#<-such assholes 😭
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il-predestinato · 1 year ago
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George: *fighting for his life*
Max and Charles: 🤭😆😂🤣😝
🎥: post race press conference (2023 Abu Dhabi Grand Prix)
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clowniconography · 5 months ago
how does the "drinking any citrus neutralizes all medication ever" post still go around consistently every year 😐 your doctor hasn't told you about it because it's fucking misinformation, please research what SPECIFIC foods can interact with the SPECIFIC medications you take and for the love of hell stop getting medical advice from posts on tumblr dot com
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idiotsonlyevent · 5 months ago
it is completely understandable to be uncomfortable with the sexual assault in dandadan. it's important to discuss how it's framed, whether it's handled poorly, or if it could be been portrayed better. but the number of people - even fans - stating that it is only fanservice, irrelevant, or could be removed is frankly bizarre to for SO many reasons, starting with the fact that this parallel exists.
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the anime made it even more obvious by interpolating cuts from the first scene into the second one.
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i thought this scene showed that momo gaining her powers by believing in her relationship with her grandmother gives her the strength to fight back against what is basically a horrific, much more aggressive and abstract (maybe even absurd?) representation of her shitty gross ex - who was demanding she 'put out' and pay for the love hotel in very first scene.
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while the escalation from one scene to the next is surprising, it's not something that comes out of nowhere. this first scene is meant to be a set-up to what will happen later. it sets the tone, though significantly more lighthearted at this point. it tells you that sex, sexuality, etc. is something dandadan will touch on - though you don't know what the scope and depth will be until later in the chapter.
i cannot recommend this video enough, as it discusses some interesting interpretations of what the serpoians and turbo granny represent in their respective assault scenes, as well as how right now the treatment of both scenes is unfortunately uneven.
more notes about plot and thematic relevance below the cut. spoilers for anime-onlies (up to chapter 8, will probably be covered in episodes 4/5).
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momo was assaulted, and almost cut up by the serpoians, much like the other victims turbo granny appeared around. this is an intentional parallel. turbo granny goes to momo because that is what she does. again, SUPER unclear how that factors into turbo granny's assault of ken, but if we keep the video's interpretation of cynicism in mind, it could be related to that; maybe turbo granny has a cynicism toward men - similar to momo in chapter/episode 1 - and this is why she chose to attack ken. unfortunately, it's still too early to really understand and explain a lot of her motivations.
again, completely understandable to not like how the sexual assault was handled or portrayed, and it's important to keep discussing it. but this is what dandadan does for many different types of trauma and difficult life experiences. this is a huge part of dandadan's identity. if you don't like it, that is fine, but calling the sexual assault 'just fan service' is blatantly untrue.
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bean-spring · 1 day ago
Am I the only one who doesn't think Mark was a shit husband at all and he just has a very avoidant personality running away from his issues while Gemma clearly wants to face them directly? People can't go through life being happy all the time, you know
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the-other-soup · 2 months ago
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uhh i domt have anything funny to say today lmao
happy crimmas eve
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wishchip106 · 2 months ago
me whenever Charles says the absolute worse thing in the absolute worst situation:
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why do you keep doing this
i love you, Charles, i really do, but i’m going to need you to shut up henceforth
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deathon1leg · 1 month ago
so many st viewers are like mike is EVIL i want this boy DEAD and he’s literally just a teenager dealing with internalized homophobia in the 80s
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Darry came home to odd shit in his house all the time. To be fair he was related to two 'n the others, well, he couldn't get rid of them now. But other than its occupants, Darry was used to comin' home to cans twisted up to look like little men, knives stuck in the wall holdin' up keys or notes, 'n the odd beer bottle with a candle stuck down in it. His brothers had an affinity for the type of decor that would be home in a kindergarten class 'n Darry had to pick his battles. Glory knows they gave him his choice.
Hell, last month he'd come home to three traffic signs mounted around his living room. He'd promptly forced Soda, Steve, Two, 'n Dallas to return them to wherever the hell they had taken 'em from. They had bitched 'til kingdom come until Darry had threatened to load them up into the truck with those forsaken signs 'n call the damn cops on them himself. Of course, he hadn't meant it. They'd trudged out with one sign between the four of them swearin' they'd come back for the others too. And, naturally, they got caught.
Soda had used his one phone call to beg Darry to pick them up, Steve to whine about how they'd only gotten caught 'cause Darry had made them put them back, 'n Two to make a long series of jokes that ended with Darry threatenin' to leave him there for the night. Dallas had apparently elected to call Tim to bitch instead. 'N Tim had called him. Glory, he should have just left them there forever.
Since both groups were firmly blamin' the opposite party for the events of that night, Darry had elected to save himself the damn headache 'n just let them leave the two signs they hadn't managed to return on their walls. The odd street sign would still sometimes show up, but as long as they weren't important ones Darry simply pretended they weren't there.
So when he trudged into the house 'n glanced at the peelin' wallpaper, he wasn't necessarily surprised to see the new addition. He toes off his boots 'n hangs his keys on the knife buried so deep in the wall none of them can get it out. Darry makes an absentminded mental note to ask one of the men on his crew about it. Pony knew his son 'n he's sure he'd seen worse.
He turns to take a look at whatever was simmerin' on the stove when he catches his name on the piece of paper haphazardly drawn out into a chart 'n pinned to the wall.
In descendin' order the chart reads angelic, good enough, toein' the line, in the shit, Darry's gonna kick your ass, capital F fucked.
"Hey y'all, what the hell is this?" Pony looks up from the kitchen table where him 'n Soda are scratchin' away at old clothes pins. Pony's holdin' a pen knife clenched in his fist, stabbin' away far too close to his fingers for comfort. Darry reaches over 'n adjusts his grip, whackin' him gently on the head.
Steve ducks into the kitchen, brandishin' his own clothespin. He shoots Darry a grin 'n clips it to the chart at angelic. Darry can see his name carved into the side. "Provin' a point is what it is."
"Knock that shit down to fucked- you're pissin' me off." Pony scowls, goes back to his project, lookin' at Darry pointedly as he moves his fingers away.
"Ok. Well. Anyone wanna explain the point to me or am I gonna have to figure it out myself?" Darry sighs, glances into the living room where Two-Bit has been conspicuously silent. He's standin' on the couch, tongue between his teeth 'n brow furrowed as he frantically screws a yield sign into the wall, not noticin' Darry at all. "Two-Bit Matthews!" Two's head whips up at him with a big grin, droppin' the screwdriver 'n leanin' against the wall to block his handiwork like Darry hadn't just watched him for a full ten seconds.
"Darry! What are you doin' here?" Darry rolls his eyes 'n Soda snickers from somewhere behind him.
"Oh fuck, Soda, casserole." Soda scrambles up from the table so fast his chair falls backward. Darry shakes his head 'n sighs.
"Two I live here."
"So... come here often?" Both Pony 'n Steve snicker 'n then glare at each other like it was a cardinal sin that they both find the same joke funny.
"I'm gonna close my eyes 'n if that damn sign is gone by the time I open them I won't kick your ass." Darry drops his head against the door frame 'n shuts his eyes 'n Two mutters fuck 'n dives for the screwdriver. "Now would be an excellent time to explain that shit on my wall, by the way, Pone." Darry prompts, eyes still shut. Glory, he could fall asleep right there in the doorway.
"Oh fuck, oh fuck, oh fuck." Soda opens the oven 'n the distinctive smell of burnin' food pours into the kitchen. Darry raises an eyebrow 'n turns half around.
"Hey, don't open your eyes yet I'm workin' on it!" Two shrieks 'n Darry manages to roll his eyes with them still closed.
"Lordy, fine. Soda, lil' buddy? All good?" There's half a second of silence 'n then Soda snorts a laugh.
"Anyone want Dairy Queen for dinner?" Darry lets out an almighty sigh 'n Soda makes a disappointed sound in the back of his throat.
"Well, worth a shot. PB 'n J guys?" Pony groans 'n Darry can hear the thunk as he drops his head hard onto the table.
"Pone, this shit on my wall?"
"Oh. Steve thinks he's less of an asshole than I am. 'N I think he's a liar. So we're provin' it-"
"Nuh-uh. The kid thinks he's better behaved 'n I think that's horseshit. So we're doin' a chart to prove that he's the one always actin' like a hooligan-"
"Who are you callin' hoologian? Don't you have your own house? Why don't you stop loiterin'-"
"You're just mad Soda actually picked my ass 'n got stuck with you-"
"Glory God almighty. This shit's like, what? A behavior chart? What level is pissin' me off 'cause you're both there right now."
"Aw, man c'mon. We didn't mean it." Darry stops noddin' off standin' up to glance over his shoulder at Pony 'n Steve. Their fightin' damn near forgotten they're both starin' at Darry with twin pouts. Darry actually snorts a laugh before he swallows it down, muffles it with a cough.
He fixes them both with a glare 'n jerks a thumb at the chart. "C'mon. Both of you down to, uh," He peeks over his shoulder at the rankin', "in shit. I'm sick of you fightin'." He really doesn't know what he expects but he can tell you what he doesn't. 'N that's for both Steve 'n Pony to glower at each other but shuffle sadly over to the wall to fix their clips 'n then plop back down at the table 'n actually knock it off.
"C'mon, if I have to get knocked down for just ribbin' the kid then Two better get knocked down for that sign shit." Two lets out an indignant gasp 'n clutches a hand to his chest, finally reappearin' in the kitchen with the sign held behind his back.
"What sign?" Darry narrows his eyes at him in contemplation, rockin' his jaw back 'n forth like he always does when he's thinkin'.
"Yeah, alright. You're below Steve 'n Pony." Two's jaw drops open 'n he lets out an indignant wail.
"Woah, woah, woah! C'mon I'll patch the hole I put in the wall." Darry opens his mouth 'n Two barrels on. "In fact I'll even patch the holes from the last one too." Two wheedles, droppin' the sign behind his leg, foldin' his hands together 'n blinkin' up at Darry.
"Fine. You can be on Steve 'n Pony's." Two hoots 'n snatches one of the unmarked pins, scratchin' his name into it 'n slidin' it over Pony's.
"That's not fair!"
Darry rolls his eyes. "Well, I didn't hear any offers from you two." Two grins smugly at them, Steve flips him off 'n Pony sticks out his tongue.
Soda snatches up his, suddenly very interested in the proceedin's. "Where am I, Dar?" Darry studies him, finger pressed to his lips.
"You can be in toein'. All you did was burn dinner, that's in your nature I should have known better." Darry ruffles his hair when Soda lets out a little scoff. He flounces past Darry, stickin' his tongue out at Steve 'n puttin' his clip the highest of all of them with great flourish.
"Hey Dar, why don't we get somethin' if we don't get bad marks for the week?" Pony sticks his bottom lip out a lil' 'n Darry rolls his eyes.
"Yeah, I'll tell you what you get. Your ass not kicked."
"Aw, c'mon Dar. What if when we stay good we get Dairy Queen?" Darry leans against the door frame. Studies his kid brothers gathered in the kitchen as they all blink back at him 'n suddenly remember somethin' they all have in common.
"How about this, if you all stay in the black you get Dairy Queen at the end of the week." Two 'n Soda let out a whoops 'n Pony 'n Steve grin. Darry puts up a hand to indicate he ain't finished yet. "'N the lowest one has to pay."
A fierce urge to win. Especially against each other.
They all stop, eye each other with sharp-toothed grins 'n mischievous smirks.
Well. For once one of Steve 'n Pony's fights had done Darry a favor. 'N he had a feelin' that stupid chart was about to make his life a whole lot easier.
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superbellsubways · 4 months ago
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themeraldee · 3 months ago
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The Boys | 3.04 Glorious Five Year Plan
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probablyanalienindisguise · 11 days ago
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Hiiii robot scientist guy
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mysicklove · 1 year ago
older brother sukuna is literally the type to go run errands with yuji and pretend he doesn’t know the kid (they look exactly alike). yuji’s giggling at first, trying to cling onto sukuna’s leg while he’s getting groceries, but sukuna only looks at him and says, “whose kid are you? are you lost?” while yuji babbles about how sukuna is so silly and how he’s his older brother.
until sukuna literally keeps it up to the point where yuji’s panicking, close to tears as he’s screaming at sukuna that he’s his brother. but again sukuna is looking at him with a straight face and going, “i really don’t know you— where are your parents? you should really stop following me.”
then you’re chasing the poor kid down the parking lot while he screams and cries at sukuna, trying to catch up with him as sukuna runs to the car yelling about how yuji isn’t his brother and he doesn’t know who he is 😭
this is so so so so evil 😭😭😭😭 but literally something he would do. such an asshole omg.
poor yuuji, one of his favorite thing in the world is to hear stranger coo and him and his brother, fawning over them about how similar they look. so when sukuna denies it, i would think he would giggle at first, and then throw a little tantrum, and eventually he just begins to cry and plead for sukuna to call him his brother. eventually leads to you placing yuuji onto sukunas back and forcing your lover to reassure the kid before he gets traumatized. cries into sukunas shoulder for about two minutes most, and then is back to giggling and loving the fact that he being held
also that reminds me, have you seen those videos where they tell a toddler that they are invisible and pretend they don’t see them?? sukuna would totally do that and yuuji would giggle at first, but then when his brother doesn’t drop the act he begins to panic and cry. you have to kick sukuna out of the room bc even when u reassure the toddler you can see him, sukuna still pretends he doesn’t.
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fromtheseventhhell · 6 months ago
I can tell I'm Arya-pilled to the max because I'll see other Arya stans talking about the questionable morality of her executing Daeron and I'm just like "That was so Lady of Winterfell-coded"
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longlive2023 · 1 year ago
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shokujin-art · 1 year ago
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This game is a hell of a drive —
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pengu1n-flyer · 1 year ago
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On the bed on the floor the walls the couch outside inside doggy style wherever whenever-
Ok ok but like…the thought of him fingering reader while he’s got the brass knuckles on has been running rampant in my mind for DAYS 🥰
(I found this GIF on google so if anyone has any idea of who could’ve made it, pls lemme know so I can credit them!! <3)
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