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ymorii · 1 month ago
thinking about making sonic fankids,, for funsies,,,
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rosemaryyuri · 1 year ago
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peachypine · 3 months ago
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karayuzu beach date the sillies (with @beejoco's karamatsu!). kara's outfit is based on that official art set of matsu dates.
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nebuladreamz · 8 months ago
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Saw the trend on twitter about doing this with irl vs persona. And I do like my Perfect Blue sooooo <33
Bloodless ver and reference under the cut!
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hulloitsdani · 6 months ago
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A lovely set of suggestions thank you very much
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romatito · 3 months ago
so someone asked me about the pirate au crew's ages at some point so i figured id make a lil post with those and their full names just bc i havent found a way to like. naturally inject it into the fic without it feeling awkward.... so here lol
Antonio Fernández Carriedo (27)
Lovino Vargas (24)
João Lisboa-Carriedo Ferreira (29)
Abel Janssens (27)
Emma Janssens (25)
Henri Janssens (17)
(and Feli is 20!)
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bagea · 6 months ago
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needless to say. i am in love with him,
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fortanuvasyama · 1 year ago
@crepus i spotted your tags and had to say something lol
the answer is... maybe??? idk what Jason would have done if he was brought into the fight under different circumstances, but he did choose to work with Joker B of his own free will (and agreed pretty quickly, though that might be more because the [supposed] plan was to kill Joker A) (and also bc Joker B has decided he's not the Joker after all and that he needs to kill Joker A after which I guess Joker B would... die? kill himself? i think? idk man) and he actually set up a distraction with Rose to prevent Bruce from interfering (bc I'd imagine Bruce wouldn't want him to kill Joker A 😒)
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(side note: lost my shit laughing here at the entourage of actual bats following the batmobile)
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(btw that kid with Rose up there ^ was part of Joker B's group and Jason had the condition that the kid be uninvolved if Joker B wanted Jason's help)
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(that's why Rose has the kid with her, so Batman can help the kid)
ANYWAYS so Jason is at the fight because he wants to be/he has a chance to kill a Joker/Joker B gassed him into not being paralyzed by fear, so depending on which motivation you think is right then one could argue that it's Bruce's fault he's involved.
BUT ANWAYS.... the set-up here is: Joker B is driving a train that will (unbeknownst to Jason) crash into Gotham and cause a big boom. It's a trap to lure in Joker A - who wants to kill Joker B because there must only be one Joker, blah blah - and Joker A comes swooping in on a dirigible/blimp (filled with bombs) to blow up the train.
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A big fight between them and the henchmen ensues, Jason gets Joker A at gunpoint, and then Joker B reveals the true plan, and Jason gets booted out of the conductor's car.
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(btw i'm omitting panels that are unnecessary to my narration, there's more in-between chatter that makes the story flow better)
so Jason decides to go for the blimp and steals Killer Moth's suit-wings-jetpack-thing (no idea what it really is) to get there, and hijacks the blimp. He tries to call for Batgirl (Stephanie atm) and gets Batman instead, and outright tells Bruce that he chose to do this, and also that they need to stop the gas in the train and the bombs in the blimp somehow. But there's no way to do either in a way where the gas won't blow into the city anyway...
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And so Jason's solution is...
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a big explosion that eats up the gas with the bombs in the blimp.
(genuinely a miracle he's not dead just from that lmao)
And there's an argument to be made that, uh, Jason... drowned. And was dead. For a pretty solid amount of time.
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and Rose resuscitates him!
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Rose is a miracle-worker apparently lol
A N Y W A Y S the point is, yeah Bruce could be held responsible for part of this if you look at it a certain way. I definitely think Jason's plan of blowing up the ship he was on by crashing into something in order to save people is very reminiscent of a certain other time.....
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beesgav · 1 year ago
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Drew a bunch of characters @ecruteakfreak likes from memory
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asthe-crow-flies · 1 year ago
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naturalness/unnaturalness in Lolina: Origins by R L Hughes
i could write a whole essay about this, but its almost finals, so this is what you're getting
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violentlydefending · 1 year ago
i'm just gonna say it. i do not care about the possibility for an aa7 especially if it keeps going in the direction established by 5 & 6. give me another shu takumi spinoff (a la the great ace attorney) or give me a professor layton vs phoenix wright sequel or give me nothing at all.
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floralpowders · 2 years ago
has anyone written any natasha x readers out there?? the search is so crap that i just wind up getting mar//vel and x - x no...
but i would love to see maybe an imagine about natasha surprising the reader with a handmade doll for them
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pumaskulls · 2 years ago
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*Borderlands!AUs my own OCs instead of actually finishing up their refs*
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hermitshell · 4 months ago
I don't like that when I'm looking through a tag I can now also see select reblogs people have made on a post if they put the tags there. Tags on reblogs are for organizational sake not the public eye!! Injustice
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purecommemasolitude · 2 months ago
hi soda x cherry nation. i've never had a consistent tag for these people so this is really more so i can see what's more common for the sake of my own organizational system than anything. but
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jaimemes · 9 months ago
Bienvenidos a todos!
For the sake of readability, I’m using proper grammar and a more professional tone for this post, but normally I’m not too uptight about it (unless it’s for the newspaper, of course!).
Anyways, hello! My name is Jaime, I’m a second-year student at Naranja-Uva Academy, as well as the head of the academy’s Journalism Club. I’m currently studying under the Humanities track, with focus on Literature, History, Archeology, and Anthropology! Yeah, I hang out in Sra. Raifort’s class a lot…
Here's my trainer card!
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I also have a sister. I may bring her up on occasion. And sometimes a friend of mine will pop up occasionally on my blog. I can't stop her sooo. eh.
I’m always open to interacting with people on here, so don’t be afraid to shoot me a message!
[OOC: More info under the cut!]
[Likes and follows come from @turtblurts-pkmnirl-hub]
For those of you who knew Jaime prior to the reboot, be aware that the lore may shift or be slightly different than his previous iteration. We’ll see how this goes! However, this does mean that anything prior is no longer canon and we’re ignoring it.
Blog Guidelines:
Though the mun is an adult, the character is still a minor, so please be mindful of how you interact! NO NSFW! The occasional dick joke is fine, but keep it PG-13.
Pelipper Mail/Malice: OFF
Musharna Mail/Malice:OFF
Magic Anons: OFF
ANY kind of PKMN IRL blog can interact! Eeby Deebies, sapient/sentient pkmn, evil teams, canon characters, etc. ➥ Curious man that he is, don’t be surprised if Jaime asks a lot of questions about your character and their universe!
IN CHARACTER anon hate is fine! Keep in mind that I reserve the right to not answer all anon hate asks though! Especially if they are something I don't feel comfortable answering!
Jaime has a little sister named Victoria, who he may vague about occasionally. Her blog is @victoria-vd
Also! Every so often, Jaime’s friend who goes by Z may hijack the blog and use it as her own for a bit. Just cuz she can. Don’t worry about it <3 For ease of differentiation between the two, her text will be colored green and she will tag her posts with #USERZ and #reblogz
Story Arcs
Moved to a separate page for ease of viewing, click here to access!
General Tags
#jai posts -> Posts made by Jaime
#USERZ -> Posts made by Z
#victory sister -> Posts that mention or include Victoria
#jaime's ramblings -> really long informational posts written by Jaime
#jai rbs -> Jaime reblogging something
#reblogz -> Z reblogging something
#the mailbox -> Ask responses
Important Tags
#future sight-> Posts to pay attention to! These might provide clues or foreshadowing!!
#zecrets -> Z revealing secrets about her friends on the blog, prompted by anons. ➥ Access the ZECRET-LOG
#miracle eye -> Offscreen posts
#los horrores -> general high stakes tag
#blind spot -> blind spot signifies that this post is completely invisible to certain blogs linked to this one ( @aspens-dragons @espers-n-espurrs @yveltalreal @vulgrados-best @rock-n-rolycoly). ➥ If its tagged with a specific character, then only that one cannot see it. the rest would be able to. for example if another blog tagged “#blind spot: jaime” then Jaime specifically cannot see that post. Blind spot posts are completely free for anyone else, anonymous or otherwise, to engage with.
Organizational Tags
Moved to a separate page for ease of viewing, click here to access!
anyways. woe. jaime (and victoria!) be upon ye
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