#<- sounds of pure unfiltered rage
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localguy2 · 10 months
Yeah so-
Brant Miller sure does know how to make Zane shout VERY loudly...
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blorbopostingtime · 7 months
Alr so maybeee this is a bad opinion but tbh I rlly can't keep it in anymore so imma just say it.
Like sure in the first movie he could be classified as angry but. ITS SO MUCH MORE GRUMP AND ANNOYANCE THAN ACTUAL ANGER?!?!?!?!?!??!
I want more fics, more comics, more fanart, more everything, where Branch just flat out looses his fucking shit.
At anyone, everyone I do not have a specific thing.
Get this grump ass bitch angry at the way the village treated him for fucking years when he was grey, get him fucking angry at his brothers for leaving and abandoning both him and their grandmother, get him angry at the bergens who he lived in fear of for so so so fucking long (SINCE HE WAS BORN TILL HE WAS ATLEAST FUCKING 20. THAT IS ALL HIS FUCKING CHILDHOOD. TEENAGE YEARS, EVERYTHING. AND FOR ALL THOSE YEARS MINUS 4 IT WAS ALSO HIS BROTHERS, THE VILLAGE AND HIS GRANDMA), his grandmother for sacrificing herself to save him and leaving him grey and alone (HE WAS A CHILD. FOUR OR FIVE AND HE WATCHED HER DIE FOR HIM. DO NOT TELL ME HE DOESNT HAVE ANY SURVIVAL GUILT OR RESENTMENT AT THE FACT THAT THIS CAUSED HIM TO TURN GREY AND BE AN OUTCAST IN THE VILLAGE. I DO NOT GAF ABT HOW MUCH HE LOVES HER YOU DO NOW MOVE ON FROM SHIT LIKE THAT WITHOUT IT), his parents for never being there (whole other thing but! Still think it should be a bigger thing.): EVERYONE.
"Oh, but he got angry at his brothers in the 3rd movie!"
Let Branch go feral with rage, let him scream at all the ways people have failed him from the top of his normally quiet lungs, let his vision go tinted red with rage, let him fight and punch and kick and elbow and growl and bite and hurt all the people who left him, like an animal gone abandoned in the wilderness and left for dead, who manages to not only survive but fucking THRIVE as a feral beast.
Show me a Branch who screams a sound so primal the nearby birds fly from the trees, let him be louder than any other troll in the village from living in the wild surrounded by creatures that the trolls were still learning about anf befriending who may or may not havr wanted to kill him, and yet talk about how afterwards he could barely speak because after 20 years of quiet speech if that his voice still isn't used to being loud.
Show us how much Branch is ready, able and willing to to use all the weapons he makes, the rocks he collects as projectiles and bluguons, the whittled stakes and knives, the sheer everything that comes with having lived on his own in the wilderness, angry and scared and so fucking alone.
... Ahem.
Anyways, thanks for listening to my rant and
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oneknightstand-if · 8 months
news reporter= +1 
police detective= +1 
paramedic= +1 
restaurant worker= +1 
security guard= +2 
hobby:dark web= +1
If you pick the zalgo text (Not clothes but a body) and have backstory:accident= +1 
If you choose …what were we talking about again? and job:security guard= +1
“not a chance in hell” or violent slashing motion when adrian suggests a sleepover= +1 (if he is your friend/crush) 
“Nothing else of note has happened.”= +1 
If you tell Adrian ‘it’s fine’ when he sees the hand-mark= +1 
If you tell Adrian ‘it’s fine’ when he suggests looking up paranormal groups= +1
If you choose the zalgo text when you see the shadow at the ridge= +1 
If you ask about intrusive thoughts and are possessed= +1
“Pure unfiltered meta knowledge.”=+1 (when you ask adrian about the apocalypse) 
zalgo text when you discuss the bible apocalypse= +1 
If you walk towards the sound in the trailer= +1
If you go to the window again after you’ve been knocked down= +1 
If you poke your head out the window= +3 
If you choose not to tell anyone about the trailer= +1 
“In the end, everything turned out perfectly fine” =+1 
If you look at the accident= +1 
If you look at the accident, are a security guard, and choose “How am I hearing this?”= -1 
If you claim the trailer is perfectly fine when it’s obviously not (also has zalgo text)= +1 
If you choose “Nothing at all.” when Amnay is talking about no one noticing anything = +1 
“All the lights in the city die out” = +1 
When you look at the sickly yellow illumination =+1 
You freeze when Adrian tells you to run (zalgo) =+1 
“I freeze like a metaphorical deer in the headlights.” (when you are running from the thing) =+1 
“Cower and accept my fate”=+1 
“Get out of my mind” = -1 
If you choose to stay right there = +1 
Merlin appears= -1 
Vice:wrath and you choose to wallow in your rage = +1 (after you punch Adrian)
Vice:wrath and you punch Adrian again = +1 (after you punch Adrian) 
“Okay, this is my stop. You can move along now.” and Adrian is your friend/crush= +1
If you ignore the primal shriek of denial and take the elevator = +1 
If you are not possessed already and “We should take the elevator to my room.” = +1 
If you choose  “just a little urge” or “it’s just fine” when Adrian joins you in the elevator after you’ve told him to stay out = +1 
“Poor Adrian. Better left out than tossed off the roof” or  “No more cavalry for me.” = +1 
You reach the thirteenth floor using the stairs or the elevator =+1 
If you think there’s a reasonable explanation for the wall of darkness (partial zalgo) = +1 
The floor indicator is stuck on 9 = +1
Maniacal laughter = +1 
If you choose to stay in the corridor= -1 
If you go to bed= +1
You check under the bed= +100 
Ignore the stuff under the bed= +1
(It is not formatted very well, sorry! It was initially meant for personal use!)
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throneofsapphics · 1 year
you really eat up every feysand fic you do, they’re sooo good!! do you think I can request one where it’s feysand x reader and reader gets assaulted by her ex when she’s walking the streets of velaris and she gets home and is in shock. Feysand immediately smells him on reader and they literally murder him. i’m literally projecting it’s ok if you don’t want to write this🖤
taking care of it 
Feysand x Reader
Summary: “We’ll take care of this,” Feyre told her, her voice gentle but she could sense the rage boiling beneath her skin - and Rhys’s. She’s glad they didn’t reach out to touch her. Y/n’s not sure if she could handle that right now.
Warnings: sexual assault, injuries, death blood, panic attack. these are heavy themes, please be cautious of the warnings
A/N: ah you’re so kind, thank you for the request, this was healing to write & for everyone who's been through something similar, you're not alone
She came in, hair tousled, lip busted, and a black eye forming. The events of the last hour rattled her. She’d barely gotten away. Nothing mattered to her now, only getting in the bath and washing his stench away. Washing away the blood dripping from her cut, burning these clothes, and sleeping. Maybe if she slept, she’d wake up to find it was a nightmare. 
She pushed the door open slowly, hoping to slip inside. 
Rhys heard the door open, the soft footsteps slipping in. Something was off … wrong. He met her in the hallways, Feyre closely behind him. 
His eyes took in every inch of her - the torn clothing, bruises, blood, the hollow look in her eyes and that scent … he knows that. On instinct, he slipped into her mind. 
A punch struck his - no y/n’s face, her head slamming against the brick wall behind her, an enraged male in front of her, he tore at her shirt, one fist in her hair. A commotion sounded from the other end of the alley, and she took her change, bolting and not looking back. 
Her eyes were wide when he came back out, and lined with tears. 
Rage filled him. Pure, unfiltered rage. “Mor,” he reached out to her, knowing she’s in Velaris. “I need you here. Now.” 
His cousin appeared moments later. One look at y/n, and she nodded, “do what you need to. I’ll take care of her.” 
“We’ll take care of this,” Feyre told her, her voice gentle but she could sense the rage boiling beneath her skin - and Rhys’s. She’s glad they didn’t reach out to touch her. Y/n’s not sure if she could handle that right now.
Mor guided her up the stairs, to the bath, and gave her some privacy - without leaving her side. 
“Can I heal these?” She asked with a soft voice, motioning to her bruised face. 
She gave a quick nod, and the female quickly took care of the small injuries. Mor didn’t leave her side the entire night, handing her water and some food, keeping watch in the chair next to her as she drifted to sleep. A tonic prevented any dreams or nightmares. 
It didn’t take them long to find the male - and find him bragging. 
He went straight to Hewn City, to the lowest levels - ones where enemies never left alive. Rhys and Feyre didn’t waste any time making sure he had a slow and painful death. After, it was time to feed the monsters living beneath. 
When she woke, Mor was gone. Rhys and Feyre were in the room with her. “You’ll never have to worry about him again, darling.” Rhys promised. 
She forced a half-smile on her face and a thank you from her lips. 
“I want to …” her voice trailed, her head pounding as the memories flooded back through her. Of what happened the night before. Her heart raced, breaths coming shallow and fast. 
A gentle caress against her mind helped her breathe, helped her bring her heart rate back down. 
She flinched as the mattress shifted, but it was Feyre. Just Feyre. She forced herself to exhale slowly, calmly. Her hand extended, there for her to take if she wanted to. Y/n eyed it warily for a minute, but slid her hand into Feyre’s. Her thumb ran soothing strokes over her knuckles. “We’re here my love, we’re both here,” she murmured, and y/n managed to drift into a peaceful sleep. 
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cosmiccandydreamer · 4 months
Too little too late (no minors)
Alastor x F!reader x semi Lucifer
Chapter 2
~This hole you put me in, Wasn't' deep enough
And I'm climbing out right now, You're running out of places to hide from me.~
"That bitch doesn't know everything I've done for her. Who does she think she is, doesn't she know all I have sacrificed for her?” The small contents that had been resting on the dashboard in his radio tower now fell onto the floor with a loud crash. He grabbed at his hair, grunting between gritted teeth.
“How fucking dare she?? And with all people him? That pretentious little shit excuse for a king?”. He slid to the floor, claws digging into his hair, trickles of blood trailing down along the sides of his face. What was he going to do? He can't kill the king of hell.. as much as he would love to. He would enjoy tearing the pathetic smile from his lips, ripping his chest open, deflating the smug hot air that puffed from his chest.
Did he know you the way he did? Did he know the way you loved tea with more milk than sugar? The way you hated the hot summer days but loved the warm summer nights. Did he know you've already read every book in the library 10 times and still had something new to say about them? Did he know how you loved your neck licked? Especially the small part close to your collarbone. Oh, the idea of his slimy snake tongue worming its way along your perfectly soft skin, ripping those sweet small gasps from your throat…. Those sounds were for him and him alone. How dare you how FUCKING dare you. That idea alone turned his blood cold, his horns protruding from his head, his eyes transforming into details.
He tried to steady his breathing, and collect his thoughts..his eyes darted back and forth scanning the room..he was lost in his sadness and pure unfiltered rage. Wait.. you never said you didn't love him anymore, you said you can't! Why can't you?? Were you in some sort of deal?? With Lucifer??? Oh Lucifer didn't know who he was up against, no if he assumed he would go quietly he was more stupid than he looked.
The mindset he was in at the moment, he barely cares how this situation would affect his standing with Charlie, I'll rip her fucking throat out too if she gets in my way..y/n belongs to me we promised each other. Maybe she's forgotten that maybe I have to remind her of her promise.
His eyes snapped up his hands, finally leaving his sore and abused scalp. "Yes, yes that's it, she just needs a reminder, it's ok my darling it's ok I'll forgive you, we can fix this". He stood, laughter ripping from his throat, gritty and deranged. "Yes, I'm coming, I'm coming it's time you were reminded, reminded where you belong. Whatever this situation is, I can remove you from it. I can fix it". His large smile returned, not meeting his crazed eyes. Grabbing his microphone, his shadow appeared at his side displaying the same maddened smile, mirroring his masters as they both melted into the shadows.
“Darling, is something wrong with the food?” “hm?” “I asked if something was wrong with the food. You've hardly taken a bite! I can order something else” You weren't sure how long you had been pushing your pasta around with your fork in the dim restaurant Lucifer had taken you to this evening. You also weren't sure how long he had been talking, ranting about Charlie and ducks and overlords.
Your mind was still focused on the conversation with Alastor earlier, the look in his eyes when you had left. You could have sworn you heard a sniffle behind you as you turned and left the room leaving him alone. “No! No, everything is fine!” You lifted your head off the hand you had resting on the table. Moving your fork once again you forced yourself to take a bite, pushing past your nauseousness that had settled in your stomach.
Lucifer eyed you suspiciously, pushing away his place he reached over the table clasping your free hand on his. He ran a thumb over the back of your hand sighing. “Sweetheart please, I can tell something is on your mind, why won't you just tell me? Let me help you lighten your load?”. You looked up at him, his sweet fanged smile, his rosy cheeks and soft kind eyes underneath light purple eyelids. He was truly handsome, the most handsome in hell some would say.
You felt the hot sharp pain of guilt creeping into your stomach, it felt like you had swallowed sandpaper, causing it to suck all the moisture from your throat. Why did you feel this way? You haven't cheated on him, you haven't done anything! You told Alastor it was over between you both, so why did you feel so guilty?.
“I'm ok Luci, truly I think I'm just tired, it was a long day at the hotel that's all! I'm fine”. you squeezed his hand back reassuringly offering him a small smile that didn't meet your eyes. You're lying he thought but he wouldn't push it, not now not here. “You know I am too! What do you say we get the check and head home?”. He looked over to the waiter waving them down. You nodded, not answering him, returning to your thoughts. You had to let Alastor go, it was the right thing to do, you could be happy with Luci, he was an amazing man and he's always treated you with respect, he was kind, funny and handsome anyone would be lucky to be with him.
You didn't speak as you stood watching him pay the check. You slipped on your thin cardigan, pulling it around you almost protectively. “Ready to go hon?” His hands wrapped around your waist pulling you into a side hug, as the bright portal to your shared home opened before you. Walking through you tossed your purse on the floor next to the bed before beginning to undress, you could hear Lucifer faintly in the distance putting the leftovers in the fridge.
This night had exhausted you, you couldn't help but wonder what Alastor was currently up to. Was he angry? Taking it out on some poor innocent sinner somewhere in the streets of the pride ring? Was he sad, was he.. with someone else.. in an attempt to forget your body; lying above another? That thought.. the picture of him touching, feeling, kissing another. Oh it hurt and it hurt bad, but you knew you had no right to be hurt. You had told what you told him earlier and the cards lay where they may.
“Feeling any better?” Their hands in his white jacket pocket, large hats already discarded Lucifer signed standing in the doorway observing your body language. “Did everything go ok at the hotel today? Did something happen?"Crossing the room over, he wrapped his arms around your waist nuzzling into your shoulder. You set your hands on his looking back at him. “No, I promise I'm ok just a long day, thank you for dinner”. You pressed a small kiss to his nose, pulling out of his grasp to finish undressing.
He retreated to a chair next to him, and beginning to remove his shoes he looked up at you, watching you remove your layers slowly. You eyed him in the mirror behind you. “What?” You lightly chuckled meeting his eyes. He shrugged “Just admiring my beautiful fiance is all” his eyes lowered, his forked snake tongue protruding to moisten his lips. You were so beautiful and sexy..neither of you had taken the plunge and fully made love yet, opting to take things slow, but Lucifer was growling impatient. His need to discover how delicious your nectar would truly be was starting to drive him mad. And watching you now undressing before him was torture, the elegant curve of your back, the sway of your hips.. the curls in your hair rippling down your back as you removed your hairpins.
You felt shy under his gaze, exposed and vulnerable. You very childishly felt guilty again. Your thoughts floated to Alastor, you had promised him no man would ever see this way but him. “Say it” his words were staggered, broken as he pumped into you “Say it. “I'm yours Alastor” Eyes rolled back fists clenching his scared tan skin “It's all for you I promise only for you” “Yes” his head scanned your face, clawed hands holding your cheeks so softly so tender “Only for me”.
Holding back the tears that had started to form in the corner of your eyes you pushed that memory away, You discreetly whipped your eyes hoping Lucifer wouldn't notice, you fake smiled back at him over your shoulder “You're so sweet, my king”. You crossed over to the drawer pulled out a nightgown and continued your undressing, you were used to his eyes now always watching and lingering over your body. He raised from his seat behind to undress and change himself.
You took the opportunity to retreat to the bathroom, you splashed some cold water on your face taking in deep breaths. You had to hold it together; this was your life now. Heading back towards the bedroom you hoped that Lucifer would be preoccupied with whatever new project he was currently interested in so you could get some sleep without any further explanation.
To your luck, though he was waiting on the bed for you arms outstretched, “Come here my dear cuddle with me” You crawled in next to him letting him engulf you in his embrace. “I know I sound like a broken record” his thumb lightly rubbing on your arm “but please talk to me when something is bothering you, let me try and help share your load”. You looked up at him and signed “I know and thank you I promise I'm ok for now, maybe a little stressed with all the projects going on at the hotel”. “Has Alastor been giving you trouble?”
The mention of his name was a sharp poker through your heart, you gripped your bottom lip between your teeth shaking your head side to side “Na uh”. Closing your eyes you attempted to drift off to sleep when you felt Lucifer move next to you, soon he was moving down the bed and you felt your nightgown slowly lifting, your eyes shot open “Luci? What are you doing?” He was adjusting himself by your thighs running a hand softly over them. “I know we agreed to take things slow but I wanted to try and make you feel better if you don't mind” his sly smile reaching his half-lidded eyes.
You didn't want him to eat you out, but you also knew if he was to be your husband you would have to get used to his touch. Lucifer wasn't a bad man, a cruel man or anything of the sort, he was on all counts a great man and a great choice of husband. Your body thought your body knew what and who you wanted, but once again you pushed that feeling down. “oh ah sure” you answered in a shaky voice holding your hands in a clasp by your torso. “Thank you” he chuckled “No need to thank me, love, I should be thankful for you allowing me to partake in such an enjoyable activity” he winked at you before spreading your legs slowly. He started to kiss up your leg slowly humming contently.
Despite your best efforts your mind began to wander to past experiences. “Such smooth soft skin my darling” Alastor was kissing and lightly sucking slowly pressing his nose into your leg as he crept up your leg. You squirmed happily, his touch was electrical, lighting up every part of you. His large clawed hands slowly pulled your legs apart, pressing his face into your womanhood and inhaling your sweet scent, “hmmm delicious”
You felt him hook a claw into the band of your panties pulling them down and off your legs, he hooked your legs over his shoulder, claws digging into your thighs, he smiled at you a smile like he had seen the most delectable dessert in his life. He licked a long deep stripe against your lower region causing you to gasp and grip the sheets. “Oh fuck, I love you” You felt him chuckle against your skin “I love you too my firefly” before diving back into your sweet juices.
“Wait! Wait wait I'm sorry” Your whole body seized in response to Lucifer’s hands slowing opening your lap, he froze and looked up with apologetic eyes, he sat back on his heels, “Oh Gods I'm so sorry, this was probably too soon I don't mean to rush you I'm ok waiting!” He pulled back your nightgown over your legs and crawled back to lay next to you, “Please forgive me we agreed to take things slow I just wanted to help make you feel better”. You ran your hands down your face, you felt guilty he shouldn't be apologizing to you, here he was trying to give you pleasure while you think of another man. “No don't be sorry I just I am really tired I'm not feeling up to it right now” You turned over and patted his arm “But thank you for wanting to truly Luci I think I just want to get some sleep”. He hooked his arm around you nesting into the pillows comfortably. “Ok my love, yeah it's time for bed for me too”. You both snuggled into the comfortable blankets and leaned on his chest, hearing the soft pitter patter of his heart and slow breath. Soon he passed out lightly snoring and content.
You however could not sleep. Peeling his arm off you, you slinked out of bed grabbed your robe and headed outside to the gardens. Sitting on a chair in the warm night air, you let the tears fall. “Oh Alastor”, you whispered to yourself “Oh how I miss you”. You held your face in your hands trying to muffle the sounds of your cries. You were so distracted you didn't notice the dark shadow appearing behind you and the tentacles slowly encasing your body"Hello my firefly".
Hope you all enjoyed reading! Please feel free to re-blog but not without credit ❤️
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rainiishowers · 9 months
Obey Me Incorrect Quotes
A/N: Can y'all believe I've done *checks notes* about 15 posts of this Anyways enjoy! :) ----- Satan: Real life should have a fucking search function, or something. Satan: I need my socks. ---
The gang responding to being stabbed by a sword MC: Rude. Belphegor: That's fair. Solomon: Not again. Mammon: Are you gonna want this back or can I keep it? ---
MC: I want to wake up with you every day for the rest of our lives. Beelzebub: I wake up at 4:30 AM every day to train. MC: I want to see you at some point every day for the rest of our lives.
Simeon: You look really stressed. Barbatos: Thanks, it’s the stress.
Mammon: *on the phone* Hey Lucifer, do you know my blood type? Lucifer: It's B-. Mammon: Oh, I guessed wrong. Excuse me, nurse! --- Diavolo: What are you talking about MC? You love it here! MC: I'm not sure I do, I think I've just developed Stockholm syndrome. --- Simeon: I have a plan. Barbatos: Good! As long as we aren’t breaking the law again, I’m open to hearing it. Simeon: … Barbatos: … Simeon: I no longer have a plan. --- Satan: My toxic trait is that I truly believe I could win a fight against anybody if I was mad enough. You might have the strength and size, but I have the pure, unfiltered rage. --- Beelzebub: Don’t stay up all night, Belphie. Last time you got this sleep-deprived, you tried to eat your own shirt.
Mammon: I am in charge of this disaster! MC: I have a name, you know. ---
Asmodeus: Look, I know we don’t always see eye to eye but— Mammon. jokingly: That's because your too short to do so. Asmodeus: …Listen here you fucking— ---
Barbatos: You’re charged with…..breaking into a pet store? Satan: I thought the cats might be lonely. ---
MC: Why don't humans have a specific noise that means "there are bees here, let's leave immediately." Why are elephants more advanced than us. Solomon: We do have a specific noise for it. It sounds like this: Solomon: "There are bees here, let's leave immediately." --- Lucifer: I haven’t slept in 72 hours… MC: I haven’t slept in 80!! Solomon: Ha! I haven’t slept in 90 hours, I’m aiming for an even 100. Simeon: What the fuck is wrong with you people? --- Raphael: State your name, rank, and intention. MC: MC, Therapist for the Avatars of Hell, fun. ---
Simeon walking into the kitchen and seeing all his limes peeled: Solomon. What did you do?? Solomon, sipping coffee happily: Peeled all the limes :) ---
Simeon: Oh, they left the bowl out? Luke: It says, “Take two pieces of candy.” Mammon: Nobody around though… Mammon grabs the entire bowl and runs off with it Simeon: NO—
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deanwithscissors · 1 year
Love In An Elevator - Part 1
Title: Home Sweet Home Timestamp
Pairing: Jensen X Reader
Word Count: 870
Warnings: Swearing, teasing, dirty talk, fingering, semi-public indecency
Summary: Jensen's due on stage in twenty minutes, the fans are waiting, but [Y/N]'s been riled up all morning and she's not going to wait a second longer to get what she wants. The fans will have to wait
A/N: i was honry af last night, idk why, but this came from it. there's gonna be a second part, but i just wanted to share this :) also i haven't written in months so be kind
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The ravenous fire bubbling inside her chest was insufferable, climbing her veins and rattling her bones with each thud of her foot to the floor. She tried to compose herself, using the bright blue lines on the carpet as a guide, like a plane coming in to land.
The devil swarmed her brain, overpowering her mind and corrupting her thoughts as hellfire gushed between her legs, triggering heart palpitations and sharp gasps for air to fill her struggling lungs as she willed herself to remain standing.
With taught shoulders and a puffed out chest [Y/N] shouted down the runway, her voice strained and tone urgent as she glared at the love of her life fifty feet ahead.
Even from this distance his broad rounded shoulders contrasted so delightfully against his narrow waist and tiny toosh. The crisp white shirt barely keeping his biceps in check and jeans unable to disguise his bowed legs which only excited her more.
Jensen twirled on his heels at the sound of her call, t-shirt hugging his toned stomach as he stood like a toddler with curved legs and twisted feet.
“C’mere, quickly,” she said, ushering him with a flick of her wrist.
Heat prickled her skin, sizzled her insides and forced her to bite her bottom lip as his hips swayed and long legs strode towards her. His enchanting beauty and flowing movement created a hectic whirlwind in the hallway and deep in her heart, not to mention the storm that was raging in her pants.
“Are you okay?”
“Come with me.” Her hand clasped his as she escorted them down the isolated hotel lobby, the final location and their heavenly destination vivid in her mind.
“[Y/N] I’ve not got time, I’ve gotta go,” he insisted. “What’s wrong?”
Halting mid step, her long hair whipped through the air as she faced him. The manicured finger prodding his chest advised him to back up.
Stumbling backwards into a cramped little elevator, mirror lining one wall, the remaining ones cold sheets of metal, his blazing green eyes were stuck on her.
“What’s wrong?” Stifling a sigh, [Y/N] aggressively forced his hand under her skirt and between her thighs, manipulating her thong to the side, she manoeuvred his fingers across her soaking slit.
Jensen’s legs buckled as he reached out to the wall for support, the cool shiny metal helping to contain his fever. A pathetic whine slipped between his lips as temptation entrapped his soul in a cage of pure exhilarating lust and his fingers drowned in her arousal.
“That’s what’s wrong Jensen. I’ve been like this all morning, waitin’ and waitin’, I can’t fuckin’ take it any longer. I need you. Right now.”
“Here?” His voice hit a few octaves higher than usual, his right brow reaching for the ceiling as he eyeballed the compact space.
“You’d love that huh? Fuckin’ me somewhere public, someone catchin’ us mid act. You get off on just the thought dont'cha?”
His fingers rolled over her aching folds as if exploring the deep blue sea blindfolded, this time a synchronised moan fell from both of them.
“I’ve not got time to be teased,” Jensen said fiercely. “I can’t go on stage hard.”
“Why? Not like you haven’t been before. Quite a few times if I remember correctly,” her voice was low and breathy, full of unfiltered need and want.
Despite being extremely aroused, a twinge of irritation flashed across his face, “That’s not funny.”
“It is to me. Hot too.”
“Look, I promise, as soon as I’m finished I’ll come straight up to the room okay? I’ll do anythin’ you want.”
“I want you now. I want your fingers deep inside me, hittin’ that beautiful sweet spot, your body crushin’ me against the wall, my dainty hand chokin’ your dick while you attack my tit with your mouth. I want you to make me moan, scream and beg, loud enough that someone hears and then they hide, spyin’ on us, watchin’ and gettin’ turned on as you make me cum on your fingers.”
His thoughts were stolen as intense arousal demanded all blood relocate to his crotch. He was rock solid and pulsing in his jeans, his bulge almost breaking the seams, his thick shaft and seeping head begging to escape and get wet, all while his restricted lungs pressed against the walls of his rib cage desperate for air.
“He’d cum in his pants if he seen you finish,” he scoffed with utter pride as he looked down at his petite girlfriend with fire in her eyes.
The tight white t-shirt she wore clung to her body, revealing the curves and bounce of her small breasts, her nipples like granite and breaking the smoothness of the material, taunting him to play and indulge in the pleasure she was offering.
“Want me to make you cum in yours?” she said, her hand covering his twitching dick like a blanket.
Jensen’s hips flinched as a small hiss squeezed between clenched teeth.
He couldn’t contain another slithery hiss when his well used and calloused hand engulfed her left breast entirely and kneaded her flesh with a hearty grip.
“No,” he growled, “I’m cumin’ inside you.”
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ly-art · 26 days
Chapter 22 of my Solavellan fic (very proud of the end)
So I'm updating my Solavellan chapter and I'm so proud of the end. I even gave it to my bf to read, and he's a big critic that ass, and he said he got goosebumps and loved it. I almost cried! I'll put a snippet beneath the link!❤️
That was the moment Amatisha saw red. Rage, pure and unfiltered, surged through her veins. Every nerve in her body ignited with the overwhelming desire to kill them both. Her hand burned, the Anchor flaring to life, its power a tempest that matched her fury. *Yes,* a voice whispered in her mind, dark and insidious. *Revenge. Justice. Death.* She didn’t care that this was just a vision. She would make it real. She would make them bleed. Her steps were slow, deliberate, her senses heightened to a razor-sharp edge. She could hear the blood flowing from the corpses, feel the heat of the lava that had scorched the cave. She knew she was being manipulated, but she didn’t care. When she felt the familiar surge of power trying to take control, she pushed it back, swatting it away like an annoying insect. *Nice try, asshole.* The presence snarled in frustration. "You foolish woman! You cannot use my power! You *need* me!" *Watch me,* she hissed back, her focus narrowing on June. Her fist clenched so hard that her nails punctured the skin, blood trickling down her palm. She moved with lethal precision, her body imbued with a power that felt both foreign and deeply familiar. With one well-aimed punch, she felt the satisfying crunch of bone as her fist collided with June's jaw, sending him flying across the cave. He crashed into the wall with a force that shook the ground. Sylaise screamed, a sound of pure rage and shock, as her lover groaned in pain. She turned to face Amatisha, but her eyes went right through her, unable to see the threat that had just struck. Amatisha grinned, a wicked, feral expression. *Can’t see me, huh?* She grabbed Sylaise by the throat, lifting her effortlessly as the goddess’s skin sizzled beneath her touch. "Who? What is this...? Why can’t I... see... you?" Sylaise’s voice was choked, her once-flaming eyes now wide with fear and confusion. "This... Fen'... Harel? No... but... he... Mythal..." Her words were disjointed, her power flickering, fading. "My power. Can't... use—" "That’s right," Amatisha growled, squeezing harder, the sound of Sylaise’s strangled gasps a twisted melody. "Worthless trash doesn’t deserve to live, right? So it’s only fair if I crush you to dust, too." Sylaise’s gaze suddenly sharpened, her eyes finally focusing on Amatisha as if her words had pulled her into focus. "You... who...?" But before Amatisha could answer, she felt a soft, gentle touch at her hand, a voice calling her back from the brink. "Come back, Amatisha." She looked at Sylaise one last time, her rage slowly ebbing as she heard June coughing, struggling to rise from the crater his body had made in the cave wall. "Lucky for you," she hissed, letting go of Sylaise, who crumpled to the ground like a broken doll. As she closed her eyes, she could still see the hatred and surprise in their eyes, the unspoken question that lingered in the air. *Who are you?* When she opened her eyes again, she was met with Solas's shocked face. She pulled away from him, breathing heavily, her body trembling with the aftershocks of the vision. A quick glance at her hand revealed the bandages had burned away, blood staining her skin—blood she knew wasn’t her own. Blood trickled from her nose, but she didn’t care. It was almost normal now. Solas’s eyes followed her gaze, his breath hitching. "How did this come to be? What did you see? Your hand was intact while I held it!" Amatisha’s rage still simmered beneath the surface, but she managed to grit out, "Sylaise and... June." Solas paled, his expression one of utter disbelief. "You saw two of the elven gods? What happened?" A grin tugged at her lips, grotesque and bloody. "I almost killed her. Seems like I’m capable of much more than we both thought." Solas took a step back, his voice trembling. "This is... impossible. By the gods, what are you?" His words, born of fear, struck a chord within her. She had never imagined Solas, of all people, could be afraid. Spitting out the blood pooling in her mouth, she looked him in the eye and replied, "A nightmare."
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So, I did a thing. *shrugs* Call it a fever dream or whatever BUT ITS TIME FOR VENGEANCE AGAINST ALL THE FANARTISTS WHO MAKE ME FEEL THINGS.
I have returned the favor. I hope y’all cry, or I didn’t do it right. 😈🙌🏼🔥
@funneylizzie I’m starting with you.
PS it’s written low key in stage directions because I may or may not comic it. Maybe. 😅😎👉🏼👉🏼
Based off of ROTTMNT Future Apocalypse: Enjoy
A Little Ninja’s Mission
Casey, the residential and most well loved 5 year old of the entire resistance base, wakes up in the middle of the night, hearing noises down the hall.
Being the ever brave little ninja that he is, Casey sneaks into the next room with his little hockey stick, trying to see who or what exactly has broken into their little underground sanctuary.
He’s surprised to see Adult Leo running through a series of exercises, progressively getting faster and more intense as the night continues.
Casey observes silently from the shadows, watching as Leo engages in battle over an invisible enemy, over and over again. With each swing of his katanas, the pure unfiltered rage burns in Leo’s eyes, causing little Casey to step back in fear at seeing his beloved sensei so unhinged.
When suddenly Leo stops and stands shakily on his feet, sweat dripping down his forehead, staring at something unseen before him. His katanas lower and the sound of haggard breathing can be heard.
Casey looks up in concern as his sensei suddenly drops to his knees, and the sound of wrenched weeping can be heard. Adult Leo drops his katanas with a clatter and curls into himself, the heels of his hands pressing into his eyes, as tears drip mournfully down his cheeks.
“I’m sorry…I’m s-so sorry…too late…always too late.”
Unsure on what to do when seeing his generally composed and confident sensei so shattered, Casey retreats back to his room, and stays awake for the rest of the night, unable to get the haunted look of Leo’s broken face out of his little head.
The next couple days, Casey doesn’t necessarily avoid Leo, but he does keep a watchful distance. He doesn’t talk with Leo when Leo tries to engage him with his teasing, but rather he pulls away to hide behind his mother, still observing Leo with a troubled little pout.
Leo notices, he has to. The safety of his little band of friends and family depends on his ability to quickly read and react to situations. However in his forever mental turmoil, Leo sadly believes that he deserves Casey’s shunning. He deserves all the pain. It’s his punishment for his failures, so he gives Casey his space and retreats further into himself.
His mother, observing Casey’s abnormal behavior, pulls him to the side one day and bluntly asks, lightly rapping Casey’s forehead.
“Ok, Squirt. What’s cooking in that noggin of yours? You've been avoiding Master Leonardo all week. Don’t think I haven’t noticed.”
Cassandra widens her eyes dramatically, and wiggles her fingers spookily.
“These momma eyes see everything.”
Casey looks at the floor, and remains silent. The slightly insolent behavior causes Cassandra to frown, her brows creasing in concern.
“Casey Jones. Look at me.” Cassandra says sternly. Casey only slightly shakes his head, a mirroring frown scrunching his tiny face.
Commander April O’Neil, who has been observing this interaction silently from the corner, pulls away from the wall and walks toward the Casey’s.
She smiles at Cassandra as if to say “I got this” and kneels down in front of tiny Casey, reaching out to ruffle his mess of black hair.
“Come on, Kiddo. Spill the beans.”
Little Casey’s hands tighten into fists, his shoulders start to tremble, but still he won’t look at April or his mom in the eyes. April rests a hand on his shoulder and prods gently.
“Casey…what’s wrong?”
A small sniffing can be heard, and Casey suddenly looks up, pleading in his eyes as he stares at Commander O’Neil and his Mom.
“Why is Master Leonardo so sad, Momma? Why does he cry by himself at night?”
April pulls her hand away in surprise and looks at Cassandra in shock. They both stare at each other for a moment, registering what that means, before Cassandra’s eyes lower and quietly says,
“So he’s doing it again...”
April pulls back slightly to massage the bridge of her nose with frustrated growl.
“I shouldn’t be surprised. He’s been so recluse these past couple of weeks. He’s acting almost like D-“ April stops herself and mournfully clears her throat before continuing, “His insomnia hasn’t been this bad since…since the accidents.”
She says with a small sigh. Little Casey looks up tearfully between April and his mom, confused at their reactions and reaches out to plaintively pull on Cassandra’s hand.
“Why is Master Leo sad, Momma? What’s wrong?!”
Cassandra looks at April, who smiles solemnly, and let’s out a sigh herself. She lowers herself to the ground and opens her arms to Casey. He immediately runs into them and wraps his arms around her middle, sniffing. Cassandra cradles Casey, pulling him close to her chest.
She’s silent for a minute, rocking her baby slowly before taking a deep breath and saying softly,
“Hey Squirt, you remember Slash? Your one favorite stuffed tortoise that you'd carry around with you everywhere? “
Little Casey stills at the name and shakes his head yes. Cassandra pulls back a little bit and lowers her forehead to his, making eye contact with him.
“Do you remember how sad you were when we lost him during our last evacuation? You cried for a lot of nights after that because you missed him. You loved him so much that it didn’t feel like home without him right?”
Cassandra doesn’t wait for Casey’s response before pulling back so she could rest her head on top of his, stroking his hair absently as she looks somewhere far into the distance.
“Master Leonardo is very sad right now because he lost some people very close to him. They were kinda like his Slashs.”
Casey is quiet for a minute, his little hands tightly grasping the cloak at his mother’s back. He turns upward slightly while listening to his mom before whispering quietly,
“His brothers?”
Cassandra’s hand freezes right above Casey’s head and she glances at Commander O’Neil who sits next to them, with the sheen of tears in the corner of her eyes.
Cassandra lets out a heavy sigh, her shoulders slumping, and she tightens her hold on Casey ever so slightly.
“Yes, some of Master Leonardo’s brothers. They’re not coming back, and he cries because he misses them. He misses them a lot, and he doesn’t feel at home without them.”
Little Casey chews on his mom’s words for a second before suddenly pulling back to look excitedly at his Mom.
“It’s sad that Master Leo doesn’t have all his brothers anymore, but … he has us doesn’t he? He doesn’t have to be without a home; w-we could be his family!
Tears well up in Cassandra’s eyes at the innocence in her son’s eyes, and she glances over at April who leaned forward to rustle Casey’s hair again. She grins, tears slowly rolling down her cheeks.
“You’re right, Kiddo. He does have us.”
Cassandra sniffs, refusing to show such uncontrolled emotion in front of her child, and leans forward to smirk at Casey.
“What do you say, Squirt? Do you think you could be our little ninja and help remind Master Leonardo that he isn’t alone?”
Casey looks up at his mom with an emphatic determined nod.
“You can count on me.”
Casey, determined to fulfill his ninja mission, prepares all the rest of the day. When night time finally approaches, Casey is shaking with anticipation. He was going to remind Master Leo tonight if it was the last thing he did!
He arms himself with the biggest blanket and the biggest stuffed animal that he had claimed after searching through the random boxes they had stored at the base.
The blanket was once a dark, rich, violet color but had now turned grey with all the dust and grime from constant travel. However if one looked hard enough, they could see the slight greyed-white markings of what looked to be scientifically formulas spread all across the blanket.
The stuffed animal was a faded pink teddy bear that had obviously seen better days. One of its button eyes was missing, and it had a shredded right arm that was barely holding on. There was a little tag on it’s rump with the letters R H smeared in red marker. It was almost as big as Casey was, and he had to struggle to pull it and the enormous blanket into the next room where he sat in wait for Master Leonardo to come.
It didn’t take long. Within the next couple minutes, Leo walks into the room, his steps heavy and slow. He leans against the wall, his chest rising and falling with shaky breaths. He has his eyes closed in a grimace, slowly hitting his head against the wall before schooling his face and reaching up to pull his two Katanas out of their sheathes on his back.
“Master Leo?”
Leo freezes at the sound of Casey’s little voice and whirls around brandishing his two Katanas in surprise.
“C-Casey? What are you doing here in the middle of the night?! Is everything alright?!”
Leo’s words slur together as his eyes frantically search for danger in the room, his katanas weaving to and fro with each jilted movement.
Casey flinches back at having Leo’s frenzied actions pointed at him. His feet stumble back, as he trips over the massive blanket that was pooled on the floor. He lands on his bum and looks up at Leo with wide eyes.
Leo pulls back sharply with an ache in his heart as he sees the slight fear in Casey’s eyes. He lets out a disheartened sigh and sheathes his katanas. Leo drops to one knee with a little side smile, and holds out his one normal hand in what he hopes is a nonthreatening manner.
“Hey there, Bud. What are you doing up so late? Did you have a bad dream?”
Casey just stares at Leo for a minute before remembering his purpose and quickly shakes his head. He scrambles to his feet and folds his arms with a stubborn frown, trying to look serious. Which honestly backfired because it makes his bottom lip stick out making him look unfairly adorable.
“Nuh uh. I’m here on a mission.”
Leo blinks in surprise, titling his head with a confused smile on his face.
Casey nods emphatically, and reaches down to pull the giant teddy bear and blanket into his arms. He staggers forward, straining with all his little might to try and reach Leo.
Leo watches with an amused smirk at Casey’s attempt to carry the heavy load for only a moment before deciding to take pity on him. He reaches forward to pluck the blanket and teddy bear from Casey’s arms and sits down with his back against the wall to place them in his lap.
Casey isn’t too far behind them. He immediately crawls onto Leo’s lap and flops heavily against him as only small dramatic children can do. The toll of staying up and dragging his weight causing Casey to get sleepy.
Leo chuckles and wraps one arm around Casey, lifting the stuffed animal to shake it him.
“And what little mission is that, Bud? To bring me this-“
Leo freezes as he gets a real good look at the stuffed animal, his eyes widening as he glances at the shredded arm, the one button eye and the all too familiar scrawl on tag. He recognizes this bear. Leo’s breath hitches. This…this was Raph’s teddy bear!
Leo stares at the teddy bear, not sure if he was seeing things clearly and then slowly back at Casey who watches him with concerned eyes.
“Casey…where did you get this?” Leo asks with a strangled voice.
Casey’s brows pull in worry at Leo’s pained voice. He starts hiccuping and leans forward to wrap his arms tightly around Leo’s middle.
“I don’t want you to be sad, Master Leo. I thought a stuffed animal would help you feel less lonely. I know my stuffies do. ”
Leo looks down at Casey in shock, trying to figure out if Casey knows what this teddy bear means. Who’s teddy bear this is, but his focus was elsewhere as Casey’s little body trembles slightly as he hugs Leo, tears slowly running down his face and onto Leo’s war dirty plastaron.
“You’re not alone, Master Leo. You never have been.”
Leo bites his lip at the words, and feels the all too familiar pain within his heart roar to life. He closes his eyes against the ache in his eyes that always precedes the tears.
Leo reaches down to pull the giant blanket around himself and little Casey’s shoulders to help ground himself. He stops only for a moment, glancing at the dusty violet fabric in his hand when he recognizes the markings on the blanket.
Leo has to bite back a broken laugh. Even with his brothers gone, they once again left physical reminders of their presence, reminding him that they were never really gone.
He curls protectively around Casey, hugging him closely to himself as he haggardly whispers the words,
“You’re right, Bud. Anatawa hitorijanai. I-…I’m not alone. We’re never alone. ”
They stay that way together for the rest of the night. Casey slowly relaxing as he falls asleep in the safety of the arms of his sensei, his lazy measured little breaths matching Leo’s slow drumming heartbeat.
And for the first time in a long time, Leo sleeps soundly through the whole night. His little guardian angel, his twin’s blanket and his big brother’s teddy bear, all tightly, tenderly wrapped up by his side.
Hope, as fragile and yet steadfast as she was, had been reignited.
Looks like the little ninja fulfilled his mission after all.
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hummingbird-hunter · 11 months
A lil creative writing snippet that spawned fully formed in my head and refused to leave until I wrote it down. Enjoy.
Content Warnings: mild violence, threats of murder, threats of necrophilia, toxic heteros, first person pov
/ / / / / /
"Oh, Madeleine!"
Aster's voice sounded almost playful as he walked down the halls toward me, a threat clear even before he said his next phrase.
"I am going to fucking kill you, Madeleine."
I remained where I stood, waiting for him to approach me. In a moment, his hand was around my throat, tightening painfully and slamming me backwards into the solid marble wall.
I looked down at him as he brought himself closer, our faces inches apart — not a usual occurrence, with us being roughly the same height, but right now my toes were barely touching the floor, with Aster's hand and the wall behind me being my only means of support.
"I am going to kill you and fuck your dead body", he breathed. I laughed — or tried to, with what oxygen I had had left.
"Is this supposed to be a threat, sir? With your words and how you're holding me, one might think you're professing your undying love for me."
His hand tightened around my throat and for a moment I was dangling in the air, before the back of my head collided with the marble once again.
"Where the fuck is my shield, Madeleine?", he all but growled, his voice losing whatever notes of playfulness still remained, leaving only pure, unfiltered rage in their stead.
Rage that was warranted, given that his little shield — the aegis, crown jewel of his little collection — was missing from its spot; a check in the long list of things that would evoke his ire, although not breaching the top five in its importance — which had meant he had not yet noticed the other ones. I wasn't about to ruin the surprise.
He was glaring at me, the question clearly not having been intended to be rhetorical. I had half a mind to answer, what's a shield? or, I've never seen a shield I'm my life, what's it look like, again?, just to prod him yet further.
"I have a feeling you're mad at me", I settled on.
"Oh, you have a feeling, really?" Aster's hold on me tightened yet again, the pressure on my throat bordering on unbearable; my vision darkening as his grip cut off my circulation along with the air. I didn't reach to remove it.
I could — probably — beat him in a fight if need be, but I had really hoped it won't come to that. There was too much at stake for me — for both of us.
Aster knew that just as well as me.
The pressure on my throat disappeared in an instant and I fell hard on my knees, gasping for air, blood rushing back to my head. I didn't bother standing up.
"I want my shield back by tomorrow, Madeleine."
I didn't look at him as he turned to walk away, clicking of his heels against the marble reverberating sharply in the hall.
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ffxvficrec · 9 days
by kalterna “He stood there for a moment, teeth gritted and chest heaving, but otherwise unmoving. So tense he could snap at any moment. No one dared to move – they all understood what this was. A rare ailment, fundamentally similar to confusion but so very different at the same time. Instead of muddled thoughts and jumbled senses, it gave the afflicted something else – something deeply primal, animalistic. Pure, unfiltered, rage.” Noctis is inflicted with rage during a fight. It's as lethal as it sounds. Words: 5615, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English Fandoms: Final Fantasy XV Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Categories: Gen Characters: Ignis Scientia , Noctis Lucis Caelum , Gladiolus Amicitia , Prompto Argentum Relationships: Gladiolus Amicitia & Prompto Argentum & Noctis Lucis Caelum & Ignis Scientia Additional Tags: Hurt/Comfort , Action , Worried Chocobros (Final Fantasy XV) , Hurt Noctis Lucis Caelum , Emotional Hurt/Comfort , Status Effects , Anger , Attempted Murder , emphasis on attempted , noct is a magnet for trouble
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emilythezeldafan · 3 months
DBDA Incorrect Quotes (FT. OCs)
(Incorrect Quote Generator ― Perchance)
Rowan Hayes: Can you be serious for five minutes? Charles Rowland: My record is four, but I think I can do it.
Charles Rowland: It's pretty cold outside.. wanna hold hands? We should stay close. Estelle Payne, blushing: Okay. Edwin Payne: It's fucking summer.
Edwin Payne: My heart is guarded but like… very poorly. The kind of guards that would let 3 kids in a trench coat into an R rated movie.
Edwin Payne: Charles Rowland! This soup is flaccid! Charles Rowland: LITERALLY WHAT THE FUCK DOES THIS MEAN?!
Edwin Payne: This is a very powerful artifact. You’d be messing with some forces we don’t fully understand. Rowan Hayes: That sounds like a dare to me. Edwin Payne: Oh my god.
Rowan Hayes: We’re playing Scrabble. It’s a nightmare. Charles Rowland: Scrabble? Scrabble’s brills. Rowan Hayes: Not when you’re playing with Edwin, it’s not, mate. He puts words like “ephemeral” and I put “dog.”
Estelle Payne: Now it's time for some witty back and forth banter. You go first. Rowan Hayes: sobbing Estelle Payne: Look, I'm not sure where to go with that.
Edwin Payne: Are you really planning to shoot the demon? Rowan Hayes: Don't worry, it's a holy gun. Edwin Payne: How so? Rowan Hayes: It makes holes.
Estelle Payne: Act natural. Edwin Payne: For this kind of situation, the most natural thing would be to panic, so technically I can panic. Estelle Payne: NO, that’s not what I meant! Act like it’s a normal day! Edwin Payne: My ‘normal’ days of late, consist of a lot of panic. Estelle Payne: Will you just cooperate? Edwin Payne: When a person is panicking, they are not apt to cooperate very well!
Edwin Payne: Bottling up negative emotions is bad for your health, so you shouldn't do it. (says you /aff) Estelle Payne: I know, that's why I bottle up all my emotions, both positive and negative, so it cancels out. Edwin Payne: Th-that's not how that works-
Rowan Hayes: hiding something in their coat I think we should adopt another kid! Estelle Payne: No. Rowan Hayes: Why not? Estelle Payne: Because when you say “kid”, you mean “cat”, and we already have fifteen of those. Rowan Hayes: unzips coat Sixteen.
Estelle Payne: I love making parties more interesting by telling strangers “I want you to know that I personally have no problem with you being here.”
Estelle Payne: I've got a weapon, and I'm… admittedly VERY afraid to use it!
Edwin Payne: The odds of this happening by coincidence are vanishingly small. Estelle Payne: I would say infinitesimally. Charles Rowland: And I'd say teenily-weenily. We all know words.
Rowan Hayes: My toxic trait is that I truly believe I could win a fight against anybody if I was mad enough. You might have the strength and size, but I have the pure, unfiltered rage.
Charles Rowland: I think I should be allowed on ghost hunter tv shows. Estelle Payne: I think that would be dangerous for the ghosts. (oh the irony)
Rowan Hayes: Hey, how are you doing today? Edwin Payne: Can we change the subject before I start crying?
Rowan Hayes: I'm so tired of this life. I want to be a roomba. I want knives taped to me. And I want to be set loose.
Rowan Hayes, to the Squad: If you’re happy and you know it, clap your hands! silence Rowan Hayes: Damn, y’all depressed as fuck! Charles Rowland: You didn’t clap either- Rowan Hayes: SHUT UP!
Crystal Palace: You either buckle down and do your work or you’ll end up at McDonalds. Niko Sasaki: We're going to McDonalds if I don't do my work? Crystal Palace: NO-
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evafhernee · 10 months
I present; 99 Castoff Incorrect Quotes. Don’t ask why
(Part 1) (Part 2 (This one)) (Part 3)
Rori: Don't worry, I have a permit.
Marina: ...This just says "I can do what I want"
Vector: I'd like to live through a week that's not a whole new verse of "We Didn't Start the Fire."
Marina: Tell me a little about yourself.
Frankie: I'd rather not, I really like this group.
Vector: Is stabbing someone immoral?
Rori: Not if they consent to it.
Arianna: Depends on who you’re stabbing.
Sage: YES??!!?
Frankie: Hey, Arianna! Did you know your my BFFLWYLION?
Arianna: What the hell is that supposed to mean?
Frankie: Best Friend For Life Whether You Like It Or Not.
Zera: Arianna! I thought you were dead!
Arianna: No, just in deep cover.
Zera: ...But it was an open casket.
Arianna: It was very deep.
Frankie: I've never encountered a problem that can't be solved by an spontaneous musical number.
Arianna: All of your existences are confusing.
The Squad: How so?
Arianna: Your presence is annoying, but the thought of anything bad happening to any of you upsets me.
Marina: Being half asleep and feeling someone gently plant a kiss on your forehead is one of the purest kinds of love in the world.
Rori: Unless you're home alone.
Arianna: Hey, quick question. How petty am I allowed to be?
Sage: Do you guys hear something?
Arianna: I hear the sound of you shutting the fuck up.
Arianna: So, you lied to me?
Frankie: That depends on how you define lying.
Arianna: Well, I define it as not telling the truth. How do you define it?
Frankie: Um, reclining your body in a horizontal position?
Frankie: Let's not Arianna this into a worse situation than it already is.
Arianna: Did you just use my name as a verb?
Sage: Coca Cola can remove rust from metal, imagine what it's doing to your body.
Rori: Pfff, getting rid of the rust, idiot.
Frankie: Hmm... I've been drinking soda and my body's rust free... not sure where you're getting your facts from...
The Squad is playing Minecraft together
Frankie: Ooh, a village! You know what that means!
Marina: Hostile takeover?
Arianna: Genocide?
Rori: Steal everything!
Frankie: No, I meant-
Sage: I didn't know we would fight the ender dragon this early! A village worth of beds isn't enough!
Frankie: ... I was going to say move into the village and become the mayors...
Sage: Ohhhh! That sounds like a better idea.
Vector: Agreed.
Marina: So jellyshish-
Rori, laughing: JELLYSHISH!?
Marina: You know what I meant!
Vector: I can't tell if you're a genius or just incredibly arrogant.
Arianna: Well, on a good day, I'm both.
Rori: Do you want some tea?
Arianna: What are the options?
Rori: Yes or no.
Arianna: Wait- Your arresting me because I'm a homo?!
Sage: ...Homicide. You killed your whole family.
Sage: Frankie, you look deep in thought. What's wrong?
Frankie: Did you know you can look at any object and know what it's like to lick it? Even if you've never touched it before?
Sage: I'm never asking you anything ever again.
Zera: How the hell are you still alive?
Arianna: Honestly, I'm just as confused as you are.
Arianna: I have a plan.
Marina: Good! As long as we aren't breaking the law again, I'm open to hearing it.
Arianna: ...
Marina: ...
Arianna: I no longer have a plan.
Frankie: Do you ever feel like exploding? Have you experienced the urge to enter the process of combustion? Has your mind created a logical idea, known as thought, to disperse your body into thousands of particles suddenly?
Marina: It's 3 am, please go back to sleep.
Arianna: My toxic trait is that I truly believe I could win a fight against anybody if I was mad enough. You might have the strength and size, but I have the pure, unfiltered rage.
Zera: You tricked me!
Arianna: I deceived you. 'Trick' makes it sound like we have a friendly relationship.
Frankie: Arianna is okay.
Sage: They're okay? They said they were going to break my legs! And don't tell me they didn't mean it, okay?! 'Cause they gave me the mackerel eyes, they meant it!
Frankie: Sage, Arianna threatened me. They threaten Rori every day. They probably threatened her before breakfast this morning. It's what they do. Grow a pair.
Vector: Are you good?
Arianna: In what sense?
Vector: Generally.
Arianna: Oh, definitely not.
Rori: I think it's time to start fucking some shit up.
Marina: Oh no.
Rori: More like "oh yes!"
Arianna: Why are you two always out during rainstorms?
Marina: It's so peaceful and refreshing. I love the smell of rain.
Frankie: Rori bet me I couldn't get struck by lighting, but they're WRONG.
Marina: My goal is not to be the best, but to inspire someone enough to one day surpass me.
Sage: That sounds like a terrible plan.
Frankie: Oh, we've had worse.
Arianna: I'm gonna kill you.
Rori: Get in line!
Vector: STOP!
Everyone stops
Vector: wAiT a MiNuTe-
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zukkaoru · 5 months
tachitanihigugin (or whatever their ship name is) + body
or, if you want platonic, platonic lucy & margaret + ignite
or, gin & chuuya + mollify (okay now i'm just having fun with the vocab words lol)
n e ways ilyyyyyy
tanitachigugin + body, post-doa arc, junichirou joins the pm
Tanizaki cancels out his ability as the body hits the ground with a thump. Tachihara’s heart is still hammering in his chest, and he can still feel the glass shard that was pressed against his throat mere milliseconds prior.
Slowly, he lifts his fingers to his neck. They come away red.
He looks to Tanizaki, expecting— He’s not sure what, exactly. Horror. Regret. Revulsion. He’s spent his first few months in the mafia going out of his way to avoid directly killing anyone. But the only thing showing in his expression is pure, unfiltered, rage.
(Eerily reminiscent of his reaction when Naomi was threatened.)
In the blink of an eye, Gin is standing across from him, placing themself between him and Tanizaki. Concern plagues their expression, but they remain silent as they look him over. They’re joined shortly by Higuchi, who fusses over him and scolds him for not being more careful until Gin calms her down.
Tachihara filters most of it out. He’s still staring at Tanizaki.
“What was that?” he asks.
Tanizaki frowns. He wipes the blood from his knife with the sleeve of his sweater. Gin and Higuchi turn their focus to him as well, but he doesn’t falter as he slips the weapon back into its sheath. “I was just doing my job. Don’t think about it too hard.”
“But you don’t kill people?” Higuchi points out, her voice tilting upwards and turning it into a question.
“I never said that.” Tanizaki turns his back to them. “I was taught to search for other ways to handle my enemies, but if someone I ca— if someone is in danger, I have no qualms doing what needs to be done. Now let’s get out of here before their backup arrives.”
lucy & margaret, no abilities college au
“Is this…really a good idea?”
“Yes!” Lucy tosses another crumbled paper into the fire. “I hated this class and I’m going to celebrate the end of the semester by burning everything.”
Margaret frowns. She picks up the one textbook Lucy hasn’t ripped apart yet and flips through it. “What if you end up needing this stuff? And didn’t you rent this one?”
“Oh! That copy is actually Mark’s.” Lucy plucks the book from Margaret’s hands, then rips out several pages and adds them to the fire as well. “I turned mine back in already.”
“…But Mark rented his too?”
Lucy grins. “Sounds like his problem, not mine. Now are you going to make s’mores with me or not?”
chuuya & gin (& tachi) post-doa arc
“Woah woah woah!” Chuuya places themself between Gin and Tachihara. With a simple touch to both of them, they’re held back by gravity. “What the hell is going on here?!”
Gin, expectedly, doesn’t answer. They simply glare past Chuuya at Tachihara. If looks could kill…
Chuuya grimaces, then turns and raises an eyebrow at Tachihara.
“Don’t look at me!” he exclaims. “I didn’t do anything!”
Chuuya bites back a sigh. They pinch the bridge of their nose, trying to figure out the best way to deal with this situation. Gin has been…hostile towards Tachihara ever since the revelation that he was working with the Hunting Dogs. Chuuya can hardly blame them, and if it were their choice, they would have had him executed long ago. But Chuuya isn’t going to fight this battle against Mori because they simply don’t care that much.
They have half a mind to just let the two of them go at each other.
But that will result in a lecture from both Mori and Kouyou, and Chuuya doesn’t have time for that.
Maybe they should just drag the two back to the Black Lizard office and make Hirotsu deal with this.
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scorching-earth · 5 months
the only thing that gave me interest. pt.2
Buddy’s eyes fluttered open. She one hundred percent expected to be on the cold hard floor of the room her mother put her in. yet the moment she woke up the ceiling was wood. “So it wasn't a dream…” Buddy said, she started to sit up slowly. Looking over at the walkie talkie Buddy grabbed it. ‘This will let me talk to Yuu.’ Buddy put the device to the side of her face. Pressing the button Buddy inhaled. 
Yuu’s eyes narrowed as he looked at Ace. “say that again.” Yuu asked with a very pissed expression. “I said you're a sucker, magicless, and a janitor! Your life must suck and now you're taking care of the dead weight student. who mined you isn't in any dorm since they never had the mirror look at them. Like what do you even bother at this point.” Ace said nonchalantly. Grim the cat who had made a ruckus not only in the Ramshackle Dorm but also at the entrance ceremony was now staining beside Yuu. “I’ll give you one more chance to take back what you said bastard. You can insult me all you want but you're not allowed to insult my patient.” Yuu said, taking a few steps towards Ace, Yuu towered over Ace. Yuu’s hands were in his pockets. “What do you mean, oh you mean the person who was in that crappy coffin. You know, I heard a rumor that the coffins you arrive in represent your personality. That must mean they have a shitty personality, just like the fur ball over there.” Ace said with a smug look on his face. Yuu had enough, he gave that asshole enough chances. Winding up a punch, Yuu was ready to rip this Ace a new one. That was until the walkie talkie alerted him to Buddy trying to talk with him. Yuu immediately changed his stance looking away from Ace Yuu took the walkie talkie from his pocket. 
“Meah how dare you insult me like that, that coffin wouldn't even touch my magnificence.” Grim said mad, Yuu ignored the insult all for the sake of Buddy. Putting the device to his ear he pressed the receiver button. “Yuu?” Buddy’s voice was a lot more static, and she sounded tired. Yuu was relieved though. “Buddy hay! Are you ok?” Yuu asked, worried. “You're real… I’m still here in this dream… it’s so good to hear you.” Buddy said with a sob. “Hey, it’s ok I’m helping you ok? Has Crowley come by?” Yuu asked. “Yah just before I started talking to you. He came in with paperwork. I've deduced that the money here has the same monetary value as yen. While I don’t use yen very much, I can still make plans for the school. Budgeting may be an issue since I don't know what half of these classes are” Buddy said in a slightly strained voice. “Oh that's good, is there anything else you need? Are you in good health?” Yuu asked. “Yah, I think I’ll be just fine… well uh talk to you soon?” Buddy said it was reassuring to hear from her. “Yah I have something to deal with as well… bye.” Yuu bid adieu. Yuu turned off the walkie talkie. Yuu turned to meet Ace’s face only for Ace to look horrified. “Bastard. You’ll pay for what you said.” Yuu said, grabbing Ace by his collar. “Yuu!” Crowley raced towards the teen and pulled Yuu off Ace. “What is wrong with you Yuu?!” Crowley asked in a very frustrated tone. “That bastard insulted Buddy!” Yuu yelled. “Who- who are you talking about?” Ace asked. “That “dead weight” is Buddy.” Yuu said, kicking towards Ace. “Yuu calm down, you're letting anger get the better of you.” Crowley said. Ace was relieved that Crowley was holding Yuu, because Ace would never forget the Expression Yuu gave him. Pure unfiltered rage, talking to this Buddy person made Yuu even more mad at Ace.
Crowley was told by a student about what happened. Yuu nearly punched Ace that was until Buddy called him. The problem was Grim then took over and tried to burn Ace. Ace had used his wind magic to redirect the fire. Unfortunately Ace burned the statue of the Queen of hearts. Crowley had just about enough. “All three of you will clean a hundred widows. Yuu you threatened one of the students, Grim you attacked one of the students, Ace you destroyed school property. These grave offenses will be absolved once you three clean the windows.” Crowley said letting go of Yuu, who had by now calmed down. “... you're not off the hook.” Yuu said, giving Ace a side eye. That side eye gave Ace chills. 
Buddy sighed as Crowley left. Buddy looked out the window. She fell out of her bed, Scrambling to the window Buddy’s eyes widened. “The sky is clear. Just like dad said.” Buddy spoke out loud. “Shouldn't you be resting?” someone asked Buddy. Buddy turned to meet the other person’s gaze. “Ah! Um, who are you?” Buddy asked. “Ah, where are my manners? I’m Cater Diamond.” Cater said. “Un Buddy. I’m Buddy.” Buddy said, rubbing the behind her head. “You should probably lay back down. you can look out the window all you want when you get better dear.” Cater said with a wink. “Oh uh… yah. I still have a bit more work to do.” Buddy said, pulling the covers on her legs. “Soooo… Whatcha doing?” Cater asked. “Ah! You haven't left?” Buddy asked. “Should I have?” Cater asked. “Probably, besides all I’m doing is accounting.” Buddy replyed "really the first day is for first years to understand the school. So to a third year like me can just do as I please." Cater explained. "Ah I see, unfortunately I don't know if I can go to this school. I don't remember having any level of magic before so I'll probably stay as the school's accountant for a bit." Buddy explained. A nod of silence passed before it was broken. "Ah so um you think your like that Yuu guy?" Cater asked. "Most likely, but I don't even want to go back. The sky is clear and the grass is green. It's even more beautiful then my father told me." Buddy said. "So uh do you have any other skills?" Cater asked, whatever Buddy was saying it probably had some sort of meaning behind it. Some sort of depressing meaning. "Oh I'm pretty good at tarot reading. If you want I can do a reading for you." Buddy said taking two deacks of cards out of there bag.
Buddy shuffled the cards together. "Now I need you to shuffle the cards. These cost me a fortune so please be careful with them." Buddy said handing over the cards. "Oh uh… why do I have to shuffle them though didn't you just shuffle them?" Cater asked. "I'm doing a reading for you. Call it personal touch you can even shuffle the cards you want to see. It's all your choice." Buddy said with a soft smile. "Ah ok I understand now." Cater said. He decided to do a flashy shuffle one that let him show off this skills. "Impressive. Ok now I need you to set the deck down and set one card above three others. Make sure there face down don't want to ruin any surprise." Buddy said instructing Cater on where to put the cards. "Like this? Cater asked. "Exactly like that. Ok I'll flip the one above the three cards here. This card represents you." Buddy said flipping the top card to reveal the four of pentacles. "Well this is an interesting card to pull." Buddy looked up to see Cater's expression. "Hm do you know anything about tarot cards?" Asked Buddy. Cater just looked away. "Playing cards are based off these cards you know." Buddy said placing a finger on the four of pentacles. "This card is the four of diamonds." Buddy said catching Cater's surprise. "If I'm reading this right you highly connected to the playing card the four of diamonds. This card represents financial security. Your family works in money." Buddy said as Cater's expression became that of bewilderment. "How did you know all that?" Cater asked. "The card told me." Buddy said like it was a fact. "I'm getting kind of nervous. So what exactly are the other cards meant to be?" Cater asked. Buddy flipped the first of the four cards. "The fool represents the beginning of something this is your past. Since school has just started up again your probably a bit stressed. I totally understand if you need to take time off, and relax since your now a third year people will probably look to your guidance. that's probably going to be a new feeling for you to deal with." Buddy said with pinpoint accuracy. "Ok you have to be doing something. There is no way you would know that." Cater said nervous.
"All I'm doing is reading the card. It tells me everything I need to know." Buddy said. Flipping over the next card. Buddy's expression dropped seeing it. The tower. "... This is your present what's going on now. Your going through a lot of turmoil and your views are being challenged. Something is destroying your life so to speak, or is it someone." Buddy asked. Cater's expression wasn't a happy one. "Someone is making a mess of what you believe in. There destroying what you worked so hard to build." Buddy finished, Buddy's hand hovered over the last card. "Hay before you flip the last card over tell me what spell your using." Cater asked. His expression was dead serious. Looking at Cater Buddy smiled. "I'll tell you after these events transpire, ok?" Buddy said flipping over the last card. The Knight of cups. "There's no need to worry. Someone will help you, so to speak a white knight will come and save you. Whoever is destroying your life will be stoped by maybe a close friend." Buddy said with a smile. "... Your telling me that I'm going need to be saved #lame." Cater said with a sigh. Buddy looked shocked at the use of hashtags. "Well if you don't like it change it. These aren't set in stone and you can always take charge if you don't want to be saved." Buddy said leaning back in the nurse bed. "I really do what to know what spell you used." Cater asked. 
"It's just outsider perspective. All I did was read the cards and tell you what they told me." Buddy said taking the cards form the reading and put them away. "I'll figure out what spell you used. When I find it I'll do a reading for you." Cater said. "Sure thing. I'll be waiting till then." Buddy said as Cater left the room. "he'll probably forget about this. Everyone dose." Buddy said taking a cigarette form the pack in her bag. She put one in her mouth, and lit it. "... All I did was look at the card and then look how you reacted. That Diamond on your face didn't help either. It's like you never even thought that I wasn't using magic." Buddy said with a sigh. Throwing the rest of the pack back in the bag. Exhaling Buddy looked out the window once more. "It really is beautiful." Buddy mudders. As minutes passed and Buddy fished work quickly. Having used the cigarette up Buddy panicked for a second on where to snuff it out. using the underside of the side table then dropping it behind the bed she felt a lot better after the smoke. Yet now she was left with nothing to do. Leaning back Buddy looked at the walkie talkie. Pressing the button on the device she waited, Nothing no pick up. Buddy wanted to cry Yuu had been so nice to her why wouldn't he pick up now? 
After several failed attempts at trying to call Yuu. Buddy was about to reach for another cigarette, but was interrupted by Crowley. "I've come to pick up the paperwork you filled out." Crowley said. "Uh um right here." Buddy headed over the small stack of papers over to Crowley. Crowley looked at the papers for a moment before looking back at Buddy. "These are very detailed. I'm shocked how much you were able to get done in such a short time." Crowley said. "I'm smart that's all." Buddy said bluntly. "Well you rest up now. We can't have your wounds getting worse." Crowley said. "Yuu wouldn't pick up my calls. Do you know why?" Buddy asked. Crowley's face became grim. "No he should have had it on at all times since he's just doing some janitorial work. I'll go check it out." Crowley said. "Please do I'm going to get some sleep now ok?" Buddy said, pulling the covers over her body. 
Crowley quickly walked out of the infirmary. Even though Yuu probably fished cleaning the windows but checking the cafeteria would be a good place to start. In Front of the doors to the cafeteria Crowley heard something "If the head mage finds out." Crowley quickly opened the doors to the cafeteria. "If I found out what?" Crowley said. The three students look like they have just been caught red handed. But Crowley was more concerned about the now broken Chandler. "What did you three do!" Crowley yelled. "Uh I'm so sorry headmage I'll pay for the damage." One deuce spade said. "With what money it took a billion madol to make it and it will take just as much to fix it!" Crowley said. "All four of you will be expelled!" The headmaster yelled. "Uh but I'm not a-" Yuu was cut off. "Quite Yuu did I not say that those walkie talkies were given so that Buddy could contact you whenever they needed something! Yet for some reason every time they tried to contact you, but you never picked up." Crowley said his hands on his hips. Yuu looked down in shame. “I… have no excuses. I turned it off so it wouldn't bother me.” Yuu said, biting his lip. “I’m sorely disappointed in you.” Crowley said his eyebrows furrowed. “Well. I’ll have to expel… you two your Ace Trapola. You with the dark hair. State your name.”Crowley demanded. The boy with dark hair looked down. “Deuce spade.” Deuce said. Crowley thought for a moment. “I will expel you both Yuu. while your services to the school have helped one of our students. I will have you leave the premises. you are no longer in employment.” Crowley said in a serious voice. Yuu fell to his knees. “God dammit... Crowley, plese, I’m begging you. Tell me how I can stay.” Yuu said his head to the floor. Ace, Deuce, and Grim looked shocked as Yuu was prostrated at Crowley’s feet. “Ah! What- what are you doing Yuu!” Crowley said, taking a step back. “Please I’ll do anything to keep taking care of Buddy until they make a full recovery. I’ll leave after their batter. Dammit man I’ll do anything.” Yuu said as tears streamed down his face. “Dude… uh yah headmage we want to stay.” Deuce said, looking a little nervous. Crowley looked at Yuu distressed. “Stand up Yuu. I’ll give you one chance to rectify this wrong. Get me a magestone. That was the most expensive part of the chandler. And with the budget Mx Buddy gave me there is enough for the reapers if we exclude the mage crystal.” Crowley said looking as Yuu got up. “Where can we find one?” Yuu asked. “Erp… man Yuu bounced back quickly.” Ace said. “Well I’ll give you till next morning. You can find a magestone at the dwarf mine, use the dark mirror to get there. I will not wait a minute sooner.” Crowley said walking out of the cafeteria.
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