Magical & Geeky Storytelling
6 posts
Learn the science + strategy of powerful brand storytelling that combines magic, moon cycles, and mysticism. I don't have to make everything about Star Trek, but I probably will anyway.
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thegeekystrategist · 5 years ago
It’s a new moon in Aquarius tonight, and I’m so feeling it tonight. I’m lit on fire! It’s definitely time to shake things up and reawaken those old, quirky dreams. 
It’s been a pretty odd last few months. I’ve felt off for so long, and it’s time to bring all that back together, find me again, and just go out and execute my vision. And that’s exactly what I intend on doing! 
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Here are a couple New Moon in Aquarius tarot spreads I found. (Thank you, Pinterest!) One is more simple if you’re on the go, and the other takes a deeper dive into this new moon’s energies.  As for me, I’ll do a reading and post it once I get home. ;) I’ll likely take these, internalize them, then create my own intuitively based on what I need to hear most.  (Is your intuition on point tonight too?! I love it!)  Stay creative! 
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thegeekystrategist · 5 years ago
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Okay, I'm coming to the full moon scene late. I get it. But I'm here, and I'm so glad I waited. I wasn't ready to hear these messages a couple days ago, but I was ready today. (Tonight. 2am.) Ever have that happen to you? Energy is weird, but I just roll with it.
And I rolled right into the Wild Unknown tonight.
Anyway, this isn't my original spread. I got this from @newagehipster333 (I think. I gotta go verify it's the right account haha.)
I'll unpack this. I didn't plan to, but, hey, that Daughter of Pentacles is just staring at me and coaxing me to continue. (Yeah, I get it. I need to be more open and vulnerable.)
So, where I am right now. Definitely can be described by the 5 of Cups. Not sure a better card could've nailed it. That whole head fog feeling from over thinking, depression, constant anxiety, doubting myself, and the whole "wtf am I even doing" --- yeah, that's me right now. Every so often, I feel like I just fall asleep for awhile. I know it's a trauma-based reaction, but I envision a fully conscious, vibrant life where I'm always awake and present. I'm coming out of this brain fog, but it's definitely still there. (Hence the reason the timing for this reading was SO critical.)
What I need to remember and know --- really KNOW in my soul --- is the Wheel of Fortune. This isn't going to last forever. There are highs and lows in life. And even though I'm at a low (emotionally, mentally, physically, energetically), shit is going to turn around. I might not know when, how, or why, but it's going to turn. And then turn again. It's a message of not getting too comfortable either stewing in my own shit or when I'm flying high. There's a lot of hope and optimism in this card.
And what needs to be released, well, come on. Could I have reasonably expected ANY OTHER CARD? No. Limiting beliefs, lack of self-worth, and bad headspaces have caged me far too long. I. Am. Done. Time to shed these self-imposed limits and emerge like the beautiful monarch I can be. It's time to fly, my friends.
Okay, if you know me, I'm NOT a delicate flower or anything like a duckling. I've gone through some tough stuff in my life, and I continue to show up every day like I'm in battle. (Is it any wonder why I'm burned out and in massive head fog right now? Battle takes it toll.) But this Daughter of Cups is just what I need to call in. In my own way. My way isn't becoming that delicate flower. It's showing my battle scars and standing proud of what I've gone through. It's standing up like the fierce warrior mama that I am and showing other single moms they can do the hard things too. It's going to get dirty. It's going to be messy. There will be tears. But, dammit, we are strong. The Daughter of Cups isn't telling me to so much as soften but to open. Allow. Connect. Get vulnerable.
(And between you and me, I have something I've been keeping close to my chest lately that I've been creating for these warrior mamas. Guess what? Time. To. Launch.)
Ah, my intention needs to be centered around the 4 of Pentacles. This card unfairly gets a bad rep. I actually like and appreciate this card. Usually, it's connected to misers and hoarders and people who just want to hold onto all their physical possessions (money, mostly). But I see it as having a firm foundation, and you know what, that's exactly what I need to focus on right now. Getting stable. Claiming and stepping into my personal power. (Which is exactly the action step for what I need to release, which is on the opposite side of this card. Funny how that works out, huh?) It's also telling me to BALANCE the different areas of my life. I'm so imbalanced now. So, focusing on physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual aspects of my life, envisioning what a balance would look like, and taking practical steps to getting that because they are all interconnected. It's also pointing to creating a structure and routine, which I am craving right now. (And so are my kids.) This card has so many layers of messages for me right now, which means it's such the perfect intention card.
And finally, the magic-maker card (which I totally love!) is the Father of Pentacles. I love how the intention is the 4 of Pentacles, but throughout this moon cycle, it grows and matures into the Father (King) of Pentacles. It's actually quite beautiful and poetic to see that direct journey. So, the magic in all this -- when I slough off the limiting beliefs and thoughts that no longer serve me, when I step into my personal power and open my heart, when I come to believe that this is all just a phase and it will shift, and when I take measured actions to create that new solid foundation -- watch out because I will become powerful. A powerful manifestor. A powerful guide and influential leader. Someone who shows up with consistency and reliability. Someone who has EARNED those antlers and deserves to stand tall in self-worth and competency. It's showing me the person I CAN become -- if I do the work to get there. (And there's a lot of inner and outer work to be done.) I love that my higher self chose to show me the magic of the vision, who I can become if I persist. It all leads to this Father of Pentacles. This vision that became attainable as a goal.
And the imagery is NOT subtle here. Right now, the horse is dejected and looking downward, hanging its head. It doesn't feel worthy, and neither do I. There is so much lack, pain, sadness. But the beauty of this transformation, the magic, is the opposite. The deer is holding his head up now. There is confidence exuding, and it's calm and collected confidence. It's a surety that this is right. Not boastful, not egotistical. It came from putting in the work, and so it's deserving.
So, that's what's happening THIS month over here. I'd love to hear your experience with this spread and how you plan on using it to take steps forward.
As for me, I'm going to:
1. Journal daily and write 3 things I'm grateful for every morning and again every evening so I see the abundance around me.
2. Paying attention to when limiting beliefs/thoughts pop up that no longer serve me and replacing them with 5 new positive thoughts.
3. Sharing my story and going live once a week to connect openly with my audience. (I'll be doing this on Facebook. Feel free to find and add me.)
4. Getting strategic with my life, filling out my calendar with dated goals, and creating a weekly routine to follow. Focusing on each of the 4 areas every single day by meeting small goals in each area daily.
5. Writing a list of 5 skills I need to learn to do what I do best, and working at one of them to become competent and confident.
Those are my 5 promises from now until the next full moon. I'll check in at the new moon, but I want to go full to full and measure the progress over 28 days of focused, consistent, clear action that is purposeful.
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thegeekystrategist · 5 years ago
New segment: Lessons from a Single Mom Entrepreneur
So, in case you don't know, I'm a single mom of two kids. Two boys, ages 3 and 6. Well, my older one is leaning more genderfluid, so I ask him each day what he wants to be. Yesterday, he was a giraffe. Today, he is a boy. Who knows what he'll be tomorrow. But since he's a boy at the time of this post, well, he's a boy in the post.
I'm also juggling 2 businesses and a side Tarot...thing. Whatever that is. It used to be a full business, but, well, it didn't quite pay the bills, so I learned more skills and still read Tarot on the side because I've done this for 11 years and will never stop. Anyway, I'm a sales copywriter for spiritual businesses owners--like coaches, energy healers, doulas--and speakers. Usually, the speakers are talking about mental or business topics too. I'm also a copyeditor for fiction authors.
As you can imagine, doing all the things (and feeling like I'm failing at all the things) allows me plenty of opportunity to focus on the lessons I'm being presented (instead of another f'king roadblock in the way). It allows me to look inward, see the gaps in my own life, and take a conscious leap toward growth in that area.
I make it sound far more poetic than it is.
It's messy.
It's loud.
It's definitely not poetic or pretty.
Little people feelings get hurt. Big person needs get neglected or ignored. Failures happen. Wrong choices are made. Growth stagnates. Progress stalls. Depression, anxiety, ADHD, and PTSD all rear their ugly heads. Potential is wasted.
But there's also all the good.
Connections are formed. Bonds strengthened. Laughter shared. Little grins mirrored back and forth. Play initiated. Little kisses all over my face. Pure joy and jubilation. Life lessons learned. Teaching moments. Positive rewards and reactions. Emotional regulation on point.
And so, so much more.
So, I want to share my journey with you. Because I'm sure there are other single moms out there feeling like they have to do it all, be it all, and have it all (then give it all).
And. We. Don't.
Here are my lessons I've learned along the way. Raw, unfiltered honesty and experiences, all distilled into lessons I hope you can use in your own journey.
Just hunt for the #singlemompreneurlessons to find all my posts.
(Not sure if someone else is using that hashtag, so just look for that face to find my posts. Or just stalk my blog. You'll find them lurking between the other posts.)
Until next time, my fellow mompreneurs, stay aligned.
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thegeekystrategist · 6 years ago
The introvert in me did what?!
I feel so called to uplevel my life and business. I feel a massive shift, and it excites, thrills, and terrifies me. Because what's on the other side? What's the NEXT level after this one? Who will I become as a result of going through this process? (And, more importantly, will I like that person?)
So, the little introvert in me felt like a mass addition of all these powerful women on Facebook was in order. Because of course!
This meant I sent over 300 requests tonight.
Do you actually comprehend how many people that is? That's a shit ton of people. But I did it.
I'm so excited to be at an elevated level ready to put in the work to climb.
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thegeekystrategist · 6 years ago
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I did a reading tonight for the full moon in Capricorn. (The spread isn't mine, but the picture of the cards is.)
Fun fact: My youngest son's sun sign is Capricorn.
I haven't picked up my deck in awhile, but it greeted me like an old friend. I almost didn't do a reading, but I had this flash of visionary insight while on a drive tonight, and I KNEW I was channeling the power of this moon.
(I have some amazing goals to reach! I'll share those later.)
So, here is my interpretation. Written as a letter to me from me.
Dear C,
This is going to sound harsh, but it's all said with love.
You really need to build your willpower and determination to succeed. It's about choosing something and focusing on those daily habits to chip away at the larger goal without being overwhelmed by doing too much or flighty by flitting and not doing anything. Really feel your passions and see how they come together to help you serve your audience and the world at large. You've got the desire. You need to cultivate the vision and discipline.
Hey, you, you've been really good at the self-care lately. Like really good. You probably feel well-rested, right? Good for you. This has been something you've struggled with, so you don't see this as an accomplishment. (In fact, you see it as an annoyance. It's not. Celebrate yourself.) You're birthing major projects lately, receiving entire visions from the universe, and stepping up in a major way. You need rest to recharge.
You know what'll help you succeed? Vision and focus. What do you REALLY want to do? Like really? There are a lot of things you say you want to do, but most are just convenient distractions. Find that one thing that lights you up. Now do it. Vision board your goals. Fall into imaginings of fancy, but remember to come back and do the work.
Stop giving away your personal power! Set up boundaries with your energy. You have so much light to shine on the world and you want to help everyone, but you've got to help yourself first. Own your self-worth and cut off those people who put you down. Share your gifts and insights, but set up healthy boundaries so you don't give too much of yourself. Remember your own oxygen mask.
Finally, Grandmother Moon is telling you to balance. Your Cancerian and Leo cusp ways are flinging you back and forth in life. You are doing all the things and trying to be all the people, and you need to take that time to instead heal, go inward, seek balance, and renew yourself and your vitality. That raging fire that burns within you to seek, to strive, to serve? Balance it with the feminine energies. They're already within you. Expose them, and let them coexist to succeed, connect, and be heard.
You're doing well. You've made incredible quantum leaps this year (even just this moon cycle), and you still have so much growth to experience.
You've got this.
Your highest self
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thegeekystrategist · 6 years ago
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I'm in an online nutrition course to build up entrepreneurs to raise our vibrations and attract our soulmate clients. ❤ The idea is to tap into our intuition, listen to what our body needs, and that.
My goal today was to pick something to boost each chakra. Mission accomplished!
(Not shown: All the Yerba Mate and Kombucha glasses haha.)
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