#<<most likely a placeholder until i actually decide a name
bluesgras · 27 days
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i had an idea a while ago to remake a very old oc that i had made back when i first watched rise. i’ve had a bit of time to revisit them, and im finally ready to share them out to tumblr hsjsj
This is Ronin, be nice to him he’s only a little guy
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mususubi · 2 months
Hiiiii I love the pics you posted of your ceramics they are extremely epic 👍👍👍 also tell me more about the characters in them 👉👈 they look so cool!
for the ones I've posted so far only one of them is an actual oc that I use consistently, its the one of the lil guy in an apple!! The others are just unique to the pieces :)
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A page from my sketchbook of them hehe. They have three names but I mainly refer to them as noma for consistency's sake. It's short for anomaly! To summarize, they're a shapeshifter with very little control of the shifts, which are heavily tied to their thoughts and feelings. They have no idea what their true form is, and even the way I depict them isn't how they would actually look like most of the time. It's more so to make them recognizable.
I find it easier to get across their situation in the form of questions. Were they a monster to begin with or did seeing their self as one make them become one? How would you break such a cycle if what your thinking is manifesting itself to be true? if they learn to accept this part of themself would they lose it?
They feel like something is inherently different about them from other people, and those thoughts cause shifts. But they aren't incorrect in thinking that way because they have this abnormal.. ability(?) So is it self afflicted or isn't it?
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an-asuryampasya · 2 years
it's been a while since I ranted about Hindi on here but Netflix having RRR in Hindi but not in Telugu has me right back on my bullshit.
I mean it's. a fucking Telugu movies ffs. It's just greattttttt (/s) to be reminded aGAIN that Hindi (slash north Indian culture in general in other contexts) is the de-facto answer to anything Indian. I mean it's annoying enough in the depiction of anything that's just "vaguely Indian", but fine whatever I can't expect every single facet of a very diverse country to be represented so whatever. but this!!! is a fucking telugu movie!!! by telugu people!!! about telugu people!!!! One of whom I've literally grown up hearing about!! now packaged for consumption by the whole world in Hindi :)))
I mean it's probably just a result of how licensing agreements and that stuff works (hopefully) more than being an intentional choice or whatever, but it still pisses me off. I mean, there's a reason I've never related to the term 'desi' - because all the connotations that word has for me have always been distinctly north Indian with minimal room for the culture that I grew up in. So as much as the popularity of Baahubali and RRR made me flinch (because if there's one thing I've learnt from my years of consuming media, it's that it never, never ends well if anything from my part of the world makes it onto international screens; that is and probably will remain my default reaction for a while tbh), it was still nice because ha, maybe NOW the rest of the world (rest of my own country included) will recognise that we're distinct from Bollywood, y'know? (Heck, it's not even North India as a whole that I take issue with, because Hindi being treated as ubiquitous also hurts other North Indian languages.)
Because yeah!!! RRR is not a Bollywood flick! Nor was Baahubali! It grates on my nerves when I see them being referred to as such. And now it's really annoying that apparently I can't even expect a film to stay in its original language when it leaves the country because of course everything Indian is automatically something Hindi when it comes to the rest of the world. the rest of us plebeians speaking other languages can go fuck ourselves I guess.
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nkgrimmie · 22 days
I'm sobbing - your domesticated cursors are so cute, I love them so much
Do they come in different colors? Patterns like spots or stripes? Please tell me they make little squeaky noises. Can they 'click'/carry small things? (Imagine if Victim's just carried away some important paperwork bc cursors just like to grab and carry things) Do they 'puff up' when they're scared or startled like cats/birds?
I just want to grab one and give it a big squeezy hug. Give it all the pets. Boop it's cute little snooter point. Put tiny little accessories on them.
*sobs* They're just so cute. I love them. I want twenty of them.
hello hi i have no idea who you are but yes they are wonderful i love them. they are perfect little things
okay now to answer your questions (putting this under a read more cause... good lord i talk a lot)
"do they come in different colors? patterns like spots or stripes?"
yes and no! they can come in different colors of course, and their outlines can be multicolored, but markings on the main body of a cursor is actually very rare! typically it's from either scarring, tattoos (some sticks tattoo them), or just a really weird mutation. alternating colors on the outline is the most common way that "stripes" appear on them
leucism in cursors is very common, with melanism being rarer but still prominent. it's very hard to tell the difference between a leucistic cursor and an abino cursor, until you watch the cursor repeatedly fly into walls or ceilings because they can't really see where they're going.
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leucistic, melanistic, pastel
the most common appearances, they can be different colors ofc the gray/dark gray/pinks are just placeholders they just generally keep to variations of that. cursor!alan would be an iris-lined leucistic cursor, while little guy would be a blue pastel leucistic cursor
(also fun fact i based their morph names are based off of ball python morph names)
"please tell me they make little squeaky noises"
kinda sorta. i like to imagine that they mainly make clicking or scrolling noises (l-clicks and r-clicks sound different, as do up-scrolls and down-scrolls), with the occasional glass grinding noise when hurt (the best way i can describe the noises alans cursor made when covered in virabots in the Showdown)
maybe if you scared a baby/young one then it would squeak at you. if so, it would probably sound like moth squeaking sounds! so probably not what you imagined, but squeaking nonetheless
"can they 'click'/carry small things? (imagine if Victim's just carried away some important paperwork bc cursors just like to grab and carry things)"
oh yeah of course. that's kinda what cursors are meant for SKDJD domesticated cursors are kinda small though (like the average adult size is about the size of a house cat) so they're not the strongest ^^' if there's like four or five though they could probably pick someone up hehe
grabbing things and stuff like that is actually one of their main forms of play— they love playing things like catch and fetch and stuff
also the thought of victim's cursor doing that is so funny..... they had to chase it around until it got bored and went to go annoy (play with) someone else
"do they 'puff up' when they're scared or startled like cats/birds?"
the babies (EVEN TINIER) have down that's very similar to the down that chicks have, so the babies would definitely puff up like that. not sure on if adult cursors would do the same since i haven't decided the texture of adult cursors yet (i will say that user's cursors probably do have a very different feel to outernet cursors though), but if they had fur/feathers too then they would probably puff up as well
also.. careful! don't hug them too hard! some of them are sharp, ESPECIALLY the wild ones!
god seeing this ask made me so happy i love talking about things...... sorry i couldn't respond to it sooner i was at work </3
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^ i drop this at your feet making puppy dog eyes at you
(mandatory "i'm pretty sure i got the idea of outernet cursors from @axyer [don't even remember at this point] i just expanded upon it for my own version" cause if i don't tack this on then i'll get screamed at /j)
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Am I the asshole for disliking my close friend’s new date?
All names are placeholders and aren't the actual names of the people involved.
My friend (Harry) and I are currently seniors who are part of a friend group that goes way back to 6th grade. But, all of us have known each other since 1st grade as we go to the same school. We only formed in 6th grade.
In 7th grade, there were a lot of transferee students in my school and one of those transferees wanted to become close to us, but here is the catch; they (Dina) only wanted to get close to us because they had a crush from someone (Sean) in our friend group.
One day, Sean has been telling our friend group that Dina is stalking them, to where I distanced myself from Dina. Dina would ask anyone from our friend group on who Sean is, what they do, what they like, etc.
Sean often complains about this once they find out what was happening. Someone (Penelope) who was closer to Sean than the rest of us was pretty pissed off with the way Sean was treated, making them talk bad about Dina and all that.
At this point, the entire friend group, including me, hated Dina for continuously stalking Sean (after being told many times to stop) and we would often talk about Dina in our group chats, saying how much we dislike Dina and the like. Keep in mind, Harry is also in this group chat AND has heard us talk about how we hate her and all.
Dina was trying all sort of things to get close to us. This is when Harry decided to volunteer for us and become friends with Dina so they could stay away from Sean. Harry would talk with Dina and try to avert their attention away from Sean.
This somehow worked as we didn't hear much from Dina, especially when the pandemic hit us. We didn't hear much from Dina after that, and we especially didn't hear Sean complaining anymore.
In 10th grade, our school had limited face-to-face classes and this was around when the virus wasn't as threatening anymore. Most of us joined these classes as we were getting tired of being in a zoom class all day. At least four of us were classmates, but Penelope and I weren't classmates.
This is where the hatred towards Dina worsened. Dina came back, stronger than ever, to stalking Sean again as they have joined the limited classes as well.
Dina was in another class and since we only had half-days for these classes, they would wait outside of the classroom Penelope was at and would ask them how Sean was and what they were doing. Penelope, at this point, was fed up with Dina so they mostly ignored Dina until these classes ended.
After graduating from 10th grade and moving up to 11th grade (which is the senior year here), the pandemic ended and face-to-face classes were back in full force, where everyone in the school could attend now. Sadly, Penelope and one other friend from the group moved schools.
During 11th grade, we didn't hear much from Dina, which was a good sign that they weren't into Sean that much anymore.
However, around this time was when lovesickness hit Harry hard. At least two people in our friend group had gotten dates in this time, so it must've made Harry feel lonely or something.
Harry soon told us that they had gotten a crush (Mara) that especially hit them hard as they would give their crush gifts. Harry even got the confidence to tell the friend group (cue the teasing from us) who it was. We all supported Harry until they got to the point of confessing to Mara. Unfortunately, Mara to tell them to wait for a while as Mara figures things out. Fast forward to Christmas (a month since the confession) and Mara told Harry they weren't ready for a date and told Harry to stop giving them gifts and being all affectionate.
This got Harry down in the dumps for a whilr, but they didn't give up. Two months later, they got another crush, but this time they didn't tell the friend group who it was this time. They only John (someone from the same friend group) as they were in the same class as this crush
Harry, at this point, decided to take it slow and not immediately confess after knowing the person for a month. Harry gave us some hints on who it was and John was also keeping their part in keeping Harry's new crush a secret.
We didn't hear much about Harry and this new crush of theirs. Harry didn't talk a lot about them and the friend group only knew what class their new crush was from. This continued until summer arrived, where we didn't even know if Harry had confessed or not (John said Harry never did).
Around a month into summer, Harry started sharing some screenshots in the group chat of them chatting with someone where the two of them got along. We were pretty sure that this was Harry's crush that they always talked about in the group chat, so we teased them a lot about this person.
Another month went by where Harry still continued sharing screenshots of this person. That is, until one day they revealed that they asked this person out and they started dating. We all congratulated Harry for finally getting a date after their previous heartbreak.
The only thing left was for Harry to reveal who this person was.
Harry told us they'll reveal who it is after they got their first date. A couple of days later, they got their date and Harry finally revealed to us who it is with a bonus screenshot
It was Dina.
Their new date was Dina and you can imagine the reactions from us, especially Penelope's reaction.
Of course, we tried our best to be supportive to Harry and their new date, but just wait until we got into a Discord call where Harry was too busy to join. Penelope went absolute ham and started talking about why Harry had dated Dina, of ALL the people. Harry could've dated someone Penelope didn't know, but no, they dated Dina. Dina, of all people.
I was also puzzled by this. I didn't understand how Harry dated the one person the ENTIRE friend group disliked. We had talked about how much we hated Dina for stalking Sean in the group chat HARRY was in. I kept questioning it over and over again, of course I also relayed this over to Penelope. Like, Harry is literally AWARE we hate Dina and yet they dated them?
However, the funniest reaction was from Sean. Penelope told Sean Harry was dating Dina, and Penelope asked how Sean felt of Harry dating the person that stalked them for so long. They only said "good luck with them."
So, back to the question at hand. I only feel like an asshole as this is my friend's date I am talking about. A friend who had been desperate to get a date. Once they finally did get a date, the friends who are supposed to be supportive towards them wanted them to break up with their date.
What are these acronyms?
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The "Teacher is Teruko's Brother" Theory
(Before we properly start, I think I should say that I am using @xmicrophonyx's names when talking about the Alt-DRDT characters. I probably didn't have to say that because Teacher's name makes it the most obvious who he is, but just thought I'd get it out of the way) (Also, everyone seems to be using the tag #AltDRDT for talk about this new cast, so that is what I will be using as a placeholder name for the fangan until we get the actual name. I hope this won't be too confusing !! - From the day the Alt-DRDT cast was released, people have been theorizing that certain members of the cast might be siblings to the main DRDT cast. The most prominent one I see is that Scale might be Charles' dead older brother Elliot, which I do think has a bit more weight to it (see my previous post on Alt-DRDT for that) but I am on the fence of believing. A few of my discord friends theorized that Min and XF could be siblings due to their similar eye color, which I don't believe at all due to what we know of Min's homelife and what led to her encountering XF-Ture-Tech in the first place (though those two undoubtably have beef and I am so excited to see it) However, there is one sibling theory that I think has a massive chance to actually be canon in the DRDTverse, one that I've seen around a couple of times... ...Why the fuck am I trying to build suspense, you read the title. I think that Teacher is the brother that Teruko mentions in CH1-4.
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I think this has a lot more evidence surrounding it then the other sibling theories I've seen. So take a seat and let me explain why ! I mean duh that's what this post is about - In this post, I want to talk about their designs and how they contrast each other
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graphic design is my passion /joke /ref So there are already three, count-em three! Things that I think are very important For one, Teruko and Teacher basically have the exact same skin color.
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Teacher Other than the very very tiny difference in hue that you could basically only see if you squint, I think it's safe to say they have the exact same skin color. > "But Haru, you incredibly pretty sun demon ! Skin color isn't enough to consider someone related !" Firstly, thank you for calling me pretty :D. And second of all, I am aware. But in conjunction with my next point I think you will see why I decided to mention this first. Which leads me to my next point, and one that I've seen talked about quite a lot already: In all of the art currently out of Teacher, his eyes are closed. There's obviously his full-body which I just showed, but even in unrelated art, his eyes are shut
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Eyes completely sealed. Now, I don't think it's a stretch to say that DRDT-Dev really likes eyes, specifically hiding things related to a character in their eyes. And eyes in general have shown to be a very useful plot point on multiple occasions So the fact that Teacher's eyes are always closed definitely brings some attention, and part of me highly doubts it is just a design choice. There is a reason why Teacher's eyes have not been shown to us. Perhaps...sharing an eye color with someone? And with the first point acquired of Teacher and Teruko sharing skin colors, I don't think it's a stretch to say Teacher might be sharing Teruko's eye color as well. Now I will admit, that is mostly speculation. However there is undoubtably a reason as for why Teacher's eyes aren't shown, and with the added fact of the two sharing skin colors. It's definitely a likely possibility. - Now for my third point in relation to designs, which is the color schemes of both Teruko and Teacher
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For starters, their color schemes are actually not that different from each other when you really look at them, both comprising mostly of neutrals (white, black, brown, and grey) with one particularly popping color. And it's that color in particular that I want to talk about Teruko's color is green, meanwhile Teacher's color is red. And I bring this up for two reasons Firstly, green and red are the most well-known complimentary colors, and considering Fire and Ice (two characters that are speculated and basically confirmed siblings) also have main colors across the color wheel from each other, I find that decision to be very interesting But I didn't just mention this to nerd out about color theory...okay I kinda did but that's not the only reason I mentioned color schemes. Because there is one more point I want to make, and it's one I'm honestly surprised no one has mentioned yet Teacher's color is red. Do you guys remember the QNA? Specifically, do you remember the favorite colors question and what Teruko's answer was?
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Red. Reasoning: association. I think that in of itself is very revealing, but the extra information that red is Teruko's favorite color because of association is really the icing on the cake. > But Haru ! We haven't seen a design of Teacher from back then ! You can't be sure that that would be the reason for Teruko's favorite color ! True, but at the same time if we take this in consideration with the other two pieces of evidence, I highly doubt that this could be a coincidence. If Teacher really is Teruko's brother, then him being the association she has with the color red makes a lot of sense, especially considering red is literally the only non-neutral color in Teacher's design, and as such it sticks out like a sore thumb in combination with the rest of his design (in a good way). So yes, I do think this is intentional, and it works very well considering the other two pieces of evidence. And with all three combined, I think there's no denying that Teacher being Teruko's brother is a very, VERY likely possibility.
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rainofthetwilight · 11 months
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I present to you, Jenna and Ethan :DD
(also since you asked to be tagged, @alizibtheterrible)
(pssst, here are the ref sheets for these kiddos)
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before I get into anything, here are my timelines in this AU:
2 years between moto and season 11, atleast 5 months between s11 and s12, 5 more months between s12 and s13, 4 months between s13 and the island, a month between the island and s15, canonically a year between s15 and crystallized, 2 years between crystallized and the merge, 5 years between the merge and the events of DR
and jenna and ethan's ages during these times:
jenna: a year old during s11, almost two years old during s13, turned three a while after nya left, four during crystallized, six when the merge happened, and 11 in current time
ethan: a year old when the merge happened, and 6 in current time
I..know it's probably confusing, but I can attempt to explain more if you don't understand!
my fic for these two is currently being rewritten!!
and now, time to ramble abt the kids!! (warning, VERY long)
their full names are: Jenna Edna Lilly Walker and Ethan Ed Raymond Walker (you can guess who was named after who)
jenna was born just a year after moto, and ethan was born also a year after crystallized!
and from that, the age difference between them is 5 years
jenna inherits jay's powers, and ethan inherits nya's
ethan has ADHD and lacks good social skills due to being surrounded by only 2 people for most of his childhood, while jenna has anxiety, trust issues and some slight ptsd
oh and I can't forget to sprinkle the t r a u m a on them both
they have a good dynamic and bicker normally like siblings always do, but jenna sometimes needs to have her alone time and hates when anyone bothers her so she can snap at any time
while ethan is sensitive and cant control himself, especially if he sees someone distressed, but if he himself is the distressed one either no one should even come near him or he needs a genuiene hug or encouraging words from someone
I'm not sure when jenna will get her powers and will get her true potential, but until I figure it out, she gets her potential when she saw a certain someone in danger (kinda placeholder!!)
she didnt have control of her powers much at first, but would soon learn its abilities
and when ethan gets his powers, it doesn't go smoothly at all due to nya having been turned into the sea, so all the sudden power is..quite a painful experience without control
his true potential? realizing his worth and saving his sister from danger
I don't have exact birthdays for them yet, but the placeholders for now are may 23rd (jenna) and october 8th (ethan)
when they got a bit older, jenna decided to dye some streaks of her hair blue (and one time had a pixie cut), ethan didn't take any creative liberties with his hair but would sometimes style it when he's bored
jenna was named by jay, and while nya had wanted lilly she didnt mind and just she told him ''as long as you don't name her nya junior I won't throw you off a building"
lilly in the end was just given as a middle name
want a fun fact? jenna was the one that named ethan, the moment she saw him in his little blanket she just kept shouting "ethan! ethan!"
and jenna has a HUGE obsession for drawing and painting, while ethan likes cooking and is declared 'the gordon ramsey of the walkers* by jenna lmao
Jenna: dude please just open your own restuarant at this point Ethan: for the love of the fucking fsm Jenna-
jenna's special nickname is JJ! long story short, it was at first a shortened version of 'jay junior' that was actually a joke but then it became her actual nickname lmao
jenna is aroace and will go by she/they in the future, while ethan goes by he/him and will come out as bi!
jenna was attached to both her parents but felt closer to nya, especially after seabound
she'd watch her and jay in the sam x cave for ages
never remembering nya nor jay, ethan was wary of nya at first and tried to stay close to jenna but the moment she hugged him? he felt safe and knew it was right (shoot I'm kinda spoiling the reunion uhh)
jenna says she has no favourite uncle, but it's secretly cole and only he knows that
and she bullies kai, even when she's not ordered to do so by jay 👌
she does have a good bond with all of them tho!
jenna, in dragons rising, is 5'0 and will stay that height for a while until she hits a sudden growth spurt at 13 and is literally 5'6
and she'd be 5'9 at 16
happens with ethan aswell, he's only 6 so he's about 3'8 which is average for his age, but he'll keep growing taller and taller and he stops growing once he reached 5'8
The Forest Of Walkers(tm) as a moot of mine once quoted (we both hc jay to be very tall, finn I am looking at you)
and yes, that small part of the drawing of them walking is them in the future, I have no exact design yet and just wanted to throw that in bc of the free space lmao (I will post their future designs tho trust)
fun fact: when me and my friend were still planning what jenna and ethan would be doing after the merge, instead of staying with lloyd they had ended up with sora and arin
in this au, maya and ray are a tad closer to nya than they are in the actual show, they visit regularly to check on her, jay and jenna (soon ethan aswell)
both them and ed and edna SPOIL HER TO DEATH. they'd gladly take jenna any day
..which actually happened, seabound stuff :")
from the way all the ninja grieved, it was extremely lonely for a 3 almost 4 year old kid, especially with how everything happened so suddenly and how she can't yet process grief well, she only had cole who'd stay with her alot when she wasn't at her grandparents
even at their places it felt gloomy, but she loved to distract herself when she'd be in the junkyard by helping ed collect scraps and build with him (when her love of mechanism began)
and she loved to take walks with maya or ray at ignacia, or watch ray blacksmithing
it calmed her down a bit, but she knew something was still missing
edit: jay was also not in the best place after nya left, and wasn't able to spend time with jenna because she reminded him so much of nya, so he went to the lighthouse before he got too far
crystallized was..not the best experience either
because of spoilers and still planning out some more stuff, time to jump to post-crystallized
jenna grew much closer to nya, and had went to school 2 months after ethan was born!
she started in first grade, and was chaotic as fuck
she beat a kid in her class once just because he didnt like her drawings, obviously did not end well but she won and she was proud af 😎
during the timeskip after the merge, when ethan hit 4, lloyd would do some sort of homeschooling for him since he and jenna never left the monastery
Lloyd: okay, what's 5+6?
Ethan: 10!
Lloyd, trying not explode because he was so close:
I have so much more, but this is getting long af and I'm tired lmao
for my moots that are in the combined au, feel free to ramble in the tags aswell if u want to btw!! I wish I could too but I don't have the fuckin energy :'))
I may add on once I have the time and energy in the notes (or another post), but for now here's some info abt these hellspawns :"DD
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deadly-espresso · 3 months
Fun Facts About TROJAN HORSE!
The original concept of TROJAN HORSE actually dated back to February of 2023 (At the time, Illusion of Flattery was my most recently posted song). I previously only had the original melody thought out at the time as well as some basic plot details (The subject of the song's name was Troy and he was like some sort of guy obsessed with a girl who didn't reciprocate his feelings and he had eventually plotted an attack on her after becoming a Trojan Horse). However, I had originally scrapped the song due to audio mixing issues and overall lack of skill (I hadn't even started implementing proper keys into my songs until Wanderlust and Illusion of Flattery). I had briefly revisited the song in October of 2023, but then I forgot about it again until May of this year.
The fake BSoD that I made for the warning screen at the beginning of the song was edited in MS Paint, of all programs. This was because it was the only program I had where the "System" font (the font that used to be used on Windows BSoDs (or at least Windows 9x systems, because the base of the edit was a BSoD from Windows Me)) rendered correctly (I couldn't access the font in FireAlpaca, and the font looked blurry in Krita because Krita renders fonts as vector images with no feature to turn off anti-aliasing) The edit was hard to pull off and I ended up having to make some minor adjustments to the edit in FireAlpaca, but the edit was certainly doable because, well, I made it.
Some more fun stuff about the fake BSoD I made is that does include a reference to a genuine error code (In this case, the error code "04" refers to an "overflow trap"). Also, if you compare the string of numbers in the error message to this Base64 index alphabet table, the numbers actually spell out a word in Base64 code (but then you'll have to decode that yourself 😏)
While I'm aware that TROJAN HORSE's very premise is bound to spark some KinitoPET jokes (even I've made my fair share of jokes about it), I actually envisioned the whole premise of the song long before KinitoPET was released to the public (The KinitioPET game's release was in January of this year, although I didn't learn of its existence until March. Funny enough, I had even envisioned Troy having a pink color scheme and wearing black tights (or maybe that just IS his leg color, since he chooses how he looks? 🤔) before the release of KinitoPET. However, I still think the release of KinitoPET did have some effect on the final version of the lore and song I settled on (for extra funnies, it turned out the creator of KinitoPET is named "troy_en").
Before that whole crisis I had on deciding what voice would play Troy in TROJAN HORSE, the placeholder voicebank I had used for testing the vocal tuning was Solaria's lite voicebank.
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tubborucho · 11 months
[the tubburevil au thing]
okok so like. me personally im very very curious about qtubbo's past before the freeze and have Very many hc's abt it. in this specific au, he used to work for the federation, but like not very high level. most fed workers were actually like raised by the federation, unwanted children who were adopted by them at a young age. none of them were given names, just placeholder numbers until they were old/smart enough to work.
C-19 (fred) and C-13 (tubbo) were raised in one group, and (A-1) cucurucho, A-2 (cucurevil) and A-3 (osito bimbo) were raised in another. the A group were supposed to be like the leaders and representatives of the fed, whereas the C group were supposed to be lower-level but still important workers (think machinery, cleaning etc).
by the time they were in their pre-teens, they got to interact. the five of them kinda stuck together instantly. tubbo was really really good at create, but he was also a bit of a troublemaker so most of the caretakers did not like him. he was the most "individual" of them, assigned the rest of the gang names. tubbo for himself, fred for C-19, cloud for A-1, venus for A-2 and skye for A-3. (won't be using those names though, cause it would just cause confusion)
once they all turn 15, they start their actual work at the federation (look the feds are a little Terrible, and everyone wears masks so unless you're exceptionally short no one can actually tell). the 5 all get assigned to the same island, a relatively old one that's still popular enough. this is where tubbo meets phil, tommy, piso, becky, wilbur, and fit (but younger versions ofc, this isn't super relevant but shhhh.)
after meeting various islanders if they come and go, tubbo starts to get Ideas that the feds wouldn't like. he tells these ideas to his friends, who are all a little bit like "uhhh tubbo idk about that one chief". cucurevil and fred hear him out tho and they agree so they start to engage in Rule-breaking.
eventually they start to like, genuinely hate the federation and hatch a plan to run away together. at this point, they've started to grow distant from cucurucho and osito bc those two are like Rule Abiders and might snitch, but since theyre still friends, fred reaches out to them trying to convince the siblings to run away with them. they decline, but don't want to snitch.
fred, cucurevil and tubbo try to run away, but they get caught by guards barely an hour in. they change courses, try to get to this nearby portal to a new experimental island (qsmp) that the federation is working on.
they get to the portal--- cucurucho stands in their way. cucurevil shouts at him to let them pass, but it just stands there for a few moments. then, it turns and runs away.
cucurevil rushes through the portal, but as he jumps in the guards arrive and grab tubbo and fred. she wants to go back to get them but then the next second the guards are running after her, and in the panic she just looks ahead and keeps running.
cucurevil figures, he has to find a place to hide and so he goes underground, to this weird maze where the feds can't reach him. eventually the guards leave it be. at this point, cucurevil could just run on his own, but he doesn't want to leave tubbo and fred (and cucurucho and osito) behind. so he waits.
meanwhile, tubbo and fred have all their memories erased and get frozen for like ,, a year in some facility. they remove fred a little earlier than tubbo because they don't want the two to interact, but then the qsmp islanders find the facility on their own and get tubbo out themselves. at this point, the feds are like "ahh shit well we can't say anything now so uhhhhhhhhh let him go." (im aware the whole fed workers being frozen in the facility thing has Implications for the other new members but ill uhh. ill work on that. later)
is this ask too long fuck i was gonna add more
Oh wow. This is a really interesting idea, and if you ever decide to write a fic on it, pls let me know.
I want to know more:D
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loominggaia · 26 days
So, my surgery is coming up next month. There is always a chance of complications. This one has a long, brutal recovery even under the best conditions. Estimated recovery is 2-3 weeks, assuming I don’t need radiation. In that case, I will be down for much longer. Then, you know, there’s always that tiny chance that I don’t survive the procedure (not likely, but with my luck…Jesus, you never know…)
My point is, the future is uncertain and there may not be new content for a long time after my procedure. So, I would like to expose my outlines for the next several Looming Gaia stories. I won’t post the full drafts with all the details, but I will give a very abridged summary of each one that explains the major plot points. B-plots and other details will not be included, so there is still incentive to read the full versions even after you’ve been “spoiled”.
The following text contains MAJOR spoilers for the next several stories in the series. It won’t spoil every little detail, but it will expose the most important stuff that happens. Of course this whole blog is basically a giant spoiler for the series, and there isn’t any good way to avoid that. But I will at least make an attempt here by placing the following text under a cut. Read at your own discretion!
(These titles are not final, some of them are just crappy placeholders)
Agony Awakens - Tep, the former Morite prince, sets out on a quest to join the Cult of the Crescent. He believes if he can find a lost Staff of Agony and give it to the Divine of Hate, he will be rewarded with a magical Crescent priest mask. He locates the Staff of Agony, which is being guarded by a skorpius named Splitter. He convinces Splitter to join his quest, promising him wealth and power if they succeed. They are joined by an agony wretch they simply call Wretch, who is the only one capable of touching the Staff of Agony without crumpling from its power.
They use Wretch to deliver the Staff of Agony to Disgrace on the day of his resurrection. Disgrace is pleased with the gift, but his resources are stretched thin after his last defeat and he cannot afford to forge a new mask for Tep. His commander, an elf named Goryx, tells Tep that if he wants a mask, he will have to take an existing one by force. Goryx traps Tep into a death match and Tep is losing badly, until his loyal cohorts Splitter and Wretch come to his rescue. Goryx’s elven vessel is killed, and it turns out Goryx is the name of the mask itself, not the elf. The mask parasitizes Tep, becoming one with his body and mind, and Tep becomes the new Goryx. Goryx appoints Splitter as his knight and Wretch as his lackey, and he remains second-in-command to Disgrace.
Disgrace sends the trio to capture a thousand people from Yerim-Mor Capital. King Roz is willing to give them up to keep the peace, but Prince Jaq resists. Jaq assembles a troop of priestesses from the Order of Love and Light and fights Goryx’s vile army. Goryx’s troop retreats, but still manages to capture enough people to satisfy Disgrace. Disgrace enslaves these people and forces them to start building his new empire. Meanwhile, he forges a new battalion of monsters for Goryx and orders him to steal the Divine Executioner back from Drifter’s Hollow.
For Goodness Sake - Feeling burned by Zeffer, Connor decides to tell the Evangeline Guard who is responsible for the Kelvingyard incident, feeling he has nothing to lose and everything to gain. Goryx and his evil battalion descend upon Drifter’s Hollow, but they happen to arrive at the same time as the Evangeline Guard. The Freelance Good Guys get caught in the fray, and the three forces battle each other. The Evangeline Guard retreats and the Freelance Good Guys mop up the last of the Crescent troops. Isaac corners who he thinks is Disgrace, but is actually Goryx. Isaac lets Goryx go, if only to deliver a message back to Disgrace: "fight your own battles, coward!"
Connor arrived with the Evangeline Guard to identify the FGG to them, but they left him behind when they retreated. Evan confronts him about this, and Connor explains that he only did it because Zeffer ran him off into the wilderness to die. Furious and betrayed, Evan tells both Connor and Zeffer to get out of his sight and never return. Connor runs off, but Zeffer can’t handle losing Evan and has a mental breakdown. Evan made Zeffer promise him he’d never commit suicide back in “The Aldfog Mystery”, so Zeffer begs Evan to kill him instead. Evan refuses, so Zeffer bites Lilian and infects her with his vampirism. She can only be cured if he dies, and Zeffer believes this will force Evan’s hand.
However, Evan doesn’t get a chance to budge before Lilian attacks Zeffer herself. She uses the move Alaine taught her in “Pig Bait” to escape his hold and stabs him to death with his own dagger, sucking the blood from his heart and curing herself. Meanwhile, Connor runs back to Evangeline Kingdom and tracks down the sergeant who abandoned him. He demands a reward for exposing the ones who committed the Kelvingyard incident, but the sergeant doesn’t see it that way. Rather, he believes Connor led them right into a Crescent Cult ambush and imprisons him for life.
Some time later, Evan gets a letter from Abigail. She says Connor is on death row and Sofia suffered a fatal heart attack when she heard the news. Enclosed is the deed to the farm and all the Atlas family assets, which now legally belong to Evan. Abigail says he can have it all, but she never wants to see his face again after letting this happen to her son. Evan ends up selling the farm and using this fortune to recruit help from some of his old friends and clients. He receives mercenary troops from Jelani, enchanted beasts from Natoma, ogrish soldiers from the Redsnake Canyons, warriors from Kirkmar, and nymphs from the Hollow to help him break Connor out of prison.
Evan tells Connor he doesn’t forgive him, he only did this for Abigail’s sake, and if he’s really sorry then he’ll go help his mother get away from Edmund. With Connor’s help, Abigail abandons her crummy marriage to Edmund, then she and her son start a new life in Glasstide. Evan returns to the Hollow, where all Sofia’s former slaves now live. Most of them eventually head north to become Folkvar citizens, but Habrene decides to stay.
Just Choose Skycruise - Evan receives tickets to a Zareenite luxury cruise from an old client, as gratitude for a job well done. Evan has been depressed about the deaths of Zeffer and Sofia and believes this vacation will help lift everyone's spirits. He has enough tickets for his entire crew, but realizes Zeffer isn’t with them anymore, so he has one extra. He decides to invite Lilian in his place, despite his sour feelings towards her since killing Zeffer.
The whole crew + Lilian boards a luxury airship in Zareen Empire. They each have their own separate adventures, but all of them end up getting in trouble with security and thrown into the brig. Lilian is the only one who manages to behave herself, but she isn’t fit to fight off the sky pirates that suddenly hijack the ship and begin robbing everyone.
She turns into a bat to escape them and free the Freelance Good Guys from their cells. They manage to fight off the sky pirates and are hailed as heroes by the people who previously wrote them off as hoodlums. The ship lands safely in Zareen Capital as planned, and Evan reconciles with Lilian.
More parts coming soon...
Lore Masterpost
Read the Series
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kitkat-the-muffin · 1 year
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This took a while but it’s finally done!
I’m quite proud of how this turned out. Took me all week to design and draw the character, and took me all day to photoshop this Strife template (I don’t believe in downloading fonts)
Anyway, this is my Usersona for Cloutchase! Think of it as my new online presence (at least until I recolor it for future use)
I’ve put the full drawing, as well as further elaboration on the process, below the cut, and I recommend checking that out too!
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I did trace the og template a bit, but that’s cause I suck at drawing poses. The arms are entirely my own design though, so I’m kind of proud of that. The colors were color-picked from previous usersonas so I had a palette to work with
I struggled a lot with the outfit design, and that was mostly due to the limited colors at my disposal. I think it turned out alright, though, even if it didn’t all go according to my initial sketch. For example, I wanted a small ponytail but ended up with two long pigtails. They’re absolutely fabulous though, so I’m very happy with the end result. You can’t make something grand without scratching a few drafts first, after all. I plan to maybe use this design in the future for other things after I think of a new color scheme. My placeholder colors were magenta, purple, and teal!
I actually based the design off of several references from characters I like, or more specifically characters I want to cosplay some day. Those characters were Uzura from Princess Tutu, Sophia from Persona 5 Strikers, Strelitzia from Kingdom Hearts Union X, and Saki from Romantic Killer. All four of these characters also happen to be previous profile pictures of mine from Discord, so I guess that’s why I felt drawn to their designs when creating this new online persona, or “usersona” lol
I named her Muffy (she/her) cause that’s the nickname I’m trying to push for on Tumblr, especially after being called “Kitkat” or “Kat” for about 6 years now. It’s time for a change I suppose. The “McQueen” part is in relation to my blog title as a self proclaimed “shipping queen” but also I wanted to make a Cars joke. The Strife Specibus was a last minute decision, though. I was gonna go with yoyokind but then realized I ALWAYS use yoyokind as my default weapon and I don’t even know how to use yo-yos irl. So instead I decided to give my little chaos child the most dangerous weapon in America that isn’t a gun: pepper spray.
“Peprsprykind” is an actual modus from canon too, I saw it on the wiki hahah. Muffy only has one can but it’s full of GLITTER so she can ruin people’s lives and make them sparkle all at once! However, she does have some restraint of course, it’s only for when she’s feeling evil of vengeful heheheheh. I had a whole conversation with a friend about how choosing pepper spray seemed kind of boring to me at first, but maybe I can do something unique with it. Maybe use it on Amino and watch them swallow it like the ungodly demon they are, who knows?
Anyway, might post the progress video later if I feel like it. For now ima relax tho since this is my first actual drawing in a while that I’m actually proud of, and I’m tired from dedicating a week to it
I hope the @cloutchase team enjoys Muffy’s presence as much as I do
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rin-and-jade · 3 months
do you guys have any tips on deciding on a username? i wanna get back into playing a game i used to play but i cant decide on a username to change it from the old one (we dont feel connected to it) to. i dont want any of us to feel super disconnected or awkward using it so while i might be overthinking this i wanna make sure its pretty much perfect. i also guess this goes for collective names too, since we dont have one of those either. (tbh most of us dont even have like, individual names. so uh) thank you if you have any tips ! :3
First and foremost, names are not truly necessary, though for the ease of identifying and referring to a specific part having one could save a lot of trouble from miscommunication happening. (Refering to individual names because i can predict it could be a problem and would want to assess it too as a bonus)
But yeah, i might be able to help you with your game name,
I have two outcomes that had been pondered upon; (this is for individual names, the username is at below it)
Use code names: theyre basically a placeholder, it is usually used as a disguise name like team alpha or beta (perfect for subsystem grouping name), which has members like alpha summer or alpha moon (for more specific parts). This can be temporary or used as long as you wish to, it can also be colors. Though the original use is to go anonymous while still being able to communicate in a cooperative setting such as playing airsoft gun tournaments? You get the idea.
Go through a process of trial and error: see what genre you love, the sound of the letters, or base of things you identify most with and base a new name off it, or even use the actual object or interest as a name instantly. This phase has no bounds and it relies on your creativity and exploration until you find a name that fits.
And, with the same tactics, you can gather as many names for a username, and do some voting. Or, alternatively, you can just go wild. I literally have "LET'S GOOO" as my username (sadly doesn't have enough space for the exclamation marks..) because i always get so hyped on my fave game. It doesn't have to be a well thought name really, it can be silly too.
Neither are faster or better though, these two ideas can be fully tweaked to your desired outcome!
May this insight helps you, also, scrolling through baby names and name generator isn't a bad idea too for additional options if you want a more normal name choice, go slay with the naming buddy.
- j
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1yyyyyy1 · 1 year
What's your alter ego like, actually? How did you come to create her? I get that this could be a bit personal so share anything that you think is "safe" to share, ofc. I want to get some inspiration, having an alter ego - one developed enough to even have her own distinct appearance - is really tempting, not gonna lie ;D
Putting this under the cut for those who want to read this:
One of my favorite ways of experiencing fiction are self-inserts; this is the main thing I do to explore the topics I'm not comfortable being public about, like psychology and violence. Self-inserts are different from writing an original character in an original universe because it is, plainly put, too much work if the goal is to focus on self-exploration. I use already existing universes and the characters in them to bounce off the ideas I have through, for the most part, dialogue, but I take note of the environments I put characters in as well. Since I both write and draw, I can fully focus on my perceptions of the original piece and the additions I make as opposed to commissioning someone else. The drawing I posted is a character I created many, many months ago before I had a solid idea of what I was doing and what the character meant to me.
To give this a backstory, I have always been into character design and I have always strongly identified with the fictional characters I liked. However, as I grew older, I felt less and less represented by other people's characters because there would always be a conflicting trait I was unsatisfied with. Knowing that only I could give myself proper representation, I started investing more of my time into my original work. I was drawn to a specific character type at the time, and one of my biggest motivations for improvement was wanting to come up with a design similar to this:
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I didn't know what this original character was going to be at first, but would eventually decide on her being an "[insert fandom name] OC". She was a villain and the first one I've ever written, and at the time I had a very narrow view of what her appearance should be like. My logic was that if she had disturbing qualities, then she should look that way too since that was what some other artists did with their characters! Me thinking I "should" be creating such a personal design based on something other than me liking it should have been a red flag, but more on that later…
I have an unfinished story with her where I would write her interactions as perceived by other characters. Eventually, I figured out it wasn't a "character" I was writing, it was me trying on different traits and imagining myself in different scenarios (and observing them from the outside perspective) to try and understand what I was and was not comfortable with. Weirdly enough, even though I had spent a lot of time on her appearance and was in general satisfied with it, it was also the thing that bothered me the most. I liked her design, and I liked drawing her, but I always felt weird about utilizing her as a placeholder for myself and could never tell why. I have kind of been moving away from rationalizing everything, so I'm just going to straight up say what I see when I look at that drawing nowadays — I don't know why it didn't occur to me that one's personality could differ from their fashion preferences. I was fine with some of her overbearing traits, yes, but I couldn't get behind her intimidating looks or even associating them with something sinister in the first place! It wasn't until recently that I realized how much I was limiting my perceptions of other people and my personal expression to cultural standards (think flowers — kind, dark colors — evil). Preconditions like that are not an inherently bad thing to pick up on since you can try them out and either discard them or recombine into something you like, but it turns into a problem when they take over the creative decision like it did for me. Developing this character allowed me to resolve the "visual biases" I had that stunted my creative process, and I have since moved away from such a rigid approach to character design or even my own fashion sense. In a way, she's an incomplete version of me, so I don't identify with this character very much anymore.
If alter egos are something you already feel like doing, I suggest going for it. It was certainly the most comprehensive thing I've done to better my understanding of myself.
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defensivelee · 5 months
so tempted to write the NoV script for the theoretical webcomic that i will get around to in the next nine years, i have this specific image in my head of how i want it to start
for context, the snakes' genders are not at all connected to them being a queen or a bull. yknow how kids were dressed in their lil white dressie thangs until they got older and were basically dressed up as mini adults. yeah so in this verse thats the stage in which the parents decide how to raise the kid, for the first years of their lives the hatchlings live as basically agender and are referred to with it/its pronouns. they'll be given a placeholder name which will usually be one of their parents' names.
a lot of the time the gender the kid chooses to sort of 'grow into' is based purely off of what the kid thinks just looks cooler. and while all of this SOUNDS pretty progressive, clothing still = gender and you're not allowed to switch up later so it's quite a heavy decision for a kid when the society is so restrictive about it. it even happens too often that the parents hold a lot of influence over their child's choice or just straight up choose for them.
anyway, all this to say.... i have this specific image of the comic beginning with william briefly narrating how he was actually born a queen, but amalia insisted on raising him as a bull to make him more appealing to the people as well as to future partners. his mother was hoping he would decide to be a boy, but she never tried to sway him to one side, that was all amalia's work. specific dialogue like "my mama wanted a son." and the next panel is william trying on a new waistcoat, the future william saying, "she got her son."
he then goes on to say that he learned more about what being a bull meant as he got older and tried his very very hardest to live up to that, even if he was smaller than most and actually wore shoes and then had to hide his heats when he started to get them. theres a few panels explaining how bentinck had gotten him this hooker, poor unsuspecting bentinck, who really did not know william was a queen, and william intended to KEEP it that way, so he agreed to go in with the girl, who was a queen.
and then we cut away out of the flashback to see william sitting fully clothed on a bed in front of said hooker, saying, "so that's why I'm here. sorry for wasting your time."
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For as much as I don’t like the episode “Marco Jr.”, I do find the idea of Marco as a big brother kind of sweet, so most of my stories that takes place around the timeline of Seasons 3-4 and beyond will include Mariposa. Including my stuff with the next gen characters (both “Royal Secret” and just the unnamed Future AU), and my eventual fix-it fic.
However, I will be changing my main problems with the episode, and especially with the reveal of Angie being pregnant again. Stuff like Rafael passive-aggressively blaming Star for “stealing” Marco from them - which would be removed because, one, Marco would still be in some contact with his parents, whether it’s via having a magic mirror set up to call or just visiting in person, and two, Rafael and Angie recognizing that it was Marco’s choice to leave and their choice to let him. 
But, also, I’m mostly just changing the details that really made it feel like Marco’s parents were planning to just replace him with this new baby, what with the fact that the baby was intentionally conceived (or at least, claimed to be so) because of how “lonely” they were, and especially the choice to name the child after Marco - something that is usually only done in cases where the older sibling has died. 
In my scenarios, the baby is admitted to have been a surprise, and while they do call “him” Marco Jr. at first, I’m planning to have them make it clear they’re not actually naming the baby that, even when they think it’s a boy. Rather, it’s basically just a placeholder name until they decide on what they actually want to name the baby. And even then, they usually call “him” MJ instead of Marco Jr. 
Bonus: This results in Mariposa’s middle name starting with a “J”, because her family got so used to thinking of her as “MJ”.
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icarusisstillflying · 2 years
WIP INTRO: Murders of Crow Creek 🏜
TITLE: Murders of Crow Creek, first of ? in the Hidden Gods series
GENRE: western supernatural/paranormal
SETTING: kind of an america set in an alternate timeline or universe, but ultimately set in the southwest, deserts, dry mountains, etc
TROPES/THEMES: really big on “you don’t have to be what they made you to be” if that makes sense; choosing your own destiny, if you will; what is justice, and is it possible to bring justice to someone without causing pain in the process; is justice always righteous; corruption of the state and of the soul and mind
STORY: Sheriff Lou Wesley works with a witch, a demon killer, a bounty hunter, and a barkeep to solve the murder of a young girl. Then another murder occurs. And another. Lou quickly realizes that the murders are not localized events, and that they may be connected to something far greater, and much, much, darker.
STATUS: still in the process of outlining and plotting, but i have a lot of ideas set in stone!
*image descriptions in alt text*
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Sheriff Lou Wesley
sheriff of Crow Creek
she/her, does NOT use feminine titles like “miss” or “ma’am”
~50 yrs old
Chinese descent (her great-grandparents were immigrants)
big time lesbian yEEHAW
is too old for this shit
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Miss Ella Finch
resident witch and weirdo of Crow Creek
20 yrs old
Black with Caribbean roots
a little mysterious a little mischievous
always knows a little too much
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Madeline Sanchez
demon killer
[redacted] oops sorry y’all that’s a secret
besties with Ashkii
pretend she’s wearing a really big black hat in the picrew LOL
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Ashkii yóó’ííyá, meaning “Lost Boy”
cowboy bounty hunter
Indigenous, of the Diné nation
besties with Madeline
trying his best okay
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Thomas Kennedy
late 20s
missing an arm
maybe an unhealthy obsession with knives
eavesdrops and overshares
other facts:
those last three may or may not end up in a poly relationship by the end of the series
many other characters introduced in later installations of the series
you can assume that most of my characters are NOT cishet so do w that what you wish
i am still working on research regarding naming conventions and what is appropriate for a character who is Diné. when i had first picked out a name for him years ago, it was done clumsily and without any thought into actual names of Indigenous people within different nations, and the name i have now is what i have decided to give at least as a placeholder until i learn more. as i continue to learn, i encourage anyone who knows more than me, a white person, to please tell me if i’m getting stuff wrong or being insensitive in any way. with this character, and with any characters or situations i may write. i do my best with research and listening to experiences of the different kinds of people i write, but i know i am not immune to making mistakes along the way. i appreciate any guidance and criticism given along this journey. thank you very much :)
I know this is like super long, so thanks for reading to the end of you did LOL !!! ask to be added to the tag list, i guess? is that a thing? i will be putting out more info on characters, plot, worldbuilding, etc, and maybe making a master list of all the info for this. wanted to finally get at least one wip out in the open!!
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