#[ looked back at the opening of the second season and comparing all the differences between
wxtchpilot · 1 year
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You Call It Madness But I Call It Love
Chapter 9: Wedding Bells or Gong of Destruction?
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Pairing: Soldier Boy x f!reader, Reader POV
Summary: When the reader left Payback 40 years ago after a falling out with her childhood best friend she never looked back, but when two men show up to her apartment and start asking her questions about the past, the reader begins to think those things can’t stay hidden and starts to question what’s real and what’s fantasy.  This is a re-telling of The Boys Season 3, where the reader is a supe who's known Soldier Boy since 1927. The chapters will fluctuate between past and present. This is chapter nine of my "You Call It Madness But I Call It Love" series. (I'm so bad at summaries please forgive me!)
Word Count: 3.3K
Warnings: References to sex, Cursing (a few times), Soldier Boy might be, is, really, absolutely, a little OOC, pining, fluff, some angst.
Note: This is told from Reader's perspective. Any references to the reader is made using you or your. There is minimal use of y/n. I tried my best to proofread, but nobody's perfect. Reader is described as "curvy" occasionally. If you don’t like, don’t read, but if you do like, you’re my favorite!
Internal Monologue is in first person and is in italics
Series Masterlist
Philadelphia 1941
You paced at the foot of your bed, wringing your hands together, heartbeat frantic against your ribcage as your world seemed to spin to a stop. You didn't know whether you wanted to laugh or cry, scream or sob, throw up or have a stroke. Your entire body was electrified with your nerves, popping and crackling loud in your ears as the impulses jumped from synapse to synapse with ease.
And it was Howard's fault.
After three years of courting, of you trying to make up excuses to lengthen the distance between you two, of trying to find a way out, of trying to find a way to tell Ben that you loved him, it had finally happened, Howard had proposed. It wasn't out of the blue, you had been courting long enough and you were well past the age of usual engagement, something your mother continued to point out, but that didn't make any of this any easier.
Your eyes drop to the offensive chunk of jewelry on your left hand. Not only was it the ugliest ring you’d ever seen, but it was from the wrong man. You knew that deep down in your bones, knew it the second Howard came to Sunday night dinner and dropped to one knee in front of you. Hell, you knew it the second you met Howard for the first time. He was nothing compared to Ben, no one was.
You had looked Howard in the eye stunned, unable to speak, then raised your eyes to your father and mother hoping to find your voice and a plausible excuse, but before you could give him the honest answer you knew in your heart to be true, your mother had shouted "Of course she will!"
Because she's controlled everything else about my life, of course she'd do this as well.
Your tried again not to think about how ugly the ring and how it was utterly wrong for you in every way. When Howard dropped to one knee and opened the velvet box, all you could think of was Ben. You wondered what ring Ben would have chosen for you and wondered if the ring from him would have been right.  He knew you better than anyone else.
Which begged the question: shouldn't your fiancé?
You tried not to compare your best friend to Howard, because you knew who would win. Every time you began to compare them, Ben had more pros than Howard did. But you couldn't keep waiting for Ben, didn't want to. Howard was promising you a future, a family, marriage-
A loveless one. The thought is immediate and makes your heart seize in your chest.
You knew that a marriage with Ben would be different, filled with passion, romance, love-
But he doesn't love you. So basically if Ben married you it would be the same for him as you marrying Howard. A one-sided love.
Despite dating Howard, you still allowed Ben in your life. Ben stayed over whenever he wished, walked with you to the park, stole you away for drinks in the bar down the street where Howard wouldn't be caught dead in, and took you to the occasional baseball game. Howard didn't drink and he didn't like being outside. Those moments with Ben made you feel more alive than you'd ever felt and then you'd meet Howard later and try to summon the enthusiasm to sit with him at dinner, all the while you were still buzzing with happiness from seeing Ben.
It made you feel like a traitor, feeling that good and thinking about another person while Howard tried to be everything you wanted.
Whenever Howard would kiss you goodnight, it made you feel like you were kissing a statue, cold, unfeeling, and despite his attempts to slide his tongue in your mouth it was passionless. And it made you think about what Ben said about Howard's name and what he would be like in bed, as improper as it was. You think back to all the moments you and Ben had been pressed against one another when you woke up in the morning, how perfectly you fit against him. Whenever Howard tried to hug you or hold you close it was all wrong. He wasn't tall enough or broad enough, not to mention sometimes you thought if he'd even be able to pick you up. Howard was more lanky than muscular, certainly not as strong as Ben, who picked you up one time on a dare from Adam when you were all really drunk.
Howard didn’t make you feel warm when he touched you accidently, he didn’t make you feel brave whenever your mother was around, and he certainly didn’t make you feel as happy as you did when you were with Ben. Not to mention he never let you draw him, said that there were more important things that he could be doing rather than siting there posing for you.
Howard wasn’t spontaneous. He’d show up exactly on time, call when he said he would, time every single minute of your dates and he certainly never tried to surprise you the way Ben did. The only time Howard ever seemed excited about anything was when he was talking about the fiscal progress of the United States in comparison to Europe, which he weaseled into every conversation you had together.
Even when he asked you to marry him it sounded more like a business proposal than a happy moment. You always thought that when you got engaged the other person would make at least some confession of love. He hadn’t done that. Howard successfully sucked the life out of a moment you thought you would remember forever. You couldn’t even remember what he said before he got on one knee, just the awkward silence and the feeling of dread that clamped tight around your heart when he asked you the question that ruined your life.
Legally am I bound to this, because technically my mother said yes for me?
You wondered if Howard proposed because the U.S was finally joining in the war or if he genuinely loved you. He brought by flowers often, roses even though you liked lavender more, brought by caramels even though you liked chocolates, and sent you books on the financial history of the United States that were helpful when you couldn't sleep at night, they sent you right off, not to mention you'd started sketching street scenes in the pages making them much more interesting, but you weren't going to show Howard that. His head would probably explode.
You sigh again, pacing faster at the end of your bed.
Howard wanted a quick wedding within the week before he shipped out to military training on Friday, and maybe you should be scared about your fiancé going to war, but the only person you were worried about was Ben. He'd probably also join the military to prove something to his father and take your heart with him when he left. You knew that Ben was the only one you wanted to hold your heart in his hands.
You look back down at the ring on your finger, filled with dread and thoughts about a passionless future.
How am I going to tell Ben?
The tap on your window is familiar, but frightens you, because you didn't know how to tell him or how he'd react. Each time you brought up Howard around him, Ben would make a sarcastic comment and change the subject. You think about the night you danced together, when Ben said that you couldn't be Howard's and also his friend.
Does that mean he'll never want to be apart of my life when we get married?
The thought makes your heart break. You couldn't imagine a life without Ben and you didn't want to, but you could image a life without Howard.
Ben is crouched in the window, a wide smile on his face,  but this time he doesn't wait for you to let him in, he rolls up the window himself and he crosses the room to hug you.
The hug surprises you. You were usually the one that initiated them, but the hug breaks something in your chest and you hug him back tighter than you ever had to stop the tears from falling, pressing your face into his rumpled suit.
"Hey Sweetheart." Ben pulls back, but frowns when he looks at your face. "What's wrong?" Ben's hand gently cups your cheek, trailing warmth where his fingertips touch. You're surprised at the boldness of his touch, but you ascribe it to the alcohol, given the sharp tang of whiskey that floats through the air between you.
"Nothing." You clear your throat, stepping back so his hand falls and covering your ring finger on your left hand with your right nonchalantly. "How are you?"
Ben frowns for a minute at your reaction, but then shakes it off. "I've got great news." He smiles so wide that it makes the urge to cry rise in the back of your throat again.
You knew that as soon as you married Howard he would forbid you from seeing Ben. He already had after the night at the dance hall, but you didn't pay attention to him. Unfortunately, you knew that once you were married you wouldn’t be able to defy his wishes. You respected what marriage represented far too much to cross that line.
"Um me too." You smile tightly, your heartbeat so loud you wonder if Ben can hear it.
"Oh. Well-" Ben begins to say, wanting to let you talk.
"No. Please, you go first."
He won't tell me what news he has if I say my piece about Howard.
"Well, I've been thinking about what you said to me the other day about trying to figure out what I want-"
You remembered the conversation clearly. It was another day at Fairmount Park and it was an attempt to get Ben to start thinking about his future, though when you had told him to figure out what he wanted you hoped that it meant he would consider you, consider turning your friendship into something more. Your heart surges, hoping that this is it, this is Ben finally saying that loves you, that he wants to be with you.
"And I'm finally going to make something of myself." Ben's green eyes shine brightly with his excitement.
"Huh?" Your heart sinks.
"I talked to my dad." You don't miss the way Ben's jaw tightens when he says it. "And I've decided to enlist-"
"Enlist! Ben-" It takes all you have to beg him not to go, not to leave you here. Because you knew that you couldn't live without him and the thought that he would die overseas in a war destroyed you.
"Wait, listen." Ben smiles wider, confusing you. "My dad has friends in the war department, friends that are looking for volunteers for a military project."
"A military project?"
"It's a serum or an injection that's supposed to make us stronger, better-"
"What do you mean?" You ask mildly confused. You hadn't heard of the government announcing any kind of experiments or projects in the newspapers. Surely Howard would have told you about it, he was always boring you with things like that.
"I'm a not a scientist" Ben shakes his head. "But all I know is that they're looking for volunteers and they want men and women."
Surprise flits through your mind. It was odd that they were also asking for women. Although you knew that the military was beginning to accept women in their ranks, it was still surprising that they wanted female volunteers for a government project. Especially if they were experimenting on them.
Like lab rats?
"What are you saying?" You're still confused as to what he's trying to tell you, unusual given the fact that you were usually very good at reading him.
"I want you come with me." Ben can hardly contain his excitement, his smile is so wide it nearly splits his face.
It was the last thing you expected him to ask. "What?" You blink.
"I don't want to do this without you." He says in a tone that makes your heartbeat stop. "And I want you to come with me." He repeats.
Your immediate reaction is to scream yes, let him take you away from all of this, but then you remember Howard, and your mother and feel the weight begin to settle on your shoulders again.
"Ben I can't." It breaks your heart to say it to him, to watch how his face falls.
“Why not?”
"Howard is-"
"Come on, you really think things are going to work out with that son of a bitch?" Ben shouts so loud you're afraid that he'll wake up your parents.
"He loves me-" You begin to say, the urge to cry coming back strong, burning against your eyes. Because now it was that you were choosing Howard over him, even though you didn't want to, it was what your mother wanted. The future she laid out for you.
"You don't know that." Ben snaps, rolling his eyes.
"Ben, he-" You struggle to find your words, taking in a deep breath to strengthen your voice. "He- he proposed. I mean it's been three years, we're both of age-"
Ben's eyes drop to your left hand and this time you uncover your hand so he can see the engagement ring. His shoulders tense and the muscle in his jaw clenches and unclenches.
"When did he ask you?" Ben says in almost a growl.
"Tonight. He came to dinner, my mother is so excited-" You successfully keep the tremor from your voice, but it quickly feels like you're running out of air.
"But you're not." Ben mutters
"Of course I am-" Your voice cracks with emotion.
"No you're not." Ben raises his gaze to look at you.  "I know you." The look in his eyes is unfamiliar, almost afraid.
But Ben isn't scared of anything. You try to remember a moment that he acted afraid, the only time is the memory of when you first met, when his father was looking for him and you lied to help him hide. Ben was fearless, it was something that you admired about him. You could always rely on him to have your back, be strong when you knew that you couldn’t be. To see him afraid was different.
"Ben-" You try again.
"Please." His jaw clenches together. "Don't marry him. Come with me."
"What?" You blink a few times to comprehend what he's asking.
Is he saying that he wants me to marry him? To run away with him?
"You're worth a hundred of him and I don't want to do this without you."
"Ben you're asking me to give up my future, my life-" You say trying to strengthen your resolve.
As unwelcome as Howard's proposal was, it was a future of sorts, what Ben was asking you was to dive into the unknown and you weren't sure if you were strong enough to do that. To leave everything you knew behind you and go with him. But apart of you was thrilled. Maybe it meant that Ben cared for you, needed you and this was the only way that he knew how to tell you. The three little words jump to the tip of your tongue again, the words you wanted to say when you danced together under the twinkling lights all those nights ago.
"You mean the future your mother wants for you." Ben sighs.
"You’ve been trying to please her your whole life. Please don’t do this for her. Don’t marry him for her." Ben says, trying to catch your gaze, but you look down at his chest for a minute.
"You are worth more y/n. And even if she can’t see your worth I can."
"Ben-"  You look back up at him, trying to find the courage to tell him that you love him.
He stares back at you, green eyes wide and honest before he takes your hands. They're warm and rough, familiar in the best way. "Tell me that you want him. You’ve never lied to me before and I don’t think you’ll start now."
Your words die on your tongue, because you know that you can't lie to him, you never could.
"Is that really what you want? To spend the rest of your life with him? If it is I'll leave, but I want to hear you say it." His eyes are filled with promises that make your voice catch in your throat, like two blazing green fires that see through you. Ben might have acted aloof with other people, but he always paid attention to you and knew what you were thinking.  No one knew you as well as he did, well except for the most obvious thing.
No it's not what I want. All I want is to be with you. The thought is immediate.
"But what about my mother-" You say, squeezing his hands.
"If you come with me, you'll never have to worry about her ever again." He says. By now tears are trickling down your cheeks, frustration and confusion building in your chest. Ben was promising you a future with him, but you couldn't understand if he was doing it because he wanted to be more or if he wanted you with him because you were his friend.
He drops your hands and instead brushes away your tears from your eyes. "I know you don't want to marry him."
"I don't." You whisper. "But I don’t know if I'm strong enough for this-"
“Do you trust me?”
Your hands come up to the front of his chest before you can stop yourself, feeling the warmth that surges underneath your palms. “Of course I do.”
His eyes are inviting, pleading, filled with emotion. "I swear that I will be strong enough for the both of us." His hands cup your cheeks. "I swear that I will look out for you like I always have.  I swear that I will never leave you. And I don't want to leave you behind. Please y/n. Come with me." The earnest look in Ben's eyes makes you cry harder, but you know that all you want is to go with him.
You don't want him to go and leave you here, where no one understands and the future that you see is cold, emotionless, and the path dark. You see the coming years with Howard, living together, having children, lunching with other women you hardly know and talking about nothing that mattered.
When you were with Ben everything you talked about seemed important, every moment with him was fused with wonder and expectation, you were never disappointed and were always excited about what you would do together even if it was something as mundane as sitting on a bench with Ben talking while you painted. You could imagine spending the rest of your life with him.
But could he imagine the same thing with you?
The future you see with Ben is warm, inviting, filled with promises you know that he’ll keep because he’s never broken a promise to you no matter what.
But you wonder if it's the promise that you want.
You stand there in the silence of his plea, hearing the ticking of the clock on your bedside table, the sound of cars outside your window, and the sounds of the night vibrate through you bones.
He wasn’t saying that he loved you. He wasn’t confessing his love. He wasn’t making a promise to marry you.
But maybe this was his way. Ben had never been the best at expressing what he was feeling, but the look in his eyes, the way his fingers hold your face to his-
It spoke volumes.
“Yes.” You whisper. “I’ll come with you.”
Ben’s smile breaks your heart as he pulls you tightly against him, laying his head on top of yours as he hugs you and sets every nerve ending on fire. Because the hug is different. It’s filled with the unspoken words between you, the memories you’ve shared, and the great unknown that stretches beyond both of you.
And you cling tight to him, the only part of your future that’s certain.
Or so you thought.
a/n: I know, I know there's a lot of unresolved tension.😂 I promise it will all make sense and that it is going somewhere. But I will say the next few chapters are kinda... rough and are painful to write, but I can't wait for y'all to read them.
Thank you so much for reading! If you'd like to be added to the taglist for this series let me know :)
Taglist: @roseblue373 @anundyingfidelity @cheynovak @cassiecasluciluce @muhahaha303 @deans-spinster-witch @kayleighmeister @demodemo909 @fruitfacess @bobbobbobinogs @bughill126, @simplyfixated @sleepjam, @tiredstrangerr @freefallthoughts,@onlyangel-444
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bingiessm · 2 months
ANOTHER LONG POST for the Bridgerton over-analysis corner! SEASON 3 TRAILER & PROMO ANALYSIS
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The first shot of any main character in the entire trailer is this one. Francesca is dancing with a suitor, the camera pushes forward and directs the eye right to Violet who is standing right in the middle, but with an unknown man in front of her.
Oh, I think there are going to be so many parallels between these two this season--especially in terms of romance. They have mostly been seen together or with "suitors" during all these promos and/or in direct comparison/association with one another.
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SECOND SHOT of either of them: they are together--and are shown to be equals here, as compared to how Violet was when she presented Daphne or Eloise to the Queen:
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Violet, with her other two daughters, was standing BEHIND them! (Also on their right side.) Now she's on the left, standing at Francesca's side--presenting them as equals.
Also, she isn't matching with Francesca like she was Eloise and Daphne--her outfit for this event changed slightly between the first two seasons (take note of the collar and crown), but has now changed dramatically. She at first presented herself as a fellow debutante (take note of the white dress and the gloves), but now is sporting a silver dress with long sleeves with clear grecian influence.
Violet has CHANGED, she isn't a background to or support for her daughter, she is her own person in front of the whole ton. She is also being "presented" in a way, but as this new self.
There is a new Viscountess, more of her children are married and leaving, and (as of Queen Charlotte we know that) she has had a lot of realizations about her marriage and sexuality. The world she knew as Viscountess and wife to Edmund is slowly changing, fading away to something new that she is beginning to embrace.
I think we will see her come more into her own, and not just as a mother or widow--this will be reflected in Francesca, who is going to struggle with finding a relationship that lives up to her mother & father's (and those of her siblings), especially watching her mother finally start to move on.
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Right after this sequence is a sequence of Violet and her presumed new love interest, directly associating the two--they are also linked with the narration "what is the primary force that guides us along our paths?" A question I feel will be explored by the both of them.
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It seems as if Violet is accepting this new love this season. Francesca, on the other hand, will struggle with romance this season. Every time we have seen her on her own, or with or having just spoken to suitors she seems unsure, worried.
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Violet watches her sit at this ball (the Four Seasons one) and takes a breath and sighs in an interesting way--sort of knowingly but resigned(?).
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It is also interesting to note within this dynamic that this is Francesca's first season, but not Violet's--as a mother or debutante.
Also, when looking at their appearances in the trailer announcement, it is interesting to see the difference in how they both were portrayed.
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Violet is looking, then pulls back to look on in question, as if realizing something, but is curious for more. Francesca opens it and looks unsure again, twisting her mouth. I feel like this is reflective of how their seasons will be.
I just find the clear connection between their stories that the trailer in particular wants us to take note of to be very interesting. It is exciting to see how they will both grow/change. Especially being mother and daughter, which is a dynamic that has been explored to an extent in this show (thinking of Daphne and Violet in season 1, but even that didn't feel fleshed out), but not much. _______________
BUT ANYWAY to others who have read my other Bridgerton posts, omg thanks for chatting and indulging me in this.
I just finished a big film shoot for a project so this has been a nice reprieve from the stress of that.
Hope you are doing well!
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whxre-bxby · 1 year
“Cursed By Blue”
Recom Y/N x Recom Lyle x Recom Quaritch x Recom Mansk
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Summary: The recom team is out on another mission, exploring the woods in search of Sully. However, the ladies become inconvenienced by a certain seasonal feeling they didn’t expect. It hits Y/n the hardest and it’s not long before the others understand what’s happening. While everyone fights their instincts, the only option Y/N sees available is to run. 
WARNING: SMUT, non-con, forced smut (to a certain extent), predator/prey, heat fucking, heat cycles, penetration, unprotected sex, breeding kink, quickie, hurt/comfort
Word Count: 4139
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We were nearing the weekend. Not that that affected us. Lyle told me it was Friday today and I was surprised because I had completely lost track of time. But it didn’t really matter what day it was because we didn’t get time off anyway. Finding Jake was our number one priority and no breaks other than sleep were allowed. 
So here we were again, walking deeper into the forest of Pandora. It had just passed lunch time and we were here since early morning. 
No one was tired though, not yet. We weren’t allowed to be either. 
Today also happened to be warmer than usual so I wasn't wearing my usual long-sleeved attire and pants. I dressed like Walker usually did, in a sports bra and shorts. She and Z-Dog decided to wear tank tops like most of the others. 
The forest grew quieter the more we distanced ourselves from the RDA base and the city. Soon, we could only hear the wind blowing between the leaves and the distant calls of animals. That and our heavy footsteps. 
The Colonel and Lyle started the day off by leading us into the woods. As the hours passed by, the line mixed since everyone had a different walking pace and now it was Z-Dog and me leading at the front. Walker was close behind. 
I had been excessively drinking for the last 30-45 minutes and I wasn’t sure why. Z-Dog glanced over at me when she saw me reach for another water bottle. 
“That’s your third one already. Are you okay”? She asks, watching me gulp it down. I swallow most of the water and inhale sharply, wiping my mouth with the back of my hand. 
“I don’t know.” I say, gasping for air. “Maybe I’m dehydrated?” 
“Don’t think so, we always drink the same amount and I’m fine.” Z-Dog says. We continue walking for a while longer in silence, thinking. Then Z reaches for her water and starts drinking it like she’s been running. 
I laugh a little but seeing her drink made me feel thirsty again. 
I reach for my water only to notice I have a few drops left. I down the remaining liquid and hold the bottle to my head. It seemed to be getting really warm. 
Turning around, I open my mouth and want to say something to Walker only to see her finishing her own bottle of water. I look behind me fully and no one else is drinking. 
“What. The. Fuck.” I say, feeling genuinely confused. Walker looks up at me with water drizzling down her chin and Z turns around. 
I wheeze and Z laughs and we wait for Walker to catch up so we can walk together. 
“Do you have any water left?” I ask her, knowing we at the front drank ours. 
“No, that was my last bottle.” she says and I notice how heavy my breathing is becoming. 
“Wait, you ran out too?” she asks and Z-Dog scoffs. 
“Yeah, been drinkin’ like we ran a marathon.” she says and I nod.
“I’ll ask the others.” I say before turning around and seeing Mansk behind me.
“Can I have some of your water?” I ask, wiping a bead of sweat from my forehead. Compared to us, Mansk is not sweating at all. He’s wearing his usual long-sleeved jacket over his tank top. 
The man glances up at me and his eyebrows furrow for a split second before he nods and hands one of his bottles over. 
“You ran out already?” he asks while I open it and drink about half. 
I wipe my mouth again, closing my eyes for a second and nodding. “Yeah.” I breathe out. “Thanks.” I say, handing it back to him. 
“Y’ alright?” he asks again taking the bottle back and I nod, not thinking much of it. Mansk doesn’t seem convinced. 
Ja overheard our conversation and sped up his walk to catch up to us. When Mansk noticed his presence he seemed a little relieved. 
“Is she okay?” he asks his colleague. Ja was the medic of the group so he would know. He took a glance at me and also thought of what I suggested. 
“Did you drink enough?” he asks me and I nod. 
“Yeah, I drank all my water and some of Mansk’s.” I scoff, wiping sweat from my forehead again. 
Ja presses the back of his hand against my cheek and then my forehead. 
“Shit, you’re burning up.” he said, scanning over me. 
I was feeling extremely warm. My skin felt like it was burning and my clothes suddenly felt tight and restrictive.
In front of us, Z-Dog and Walker are discussing something. 
Ja felt up my arm and checked my pulse while we were walking and Mansk stayed on my other side in case I was in fact not okay.
“Yeah, somethin’s definitely not right.” Ja announces to us, not quite sure how to help me. Mansk has his eyebrows furrowed, examining my behaviour. 
“They have it too.” I say, pointing at Z-Dog and Walker who now turn around. Walker is grimacing a little and Z looks worried. 
Mansk’s and Ja’s heads look up at them and they notice that they are breathing heavily and sweating just like me. Ja also takes note of the empty bottles in their hands. 
“Everthin’ okay up there?” the Colonel calls. It seems as though the others have noticed the small commotion and the medical check-up. 
Ja turns around, rubbing the back of his head. 
“Uh- no sir not really.” he calls back, stopping in his tracks to wait for Quaritch so that he can explain. Mansk and I keep walking and he watches me intently as I break out into a type of pant. My ears are pinned back and my tail is wildly flicking around behind me. My eyelids also happen to suddenly grow heavy and I keep them half-lidded. 
What snaps me out of my haze is Z calling my name. 
“Hey, Y/N come over here for a sec.” she says, turning around. Walker is running her hand down her face in what looks like frustration. 
I nod, jogging over and leaving Mansk behind. He’s still watching me, trying to make sense of what’s happening.
Neither Z nor Walker looks like they feel like joking around anymore. 
“Have you read the manual?” she asks and it takes me a few seconds to realise she means the Na’vi Body data. 
“Yeah, of course, we had to.” I say, trying to play it cool. She raises an eyebrow and I sigh. 
“I stopped once I reached the shit about plants. It got boring.” I say and she nods, knowing damn well she didn’t read further than that either. 
“Walker read it, and it said somethin’ ‘bout a heat cycle.” Z says and I glance at Walker. 
“Yeah… we’re not dehydrated. I remember the symptoms. It’s happening right now.” Walker says, scanning my reddened face. 
“Does it burn?” Z asks and my ears perk forward for once, being relieved from the tense strain I kept them in the past half hour. 
“Everything burns.” I say. 
“You know what I mean.” she adds and I groan in frustration too. 
“Yeah.” I mumble. I can’t deny the heat that’s been forming between my legs. I tried ignoring it but it grew worse. 
“Do you feel, like-” Z says, gasping for air herself. “...uncontrollably horny?” she asks with a light laugh and Walker smirks. 
I have no shame admitting anything in front of them so I chuckle and answer. “More like painfully horny.” 
They laugh a little, struggling to even out their breathing. 
“We need to distance ourselves from them.” Walker says, glancing over her shoulder. “Especially you Y/N you seem to have it bad.” she chuckles, motioning to my panting self. “Otherwise we’re done for and this squad will no longer be as professional.” 
My eyes widen. “Wait- you’re joking right? It’ll go away like tomorrow. How would they know about this if we don’t tell them?” I ask and Walker opens her mouth to answer but before she can, my answer is handed to me differently. 
“You smell that?” someone says behind us. My heart stops pounding for a second. Right our new senses have us picking up more. 
“These cursed blue bitches.” I swear and Z breathily laughs, seeming to know how screwed we are. She’s passed the stage of denial and is now accepting our fate. 
We turn around and notice that Lyle was talking to Prager. Prager nodded and they stopped walking. Mansk had also stopped in his tracks, turning to them. Behind them, Ja, Quaritch, Brown, Lopez and the remaining team catch up and everyone comes to a halt. 
Quaritch walks between them and deeply inhales. He looks around, noticing how his soldiers are smelling what he is too. 
I feel my heart slowly drop and I hold on to Z-Dog for some comfort. All three of us are watching them, dreading their reaction. 
“What is it?” Lopez asks. 
“No idea, but it’s fuckin’ great.” Lyle chuckles and my breath catches in my throat. It seems to affect them too. As Lyle inhales, his own tail is swishing around behind him and his muscles flex. He’s growing restless and the recom’s are looking at their Colonel for an answer or instructions. 
Quaritch’s tail does the same, his own ears pinning back and then his gaze meets mine. He intensely stares me down and I feel like my entire body stops functioning for a second. 
“Oh fuck.” I whisper while barely moving my lips. I feel a little hazy again and start leaning against Z-Dog. She sighs looking more pissed than worried and catches me, trying to keep me upright. 
The soldiers follow the Colonel’s eyes and notice us standing a bit further away. 
“It ain’t dehydration, I can tell ya that.” Quaritch says, referring to Ja’s hypothesis of what might be happening. Seems like he read the manual too. 
The stupid excitement in my stomach has grown so big it’s making me feel sick. And all their eyes on us have me more nervous. 
“Can we leave?” I whisper and she nods, staring down the others as if they would move when she looks away. 
“Yeah, come on.” she says, guiding me forwards. I take a wobbly step, almost stumbling. 
Walking won’t do it. I have so much adrenaline coursing through my veins I want to run away. 
I glance back, noticing everyone’s tense poses. Their eyes follow our every move, making them seem almost predatory. My only instinct now is to run. 
Z gives me a push and my legs take off. I start running and hear Walker and Z-Dog do the same behind me. There’s a commotion happening behind them and the next time I glance behind me, everyone is chasing after us. 
It was a miserable escape attempt, to be honest. We were already so out of breath compared to them, we really didn’t make it far. 
Z caught up to me because she was not affected by the heat as much as me. 
Within the next few seconds, I was tackled to the ground, luckily hitting the soft grass. I fall with a shriek and when I look up I see Z-Dog made it a little further but she’s down now too. 
I felt bodyweight on my back and a hand wrapped around the back of my neck. I couldn’t move. Z-Dog could and the man that pushed her was getting a beating right now. 
I cry out, feeling uncomfortable in this position. My chest was pressed into the ground and I was struggling to breathe. 
“Don’t fight it, Buttercup.” the voice above me grumbled and I instantly knew it was Lyle who had his knee pressing down into my back. 
The feeling and the effects of the scent the recom’s picked up had everyone acting on their primal instincts. Most common sense was gone as their new bodies seemed to be overpowered by the will of nature. 
The scent had the soldiers feel just as worked up as the heat cycle did. Instinctively, they ran after the ‘potential mate’ they felt most attracted to because that was Eywa’s will. 
I couldn’t say anything, I felt completely overwhelmed and somehow, submitting to him felt like the right thing to do. My right mind would never let this happen but I couldn’t think of anything else but finding some relief in this agonising feeling. My body longed for this. 
I notice from the corner of my eye that Lyle is quite literally throwing his equipment to the side, ridding himself of any unnecessary accessories. 
Suddenly, boots appear in front of my face but I don’t have the strength to look up. 
“Hurry it up Corporal or else I’ll do it myself.” the voice growls and my eyes widen when I notice it’s Quaritch. 
With swift movements, my bag is removed from my body and my belt is ripped off. I gasp and suddenly, Lyle pushes my shorts down, hastily pulling them down my legs and chucking them to the side. 
His own skin feels like it’s burning so he starts to remove his shirt. However, the Colonel is impatient so he pushes Lyle out of the way and takes matters into his own hands. 
Lyle huffs in annoyance, wanting to rid himself of his own feeling of being painfully hard. 
“Let me help you out, sweetheart.” Quaritch growls, tearing my panties off. They just need access to my hole, there’s no time to take my bra off. 
I whine out when he scratches my skin while tearing the fabric off but it goes unheard. It doesn’t matter. Now Quaritch can see how needy I’m feeling and there is no questioning anything anymore. 
“Fuckin’ hell, you could’ve just told me, princess.” he teased, quickly undoing his belt. I push myself off the ground, getting on all fours but my chest is almost immediately pushed back down against the forest floor so that my back is arching and my ass and pussy are on full display to the Colonel. 
“Please-” I whimper, needing to feel some type of relief. Quaritch’s ears perk forward and an evil grin spreads across his face before he pushes his pants down to his mid-thigh. 
His throbbing cock springs out and he presses the tip against my heat. I can feel his pulse through it and he can feel mine. Before I can comprehend anything else, he harshly thrusts his hips forward, filling me up all the way.
I cry out, stretching my arms out in front of me and gripping a strand of grass.
Miles hisses, pinning his ears back before setting a rough pace. I push myself further against him so that he fully bottoms me out with every thrust, his abdomen hitting my ass. He curses under his breath. 
“Fuck, just like that, baby.” he snarled, holding my hips in place. One of his hands roughly groped my ass, delivering a spank to it which made me jolt forward. 
It’s a lot to take. Even though we’re both Na’vi, he seems to still be hitting my cervix with his tip whenever he thrusts in. 
I spread my legs a little further to give him better access and he speeds up his pace a little. He grips my tail, tugging me back to meet his thrusts and I’m clawing at the ground to try and contain myself. 
“Miles-” I moan and it makes him growl. 
“Just a little- more.” he grunts, feeling his high approach. 
This wasn’t about lovemaking or pleasuring the other person. We were so needy we just needed to fuck the feeling away and that’s exactly what Quaritch was doing. Relentlessly pounding into me from behind to finally relieve and save himself from the lust spell your sweet scent cast upon him.
He was so close, Miles leaned over and pulled my upper body up so he could press his chest against my back. He snaked an arm around my waist and continued to fuck himself into my pussy like a hound. 
I was so close. My mouth was hanging open and my eyes were slowly rolling to the back of my head. 
Miles groaned into my ear and his hips stuttered before I felt his hot cum shoot inside me. He continued to thrust into me, riding out his orgasm in a desperate attempt to keep this feeling around for as long as possible. 
Feeling him fill me up with his cum had my walls clenching around him and I came moaning his name. He held me in place to make sure I got all of it inside me before letting go of me and just regaining his breath. 
I was panting even harder now, struggling to keep myself upright. 
Quaritch pats my back, gliding his hand down my waist and hips,  steadying himself for a few more seconds before slowly pulling out. His cum was dripping out of my pulsing cunt and he sighed. 
“Well, ain’t that a beautiful sight.” he sighed, fingering some of it back inside me before getting up and redressing his pants. 
I wasn’t on the ground alone for long. In fact, only a few seconds before another pair of hands were on me. I saw Lyle take Quaritch’s spot with his pants already gone. He held my hips up and I loosely draped my tail over his shoulder. 
“God damn, you look so hot.” Lyle groaned, tracing my hips and ass with his hand. I heard a small chuckle and suddenly someone kneeled in front of me. 
It was Mansk and he was undoing his fly. His pants were strained and I watched with wide eyes. 
“Can you do it?” he asked before going any further. I nod, feeling how my mouth is salivating in anticipation. He smirks before pulling his pants down his thighs too. 
“Don’t worry, baby. I’ll go slow.” Mansk says, rubbing his thumb over my flushed cheek 
Behind me, Lyle is grinding himself into me, making me press up against him. As I do, his tip enters me and we both moan in unison. 
Mansk grins before entangling his hand in my hair. 
I hear distant moans and grunts but I can’t focus on anything else but then two men around me. 
Lyle pulls back, breaking the contact our warm skin had before he thrusts himself forward and fully pushes into me. My mouth drops open and I whimper, feeling a little sore from Quaritch. 
Mansk uses this opportunity and places the tip of his length on my bottom lip. I comply, sticking my saliva-covered tongue out and licking it. 
He shakily exhales, tightly pressing both his lips together as he watches me get to work.
I move forward and lick a long stripe from the base of his dick to the tip and it sends a shiver through him. 
Lyle starts to slowly thrust in and out of me. His eyes are closed as he focuses on how I feel around him. He’s trying his hardest not to cum straight away but knowing it’s you he’s fucking is making that very difficult for him. 
I wrap my lips around the tip of Mansk’s cock and suck on it. He shudders, letting his lips part and mouth fall open a little. 
“Shit…” he curses, pinning his ears all the way back. His entire body is being restrained because he’s fighting the need to just thrust forward into your mouth. 
He doesn’t however. Mansk lets you go at your own speed without pushing you further down, he just tightens his grip on your hair, balling his hand into a fist. 
I move my head off of him before repeating my previous action and taking more of him into my mouth. 
Lyle starts to leave his gentle pace behind and speeds up his hips movements. His hands are groping the flesh of my ass before harshly gripping my hips and rocking me back and forth. 
I relax my throat and open my mouth wider, taking more of Mansk. He’s watching me with blown pupils which I can’t see because he kept his shades on. 
He gulps, completely hypnotised by how you’re almost worshipping his shaft. 
Mansk hits the back of my throat and I change the angle a little so that I can fit more inside. I know I won’t be able to take all of him in but I want to please him with more than just half his dick. 
It seems like my gag reflex disappeared and Mansk hissed when he felt how I deepthroated him. 
“Fuck, that’s good.” he groans, throwing his head back. 
Lyle moans behind me and then his fingers find my clit, rubbing it. My eyes shoot open and I just arch myself further into him. 
A moan is drawn from my lips, sending vibrations to Mansk’s dick. He curses as I pull back and start bobbing my head up and down his length. 
“Come on, Buttercup. Cum f’ere me.” Lyle says in a husky deep voice. My ears twitch and my tail curls up into a C. 
He wanted me to release before him and I felt it approaching quickly because his fingers were working wonders while he continued to plunge himself deep into me. My walls started to tighten around him and he applied more pressure on my clit. 
I was cumming again and this time my legs were shaking. I was moaning but it was all muffled because of Mansk’s fat cock stuffing my mouth. 
Lyle was desperately humping me, his thrusts becoming more sloppy as he chased after his own high. 
I focused on Mansk while letting Lyle use me. My eyes were glossy and I swirled my tongue around him making him groan. 
With each bob of my head, I would now hollow my cheeks around him to create more suction. 
Mansk inhaled sharply because it felt like I was already trying to milk him of his cum and the way I refused to let his dick leave my mouth had him fall into euphoria. 
His hips desperately jolted forwards a few times as he came, throwing his head back while thick ropes of cum were shot down my throat. 
Coincidentally, Lyle was cumming at the same time and he pushed his hips as deep into me as possible. 
I swallowed everything Mansk gave me, licking his dick clean and he held my cheek in appreciation, breathlessly trying to gather himself. 
“God damn, Y/N. Never needed anythin’ as much as that.”  Lyle chuckled through heavy breaths. 
I opened my mouth and pulled back from Mansk a little while he leaned back on his knees and tried to regain control over his heaving chest. 
“I don’t think I can walk.” I say, coughing a little. 
Lyle lets go of my hips and I fall to the side, laying on the ground and covering my eyes with my hands. The reality was coming back and it only hit me now that I hooked up with my colleagues. 
The Colonel was still there, standing close to us. He reached for my shorts, taking my ripped underwear and stuffing it in his pocket. 
He crouched down to me, getting on one knee. I open my eyes and sit up by leaning on my elbows. My ears are drooped to the sides and my tail is motionlessly laying next to me. 
“You alright?” Quaritch asks, seeming a little worried. 
“Better now.” I grin and he chuckles, helping me put my shorts on. Lyle and Mansk dress themselves before Quaritch heaves me to my feet. 
He wraps an arm around me to keep me stable and on my feet, while we walk. 
The others had gotten up now too and everyone was dressed. I didn’t have the strength to observe anymore than that. 
Z-Dog grabbed a bottle from the ground and then spotted me. A grin spread on her face while I shot her a glare. 
“Damn, you can’t walk?” she joked, snorting. 
“Shut up, I can see you limping.” I say and she raises her hands in the air. Quaritch chuckles before turning to Mansk and Lyle. 
“Watch your surroundings and pay closer attention.” he orders, knowing not everyone is capable of defending themselves right now. They nod. 
After a few minutes, we reach a grass plain and Quaritch lets us all take a break because there’s no point in walking any further today. 
I sit down, leaning against Z-Dog who is teasing Walker about something. The others stand around, keeping watch for danger until the helicopter returns to pick us up. 
This is definitely not how I expected any mission to turn out. Who knew these blue bodies were so intense?
Tag List: @drinking-tea-and-be-obsessed @number1gal @ikranwings
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wordsofhoneydew · 20 days
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🌟 fic rec friday 🌟
9:42, nyu apartment by @cricketnationrise
If you’d told Alex ten years ago that he’d love being pinned to his own couch and kissed to within an inch of his life by Henry fucking Fox, he’d have laughed in your face.
on my knees (i’m aphrodite) by luisasfalsegod
“Baby, we gotta start getting ready for dinner. Ma’ is gonna kill me if I‘m not on time.” June murmurs.
“Tell me to stop and I will” Nora rasps.
June shivers, goosebumps rising on her skin. “Something tells me you don’t want me to” Nora smiles as she cocks her head.
“Oh my god” June whines.
Nora unhooks her bra, pulling it off June‘s body impatiently. She ghosts a hot breath across June‘s skin, delighting in the fact that her nipples are turning harder by the second.
“Are you gonna be a good girl for me?” Nora asks, looking up at June with serious eyes.
Or the one where June and Nora are forced to attend a state dinner at the White House when all they wanna do is fuck
You’re Gonna Go Far by @inexplicablymine
He would let the rich pavement and wide open highways take him home. Texas bluebonnet wild, cicada strong, sideways pampas grass floating freeways situated between wildfire season and the inevitable downpour of hail that tramples Mother Nature's roadside finger paintings.
But he fucking can’t.
Because New York City doesn’t have cicadas; it has cockroaches.
He can’t take the key around his neck and let it be a homing device—protective shield across his heart when he’s run out of air and the gas tank goes low.
Or, After the dust settles and the Brownstone becomes home, it should all be okay. So why does it all still feel so hard?
Is it casual now? by ncfariouvs
There are a couple things in this world that are absolutely unbearable for Alex.
The sound of her parents fighting, for one. She still remembers it, the yelling, that is. It was always so loud that even headphones couldn’t cancel out the noise.
Another thing she cannot fucking stand is when people don’t know how to make good coffee. It’s not that fucking hard.
Thirdly, people not letting her explain herself. She fucking hates being blamed for things that she didn’t do without having the chance to defend herself.
There are a couple more extreme ones, such as racists, bigots, and outright assholes…
But one thing she can’t fucking stand at this particular moment is the snobby, blonde, British girl in her English class who always has her nose stuck in a fucking book.
Henri fucking Fox.
no control (all yours) by @comethedaylight
Alex feels the first twinge in his bladder as he’s moving to the fridge to grab the water pitcher, an ache that’s sharp at first, but settles into something manageable, something almost… exciting. Like a buzz under his skin that he wants to ride out, like a high.
He’s been at this point before, after one too many coffees during late night study sessions in undergrad, too distracted by his readings to take a break, but the difference between then and now is he would just cut his losses. He’d feel that first ache and get up, bookmark his spot and nip it in the bud, but that’s not the plan tonight.
Tonight, he refills his bottle, lays back on the couch, and turns to his phone.
or alex learns something about himself while trying to learn more about his husband
no bunny compares to you by winterpine
Henry is a lot of things as a person and while much of his personality transfers over to his bunny form, his physical attributes do not. Most notably, his size.
Where Alex’s boyfriend stands tall and regal, his furry counterpart is small and fluffy, unable to summit even the most minor of obstacles.
Take their sofa, for one. Alex is watching TV and minding his own business, when he hears a steady thump from just below him. Peering over the edge of the dark cushion, he spots his boyfriend angrily pounding his back foot against the carpet.
“Ha! Is my little bun too tiny to get up here on his own?” Alex teases. He’s promptly rewarded with a whisker twitch followed by a nose scrunch. Henry is pouting and it’s the most adorable thing he’s ever witnessed.
or, five times Henry shapeshifts for himself and one time he does it for Alex
never wanna stop (‘cause your taste is so divine) by strawbgrl
Henry grins in contentment and rakes his fingernails along the backs of Alex’s thighs. “There’s my good boy,” he praises. Alex muffles a whine into the bend of his elbow and Henry watches in astonishment as he relaxes against the mattress. The verbal approval settles deep in Alex’s bones. “I knew you hadn’t forgotten your manners. You just needed a bit of a reminder. Isn’t that right, darling?”
Henry gives, and Alex takes.
l’échappatoire by @anincompletelist
A sea of dark curls. Warm, kind eyes. A slanted, smiling mouth, a dimple carved into the side. One hand holding a tall, steaming coffee, the other a mug full of Henry’s favorite tea. A whisper, a brush of fingertips in the trade off. The more important details.
“Hey, sweetheart.”
It’d be something out of Henry’s most treasured fantasies if he didn’t already know they’d be the last words this man ever says.
Henry fixes anomalies in other people's timelines. It's quite predictable and impersonal work for the most part. (Save for when it seems intent on unraveling his own, of course.)
Don’t Let Them Eat Cake by Magentarivers
Something shifted in the breath between them.
"Are you going to say something sappy?”
“Maybe.” Henry grinned tightly, as though caught red handed.
“Okay good, because me too. You go first.”
It's the night after their anniversary party, and the boys just want to do what any husbands want to do. Unfortunately they are parents first.
I’ll Wait for your Love (1 day before the Reddit Post) by Swoonoveryou
Alex sends Henry flowers for their friendship anniversary. What does this mean? After all these signs, does this mean Alex could actually like him?
He thinks maybe asking the internet might help.
Vegas, Baby by @porcelainmortal
“Hold on, Nora. I need some luck.” Alex holds out his hand, a pair of dice cradled in his palm. “Blow for luck?” He winks and throws Henry a devastatingly gorgeous smile.
Henry’s breath catches in his throat but he manages to inhale sharply before blowing on the dice in Alex’s hand. Alex’s pupils dilate as his eyes are drawn to Henry’s lips. Henry feels as if time has stopped, but he can hear the people at the table still talking and the bells of the machines going off around them. Nora nudges Alex with her elbow, seeming to break the spell Henry and Alex have been under. Alex’s attention is ripped away and he turns, throwing the dice down the middle of the table.
OR, Alex & Henry meet in Vegas, get drunk, and get married. Woops.
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theerurishipper · 9 months
I hate how im not even angry at how Kwamis choice ruined the Ladynoir ending from Hack-San. That little conversation was already bothering me in s4 bc Hack-San was brutally open with how little Marinette ever conciders Cat Noir in anything.
Beats me why she thought he wouldn't have the logical reaction of fcking RED ALERT when he suddenly sees Ladybug's earrings in possession of somebody else, but hey, Marinette told Alya to play with her pet so that makes up for it I guess? And "pet" I find extremely fitting in that episode's context. She literally send in another Ladybug miraculous holder who's lead Cat also had to follow with no saying in the matter. Marinette literally send him a new owner since the Ladybug can do with the Cat whatever she wants as Marinette herself perfectly demonstrates in her leadership and Adrien therefore had to learn in season 4. I don't know what kind of dignity Marinette was supposedly treating Cat Noir with because it definitely wasn't on screen.
Marinette not thinking a single second about Cat was so bad in Hack-San that in the end she was genuinely surprised that she had to talk to him. There had been no intention on her part to have a conversation, she truly thought she had taken care of everything that matters. And from her perspective that meant telling Alya to laugh at his jokes being the only thing she conciders of any importance (something Marinette herself barely does). Honestly, there is not more personhood to him than "Pet".
So no, her words in the Ladynoir end scene have always meant as little as it turned out in Kwamis choice where she immediately left after he rejected her one time in "Elation" and the she didn't even care if it was at least Scarabella again who Cat Noir would met next to find out the awful news.
I always felt so unbelievably bad for Adrien in the Hack-San ending because the episode went out of its way to show that it isn't Marinette who gets the "Their crush barely realizes they exist" treatment, it has always been Cat Noir.
It had to be ALYA to make Marinette even talk to Cat when she comes back and then the only thing Marinette acknowledges as a mistake is that he must have been (negatively) surprised by having met a different Ladybug holder and that she's sorry, if she were to have found out that way that he had revealed himself to someone else she would have been upset too.
Which... man, Ladybug's dialog in that scene is so surface level. Comparing the emotional depth of how Cat talks about what all this meant to him, with how much care he talks and that it was so bad that the thought of her not being there anymore one day hurt the most and that he doesn't think he could bare that...
And Ladybug is besides him and says "she would have sulked too".
The difference between what she means to him and what little he seemingly means to her is so bad that when Marinette says "I will never abandon you, Kitty" and Adrien immediately forgives her for everything as per usual, I look at Marinette and honestly want to ask if she even knows what the words she just said mean. Because the entire rest of the episode characterized her in a way where her line feels almost shallow.
What is Ladybug apologizing for not having warned him and saying "I will never abandon you Kitty" even worth when she was shocked that she had to talk to him at all?
Already back in season 4 I looked at Adrien's heart eyes after that and felt so bad for him bc very clearly this IS a bond be should be able to live without because she's spearing him barely any thoughts of actual significance in season 4.
So yeah, I can't say I'm angry about season 5 then having made that reality and destroyed the Hack-San ending with Kwamis choice. Marinette in part 1 once again proofs why it's even IMPORTANT that Ladybug isn't someone Cat should hold onto in his life and definitely needs to be able to bare possibly not seeing again. He rejected her ONE TIME and next morning she already tells Tikki to give her earrings to literally ANYONE before Plagg goes about his plan.
Already at that point the line "I will never abandon you Kitty" became worthless and she also would have caused yet ANOTHER Ladybug miraculous holder to met Cat Noir instead of Scarabella, when this time around the new Ladybug would have no information or connection to Marinette and was meant to stay for good.
I almost feel bad for saying it but also honestly not, Kwamis choice really reinforced how little Marinette actually learned in season 4. What little Ladybug "learned" in Hack-San was ripped to shreds in the same intensity as it already felt shallow in s4.
It's only thanks to Tikki that the same "new Ladybug" fiasko wouldnt have repeated itself for Cat just this time he would have been faced with every fear he had coming true, right after Elation where Cat admits that he isn't in love with her anymore and asks if she's okay with him only loving her as a friend.
She said yes. And then she left.
As much as I want to be harsh on Adrien's side of Kwamis choice too, I cannot hold it against him that he left to just finally be able to find happiness (and that being Plagg's motivation too for starting all this), especially not when him having stayed would have only resulted in him having to go through Hack-San 2.0 only in WORSE because once again Marinette barely spared Cat any thoughts besides this time him not wanting to date her anymore making her sad.
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Hack-san is one of those other episodes in Season 4 in which I was rather defensive of Marinette in the beginning. Like yeah, she is in the wrong and she should apologize, but I understand that it's an honest mistake, you know? She isn't the best at considering how others might feel about situations, and it's understandable that it didn't cross her mind to talk to Chat Noir. She did do it after Alya mentioned it and she took responsibility for her screw-up, and I was fine with it. That scene from Hack-san on its own is still one of my personal favorite Ladynoir scenes.
But that's just it. The scene itself when seen individually is so soft and sweet, but putting it into the context of the whole season, it's not a good look. Marinette says she'll never abandon Chat Noir, and spends the rest of the season pretty much replacing him with Rena Furtive and overall just pushing him away. It just makes her come off as hypocritical and dishonest. She continues to never consider him and his feelings and things just continue to get worse. The way the Ladynoir conflict was handled retroactively makes the scene in Hack-san worse.
And honestly, I don't feel like defending Marinette for what she did anymore, because she didn't really fix her mistake. She just doubled down and continued to do the same thing, and her assurances that she never really backed up really seem shallow in hindsight. She never learns anything, he takes all the blame for it in the end, and they just carry on without her having to fix her mistake. It's just so bad.
Thank you for your ask!
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So recently I was rewatching a few random Fast Forward episodes again (as one does when one is writing a massive AU about something) and BOY DO I NEED TO SHARE A THEORY
So like... Torbin Zixx, right.
This guy:
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He gets introduced to us in the FF Bishop episode, of all times, as a mysterious vigilante who has avoided not only being captured but also getting caught clearly on any security footage anywhere! How strange! Anyways, Bishop introduces themselves to the turtles, Raph tries to attack his hologram, and the gang agrees to help Bishop catch this guy. Banger!
And then! We get to this shot.
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Now, I don't know if this is a noticeable detail to anybody who like, has a life and isn't obsessed with this cartoon, BUT - boy does this face look familiar. The nose specifically is preeetty prominent.
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YEAH I bet none of you were thinking THIS when watching that season (probably a good sign that you have better things to do), BUT I THINK.
Consider the evidence - because there IS evidence, actually!
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First of all, they get to stand back to back in the opening even though they both show up like twice? Three times? For mostly unrelated adventures? Why do they get to stand back to back instead of like, Zyxx getting a spot in the villain lineup that is also in the opening? He is ostensibly occasionally doing good but he’s mostly a trickster able to outsmart the turtles and get away - a trait Bishop has exhibited even when he almost fuckin died in Bishop's Gambit, by the way - so it feels meaningful to set him up here, back to back with Bishop of all people.
Second, they get introduced in the same episode, Bishop to Knight. I know we all rag on this season and the following season for not reaching the previous five seasons' standard, but I believe while Back To The Sewer was genuinely badly written, Fast Forward's issue was only that it wasn't given enough time to elaborate on all the things it set up - it is still written well. Things happen with intentions behind them, we are given as much closure as the show could manage, and so it feels like introducing two characters in the same episode has meaning. Combined with the shot from the opening, it really does feel to me like a point is being made here to compare the two.
Third, there is the parallel of both of them tricking Raph with their holograms - unintentionally and intentionally. It makes sense for Bishop, or someone made to think just like Bishop, to use new modern technology like this, because he's a resourceful bastard!
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Look at him flinging himself at people he doesn't like. Me too, man.
"He and Bishop don't look alike!" - Well, not anymore they don't. But look at how Bishop used to look during the first five seasons, during his EPF era, and compare that to Zixx, and then compare Zixx to PGA era Bishop:
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The nose, the face shape, the dual communicators? PGA era Bishop does look different and this could be attributed to either change of artstyle or the implication that his clone bodies have evolved and changed over the last century, but Zixx is a piece of who he used to be and has had to evolve differently, and thus looks the part.
(Additionally, we have already seen Bishop make clones of himself that didn't look exactly like his then-current body, when he made the Slayer army in Bishop's Gambit.)
This, by the way, would explain why there is no digital track of Zixx's face anywhere. Because hey, let's be real here - the opening of the episode is dedicated to how much information Bishop personally looks through.
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If Zixx was indeed running around wearing Bishop's face, he'd want him gone, but Zixx, being a Bishop clone, would be smart enough not to get caught! Thus, the next best thing would be to get rid of any proof of similarity between them, hence these being the only picture Donnie, a de facto civillian, could find.
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(Ironically, this could very well have lead to Zixx becoming the infamous enigma he is said to be in this world.)
They also fight alike, relying on acrobatics and on being able to push and pull their opponents around as needed. I am unfortunately too tired to get good screenshots/clips of this.
"But Zixx doesn't look human!"/"But Zixx has a different voice than Bishop!"/"But Zixx has green eyes!" - He's a vigilante in a scifi space show and has the face and voice of the most well known guy in all of space, is it truly a stretch to assume he might've gotten body modifications? We've already got one guy grafting alien DNA onto himself to survive and it's none other than Dr Baxter Stockman, notably another piece of Bishop's past that's come back to haunt him. Why not two?
You know this would also be in line with what I am now calling the Seeing Double Theme - Dark Turtles and a new Turtle Titan are in this story, confrontations of the future and the past self in some way, shape or form are a running theme of Fast Forward, so why wouldn’t there be a Bishop clone running around
No clue how or why Zixx would ditch the whole "protect all of Earth" mentality, but when Bishop reforms himself and swings into the extreme of establishing intergalactic peace to a point where he can't even be partial towards Earth anymore, does it not make sense narratively for his foil to swing the other way, become a typical "only looking out for myself" type of guy?
"It could also be said that maybe Zixx shows off traits that Bishop usually obfiscates, with the self-serving nature being a good example. We know all of Bishop's grand goals are really just covering for the fact that he's scared and wants to protect himself, right? If you look at the core of everything he does, it's to benefit himself. Zixx forgoes making up any justifications and says it like it is: he only cares about himself and what others can do for him." - additional comment, courtesy of THE Bishop Guy™, @violetvulpini, who's the reason I'm going this insane rn in the first place.
In conclusion, I strongly believe that Torbin Zixx is a Bishop clone gone rogue, similar in origin to the Slayer aka Rat King. He is Bishop shaped, he gets to stand next to Bishop in the opening like they're anime foils to each other, and it is SO interesting to explore.
This has been Trauma, and you've been Zixxed ✌️💜
BONUS: Headcanon territory!
Zixx's purpose was to be a "back-up" clone. Bishop has been recording his findings and work since at least the EPF era when we meet him, so maybe these recordings are then uploaded somewhere so that in case he dies and can't make the body transfer, a new clone is awoken and informed of his purpose. For some reason this system has at some point malfunctioned and awoken Zixx despite Bishop surviving - possibly during the collapse of the lab he and Stockman used to work in, or during the space war that gets vaguely mentioned at one point.
"clone six" or "version six" somehow becomes "Torbin Zixx"?
How did Zixx become a vigilante? Well, we know Bishop doesn't have human blood. Presumably the blue goop that we see him bleed at the end of Bishop's Gambit is something synthesized specifically for his body, so I imagine it would be VERY hard to come by. This, I think, would very easily lead to a life of crime he has more than the ideal set of skills for.
Bishop probably wants him obliterated but can't reasonably dedicate resources to catching or killing who he KNOWS is gonna be the ultimate most hard-to-kill guy in the known universe.
He steals Bishop's fancy car specifically just to piss him off <3
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scotianostra · 11 months
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On July 30th 2003 Multi race winning Motorcyclist, Robert Steven ‘Hizzy’ Hislop died.
Hizzy, as he was affectionately known once said “If I’d never thrown my leg over a bike, I’d never have lived.”
Robert Steven Hislop grew up in the village of Chesters, near Hawick in the borders. His father started the interest of both he and his brother Garry in motorcycle racing. This was short lived at the time as he lost his father and a few years later his brother was killed at Silloth circuit. He ended up with a serious alcohol problem which led into depression.
Hizzy thankfully recovered and began his Isle of Man road racing career in 1983 by finishing second in the newcomers’ race at the Manx Grand Prix.
On short circuits, his first championship success came when he won the 250cc British Championship in 1990. Superbike victory followed with the British Superbike Championship in 1995. Some attributed his success to James Whitham leaving the series mid-season to deal with cancer.
Although he did not take a BSB victory in 1996 or 1997, Hislop was hired by Rob McElnea’s dominant Cadbury’s Boost Yamaha team for 1998. The nature of the fight for the championship between Hislop & team mate, fellow Scot. Niall Mackenzie, was illustrated by a near-collision on the last lap at Snetterton which cost the team a 1-2 finish. Hislop generally matched his countryman before a serious crash took him out of title contention.
His last championship success came in 2002 when he won the British Superbike Championship riding a Ducati. A notable feature of his season resulted from Hislop lapping Donington Park circuit more quickly on a superbike than the fastest Moto GP machine: Hislop’s modified production Ducati was heavier and less powerful than the bespoke Grand Prix bikes.
The 1992 Senior TT was described as an absolute classic. It is often described as one of the best races in TT history.
After their successful 1991 TT on all conquering Honda RVF machines, Hislop and Carl Fogarty had not planned to return in 1992. However, they both lined up on the Glencrutchery Road that year on unfancied machinery: Hislop was ona Norton with Fogarty on a Yamaha. The Norton Hizzy rode had been developed on a shoe string budget when compared with the Japanese competition. John Player had no intention of backing Steve’s TT campaign but after scratching around for some support and with minimal testing time, the team headed for the Isle of Man.
Hislop’s Norton took to the circuit in the unconventional white livery of Steve’s long term sponsor Abus. Hislop and the team defied the bike’s detractors by taking a fine 2nd place in the opening TT F1 race. The bike proved it could complete 6 laps of the gruelling Snaefell Mountain Course in hot weather so the team looked forward to Friday’s Senior TT.
Hislop’s main rival was Foggarty, who started at number 4. Steve started at 19. Not only did this give Hizzy more traffic to contend with but it also gave the crowd an anxious wait as the officials calculated the time difference between them. As the race progressed, the two riders smashed records they set the previous year with Hislop taking a narrow advantage into the final lap. In a last-ditch attempt to catch Hislop, Fogarty recorded a record lap time of more than 123 mph on his Yamaha. It was all in vain however as Hislop guided the fly splattered Norton home to an historic win. This was one of Hislop’s greatest achievements and one of the most popular TT wins. Carl Fogarty’s lap record stood for 7 years.
Hislop and Fogarty went on to become two of Britain’s most successful motorcycle racers, winning many races and championships. It was the 1992 Senior TT that saw them battle together for the last time.
Described by some as a flawed sporting genius, success in the world championships never materialised for Hislop. This was possibly because of a self-destructive aspect to his character. The flaw may have led to a number of well-publicised clashes with other riders and teams in the British championships which hindered progress into international series.
Having lost his brother and many friends in motorcycle accidents, he made a point of never going to the funerals of fellow racers, saying:
“Some people might find that a bit callous. I only ever attend family ones and people find it a bit strange that I won’t go to a friend’s funeral, but it’s just my little way of shutting off.”
Steve Hislop died in a helicopter accident in July 2003, near Teviothead, Roxburghshire and was interred in the village of Chesters near his birthplace of Hawick, Scotland. He had two children.
There is a bronze statue in memory of Hizzy in the grounds of Hawick Museum. at Wilton park and another at Onchan Head, Isle of Man, as seen in order in the pics. The last pic is a cairn near Teviothead, the scene of the helicopter crash, it reads……
‘Hizzy’ This cairn was built by a few friends of Steve Hislop, British Superbike Champion, who was tragically killed in a helicopter accident near this site, on July 30th 2003.
Kind permission was granted by His Grace The Duke of Buccleuch.
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aurik-kal-durin · 6 months
My final Hilda episode ranking for all seasons, plus the movie.
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S Tier: Most of these should be self-explanatory. The standouts I feel I must explain are The Nightmare Spirit, The Windmill, and The Yule Lads.
The Nightmare Spirit is one of my favorite episodes in the entire series because it introduces the Marra, and has some absolutely spellbinding folklore behind it, as well as some great character development for Hilda and David. I couldn't NOT put it in S tier.
The Windmill and The Yule Lads I feel are two of the more underrated episodes; the former is a superb David centric episode where he ends up being the unlikely hero, and the latter just has some really good folklore behind, and is a unique take on the Christmas special. It also has a very sweet moment between Hilda and David at the end, which makes it even better in my book.
A Tier: These episodes are not as good as S tier, but are still brimming with charm, and thus are a joy to watch. Whether they have some fascinating folklore behind them, some good character development, or some just some funny or otherwise iconic moments (like David standing up to the Marra, or telling off Frida) these episodes are just as infinitely rewatchable as S tier most of the time.
These episodes formed the backbone of the series and kept me watching from beginning to end. They form a key element that is missing from most other cartoons, and made the difference between keeping me entertained... and feeling like the series was being padded out with unnecessary filler, as has been the case with the majority of shows I've watched in the last 15 years.
B Tier: This is more of a matter of personal preference, but episodes in this tier I just found were a bit of a chore to get through.
The Black Hound, I felt, was a lackluster ending to an otherwise amazing first season.
The Draugen wasn't bad, but I always found it to be pretty "meh" compared to the episodes I have in higher tiers.
C Tier: The House in the Woods was just kind of a boring episode, and I have mixed feelings about The Mountain King. My biggest issue with the movie is with Trylla, the mother troll, her warped justification for kidnapping Hilda, and the fact that she almost got Johanna KILLED while hiding the truth from Hilda. Sorry, but I cannot overlook that.
D Tier: Episodes in this tier all had something that held them back, but weren't so bad that I had a hard time watching them from start to finish.
The Troll Circle was a bland and meandering opening to the second season, and it introduced us to Ahlberg, who was at his most annoying in that episode.
The Beast of Cauldron Island had a lot of things I didn't like, such as the continuation of Frida's awful character arc for Season 2, and David being reduced to a useless coward yet again.
Strange Frequencies made all of the characters unlikeable and OOC while focusing too much on the nisse, when it should've focused on Hilda's dad.
F Tier: These are the few episodes in all of Hilda that I consider to be genuinely bad to the point where they're unwatchable.
The Witch kickstarts Frida's awful character arc for Season 2, dumbs down Hilda to make Frida look smarter, strips the Librarian of her mystique from Season 1, and introduces some unlikable and annoying new characters in the form of the Committee of Three.
The Eternal Warriors uses all of it's runtime to make fun of David, reducing him to a useless coward, and giving us some really cringe-inducing scenes when he becomes fearless.
The Jorts Incident is the single worst episode of the entire series, wasting the potential of the tide mice on a forgettable side character and a lazy Ghostbusters homage... while also reducing David to a useless coward yet again!
The Giantslayer is a pointless time travel side quest that portrays the giants as victims even as they're carelessly stepping on people's houses and ruining their entire lives.
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aemiron-main · 2 years
vecna is the mindflayer. seriously.
first of all let’s just look at the physical/design similarities of henry vs actual mindflayers/dnd mindflayers. this ALONE is very obvious evidence that henry is intended to be based on/tied to mindflayers, everything right down to the tentacles and the clawed hands.
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(UPDATE/EDIT TO THIS POST. When I say Henry, I mean 001/Vecna/whoever the fuck because at this point between Brenner and Henry and Edward, there’s so many options and I do think it all leads back to Brenner)
DND is how the kids attempt to understand the world and threats around them- Henry/Vecna was the ‘demogorgon’ who took Will. Henry/Vecna was the mindflayer who possessed Will. And now, he’s Vecna trying to kill people. It’s just different names for Henry while the kids use DND to try and understand the world around them. I talk about this more in this post. Anyway, let’s get into more similarities between Henry and mindflayers:
“Mind flayers were sadistic aberrations feared by sentient creatures on many worlds across the multiverse due to their powerful psionic abilities. From their twisted lairs deep in the Underdark, these alien entities sought to expand their dominion over all other lifeforms, controlling their minds to use them as obedient thralls.They consumed their victims' very personality by extracting and devouring their brains while they were still alive.”
Let’s break this first wiki excerpt down. First of all, we have the reference to “powerful psionic abilities,” which, very obviously applies to Henry, as his powers are described as psionic abilities.
Second of all, we have “twisted lairs deep in the underdark.” Vecna’s mind lair is literally twisted with all of the twisting vines and looking at these official renditions of the underdark compared to Henry’s mind lair, it becomes obvious that Henry’s mind lair was inspired by the underdark and by mindflayer lairs- it’s literally called his mind lair.
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Third, we have “expand their dominion over all other lifeforms,” which is very clearly what 001 is attempting to do. He talks about how the current structure of the world is “unnatural,” and he talks about wanting to reshape the world and we very clearly see him literally trying to expand his dominion onto all other life forms when he opens the gates and brings the UD (his dominion) into Hawkins. We also have the mindflayer-nazi parallels and 001-nazi paralells Steve saying “like the Germans?” when Dustin first describes Mindflayers in season 2 and then Dustin corrects Steve, going “you mean the Nazis?” So, mindflayers have already been paralleled to nazis in ST and 001 has quite a lot of Nazi coding, and the nazis, obviously, were focused on ‘expanding their dominion,’ to put it very mildly. @heroesbyler made a great post explaining 001 and Nazi imagery more in-depth. 
Fourth, we have “controlling their minds to use them as obedient thralls.” This is exactly what Henry does with the flayed in s3. I don’t think I need to explain this one very much, because this is EXACTLY what happens to the flayed in s3, and we see flayed like Billy adopt 001’s exact mannerisms and in s4 when Vecna is talking to El in his mind lair, we get a flashback to the scene of flayed billy with el in the cabin because ‘flayed billy’ was 001, he’s the one controlling their minds. 
And fifth, we have “they consumed their victims' very personality.” This is literally 001. Text-of-the-show 001. He talks about how his victims are still “with him,” in his mind, and Brenner talks about how 001 LITERALLY consumes his victims’ personalities, consumes/absorbs everything about them.
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Let’s look at even MORE similarities between Henry/Vecna/001 and mindflayers:
“A mind flayer's body was, in fact, a gruesome mockery of the humanoid form. Their skin ranged from mauve to greenish-violet in color. Mind flayers that were healthy from brain-rich diets excreted a thin film of slimy, glistening mucus that kept in moisture.”
“A gruesome mockery of the human form, mauve to greenish-violet, a thin film of slimy, glistening mucus that kept in moisture.” Cmon. ST Vecna literally becomes mauve LMAO and he’s a gruesome mockery of the human form with how he’s become distorted and how he was once human but now is literally a mockery of that form, he mocks humans and tries to separate himself from them but is still technically human, just a grotesque version of it, he is LITERALLY a mockery of the human form. plus the glistening slimy mucus. i think that ‘tentacles squelching wetly’ and ‘wet footsteps squelch’ speak for themselves, and we can clearly see that Vecna is covered in a thin film of slimy mucus. he literally glistens. 
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As well, we have:
“Mindflayers were megalomaniacal in the extreme, tyrants driven by an immense ambition and intrinsically ruled by an overwhelming sense of self-importance. The mind flayers sought nothing less than world domination, knew their destiny was mastery over the universe and the ultimate prize they yearned for was complete dominion over all the planes of existence, with the power to reshape reality and all within it to fit their otherworldly designs. However, mind flayers did not believe themselves to be horrifying monsters.”
“megalomaniacal in the extreme,” this one speaks for itself i think. look at 001’s monologue during the massacre. yeah. 
“immense ambition and overwhelming sense of self-importance,” this, yet again, is 001. he is extremely ambitious and sees himself as being inherently superior to people and creatures he deems lessers and talks about how he is a predator and compares himself to a spider and talks about how spiders are the most important predators, literally referring to them as ‘gods of our world,’ he has delusions of godhood, and he refers to humans as pests when most people would refer to spiders as pests when the reality is that neither is a pest and it’s a matter of perspective and henry is a hypocrite because his attitude towards humans is the same attitude humans have towards spiders, which ties into the heavy themes of repeating the cycle of abuse that are present with henry. 
“nothing less than world domination/mastery over the universe/complete domination over all planes of existence,” I already explained this earlier, but 001 very clearly wants others to bend to his will and align with his plans and will force them to do so. 
“power to reshape reality and all within it to fit their otherworldly designs,” 001 straight up verbatim talks about wanting to reshape reality repeatedly, such as in the rainbow room with el and in his mind lair with el. he wants to reshape it how HE sees fit, he wants to enforce his own form of conformity, he wants it to fit his ‘otherwordly designs,’ this is literally completely, exactly henry. he wants to reshape everything and everyone within reality too, literally ‘all within it,’ he tries to mold and shape and destroy people and everything in the world in addition to the world itself. he literally tries to mold/shape/groom el into joining him so that she fits in with his plans/designs. 
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“did not believe themselves to be horrifying monsters,” 001 doesn’t see himself as a monster, he sees himself as a saviour initially, and although he later seems to imply that he may acknowledge that he is a monster (although thats a whole post in and of itself because its still up in the air), he doesn’t seem to think it’s a bad/horrifying thing, and instead, talks about  how brenner is not a monster and rather is an ordinary, pathetic man. but it’s worth remembering that henry’s abuse at the hands of virginia happnened under the nose of an ordinary, pathetic man (victor), and that the real ‘monsters’/bad people in henry’s eyes are the pathetic, ordinary ones because THOSE are the ones who  have hurt him. henry tries to separate himself from them and from humanity as a whole. 
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And we also have:
“In the minds of the illithids, their kind acted as agents of "Order", forces of law tasked with taming a chaotic and unguided universe. They saw the various races in its confines as potential thralls with no supervision, living out aimless existences and working with no direction. In this role as multiversal caretakers, the mind flayers constantly worked for what they saw as the betterment of the cosmos, asserting their ultimate control to provide the restoration of order that only their superior species could bestow to all the multiverse.”
“tasked with taming a chaotic and unguided universe,’ 001 talks constantly about the world being chaotic and unbalanced and how predators like himself and spiders need to be the ones to bring balance to it/tame it/guide and shape it. 
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“potential thralls with no supervision, living out aimless existences and working with no direction,” this is so, SO similar to what 001 talks about in his ‘wake up, eat, work, sleep, reproduce and die’ speech. he sees others’ existence as aimless and directionless and LITERALLY turns them into thralls in s3 as a result of it. 
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“the restoration of order that only their superior species could bestow,” COME ON THIS IS SO 001!! he literally talks about how him and el are ‘superior,’ and how he needs to restore order to a broken world and how spiders were the predators that immobilze the weak and restore order by doing so and how he later talks in the yellow UD about becoming the predator/spider he was always born to be. he sees himself as being the superior species (spiders/predators) that needs to restore order that can only be restored by him/people like him/fellow members of the ‘superior species’ like el. like spiders are literally a different species, it’s not just a parallel of henry wanting to bestow order, it’s literally henry seeing himself as a superior different species (spiders) and that in and of itself being the reason why he needs to bestow order, when in reality, he isn’t a spider or a superior species and instead, only ‘became’ such/tried to become such because he already wanted to impose his own form of order, he isnt imposing order BECAUSE he’s a superior species the way he thinks he is, instead, he is only a ‘superior species’/wants to become a spider so to speak BECAUSE he already had that desire to enforce his own order before he ‘became’ that ‘superior species’. he’s a hypocrite. 
“The mindflayers strongly believed in their manifest destiny, and viewed the task of bringing the multiverse to heel as one of great importance. The illithids instructed all who questioned this view to look at the biological facts, how they stood at the top of the food chain and how all others naturally fell beneath them. While the illithids recognized that other creatures resisted their control, they perceived this as a natural result of reality's current state, the unknowing thralls within not knowing any better than to fight their masters.”
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“they perceived this as a natural result of reality's current state, the unknowing thralls within not knowing any better than to fight their masters.” again, henry sees others as naturally inferior to him and acts as if they fight against him because they are inherently incapable of seeing and understanding his vision because they are of a different, inferior species compared to him. 
“One mind flayer sees ye, and they all see. One mind. One nasty, suspicious mind.” This ties into the hivemind. Henry is the mind of the hivemind, he’s the one that sees everything that’s happening through it, he’s the one that controls it. 
“Despite being capable of doing so, a mind flayer that limited itself to such a restricted diet was rare. Mind flayers savored the minds they consumed, and the brains of thinking beings were preferable to those of lesser lifeforms. Experiences and emotions were the part that made the meal truly fulfilling, and the intelligence and imagination of the victim were a key factor in how highly rated a brain was. Various other elements influenced the flavor of a brain: a sense of great self-importance gave brains a pleasing tanginess, those afflicted with demonic madness were more succulent than sane ones, and active, magic-filled, and experienced minds were among the tastiest of all.”
“Illithids were all sexless, without male or female biological sex, and once or twice in their life they would lay a clutch of eggs from which tadpoles hatched. Tadpoles that survived to maturity were put through the ceremony of ceremorphosis, where each was implanted into a humanoid victim and devoured its brain, taking its place and merging with the body to transform it into a new illithid. Only some humanoid species were suitable hosts for illithid tadpoles.”  Dart/the slug that will coughs up is literally referred to as a tadpole by dustin (even though it isn’t one, they’ve paralleled it to one), and it’s heavily implied that Henry was the one who put the vine in will’s throat, as the actual demogorgon has zero means of doing so and henry is the one who is shown to be controlling the vines. 
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This is literally a VERY BRIEF OVERVIEW of things that point to henry being the mindflayer, i’m going to do a deep dive into it at some point, but. yeah.
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goldenavenger02 · 2 years
pages turned
He couldn't even call for help as he fell to the ground with his vision dimming rapidly. The only thing he could do was feel his heart beat rapidly in his chest due to the panic of the fact that Lloyd could have just gotten himself killed. Takes place during season 1
Lloyd was really starting to hate this whole "green ninja" thing.
Between the fact that it seemed as though the "watch Lloyd" statement his uncle had made when he first moved in with them had gotten ten times more strict just because of a title and the whole "having to fight your dad" thing…yeah, he was really starting to hate it.
He understood why he wasn't allowed to go anywhere by himself. For one, he was still a kid, that hadn't changed since he had been taken captive by Pythor. Between that and his recently revealed destiny, it made sense.
What didn't make sense was that every time the others would go out to fight the serpentine or on yet another search for the final Fangblade, Nya would go into this denial mode where she wouldn't tell him where or why they were going until they had returned before following behind as Samurai X.
Which meant he was alone in the creaking walls of The Bounty and was forced to hope that one of the others had taken pity on his exile from the outside world and had bought a new Fritz Donnegan comic or a new video game.
After all, it wasn't like he could train himself for a fight that he wasn't even sure that he wanted to win due to the fear of what he could lose.
So when they had pulled to a stop and had jumped off of the deck of the ship onto the ground, Nya following closely behind in her mech, Lloyd couldn't help but turn to his uncle and ask, "I can't go this time?" even though he knew how he would respond.
And like clockwork, he nodded as he spoke, his voice low, "it's best to let the ninja handle this one." before he walked below deck, leaving Lloyd by himself yet again, forced to watch the others battle the snakes in droves as his stomach twisted.
'This is because of me. This is all because I opened those tombs,' he thought to himself, but as he looked down at the green gi he was wearing and how it seemed to shine with the sun's reflection, he lifted his hood over his head and took a long, deep breath, 'I have to help them fix this.'
And with that, he grabbed onto the chain of the anchor and slid down, holding tighter and tighter as the ground got closer and closer and for a brief second let the all too scary thought cross his mind.
'Is this a bad idea?'
Kai knew that he bragged about a lot of things, but he had gotten really good at fighting these snakes that he was pretty sure that he could do it in his sleep. Hit, spin, fire. Hit, spin, fire. Hit, spin, fire.'
If it wasn't for the chance that they could get the blades, he'd be growing bored and tormenting his sister over the comms asking if she could do him a favor and get everyone's McDonald's order while making sure he adjusted for each different breed of snake. Don't look, hit, spin, fire. Deflect with metal, hit, spin, fire. Dodge venom, hit, spin, fire. Loosen muscles, hit, spin, fire.
If it had been Cole, he would have compared it to dance steps, or Jay, instructions for a video game. But Kai viewed it as blacksmith work, which he had never been that good at, but he tried his hardest to memorize. 'To forge the perfect weapon, you first need the right metal and plenty of heat. Cool it off and presto!'
As he pushed back a few Venomari, he had to keep the mental image of the horribly mangled sword that had been in his hands a little more then a year ago to himself because even though he looked back on it fondly, the last thing he wanted was for Nya to hold it over his head for another six months.
But just like that, the lightheartedness of his mind crumbled into chaos. The first thing was the green out of the corner of his eye that couldn't have been a snake, it was too dark. He knew it was Lloyd who had snuck off of The Bounty and had gone head first into the battle despite not even knowing how to do spinjitzu yet.
But before his lips could move and he could shout at the young boy to 'get back on the ship', that's when pain washed over him suddenly before he even had a chance to breathe and his hands went to the wounded area, only to feel warm liquid seep onto his hands.
He had been stabbed, and by the way it felt, it was bad. Really bad.
He couldn't even call for help as he fell to the ground with his vision dimming rapidly. The only thing he could do was feel his heart beat rapidly in his chest due to the panic of the fact that Lloyd could have just gotten himself killed.
Kai had no idea how long his world had darkened. One moment, he was bleeding in the midst of one of the largest battles he had been in, if not the largest, and the next thing he knew, his surroundings were shockingly quiet.
Even when they would go to sleep at the end of the day, The Bounty creaked and cracked throughout the night, so there was only one logical explanation.
'I'm definitely dead.'
Luckily, when he shifted slightly and a ripple of pain traveled up the left side of his body, he was pretty sure that he was not dead, which was relieving for a brief moment until a new thought entered his mind.
He didn't have to wait for an answer on that one, however; he just had to have the strength to open his eyes to see the small child in his oversized gi looking at him from the doorway with a face that couldn't be described as anything other than pitiful; his recently turned green eyes were shiny with tears and his cheeks had the same effect.
"Lloyd? Are you okay?" Kai spoke, realizing just how dry his mouth was as the words made their way out. "Did you get hurt?"
"Did I get hurt?" Lloyd's eyes were wide with something like anger or confusion, "you got fucking stabbed,-"
"Hey, your uncle said you're not allowed to swear anymore."
"-and it's my fault."
And with that, the tears ran down the boy's face which stunned Kai into silence immediately. Yes, he had comforted Nya when she had been crying in the past, but that had been way different.
This was an eight year old boy who had just had his entire world shaken up in a way that Kay couldn't even begin to pretend to relate to and now he had convinced himself that everything going wrong was because of him.
"Lloyd, hey," he spoke softly as he shifted to face him better, biting back the sharp pain from moving, "bud, this wasn't your fault."
"Pythor did it, and I let him out-"
"I'm gonna stop you right there," Kai cut him off, startling his tears into a stop, "your dad does a lot of bad things, you know that."
"Not helping."
"Well, let me finish, short stack," Kai responded before continuing, "remember when your dad was staying here to help rescue you and he started to try and steal files?"
"Yeah, because it was a few days ago."
"Saying that Pythor stabbing me was your fault because you let him out is like saying that it's your uncle's fault that our files got stolen because he let Garmadon stay here. You are not responsible for other's actions. You got that?"
Lloyd nodded, but the tears were still on his face and his body was still shaking with the cries. It seemed as though hearing what he was saying wasn't the same as understanding what he was saying. But, Kai knew that he couldn't make Lloyd understand, so he sighed and adjusted on the bed, wincing at the sharp shot of pain.
"Are you okay?" Lloyd asked, his voice still shaky from crying.
"Sit next to me, kid," Kai insisted, waiting for him to pull himself onto the bed and sit in the empty space, "I don't blame you. So you don't need to blame yourself. Okay?"
The room was silent again. If it could have been, it was more quiet then when he initially woke up. But all he could focus on was waiting for Lloyd's response and if he had to continue with the damage control or not.
"Okay." Lloyd breathed at last, and Kai couldn't help but sigh in relief as well before asking the next question on his mind.
"How mad did your uncle get when you snuck off The Bounty?"
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whxre-bxby · 1 year
I just finished reading your fic "Cursed By Blue" (AND IM SO IN LOVE, fr marry me 💍) and i was hoping you could make a different version but with Ja and Prager?
I KNEW this was coming LMAO (let's go on a honeymoon) here you go <3
"Cursed By Blue" 2.0
f. Recom Y/N x Recom Prager x Recom Ja
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(I can't find a gif of Ja) heartbreak hotel
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"Cursed By Blue"1. Masterlist
Summary: The recom team is out on another mission, exploring the woods in search of Sully. However, the ladies become inconvenienced by a certain seasonal feeling they didn’t expect. It hits Y/n the hardest and it’s not long before the others understand what’s happening. While everyone fights their instincts, the only option Y/N sees available is to run. 
WARNINGS: SMUT, force with consent, predator/prey, heat fucking, heat cycles, penetration, unprotected sex, breeding kink, quickie, Z-Dog absolutely destroying everyone
Word Count: 4555
We were nearing the weekend. Not that that affected us. Lyle told me it was Friday today and I was surprised because I had completely lost track of time. But it didn’t really matter what day it was because we didn’t get time off anyway. Finding Jake was our number one priority and no breaks other than sleep were allowed. 
So here we were again, walking deeper into the forest of Pandora. It had just passed lunch time and we were here since early morning. 
No one was tired though, not yet. We weren’t allowed to be either. 
Today also happened to be warmer than usual so I wasn't wearing my usual long-sleeved attire and pants. I dressed like Walker usually did, in a sports bra and shorts. She and Z-Dog decided to wear tank tops like most of the others. 
The forest grew quieter the more we distanced ourselves from the RDA base and the city. Soon, we could only hear the wind blowing between the leaves and the distant calls of animals. That and our heavy footsteps. 
The Colonel and Lyle started the day off by leading us into the woods. As the hours passed by, the line mixed since everyone had a different walking pace and now it was Z-Dog and me leading at the front. Walker was close behind. 
I had been excessively drinking for the last 30-45 minutes and I wasn’t sure why. Z-Dog glanced over at me when she saw me reach for another water bottle. 
“That’s your third one already. Are you okay”? She asks, watching me gulp it down. I swallow most of the water and inhale sharply, wiping my mouth with the back of my hand. 
“I don’t know.” I say, gasping for air. “Maybe I’m dehydrated?” 
“Don’t think so, we always drink the same amount and I’m fine.” Z-Dog says. We continue walking for a while longer in silence, thinking. Then Z reaches for her water and starts drinking it like she’s been running. 
I laugh a little but seeing her drink made me feel thirsty again. 
I reach for my water only to notice I have a few drops left. I down the remaining liquid and hold the bottle to my head. It seemed to be getting really warm. 
Turning around, I open my mouth and want to say something to Walker only to see her finishing her own bottle of water. I look behind me fully and no one else is drinking. 
“What. The. Fuck.” I say, feeling genuinely confused. Walker looks up at me with water drizzling down her chin and Z turns around. 
I wheeze and Z laughs and we wait for Walker to catch up so we can walk together. 
“Do you have any water left?” I ask her, knowing we at the front drank ours. 
“No, that was my last bottle.” she says and I notice how heavy my breathing is becoming. 
“Wait, you ran out too?” she asks and Z-Dog scoffs. 
“Yeah, been drinkin’ like we ran a marathon.” she says and I nod.
“I’ll ask the others.” I say before turning around and seeing Mansk behind me.
“Can I have some of your water?” I ask, wiping a bead of sweat from my forehead. Compared to us, Mansk is not sweating at all. He’s wearing his usual long-sleeved jacket over his tank top. 
The man glances up at me and his eyebrows furrow for a split second before he nods and hands one of his bottles over. 
“You ran out already?” he asks while I open it and drink about half. 
I wipe my mouth again, closing my eyes for a second and nodding. “Yeah.” I breathe out. “Thanks.” I say, handing it back to him. 
“Y’ alright?” he asks again taking the bottle back and I nod, not thinking much of it. Mansk doesn’t seem convinced. 
Ja overheard our conversation and sped up his walk to catch up to us. When Mansk noticed his presence he seemed a little relieved. 
“Is she okay?” he asks his colleague. Ja was the medic of the group so he would know. He took a glance at me and also thought of what I suggested. 
“Did you drink enough?” he asks me and I nod. 
“Yeah, I drank all my water and some of Mansk’s.” I scoff, wiping sweat from my forehead again. 
Ja presses the back of his hand against my cheek and then my forehead. 
“Shit, you’re burning up.” he said, scanning over me. 
I was feeling extremely warm. My skin felt like it was burning and my clothes suddenly felt tight and restrictive.
In front of us, Z-Dog and Walker are discussing something. 
Ja felt up my arm and checked my pulse while we were walking and Mansk stayed on my other side in case I was in fact not okay.
“Yeah, somethin’s definitely not right.” Ja announces to us, not quite sure how to help me. Mansk has his eyebrows furrowed, examining my behaviour. 
“They have it too.” I say, pointing at Z-Dog and Walker who now turn around. Walker is grimacing a little and Z looks worried. 
Mansk’s and Ja’s heads look up at them and they notice that they are breathing heavily and sweating just like me. Ja also takes note of the empty bottles in their hands. 
“Everthin’ okay up there?” the Colonel calls. It seems as though the others have noticed the small commotion and the medical check-up. 
Ja turns around, rubbing the back of his head. 
“Uh- no sir not really.” he calls back, stopping in his tracks to wait for Quaritch so that he can explain. Mansk and I keep walking and he watches me intently as I break out into a type of pant. My ears are pinned back and my tail is wildly flicking around behind me. My eyelids also happen to suddenly grow heavy and I keep them half-lidded. 
What snaps me out of my haze is Z calling my name. 
“Hey, Y/N come over here for a sec.” she says, turning around. Walker is running her hand down her face in what looks like frustration. 
I nod, jogging over and leaving Mansk behind. He’s still watching me, trying to make sense of what’s happening.
Neither Z nor Walker looks like they feel like joking around anymore.
“Have you read the manual?” she asks and it takes me a few seconds to realise she means the Na’vi Body data. 
“Yeah, of course, we had to.” I say, trying to play it cool. She raises an eyebrow and I sigh. 
“I stopped once I reached the shit about plants. It got boring.” I say and she nods, knowing damn well she didn’t read further than that either. 
“Walker read it, and it said somethin’ ‘bout a heat cycle.” Z says and I glance at Walker. 
“Yeah… we’re not dehydrated. I remember the symptoms. It’s happening right now.” Walker says, scanning my reddened face. 
“Does it burn?” Z asks and my ears perk forward for once, being relieved from the tense strain I kept them in the past half hour. 
“Everything burns.” I say. 
“You know what I mean.” she adds and I groan in frustration too. 
“Yeah.” I mumble. I can’t deny the heat that’s been forming between my legs. I tried ignoring it but it grew worse. 
“Do you feel, like-” Z says, gasping for air herself. “...uncontrollably horny?” she asks with a light laugh and Walker smirks. 
I have no shame admitting anything in front of them so I chuckle and answer. “More like painfully horny.” 
They laugh a little, struggling to even out their breathing. 
“We need to distance ourselves from them.” Walker says, glancing over her shoulder. “Especially you Y/N you seem to have it bad.” she chuckles, motioning to my panting self. “Otherwise we’re done for and this squad will no longer be as professional.” 
My eyes widen. “Wait- you’re joking right? It’ll go away like tomorrow. How would they know about this if we don’t tell them?” I ask and Walker opens her mouth to answer but before she can, my answer is handed to me differently. 
“You smell that?” someone says behind us. My heart stops pounding for a second. Right our new senses have us picking up more. 
“These cursed blue bitches.” I swear and Z breathily laughs, seeming to know how screwed we are. She’s passed the stage of denial and is now accepting our fate. 
We turn around and notice that Lyle was talking to Prager. Prager nodded and they stopped walking. Mansk had also stopped in his tracks, turning to them. Behind them, Ja, Quaritch, Brown, Lopez and the remaining team catch up and everyone comes to a halt. 
Quaritch walks between them and deeply inhales. He looks around, noticing how his soldiers are smelling what he is too. 
I feel my heart slowly drop and I hold on to Z-Dog for some comfort. All three of us are watching them, dreading their reaction. 
“What is it?” Lopez asks. 
“No idea, but it’s fuckin’ great.” Lyle chuckles and my breath catches in my throat.
 It seems to affect them too. As Lyle inhales, his own tail is swishing around behind him and his muscles flex. He’s growing restless and the recom’s are looking at their Colonel for an answer or instructions. 
My heart seems to stop beating when I see Ja turn to me. Prager’s gaze meets mine as well and it’s so intimidating which is unlike both of them. They’re watching my every movement and I take a step back, my grip on Z’s arm tightening.
“Oh fuck.” I whisper while barely moving my lips. I feel a little hazy again and start leaning against Z-Dog. She sighs looking more pissed than worried and catches me, trying to keep me upright. 
The soldiers follow Ja’s, Prager’s and the Colonel’s eyes and notice us standing a bit further away. 
“It ain’t dehydration, I can tell ya that.” Quaritch says, referring to Ja’s hypothesis of what might be happening. Seems like he read the manual too. 
The stupid excitement in my stomach has grown so big it’s making me feel sick. And all their eyes on us have me more nervous. 
"Do we kill them or ourselves?" Walker asks, not liking any of this.
“Can we leave?” I whisper to Z and she nods, staring down the others as if they would move when she looks away. 
“Yeah, come on.” she says, guiding me forwards. I take a wobbly step, almost stumbling. 
Walking won’t do it. I have so much adrenaline coursing through my veins I want to run away. 
I glance back, noticing everyone’s tense poses. Their eyes follow our every move, making them seem almost predatory. My only instinct now is to run. 
Z gives me a push and my legs take off. I start running and hear Walker and Z-Dog do the same behind me. There’s a commotion happening behind them and the next time I glance behind me, everyone is chasing after us. 
It was a miserable escape attempt, to be honest. We were already so out of breath compared to them, we really didn’t make it far. 
Z caught up to me because she was not affected by the heat as much as me. 
Within the next few seconds, I was tackled to the ground, luckily hitting the soft grass. I fall with a shriek and when I look up I see Z-Dog made it a little further but she’s down now too. 
I felt bodyweight on my back and a hand wrapped around the back of my neck. I couldn’t move. Z-Dog could and the man that pushed her was getting a beating right now. She wasn’t having any of it.
I cry out, feeling uncomfortable in this position. My chest was pressed into the ground and I was struggling to breathe. 
The feeling and the effects of the scent the recom’s picked up had everyone acting on their primal instincts. Most common sense was gone as their new bodies seemed to be overpowered by the will of nature. 
The scent had the soldiers feel just as worked up as the heat cycle did. Instinctively, they ran after the ‘potential mate’ they felt most attracted to because that was Eywa’s will. 
I couldn’t say anything, I felt completely overwhelmed and somehow, submitting to him felt like the right thing to do. My right mind would never let this happen but I couldn’t think of anything else but finding some relief in this agonising feeling. My body longed for this. 
“Shh- it’s alright.” A voice from above me cooed. “Just stop movin’.” 
My eyes shoot wide open and I recognise that it’s Ja. His hands found mine, and he held them together behind my back while leaning forward and speaking close to my ear. 
Another pair of heavy footsteps come to a halt close to me and I see how a weapon is thrown to the ground on my left. 
Ja is straddling me, keeping a knee on my lower back to pin me down while he removes the heavy medical equipment from his back. 
I whine and struggle beneath him again but this time his hand catches my jaw, holding my face still and making me look forwards. He leans down, pressing his face against the side of my head. 
“I know how to help you, princess. Quit the movin’.” he told me, almost snarling his words. 
Next to us I hear a shout of pain and see how Z-Dog has fought a man to the ground. At least she was going to be fine. Ja turns my head away from her, not wanting me to get any ideas from her. 
“Fuck- we really doin’ this?” Another person says and I realise Prager is here too. 
“Shut up and help me out here.” Ja replies, growing restless and impatient. 
The shouting in the distance is increasing and I hear Walker and Z-Dog just demolishing things while the Colonel is yelling and getting angry that equipment is being destroyed. 
Both Prager and Ja’s head’s shoot over to the commotion and they exchange looks. 
A gunshot suddenly makes me flinch and I want to turn my head to see what the actual fuck is happening but Ja doesn’t let me. 
Without hesitating another second, Ja moves off of me and both men hurl me to my feet, quickly dragging me behind a tree. I’m being pulled backwards so I finally get a small glimpse of the action and I notice that something has been set on fire. Looking at what I think are Z-Dog and Walker, I notice how they’ve put the fire between themselves and the others. There was too much going on. 
Suddenly I was being pushed down again and I landed on my knees. Prager and Ja had pulled me away from the others just enough to get some type of privacy. 
The last thing either of the men wanted was one of the others interfering with you. 
I move forwards, staying on my knees but leaning against one of my arms that I now placed on the ground. My free one wrapped around my middle section and I continued to pant. The sensations I felt were so odd. My body seemed to be buzzing and I was overwhelmed. 
Prager and Ja were hastily removing their vests and other equipment, knowing they didn’t have all day and they were not going to waste this opportunity. 
Footsteps jog over to me and Ja lands on his knees in front of me. I look up and see that his torso is bare. With the current state I’m in I can’t help but stare. 
He smirks, cupping my flushed cheek and making me look up at his face. 
“That’s right baby, you’ll get what you want.” he said. Since he was a medic, he had to know everything about the Na’vi body and he knew very well what I needed now. 
My eyes widen at his words as I can only imagine what he means. He chuckles and looks at his friend. 
“Ain’t that right, Prager?”
“Fuckin’ right.” Prager answers and moments later I hear a thud on the ground behind me. He too dropped to his knees and I heard him unbuckling his belt. Ja swiped a strand of hair from my face, brushing it back before smiling. We locked eyes again and he mirrored Prager’s actions, opening and removing his belt with one hand, making me swallow nervously. 
“You want this, don’t you baby?” Ja asked, making sure he and Prager were good to go. I nod, letting out another impatient whine while my fingers tug at the waistband of his pants. 
Ja chuckles, nodding at Prager before opening his pants. I watch with parted lips, not even noticing the drool leaking down the side of my mouth. 
Hands are around my waist and my own pants are being tugged down my legs. Prager pulls them off, throwing them to the side and rubbing over all of the newly exposed skin. He rested his hand on my ass, squeezing the flesh before pulling my panties to the side. His hand wrapped around my tail, lifting it into the air so that my wet cunt was exposed to him.
I shiver when the cool breeze hits my hot skin. Prager hums approvingly, tracing his fingers around my core before sliding his thumb through my folds. 
“Y/N?” Prager says from behind me and I look over my shoulder, seeing he discarded his pants. “Ready?” he asks, wanting to make sure I was still okay. 
I nod my head, breathily saying ‘yes’ because I was out of breath. To make it clear to him I push my hips back, pressing them right up against him. I feel his bare thighs press up against the back of mine and his now free dick is resting between my ass cheeks. 
“Fuckin’ hell…” he curses under his breath and Ja scoffs, wanting some attention too. 
I face forwards again, looking up at Ja who pulled his pants halfway down his thighs, revealing his own length to me. My eyes grow wide and I look at him to make sure I can touch him. 
He tangles his fingers into the hair on the back of my head, edging me closer to him until my hot breath is hitting his skin.
My tail wraps around Prager’s slim waist, pulling him further into me to encourage him to finally do something. He doesn’t need to be told twice. 
Ja’s eyebrows are furrowed and his lips are slightly parted as he watches me and I take the hint. I open my mouth and stick out my saliva-covered tongue, licking around the base of his throbbing erection. His body shudders in excitement while he inhales sharply, tucking in his bottom lip between his teeth. 
I smile at him before moving my tongue further up his dick until I reached his tip. It’s where he’s the most sensitive. It’s also the area I will devote most of my attention to. 
Prager pulled his hips back a bit, his right hand tightly gripping my waist while his left lined up his pulsing cock with my hole. 
Slowly, he pushed his hips forward, watching with lust-darkened eyes how the head of his dick was being engulfed by me.
I close my eyes and moan while keeping my lips attached to Ja’s length. His breathing stuttered unevenly as he felt the vibrations soar through him and then he let his head fall back once my lips wrapped around his tip. 
I sucked on it, keeping my ears perked forward to catch every noise he made. He cursed while looking up at the sky, before watching me work my way down him.
I swirled my tongue around his tip and then pushed myself further down. He already hit the back of my mouth but I decided to not stop there because I only had half of him in my mouth. 
His fingers tightened in my hair but he didn’t push me down further. Ja let me go at my own pace, he just needed to grab onto something to keep him grounded. 
Prager had now pushed all the way in and it immediately felt good. I was finally full. My eyes fluttered closed as I spread my legs further apart for him, arching my back to see if he could go deeper. 
He was hypnotised by my inviting movements and realised how my desperate attempts for more made him even harder. 
Luckily, Prager didn’t keep me waiting and soon found a steady pace. 
I was being nudged forwards with each thrust of Prager’s hips and thereby moved my head up and down Ja’s dick. I inhaled deeply through my nose, closing my eyes to concentrate as I pushed my head down further down him. 
Ja’s eyes turned from watching me half-closed to being unable to look away. He was surprised by how much of him you were able to take and it made his dick twitch in your mouth. Fuck, how did he only realise now how perfect you were?
Prager’s hips snap forward more suddenly this time, rocking me further forward so that my nose hits Ja’s abdomen while his dick is down my throat. Ja’s mouth is hanging open and he moans once he bottoms out. 
“Holy shit-” he curses through clenched teeth as he fights his body and tries his absolute best not to spill just yet. “Didn’t know you could take it all.” he breathes out, trying to calm his panting. I hum in response, pulling back before pushing down all the way again. Ja’s muscles flex as his body floods with waves of pleasure. 
Prager is pulling my hips back against his now, every time he thrusts into me and with my further spread legs, he hits my sweet spot at a new angle, managing to plunge himself deeper into me. 
I moan around Ja, going weak in the arms for a second and he curses. 
“Shit. Whatever you’re doin’ Prager-” he groans, clenching his eyes closed. “Don’t stop.” 
Prager nods with a grin, relishing in the feeling of your warm walls tightly hugging him. He also takes note of the slick slowly running down your thighs. The sight turned him on so much he couldn’t wait to cum deep inside you. The way you started rocking into him indicated you were close so he was glad he wouldn’t have to restrain himself for too long.
Ja was so close to losing it, shivering and groaning every time your face pressed against his lower stomach. 
I decided to take it up a notch and hollowed my cheeks around him each time I pushed forward. This way I was creating a strong suction, not letting his dick escape my mouth when I pulled back. His tip always stayed in my mouth. 
Suddenly Ja whimpered, making my ears shoot forward.
He threw his head back moaning “Fuck, fuck fuck-” and couldn’t stop his hand from pushing your head down him as far as possible. His hips bucked forwards and he stilled while his entire body tensed and he released his load deep down your throat. 
The way you hollowed your cheeks made him cum instantly, loving the feeling of how you sucked him dry. 
Prager’s huffing turned into groans and growls as he dug his fingertips into my hips, rutting into me like there was no tomorrow. 
I swallow all of Ja’s cum and he releases my hair, sitting back on his knees and breathing heavily. I gently pull back from him, letting out a small cough before licking away any remaining cum on his dick. He watched me with soft eyes, almost falling in love at the sight. 
Prager moans, letting his head hang down for a second as he leans over my back and wraps both arms around my waist. His head is resting in the crook of my neck while his chest is pressed up against my back and his hips continue their brutal pace. Our skin slaps against each other and I know my ass is going to be red or at least a shade of purple by the time we are done.
I’m finally so close to my own high that I curl my fingers in the grass, pushing my ass further into the air so that he can access my cunt better. 
Prager doesn’t stop ploughing into me and continues the bruising pace while the sweat on our bodies mixes. 
“Prager-” I moan, closing my eyes. “I’m so- close.” 
His deep voice growls into my ear when he hears the words, making him speed up his thrusts even more. 
“Cum for us. C’mon.” he breathes, encouraging me as he feels his own high near him. 
I cry out and suddenly I’m pushed over the edge. My pussy clenches around Prager’s dick as he rides out my orgasm which leaves my arms and legs shaking. 
His hips stutter and once I’ve come down from my high, he bites down into my shoulder and buries himself as deep into me as possible. His cum shoots into me, filling me up while my now sensitive pussy throbs around him. 
His hot breath coming from his nose is fanning against my shoulder which he gently releases from his bite. Prager looks down at it, not quite sure why he felt the need to do that.
“You okay?” he whispers, nuzzling his face into my neck and awaiting a response. 
I nod, inhaling deeply. “Yeah. Much better.” 
Ja chuckles and Prager smiles before pushing himself off of me and gently pulling out. 
He leans back, examining how his semen is drizzling out of my cum stuffed cunt. 
“That’s stayin’ there.” He said, fingering it back in with his fingers. I gasp, biting down on my teeth. Ja rubs my attacked shoulder, wiping some blood away with his thumb in an attempt to soothe me a little while Prager puts my panties on, making sure most of his cum was still inside me. 
They dressed me first which I appreciated, helping me back into my pants before they clothed themselves. While they were getting dressed I just lay on the forest floor, going over what just happened. 
At least I was no longer burning up. I was sure it would come back but it was solved for now. 
They walk over to me, gently but effortlessly heaving me to my feet and both of them chuckle when my legs tremble. 
“Don’t worry, we got you.” Prager said, wrapping an arm around my waist and helping me walk again. 
When we returned to the others, the ground was a mess. The fire had been put out but a soldier which Z had probably hit was sitting on the ground with a cooling blue pack over their eye. Seems like Fike got the worst beating. 
They were all sitting on the ground and the Colonel was walking by them, making them fix all the equipment that had been broken. 
We were glad not to be a part of that and managed to rejoin them without raising suspicion. Everyone was distracted so they didn’t notice me struggling to stand and Ja and Prager refusing to leave my side. 
Tag List: @ikranwings @drinking-tea-and-be-obsessed @number1gal
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staticintone · 2 months
Silence throughout the past few weeks.
Over the last handful of years, it was getting quieter and quieter. It was hard to place what it felt like, this growing space between two souls. It hadn’t begun with Vox moving out, but finding an exact catalyst was nearly impossible. The usual bustling of the house had gone first, and that was enough to cause an ache. But that was easy to fill.
Especially when there was still regular conversation.
Except even that had disappeared. Now the only noise around was that which Alastor created himself. And despite his greatest efforts, it was startling. Even the simple sounds of a glass scraping the counter was loud and clear. Hearing the rustling of pipes as the sink ran, the pouring of water into the cup, the movement of his own throat as he drank… was it ever something he would be used to again?
Vox was set to arrive any minute now, and the craving for the noise was at its worst for it. Expecting that he would be early for their scheduled time didn’t help much, he would have preferred to know the exact second. But it was worse now, in this moment.
He was thirteen minutes and twelve seconds late.
The knock on the door made Alastor scrunch his nose. Relief flooding his senses, only to be replaced by an irritation and concern when he realized that it was still too damned quiet. The frequency achingly low, in the background, compared to the sound of the world around him.
He opened the door, and the channel came alive. Vox talking a mile a minute over the waves, apologizing profusely and letting his thoughts run so far that Alastor very nearly had a headache from the sudden change. A welcome change, but an overwhelming one.
“I just couldn’t get away.” The exasperation in Vox’s mind was as obvious as Alastor’s discomfort. “You wouldn’t believe the week that I’ve had with this stupid production. We’re over budget, out of time and—sorry, did you want to go out, we can get going—but God, this is getting ridiculous!”
Alastor cradled his head for a split second while Vox had rushed inside past him. He hadn’t even gotten the chance to look at Vox, or greet him properly. There was a question in there somewhere, in all the mess, and Alastor tried to sort it out piece by piece.
When he wanted the noise back, this wasn’t what he meant.
“Why don’t we just stay here tonight?”
Vox hardly even let him finish before he was on again, complaining loudly as he all but collapsed on the couch. “It’s been like this for months, Alastor. I shouldn’t be surprised, the main actress and the writer have been at each other’s throats since the pilot. I’m so sick of these fucking sitcoms, but they do numbers. You should hear the stupid ass story they wrote, so unrealistic!”
Alastor couldn’t get a single word in at this point. Not to offer Vox anything, not to concur or refute, he just had to sit beside him. Watch him flail around wildly while he progressively seemed to get more angry and exhausted.
It was only then that Alastor noticed what should have been the most obvious change. Vox did look different, having switched monitors. It looked… delicate. As if the slightest thing could snap it. It was oddly beautiful, in a fragile way. The colors were bright and vibrant, but there was sparking underneath the screen. Whether that was intentional or not didn’t matter, it still was concerning. Alastor moved to touch it, to see it better, feel it on his hands.
Vox pulled away.
He didn’t notice, Alastor told himself. Still in the throes of a one-sided conversation about something he seemed to have lost faith in before it even began.
The stitches were beginning to pull.
“So we got a hold of this pilot, right? With the promise of a six episode season, but this asshole writes a cliffhanger. It’s not even a good one! She just tells some guy who’s not her husband that she loves him! And the producer in charge—outside of me, of course—tells him it’s unacceptable. Good, great. But he won’t hear it unless it comes from me.”
It was hard to keep track of the situation, with Vox talking over himself, thinking in so many directions at once. Not that Alastor would be able to respond, either way.
“And I’m down the hall, fighting with the advertisers. They’re demanding a full three second shot for these diet pills—which I’m 90% sure are just rat droppings coated in pink paint—but it ruins the whole sequence! It’s an ugly shot to begin with, having to focus on the way she holds her hands, but I can deal with that. We adjusted the set and everything just to make it look halfway decent, but for three seconds? They’re in the middle of an argument! This isn’t a commercial, and breaking down the composition is bad enough, but I refuse to break the flow of the—you don’t care about this, sorry, but—”
“—he’s supposed to be the best in the business. Even if he’s a pain in the ass, his stuff does numbers. I had to offer him so much money just to have him demanding to hear it from me.”
Had… had Vox just cut himself off from discussing something he genuinely cared about just to rant further about something so trivial? He had stopped running between topics, thinking over himself for the quickest of seconds. Smoothly talking about the cinematography only to put words in Alastor’s mouth.
And he was wrong. Alastor didn’t fully grasp the importance of the shot, or even the sequence, but hearing it in Vox’s words made him listen. He knew the words by now, knew some of the rules that mattered during production, all because of Vox. He would have gladly heard him talk about that for eternity, but Vox spoke over him, assigned meaning to nonexistent words.
The stitches were beginning to ache.
“Vox, I—”
“—there’s just no excuse for his entitled—”
Alastor snapped, finally. His expression so strained that he might as well have been fuming. But he wasn’t angry, not really. Frustrated, certainly. Upset, most definitely. Afraid? Maybe.
“What is all of this?” His thoughts were more even now, he had managed to calm himself before he spoke along the waves. Gesturing at Vox like it explained more than words could give him at the moment.
“Oh, right. You haven’t seen me in a while, have you?” Vox was nervously laughing, a hesitation along the frequency that must have been from Alastor’s outburst. “It’s a newer model, something that hasn’t even hit the market yet and I—”
“That isn’t what I meant.” Well, not all of it, at least. Alastor refused to be talked over now. This was his frequency too. And he had more control over it than Vox did. He wouldn’t go unheard now.
“What… what do you mean?”
Alastor and Vox sat there for a solid twenty-six seconds. Alastor searching for the right words as his irritation itself spilled into the frequency between them. Vox’s anxiety came through to match it. The silence had returned once again, save for little emotions peeking through.
It was horrifying.
To be so close, and yet hear nothing.
Even the sound of the house settling was now drowning out anything else. Distracting Alastor from the pieces he wanted to put together. His microphone was rustling through static, growing louder to fill the space. How long had his left hand been trembling?
“I mean all of it.”
“Alastor, I don’t know—”
“All of this. Your insistence on becoming—”
A ringing in the air. Alastor’s head dropped into his hands. The shrill tone of his own home phone ripping through the static and quieting him completely. Vox, for a split second, seemed to reach out in some way or another, but the noise just continued. The call would drop and pick up again in a way it never did. Well, it clearly wasn’t a call for him.
It was rare that someone tried for Vox on this phone these days, but it still happened. And Alastor would let it go every time. It was usually obvious when the call was meant for him. Alastor waved Vox to pick it up, if for no other reason than to make the noise stop.
A move he would regret in less than a minute.
Vox greeted the call with some level of irritation, yet his voice hid his actual demeanor. Speaking out loud had such a different quality to it for both of them. Vox’s careful persona betrayed only by the slight cracks along private radio waves. 
Only to be snapped completely the more the call progressed.
If Alastor wasn’t putting so much effort into cutting out the outside world, maybe he would have heard the contents. Maybe he would have understood why Vox’s emotions were suddenly everywhere.
“No, that’s not—I’m telling you it’s impossible! Why wouldn’t the—slow down. No, I’m coming now. I said I’m coming now!”
The phone hit the receiver with a snap, and Alastor winced.
“You can’t go now.”
“I have to.” While Alastor had switched back over to the frequency, Vox had not. “I—”
“You can’t.”
His own voice was the only thing he could hear along the channel, and it was making everything so much worse. Being excluded in a way that had never happened before… Vox could think, could speak, but had decided Alastor was shut out entirely.
The stitches were beginning to tear.
He was on his feet as Vox started to walk. And all Vox was doing was repeating the same words out loud.
“I have to go.”
Alastor grabbed Vox hard by the arm, trying to force him to turn around. Which he did. Tired, anxious eyes met Alastor’s wild and desperate ones.
“You can’t. Whatever it is can wait—”
“It can’t wait!” This time the frequency was used, a blunt instrument to knock Alastor back. “I’m sorry.” But that was the last time he heard anything from Vox that night.
Even as the scene continued, as he withdrew his hand from Vox, took a step back.
“Vox, please.”
Even as he begged. Vox was silent. Watching him move suddenly, disappearing into his network in the street. Alastor slammed the door behind him, stewing in the silence after the sound of the air had calmed.
Static bubbled up around him, drowning him in something less overwhelming. But it didn’t slow down his breathing.
When did this happen? When did Vox start speaking for him, over him, in spite of him? What was the exact moment Alastor stopped being a factor in his life? Searching, scanning through times in the last seven years, last twenty, last seventy. There had to be a sign. Somewhere, there had to be a sign. There had to be. This didn’t just happen. When did Vox stop hearing him? Respecting him? Caring about him?
It was agonizing to think about.
Scrubbing through any recording, any memory that would make this make sense. Looking for a pattern that refused to show. Thinking through every smile, every word, every touch. Vox was a performer. He had been in life, in death, everything. Was this a performance that went unnoticed? Was Vox that good of an actor that he could be flipped like a switch and turn it off?
Was any of it real?
That train of thought broke through the stitches along the edges of his smile. And Alastor started laughing. The backside of the door immediately took damage, nails raking into the wood before they flew up to his own face.
The magic that went into the stitching was rudimentary. Sealing pieces that held wear of almost a century. In the beginning it was about maintaining an image, something simple and observable. Slowly it became apparent that the façade could never be dropped, not anywhere, for any reason. Until…
Not anywhere.
Not to anyone.
Even here, in the comfort of his own space, he felt eyes on him. Well, perhaps it wasn’t really his space. It was infected. Vox had become a parasite on his home, in his brain, in his blackened heart. Wormed his way through the ranks, using Alastor as a prop until he was content to take the reins for himself.
Oh, Alastor had been right.
Letting someone in had been poisonous, ruinous. And now the contamination was everywhere. And he couldn’t rid himself of it internally, so he took it out on the space around him.
There would be no quiet now, with the crashing and breaking and smashing and destruction. The damned phone took it the worst, being ripped apart almost methodically, piece by piece. Seeing each wire fray under his fingers gave him comfort where nothing else would. The electricity crackling and causing his skin to blacken. The pain was almost good. It gave him something else to focus on.
Something other than the ripping in his face.
When the world had settled back into silence, it was all he could feel. And Alastor tried to ignore it. He tried. He tried. But a finger snaked into the frazzled loops. And when he pulled back…
He felt his skin tearing at the seams.
And he couldn’t stop now. No. Take them all out, leave his face mangled and bloody. Only then could he start fresh. New stitches, sturdier ones. A heavier mask, one that wouldn’t be so easy to break through. A stronger front, then he would never have the need for defense again.
Cutting out Vox would be hard.
Like pulling a tree up from its roots. It would damage the ground underneath. It would take so long for the soil to settle. So long.
… He could cut it.
The frequency, he could cut it.
He held the channel with the greatest hold he’d ever had on anything. Ready to snap it, ready to break the connection that Vox was so happy to ignore. But…
“I don’t know what I’d do without you, Alastor.”
“You’ll never have to, I swear. No matter what, I will be right here.”
He just couldn’t. Vox could abandon him, but Alastor couldn’t. Even if Vox left him with nothing, Alastor would be there. He would keep his promise. Maybe that would wake Vox up someday. Seeing him refuse to give up on their connection.
It would be different. It would be distant.
It would be quiet.
But it would be there.
In the wake of the destruction, both to the room and Alastor, there was just one thing left. The fear that went unfinished, unsaid, all because of the now shattered phone in background.
Your insistence on becoming someone unrecognizable.
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confusedspaceotter · 2 years
Daily avatrice analysis (day 8)
day1 day2 day3 day4 day5 day6 day7 day8 day9
mental health was shit so let’s write about Avatrice :) 
Ep 9 part 2
First of all,
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We have Sister “I am trying to tell my crush i like her so i pat her for 0.01 second” Beatrice
and Ava “I am a golden retriever and my owner(? is leaving so I follow” Silva
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I always thought this is such a cool transition so I just wanted to show you all
also height difference
where are my fellow 5’2 humans at
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Normalized turning to your wife sister warrior randomly to check rather she is okay
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Okay this is a Interesting interaction 
The first look from Bea is just bea observing 
She saw that Ava was not feeling alright 
She is feeling uncomfortable for some reason 
So the second look is Bea trying to investigate, to figure out the reason why Ava is uncomfortable 
Only this time Ava look at her back
So she is forced to act 
Because she can’t worry about Ava in secret(? now
So she did the logical thing
And the thing that works last time
Just ask her if she is okay 
And Ava would told her 
Ava’s answer was
“I’m just realizing that I’m not a big fan of cemeteries.”
But that’s not what she is really saying 
Her explanation to why she dislikes cemeteries is because it reminds her of her own death 
But we all know death is not what she is afraid of
Is being alone 
Which is why Bea’s response is aimed to reassure Ava, she is not alone anymore 
Bea then said 
“Well you are not exactly in luck.”
A witty opener(to miss I’m must be serious at all times Beatrice I would say that’s witty)
“Necropolis literally means city of the dead.”
Fighting emotions with facts and logic since day one
This is how Beatrice comforts people
Trying to get them to see the logical side of things 
She is the type of friends where if you go to her with relationships problems
She would end up making 2 spreadsheets, a chart, and 5 separate pros and cons list 
And we love her for it 
Because Ava is the opposite 
She thinks with emotions more, compared to Bea
Which is why the Vatican heist went from just stealing Adriel’s bones to destroying them
And that’s why their dynamic works so well
this show and parallels???
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Not sure if someone talked about this before but 
The way Ava’s hair looks like mommy mother superion’s scar???
I don’t know much about cinematography, but this is cool 
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side note, I love the relationship between ava and mother superion sm
they went from 
boss bitch is here to mother Goddd character development we love to see it 
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Two things here
Ava baby never change 
one word for Bea: Whipped 
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Here we got more proof that Ava is smart 
She took one look at the crate and just knows??
What kinda TV shows she’s watching 
Or she just calculated it in her head??
I have so many questions about this
Also side note, Avatrice Tomb Raider AU?? The vibes are aligning I can feel it
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Are you telling me sister Faith is my business Beatrice just make a pun joke????
I’ve got nothing to say about this other then :
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Lastly I just wanted to say
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baby girl went from I wanted to live 
Also I headcannon the reason why she is whispering things to herself here is because back at the orphanage she does the same thing in her head to comfort herself 
Just little words of encouragement/reminder 
Things that she is fighting/living for 
In this case is the OCS crew
Last ep of season 1 tmr
Stay tuned :)
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sugirandom · 5 months
Turns out it’s the second op that I love and remember well. But like…! Look how different in tone and genre it looks compared to the first one! Admittedly the anime had filler and dragged out the beginning? I actually liked reading Bleach. And ngl I probably rewatch this arc more than the actual beginning because it is more put together but… I also love the IchiRuki lol
Unfortunately I don’t get invested in the Orihime rescue mission the same way as this Rukia rescue mission. And I can see how ppl don’t like the repetitive nature of the plots. But I do feel like there are at least some differences. Like the emotional weight is different. Both of them “chose” to leave with the antagonists. But I feel like it was very different circumstances. It’s established Orihime has feelings for Ichigo. But I don’t feel it’s reciprocated. Ichigo wants to get her because she is a friend. For Rukia he feels like he owes her. And I feel like their bond it’s different from Orihime. He feels so strongly for her despite not knowing her for as long? But Rukia is also credited as being the one who “stopped the rain in his soul”. So like…!
But also Rukia was on a clock ro execution, Orihime was just a pawn and not in danger of being killed. They both left to protect Ichigo, and his friends. But Rukia left in front of his eyes and Orihime left secretly. I can understand Ichigo’s trauma and having lost ppl would make him sensitive to Orihime just leaving and not seeing it. But it was also way more clear for Rukia it was a lot more targeted to Icjigo. The others weren’t close to her like he was. They were helping for Ichigo. For Orihime they all had a vested interest in getting her back.
I’m already rambling but as I said I have a lot of feels for Bleach but especially IchiRuki.
Sugirandom: Yes, so the second opening does look more in-line with the genre of the show even though if I recall correctly Season 2 also had a ton of filler. It's interesting to read your explanation of the differences between Orihime's rescue mission and Rukia's. I don't remember if I ever saw both of them but I think if I did I also would be a lot more invested in Rukia's rescue. Even though Orihime does eventually get some kind of powers I think? I feel like she's more of a damsal in distress type of character and therefore didn't feel that invested. I do feel like Ichigo only views Orihime as a friend and that Rukia had a substantial impact on his life in many ways.
Skipping the second op for the rescuing Rukia part of the arc, and the two filler op’s? (You can get whiplash from op’s being high action and fast passed and dramatic/angsty, or more happy and slice of life feeling. I think this following one was for when they went to rescue Orihime (I’m not a big fan of the visuals or music)
I wasn’t a big fan of the above opening 6. But opening 7 is also one of my faves (I also just love Asian Kung-Fu Generation) Still rescuing her. But I also wanna admit I couldn’t finish watching or reading all of this arc despite it’s importance to the lore. It felt too dragged out and it only made me dislike Orihime more rhan before. Whereas for the Rukia mission I grew to like her more. I mostly waited until this arc was over and watched the final battle because I heard what happened. I didn’t come back to Bleach until the Fullbringer Arc which I don’t recall when that happened in the timelime
Sugirandom: Ahh, Opening 6 definitely gives off more IchigoXOrihime vibes and I'm not really a huge fan of the animal companions lip-syncing lol. Opening 7 is much better but I'm also bias in liking Asian Kung-fu Generation. Thanks for sharing these and sorry it too so long to post my responses.
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scenetocause · 2 years
the way you write lando and max is so viscerally them that it gives me butterflies every time please don’t ever stop pressing keys on a keyboard thank you
heh i cannot. actually process praise because i am very mentally unwell but thank u anon here is a ficlet of them being hungover
Obviously, it was a terrible idea to get drunk at the F1 Arcade party. Firstly because everyone knows who they are and secondly because Max gets the worst hangover anxiety known to man and they're in a hotel and now he's agitating while Lando's trying, like any reasonable person, to become one with the mattress in the hope it will somehow stop his head hurting.
"Stop, look-" he grabs for Max, blindly. "C'mere."
Taking advantage of being bigger than Max these days to pull him down into the pillows probably is a little bit unfair but Lando can't deal with the way he's frantic-scrolling his phone. "No one's gonna have taken pictures of you checking my arse out or whatever, it was dark. And anyway, you do that normally, why are you worrying about-"
"Because," Max looks a bit tearful, from the way they're pressed very close, faces almost touching. "I can't remember what I did or how we got back and that's - fuck, I need to sort myself out."
Oh. Oh. It's not anxiety, not really or at least if it is it's about bigger things than Lando ordering them an Uber. It's that every brush with racing stuff reminds Max he isn't a driver anymore, lets him pick at himself and see every bit of his body and mind that's changed as a problem, not a success. Turns Max Fewtrell, happy and healthy on a sabbatical into a negative compared to Max Fewtrell, lost and spiralling in racing. Puts himself back in the place where it was his fault, where there's another reality he could go back to and prod and poke at it until something else happened.
Lando opens his arms, pulls Max close, lets him snuggle in. It's weird, that their size difference is the other way now and Max is so tiny, tucked against Lando's chest with his face in the crook of Lando's neck.
"Do you want avocado toast or, like, proper greasy breakfast?" Lando's trying to get his body as moulded to Max as possible, which he could justify as being like, Max's weighted blanket or something but is mostly just because there's never going to be a time when being in bed with Max, in just their boxers, isn't going to be exciting to him.
Max makes a humming noise. "Probably the avocado. It's your off-season though, you pick."
There's just enough movement between them that Lando manages to get a hand on Max's arse, so he can get their hips in line for some not-exactly-rutting but like. Just knowing their dicks are in the same place, reassuring more than horny.
"We're getting McDonalds," Lando decides. The hotel probably does Deliveroo and if not, they'll eat it sitting on Max's car's bonnet because he hates the smell getting in the seats.
Formalities over, he gets back to the real task of tracing circuit maps on Max's lower back and sucking his earlobe and pushing his leg between Max's until Lando can roll them over, be on top of Max while he's gently, like, ravishing him or some shit.
Max lets it happen, moans and arches his back when Lando sucks his nipple, bites at the chest hair he's kind of jealous of. By the time he pulls Max's boxers down he's basically all the way hard and a few seconds of Lando mouthing at the tip of his dick gets him the rest of the way there.
It's salty, velvety, nice. Max has a pretty dick, pink and easy for Lando to swirl his tongue around, hold in his mouth more than sucking, heavy on his tongue. He always ends up having to use quite a lot of hand but that's ok because Max likes it and it's not long before his balls are tight, under Lando's palm and then Max comes in his mouth and lets him keep going, basically making out with Max's dick as it softens.
By the time he's satisfied, wriggles back up the bed to drape himself on Max, he's kinda but not very surprised that Max is crying. Not a lot, just enough to say it was intense for him and sometimes Max doesn't have the words for whatever he's feeling. Doesn't matter, they'll work it out together, once Lando's head feels less like it's in a bear trap.
"Thanks, Bob." Max kisses him on the forehead and it's almost as good as paracetamol. "I'll get you back when we get home, yeah? Blowie in the streaming chair."
That's the best suggestion Lando's heard all morning, so he just unlocks his phone and shoves it in Max's hand, Deliveroo open. "I wanna double sausage muffin."
"Sure you do, buddy," Max says while squeezing his arse and. Ok, yeah. He does.
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