#platonic suck
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bidisasterevankinard · 9 months ago
Wip Wednesday
do I need new wip? no. Do I have one?yes. this one should be not really big tho. it based on this post I've made . it's a little draft bc I can't find my normal words (p.s. special thanks to @evansboyfriend for making me think about Sal)
Buck hears the wolf whistle and turns to see the man who appreciatively looks at the place where Buck’s ball landed.
“Rising NFL star?” 
Buck chuckles, “I’m a little too old to be a rising star, but I once almost got the scholarship because of how I played.”
“Wasn’t interested in that college,” Buck shrugs. “Wasn’t interested in colleges at all. Or interested in becoming professional too to go there anyway.”
“I see,” the man nods and offers his hand. “Sal Deluca.”
“Evan Buckley,” Buck shakes the hand smiling at the man, who holds his ball in question and Buck nods, catching the pass and then passing back. “People call me Buck.”
“Nice to meet you, Buck,” Sal smiles and points to his shirt. “Which station?”
“118, you?”
“147. But I worked at 118 before. Are Howie and Hen still working?” Sal passes again, but this time it’s harder to catch. Buck smirks at the little challenge he sees in his new acquaintance’s eyes. Ohm finally someone who really can throw football.
“Yeah they are,” he throws the ball harder now too,so hard that Sal has to run back a little to catch it and hold it to his chest.
“Tell them I said hi,” the man this time he throws the ball in the direction of the goal and then Buck whistles.
“And who’s the rising star, huh?”
Sal laughs and they run to take their footballs back. 
“No, kid, if you’re too old to be the rising star I definitely won't be one. More like a fading star.”
Now it’s Buck who’s laughing. 
“Are you free from the shift tomorrow too?”Sal asks him when they are walking to their cars. “Me and several guys from 147 and 136 gonna play football at six tomorrow. We are down one person. Wanna join?”
“Hell, yeah,” Buck nods, not wanting to lose the possible chance of a new friendship with a funny man, who plays football on the same level as him, and some more firefighters. It was a moment since Buck could find someone to actually play. 
Maybe it can help him to get over thoughts about Tommy. He just needs new friends he has the same hobbies with. And he really should do hobbies he likes more.
“Cool,” Sal smiles, stopping near his Jeep, and takes his phone out. “Here, put your number I’ll text you details.”
After Buck does exactly that, they exchange pleasantries and banter about each other's football skills, discuss the advantages of having a jeep and finally disperse when the sky is illuminated by the orange light of the setting sun.
Tagged by @underwaterninja13
Tagging @wikiangela @tizniz @devirnis @diazsdimples @hippolotamus @watchyourbuck @evnnkinard @evansboyfriend @evanbi-ckley @repressedqueen @rogerzsteven @racerchix21 @queerdiaz @pirrusstuff @aspecbuddie @saybiwithme @shortsighted-owl @giddyupbuck @steadfastsaturnsrings @diazheartsbuckley @loveyouanyway @loserdiaz @cal-daisies-and-briars @bewilderedbuckley @neverevan @monsterrae1 @honestlyeddie-im-bi @bi-buckrights @bigfootsmom @bekkachaos
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helpallthenamesaretaken · 4 months ago
i hate how sometimes people make out rachel to be this tragic heartbroken mess. WELL FRIENDLY REMINDER THAT
she was the one who dumped percy in the first place
and the scene after that she said "I don't have to tell you what you have to do now, right?" with the next scene being percy confessing to annabeth
she genuinely CHOSE to be the oracle, if she was really serious about percy she would have not have gone along with the whole thing without being a tiny bit sad about not dating percy
she flat out admitted percy was just a vehicle for her to be involved with the greek world
she is not august by taylor swift. she is not driver's license by olivia rodrigo. she did not care less about percy once he didn't reciprocate pls 😭
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upon-the-snow · 1 year ago
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early mornings after nightmares
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hairmetal666 · 8 months ago
After the Russians, Steve learns three important things about himself:
Robin is the best friend he's ever had; the uncontested other half of his heart. His soulmate, the platonic love of his life, his missing puzzle piece.
He's not in love with Nancy anymore. It's really saying something that hearing those words come out of his mouth is the shock of his life. Once the drugs wear off, though, he realizes they were absolutely true. A surprising win for the Russian truth serum
Her bathroom confession...he sits with it for days. Not--not because she's a lesbian, of course not, but because. Well, Robin knows herself in a way he's never allowed himself to. And he thinks that maybe maybe he likes boys in the same way. That he always has, but never let himself acknowledge it, the way his eyes wanted to catch in the locker room, the drunken, fumbling touches between him and Tommy.
The last one...he's not sure, is the thing. How can he be sure? Like, in his mind, his imagination, he's very into it, but what if it's different in real life? And how can he even find out? He tells, Robin, of course he does, and they go to Indy, right, to a bookstore and she throws a few zines at him and he sneaks some porn (he's definitely into the porn), but that's not--it's not practical experience. And he's not ready to go to one of the bars, for sure, so he doesn't--like what's he supposed to do?
It's around this time in his bisexual spiral that the kids start hanging out with Eddie Munson, that he starts thinking about Eddie Munson. He always noticed the long, dark curls and the bright, brown eyes; the slender cut of his waist; the wry slant of his mouth as he shouted insults at the jocks; the glinting silver of the rings on his fingers--fingers that were long and callused, fingers that could grip around Steve's--
Nope, he's not going there. Even though, a little voice in his head says, he cares for Steve's kids and maybe he's not good at school but he's smart and he's also so pretty, with his pale skin and his big eyes--
No. He doesn't have a crush on Eddie Munson. Absolutely not.
And when he picks up the kids from their little dnd club and sees Munson standing against his van, he doesn't feel an electric zing in his chest, the first stirring of butterflies in his stomach; that would be crazy. They hardly know each other. It goes like this every time, and he's almost able to believe he doesn't care.
Until Eddie trips over the threshold of Family Video, stumbling on an untied bootlace and gangling his way through the front doors. The clatter catches both Robin and Steve's attention.
"Welcome to Family Video," Robin says. Steve stares.
"Uhh." Eddie's eyes flit between them, his face getting redder by the second.
Fuck, he's so cute and Steve's saying--without thinking about it, he's saying--"let me help you find a movie, man."
"Yea--sure, yeah." Eddie's hands are stuffed in the tight pocket of his jeans.
Steve takes a few steps down the closest aisle. "So, what--uh, what are you looking for?"
"Horror? Nothing in particular."
They make their way to the horror section, and it's like some insane, deeply horny demon takes over. He starts grabbing movies off the shelf, no rhyme or reason, doesn't even know what most of them are.
Eddie's staring at him with wide eyes and a raised eyebrow, and Steve just keeps grabbing tapes, is sort of doing a running commentary on titles and tag lines, and he can't stop, why can't he stop? it's like smoke is coming out of his ears. Robin is watching him from the counter with her mouth hanging open, gummy worm dangling down her chin.
"You know," Eddie grabs something from the shelf, "I think I'll just do Friday the 13th again. Can't go wrong."
And he leaves Steve standing there with half the horror section collected in his arms. He stays there while Eddie pays, face burning. It's been--well, a really long time since he's struck out so hard, and he wasn't even really trying.
As Eddie's walking out the door, his sad pile of movies shifts, then tumbles to the floor.
"You have a crush on Eddie Munson." Robin accuses.
"No!" He ducks down to collect the tapes, hoping to hide the crimson of his face.
"You do." She points an accusatory finger in his direction. "I haven't seen you this pathetic since Scoops."
"It's nothing."
"You know," she crouches down with him, "you could just, like. Try to hang out with him."
"After that? Are you kidding? I'm surprised you don't already have a new You Rule/You Suck board going."
"Oh, I do, it's up front." She jumps to her feet. "But still. You should try. And you have an easy in with the kids."
He glares at her in response, starts re-shelving all the dumb movies, and then they get busy, so the topic is dropped. He thinks about it thought. He thinks about it and he--
Instead of waiting in the car for the kids to get done at Hellfire the next time, he goes in.
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weevmo · 1 month ago
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I'm lazy but I still wanted to put something out wheeze
Happy V Day !
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impish-baby · 2 months ago
I am thinking of writing an a/b/o drabble or something..as a treat.. (perhaps with agere too)
Omega reader that was traumatized out of behaviors/instincts vs Platonic yandere! Fam thinking you just don't accept yourself/are ashamed for whatever reason..
They're extremely overbearing, which just makes reader want to avoid it more (is it a trap? They're just trying to get me in trouble..) while fam just thinks smothering reader with love and acceptance will fix the problem
(And when it doesn't, they maybe think they can reteach reader if they're a pup again..)
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warblogs17282 · 4 months ago
Just gonna say it now, you all know damn well if Stolas and Blitz somehow end up being 'just friends' when they reunite that it isn't gonna last for more than 2 days at most, like they'd be 'just friends' and then the show would jump to 48 hours later and then we'd just be greeted to another scene like the start of s1 e5.
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All I'm saying is that those two could not be 'just friends' even if they tried.
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sarcasticassian · 2 years ago
whenever someone asks how Robin and Eddie became best friends they just say it was through Steve because the soulmate of my soulmate is my best friend blah blah blah
what they don't tell people is they jumped headfirst into being besties when one day Steve was having a lollipop and of course he's gonna share it with Robin, they're platonic soulmates, its not gross to share the same lollipop but then later without thinking Steve also offers it to Eddie because Eddie has had Steve's dick in his mouth before, he's not gonna care about sharing a lollipop so all three of them share it without realising, sometimes it goes straight from Robin to Eddie and back without Steve even having a lick and afterwards they realise and decide, fuck it, the pact of friendship has been sealed with saliva, gay solidarity and a love of Steve so we may as well go all in
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starrynightarchive · 20 days ago
it makes me want to tear my hair out when someone mentions that platonic relationships need to have sexual/romantic undertones to be interesting. friendships that blur the lines between romantic and platonic is great, friendships that have sexual relations are great, any kind of friendship is great. but these days im seeing this awful thought of "friendship needs to not be strictly platonic to be interesting and platonic" and people don't realise that this is just "friendships are less important than romantic/sexual relationship" in a different font. im very intense about my friends and each of my relationship with them is different than the other. one of my best friends is also almost like my partner. another one of my best friend is just my best friend. there is nothing romantic or sexual orientation whatever between us. i love both of them dearly and one relationship here is not more important than the other to me. i smile so wide my face hurts when i see her walking towards me. we used to live a few streets away and yet everytime i saw her i used to run to go embrace her. i have seen them in their lowest and they have seen me in mine. i do not want to kiss her on the lips or make her my girlfriend. the thought has never crossed my mind. but she has saved my life multiple times. she is a part of my soul. she is my friend. and if you say "yeah, that's what i mean, that emotion and its intensity is inherently romantic!" then that means you haven't experienced the height of love and care friendship can offer and im so sorry for your loss. also you are subscribing into the inherently harmful thought of "everything that is intense and meaningful is romantic". like my wonderful friend vik once said, "they're not my just anything. they're my friends."
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bidisasterevankinard · 8 months ago
Oh and I’ll take some 🔄🔄🔄
hi love <3333 for you
“Yes, of course,” Tommy exclaims with a smile and Buck swoons again. He doesn’t know why Tommy has such an influence on him, but it's a good feeling anyway. “So what game are you two watching?”
“Football!” Sal answers with a smile and a hit on Tommy’s shoulder. “Buck’s old buddy offered him tickets. And actually good thing you’re not coming, Tommy, you would bitch all the game about how you hate football.”
“You don’t like football?”
“Not a fan. No. Prefer Muay Thai, basketball and soccer,” Tommy nods at him and Buck boxes this information for future.
@wikiangela @theweewooshow @repressedqueen you were also interested <3
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hotroadkill · 1 year ago
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shhh they’re sleeping
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hello-sweetheart · 6 months ago
Wouldn’t it be so fucking funny if we finally get to meet Steve’s parents in s5 and they’re like…typical suburban parents
After making them mostly monsters in fanfic like guys fffff half the time we make them emotionally abusive and/or neglectful, the other half physically, and then like if you’re on the dark web then 3% of the time they work for the lab and Steve’s like a failed number…
For like, the vibes ya know
…But then we actually meet them and it’s a pudgy office dad with glasses married to an “I can be cool >:(‘ mom.
-“Steve, I thought you said your mom doesn’t trust your dad…looks like they love each other?”
Steve: “???wym, of course they love each other. But obviously she doesn’t trust dad on trips cuz he got lost in a Texas airport once, duh.”
-“ok, what about when you said he’d kill you if he found out you drink?”
Steve: “Yeah??? I’m literally underaged and if he found out I’ve been watering down his $200 liquor he’d be so pissed 🙄”
Like, TO BE FAIR Steve’s dad telling him to get a summer job to figure out the value of money or whatever is pretty typical like baby boy didn’t work in high school 😭 and he’s like pouting and huffing about in scoops
He has a fancy car that his parents trust him to drive and take care of
And him not wanting to work for his dad is valid of him like imagine his dad is trying to be supportive like “if you ever need a job son you can come work with me :)”
and steve would hate that cuz to him it would feel like he didn’t deserve it or work for it, working for his dad feels like it means he failed to make something of himself
And like Steve’s not a bad kid, he’s a teenager who just hates his first job cuz customer service sucks, does stupid kid shit like drink and go to parties, and feels like he missed his chance to makes something of himself that he and his parents can be proud of just because he’s a little behind than the rest of his peers
I relate to that so hard
Like bro said he was having a party at his house and it was just like…4 people he invited with a six pack. No music or anything just chillin on lawn chairs and shooting the shit
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Even his home is in warm colors 💀
But we love the angst 🤌 the drama 🤌 and torturing our favorite character
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hmsdoodlin · 3 months ago
Soul probably thought that as soon as they brought Heart back from apathy everything would be ok again. Sure he knew there’d be pushback, heightened emotions and snarling. Heart wouldn’t be happy when he came home, but Soul was sure they’d get back on track soon enough.
How could he be so naive?
All he got was an empty husk, something staring at him that’s devoid of any life. Heart doesn’t speak, he barely even responds, apathetic and broken for days on end.
It gets to a point where Soul is crying, begging, shaking him and wailing for his Heart back. He wants him to cry, to speak, to scream, to do anything!
He misses him so so badly, it’s almost as if he’s dead.
Apathy had consumed him whole. And Soul has no idea how to fix it.
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heartless-aro · 8 days ago
Shoutout to all the aromantics with romantic orientation OCD (or would it still be called sexual orientation OCD?). The whole “you’ll know you have a crush when you think about them involuntarily all the time!” thing can be so ridiculously confusing when you’re an intrusive thought experiencer. Godspeed y’all.
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aswiftiechildofapollo · 9 months ago
The fact that Naruto will hate everyone in the fandom who hates Sakura.
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lficanthaveloveiwantpower · 3 months ago
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