4dfoundationef · 9 years
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4dfoundationef · 9 years
Jesse Laine
Section F
My project is inspired by two artists: Hennessy Youngman and the Yes Men. Both of these artists use satire and humor to approach issues in the world. I am making a statement through humor, just as they have. While my project may be more absurd than their works, I feel I am still emulating the use of humor as seen in their projects.
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4dfoundationef · 9 years
Danying Huang
Section F
This work was inspired by those videos about performance art we watched in the class. When I was making this video, I was thinking that humans can show audiences something through performance, and what about animal? So I made this work using cats as main characters. The background music is called “For the win“, but as we seen, the cats are sleeping. I’m trying to say that sleeping is necessary, and never work without sleeping. Enjoy sleeping, for our health, and for the win.
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4dfoundationef · 9 years
Kevin Doyle
Section F
The artwork that I related my project to was Duchamp’s “Fountain.” I chose this work for several reasons. I chose it because it is not a magnificent or elaborate piece, it is simply a urinal. Similarly, my piece is not a large display, it was rather simple, with only a few aspects. Additionally, the message of “Fountain” is very clear and straight-forward, as is mine. Moreover, I interpreted Dunchamp’s piece as a cometary on how art is perceived, and my project has conversation on how people are perceived.
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4dfoundationef · 9 years
Based off of “Semiotics of the Kitchen” by Martha Rosler. The original made me uncomfortable and I didn't like it so I made something else that made me uncomfortable. So it's basically going through the alphabet and the queer label that corresponds with the letter. I did not include everything, obviously, because of limited time and resources but also I ate quite a bit of the paint and got kinda sick. I also wanted the different methods of communication to the label's social visibility.
Halfway through the project I realized how awkward and ridiculous it was but it was too late, face paint is expensive, there was no going back. 
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4dfoundationef · 9 years
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4dfoundationef · 9 years
Ariana L. Robles
Section F
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4dfoundationef · 9 years
“year in review”
Ryan Van Vechten
Section F
For my final project I was inspired by Barnett Newman and color field painting. I love how color field paintings can represent a complex idea with such simplicity. Sometimes the idea behind the artwork may not be apparent to viewers, but can be interpreted in many ways. I decided to create an animation of a moon rotating a planet, and that planet making one full rotation around a sun. The animation begins with lots of bright colors symbolizing the new year. The orbit is filmed from many different angels. Although the camera angles differ a lot, most of the images look the same. This is to symbolize the idea that our planet does not change much from an outside perspective over the course of a year.
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4dfoundationef · 9 years
Jamie Palacios
Section F
Final Project
This work was inspired by Lucas Samaras Work on Mirror Room. I used the videos of women in front or surrounded by mirrors to show how their image is a performance. They don’t feel the same way they look and because of this they have identity crisis attempting to regain their image they conform to society by putting on a front. They put their face on on, to face the world but the process of doing so they have to watch themselves erase their identity. 
Featuring: Talia Hernandez in the film and assisting in some camera work. 
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4dfoundationef · 9 years
Virtual Museum Final Project - David Valdivia (Section E)
Download link: https://copy.com/aKhNdCauzFrPMkOg
This project was inspired by Robert Morris’ installation art of giant plywood structures. Another inspiration was old cave drawings, which turned this project into a kind of museum of time, where it shows old and new works. The reason that I made this in Unity 3D to show some aspects that virtual space can do that physical space could never do.
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4dfoundationef · 9 years
Section E Description: This work was inspired by glitch artists such as Rosa Menkman. I wanted to combined natural beauty with everyday things we do that have us forget that beauty. To create the glitch effects I used the program audacity.
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4dfoundationef · 9 years
“I am not amused” Jane Loughboro Section E
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4dfoundationef · 9 years
We aim to relate this short film with Flaherty’s Nanook of the North to college students’ lives. We demonstrate this by gathering personal clips of jubilant experiences to show that there’s more than academics happening in a research institute. From live performances to dancing in supermarkets it is essential to show care-free expressions in order to stay stable in the quarter system.  
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4dfoundationef · 9 years
Final Project
Aislynn Cetera
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4dfoundationef · 9 years
“Eye saw the Number!!” Game. - FINAL PROJECT Harrison Florencio Section E TA: Kristen Gillette 4D Foundations
Vimeo Link: https://vimeo.com/129650645 After Tra had shown various animations in class, it inspired me to get back into animating again. Furthermore, I created a game that requires the audience’s participation and full attention. Using some of Galloways concepts of gaming and various animation elements, everything fell into place and synergized exquisitely as planned. I used After Effects for the animation and Premiere for the sound and editing. 
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4dfoundationef · 9 years
Tumblr media
“How Things Were”
Lisa Durand
For my final project, I collaborated with David Durkin from section B to make a film based on Shel Silverstein’s poem, “The Perfect High.” I personally interpreted our film in relation to Matthew Barney’s “Cremaster 3: The Order.” To me, my work with David relates to the concept of ascension, a search for something greater than its current state. Since I was only involved in the filming of this project and not the editing, I extended my ideas about our film project to this short stop motion animation gif. My work in this project, in reference to William Kentridge’s stop motion technique, is meant to show a natural change in the way the world used to be and the journey of obtaining something of desire. Both of the assignments I worked on focus on the idea of acceptance of how things are or how things have changed.
Final Project
Section E
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4dfoundationef · 9 years
Marina Penate
Ryhtmic Video Montage
Section F
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