppl, lick them n put them in a cage 🕴️. I would appreciate more stakes. ALSO PO SHOULDV TALKED ABOUT HIS FRIENDSHIP WITH THE 5 MORE, cuz this guy is a yapper, ain't no way he ain't talking bout them. It couldv once again been a way he bonded with the fox, if both of them had looked up to the 5 or something like that, or maybe even just about how Po can't wait to accept the fox into his found family
ANOTHER SIDE NOTE: wish they developed po and the foxes friendship. I might hav said this b4, I hav bad memory. Just there could've been more bonding , wish there was but alas 😪
5. Poe s trauma ? Now, I'm a psychology student. I love seeing mental health and depth show in movies so I kno I'm being a bit picky. I just wished that we could see more of Poe coming to terms of all the stuff that has happened to him. Or at least referenceing it. I just think that he was way too jokey and light hearted the whole time. Like, there was a scene where fireworks suddenly went off next to him. I wish he flinched or anything like that, since fireworks were such a big thing (almost a trigger) for him in the first movie because of the mass killing of his species by shen. Like, even if he has gotten over it all, it would have been great to have him reference everything he s been through. It could hav been one of the things he bonded over with the fox, how yes, times get tough but you can get thru it if u r supported by the right people
Like tbh I think it wouldv been rlly cool if this movie focused on love :both the healthy and toxic types. Bringing back old villains can reference old baggage , like the toxic love between tai lung and shi fu, and the chameleon and the fox. It could be about breaking those toxic habits and changing to move past them and let the last go. Po couldv acted as the message of that, he could show his surroundings characters how to let go of the past to move on to a better future . Like, after everything he s been through that wouldv been so impactful.
Overall, just a lot of missed potentials in this movie. Still liked it tho. So here are some things I liked.
Visuals: fun visuals . Tho I do think some of the scenery wasn't as memorable as previous movies. Like comparing this villains hideout (wrong word but oh well) to shens, shens is so much more memorable and impactful. Looking at it you feel intimidated. In this movie, not so much. But it was still very pretty and u can tell some hard work went behind it, had some great animations, very smoothe, so yh :)
VIOLA DAVIS AS THE CHAMELEON 🙌🏽🙌🏽🙌🏽🙌🏽 LOVE HER, LOVE THE VOICE ACTING JUST 🙌🏽🙌🏽🙌🏽🫶🏽🫶🏽🫶🏽 like, the chameleon wasn't fleshed out as much as I'd hoped, but I still love her because I can FEEL that's she could be AMAZING cuz everything else was great except for the lack of backstory. Like I love her power, I love her character design, I love her voice .
The gay dad's 🙌🏽🙌🏽🙌🏽🙌🏽 I loved them. Highlight of the movie for me🙌🏽🙌🏽🙌🏽 every scene I saw them I smiled. I just loved them so much, that was so cute, I love how they cared about Po so much AND CARED ABOUT EACH OTHER!! That was so cute. Loved that so much. I would watch an entire movie of them cuz just 🙌🏽🙌🏽 loved them so much.
So yh, that's it. Gonna go rewatch all the other movies now
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paigegonerogue · 4 months
Dialogue Styles and The Last of Us
There are many different ways that media handles dialogue, but in my observations they can usually be sorted into three different categories: Poetic, Witty, and Real.
There are more complicated and technical ways to look at it, but most shows have one that is the main “style” of dialogue.
Poetic Dialogue: People talking pretty, basically. It’s unrealistic, but speaking in metaphors or beautiful words can make you cry or give you chills.
Many monologues use poetic dialogue. Think of Luthen’s “revolution” speech in Andor or Silco’s “drowning” speech from Arcane. Period pieces or fantasy media also tend to use poetic dialogue.
Witty Dialogue: Dialogue that’s funny or smart. It’s also unrealistic, but really fun to watch!
Most good comedies most often use witty dialogue, like Community, Arrested Development, and Brooklyn 99. As do dark comedies like Succession or Aaron Sorkin Dialouge like the Social Network (that movie fucks, btw).
Realist Dialogue: Pretty self explanatory. Realistic Dialouge that sounds like how real people talk.
Examples of good realist dialogue include The Bear and Better Call Saul.
(Quick side note: Realist Dialogue isn’t indistinguishable from normal conversation. Usually dialogue and the way people talk is very different. Real dialogue just captures a more natural and raw way of speaking than the other examples.)
So what category does The Last of Us fall into?
Well, here’s the interesting part. I would say that the game and the show fall into different dialogue categories.
I would say that the game falls into the ‘Witty’ dialogue type, while the show falls into the ‘Realist’ dialogue type.
The show also occasionally dabbles in Poetic Dialogue, like Bill’s speech to Frank at the end of ep 3, Joel’s “I’m failin’ her in my sleep’ speech. If you’ve watched Chernobyl you’ll know that mixing real and poetic dialogue is a Craig Mazin specialty.
While both, like most pieces of fiction, have moments of all three (like the show absolutely has witty moments and the game has poetic ones), their main styles are different.
While there are many ways that you can see the differences in dialogue styles, but the starkest contrast is the way Ellie talks.
In the game you can definitely see the Juno-esque origins of Ellie that people have speculated about. She talks with this quickness, even in dramatic moments. She’s always got a quip or a joke or something clever to say (though you see less of it in the final part of the game).
In the show Ellie talks more like a real teenager. She’s clever and a she’s funny, sure, but she also gets flustered or doesn’t know what to say. She says the wrong things or rambles or she blurts stuff out and she sounds young in a way that game Ellie doesn’t.
You can see the difference most clearly in scenes very similar in both the show and the game, like when she shoots the man in Kansas City/Pittsburg, or when she wakes up in David’s cage.
In both these scenes you can definitely see show Ellie a bit more flustered, a bit more scared, and a bit more young.
TLOU HBO was able to use it’s medium to increase the realism of the story (something I’ve talked about before), and a way of doing that is to change how the characters themselves speak.
There are many other examples, but these are definitely some of the clearest.
But while the way they talked changed, the characters stayed quite consistent with only a few very intentional differences, and I think it’s awesome, and a testament to how strong the characters were, and how the writing in the show is that it doesn’t feel too jarring or separate. At the end of the day they’re very different, but both absolutely play to their strengths as a medium and I think that’s pretty cool!
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Im curious, do you write for female characters? If so, can i request dating headcanons for kara and chloe from detroit become human? I love them and they are so underrated :(
Authors note: I usually don't write for female characters since I'm not attracted to women but I was thinking, yknow what? I don’t need to be attracted to them to write about them lol. Kara and Chloe have a special place in my heart and they deserve love too! I also got a request similar to this a while back and maybe I'll answer that one too
Characters: Chloe x reader and Kara x reader
⚠️Warnings⚠️: pure fluff
☀️ Chloe ☀️
-She’s a little awkward here and there at the start of your relationship
-She’ll often tell you facts about whatever it is you guys are talking about bc she thinks you’d like them
-Probably has cut you off mid sentence to tell you and feels really guilty afterwards
-If you’re fine with it, boy, you better be ready to get info dumped
-If you don’t like being interrupted, she’ll try her best to hold back but would probably slip up here and then
-It’s so painful to see her try to hold back from interrupting you 😭
-She’s trying her best tho
-I feel as if she’s the type of person to remember tiny details about you
-And get you something/ do stuff for you based on that detail
-For example, if you fleetingly mentioned how you miss something about your childhood
-She’ll buy and/or do something based on that fact
-If your telling a story or talking about something, she’s hanging onto ever word
-If you don’t like talking you don’t have to worry because she loves talking
-I also feel as if you’ll often find her lost in thought, she likes thinking about things
-For Chloe, late night conversations are >>>>
-And soft conversations on a quiet morning???? Literally her favorite thing to do
-Oh she’s definitely the type of person to just go into a looooong conversation about a movie after seeing it
-Expect this if you guys ever have movie dates
-Oh btw she doesn’t like making eye contact for long lol
-ESPECIALLY after kissing you, gets her very flustered
🧸 Kara 🧸
-Protective mode: activated
-Like seriously, she is SOOOO protective of you
-Probably doesn’t get jealous bc she trusts you
-But doesn’t trust other people very easily (for obvious reasons)
-Sooo that’s why she always feels a need to protect you
-If your ever feeling stressed out or just feeling down, she likes to tell you stories to take your mind off of it
-Loooves to call you endearing nicknames
-Especially ones that you respond more positively to (I mean…obviously)
-She loves cooking for you a lot
-But she will literally shine with happiness if you surprise her by cooking for her
(let’s just pretend Androids can eat)
-Loves loves loves lovesss giving you a goodnight kiss
-on the forehead, on the cheek, on the nose literally anywhere on your face
-I feel like she would love to be gifted stuff
-She loves doing stuff for you and all but being given gifts just means so much for her
-Morning cuddle sessions are her drug
-Can’t go a day without em
-Such a family oriented gal and would absolutely be head over heels if you treat Alice like your own
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baileypie-writes · 3 months
Hello I am back for A request
How about A plantonic Adult Nozomi & gender neutral (male reader if it’s ok) where ingoring Otona existence (as most do) around the same time frame the palmier kingdom is going through A crisis for the third time and Nozomi is unable to transform to cure dream to help and during A monster attack in the city she sees A kid around her age when she first became cure dream attack at the monster and then she notices that it’s the new cure dream
Maybe how she would react or would she become A mentor type character to them
A/N ~ Sure! I love this idea! And btw, yes, the Reader can be male. I do all gender Readers:) Also, I assumed you meant that Reader’s cure name is Cure Dream. I apologize if it wasn’t what you meant haha. I can always edit it later anyway. Hope you enjoy!
~The New Cure Dream~
Nozomi Yumehara + Male!Pretty Cure!Reader
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Fandoms: Yes! Precure 5, Otona Precure(though the actual show never happened)
Fanfic Type: Oneshot
Reader: Male, Pretty Cure, younger teen
Relationship: Platonic
Genre: Action?
Rating: PG
Synopsis: Nozomi wished she could be of help during a new monster attack. But to her shock and surprise, a new Pretty Cure jumped into battle.
Warnings: Minor violence and destruction, Coco and Nuts mentioned, sort of abrupt ending?
~Yes! Precure 5 Masterlist~
In this oneshot, the story/events of Otona Precure never happened
One of the worst parts about growing up is that you’re not really able to do some things anymore. Things like playing on playgrounds, playing with toys or having slumber parties at your friend’s houses aren’t as fun or socially acceptable. Those are things that Nozomi reminisces about occasionally. But what she reminisces about the most is her time being a Pretty Cure.
Those two years may have been a long time ago, but they were truly the highlight of her life. She wouldn’t be the person she is today if it weren’t for them. She often wishes she could experience them once more.
But she’s never wished that more than she was now.
Clouds of dust enveloped the scene of destruction in front of her. Rubble flew in all directions, causing Nozomi to run into a nearby alley for safety. It was a smart move, as right when she did, a large chunk of concrete crashed into her previous spot. The culprit of this incident was a monster in the form of a traffic cone. It very much resembled the Kowaina and Hoshina she used to battle in her early teenage years.
Nozomi had no clue what to do. She knew that this was a job for the Pretty Cure, but she wasn’t one anymore. She hasn’t been in over twelve years! Her eyes darted around, desperately looking for a pink butterfly to come and allow her to transform. But there was none.
Right as her heart sank in despair, a figure swooped past her. Hoping that it was what she was looking for, she exited the alley, following its direction. However, she quickly realized it was an idiotic choice, considering there was still rubble flying everywhere. A particularly large piece came falling towards her, making her raise her arms over her head as a weak defense mechanism.
Just as she prepared herself for the blow, a crash and a grunt was heard from in front of her.
“Are you alright ma’am?” A boy’s voice called out. Nozomi opened her eyes, and froze.
In front of her was you; a young boy. But it wasn’t you alone that shocked her, it was what you were wearing. It looked very similar to what she wore as a Pretty Cure all those years ago. Also, the crumbled bits on the ground implied that you had crushed the large piece of rubble that nearly crashed into her. No normal person has that strength.
“You’re a… Pretty Cure?” Nozomi asked without thinking.
You gasped in surprise, revealing to her that she was correct. You opened your mouth to speak, but you were interrupted by a call.
“Cure Dream!”
Cure Dream.
Nozomi gasped at the mention of her former Pretty Cure name. The one she hadn’t heard in years. But judging by the way you responded by turning in the voice’s direction, it was now your name.
Before she could ask any further questions, you placed your hands on her shoulders. “Please, you have to get out of here!”
Nozomi didn’t say anything, but nodded. She then bolted back to her previous hiding spot. Though, she peeked from behind the brick wall, just to see what you were going to do.
You landed a hard kick to the monster, making it tumble to the ground. It didn’t even get a chance to get up, as you kicked it again.
“Dream, now!” The voice called out again. Nozomi could see who it was this time, though. It was a small fairy, standing on a nearby bench. It resembled a flying squirrel, and had tan fur. She assumed they were from the Palmier Kingdom.
“Alright!” You said, then began powering up.
Nozomi’s mouth hung open in shock, as she remembered the exact movements you were doing. It was her attack.
“Pretty Cure! Shooting Star!” You called out. The attack hit the monster square in the face. Not a second later, it disappeared, only leaving a normal traffic cone behind.
You both watched as your surroundings changed back to normal. It was as if no destruction had happened at all.
“You did it Dream!” The small fairy cheered. Though you ignored them, instead, looking around. “What’s wrong?” They asked.
“Someone knew I was a Pretty Cure.” You said, still looking.
“What? But no one knows what the Pretty Cure are!”
“I do.” Nozomi called out, emerging from her hiding spot. You and the fairy turned to her, shock and confusion written on your faces.
“My name is Nozomi Yumehara.” She introduced herself. She walked up to you, kneeling down just a bit to meet your height. “And around twelve years ago, I was a Pretty Cure, just like you.”
You gasped, absolutely speechless. But it seemed that the fairy wasn’t. “Nozomi? No way! You’re the Cure Dream of the past!”
She chuckled. “Yes, I was.” She reached down, and pet the little creature’s head. “And what’s your name?”
“Cinnamon!” She responded. She got down on all fours, bowing to Nozomi. “It’s such an honor to meet you!” She tapped your foot, signaling for you to bow as well. You did, putting your hands to your sides, and leaning down.
“Oh please, you don’t have to do that!” She blushed a bit, and scratched the back of her neck bashfully. “I can’t believe there’s a new Pretty Cure! And you’re a boy too! I didn’t know there could be boy Cures. That’s amazing!”
“Heh, yeah. I guess all the past ones were girls.” You said. You then de-transformed, revealing your true self to Nozomi. “But anyway, I’m (full name).” You laughed, and stuck out your hand for her to shake, to which she happily did. But only for a few seconds, as she suddenly gasped, and stopped.
“Wait! If there’s a new Pretty Cure, that must mean that Palmier Kingdom’s in danger again! What’s going on?” She panicked.
“Oh, yes! There’s a new threat to the kingdom! That’s why King Coco and King Nuts sent me to find new Pretty Cures!” Cinnamon responded.
“Oh no! What’s the threat?”
“We’re not exactly sure. All we know is that the palace was attacked, and an ominous note was left! And after that, monsters began appearing here!”
“Yeah. I only became a Pretty Cure yesterday. It all happened so fast. And I don’t even know what to do to find the others…” You said, clearly a bit stressed.
Nozomi smiled gently, and placed a comforting hand on your shoulder. “Hey, it’ll be alright. Besides, I know a thing or two about being a Pretty Cure. So how about I help you out?”
“No way!” Cinnamon gasped. “(name), Nozomi wants to be your mentor! You cannot pass up this opportunity!”
“Really? You’ll teach me everything?” You asked.
“Of course! It’s my job as the old Cure Dream to help out the new one!” She said.
“Thank you so much Miss Yumehara!” You bowed yet again, this time much lower to show even more gratitude and respect.
Nozomi chuckled. “It’s no problem. Now come on, I know a building by a lake we can use as a sort of ‘headquarters’.” She said, and began leading you all to the mentioned destination.
Nozomi knew that she’d never be able to be a Pretty Cure ever again. The introduction of a new generation of Cures further proved that. However, she discovered that while she may not be able to transform and fight, she can still help out. And that’s just what she was going to do.
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toothpastecanyon · 7 months
Hi! I’d like to start with the fact that your writing is PHENOMENAL, the way every first chapter is designed to grab the readers attention, with a mystery or a cozy little opening, establishing where the character is in life and their motives, or a sneak peek at the problem the characters must overcome.
I’m really bad at articulating my thoughts, but ur characters are really well written and I’d like to make more fanart of them, but I’m not quite sure what they look like.
(The only fics of your la that i KNOW you wrote are Unto Dust, and The Comfort of Agony (both of which are really good btw, I also love how you write existing characters, and your portrayal of them(especially Lucy Ann))
Anyway, because there are so many interpretations of species used in TAU, I got a little mixed up on what the non-human characters look like.
Darceus- in Lucy Ann and the Lunch Bunch, there is a Kitsune named Felicity, who is described as “looking a kind of like a human, and kind of like a fox” which my interpretation of is shown below. I forgot that that isn’t typical for kitsune characters in tau (even though she’s the only one since yours) and drew her in a similar way. ( also, are there any distinctive features on her nieces?) btw the LION idea is phenomenal, also do you think she has a mane? They’re fun to draw.
June- how big is she? I assumed she was the size of a human based on her interactions, but then I realized she might be looking down of people because she can fly. But then I remembered that it says she walks around. So then I confused myself. Also, skin tone, hair color/texture, eyes?
Beatrice- SHE IS SO WELL WRITTEN I felt genuinely angry while reading her meeting with Lucy Ann (in a good way) and she seems like someone you would meet in real life, totally obnoxious! Also, I don’t really know how TAU elves usually look so, idk anything about her skin tone or hair or eyes.
Here are pictures of my doodles in case you want to take a look, try to ignore the paper texture please.
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Also, an old picture of Felicity:
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Sorry if any of this is worded weird, im not that good at talking, but could you please give a solid description of the major/cool characters in Unto Dust?
(And in case I didn’t say it before, the Comfort of Agony is SO WELL WRITTEN there is too much for me to say about it!)
Oh wow, this is all so kind of you to say! Thank you so much - I'm so glad to hear you enjoy my writing, and I love the sketches you've done! You already have a lot of great designs and the characters look super expressive!
It's really exciting to be asked more of what my characters look like and I'll give you the best description I can, but I do want to note I often don't have a clear idea of what my characters look like - I like that writing lets a reader come up with their own spins on what a character looks like! So while I'm adding my own interpretation of my characters here, if you have a different idea you think works better or just looks cooler to you, I say go for it!
I'll organise my thoughts by each character:
Darceus: I was definitely inspired by @feferipeixes' character Felicity to make a kitsune character! I really like the mane idea you have going in your sketches, and female lions do occasionally grow manes! I like the way you've drawn her formal attire, with the nine tails spread out behind her like a sort of cape! You really brought her to life!
I probably still imagine her with a fox's colouration - I liked the lion imagery to evoke the broader facial features and just overall stockier build than an average kitsune.
The nieces: They're probably both young adults of average height. I don't have a clear idea of what they look like, but it might be fun to draw them as a different type or species of fox - silver foxes look really pretty with distinctive markings! They probably have less tails than Darceus, maybe three or so.
June: I definitely had the idea of her being average sized - I think writing it from Lucy Ann's perspective makes her seem taller as a lot of characters have to look down on her (sorry Lucy Ann!). I really like the wings you drew for her! She's a middle-aged lady with a little grey in her red hair, and probably likes wearing a lot of running gear - gotta train for that 10K!
Beatrice: I really like the long ears you've given her, that looks super distinctive! The loose t-shirt is really good. I probably imagine her with more of a pear shaped build with dark brown eyes and hair. If she does magic like in her appearances with Noie I like to think it'd look a lot how Mod V's elf OC Florian does it.
Also I definitely am looking for Lucy Ann to start wearing a glove! I'm not sure whether it would be fun to have it be a red glove to match the rest of her outfit, or if it's black or some other clashing colour to illustrate how she sees it as something unwanted and forced upon her.
That's all I can think of, but if you'd like anything more specific I'd be more than happy to help! Thank you again for this ask and your awesome sketches - if you end up drawing anything else I'd really love to see it!
Have a great day! :D
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curiousity-cell · 1 year
i’m very tired so i’m gonna post some of the scenes that made me fall head over heels for the archeron sisters 🫶🫶
gonna start with love of my life feyre archeron. the main character, boss bitch, saviour of prythian. for feyre’s scenes, i chose some scenes that proved how good of a high lady she was always built to be, even before being crowned as one. :)
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i have always seen feyre as a blend of both elain & nesta (because you know damn well her mother & father werent parenting her). feyre at her core has always been kind, and brave, and so strong. she’s loving, and caring. as elain says, she is the foundation of the sisters.
she has some moments where she does - what i like to call - explode (like nesta). but that is okay. she’s always apologetic and understanding and the most important thing is that she /listens/. she listens and learns and that’s what makes her a good high lady. she’s open minded and enjoys learning. she absolutely deserves her crown, anyone who criticises her for “not being good enough” has not understood feyre’s character at all.
nesta archeron. tough, strong, passionate nesta. she is fiercely protective & fiercely loving. yes, she’s struggled. of course she has. as the other sisters have, but she worked through it (like feyre) and she’s healed now. here are some scenes that made me just Get her yk?
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nesta i love in a different way to the other archeron girlies. elain and feyre i always see as my now-self. my semi healed self. or my “trying to be better” self (as in. trying to be kinder to myself and not push everybody away type of thing).
but nesta was who i was. or rather who she was before acosf. nesta is who i was on my bad days. i’m not proud of it and neither is nesta. nesta says it herself, she would shoot out daggers with her words as a ward to keep herself from being hurt. to mask her hurt. this is, as nesta says in her book not a good thing.
she was cruel, she was unkind and she could be pretty fucking selfish and mean. but she learns. she is learning. that to me is the most important thing for anybody going through similar mental health struggles or struggles in general is that that person learns and is apologetic for how they acted. which nesta, at the end, is. that is why i love nesta. or rather why i came to love nesta. and i’m happy she’s found herself a place in the valkyries and a PURPOSE. which is super important to someone like nesta
that last quote is also really important to me because it shows true growth. seeing past her bitterness of rhys - as being someone who could offer feyre happiness and a safe space when nesta couldn’t - shows so much of who she wants to become. i love her.
finally, elain archeron. we know how i feel about elain. kind, soft, yet also strong, elain. often disregarded, often overlooked, but still powerful elain. as fiercely loving and protective as nesta, but remains gentle. here’s some scenes that made me fall for elain :)
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the first scene i posted is one of my all time favourite elain scenes and i think it’s because it encompasses all that elain is in a single quote. elain’s trauma response is always frowned upon by some people in the fandom, because she shuts down, she cries, she isolates herself
this is something that i also do when i’m having a bad mental health day (now. used to be more like nesta but that’s not me anymore). but this scene in particular shows that all elain needs is a little bit of time. a little bit of time to adjust to new circumstances, time to mentally adjust to what’s happened to her & to understand what’s happening around her. which she does.
elain is the one that coaches feyre into thinking about what the next steps should be in helping her people heal. (which btw. it’s okay to ask for help and support from other people. feyre listening to elain and applying what she’s learnt is exactly what’s sometimes needed in a ruler. this is not criticism of either woman).
elain has always been kind at her core. during the poverty, which everyone pins against elain, she is said as being not herself. she is (as all the other archeron sisters are) at her worst. but, during her healing, she finds herself again. she recovers & she apologises for how she was & she is forgiven.
she’s so very strong. elain is so strong, just like her sisters. she’s so much more than “the soft one” and i can’t wait to get inside her head in her book when it comes out. so so so excited.
that’s the end of my thinkpost but i’ll leave u with some of my favourite archeron sister bonding scenes (slash them healing the broken bond between them)
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riordanness · 3 months
omg hi congrats on 800 again!!!! for ur event i have to go w i can fix him no really i can 😫 ok so the basics r i’m a cabin 4 ravenclaw infj taurus (i always start w these soz LOL) and also the ambivert final boss like genuinely i don’t lean towards introversion or extroversion and if the mbti had an a for ambivert i’d def be an anfj 🙏🏼 im a HUGE perfectionist it’s so bad actually i cannot function if something is imperfect i’ll lose my mind 😭 (i also have ocd so 🙁) when i asked one of my friends what the pros and cons of dating me are she said my perfectionism may cause problems LMAO😣😣😣 i get told im kind a lot so i like to believe thats true 🙏🏼 im super soft spoken which is a struggle cz im always having to repeat myself 🙁 (did a french speaking exam this year where i was recorded n when i say i was YELLING the entire time so that the recording device thing could pick up my voice….) im super super stubborn and persist in things until they go the way i want them to LMAO (this might be my fatal flaw) i refuse to settle for less in all aspects of life it’s either up to my standards or i’m not claiming it 😬 i LOVE LOVE LOVE reading and music those 2 r the most consistent things in my life !!!! for my type in men this may be a shocker but jason grace is an anomaly because irl + in other forms of media i tend to go for the dark haired sassy sarcastic funny guys (idk if you’ve read better than the movies but if you have wes bennett is a very good example of my type) some characters i’ve been compared to (because for some reason i get compared to a LOTTT of characters) are hermione granger, annabeth chase, rory gilmore (pre uni DUH), amy santiago, caroline?? from tvd? (idk her but my friend said i’m very similar to her so!) ummmm idk what else to include… i’m a HUGE germaphobe and get grossed out super easily LOL would rather die than go hiking or camping or anything like that soz demeter kid but not one w nature i just like flowers and gardens 🫣 i’m also super sensitive and have been told i’m emotionally intuitive!!!! i cry often about everything LOL soz if this is too long love u SOOO much 😚 also would like a pjo guy pls !!!
CYNTHIA HII (also idk why i always tag your other acc and not this one i legit always forget this url idk why 😭) anyways tyy soso much you’re actually the best fr
so. i put like way too much thought into this cause i didn’t want to just, like, stick you w jason bc that’s the easy answer yk?? BUT on that note, based on what you’ve said, i actually pair you with him?? like… if y’all were my friends irl i would ship you so bad fr.
you’re both perfectionists, tho probably in different ways yk, you bc of mental stuff and him bc he was raised by camp jupiter and literal wolves. so that would make it good for you both bc there’s nothing worse than being a perfectionist and living with someone who makes chronic messes (i can attest)
you’d both have really intuitive kindness and understanding of each other and others and that would bond you together soso well. also jason wouldn’t be a loud talker. like at all, so he’d be totally fine hearing you perfectly bc he’s used to quiet talking
neutral and very faded colour palettes for you both, light light blues and pinks and white and cream and gold everywhere (if you moved in together🤭)
jason would love to listen to you speak french btw
he does NOT strike me as a very outdoors person (in the hiking and camping and dirt way) he’d much rather sit on a porch with you and read than do any of that stuff (also he’s roman. they’re famous for their baths he would love being clean no germs here)
would totally understand your ocd and be soso nice about it like. this man would be so careful not aggravate you with unnecessarily untidy or uneven things like that.
music and book dates >>>
anyways y’all are cute i ship it so bad
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utmv if it was frisk playing with their toys??
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Fresh has little charms that often come with dolls/ in fashion packs and clip onto his glasses.
He’s basically this universes Barbie, being everywhere and having many doll runs up to modern day
here’s his base if you wanna put funny little outfits on him
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Error is similar to a preskool style toy, (with the play sets unlocking when you twist the figures) but combined with a a playmobil
he’s a sans figure from a different set that Frisk dribble all over because they didn’t want two of the same character and his face was really misprinted
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The Dreemurr Family are in-universe Calico Critter equivalents
Some people say they’re creepy bc of the eyes but many people collect them
the lore of them on the back of the is they’re aliens but that’s not super important
Chara is from a kinder surprise toy, and their sweater is loose because it’s from a Dreemurr Family set and isn’t made to fit them
Toriel and Asgore are not together
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Nightmare is apart of the Monster High-counterpart brand, and had a villain arc in an animated movie when his brother, Dream, decided to stay at the in universe Ever After High equivalent instead of coming back
his apple and tentacule pattern reappears in his jacket btw, I just didn’t feel like drawing it
(I haven’t drawn Dream yet)
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Killer is dollar store bootleg Dream doll painted like the Sans figure His eyes are drippy bc the paint was wet when they packed him and the makers used too much of it He’s a bootleg of a kitchen set, hence the knife
He always follows nighmare around (made up by Frisk, to be clear)
I haven’t drawn the rest of the nightmare’s gang yet, but here’s the info
Dust is a Fresh bootleg with some different body parts but a bootlegger fresh head, so his proportions are strange And his seam on his torso is craking open and is held together with a rubber band His limbs always come out and he smells like chemicals
Horror is an action figure for some Walking Dead style show that Frisk got attached to and begged to buy him until their parents relented
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haven’t drawn Mettaton yet, but he’s a competing fashion doll to Fresh, with his gimick being that his legs and arms pose like the lil guys above
the rest of his body is a normal fashion doll
Frisk gave him a chainsaw from Horror’s set and pained it pink and glittery
His box looks like his box form in the game (thanks for the idea, @paintedplum7 btw! Hope the @ is ok)
Fresh hates him, according to Frisk
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Napstablook is probably one of these squishy mochi toys but I haven’t decided yet
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Gaster is mad scientist themed putty, which “melts” like the picture above.
He has a plastic head part with goggles taht strap on, and comes with two hands each holding test tubes which you stick in the putty with the head to form his body
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Vinny is apart of the Fresh line
He was originally a Fresh doll with a unique outfit, but was quickly given made his own character
he has molded on hair for sure. Except for Totally Hair Vinny, ofc
his full name is vinegar.
sans and papyrus are both evil skeleton guys who come in an evil cave lair set. Frisk decided they weren’t evil tho, so their personalities are exactly like canon.
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Mad mew new is one is those super nice anime figures with multiple hands and faces
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Alphys is a dinosaur figure like these. Made totally of vinyls and was pretty cheap. she was printed with a pretty silly face (this is a positive) She happens to fit a lab coat outfit and glasses Frisk has, thus becoming the alphys we know.
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Undyne is a action figure from an old he-man type show. She is dating Alphys according to Frisk
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Ink is a fashion doll, similar in style and proportions to the Rainbow High line. He’s not a high schooler though, he’s from one of those inspirational style lines. He’s an artist who is all about how cool being an artist for a career is. There’s other dolls in his line for different careers
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Ccino is a strawberry shortcake style doll, who in his base outfit comes in a cafe with his cats. he’s scented like either coffee or French vanilla depending on if you got the early release or not. what happened with the change is a bunch of senstive parnets complained about his original scent and the coffee in his cafe, saying it was “too adult”, so he was changed to French vanilla, and the coffee in his cafe changed to hot cocoa
his cats are alls scented too, and flocked. they’re all named after competing doll brands/toy brand’s character (like how the real ccino has cats named after the au characters), which got his company into a lot of legal trouble lol
You can see some of them in the other character art above.
he’s only had two releases (the coffee and French vanilla versions) due to the companies financial troubles and all the lawsuits and no other character exist in his universe. ( :[ )
aannd I think thats everyone? Whew this is a long one
Greaser by @radsee
ink by @comyet
error and fresh by @/ loverofpiggies
undertale characters by Toby duh. It just feels weird not putting h him here ?? So
Killer by @rahafwabas
dust by @ask-dusttale
horror. @/sourapplestudios or something. I support don’t the ableism one the original, it won’t be in this au
ccino by @black-nyanko
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Supa team 4:
Supa team 4:
I have never felt more seen by any show.  
I would like everyone to know something about me, and my physical form out side of tumblr (yes I do have one actually). I am African-America,  and I shaved my hair. I also struggle with the feeling like I’m not black enough, one of those reasons being because of the fact that I don’t have enough hair to lock or braid. ‘Why am I telling you all this?’ You may ask, because with all this, a single show managed somehow help me and my struggle. When I tell that this show in eight episodes talking about teen girls becoming superheroes made me feel more seen than any (black,lgbtqia+, neurodivergent) focused show I’v seen so far I am telling you the TRUTH. For me it’s a 10/10 and I will recommend to anyone. 
I’ll be honest with you. I see no flaws with the characters. In fact dare I say, this show has some of the best made characters i’v ever seen. With like actual depth, since the character are not only used for representation; writers can focus on the characters themselves. Which is rare to find, especially with black characters. 
Right now my favorite character is Marjory. For multiple reasons but the main one being that she has no hair. Her hair is actually similar to mine, the only difference being I use designs (so people can differentiate me from others boys). The other being, she’s so rude(/affectionate). She always has something to say and often comments on the four main girls and of the girls don’t really like but never comment on her hair because it’s normal. We don’t see much of her character through out the first season but I’m (REALLY!!!!) hoping that we get to see her more and have the writers add more depth to her character. 
The main 4/ The Supa 4/ Momma K’s team 4
I love them all so much. They are all such amazing characters. The Supa 4 consists of Komana, Monde, Temwe, Zee, and Mama K. These writers KNOW what they’re doing, this is  a middle school; this is the experience. Each of the characters feel like an extension of myself and it hits hard.
First up we have Zee. Zee is the tall, skinny, athletic girl which I love because her body type is basically mine. I can understand her when her episode comes up and she becomes over confident, in a way it shows that in the future she might be insecure, because people who get overconfident that quickly are often insecure. Zee plays for the schools football/Soccer team and is very good at. She also seems to love it as well because that is her weapon when they power up! 
Next we have Temwe! Temwe our short queen, she is represented as an empty hole who is willing to eat anything. Apart of her character is that she has some anger issues and is a bit of a troublemaker. In middle school I felt/feel like I always was doing something wrong even in primary school it was always me doing the wrong thing. I do headcannon that she has ADHD sense in one of her episodes she had to studying to prevent getting kicked off the team. I also believe that she maybe a favorite of the principal, despite how hard he is on her.
even in the last episode he states how he sees himself in her. 
Monde is nextttt! Monde is the plus size queen.  This is once again a thing with the character designs, she is chubby not slimed down, not sexualized(she is in middle school btw.) she is just chubby, and this one character probably impacted so many people. She struggles with feeling left out in the friend group because of her being new to the school which is quite relatable. I also love her relationship with her sister, she lives with her sister meaning she is growing up with a strong woman! She is also the most involved with my favorite character: Marjory. 
Last but not least Komana. Komana is the second shortest, and the smartest of the team. She brings her A game when it comes to her smarts and does lack in the creativity department. She also is the only character (so. far/excluding Monde sister) with a ‘love interest’ which I love. She struggles with her self worth, thinking that everything she does has to be great and if it isn’t then she failed. She spent an entire episode feeling like she wasn’t good enough showing so much of her character! 
How does this make me feel?
I feel so very seen by these characters. In a way I feel like I’m being talked to threw these characters and I feel heard. Zee being similar to my body type is just like clarification, that the writers see me and others like me. Temwe is not only a character that I feel like the watchers can put themselves into but can match a person too.  It has been far too long where (kid) shows have been to afraid to represent any sort of body type that’s similar to Monde’s, but not this show. Komana is the one showing not everything will be easy for you and that feels good to see. 
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kerubimcrepin · 8 months
Episode 21 - A Bow Meow on the Moon
If you notice a dip in quality of my screenshots, it's because this liveblog is being written from my phone, and wifi was Bad while I was writing the first half.
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I am very excited to finally watch this one.
For a variety of reasons, its one of my favorites in this show. And, it is also, coincidentally, one of the most important episodes of the show. Both thematically, and to me, personally.
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I know that often, the writers use Joris for exposition, but I love how this implies that Kerubim took him here as a surprise, and now Joris is asking questions.
Though I guess that taking kids out in the middle of the night for some random stuff is just a Dad thing in general.
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I'm pretty sure this is the first time so far that Joris has really went "you're Lying papycha!" at Kerubim in the series, which is a far call from the first episodes, where he was, quite literally, amazed over a clothespin because of him.
Joris's growth is subtle due to his age, but it is present. His relationship with Kerubim has matured enough for him to understand that Kerubim might lie to him.
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Though it's easy for Kerubim to make Joris doubt his own hunch, even before telling the story.
Btw its funny to see The Lying Guy be like "me?? Lying?? Never!".
Never change, Keke.
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This is a very beautiful render of the World of Twelve. Hnn.
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...I am not going to survive this episode, emotionally speaking.
I don't really know how to explain the way this episode gets to me.
In a way, it reflects the show, and the franchise in general.
In Wakfu, the night sky, and space itself, often symbolizes the wild yonder, longing for something.
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New experiences, a safe place, a home, a place of freedom.
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The pain of desires unfulfilled.
...I don't like going ahead, and talking about Dofus Aux Tresors as a part of a larger whole. Because it deserves to be discussed as a standalone work of fiction, like all other parts of Krosmoz. But it is time to address the elephant in the room at least a little bit. (Picture me putting on a tinfoil hat.)
All of these themes are especially sharp when coupled with immortality.
And Krosmoz is, in a lot of ways, a franchise-wide study of immortality and family. How these two concepts intertwine, how immortal characters cope, or fail to. (Especially in Wakfu.)
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Sure, there is a lot to be said about the longing that is inherently intertwined with immortality, but there is even more to be said about immortality as a type of longing for the unfathomable, a wild yonder in on itself. How standing at its threshold is similar to stargazing.
Kerubim is a character who wants, deeply. And he wants a lot of different things. As an old man, he longs for his youth, the relationships he lost, and the freedom of adventure. As a young man, he longs for pure human connection, being liked and wanted. He is a perpetual motion machine, even if by the time of the series, he has mostly stopped going.
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But he, just like Joris, is a perpetual motion machine. Even if he has seventy, eighty, ninety, or a hundred years behind him, there are hundreds more to come.
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That's what makes this show special to me. It is a single step away from the wild yonder of immortality. Just for a second, we can know Kerubim and Joris as an old man and a child, characters we can relate to and understand. But in a minute, they will be moving endlessly, farther and farther away.
Somewhere we can't ever truly follow.
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And compared to their lives, this show will end up feeling like a grain of sand. A small snapshot into what they were before life truly began, a pale shadow of the people they will become and the experiences they will have.
It is a show about longing and anticipation. The wild yonder of the future, and the things that aren't meant to be.
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It's a show about endings. And it's a show that rejects their existence altogether.
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I don't have much to say about the lunarians, or Diane herself, outside what she represents, — so this liveblog came out a bit different from usual, but I hope it was enjoyable regardless.
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gorogues · 1 year
Hey :o) I've been mulling for a while on a possible (possible) "Rogues play DnD" fic (where business is slow and/or dangerous and they have to lie low a while, so Piper suggests he run a campaign and helps the others make characters, because "it's good for cohesion and teamwork, Len" and also "you get to loot and have fun with no real-life consequences"). I'm going with a vague, mostly pre-52 version of Hartley, James, Len, Lisa, Mark, Mick, Roscoe and Digger, btw.
So I have my own ideas about the classes and races of the characters they'd want to play, running the gamut between "character is nothing like its player" and "character is basically a fantasy version of the player"), but I'd love to hear your thoughts about it - and your mutuals/followers! What would fit them? What wouldn't, but they'd find hilarious (and make work somehow)?
tl;dn - DnD Rogues. Go nuts :o)
(GAH I forgot Sam but he's there too!)
Hi, fun concept! I have to admit that I know very little about DnD, so am not much help in assigning classes or races, unfortunately! But I can suggest who might be more likely to play someone similar or different from themselves. Sam in particular would go with something very different; this is a guy who LARPed as a cowboy, had some lulz pretending to be a heroic Mirror Master, and thought it'd be fun to play a random joe in a leadership class. His Black Lantern incarnation -- which wasn't him, but was based on his memories -- said that he became the Mirror Master because he hated who he was. So I definitely think he'd want to be someone very different and possibly unexpected. And James likes disguising himself and playing around with different identities and gender, so he'd also be quite open to playing someone very different from himself…it'd all be part of the performance.
I think Len and Roscoe would be likely to play someone mostly like their own selves, or perhaps someone more like who they aspire to be. Roscoe has literally been other people, but he's kind of rigid in his thinking and has struggled hard to be what his parents wanted from him (and truthfully he's probably told himself that's what he wants too, even if it isn't). Mick would probably choose someone quietly steadfast, the strong and silent type, since he often seeks tranquility to escape the chaos of his own thoughts. He'd likely be open to any class/gender/race so long as it fit that archetype.
It might be a cheap `n easy answer, but I suspect Mark would want to be a wizard because he's not hugely imaginative and would enjoy the gravitas of being some kind of powerful Gandalf type. In practice he'd probably come across as an unintentional ham. And I don't know what class or race Digger would be -- he might enjoy the challenge of something unexpected or ridiculous -- but am pretty sure his character would end up a drunken lout because that's just how he rolls. No pun intended :]
With Hartley I go back and forth on whether he'd go with the obvious bard archetype he genuinely enjoys being or try something entirely different to have a new experience…not sure, really. I don't know what class Lisa would play, but I think she'd want to have a female character because she's in a crowd of guys (not that they'd all necessarily pick male characters) and I think she'd want to assert her identity amongst them.
Not sure if this helps!
Anyone else have some input?
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