#[ for 6th singer during the course of the song ]
midnightactual · 1 year
Yoruichi's latest performance in the Seireitei was... unconventional, to say the least. The stage which had been assembled for it blew up, for one thing—a thousand fireworks flying into the sky all at once as it was immolated in a ridiculously fiery Hollywood-style gasoline explosion. The speakers though, hardened, survived and remained unmoved.
Amidst the cacophony, the trundling of tank treads would surely go largely unheard until her Chieftain emerged from the conflagration, blasting yet more sparkling fireworks from its one-time smoke dispensers as music visibly pulsed through the smoke from the static speakers. Atop the hull, astride the main gun, stood Yoruichi herself with microphone in hand. Behind her, on the turret, were arrayed Bambietta, Tatsuki, Lisa, and most abashedly of all Nanao.
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She promptly launched into a spirited rendition of "In The Gotei", working her crowd!
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writingforcuteppl · 2 years
Enchanted (Stan’s Version)
PAIRING: Stan Marsh x Reader
SUMMARY: Remembering can be bittersweet, and each and one of them have been since you were little. That doesn’t mean all the memories are joyful. But in the end, you were enchanted to meet them.
GENRE: Fluff and angst.
WARNINGS: Self-image issues, hints of depression, swearing.
WORD COUNT: 2k words
PART: 1.1 (series masterlist)
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4th Grade
Stan was able to see your change of attitude during the 4th grade. You smiled less. You seemed more distracted. He also noticed how your grades started to get worse and worse. He wanted to ask you what was happening, but something stopped him whenever he tried to talk to you. He didn’t know what or why he couldn’t get closer to you. You were alone most of the time. But he knew you were disconnected from the world. He told himself he didn’t want to bother you. That’s why he didn’t approach you. Can a person actually change that much over a year?
Stan found the opportunity to spend some time with you one day during recess. There was this talent show at the school. Kenny, Kyle, and he decided to play a song, so he spent his recess practicing as much as possible.
He saw you sitting at your usual desk, you were resting your head on the surface, and he could see you had your headphones on. He debated whether he should disturb your peace or let you rest, but his desire to speak to you won over. He grabbed one chair and dragged it next to you. The movement made you raise your head from your desk. You took notice of his guitar case.
“When did you learn to play the guitar?” you asked Stan while he was taking his guitar out of its case.
“I actually started to practice and learn to properly play it during the summer.” you looked at Stan with awe. You always knew Stan’s passion was music, but you never thought he could play an instrument. “I actually taught myself. For a reason, it was pretty easy. By only looking at videos of people playing, I could do it.”
“Wanna learn?” Stan asked you.
“Mhm, I prefer watching you play. Can you play me a song?” you asked, and he started playing a song you soon recognized as “Something About Us” by Daft Punk.
You could see how Stan skillfully moved his hands on the guitar without any problem. He really practiced all summer if he was able to do it so easily. Stan saw you for a moment. You were paying attention to the way his left hand was moving across the guitar’s neck. You didn’t know why you were so mesmerized by the actions. In the end, you didn’t intend to learn, or anything like that, but something in the way he was playing had you paying more attention to his actions. When he finished, he looked you in the eyes, and he was able to see admiration.
“That was awesome, Stan!” you smiled at him. It was the first time in weeks he saw you genuinely smile. His heart fluttered.
“I’m glad you liked it, Y/n.”
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5th Grade
“One day I’m gonna be as pretty as her” You were looking at the page from the magazine you just bought where your favorite singer was displayed.
“Since when you started reading magazines? I thought you hated them” Stan took the magazine from your grasp and looked at the same page you were looking at a few moments ago.
“It’s not that I hated them; I just never really understood what they were for until now….” you said.
“Why, though?”
“What do you mean by “why” Stan?” you looked at him, not really understanding his question. Were you really that ugly that you could never be like her? Stan noticed you were pouting, and he realized he needed to give you more context before he fucked it up.
“What I’m trying to say is that… Well, you are already as pretty as her. Even prettier, if I’m completely honest.” The last part came out of him as a whisper in hopes you didn’t listen to him, but of course, you heard it. You felt your heart wanting to get out of your chest.
“You think so?” you were smiling at him.
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6th Grade
“What are you thinking about?” Stan sat next to you during recess. You weren’t really thinking about anything specific. You were just watching Kenny and Kyle play soccer.
“Nothing really, I just think they’re really good. Shouldn’t you be there with them?”
“Nah, I’m more of a football type of guy.” Stan took out his iPod and earphones and gave you one earphone so you could listen too.
“What are we listening to today?” you asked Stan while looking at the screen of his device while he was looking for a specific song. Stan always enjoyed these few minutes when Kenny or Kyle were far from you because he got to be alone with you without any of them trying to get your attention. Once a week, the two of you just sit down and listen to new music or songs you found during that week.
“I want to show you one song that I want to dedicate to you” You gave him a questioning look, and he pressed play. Bruno Mars’ “Just The Way You Are” started playing on your earphone. You’ve heard the song quite a few times whenever it played on the radio, but you never really paid attention to the lyrics until today.
You were looking at the floor while trying to understand why he dedicated the song to you. You didn’t move at all. Stan started to panic. Was this way too straightforward?
The song was almost finished, and your thoughts were all over the place. Did he feel this way? Was he aware that you liked another boy instead of him? Did Kenny know since he was his best friend? Were you actually worthy of these feelings he had for you? Maybe you were just overthinking everything, and he was just trying to help you boost your confidence. Yes, that must be it. It has to be. The song came to an end, and you stayed in silence.
“So? What do you think?”
“I-” Before you could answer him, Kenny and Kyle came running to where the two of you were sitting.
“Water, I need water” You gave Kenny your bottle of water, but you never stopped looking at Stan. You didn’t want to tell him you only saw him as a friend, so you were really glad Kenny and Kyle interrupted before you could say anything else.
“Let’s go. Recess almost finishing,” Kyle gave you his hand and helped you stand up.
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7th grade
“Why the change of hairstyle?” Stan asked as he was sitting down at the table Kenny, Bebe, Red, and you were sitting during recess. “It’s been years since I saw you with your hair up.”
“Does it look bad?” you were ready to let your hair down when Kenny grabbed your wrist before you could do it.
“NO! No, I’m pretty sure Stan didn’t mean it that way, princess.”
“Yeah! No, like, I believe you look beautiful. I can actually see your face. And it just gives you this sweet aura.” You looked at Stan and smiled at him. It’s the first compliment in months that someone who wasn’t Kenny or your parents (well, more like only Kenny) has given you.
“Yeah. Stan’s right, girl. You came today and looked prettier than normal,” Bebe said, confirming what Stan had just said. “Am I right, Red?” Bebe asked her, and she only nodded and continued typing on her phone.
“Stan’s right. You always look pretty, but today ufff, you astonished everyone.” Kenny, who was sitting next to you, kissed you on the forehead, and you rested your head on his shoulder. You looked at Stan and muttered a “Thank you” for only him to see. Stan made your whole week.
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8th Grade
“Heard you and Kenny got into a fight” Stan sat beside you. You were supposed to be working on your project with Kenny, but since your fight a week ago, you’ve been doing all the work by yourself. You scoffed at his comment.
“Yeah, he’s just so… ugh” Stan laughed at your answer.
“Well, Kenny can be most of the time, “Ugh.” But on a serious note, you should speak to him. I know this fight is affecting him more than he would like to admit.” you sighed. The fight was also affecting you. You could barely sleep, always expecting him to send you a message, to call you, or to have an excuse to speak to him. But you wouldn’t be the one who talked first. You had pride that was preventing you from doing something. “And by the looks of it, I can see it’s also affecting you. When was the last time you slept properly, darling?” Stan grabbed you by the cheeks so he could take a better look at your tired face.
“I dunno, maybe four, five days ago…” Stan let go of you, and you rested your head on his shoulder. He was right. You needed to mend this situation as soon as possible.
“I will talk to him, but for now, can we just forget about him and talk about something else, please?” Stan leaned in and placed his head over yours. Stan always appreciated these little moments with you. They were rare. Most of the time, you had Kenny next to you. So this was like a treasure to him.
“Do you want my help?” Stan grabbed the book you were reading, getting the information you needed.
“Well, basically, I’ve finished reading and summarizing everything. I guess now I need to make the presentation.”
“How about I help you with that today?”
“Don’t you have to do your project too?” you asked Stan.
“Bebe and I have actually finished ours, and right now, Bebe’s trying to get Kenny into his senses so he can stop being a proud little shit” You laughed at his comment.
“Fine, today, at recess?”
“Perfect, I’ll wait for you so we can finish this project together.”
“Yeah, I would like that.”
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Stan couldn’t understand everything that was happening. Didn’t Kenny tell him you and he made up a few weeks ago? He did realize you and Kenny were not speaking. Hell, you weren’t even acknowledging each other.
This was different from a few weeks ago. Before, you and Kenny spent most of your time looking at each other while the other wasn’t watching, but now you didn’t even bother to see each other. You were avoiding each other at all costs.
Kyle was back after a year and was taking all your attention when it should have been him, not Kyle. And not only that, but you looked miserable. Not only him but the teachers and your classmates noticed it too. And everyone knew it was because Kenny and you stopped hanging around and talking.
That was what hurt Stan the most. He could see how much Kenny meant to you. He at least wanted to make you feel happy. He missed your smile so much, but he was aware that he wasn’t going to be able to approach you without Kenny throwing a tantrum. So he started to leave post-its every morning on your desk with compliments that he knew would make you at least chuckle.
He saw how every time you read one of his notes, a glimpse of a smile was visible on your face. Even if it was for only a second, Stan was able to make you happy.
“I swear to god I’m gonna punch him if he keeps doing whatever he’s doing with her,” Kenny huffed as he took his seat next to Stan.
“What do you mean?”
“Kyle. He’s getting on my nerves way more than he usually does. He just thinks he can swoon her with notes to keep her away from me. And Y/n, she keeps spending all her time with him when she should be apologizing for what she did” Stan was debating if he should tell Kenny the truth he found out not so long ago after hearing one conversation between Red and Nicole. And also, tell Kenny he was the one sending the notes to Y/n. Instead, he stayed in silence. He knew shutting up was better than receiving a punch from a furious Kenny.
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n a v i g a t i o n
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acaplaya-musings · 6 months
Voiceplay-adjacent Visuals: Folsom Prison Blues
Never have I been so much of a fan of a country song (or at least, a country song performed by a male singer) before!
Geoff's cover of Folsom Prison Blues was uploaded on the 6th of August, 2023, and it's another one of my 3 favourite videos on his channel. Emphasis on "video", because although the song is great and it's yet again a cool arrangement of his, the video is what really sells it for me. So without further ado, let's get into it!
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If you've watched the video (of course you have) and watched at least the first bit of Geoff's outro at the end (I hope you have), then you'll know that Geoff legit rented out an actual legit prison for this video! No longer used of course, and I think this section was the only part of the prison that actually still looked like one, but still! (Shoutout to the Patrons who helped make it possible for Geoff to do this! I'm still considering joining Geoff's Patreon myself tbh.)
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I didn't think it was possible for Geoff to look any more handsome than he already usually does, but Geoff in glasses? Whoo yes please! 👀👌 (Or should I say, "Jeff" in glasses? 😉)
Also check out the book he's reading! It's a Johnny Cash book! (A little nod to the original artist of the song, of course)
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So what's up with the numbers on the uniforms, and how do I know that the one in the glasses is "Jeff"? Well they're connected! Each uniform has a different number on it, and each number connects to a letter, phone-keypad style:
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So the one in the glasses (and now holding that book in a very questionable way) has the uniform number 05333, which can be translated as _-J-E-F-F. Then next to him we have uniform number 43633, which translates to G-E-O-F-F, aka "Lead Geoff" (also context clues can help you out here - he's the lead vocalist for this one, and therefore, it's Geoff 😁)
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Walking up to the foreground we have uniform number 32795, which is Daryl! (Fun story: I've done a few Voiceplay/Geoff marathons with two of my best friends (always via video chat, because I like seeing their reactions but also there's no way I'm letting them listen without headphones), and when we were watching Folsom Prison Blues and we got to this bit, one of my friends exclaimed "holy crap he's jacked?!?!" 😂)
And I'll clarify now that the one leaning(?) on the cell door has the uniform number 53674, and it's Jeoph!
(Apparently Kathy told people in the live chat or something that Goff isn't in this one because he's a good boy who would never end up in jail, or something like that 😆)
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I'm guessing you've noticed how very fluffy Geoff's hair is in this one? 😁 (And also the prominence of his white-grey streak, gotta point that out too <3). Apparently it was quite a warm day when this video was being filmed, and quite humid too, and the "set" was open-air with no air-conditioning or proper cooling system to speak of. And look, as someone who lives in Queensland, Australia (which is frequently Humidity Central during summers), I can certainly sympathise, but dang the humidity didn't do him any sort of disservice, that's for sure! 👀
Also, because there is plenty of natural light for the shots in this one, this is another good video for exhibiting Geoff's actual eye colour (hazel), because the tinges of green are decently noticeable in this one! <3
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To quote one of the comments: "a Geoff being unimpressed with other Geoffs will never not be funny" 😂
(Also more appreciation for Jeff in glasses, while he's still wearing them, because he (sadly /hj) takes them off as the first verse starts getting repeated, and then doesn't put them back on till right at the end!)
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How nice of you to decide to join in, Jeoph! 😆
Also notice that the "Geoffs"/"Quadruplets" here each have a slight difference to their outfits? (Until Jeff takes the glasses off, anyway). It's in the sleeve lengths! Well, if there are any sleeves at all of course. Daryl is wearing a sleeveless shirt (we always stan <3), Geoff has sleeves rolled down to his elbows, and both Jeff and Jeoph have sleeves rolled up higher than their elbows! (Took me freaking ages to notice that, ngl).
(Though note even when Jeff takes off his glasses, he still keeps them hanging off his shirt, so they're still kinda technically a point of difference)
(And is it just the lighting, or is it just me, but is Jeff's shirt slightly different in colour to Jeoph's? Or am I just losing it a little bit? 😅)
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I'm not someone who usually cares much about how physically strong/muscled a person is, but boy, he really do be jacked!
(Also necklace pendant in full view!)
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"Don't ever play with guns!"
(Sharing this image because I literally only just noticed Daryl's sort of "warning finger" gesture (and accompanying facial expression 😝), though it's literally right at the start of the shot and he pulls his hand back fairly quickly)
(Sidenote: I adore the way that Geoff gives his "Backup Geoffs/Clones" individual personalities/identities in some of his videos, I can't get enough of it, and as much as I love the "truly solo" stuff he's been doing since, I hope I get to see multiple "Geoff clones" in a video again sooner or later (NOTE: yes this was written very much before Unshaken was released))
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What's that you're holding there, Jeff? 😉
Also shoutout for not only the acting work by Geoff in this (subtle but certainly valuable), but the editing too! We're getting multiple angles of Jeff, Geoff, Daryl, and Jeoph, who all start in different positions in the foreground/midground/background btw, and it looks clean as anything! Maybe it's not actually too hard to do, relatively speaking at least, but had you shown this to me in like 2018 or something, that alone would have blown my mind, let alone the rest!
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Harmonica time! Truly a man of many skills and talents! (Apparently Geoff used to play harmonica for a Blues Brothers show he did at Universal Studios Orlando or something (knowing how to play it was fully required to perform in the show), and he brushed up on his skills/knowledge for this video!)
Also I know it's obviously much more common to know how to play guitar than harmonica, but I found it a little amusing at how literally not a single reactor batted an eyelid at Geoff "playing" guitar in Man Of Constant Sorrow (though he's overall better at playing it via piano plug-in than with the actual instrument), but at least one or two reactors on this video were like "is that really him playing it?"/"who's playing the harmonica on this cover?" It's all Geoff! 😁
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Jeoph's face right after Daryl hits a very solid F#1 in chest, literally the epitome of "huh, not bad" 😆
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Obligatory comment of "hhhhh he's so pretty"
(Also gotta love the fact that neither Geoff nor any of the Backup Geoffs have any fewer than 2-3 top buttons undone. Full respect 😝👌)
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Another point of difference to look out for in this video: all four of them move their hands differently when singing/harmonising! Most noticeable between Geoff and Geoph. Daryl, meanwhile, keeps his hands pretty still in comparison, mostly either standing with his arms folded, or with his hands half in his pockets like in the shot above.
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"If they free me from this prison..."
(Nobody points out/seems to notice Daryl in this bit, which imo is a darn shame, so I'm making up for it!)
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Bonus Geoff Clones up top in the background! (They're multiplying!!!!)
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Now come on, that's just showing off! 😂 (Also if go back and rewatch this and pay attention to the background, you'll see that the background Geoff Clone on the far left starts clapping! 😁)
Massive kudos to both Geoff and Kathy for this video - other than Ed Boyer (who does the audio mixing for both Voiceplay and Geoff's solo stuff), this cover and video was purely a Castellucci production! Kathy was production manager as always (and she is for Voiceplay as well), and she and Geoff collaborated on "creative/visuals" (quoting the credits in the description, and the rest was all Geoff! The arrangement, the producing, the filming, the performing, (the harmonica playing!), and the editing! All him! He does a lot of this stuff himself for his other solo videos too, but this one is very brilliant, even without knowing how much of an independent creation it was!
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rabbitcruiser · 9 months
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World Arabic Language Day
With an estimated 390 million speakers, Arabic is one of the most widely spoken languages in the world. It is also one of the six official languages of the United Nations, as well as the liturgical language of 1.6 billion Muslims. Being one of the only modern languages to be written and read in a right-to-left form, Arabic is a fascinating language with a long history. For all of these reasons and many more, we can all agree that Arabic is more than deserving of its very own day.
History of World Arabic Language Day
Although the Arabic language is the language of Islam, it dates back over one hundred years further than the religion. The earliest Arabic inscriptions were created in the early 6th century AD. Arabic was originally based mainly on the Aramaic alphabet that was then modified and adapted over many years to finally become its very own, distinct lanuguage. In 632, the year that Muslims believe the Quran was revealed to Muhammed, Muhammed’s language became the language of his new religion. The holy book of Islam, the Quran, was written in Classical Arabic and it is still used in religious ceremonies and sermons till this day.
By the 8thcentury, many poems and other works had been written in Arabic as well. Arabic has had an enormous influence on people all over the world, as the majority of countires in the world today officially use the Arabic numerical system. Furthermore, because of the countless wars waged in the Middle Ages especially, the Arabic language is an important source of vocabulary for many European languages, such as Portuguese, Spanish, English, French and Sicilian, as well as non-European languages such as Swahili and Uzbek. Many of the words that English-speakers use regularly come from Arabic, including cotton, coffee and guitar.
World Arabic Language Day was established in 2010 by UNESCO to promote cultural understanding and to highlight Arabic as one of the most important languages in the world. Today, there are three different types of Arabic: Classical; Modern Standard Arabic, the last of which is used in publishing, education and the media across the Arab world. Colloquial Arabic, an everyday dialect, is also used in different regions and has numerous variations. Due to its elegant, flowing lines, thousands of people the world over have also chose to get tattoos in Arabic, singer Christina Perri and actors Colin Farrell and Zoe Saldana, to name but a few.
How to celebrate World Arabic Language Day
The best way to celebrate this day would be to increase your knowledge of this language. Many people living in parts of North America or Europe may not even really know how it sounds. Of course, it is nearly impossible to learn to read even small fragments of this complex language during the course of just one day, but that shouldn’t stop you from discovering it. The Arabic language is especially beautiful when sung.
If you like opera, you could check out one of Sarah Brightman’s most acclaimed albums titled, “Harem”. The songs on it are a truly original mix of Arabian pop and opera, and are sung in several different languages, including Arabic. Listening to this album will not only allow you to become acquainted with what the language sounds like, but also introduce you to various instruments and sounds typical for Middle Eastern music that you may well fall in love with.
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diamondtaem6v6 · 2 years
✨160811 - Taemin’s interview for ‘Hanako’ magazine
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The cute superstar Taemin made his solo debut in Japan.
He boasts the overwhelmingly No.1 dance sense in the world of competition.
Interview with Taemin, an artist who has been favored by God.
Oku-Shibuya is located right next to the Yoyogi National Stadium, which is familiar to SHINee’s performances.
Taemin: “I knew it was close to Shibuya but it’s my first time walking around, so it’s fun”.
He saw a poodle while taking a walk and said “It’s cute” and looking up at the sky, he noticed that “The air is clear and I feel good~” and while walking, Taemin’s angelic smile wouldn’t fade.
Taemin: “Tokyo is the most comfortable place I have ever visited in a foreign country. The air is clean and I like the feeling of being able to see far away. I feel healthier whenever I come to Tokyo”.
He made his debut at 14, has been active in Japan for 5 years, and has performed twice in Tokyo Dome. Taemin, who has already topped the list as a solo singer in Korea, will finally make his solo debut in Japan this summer.
‘Sayonara Hitori’ is a dance number that combines beauty and strength, which is his synonym.
Taemin: “I tried a different style from other singers while showing my mature self”.
The choreography is done by the up-and-coming Koharu Sugawara.
Taemin: “Actually, there was another candidate song (for the title), but the timing was right, so I decided on it in a hurry. Choreographies often expresses the content of the lyrics, but I carefully followed Koharu’s advice that ‘acting and expressions are more important than perfect balance’”.
He longed for Michael Jackson when he was younger. He started dancing on his own with the window of his room as a mirror, and was auditioned when he was in 6th grade at his mother’s recommendation. There is an episode where Taemin demonstrates his natural dancing skills and passes the audition. In the MV, the performance of ‘Sayonara Hitori’, which he dances on the surface of the water with a delicate body like glass work and resonates with his vocals, is a solitary world that he could have created because he was loved by the god of art.
Taemin: “Of course, the pressure of solo activities is there. But the process of making it while worrying is fun, and I can do it with the feeling that I should enjoy it positively as much as possible, instead of accumulating pressure and putting up with it like before”.
Taemin is a star who shines brighter than anyone else on the stage, and sometimes gives off a hard to approach aura. On the other hand, he is a boy full of affinity. He calls himself “introverted since he was little” but at the interview location, he greeted the staffs with a smile. He laughed a lot during the interview, and after speaking in Korean for the interview, he worries about the interpreter, saying: “Was it (what he said) too long? I’m sorry!”
Taemin: “My introverted personality remains as a basic part of my life but I think I’ve gradually become more diplomatic as I live in my social life. Am I kind? It’s true that this is often said so. But that’s thanks to my acting skills (laughs)”.
The most fun part of his private life is: “When I meet up with my friends. I’m into billiards these days, so I’m happy to play billiards with them”.
As for love: “I usually feel like I want to fall in love about 50%. I’ve been very busy lately so this percentage may decrease but… Hm, are you surprised that it’s a lot (such a high percentage)? I’m a human being too, ahaha!” - he said, honestly.
Taemin: “My ideal woman is a cute, slender like a Barbie doll, sexy, gentle personality, and a person who embraces everything! I don’t think there is such a woman in the world, but I’m happy just to imagine her (laughs)” - it’s also lovely how he says this innocently.
Taemin’s ideal Tokyo date course is cute after all.
Taemin: “I’m sleepy in the morning, so we should meet each other after lunch (laughs). We meet at the park, take a walk while chatting, and go to a cafe first. After talking about a lot things while having some coffee and cake, we go shopping in a quiet place like Oku-Shibuya. It seems fun to go shopping with women, and I will choose clothes that suit her and give her as a gift. For dinner, we eat meat in a nice restaurant and in the end I’ll take her home. However, since I’m actually the type of person to do things in the heat of the moment, it might be better to have her make a plan and we follow it (laughs)”.
He is the youngest member in SHINee to receive the love of the four members. Because of his lovely and innocent appearance, his fans often call him “angel” and “fairy”. Walking with his golden hair fluttering, looking like an angel who landed in Shibuya, and the photographer can’t stop saying: “Cute!”
Taemin: “I’m glad to be told that! Cute and sexy are both important in terms of attracting performance (laughs). It’s a professional spirit. Ahaha!”
Speaking of professional spirit, this mini-album shows his singing in perfect Japanese, which is the result of his hard work for his activities in Japan. Even while on the interview location, when he hears a new word such as “hashira” (“pillar”, “collumn”), he often repeats it quietly on the spot.
Taemin: “Once I get into something, I’m the type to be always into this something. What I do every day now is exercise. It’s essential to maintain my best condition as a singer. I gain weight easily and it shows from my face, so I’m careful about what to eat and avoid to eat sweets. It’s also important to take a good rest and get in shape during the preparation period. I usually drink alcohol, but I don’t drink it before a concert”.
What you are looking forward to after your stoic life is a solo live tour?
Taemin: “Just like SHINee stepped up with a Hall and Arena tour to reach the Dome, my dream is to perform solo in front of many fans someday”.
After the interview, he asked the staff: “Can I take this home?”, holding a small yogurt. “Of course!”, the staff answered with a smile. Holding the yogurt, he followed to the next site. The superstar the world loves is hardworking, pure and invincibly cute.
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Born on July 18, 1993 in South Korea. B Bloodtype. Debuted as SHINee in 2008. In the terrier shop “NORWEGIAN ICONS”, he was very interested in lighting. “My mother likes interior decorations, the house has a lot of antique furnitures, and my room is also unified by her tastes.”
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The special sandwiches and coffee are popular. Taemin, a coffee enthusiast, also took a sip of iced coffee and said: “It’s delicious!”. “Whenever I meet my male friends, I always go to a cafe. Sometimes we would be there for about 3 hours long and chat about work and various things. So we order cake or patbingsoo (Korean shaved ice) and eat it together just like girls do.”
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In addition to books, there are also collaborative items with Comme Des Garçons (Japanese brand), which Taemin also likes. “I don't know the names, but I also love many other clothes from brands from Tokyo. I used to go to the airport in slippers and rough clothing but the SHINee members, especially Minho, would check it strictly (laughs). So recently I’ve been paying attention to my outfit.”
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The shoot in the studio proceeded calmly. When he was conveyed an image, he got immediately immersed into that world. His sharpened expressiveness, which is praised by the world’s top class creators, is even amazing. “What I think it’s an important thing on stage, is to listen to the songs carefully and concentrating in that moment. I’m not good at making up laughs/smiles, so I don’t think I’m really good at bright songs.”
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Credits: ‘Hanako’ magazine No.1115 August 2016
Scans: 贝贝no貝貝 (Weibo)
JPN - ENG translation: @DiamondTaem
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svtcontents · 1 year
WOOZI, the "Masterpieces Producing" Producer, even for BSS “Fighting”!
February 09, 2023 translated by @svtcontents on twitter
“Trustworthy producer”
That’s what we can say about SEVENTEEN’s WOOZI (Lee Jihoon).
The popularity of SEVENTEEN’s special unit, BSS (SEUNGKWAN, DK, HOSHI)’s ‘Fighting’ is currently dashing at a full speed. BSS released its first single album, ‘SECOND WIND’ on February 6th. This album consists of three songs, the title song, ‘Fighting’ (Feat. Lee Youngji), ‘LUNCH’, and ‘7 PM’ (Feat. Peder Elias) that not only accompany the listeners while doing activities that require energy, like exercising, but can also be in charge of the listeners' day from the start right to the very end. 
The title track, ‘Fighting’ is a song that expresses the situations anyone can experience in their daily life, living in modern society, along with the thoughts about them that are conveyed with honest and witty lyrics. In addition to WOOZI and BUMZU as the producer, SEVENTEEN’s members, S.COUPS and HOSHI also participated in composing and all BSS members participated in songwriting. 
‘Fighting’ topped the daily album chart with 478,679 copies sold on its first day of release, according to Hanteo Chart. With this, BSS topped the initial chodong (sales for a week's period based on release date) on the first day of the album release. It also topped major music sites in Korea and keeps on getting popularity and receiving much interest globally. 
translated by @svtcontents on Twitter
Such a report card for ‘Fighting’ which has become a masterpiece right from the start is just amazing. Also, the unbelievable ‘competence’ of WOOZI, one of the top contributors of this hit, is being highlighted. translated by @svtcontents on Twitter
WOOZI produced this BSS album together with BUMZU. WOOZI is in charge of writing and composing the title track, ‘Fighting’ and b-side, ‘7 PM’. And he was listed as a lyricist on the other song, ‘LUNCH’. He showed off his producing ability by being SEVENTEEN’s “Music Producer”.
Mostly, he is the best producer whom BSS members trust without a doubt.
This can be confirmed through ‘GOING BSS: Comeback Time #1’ that was uploaded on SEVENTEEN’s channel on February 1. BSS members who are preparing their comeback after 5 years contacted WOOZI and asked for a song. WOOZI replied “Of course” in response to the members’ contact without hesitating even for 0.1 seconds. WOOZI then showed ‘Fighting’ that he had prepared during the meeting with BSS members. BSS members expressed their satisfaction and said they were getting ‘goosebumps’ after listening to the song. The song is a perfect fit for their taste. He is indeed a producer that can ‘throw’ a song at any time and in any situation.
translated by @svtcontents on Twitter
BSS members also expressed their gratitude towards WOOZI. On February 6, WOOZI uploaded a photo of an album that was signed by BSS members on his SNS. On the album, they wrote:
“PD-nim, hello! This is Soon. Thank you for the awesome songs. We’ll rip it up and come back. We gotta fighting."
“WOOZI PD-nim! Hello. You’ve worked hard for our album this time! Thank you for always making good songs for us. Don’t get sick and please always be healthy. I love you.”
“WOOZI, our Jihoonie hyung. Thank you for working hard so that ‘Fighting’ can come out to this world. I love you a lot.”
It was a writing that contains BSS members’ sincere gratitude towards WOOZI ‘PD (producer)’ who made the song. Following BSS’ digital single, “Just Do It” released in March 2018, BSS which started to soar its popularity once again with WOOZI-produced songs might seem natural (given) in a way. 
WOOZI produced, composed, and wrote the lyrics for ‘Fighting’ and numerous songs of the group he belongs in, SEVENTEEN. In addition, he also participated in composing or writing songs by Ailee, I.O.I, BUMZU, and fromis_9 and showing the ability of ‘Producer WOOZI’. WOOZI is an idol who is also a masterpiece maker. Now, the singer who dreamed of being a producer has become a role model while shouting ‘fighting’. 
translated by @svtcontents on Twitter
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thelensofyashunews · 5 months
Fuerza Regida Shares "Brillarosa" Video During Their Second Week Atop Billboard Top Latin Albums
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Led by lead singer and songwriter Jesús Ortiz Paz (JOP), superstar Mexican music act Fuerza Regida are storming charts on both sides of the Rio Grande. Today, the six-man group shows off their swing, heading to the golf course for their video for "Brillarosa." A highlight from their recent EP Dolido Pero No Arrepentido, "Brillarosa" is the ultimate lothario's anthem, as JOP attempts to woo his intended with champagne and sparkling shampoo. In the video, JOP and Fuerza take a trip to a golf course in the California hills, as they practice their short game and give putting lessons to beautiful ladies.
"Brillarosa" hits as Fuerza's 2023 album Pa Las Baby's Y Belikeada celebrates its second week at #1 on Billboard's Top Latin Albums chart. The album climbed to #1 for the first time last week, becoming Fuerza Regida's first-ever #1 album on the Latin Albums chart, amidst a flurry of streams (36 million on-demand streams in the period, or 24k sales-equivalent units). Pa Las Baby's also sits at #24 on the Billboard 200, up one spot from last week. Home to massive hits like "TQM" (peaked at #34 at the Billboard Hot 100), "Sabor Fresa" (#26 on the Hot 100), and "HARLEY QUINN" (#40 on the Hot 100), their collaboration with Marshmello that became their first-ever #1 hit on the Latin Airplay chart, Pa Las Baby's Y Belikeada has generated over 2 billion streams across platforms to date.
Fuerza's 2024 EP, Dolido Pero No Arrepentido, home to "Brillarosa," arrived just in time for Valentine's Day. The album debuted at #2 on Billboard's Latin Albums chart, and all six songs from the EP reached Billboard's Hot Latin Songs chart, including single "TU NAMÉ," which currently sits at #3 on that chart (also, with 19 million YouTube views, currently sitting at #36 on YouTube's Music Video Chart for the United States, and at #87 on the Billboard Hot 100). 
The group will debut songs from their new EP on the "Pero No Te Enamores Tour." Produced by Live Nation and kicking off on June 6th in Austin, TX, the "Pero No Te Enamores Tour" takes the group across North America for a series of dates, including shows in Atlanta, New York, Houston, and more, before closing with a show in Inglewood, CA. The 5-man group saluted their hometown fans with a special mural in their native San Bernardino, CA, displaying the tour artwork and dates in the center of the city. Tickets for the  "Pero No Te Enamores Tour" are available now at livenation.com.
Stay tuned for much more information about Fuerza Regida in the near future.
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mr-divabetic · 6 months
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" Some people will do anything to be famous. And then there are other people who just - will sing," Lisa Fischer said in the Academy Award-winning documentary, "20 Feet from Stardom." "It's not about anything except being in this special space with people and that is really the higher - calling, to me." My friend, the legendary backup singer Lisa Fischer, has supported the world’s biggest stars, including Luther Vandross, the Rolling Stones, Madonna, Tina Turner, and Sting. Lisa captured my heart on my first Luther tour, "Never Let Me Go," in 1993. She was so friendly, funny, and approachable. During that tour, she enthralled audiences with the performance of her signature song, "How Can I Ease The Pain."   Over the years, I have seen her mold, caress, undress, and shape this song on many stages. The melody and lyrics are so beautiful that Lisa finds something new to bring to the song for each listen.  
After the "Never Let Me Go" tour,  she left to tour with the Rolling Stones, but our paths continued to cross in the most unexpected places. 
I met Lisa Fischer while working in the American Conservatory Theater's costume rentals department in San Francisco, CA. She came into our shop looking for a Halloween costume.
The next time we saw each other was in Europe. I took a brief hiatus from working with Luther Vandross to tour with Lionel Richie, who was opening for Tina Turner. Navigating the backstage area on the rolling hills of some outdoor venue, I spotted Lisa taking a break after a sound check. 
After Luther Vandross's stroke related to mismanagement of type 2 diabetes, Lisa would visit his rehabilitation center to sing with Luther as part of his occupational therapy. At my urging, she also agreed with Nat Adderley Jr. to perform a Christmas concert for the residents of Whispering Knoll. She dressed to the nines, and Nat accompanied her on a piano, singing traditional Christmas tunes in the main lobby. I remember several residents telling me that it was the best talent that had ever performed there! 
Of course, I, like everyone else, was thrilled that the enormous popularity of "20 Feet From Stardom" sparked Lisa's solo tour. Her live performances are electric. Last year, she performed the most incredible sonic rendition of 'Never Too Much" during her show. She's so captivating on stage that she easily erases my corny 6th-grade chorus memories of a song like "This Land Is Your Land" and turns it into a haunting, spiritual experience. 
She generously shared her talents with me recently on a holiday song collaboration. Our Zoom and phone sessions are a masterclass in songwriting. As a lyricist, I am grateful to her for opening my eyes to how a true artist interprets lyrics. It's been an incredible experience. 
“This would be scary if I felt like the real focus were on me per se, but in my head, in order to deal with it, it’s the music that’s really being presented; it is about the music flying. Not so much me,” she says.
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cavetocanvass · 11 months
The story of Cole Lam
Cole Lam's introduction to the piano began like many young children's - sitting beside a family member as they filled the room with beautiful music. Cole was only 5 years old when he became entranced by his grandmother's piano playing. She would sit at her classic upright piano and masterfully glide her wrinkled fingers across the ivory keys. Classical melodies would soon emerge, transporting Cole to a magical world of harmony and song.
After particularly lovely renditions of compositions by Chopin or Mozart, Cole would exclaim "Again, again!" while clapping his small hands in delight. His grandmother would chuckle and happily oblige his request for an encore. During these moments, Cole became certain of one thing: he wanted to learn how to conjure such lovely sounds from the piano keys too.
For Cole's 6th birthday, his parents presented him with a beginner's piano of his very own. Though smaller in size than his grandmother's piano, Cole cherished it. He gingerly ran his fingers over the keys, pressing them down slowly as if afraid to break them. Then he tried mimicking his grandmother by playing "Chopsticks" with just his index fingers. The sound was simple, but it was music. Cole swelled with pride and imagined himself one day performing concertos for his family.
To nurture Cole's newfound interest, his parents signed him up for weekly piano lessons with Mrs. Chen. A kind lady, Mrs. Chen had taught young children in the community for over 30 years. Once a week, Cole would walk hand in hand with his mother to Mrs. Chen's cozy home. He loved hearing the distant sound of scales being played as they approached her door.
At his lessons, Cole learned the basics - scales, posture, finger positions. Mrs. Chen assigned simple children's songs for him to practice note-by-note. Cole appreciated Mrs. Chen's gentle encouragement, but felt limited by only learning one note at a time. He longed to play the complex, flowing melodies his grandmother performed so effortlessly.
Then one day, everything changed. For Cole's 7th birthday, his father presented him with access to an online piano course called Pianoforall. It was created by piano teacher Robin Hall and promised a revolutionary approach to learning piano. After just a few introductory videos, Cole realized this was the key to playing piano the way he dreamed!
Robin Hall's course was designed for self-guided learning by absolute beginners. Cole loved watching the video tutorials in which Robin demonstrated how to break down songs into manageable chunks. By memorizing simple, color-coded patterns, Cole could now use chords and melody to play full songs.
Armed with this new method, Cole devoted himself daily to the Pianoforall lessons. After just a month, Cole astounded his parents by performing "Ode to Joy" with both hands. Soon after, Cole masterfully learned to play classics like "Maple Leaf Rag" and "Fur Elise." In just a year with Pianoforall, Cole accomplished more than years of traditional lessons.
By age 10, Cole could proficiently play advanced blues, jazz, and classical pieces. For the first time, Cole truly considered himself an adept pianist. This newfound confidence led Cole to audition for roles that would have intimidated him before. He joined his school's jazz band as the pianist. He volunteered to accompany singers at talent shows. Proudly, he even performed piano solos at two recitals.
Now 13, Cole still relies on Pianoforall to build on his skills. He is particularly drawn to the course's arranging and improvisation modules. Following Robin Hall's guidance, Cole experiments with modifying popular songs into his own unique renditions. Sometimes he even composes small melodies of his own, bringing the sounds in his imagination to life.
When Cole reflects on his musical journey so far, he feels immense gratitude for the magical technology of Pianoforall. Robin Hall's patient video tutorials succeeded where traditional lessons failed Cole. At just the right time, Pianoforall gave Cole the tools to unlock his inner pianist. Cole doesn't know yet where his musical path will take him next. But with his passion for practice and the support of Pianoforall's continuing lessons, the possibilities seem boundless.
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Fukuoka City Free School
Fukuoka City Free School is a school that does not charge tuition for elementary and junior high students. However, students must pay fees for school lunches, supplies and some school trips. Students who have financial difficulties paying these fees may apply for assistance. Details can be obtained from the schools or the School Enrollment & Finance Subsection (Gakuji-gakari) of the Educational Support Section (Kyoiku Shien-ka), Fukuoka City Board of Education. Check their site to know more details 福岡市フリースクール.
Located along the shores of Hakata Bay, Fukuoka has been an international port city since ancient times. This historic city continues to draw visitors from around the world, especially since Japan reintroduced visa-free entry for foreign tourists in October 2018. Visitors are drawn by Fukuoka’s renowned cuisine, casual atmosphere and arts scenes.
One of the city’s many cultural assets is the Fukuoka Museum, which combines classical Japanese architecture with modern art and is also registered as a Tangible Cultural Property of Fukuoka Prefecture. Another must-see attraction is the Hakata Port Tower, a symbol of the city that offers beautiful views over the sea and a modern shopping and dining complex below.
The city is a leading center of Japanese music, with an abundance of venues and talented artists. Notable musical names include renowned singer-songwriter Ayumi Hamasaki, the popular duo Chage & Aska and Morning Musume 6th generation member Reina Tanaka. In addition, Dominican singer and songwriter Juan Luis Guerra paid tribute to the city with his bachata song Bachata en Fukuoka.
Fukuoka is home to a number of universities and colleges that offer courses in the liberal arts, sciences and technical subjects as well as business and economics. In addition, Fukuoka City runs an extensive program of educational and cultural events for citizens and visitors from abroad.
There are also several private schools in the city that cater to students with special needs or those who do not pass the entrance examination for public schools. These schools are operated by the city and not by the prefecture. The city also offers after school care for children of elementary school age whose parents are away during the day. These clubs provide a safe environment where students can study and play.
As a major gateway to Asia, Fukuoka is a hub for international exchange with China and Korea. The city encourages citizen-led exchange through partnerships with local exchange associations and other organizations. In addition, the city supports overseas students with scholarships and offers consultations on human rights and resident status procedures for foreigners living in Fukuoka. The city also hosts an event for new international students every autumn. This is a great opportunity to meet other international residents and learn about the city’s culture and history.
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takebugs · 2 years
My Unhinged Theory That Paul Is a Liar and Actually Instigated the Fateful Meeting Between John and Himself
I will open this tinhat tirade with an invitation to absolutely rip me to shreds with hard facts and discredit the ever loving shit out of this post. Please, please prove me wrong. Please let this be just the insane chain linked events that my mind has conjured all on its own. I only ask that you review the evidence (albeit based on personal anecdotes rife with their own inherent bias) and my own interpretation based on my (woefully limited) knowledge of one Paul McCartney. If you dare to get into this crazy hellhole, then please read on...
tl;dr Paul went through hot girl summer and then scammed Ivan into introducing him to the hot Teddy Boy he kept seeing around.
Alright so we’ve all heard the age old story of how Paul and John met. It was July 6th, 1957, fate intervened and all that jazz. Or in the words of Paul:
“My memory of meeting John for the first time is very clear. … I can still see John now - checked shirt, slightly curly hair, singing ‘Come Go With Me’ by the Del Vikings. He didn’t know all the words, so he was putting stuff in about penitentiaries - and doing a good job of it. I remember thinking, ‘He looks good - I wouldn’t mind being in a group with him.’ … Then, as you all know, he asked me to join the group, and so we began our trip together. We wrote our first songs together, we grew up together and we lived our lives together. And when we’d do it together, something special would happen. There’d be that little magic spark. I still remember his beery old breath when I first met him here [Woolton church fete] that day. But I soon came to love that beery old breath. And I loved John. I always was and still am a great fan of John’s  -Paul in Bill Harry’s, The Paul McCartney Encyclopedia, 2003
Another account of the meeting by Paul is as follows:
“I remember coming into the fete and seeing all the sideshows. And also hearing all this great music wafting in from this little Tannoy system. It was John and the band. I remember I was amazed and thought, ‘Oh great’, because I was obviously into the music. I remember John singing a song called ‘Come Go With Me’. He’d heard it on the radio. He didn’t really know the verses, but he knew the chorus. The rest he just made up himself. I just thought, ‘Well, he looks good, he’s singing well and he seems like a great lead singer to me.’ Of course, he had his glasses off, so he really looked suave. I remember John was good. He was really the only outstanding member, all the rest kind of slipped away.” -Paul McCartney, Record Collector, 1995
But let me posit a different take on that day.
So we know for a fact that Ivan Vaughan was the one to “officially” introduce Paul to John. He was a boyhood friend of John’s and later a schoolmate, and friend, of Paul’s. We also know Ivan was a sometimes member of the Quarrymen himself, playing tea-chest bass. So as the story goes he invited Paul along to the fete to see the Quarrymen perform, and during a break in their sets he brought Paul back to meet the group (although I have seen variations of the exact time at which the meeting occurred). 
Here are some quotes that I think shed some good insight (although likely biased and likely subject to the fault of anyone recalling past events) on the actual meeting:
“Just then the side door opened and Ivan breezed in, panting for breath as though he had just run a marathon. “Hi there, fellas. Look, I’ve brought Paul along.” The next figure to step through the doorway was Paul McCartney carrying his guitar. I think I was the only person in the group to look up as Paul walked over. John, by this time, had gathered another chair for himself and had his feet up, intent on replacing the broken string on his guitar. I knew Paul from the Institute and he recognised me. “Hiya, Paul, glad you could make it,” I said. Paul’s face relaxed a little as he saw a face he knew. “Hiya, Len.” There was no response from John; he didn’t even look up. After Ivan had introduced Paul to the other members of the group, he then approached John, who was still engrossed in tuning up the guitar string he had just put on. He looked up as if to say: “What are you bothering me for now?” It was an impatient sort of look. “John, this is Paul. Paul McCartney, you know. I told you that I would bring him along.” John took his feet off the chair and said simply, “Hi Paul,” then carried on tuning his guitar. There was no shaking of hands, and he didn’t stand up to greet him. Paul just stood there. “Hello John,” he said in his polite manner. “Do you need any help with that?” John pulled up the now vacant chair. “Yeah, okay. Sit down.” Paul sat down, took John’s guitar and handed him the guitar that he had brought along. Paul’s guitar was left-handed and so his guitar was strung the opposite way to that of a right-handed guitarist, but that didn’t matter when it came to the simple tuning of a guitar. “Hey,” exclaimed John as he inspected Paul’s guitar. “It’s strung the other way round.” “Yes, I play left-handed.” Paul then took a pitch pipe guitar tuner out of his pocket, playing the first in an open manner and at the same time blowing into his tuner. “There, that’s better. I’ll just check that the other strings are in tune.” The rest of us looked on admiringly as Paul showed his dexterity with the guitar. “Hey fellas,” said John, looking at us, “he’s good – we’ll have to have him in the group.” As I explained previously, this was our joking response to anyone that ever showed musical talent, rather than a serious or literal proposition. He was not as yet officially inviting Paul into the group. Ivan looked on happily with an expression which seemed to say: “There, you see, I told you he was good, didn’t I?” “Thanks Paul, it would have taken me ages to do that,” said John sincerely.” -Len Garry, John, Paul, and Me: Before the Beatles, 1997
“Right off, I could see John was checking this kid out,” says Pete Shotton, who was standing behind John, off to the side. “Paul came on as very attractive, very loose, very easy, very confident – wildly confident. He played the guitar well. I could see that John was very impressed.”  -Bob Spitz, The Beatles: The Biography, 2005
“Paul must have picked up on it, too. He seemed to zero right in on John, whom he recognized as the band's legitimate front man. Not wanting to lose his edge, he launched into his own rendition of "Be-Bop-A-Lula." It impressed John that Paul knew all the words; John could never remember them, preferring to make up his own as the rhyme scheme required. Paul's version of the song drove harder, was sharper, bringing the tonic fifth in on cue, which the band had simply ignored. And he sang it with all the stops pulled out, belting it with complete abandon, as if he were standing in front of his bedroom mirror, without anyone else in the room...” "It was uncanny. He could play and sing in a way that none of us could, including John," Eric Griffiths recalls. "He had such confidence, he gave a performance. It was natural. We couldn't get enough of it. It was a real eye-opener." After listening to Paul play, John recalled, "I had thought to myself, 'He's as good as me.' Now, I thought, if I take him on, what will happen? It went through my head that I'd have to keep him in line if I let him join [the band]. But he was good, so he was worth having. He also looked like Elvis. I dug him." -Bob Spitz, The Beatles: The Biography, 2005
“I also knocked around on the backstage piano and that would have been ‘A Whole Lot Of Shakin” by Jerry Lee. That’s when I remember John leaning over, contributing a deft right hand in the upper octaves and surprising me with his beery breath. It’s not that I was shocked, it’s just that I remember this particular detail.” -Paul McCartney from Philip Norma, John Lennon: The Life, 2008
So what exactly about any of this is important? Okay so here is where my theory comes into play. I present the theory that Paul went to this fete with the sole intention of meeting John and performing for him. Why, you may ask, am I making this assumption? Well let me provide you with some further information.
Paul McCartney, as interviewed by Sean Ono Lennon for Lennon at 80, revealed to Sean that he had actually known of John prior to their first official meeting.  You can listen to the full interview here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iCe8fdBeTCs&ab_channel=GisselaPereyra
But for the sake of this deranged rant here are some quotes:
“The funny thing about your dad was that I'd seen him around a couple of times, because I realised later what it was, my bus route, he would take that bus, but he would be going to see his mum who lived kind of in my area. And then he’d take the bus back up to his Auntie Mimi's. So I'd seen him a couple of times and thought, ‘Wow, you know, he’s an interesting looking guy.’
“And then I once also saw him in a queue for fish and chips and I said, ‘Oh, that's that guy off the bus’.” “I’m talking to myself, in my mind I thought, ‘I saw that guy off the bus, oh he’s pretty cool looking. Yeah, you know, he’s a cool guy.’”
Asked if he knew John was a musician then, the Beatles star replied: “No, I knew nothing about him except that he looked pretty cool.
“He had long sideboards and greased back hair and everything…it was the Teddy Boy look, yeah.”
“My friend Ivan, who I knew at school, was a friend of John's and took me up to the village fete, introduced me there.
“So it was like, ‘Oh, that's that guy who I've been seeing.’”
“And then obviously I knew he was a musician because he was in the little band, The Quarrymen, and I got to sort of hang with them in the interval.”
-Paul McCartney, Lennon at 80
So we know that Paul knew John before the fete, not only that but he was clearly interested in John. Paul thought John looked hot cool and wanted to get to know him. And then seemingly did nothing about that for years until the fateful meeting? I think not.
So the second part to this unhinged hellscape is Chubby McCartney. Yes, my friends, Paul McCartney believes in hot girl summer.
In an interview with Russel Harty from 1984 (you can watch the interview here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JoqWlb2lXXs&t=2221s&ab_channel=sirpaulru) Harty talks to Paul about how he was a “fatty” (yikes). Paul seems visibly uncomfortable when a picture of himself as a 14 year old appears showing a cute, chubby version of himself. They kind of move past the topic quickly, as Paul explains it was a touchy subject for him.
If you are wondering what exactly Paul looked like then here you go:
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This, my dear, dear friends, would have been the Paul that encountered John prior to the fete. We do know, however, by the time Paul joined the Quarrymen he was much trimmer and taller as often happens with teenagers.
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Sure there’s still the baby fat in his face, but a much more acceptable, or what I'd assume Paul thought was acceptable, look.
Based on the above information this is my theory: 
Paul was embarrassed and uncomfortable with the way he looked. He saw John, a teddy boy, around Liverpool that he really dug but was afraid to talk to him because of how he (Paul) appeared. Over the course of a year or so he managed to grow into himself more and no longer felt as self conscious about his appearance.
Paul is friends with Ivan who is a member of John’s group. There is no way Paul would be unaware of Ivan’s involvement with the Quarrymen. How would Ivan know Paul would be interested in seeing the Quarrymen unless there was some level of awareness? Sure, maybe they were friends who didn’t talk about those things, but don’t you find it way less likely that Ivan, part of a musical group, wouldn’t tell Paul, someone who clearly enjoyed music, about his involvement in a musical group? 
So yes, even if Paul did know about the Quarrymen that wouldn’t necessarily mean that he would know that John was the same person he had been seeing around Liverpool. I acknowledge that big black hole of doubt that throws a wrench into this whole depravity of thought, however the level to which Paul performed at the fete just won’t leave me alone. Not only that, but wouldn’t one assume that if Paul was friends with Ivan he would have gone to watch him perform with the group at least once? 
Either way, by all accounts of that “first” meeting Paul didn’t just play something for the heck of it -he went out of his way to show off. He played the guitar backwards, sung not one, not two, but three songs?? One of which was the same song John had just finished performing??? He fucking tuned John’s guitar with a tuner he just so happened to be carrying with him? How could anyone just pull any of that out at the drop of a hat if they weren’t trying to be impressive, or impress someone? It’s almost as if Paul had been prepared to give a show, almost like he knew he would be performing with the intent of making a strong impression. He even fucking wore a sparkly white sports coat, who the fuck does that if they aren’t trying to look their best for SOMEONE!!??
Also, in the Len Garry quote he mentions Ivan saying he had told the group he would be bringing Paul around. Doesn’t that sound like a purposeful introduction? Doesn’t that seem like a premeditated, planned out event instead of some fateful encounter???
So, to make an incredibly long theory short, I believe Paul went through a glow up, convinced Ivan to introduce him to the Quarrymen with the sole intention of showing off to the hot cool teddy boy he had seen around town, then ghosted them until he got back from camp (what about the time we met? well, I suppose that you could say that we were playing hard to get) and joined the group. 
Thank you and goodnight.
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kj-1130 · 3 years
hi, is it okay to ask for another alex morgan? where alex's girlfriend is a singer (has vocals that can reach high notes much like ariana grande), during an award show, the reader has to perform with one of her high notes being in the song. Alex is just a proud girlfriend while her teammates teases her, saying stuff like 'does she reach those high notes in bed?' comments similar enough.
sorry if this sucks @babieviseul
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Main Masterlist
High Note
     You had met Alex when you were out shopping for groceries which was a risky move on your part considering paparazzi were literally everywhere. The two of you had practically bumped into each other. You noticed who she was and she knew who you were. 
     You struck up a conversation with her. Although, you don’t remember what it was about at all. It was awkward; she had been a crush of yours for the longest and you were flustered beyond belief. 
     You exchanged numbers and talked day after day until Alex had gained the guts to ask you out. She was also the one to make things official after your 6th date. 
     About 7 months into your relationship, her team found out and pressured her into introducing you to them. Alex had known that the team was just a group of fangirls and warned you of their hyper nature beforehand. That day was one you’ll never forget. 
     Due to your career as a popular singer, you had to be away quite a bit. Whether that be working in a studio, doing collabs, tours, award shows; the list could go on. 
     Right now, you were away for an award show. And while Alex would usually accompany you, this time she couldn’t as camp had clashed her schedule.  
     Today, the award show you were attending will be airing tonight. Alex scarfed down her dinner, wanting to make sure she got there on time. 
     “Wow, Al. Calm down, the TV isn't going anywhere,” Ali said. 
     “Yeah, don’t choke,” Kelley snickered. 
     The forward glared at her and continued eating at a slightly slower pace. Once she was finished, the woman was quick to head up to her room and turn the television to the correct station. 
      As the first commercial came, the door was swung open with Kelley barging in, the rest of the team following behind her. 
     “What are you...you know what? I don’t care, just shut up.”
     The host announced your name and you came on singing your newly released song, in an elegant dress and headpiece. 
     The team watched as the lyrics flowed out of your mouth with a graceful element that only few people had. 
     Sonnett being Sonnett, of course, had to make a joke. 
     “Does she reach those notes in bed?” 
     The woman was quick to receive a slap to the back of the head courtesy of Christen. The youngins who were laughing were quickly quieted by the forward’s harsh glare. 
     Alex, however, just ignored them. She was so enthralled by your beauty that she couldn’t care less about what anybody says. 
     Eventually, the show was over and everyone slowly filtered out into their own rooms. As the last few vets left, Alex’s phone buzzed and she quickly picked it up, seeing a text from you. 
     She was quickly sucked into the world of technology and continued to talk to you. 
     “Hey Al,” Kelley called. 
     “Does she hit high notes in bed?” the woman asked jokingly. 
     “Uhhh, yeah sure,” the forward replied distractedly. 
     The defender cackled before being pushed out of the room by Carli.
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rabbitcruiser · 2 years
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World Arabic Language Day
With an estimated 390 million speakers, Arabic is one of the most widely spoken languages in the world. It is also one of the six official languages of the United Nations, as well as the liturgical language of 1.6 billion Muslims. Being one of the only modern languages to be written and read in a right-to-left form, Arabic is a fascinating language with a long history. For all of these reasons and many more, we can all agree that Arabic is more than deserving of its very own day.
History of World Arabic Language Day
Although the Arabic language is the language of Islam, it dates back over one hundred years further than the religion. The earliest Arabic inscriptions were created in the early 6th century AD. Arabic was originally based mainly on the Aramaic alphabet that was then modified and adapted over many years to finally become its very own, distinct lanuguage. In 632, the year that Muslims believe the Quran was revealed to Muhammed, Muhammed’s language became the language of his new religion. The holy book of Islam, the Quran, was written in Classical Arabic and it is still used in religious ceremonies and sermons till this day.
By the 8thcentury, many poems and other works had been written in Arabic as well. Arabic has had an enormous influence on people all over the world, as the majority of countires in the world today officially use the Arabic numerical system. Furthermore, because of the countless wars waged in the Middle Ages especially, the Arabic language is an important source of vocabulary for many European languages, such as Portuguese, Spanish, English, French and Sicilian, as well as non-European languages such as Swahili and Uzbek. Many of the words that English-speakers use regularly come from Arabic, including cotton, coffee and guitar.
World Arabic Language Day was established in 2010 by UNESCO to promote cultural understanding and to highlight Arabic as one of the most important languages in the world. Today, there are three different types of Arabic: Classical; Modern Standard Arabic, the last of which is used in publishing, education and the media across the Arab world. Colloquial Arabic, an everyday dialect, is also used in different regions and has numerous variations. Due to its elegant, flowing lines, thousands of people the world over have also chose to get tattoos in Arabic, singer Christina Perri and actors Colin Farrell and Zoe Saldana, to name but a few.
How to celebrate World Arabic Language Day
The best way to celebrate this day would be to increase your knowledge of this language. Many people living in parts of North America or Europe may not even really know how it sounds. Of course, it is nearly impossible to learn to read even small fragments of this complex language during the course of just one day, but that shouldn’t stop you from discovering it. The Arabic language is especially beautiful when sung.
If you like opera, you could check out one of Sarah Brightman’s most acclaimed albums titled, “Harem”. The songs on it are a truly original mix of Arabian pop and opera, and are sung in several different languages, including Arabic. Listening to this album will not only allow you to become acquainted with what the language sounds like, but also introduce you to various instruments and sounds typical for Middle Eastern music that you may well fall in love with.
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k-llama-llama · 4 years
TXT AU: 6th member
Sara x TXT
Sara is recruited to be a guest coach for ENHYPEN
A/N: sorry that this one is late! Please check out my PATREON (patreon.com/kllamallama) for exclusive posts you can’t get anywhere else, as well as lots of other cool benefits!
Requests are OPEN
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“Are you sure I’m the one you want for this?” Sara asked again, hesitating outside the door.
“Yes, we’re sure.” The staff member laughed. “You’re going to be fine.”
“I know…but you have like actual vocal coaches and stuff and you want me to help?”
“For the show. Now, let us introduce you. Remember everything will be filmed for their variety show, okay?”
“Okay.” Sara stepped away from the door, letting the staff member duck in. She tried to picture what was inside. The staff member, a manager or two, a camera crew, and the seven boys who would soon debut as ENHYPEN.
Who she was about to coach.
“Today we’re going to be focusing on vocals.” The staff member began, and she heard the boys murmur amongst themselves. “So we’ve brought in one of Bighit’s most accomplished vocalists to train with you.”
She heard more murmuring, including some that sounded like they were guessing it was Jungkook or Jimin. She hated to disappoint them when it was revealed that it was just her. She glanced down at her outfit again, making sure she looked okay. The stylists had picked it for today, so she was wearing a pair of skinny jeans that she would never normally wear, a white tank top and an oversize striped cardigan.
“So let’s meet them, shall we?”
Sara figured that was her cue and opened the door, peeking her head in.
The reaction was instant, with the boys cheering and clapping. Though she was sure they were overexaggerating for the cameras, she still smiled brightly and waved with both hands as she stepped into the room.
“Introduce yourself.” The staff prompted as Sara came to stand in front of the boys, the line of cameras facing them.
Sara bowed. “Hello, I’m TXT’s Sara! It’s nice to meet you all.”
“Hello, we are ENHYPEN!” The boys did their greeting and bowed.
“It’s an honour to meet you.” One of the boys, she thought his name was Heeseung, said.
Sara gave a little laugh. “That’s really nice of you. I’ve watched your journey through the show, and I’m really looking forward to all of your debut.”
“Please read this off.” The staff handed a card to Sunghoon, and they all turned to face the cameras as he read.
“We will now have the opportunity to train with Bighit’s technically strongest vocalist. The song we preselected will be what we use, and Sara-Sunbaenim will provide tips and coaching on how we can become stronger vocalists.”
“What song have you all pre-selected?” Sara asked, even though she was fully aware of what song it was.
“We’ve selected Eyes, Nose, Lips by Taeyang.” The boys said.
Sara nodded happily. “That’s a very good song. It required a lot of vocal control, but it’s one of my favourites. If you’re all ready, let’s get started!”
“AND CUT!” The director called. “Alright, we’ll take a short break and set up in the recording studio.”
The staff broke off, leaving Sara standing awkwardly in front of the boys.
She gave another little bow, which they all returned enthusiastically. “I meant what I said. I watched I-Land and I really am looking forward to your debut.”
“Really?” Ni-Ki exclaimed. “You actually watched it?”
“Of course I did.” Sara laughed. “I’m excited to have a junior group.”
“Thank you so much, Sunbae!” They all bowed again, and she considered whether she should tell them to stop doing that.
“I am sorry that I’m your vocal coach, though.” She apologized.
“What, why?” Jungwon’s eyes widened.
“Well, I heard some of your guesses earlier and I’m afraid I’m nowhere near as exciting as any of them.”
“But you’re better!” Jay protested, before being smacked by one of his friends. “I mean….of course all of the Bighit vocalists are talented, but you’re famous for your vocals.”
Sara smiled, blushing slightly. “That’s sweet. Thank you.”
“You…that was your focus during training, right?” Sunoo asked.
Sara nodded. “I’m still not the best dancer, I afraid. I spent my years of training before I was paired with TXT focusing on vocals. I think the original plan was to debut me as a ballad singer, but I much prefer being with the group.”
“Were you always good at singing?” Heeseung asked. “Is that why you originally joined the company?”
Sara shrugged. “I had to train a lot to get up to the standard. But it was always what I wanted to be good at.”
“Have you ever coached before?” Ni-Ki asked. “Not…to be rude. I’m just wondering.”
“I haven’t.” Sara admitted. “Which is why…again…I’m sorry that I’m the guest coach you got stuck with.”
“We’re excited!” Jungwon promised. “Your performance on King of Masked Singer was legendary.”
“You guys saw that?” Sara smiled.
“Didn’t it hit some kind of viewing record?” Sunoo asked. “Like for a female idol?”
“It might have.” Sara tugged at the sleeves of her sweater. “Either way, thank you guys for being so welcoming. I hope that I can help you in some way, and at least make this into an entertaining episode.”
“We can’t wait.” Sunghoon promised.
“And!” Sara exclaimed, suddenly remembering her own surprise. “I’m going to take you all out for dinner after shooting finishes.”
“Really.” She nodded. “I mean…if you want to.”
“We’d love to.” Ni-Ki grinned. “Free food and all.”
“I should also warn you guys before we start rolling again. I have a habit of being a bit of a mom. So don’t take it too personally if I get a little stern.”
“Is it true that you used to scold Jungkook-sunbaenim?”
Sara winced. “Um, mostly by accident. But yes, I’ve been known to slip up and try to keep things in order.”
The boys looked a little intimidated.
“But I won’t be mean to you!” She promised. “I mean…not too much. And I’ll buy you food at the end so it’ll be worth it.”
“Okay, is everyone ready to shoot?” The director called.
Sara gave the boys a little thumbs up as they were signaled that cameras were rolling.
“Alright, so who wants to go first?” She asked.
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Can I request bakusquad on a first date?
The long awaited request has been filled! Hopefully tungle.hell doesn’t kill be with word count caps. I hope you enjoy!
Mina Ashido
She’d take you out on a first date to the mall! A lighthearted day of shopping (or window shopping if you’d prefer) and hanging out is her idea of a great first date!
Your first stop would be to the local café to grab some much needed caffeine to keep your energy up throughout the day. She always orders drinks with caramel and chocolate to keep her sweet tooth happy, and she’ll gladly offer to pay for yours if you’d want.
Your next stop is to your favorite store! You’ll both have a day at trying on outfits and finding the best styles for each other. She loves thrifting as well so you may find yourself bouncing from shop to shop, hand holding her tightly to make sure you keep up.
Whenever you feel your bellies rumbling, you make a beeline for the food court. If you surprise her by tugging her to your favorite fast food station, she’ll let out a laugh lighter than air and give you a small peck on the cheek. She’s happy that you’re able to keep up with her energy.
After you’ve eaten to your heart’s delight, you’re off to the arcade! Mina bets that you can’t beat her at Dance Dance Revolution, and you’re not one to say no to a challenge. You spend hours dancing at this machine, drawing a crowd around as you do your best to gain the upper hand. When you manage to get a perfect score on a song, she rushes over to you to give you a high five and the biggest hug she can muster.
“That was awesome! You’ve gotta show me how you got so awesome at this game! I’ve got Just Dance in my room, wanna see if you can beat me there?”
Katsuki Bakugou
As loud and brash as he is, Katsuki isn’t the one to instigate your first date. All of BakuSquad could see how he wasn’t as harsh with you, so they decided to set him up for a first date with you. So when he found himself at the meeting spot just outside an amusement park with you frantically checking your phone and looking around for someone, he knew that you’d both been set up by your friends.
He marched up to you and let out a groan. When you had noticed him, you came to the understanding that his friends were meddling with you. However, you shouldn’t let these free tickets with all day passes go to waste, right? With hands in respective pockets, you entered the park side by side.
While you both were fairly uncomfortable and awkward in the first hour of hanging around the park, once you two got onto a ride, you both warmed up to each other. You were riding one of the faster coasters, one that slowly pulled you atop a hill onto to launch you downward and through loop-de-loops.
While you were screaming your head off on the drop, Katsuki was giving a full-hearted laugh that ended with a smirk. A smirk that quickly morphed into a small ‘o’ of surprise when you grabbed his hand. His face flushed as he glanced between your hand gripping his for dear life and how your eyes were squeezed shut. The shock from your boldness faded from him, face returning to his normal hue (albeit dusted with a soft pink blush), and he squeezed your hand back.
Minutes later, the two of you were exiting the ride, and he escorted you, hands still together, over to a shaded table for you to calm down after the ride. Realization hit you that you were holding hands and you tried to pull away, but Katsuki just smirked and squeezed your hand tighter.
“Trying to run away from me now? Tch, you could’ve told me you don’t like the faster rides, dumbass. Let’s go find something more your speed. I can’t be the loser that lets his date feel uncomfortable.”
Kyouka Jirou
As the daughter of two music lovers, her idea for a first date is to a concert. She branched out to a genre that wasn’t her style, more of yours actually, so she knew you’d love it. With a few of her mom’s connections, Kyouka managed to score a couple of front row seats for the two of you.
During the breaks of the opening acts, she makes her best attempts at small talk. When the awkwardness washes over, you chuckle and give her hand a squeeze. You know she’s out of her comfort zone, so you try to ease her nerves by talking about what you liked about the music. You’ve struck a chord with her then, and so when you both aren’t vibing with the music you both chat about how good the guitarist’s riffs were or how you could see how much fun the lead singer was having as she flitted from one end of the stage to the other.
Your attention’s drawn to the stage when the main act appears, Kyouka’s fingers interlacing with yours as she anticipated the first strum of the base for their opening song.
Melodies and choruses passed, and it felt like time had stopped until the band was announcing their last song of the night. However, Kyouka could barely focus on the stage; her eyes were glued to you, taking in your overflowing enjoyment. With every song, you were energetically performing in your seat; you were far more captivating than the girl adjusting the mic on the jumbo screen.
Contrasting to the upbeat, fast paced songs that they had started their set with, a soft tune floated through the venue. The guitarist had exchanged his normal electric guitar for an acoustic guitar. Cliché and mushy words accompanied the gentle music, and Kyouka could feel her heart pound. The band was ending the concert with a love song, a preview of their new album if she remembered the earlier announcement correctly. The singer’s voice gradually built up from a whisper to a resounding belting that echoed through the silent crowd. A split second of silence followed as the singer took another breath; you followed suit to prepare for the next verse, unaware of what Kyouka planned. You turned to check how she was feeling about the song only to find her lips on yours.
“I know that this band was the headliner tonight, but you were the real star of this show. Wanna listen to all their albums on the way back tonight?”
Denki Kaminari
Denki’s idea of an ideal date is just inviting you to hang out with his friends. Some may see it as awkward, but he sees it as the best way to introduce you and to get to know you in a group setting. Today, he dragged you along to his squad’s gaming day, with today being a MarioKart tournament.
Before you even said a word, his friends (with the exclusion of the feistiest member of their crew) swarmed you. They asked who you were, if you had a quirk, and how you’d managed to agree to date their goofiest friend. You laughed and answered their questions with ease, pulling the flustered blonde closer to your side as you joked about accidentally getting shocked by him during your first meeting with him.
Any awkwardness subsided once a controller was in your hand. The unofficial leader of their group pushed a black controller to you, almost a challenge to see if you were good enough for Denki. Everyone was competing in this grand prix solely made up of Rainbow Road at the highest level of difficulty. You agreed wholeheartedly and set out customizing your bike (as you preferred them to the carts) to create the ultimate racer.
The first of the four rounds started off with a blast, with you managing to blow out as you got used to the controls. You ended up way back in 6th place, with only Hanta falling behind you at 8th with NPCs littering the places unoccupied by the other players. The next two rounds fared better with you placing 3rd in the second round and 2nd in the third round. With the final round seconds away, you were shocked to find that your points were tied with the hotheaded Katsuki. This last round would determine it all.
Denki massaged your shoulders during the brief break before the final round (as he was eliminated in the second round with an unlucky last place), whispering encouraging words to hype you up. He was worried about Katsuki’s verbal beating he’d give if he didn’t win; the blonde had been at the receiving end of many of those. Those worries all melted away as he saw the way you were weaving through the NPCs, using them to shield yourself from the explosive boy’s neverending supply of shells. You were neck and neck; in first and second place for the majority of the round. Tensions were high, the room making the group’s chants of your name echo into your very soul. You didn’t even realize you had managed to win; as soon as you crossed the finish line, Denki had you pulled into your lap and was pressing his lips lightly to your cheek.
“You did it! You beat our reigning champ! You’re definitely a keeper if you can even beat Mr. Hot Head himself! You want to do this again sometime, maybe one on one?”
Eijirou Kirishima
As health conscious and ‘manly’ as he is, Eijirou offered a simple walk in the park as your first date together. He would’ve offered to work out together, but some of his other friends (namely Mina and Denki) vetoed that. He chose a weekend that was expected to have a sunny forecast and chose a park that was more than just grass and pathways.
You both met up by the vending machines, him buying you your drink of choice and grabbing himself a bottle of water. Eijirou kept the conversation light, discussing the recent class you both had about team tactics. He had been absolutely enthralled watching how you effortlessly pulled off a combination move with Momo and Tsu. His hand casually reached for yours, grinning wide to show off his pearly teeth as your cheeks bloomed with a pale pink.
Soon you came upon a mostly deserted play set with three sets of swings. You both came to an agreement to swing in the shaded area as a short reprieve from the sun. The conversation shifted from tactics to inspirations as you recounted your first experience with a pro hero: a pro hero from your hometown had taught a general safety course and ended up rescuing an eight-year-old you from flying away when a friend’s wind producing quirk accidentally activated. You recounted your amazement about how she jumped up a few meters to grab you and gently returned you to your spot without making a huge scene about scolding your friend. Her calm attitude and quick reflexes really inspired you to strive to be a hero, especially a hero with attention to handling cases with children involved.
Eijirou relaxed into the swing, swaying as he explained how Crimson Riot’s manly ideology and willpower to confront danger without any hesitation brought himself out of a dark time of self-doubt.  The pro hero turned into an idol, influencing the boy to take on his well-known red hair and paying homage to the Crimson Riot with his own hero name Red Riot. Her further went on to explain that while he admires the manliness of the hero, he doesn’t mean that he admires the masculinity aspect of the word.
He knows the courage and determination of manliness comes in many forms; he exclaims that you exemplify that manliness, especially after learning about what happened during your training at a hero agency based in Hosu City. You had managed to hold off two villains twice your size on your own while waiting for reinforcements to arrive during a small hideout raid. Eijirou was so caught up in explaining his admiration that he hadn’t even noticed that he was slightly pulling you both towards the edge of the raised walking path. He made one wrong step and started falling towards the ground, only to have you grip his hand tightly and yank him back onto the walkway and directly into you. With a blushing face that rivalled his hair, the boy recovered from his blunder with a full-bellied laugh.
“I know I’ve been going on and on about how manly you are and how awesome your training is going. After this, I think I’m really falling for you. You’re my hero today!”
Hanta Sero
A laidback date for a laidback guy, Hanta decides to do a casual movie at home for your first date. He first takes you to the convenience store to pick up all the snacks that you’ll need for the movie marathon. He scored some copies of a childhood classic series that he knew you liked, so he wanted to make sure you both would have enough to last the eight-hour binge.
While you grabbed the popcorn, he snuck over to where the dried fruit were. Despite all of his friends’ eating habits, Hanta favored the healthier options. Although he wouldn’t mind a little sugar now and then if it were you giving it to him. Little did he know that you were lurking around the candy aisle with a specific target in mind. After a few minutes of browsing the shelves, the black-haired teen settled on a large bag of a mixed variety of snacks and met you by the checkout counter.
Hanta paid for your goodies and you walked hand in hand back to his room. After situating the hammock into place and gathering any pillows or blankets you needed, you settled in next to each other and turned on the first of many movies. You both lay there cuddling, him being the large spoon so that he’d have more room to maneuver his elbows so that they wouldn’t dig into you.
Time sped by as you both lay there and enjoyed the corny visual gags that seemed like it was just yesterday that you were watching for the first time. In between laughing your hearts out and stuffing your cheeks with popcorn, neither of you could feel the beating of each other’s hearts against one another nor the warm mood settling about the two of you. The snacks were dwindling, only one bag left unopened as you two reached the final film.
He was the one who grabbed the bag, eyebrows quirking up as he read the contents. Sugar coated orange slices; something Hanta hadn’t eaten before. He asked why you got these instead of anything else. You blushed and gingerly took one out of the bag, mumbling a response along the lines of thinking he may like them. He chuckled and pushed into you, shifting just enough to where he could snatch the treat from your hands with his lips.  
“Well what do you know, these are pretty good. If these are halfway as sweet as you, then I’m in good company!”
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lovemesomesurveys · 3 years
Have you ever watched a movie in class/school that made you cry? Yes. I took this adulthood and aging psychology class and I forget what it was exactly the documentary we had to watch was about, but I remember being on the verge of tears because it reminded me of my grandpa who passed away. 
What’s the earliest you could go to bed at night and feel okay about? Uhh, I don’t know? Just whenever I fall asleep.
What is you favorite type of lunch meat? Turkey, salami, and bologna.
What time of the year do you dislike the most? Summertime. 
Do you put ketchup on your scrambled eggs? Ew, no. 
What is your favorite color to wear? Black.
Are you an overachiever? No. Especially not these past few years where I haven’t done anything at all and put like no effort into anything. :/ At least when I was in school and things were better than how they’ve been the past few years I was productive in school and put effort into things and into myself. I’ve just given up. 
What physical feature do you wish you had (i.e. freckles, curly hair)? Perfect teeth.
What fictional character (i.e. Bambi, Scarlette O'Hara) would you marry? Uh, I definitely don’t want to marry Bambi... anyway, I’d say one of the characters Alexander Skarsgard has played.
How long have you gone without shaving (girls- legs, armpits; boys- faces)? I don’t know, a couple weeks or so.
Did you ever go through a phase where you wrote bad poetry? Ha, yeah, when I was like 16 during my emo days. They’re so cringe.
What is your favorite thing about your life? My family.
Have you ever painted a picture of somebody? No.
How many real bfs/gfs have you had? I honestly haven’t had a real, serious relationship.
Did you enjoy your past relationships? With Joseph I did.
Name a comedy that you like. Bridesmaids.
Could you wait until marriage for sex? Yeah, but I don’t plan on getting married.
What’s the best Nirvana song? Lithium.
What was the last thing that impressed you? Hmm. I don’t recall.
When was the last time you were in a pet store? It’s been awhile.
What nationality is your last name? Irish, I think.
What’s your favorite kind of chips and dip? Wavy Lay’s chips with ranch and French onion dip.
Who was the last boy that you saw cry? My brother.
Does your mom know you do surveys? I don’t think so.
Have you ever had a serious injury? Yeah, the one that made me a paraplegic.
What was the last thing you achieved? Uhhh.
Would you enjoy being famous? I have absolutely no desire whatsoever to be famous.
What’s under your bed? Some medical supplies.
Do you enjoy travelling? Yes.
Have you ever belonged to a club? If so, what was it? I was in a couple clubs in high school and the psych club in community college.
When was the last time you drank strawberry milk? It’s been a very long time.
Have you ever managed to collect all the fast food toys in a set? Hmm, I don’t recall. I might have.
Do you have a clock in your room? Yes, apart from the ones on my laptop, TV and phone, I have an actual wall clock as well.
Did you have a good driver’s ED teacher? I didn’t take driver’s ed.
Which of Britney Spears’ songs is your favorite? Hmm. Probably Toxic, Slave 4 U, Boys, and Lucky.
Does mind over matter work for you? Sometimes.
Are you paranoid? I definitely can be.
What is the best thing about winter? Christmastime and the weather. I love that time of year.
Have you ever been truly in love? I think so.
Are you currently planning a trip? No, I wish.
How many plants are in your home? Zero.
What is your favorite possession? All my stuff.
Have you ever felt like you were too nice and way too often overlooked? Yeah. I’ve been used and taken advantage of back in the day for being too nice.
What movies have tripped you out? There’s been a few.
Did you rollerblade as a kid? Do you still rollerblade? No.
Would you ever settle into a relationship that wasn’t right for you? Do you know friends who are in relationships just so they have someone to sleep with at night? I’d like to say no, but I allowed Joseph to use and play me for 3 years, so. I knew deep down he didn’t feel the same way as I did and he didn’t want to be in a committed relationship with me, but I didn’t want to admit it. I liked the attention and the good times we had and I didn’t want to give that up. I would hope that now that I’m older and have experienced that I wouldn’t allow it to happen again. And yes, I had a friend who put up with a whole lot worse for that reason.
Would you take a dirty picture of yourself for someone you are dating? I wouldn’t feel comfortable with that. I don’t want that floating around or existing at all out there.
Do you use earplugs or a sleeping mask when you sleep? No.
What summertime treats do you love? Milkshakes and ice cream.
How picky are you when it comes to choosing who to kiss or not kiss? I mean, I have to be interested in the person and feel comfortable doing so.
What do you hate most about moving? The packing and unloading.
Do you feel that having sex anywhere but a bed is more exciting? I wouldn’t know.
Do you drink 5 hour energy drinks or any other kinds of energy drinks? Just the Starbucks Doubleshot energy drink.
Has anyone ever whistled at you? Not that I know of.
Do you like scarves? No. I don’t like things around my neck like that, it drives me nuts.
Is your father homophobic? No.
Do you take gummy vitamins? No. I don’t take vitamins at all, currently, although I really should.
Have you ever applied make-up on a guy, for any reason at all? No.
Who would you like to meet before you die? I mean, I certainly wouldn’t mind meeting Alexander Skarsgard.
If your dream was to be a model, and a big opportunity came up, but you had to be nude, would you take it? I don’t feel comfortable being nude when I’m just by myself, I certainly wouldn’t feel comfortable doing so publicly. Absolutely not.
What’s the most ridiculous conspiracy theory you’ve ever heard of? There’s been a lot, but of course I’m blanking at the moment. Most are pretty crazy, though.
If Heaven and Hell exists, where are you going when you die? I hope that  go to heaven.
Who is the person that you are afraid of losing, above everyone else? My loved ones. 
What is one thing that pisses you off pretty much everyday? Ugh, seems like just about anything can. I’m so irritable and moody all the time.
Is there anyone you know that you feel should consider therapy? Yeah, me.
Do you like any of the songs on Twilight, or the actual movie/saga itself? I loved Decode and Super Massive Blackhole. 
How old was the first person you kissed? He was 15 and I was 16.
Will you be a strict parent one day? I don’t want to have kids.
Last person to stand up for you? I don’t recall the last time I needed to be stood up for.
Have you been to a baby shower? Yeah, I’ve been to a few.
Who were you with the last time you went to the movie theater? My mom and brother to see Candyman.
What’s your favorite high school memory? I liked the rallies and some of the assemblies.
Do you like relationships, or do you prefer to be single? Being single is best for me.
What is one adventurous thing you’d be willing to do? I don’t know. I’m such a scardy cat.
What subject at school did you absolutely hate? Math.
Italian food or Chinese food? Italian.
Do you like to make flash cards when you study? That wasn’t my usual study method, no. I preferred taking notes.
Has anyone ever told you that you’re a good singer? Ha, uh no.
Do you ever watch TED talks, live or online? I only watched those when they were shown in some of my college classes or was assigned to for homework. I’ve never watched any on my own.
I dare you to write the name of a person you strongly dislike. I don’t feel that way about anyone.
What do you think about Marilyn Manson? I have nothing to say about him tbh. <<<
Biggest trouble you’ve ever gotten into at school? I didn’t get into trouble.
Do you own one of those “professional” DSLR cameras? No.
Does it bother you when you see a 6th grader with a bunch of gadgets? I don’t care.
Did you buy yearbooks every year in high school, or did you not bother? Yeah, I got all 4.
Do you have Restless Legs Syndrome? No.
Jalapeños: yay or nay? I loved jalapenos back when I could eat spicy food. Jalapeno poppers were bomb.
Did you ever play Minecraft? No.
Did you ever have a Club Penguin account? Were you a member? Yeah.
Do you know anyone that seems to not have any common sense? Ha, yeah. 
What do you think is the biggest injustice that was ever done to you? I’m the victim of gun violence that made me a paraplegic at just 7 months old.
What type of person angers you the most? Abusive people and sick, perverted assholes.
If you could change your appearance, how would you alter it? There’s a lot I’d like to change. 
Describe your first relationship? It wasn’t much of one but we had the title, ha. It also only lasted a few months.
Describe your last relationship? He used and played me and then kicked me to the curb when he was done.
Can you honestly say that you always practice safe sex? I’m a virgin, but I absolutely would practice safe sex. That’s very important. 
Why do you think your most favorite film touches you so deeply? You just really feel, connect, and relate to certain things, like the characters and/or plot line and it has some kind of effect on you.
What do you want people you meet for the first time to think about you? Hopefully something good.
Do you feel protective over someone? My loved ones.
What perfume/cologne do you wear? I’ve been wearing this beachy scented body spray. I need to get a new one for fall.
Where did your vehicle come from? I don’t have my own car, I don’t drive.
What was the color of the bridesmaid dresses of the last wedding you went to? I’m totally blanking.
What is your favorite way to eat chicken? Boneless chicken wings and chicken tenders.
It is your birthday. You hope the cake is: White with buttercream frosting.
What do you wear to bed? What I wear during the day, which is either lounge shorts or leggings and an oversized tee or t-shirt dress.
What were you doing at 8pm last night? I was eating dinner and watching Gilmore Girls.
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