#<- normal response to a normal interaction i think
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sheerfreesia007 · 2 days ago
Colorful Strokes on a Canvas
Pairing: Hyunjin x Reader
Word count: 2,835
Content warnings: Fluff
Summary: Hyunjin is the handsome teacher’s assistant for your art class, you’ve had some small conversations with him here and there but when he finds out that you’re attending an exhibit at the local museum just like him he asks if you’d like to go together. The two of you get lost in the world of art and each other throughout the day together.
A/N: Divider was created by @bernardsbendystraws, thank you for sharing your dividers with tumblr!
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The art studio is lively with chatter and background music as you drag your piece of charcoal across your canvas in wide arcs and sharp lines. There’s students all over the place and you’re secluded in your corner just focusing on the creative thought that has popped into your head that needs to be brought to life in your sketchbook. You can hear the group of girls giggling and chatting with each other at the handful of easels next to you.
”Oh my god, do you see what he’s wearing today?” Asked one of them and your eyes darted over to her as you watched her lean towards her friends with excited sparkling eyes.
”Oh I know! He’s so hot! I mean he should be a model instead of a teaching assistant. Do you think he’d model for us?” Asked her friend and they all devolved into giggles which made you roll your eyes at them quietly. You knew they were talking about the new art teacher’s assistant Hyunjin, he had started as a teacher’s assistant this past semester and had been the talk of all the art students because of how handsome he was. He was tall and slender with lean muscle in his arms and legs, and the man knew how to dress himself well even if it was a little “nerdy” as you’ve heard some people mention about him. You hadn’t had much interaction with him since starting this class, only little talks here and there about whatever you were working on at the moment. Turning back to your sketchbook you chose to ignore the girls and focus on your artwork, you tilted your head to the side trying to get a better idea of how you want the picture to turn out.
”What if you made broader strokes on this side to make the profile stand out more.” Came a soft voice from over your hunched form as a hand reached out to tap the side of your sketchbook. Your response is immediate as you push back away from the desk you’re leaning over to get away from the unfamiliar hand as you yelp loudly. In your haste to get away from the hand you push back into the body behind you and nearly topple the two of you if it weren’t for his steadying stance as he slides one foot backwards to brace himself against your movement.
His laughter rings out loudly in the room and you blush brightly as everyone in the class turns to look at you as you look up at the man leaning over you from behind. Hyunjin leans over you still laughing with happy delight at your response to him. He grins at you as his laughter dies down and you feel the heat in your cheeks as you turn back to your sketchbook and try to get back to your drawing. His chuckle softly fills your ears before he’s pulling a chair close to yours and straddling it backwards while crossing his arms over the back of the chair effortlessly. You keep your eyes on your sketchbook as you silently try to ease the blush that’s still running rampant in your cheeks. 
“I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to scare you or embarrass you.” He said softly to you as he scooted his chair closer to yours. You turned your head towards him and pressed your lips together in a flat smile in acknowledgement of his apology. “So what made you choose charcoal today? Normally you use colored pencils in your sketchbook.” He asked curiously as he tilted his head to the side looking over at your sketchbook. You’re surprised that he’s noticed what art medium you prefer in class and what you normally use when you’re drawing in your sketchbook.
”Today was too much color for me so I felt the need to do grayscale.” You explained with a shrug of your shoulders.
”You mean like life was too colorful today?” He asked curiously and you nodded your head at his question. “Huh, interesting way to choose a preference.” He said softly and you nodded your head at him. You saw movement out of the corner of your eyes and noticed the group of girls at the easels all staring at you and Hyunjin. You dart your eyes back over to him and watch silently as his own eyes dart to the girls who all giggle before turning back to their easels. You can feel them stealing glances at the two of you knowing that their earlier conversation was about the man at your side.
”What do you hope to get out of your art degree?” Hyunjin suddenly asks you and you turn your head towards him quickly with a furrowed eyebrow.
”What do you mean?” You ask him curiously and he smiles softly when you turn fully towards him.
”Well you’re taking art classes here for this semester. Do you plan to pursue a career in art? Or is this just a hobby for you?” He asks curiously and you smile fondly as you turn back to your sketchbook gently tracing the edge of it before speaking up.
”I want to become an art curator while also creating artworks to sell in a gallery setting.” You explain to him and he nods his head quickly at your explanation. He suddenly then gasps softly as his eyes widen and he leans forward in the chair towards you.
”There’s a new art collection on display for the next few weeks at the local art museum. Have you heard about it? Maybe you should go, it could help you with your chosen career.” He said excitedly and you grinned at him while nodding your head.
”Already bought my ticket for this Saturday and I asked to have a meeting with one of the art curators at the museum that day too.” You told him just as excited as he was.
”Wait! Really? I’ve got a ticket for Saturday too! Do you want to go together? I won’t stay for the art curator meeting if you don’t want me to but I’d love to go see the collection with you and maybe get your take on it when we go see it.” He said eagerly and you smiled warmly at him before nodding your head.
”That’d be cool, it beats being lonely and going by myself.” You tell him kindly and he grins at you while nodding his head.
”Oh absolutely, I usually go to new collections by myself too but it’d be a lot of fun to go with you and discuss. You have my number from when I gave it to the class when I started?” he asked softly and you nodded your head at his question before furrowing your brow. “Good text me when you get to the museum on Saturday. I was planning on going at around nine. Maybe we can grab lunch afterwards if you’re up for it.” He says eagerly and you smile at his excitement, it seems to change his whole persona and you find it adorable. He’s just so excited to share an art experience with someone else and it shows in his sparkling eyes as he nods his head eagerly at you.
“I’d love that Hyunjin.” you tell him sweetly and his grin widens fully on his face as a soft pink blush dusts his cheeks at your words. He then nods his head quickly before he stumbles getting on the chair and sliding it back to its original place before he’s nodding his head again and then walking towards the front of the classroom still with a soft blush on his face. You bite your lip trying to curb the urge to laugh at his silly antics before you turn back to your drawing using broader strokes to show off the profile more.
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You’re looking down at your phone as you reach the front steps of the museum wondering if Hyunjin had texted you his location when you hear a voice calling out your name. Looking up you spot Hyunjin pushing off from the railing of the steps and hopping down the stairs towards you with a happy grin on his face. He’s wearing a long sleeved black sweater, a pair of well worn skinny blue jeans, his black hair is half tied up with his bangs framing his face and his ever present large round framed glasses; you’re speechless as you watch him hop down the steps towards you and feel your stomach heat with desire over how attractive and cozy he looks today.
“Hey!” he greets you happily and you beam up at him just as happy to see him.
“Good morning Hyunjin! Have you been waiting long?” you ask him worriedly and he quickly shakes his head at you as the two of you begin to climb the stairs together.
“No, I just got here about ten minutes ago. Got to people watch for a little bit before you got here.” he explained with a soft smile and you grin at him while nodding your head.
“Isn’t that the best? I love people watching and then using that as inspiration.” you tell him and he nods in agreement with you. 
When you both enter the museum you’re surprised by how busy it is today and Hyunjin moves closer to your side as his eyes widen with how crowded it is. You notice the slight downturn of his lips and the furrow in his brow, your hand is already reaching out and soon your hand has slipped into his and your fingers curl around his own slender ones. He jolts at the contact and looks down at your hands with wide eyes before slowly raising his head to stare at you as his lips part slightly.
“Sorry, is that too much? You just looked anxious about the crowd and I didn’t want to lose you.” you begin to explain shyly and start to pull your hand out of his but Hyunjin tightens his grip on your hand before he shakes his head quickly.
“No, no. This is perfect.” he says softly to you and you beam up at him before turning back to the crowd to find out where you both need to go to present your tickets for the exhibit. You spot a woman standing at the side of the front desk of the museum dressed in a navy blue pencil skirt, soft gray blouse and a navy blue blazer with a pin of the emblem of the museum displayed on her lapel.
“I think that’s one of the guides for the exhibit. Do you mind if I ask her about the art curator meeting real quick before we go through the exhibit?” you ask him softly and he shakes his head at you before gesturing his head towards her. You walk over to her still holding his hand and she smiles brightly at you as her eyes trail over first him with appreciation before turning to you, you notice her eyes catch on your connected hands and her smile falters a little bit. “Good morning, I have a scheduled meeting with an art curator in an hour. Would you happen to know where I’m supposed to meet with them by any chance?” you ask her kindly and she smiles at you while nodding her head.
“I’m the art curator you’re supposed to be meeting with, I wanted to see if I could catch you before you went into the exhibit since you had mentioned wanting to go through it. Do you mind if we do a small tour of the art department here before I leave you to go through the exhibit? I had a meeting with another museum founder pop up and needed to reschedule some things.” she explained and you frowned softly at her before Hyunjin tightened his hand in yours.
“I can walk the exhibit and wait for you to be done.” he said softly and the curator looked at him sharply for a moment before smiling softly.
“Your boyfriend can join us if that’s alright with the two of you.” she said easily as her eyes took him in again with interest. You opened your mouth to correct her but Hyunjin tugged you closer into his side and smiled warmly at her.
“That would be wonderful, thank you. I’d love to learn more about the career that she’s interested in.” Hyunjin said easily and you looked up at him confused before he smiled warmly at you and ducked down towards your ear. “I don’t like the way she’s looking at me. Save me.” he whispered into your ear and you frowned softly before nodding your head and gripping his hand a little tighter in yours causing him to smile and step closer to your side.
The hour long tour that you had with the art curator was amazing for you and Hyunjin, you were both able to see the art department for the museum and how they received the art pieces, upkept certain art pieces, and stored them. It was all so interesting to you and it made you more and more excited for the field that you chose to start a career in. When the hour was over the curator guided both of you back towards the main entrance of the museum and told you if either one of you wanted to come back for another tour to just give her a call as she handed you her business card.
“So, what did you think?” Hyunjin asks as the two of you move towards the new exhibit and present your tickets.
“Oh I loved it!” you said excitedly as you were ushered into the new exhibit. “It just made me more excited for the career. Showed me that I’m making a good choice in my future.” you said easily before frowning softly. “I’m sorry that she made you uncomfortable though.” you said with a look of concern and Hyunjin smiled at you while shaking his head, he reached out his hand and wiggled his fingers at you causing you to grin and quickly slip your hand into his intertwining your fingers.
“I had you at my side protecting me. She knew she didn’t have a chance with you there.” he whispered in your ear and you blushed brightly at his flirtatious words.
The two of you then spend hours walking through the exhibit examining each piece of work on display. You even make it into a little game pretending to be snobbish art enthusiasts as you critique each piece before dissolving into giggles together and then gushing about the artwork. You both lose track of time as you’re walking around enjoying your time together and the artwork on display. It’s only when you hear the announcement that the museum will be closing in twenty minutes over the loudspeaker that you turn to Hyunjin with wide eyes as he looks at you with the same look on his face.
“Did we spend the whole day in the museum?” you ask him in a faux outraged whisper that has him giggling delightedly as he bumps into your side playfully.
“I think we did. Damn, I didn’t even realize that it was getting so late.” he said bewildered as the two of you walked towards the exit together. “I’m starving, you hungry?” he asked as he turned to look at you as you both exited the museum. You stare at him silently wondering if he felt as at peace with your time together as you did, Hyunjin tilts his head to the side before smiling beautifully at you. He moves up the stairs back to you, he stands two steps below you and grins widely as he’s at eye level with you now. “I don’t want today to end to be honest. I want to spend more time with you, short fry.” he teases you and you roll your eyes at him playfully as he giggles. “I really enjoyed today. Really enjoyed being with you and spending time with you.” he said softly as his hands connected with yours and your fingers interlocked automatically. “I’d like to spend more time with you but you’re still a student in one of my classes until next month.” he said worriedly and you smiled softly at him.
“We can be friends for a month until I’m done with the class.” you say shyly and Hyunjin beams at you in relief and happiness. “I’d love to spend more time with you too Hyunjin. But I don’t want to put you in an uncomfortable position with your teaching. I can wait, I can be patient.” you tell him softly and he nods his head happily before he turns and begins dragging you down the stairs.
“Great! I know a quiet place that we can go for dinner.” he said excitedly over his shoulder causing you to laugh at him while you followed him down the stairs.
SKZ Taglist: @kayleefriedchicken, @babigriin, @inlovewithstraykids, @channiesrightasscheek, @kaiyaba
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joeloverture · 6 hours ago
whist i get what you are saying about confederate flag, why is it deemed completely okay to write about joel saying that he would have fucked his 15 year old daughter given the chance. this isn’t trying to be hateful, i’m just genuinely curious
okay hi! thank you for being sane about this and actually approaching from a place of wanting to widen your scope. id direct you to @whataperfectwasteoftime for more on the confederate flag stuff. they made a well developed post on that for a much more aggressive version of this ask.
im sure u can guess what’s under the cut so heed any triggers you may have and put u first.
i want to make something clear here that i previously haven’t. i don’t think this fic belonged on tumblr. it’s ambiguous in its TOS whether its actually a violation or not, but since tumblr operates in areas where writing csa is illegal, it was never meant to be here in the first place. ao3? sure. whatever. but this is stirring things up because it was in an unexpected place. tumblr has more rules whereas ao3 is the scarcely contained Wild West of fanfic.
furthermore — i wouldn’t say it’s completely okay. these things have nuance. i read the fic, because I saw something like this coming from down the road considering the fandom climate. i do think the fic was stylistically written in a way that was self aware of the characters mutual destruction of each other. i also think it was intentionally inflammatory in some ways. however, everything was adequately tagged. people were free to move on if it caused discomfort, which i also want to make clear is a normal feeling. whether it be interacting with eroticized fanfiction or fiction in general, it is an inherently uncomfortable feeling sometimes! it’s up to us to determine what agitates our personal limits. i don’t think others should be held responsible for our consumption. what joel said in that fic was repulsive. it was meant to be! i also want to reiterate here that darkfic isn’t for me. dark fiction, though? that’s my shit — and i don’t mean dark romance or a little life, but the same theory can apply to those.
if we begin to crack down on eroticized fanfiction, the terminology they use will bleed into other areas of literature. suddenly the language used to describe a minor in an erotic work (and trust me, the thought of this does nauseate me — emphasis on this not being for me) is forbidden in a work that is raising awareness or telling a story. these may seem like far jumps, but loopholes like this exist everywhere in the law. it is why worries about rights to privacy emerged during roe v wade. especially with the right, famously laden with pedos and their enablers, they will pretend to be protecting people by silencing any dubious erotic work, then trans and queer voices (notice how they are constantly called pedos), and then real csa stories will be suppressed so they can get away with more.
id direct you to a pending law in tx, in which any obscene depiction of a minor or someone who looks like one. (senate bill 20)
big win, right?
nope. it’s far too up to interpretation at the prosecutorial level. scotus actually deemed this unconstitutional in 2003.
it is legal to marry a child in texas. these lawmakers use fiction as their scapegoat to avoid the moral consequences of actions they participate in. laws like this may start at the level of, say, anime or manga. but it very rapidly will spread to appropriate television, art, etc that depicts trans and queer people. and even beyond that.
i worry where this goes. if we don’t speak up now, who will speak up for us when they come for us? because they will.
additionally, fiction ≠ reality. this is an important distinction. fiction can be a powerful tool to explore what we fear, what we have experienced, and what we wish would happen. i cannot police what others do. only what i write and how i respond to their words.
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anotherrosesthatfell · 1 day ago
It feels like surprise ending isn't a good ending for Palette. He had to take care of the Kingdom and merge it together within 5 years. That's not easy considering humans and mystical creatures relationship have been strained for hundreds of years.
Drop too, he lost his little sister. The one who remembers everything like him. Dream? He reincarnated and don't remember Palette, Angst? He reincarnated too right? As that kid Dream's new life adopted. I am not sure if he remembers but if he does and doesn't bother to find Palette... That's just plain depressing.
Drop just left. She do left with words but that's only because Palette stumbled across her after a year not seeing each other... She was planning to leave without a word, isn't she?
Merciless, he said he never apologize properly. Does he even apologize to Palette? If he doesn't apologize to Drop, who he had cut her arm... I don't see he find himself needing to apologize to Palette. After all he don't remember the timelines but he still was a part of Lux's plan to get rid of Palette. Drop have every right to leave this horrible place but Palette? He don't get a choice does he?
Nobody want to stay around people who abused them but Palette, he can't do that. He has responsibilities. Fixing everything that corrupted nightmare had done before. So he stuck around, maybe he gave Lux a house and new place to live but I have the feelings it was far away from the kingdom or now we called it empire in surprise ending. He couldn't bear to look at her innocent face knowing the fact before she reverted back to her normal self, she killed him so many times.... Palette didn't get an apologize at all and he never ask for it because they don't remember like him...
Goth and Palette, I'm sorry I don't think they'll work. They are cute but think about it, Palette had to suffer in the hand of a clone that looks like Goth. That very clothes sided with Lux before and made Palette a living hell... At least I know it took them 10 years to finally marry and the fact surprise ending is the only universe they're happy with each other which implied good ending doesn't...
Maybe he has Sora now as his 'real' dad but Palette doesn't think otherwise. Barely interaction of them and Palette when he sense Dream's aura as he was reincarnated. He missed Dream, not Sora. They don't have the best relationship I'm aware but I think Palette knew how much Dream cares. The treasure room where the safe code is Palette's birthday, Dream thought of Palette in the book lore that he was worried of his son mental health and only want the best for him.
Dream knew Palette won't be happy to be a king. Look at him, he wasn't happy too. That's why he wanted to let Lux become a Queen in the past because unlike Palette, Lux is seen to have strong mind and does her duty properly. Palette wasn't able to do that...
He lost Nim forever. His little sister and Angst cut contacts and gone for good. Lux and Merciless don't remember the timelines and happily live with their children. Sora and Hope do their own things. Ink is not around because she finally prioritize her needs.
Everyone around him have happy endings. All except for him.
So tell me, is this really a happy ending for Palette?
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... No it's not a happy ending for him yeah. Tbh I already expected someone to point it out but wow an essay of this... I didn't expect that one.
I couldn't rewrite the surprise ending anymore as what more to write? Unless if surprise ending in sunflower in full bloom, yeah that's happy ending for Palette. Just... Not in original sadly. Reality hits hard wow.
Also... Yeah Angst reincarnation does remember Palette...- I was planning to make a chapter about him and Drop meeting then these two meet Palette but another idea popped in that Angst thought Palette doesn't want to meet him
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artarete · 2 days ago
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trying to figure out relationships between the bishops and disciples (and the lamb) lmao. teeny tiny text under the cut, clockwise starting from Narinder
Narinder -> chained (hate) -> Kallamar Kallamar -> misses (like) -> Narinder
Narinder -> chained (hate) -> Shamura Shamura -> loves all their sibs (love) -> Narinder
Narinder <- creepy (neutral) -> Sozo
Narinder <- completely devoted but will never, ever admit it (lie) (love) -> Lambert
Narinder -> normal (like) -> Mabel Mabel -> politely avoids (neutral) -> Narinder
Narinder <- don't know how to interact in new context (neutral) -> Anja
Kallamar -> scared (like) -> Shamura Shamura -> loves all their sibs (love) -> Kallamar
Kallamar -> smart (like) -> Sozo Sozo -> unnerved (neutral) -> Kallamar
Kallamar -> wary (neutral) -> Lambert Lambert -> killed me but pathetic (neutral) -> Kallamar
Kallamar -> listens to infodumps (like) -> Anja Anja -> pathetic wet lump of a man (like) -> Kallamar
Kallamar <- annoying brother (like) -> Leshy
Shamura <- good chat (like) -> Sozo
Shamura <- killed me (hate) -> Lambert
Shamura -> doesn't know she exists (neutral) -> Mabel Mabel -> loyal to Anja (hate) -> Shamura
Shamura -> on sight (hate) -> Anja Anja -> wants knowledge (neutral) -> Shamura
Sozo -> coworker (neutral) -> Mabel Mabel -> kinda weird (neutral) -> Sozo
Sozo <- good chat (like) -> Anja
Sozo <- beefing over mushrooms (hate) -> Heket
(the text next to Gretygre says "he has friends, I swear")
Gretygre -> adores (love) -> Lambert Lambert -> not making that mistake again (neutral) -> Gretygre
Gretygre -> cute (like) -> Mabel Mabel -> he's fine (neutral) -> Gretygre
Gretygre <- coworkers (neutral) -> Anja
Lambert <- killed me (hate) -> Leshy
Lambert <- killed me (hate) -> Heket
Mabel <- BFFs (literally) (like) -> Anja
Mabel <- forced proximity due to Anja (neutral) -> Leshy
Mabel -> responsibility (neutral) -> Heket Heket -> just needs to grow a spine (like) -> Mabel
Anja -> needed a shake-up (like) -> Leshy Leshy -> gleefully corrupting influence (love) -> Anja
Anja <- tolerating for Leshy's sake (hate) -> Heket
I think that's everyone!
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sarakielsbreath · 3 days ago
People have been wanting to hear me expand on this and the unfortunate thing is that I’m not able to make a whole essay on this. My response is probably going to be disappointing. (And yes, I know how this observation sounds coming from an Angelkin.)
But the biggest observation I have here is that the alterhuman community tends to treat humans as if they’ve committed original sin.
The separation between humanity and nature is BIG in Genesis. (And while I’m talking specifically about Christianity, this applies to all religions that utilize Genesis.) According to Genesis, humans were given dominion over nature. Directly placed above it. Whether this is to utilize nature as they see fit, or to be caretakers of it, depends on the interpretation. It’s most common in Christianity, especially Evangelical Christianity, to interpret it as the rights to plunder mature for resources. (I could go on a whole spiel about how cultural Christianity has influenced the environmentalist movement, but I’ll restrain myself.)
When the apple was eaten, Adam and Eve were banished from the garden of Eden, but they still retained dominion over nature.
Of course, reality is a lot more complicated than how Christianity portrays it. Humans are animals, the same as any other, acting out their natural behaviors as builders and thinkers. They’re as much a part of “nature” as any fox or wolf or deer, to name some common theriotypes. Humans are an essential part of the ecosystem around the world.
But the alterhuman community at large hasn’t really caught up to that. Humans as a whole are called evil, are continually separated from the sinless, wrongless animals.
The ideologies of Christianity and capitalism are, by and large, equated with human nature in the alterhuman community. Not only are humans uniquely capable of wrong and evil (unlike us pure and innocent victimized nonhumans, WE were born redeemed and guiltless of humanity’s sins), everything would also be better if humans were GONE (something I’ve seen people say on here) or they need nonhumans to teach them to care about the world around them beyond themselves (something I’ve ALSO seen said).
And here’s where we get controversial: the idea of “alterhuman” is… incredibly culturally Christian.
The definition is based on “common societal ideas of humanity”, but kinda… neglects to define which society? And so, as a primarily white and western online community, that “common societal idea” ends up being… the white, Christian, capitalist one.
Western, white, capitalist, Christian ideas of humanity tend to be extremely… limited, mostly for the sake of punishing anyone who steps outside of that box. There’s a very rigid definition of human, and that’s that. “Alterhuman” as a term refuses to challenge that whatsoever.
Your neurodiversity makes you struggle to identify with this tiny, rigid box? Well that’s an *alternate* experience of/to humanity, my friend! No need to challenge cultural ideas of what “humanity” is or means. No need to look too closely at taking neurodiversity out of the “normal human” box, that doesn’t have implications at all. Not being human is a good thing, right? Humans are awful.
Don’t entirely identify with the human body? Well that’s because you’re experiencing an *alternate* form of humanity! Don’t look too closely at disability rights or how many humans get extensive body mods.
Don’t look too closely at how these ideas of “standard” humanity interact with other cultures. Anything that white culture, Christian culture, capitalist culture pushes back against and punishes isn’t a human experience. It’s *alternative* to humanity. You’re being punished or alienated because you’re nonhuman, and definitely not because we’re trapped in an incredibly restrictive culture that gets real financial and martial power from deciding what a “normal” human experience is.
Stop treating humans like they’re uniquely capable of harm and evil. Maybe take some time to think about why you reject the idea of having humanity so hard. Maybe take some time to think about how many experiences are being labeled “alternative” to humanity, as opposed to something humans *can just do.*
Maybe take some time to realize that the alterhuman community isn’t always quite as countercultural as we’d like to think. Sometimes we *reinforce* the current culture without meaning to.
The alterhuman and otherkin communities are heavily influenced by cultural Christianity but most people aren’t ready to hear that
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wuntrum · 2 years ago
social anxiety at the post office has escalated to the point of having dreams where i go to drop off packages at the post office and they tell me i can't drop off that many at a time and i've been doing it wrong this whole time. 😭
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gunstellations · 1 year ago
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its shadow's turn now
(the thrilling conclusion to this post, he never really hated it)
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basu-shokikita · 4 days ago
on principle i fail to see the point in DNIs cause so often it's the same people that have a DNI interacting with the people their DNI is alluding to lol. but when it comes to singular posts having a DNI i'm like. are you a control freak? why do you care about what the stranger pressing like or reblog on a post you made is into. like how does that influence your online experience whatsoever. also why do you think said stranger is gonna respect the warning you just wrote. why do you think people online are on the same wavelength as you are when it comes to social etiquette. but most of it all, why does it matter
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fbfh · 1 month ago
do you still write for jj?
ooooh not only do I write for JJ but I kiss you on both cheeks for giving me an excuse to talk about one of my favorite obscure JJ thoughts. JJ x ballerina!reader (gn so technically ballet dancer reader, but you do dance pointe and in a more feminine style in pas de deux so do with that what you will)
They thought you were a kook for the first few summers since you clearly went to school off the island. It turns out you're not, you're just a scholarship kid to whatever fancy school you go to (something that Pope LOVES to pick your brain about since he's dying for a scholarship to his dream college)
at some point or another, there's a hurricane. you end up sticking it out with the other pogues. that's when they notice how... weirdly flexible you are. especially JJ. mostly JJ. it started off small, with you stretching a little while you guys are hanging out in the aftermath since the day after a hurricane is always a free day. JJ looked away from you for like two seconds and you just fuckin... dropped into a perfect split. he's surprised by this obviously, but he's more surprised when you seamlessly shift to a split on the other side, then a center split, bending and moving with impossibly flexibility. then a moment later, you're asking him "hey can you grab my leg?" as you stand up and stretch into a scorpion/needle pose. soon you're dragging him out of the room to "help you with something else." he FULLY thinks yall are about to hook up, but instead you put on this beautiful, artsy, erratic piano music, kick off your sandals or sneakers or whatever, and begin moving like a fucking vision.
you're rambling to him while you dance like it's nothing, but his jaw is on the fucking floor.
"This is the solo I learned last semester," you chuckle while spinning like a little figurine atop a music box, or something in a snow globe, or... wherever else he's seen ballerinas in passing before.
"If I'm rusty by the time I get back, Miss Raine will kill me." you chuckle playfully.
after a few moments, you finish, posed delicately on the ground. you look up at him, your cheeks flushed, your eyes glistening with mirth.
"holy fucking shit," he exclaims, making you blush. "goddamn, princess, that-"
he trails off with a disbelieving chuckle.
"That was fuckin' incredible," he says with a breathy laugh, then nudges you playfully, looking at you more closely like he must have missed something all those times he looked at you and never saw this magical ballet fairy hiding inside you. "you've been holdin' out on me." he teases.
"okay, okay, here's where I need your help." you begin, trying not to get too distracted. you reach out and grab his wrist, holding out his left arm palm up. "I'm gonna run at you like this-"
you demonstrate, taking a step forward. his attention is locked onto you even harder from the moment you grab his arm.
"And kinda... kick my leg around," you do just that, so you're twisted around and facing away from him. he lets out a little noise of surprise. you know it must seem convoluted and ridiculous, but you really need help practicing this lift.
"I need you to wrap your arm around me like this," you say, bending forward with one leg extended behind you, the other supporting you, so your stomach rests on his bicep and his hand holds the small of your back. "And then place your other hand right on my ribcage here."
"oh, my hand will be wherever you want it, cupcake." he says, making you roll your eyes at the (only half joking) innuendo.
"okay." you say, taking a step back. "you ready?"
the first few times you walk through it together are clumsy and slow, a mess of limbs and giggles, but eventually you get it. you call your friends in to show them the bluebird lift you've been working on, even having successfully taught JJ how to lower you and do a few basic steps with you to conclude. you both get through it unscathed, and your friends reactions are very similar to JJ (with only slightly less innuendo and teasing from John B and Pope), and as JJ giggles and demands you come at him so he can lift you again, you start to see a lot of potential in him.
maybe, just maybe, you can shape that potential a little more over the summer. your ballet academy always has scholarships for boys available since they're always in demand in the performing arts. you think there might just be a chance for JJ to do a lot more lifts with you.
#drabbles#outer banks#outer banks x reader#outer banks drabbles#JJ maybank#JJ maybank x reader#JJ maybank drabbles#ballet!JJ#THIS IS MY FAVORITE BRAIN ROT AU IVE NEVER HAD A CHANCE TO TALK ABOUT#ITS SO WEIRD AND SPECIFIC BUT AUUGUGHHHH BALLET!JJ JUST HITS DIFFERENT#ITS GIVING SKATER BOY BY AVRIL LEVIGNE BUT INSTEAD ITS YOU WERE A CLASSICALLY TRAINED BALLERINA/HE WAS A SURFER TURNED BALLET DANCER#CAN I MAKE IT ANYMORE OBVIOUSSSSS#also I have an ex friend who is HORRIBLE at singing (I normally never say that about people but she gave me nothing to speak kindly about)#and she was obsessed with that song#I didn't love skater boy by avril (also genuinely surprised I only got one letter wrong in her name before) by avril lavigne before#but after knowing this person I wanna puke a little whenever I think of it bc I can only hear it in a voice that I can only describe as#the scene from the family guy sherlock holmes episode where the dead bodys organs are replaced with bagpipes and sewn back up#and brian and stewie jump on the stomach and play that one song#toxic ex friend used to sound like she had bagpipes in her stomach and was being weakly and erratically punched by a fatigued amateur boxer#every fucking time she would sing#HORRIBLE breath control. nasally. horrible diction. could not stay on key or on tempo to save her life#so yeah anyway#doubt she'll ever see this much less read these tags but girl if you do??? no you didn't. do not fuckin interact w me girlfriend#and yes this is the same bitch I had to block on ALL social media platforms INCLUDING youtube pinterest gmail kakaotalk and several others#I tried to block her on spotify but unfortunately you cannot block people on spotify (last I checked)#anyway enjoy ballet!jj and this bizarre and vague borderline trauma dump lol#to quote that line from fiddler on the roof “may god bless and keep the czar far away from us”#relieved to say she is not my circus and ergo I am not responsible for any related monkeys
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fromtheseventhhell · 4 months ago
Remember George's outline notes that had "joy of giving" and "mercy at the gate" for Arya? Mercy is crossed out and we obviously have that as her sample chapter, so what if Arya's next alias is "Joy"? Over-thinking the significance of that phrase and how it could apply to the rest of her Braavos arc🤔
#arya stark#asoiaf#something something /joy of giving/ could align with /all men must serve/ and Arya's apprenticeship with the courtesans#Arya learns more about courtly manners and becomes more comfortable with engaging in highborn spaces#while becoming more privy to Braavosi politics and how that connects to her responsibilities/identity as a Stark#when I imagine Arya reclaiming her identity I imagine it coming with her acceptance of even the /hard/ parts of her identity#I think Ned's words about /summer games/ and growing up will be incredibly relevant to her here#her reclaiming her identity while ignoring the /Lady/ aspect of it makes no sense...especially considering how often we're reminded of it#literally every time she reveals her identity it comes with people acknowledging her highborn status#one thing that makes me wish we had on-page Cat/Arya interactions cause I think her twow arc will be heavy on remembering Ned's words 😭#imagine her reuniting with Jeyne before she knows Bran+Rickon are alive and deciding to reclaim her identity at the unmasking festival#I have a pet theory that she could end up /taking responsibility/ for Jeyne's marriage to Ramsay in order to offer some protection to Jeyne#I think it fits considering she has a very protective nature and could feel guilty since she had the opportunity to reveal herself to Roose#basically I want the reclamation of her identity to be incredibly personal and about her feelings + values#which is why I like to imagine it happening before she's aware rickon+bran are alive but after she gets news that Jon is dead#I want her motivation to return home to be primarily about her internal development while outside factors are supporting#/need/ Arya exploring and accepting her identity in her own way#deciding to be Arya while her family is lost to her and that identity is connected to an unwanted marriage would feel so significant#(and yes it was Jeyne that was married to Ramsay but it was Arya's name used and it's still (partially) about/will impact her)#anyways I think about Arya's Braavosi arc a normal about can you tell? 😀#one day I won't put the majority of my post in the tags but today is not that day#I definitely thought too hard about this though that's why I have to hide it lol
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meowsticmarvels · 3 months ago
the concept of delta engineering the decision game so he and phi can be born is kinda funny he's like ok so i have to worsen my parents' existing ptsd so me and my Stupid ass sister I Guess will be born witj magic powers and shes also gonna have worsened ptsd as a result. this is a Necessary evil Life is Simply Unfair :/
#zero escape#ztd#zero time dilemma#ztd spoilers#zero escape delta#zero escape phi#this is a draft i had from like. august i need to post more of my drafts i kinda cooked?#but fucking help me. its so funny#like i know he has to do it but based on how he and phi interact i know he does not give a shit about her#in the last few minutes of ztd they HAAATE eachother in response to phi being pissed about being used for this whole thing he literally is#like 'does that make you angry#in the most condescending tone ever#like Are you mad? Are you seething? You have fallen into my trap dear sister#being real + unrelated to post: i kinda wish they had more of an actual dynamic/some interaction. or like delta had more of An Opinion on#phi rather than just He dgaf. like bestie she's patient zero for YOUR virus. and he's also the guy who started a cult with clones of his#dead adoptive brother out of grief. you would think that guy would care a little more about having a secret long lost twin sister#even if he just fucking hated her and had beef with her i think that would be more interesting. and really funny. or maybe he pities her#but no his characterization is just Evil Complex Motives Old Guy. whereee is the moral greyness of zero like sigma or akane.....#on the topic of him singling out phi though for the line i mentioned i wanna say towards everyone else he responds normally to her he's jus#Interesting. Does that make you angry? Are you upset with how your life has been toyed with? Are you? and shes just like . what#anyways. sorry for rambling in the tags i just think delta and phis sibling dynamic could have been interesting but also REALLY funny#trevor.txt
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trentcrimminallybeautiful · 5 months ago
i think about the whole "love that" exchange a lot.
#i think i already have a post about this somewhere im just. rotating it#they realize they just kinda revealed a bit too much in front of Trent Crimm (Formerly) The Independent#and he does the whole biting wind-up to a question you know is going to be sharp as hell. bringing in that heat#and rebecca just. doesn't even try to get out of it#is she taking a leap of faith? is she just tired of spinning a whole yarn? testing him? giving him a chance?#and his response is just. simple. a real smile--almost conspiratorial and they're both in on the joke--and 'love that.'#sincere and almost warm. love that. bc that's what he actually thinks. not asking what he thinks he should#what he thinks the crowd wants to hear. but just. god her ex husband is a dickhead. absolutely you should try to fuck him over. love that#and rebecca all but beaming at him in response#i wish we'd gotten more of their dynamic tbh. i think that interaction probably helped soothe any anxieties she had about the whole thing#i think the next time we really see them interact is just the girl talk thing#where she's gleefully including him on the gossip and he's SO fucking pleased to get a good grade in girl talk something both normal to w#but like them developing an almost easy banter Fast. please. and like. him letting himself be. himself. in front of other people#not just ted. and rebecca GETS that if anyone gets getting flayed by the lasso effect it's her#so like. IDK MAN I JUST THINK THEY SHOULD BOND#also keeley. DEFINITELY keeley. all three of them. FUCK#trent crimm#rebecca welton#gertspeak#god. him being so pleased about the girl talk comment too. lives in my brain rent free#rebecca or keeley pays him a genuine but offhand compliment and he (and clearly completely unconsciously) just#fully does a pleased little wiggle in his seat. and they're like hmmmm
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zomboyfren · 10 days ago
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As much as I dislike A.nahardt, some ships are so much worse in my eyes
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kindnessoverperfection · 2 years ago
I've found that, when interacting with others (or myself), it's useful to consider the lessons I'd want to teach a growing child.
If a child makes a mistake, I wouldn't want them to feel shame. I wouldn't yell at them, humiliate them, or in any way indicate to them that their mistake is a reflection of their worth or of who they are as a person.
Instead, I'd want them to associate the process with love and joy. If they say something that hurts someone's feelings, or otherwise ostracizes someone in some way, I'd compassionately explain to them. Ideally, they'd walk away knowing why they said / did it in the first place, how to handle similar situations in the future, and would accept the consequences (e.g. if a friend no longer wanted to hang out with them).
While the consequences may sometimes be painful, I'd do my best to instill in them that mistakes are human and natural, and that the process of learning from these mistakes is an opportunity to improve connections with others and express love.
I have a tendency towards excessive guilt. Memories in which I've said / done something ignorant or hurtful are infused with this guilt and shame- but ideally, I'd feel a sense of love and peace, and perhaps happiness, when looking back on them. Because they were moments of growth, moments I learned how to be more compassionate (even if the actual learning came years later).
So I'll put this out into the void:
When you make a mistake, that is not a reflection of you as a person. It is a moment in time, a moment which was informed by your past experiences. Humans are not static labels, or monsters in an RPG game. We are social creatures who live and learn and react and grow and experience and love. Be gentle with yourself and move forward knowing you're doing so in accordance with your values.
#parenting#internet culture#self compassion#i'd also want to teach them critical thought of course - there are varying ideas of what constitutes mistakes or ignorance or harm#and that's a messy subject which is often a challenge to teach and is beyond the scope of this post but it's important#to avoid being subject to manipulation or becoming reactionary#but anyways#to clarify something in the tags here: it's okay of course to feel bad. that's a normal response. but it's not necessary. and a culture of#shaming people for their mistakes isn't helpful in the same ways it isn't helpful to do that to a child. people become defensive and/or#self-hating. divisive and reactionary and more easily manipulated. fearful and ashamed and avoidant. afraid of disagreements or of trying#anything new. increased all-or-nothing thinking and blowing things out of proportion. it just doesn't help in the long run#sometimes when someone says something i want to express hatred and mockery towards; i think of my trans friend who's full of light and love#and compassion. who came from a smaller more conservative community and used to have some of those same stances (and may still hold some of#those feelings/anxieties). and i remember that i can be firm on my boundaries and spread love and acceptance and safety *without* spewing#vitriol at anyone who makes even a minor mistake. i want people who were impacted by oppression and bias to have space to grow and#find safe communities and be able to think for themselves. i dont want to push them away or be another person in their life screaming at#them. there's always a person behind the screen.#like that doesnt mean i have to interact with them. in fact in most cases it's better to step away. and there are still unsafe people out#there- but yelling at them won't do any good either. saw a tip to focus on the people you want to help rather than the opposition#and that's been super helpful for me
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lesbianlenas · 6 months ago
i have been very sociable since starting the new school yr vs last yr where i was like not lmfao & i was wondering why that was bc i was a lot more sociable in college and then after starting law school i was like avoiding ppl again for no reason and having a lot of trouble being like idk normal talking to ppl bc it’s like i get really 😐 and i will not give anything to ppl i’m talking to which is truly not me at all personality wise but it is smth i struggle w…..but anyway i was thinking to myself why am i doing so much better like i am quite honestly being more sociable than i have ever been in my life now when not much has changed & i had just majorly regressed but i think i was just really emotionally drained last yr for several reasons and i know the reason i was like that in high school was bc i was stuck living w my dad & that was so mentally/emotionally draining that doing everything including talking to other ppl was so difficult and i was very closed off to ppl bc of that & i think i was going thru a similar experience of emotional/mental exhaustion last yr that just made me really drained & not able to be normal around other ppl 😭 bc the only thing that is different abt me now from a few months ago is that i have really been able to let go of certain things that have been causing me a lot of mental distress for a while & even tho i have been dealing w depression issues as always i have been in a way better place emotionally even if not so much mentally & i have been able to be so much more comfortable interacting w ppl & being myself & not being so closed off it’s very nice 😌 i actually feel normal now & it is helping w my depression a lot too bc having that issue again was making my depression a lot worse too. but basically i feel like a normal person again after spending the past yr feeling extremely uncomfortable & not in control of myself bc of how i couldn’t make myself act normal & being all closed off even tho i didn’t want to be. so i love that for me 😊
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remember-ur-alive · 9 months ago
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