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1lb5oz-chuckanut · 4 months ago
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Happy Halloween!
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crownofstardustandbone · 2 months ago
Snippet Saturday
is that a thing? idk, I'm making it one because this fic is my new favorite thing and I need to share this snippet with y'all lol
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By the Light of a Neon Moon
Stiles isn’t sure how long he’s been sitting there when he’s interrupted by a mug of coffee being slid across the table to him, and when he looks up he finds Deputy Dunbar there, looking down at the file with a heavy frown.
“I thought you were here to investigate the murders,” Liam says, sounding annoyed. “Why are you looking at the Hale fire?”
Stiles’s curiosity is instantly piqued by the level of animosity in Liam’s voice, and he sets aside his pen in favor of the mug of coffee the other man had brought him. He takes a pointedly long sip and lifts a brow, hiding his smirk behind the mug when Liam huffs angrily, the sound close to a growl of frustration and Stiles wonders how someone with such an easily triggered temper managed to become a police officer.
“Well?” Liam demands as Stiles sets his mug down, and Stiles smirks up at him, leaning back in his seat.
“Man, you must have like, a ton of civilian complaints,” Stiles says, lifting a brow when Liam lunges forward and slams his hands down onto the table, jolting Stiles’s pen and sending it skittering an inch.
“The Hale fire has nothing to do with the murders,” Liam snaps, “how did you even get that file?”
“Well, you see when an FBI agent and a Sheriff love each other very much—”
Liam slams a hand against the table and Stiles lifts a brow, preparing himself to have to engage with the man physically, but then Jordan is there in the doorway, frowning heavily.
I’ll tag some friends and see if anyone else has some snippets they want to share this lovely Saturday night!!
@riotwritesthings @iam93percentstardust @endwersed @dear-massacre @takemetomyfragiledreams @nixie-deangel @the-bar-sinister @louvemeanyway @renmackree @elwenyere
And a “you’re tagged too!” for anyone who wants to participate!!
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drawingoddessy · 4 months ago
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Part one of a six part comic based on @lightbrush-major Headcanons!
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bidisasterevankinard · 8 months ago
Wip Wednesday
do I need new wip? no. Do I have one?yes. this one should be not really big tho. it based on this post I've made . it's a little draft bc I can't find my normal words (p.s. special thanks to @evansboyfriend for making me think about Sal)
Buck hears the wolf whistle and turns to see the man who appreciatively looks at the place where Buck’s ball landed.
“Rising NFL star?” 
Buck chuckles, “I’m a little too old to be a rising star, but I once almost got the scholarship because of how I played.”
“Wasn’t interested in that college,” Buck shrugs. “Wasn’t interested in colleges at all. Or interested in becoming professional too to go there anyway.”
“I see,” the man nods and offers his hand. “Sal Deluca.”
“Evan Buckley,” Buck shakes the hand smiling at the man, who holds his ball in question and Buck nods, catching the pass and then passing back. “People call me Buck.”
“Nice to meet you, Buck,” Sal smiles and points to his shirt. “Which station?”
“118, you?”
“147. But I worked at 118 before. Are Howie and Hen still working?” Sal passes again, but this time it’s harder to catch. Buck smirks at the little challenge he sees in his new acquaintance’s eyes. Ohm finally someone who really can throw football.
“Yeah they are,” he throws the ball harder now too,so hard that Sal has to run back a little to catch it and hold it to his chest.
“Tell them I said hi,” the man this time he throws the ball in the direction of the goal and then Buck whistles.
“And who’s the rising star, huh?”
Sal laughs and they run to take their footballs back. 
“No, kid, if you’re too old to be the rising star I definitely won't be one. More like a fading star.”
Now it’s Buck who’s laughing. 
“Are you free from the shift tomorrow too?”Sal asks him when they are walking to their cars. “Me and several guys from 147 and 136 gonna play football at six tomorrow. We are down one person. Wanna join?”
“Hell, yeah,” Buck nods, not wanting to lose the possible chance of a new friendship with a funny man, who plays football on the same level as him, and some more firefighters. It was a moment since Buck could find someone to actually play. 
Maybe it can help him to get over thoughts about Tommy. He just needs new friends he has the same hobbies with. And he really should do hobbies he likes more.
“Cool,” Sal smiles, stopping near his Jeep, and takes his phone out. “Here, put your number I’ll text you details.”
After Buck does exactly that, they exchange pleasantries and banter about each other's football skills, discuss the advantages of having a jeep and finally disperse when the sky is illuminated by the orange light of the setting sun.
Tagged by @underwaterninja13
Tagging @wikiangela @tizniz @devirnis @diazsdimples @hippolotamus @watchyourbuck @evnnkinard @evansboyfriend @evanbi-ckley @repressedqueen @rogerzsteven @racerchix21 @queerdiaz @pirrusstuff @aspecbuddie @saybiwithme @shortsighted-owl @giddyupbuck @steadfastsaturnsrings @diazheartsbuckley @loveyouanyway @loserdiaz @cal-daisies-and-briars @bewilderedbuckley @neverevan @monsterrae1 @honestlyeddie-im-bi @bi-buckrights @bigfootsmom @bekkachaos
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diazsdimples · 3 months ago
I have Plans™️ for a wip of Buck adopting a 4 year old boy just before the start of season 4. How Covid would throw a wrench into their bonding. What Buck's parents would think when they visit, and how hearing about Daniel would hit Buck even harder now he has a son around that age. The entire shooting arc and how that would affect them.
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ttsquid · 1 day ago
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im making more of them
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lavendertownsghost · 16 days ago
fuck my brain keeps coming up with AUs I'm never going to write, and this one got so long I have to put it under a read more
I randomly thought of a TGCF AU where immediately after Mu Qing leaves Xie Lian (before he gets back to Heaven) he runs into White-No-Face who's like, "Oh you want to help Xie Lian? Too bad he has to learn to suffer alone" and then fucking kills Mu Qing, but not before warping his soul so when Mu Qing coalesces as a ghost he's stuck as a freaking leopard (can't help anyone or go to heaven if you're a ghost cat who can't talk).
So Mu Qing has to re-learn cultivation in order to speak and eventually regain a human form. He's already missed everything that happened with Xie Lian and Wuming, and when Mount Tonglu opens the first time he avoids it. In the century that follows he gets stronger and the next time Mount Tonglu opens he goes and eventually becomes a Supreme (Night Stalking Golden Eyes? or something purple, or takes the Black color before He Xuan). He saw the Cave of Ten thousand Gods and the paintings and is extremely unnerved!
His human form looks almost identical to his costume from the parade, though if he losses control of his emotions his cat ears and tail show up.
I don't know how him and Hua Cheng running into each other pans out, but they both recognize each other and it's incredibly uncomfortable for everyone involved.
Mu Qing also eventually runs into Feng Xin (since Mu Qing still hangs around the south). It's Not Good and incredibly painful (physically and emotionally) for both of them, but they keep running into each other and their fights get more and more brutal with both words and violence until one time they mutually mortally wound each other. So as they're both laying there dying they have probably the first honest conversation they've ever had with each other, and the Hua Cheng shows up like the dramatic king he is (this is after the 33 gods fight, so Feng Xin knows who he is). All three of them argue with each other until they realize that despite everything, they all share the same goal of just finding Xie Lian. Hua Cheng heals them with the agreement that they both owe him and will spy on Heaven for him (they both mentally cross their fingers). He gets them in contact with He Xuan and they get integrated into his spy network, with Mu Qing using his Fu Yao disguise as a Middle Court official under Feng Xin.
No idea how this would effect the actual story plot xD
(There's also a reverse of this AU, where Feng Xin is the one killed and gets forced into a wolf ghost. don't know what would change and what stays the same)
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pointycorgiears · 1 year ago
Summary: After an unfortunate visit with Shanks, Mihawk just wants to go home. But that just means he gets an unfortunate encounter with Garp instead. It may end up being to the benefit of him just yet.
This was inspired by Garp and Mihawk's interaction in the live action show. The way they speak so easily with each other makes it seem like there's some history between them as vice admiral and warlord. I don't see much content with them, so I'm curious what everyone thinks about it, and those two with their dynamic in the show.
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sophieswundergarten · 1 year ago
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sleepy-otx · 1 year ago
Babysitter/Bodyguard AU
MCs: ZhongXiao & Qiqi
Zhongli who is at war with many other regions, including the one where Xiao is enslaved in, and who also has a child who is Qiqi. Xiao who runs into her in his master's land and realizes that oh shit, she's from Morax's land and she cannot be here!! Qiqi, of course, is like not worried because in her eyes her dad is very powerful and will always keep her safe, not realizing that she's not in her dad's land meaning he doesn't have any special powers there and she is in a lot of danger should anyone find out who she is. Xiao doesn't know who is her dad and doesn't give her the chance to explain and tries to get her to leave. Qiqi is still trying to collect plants for medicine and refuses to leave because there is a lot of plants there and she still thinks that she's home. She climbs up a mountain and Xiao is immediately noping out, but rushes back to save her when she's about to fall. After all, it's not like his master ordered him to not save the child and it's not like he's disobeying and she doesn't have to know he's technically helping the enemy
He saves her and gathers all the plants she wanted and gave her a quick blessing to protect her and help her travel faster into her land undetected and unharmed. It works really well to the point where it's still active by the time she arrives home and sees her family freaking out that she was missing for so long. She doesn't understand what the big deal was and just said that she made a nice new friend, but she never actually got his name. Skip forward where Qiqi constantly goes over to try and find her new friend and Xiao is like no, no, no, leave right now, but can't bring himself to be mean about it.
A party with all neighboring kingdoms/nations invited is held including his lady who is quite antagonistic about it. They will go but really it's more so an excuse for her to observe Morax's palace and look for any weak points. Of course, she nor any of her people could attack without starting a war, but it was better to have information just in case. While they're in a foreign kingdom/nation they would have to listen to that ruler's orders as a sign of respect but they needn't try to hard, just enough to get others off their case. Xiao immediately spots Qiqi from across the room and realized who she is. She's the reason why the party was thrown in the first place. The birthday party of the little lady of liyue. A party that went south when someone tried to take advantage of the situation. It's quickly resolved, but Morax notices how is daughter clinged onto one of his foes when she was scared. Xiao's master also notices it and considers this new information carefully.
The child seeks him out on other special occasions. He rebuffs each attempt. Acknowledging her and the little friendship they created would be equivalent to handing his master the spear to strike directly at Morax's heart and ending his reign. She was just a child after all. Easy to manipulate and easy to please. So he says harsh words with cold eyes. He says them even as his heart begins to hurt and says them even as she looks at him with tears in her eyes and says them when her family looks at him with such hatred for hurting her.
Later on, when his master goes against Morax, he cant bring himself to watch Qiqi get killed and takes a fatal blow meant for her. It's a stupid move, so stupid that everyone stops fighting for a second to process it. He passes out from the pain still holding her in his arms. When he is interrogated he lies. He lies because there's no point in trying to get out of this live. He just wants it all to end already. Eventually, Morax wins the battle against Xiao's master and Xiao is set to be executed, but Qiqi asks to talk to him privately first. She tries to interrogate him because she doesn't understnd why he's so nice one second then so mean the next. He can't hide the truth from her and explains as best he can so as to not leave her wondering after his death. Though he does not notice her father listening in on their conversation.
A few weeks later and it is decided that his punishment is to guard the little lady and the king after much persuading from her and a lot of thinking from her father. From there other stuff happens and Xiao is really confused as to why the fuck he's still alive and why they want him of all people to protect some of the most important people in their nation. Cue shenanigans and Qiqi using her big brain to get them together so she can have her perfect happy family.
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lurkerdelima · 2 years ago
highlights of my world-building for the 1970s cult AU so far (details subject to change between now and final product obvs):
cult is called the Free People Society
Flint doesn’t explicitly tell people what color to wear but he only wears one color (blue) and they follow his example; same with having long hair and not wearing shoes
Free People Society compound is a former summer camp in the wilds of eastern Oregon
their only vehicle is a dayglo VW bus called the Walrus
they own & operate a bookshop in the closest town - that’s how they get money and new followers
Eleanor is Flint’s fix-it person, probably the one he trusts most in his world (she’s known for saying, to anyone who’s bothering him or her, “goddess bless, and get the fuck out”)
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rslashrats · 5 months ago
i found out that the dancing banana was created some time in 1999 today and i feel so bad. he’s 25… and i never did anything for him. this is like if i forogot a loved ones birthday
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poorly-drawn-mdzs · 2 months ago
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I love you Safety Wizard.
(Inspired by @keroascrazy)
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pokeberry5 · 3 months ago
late night/early morning stakeout
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ibis-radish · 11 months ago
I don't have any glasses for the eclipse someone relay it to me when it happens
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