jxcknapier-blog · 9 years
*points at romance* what the FUCK is that
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jxcknapier-blog · 9 years
[ text ] actually i want to murder everyone but money is fine too i guess
[ text ] well you can TRY to take me out on a date, i’m not opposed to free food -u-b
[ text ] i’d say watch out for my brother but he’s in rehab, so watch out for me instead!! ^^
The thought of her brother no longer around made her chest ache, but she quickly swallowed it in favour of making a certain royal’s life hell, no matter how temporary. It was always fun to mess with the blue bloods.
[ text ] keep making bad choices, i might find you funny enough to let you live ~
Shit. She kinda had a point and well, he knew he was going to be exposed somehow. Might as well see what she wanted.
[ text ]: alright, what do you want? a ransom?
[ text ]: i know you don’t care for a date, because well, you don’t strike me off as that kind of person.
[ text ]: 

A few seconds later
[ text ]: alright yes
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jxcknapier-blog · 9 years
“Wow...you really are a delusional bitch.” There was something along the lines of sarcastic wonder in her tone, and Jack was never one to hide her own contempt. She abhorred Alexa’s kind -- the ones who thought that kindness and love and hope and whatever could save lives and the entire world. It never worked like that, and it never would. It wasn’t envy, not really; it was more so that Jack took offense to the whole lazy idea of sitting around and waiting for love to save all the good guys. “You know what they call idiots who make even bigger fools out of themselves, princess? Dead. Because I kill ‘em.” Jack had never been the most stable person on earth, either. “Look, confess to him all you want. Say that he likes you back. You think that’s gonna change shit? He isn’t going to be any less of our father’s son. You’re just gonna make him think he can be anything other than that, and that’s the kind of thinking that gets people like us killed, because people like you start spreading that kinda mentality around. So I suggest you back the fuck off before you do any real damage to him, princess. Otherwise, you’re going to be in a kind of hell that your stupid, petty, immature love can’t save you from.”
“Isn’t there a saying that goes somewhere along the lines, love makes a fool out us all?” There was no denying that Alexa was slowly loosing her confidence in front of Jack but she had always been a believer of following one’s heart and in that moment her heart was beating for him. She had no assurance that her feelings would ever be reciprocated or acted upon – and perhaps to a large extent Jack was right in saying that she was only making a fool of herself by liking Dallon as much as she did – but that didn’t mean that she was simply going to give up. Not unless Dallon herself told her that he wanted her to stop liking him. “Are you challenging me to confess to your brother?” She asked, curious as to what the other’s intentions and reasons for hating her truly were. “What if you’re wrong? What if he actually likes me back? Am I still making a fool out of myself then?” 
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jxcknapier-blog · 9 years
a smug grin was painted on his features, but only for the amusing expression to be replace with horror a second later.
it was the wrong phone number.
the wave of fear and panic crashed onto him and he was soon drowning with stutters. not like the female could hear his speech impediment but he tried to calmly play it off.
[ text ]: uh, so. you should know i kinda sent this to the wrong person.
a few seconds later.
[ text ]: and i trust you enough to delete that picture. delete this phone number. delete everything about me. thanks.
gnawing on his bottom lip, he had hoped the person would listen to his pleads and oblige to his orders.
She snickered and saved the photos. It was always nice to have blackmail material -- even though the material itself wasn’t very good anyway in terms of...content.
[ text ] uh huh.
[ text ] you’d trust the joker’s kid. how nice.
[ text ] do you make these kinds of bad decisions often?
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jxcknapier-blog · 9 years
“Life is a lot better when you put things on your head.”
She looked at the male incredulously, before releasing a heavy sigh. Boys. “It’s in your head. You can’t do anything if nothing is in your head -- and that includes putting things on your head. Learn the difference between your prepositions -- or did they not teach you that in idiot school?”
0 notes
jxcknapier-blog · 9 years
[text] I don’t know why I said that.
[ text ] let me help::: it’s because you’re an idiot.
0 notes
jxcknapier-blog · 9 years
“How many times are you going to do that, exactly?”
“What?” she asked, lifting her skirt again to see if any of her needles were still in the strap around her thigh. Except she didn’t really see as much as she felt, fingers running over the thin pouches to make sure their contents remained. “Insulting you, or checking to see if i’m ready to kill you at a moment’s notice? Because -- as far as my calculations go -- and you’re going to have to leave a 0.01% margin for them -- I’d have to say...never for the first one, and...just once for the second.”
0 notes
jxcknapier-blog · 9 years
Said, A girl made of splinters isn’t built for love. But they tried, anyway. They tried. And turns out. I can. I can love hard as shrapnel. So hard I melt skin.
Jeanann Verlee, from “Bridge Song,” Said the Manic to the Muse (via lifeinpoetry)
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jxcknapier-blog · 9 years
[text] I think I’m gonna go to sleep now, but you keep thinking that.
[ text : nini charming ] i will
[ text : nini charming ] but how big is your foot for real
[ text : nini charming] i’m checking to see if there’s any correlation between that and the size of your penis
[ text :  nini charming ] for science
0 notes
jxcknapier-blog · 9 years
She liked that she could no longer see the tall form of King looming over Jack. He would cast shadows over her best friend she knew she could never breach. Now, there was a brightness radiating from the girl before her, and Amaryllis found herself grinning as Jack’s lips unexpectedly landed upon hers. The kiss was sweet and chaste, yet utterly deadly to the older as stars began to speckle the utter rims of her vision and her lungs struggled to replenish themselves with air. When the room finally stopped spinning, a lazy smile appeared upon her expression and was followed by a low chuckle. “I wouldn’t have it any other way.”
With the thoughts of her twin traded for much larger, more tangible concerns, her brow begun to furrow -- and she felt the need to have her fingers curl around someone’s throat increase. Jack wasn’t very good at dealing with anger and frustration and the feeling of not being able to do anything to make sure that things go her way. Ari being injured was a Bad Thing, and Jack didn’t consider many things bad, in every sense of the word. “Where’d he hurt you?” she asked, head tilting to the side, stopping just short of lifting the female’s top to inspect the damage. “I realise I never asked.”
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jxcknapier-blog · 9 years
She let the princess finish making a fool out of herself. Jack even found the time to take her phone out and quickly open the audio recording app just in time for Alexa to make her final statement, and quickly save the file before pocketing the device again. “Yeah, okay, uh....hm...quick question, though,” she said, holding up an index before dropping it again just in case she was tempted to punch the blue blood in the face -- not that an idiot deserved even that. “Are you a fucking idiot?” The question, of course, was only the beginning. “Do you think your feelings actually matter? No one gives a fuck about them. I’m serious. Like, just in case you didn’t get the real-world memo that no one actually cares. So it’s not that I’m tellin’ you that you shouldn’t like the guy. I mean, I love my brother -- who wouldn’t? Just tellin’ you that it’s stupid to. Not that you can help it, I guess, since you’re a...uh...how do you say this...a fucking idiot, but -- hey, go ahead. Make an even bigger fool of yourself if you want. More fun for me!” 
Alexa could have listed and listened to all the reasons as why to she should have just kept quiet in that particular moment but that would have been wrong and she had always been known for doing the right thing. She was in no position to say the next few words that came out of her lips but at this point her feelings were far too strong to deny any longer– not when she saw nothing wrong with them (and hopefully he did too). “Jack, I’m sorry, but I don’t think anything you say will stop me from liking him because I already do.” Saying it out loud gave way to goosebumps rising on her skin and she briefly wondered if she’d ever get to say the same words to him out loud. “I really like him.” 
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jxcknapier-blog · 9 years
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jxcknapier-blog · 9 years
STRANGE SENTENCE STARTERS —— for the creative writer in you. Send these in and see what your partner comes up with as a scenario!
*These are completely interchangeable, they’re just in categories to make it easier for all of y’all.
“How many times are you going to do that, exactly?”
“You were right. As per usual.”
“Sometimes it’s hard to see the lines you’ve drawn until you’ve crossed them.”
“You’re surprised because you have a soft spot for hot blondes.”
“Is that – that’s a naked Scarlett Johansson on your fridge.”
“You can stay, but for no more than two nights.”
“Please don’t look in this drawer. Please.”
“I told you not to pick him up, he’s very sensitive.”
“Yes. I might have given you rabies. But in my defense, that’s ridiculous and I didn’t.”
“I’m sorry, my cell phone data coverage does not cover the bullshit zone you’re in.”
“Hey! Give me your pants. Quick, give me your pants.”
“No, I’m serious. Stop it right now or I won’t give you the last cookie.”
“You think I’m kidding. But I’ve never been more serious about anything in my entire life.”
“How much would a stripper cost and why so much?”
“I’m going to buy you a drink. Next week. On Thursday. When I get paid. Can you swing this one?”
“Hippos are hungry, hungry! And you are considerably larger than a small piece of lettuce!”
“When I was little, I used to be afraid of mummies. And now look at me. I love dead people!”
“I don’t even miss my ex-boyfriends/girlfriends, I just miss my glockenspiel.”
“It happens to everyone, you just sell your skirt for some coke.”
“Please do not pull your pants down in front of baby Jesus.”
“That’s not the phrasing you want to use.”
“Because nothing says heterosexuality like a gold sash.”
“Please don’t take it out on my boobs.”
“When it gets really windy I look like a bizarre combination of Marilyn Monroe and Cousin It.”
“We have to change our names and run away to Mexico. It’s the only way. Adios.”
“How much money do you have on you?”
“Please tell me that’s a raisin and not a tiny hamster shit you’re eating.”
“Life is a lot better when you put things on your head.”
“For someone who’s not very deep, I’m incredibly not shallow.”
“I need you to remind me what it feels like to love you.”
“I love you. What? No I don’t. Forget I said anything.”
“I need you to tickle my feet but like, sexually.”
“If we got married, would I have to take your last name? Or could we just make up a new one?”
“I don’t think I can do this anymore.”
“I heard you say his/her name in your sleep last night. Want to explain or should I just leave?”
“I want to spend the night with you tonight. But I also want to sleep on your side. And without you on the bed. So technically I just want your bed.”
“Please don’t be proposing to me in an empty parking lot.”
“Stop saying you’re sorry, you stupid fucking broken record. It’s done.”
“I’m not jealous, I’m curious. About the things you were doing. With him/her. Without me.”
“Your mother’s looks could kill. Actually, are you sure they haven’t before?”
“If you’re breaking up with me tonight, can I at least eat first?”
“Stop sweating. It’s not attractive during sex, and it’s not attractive now.”
“Are you – are you checking me out? In the line for the confessional?”
“We have to go. I might have told your mom I’m pregnant. I don’t know why I said that. I’m not.”
“So what you’re saying it that you’re snorting sugar to get excited for sex.”
“My dog licks better than you do.”
“But through every stupid thing you do and say – and those are a lot, by the way – I love you.”
“I don’t care if you’re growing another head. I’ll talk to both of them. I love you.”
“And I’d take fifty years of not talking to you for just a day of doing so. I promise that’s a compliment.”
“I don’t want to hide this anymore. I’m not some dirty little secret, you American Reject.”
“This is a bit too dramatic for my taste, so can we skip it and have sex instead?”
“I don’t want you to think of me as your personal sex toy.”
“Thanks and all, but that makes me feel like a low-class escort, so.”
“A kiss in exchange for every nice thing you say about me. Deal?”
“Promise me you’re not like him/her. I need to hear it from your mouth. Promise me.”
“Look, I’ve had my heart broken before. I’m not ready to let you in just yet. Anywhere.”
“Don’t leave me here. Anywhere else, okay, but not here.”
“I wish I could say that was the worst sex I ever had, but I’ve had worse.”
“I just blew you. Could you look a little happier about it?”
“I’m attracted to shiny things, so if it looks like I’m staring at your chest, it’s because I am.”
[text] This is upsetting my poop.
[text] Hey, are you up? If you’re not, can you wake up? I need some help.
[text] So it involves feces and large birds.
[text] She said that to you? Why?
[text] Please come back. I miss you.
[text] What are you good for if you’re not gonna bring me ice cream?
[text] Can you ignore that last text? It wasn’t meant for you. I’m sorry.
did you just send me a nude?
[text] I don’t know why I said that.
[text] Leave it to you to fuck the simplest of requests up.
[text] Do we have to go to their wedding? He’s only my first cousin.
[text] How much does ‘I love you’ mean to you?
[text] I am not stalking you. But you should do something about your bathroom, it’s gross.
[text] Please. I need this so badly.
[text] I trust you completely.
[text] I’m a genius. You’re a peasant. Everything makes sense again.
[text] Hey, buddy! Got like, five hundred bucks I can borrow? Times ten.
[text] She lost it. She completely lost it. She said her uterus was attacking her bone marrow.
[text] I will not get you donuts.
[text] Please? I love you.
[text] I think I’m gonna go to sleep now, but you keep thinking that.
[text] I can’t say this out loud. They might be listening.
[text] I never meant to hurt you. I didn’t think he’d duck when the ball came at him, I’m sorry.
[text] You’re cute.
[text] I just need you to understand how important you are to me.
[text] Fuck off.
[text] Okay. Guess we’ll leave it at that then.
39K notes · View notes
jxcknapier-blog · 9 years
“No.” The answer was short and quick, and spoke volumes -- not in the sound way, but in a way that Jack could probably list all the reasons why the princess and her half brother wouldn’t work, and the list would need to be broken up into chapters and books and volumes. “And no. What kind of deluded fairytale shithole have you been living in?” she asked, raising a critical brow at the other female. “He’s one of us, princess. ‘Sides, even if you do somehow do some weird voodoo to get to the point of marriage, do you really think Dad’s gonna be civil around so many walking money bags in the ceremony? Heck, I can kidnap you and make millions out of the ransom.”
“Because I’m happy when I’m around him and that’s got to count for something, right?” If anything, Alexa was always honest and sincere in her words. She wasn’t going to lie or keep things to herself just because his sister didn’t approve of it. Yes, they were most probably not going to amount to something but that didn’t mean that she was going to stop herself from speaking the truth. Dallon meant a lot to her and that kind of importance required only sincerity and honesty. “Don’t people go into relationships because they want to get to know the other person more? I mean, that’s the purpose of going on dates and being around each other because before you marry someone, you need to know them first.” 
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jxcknapier-blog · 9 years
A hand reached out for the face of the girl she held almost as dear as her brother. Years ago Jack would have called her 'wife' -- a replacement for the brother who didn't want to play with them, mostly because Ari and King had never gotten along very well. Even now there was that gentle affection underlined with fierce protectiveness, and she would ask Ari who did this to her, but her memory had never failed her, and Ari could take care of herself. "Then get better soon." Too soon had the distance between them closed, lips pressing upon soft ones, abrupt and sudden as Jack had always been. And there came the wanton grin -- smirk -- the line was really, truly blurred if it wasn't a line at all but an upward curve. "I like it better when I'm the one potentially putting your life in danger."
She winced as she shifted closer to her pillows, finding that her head was beginning to feel a little heavy. “Of course you can, you can do anything you set your heart too sweat pea.” Her smile was warm, if not slightly weak, and she sighed as she sat back against the cushions. “But please wait until I feel better, I don’t want to miss out on all the fun.” 
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jxcknapier-blog · 9 years
Can't be helped? It couldn't be helped that her lips then resembled a tight line -- a tight rope which Alexa walked on. The amount of respect Jack held for her amounted to the safety that such an act would entail if no trampoline awaited the princess' fall from grace. And Jack, whose fists had curled into fists capable of breaking men's bones, only raised a brow at what the blue blood implied. "Why do you like him, then? You don't know Dallon, you ignorant shit." She never really had a filter for her words to begin with, and no one said that a blunt object wasn't as deadly as a sharp one. "Why else do you think you're not together? Why be together with someone you don't even really know?"
She wanted to counter the girl’s statement and argue that Dallon didn’t feel that way but stopped herself because she never did know if he found her feelings as irrelevant as his sister did. They had acknowledged that they like each other but that was that. Perhaps Jack was right, perhaps her feelings meant nothing to Dallon? She masked her disappointment with a small smile and nodded at the other’s words. “But it can’t be helped that I like him still, Jack. I think I’m going to continue liking him
” Her words trailed off with the girl’s question and this time there was no hiding how much Jack’s words weighed on her. “Why not? I mean, not that we are together or anything
” Yes, they were not together after all.
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jxcknapier-blog · 9 years
Jack quickly decided that she was tired of such reactions, and without warning she stood from her bed and sat beside the princess. "Normal is just another word for boring. Don't they teach you that in princess school?" She leaned back, entirely comfortable about the topic that appeared to make Sylvia gag and squirm. "Besides, I'm not going to share King with anyone else. I'd just cut their hands off if they try," she stated, in a way that normal people would tell what they ate for dinner or what they were doing, or planning to do. "Anyway, incest is such a bad term. I prefer to call it 'unconditional love'. With a splash of adventure!"
Sylvia didn’t think of herself as judgemental but she was aware that whatever relationship Jack and her brother had was wrong. Although she wasn’t sure of where her disgust originated from, she knew it was immoral and unhealthy to love your siblings in the way that a couple would. The thought of herself with Steven or Royce– a hand quickly clamped over her mouth as she gagged. “Goodness.” The princess stood up, casting her gaze elsewhere as she tried to figure out how to respond. Angering her roommate would probably result in bruises, seeing as Jack seemed to love King so unconditionally, she probably wouldn’t hesitate to kill another who even looked at him funny. Her hand slowly came away from her mouth. “You know that’s not normal, right? It’s uh, incest.”  
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