huyzyhuy · 7 years
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huyzyhuy · 7 years
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huyzyhuy · 7 years
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Claudia Gray, A Million Worlds With You
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huyzyhuy · 7 years
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huyzyhuy · 7 years
Love didn’t hurt you. Someone that didn’t know how to love hurt you. Don’t confuse the two.
Anonymous (via wnq-anonymous)
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huyzyhuy · 7 years
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huyzyhuy · 7 years
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huyzyhuy · 7 years
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huyzyhuy · 8 years
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huyzyhuy · 8 years
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huyzyhuy · 8 years
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huyzyhuy · 8 years
8 March 2017
“Loneliness, at its root, is a spiritual issue. We don’t need to merely hang out with more friends. We don’t need to merely learn how to speak love languages. We need help. We need a Savior. We need an advocate whose name is Christ Jesus. And our heart cry should not merely be, ‘I do bad things because I’m lonely, so someone come keep me company and make me feel better.’ Our deep heart cry should be, ‘I’m lonely because I’m a sinner in a dark and fallen world. God help me.’”
“We can say with Romans 8:28 that God uses all things for the good of those who love him, even our loneliness, because our loneliness leads us to our deepest spiritual need, who is Christ. And we can also say with 1 John 3:20 that, even when we feel condemned, God is greater than our hearts and that loneliness cannot separate us from the love of God (Romans 8:38–39). We have a solution to our spiritual problem, and if we will submit to the Lord and accept his solution for our deepest spiritual problem, the atoning work of Christ on the cross, God can attack loneliness at its root and overcome the pain of separation in our lives that leads to separation from him, which leads to separation from other people.”
-Paul Matthies (from his four-part sermon titled "Only the Lonley")
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huyzyhuy · 8 years
Don’t run from lessons; they are little packages of treasure that have been given to us. As we learn from them, our lives change for the better.
Louise Hay (via amortizing)
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huyzyhuy · 8 years
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plants, book & tea
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huyzyhuy · 8 years
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huyzyhuy · 8 years
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huyzyhuy · 8 years
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