#while this is a bit tedious and i definitely have more important things to do it is so interesting to do scene for scene comparisons
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mephistopheleswasrobbed · 2 months ago
Episode 4 similarities and differences between Ossan's Love (2018) and Ossan's Love Thailand
[Ep 1; Ep 2; Ep 3; Ep 4; Ep 5]
(disclaimer: I have watched all of the Haruta + Maki version of OL [Ossan's Love, Ossan's Love: LOVE or DEAD, Ossan's Love Returns] except for the specials which I haven't gotten around to, and I've watched the airport AU season Ossan's Love: In the Sky. I haven't watched the original one shot episode and the Hong Kong version.)
(disclaimer #2: This is just for fun. I'm not intending to make any statements over which version is superior or anything like that in this post. If you noticed something I missed please let me know so I can add it! I only rewatched ep 3 of the Jv for this.)
For the sake of my lazieness I will use Tv for Thai version and Jv for Japanese Version.
Back to scene by scene for this episode, although it's getting a bit more difficult.
Cher-aim Objects:
Boss talks to Cher-aim about the possibility of remarrying to which she objects, going on a bit of a catastophizing spiral about it. Boss lies he hasn't found anyone yet and they hug, boss looking sad, Cher-aim plotting. This scene, a continuation of their scene last ep, doesn't have a clear equivalent as far as I can tell but it's still working to establish the baseline where the viewer understands why she's against her father dating and she is suspicious of her father dating. Those two things had been set up for Choko in ep 1 and 2 of the Jv already (ofc her objection needs less explanation seeing as she's boss's wife not daughter).
Boss's Bedroom:
Cher-aim sneeks into her dad's bedroom to look into his phone. This happened in ep 2 of the Jv. In both versions C holds open boss's eye/s to open his phone. Both bosses mumble Hengny/Haru-tan in their sleep leading to C misunderstanding "Honey"/"Haruka" respectively. Tv Cher-aim also looks at his call history which is how she becomes aware of Heng, Jv Choko asks sleeping boss if he loves "Haruka" which he affirms.
Mo is Mad:
Heng is gaming, Mo interrupts him, telling him to clean up or he'll move out again. Again there isn't really a comparable scene to this in the Jv, though Mo's attitude here is somewhat more similar to Maki's in ep 1 when he first moved in with Haruta. We also get a good bit of Mr. Saturnworld screentime, obviously in the Jv there is no couple mascot to promote, for the Tv this is relevant as it is when Mo learns about this specific mascot character Heng likes. Heng asking Mo to pitch in to buy more Mr. Saturnworld stuff is a nod to the Jv ep 1 scene where Haruta asks Maki to pith in to buy a VR headset.
Choko Meets Haruta:
The first scene of the Jv also continues from the last scene of the previous ep with Choko pretending to be a regular client and not so subtely trying to look for "Haruka".
Apartment Viewing:
Tv Heng shows an apartment to Cher-aim, she asks about "Honey" on their team. This scene is a merging of two scenes in the Jv. The first one where Haruta shows Choko the first apartment and the second one which comes after two small other scenes in the Jv where Haruta shows her another apartment and she asks about "Haruka". Both Cs explain their curiosity by claiming the woman they asked about is someone they know who works at the company (Tv: C's friend, Jv: daughter of C's friend). Some differences: (1) because of Thai nicknames Cher-aim also asks about "Bee" not just "Honey" establishing her penchant for drawing connections, (2) we learn a bit more details about Choko's life such as her work, (3) we're shown a bit more of H & C getting along well in the Jv. Both versions bring up the possibility of the woman working at HQ though in the Jv Choko asks H to check (her excuse: she wants to give her a gift for her baby being born) while in the Tv Heng states C's friend might work at HQ.
Office, Wife?!:
Back in the office Takegawa and Maika see Choko's application form and realise she's their boss's wife.
Helping Grandma:
On the street an elderly woman approaches Haruta to ask for directions to which he offers to take her to her destination, asking Choko to wait a bit. We see here that Choko chose him from the company roster not because of his name, as initially implied, but becasue of him being stated to be nice which she finds confirmed by his actions here.
Second Apartment:
The aforementioned second apartment scene where Choko asks Haruta about "Haruka".
Office Meeting:
All of the main team meet at the office. Some general meeting stuff, boss assigns Maro and Haruta to sandwich-man duty and asks Haruta to organise a celebratory get-together, boss lowkey beefing with Maki by "accidentally" bumping into him. After boss leaves, Takegawa, Maika and Maro corner Haruta about Choko which is how he finds out she is the boss's wife. He gets worried about this and tries to ask Maki for help which is interrupted ba Takegawa finding some fault in Maki's work. No equivalent scene in the Tv so far.
Elevator Beef:
Mo and boss run into each other in the elevator. Boss asks about Heng, tries to rub it in that they're not living together anymore to which Mo smugly tells him that he moved back in. Boss gives Mo a lunchbox for Heng who alledgedly complained about the cooking at home. No such scene in the Jv, though I guess one could call this an extention of the bump in the office scene. Certainly attitues (boss's especially) are quite similar.
Cher-aim has brought Heng to her mother's grave. This is where Heng finds out she's his boss's daughter (comp. to Jv finding out the connection from his colleagues at the office). She's dramatic about her father possibly dating someone new and "asks" Heng, who she has assumed to be her dad's best friend based on the call history, to help her find the woman her dad is dating. This scene is somewhat comparable to a later scene of the Jv where Choko asks Haruta to meet her at a cafe and tells him about her husband probably cheating on her and explicitly asks Haruta for help to find "Haruka". Some notable differences: Jv Choko tells H she'll "destroy" Haruka for what she did which scares H a little, Jv Choko tries to bribe H by promising to buy the property he'd been advertising if he helps while Tv Cher-aim goes more for emotional manipulation/ ignoring Heng's objections (like father like daughter).
The team meet at Chizu's bar for their celebration. Boss is otherwise occupied. Maro is a bit of a dick to Haruta as usual, the team briefly discuss H & M's living arrangements. Haruta goes to order at the bar wich leads to:
Restaurant Advice Corner:
Tv Heng has told Chicha and Thua-ngok about the situation. Chicha asks why he didn't just tell the truth, Thua interjecting that that would mean outing boss to his daughter. They agree that for the daughter worse than her dad liking a man is him liking Heng. In the Jv we get some more interesting food concoctions from Teppei, Haruta explains the situation to Chizu who tells him boss can't just explain the whole situation to his wife as that would mean outing himself to her. She adds that this is worse than just a normal affair and it being Haruta is even worse. In the Tv Heng gets a call from Cher-aim asking to meet the next day. He agrees. Chicha tells him he should use this opportunity to tell her he can't help her. Thua jokes about Heng helping her to find Heng (Jv Haruta says something similar in his voice over after the cafe scene) and finds inspiration for a new song.
Divorce Stand-off:
Again, Choko asks boss to tell her about the reason for the divorce, he's visibly trying but ultimately can't get it out. Though there is no one to one equivalent to this scene in the Tv, the two late night scenes between boss and Cher-aim show Tv boss similarily wanting, but not being able to, tell her about Heng.
Back at the Celebration:
Cut back to the celebration, Chizu brings drinks to the table with Haruta, Maika asks if they're dating and upon their denial states they'll end up together eventually anyway. Chizu assures that will never happen and Maro takes that as an opportunity to flirt with her. She's flattered by that, they exchange numbers. Haruta asks about Maki, witnesses him being scolded by Takegawa outside the restaurant. Again, no such celebration in the Tv, though there are parallels to the flashback scene where Mo mistakenly thought Heng and Chicha were dating in ep 1.
About Takegawa:
Back at home Haruta tries to talk to Maki about Takegawa shouting at him but Maki waves him off. The Takegawa/Ten storyline hasn't been started yet in the Tv so no comparable scene so far.
Haruta sends off a complaining sandwich-Maro, gets a text from Choko asking to meet up. Haruta is distressed, Maki offers to go with him but Takegawa gets in the way, again scolding Maki for doing something wrong and telling him to correct it right now. Haruta assures Maki he's fine to go alone.
At the Cafe:
Haruta meets Choko at a cafe with his advertisment-sandwich-gear. She tells him her husband is cheating on her and she needs Haruta's help to find the affair partner. This is the aforementioned scene that somewhat parallels the graveyard scene in the Tv. Another parallel: Jv C tells H boss has never lied to her before "Haruka", Tv C tells H boss has never wavered in his commitment to her dead mother before "Honey". Haruta gets a text from boss asking to meet up later that night. Haruta agrees to help.
Someone's Watching:
As Haruta walks along the river innerly monologing about his troubles we see he's being watched by a man of whom we see only the feet.
Who's Honey:
Cher-aim meets Heng at the office to look for "Honey". Heng tells her he can't get involved in his boss's private life so she tells him she'll hire a private investigator instead wich has him agree to help her after all. This line is inspired by the Jv where Choko tells boss in the divorce stand-off scene that she'll be forced to hire a private investigaor if he doesn't tell her the reason for their divorce. Cher-aim then asks about the names of various women working in the office to see if they might be "Honey". The equivalent Jv scene happened in ep 2 when Choko visited the office while boss wasn't there to see if "Haruka" worked there. Both scenes have a female employee who's often around but not part of the main cast bring tea for C. The conspiracy theories for why any of those women might be the one she's looking for are exclusive to the Tv. C taking into consideration the person she's looking for might be a man and ultimately landing on M as her prime suspect are both Tv original. Her looking through the employee list to see Mo's full name is a nod to the Jv scene at the end of ep 2 where Choko looks through the employee list online and finds Haruta.
Following Mo:
Cher-aim and Heng follow Mo out of the office, witnessing him throw away the boss's lunchbox which C takes as further evidence he's dating her dad and then go to the toy section in a mall where they lose him because Heng gets distracted by the workers who know him by name. In the mall Heng thinks Mo has become interestet in mascot characters, tells Cher-aim he only speaks with Mo once a year and asks to borrow money from her to pre-order something. Since in the Jv Choko never has a specific suspect all of this doesn't happen, however there is still a very similar scene where C and H follow boss from the office to the restaurant where he's supposed to meet with H. Haruta tries to get out of it, first by telling Choko he's suddenly got a bad stomach ache, then by pretending he didn't see the boss go into the restaurant but Choko keeps pulling him along.
Sneaking In:
Cher-aim tries to sneak in without her dad noticing but he's already waiting for her. He tries to tell her about meeting Heng the following saturday but in the end he can't do it and lies instead. They hug, boss looks sad, Cher-aim plotting. There is no equivalent scene in the Jv but as previously mentioned, boss's struggle of wanting to tell C but not being able to is also seen in the divorce stand-off scene in the Jv.
At Home:
Mo is at home complaining about Heng's many packages, Heng is smug because he thinks Mo has also gotten into the collecting hobby. When Heng asks him what he had been doing after work Mo evades the question. Heng then gets a call from Cher-aim asking him to meet the following saturday to follow her dad who seems to be meeting his secret lover for a birthday celebration. Heng agrees and then wonders whos b-day it might be only to realise it's his. The "equivalent" scene in the Jv is quite different. Haruta comes back to the office and mopes around Maki, asking if he needs any help which Maki denies, later he asks Tagegawa if Maki's been having any problems which Takegawa denies, making Haruta confused. He then gets a call from Choko asking him to follow her husband that evening as he wrote about going on a date in his calendar. Both versions Hs try to convince C that it might be a work appointment at first, both are thwarted by boss being too obvious in his calender (Jv: word "date" in a physical book-type calender, Tv: heart emoji in his phone's calender).
Heng meets boss in his office, boss asks him to meet up on saturday. Heng tries to get out of it by claiming he has plans to play badminton with Newyear which is immediately thwarted by Newyear coming to ask for a day off to visit his sick mom which boss happily grants so Heng reluctantly agrees to meet boss. In the Jv boss invited Haruta via text at the end of the scene where Choko and Haruta meet at the cafe. Thereby the order is changed between adaptations. In the Jv boss invited him first and then Choko asked him to spy on the date while in the Tv Cher-aim asked first and boss invited Heng afterwards meaning Heng knows at the time of invitation that boss thinks of this as a date while in the Jv he only realised when Choko told him.
Asking Mo for Help:
At home at the dinner table Heng annoys Mo by clearly trying to say something but not doing it. When Mo calls him out on it he tries to trick Mo into going to meet boss instead of him. After explaining the situation off-screen Mo tells him to tell Cher-aim the truth (in exactly the same way Heng predicted to Chicha previously). Heng beggs him to help but Mo says he's busy using the same excuse Heng tried to use with boss (badminton with Newyear) which Heng knows to be a lie. Mo then tells him it doesn't matter, he needs to fix his problems himself. There is no such scene in the Jv as Maki isn't really involved in the Choko plotline at all. Heng trying to get Mo's attention by being annoying can potentially be somewhat compared to Haruta doing something similar at the beginning of the previous Jv office scene which ends in Choko calling about the date, though it's also just generally in character for both versions of H.
At Boss's Place:
Cher-aim sends off her dad who's still pretending he's having a work meeting. After he leaves, Heng appears from around the corner to follow him with Cher-aim. This scene is also somewhat comparable to the Jv scene where C and H follow boss to the restaurant though we don't get anymore actual following in the Tv as we had already seen them follow Mo previously.
Following Boss:
Choko and Haruta follow boss from HQ to the restaurant. This is the previously mentioned scene that inspired the Mo-following scene.
At the Restaurant:
Cher-aim and Heng sit in the restaurant with "disguises" (sunglasses for both, a pink wig for C, baseball hat and fake mustache for H) and watch boss arrive. In the Jv boss gets there first as the other two had been following him so they sneak in while he's already sitting there. No disguises in the Jv. In the Tv Cher-aim asks the waitress to come back later while in the Jv we see them having drinks on the table after a small time skip. Jv Boss then texts Haruta to ask why he's late. Meanwhile Tv boss calls H basically as soon as he's sat down there's no time skip. Before that Heng tries to leave by claiming a stomach ache like Jv H had done when following boss, he gets similarily shut down by C. Both Hs excuse the texts/phone call from boss as being work related (though Tv C briefly suspects Heng of spying on her for her dad before that). Both Cs go to the bathroom after that. Both Hs use this opportunity to call boss to say they won't be aable to make it, both are immediately spotted by boss from beyond some barrier in the restaurant. Tv boss briefly questions Heng's location and appearance to which Heng only answers with "surprise!" both Hs react similarily awkwardly to being found. Both Hs then sit with boss and boss gives them an update on the C situation (Tv has been dropping hints, Jv hasn't found the right timing yet). Both Hs play along with boss for a bit (boss suspecting his daughter having a bf obvs exclusive to the Tv, Jv boss instead talks about missing H and having dinner being ok despite no divorce yet). Both Cs come back and gesture at H to come back over. Jv C also texts with H while H splits his attention between texting back and boss. Both bosses excuse themselves to the bathroom. On the way Tv boss walks past C who hides behind a plate, turning her back to her dad. Jv C does a similar thing a little later in the scene. Both versions C and H meet again as soon as boss is out of sight (tho Jv H runs to C, Tv C runs to H). Both Hs say that boss's date has cancelled and they should leave. Both bosses come back before they can, Jv boss just normally from the bathroom, Tv boss with lights out and a birthday cake. Both versions H and C jump to hide. Jv C steals a waiter's tablet hand hides her head behing it. Tv C jumps behind the bar and also uses a tablet as extra shielding. Jv H & C then run out of the restaurant behind boss's back, boss receives a text from H telling him he had to leave due to an emergency. Meanwhile Tv boss stands there with his cake confused as to where Heng went while the light comes back on. He sees a plant trembling which Heng is holding onto and moves towards him. Shortly before he catches Heng, Mo swoops in thanking boss for the cake and blowing out the candles, the other restaurant patrons applaud. These scenes are pretty similar between the versions until the end where they differ a lot. Biggest differences being that the whole birthday thing is exclusive to the Tv as is Mo appearing and saving Heng.
Filming Evidence:
At the garage Mo tells boss Heng had an emergency and asked him to receive the cake for him. He also rubs it in again that he's living with Heng. Cher-aim films Mo receiving the cake with Heng's phone because it's illegal. She plans to use the clip to blackmail Mo into staying away from her dad. There is again no equivalent scene in the Jv as Jv Maki isn't involved in this plotline. The vibes of the "that's why I used your phone to record" bit are maybe similar to a Jv moment when H & C first start following boss and C says she knows boss hasn't left yet because she called pretending to be a client.
Back at Home:
After the restaurant thing both versions show H and M at home, though the content of the scenes is quite different. Jv Maki is mad at Haruta for talking to Takegawa about him. He's pissed about Haruta being insensitive, Haruta, who doesn't know the real context, gets annoyed he's getting scolded for his well intentioned actions and petulantly throws around some tissues. Tv Heng shows Mo the clip, telling him he'll delete it and apologising for dragging him into his mess. Mo makes him bow his head in a pology and uses the opportunity to present Heng with his b-day gift. It's a Mr. Saturnworld blind box. Heng realises that this is what Mo had gone to the toy store for. He opens it to find a grumpy? version of the character. Because this version isn't shown on the box they think Mo got scammed, Heng tells him he'll go with him to get a new one the next day.
Maro at the Bar:
Haruta goes to the bar to find Maro already there. He's asking Chizu to go on a date with him. Haruta tries to leave again but Teppei asks him to try a new dish to which Haruta eventually relents and comes back in.
Discovery Time:
Cher-aim tries to sneak in again, only to again be caught by her waiting dad. Cher-aim calls him out for having cake frosting on his sleeve, boss tells her to tell if if she comes home late again. They hug again with boss looking dejected and Cher-aim plottingly. Boss leaves to take a shower and Cher-aim looks at the present boss had failed to give Heng contemplatively. Jv shows boss looking sad in the shower while Choko is looking through his stuff. Eventually she finds a notebook that has her looking in boss's direction angrily.
Back at the Bar:
Haruta complains to Teppei about Maki being mad at him while tasting the new chicken wing with caramel sauce combination. Chizu joins them as Maro went outside to take a call. Haruta remarks that he seems to be serious about her to which she asks if that makes him jealous. They then briefly fight about her chest size before Haruta gets a call from Choko.
The Grand Reveal:
The next day, Heng meets Cher-aim in a cafe where she shows boss's b-day gift to him which is a jar filled with origami stars with an individual message in each of them. As she explains we see her reaction to seeing the gift and a shot of her dad making the gift. Seeing how "Mo" makes her dad this happy, and the love apparently shared between them, she decides to cheer her dad on insted and tells Heng as much. She thanks Heng for his help and tells him he's the best person she's met to which Heng responds that he's not a good person.
In the Jv Haruta also meets Choko at a cafe but it's still the same evening. She sadly tells him she's discovered undeniable proof of her husband having an affair. She explains about finding his secret notebook about his lover where he's written down everything about "Haru-tan". While she explains we see boss post shower seeing the notebook on the table alongside a note from Choko that reads "Thank you for everything" and run out. At the cafe a waitress asks to take their order but Haruta asks her to come back later (like Tv in the restaurant scene). Choko tells Haruta she'll walk away, that boss deserves to be happy if he's so deeply in love with "Haru-tan". Haruta thinks it's wrong to leave without talking but Choko remarks that she still has some pride left, won't cling to a man who loves someone else. Haruta says they've been together for 30 years and boss isn't someone who runs away from reality (weeeell that's debatable, but not in this case I guess). Choko tells him he's such a good man, Haruta denies, saying there's nothing good about him. Both are crying. While all of that happens we get several shots of boss running through the streets, looking for Choko until he sees her in the cafe. He goes to them asks why Choko is crying and initially thinks Haruta said something to upset her (this might be the only time boss seems to actually be mad at Haruta for a second). Choko and boss both tell each other they need to say soomething to the other, Boss sits down next to Haruta, who tries to leave but gets pulled back to his seat the other two (they're in a booth so after sitting down boss has blocked H's only way out). Choko asks boss if he's come to hate her which he denies vehemently, admitting though that he's fallen in love with someone else. She asks if it's "Haru-tan" which he affirms and then who "she" is. Haruta tries to escape by climbing over the back of the seat but is pulled back by boss. Boss finally admits "Haru-tan" isn't a woman but a man. Choko is confused. Boss tells her the one he loves is Haruta and pulls him into his arms. She asks Haruta for his name and he answers "Haru-tan" while crying. Choko screams, boss hugs Haruta tighter, the episode ends.
In the Tv boss sees C and H in the cafe. He'd been following her due to his suspicion of her having a boyfriend. He tells her she can date anyone she wants but not lie to him about it and asks who the guy is. He turns around Heng's head and realises it's him. Confused he asks Heng what he's doing here to which Heng again answers "Surprise!". Cher-aim and boss tell each other they both have something to tell the other, so boss sits down next to Heng (free standing table with chairs). Heng tries to leave but boss bulls him back into his seat. C tells her dad that she knows about his feelings he's been hiding from her and that she asked Heng to help her find out. Boss apologises, telling her he's been trying to tell her but it's not that easy, she interrupts to ask "because it's a man, right?". She tells him that if he makes him happy she's okay with it. Boss is reliefed/touched and thanks her, asks her if she wants to know who it is. Heng says "No" and tries to leave again but in once again pulled back down by boss who tells C it's Heng and pulls him in with one arm. Cher-aim asks Heng about his name who replies that his name is Heng but boss likes to call him "Hengny". C exclaims "The real Honey is you!" looking mad, boss lets go of Heng and the episode ends. Again this scene is pretty similar in both versions though the context and the emotions esp. from C are quite different. Particularily noteworthy imo is that because there's no cheating in the Tv we get a brief quite sweet moment of Cher-aim accepting her father's love for a man (parents coming out to their children definitely a rarer sight than the other way around in BL, probably in media in general).
Post-credit Scene:
Mo and Heng in the toy store trying to return the "fake" Mr. Saturnworld doll. The seller tells them it's a rare special edition which they don't believe at first but do when he and several other patrons try to buy it from them for increasing sums of money. Mo thinks they should sell it but Heng refuses because it's a birthday gift from his friend. Mo is touched but still thinks he should take the money. The seller asks to at least take a picture, takes a polaroid of the two with the doll and Heng writes "this on is mine" on it (over Mo).
General Thoughts:
again we're seeing Mo being more involved in the story compared to Maki in the Jv and we're seeing added material to show the developement of M and H's relationship in more detail
because the Jv only had 7 eps compared to the 12 of the Tv, the Jv has multiple storylines running at the same time. In ep 2 tha main story was about H & M being able to live together/Maki's feelings for Haruta but simultaneously there were small scenes setting up the Choko storyline of ep 3, then in ep 3 it's mainly Choko's storyline but small scenes are setting up the Takegawa storyline. In comparison the Tv has, so far, kept the storylines more contained to their own episodes which makes sense as they have more time available
despite the differing episode count, so far, the Tv hasn't elongated storylines. Ep 1, ep 2 and ep 4 all tell the same main storyline in one episode as the Jv, with ep 3 adding completely new material that has no equivalence in the Jv. It will be interesting to see if they stick to that concept or if later storylines get elongated or mixed up differently to increase the runtime
we're seeing the inclusion of some classic Thai tropes like the lights out birthday cake thing
some of the side characters, especially Chicha and Thua-ngok are seen less often in the Tv so far, this might be evened out with the original storylines though
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luckyfrogtarot · 2 years ago
Pick a SKZ pair
The dynamic between you and your future person
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Pile 1: Hanlix
You: You’re more of the Han in this relationship. A dreamer and a hopeless romantic. You might even wear your heart on you sleeve. As much as you try to hide your emotions people can tell you have a depth to you. You could pretend to be cool or mysterious but deep down you’re more sensitive and emotional. You’re artistic or creative or even intuitive and either you’re developing those traits at the moment or you’ve reached a point where you feel really secure in that. You’re someone who might go through hardship(s) and yet you can still see that there is peace waiting for you if you just keep going. I heard “just keep swimming” like Dory. Your optimism might lead you to joke in moments that are serious to try and diffuse any tense feelings.
The dynamic between you two:I’m sensing that for some of you, you don’t know this person yet and you’re waiting for them to come into your life. For others you already know who this is, they could even be a friend and you’re just waiting for them to make a move. Either way I’m seeing someone impatiently watching a clock as the hands turn in slow motion. Once you two are together though you will definitely spend a lot of time together. The mundane will be important, you guys might grocery shop together or go to the dmv together. Things that are considered “boring” or “tedious” you’ll have to work through. There is a sense of commitment both in a financial sense and in a happy way too. You’ll be so stable and happy that sometimes you might even worry if you have a healthy attachment to this person. As long as you two value your alone time, you’ll be fine!
Them: They are someone who is cheerful in a genuine way. When they smile it genuinely reaches their eyes. They’re someone who could have a sweet tooth. I’m seeing someone who could bake and/or cook. They have sixth sense with cooking and baking like a grandma. They don’t measure they just eyeball the ingredients and it works better for them. They are rather feminine and soft independent of gender. They also value growth a lot. They are someone who likes to change and grow for the better. Sometimes though they do push themselves a little too hard. I do see that they will want to push you a bit, it will be gentle and with the intention of seeing you be the best version of yourself in the relationship and out of it. They will also grow and learn in the relationship along with you.
Pile 2: Seungbin
You:You’re probably someone who is young or feels young and youthful. You could be young in age or young in a certain field you’ve entered. You could be a bit naive or just come off that way. I’m seeing it’s more that you just like to come off that way. You could have gone through a period where you felt like you’re mind was playing games with you or someone else was. You felt as if whatever it is you or someone else was telling you was true and that caused you anxiety and to close yourself up quite a bit. This impacted you so much that I’m getting this time of your life and not so much your personality. Someone close to you could have also broken your trust. You could be leaving this behind at the moment and that’s why you feel like you have a fresh start and so you feel hopeful again. It’s possible that’s also where the young feeling is coming from. The little I do see of your personality is that you’re for the most part a rather joyous and refreshing person.
The dynamic between you two: You two have opposite aesthetics, one might wear lighter clothes and the other might just wear black all the time. I’m seeing like light academia, almost angelic for one person and then alt aesthetic for the other. There are cards that indicate that this person will really need to work hard to gain your trust. While you on the other hand will need to learn to let your guard down a bit. This person might approach you and seem too good to be true or the opposite you might think you see red flags in this person. For example they might buy you something nice or even a little luxurious and to them it’s a way to show that they like you. But you at the time could take it as them trying to manipulate you to like them with gifts instead of building trust with you. This won’t be a red flag from them, it’ll just be that you don’t know each other too well. (Please exercise caution if you feel unsafe with someone that is definitely not who you are meant to be with). You and this person might just actually have different ways of showing how you care about each other. Once the relationship is established though I’m seeing you’ll work well, there just needs to be some trust built first.
Them: This person will definitely be mature or seem mature in the sense that they have money and they are smart. They could have a round or bunny like face. Nonetheless they definitely are very Changbin like, they could have gone through a time where they struggled with their self esteem and their physical appearance. You’ll find them attractive though and it seems that by the time you two meet they’ll feel more confident. Eyebrows could be very prominent and obvious or they shape the person’s face. They are either really luck with money or they have extra money to spend. They’ll definitely like to spoil you, I did hear daddy vibes (😅 I don’t personally like that phrase) but they do want to treat you like royalty. It doesn’t matter what gender they are, they’ll definitely like to pay for your things or for food if you go out to lunch or dinner. Could be that their the one that carries the relationship, but don’t be fooled they are very soft for you. They’ll probably usually look at you like 🥺 while everyone else gets a regular look or stare.
Pile 3: Hyunin
You: You have black cat energy for sure. There are three black cats in this reading and right before this reading I saw a black cat outside. You could seem judgmental or serious when people meet you, but I’m sensing it’s just that you take your private life very seriously and not just anyone can enter your space so easily. You’re someone whose worked hard to be where you are, you could be very smart and/or very driven. You’re grades are good or you do really well in your career/job. You could also have a good eye for seeing who you trust and who you don’t, that’s why some see you as “judgmental”. Although the way I see it, there’s nothing wrong with making sure that you only surround yourself with people who are on the same wavelength as you. Although sometimes you could perceive someone wrong or too quickly. Not usually though, you’re very good at this. Underneath all of that you could have a good balance of happiness or pride (in a good way) and some emotional intelligence. You’re good at manifesting the things you want in life and you take opportunities that are handed to you. “You get shit done” is what I hear.
The dynamic between you: You two could meet in a rather tense time and a time where neither of you, especially you, won’t like the other person. They might not be a bad person, but you could meet at a party and they could drink or drink a little more than usual that day and you could not like that. Either because you dislike drinking in general or because they were too drunk that day. You could quickly dismiss this person as being a potential partner due to this. You’re mentality at the time will be black and white and won’t allow for mistakes. Usually you could be someone who has a “three strikes and you’re out” rule and when you meet this person they’ll either strike out or you might see one strike as reason enough to push them away. I’m hearing you think “ugh this person gets on my nerves”. I’m getting pride and prejudice vibes and you’re Elizabeth and this other person is Mr.Darcy. Judgement is definitely clouding your perception of this person. As well as this person isn’t normally like this, they are simply reacting to an unfortunate moment in their life.
Them: I’m getting that they’re someone whose going through an unlucky moment right now. They’re moving away from something or someone, something they were committed to. For some of them they are moving away from a significant other or even a spouse if they’re old enough to get married. While others I’m sensing are moving away from a dream, a job, or a career. Either way they feel burnout and unlucky at the moment, luckily it will only be for a moment and there is hope that they will feel better later. I do think that when you two meet they might not be completely over this situation and that is why I’m picking this up so strongly and so will you. They’ll have their eye on you, but won’t make a move quickly because they have a lot to juggle around and to think about. They can and will be committed once they’re in a relationship though.
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cienie-isengardu · 1 year ago
MK1 fanfiction
EDIT: now all chapters will be collected under the title of Cracked mirror of black, cold soul
No one asked for it, but as I did not get enough Bi-Han & Shang Tsung interaction, I was forced to write about them myself. The first part is at least done, we will see if I managed to finish the second. Mainly written as a character study of MK1!Shang Tsung, a bit about his relationship with Damashi, General Shao and potential partnership with Sub-Zero post story-mode.
There was a time when Shang Tsung was nothing more than just a pitiful loser clinging to an even more pathetic life. All he could do to survive was to pretend to be someone else, someone better, wiser; someone worthy of trust, someone people like and listen to. Lying to people was easy. Lying to himself anyone would care if he died came much harder and harder with each passing day. 
Then came Damashi and offered him not only power but also kindness, a praise for making progress, be it for fulfilling her plans or for his own growing skills. He would gladly burn the world just to earn her smile, a good word, anything really. She made him for the first time in a long long time feel valued, appreciated, even liked despite who he was under all the polite words and charming smiles.
But that was a lie too. A lie he foolishly fell for, like a stray, hungry dog falls for a kind pat on the head and a little treat before the new owner will kick it for fun.
Shang Tsung was many things but definitely not a dog to be kicked, be it by Liu Kang or his Titan self. If none of the gods cared for him, he wouldn't care for them either. And now, after he ran away from prison and a terrifying storm washed him ashore on a deserted island full of magic secrets to unlock, he had time and means to repay each of his pursuers, to make all the realms if not respect his skills then fear them.
Since Damashi’s - his own Titan self’s - betrayal many days and nights have passed and with each Shang Tsung’s mastery of magic grew stronger, his knowledge deepened, his confidence restored and strengthened. He claimed the island as his new home, the impregnable fortress secured by the most wicked, devilish and brilliant traps he could think about and for the first time in ages, he finally felt like belonging to the right place.
It was as good a life as it could be. Not perfect, as Shang Tsung still needed to figure out how to secure his food supplies before he would tame the wild land, unused for years and maybe the animals lurking in the shadows could be useful too. A domestic cattle would be a great addition for sure, as it was the only type of animal he had any skill to maintain but then again, there was no way he would engage in tedious farming. He had no time nor patience for that kind of work yet he did not want any stranger on his island either. All he could do for now was to eat the catched fishes and some plucked from tree fruits while bringing all the needed ingredients and supplies from a quick trip to the land. Using magic portals was a tricky solution - magic brought unwanted attention and once used, always left some traits to follow but after the last storm he did not feel safe on a boat sailing through the open sea. On the land, he did run into some of his former allies, exchanged important news and some secrets here and there, never truly betraying where he was hiding. The General and his men treated Shang Tsung with suspicion, always demanding more than he offered. On the other hand, he and Quan Chi worked well in the past, but after the last betrayal, Shang Tsung couldn’t trust anyone anymore. Everyone blamed him for his Titan self’s lies, like he was the one lying to them all. The Royal Family wanted his head, the Earthrealm Champions hunted him too. It was a mess, amusing and irritating at the same time. 
He was going to deal with that matter too, when the right time came. For now, Shang Tsung enjoyed the new found magic - the power awaiting for those who will dare to reach out for it. A power he didn’t need to share with anyone.  
Everything would feel much better though if Sub-Zero didn’t somehow find a way to break into his new home like all the deviously set up traps meant nothing.
Shang Tsung should know something was off the moment he felt coldness creeping into his bones, but in all fairness, it was always cold here. He did not have yet an idea how to heat the interior of an abandoned fortress and as much as he liked to not freeze in his own sleep, luxury like that was not on his priority list. He should be more cautious, more focused on the change in the air about him than walking straight into his own room and then be dumstocked at the sight of Sub-Zero looking through his books as if he had lived here forever and Shang Tsung was the unwanted guest.
“Your security is shitty” was all he got as a greeting. Cold, sharp, uncaring words judging him as an incompetent idiot. The bastard did not even bother to look at him, just kept rummaging through the books like it was the only thing worth this attention.
Shang Tsung wasn’t sure what offended him more - being ignored or watching as his precious belongings were touched without his permission. He liked books way more than he liked people. 
In the last few years he killed people for less than that yet he smiled his most charming smile, the gears in his head working fast and furious on how to turn the unpleasant situation for his own advantage. The fact that Sub-Zero allowed him to see himself in the open instead of lurking in the shadows to cut his throat gave Shang Tsung a reason for a bit of optimism. As far as he heard from his former, maybe-still-maybe-not allies, Lin Kuei rejected Liu Kang’s authority and were on their own. It of course did not mean that Sub-Zero was his friend or ally nor that he wouldn't murder Shang Tsung at the end of day, either to reconcile with Fire Lord or to bribe the god to let the Lin Kuei be in peace.
Shang Tsung couldn’t blame Bi-Han for that - in this cruel world, everyone was looking after their own best interest, but the vision of losing his life did not sit well with him at all. He wasn’t afraid of fighting and he did beat down great Champions in the last battle, but out of all opponents, it was Sub-Zero's ice axe that was the closest to beheading him for good.
He did not plan to forget that anytime soon.
“What an unexpected surprise,” he said, all the soft, so sweet smile, velvet voice and sharp eyes analyzing the danger standing before him. “What can I do for you, my friend? Or did you just miss my humble company?”
He teased with feigned innocence because men hated when he said ridiculous stuff like that. Shang Tsung hated it himself, because he knew no one would miss him at all.  
“For one, drop the false politeness” came Sub-Zero’s cold reply, a mix of disapproval and command that Shang Tsung was so used to, because this was how people treated him, the real him, all his life. “We are not friends.”
There was a flare of anger in Shang Tsung now, the desire to prove himself the superior, not a pitiful dog anyone could kick and command - but he knew better than to allow this fire to burn inside him. Emotions were a weakness he couldn’t afford. Did the man even know how much he provoked the sorcerer with his cold disdain? Shang Tsung had no idea. He heard a lot of stories about Lin Kuei; even in the backwater hole from which he crawled out everyone heard the terrifying tales of Fire Lord’s secret army. Of the ice demons stealthier than shadows and more deadly than night itself and for a long time Shang Tsung did not think of them as living beings from this world.
Still… Sub-Zero was mortal, wasn’t he? A special one no doubt, with control over ice yet he could bleed too. Shang Tsung wondered for a moment what he could find under the fine, cold skin if he ever had a chance to look for the answer. An ice demon, human or hybrid of both?
“But we are still allies, aren’t we?” he asked, still polite and careful, yet walking up to the other man with his typical swagger. Not close enough to be in arm reach, but close enough to show he wasn’t that easily intimidated. 
The great military hero of Edenia always looked down on his movements; how he fought, how he gesticulated, how he walked. No self-respecting soldier would walk like some pleased prostitute after a well-paid job, the General said not once nor twice and all Shang Tsung could do then was to smile the brightest smile and thank him, like his disdain was the best praise he heard that day. The only thing they really have in common, beside the desire to take down Sindel’s regime, was being self-made men for both worked hard to be who they were. Yet General came from an old, aristocratic family with even older military tradition and everything that did not fit his narrow-minded idea of the world was treated with hostility and contempt. 
Shang Tsung’s skinny body, swagger, shrewdness, curiosity and wordiness unsurprisingly annoyed the great warrior and to say he took no pleasure in that fact would be a blatant lie. Even if it was childish and unproductive pleasure, it amused him to know how little effort he needed to test the patience of such a stern and manly man. 
Sub-Zero reminded him a lot of Shao and he suspected it was the soldier thing; the body built for fight and hardship, no-nonse attitude and the way both men moved - with deadly precision and confidence only a person that in fact killed an enemy in battle could muster. Even the way they spoke sounded similar, a barked command that everyone around instinctively wanted to obey, either out of respect or fear.
For that similarity alone, Shang Tsung expected the Lin Kuei Grandmaster to snarl at him some nasty remark about how his Titan self betrayed them all and thus how little he himself was worth of anyone’s trust. Anything to put the sorcerer down even a bit, to remind him what a failure he was.
“That is yet to be seen” was all the Grandmaster said, finally glancing from the book to Shang Tsung. 
It was hard to read anything from the man’s face, as half of it was hidden behind that damned Lin Kuei mask. All he could do was to rely on the move of a brew and the incantation of voice, each syllable, a moment of pause. It was a hard task, as the man showed no emotions and spoke so little so far. But the sorcerer knew there was anger, always lurking in each word spoken by Sub-Zero, but also… an excitement at finally being free of Liu Kang’s control. As Damashi foretold.
Shang Tsung couldn’t help but to think there was something much deeper about Damashi's interest in breaking Lin Kuei from Fire Lord than he ever suspected before. Back then the choice sounded logical - every action that would deprive Liu Kang of the advantage was worth taking so he did not question his benefactor. How could he, really? Now though? The truth burned him to the core and he learned the hard way that each of Damashi’s words had a hidden meaning, each action served a different goal than was promised; the victory he was in fact never part of. Yet… even the deepest shade of lie had a grain of truth. He knew that one well, for he lied all his life.
His Titan self for some reason wanted not so much the Lin Kuei itself as the Sub-Zero specifically on his side. Maybe more than Titan Shang Tsung even wanted his own younger self, corrupted by Liu Kang. 
The mere thought made him want to curse all gods alike. There was no difference for him between Liu Kang and his Titan-self, as both played him like some pawn, not even an important figure. Just pawn, to hold away from power, to sacrifice it when times would come. 
But there was more to it than just jealous anger and the never ending feeling of never being good enough. If Sub-Zero meant so much, if not in the grand scheme of things itself then just for personal satisfaction of Titan, then maybe he could be important to Shang Tsung’s own plans. Allies were hard to come by and these days he could use some, well, not protection really, he was done with living under someone else's wing but he wouldn’t say no to some partnership or at least casual support. The little favor here and there where things were still thick and troublesome to deal on your own. After all, freedom always came at some cost. 
Maybe Sub-Zero came to the same conclusion and his unexpected visit was just a reconnaissance. They were more alike than one would think, as similar desires drove them into this madness of Titans. To prove their own might and skills to all those that looked down on them their whole life. But above everything else, to be free and powerful enough to keep that freedom.
To his own surprise, Shang Tsung took comfort in that thought.
If they were meant to stay allies - or as close two stubborn outcasts with grudge against gods could rely on each other, some sacrifices were to be made. Shang Tsung did something he rarely did - he dropped the false politeness under which he hid himself for years.
“How did you find me?” he asked Sub-Zero directly, raising his chin challengingly. He was not afraid of Lin Kuei, just curious.
“You are not as careful as you think you are” Bi-Han answered with no less challenging stare, yet the flick of an amusement in his eyes was unmistakable. Shang Tsung knew the man was smirking under that damned mask and that thought alone made him puff in anger. 
The brown eyes shone even more.
Sub-Zero moved from his place, slowly walking from one bookshelf to another. His fingers traced books, never stopping at any particular volume, but always touching the book spines, like there was something interesting in their textures. The man did not pay attention to Shang Tsung and not really to books either. He was studying the room itself. The sorcerer couldn’t place why it bothered him so much but he knew better than to allow Sub-Zero to learn even the most trivial things about himself or his fortress. 
Damashi warned him against that the first day when she spoke about Lin Kuei. They are thieves, the mysterious being said, all grace and patience and praise for the unwanted Shang Tsung who drank in her words like the wisdom of gods, who will steal your fortune, life and secrets. Always be on your guard around them, especially around the one named Sub-Zero. If only he was smarter back then, less in need to please his generous benefactor, maybe he could hear in her sweet voice the longing for something, someone, that was not anymore. For the old partnership that was broken and defiled by Liu Kang’s peaceful vision of the world. But he was a fool who thought her yearning was for him alone. 
Shang Tsung was done with being played like a fool.
“Who told you about my island?” he demanded, voice still quiet yet no less burning with an old anger. He would get his answers, whatever kindly or by force.
A long sigh escaped Sub-Zero’s lips and frankly it took him out by surprise. Shang Tsung - or rather his Titan self -  knew the man was running on frustration for years, but that sounded as a whole new level of annoyance.
“I heard about it from Havik, who heard that from Rain, who heard that from Reiko, who heard that from Shao, who heard about it from Quan Chi. But the whole Sun Do is full of similar gossip.”
For a moment none of them spoke. Shang Tsung stared at Sub-Zero’s impassive, half-hidden face that still somehow emanated his disgust at their maybe-allies-maybe-not-but-definitely-idiots who apparently couldn’t keep a secret to save their own life. The feeling was mutual, because this was the reason why the sorcerer hated working with others. No one apparently could keep their mouth shut down if you didn’t help make that permanently. 
He closed eyes and rubbed his forehead, like that could ward off all the bad thoughts assaulting his mind right now.  His fingers were cold, too cold for his liking, unpleasantly stiff and numb. He did not like how the mere presence of a cryomancer affected his body, how it made him shiver and weak. He was an Edenian for fuck’s sake, and Edenia did not even know what winter cold was. He did not know that himself, until Damashi led him to a snow-covered fortress and he almost freezed there the first night. 
It took him a moment to realize something bad was happening. He couldn’t focus, all his senses dulled, body so clumsy and weak. As if his energy suddenly dropped to zero and fatigue was taking over. A flash of panic crossed his mind, but he was too tired, too cold to even be afraid for his life.
He had no idea how long he remained in the grip of this piercing soul frost. A few seconds? Days? He couldn’t even say. What mattered was that once the control of his senses came back, he was still alive and Sub-Zero gone.
And the fact the bastard stole a few of his precious scrolls and books.
The books showed up on his desk a few days later. There was no thank you or sorry about that note, not even the fuck you, loser. Shang Tsung both admired the man's boldness and hated him for it. Still he appreciated the books were returned in a good condition, as there was not a single scratch on any of them, not even a new page crease. He had no idea if that was some sort of weird Lin Kuei’s way to test him, disrespect or Sub-Zero took the books simply because he wanted to read them but he was a bastard with no sense of social politeness to just ask as any normal human being would. Damashi mentioned cryomancers were naturally difficult like that.
Shang Tsung had better things to do than to wonder what the check was wrong with Sub-Zero yet he was too curious for his own sake. Sadly, the titles alone did not say anything useful on the matter and even though he read each book just in case, there was hardly anything worth the time it took to finish them. No grand secrets revealed, no magic or military knowledge, not even historical value. Just some technical nonsense that bore him to death and if Sub-Zero was into stuff like that then no wonder the man lacked any social grace. 
The Grandmaster of Lin Kuei so far did not try to kill him and returned the books so Shang Tsung decided to give him the benefit of doubt and so he did not cross out the man from the list of potential allies. It did not stop him however from improving the traps just in case the man decided to return solely to steal again.
The scrolls showed up on his desk three days later. Their appearance actually worried Shang Tsung, not just because the trap again turned out to be useless. He was not worried even by the possibility Sub-Zero found some secret entrance he did not know about yet. No, what worried him was the fact he spent the whole morning in his chamber and walked out for like twenty minutes at best and when he returned, the scrolls WERE. THERE. 
That actually unnerved him much more than he wanted to admit. 
The scrolls turned out to be written in a language Shang Tsung did not even know and the implication that Lin Kuei could read it only added to the feeling of cold unease. There was however a note left on the scrolls; a small paper with only Royal Army searching the coast written in Shang Tsung’s own language. 
He was not afraid of empress Mileena’s army but he did appreciate the warning. Of course, the warning could be a fraud, a means to build trust only to betray him. The common sense advised caution yet there was a weird sense of peace within Shang Tsung. A hope or hunch, he did not know, but deep in his heart he felt everything was alright.
All he could do for now was wait to see if Sub-Zero will lead the enemy to his fortress or not. So he waited.
(The fact that another book disappeared with Sub-Zero did not surprise him much. Irritated, yes, but not worried. For some reason he felt everything was like it should be, like some almost forgotten memory of past life came back to him and the sense of deja vu was weirdly comforting.)
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spnangelbang · 3 months ago
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A preview of... “pass with the winter (come in like the cold)” 
Author: kyra @gay-destiel
Artist: Mörökölli @morokollisyo
Rating: Teen and Up
Archive warnings: Author Chooses Not to Use Archive Warnings
Featured characters: Gabriel, Sam Winchester, Castiel, Dean Winchester, Asmodeus
Featured relationships: Sam Winchester/Gabriel, Dean Winchester/Castiel 
Length:  20,000 words
Tags:  Hurt/Comfort, Demon Gabriel, Canon-Typical Violence, Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence, Destiel is minor but definitely there and Sam is maybe a little bit fed up with it
Summary:  This time around, when Gabe is taken by Asmodeus, the demon casts a spell and turns Gabriel into a demon. And when the Winchesters start to mess with Asmodeus' supply runs, he sends his best after them.
Asmodeus turns slightly to face a smaller entrance to the throne room, beckoning a finger,
“Listen to this.”
A small demon with short black hair and brown eyes steps into the light, trueform slight enough that Gabe’s eyes focus not on the form, but on the vessel. He must be only a recent spawn, young enough not to have risen in the ranks. Gabe wonders, in the back of his mind, how he had gotten an audience with not just Asmodeus, but one of his best warriors too. The demon’s breath is shallow as nervous energy projects off him in waves, and at Asmodeus’ imperious nod, he begins,
“We- we were manning the Lancaster supply route this morning when they busted in. Two hunters and an angel. I was the only one who managed to get away, they killed everyone else. Called themselves ‘Sam’ and ‘Dean’ and ‘Cas’.”
Asmodeus gives Gabe a look, and he makes a face, “Eugh. The Winchesters were hotshots up high. Always meddling in things they had no reason to.”
“So you know them well?”
He shrugs, “I mean, sure. I threw good ol’ Sammy into a hell-loop or a hundred, and Cassy-o was my brother once. So yeah, you could say that.”
Asmodeus dismisses the demon and he slinks away out the side-door. 
The main door was more for dramatic storming in, by the way, while the side-door was for slipping away quietly.
Do you think Gabe spends enough time in the throne room bored shitless? He’s barely ever allowed to kill for Asmodeus there, so the meetings get long and tedious.
“I’m glad you think that.” His Lord’s amused tone pulls him out of his thoughts and back to the present- and fairly important- conversation, “Because you’re going to kill them for me.”
Posting date: February 5, 2025!
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trashpandafiction · 2 years ago
The Chief's Daughter - One Shot
Summary: (Based on this plot idea.) You're the daughter of the chief of police in your suburban town and you worry about him working too hard. Dropping off meals, coming to check that he's not at the precinct more than he's home starts to get less tedious and repetitive when you meet his newest addition, Cyrus Lupo. Detective Lupo is a transfer from New York and he certainly keeps your father on his toes, so it's definitely a bad idea to fall for him. Right? Pairings: Cyrus Lupo x Reader Word Count: 1,994 A/N: Here it is! My first one shot back in the game. This isn't beta'd or anything, it's really just a little thing to help me dip my toes in the water again. There is far too little Lupo content and when I saw this prompt, the light bulb went off. I kind of want to turn this into a full story, but I don't know if anyone would be interested in a full story. I hope you like it though!
Please do not repost or redistribute my work! Reblogs are welcome!
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When this newest case fell into your father’s lap, you knew that he was going to be working late nights and rarely be home. He assured you that he was going to make sure he was eating and getting some sleep, but you knew him better, and that’s why you were walking into the precinct now, holding a bag of dinner from his favorite local diner.
          “He’s on the field.” A familiar voice said from your left.
          You looked over to see Detective Cyrus Lupo leaning back in his desk chair, a smile on his face. “Again?” you asked him. He rarely went on the field anymore but for this case, your father made it a habit.
          “He should be back soon though, he’s been gone for close to two hours.” He replied.
          “Must have been important if he’s been gone that long.” You said, moving to sit in the chair beside Cyrus’ desk. “Do you guys have any sort of lead yet?”
          He shrugged, sitting up in his chair and rolling forward a bit so he could peer into the food bag. “A few, but nothing substantial so far. This is the biggest one we’ve had and that’s off the record.”
          You slid the bag closer to you while he spoke so he couldn’t look inside, earning a small frown from the man. “Well maybe him being gone this long is a good sign then. Why aren’t you out there with him?” you asked.
          “Someone has to hold down the fort while he’s away.” He said, which earned him a quirked brow from you. “He’s a little pissed off at me and has me on desk duty tonight.”
          Cyrus giving your dad problems was nothing new to you. Since he was transferred to your dad’s precinct out of New York, your dad saw him as a problem child. If you had a dollar for every time your dad referred to Cyrus’ “city experience” or “NYPD attitude”, you could have quit your job. When you first met Cyrus, you thought he was a bit arrogant but as you had gotten to know him on your visits to bring meals or just to check in on your dad, you realized he was anything but. He was caring, he worked hard, and he could always get you to smile or laugh, and that seemed to bother your dad, but you weren’t dating the man so what could be the harm in just chatting with him?
          “I have such a hard time believing that you’d ever get in trouble and assigned to desk duty, Detective Lupo.” You said with a smirk.
          “I can’t believe it either.” he said shaking his head.
          “So, what was it this time? Mouthy comment? Sarcastic remark? Too tough with a suspect? Flirting with a witness? I could go on.” You said with a cheeky smile.
          “You should be a profiler, you read people pretty well.” He teased. “He wanted me to drop a lead and I didn’t want to let it go.”
          You nodded at him to get him to continue.
          “It got us a different perspective and a potential new witness, but it also got me desk duty.” He shrugged. “I don’t know if it’ll play out or not but at least it’s something else to try instead of just sitting around.”
          Your dad was always about facts, not gut feelings, or hunches, and that’s one of the many reasons he butted heads with Cyrus. “Is that what he’s checking on now?” you asked.
          “No, I did. He’s checking on what the witness gave me earlier and I’m sure that if nothing comes from it, I’ll be at this desk for the next month.” He said, crossing his arms on his desk.
          “Well if he’s been gone almost two hours then maybe there’s something there.” You shrugged.
          “Maybe.” He mumbled. His phone rang and he checked the screen before raising his brows. “Maybe it was a good something because he’s asking me to meet him and Jameson.”
          “I won’t keep you from a good ‘I told you so.’” You stood up from the chair and held the bag of food. “I’ll leave this in his office for him.”
          Cyrus stood up and grinned at your joke. “I’m not gonna hold my breath.” He teased. “I’ll let him know you stopped by and that he has dinner waiting for him.”
          “Thank you. Be careful out there.” You said.
          “Always am.” He said, heading for the exit.
          You headed towards your dad’s office but stopped when you heard Cyrus call your name.
          When you turned to face him, he pointed at you. “And I don’t flirt with witnesses.” He said before giving you a grin. “Only daughters of my bosses.” He said before disappearing down the hallway.
          You couldn’t help but smile at the comment as you put the bag of food in your dad’s fridge. You wrote a note to leave on his desk and then headed out, Cyrus’ grin stuck in your head.
          Two weeks later, your dad was finishing paperwork for the case and beginning the next one. He swore to you that he wasn’t going to be as ‘hands-on’ with this case, but that seemed to slip his mind after the first two days working on it. That’s how you had ended up at the precinct again, eating dinner with him in his office. It was good to actually sit down with him and check in with him, and you almost made it to the one-hour mark before he got a call and was back to work.
          You cleaned up the wrappers from your meals quietly, kissed the top of his head and whispered to him to be careful before you headed out of his office and towards the elevators. When the doors opened, you were greeted with a familiar face: Cyrus.
          “Fancy meeting you here.” You smiled.
          “You’re lucky, I’m rarely here.” He quipped back. “Going down?” he held his arm out to keep the doors open for you.
          “I am, thank you.” You stepped into the elevator and pressed the button for the lobby. You had seen Cyrus here and there over the past two weeks, but since his comment about flirting with you, you got nervous around him. He must have picked up on it because it seemed like he was upping his interactions with you when you were around, like he enjoyed seeing you blush. “Have a good night, Detective.”
          Before the doors could close, he put his arm between them, causing them to open again. “Can I walk you to your car?” he asked with a crooked grin.
          The request took you off guard, but the doors attempting to close again seemed to pull you out of your head. “Sure.”
          Cyrus stepped onto the elevator and let the doors close before he spoke up again. “Your dad still working or did he actually stop to eat tonight?”
          “We managed to have a whole meal and a conversation for nearly an hour. I think that’s a record.” You chuckled. “I see you’re not tethered to your desk tonight.” You noted, looking up at him.
          “No, I’ve been good for the most part. Whenever I have a good idea, I just write it down in my journal instead.” He said with a smirk. “I’m glad you two got to sit down and talk though. I know he enjoys it too.”
          You nodded. “Good idea.” You teased. You smiled softly at his comment and nodded. “I enjoy it too, even if he thinks I’m being overbearing.”
          “He doesn’t think that, he’s just worried about you worrying about him.” He said.
          The doors opened when the elevator arrived at the lobby and Cyrus let you step out first before he joined you, holding the front door open for you. You were parked across the street and at this time of night, it wasn’t too busy.
          “You won’t give me a ticket for jaywalking, will you?” you asked him, zipping your jacket.
          “It’s not jaywalking if you’re getting a police escort. It’s a law.” He said, looking down at you and holding his arm out.
          “Oh, it is?” you asked, not believing him for a second, but still you linked your arm in his.
          “Yeah. Probably.” He said with a smirk before walking you across the street to your car.
          “Thank you.” You said when you got there, pulling your keys out and unlocking the doors.
          “Just doing my duty, ma’am.” He said, opening the door for you.
          You tossed your bag onto your passenger’s seat and then looked up at him again. You were about to tell him not to work too hard, but he interrupted your plan.
          “I haven’t said anything to upset you or scare you off, have I?” he asked, his arm leaning on the door as he spoke. Before you could ask him what he meant, he continued. “You just seem a little nervous around me lately and I hope I didn’t cause you to feel that way.”
          “No, you haven’t said anything.” Sure, he had made a comment about flirting with you but maybe he had forgotten about that.
          “I know I made the comment about flirting with you and I didn’t know if that was crossing a line or anything. I can knock it off if you want me to.” He continued.
          You smiled and shook your head. “Cyrus, you making a comment isn’t going to scare me off. If it did, I probably wouldn’t still be talking to you.”
          “Even if the comment was true?” he asked you, almost testing the waters.
          You looked up at him and cocked your head slightly. “Was it?” was all you could say.
          “That depends on whether or not that would make you act weirder towards me or not.” He said with a half grin.
          He was flirting with you, and he was telling you that he was flirting with you. Your dad would have Cyrus transferred by morning if he knew that you had been flirting back, even if you thought that it was just friendly banter. You tucked a lock of hair behind your ear and shrugged, trying to find the words. “I won’t act weird towards you.” Good one. “Besides, it’s not like I wasn’t flirting back.” You added.
          He studied your expression for a moment before he grinned. “I’m glad we’re on the same page then.” He said.
          You smiled, nodding. “We are. Aren’t you still on the clock?” you asked him. “I’d hate to see you grounded at your desk again, Detective.” You teased before getting into the driver’s seat. You started the car up, Cyrus shutting the door behind you.
          When you rolled the window down, he leaned down so he could see you. “I just need to grab my stuff and finish my paperwork for the night which shouldn’t take more than ten minutes. I know you just ate, and it’s a little late for coffee.” He started, a hint of hesitation in his voice.
          Was he inviting you out? “How about dessert?” you asked him. “Lonnie’s is open late, and they’ve got the best sundaes in town.”
          He nodded at your offer. “I never turn down a lead on good food, especially the best in town.”
          “Well, finish your paperwork and then come meet me there. I have plenty of leads we can talk about.” You teased.
          “Great. I’ll see you there.” He grinned. He knocked on the top of the car before standing up straight and stepping away so you could drive off.
          You glanced in the rearview and saw him heading back into the building once you had pulled away. You weren’t sure how the night wound up in this direction, and you were a little scared of what your dad would have to say about it, but that didn’t stop you from driving to Lonnie’s for a late-night sundae with your favorite detective.
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I’d love to hear any of your headcanons for Albert :D He literally lives rent free in my head
SAME I cannot get him out of my brain. So the ones I use so much that they're probably getting old are that he had some confusing feelings for William as a teen and is very overdramatic about shaming himself for it, that he has OCD or OCPD, and that I always headcanon him as bisexual for literally no reason beyond my own amusement. But to try to branch out from those a little:
He definitely seems to have a concerning relationship with alcohol, but I don't think he likes being drunk. I think being in control of himself is important to him, so while he definitely uses alcohol to take the edge off and self-medicate, I think he usually stops drinking at mildly tipsy (even as he slowly stretches his tolerance so that "mildly tipsy" is a lot more drinks in than it would be for most). For the same reason, I think he might have also experimented with all the other drugs that were readily available at the time, but didn't much like any of them. Everything else either dulled him too much or made him feel out of control, and he doesn't like either feeling.
A newer one that I'm having a lot of fun with is the idea that he and Bond are really chummy.
I think he likes going to orchestral performances and the opera and so on. All the pomp and fuss and being crammed in boxes with the sort of people he hates is tedious, but he likes to just close his eyes and bask in the music.
Every since I read The Adventure of the Goodwood Hunt, fox-hunting Albert has been very important to me. The aesthetic of this man in the full getup, on a horse. *dreamy sigh*
I sometimes headcanon that he and Mycroft have actually been loosely acquainted and flirting with each other in passing since well before the start of canon. Their first conversation in the manga isn't really an introduction. They already seem known to each other at least in passing.
Less headcanon and more Thing I'd Actually Love To See Happen, but I tend to think he and Louis have a little bit of a distance between them. I think they bonded over William primarily, and though they do love each other, there's just not as intense of a connection between them as they each have with William. But I think it'd be really cute if, as they're all sorting out their new dynamics post-timeskip, they end up in the kitchen together and just have a really really good time cooking (Albert is in charge of anything heat-related: Louis handles the knives). And it becomes a Thing they do together quite often.
I think he's the most dangerous of the Moriarthree because, unlike his brothers, there's an edge of compulsion and emotional dysregulation to his violence. He also seems to be the one of the three who does not have a particular method of attacking/killing he's attached to: just off the top of my head we've seen him strangle, stab, and poison. We can assume he's used guns as well (don't remember if we've seen it.) William usually defaults to his sword and Louis to his knives, and though they all use various methods, Albert seems like the one who you're least likely to be able to guard against because you don't know what he's coming at you with.
Offscreen during or not long after the dinner party, he gives Sherlock the most terrifying shovel talk that has ever been given, and then proceeds to welcome him cheerfully into the family and be very friendly from then on. Louis is like, "If you hurt Brother, I'll stab you in the heart," and Sherlock goes, "Oh thank god, if that ever happens, please make sure you get to me before Albert does."
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archandshri · 11 months ago
The vision for an illustration breakdown from Shri - 27/04/2024
Hey Archie and everyone!
It's lovely to hear you taking control over your health and not letting anyone/society's expectations of a working/hustle culture control your life - leading to burnout. It really does feel like directly fighting against the capitalistic view when we value fun and rest above work and their view of 'success'
I also couldn't agree more with you - fairs are such a magical place, I've definitely got the best compliments and feedback from them, it always reminded me of the importance art has on people sometimes; always leaving me a bit dazed.
As promised my slightly late blog post is here. (It didn't allow me to edit my original post so)
I mentioned I just did a really big hand-in yesterday with Third Bear Press, so I don't want to go to ham on this post.
I did think about talking about my recent hand in but it's still too soon (I've been staring at those pages for two weeks straight and many weeks before that)
But if you want to have a cheeky look at it go check out the Kickstarter with Third Bear Press!
link: https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/thirdbearpress/boxes-2
Anyway actually getting into the blog, I wanted to talk about something I've been pondering recently.
Archie and I were talking a while ago about how they're a bit frustrated with the difference between their vision for an illustration and their skill set - when your skill set doesn't match your creative vision.
And I indeed, I had some thoughts about it.
(also this is not supposed to be an @ at you Archie, I just went on a really long thought tangent).
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My first thought was "I used to feel that all the time" Then I was like "Wow I haven't felt that for a long time" Then I thought "Wow that kinda sounds a bit fullhead?!"
But then I was like "Hold up, back up. I don't think it has to do completely with the skillset, it also has to do with the visions/expectations itself?" because I can't remember the last time I had that experience of having that illustration idea the same way I did a few years ago.
They're different, so it got me thinking why?
Breaking down my thoughts
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Also, slight disclaimer: I did no research whatsoever for this so it's literally just my thoughts. Anyways, enjoy!
The vision/idea of an illustration
I don't have the same vision for an illustration anymore as I used to. Before I used to start illustrations/projects with a distinct image in mind, and then draw from there.
Nowadays I think of the idea/image and then clarify it with the message/thing I'm trying to convey through the image. Having this clarification on what you are trying to say is so helpful when hitting issues because you can always refuse back to that as a touchstone.
Without it shit hits the fan then it's harder to take that step back and reevaluate the image.
The minds-eye and the vision/idea
So this section of pondering reminded me a lot of the book I read What We See When We Read by Peter Mendelsund (very good book with a lot of nice pictures). This book discusses what we see when we read (hence the title), one of the main points of the book is what our brain actually images/pictures when reading text.
Here is an extract because it explains it better:
These readers contend that the success of a work of fiction hinges on the putative authenticity of the characters. Some readers go further and suggest that the only way they can enjoy a novel is if the main characters are easily visible: "Can you picture, in your mind, what Anna Karenina looks like?" I ask. "Yes," they say, "as if she were standing here in front of me." "What does her nose look like?" "I hadn't thought it out; but now that I think of it, she would be the kind of person who would have a nose like .. "But wait-how did you picture her before I asked? Noseless?" "Well..." "Does she have a heavy brow? Bangs? Where does she hold her weight? Does she slouch? Does she have laugh lines?" (Only a very tedious writer would tell you this much About a character)
pg 24 of What We See When We Read by Peter Mendelsund
This strangeness of the brain of feeling/believing we can see a character in your mind's eye in full clarity - but at the same time, not actually seeing any details?
This is what I think also happens when we have an illustration vision/idea for a piece of artwork, being able to 'see it' but at the same time not.
This then can cause a lot of issues in the fulfilment of this vision for an illustration, because how can you ever go to the standard of your idea if you don't even know what it is exactly your idea is?
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The skillset
This I wanted to touch on because although there is more to it then a skillset, skillset does have a play in this - but maybe not in the way you expect it. Although yes if your skillset is better it's easier to meet these expectations for an illustration, I also believe it has a lot do to with processes and how to handle issues in illustration pieces.
So before university, my process for illustration was very simple.
idea for illustration
Sketch out illustration
Line the sketch
Colour the illustration
And if at any point in this process, the illustration won't working or I run into an issue - I kinda just gave up on it?
My process now:
Idea on illustration (along with what I'm trying to convey through it)
Research (sometimes, depending on the project)
Initial sketch
Fleshed out sketch
And at any point I run into an issue I solve it, for example, if the hand passion is wrong and just resketch it until I find one that's good.
Obviously, these a big elements of being skilled enough to be able to identify how something is wrong and how to fix it - so there is a sense of drawing mileage by being able to identify those things.
Anyways those our my thought on it - let me know if you guys have any thoughts/ideas on it too!
Thanks for reading my rambling thoughts
Hope everyone has a lovely dinner (I had a really nice roasted cauliflower with other picky bits)
All the good vibes
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letyukisayfuck · 1 year ago
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okay so this is another kind of complicated question, because the answer--as is the answer to a lot of things regarding haruhi--is that it depends.
i would say yes without hesitation, personally, because while the anime is a phenomenal adaptation there are several things that are by necessity lost in translation with the adaption to screen; and some stories have minor or major changes (see: remote island syndrome being very different, due to legal issues preventing a direct adaptation from ever airing on TV).
kyon's narration in particular is something that is very much cut down in the anime, which is an obvious thing to happen when you take a first person book and make it into a TV show. namely the things he says and the fact that you absolutely should not trust him at face value get lost.
so, let me break down each storyline and whether it has major or minor changes; without spoiling what those differences are any more directly than that. if you really want to jump into a new story, this should at least help you know where things will probably be noticeably different and what you could potentially skip over (at least for now).
the melancholy of haruhi suzumiya - minor changes, outside of the aforementioned narration and book-specific quirks (something that will be true of pretty much all the light novels. if any of them contradict this i will note that instead).
the sigh of haruhi suzumiya - minor changes (though i do stand by its light novel order place of 'right after melancholy even though that's not when it takes place at all' is incredibly important and the anime moving it to the end was most definitely a mistake).
the boredom of haruhi suzumiya - minor changes. this one is more visually interesting in the anime anyway, honestly; if you're going to skip some of them, you could probably come back to this later for the couple of funny moments i don't think made it into the anime.
bamboo leaf rhapsody - pretty similar, but also why would you ever skip bamboo leaf rhapsody. it's bamboo leaf rhapsody.
mysterique sign - only minor changes. again, like boredom, this was more interesting to watch in the anime. not required reading if you want to jump ahead.
remote island syndrome - as i mentioned earlier, this one has major changes! definitely read it regardless of what you do otherwise, it's different enough; those changes don't have major effects on anything to date, but things that didn't happen in the anime do occasionally get referenced in later material (most notably in the tempo loss bishop exchange of haruhi suzumiya, the koizumi pov short story by sou sagara--as a bit of a tangent, if you want a new story, i would recommend it; it seems to take place somewhere in the vicinity of disappearance even if its canonicity is somewhat debatable). i like certain aspects of the anime's rendition of remote island better, but i also prefer certain things from the light novel; it's hard to pick a favorite.
disappearance - very minor changes, to my memory. the disappearance of haruhi suzumiya is, for better or for worse, one of the single most faithful adaptations i have ever seen; and it's nothing short of a masterpiece in my mind in either form. it is absolutely worth reading the book (and it's actually the shortest of the long-form light novel stories, which makes its status as the third-longest animated film absolutely absurd to me), but you're not really missing out on anything if you save it for later.
live alive - minor changes. this one's also technically skippable, but i would highly recommend going back to it at some point; if only because it really does function as a much more pleasant epilogue to sigh.
adventures of mikuru asahina episode 00 - minor changes. this is another one where i honestly prefer the anime version, because a visual medium just makes it feel far less tedious.
(if you're wondering why someday in the rain is absent, that's because it was an anime original. it should be probably counted as canon considering it was written by nagaru tanigawa and slots in nicely as a prelude to disappearance and nothing has ever contradicted its events to date, but it's not adapted from the light novels; so it's irrelevant to this conversation.)
in conclusion: the only one i would say is for sure required reading if you want to jump ahead is remote island syndrome, because it has notable variation from the anime adaptation; and the light novel version is, as you might expect, the one considered canon to the light novels. the rest is (for the most part) absolutely worth revisiting, but you won't be missing out on too much jumping in at the new stories in rampage and wavering. the thing they rely most heavily on is disappearance, and that was easily the most direct page-to-screen adaptation.
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suspicious-whumping-egg · 1 year ago
Hi I really want to write but I don't really know how and I don't know how to start but I'm also really worried that people would judge me can you just help me and give me some tips
Hey anon! First of all there’s no right or wrong way to write! Good writing usually shares common characteristics like figurative language, literary devices, a strong plot, characters, and theme, etc, but different people like different things and if you write what you love, you’ll find your audience. There always may be people who judge you but that doesn’t mean their opinions are more relevant than those of who enjoy your writing, and those people may just not be your target audience. What’s important is that you genuinely enjoy writing it, because if you write to cater to an imaginary audience (or even a real one), you might find yourself losing passion or interest in the project while becoming more and more stressed, losing the audience your writing may have attracted if you’d just written what you enjoyed. Expanding your comfort zone is good, of course, but do it on your own terms, and know that you don’t need to treat all online writing advice like a rule, but a guideline. Writing advice, good, mediocre, and otherwise, can be a good tool regardless if you use it, because analyzing why someone might have come up with this advice or what they were going for can also lead you to develop more of your own helpful processes. I.e. back when people tried to avoid using the word “said” nearly at all because they didn’t want to repeat it— the goal ofc was to keep from being tedious and repetitive, but sometimes it’s best to keep it at “said” instead of trying to use different or more complicated words that don’t fit the point of the advice makes sense, even if the actual advice doesn’t.
Now, if you’re interested in having more detail or (literary) strength to your writing I definitely recommend researching literary devices, plot structure, character development methods, how to develop and communicate a theme, etc. What’s also very important is making sure you know how people in general work, if you’re looking for realism in your characters, so looking at some general psychology concepts can be helpful. If you’re looking to write with some type of structure, it can help to plan plot diagrams, write out character bios, etc. If you prefer to just let it all marinate in your mind and dump it out on the page, that’s great too! Discord can also be a nice medium because it gives the record keeping of the former but instead of structured documents, it’s just unhinged rants to your friends that still give you more concrete ideas. Personally I’m a bit more of the second type, although my avoidance of making documents or diagrams for my plot and characters does mean I have to do a lot of thinking, remembering, and planning in my head in order to keep a strong plot, proper character development, etc.
Last but not least, don’t be too hard on yourself! Many people you see writing, including on tumblr, have been doing so for a long time. I’ve been writing for maybe three years, and the first things I wrote were for my eyes only (and maybe those of a select few) and I certainly didn’t post it. Writing is a craft, and like any other, it takes time to develop and grow. There may be some rough spots at first, and that doesn’t mean you should give up. And if you do post it, remember that numbers do not equal worth. Many of us know the feeling of working super hard on a piece to only get a scatter of likes, maybe a reblog or two. But if you find yourself writing as a way of getting notes, or feeling like notes dictate the worth of your writing, it can be a good idea to keep writing but not posting it. Although taking a break can also be good and healthy! The best writing doesn’t often come when you sit down and force yourself to write, and trying to forge yourself to write when you’re not vibing it can sometimes just be more frustrating and can exacerbate burnout. Personally, when I have writer’s block, or anytime I’m trying to write, I spend a lot of time just thinking and daydreaming about scenarios until I feel that excitement and motivation to write again.
If you’d like more advice, feel free to send another ask or dm me here or at blue.e on discord! Happy writing <33
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singing-swan · 8 months ago
Aaaaand Dawntrail done!!
Overall I had a really good time with it! It isn't my favourite expansion but I went in with very little expectations beyond hoping for a lighter expac to have fun with, and that's what I got so I'm satisfied. I think they've also left a lot of interesting threads hanging that could be picked up later (like what's up with that key!!) so I'm excited to see what they do with them. It definitely felt like this expac was a new beginning setting the stage for more.
My favourite thing was definitely how strong the themes were and how perfectly they evolved with the flow of the story. From learning about cultures to learning about their people, to learning about people as individuals and that to know someone, you also have to accept to be known. And only through knowing and being known can you remember and be remembered in turn. How those we remember are an important part of ourselves and we are an important part of others, too.
I really enjoyed the new characters and new places too, the new zones were gorgeous! Though I have to say I enjoyed the first part a bit more as I liked the fun, low stakes adventures and I think that's the part that let the new characters shine best, Wuk Lamat in particular. It was really nice to see her grow through the rite, and I thought she was very loveable with a strong, if a bit cliché, character arc. They set the wol as her mentor, and I definitely felt proud seeing her use what she learned from her experiences during the second part. We basically helped train the new main character of Tural and that was just really fun hahaha
I do have two main gripes with the writing unfortunately, but I'll put them under a cut so people don't have to see negativity if they don't want to.
The main problem I had was the whole Heritage Found + Solution Nine section, or rather the Sphene parts of it. Those parts felt incredibly repetitive and slowed down the pacing enormously. I started feeling frustrated as it felt like I was seeing the same conversation over and over, when it served no other purpose than to tell us how much Sphene loves her subjects and how much they love her, again and again and again.... It was starting to feel tedious after a while. The pacing picked up again once you defeat Zoraal Ja and discover the Living Memory and she became more engaging once she was fully revealed as a villain, but that part definitely hurt how much I enjoyed her as an antagonist. I think she's full of interesting ideas but to me the execution relied a bit too much on telling rather than showing.
The second gripe is one I also had with 6.x, and it's the feeling that the writers weren't always sure what to do with the returning characters. It wasn't as bad as 6.x (especially as they were meant to take a backseat in this one) and we had some nice moments with them, but I definitely got the impression at times the writers are new to writing with such a big cast, with a tendency to overfocus on their own characters to make up for it, namely Zero in 6.x and Wuk Lamat in DT. And while they're both well written, I don't know if any character is well written enough to handle this amount of spotlight put on them if that makes sense? I have friends who thought she was too present and I understand where they're coming from. In the first part the focus on her was normal but in the second part I feel it'd have been nice to have the screentime shared a bit more, especially for Krile who didn't get enough of it imo. The last zone was a better on that front but it's a bit sad we had to wait until then.
Okay, complaining over now. Despite everything it didn't affect too much my enjoyment of the expac as a whole and I came out of it feeling mainly satisfied. Like I said, all I wanted from it was to have a fun time and I absolutely got that. I can't wait to see more of Tural and I'm excited to see where they take the story next, especially since it seems like shard travel will be a big focus and I'm very intrigued 👀
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void-damned · 2 years ago
[Worshipped Outsider | The Marked & Bone Charms ]
The treatment of the Marked is as described before, 'A life in a gilded cage, luxury, with everything at hand.' At least that is the pretty picture they like to feed to the public. The Marked are better off in theory, but they are under constant surveillance, isolated, treated like fragile beings. Until they are not. They are often taken out, to serve as a perfect image, some sort of Avatar of the Outsider, a Chosen one to spread his Words. One who's actively involved with the God. Their powers are always a hit or miss, so there is a high chance that some, like Vera, are brainwashed into helping the Empire prosper. The Abbey seeks to secretly use them as puppets in the grand scheme of things. For the Good of the People, obviously. Vera would have chosen an important Morley noble, a key player, to wed instead of those who'd begged for her hand. Later, she would end up bathing in his blood and carving runes into his bones for her beloved God. All while the Empire would prosper from such a tragic death.  [Kim: It sounds like the Marked are Not Having a Good Time! What's going on behind closed doors?] I admit, I haven't done much thinking on the fate of the Marked behind closed doors but it is advertised as them living in comfort while having whatever they need at their disposal. I'd imagine that there is a lot of psychological torture, blackmail, and mind-breaking going on. Not as much physical due to the fact that I think the Marked could easily recover from that; besides they are needed intact. It has to be subtle and severe enough for many to take notice only once it is too late - like Vera! She played into it willingly for her love for the Outsider, had killed her husband and carved runes into his bones for she believed that is what the Outsider willed her to do. Which is false. It was the Abbey and maybe even Burrows and Campbell behind that - something about human bones resulting in corrupt charms and powerful black magic conduits (which are most definitely illegal). The regulations of runes and bone charms are tricky, though. The runes themselves are rare aspects bearing power and in the hands of a normal human, they are very much useless, humming silently. They would be used as offerings to the God and his Marked, maybe working similarly to the Tooth Fairy myth but instead of money, it'd be more of a promise of good fortune or something like that.
The charms, though, oof. Surely the Abbey has a Bureau/Office of Regulations that keeps track of the charms or which has to approve them and provide some certificate of authenticity (here in allowance or whatever) and register them. Anyone can technically carve them, but few manage to get them to work (Paloma Attano was good at that) - it also depends on what exactly they do and how they function? If they are small bits of bone with innocent enough blessings, like smaller help for disabled people, or charms like 'stains wash out easily', then there likely isn't no regulation. Mild regulation when it comes to charms for stamina, 'asbestos hands' (aka, you don't get hurt when you are baking and shove your hands in the oven), etc, or basically anything that can be somewhat misused. Heavier regulations and strict regulations on anything beyond that - luck charms are some of those, or any bigger physical feats, etc. Depending on use and specifics, they have to be approved. Not sure about where Black Charms belong but they would very likely be heavily regulated and any Corrupted charms have to be turned in. There are specialised charm-makers too but they also need to carry documentation about being approved by the Abbey. It's probably a tedious and long certification process.
Of course, people still carry illegal charms and can face punishment if they are caught. Lending people charms which require regulation is also seen as a transgression. BUT. I like the thought of hereditary charms, or charms that have been present in a family for a long time and it is widely known or the charms are registered under the family name, etc. Like Cecelia carrying a charm which helps her blend in with her surroundings, which she inherited from her mother and which is tied to her name. Perhaps these charms only work through a Bond of Blood. That could also be a way to regulate charms! Tying a charm to one specific person's blood/spirit.
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elvenbeard · 2 years ago
💔🏩💘 for Vince!!
Eeeeef!! Thanks so much for asking :D
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💔 What was my muse’s first heartbreak?
You know, that is a very good question that really got me thinking cause... he had a handful of serious relationships, but few really ended in heartbreak in the sense that the end came unexpected or wasn't for the better. It still hurt, obviously, sometimes more sometimes less. I think his first real, painful, and unexpected heartbreak was in his teens probably, him still trying to figure out who he is and what he even wants... and someone rejecting him for just that, who he is or was at the time. Probably was a classmate or someone, he didn't have that many friends to begin with. I think it would have really hurt him, but after he recovered, in the long run, probably also majorly fueled his spite and refusal to pretend to be someone else just to appeal to others. (Doesn't mean he never pretends to be someone else to get what he wants, but that's another story!)
🏩 What was my muse’s first time like?
Awful xD The first and only time he ever was with a girl. He was 15, still identified as a cis girl at the time (had been questioning his gender and sexuality for a while already though). After a very awkward and uncomfortable makeout session with said girl he was finally 100% sure "yup, I'm not into girls... and definitely not cis either."
She was rather understanding though. They shook hands and went separate ways afterwards, figuratively speaking.
💘 What are the ways my muse says ‘I love you’ without actually saying it?
Since he's often out and about, generally very busy and/or comes home late, it can happen that he doesn't see his loved ones for a few days in a row at all. He's therefore very mindful to at least call them daily, and when he randomly thinks of them he'll text them saying so, asks about their day, what they're doing at the moment, and so on.
Given his often kinda hectic and unpredictable life, quality time is even more important, and for him it's a way to shut everything and everyone else out, especially work. Admittedly he struggled a bit with it initially, but he'll make sure to turn his phone off and keep quality-time dates free of appointments and similar interruptions.
He also doesn't mind doing all the often tedious household tasks, and he knows for a fact that Kerry does (and also struggles with depression still, so on some days he simply doesn't have the energy to really get anything done). Taking care of all those things, doing dishes, tidying up, folding laundry, etc. is definitely a way to say "I love you" to Kerry in particular when he's going through a rough patch.
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noblechaton · 3 months ago
well with that big moment having happened and me taking a break to cook I think now's a good time to ramble a bit on my P3R feelings as they stand atm!
so first and most importantly, I am enjoying the game. I say this first and with importance bc the initial ~10-15 hours felt so....stilted and strange that I wasn't sure I'd vibe with it and while I didn't consider dropping the game, I def considered going at P4G first instead
but I'm glad I stuck with it bc - as I'd kinda assumed - that weirdness was largely intentional and in service of a story that's kinda only gotten better as it's gone on, a deliberate slow burn approach I simply wasn't expecting but can appreciate now. maybe it's not super perfectly paced and there's stuff I do object to or have issues with as far as narrative goes, but it's definitely gotten its hooks deep in me
far as the rest of the game goes tho I will say it's largely positive still but a bit more mixed in places - the combat system's so snappy and responsive, I've lost hours to just trawling Tartarus, Elizabeth's requests and hangouts are largely fun if a bit tedious when it comes to fusion ones, the music's solid but I feel weirdly....thin? lacking? like it feels there's only a few tracks which I know isn't true lol but it feels like I only ever hear 2-3 different songs
social links are....ehhhh. there's been some I've gotten invested in and others I haven't really touched. there's shockingly little to do after you finish stat grinding too which I find odd given the plethora of stuff you could do in P5R - some of which I only ever got to do like, once lmao. there only being like three places is also still kinda weird but not a bad thing necessarily - just makes the world feel smaller
still wish there was more you could do with SEES. the bonding moments you get in the dorm are largely cool but limited while the link episodes are a neat concept but making them optional and thus missable feels like a mistake imo. I've only done Yukari's social link proper to this point and I genuinely can't believe they locked character shit like this behind max stats and certain start dates, it's gone a long way for her character as I'm sure the rest will for the other gals
I went into this game with the mindset of not comparing it too much to P5R and I've largely stuck with that - but it's hard not to in places, too. P5R felt like it was bursting with content, good or otherwise, that wasn't all in service of one of two things, whereas P3R comes across as a bit hollow given it kinda just becomes social link > SEES moment/Tartarus exploration > social link > SEES moment/Tartarus etc. after you finish the social stat grind
and I will say on the topic that I am finding the main narrative a bit less gripping than P5R's did, which felt ever-changing yet no less engaging. here it's been kind of a one-track focus with little deviation or depth given on the matter for huge swaths of the runtime and I do find that a bit odd. it's still fine and enjoyable, I still wanna know where it goes, but I feel it kinda has a habit of spinning its wheels a bit too much too - tho I'm sure this'll be alleviated by the end of the game
so. yeah. on the whole, game good! if I had to rate it atm I'd probably go with an 8 at worst - it might be a bit slow and a bit more empty than what I'm used to, but the characters, aesthetics and gameplay kinda make up for a lot of my issues. I'm hoping the story can pick back up and stay going at some point - this thing where the plot only really moves every 30 in-games days is getting to feel like a bit of a slog tbh - but I don't see a version of this game that I don't come away loving
just how much tho is gonna depend on these next ~40? hours
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fluffyseal322 · 5 months ago
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“An appearance of 666 reminds us that we humans can become too wrapped up in our “problems” and lose sight of what’s really important to us and in life in general. If 666 appears in your path, it is a divine nudge of redirection. You might be over-focusing on something trivial to the point that you’re losing sight of what’s really most important. Take note of when and where you saw the angel number. This could lend insight into the area of your life that needs refocusing. If you keep seeing 666 while you’re stressed out about a certain friend, it could be a sign that you’re not remembering the bigger lesson of relationships is to learn and grow alongside someone—not to dwell on issues but to remember that even the issues are all part of the process.
What does 666 mean in love?
In love, angle number 666 is an omen that you have become tangled in the fantasies or dramas of romance, instead of remembering that love requires a little bit of effort each day. Love grows over time and requires nurturing and a true sense of devotion to the person you’re with. Rekindle your passion for being there consistently for the other person, without getting carried away into the future or hung up on the past.”
I have been really stressed lately because of Azrael. Ever since we hung out for the very first time on October 11, I’ve been anxious on an extreme level. I’ve taken every single action of his to heart. I’ve taken actions that he didn’t do to heart. Actions that you wouldn’t really think much of if it’s on a mutual friendly level. My heart was open and my love spilled everywhere that day. Don’t get me wrong, I enjoyed his company so much! So, so much that I long for more time. I am grateful the universe gave me that opportunity and it truly is a blessing to feel and see that connection with my lifentity. But now that I’ve finally received all that I’ve longed for. I’ve learned everything I’ve needed to, what do I do with this information now? What do I do with myself? I need to become busy again and spend time with myself. Reconnect with myself. I’ve almost forgotten why Ive sought out god, I’ve almost forgotten how important my best friend is to me, I’ve completely forgotten why I wanted to learn Japanese in the first place and I’ve lost motivation to do things I loved. I’ve almost stripped myself away from myself again. I’m so glad I didn’t but why do I do this? How do I stop myself from losing myself completely? If I went head first into any relationship, I would’ve lost myself again… started from day one. I’m sure of it. I thank my lifentity for showing me this and I thank god for giving me strength and the eyes to notice this. Now this is a problem I must fix. And I do have to add, my mentality started getting worse when he’d cancel plans and every action just felt like an excuse to get farther and farther away from me. And I’m not even sure at all if that really was the case but that definitely was my reality for a short few days. How can I say I love myself when this is a very damaging habit towards me and the person I love.
This is a moment of: “If you love something, set it free. If it comes back, it’s yours. If it doesn’t, it never was.” This is not the time and place for him to receive love by me just yet. He’s seen all that I am capable of and how my soul truly is, it’s only a matter of if he actually took an effort to notice this and if he wants a love like that. I must remind myself though, his intentions must be in its purest form as I am an over thinker. I can’t let myself love someone if I am not sure if their intentions are pure. This whole process definitely was tedious and hard for me, I’m not sure if I can do this again nor do I want to. It’s hard, maybe I’m not as patient as I thought I was. I hope that there is someone out there who has been working hard on themselves so their person would have to burden much suffers of a relationship(just like me).
Recently my mind has felt so heavy. It feels like I’m trying to run away from the burdens attached to my ankles. Everyday I wake up drained, with no real purpose anymore. I stay awake looking for distractions from my own mind. I smoke heavier to forget the pain of it all and to feel like a complete new person just for a moment. Just to come back to my senses and realize everything is still the same with no real solution. I had only gotten cheap solution that wasn’t a solution at all. I was avoiding, distracting, running all just so I didn’t have to think about or feel that hole I put inside myself. It was all my doing. I opened myself up to him, I silently attached parts of myself that he seemed to like, and once the day was over I let him leave with love still attached to him and expected nothing in return. I never wanted anything back but at the same time, I hoped for anything in return. I’m not mad at him for giving me nothing while I gave him everything I could. I wanted to and I did. I’m happy I got to love him in person. But I’m more grieving than I am happy and grateful. I miss the parts of me I remember having before becoming closer with him. I miss the chance of telling him how I really feel towards him. Most of all, I miss the chance of understanding how he feels towards me with raw communication and not just by my perception of his tone and body language. Azrael, I do hope you come back to me. I’m sorry if I’d given you any troubles or if you felt pressured at all or even if I’ve given you any bit of stress, I’m so sorry. I do hope you see my worth one day and you’ll come looking for me. But if not, I pray that you find genuine happiness. And I hope the girls that you will choose will be just perfectly made for you. 🩵
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romilly-jay · 6 months ago
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In The Unplanned Second Chance Saloon: The Ministry of Ungentlemanly Warfare
CW: Very significant number of throwaway deaths (inflicted by the 'Good Guys', obvs) - fruitily overdone English Upper Class accents and lots of irritating public school type joshing - references to and glimpse of the mostly off-screen torture and murder of a woman.
I'm having an interestingly hard time getting started with this and I wonder whether that's a little bit to do with the fact that Princess Marina [Hyde] hates Guy Richie soooo much and is soooo disparaging about him on The Rest is Entertainment?
Definitely, maybe.
So, rushing to get to the <3 of the matter: We watched TMOUW on the first day it was released and found it... stunningly boring for a movie that involved so much gunfire and so many things blowing up.
Our immediate reaction was: SAS Rogue Heroes did it (much) better.
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Then, this week we watched it again and it... had got better? It hadn't, naturally, changed at all, but we enjoyed it considerably more on the second viewing. I guess that's because we'd adjusted for all the things we knew it wasn't going to be and that left more space just to enjoy the structure and delivery of the story on its own terms.
I also had headspace to notice that the first third of the movie was IMO focused, purposeful and pacey and Worked Really Well. There was a pre-credits cold open action sequence that I found genuinely gripping, then a well-positioned, not overly long recap ("I guess you're wondering how we got here..."), and into another obnoxious, against-all-odds, enjoyable-on-its-own-terms, action sequence, this time the storming of a prison camp to complete the crew.
All much more impressive and high octane and unlikely than the real story where the members of what would become SOE (Special Operations Executive) were notably less impervious to bullets.
In the cold light of day, I'd mutter something about the real missions of SOE were quite dangerous and adrenaline-fuelled and didn't necessarily need to be 'sexed up' but horses/courses, genre choices.
Side note - one of many reasons we expected to be the perfect audience for this movie was S's abiding interest in all things WW2 and with particular interest in the exploits of the SOE. We were for example huge fans of the 2018 reality show that put modern participants through the SOE selection process:
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Back to TMOUW and - TBH, I still found all the sequences at the destination port slow-to-tedious. Even the parts that involved the climactic action, in which the Daring Few cause chaos across the port and half-hinch an important ship.
The femme fatale still came across to me personally as very wooden (perhaps she was going for "English Restraint"?) but this time I was able to enjoy her rendition of Mack The Knife. The first time I spent the entire song fulminating about the fact that she'd changed outfit MID COSTUME PARTY - a party she'd insisted the German Baddie Officer attend with her as Caesar and Cleopatra. Why would you ditch your fabulous barely-there green dress and Cleo wig right at the point that you're trying to force and fascinate him into staying???
This is probably why - a candid pic of the dress ahem reveals that this white gown is also a Most Excellent Dress. Photo is an off-screen pic from the downtime while the crew was filming at HMS Belfast - which in the movie and ocean-CGI'd to the gills, stood in for the ship that confronts our heroes off the coast of Africa.
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This assessment has become kinder when we then watched I Care a Lot and found she was in that as well, playing the co-conspirator girlfriend. Which IMO she does with style and energy.
So, backing away from my initial position that the actor in qu was terrible and only managed to get cast in the movie because she's dating someone. [Maybe I'll come back to this movie but in case I don't - that movie goes a bit too hard into the DARK side of dark comedy for my tastes, but, conversely, I thought the abrupt comeuppance at the end was earned and appropriate. I've just read a review where the focus was on how much the reviewer liked the movie in general but disliked the ending tremendously, so - shrug?]
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roboticchibitan · 10 months ago
Mentioned on discord that I think this post blowing up is a bit funny but I should've expected it cuz tumblr is the land of haters but then I ended up going on a rant lecture about the importance of ironing between steps. I figured I'll do another "V decides to be educational instead of just a hater" lecture.
So my poor victim friend on discord knew you should iron fabric before sewing and after finishing, but wasn't aware of all the ironing you should ideally be doing in the middle. I say ideally because let's face it ironing is tedious and boring and sometimes we don't care about things looking neat. But when we DO care, maybe because we're entering something in a contest/the fair or making clothes for work and want them to look professional or any time where you want everything to look neat and tidy, like 50% of your sewing time should be devoted to ironing (very rough estimate but like you'll spend A Lot Of Time ironing).
Now. I'm not as passionate about ironing as I am about gauge swatches. If you don't want to do all the ironing I'm about to talk about, fine. Whatever. This post is for the people who aren't experienced enough to know all the different things you should be ironing. As you get more experience with sewing you'll come to know when something should 100% definitely be ironed, when it probably should be ironed, and when it's skipable.
I'm not going to explain what's skipable because that varies greatly project to project and person to person. For this I'm going to assume that the reader wants their work to look as professional as possible.
Okay, I'm assuming we're talking about a fold hem allowance, fold hem, sew in place type of hem because that's what I have the most experience with. Ideally you should iron at every point in that process. When you fold the hem allowance in, iron it. Then fold the hem in. Iron it again. Sew it. Iron it again. And actually I lied because I am gonna say sometimes I just fold my hem allowance in, fold my hem, and iron all at once. It's not ideal and the top folded edge of the inside of the hem can get messy this way. If you sew it in place and it already looks neat, the final ironing isn't technically required. It depends on your fabric and how well everything stayed in place during sewing. But again if you're wanting it to look professional, iron it again.
For a lot of seams, especially ones that will show on the outside such as the leg seam in a skirt or pair of pants, after you finish sewing a seam, you should iron the seam allowance (either open or to one side, depending on the pattern) and then iron the seam open. Ironing the seam open means going from the right side and ironing down the seam making sure to iron as if you're trying to separate the two pieces of fabric. Sometimes you can iron the seam allowance to one side while you're ironing the right side of the seam open but again it depends on your fabric and it leaves a lot of room for things to get messy.
*note sometimes you want to iron it not quite open but with one side overlapping the other a bit. I can't remember what this is called (I don't actually sew that much. I'm at an intermediate level but most of my formal teaching happened when I was 8-10 years old) but it is still a method of making the seam look neater.
Hidden edges
In a lot of cases when you're hiding a raw edge, such as the edge you fold to the inside of a waistband, you should act like it's a hem and iron the allowance to the inside. For a waistband specifically, continue to iron like it's a hem in that you fold, iron, fold again, iron again. Most waistbands look much neater when they're ironed
Some of these may seem pointless because when you wash the item it loosens wrinkles in the fabric. However. Have you ever noticed that when you accidentally iron a wrinkle into something when ironing that wrinkle is way harder to get out than the wrinkles from the wash? Depending on your fabric and the iron settings you choose, ironing eeeever so slightly affects the fibers of your project and can make them slightly denser, making these folds you're ironing into the fabric more sturdy. This doesn't happen with all fibers but, for example, the 3cm hem of my hot pink linen palazzo pants has stayed nice and neat because I ironed on high heat and steamed the fuck out of them which shrunk the fibers ever so slightly and made the fabric denser. This doesn't work as well on synthetics and your mileage may vary in general but I am quite pleased with those hems.
Basically, if you want it to look ✨professional✨ you need to iron almost everything. Yes that too. But know that the majority of us don't actually do that and I personally am not gonna judge you if you are like me and decide "actually ironing is objectively the worst part of sewing and I don't care if this particular part of my project looks a bit bad." But let's not brag about how bad our projects look in the notes. We aren't Catholic here we don't need "I never do the thing and yeah everything looks bad but I just suffer" comments. OK?
I have learned a new pet peeve I have which is sewing tutorials not showing the ironing step when something has clearly been ironed to look neater. Especially beginner tutorials or tutorials advertised as easy. People won't know about that step if you don't tell them! They'll wonder why yours looks so neat and tidy whole theirs looks frumpy!
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