#<<-- ok bit of a weird flex but we can roll with it
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Rereading The Fellowship of the Ring for the First Time in Fifteen Years
Ok guys, gals, and nonbinary pals, welcome to the Aftermath. We left the fellowship last time as they were hauling ass out of Moria sans one wizard. At this point we probably still have orcs on our tails, so we have to keep on hauling ass for Lothlorien. Let's dig on in to chapter 6, "Lothlorien."
Not gonna lie, y'all, this chapter was a sloooooooooooooooooooooooog for me. I literally got like five page in, realized I was heckling fictional characters and reading tones that the text legitimately did not support, and had to put the damn book down for a week. Picking it back up...I might still be the problem here, because I know, I KNOW, that Aragorn saying "Farewell, Gandalf [...] Did I not say to you: if you pass the doors of Moria beware? Alas that I spoke true" is not meant to be the world's most poorly fucking timed "I told you so," but I CAN'T HELP IT. I read it as not the complex, nuanced expression of grief and regret and the painful realization that they must go on that it's clearly intended to be, but as a snarktastic "I fucking told you" that even the most cynical are going to side eye.
So y'all are just going to have to bear with me on this, because I know I'm the problem, I can see the intent, but my brain wants to play ragtime on this pipe organ, and frankly, we're not going to get ANYWHERE if I wait until my brain adequately appreciates the work. Sometimes we just have to roll with our inner irreverence.
The pacing at the beginning of this chapter felt very weird to me, because we start with Aragorn trying to chivvy everyone into moving, but then he stops to give an orientation lesson to the reader. And before we even really feel like we've made any progress, Gimli insists on taking a quick break to drag Frodo up to Durin's Stone and Kheled-zaram, which goes about like this:
They stooped over the dark water. At first they could see nothing. Then slowly they saw the forms of the encircling mountains mirrored in a profound blue, and the peaks were like plumes of white flame above them; beyond there was a star, though sunlight was in the sky above. Of their own stooping forms no shadow could be seen.
Which is very pretty and a nice moment, but it does also SUCK THE URGENCY COMPLETELY OUT OF THE NARRATIVE. I know, Lothlorien is meant to be slower than the Moria chapter to give the overall arc some variation and let everyone catch their breath, but we've got orcs on our trail and we're not safe yet! Not that that's going to stop Aragorn from describing yet ANOTHER river (seriously, this man and rivers...) or Legolas from waxing poetic about what the Mirkwood Songs have to say about Lothlorien and its silver and gold winter aesthetic and green and silver spring aesthetic. Which...honestly, I am here for this aesthetic? Lothlorien sounds absolutely lovely. Elf aesthetics in general are kinda my thing, but again, this makes the pacing feel really janky. Especially since Aragorn basically goes, "Yeah, sounds great my dude, maybe HURRY YOUR ASS UP???"
This whole first couple pages feels very "hurry up and wait," which kind of makes Aragorn forgetting that Sam and Frodo are both hurt until they literally fall behind a little bit weird. At that point he does insist on he and Boromir carrying Sam and Frodo, and then breaks out the athalas when they stop to rest. This is also where Aragorn finds out about the mithril vest that saved Frodo's ass. Although uh...the fact that Frodo got hit hard enough that the maille rings were driven THROUGH leather into his side kind of makes me wonder about the physics of mithril. I'm not saying it's world-breaky, I'm saying tell me more about how clearly mithril can flex and distribute force with such INCREDIBLE efficiency that Frodo survived this shit. (Seriously, if any Tolkienites out there have engineering or physics backgrounds, please get in my comments and explain this to me because it sounds cool and I'm an English major, I don't know how STUFF works.)
Once everyone has gotten high recovered thanks to the athalas, they get moving again, and they travel through the night. And this is where we get THIS:
[Frodo] looked at Sting, and the blade was dull. Yet he heard something, or thought he had. As soon as the shadows had fallen about them and the road behind was dim, he had heard again the quick patter of feet. Even now he heard it. He turned swiftly. There were two tiny gleams of light behind, or for a moment he thought he saw them, but at once they slipped aside and vanished.
Y'ALL WE HAVE A GOLLUM SIGHTING. The little dude is following Frodo and the Ring, and when Frodo SAYS SOMETHING to Gimli, specifically that he thinks they've been followed SINCE MORIA, Gimli is over here going "Yeah, I don't see or hear anything, keep moving, halfling." Soooooooooo...I guess we're just going to ignore this for now. Good plan. That won't bite anyone in the neck or anything.
Anywho, we finally GET to Lothlorien, and Legolas is bitching because it's winter and he doesn't get green leaves, Aragorn is just like, "PLEASE let them cover our asses tonight," and Boromir pops up with "Is there no other way?" And honestly? While Lothlorien is objectively the best and probably safest path, I kind of get Boromir's logic here:
"A plain road, though it led through a hedge of swords," said Boromir. "By strange paths has this Company been led, and so far to evil fortune. Against my will we passed under the shades of Moria, to our loss. And now we must enter the Golden Wood, you say. But of that perilous land we have heard in Gondor, and it is said that few come out who once go in; and of that few none escape unscathed."
Ok, elf bigotry at the end there aside...I get what Boromir is feeling right now. Dude is having SERIOUSLY big feelings about being in situations he is not prepared for and honestly is unequipped to handle. Gandalf's magic wasn't enough to save him in Moria, Legolas's elf shit wasn't enough to get them off Caradhras, and whatever ranger mojo Aragorn has is just fucking barely holding their skins together. Boromir is the big man on campus in Gondor, where the number of orcs you can kill is the most important thing, but here? Where the mission is "Keep the ringbearer alive long enough to yeet Ring into volcano"? He's not feeling confident, and he is just a dude with a big sword. I'd be insecure too, and I would also be wishing for a dead simple straight fight, because that's my comfort zone. That's not like...the BEST strategy to go into this mission with, but like, I get where our Gondorian dude's coming from.
And I am way more disposed to empathize with Boromir right now than I am with "let me bathe my feet in this magic elven stream" Legolas at this point. Although Sam's ongoing lore education is VERY well served here, because he's picking up all the Mirkwood and Lothlorien stories, plus the song of the maiden Nimrodel.
Then we keep heading deeper into Lothlorien, and Haldir pops up and gets sassy about how Sam is breathing so loud, they could have shot him in the dark. Which like...really man? BREATHING too loudly? Somebody really likes his dead silence...
Sam's breathing stops being a problem real quick once Legolas explains that they want to bring a *GASP* Dwarf into Lothlorien. Haldir is fully over here like:
"A dwarf!" said Haldir. "That is not well. We have not had dealings with the Dwarves since the Dark Days. They are not permitted in our land. I cannot allow him to pass."
And even with Frodo invoking Elrond and explaining that Gimli has been hella useful and awesome on this trip, Haldir has some conditions:
"We will do this, though it is against our liking. If Aragrorn and Legolas guard him, and answer for him, he shall pass; but he must go blindfold [sic] through Lothlorien."
We're going to put a pin in the blindfold thing, because that comes up again in a minute. What we're going to yell about NOW is Elf racism against dwarves, because WHAT THE HELL? Gimli is a grown-ass adult, and they're not letting him speak for himself, making bargains on his behalf without consulting him, and they're insisting that he's inherently unstable and needs GUARDS. This is just bullshit and honestly I'm not a fan. And...before I yell any more, I am aware that Tolkien was a white male academic in the first half of the twentieth century. The racism could have been a whole lot worse and a whole lot more endorsed in these books, but I also feel that as an academic, Tolkien is a little bit skimming over this stuff, because Gandalf and Aragorn just generally give off the vibe of "OMFG, you people's racism is SUPER ANNOYING and is GETTING IN EVERYONE'S WAY. STAHP." Which...I appreciate the "racism bad" in there, but the vibe also has some MASSIVE imperialist tones to it, so...Augh. I genuinely think that Tolkien missed a chance to talk about race, imperialism, and power dynamics in depth here, but that's an academic paper in and of itself and I...do not want to do that here. I'm sure a Tolkien scholar somewhere has ALREADY done that work, so if you want more on that, go find it there. Basically, Haldir, if you have a problem with Gimli, talk to GIMLI. We can still have Frodo and Aragorn supporting him, but TALK TO THE DWARF.
Anyway. They get their Lothlorien passports and a couple talan to spend the rest of the night in, because everyone needs a bit of a rest here. The hobbits have a minor moment of being deeply sus about having to sleep in trees since they are literally hobbit hole dwellers, naturally, but we do get a little bit of sleep before the orcs show back up! Thankfully though, the Lothlorien elves have this shit on lock, so the hobbits don't have to worry.
Well. Except for how Frodo is still getting stalked by Gollum:
He was almost certain he could hear stealthy movements at the tree's foot far below. Not Elves; for the woodland folk were altogether noiseless in their movements. Then he heard faintly a sound like sniffing; and something seemed to to be scrabbling on the bark of the tree-trunk. he got up and crawled to the opening and peered down. He stared into the dark, holding his breath. Something was now climbing slowly, and its breath came like a soft hissing through closed teeth. Then coming up, close to the stem, Frodo saw two pale eyes. They stopped and gazed upward unwinking. Suddenly they turned away, and a shadowy figure slipped round the trunk of the tree and vanished.
Frodo, sweetheart...tell someone when creepy pale eyes are stalking you. You KNOW that Gollum literally ate babies, this is not a Twilight scenario. Gollum is not gonna turn Edward on you (at least not outside the slash fics). At the very least though, the elves are good at seeing what shouldn't be in their woods. Haldir pretty much confirms that it's Gollum too, because he says "I might have thought it was one of you hobbits." That's Gollum, guys. ITS GOLLUM. And had someone thought to tell Aragorn, he might have made that connection.
The next morning, we cross into the Naith of Lorien. Remember that pin we put in the blindfold? Time to return to it, because Haldir goes to blindfold Gimli, who VERY RESONABLY goes:
"The agreement was made without my consent. [...] I will not walk blindfold [sic] like a beggar or prisoner. And I am no spy. My folk have never had dealings with the servants of the Enemy. Neither have we done harm to the Elves."
And like...yeah, valid points. However small an imposition on bodily autonomy a blindfold may be, it is still an imposition on bodily autonomy, and one Gimli did NOT consent to. Nor should he have to consent to it if nobody else does and there is, as he points out, no other external reason to distrust him except "dwarf." And it gets shittier because literally Gimli can't even go BACK at this point. It's "take the blindfold or die," which is just WILDLY fucking out of proportion, and given that explicit threat to his life, I don't blame Gimli for drawing axe on them. And LEGOLAS is not helping with his "A plague on Dwarves and their stiff necks."
Aragorn gets like...bare minimum points for asserting that their entire party--Legolas included--will go blindfolded if Gimli has to. He gets an extra point too for his "Now let us cry 'a plague on the stiff necks of Elves!'" when Legolas protests.
Legolas LOSES points for getting pissy about having to wear a blindfold with exactly ZERO self-awareness. Like...Yes, Legolas, the blindfold is demeaning and shitty. That is ENTIRELY THE POINT. And this is at least the second time in this book where a dwarf has made a solid point about racist mistreatment from elves. But where Gandalf was like "fuck it, whatever, move on," Aragorn at least is over here going "fair is fair, you're gonna need nine blindfolds." That's closer to a show of solidarity than Gandalf got, and if it makes Legolas and Haldir uncomfortable enough to REFUCKINGTHINK their position, then all the better.
The fellowship spends like two days waltzing Matilda through Lothlorien with blindfolds until Galadriel sends new orders about losing the damn blindfolds. Haldir doesn't waste time about it, and he personally removes Gimli's:
"Your pardon," he said, bowing low. "Look on us now with friendly eyes!"
...Haldir. Sweetie, honey, friend. AN APOLOGY AND A DECLARATIVE STATEMENT ABOUT HOW GIMLI SHOULD FEEL NOW IS NOT HOW ONE APOLOGIZES AND DOES BETTER AFTER DOING A RACISM. I swear to Eru, I know the early 1900s were a different time, but the high-handed bullshittery here...
This is more or less where we leave it, because the fellowship gets to relax a little here, and hang out "inside a song," as Sam says. They're in a place of safety, and it was a heck of a trip to get here.
That's about where I'm leaving this chapter, because honestly this one was SO hard to get through, SO irritating in terms of the Elves being snarky assholes, and SO weird in terms of pacing. People say the "The Council of Elrond" chapter is a slog, but I'd read that one multiple times before I'd revisit this one. This just didn't speak to me, and I did not have fun. We get Galadriel next time though, so I'm hopeful that this is the lemon chapter in an otherwise good book.
#reread#the fellowship of the ring#the lord of the rings#lotr#lothlorien#tolkien#books and reading#books#books and novels
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gardenGnostic: every single odd number has an e in it :o
turntechGodhead: listen
golgothasTerror: Not all of them. 30 and 50 arent spelled with the letter e in it.
gutsyGumshoe: Father God.
cuttlefishCuller: If you can split a number in )(alf efinly, it’s efin. 30 and 50 are odd.
uranianUmbra: -n-’ 15 + 15 = 30, 25 + 25 = 30.
turntechGodhead: 25+25=30? you sure about that
tentacleTherapist: Lord have mercy…
timaeusTestified: One. Three. Five. Nine. And since everything else after that is a variant of these numbers, then all odds have the letter ‘E’.
turntechGodhead: you forgot seven
grimAuxiliatrix: It Keeps Getting Worse
tipsyGnostalgic: LMAOOO WHAT IS GOING ON
ectoBiologist: my head hurts…
turntechGodhead: this is why that tumblr university shit was the dumbest idea just look at this
tipsyGnostalgic: what its like calculating the tip when u r gay and also super dumb and dont know math
arachnidsGrip: You whole ass forgot a8out eight– a num8er with an E and is pretty fucking even.
turntechGodhead: why would 8 be brought up if its EVEN in a post about ODDS the post said every odd number has an e in it not every single number with an e in it is odd what the fuck
golgothasTerror: Er two is odd and doesnt have an e in it. Just saying.
twinArmageddons: diid you deada22 try two tell me two ii2 odd, ii’m fuckiing cryiing throw the whole web2iite away.
caligulasAquarium: wwhat about zero thats an odd number no
terminallyCapricious: Ok BuT hEaR mE oUt, ThIrTy AnD fIfTy MaKe Up FoR tHe FaCt ThEy HaVe No E bY tHe WaY tHeY’rE pRoNoUnCeD (tHiRt-E, fIfT-e)
turntechGodhead: bro why do thirty and fifty even matter theyre fucking even
undyingUmbrage: ONE. IS AN EVEN NuMBER.
gardenGnostic: im gonna smack you!!
adiosToreador: -30 AND -50, hAVE E IN THEM,
ectoBiologist: wait, why are we so quick to throw away the zero idea?
gallowsCalibrator: Z3RO 1SNT 4 NUMB3R >:D
golgothasTerror: It cant be divided by two though can it?
tipsyGnostalgic: it can?? 0/2=0???
turntechGodhead: od numbers huh
timaeusTestified: Everything that ends with a 0, 2, 4, 6, or 8 is even and the rest (1, 3, 7, 9) is odd. Stop freaking out, y'all.
tipsyGnostalgic: YOU FORGOT 5
undyingUmbrage: DuDE. WHAT ABOuT FOuR.
gardenGnostic: what about it???
undyingUmbrage: THAT DOESN’T HAVE E IN IT.
gardenGnostic: THATS BECAUSE ITS EVEN???
turntechGodhead: are you guys okay
tentacleTherapist: This is art at its finest.
tipsyGnostalgic: im so done
gutsyGumshoe: I’m upset that, even with all the “zero is odd” versus “no, it’s not” stuff, no one bothered to point out that it doesn’t matter. Zero, 0, zEro.
gutsyGumshoe: Zero is a number. A definition of an even number is that it can be divided by two and the result is a whole number. Since you cannot divide zero, you can’t divide it by two and that means that zero is an odd number. ZEro, onE, thrEE, fivE, sEvEn, ninE, ElEvEn, and then the suffix -teen and every other number in English contains the names of the numbers one to nine.
grimAuxiliatrix: Zero Isnt A Goddamn Odd Number What Im Not Good At Math And Even I Know That
grimAuxiliatrix: Also You Can Divide Zero By Two Its Zero You Literally Just Divide And You Just Get Zero Oh My Gosh You Cant Divide By Zero But You Can Divide Zero
grimAuxiliatrix: Also Does Anyone On This Site Ever Look Anything Up
#source: tumblr#I put their handles like that because it's like they're their URLs.#<<-- ok bit of a weird flex but we can roll with it#everything in me wants to change them to their initials this is weird to look at#homestuck#incorrect homestuck quotes#submission#butterfly-shade#mod dave#jade harley#dave strider#jake english#jane crocker#feferi peixes#calliope#rose lalonde#dirk strider#kanaya maryam#roxy lalonde#john egbert#vriska serket#sollux captor#eridan ampora#gamzee makara#karkat vantas#caliborn#tavros nitram#terezi pyrope
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He Accidentally Hurt You pt.2
Set platonically and within the group Part 1
Your blood was pounding as your feet carried you across the battle field.
Your hearing was rendered useless by the cause, you only thoughts were on Hyrule and getting to him before the hoard of monsters did. He had somehow gotten separated from the group in the struggle and was left to fend for himself.
You made contact.
The sword in your hand followed through your practiced movements, slicing all and any between you and your target.
You could hear him in the distance, you were close, you just had to get- just a little-
The hairs on the back of your neck stood up and the air changed. The split second static was your only warning before lightning struck.
Monsters fell all around you but you failed to pay attention to that. Your attention was instead on the blinding, scalding twist in your arm that held your trusted blade. You couldn’t even find it in you to let go of the weapon, your muscles incapable to receiving orders.
The pain traveled through your arm and across your chest until it encompassed your whole being.
Screams tore through your throat without your knowledge and when the attack subsided, your whole body went rag doll and your vision went black.
“Please. Please. Please.” A voice whispered through the darkness. It was soft. Pleading. A blessed chill seemed deep into your bones and you found it within yourself to open your eyes.
Hyrule was crouched above you, tears in his eyes with shallow cuts across his tunic and exposed skin. Not a lot of blood though, your brain supplies. You take a relieved breath.
“Hey.” You croaked out in greeting. “Glad to see you’re ok. I was worried.”
“I didn’t know you were there.” He blurts as if he didn’t hear you. Maybe he didn’t. “I thought it was only monsters nearby. I don’t think I have enough magic to heal you completely. This is all my fault.”
“Fault?” You attempted to sit up. You succeed. Mostly.
A grunt leaves your mouth at the stiffness in your joints and you force yourself to power though to reach into your inventory.
A sniffle leaves your Traveler when you push his hands away when you find your target. The red liquid glints in the dying sunlight and you hand it out to him. “Think you can open it?”
He nods and pry's it open before you can even think about getting into a better sitting position.
You don’t think twice about taking the potion when he hands it back.
“Save your magic.” You say. “I’ll be fine.”
And you know you’re right....It’ll take a little more than that to convince the rest of the group when you get back though. Hyrule plans to smother you until not a single blemish is left. The others? Well... They’ll keep an eye on you.
“Ten rupees says you can’t make that throw.” You hear Warriors say.
“Double it and I’ll gladly prove you wrong.” Twilight responds.
The book in your lap calls for attention more than whatever those two are doing for the sake of friendly competition. You don’t look up, trying to keep your eyes on the page but you can’t help the growing curiosity in the back of your head.
“What are we using to aim with?”
You roll your eyes and keep your head down.
“I’ll be twenty rupees richer and it’ll shut your mouth. Just watch.” Twilight grumbles.
There’s a tap and a growl before something comes at your head full throttle. It’s dense but not enough to keep it from exploding all into your hair and it knocks you over slightly.
You closed your book to protect it from the falling matter and reach at the spot. By your feet laying the offending object.
An apple.
They threw an apple at your head. Correction. Twilight threw an apple at your head.
The thoughts in your head spin a bit. Your whole head is throbbing but you doubt there’s any blood. You look up just in time to see Warrior and Twilight running at you as fast as they can. Twilight reaches you first and kneels next to you. “By Ordana, are you ok?”
His hands hover over you, trying to take in the damage without actually touching you.
“Who are you?” You blurt out, very quickly realizing that it was the wrong thing to say.
His face drops and Warrior wears a similar expression.
“Kidding.” A pained grin covers your face. “Take me to Hyrule please.”
“I’m so sorry.” Twilight reaches for you and you comply. Once you’re on your feet he speaks again. “Warrior messed up my shot and it hit you by accident.”
“That’s a weird way to say you lost a bet.”
You kick Warrior as payback.
“So...” You sit next to Sky during the break. “What are you planning to make this time?”
The boy next to you already had his whittling knife out and a decent sized chunk of wood in his lap. He picked it up and spun it a few times, staring into it as if he could already see the form inside it. It was just his job to take it out.
“I don’t know yet.” He admits. “Maybe it’ll come to me.”
You nod and let him work in relative silence, the faint but consistent sounds of Sky working next to you create a blissful and serene atmosphere.
The others are off doing their own thing, each keeping to themselves for the most part.
It’s nice.
“Actually, can you help me with this real quick?”
Your attention is back on Sky. He’s trying to get his knife out of the wood block, the outline of the shape he’s making already starting to form.
You don’t recognize it.
Sky picks up the knife and the whole block follows. “It got stuck.”
“How?” You raise an eyebrow and try to keep the smile off of your face.
Your response is only a shrug and the wood being thrust in your direction.
You grab it and instinctively tighten your grip on it when you feel Sky pull.
You both use your strengths to your advantage and pull in different directions. You feel the knife begin to slip out and adjust your grip. Within seconds the blade is free and you feel it cross the tip of your finger.
Instantly, the wood is dropped and you cradle your hand close to you, putting pressure on the injured digit.
“Ok, got it, thank- What happened?” Sky scoots closer to you and pulls your hands out.
A thin red line follows the length of your finger and it only seems to grow as the moments pass. It doesn’t feel deep but it certainly won’t let you flex your finger for a while.
A quite hiss leaves Sky’s lips. “Well that could’ve gone better. Sorry about that.”
“It could’ve gone worse too.” You press a little on the injury, trying to will the pain away.
It doesn’t work, but hey, you try.
“Hold on. I think I have some bandages in my pack.” Sky gets up and jogs to where most of the others are sitting. He picks up his bag and looks inside for a minute or two before jogging back to you.
A small role of bandages sits in his hand and when he reach for your hand, you don’t hesitate to give it to him.
As he’s working on your finger, you feel mild irritation bubble up in your throat. “This better not scar.”
“Why’s that?” Sky replies.
“It’ll be the lamest story.”
He laughs and finishes his work.
Sometimes it surprised you how short everyone in the group was. You weren’t sure if it was a Link thing or one of the biggest coincidences of the universe because it certainly wasn’t just because they were Hylian (but that probably didn’t help).
That being said, and what you could gather from The Captain, it boggled your mind further that Time was the biggest of everyone. Warrior made it seem like he’d stay small forever, implying that Time was smaller still when he first defeated Gannon.
That didn’t seem very fair.
For him and you....well everyone, only Twilight and Warrior were the ones exempt from having to look up at the old man. But you didn’t like the idea of someone so small fighting such a beast, so Time is included in your sympathy list.
Despite his size, he seemed to move as silent as a mouse. Only Wild would be quieter than him.
After some time of traveling with them all, you realized he was just as much as a gremlin as the rest.
He was not above pranking the living daylights out of poor unsuspecting teenagers.
And the thing is, no one could catch him. Somehow he managed to get them to in the blame on each other but you knew better. You swore it had to be him. There was no way. There was no way he could count as a Link and not get into this kind of stuff.
But no one believed you.
It definitely wasn’t fair.
With the stage set, it’s safe to say now that you were calmly, peacefully and quietly minding your own business. You weren’t bothering anyone.
You were writing in your journal under a tree with some low branches. Nothing too bad but in terms of shade and angle, you found it to be the perfect resting place.
You took a deep breath in and let it out.
Yes, it was nice.
You jumped as high as your reflexes you take you and spun around, but you had forgotten where you were in the moment.
With a solid thunk, your head hit the branch above you and sat back down, with a curse.
While there was laughter in the your reaction, it was cut off abruptly at the first sign of pain. “Oh jeeze, I’m sorry. How bad does it hurt?”
A whimper escaped your mouth before you could stop it and you closed your journal, choosing to furiously rub your hands against the now tender spot on the top of your head. “Ow Time. Why did you do that?”
“I’m sorry. I didn’t think you’d move like that.” He moved your hands away and inspected the area for himself. “No bleeding. Doesn’t look like it’ll need a potion...”
“I blame you.” You grumbled. “This is your fault.”
“I can accept that.” He nodded and stepped back. “There’s not much we can do about it in terms of healing, but perhaps Hyrule would be willing to lend a hand.”
“No way. He’d ask how it happened and I’m not going to lie to him.” You pouted. “No one will believe me if I told them the truth.”
“Why not?”
“Because it’s you!” You glared at him.
A tiny giggle escaped from the so called Old Man of the group, Mr. Stick in the Mud. Senor Buzzkill. “And why would that make a difference?”
“I cannot believe you... Actually yes I can, you were doing this on purpose the whole time.”
He laughed more fully this time and didn’t seem to let up.
With a pout, you picked up your book and marched away.
One day you’ll get back at him. You just had to figure out how and when.
“So, how do we play this game again?” You picked up the ball one of your companions took out. It was almost the size of your head and had crisscrossing lines. It was white and weighed less than you originally thought.
It was a relatively slow day and no one felt in the mood to dampen it by looking for trouble.
While Twilight and Warrior set up the net that was supposed to go with it, the rest were waiting and going over the rules.
“Just hit the ball over the net. You can’t the ball twice in a row, someone else has to hit it and if it touches the ground you lose the point.”
“Seems simple enough.” Wild takes the ball from you and tosses it a few times.
It takes a while for all the appropriate moves to be demonstrated but you all play the game with ease.
You were having a good time with your friends. Everyone was actually getting along for a change. With a smile on your face, you waited for the moment that would inevitably change.
You swore you could almost pin point when it happened.
With Four right across from you, his sudden change in stance gave away the glint in his eyes.
The ball came to him and he jumped up, higher than you thought he could and spiked.
Next thing you knew, you were on the ground, stunned and slightly disoriented and your face was hurting.
Four ran to your side as the game was halted. “That... was not what I was intending.”
“You don’t say... Can I step out for a minute?” You asked, trying to get your feet. Four helped you get away from the battle field- I mean, the game area and helped you sit back down against a nearby tree.
“Sorry about that.” He smiled apologetically. “Anything I can do to help?”
You looked up at him hopefully. “Lose the game?”
“Not a chance.”
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Oooooooh I got a steamy request queen! How about we have Shoto (Hawks, Baku, or Kiri; whoever YOU think should do it) as a well-known maaseur that immediately took interest in us black!readers when we come in his shop and we get a body massage from him. However, his hands are GODLY and he hits all the tender spots and we have to keep ourselves from moaning cuz it feels so good and we don’t want him to be weirded out but he lowkey is getting just as turned on and even touches up our nether bits (like our ass) which escalates to us fucking in the room???? 🤤🤤🤤🤤
Love ya lots queen and keep up writing, your work is amazing!!! 🤎🤎
Working out the kinks (Bakugo x Black! Reader)
(I haven’t finished this yet. So please ignore it 😂 I meant to save it to my drafts and accidentally posted it so I’m working on it bit by bit)
“Just get undressed to the point you’re comfortable with and I’ll be back in a few.”
“Sure. You nodded.”
And with that Katsuki left you in the dim, candlelit room to undress.
Once Katsuki had stepped out of the room, he allowed his mind to run wild. Damn you were fine. All melanated curves, smooth skin, and bright eyes.
While you did your thing in the back, the man headed for the bathroom to stroke himself off to the thought of those beautiful brown curves under his touch.
Fuck, fuck, fuck! Why did she have to come in today? No fuckin’ way I’m gonna be able to concentrate.
He thought as he spilled his seed into a tissue and threw it away. Hopefully busting that nut would be enough to keep him from popping another hard on in the room.
Minutes later it Seemed like you had gotten completely naked from the way the white sheet was hugging your beautiful brown body.
Shit, she’s sexy as fuck. I gotta calm down and stay professional.
He thought as he rolled the sheet lower on your hips. He was grateful you were facedown with your eyes closed so you couldn’t see him eye humping that fat ass of yours.
“Let me know if the pressure is too deep, yeah?” He mentioned, warming the scented oil between his large palms.
Little did he know his gruff, deep voice and those words had your pussy clenching.
“Ok.” You hummed too relaxed to speak above a whisper.
Then you felt those big, capable hands pressing out all the tension and strain you’d been feeling for the past few weeks, and had to actively fight back a moan.
Instead a deep sigh rolled out of you as the masseuse kneaded sore and locked muscles.
“You’re really tight here, Ms. Y/n. Carry a lot of tension in this area?”
“Yeah~” you moaned.
The sweet sound of it made Katsuki’s dick jump.
“Would you be ok if I went a little deeper with it?” He asked in what was almost a purr. “If not that’s ok.”
“No you can go deeper,” you replied, “I like deep pressure.”
I bet you fuckin’ Do.
The man thought as he slid his hands and his gaze lower, imagining that he was massaging your round ass. He put his all into his hand work. Finally, you couldn’t hold back anymore, a long groan escaped your lips.
The man’s hands paused. He felt his dick stand to attention. At the same time, you tensed completely on the table.
“I-I am so sorry.” You stammered.
A rough laugh met your ears and made you shift. It was such a warm, manly sound.
“Don’t be,” your masseuse replied, “those are the kinds of sounds I like to hear.”
Your breath caught as his big, warm palms moved down to your hips and butt.
“I try to draw those sounds out as much as possible.” He purred. “Moaning and putting you to sleep is the goal.”
You thought. Katsuki laughed.
“I wish.”
“Wh-wait, what? Did I say that out loud.”
The man laughed again. “Sure did.”
“I-I really didn’t mean to. It just...feels so good.”
“Bet it does.” He replied.
“Did you say, I wish?” You replied.
“Hey, you started it.” You heard the smirk in his voice.
“You tilted to look at the massage therapist.” In his plain scrubs you could see his broad chest flexing beneath the thin material. Your eyes ran down his bulging biceps and to the big hands on your hips.
You bit your lip before glancing up at Katsuki.
He licked his own lips back at you.
“You know you’ve got another thirty minutes.”
Your pussy warmed again with want.
“What are you suggesting?” You asked.
He slid the sheet down your hips and grabbed the mounds of your ass in his hands, giving it a massage.
“Let me work on some other kinks, yeah?”
#my hero academia#bnha imagines#bnha#yandere bakugo x reader#bakugo x black!reader#bnha scenarios#my hero fanfic#smut fanfiction#slight n/sfw#bnha headcanons#bnha smut#mha headcanons
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Ok, so I tried to keep this one as canon as possible, so I hope it turned out good and you guys like it!
Tiny Thing [Dad!Dabi]
Your relationship was not even a relationship. The two of you were together, yet there were days in which Dabi went missing for weeks, and you had no idea if he was coming back alive. And didn't change when the happy not so happy little accident happened. He let you make the choice, keep it or... Just finish with all of it. After days and days of thinking, you have decided that you were going to keep the baby, and of course, you gave him the liberties, either if he wanted to stay or just go away, at the end of the day a kid was not a game, neither something simple or temporary. It was a surprise when he said that he was going to be there, not all the time, but he was going to try. It was not only his past that haunted him, but also the fact that he was a villain. How were you going to explain your hero friends? family? How could he tell the LoV that now he had a kid? The two of you just couldn't, and that creature was your best secret.
Everything was set for that Friday morning, your best friend was going to babysit Kaji as you were out for half of the day, but things are not always how you expect them to be.
''I'm coming!'' You said, letting the ten-month-old infant on his crib as you went to open the door.
''Hey there'' Your jaw dropped when you saw the black-haired man standing in front of you.
''Dabi? What are you doing here'' Your voice was full of surprises, but you quickly pulled him in so no one could see him.
''Told Chapstick he could fuck off today'' He smirked, sliding his hands on each side of your hips as he kissed your jaw.
''As much as I would like to do this, and ask you where have you been, I can't. I'm already late and-'' He interrupted you when it hit him.
''The thing. How is it?'' Dabi asked, moving away from you so he could see you.
''The thing has a name, Kaji. And it is your kid'' You raised an eyebrow.
''My thing'' He replied back, making you roll your eyes.
''He's fine'' you punched his chest softly ''Ema is coming today to take care of him.''
''Who the fuck is Ema'' he asked furrowing his eyebrows ''Where are you going?'' Dabi asked again.
''My best friend, and I got a call from the job. They need me there until two pm, so she will be here in a few minutes.''
''I can take care of him'' He stated simply raising his shoulders, and you opened your eyes in surprise.
''You what''
''I can take care of him today, is my son after all.'' he said again ''I'm not gonna burn him alive as my father did with me, so don't worry princess''
You hit him on his shoulder again, making him laugh at his dark joke. And you thought for a second, was it a good idea? You trusted him, but not the people that were after him. What if the League finds out? What if some hero arrived at your door and saw him with a kid, without knowing he was indeed his father? Those questions were screaming inside your head, but you decided to give it a try. It was the first time in three months he was back, and... You wanted Kaji to spend time with him.
''Ok, fine. But call me if you notice things start getting messy, or if you suspect something, got it?'' You said with concern, the baby boy was your life. And certainly, your love for Dabi remained the same even though things were informal between the two of you.
''Messy as in he threw up on me, or messy as in there's a bunch of villains coming over?''
''You know which one'' you said and started moving quickly, grabbing your bag. ''Listen, gotta go now or else I'll lose my job. He's sleeping in his crib, the toys are all over the place, if he doesn't stop crying you'll have to pick him up, his favorite toy is the one that looks like you, he has to eat at one pm, then take a nap. But I should be back soon, I'll call you''
For more than you wanted to stay more time with the two of them, you couldn't. Your incomes were the only thing that allowed you to live in the apartment, and of course to give Kaji what he needed. You left a soft kiss on Dabi's lips before going back to the baby's room and press a kiss on his forehead. You were going to call Ema on your way to the job to tell her there was someone else taking care of the baby.
Dabi just stood there, and look at the number of colorful toys scattered on the floor, why had he said that he was going to take care of the baby? He had no idea what to do, but a part of him wanted to spend time with Kaji, his son.
He walked slowly towards his bedroom, and saw at the crib with some kind of panic, confusion, and maybe a little sadness because he had lost enough of his life already. The boy sleeping in the crib was just like him, the same facial features, and he was thankful he had your hair color and not his, not another reminder of his past. It was still hard to believe that he had a son, that tiny innocent creature had no idea of the father he had, but he was trying, trying hard not to be so shitty. Dabi rested his forearms on the cribs, looking at him.
''Fuck you're cute, you little accident'' He said to himself, trying not to wake him up. ''So you're just gonna sleep there until you find something better to do, huh? Fine then''
Dabi started walking around the room, looking at the plushies, interactive toys, everything. Was his childhood like that? He had some good memories, but the bad ones were more. And looking at the little thing sleeping on the crib, he couldn't even imagine putting him through the same hell he went. He was a bastard, but not a psycho. Nor a selfish hero.
He had no idea how many minutes he spent looking at the toys in the room, until he heard a babbling. Dabi turned around, and there he was. Awake, showing off his turquoise eyes. The same eyes he had. There was no doubt he was his son. Once more his forearms were on the edge of the crib.
''Hope you remember me, you came out of my pants anyway'' He raised an eyebrow. The infant moved his tiny hands, and also his legs. But right after a few seconds, he pouted his lips and started crying as if there were no tomorrow ''Shit, don't cry. C'mon you thing'' Dabi almost pleaded, and he grabbed the first toy he saw, moving it in front of him ''Look at the toy, c'mon''
But the cries didn't stop, on the contrary, they just kept increasing. Was he hungry? did he miss you? maybe he wanted to go back to sleep, and Dabi had no idea what the hell to do until your voice echoed in his head ''Pick him up'' and then he cursed to himself. He was smart, so it didn't take him too much time to know how to lift him, however, he was scared he might hurt him.
''Is this what you wanted?'' He asked when the baby's cry was slowly fading. Kaji looked at Dabi, right in his eyes and it felt like looking at a mirror. He was thinking about everything he has done, all the crimes he had committed until now, how could he be holding a bundle of innocense in his arms? It was as if Kaji heard his thoughts, because he started crying again, louder than before. Dabi hissed and started walking around the apartment, trying to calm him down. ''I know I have an ugly ass face, but you'll get used to it, your mom did so you can too''
Dabi looked around the toys in the living room, looking for the one you said looked like him. Was it a blue one? Or maybe one that was ripped or something. But right in the corner was a pirate teddy bear, his ears and nose full of rings, more like piercings. He scoffed and picked it up, it doesn't look like me, he thought. He moved the plushie, trying to call Kaji's attention with it.
He sat on the floor, letting the kid there too, trying to ease his crying while moving his favorite toy in front of him. But it wasn't working either. And Dabi was frustrated.
''For fuck sake.'' He cursed, using his hand to cover his face, a few gleams of tiny blue flames leaving his hand. And the crying stopped. ''Did you like that?'' Dabi asked, moving a little bit away from him so he could do it again, and when he did, Kanji laughed with puffy eyes. ''You little bastard'' Dabi smirked, repeating his actions and the boy clapped in happiness.
It looked as if the blue fire caught his attention, since it was the only thing Kaji was looking at, not even his toys. Dabi kept using his fingers to light up little but multiple blue sparkles. ''Ok, I need to stop this or else I'll burn the entire apartment down, and we don't want that, do we?'' In a gesture that surprised himself, Dabi left a soft pat on Kaji's head.
The two blue-eyed boys stood there, sitting on the floor. Dabi didn't even notice his own expression, a tiny smile on his face as he saw every little action the kid did, how he crawled around the living room, or how he chewed some toys. But at some points, the toys were boring again, because he started to climbs Dabi's thigh, a way of asking for his attention. Dabi picked him up again, holding him right in front of his face.
''What is it no-'' Dabi hissed. And he hissed in pain because the baby grabbed his chin, pulling at the skin, and by doing so also the staples ''You little fucke-'' He interrupted himself again, as he tried to pull his hand away, and when he did the kid giggled ''There are better things than my dirty staples'' He lifted him on the air, making Kaji laugh again. ''Yeah, you're cute''
Dabi was smiling again, repeating the action of lifting his arms with Kaji on his hands. It was a weird feeling, was it unfair? The baby had no idea what his father did, the things he had done. His smile was slowly fading, the little boy's eyes were pure, shiny and innocent, how could he clap at that man's face? Dabi was feeling guilty, he wasn't worthy of that cute little thing.
''Listen,'' He sat him on his lap, flexing his knees so Kaji could lay his back there. ''I'm a shitty father, but... Damn, I am a shitty father,'' He scoffed at the affirmation ''I'm trying, okay? I know I'm fucked up but I'll try not to be shit with you'' He pocked at his chubby cheek with his index finger.
Hours went by, playing and talking at him as if Kaji could understand every word, even the bad ones. The clock on the wall stroke 1pm, and being functional he stood up holding the boy in his arms, walking to the kitchen. Opening the fridge, he found a tiny dinosaur bowl, the content? A disgusting green color, probably many vegetables crushed in order to make that kind of... Soup. Dabi looked at it with a disgusted expression, but he had no idea how to cook for a kid so Kaji would have to it anyway.
The black-haired man took the bowl and the kid back to the living room, sitting him on his tiny chair. He heated the food with his hand, and took the spoon to try to make him eat. Kaji seemed to enjoy it, until he slapped a full spoon against him, staining Dabi's cheek. He cursed and his face had a deadpan expression As if my face wasn't fucked up enough already he cursed under his breath and took a napkin so he could clean up himself. The rest of the lunch went smooth, and once the bowl was empty he left in on the table.
Dabi remembered your words, Kaji had to take a nap after his lunch. Big failure. Twenty minutes, thirty five, an hour, and the baby was still awake. To his eyes, his father was funnier than a nap. But then he thought you should have been home by now, but that changed when you called him. A trip to another city, you said. And a part of him was happy, and the other was worried. Was he going to be able to take care of him the rest of the day? Maybe. He took a deep breath and kept with his task for the day.
They went back to the floor, the kid sitting between his legs as he kept playing distractedly with his toys. There were moments when Dabi lift him up, and made him set his little feet over his, and trying to make him walk, but Kaji was having the time of his life rather than learning how to walk. Dabi took some pictures of him, even he got a selfie. And there was no way he was going to let Toga near his phone again, they couldn't found out about Kaji. No way.
When night arrived and after his dinner, Dabi tried to make him sleep on his crib, but then a thought haunted him. What if something happened? What if someone entered through the window and take Kaji away while he was sleeping? He couldn't do that. So he picked him up again and went back to your room. Dabi opened the bed and set the kid in the middle of it. He got rid of his boots so he could lay by his side, and resting his weight on the side of his body he laid a hand on Kaji's tiny belly, preventing him from falling.
''I meant what I said earlier, tiny thing'' He whispered ''I'll try not to be a shitty dad. Just give me some time and I’ll figure this shit out’’ '' He closed his eyes.
Taking care of a baby was tiering, and eventually, Dabi could feel his eyelids heavier and heavier. He didn't even notice when he fell asleep next to him, not moving an inch away from Kaji. He didn't want that.
You arrived home at two am, and you were quite scared because Dabi was not answering your calls, and when you got home all the lights were off. The door of your room was open, and you slowly walked in. And the sight made your heart clench. Dabi was asleep, and Kaji was peacefully sleeping by his side, his tiny hands over Dabi's hand, somehow holding his fingers. When you took a step in, Dabi woke up and move away from Kaji a bit.
''I was... I was making sure this thing was breathing'' He said, raspy voice and tired eyes. You laughed softly at his embarrassment ''How was the trip?'' he asked in a whisper.
''It was fine, longer than I expected tho'' You laid on the other side of the bed, kissing Kaji's forehead and caressing his head. ''Was it hard?'' You asked him.
''I think this creature loves me more than you do'' Dabi teased and tried to sit on the bed, but the baby whined a bit.
''I think you're right. He doesn't want you to leave'' You looked at him ''And honestly, I don't want you to leave either, Dabi'' He scoffed.
''I guess I can make an exception for the two of you today'' He laid on his side again, and Kaji curled up next to his side. ''And you owe me my payment, dollface'' Dabi said, laying a hand on Kaji's back. Your heart melted again.
''And what is it?'' You asked in amusement.
''Your shitty kisses, because I haven't got one since I fucking got here'' He smirked, closing his eyes one more time.
You didn't know in what stage your relationship was but at that moment? It didn't care. You were there, with the two men you loved the most by your side, and even if it was one night in a hundred, it was a night you were going to keep in your heart and soul forever.
Tag list [open]: @angelofdarkness1020 @totallytouya @pemichh @hecatve
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Jealousy in a cliff | Frederik Andersen
A/n: I decided to mix both requests because that’s how my imagination wanted to lol -jk. It’s my first time writing smut in here, so I hope everything is ok, but you guys can always tell me if there’s anything wrong. Hope you like it! <3 ALSO, A huge shout out to @sebs-aston for proofreading this piece! (You’re amazing, Liv!)
Request: 67 with freddie Andersen please!! Smut Could you do 18 with Freddie Andersen? Maybe angst and smut? 18. “I didn’t realize I needed your permission” 67. “hey have you seen my- Oh.”
Word count: 2k
Warnings: pretty much just language, angst and smut (tight riding).
Summary: you and freddie are best friends, at least before you move in together and that friendship become something more.
Usually, when people talk about sharing an apartment with a male friend, they picture messy clothes around, a very unkept home, and some headaches involved. However, that wasn’t yours and Freddie’s case, and sometimes you like to think that maybe -just maybe- that’s why things started to escalate past the strong friendship you two had. He wasn’t messy, he knew how to cook, he liked to listen to you talk about your Ph.D. degree, and he knew you since you were six. That alone gave him hundreds of points ahead because he was familiar with your personality, he was able to recognize when you were sad or happy or excited.
You considered living by yourself when you first got the opportunity to continue your master’s in Toronto, but you liked to be around people, and living alone would feel lonely considering the amount of work you had to put up with, and add to that, it was expensive living in the heart of the city. So, as soon as you told Freddie where you were going -he was the first to know- he suggested you move in with him, and damn he knew exactly the arguments to convince you.
Four months into living together and he was also able to convince you of the friends with benefits arrangement, and let’s face it, it wasn’t that hard to get you on this train. Frederik was handsome, experienced, and older, to be honest, you always had a crush on him.
It was now eight months of living together, which means four months of being more than his friend, and even though you liked how things were working, you couldn’t help but wish for more than his friend with benefits and you hated how secretive things were. Needless to say, you also couldn’t figure out the best way to discuss the subject, and that’s how you two ended up fighting last week (the cherry on top of the cake being him not inviting you as his plus one to a Leafs’ event).
You’re in your room getting ready for the night because William was cute enough to invite you as his plus one. Taking a long look in the mirror to analyze your reflection, you sighed, the blue satin dress was the perfect fit, and the long cut from the top of your tights to your foot showed just the necessary amount to feed imaginations, you just needed to fix your hair, but somehow things did not feel quite right.
You’re trying to pinpoint what’s wrong, if it’s about your situation with Fred or if it’s really something about your looks when he enters the room unannounced, “Hey, have you seen my- Oh”. His voice dies down on his throat when he looks at you and you feel a shiver runs down your body with the way he’s scanning you.
“Hi,” you breathe out.
“Where are you going?” he looks taken aback and you hold back a sight.
“The same place as you,” you answer simply, and he raises his eyebrows, confusion written all over his face before you explain. “William invited me as his plus one.”
“And you’re going?” now he seems upset.
“Yeah?” you knew why he was upset, it wasn’t only the fact that you were going with another guy who happens to be his teammate, it was because the said guy also had a thing for you and was not even a bit concerned about hiding it. Since you and Freddie were nothing more than good childhood friends to everyone, Nylander did not see a problem hitting on you.
“You know he likes you…”
“And so does Mitch, Auston, Jimmy…” you start pointing out, trying to seem unbothered.
“It’s different and you know,” Freddie crosses his arms in front of his body, the jacket of his suit clinging to his muscles.
“We’re friends, there’s nothing wrong about it.”
“You’re not going with him.”
You turn from the mirror to face him, his jaw clenched. You hold your ground with a defiant look, “I didn’t realize I needed your permission.”
“Fuck,” he curses under his breath, a whisper yells that if in a different situation would leave your legs shaking. “It’s not like that. I’m sorry, it’s…” words seem hard for him to find, his silence does the same for you. Why couldn’t he see their relationship as what it was: a relationship. Or at least put more effort into reading you.
“Then tell me how it is,” you say turning back to the mirror only to realize you were now ready, things would never seem one hundred percent right while you kept that situation on hold with your best friend, so you just grabbed your handbag along with your lipstick and left.
You uber to William’s house, trying not to overthink during the whole fifteen minutes ride. William was your friend, but not close enough so you could talk about Fred with him, and to be honest, the way you two handled things no friend seemed close enough to know about your complexity. When you got there Nylander was almost ready, asking for your advice on which tie to wear and you happily helped him out before you two finally left.
The night rolled on with you mingling around, talking, laughing, and drinking. It wasn’t weird or anything since you already knew almost everyone, it actually felt good to distract your mind for a while with nice and friendly people. William eventually left and you talked a little more before excusing yourself to go to the bathroom.
The corridor was empty and you enjoyed the click of your heels until you reached the door and got in, but before you could close it, a foot got stuck in the way.
“Andersen, this is not the time to talk,” you hiss at him, but he seemed unbothered and determined. It was a five seconds stare contest before he got inside too and closed the door, locking it right after. “I mean it, we will talk at home…” you started. His big eyes staring at you knowingly almost made you wobble.
“Who says I wanna talk?” he inquired and you felt your mouth go dry with the closeness and the faint idea that crossed your mind. An idea that clearly crossed his too.
“Listen, Frederik, I’m really not in the mood for games. Can you just be honest with me? What the fuck is going on with us? Why don’t you just-” your question was interrupted by his mouth in yours. You saw when his right hand left the whisky glass he was holding on the bathroom counter and his left one brought your body closer. His mouth was a mix of alcohol and with a hint of mint, they were cold and soft against your lips you let your tongue be guided.
Now his right hand is on your shoulders, calloused and hot, playing with the strings of the dress before bringing it down to your elbow exposing one of your breasts to him. That’s the moment when he finally disconnects your lips, just seconds to be able to appreciate your body, the way it curves and bends towards him, how your sensitive nipples are already pointing to him. He licks his lips before kissing your shoulder, it’s soft, the complete opposite of the previous kiss, and the mix of feelings makes you whimper. You wanted him, wanted his mouth on you, his hands on you, but you also wanted more, you wanted the aggressive sex and the strong orgasms.
“I missed having you close,” he confesses before trailing kisses from your collarbone to your neck and cheeks. You gasped, “Me too.”
It’s seconds before your lips are connected again, and he moves one of his big tights between your legs. You almost moan at the feeling, he flexes it again when he feels your body’s response.
“That doesn’t change the fact that we need to have a serious talk about our relationship,” you say when he lets go of your mouth to kneel in front of you. The vision of the mop of hair and strong legs in front of you almost made you dazed.
“I’m counting on it, baby,” he remarks before his fingers find their way inside your dress. Freddie hooks his fingers to your panties before bringing them down to your ankles. You step aside and he puts the piece of lingerie inside his dress pants’ pocket. “But for now let me make you feel good.”
Then his tights are between your legs again and this time the friction is more intimate, you whimper. “Freddie!”
“I’m sorry for being such an asshole to you,” he whispers holding your butt and starting to guide your movements. It’s slow and steady and sexy and all you want to do is let your body go down the spiral that’s starting in the pitch of your bellybutton.
Freddie’s mouth finds your neck, the sweet spot just down your earlobe. He sucks and bites, before kissing it and the friction of his beard makes you want to jump too. Every touch of his, the sweet nothings he starts to say to your ear, his nose, and the way his breath is heavy against your skin.
You’re wet and he can feel it through the fabric of his pants.
He keeps kissing you while guiding your body, at this point your clit is aching for relief and you move one of your hands to your breasts, pinching one nipple lightly. He sees the action and squeezes your butt tighter. With your eyes closed, you let yourself be guided closer to the cliff, drinking from every touch and sensation, he’s hard against you, he’s whispering and praising you and your body, and you can’t help but believe everything, to feel pretty and hot, and good, just like Freddie says.
You also can’t help but agree that he’s the only one, no shame in that.
“I love you,” he mumbles lowering his kisses until he is face to face with your breasts, your back arched to give him full access, one of his hands sprawled to keep you safe from falling. You gasped once you felt his cold mouth biting your nipple, tugging it to him, he kissed and savored like it was his last meal and your pussy clenched.
He was getting you there.
“It’s messing your dress pants,” you protest when you thought the wetness was too much.
He chuckled so low while rubbing himself into you with more force, “Yeah, and I want you to cum on it.”
Oh, there it was!
The cliff.
The fall.
So close.
You could feel it twisting and tugging.
The cold in your stomach, the way your foot almost curled on the heels.
“C’mon, baby, let it go.”
You hold on to his large shoulders, bringing his body closer and hugging him while rubbing yourself more against his tight. Your forehead is rested against his solid chest and it’s less than a minute before he whispers something dirty into your ear and you’re coming right on his leg. The hot and white liquid strains his pants and some of it runs down your legs. He guides you and keeps rocking your body against his until you’re able to push him because the sensation it’s too breathtaking.
“You’re so hot when you cum,” he grins bringing his mouth to yours again.
The two of you spend some minutes there just kissing while you recover from your high and when you do, you start to clean yourself and grasp with the view of Freddie’s dress pants.
“How are you gonna cover that when we go back to the party?” you almost say something about his disheveled ginger hair too, but choose not to.
He arches his eyebrows, “who says we’re going back to the party?”
“Oh-” you blurted.
“We’re going home, I’m not done with my apologies yet.” And just like that, you feel the knot on your stomach again, the view of the cliff there and the sensation that you would fall over and over again that night, but it was ok since he was there to get you and guide you through it.
#frederik andersen#Toronto Maple Leafs#frederik andersen imagine#freddie andersen#nhl imagine#nhl smut#frederik andersen smut#hockey imagine#mels writing#melinda writes smutty#hockey smut#smut
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Crossing Lines (6/?)
Pairing: mob!Bucky x fbi!mob!Reader
Word Count: 5,199
Recommended: 18+ readers
Summary: A sudden and unsettling event rocks the underworld, and Y/N is immediately called in to prepare for what’s to come. What she isn’t prepared for is James Buchanan “Bucky” Barnes, also known as the new head of the Brooklyn mafia clan. When these two get shoved into a world of danger and deceit, will they ever learn to trust each other? Or will they be doomed from the start?
Warnings: Swearing, angst, a wee bit of fluff?, Grant Ward (because he’s his own warning), mentions of violence
A/N: Happy Black Widow Day! I’ve been waiting for this movie to come for so long and unfortunately I won’t be able to watch it tonight😢. But anyways, here’s part six with a surprise character😉 (literally didn’t think of adding her until yesterday). Hope you guys enjoy! This has not been beta read at all. All mistakes are my own. The GIF is not mine, so credit goes to the original creator!
Series Masterlist
“Skye, come on! Why the hell did you drive off to the middle of damn nowhere?”
“Just trust me.” She says calmly as she parks the car, completely ignoring my outburst in the process. “And stop complaining, Y/N/N. I know you had another fight with your dad, so I know you wanted to be out of the city.”
“Fine, ok. But what is going on? I’m guessing Ward has no idea what you’re doing.”
“You’re not serious, right? You know he hates me doing anything remotely dangerous.”
“Not that I’m against going behind your boyfriend’s back, but what did you do?” I ask my, running my fingers through my hair.
“So, you know how Ward mentioned HYDRA’s top runner, Crossbones, the other day?” I nod. “Well, I got curious. We know nothing about him, and Ward thinks he can set a trap for him. I just, I just don’t want him to get hurt when I could have done something.”
“And you know if you did this at the Bureau, he’d find out somehow and stop you. Or Gonzales would.” Now she nods. “Alright, but I’m helping you with this. I’ve got a weird feeling about the whole thing and as your partner, it’s my job to keep you safe.”
“You worry too much.” She chuckles. “Besides, I’ll practically be behind my computer screen the whole time. Nothing’s gonna happen.”
“You’re right, I guess. Doesn’t mean I’ll stop worrying though. And why are you still with Ward?” I groan dramatically, causing her to laugh.
“Oh, be nice. He’s not bad once you get to know him.”
“I don’t know. Something about his arrogance just doesn’t settle well with me.” I shrug.
“You’re being over dramatic. He’s great!”
“He better be, he is dating my best friend after all. Now let’s find the next exit, I’m hungry!”
Her laughter echoes in my head as the car moves along the highway.
I stomp through the halls on a mission. The office was empty, and disturbingly dark and stuffy for nine in the morning. If he’s not in his office there’s only one other place I could imagine him in, his bedroom.
“Please, don’t kill me for this.” I mutter to myself before taking a deep breath and throwing the door open.
My eyes scan the room and zero in on the lump underneath the covers.
“Go away, Steve.” His usually pleasant rough voice is mixed with hints of sleep and something else. I can’t help it that my inner self finds it sexy while I try to stay concerned rather than turned on.
Now’s not the time for a daydream. Focus.
The door shuts with a soft click, giving him the impression ‘Steve’ left. You aren’t that lucky today. I’m no push over! My boot clad feet thud on the wooden floor as I march straight towards the end of the bed. With one strong grip at the end of the comforter, I yank the sheets off his body before turning towards the curtain clad windows.
“What the fuck is wrong with you?!” He screeches, trying to pull the blankets back up to cover himself from the cold air of the room. That was nothing. “Hey! What the hell is this, Rogers?” I pull the curtains open; the intense sunlight illuminates the room causing even me to briefly squint.
After successfully finding a single blanket to cover back up with, I notice the fact that Barnes had curled himself into a human ball in the middle of his mattress to block out the light.
“Oh, for fucks sake.” I groan, grabbing onto an edge piece of the fabric. “Get up, now!”
I try to yank it off him in one swift motion, again, but he’s faster than I thought. He springs up into a sitting position, latching on to the blanket I almost had off him, commencing a tug-of-war over the stupid thing. The muscles and veins in his arms flex and bulge, and in normal situations, I’d be impressed. But I’m getting irritated.
“You’re an absolute child.” I grunt as I fight with him.
“Let go, you heathen.” He counters.
At his command, I let go, causing him to fly backwards and bounce slightly on the mattress.
“Dangerous mob boss my ass.” I chide, crossing my arms as he just looks at me with disbelief.
“What do you want, Fury?” He groans, rubbing his eyes.
“Too much for you to comprehend at the moment but let’s start with this. How about you get your head out of your ass, get out of bed, and do your damn job?”
He scoffs, rolling his eyes.
“You wouldn’t understand, Fury. And you’re crossing a line here. Get out.”
“It’s Maximoff to you right now. And what don’t I understand, Barnes?” I ask, ignoring his other remark.
“You have some nerve, coming here, into my room. Now get out.” He growls, tossing the blanket away, exposing me to the fact that he sleeps only in a pair of boxers. Damn, suits really don’t do his body justice, but damn does he look good in either.
“You have some nerve thinking this doesn’t concern me.” I snap back, regaining my focus, glad he didn’t catch me staring or was too annoyed to notice.
“And how,” He starts, finally standing up and slowly walking towards me, “Does this concern you?”
His muscles bulge as he crosses his arms, stopping at the foot of his massive king-sized bed. Though, there is an unsway of his body, and the shakiness that was in his hands that doesn’t evade my attention. Where I once noticed stubble, an unkept beard lies in its place. His hair looks knotted, unwashed, and greasy. Overall, he looks like an absolute train wreck.
“How does it not? Furthermore, how does it not concern you?! Barnes when did you last have a full meal, let alone showered!?” I exclaim, looking him over more closely. I can barely see the fact that he’s lost weight, but it’s there, it’s noticeable. The lack of a hot shower is more than just noticeable though.
He scoffs again.
“This is none of your business. Leave.”
“Stop being so fucking defensive with me. And this is my damn business, or have you forgotten the deal you have with my father? With Brooklyn on uneasy ground, especially after losing their last leader, you’re a target for HYDRA to attack. Not to mention the threat of the other mafia clans. And you know damn well that if my father has any idea that your alliance will cost him more than benefit him, he’ll watch you be fed to the sharks. But it just so happens that his daughter is in your territory, which gives you just a bit more wiggle room. However, if you put me in danger, he won’t just watch, he’ll feed you to the damn sharks himself!”
“I know!” He yells, walking closer to me.
“Then start acting like it.” I hiss.
“You don’t understand!” He argues, throwing his hands up in the air.
“Understand what?!”
“I can’t do this without him!”
The room falls into silence, and I stare at him, stunned.
“Okay? I can’t do this without my father. Yes, he’d been preparing me for years. But I always knew I could get advice from him or help if I needed it, once I took over. But this, all of this. I don’t know how to lead my men; I don’t know how prepare us. I don’t even have time to grieve the fact my father, not my boss, is gone forever, and I don’t know how to do this without him.” He chuckles dryly, hands on his hips. “I told you, you wouldn’t understand.” And he’s turning away from me.
“You’re wrong.” I cringe at how shaky and quiet my voice comes out.
“You’re wrong.” I repeat firmly. “To think I don’t understand.” The sting of tears forming in my eyes has me pausing to close them and take a deep breath.
When I open them again, Barnes faces me properly with a look of confusion and mild concern.
“No one knows exactly what to do in these situations. But from one ally to another, you have your training, and the people you trust to help you figure it out. And you have your friends. It might not always work the way you planned, but nothing ever really does. You aren’t the only one grieving the death of your father, the men also adored him. Keep that in mind.” I pause, watching him work through what I said to him. “But don’t you dare ever assume I don’t understand grief.” I sneer. “Or how to continue on with the weight of it constantly on my shoulders. You don’t know me. So don’t act like you do.” He gapes at me, like a fish. “Get your shit together Barnes, and get to work.”
I walk out of his room as quickly as I can, letting the door slam behind me. Two corners later and I finally let myself slump against the wall. I gasp for air I didn’t know I needed as I fight back the tears trying to escape. It’s been six months! It was just a stupid dream! Get it together!
When my breathing returns to normal, I pull out my phone. The message from the unsaved number glares at me as I ignore it, again, and type out a message to another party.
“Meet me at the shore this afternoon. More details will be given soon. Bring the info you have gathered and don’t tell the boss.”
The response is almost immediate.
“Understood. He’s getting antsy about the report...”
I groan to myself as I push off the wall. He’ll just have to wait longer.
The zippers of my backpack nearly shriek as I pull both of them together quickly. I’ve been frustrated with my more legal job before, but this is something different.
Why the fuck are they making me go to a check in with the case officer this early? A month! I’m supposed to have a month to gain traction and trust in the role they requested of me! They should know that it isn’t safe to possibly expose an undercover operative at all, why would they risk it this early on?!
I growl to myself under my breath as I lace up my boots, aggravated that they’re risking the objective of this mission. If I get made, my father will also lose the alliance, HYDRA might learn of my role in the government and go into hiding, and that’s a lot of fuck up that doesn’t need to happen. Gonzales better either know what he’s doing or have good intel for me.
I swing the backpack up on my shoulder, just as someone knocks on the door.
“Give me a second.” I call, letting the pack flop onto my bed.
I’m surprised to find Natasha on the other side of the door, waiting with her arms crossed patiently.
“Come on in.” I say before she can speak, nodding to the inside of my room.
She raises an eyebrow in suspicion but walks in anyways. She turns to face me just and the door closes.
“All I was going to say was that Barnes is requesting everyone to head to the warehouse, but I’m guessing there’s something else?”
I nod. “I got called for a check in.” I tell her with an eyebrow raised, not needing to tell her who I’m referring to.
“This soon?”
“I’m hoping to get something worth the risk for this, but my gut says otherwise.”
She hums to herself in thought as she processes.
“I can get you a cover this time.” She states sharply. “But they need to get their act together. The cover might work just enough, but there are still people in here who don’t trust you, yet.”
“They might never.” I shrug. “But I agree with your risk assessment. I’m prepared to chew out whoever it is.”
She smirks, then motions towards my door. “Get to the warehouse and leave your things here for now. I’ll make the arrangements.”
I give her a small smile before we’re both walking off in different directions.
The warehouse is packed with people, many of which I don’t recognize, all of whom are engaging in loud conversations. I begin to push my way through the crowd, though I don’t make it too far as I feel a hand grab onto my arm. When I turn towards the pull, Drax smiles at me, motioning for me to follow him. I laugh quietly to myself as people practically jump out of Drax’s way. When we stop, I spot Carol not too far away and walk over to her.
“For the record,” She says, not even looking at me. “This is odd for us too.”
“Is this everyone?” I ask, confused.
She scoffs. “No, there are still those on patrols or jobs that aren’t here. But I’m sure they’ll be brought up to speed, on whatever this is, later.”
I hum as an answer, my eyes scanning the crowd of faces, seeing who I’ll recognize. I just make out Rollins’ silhouette as the voices begin to fall silent. Barnes stands in front of the gathering on a small platform, Rogers and Wilson flank him on either side. He looked a lot better than what I saw earlier. His beard trimmed back to a five o’clock shadow, his hair washed, brushed, and tied into a small bun behind his head, and there was strength in his body showing that he was able to eat since I last saw him. If I hadn’t seen him this morning, I wouldn’t have believed anything was wrong in the first place.
Standing behind the three mafia men, I see Barton, the two Odinson brothers, and five other men and one woman that I don’t recognize. Natasha casually merges in with the group at the last second.
“Many of you have taken note of my absence recently.” Barnes starts talking, his voice booming across the warehouse, commanding everyone’s full attention. It sends a thrill down my spine that I suppress. “And I am aware of the rumors that have been spreading regarding such absence.
“I was reminded earlier today that I was as close to my father as he was with many of you, maybe just a little closer. And yes, I’ve been grieving. But that grief has not blinded me to the enemy that is still out there, just as it has not blinded you.
“The enemy that has let their guard down because HYDRA thinks it has weakened us!” Grumbles of disapproval make him pause. “But they have not weakened us! This clan, this family, is not weakened by the grief of our leader. We are angered, enraged, that they dare try to cross us.” He pauses, listening to the murmurs of agreement of his people. “They have no idea what awaits them. Since the fall of George Barnes, they’ve expected us to kneel before them, begging for mercy. But they will be the ones begging. Their days are number because we will find them, and we will bury every last one of them as we watch HYDRA burn!”
The men begin to shout out their support, the roar almost sounds deafening to my ears, but I follow their lead, yelling with them. Barnes holds up his hand, and the crowd silences.
“Get a move on. We have work to do.” The warehouse erupts in applause, shouts of affirmation, threats to HYDRA, and anything of the sort.
The men begin to clear out of the warehouse, and Carol motions for me to follow her before walking towards Barnes.
“It’s good to see you again, boss.” She tells him with a smile, one he reciprocates before glancing at me. “I was wondering if I’d be able to take new girl around for a drive. Just to show her around our territory.”
“That’ll have to wait, Danvers.” Natasha cuts in, before turning to me. “Let’s go.”
She’s walking away before Barnes or Danvers, who both share a curious glance with me, can say anything. I only slightly hesitate before hurrying after her.
“Thank you.” I mutter once we’re out of the warehouse.
“Don’t thank me, yet. The boss will have questions.”
“Hopefully it’ll be worth it. If it isn’t, I’m gonna chew out whatever unlucky soul is sent.”
“I have no doubt of that.” She replies, and I can hear a hint of a smirk in her voice.
We near one of the doors that serve as an exit to the base, and I see my backpack sitting at the bottom of it.
“Know you way around?” She asks as I swing the backpack over my shoulder.
“Well enough. It shouldn’t be too hard.” I say, shrugging.
“Good. If you do get lost, call me,” She hands me a piece of paper with a number on it. “And I’ll sent someone for you. Good luck.”
“Thanks.” I nod, folding the paper up and slipping it in the back pocket of my jeans.
She nods back, then walks away. I take a deep breath before throwing the door open and walking out in the direction of the nearest subway. When I’m a decent way away from the warehouse, I pull out my phone.
“Brooklyn Bridge Park, Pier 2, two hours.” I press send on the text before placing a call, one I admittedly should have done earlier.
“About damn time!” I cringe at the tone in his voice but carry on as if I didn’t piss him off.
“I thought I wouldn’t have any contact with the Family. But everything’s going well. There was a slight issue, but I handled it and everything’s back to the way it should be.” I say over the noise of the street traffic.
“What issue? And why are you calling in public?”
“I was called in.” I grumble into the phone.
“Yes, but I swear if this is a waste of time, whoever I’m meeting is getting an earful.”
“I’d be concerned if they didn’t. But what issue?”
“It’s been fixed, it doesn’t matter, but I need a copy of the contract.” I state firmly, hopefully distracting him from the other thing.
“Y/N, you know-”
“Father!” I take a breath, so I don’t start arguing with him in public. “I need that copy. If I’m going to be doing this, I need to know every single condition, and every term.”
The other end of the line is silent, and I know he’s thinking things over.
“Alright. But in turn, when I ask for an update, you give me one that fucking day. Understood?”
“Yes.” I mumble, hating feeling like a scolded child.
“I’m getting on the subway, I have to go.”
“I expect an update tomorrow.”
“Yes sir.” I hang up the phone and let out a deep sigh before walking down the stairs.
As the subway approaches, my phone chimes and I glance at the text.
“Understood. I’ll see you there.”
The meeting place my case officer chose, a quaint little coffee shop, is two blocks away from my stop. The amount of people on the sidewalks has me wishing for my bike as I squeeze in between people, and there are several times I wished to shove the slow walkers out of my way when I couldn’t pass. Honestly being stuck in traffic was a bit more enjoyable to being stuck behind of group of gossiping women.
I come up to the corner of the street, where the shop is located, and spot its cute little sign. As I cross the street, I happen to take a glance in the window and immediately find a face I recognize.
“You got to be shitting me.” I growl to myself.
The door chimes as I walk through, and I head towards the table.
“Fancy seeing you here.” I grumble as I take a seat, using the heel of my boot to put pressure on the toes of his foot.
“Right, well,” He coughs, covering up a wince as he pulls his foot away from mine. I smirk to myself. “Considering I called for this, I’m not really surprised.”
“Ward, you son of a bitch.” I hiss, quiet enough not to draw attention, as I kick his shin sharply. “You’re an idiot. You better have a good reason for doing this Grant.”
He visibly winces and adjusts himself before clearing his throat to address me.
“As your case officer, I don’t need to explain this to you.”
“You do when you compromise my position. This was way too early!” I hiss before clearing my throat, remember not to cause a scene. “Do you have information for me or not?”
“We’ll get to that in a second. Look, if Skye was still alive, she’d want-”
“Yeah, well she’s not here. How does your new girlfriend, what was it, Kara, feel about you still being hung up on your dead ex?”
“Do not bring her into this.” He hisses, before straightening up and burying any hint of annoyance until there is barely any emotion visible on his face. I hate when he does this, it unnerves me how easy it is for him each time. “Here.” He states before putting a thin file on the table for me to grab. “This is everything that we’ve been able to find out about them recently.”
I swipe it off the tabletop and gently toss it into my backpack, without opening the folder.
“Hopefully, I don’t see you again anytime soon. This better not become a regular thing with you.” I mumble before getting up and ordering a cup of coffee to-go.
As I walk out of the store, I almost bump into a blonde woman that was on her phone. Luckily for both of us, the coffee didn’t spill. After a few seconds of hurried apologies, and foreign curse words on her end, I hurry to the station, hoping I won’t have to wait that long for my ride.
When I get to the park, I decide to wander around for a little bit. It feels good to be out in fresh air inside of being inside a building for the entire day. The clouds look fluffy and soft, the breeze is cool on my face, and the sun feels just warm enough to enjoy without sweating to death. I stop once I get to Pier 2 and just find myself leaning on the railing of the pier, looking out onto the river and the skyscrapers on the other side.
While I wait, I decide to enter Natasha’s number into my phone, then letting the piece of paper fall into the water of the river, the safest way to dispose of it. After I can no longer see the white of the paper, I return my gaze to my father’s city.
“It’s been a while since I’ve seen you like this.”
“Like what?” I ask, looking towards the voice.
“Content. Happy, even just a little bit.” She says with a small smile while moving to stand beside me.
“It’s the little things like this that make me happy, May. It helps me forget about the mess that is my life, even just for a few minutes.”
She hums and we just stand in silence for a moment.
“What have you been able to find?” I ask, breaking the silence and going into business mode.
“Not much. I doubt it’ll be much help to you.”
“A little may be what I need. I still have some of her research. At this point I just need anything on him.”
“Having nightmares about her again?” She asks, concerned.
It causes me to smile, even just a little bit. Sure, my father hired her, but she has always remained loyal to me, more so than to the family. Though, I have no doubt that if she had any concern about me, she’d go talk to my father.
“More like memories. Still, they leave me feeling restless because I haven’t been able to find a lead on this guy. Skye was getting close, I know that. Which is the only explanation as to why she was killed.”
She hums again. “Still not planning on telling your father?”
I scoff. “After he basically called me paranoid for looking into Ward? No. If he finds out I haven’t let this go like he thinks, he’s going to ask questions. Questions I’m not ready to answer. Not only that, but if he finds out I contacted you while on assignment, I’d get my head chewed off. I’m technically not even allowed to contact him, yet here we all are.”
She nods with a slight chuckle, then pulls a file out from underneath her jacket and hands it to me.
“I’ll keep checking in with my contacts on the street to see if anything new about him surfaces, but until then, this is all I have.”
I stare at the closed file for a moment, before sliding that into my backpack as well.
“Thank you again, May.” She smiles briefly before nodding.
“You should get out of here, before anyone questions why you’ve been gone for a while.” I nod and push away from the railing. “Oh, and Y/N?” I turn back around. “Stay safe.”
“You too, May.” I call back, walking away.
A flash of blonde hair in the corner of my eye has me pause for a second, but when I see nothing, I shrug to myself and keep going. It must have been in my head.
The door to my room shuts and I feel my body sag from the exhaustion of the day. I let my backpack slip to the ground with a soft thud and shuffle towards my bed. When my back meets the cool sheets of the mattress, a deep sigh escapes my lips and I close my eyes, finally enjoying a bit of rest. But, there’s a knock at my door that has me groaning loudly.
“Of course.” I grumble under my breath.
When I open the door, I’m very surprised to find Thor standing on the other side with a slight scowl on his face.
“Follow me.”
I do so, hesitantly, letting the door slowly click shut before catching up to him. The walk is silent, and for some reason, I feel uneasy for the first time since I walked in here. He leads me through the halls, and I find myself recognizing where we are going. James Barnes’ office.
Thor opens the door and motions for me to step inside, and I do, trying to maintain a façade of confidence. And I’m grateful for it, because the glare Barnes wears as he watches me enter almost has me reeling backwards. He sits behind his desk, looking regal, deadly, and in charge. No trace of friendliness shows on his face.
What really throws me for a loop is the petite redhead curled on his lap, her well-manicured nails raking through his hair in almost a possessive manner. The sight makes something churn uncomfortably in my stomach, and by the smirk on her face, she knows it too.
I look away from her, finding Rogers and Wilson in their places behind Barnes, leaning against the wall. Natasha stands off to the right, near the only window in the office.
“Dot, leave.” He says stiffly, not removing his gaze from mine.
“But Bucky Boo-”
“Now.” He growls, ignoring her high-shrieked protest. This is the infamous Barnes I’ve heard about on the streets.
She huffs in irritation, untangling herself from Barnes’ lap and starts stomping out of the room like a child throwing a small tantrum. She brushes past me, giving me the death glare on her way. I simply raise an eyebrow at her retreating form until the door shuts behind her.
“Lovely person, Bucky Boo.” I mutter under my breath, turning back around. “I haven’t looked at the information I was given, yet. I only just got back to the compound.” I say to Barnes, assuming that’s what got him so miffed.
“How was the meeting?” He asks, completely ignoring my remark, irritation still evident.
“I wanted to shove Ward’s head through the window only a few times. So, fairly well, I guess. Still pissed off he’s assigned as my case officer though.” I shrug still not seeing the point of this.
I see Barnes’ eye twitch and hear the soft click of the door closing. I turn around to see the blonde that I almost walked into on the sidewalk from earlier, and everything falls into place. With a click of my tongue in understanding, I turn back around towards Barnes.
“You had me followed.” I state.
“Yelena Belova, Nat’s sister, was sent to keep an eye on you. Make sure you stayed safe.”
“Hmmm. Interesting.” I hum towards the ground, frustrated that I didn’t see that coming earlier, as my hands find purchase on my hips, my nails digging into the fabric of my shirt.
“Imagine my surprise when I got a message saying you weren’t on your way back after the drop off, but was going to meet someone else.”
“Yeah, and I’m not telling you why.” I fire back stubbornly, my hands still on my waist.
Barnes blinks rapidly, shocked, because I didn’t deny it, that I said no to him so easily, or maybe because of something else completely. Whatever the reason, he recovers quickly. A scowl now twisting up his features.
“We had a deal with your f-”
“I’m not the one that needs reminder of that deal, it seems.” I snap. “What I did today, was for reasons you aren’t entitled to.” His scowl deepens. “Now, I could give you some information about it. If you were to tell me something in return.”
“And what’s that?” He growls, but willing to play my game.
“The last crate I picked up on my assignment.” Recognition dances over his eyes. “Yeah, it’s about that. Tell me what was in there because I know for a fact it wasn’t the shit on the manifest. That was just a cover. You tell me what the shipment was, and I’ll tell you what I was given.”
He clenches his jaw, but doesn’t say a word. I wait for a moment before nodding, more to myself than him.
“You’ll get the info the Bureau sent me, once I make sure it’s actually useful.”
I turn and exit the office quickly, no one saying a word to me before the door closes. My nails dig into my palms as I stomp back to my room, pissed off at the day I’ve had. My door slams shut, and I begin pacing the floor of my room. Anger flows through my veins like a fire that can’t be stopped. I had at least thought I was gaining some ground with Barnes and even some of the others, but apparently not. The only reason he let me go free is because of that stupid deal.
One thing’s certain after tonight, though. James Barnes is not to be trusted.
Part 7
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bath time [henry cavill]
A/N: Ok, i wanted to make this as domestic as possible, so basically this is just plotless SMUT + a fair amount of sex talk. Also, for the sake of this one shot, imagine Henry is not famous. It’ll make sense later. That being said, I hope you’ll enjoy this, and please don’t hesitate to tell me what you thought! (4.5k)
"There are literal drops of sweat rolling down my sides" you huffed, throwing your bag onto the floor and kicking off your shoes.
Behind you, Henry sighed as he closed the door. As soon as you heard the lock click, you turned to see him shuffling out of his shirt. It was a swift motion; just a half second after he grabbed the back of his collar and until the material was off of his body and all crumpled up in his hand. "You got nothing on me, love" he shook his head.
Even in the darkness of your entrance hallway, you could see faint traces of light reflect from tens and tens of sweat droplets all over his body. The curls that would normally frame his face were now glued to his forehead, and if you didn’t know any better you’d have thought he had just gotten out of the shower.
"Has it ever been this hot?" you mumbled, rushing into the living room and turning on the air conditioning. "Like, is this normal?"
"Normal?" Henry laughed, walking past you and into the kitchen, "Most likely not. But I think we should get used to it"
"I'm sorry, mother nature" you whispered, moving towards him.
You settled against one of the counters, and watched Henry rummage through the fridge. "Have you heard about Costa Rica?" he asked over his shoulder.
"No... What about it?"
"Apparently-" he said, straightening his back and closing the fridge. He handed you one bottle of water, and as you opened yours, he placed his’ against his chest, and rolled it down his abdomen. What a sight, but he didn't seem to have done it on purpose. "They're gonna be the first country in the world to completely free themselves of single use plastics and fossil fuel. In 2017 I think, they ran on 100% renewable energy for 300 days"
"Can we move there?" you asked, "That's incredible"
"I hope it's true and that they keep this going" he sighed, and finally opened up his bottle to take a sip.
By now, the cool air from the AC had barely started to reach you, but your body temperatures were already starting to drop. You decided to hop into the shower, and Henry affirmed he was going to do the same after he unpacked the bags. Although you felt a bit guilty letting him do this all by himself, you figured you'd be even eventually, since you were the one to cook dinner that night.
You didn't bother to grab any clothes before heading into the bathroom. You just walked in, turned on the water, threw all your clothes onto the floor and jumped into the shower. It felt heavenly. For a few minutes, you didn't even move, just allowed the water to drip down your body and wash away all the layers of sweat you had acquired during your morning errand run.
Just when you grabbed the soap, you heard the bathroom door open, "Yeah?" you mindlessly called, assuming Henry must be needing something from his cabinet.
Nonchalantly, he just walked inside, not even bothering to look at you. He just sighed with relief and started unbuttoning his jeans.
“What are you doing?” you laughed, expecting him to just grab something and then leave.
With obvious surprise on his face, he raised his gaze, “Getting ready to shower?”
He stopped dead in his tracks, his pants hanging onto his thighs for support as he had already undone and unzipped them. “Is this a problem? Do you want me to leave?”
Judging by the look in his eyes, he seemed a bit offended, but still willing to give you the privacy he thought you wanted.
“No, no.. Don’t leave, what the-” you chuckled, pulling the curtain to the side as an invitation for him to join you, “Just thought you were gonna shower in the other bathroom that’s all”
“What would I do that?” Henry shook his head, shuffling out of his jeans, “I can go if you want me to-”
“Jesus christ, Henry” you scoffed, and waved your arms for him, “Just come here”
“Why are you acting weird?” he laughed, taking off his underwear and walking towards you. He stopped just before stepping inside the shower, and looked at you with a devilish smirk on his lips, “Did you do something stupid?”
“I didn’t oh my god” you rolled your eyes and grabbed his forearm.
He followed your guide and stepped in. As you raised your hand to reach for the soap on the corner shelf, Henry wrapped his arms around you from behind. The water hadn’t yet reached his body, but he was still a bit damp and a lot sticky.
You let out a shriek, “I think we know who won the sweating contest”
“Of course I won, love” he laughed, burying his head into your neck. He spoke softly, in a low tone, but he did it so that his breath fanned directly against your neck, “Didn’t think there was any question about it”
“It was worth a shot” you laughed and turned around in his hold.
You took a few careful steps backwards, and pulled him after you. Leaning against the tiles, you stood and watched him walk directly into the water stream. It poured down his body, along his sides and down every calloused dimple of his frame. With your eyes trained on his body, you reached out and handed him the bar of soap, “Wash yourself for me, please”
“I take it I should put on a show” he laughed and you just nodded.
And he did try. “Ok, but like gimme a second to prepare” he commanded, pointing a finger at you.
“Whatever you need” you giggled and watched him grab a lufa, soaking it in ridiculous amounts of shower gel. He looked up at you, grinning proudly as he pushed his hair away from his face.
What you expended him to do was to sensually rub that sponge all over his body and have your mouth water in an instant. However, he had other plans. Henry held the eye contact as he closed the distance between the two of you, pressing you all the way back and against the cold tiles of the bathroom wall.
“I know it’s not what you were waiting for” he chuckled in your ear, “But I think you’ll like this better”
There was no actual reason for you to argue and try to convince him otherwise, so you just hummed in agreement. He took it as his cue to get going, so his arms snaked around your frame, meeting at the base of your spine. The atmosphere, the hot water, his body so close to yours - everything was working on making this moment as intoxicating as possible.
You felt the soothing material rub against your back as Henry pushed his hands upwards along your spine. In the meantime, his lips pressed against the side of your neck, fervidly kissing away all your self control.
“Ok, ok-” you moaned, tilting your head to the side. Your words were molded by the smile on your lips, “I see you, ok”
Henry kissed his way back up to your lips, “I have no idea what I’m doing, but I’m glad it’s working”
“Oh, it’s definitely working” you eagerly nodded. He happily attacked your lips with another kiss, and you almost gave in entirely. Without any warning, he went full in, his tongue lewdly parting your lips, tasting you with no trace of hesitation. You arched your back against him, and in response, a soft moan escaped his throat. For a short while, he kept the message going, the rough touch of the lufa awakening your senses. It was nice while it lasted, but when he dropped it, you didn't feel like complaining.
His rough palms pressed against the skin of your back, lustfully caressing their way up your spine. Pure, lascivious need dripped from his lips, suffocating you in the immense pleasure he was able to lay upon you, even through just a kiss.
As caught up in the moment as you were, your reality was instantly shaken up by the feeling of his cock fiercely twitching against your thigh. Not even a moment’s worth of hesitation followed, as you suggestively dragged your right palm down his callused body, only to grip his hardening member into your hand.
Henry gulped deeply into the kiss, his lips freezing for a second. Allowing his forehead to fall against yours, he spoke with his eyes closed, “You’re asking for it”
The threat came in what was probably the most sexual way possible, but he meant it. As crazy as you were about shower sex, it was a no go. You and Henry have been dating for almost three months now, and even with all the lube in the world, shower sex was still off limits. This was one of the very few moments it came as a bother, because you two never encountered a situation where you couldn’t find a place to do it.
“It won’t hurt to try” you suggestively brought your lips between your teeth, looking up into his eyes through your lashes.
As you spoke, your hand traveled along his cock, with the profound intention to get him to agree.
“It probably will, darling” Henry chuckled, along with a knowing shake of his head, “Just let me wash you, yeah? And we’ll finish this later”
“Or I could just finish this now” you smiled, the grip of your fingers tightening ever so slightly around his cock, “Please?”
“Can you not?” he laughed, “I’m-”
Seeing him about to disagree, you lustfully guided your thumb along the slit of his penis, moving it back and forth at an agonizingly slow pace. It was enough to get him to shut up.
“Fuck-” Henry grunted. His hands slammed into the wall on either side of your head in hopes of finding another source of balance, while his head urgently fell back.
“Knew you wouldn’t be able to resist me” you smiled, fisting his cock into your hand.
Feeling his member harden against your palm made your mouth water. Directly in your line of sight, you could see Henry’s chest, vehemently rising and falling, as water dripped down his skin. His flexed arms framed your body, trapping you between his massive figure and the wall, and it all worked in your advantage.
“Look at me, baby” you smiled, nudging the side of his abdomen.
Less than a muscle put at work, his head fell forward as if it was the most difficult task in the world. Henry watched you from under a pleasure induced frown, a vulgar color tinting his cheeks towards the most errotic shade of red.
“Go on, love” he encouraged you, as if needed.
The pleasure was all yours. The choked back moans that would manage to escape his throat were all you needed in return. Despite the warm water that was pouring on top of your bodies, his breath was coarsely hot, fanning against your lips.
Picking up your pace, you could feel his cock getting harder by the second.
Cupping his cheek into your free hand, you effortlessly guided him to meet your lips. Although covered in miniature droplets of water, his lips were dry under the strain you put on him. You worked him up beyond expectation, feverishly consuming his whole self control.
A soft purposeful moan from you and into his mouth was the last drop, “Angel-” he whimpered.
“I got you, baby” you teased, speaking lewdly against his lips.
Looking down between your bodies, your eyes landed on his inflamed tip, ripe precum dripping onto your fingers for the shortest of seconds, before being washed away by the endlessly pouring water.
“Are you gonna cum for me?” you moaned, consuming his remaining ounces of vigor as you worked devious amounts of pressure against his slit.
Bottom lip tortured between two rows of merciless teeth, all Henry managed to give you was a nod. A nod of approval, one which brought a smile to your lips.
“Come on” you deplored, crying your words without any kind of shame, “I want your cum, baby, give it to me”
“Fucking hell!” Henry groaned, rubbing his forehead against his shoulder, “Really want it, huh? Couldn’t fucking wait to get out of the shower?”
“Better get on your knees then”
Vividly maintaining the eye contact, you lowered yourself in front of him. You opened your mouth, getting ready for him, but you weren’t there yet.
Henry wrapped his hand into your wet hair, pulling you towards him as he took a few steps back. His cock hung proudly in its full glory inches away from your starved lips, but you decided to wait patiently like you know he loves so much.
With his fingers still gravely tormenting your roots, Henry made you look up. The fervor in his eyes was reflected in the length his cock had reached. “Tongue out, angel. And look at me, yeah?”
You nodded eagerly.
Henry worked himself through the remaining energy he had left, fisting his cock with nowhere near as much lust as you did just minutes before. But you were on your knees, mouth open and tongue out like the good girl he loves to fuck so much, so it was only a matter of time until he pushed himself over the edge.
He didn’t cum without a warning, that came in the form of a harsh tug of your hair.
In waves, his cum coated your tongue. The water was still full on pouring behind you, yet all that was audible were his moans, and the plethora of curse words he found suitable to express himself.
“Jesus, fuck-!” Henry cried, mercilessly pumping his cock.
He was nearing the end of his high, but he kept going. The sight of you proudly swallowing his cum added to his pleasure, forcing his head back, “Fuck… Y/n…”
Your teasing side awakened, and in the head of the moment, you pushed yourself up, circling your lips around his tip, sucking the last droplets of his juice directly into your mouth.
As soon as he finished, Henry collapsed against the wall by his side, panting heavily, eyes trained somewhere on the other side of the bathroom.
“Thank you, daddy” you laughed, choosing his thighs as the perfect element of stability to help you stand up. You happily kissed his lips as soon as you reached his level.
“Oh, this is nowhere near done, baby girl” Henry taunted, effortlessly spinning you around and slapping your ass, “Out”
“What do you mean out!?” you questioned confused.
You tried to turn around, but Henry forced you out of the shower, stepping out right after you.
“We’re changing bathrooms,” he said sternly.
“As cute as I think it is that your pussy is too tight for my cock-”
“It’s the water!” you protested, slapping his hand, “My pussy is just fine”
“Your cunt is perfect, I never said it wasn’t,” Henry laughed, kissing your lips, “But I got an idea, so now go and run a bath”
“What’s this idea?” you asked as you started to walk out of the bathroom.
“What does it matter? You’re always down for everything I want”
“Oh god” you exclaimed, the way he worded it making your cheeks catch on fire.
“Isn’t it true?” Henry teased, slowly approaching you.
“When you put it like that…”
“Go” Henry shook his head. He slapped your bare ass before you two parted ways, “I’ll be right there”
And you did as told, forcing every brain cell in your being to not buzz with anticipation. Things with you were new anyway, but him acting like this brought upon you a whole new feeling that ached all the way down between your legs. Working on autopilot, you ran the bath, added some random and forgotten bath salts to the mix, and about ten minutes later Henry joined you. The light here was dim, contouring the perfect romantic atmosphere you knew had no place in the room right now.
“Come here” Henry encouraged.
He was sitting down at the end of the tub, the water reaching up to barely cover his abdomen. You obediently crawled over, on all fours, stopping only when your face was inches away from his.
The salacious smile on his lips should’ve come as a warning, but you were too out of it, so when his hand brushed against your inner thigh, all your senses went crazy. He wasted no time before finding your pussy, probing your folds for just a second before slamming his pointed fingers inside of you.
“Fuck” you panted, squeezing your eyes shut, the impending feeling of his fingers filling you up having an unanticipated effect on you.
“Look at me” Henry commanded, roughly gripping your chin into his hand, “None of that, love, ok? I know you can take my fingers”
With tears of ecstasy coating your eyes, you nodded your head up and down, biting harshly into your bottom lip.
“How’s it feel?” he asked proudly, his grin worth a million words, “You’re already wet as fuck”
“Feels fine” you breathed, getting used to the feeling.
“Fine won’t do, darling” Henry shook his head.
This time, when he kissed you, he shoved a third finger inside your cunt, making you gasp directly against his lips. The pain of the impact dissipated quickly, as Henry pressed his thumb against your clit, working experienced circles against it.
“Hmph, Henry-” you cried, falling forwards to hide your in the crook of his neck.
“That’s it, love” he encouraged, caressing your side, from your hip up to your breasts with his free hand, all while maintaining the pace of his fingers on your pussy. His movements were aggressive and impatient, pushing your buttons and spreading your boundaries beyond control.
“Oh, god- I- what-” you moaned.
Complete randomness, and it for sure wasn’t meant to make any sense either. The experience in its whole was new and so was the feeling that was forming inside your belly.
“Cum on my fingers, Y/n, ok? Don’t hold back.”
“Ok, fuck” you whined, arching your back as you white knuckled the edge of the bathtub for support.
Henry picked up his pace, roughly fucking you pussy with the kind of roughness you didn’t think you’d ever find enjoyable. Yet there you were, a moaning mess, squirming uncontrollably as you waited for an orgasm to calm the fire in your veins.
“How come I’ve never had you ride my fingers before?” Henry chuckled, the arrogance of his tone twisting your stomach into a knot, “No fucking work for me, and I get to see you like this?”
After processing his words and allowing your mind to soak up the dominance in his voice, a loud moan escaped your throat. You tried to muffle it by slapping your hand on top of your mouth, but you were too late.
“Don’t do that” Henry said, ushering you hand away, “Think I didn’t feel your pussy clench around my fingers?”
“Oh- This is just, Henry, what are- fuck.. I’m so close”
“Cum, doll” he taunted, grabbing your chin again. He slammed his fingers deeper inside your cunt, spreading your walls and putting pressure against all your spots, “Make a mess of my fingers, love”
And that was it. The last drop. The last profanity your mind was able to take before slipping down a spiral of endless pleasure. Your reality distorted to the point where the only thing you felt was the urgent touch of his fingers. And he worked you until he saw every last drop of pleasure leave your body, and it still wasn’t enough. As satisfying and exhausting at it was, you were not ready to have his fingers leave your body.
“You’re so fucking beautiful” Henry said, his voice managing to bring you back to reality.
You licked your lips, uselessly trying to moisten your mouth, “Yep.. yeah..”
As you came down from your high, you cuddled into his chest. The water around you was starting to get cold, but you didn’t care, and neither did Henry.
“You good?” he questioned, the warmth of his tone coming in perfect contrast with the taunting attitude he had been displaying in the past minutes.
“So good” you smiled, content.
“Up, then” Henry laughed, slapping your hips.
Reluctantly, you did so but not without a whine, “Why?”
“I wanna see if you can take me now”
Your heart panged, and you felt like hesitating, but the mere thought of him stretching you up beyond your limits excited you. “Just- go slow, yeah?”
“I won’t do anything you’re not ready for, angel” Henry assured you, guiding your hips so that your opening aligned with his already hard again member, “I’ll just slip my cock inside, and let you adjust, that’s all”
“That’s all?” you questioned, unable to hide your faint disappointment.
“I’ll do more if you can take it” he chuckled, “But if you can’t, I’ll stop and we’ll get out so I can properly fuck you in the bedroom”
“Ok, I’m not made of glass!”
“We’ll see”
“Stop!” you laughed, “It makes me feel like this inexperienced little girl”
“How is that not a turn on?” Henry questioned, “I don’t get it”
“Well, I’m not one”
“You’re not a slut either, but we both know how much you love it when I call you that”
“So what do you prefer?” you laughed, “A slut or an inexperienced girl?”
“You know what I fucking prefer, Y/n?” Henry spoke, loud and clear, after taking a deep breath of air, “I prefer my girlfriend who wakes up at 6am everyday to work on her PhD but deepthroats my cock before lunch like her life depends on it”
“Oh wow” you giggled, “I did not expect-”
“What didn’t you expect, hm?” Henry interrupted you, “Didn’t expect me to want to fuck your brains out every time I see you in a pencil skirt and heels? Or that half the time I look at your lips I think about shoving my cock down your throat? Or that the fact that you’re 7 fucking years younger than me and working on your fourth degree, turns me the fuck on?”
“Then fuck me” you said, “Now, rough me up, I can take it”
“Another thing you might not have expected-” Henry grinned, guiding his cock to your entrance and tracing it back and forth, “The fact that I still don’t think you’ll be able to take me, turns me on more than thinking you might be able to”
With your heart on fire, you leaned in, trapping his face in between your palms. He welcomed you mouth open, tongue ready to take control, as his hands settled on your hips.
You concentrated your mind on the kiss, on his taste and on the feeling of his tongue wagging dominantly against yours, while he sank his fingers into your flesh, pushing you down against his cock.
When his tip pushed past your folds, you whimpered against his lips, but none of you showed any signs of wanting to stop. You kept lowering yourself, the stinging sensation between your legs only growing more and more intense with every other inch of his’ you’d take in. Henry kept kissing you, peppering the moment with the occasional lip bite that only worked in your favor.
The way he moaned against your lips, the way you felt his throat vibrate with every grunt he released, made you more and more eager.
“So, so, fucking tight, fuck” Henry groaned, “Fuck me”
You nodded yes, sharing the feeling with him. Your eyes were covered in unshed tears, as the hazardous feeling between your legs only intensified.
“Are you ok?” he asked as soon as you completely lowered yourself onto his cock.
“Yeah” you said, “This is actually nice. Kinda”
“Come here” he cooed, motioning for you to lay down against his chest. As soon as you did, the stinging sensation between your legs blew up. On the other end of the spectrum, Henry threw his head back, moaning out loud.
“That good, huh?” you teased.
“Fuck, love” Henry chuckled in disbelief, “Your pussy was made for me and I don’t wanna hear otherwise”
“No one’s gonna tell you otherwise, baby” you giggled, “Don’t want any man to think about fucking my mouth other than you”
“Good,” Henry said sternly.
“Doesn’t it turn you on though?”
“Think about other men wanting me but I’m all yours?” you asked, your voice a bit lower.
As he put his thoughts together, Henry closed his eyes, rubbing his cheek and chin, “Depends”
“On what?”
“Now I’d fuck your brains out while some dude watched and cursed that he’s not me. But I can’t promise that this will always be the case”
“Do you get jealous easily?”
“You got up at 7 this morning to come with me and wait in a line for 3 hours just so I can get one piece of paper” Henry said, “Pretty sure I don’t have any reason to be jealous yet”
“Aw, this is so sweet” you gushed, leaning down to kiss him again. By now the water was dead cold and the feeling between your begs was starting to dissipate, but your mind was in a different place, “You were so cute and now I don’t wanna say what I had in mind”
“Oh god” Henry chuckled, shaking his head, “By all means, please, tell me”
“Ever tried Chatmix?”
“No, what’s that”
“Well…” you hesitated, “It’s a site.. Where people go and masturbate together”
His face fell, “And what do you exactly wanna do?”
“I want you to fuck me while strangers watch”
For a second, he failed to answer, but eventually, a smile creeped up on his lips, “Are you serious?”
“Yeah… I mean no one would know who we are and I think it’s really hot to like you know… I mean.. I just think it would be hot to have people watch us.. And see how good you fuck me, and how I do whatever you tell me because, I don’t know... I’m your good girl…? and I want people to like see how you… own me?”
The color on Henry’s cheeks drained. All the life in his features wilted away, and for a second you couldn’t believe how badly you just fucked up. But the warm tone in his eyes soon got replaced by a wicked shade of carnal blue, and the corners of his mouth tilted upwards, proving that you might have just been wrong. Before he opened his mouth to speak, you felt a faint pang deep in your belly.
“Did you cock just twitch?”
Henry cleared his throat, “Chatmix you said?”
“Do you wanna-” he started asking, voice an octave higher.
“Like right now?”
“Yeah? Or not-”
“We should” you affirmed.
Henry nodded, seemingly deep in thought.
“Did you cock just twitch again?”
“Ok, let’s go”
#henry cavill#henry cavill imagine#henry cavill smut#henry cavill writing#henry cavill x reader#henry cavill fanfiction#henry cavill fanfic
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Similar stories and bonus material on my Patreon.
To my surprise people keep joining the stream. Usually it was only my friends and occasionally someone random that watched me play. Space strategy games are not the most audience-friendly. They require you to know a lot about the game mechanics, and they take a long while to play through a full campaign. But all my mates know the game, and are just here to socialize and sometimes provide a tip.
This evening is different though. It had started with some "Lucy333" joining what must have been almost an hour ago. More than 30 minutes for sure. But over the past 10 minutes I've gotten 12 more viewers I think. Suddenly there is a coin sound effect and the chat stream lights up with a donation. $2 from Lucy333 and the text "Hey, spaceboy! Take your shirt off!"
I can instantly feel myself blushing. I'm flattered for a few milliseconds. I'm aware of the streams with girls showing lots of skin to get donations. I've never watched any of them. I'm not even aware of any with boys in them, but I know they exist. "Thanks for the donation, Lucy. This isn't that kind of stream though, clearly." I'm just playing for my mates when we don't feel like meeting up or doing something else. And I know I'm not a looker, though not shockingly ugly like Pete. Honestly, if there wasn't a pandemic going on we would probably do exactly the same thing anyway, playing space strategy and talk Marvel.
There is a flurry of responses from the newcomers in the chat. "Do it! Do it!" says one Donnatrix. "It could be that kind of stream," says fluffy2000. Soon my mates start cheering on as well. It basically turns into a dare. I'm not proud of my body, but I'm not ashamed of it either. It just is. Fuck it. I don't know what I'm going to be teased for more, if I take my shirt off, or if I don't. I reckon if I do what they ask for they have less ground to stand on. I set the game speed to low, say "Ok then", take off my headset, and pull off my T-shirt.
I'm met with a torrent of cheers in the chat. "Now it is that kind of stream," says fluffy. Donnatrix drops $5 and the comment "YAAAASSS". It feels weird. I can't decide if this is a group of sorority girls that randomly and sarcastically sexualize nerds, or if they are genuinely supportive.
"Thank y'all. Now back to trade route 14 to Zephyr-C". My emissary mission hasn't moved far at this speed. I'm about to increase the in-game speed when I get another $2 donation from Lucy. "Spaceboy, keep the game in slow mode and jump over to Heavenly Bodies."
I have no idea what she is talking about, if she even is a she. Her message is instantly met with a wave of support from the other newcomers. At this game speed it would take hours before I need to take any action, and I'm already up a Whopper meal without having done anything, so I reckon I can play whatever they want me to play for a while. Who knew I was that easily bought? "I don't know what that is," I say into my headset.
A few seconds later Lucy sends me a private message with a TinyURL. "This better not mess with my game rig. If it's porn I'll switch back to the game." I say. "It could be that kind of stream too." fluffy offers in the chat. "He could use some porn tbh" my friend Mike responds. I click the link.
The browser loads something that looks like a web game. It's a character creation screen with a faceless, very neutral model on the screen. Looks like those posable figures you use when learning to draw. There are no controls, except a set of buttons that offers you to upload settings, import from Facebook, and similar. I click the Facebook one, click a few approvals, and a progress bar that only lasts a few seconds appears. When it is gone there is a 3D model of me on the screen. "Wow! This looks just like me." Whatever AI they have combing through my online photos managed to get almost everything right. I'm wearing some sort of speedos, but I don't own any, so that part was a miss, but the model looks spot on. "Whatever else they have in the game, I don't think they are going to top this."
A long list of sliders and customizations appear on the screen. It looks like an incredibly detailed character creation screen. I try moving the height controller and is met with a message box saying I'm out of credits, and that I need $10,000 to change my height to whatever I moved it to. Clearly not real money. "I can't change anything". Lucy responded I need to share it. I exit fullscreen on the game and move the browser over to my other screen so everyone on the stream can see. "No, you need to click the share button in the UI and post the link in the chat", Donnatrix writes.
A big gift-wrapped box appears in the corner of the game window. I click it and it presents the text "Hair color and style" with bold letters and below that a text message from Lucy "I think this will be cute on you." I click accept and the 3D model is updated with new hair. It's dark blonde or whatever the oxymoronic name is for it, instead of my usual rat brown hair. It's short on the sides and on top is a big swooping quiff. It looks utterly silly. "Thanks, nice one," I tell the stream. I see a lot of cheers coming in the chat, but I'm a bit perplexed about the "OMYFUCKING GDO!" from Mike. It's just silly hair.
Immediately a new gift box appears on the screen, and soon after a (2) is added on top of it, possibly indicating two gifts waiting. I find it a little bit cute that these girls are essentially playing with paper dolls, but digitally and modeled after someone real. I open the next gift, "Facial Features" from Julia_Awesome. I click accept again, and the doll on the screen is updated. Weirdly it felt like a flash of heat hit me, like those flame effects on concerts. The doll still looks like me, but pretty fictionalized. The face is much sharper, not just less fat, but probably also some bone structure changes as well. It's equally interesting and disheartening, like one of those really good mobile phone filter apps that makes you into a photo model. Makes you understand how unobtainable the Men's Health cover look really is. "Thank you, Julia, but I'm not sure about this look."
I'm ignoring the chat, though I see it is going bananas. I'll have to read that later when the stream is over. I open the next box. Another two has already arrived. This gift is from Donnatrix and is "Core Body", whatever that means. It feels like a gut punch. Perhaps not that, because it doesn't hurt, but it knocks the air out of me. Almost made me fall out of the chair. I'm confused about what is actually happening though because things don't make sense. My body looks deformed. It takes a moment before my brain stops associating what I see with HR Geiger's nightmarish paintings and start to understand what I really see. My body is suddenly a lot leaner and a hell of a lot more stacked than before. Proper abs muscles like a pan of Hawaii rolls.
I look up at the main screen for the first time in what feels like an eternity. The model on the screen looks ripped as well. How stupid can one person be? I turn to the side monitor and look at the window from the webcam. It's me, all new muscles, strong jaw, and a silly quiff on top.
"Hold up! Hold up! Hold up! This is insane! This isn't possible."
"lol, of course not" I see moving by in the chat. I go back to the program. Four more gifts waiting. I look at the model on the screen. I look at the webcam view. "Arms" says the next gift with the text "Promise to flex for me." Well, fuck Zephyr-C and trade route 14.
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Baby number 4
Ok so here's the finished smut I was talking about, this is the full version, so if the reader insert version seems a little off it's because it's missing the intro lol I know people probably aren't going to read this version but I wrote it for me. The reader insert version should be up on my main blog soon.
I think y'all know I've been kind of obsessed with DILF!Bi-Han lately so under the cut is 6 pages about Bi-Han convincing me to have another baby. There's smut, lots of it, so hopefully, you lovelies enjoy it!
I tuck Shìxuě into his bed, pulling the sheets up over his chest knowing full well we would squirm out of them before morning. “Goodnight my little pumpkin, sleep well,” I lean over and press a kiss to my seven-year-old’s chilly forehead. The only reply I receive is a large yawn and very sleepily slurred, “night mama.” Within moments the young cryomancer is sleeping soundly, cuddled up with his stuffed polar bear. I smile softly at the scene and brush some of the hair out of his face, I adjust the covers one more time and shiver involuntarily as the temperature in the room dips. I look over toward the door where Bi-Han is leaning against the frame with an unusual look on his face, reluctantly I leave Shìxuě‘s side and making my way towards the door. “What?” I ask, pushing him out of the way and securing the door behind me, “what’s that look for.” Bi-Han crinkles his nose, “what look?” His deep voice queries, trying his best to hide the smile tugging at his lips. “The weird half-smile you’re giving me,” he doesn’t give me more time to prod as his cold, strong arms wrap around my waist and pull me close against his cold body, forcing another shiver from me. “It’s nothing, it’s just, you’re so good with our boys, especially Shìxuě, so loving, so doting, it stirs something primal in me.” He rumbles softly as his large hand carcasses my flat stomach, “it makes me want more, I want another child with you, Sol. I want to have a little girl, beautiful and delicate but strong-willed and sassy, just like her mother.” His cold lips fall to my neck as he accentuates his words with chilled kisses, making me shudder. “B-Bi-Han, we already have three children, it’s kind of a lot already, you can’t be serious about wanting a fourth,” I try and reason with him, melting into his soft touches. “The twins are 11 now and can do so much for themselves, they could even help feed and care for their baby sister and Shìxuě doesn’t need much help anymore. He sleeps the whole night through, he can feed himself, hell he even does his homework without being told. Come on Sol, let’s have another baby,” he practically purrs as his cold hands sneak under my shirt to press lightly against my stomach as he kisses his way along my jaw, making his way to my full lips. I whimper softly finding it so hard to deny Bi-Han, “b-but I’m 37 already Bàixiòng, I’m no spring chicken anymore! I-it’s not always a good idea to have a child this late in life,” I sigh loudly as sudden and unwelcome thoughts of my Mother invade my brain, I know full well she was my age when she had me. “Sol you’re in great health, you’ve always been so mindful of yourself when you’ve been pregnant in the past, you’ll be just as careful this time. What’s really bothering you qīn?” He asks, his expression falls from a happy, lustful one to one of concern and something harder to read, the look of a man who knows you better than yourself. I pull him down the hall to our room, not wanting to keep Shìxuě up, I sigh as I sit down on our bed, “my mother had me at 37, almost 38 aì rén, I’m worried that if we have another baby, especially a girl, history will repeat itself.” I bite my lip hard, trying to stifle a cry and I fight to blink back tears. Bi-Han is next to me in an instant, his strong cold arms wrapped around me, pulling me against his burly chest. “You are a wonderful mother Sol, you’re not an alcoholic, narcissistic monster like she is. You won’t raise your older children and then decide you’ve been a Mother long enough and just ignore your youngest, leaving her to raise herself,” I can hear the disgust in his words as he soothes me. “I see the way you are with our boys, how much you love and adore them, how much you dote on them. There is not a shred of that woman in you, you love others more than you love yourself, there is no way another child would be anything other than another blessing for us,” Bi-Han kisses my temple and cradles me in his strong arms, rocking me back and forth. “You sure this isn’t just a bad pick-up attempt? We are married you know, you don’t have to
come up with elaborate rouses to get into my panties,” I laugh and bury my face in between Bi-Han’s massive pecs trying to change the subject and lighten the mood. I don’t want to dwell on my Mother or the past any longer, not when I have my own wonderful little family to give me the love and support I never had. “Tch. I know that. I just want to put a baby in you, I want to hold you down and pump you full of my cum until you’re sobbing and panting for mercy,” he growls lustfully his hands moving to fondle my large breasts. “Not to mention see these bad boys get even bigger, and your belly all swollen with my kid, that’s what I want qīn. If I just wanted to fuck you, I would, I want to claim you,” his lips pull back into his trademark smirk before they descend on mine. I moan into his mouth as my fingers tangle in his hair, how could I possibly deny him when he put it like that. I titter softly against his icy lips, breaking the kiss for a moment, “fine Bi-Han, you win, let’s have a little girl.” He leans me back as his huge body clambers over mine as he pulls his shirt up and off, his muscles bulging and flexing with all of his well-muscled glory. He’s practically beaming, grinning ear to ear before he tries to regain his cool facade, “that’s my good girl,” he licks his lips in anticipation as he leans forward closing the gap between us, our lips moving in a practiced dance. I moan softly as I allow his tongue entrance into my mouth, it’s so cold against mine, but I’m used to it, even without the cold though the way Bi-Han is kissing me would make me tremble with more than just desire. I tilt my head sideways and open my mouth a bit wider as his cold tongue curls and snakes around mine, teasing and luring me into his chilled mouth as my nails rake lightly at the base of his hairline. I suck provocatively on his tongue, earning a guttural groan from the cryomancer, his large hands squeeze my hips as he lays his body flush with mine to roll his hips against my clothed sex. I lose our battle as I gasp and break the kiss, pressing my hips up against the delicious bulge in his pants, “fuck,” I whisper tugging my shirt off hastily. “I mean we kind of have to unless you know another way to make a baby qīn,” he chuckles in a low voice and I can’t help but feel arousal pooling in my lower stomach upon hearing those words. I try and reply with something witty but the words die in my mouth as he rocks his clothed cock against me again and his cold lips find my right breast, the temperature difference causing my nipple to harden and pebble immediately. I inhale sharply as his teeth graze the hard bud as he works one of his hands easily into my loose-fitting sweatpants, his sweatpants; he sucks my breast into his cold mouth causing me to arch my back. Bi-Han’s skilled fingers slip under my panties and teasingly skim over my soaked folds, I curse softly as I feel him spreading the moisture across my hot sex, it’s ridiculous how easily he can get me worked up. “Ngh, Bi-Han,” I moan softly, trying to keep my voice low as to not wake up the boys, I bite my lip as one cold digit pushes inside my hot, tight hole. “Mmm, you’re so wet already qīn, you just love the idea of me putting another baby in you don’t you? You being at my mercy, using you however I want, filling you over and over again with my seed until your tight little pussy can’t hold anymore,” he groans against my ample chest as he presses another finger inside me, he doesn’t hold back as he immediately crooks his fingers finding my sweet spot with practiced precision. “As much fun as it is to try to conceive our daughter I can’t wait to see your swollen belly, knowing it’s my baby and only mine, growing inside you,” he growls as he pumps his fingers in and out, finding a steady rhythm. I can’t help but buck up against his fingers, his words making me wetter and wetter, “of course it’s your baby, who else would knock me up,” I tease him as I tense up around him as his fingers caress my sweet spot with sweet, gentle strokes. Bi-Han pulls away from my tit as his cold
lips graze my collar bone before sinking his sharp teeth into the sensitive skin, causing me to cry out loudly as his fingers thrust harder and deeper inside me and I can feel my walls fluttering with intense desire. He groans as he laps at the angry crescent-shaped wound almost apologetically as he laps lazily at the blood trickling down my breasts. The action forces me to cling tighter to the strong cryomancer, the brief, intense pain heightening my pleasure to a level that makes it impossible to think about anything but Bi-Han and his thick fingers pumping in and out of my dripping, mess of a cunt. “F-fuck, P-polar Bear,” I curse quietly as my desire continues to mount as more delicious heat pools in my core as the cryomancer switches back to curling his fingers inside me, stroking my sweet spot again with firm, rapid movements. He smirks at me and suddenly ceases his movements, “oh I don’t know, maybe you know some hot dilfs from the PTA you’re seeing on the side or something.” The cryomancer pulls his fingers from my aching pussy and holds them up for me to see, “but I doubt it, not with how wet you are for me,” he slowly brings each digit to his mouth, licking them clean with a satisfying smack of his lips. I flush deeply and let out a low whine, “fuuuuuck, come on Bi-Han, stop teasing me,” I beg him, knowing he loves hearing nothing more than the sound of my desperate voice pleading him. “Aww come on qīn you can do better than that,” he coos while pulling my pants and panties off with one easy tug. I puff my cheeks out at him and huff childishly, “you’re the one who wants another baby! Why am I the one having to do the begging? Shouldn’t you be begging me for a chance?
I’m the one who has to do everything! You just make it!” Bi-Han gives me a sheepish grin as he rids himself of his pants, his hard cock jutting out from a neatly trimmed patch of black hair. His icy blue eyes flutter close for a moment as he drags his hand along his impressive length, smearing glistening pre-cum all over his lust darkened head. “You’re right Sol, you are the one who has to carry it, but you already told me earlier we could have a little girl,” he rubs his icy cock along my velveteen, wet folds, teasing my hole with the thick head of his cold cock. “So please qīn, let me fill you up,” he pauses to slip inside me, his cold hand caressing my cheek, “let me paint that pretty little womb of yours with my cold cum,” he breathes out a low groan as he finishes sinking all the way inside my hot pussy. I throw my head back and arch my back as I feel my cryomancer’s huge cock opening me up, rearranging my insides to make room for him and fuck does it feel good, he always feels good, so perfect. I can’t help but cling to him as his throaty words echo in my mind, “oh Bi-Han,” I sigh lovingly unable to deny him what he wants, “more please,” I give in and go back to begging him. His dick feels even bigger and thicker than usual as my walls stretch and burn slightly trying to accommodate his length. I can’t help but feel almost drunk from arousal already as I gasp and whine his name while I feel the cryomancer’s thick cock filling me inch by delicious inch. I can feel him trembling with restraint as he struggles to retain control of his desires, not wanting to hurt or overwhelm me too quickly. He pants softly atop me as he finally buries his cock to the hilt inside my welcoming pussy. It feels good, so good, better than usual even, everything about Bi-Han right now makes me feel like every nerve is alight with desire, the knowledge of how much he wants me, how much he wants to have another child with me making my emotions feel like they’re spiraling out of control. I sigh blissfully as I squeeze my walls around him loving the feeling of him filling me so entirely, “let’s make another little one,” I whisper in a soft, sweet invitation. “You have no idea how much I’ve been wanting to, every time I see you with the boys it’s all I can think of,” he groans as his cold hands ghost over my stomach while he pulls his cock out and presses it back in slowly. He rocks his hips driving his cock deep inside my tight walls, teasing and testing my limits as he fucks me slowly, passionately, it’s a rare moment, but I can actually call the act lovemaking. My breath comes out in visible pants as his lengthy torso drapes over my body, pinning me to our bed, my nails rake down his back as his cock fills me over and over again. I cry out as he begins to thrust slowly and deeply in and out of me as my walls hug and squeeze his cock with each stroke, pressure building up inside me. I whine and whimper his name softly as I try and pull him deeper inside my trembling cunt, each stroke of his cock brushing up against my cervix, so deep. Bi-Han’s lips curl into a pleasured snarl as he thrusts in and out of my wetness, his hands never leaving my stomach as he grunts in time with his actions. “Fuck qīn, you feel so good,” he praises, voice thick with lust. His words pull a loud moan from me and I immediately throw my hand over my mouth to stifle my noise, I screw my eyes shut as my pussy clamps down around his huge cock. I buck my hips up against his thrusts, pushing the cryomancer even deeper inside my wanting cunt, my thighs shake with effort and I know I’m not going to make it much longer. I pull Bi-Han’s head down to mine, frantically crashing my lips against his cold ones in an attempt to quiet myself as he keeps thrusting into me steadily. Each one of his thrusts hitting my sweet spot over and over again, I moan and cry into his mouth, each sound swallowed up by the cryomancer as his tongue dominates my mouth and his teeth tug at my bottom lip. I feel completely blissed out and oblivious to anything other than the cryomancer as
his thick cock makes it nearly impossible to think about anything but how perfect his length feels inside me, but some part of my brain still remembers to try not to wake the boys. My nails bite into the hard flesh of his perfectly muscled back, I gasp into his mouth as blood bubbles up from underneath my fingers as I tremble and shake with my impending orgasm. Bi-Han groans loudly against my mouth as I tighten around him, he breaks the kiss to whisper filthily in my ear, “you ready qīn, I’m about to breed you like the perfect little sow you are.” I bite my lip hard at his words, face flushing deep red as he refers to me as what you call a female polar bear, no doubt a nod to my nickname for him. I bite my fist hard to stifle my cry as his cock continues its onslaught of my pussy, my hips rocking in time as my mind goes blank, I feel my eyes rolling back into my skull as I clamp down hard around his thick cock. He’s so deep inside me I can’t hold back any longer as I give into my desires and cum hard around Bi-Han’s length, my body shudders and shakes hard as my greedy pussy tries to suck the cryomancer’s dick in as deep as possible. Blotchy stars dance before my eyes as I groggily try and force them open to look up at Bi-Han’s handsome face, his brows knitted in concentration as his grip on me tightens and he knows he no longer has to hold back. “That’s it qīn, you’re such a good girl for me, your perfect little pussy’s doing its best to pull my cock in deeper, it knows you’re ready to bare another of my heirs,” he growls against my ear before biting down lightly. His thrusts become shallow and so deep that I feel like he’s opening me up in impossible ways, he’s so determined to cum as deep inside me as possible. “Fuck, I’m going to paint that pretty little womb of yours snow-white, and you’re going to be a good girl and drink up every drop of my seed,” he snarls as his hips snap forward sharply, his cold, heavy body caging mine against the mattress as it creaks and groans under his efforts. I can’t even form coherent sentences as I hear his words, all I can do is whimper and whine pitifully as the cryomancer uses my body, “please, oh please Bi-Han.” My back arches off the bed as his cold fingers find the sensitive nub at the apex of my pussy as he rubs it quickly in time with his animalistic thrusts. Bi-Han lets out a deep, guttural growl as his hips finally still, burying his cock as deep inside me as possible, I whimper as I see his perfect abs contracting with his impending release. Frost spreads from under his fingers across my hips and stomach as his sharp teeth bite into the supple juncture of my shoulder as he quiets his roar of satisfaction. I press my hand against my mouth as my back arches off the bed, I cry his name into my hand until my voice is hoarse and tears prick at my eyes. I shake with exertion as Bi-Han’s final onslaught and release brings me to completion once more. I can’t help but give in to my baser instincts and desires as my walls squeeze and massage his huge cock desperate to milk every drop of cum from the cryomancer as my vision goes white. My eyes roll further back into my skull as my head slumps against the pillow, a combination of my tears and saliva soaking the pillowcase where it lies against my cheek. My body is wracked with great shudders of my blissful aftermath as my legs jerk and toes curl as I ride out the last waves of pleasure. It feels like Bi-Han won’t ever stop filling my spent cunt full of thick, viscous cum and I don’t ever want him to, it feels too good, too perfect. Bi-Han doesn’t pull out right away, I know he’s enjoying my warmth more than he’ll ever admit, he just groans with satisfaction and flops on top of me. “Ya know qīn, it might take a couple attempts to get you pregnant,” he pauses to skim his hands along my belly, “but I think I’m up to the challenge of it.” I don’t have the energy to push my behemoth of a husband off me as I just lay there, feeling his cock softening inside me as I lazily stroke his hair, “I think you’re counting on it taking
more than one attempt.” I laugh softly and shiver slightly, the cold rolling off his perfect body finally starting to get to me now that we’re no longer in the throes of passion. “For now though I’m going to bed,” I start, “I have a parent-teacher conference with the twins in the morning.” Bi-Han just grunts in acknowledgment before finally rolling off and getting comfortable next to me, “those little shits better not be in trouble again.” “Not this time,” I laugh, “though they do take after their father,” I tease wiggling my eyebrows at the now sated cryomancer. “It’s just the routine one they have every semester, and yes I’ve been checking their report cards, no problems there, thank god they don’t need help with math,” I laugh knowing I’m useless to help in that aspect of their education. Bi-Han yawns and pulls me against his body, tucking his head in the crook of my neck, “I’m looking forward to giving them a little sister to look out for, I think it will be good for them.” “Hmm, I think you might be right,” I cradle Bi-Han’s head close and curl up against him as I drift into a very pleasant and satisfying sleep.
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Call Me if You Want A Good Time
This is for @theluckiestwitchathogwarts for the @mlsecretsanta I sincerely apologize that it’s taken me so long to finish this for you.
The number stared back at Marinette as she clutched the leather strap of her purse, the only graffiti in this run down bar’s bathroom that she couldn’t take her eyes away from was someone had scrawled in big pointy letters: CALL ME IF YOU WANT A GOOD TIME!
It mocked Marinette, tempted her even as she was not having a good time currently. This bar wasn’t her first choice for a date, but the guy she was seeing played in a band that was playing here tonight.
Which was cool to tell her friends that she was dating a bassist for a band, that was until one of the groupies tried to roofie her drink. Now it wasn’t so cool, and she wasn’t having a good time.
She hid in this seedy bathroom that had graffiti covering every inch of the space, but it all looked like it was directing her attention to the phone number.
Sweat beaded down her cheek and she bit her lip to try to focus on anything other than the headache that was starting.
Before she realized what was happening her phone was in her hand placed against her ear, and a masculine voice spoke from the other side.
Oh, god. Marinette didn’t know what she was doing.
“Umm… hi? Are you the Call me if you want a good time, guy? I found your number in this bar--”
“Oh? Oh yeah! I sure am. I take it you want a good time?”
“I want an excuse to get out of here.” Marinette rubbed the heel of her palm into her eye, effectively ruining whatever makeup Alya had done for her that evening.
He paused on the other side of the line for a minute. “Not having a good time?”
Marinette tried her best not to choke on her anxiety. “Not at all.”
“Ok, here’s what you’re gonna do. You’re gonna bail on however you’re with. Just Irish goodbye them. And meet me in the alleyway in two minutes.”
“Two minutes?” Marinette didn’t know who this was or how they were going to get there so fast, but they hung up.
This was do or die time.
Marinette composed herself in the mirror that was covered in band stickers and lipstick kisses. She was right, she did mess up Alya’s makeup. She took one of the makeup wipes from her purse and wiped away all of Alya’s hard work for a beautiful red smoky eye and just refreshed with a new simple winged eyeliner.
The simple winged eyeliner looks underwhelming next to her bold lipstick and outfit, and in her misery she wiped away the lipstick as well and replaced it with just tinted chap stick. Marinette gathered her curled hair and put it in a bun, and just wanted to get out of the bar.
Her mood soured more after she left the bathroom only to find the groupie Lila hanging off of Luka, the guy she was seeing, in a booth further in the bar. Lila was the one that tried to roofie Marinette, and she didn’t want any part of that glass of controlling.
She caught Luka’s blue eyes for a second, she offered him an apologetic smile as she slipped out the door of the bar.
It was a warm night for spring in Paris, with a full moon looming overhead like an old friend. The wind picked up for a moment blowing leaves and papers down the streets. There weren't as many people out and about or loitering around, but as she rounded the corner to stand in the alleyway her interest heightened.
“Are you the one that called about a good time?” Marinette’s heart thundered in her ears as the voice spoke up from behind her-- but worse than that it was a voice she recognized instantly.
“Chat Noir?” she squeaked, as she slowly turned around. There in his latex suited glory was indeed Paris’s very own hero, Chat Noir.
He leaned against the brick wall, lazily swinging his tail around in his clawed glove.
“The very same.” He sauntered up closer to her, and his own green eyes widened as he got closer to her. “Marinette? What are you doing here?”
She rubbed her arms, and suddenly felt very exposed with the crop top lace up vest she wore and ripped up skinny jeans-- she even accented it with spiked jewelry.
But it wasn’t her.
“There was this guy I was seeing, and he’s in a band that’s playing here tonight. But…” She rubbed her arm, the one where Lila had gripped her tightly earlier that evening. “A groupie got jealous and tried to hurt me.”
Chat Noir sighed, stalling for a moment with his hands outreached to her. Marinette knew this sign well enough by now, he was wanting to pick her up. She adjusted the strap of her purse to cross her body instead of just sitting on her shoulder, and then she nodded to him.
He picked her up easily, bridal style was his usual way of carrying her when she needed to be Marinette at the moment and not Ladybug.
It took Marinette a little too long to realize something, it was as they were bounding across the rooftops, jumping from street to street that it clicked.
“Wait, you put your personal number in a bar bathroom?” Marinette looked up at him, shocked and confused. He only shrugged.
“Is this what you do on your Saturday nights?” she teased him as they stopped on a balcony of a church.
“No, you’re actually the first one to call.” He shrugged, lazily walking the thin line of the beam, circling around one of the pillars as he made his way back around.
“What’s with meeting you in the alley?” Marinette leaned against the railing he was walking on, and he stepped over her with all the ease and grace of a proper cat.
“I’m an alley cat, you know?” He smiled down at her, and Marinette rolled her eyes in turn to his shenanigans.
“Oh yes, a rough and tumble alley cat who calls the streets home.” She laughed at the idea of it, and he laughed after a moment too. But there was something unsettling in his eyes after they were done laughing.
“I do.” He said after a quiet moment. “More of a home than I ever had, it feels like.”
Marinette shifted uncomfortably next to him. She had a home, loving friends and family. It was weird to think if she didn’t.
“Well, if you ever need another one--” she couldn’t believe she was saying this, “-- you can always stop by mine.”
Chat Noir blinked at her, surprise etched into the pattern of his iris. He grinned at her after a moment, jumping down to the balcony and bending down in front of her.
“We’re here to make your night more fun, so let’s have fun.”
Marinette hid a smile behind her hand, “what will we do?”
Mischievousness glinted in his eyes. “Do you like going fast?”
She loved it. She loved the exhilaration she got as Ladybug, swinging above Paris and being able to cross the city within seconds.
“I do,” she breathed. Realizing that he was going to carry her on his back, she tentatively climbed onto him and firmly grasped her wrists around his neck.
“Don’t drop me.” She warned him, but the smile he gave her looking over his shoulder assured her that he would never dare to dream of doing such a thing.
“I’ll never let you fall, Marinette.” It was so simple, so easy to say. It wasn’t his usual banter, puns, or pining over Ladybug that she had gotten used too.
No, this was something entirely different-- and that simple statement made her heart flutter.
Her screams turned into laughter as they flew through the night sky-- Ladybug was fast, but Chat Noir was faster. His speed and dexterity outmatched Ladybug’s, though for normal people you couldn’t really tell.
He leaped over the Seine like it was merely a puddle and not a river flowing through town, and she laughed in his ear as the wind twisted her ponytail and rushed through her ears. He spun them around poles and columns as he came across them, making Marinette properly dizzy. But she continued to laugh, and just enjoyed the fact that it wasn’t her putting in the effort to go fast.
It was Chat putting in the effort to make her feel better. They passed by people playing instruments and performers on the streets on their way to the Eiffel tower, which sparkled and glowed with the thousands of lights that adorned it.
“Hold on tight to me, ok?” He called back to her, and she nodded. Her hands were getting sore from gripping so tightly but she knew that she didn’t want to fall now-- not while he was scaling the Eiffel tower, leaping from cross beam to cross beam.
They passed by couples and fans alike who waved or cheered as Chat leaped by, and Marinette tucked her cheek in his muscled leather back and felt him flex and move underneath her. And she could feel his heart beating quickly, probably just from the exercise she told herself.
Marinette tried not to see his flushed face as they sat together at the top of the tower, all of Paris laid before them like twinkling stars here on earth. And Chat tried not to let her see his lingering gaze on her face, or her lips.
It wasn’t the good time she was expecting, but it was the one she was needing.
#miraculousladybugsecretsanta#luckiestwitchathogwarts#miraculous ladybug#marinette dupain cheng#chat noir#marichat#secret santa#ml secret santa
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Never Be Sorry, Not For This
It was just supposed to be two friends dancing. You should’ve known better: Eugene Roe + Dirty Jazz in a dark club on a hot Georgia night would be the death of you.
(i listened to Death Letter by Cassandra Wilson while writing this, in case you wanna feel the spice)
You giggle slightly when Gene’s hand presses hot on the middle of your back, the giggle graduating to an apologetic snicker when he shot you an impatient look.
“Really? Are you twelve?” Roe grumbles, holding your right hand up gently and keeping it close to their sides.
“And a half.” You wink, smirking as he rolls his eyes and shakes his head at you.
He looked stupidly handsome in the low light of the club, a light sheen of sweat on his skin catching the light and making him shine like some sort of angel.
Careful, a voice in your head whispers. Don’t read more into this than there is.
He had only brought you here because Bill fucking Guarnere was incapable on minding his own business and keeping his goddamn mouth shut for longer than two minutes and practically strong-armed Gene into inviting you.
During a night of Sobel-assigned kitchens inventory with Gene and Guarnere, Bill had asked you about your recent birthday- what you’d done, who you’d heard from, if you’d gotten anything.
“Paperwork, my dad and my sister and her family, and Sobel gave me an earful about controlling my facial expressions when he’s trying to establish his authority- Thanks for asking.”
Your answer was apparently incorrect, and Guarnere had turned to Gene and pointed at you with his thumb conspiratorial.
“That’s gotta be the saddest shit I’ve ever heard, eh Doc? Can’t let such an important day go to waste like that, can we, pal?”
Guarnere proceeded to bully Gene into inviting you to the jazz club the medic always flocked to on his weekend passes, the place he chose to escape to in lieu of the bar favored by most residents of Toccoa.
But before you’d had a chance to tell Bill to shut up and stop being weird, Gene had nodded and looked down at the inventory sheet in his hand.
“I mean, we could if you wanted to.”
You had a feeling that he was regretting extending the invitation now.
When the two of you had entered the club you’d suddenly realized that this wasn’t the traditional, big band jazz you’d been expecting.
Oh no, you were pretty sure Gene had accidentally taken you to a sex club of some kind- and you became even more sure the moment your eyes had adjusted to the darkness and you’d been able to make out your surroundings.
The singer on the stage was lit with a red light, voice smokey and seductive as she crooned a slow melody, eyes hazy as her hands trailed up and down the microphone’s stand in a clearly suggestive manner. There were two men with instruments behind her, the one with the drum looking at her silk-clad body like he meant to ravage it.
Maybe jazz means something different in the south?
Couples were writhing to the drums rhythm, bodies draped over each other like some kind of Rodinian menagerie.
Now, you were pretty confident in your capabilities as both a soldier and a human woman- you wouldn’t have gotten this far if you hadn’t been able to trust yourself and what you could handle.
And you knew for a fact that you were incapable of pulling this off.
Now, Gene was a patient man, but you could see in the set of his jaw he was starting to get frustrated.
I don’t blame him, I’m acting like I’ve never been alone with a boy before.
Clearing your throat, you bite the inside of your cheek to try and get your shit together.
He’s trying to do something nice for you and you’re ruining it….
”I’ll stop, I promise.” you plead, ducking your head to try and catch his gaze. “I’m just nervous, give me a break…”
“You’ve literally run out in front of a moving plane to get a piece of debris off a runway ” he interrupts you like you hadn’t been talking. “You stole Sobel’s car—”
“At least if those things went wrong I would’ve just been killed.”
Eugene snorts at that, and you hear him mutter something to himself in French.
“And now?” He asks, tilting his head towards the band on the stage and the other dancers around you . “You think this is worse?”
You fix him with a look of shock that you know will make him laugh again. “Death over humiliation, every time! Obviously. What sort of question is that? C’mon Genie—”
“I know you know how to dance. I’ve seen you and Nixon dance at Malarkey’s birthday dinner in last July—”
You cringed internally. You’d forgotten there had been witnesses to that.
“Ok, first off,” you tap one of your fingers against his shoulder for emphasis. “that only happened because I lost a bet with Lewis. And to be clear-I know how to ballroom dance, and that’s different because the whole point is to be rigid and straight and precise. This is….proving to be a challenge.”
You’d always been good at those sorts of things- order and rigidity and accuracy. You were used to knowing what was expected of you and how you measured up to those expectations. But you were going into this completely unprepared. You hated it.
“Just think of this as a basic waltz step, just slower.” Gene supplied, and when you started to fall into the familiar step he immediately made it clear that he was going to be dictating the pace, meeting your quirked brow with one of his own.
“Much slower. Glacial. Frozen molasses sliding down a flat hill—” You chide lightly, trying to disguise the waiver of apprehension in your voice.
“I don’t think that’s a phrase. But yes- that slow.”
You sigh, letting him lead you in an almost unbearably slow box step, letting him take you through five box-steps before huffing and hooking your chin over his shoulder and rest your head there, groaning melodramatically like you were in pain.
“This is impractically slow.” you lament. “It doesn’t look or feel right—”
With a quick move of his arm he presses you closer into his chest, knocking you slightly off balance before moving you so his thigh is wedged between your legs.
You flush at what you assumed was a mistake on his part, and when you go to step back down from his thigh he moves with you and holds you in place.
Eugene Roe, you saucy boy.
“Gotta let me have some of your weight. That’s why it feels like you’re doing it wrong….”
His voice is soft as stone, and you know he can feel your breath catch in your throat. “C’mon, mon cher- I got you.”
You’re suddenly very glad that he's pulled you so close because you don’t have to hide the scarlet blush on your cheeks at the imploring tone in his voice.
It made you want to trust him. It made you want him, period.
Full stop.
It’s dancing. People dance. Friends dance, it doesn’t mean anything unless you want it to.
Unless you let it.
You take a deep breath and let your knees bend slightly, allowing your hips to slot together and your heart thud against his.
Just as he promised, he keeps a hold on you, the arm around your waist like a belt holding the two of you together, and your ribs jump in a quick inhale as his fingers curl around your waist.
If he notices your reaction, he’s kind enough not to mention it.
“Good,” he says under his breath, and you feel him nodding against your hair. “That’s good.”
Good God, had his voice always been so low? Fuck he was good at this….
You hmm in reply, your self-consciousness put on the back burner in order to cope with the absolute burning electric currents seeming to run through your body, just beneath your skin.
You’ve never been so overwhelmed by another person, let alone some boy as you felt at this moment in Eugene Roe’s arms- you couldn’t so much as breathe without him knowing, each inhale bringing with it the sweet, clean smell of the aftershave you couldn’t quite identify and the salt of his skin.
The steps of the waltz have melted into a rhythmic sway of your bodies, shifting weight from the ball of one foot to the other in time with Gene’s lead.
It’s everything you can do not to shake as his thigh flexes between your legs, your sex rubbing agianst it deliciously every so often and making you feel stupid with longing.
“You okay?” he asks quietly, and you realize that you’ve been holding your breath the whole time, a distracted chuckle escaping your lips before your nod softly.
“Yeah, course.” You wrap an arm around his shoulder and sway with him, giving the hand holding yours a quick squeeze of reassurance. “You?”
You feel him nod. “Yeah, me too.”
You hum, letting your eyes drift closed as you try to think about keeping your breathing even and touch light.
Which was proving harder than you’d anticipated— the slow curling beat of the new song beginning and it’s rumbling melody settling over your heads like the foreboding clouds of a storm that neither of you seemed too interested in seeking shelter from.
This whole place could burn down and all I’d see is him
After a few more moments you feel the hand at your back begin to knead at the knots along your spine, strong fingers rolling like revered thunder against your tense muscles.
“Give me some more,” he quietly demands. “You need to lean on me more….you’re still too tense—” and you bend your knees a bit so you can feel the pressure of his thigh where you’re throbbing for him the most.
“Shhhhhhiiiiiit…” he hisses quietly, almost to himself.
“Eugene,” you breathe before you can stop yourself, titling your head so your temples press together. “ We, uh…..We said we wanted to go by eleven...”
Your reminder is purely for show, arousal hot in your chest and stomach.
When he hums in acknowledgement, you can hear the lack of intention behind it. The idea of separating from this man made you feel cold—a prospect you found unbearable despite the heat making your hair stick to the back of your neck.
Staying, we’re going to stay.
Part of this feels inevitable, like the two of you had always been destined to end in this sinfully filthy embrace with nearly every single part of your bodies touching, and you couldn’t find it in yourself to curse the humidity you so loathed.
A whimper escapes your throat when you catch your clothed clit on some bunched fabric from the leg of his pants, and his arms abandon their dancing position to wrap around your torso and smooth his hands up and down your back
“Like this, Doc?” you can’t help but whisper, sighing prettily when his grip digs into the meat of your shoulder blades.
You know you aren’t dancing anymore, haven’t been dancing for a while. You feel your hips jump against his, a low groan rumbling in his chest as one of his hands flashes down to squeeze at your ass.
“Fuck darlin’....”
You turn your head so your lips are at his ear, eyes nearly rolling back in your head at the sinful roll of his hips as he drops a bit lower, a growl in his chest at the breathy way you gasp his name.
“I’m sorry” he’s whispering. “I’m sorry—”
You know what he’s apologizing for.
He thinks he’s confirming Sobel’s horrible accusations— that you’re nothing more than a warm body in the eyes of the men of Easy Company.
Their CO had a special place in his heart for taking the time to remind you that you were a woman and insinuate that you were nothing more than a barrack whore who was a pretty good shot on a rifle.
“Even pious Winters seems to find you distracting, Miss Y/N. Maybe we should send you ahead of the pack to give the Krauts something to enjoy before we show up.”
“Don’t be sorry,” you shake your head and bring one hand up to lightly touch his cheek, voice thick in your throat. “Never be sorry. Not for this— Shit, Gene....”
One of Gene’s hands slid up your neck and into your hair, holding your head as he turned to look at you, pupils blown wide beneath heavily lidded eyes.
You look at his lips, bringing your thumb over to smooth the furrow in his brow.
“Never?” he asks, and with one final look into his eyes you shake your head.
“Never.” you hear yourself say,
You kiss the corner of his mouth first, not wanting to rush him, still worried that (somehow) you were misreading his intentions.
As if he wasn't gyrating his hips with you in a way so dirty that you were surprised you hadn’t been asked to leave. As if you couldn’t feel the ghost of his hard cock against your hip….
Apparently Gene thought you were now the one moving too slowly, because he uses his hand in your hair to turn your mouth to his and kiss the breath from your lungs.
His lips taste like whiskey and a tiny bit like the candied pecans you’d brought him as a thank you for taking you out.
You sighed against his mouth as you slid one of your hands down his chest, fisting his shirt as his tongue parts the seam of your lips and deepens the kiss.
“Embrasse-moi (kiss me),” he mumbles between the kisses he plucked from your lips. “Je pense toujours à toi, Je ne peux pas vivre sans toi….tu as besoin de savoir que (I always think about you, I can’t live without you. You need to know that.).”
You’re french is lackluster at best, but something in the way he’s saying the words that makes you feel as if he’s being unbearably sincere in whatever it is he’s telling you.
“I dont…” you begin, but then something wicked and heavy settles in your lower belly that has you pulling back enough that you can look him in the eye.
HIs lips are pink and swollen, and you nearly forget what you wanted to tell him.
Debauched, absolutely lewd and lustful.
Your hands find his and with a reassuring nodyou put his hands on your hip and thigh, another curse slipping past his lips as his fingers bunched the soft fabric of your skirt in his hands.
“Show me what you said.” You know you’ve said it like a command but you’ve never felt more less in control in your entire life. “Please, Eugene—”
He nods solemnly, and when he replies you get the feeling he’s making you a deeper promise than you are aware of.
“I will. I promise.”
and he does.
(*throws fic at you and runs away* than you for reading bYE (p2?))
#band of brothers x reader#band of brothers imagine#eugene roe x reader#it's vv bad but I'll just add it to the pile of already burning garbage pile that is my bibliography#idk if anyone wants to be tagged but if you so for some reason let a sister know
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even more weird ass band of brothers headcanons I pulled out of my ass at 1am but it’s not 1am it’s actually 12am
-i’m sorry to say this but skinny is a tik tok fuckboy. like he dresses in chains, has a bunch of hoodies, does the fuckboy chin rub, etc. he’d said “are you lost baby girl” and then stub his toe and cry I just know it
-buck compton is a lawyer by day and football coach at night. he coaches like boys third football, like..imagine this huge albino man flexing his mucules in front of these srawny 14-15 year old’s...and talking about how he got shot but you always have to remember “one bullet, four holes” and the kids are like “we just wanna play please ”
-david webster uses ao3 and refuses to use wattpad. he says he’s “too mature” for wattpad and ao3 is for “the burned out kids” like 😤🙄 please SHUT UP. he’s one of those bitches who names there 20k oneshot enemies to lovers fic after a taylor swift song or paramore song and leaves a super long author’s note bc “his readers won’t understand the complexity of his story” like stfu the two people who read ur story are like fourteen chill out which is totally not a self call out
-eugene roe is a reformed emo kid. he use to be OBSESSED with twilight when he was a teen, collected all the books, had all the hot topic merch, etc. his biggest crime was illegally downloading decode by paramore onto his MP3 player and it still haunts him to this day. it’s all stuffed into the back of his closet in a little box and babe finds it one day and begs Eugene to do his eyeliner after finding photos of eugene, studded belt and fingerless gloves with eyeliner. Eugene can’t say no and does so. literally I love them so much
-chuck grant 100% played football and lacrosse in high school. like...I can just feel it. but he’d be the kid who sucked freshmen year and then the kid who was the best player by his senior year. also he’d be the coolest guy on the team I just feel it in my bones
-janovec would be the type of guys that say “I love women there queens” and like in really sweet way. like he always says “yas queen”, “slay!” and “pop off sis!” like it’s so cute but you asked him to hold you’re drink at a party he’d forget five seconds later
-frank perconte is the littlest bitch to cook with. like he’s super specific and uses “all organic italian” ingredients” and is super picky with cooking but in the annyoing way. luz calls him an “eye-talian” and it makes perconte fume
-bull and johnny were best friends as kids. like they met in middle school and Johnny was the short kid who everybody bullied. bull thoguht he was helpless but Johnny bit people...I wish I was joking. Ik it’s random but there besties for life and no Johnny stopped biting people
-smokey gordon was a horse girl. sorry not was, still is to this day. once he starts talking about horses he cannot shut up
-joe liebgott seems like he’s the embodiment of toxic masculinity but like once he talks off his shirt...he’s as hairless as a baby while Webster is literally a 🐻 also he’s a sucker for hallmark movies. like what started as a harmless joke turned into forcing Webster to sit in his lap as they made comments about the movie infront of them
-winters and nixon LOVE shows like outlander and poldark. nixon had read the books bc kathy (🤮) had left the books in there old house and he took a peak and then was full on sitting down, hooked to the plot. winters loves clarie and nixon loves jaime. they have arguments about the show and it’s very passionate
-another dick winters hc but dick winters is a fitness fad. he goes on runs with his dog, does cycling with nixon, was a boxer in college, etc. aka daddy Quaker is ripped
-remember the hc about Malark, skip, and penk not being able to spell the word pandemic? Speirs found out and forced them to sit down and spell the world. It turns out the three of them have no idea how to spell it. Penk had a mental breakdown, or as skip says, a “mental breakdance”
-speirs was the little kid that had no friends growing up and would stare at adults and spit out weird facts about death. legend has it still is like that today
-luz has the worst pickup lines like “my love for you is like diarrhea, I can’t hold it in”, “I wish I were cross-eyed so I can see you twice”, and my personal favorite “Did your license get suspended for driving all these guys crazy?” Bc toye lost his licensee for driving like a maniac
-shifty powers cannot legally swear. he says “poo on a stick”, “son of a gun”, cheese and crackers” and the most scandalous, “leapin’ lizards.” PROTECT HIM
-carwood lipton dresses like a grandpa going to a diner on sunday. he drives a green Volvo and Luz put a “honk if you need to shit sticker on the back” and Lipton never found out and is like “why is everybody honking??? ;(“ and Luz is like “>:3”
-also carwood embodies white dad energy. He’s the type of guy to say “who’s ready to rock and roll?” after getting out for the bathroom. baseball caps are his go too. also can we mention how much this man WORKS OUT?? like him and speris do couple workouts aw🥺🥺 except speirs does like death marathons and lip is clapping like a dad in the back
ok wow these are a lot I should be studying for my algebra one test but like....shifty with a bunch of sqiushmallows....hngnnhhhh
#band of brothers#Eugene roe#babe heffron#baberoe#David Webster#joe liebgott#Chuck grant#Frank perconte#winnix#carwood Lipton#Ronald speirs#George luz#joe toye#luztoye#carrie chats#this might be my new night tradition guys lol#I need to sleep oh god
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Another Sniper/Spy fluffy “short”
Spy and Sniper are sent on a mission where Spy has to disguise himself as a woman. Sniper falls for him *even more* and when he catches Spy flirting with the bad guy, well, the Aussie takes it badly. But in the end, all is well ;) Follow this link!
"Hey, Miss Paulin'?"
"Hey Scout, d'you know where I can find Spy and Sniper?"
"Ya got a job for'em?"
"Yes, I do." Miss Pauling had barely arrived at the base that the young man was all over her, like a bee on a flower.
"I can do it. I'm sure I can do it on my own too, I'm pretty strong, see?" He flexed his arm and Miss Pauling rolled her eyes before looking away.
"Scout, I need those two to do the job, not you."
"I can do it with them, if that works better for you, eh?"
The young woman sighed and pushed living-room's door.
"Hey everyone."
"Howdy, Miss?"
Most of the team was there but as Miss Pauling scanned the room, she didn't find Spy or Sniper.
"Any idea where Sniper and Spy are?"
"You'll find Slim in his van I guess, and for Spy? I'd say give a knock on his door." The Texan answered from the sofa, a beer in his hand.
"Alright, thanks." The young woman spun on her heels and bumped on Scout. "Scout!"
"Yeah, I'm here."
"You wanna do something for me?"
"Sure!" He excitedly answered.
"Get Spy and Sniper in the meeting room in 2 minutes."
"I'm on it!"
And a couple of minutes later, both mercenaries were in the meeting room with Miss Pauling.
"Alright, guys, I have a job for you two. I know, it's quite unusual for both of you to team up with anyone but unless one of you can split himself into two, you'll need each other."
Spy and Sniper were sitting face to face on one end of the long table, the closest to the screen. The Frenchman lit a cigarette and raised his hand.
"Spy?" Miss Pauling was surprised that he should have a question so soon.
"Is this mission only to be heard by Sniper and my ears?" He asked.
"Yeah, why?" The young woman raised an eyebrow. Spy stood up and went to the meeting room's door that he opened abruptly. Scout was trying to look and listen through the keyhole. "Ugh, Scout, if you don't leave right now, I swear I'm never giving you any jobs anymore!"
"You never do anyway!"
Sniper pushed his chair back to stand up but Miss Pauling put a hand on his shoulder to stop him.
"I did! I asked you to go and get Sniper and Spy and you did it brilliantly, now, please let me have this meeting with them."
"Does that mean you… were impressed by how well I handled it?" Scout's eyes shone with enthusiasm.
"Yeah, it does, now please…?"
"Alright then, I won't be far though, just in case you need anythin' eh?"
Spy looked at Miss Pauling and she nodded, after that, the Frenchman pushed the door shut on the young man's face.
"Ooh, sorry about this, I know neither of you like to waste your time…" Pauling grabbed a remote and switched the big screen on. "Now, let's talk about the mission. The Admin's got you two tickets for a ball given by this guy. Apparently, he has a bar of pure unrefined Australium that the Admin wants. One of you will have to distract him while the other retrieves it." She pushed a button and the screen showed a mansion. "That's his house, where the ball will be. I'm told that the Australium is in his bedroom, upstairs, right there…" She pushed another button. "It's on that shelf. I talked to Engie and we'll have the CCTV system and the security rigged off so it's just a matter of picking it up."
"Do we know anything about this gentleman?" Spy asked.
"Yup," Pauling pushed a button and the next image appeared.
"Bloody hell, how many sheilas is that…?" Sniper straightened his back on the chair and started counting them. The picture showed the man surrounded by women of all colour and all tastes.
"Five." Spy answered. "Those ones are in a group of five, admirable women and very helpful in times of need." Sniper's eyebrows jumped and he looked at his colleague across the table. "So he enjoys the company of women?" Spy asked Pauling, unfazed.
"Yeah, so Spy, you'll have to go as one, keep him busy while Sniper goes upstairs and takes the prize. Any questions?”
Spy raised his hand.
“Yes, Spy?”
“When is this mission due?”
“The party is tonight. Here’s the address.” Pauling took a piece of paper out of her pocket and showed it to Spy. The Frenchman took a second to look at it then nodded, and Miss Pauling showed it to Sniper.
“Y’know the area?” Sniper asked his colleague and Spy nodded, blowing the smoke of his cigarette between his thin lips. “Alright then.”
Miss Pauling took the paper and burnt it. “There, you guys have the address. Now, the Admin insists on doing the job cleanly, no corpses. Besides, there’s no respawn there, so try to not get killed, ok?”
Both Sniper and Spy nodded.
“Right, if you don’t have more questions, I’ll be on my way.” Miss Pauling went to the door, both mercenaries on her heels. Spy opened the door for her and both Sniper and her passed through before he went through last and shut the door.
The evening came and Sniper had spent his entire afternoon on his own. After the dinner that he shared with his colleagues, he retreated to his van again and prepared himself. Well, a fancy ball, huh? Good thing he had kept a suit in his stuff. It had been his father’s so it was old, out of any kind of recent fashion and a bit on the short side for the tall Aussie, but who cared. He was just going to steal something and he would be back before midnight no doubt. Sniper trusted Spy to offer whatever distraction was needed for him to take the Australium stick easily.
When the Aussie finished putting on his black, now dark greying, suit, he quickly combed his hair and looked at his reflection on his van's window.
“Well, that’ll do.” He concluded and exited his van to go and get his colleague out.
“Ooh, looks like Snipe’s goin’ on a date, eh?” Scout said and whistled at the older man. Sniper growled and bared his teeth on the side. “Who’s the lucky one, eh? There ain’t any lady kangaroos over here, eh?”
“Bugger off, Scout.”
“Pfff….!” The Bostonian snickered as Sniper disappeared in the corridor.
There was a knock on the Frenchman's door.
“Go to your van, I shall join you.” The voice with the French accent answered from the other side of the door with the knife symbol.
Sniper rolled his eyes.
“Alright.” He answered, and left. A minute later, he was in his van and the door on the passenger’s seat squeaked open. “Are you read-oh, wow…”
“I am indeed ready, now let us not waste time.” Spy answered matter-of-factly.
Sniper’s eyes lingered on his now very lady-like colleague. He couldn’t see much but the long hair and the shine on Spy’s lips was a change and a half.
“Jesus, that’s one hell of a disguise… You really look like a sheila…!” He started the engine and off they went.
“Thank you, I take it as a compliment on my make-up and disguise skills.”
“Yeah... How did you manage that…? I mean, I guess the long hair’s a wig, right?” Sniper cast a glance at his colleague. “No... Is it really your hair?”
“Non, you Bushman, of course not. It would never fit under my mask. This is indeed a wig.”
“And you put on make-up?”
“You know how to do that?”
“Wow… ‘M not gonna ask how or why.” Sniper said more to himself but of course Spy heard him.
“It is a skill, like shooting, you get it through learning.”
“And trainin’.” Sniper added. “You did that much?”
“Oui, not usually to make myself more feminine. Make-up can be used to hide your distinctive features, or create some that you do not originally possess.”
“Makes sense for a spook I guess.”
Spy raised a curious eyebrow to his colleague but of course Sniper was way too focused on the road to notice it. The Frenchman was surprised that his colleague did not mock him for his womanly disguise but instead chose to compliment him on his efforts. Hm, surprising coming from Sniper. Although anything that came from Sniper was a surprise. The man lived like a hermit in his van, he was almost as secretive as the Frenchman himself. Looking at him better, Spy noticed that Sniper had put on a suit. Well, something that vaguely resembled one. Even through the darkness of the night, the Frenchman could tell that this was no custom-tailored three-piece suit.
“And you have put on a suit?”
“Well, it’s an old thing, but yeah, I tried.”
“If you wanted something a bit more modern, I could have lent you something.”
“What? Seriously? You’d lend me one of your super expensive ones?”
“Well,” Spy answered. “I would have given it to you, no doubt you would have deformed the silk and cotton. But still.”
“You’re smaller than me though, so I don’t think anything would have been my size.”
“Hm, that is correct. Such a shame we had so little time to prepare or we could have gone to find you something a bit more appropriate.” Spy said.
“Well I certainly would not trust you to find something adequate on your own, no offense.”
Sniper smiled.
“None taken, I think you’re actually right…”
They exchanged a glance and a smile.
“Still, it’s weird to hear you with your usual voice but see you with long hair, I mean… I can hardly see anythin’, it’s dark, but your silhouette’s like a sheila’s.” Sniper’s eyes went down to Spy’s chest and nodded to himself. The Frenchman definitely looked like a woman.
“And you have seen the gloss of the lipstick and the longer eyelashes because of the mascara. You have keen eyes.”
“Guess so.” The Aussie took the compliment with a smile.
“No doubt about it.”
“Alright, Spook, we’re in the city now so you’ll have to guide me. I remember the address but no clue where that bloke’s palace is.”
“Fair enough. Go straight until the natural history museum…” Spy started helping out his partner in crime. After a few turns and a few more minutes, both could see the palace.
“That bloke’ house is as big as my parents’ entire farm.” The Aussie queued after the line of cars to enter the mansion’s parking lot.
“I take your word for it.” Spy answered.
“I mean, seriously, why d’you need a house that big? Must cost ya a fortune to take care of… Plus you’re eatin’ out space for other people or animals, makes no sense.”
“Animals?” Spy asked.
“Yeah, imagine if he had a normal house, the rest could be a forest or something, you could have a bit of life there instead of marble and whatnot.”
Spy smiled. That was such a typical thought of Sniper, thinking of the wildlife almost before he thought of himself.
“The queue’s not movin’ that much…” Sniper said, drumming the steering wheel with his index and middle finger.
“Indeed it is not. Cigarette?” Spy took his cigarette case out of his purse and flicked it open between Sniper and him.
“Oh, uh, why not? Thanks, Spook.” The Aussie helped himself to one and Spy lit both of their cigarettes.
“Would you mind if I adjust your tie knot. It is not straight.”
“Oh? Uh, ok, thanks, mate.”
“No problem, it is inconveniencing me more than you, no doubt.”
“Well, I’m not seein’ it so yeah, I guess you're right.” Sniper stopped the van’s engine and turned towards Spy.
“Is there any light in your van?”
“Oh, sure, here.” The Aussie flicked a switch and his eyes snapped wide.
Spy raised gloved hands to his collar. But it wasn’t his usual dark, short pair, nah, those went up to his elbows, they shone shyly, in white satin. The Aussie realised that Spy was wearing a dark blue, bustier dress with thin sequins, revealing a shy, yet womanly chest.
“You may breathe normally, Sniper. And I am only adjusting your knot, no need to be so anxious. I can hear your heart beat through your breath.” Spy chuckled, not understanding why his colleague was so nervous, but he soon finished and raised his eyes to meet Sniper's. And that's when he understood. Sniper’s face was flushed as red as a brick. “Sniper?”
“Huh? Oh, uh, yeah, thanks, ahem…” Sniper looked away and gulped down hard. That split second that Spy had looked into his eyes had been so intense. The Frenchman sure did know how to put on makeup! As Sniper shut his eyes to erase that image, those eyes so light, they look like angel’s, that eyeliner highlighting their mellow, curvy shape, the mascara making his eyelashes look like butterfly wings, and his thin, red lips… To no avail. The image of that face was burnt into the Aussie’s memory.
“Are you alright?” Spy asked. “Is my cigarette too strong?”
“N-nah, nah, it’s fine, actually, they’re not strong at all.” Sniper started the engine again and followed the caterpillar motion of the line of cars.
“Indeed, if it were my cigarettes, I would have been surprised.” Spy answered. “I know that I smoke like a fireman as we say in French, so I keep to light, menthol ones. I do remember you smoke occasionally too, don’t you?”
“Yeah, sometimes. But mine are cheap and taste like crap next to yours.”
Spy chuckled and Sniper followed him.
“I understand my appearance surprised you.” Spy said, blowing the smoke of his cigarette in a little cloud.
“Yeah, I mean, you really look like a sheila.”
“I have to.” Spy answered. “By the way, thank you.”
“For what?”
“For appreciating my efforts. I imagine that had I gone to complete this mission with any other one of our colleagues, my feminine disguise would have been almost blackmail material for them.”
“You mean they’d make fun of you for it?”
“Oui, I would imagine so.”
“Well, yeah, guess that’s true.”
“But you haven’t. Instead, you complimented my hard work. I appreciate it.”
“Hah, well, you’re welcome, Spook. And thanks for the tie. I never manage to get them right on my own.”
“An easy skill to learn, you just need more training.”
They eventually entered the property and found a parking spot.
“From now on, you do not know me and I do not know you.” Spy said when Sniper stopped the engine. The Aussie nodded. "You do have your earpiece on, don't you?"
"Yeah, I do."
"Good. Then we shall either communicate through that, or as we usually do."
Sniper nodded again. Over the months working together, Sniper and Spy had developed a form of wordless communication. It was useful ok the battlefield, when one distracted the enemy and the other took his chance to take them down.
"Anythin' I should or shouldn't do?" Sniper asked. "'M not exactly used to sneaking around and all."
Spy got flattered that Sniper should ask him for advice.
"Well, do not overdo it. The best way for you to go through people is to mingle with them. Those people are here to party? Well, you shall partake too, but reasonably so. Needless to say that a drunk partner in crime is a useless one."
"Yeah, o'course. How will I know when to go upstairs?"
"Keep an eye on me, you will know when you can go."
"Alright, ok." Sniper tried to store all these words preciously in his memory.
"Could you please switch the light back on for an instant?"
"Oh, uh, sure, here."
"Ah, I knew it. This isn't my usual brand of lipstick and part of it went away with the cigarette… I should have had some imported from France, I knew I was running low…" Spy looked through his white purse and took a tube of lipstick. The Aussie couldn't help but stare at his colleague fixing his make-up. "There…" Spy brushed his lips against each other to spread the red lipstick evenly. "This should do. How do I look?"
Sniper was speechless.
"Uh, I-I mean, great, I mean, for a sheila who isn't one, it's… I'd never guess you're a bloke, unless I hear your voice."
"And what about now?"
Sniper's jaw dropped, his colleague now sounded like a woman.
"Alright… You're a sheila alright…"
"Perfect, I shall exit the van first, you wait a few minutes and make your way inside."
"O-ok, yeah."
"See you, Sniper."
"Yeah, see ya…"
Sniper did as he was told and waited in his van, in the silence of his own mind. How the hell could Spy do that…? He looked like a sheila, sounded like one…! The bloke even had at least the upper body of a woman!
"Bloody hell…" Sniper leaned his head back and dived in his own thoughts. He closed his eyes and saw it all again, the feline eyes, the thin lips, the long mane of wavy black hair… "Gosh."
Spy looked attractive as a woman… too.
Sniper took a deep breath and sighed.
This was better than Christmas. He got to spend an evening with the ladykiller dressed and made-up like one himself. Even as a man, Spy was far from repulsive, Sniper thought even if his face was mostly hidden by his mask. His silhouette was exquisite, a bit shorter than Sniper, his shoulders slightly less broad, long, thin legs and he couldn't possibly dress more elegantly. The man was a candy bar for the eyes mounted on two skinny legs, and Sniper had nothing against skinny legs, far from it.
He remembered that one day he had seen Spy without his jacket, just with his white shirt, his tie and his vest. The Aussie had seen him from behind and only then did he realise that the Frenchman's trousers moulded his waist and thighs deliciously. Well, especially his waist from behind…
Sniper blinked and shook his head as if to land back on Earth.
"Right, anyway, time to go."
He exited his van and walked towards the house's entrance. Two massive bodyguards were standing there. He passed them without an issue and climbed the white stairs to the house itself.
Gosh, that's a lot of people…
Immediately, Sniper found himself swimming amongst the dresses and the suits, some waiters were coming and going with trays of thin, fancy glasses on them. One of them stopped in front of Sniper.
"Ah, thanks." He took one and walking through people to find Spy, Sniper kept close to the walls, melting with the wallpaper itself.
C'mon, Spook, where are you…?
The Aussie's keen eyes darted left and right, scanning the crowd.
Or I could find the bloke we're gettin' the Australium from, I'm sure Spy's not far from him.
Sniper looked left and right, crossing different rooms, some wider than others. Finally, he made it to the most spacious one. Along one of the walls were tables filled with food and drinks and opposite that, a jazz band was playing. The Aussie recognised the tune. He leaned back against the wall and sipped on his champagne while his eyes looked at each and every face. Without realising it, his foot was drumming the rhythm of the tune.
Ugh, there were so many people and they were dancing, swarming the place like bees around honey…
"You like this song? Maybe you'd like to dance?"
Sniper's eyes darted down to whoever the woman was who was talking to him. He gasped when he recognised him.
"I-I can't really dance, I mean…"
"Come on, it'll be fun and easy, follow me…"
Of course it had to be Spy. Ah, it had been too good to be true! The Frenchman had been too nice with Sniper and the Aussie had started to wonder if the mischief in his colleague was just something he put on with his colleagues and decided to turn off with him…! But no! Of course he had to play games like these…!
Spy had taken the Aussie's hand with his white gloved one and he pulled him to the dancefloor. The song in the background suddenly sprang to Sniper’s ears. The Frenchman put his colleagues’ hands on him, one on his hip and the other against his palm. Spy started moving left and right, gently rocking the both of them. Sniper looked down and his eyes shot back up when he saw Spy’s chest. Even though he knew it was all an illusion, make-up and some hard work, his parents had nonetheless not raised him to look down womens’ cleavages…
“Mh, not bad.” Spy said with his female voice. “You lead now.” He stopped moving and Sniper, still looking up at the ceiling as if it would burn his eyes to look at his dance partner, started leading. Well, leading was a big word, he was moving, rocking left and right. “Just follow the rhythm…”
Sniper’s heart threatened to burst out of his ribcage. Spy was leaning his head against his chest.The Aussie gulped down hard and looked down. The fact that Spy wasn’t looking at him eased him somehow, he relaxed and moved in rhythm now. His hips swung with the double-bass, and soon, without realising it, his hand slid from Spy’s hip to his back. The Frenchman smiled, his eyes closed against his colleagues’ suit, and he pushed his hands to splay them both on his broad chest.
“What’re you makin’ me do, Spook…?” Sniper had managed to forget the people around him to only focus on the warmth of Spy’s body against his. He spoke with his eyes closed too.
“You took your time to join me here.” Spy answered.
“Sorry… I just… Bah, whatever.”
“It is fine, as long as you are here now.”
Spy’s feminine voice just wrapped Sniper warmly in a fashion that only rivaled with his normal, male voice.
“S-Spook, we should be gettin’ to work…”
“Oh but we are.” Spy smirked before he raised his fair eyes to Sniper. “You see the man in the black and white suit over my shoulder? He is wearing a red satin scarf on his shoulders.”
Sniper looked in the direction indicated by Spy.
“Yeah, I see’im.”
“That is the man that I shall entertain. I tried getting his attention but I am afraid that the competition tonight is hard for me to match.”
“What’re you talkin’ about?” Sniper asked.
“Those women following him, he has eyes only for them. He is practically blind to the rest of the world. Arh, Miss Pauling should have told us earlier, I would have had time to dye my hair black….”
“What’re you talkin’ about? Your hair is already black.”
“It has some grey, too much of it. I couldn’t dye it so I had to use a wig with matching greying temples and front. It would have been odd to have long black hair but some grey roots.”
“I don't think your grey hair’s a problem. I mean, it’s beautiful as it is, I mean the wig, heh…”
Spy raised his eyes to Sniper again. “Thank you.”
“Yeah, you’re welcome… But uh, so what’s the plan, now?”
“Now, I need to attract his attention in a different way. If my looks in this attire are not enough, then I shall try something else. You, keep an eye on me and wait for my signal, d’accord?”
Spy freed himself from Sniper’s dancing embrace.
“You… You be careful, ok?”
Spy gave him a smile, one that he had never seen before, it was a lopsided grin, his eyes were smiling too, his eyelashes bowing gently.
“You too.”
And just like that, Spy was out of Sniper’s arms. The Aussie’s eyes lingered on the Frenchman and that’s when he realised that the dress he was wearing had two long slits left and right, revealing his legs up to a half of his thighs. Spy was also somehow managing to walk with high heeled stilettos, black ones, that laced up his calves. The laces then dissolved into black stockings that hugged his leg in the most enticing way, up to his thigh.
“God, he’s somethin’...” Sniper said out loud, even though no one heard him. “Hold on, what is he - what the…?”
Spy walked to the jazz band and Sniper saw him talk to the leader. After a few seconds of Spy talking, the leader of the band nodded and the music died down. Sniper went to the table and grabbed a glass before he leaned on the wall next to him.
The music started again and Sniper frowned. Why was Spy staying there? Why was he taking the microphone? Why was - oh…
{To the reader, the song is “Dream a little dream of me” by Pink Martini and the Von Trapps}
“Stars shining bright above you,
Night breezes seem to whisper "I love you",
Birds singing in the sycamore tree,
Dream a little dream of me.”
Sniper’s jaw dropped. The song was so delicate, the dancing area filled quickly, and as Sniper cast a glance over to the wealthy man surrounded by his harem of lightly dressed ladies, he noticed that the performance had caught his eye. Good old Spook, has more tricks up his sleeve than we imagine, Sniper thought. His eyes went back to Spy. He sang with his shining, satin, white gloved hands left and right from the microphone stand, his hips swinging deliciously, revealing in rhythm his left and right thigh. A spotlight switched on, right on him, and Spy pushed a lock of his fake long hair behind his ear. Sniper could definitely not agree with Spy, his greying hair at the front and on his temples was absolutely an asset, not a setback at all. It shone in silver under the spotlight.
“Say "Night-ie night" and kiss me,
Just hold me tight and tell me you'll miss me,
While I'm alone and blue as can be,
Dream a little dream of me...!”
A man shoved Sniper as he passed by and the Aussie was about to say something when he realised that it was the man in question, the man they were about to steal the Australium from. His face then radiated in triumph. Go, Spook, go! You got him! That's it! And you were doubtin’ yerself, look at you…! Who in their right mind wouldn’t take a second to look at you now? I mean now and anytime! You’re just… Sniper bit his lip. Thinking those words was too much. He shall not even think them but keep them in their raw form, as a thought, not mould them into letters and sounds, no, he shall keep that warmth inside him and leave it as a flame.
“Stars fading but I linger on, dear,
Still craving your kiss,
I'm longing to linger till dawn, dear,
Just saying this...”
Gosh, Sniper wished he could stay and listen to the whole song, listen to more of them even. How could Spy sing so well and with a feminine voice at that…? How…?
“Sweet dreams till sunbeams find you,
Sweet dreams that leave all worries behind you,
But in your dreams whatever they be,
Dream a little dream of me…!”
The plump man and his flock of sheilas was at the very front now watching the show. Sniper saw him and his eyes quickly darted back up to Spy, he did not want to miss anything of his performance. It was certainly the first and the last time that he would hear the Frenchman perform this way.
But the song ended and the guests applauded loudly.
“Thank you.” Spy said in the microphone. “I would like to dedicate this song to the one hunter brave enough to climb the stairs of my stone hard heart and steal the golden wand of love that he put there.”
Sniper took it as his cue. Without hesitating, he spun on his heels and went to find the stairs. On his way, he heard Spy starting a new song.
So I have about three minutes before the song ends… He thought to himself and climbed the stairs. Once he reached the first floor, he walked through the corridors until he found the right room.
He gasped. A guard was coming! Quickly, Sniper stuck his back to the wall at thecorner. Arh! He needed something to distract the guy away from his path, but he had nothing on him but that short suit and - oh!
The Aussie got an idea. He took one of his sleeves and tore a button of his cuffs off before throwing it on the hardwood floor.
"Huh?" The guard heard the noise and went to inspect whatever caused it. Meanwhile, Sniper snuck past and slipped in the right room.
Alright, let's do this…
He closed the door after him and looked around. The room might have been part of a museum. It contained all kinds of artefacts, statues, coins, paintings, knick-knacks of all sizes and shapes.
Ah, there ye are…
A stick of Australium not longer than a pen but quite thicker was under one of the glass panes. Sniper looked left and right before he got his fingers closer to the glass.
Please, Engie, tell me you disabled the alarms…!
The Aussie put his fingertips on the glass and taking a deep breath, he pulled the glass upwards very slowly, the sweat breaking on his brow. No alarm rang, there wasn’t a sound.
Hah, piece o’piss!
Sniper put the object in his inside pocket and made his way out of the room. He luckily found his button back and picked it up from the floor to put it in his pocket. When he reached the bottom of the stairs, he melted in the people, looking for Spy to tell him he had what they needed; that they could leave that posh party.
Sniper stopped sharp. From where he was, people walking around him, swarming like ants, he stood tall, his head above the average crowd and what he saw had an unexpected effect on him. Spy had indeed caught the guy’s attention, no doubt about that. Sniper found the Frenchman off the stage, a bit further were laid a few sofas for the VIPs no doubt. Spy was on one of them, well, not directly on the sofa, the Frenchman was on the guy’s lap, a glass of champagne in his hand, one leg elegantly crossed over the other, his stockings showing entirely on one leg. The Aussie was fuming. He wanted to go there, cover Spy’s leg with his jacket, take the Frenchman’s hand and drag him out. He frowned, furious.
At some point, Spy caught sight of him. He murmured something in the guy’s ear and Sniper couldn’t bear it anymore, he spun on his heels and made his way to his van. Well, Spy would understand that those parties weren’t really Sniper’s natural habitat and that he preferred to wait in his van.
So Sniper left the mansion, hurtled down the white marble stairs, retreated to his van, and slammed the door shut as he slumped down on his seat. He sighed and taking the steering wheel in his hands, he started drumming his fingers impatiently.
The fact that the patient hunter lost his ability to behave professionally and wait made him blind with rage, boiling on his seat. He shut his eyes and leaned his head back to take a nap. He tried, but the frown on his brow kept him up, he could not possibly relax.
He opened his eyes. Spy had opened the passenger’s door.
“Do you have it?”
“Perfect! Let us be on our way then.”
“Yeah.” Sniper waited for Spy to fasten his seatbelt before he started the engine, and off both of them went back to the base.
The drive back was mostly silent, if one ignored the rumble of the van’s engine.
“Are you alright?”
“Yeah, yeah.”
Spy frowned.
“What is it?” He asked.
"What's what?”
“This attitude of yours.” Spy answered. “I left you after the dance and come to find you another different man altogether, and not in a good way, what happened? Did you get caught?”
“Did you have to kill someone?”
“Did you get hurt?”
“Spook, please.”
“What?” Spy asked.
“Get off my back.” Sniper coldly answered.
“I will not.” Spy replied, determined.
“For Christ’s sake…”
“What happened for you to turn so… furious?” Spy asked. “I demand to know!”
“Pfff, you demand nothin’, mate.”
“Yes, I do.” Spy answered and removed his wig. “I thought you were in a good mood up until I left you, what happened then?”
Sniper sighed.
“Was it something I did or said?” Spy asked.
“Leave me alone.”
“Non.” Spy started removing the padding on his chest and he sat back on his seat.
The rest of the drive back to the base was utterly silent up until Sniper parked the van in front of the base. He waited for Spy to get out but the Frenchman remained marble-like.
“We’re here, Spook, you can get off.” Sniper undid his seatbelt and hopped off. He went to the back of his van to get a change, but as he climbed up at the back, he noticed that Spy hadn’t moved, as the van hadn’t shaken on its tired suspensions. So the Aussie went back to his driver's seat and opened the door. As he did so, the lights came on inside the van. “Hey, you heard me? We’re back at the base.” Sniper wasn’t even looking at Spy.
“I know.”
“Well then get out, go to your room and do whatever your spooky arse does in the evenin’...!” Sniper said, looking at the base.
“Non.” Spy answered. “Not before I know what is driving you to speak to me in this manner. But If you do speak to me so, then surely I am responsible for your foul mood. So I demand you tell me what I did wrong.”
“Arh, for fuck’s sake, Spy, you did nothin’ wrong! Now just go, will ya? I’ve got stuff to do!”
“Oh, that you have, Sniper.” Spy finally uncrossed his arms and turned to look Sniper in the eye, the Aussie raised his head and with the lights of the van on, he noticed that Spy had removed the make-up somehow and the wig had gone too. He was… He was Spy again... minus the mask! “And the first thing you will do is explain to me what I did for you to become aggressive!”
A light switched on in the base and it lit a window brightly. Sniper looked at Spy who was still in his dress and himself, still in his suit.
“We can’t stay here.” Sniper said and hopped off, followed by Spy this time. Sniper opened the back door and hopped in, he turned and saw Spy extending a hand up to get some help. Sniper raised a curious eyebrow.
“Some of us are wearing high heels and a dress, Sniper.”
“Yeah, whatever.” Sniper took Spy’s satin, gloved hand and pulled him in, as he did so, Spy climbed the high step as best as he could but his balance was fragile, so Sniper pulled him by the waist before shutting the door after both of them.
“Now, pray explain everything to me.” Spy said.
“There’s nothin’ to explain, I’m just… I’m just tired, is all.”
“Liar, and a very poor one at that.” Spy switched the light on inside the van and went to a jar containing some candy. He helped himself to one, which pushed Sniper deeper down in his anger.
“Alright, it’s you! I mean, me!”
“What did you or I do?”
Sniper sighed and Spy knew he had won.
“It’s just… It’s my fault, I got carried away…” Sniper sat on the bench and lowered his head, holding it in his hands.
“Carried away?” Spy asked, taking a seat next to him. “What do you mean?”
“The… The whole thing… You as a sheila, the party, the dance, your singin’... I put funny ideas in my head, is all.” Sniper admitted and immediately regretted it. It was Spy he was talking to, the man who used blackmail as butter to spread on his morning toasts…! “Yeah, alright, you can go tell the others or laugh at me, or whatever it is you wanna do with it.”
“Sniper…” Spy put a hand on his friend’s shoulder. “Do you mean that… you thought there was more to my performance than mere acting?”
Sniper silently nodded, still not looking his colleague in the eye, his head lowered.
“I enjoyed this evening too, you know.” Spy said. “And you surprised me with your dancing skills.”
“Spy, spare me your mockin’ and go straight to the point. You’re gonna ask me to pay you to not tell the others or somethin’? Well I don’t give a rat’s arse, you can tell’em, you can tell what happened and even more than what happened, I don’t care. I just…”
“I… I don’t follow you, Sniper.”
Sniper shook his head.
“I surprised you with my dancin’? Yeah, well I told you I couldn’t dance but you insisted. That’s what you get.”
“Sniper, I did not mean it that way, on the contrary!”
“What?” Sniper’s head jerked back up and he looked at his friend with wide surprised eyes.
“I… You were hesitant at first but when you finally let go, it was… divine.”
Sniper raised an eyebrow, he expected to see irony in Spy’s eyes, but either he was playing too well or there was really none…
“I didn’t really dance, I just, I just moved a bit, that's all.”
“Yet you held me close and…” Spy chuckled, hearing himself. “Pardon my sentimentality, it must come as a surprise to you.”
“That, or you’re really actin’ a part.” Sniper answered.
“I am not.” Spy shook his head. “Would I be sitting here with you, in a dress and face naked, to tell you lies?”
Sniper sighed.
“I don’t know.” He answered.
“But all that does not answer my question, Sniper. Why were you so tense, angry even?” Spy gently brushed his hand on his friend’s arm and Sniper turned to look him in the eye before he realised that Spy’s eyes were a lot to take in, and he averted his gaze instead.
“Well, I told you a bit, I might as well come clean with ya.” Sniper took a deep breath. “Look, I saw you today and uh… Well, I mean, usually… Uh… Arh, I’m sorry, I’m not the best when it comes to words.”
“Then, stand up.” Spy stood up and offered his still gloved hand.
“Stand up, come on.”
Sniper obeyed, although he had no idea where Spy was going.
“Alright, now what?”
“Now close your eyes. Can you hear it?”
“Hear what?” Sniper asked with his eyes closed.
“The music, the same mellow tunes that we heard and danced to, a few hours ago. How were we, again? Ah, yes, just like so.” Spy put Sniper’s hands back where they were. “Are your eyes still closed?”
“What do you see?”
“We’re back there and uh… I’m wonderin’ what you’re makin’ me do.”
Spy smiled when he felt Sniper’s hand slide from his hip to his back, exactly as it had done earlier. The Frenchman leaned his head on Sniper’s chest.
“Now, tell me what bothers you.” Spy’s voice was velvet like.
“I just… I held you there and you, you looked amazin’, Spook, you were… beautiful. Heh, as a bloke you’re not too bad either, but I don’t know, seein’ you like that, it was just… Gosh…” Sniper was talking almost to himself, out loud, forgetting that Spy was against him, even though he felt the warmth of his body, the comfort of his sweet embrace. He was rocking him left and right, as he had when they danced.
“What happened that made you so angry?” Spy gently asked.
“Seein’ you on that bloke’s lap.” Sniper admitted, his eyes closed. "I just… I don't know. I felt like… I saw you there, drinkin' and-and your dress…"
"What about it?"
"It…" Sniper frowned. "It was wide open and… You might as well've been naked, it was wrong, it was so wrong, the way he… He groped you and touched you… I felt like…"
"What did you want to do?" Spy whispered, and he felt Sniper tighten his embrace around him.
"Wanted to cover your legs with my jacket… Didn't want him or anyone else to see you like that." Sniper had now stopped dancing, he was only holding Spy dearly against himself. "I'm sorry, it's… patronisin' and pathetic, I saw you like a defenseless sheila even though I know you'd never let anyone play with you."
"It is not patronising, I appreciate the thought. Besides," Spy slid his hands on Sniper's chest and raised his head. "I thought I was clear."
"About what?"
"Do you remember what I said at the end of the song?"
"Somethin' about a hunter climbin' stairs and getting some gold, yeah, that was your signal, wasn't it?" Sniper was looking down at Spy.
"Oh oui, it was a signal, it was a lot of signals. Do you remember my exact words?"
"Nah, not exactly."
"I would like to dedicate this song to the one hunter brave enough to climb the stairs of my stone hard heart and steal the golden wand of love that he put there.”
"Yeah, poetic, eh?"
"It was a declaration, Sniper." Spy's tone of voice was serious.
"A declaration of what?"
"Of love." Spy answered. "I sang that song, Dream a little dream of me, as a declaration of my love for you."
Spy paused for a second, to let Sniper take the measure of what he had just said. He saw the shock in his wide open eyes and his cut breath. The Frenchman leaned against Sniper again.
"I enjoyed dancing with you so much that for a second I dreamt that we weren't there for business, that we could take our time, that I could have a dance with you. While I was waiting for you, the hesitation of the choice gnawed me on the inside: should I go and dance with him? Should I not? Well, although the answer was 'I should not or we could get caught together', my heart decided to ask you to dance anyway." Spy basked in the warmth of Sniper's body against him. "I wished that we could make that music last forever, I wished that I could prolong that song and that dance until the end of time."
"W-what…?" Sniper's voice came out as a hoarse whisper.
"But listening to what you felt now," Spy went on. "I have to ask you." He raised his head to Sniper. "Were you feeling… jealousy in your heart?"
Sniper closed his eyes and nodded.
"It's stupid but… I felt like, because of that small dance with me, I felt like we were, y'know, something. And when I saw that guy touchin' you and treatin' you like one the other sheilas, I lost it. Because you're not a sheila, and even if you were, you wouldn't be one of those. You're different."
"You know, in my long career and even longer life, it is not the first time that I have to disguise myself as a female. However, it is the first time that I felt natural doing so, all because of you, Sniper."
"What d'you mean?" Sniper looked down at Spy.
"You looked at me as if you were looking at a woman, you did not see a shred of masculinity in me and your eyes devoured me, not the Spy me, the woman, me. The jealousy you felt, was all because I looked like a woman." Spy took a step back from Sniper. The loss of warmth between them made them realise that the van was quite cold in fact. "Thank you for helping in that wordless way, my performance was enhanced by your faith in my skills." Spy removed the long, white gloves. "I… I shall not bother you any longer, it is quite late already."
As Sniper had been mostly silent all along, not once contradicting Spy, the Frenchman thought that the Aussie had only been attracted by the disguise, not the person under it. He sighed and walked out of the van, leaving Sniper alone.
The Aussie 's knees gave up and he sat on the bench.
What? He thought. He sang… To me? What did the song say again? Uhm… C'mon, it's a classic, I know it…
Sniper closed his eyes and pressed his brains. The lyircs came back to him.
“Say "Night-ie night" and kiss me,
Just hold me tight and tell me you'll miss me,
While I'm alone and blue as can be,
Dream a little dream of me…"
Gosh. Sniper looked through the window. The lights were out in the base, at least the side of the building that he could see.
"I need to talk to him. He thinks I just felt jealous of the sheila he played, fuck!"
Sniper leapt out of his van and ran to the base, he entered and ran again through the corridor, he took a flight of stairs down, hurtling down, and stopped in front of the door with the knife symbol. He gave a knock. No answer. He knocked again and waited, looking at the keyhole and the whole door, wondering how he could enter even if Spy didn't let him in.
"Whoever is bothering me at this hour of the night, prepare your spine, my blades will kiss you goodnight!" A furious voice with a French accent roared from behind the door. Spy opened the door, in his pyjamas with a blade in his hand and a balaclava on his face. He stopped sharp and sighed, lowering his weapon. "What are you doing here?"
"We need to talk."
"I said all I had to." Spy answered and didn’t move from his door. "There is nothing for me to add."
“Spy, please…?”
The Frenchman sighed before he yielded and moved from the doorway, letting Sniper in. He shut the door after him and removed his balaclava and gloves, before he put his blade away.
“Can I…?” Sniper looked at the sofa.
“Pray do.” Spy nodded and took a seat on the sofa too.
“You were wrong.” Sniper said without introduction and Spy scoffed.
“About what, if I may ask?”
“Pretty much everythin’.” Sniper answered.
“Ah, well, in that case, please enlighten me at this advanced hour of the night where my heart and mind have suffered long and through, please add to my misery.”
Sniper looked at Spy in a way that meant that he had not come to him for an exchange of witty remarks.
“I didn’t just feel jealous cause you looked like a sheila and I somehow forgot you were a bloke. ‘M not stupid.” Sniper said. “I felt jealous anyway. I just didn’t like the way the guy touched you, regardless of what you look like.”
“Ah, charming and very gallant.” Spy’s sarcasm was a way to let his frustration go but it contaminated Sniper.
“Listen,” He answered and Spy could hear the annoyance in his voice. “I got jealous regardless, I got jealous because the guy had his dirty hands all over you, Spook, you.” Sniper pointed his finger at his colleague. “I didn’t care that you looked like a sheila, I didn’t care and I don’t care what you look like at all, cause before this evenin’ I had no idea what you looked like without the mask.”
Spy’s eyebrows jumped. He hadn’t thought of that.
“So… It wasn’t because of my disguise as a female?” He tilted his head.
“No, you idiot! I just… I loved the dance with you, it felt… normal. I’m not big on these things but it felt nice with you, even though I had no idea what I was doin’, it was almost like it didn’t matter. You were there and… And you were holdin’ on to me and… Me too. Felt nice, really nice.” Sniper crossed his arms on his chest.
Spy scooted over to Sniper on the sofa. He slipped one arm around the Aussie and hugged it while leaning on him.
“Hm?” Spy had closed his eyes.
“Did you sing that song… to me?”
“For you, oui.”
“Did you… mean the stuff you sang?”
“Every single word.”
“Oh.” Sniper relaxed his arms and looked down to his left. Spy was clinging, breathing slowly.
“And you, were you really jealous?” He asked with his eyes shut.
“Yeah… Yeah, I was, for real. I’m a bit dumb like that. You touched me and I just… I just imagined things. Felt like a dream though, really.”
“The best kind of dream, the one that you make with open eyes.” Spy answered in a sigh, his heart swelling in his chest.
“Hold on…” Sniper pulled himself out of Spy’s embrace and the frenchman failed to hide his disappointment at the lack of contact. “It’s gettin’ late and uh…”
“You want to return to your van, I suppose?”
“Yeah, I mean… As much as I'd like to stay with you, uh…"
"Who said you couldn't?" Spy asked.
"No one, but… Even my bunk's more comfy than your couch."
“What about my bed?”
The surprise of the question made Sniper stop talking for a long moment. Spy smiled. He stood up and extended his hand to Sniper, the same way that he had done to invite him to dance. Sniper's eyes went from Spy's to his hand. He hesitated for a second, but raised his hand and put it on top of Spy's.
"Come on." Spy led him to his bedroom and shut the door after them. "I can lend you something to sleep with, although it might be a bit short on your legs."
"It's fine… I mean, I usually don't sleep with much but uh… Spy, you sure about this?"
Spy went to the other side of the bed. He satdown and gave his back to Sniper.
"I would love you to join me, please."
"A-alright." Sniper took the opportunity of Spy not looking at him to shed his clothes only to stay in his tanktop and boxer shorts. "You can turn, Spook."
"May I?"
Spy turned and even in the low light of the night lamps Sniper saw his pupils blow wide.
"Uhm… So, you take that side?" The Aussie asked.
"The only side I take is yours."
Both slipped under the blanket and Spy latched on his lover. He put a hand on Sniper's chest, slithered a leg between his and rested his head on his shoulder.
"Woah…" Sniper said, overwhelmed by it all.
"If you would rather I faced the other side,-"
"No." Sniper cut Spy. "Nah, it's… you're alright."
Spy raised his lips to be near the Aussie's ear.
"I am yours." He whispered.
"Gosh… c’mere…” This time Sniper wrapped his arms around Spy and hugged him dearly. He kissed his brow and the Frenchman moaned in thanks. “Oh, sorry, too much?”
“Non, on the contrary, please?”
Sniper kissed Spy on his forehead again and he felt the Frenchman’s legs stretch against his.
"Someone's happy, eh?”
“Delighted…” Spy purred and buried himself down Sniper’s neck, softly nuzzling there. He whispered words that the Aussie barely heard.
“Ah, wow… Spook, we’re never gonna sleep…” Sniper heard the soft sound of kisses, he felt the Frenchman gently exploring his skin. “Also, what’re you sayin’? Can’t hear you…”
“I am saying things that you know already, so you don’t need to hear them.” Spy purred.
“What? Nah, c'mon, tell me, I wanna know…” Sniper chuckled, Spy’s kisses were tickling him.
“I was saying…”
“Je t’aime.”
“What’s that mean?”
“I love you, Sniper.”
Sniper’s eyes snapped wide.
“I uh, me too, Spook. I… I love you.”
Spy pulled himself out of his hideout and looked down at Sniper, his cheeks red. He bent down until their foreheads touched, he gently brushed his hooked nose against Sniper’s. One of Spy’s hands was on Sniper’s cheek, the other was in his har, massaging his scalp.
“Gosh, Spook…” Sniper’s heartbeat filtered through his breath.
“May I?”
“May you what?”
“Do something that I have yearned to.” Spy whispered. “Please, I beg of you, Sniper, let me kiss your lips…”
Sniper’s breath hitched.
“I-yeah, pelase, Spook, I mean, yeah-mmmh…”
Spy did not wait for the end of the sentence and gently pushed his lips against Sniper’s, tightening the grip he had on his hair. Sniper rolled his eyes up in bliss and felt his entire body go limp. Only his heart burnt in his chest, and his lips too.
When Spy withdrew, they both took a deep breath and chuckled.
“Sorry, I’m…” Sniper looked away.
“Oh, please, don’t apologise you did nothing wrong.” Spy smiled and rested his forehead against Sniper’s again.
“Gosh, Spook, I can feel you breathin’ against me and… You’re layin’ on me… I love that, I mean, you’re warm and, I don’t know, it’s comfy.”
Spy chuckled.
“Can we do it again, I mean, pelase?”
“As much as you want.” Spy bent down to meet Sniper’s lips and the Aussie rolled on the bed to be on top of the Frenchman. He frowned as he took the lead and decided to kiss him better, not just pushing his lips. He gently grabbed Spy’s upper lip between both of his. Spy moaned low, like a pur, he hooked his arms up around Sniper’s neck and pulled his body down.
The night was spent. Sleepless, but it was spent.
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Divaz confos #5
Mod: previously...
1 2 3 4
1. lol watching Z3st try to bring Divaz down is just honestly so pathetic. each time he or one of his sad little friends posts some bullshit, a bunch of Divas supporters shows up to tell it like it is. if Z3st's goal is to help Divas' business, he's doing a great job
2. All drama aside, BJDiv4z clearly rallying their fanbase to flood their feedback threads with positive reviews makes them look more suspicious than "proof" posted by Zezt.
3. all of u siding with bjdivaz are a bunch of c------ing bootlickers. clearly ur all TERFS too cuz ur siding against a trans man. shame on all of u.
4. Living for the Dealer Caution for BJD1v4s on DoA. Seeing them attacking negative reviews like they are is gross. Had I ordered from them I would have complained to their companies about their actions and I hope those who are targeted do. I don't want one bad dealer dragging down other companies by association.
5. Ok, just a question, but for everyone who invalidates people's negative BJDiv@z experience. Why don't we hear shit about other sellers? And I don't want a "Well bc it's the trend right now." Maybe, but I'd still assume at least one or two confessions maybe hoping on the wagon to expose bad dealers. But nothing. We've had some confession about proxies sucking some months ago, and people accepted that, and even dropped their own shitty experiences with other proxies when that was a topic here.
6. Honestly the situation with Divaz is really unfortunate. They are a good dealer offering good layaway. I know they are trying the best. Perhaps they should cut off social media side because they seem to be greatly affected by negative criticism. I find them to be a bit too sensitive to bad press. There are angry customers, we get that. It's normal in all businesses to have upset customers. Just roll with it. Let them rant. To send supporters to suppress bad reviews on DoA, that's just too much.
7. why is everyone on divaz side calling sest al3x now lmao. weird flex to continually drop someones real name not otherwise used online when youre flocking to the defense of a company that doesnt give a shit about you. youre free to defend divaz all you want, i dont have a problem with that, but this shit gives you guys real bad vibes.
8. Is this allowed? I've seen normal users get their DoA feedback wiped for this but I guess it's ok if you're a dealer ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
9. BJDivas' flair on DoA placed by mods...yikes :x
10. I knew alexc3ssive and pra3sagium from my local doll community. They're horrible people who act nice to your face but as soon as you turn your back they'll stab it. They regularly bully and harass anyone who won't go with their way and I've been scared to say anything about them for years because I was afraid they'd come after me. Now that someone's finally standing up to them I hope they'll focus their attention on them instead of coming after me.
11. I’ve had nothing but good experiences with BJDiv4s, but I’m done buying from them. I don’t care if a customer is bad in your view, you don’t publicly air that shit, address things politely and never sink to such levels - successful small biz of other kinds know this. They are going after anyone who openly says they’re not comfortable, rather than trying to re-earn trust, and having their squad review bomb with vague positives.
12. Need proof that bjdivas take more than a week to respond? OK.
But I'm sure everyone will go full DARVO on this too. They fucked up the orders of a bunch of us posting in the Lvts waiting room. When so much stuff is getting lost or broken, they do need to take control and use different couriers. And that is something they can control. My package was in limbo so long I was about to report it lost, because it took 20 days to get from their office to a post office. This is in their control! They can blame whoever picks up their parcels, but if they keep doing business with them, it's their fault.
This is the only doll I didn't take unboxing pics of, because I was worried that more might have gone wrong.
And before divas DARVO this, because I am identifiable... they offered to replace the antlers in September (just before blasting Z3st on fb). This was the first time they told me that Lvts would replace parts. But I already knew, because Lvts told me in June that they were sending replacements for those orders to divas. I mean, it would be a nice offer if Lvts hadn't already replaced my antlers back in June-July (I paid in June, they arrived before I asked divas for my doll), and if divas hadn't seen me post on DoA that I got replacements (the post they banned me from their VIP fb because I leaked their bitching mentions it). And also it would have been nice if divas had told us they sorted out replacements in June, and I didn't have to accidentally hear it from Luts. (idk if I have a shot of Lvts saying that, but if you look in the waiting room thread on DoA you can see me telling other posters at the time.)
Also I'm clearly not Z3st, so..? Yeah. I have ordered over 20 dolls since the start of 2020 and this was the only one with problems. I've been collecting dolls for over 20 years, so I'm not new at this. Me begging for my doll was the only time I remotely lost composure (and that's more desperation than rudeness tbh)
BTW this was shortly after divaz had someone delete a DoA review for complaining about communication times, which fair enough because they hadn't allowed the 3 days. But then this happens and oh irony!
(Please don't be shitty because I had a bad time with divaz. I am not entitled and I have been selling online since I was a teen. I don’t come at anyone who had a bad time with other dealers to 'well actually' them. Please respect people's experiences as valid. This would be far less of a drama bomb if people did that. That I have to write a life history to deflect criticism and excuses in advance does not sit well with me.)
Thank you for reading.
P.S. if divaz counters that one time I took a long time to respond, I have an explanation that's complicated and personal, but if muck gets dragged then I guess you get to hear that too.
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Heat Waves
weed dealer!mgg x reader
masterlist | requests
word count: 5.5k | warnings: 18+ content! drugs and alcohol mentions and usage. no smut but partying!
summary: your brother has a new roommate, and fuck, you might be in love with him?
song inspo : heat waves - glass animals
an: this gif is how i imagine him in this fic like w glasses but way less nerdy ahahha ok well whatever idk if im gonna continue this or just leave it as is lmk what yall think ok byeee
You stumbled up the steps of the subway, the heavy cardboard box you were holding slipping out of your hands as you made your way above ground. You tried to adjust your grip on it and almost fell backwards, shaking your head in frustration. The box was filled with all the random shit your brother had left at your place over the past few months as he was trying to find a place to live, sleeping on different couches of random friends. It was almost all useless stuff, which made the fact that you had to hand deliver it all to him even more frustrating.
You walked tirelessly down the street, gripping harshly on to the box. You pushed your way through people, not caring at all that you probably looked insane as you yelled for people to move so you could just get there and fucking put this box down. You finally came upon the building, sighing with relief as you set the box on the steps and rang the buzzer.
“I’m here,” you groaned into the speaker, wiping your forehead with the back of your hand.
“Hello!” A cheery voice responded over the intercom. A voice that was definitely not your brothers. “Who exactly is here?”
“Oh, sorry- I might have the wrong apartment. Is this 4B?”
“Yeah! You must be Danny’s sister. Come on up.” The door buzzed loudly as it unlocked, and you grabbed onto the handle quickly, lugging in the box behind you. You were extremely grateful when you saw the elevator, quietly thanking the universe that you didn’t have to walk up four flights of stairs with this thousand pound box.
You took the elevator up to the fourth floor, your body exhausted as you leaned back against the wall and took a deep breath. You closed your eyes, hoping that maybe a five second nap could give you your energy back. But unfortunately, the elevator stopped and opened its doors, urging you to once again pick up the box and be on your way. You dropped your head to the floor and sighed, using the last of your energy to pick up the box and walk down the long hallway to apartment 4B.
Thankfully the apartment wasn’t too far from the elevator, and you only had a short walk until you came upon the door of his new place. You noticed a welcome mat on the floor that read ‘Bachelor Pad’, and you rolled your eyes at the pure douchiness of the thing. God, your brother was a prick. But, nevertheless, you loved him, he was family. Despite being one of the most annoying people you’d ever met.
You knocked slowly on the door, excited to throw the box into someone else’s arms and run home. It was your day off from work, and all you wanted was to throw on some sweats, eat frozen mac and cheese and watch Jeopardy until you fell asleep on the couch. The perfect day.
The door swung open, and the man who was definitely not your brother stood on the other side, a large smile plastered across his picture perfect face. His messy curls hung across his face, and he pushed them away before reaching out to you to grab the box.
“Let me get that for you,” he said quietly, literally lifting the weight off your shoulders as he grabbed it effortlessly. The muscles in his arms protruded as he set the box down on an old dining table they had set up in the kitchen, a cluster of mismatched chairs along with it.
“Thanks,” you said back, your eyes still trailing over his body, watching him closely. “Is, uh, is my brother here?” You stuttered to get your words out, your eyes still locked on the model-like man in front of you.
“No, he just ran out actually. Went to pick up a couch or something.”
“You’ve got to be kidding me. He told me he would be here!” You shook your head in annoyance, crossing your arms over your chest, which pushed out your cleavage slightly. You caught the man glancing at your breasts, and felt your heart start beating a bit faster. He wasn’t even trying to the fact that he was staring at you. “I’m sorry if I’m bothering you. He really was supposed to be here to get this.”
“It’s not a problem at all. He told me you’d be stopping by. I’m Matt, by the way. I’m sure he’s told you about me.” He stuck out his hand, and you reached back and grabbed it. His hands were soft, but the tips of his fingers stained black, the familiar site of a smoker. The air hung the smell of stale pot smoke, so it was pretty easy to put together that he was a heavy weed guy.
“I’m (Y/N). And, uh, no, actually. He hasn’t told me, like anything about you. Just that he knows you from work and you’re a ‘pretty decent guy’,” you laughed, letting go of his hand but desperately wanting to hold on to it forever. You didn’t really understand why, but something about his touch was so comforting, it made you feel like coming home after a long day.
“Uh, I was just about to smoke a bowl actually, if you’d like to join. Your brother told me you smoke,” Matt said, motioning to the coffee table covered in various paraphernalia.
“I don’t make a habit of smoking with strangers,” you responded sharply, realizing immediately how bitchy you must’ve sounded and wishing you could take it back. You scrunched your face a bit, cringing as you replayed the sentence over and over in your head.
“But I’m not a stranger! I’m Matt! Besides, this is fantastic stuff- I just got it from my guy the other day, knocks your socks off,” he giggled, his eyes wide as he wanted to desperately for you to say yes.
“Well, I guess I really can’t say no to free weed,” you shrugged, following him over to the old couch they had set up in their under furnished living room. It was exactly how you pictured your brothers apartment to look- disappointing and not at all coordinated.
“Sorry about the place, we’re trying to make it look nice but we’re not exactly interior decorators.” He shook his head as he looked around the room, before picking up his freshly packed bowl and lighting it.
“Yeah, it looks pretty frat-housey in here. I would expect more from you, but not from my brother,” you giggled, taking the glass pipe from Matt’s hands and enjoying it yourself.
“Why me?”
“Well... I don’t know...” you stuttered, shaking your head and trying to pull together a sentence. “You just seem to have... more style, I guess. Seem more put together.”
“I appreciate that. I do try extremely hard to not look like a douche.” He smiled kindly at you, his eyes shining with the reflection of the lighter as the two of you continued to share the bowl.
You made small talk for a bit, feeling the calm of the marijuana taking over your body. The old couch suddenly became much more comfortable as you sunk back into it, staring at the patterns on the ceiling. Matt was talking quietly behind you, trying to tell some story about him and your brother; but you were only half listening, losing yourself in your own thoughts of him. Thinking about the softness of his lips as he inhaled and exhaled, watching his hands flex tireless to work the lighter, noticing how his body seemed to relax more and more with each hit.
He tilted his head towards you, flicking the lighter with his thumb and escaping in the flame. He had lost himself in it, a comfortable silence coming down over the room. You watched the flame, too, trying to see whatever beauty he saw in it- but you weren’t feeling anything, and getting pretty antsy. You turned away from him, staring into the kitchen and hoping to see something edible from this distance. You weren’t sure what kind of food two men like this would bring into their home, but you were sure it was nothing good. Your stomach grumbled at the thought of something to eat, and you fell back into the couch with a groan.
“You okay?” Matt whispered, turning his face towards you and staring at your eyes.
“Mhmm,” you responded, not having the energy to respond at the moment.
“You are extremely beautiful,” he mumbled, his eyes exploring your face, finding themselves locked on your lips no matter how hard he tried to look away.
“What?” You snickered, replaying the words in your head, feeling your heart pounding out of your chest.
“Sorry, I don’t mean to be weird. It’s just shocking to me how beautiful you are. Like a piece of art; I can’t take my eyes away.”
“You’re joking.” You rolled your eyes at him and pushed his arm playfully, trying to hide the obvious delight in your face.
“Why do you think I’m joking?”
“I just don’t hear that very often.”
“Well, that’s disappointing.” He frowned, looking down at his hands and playing with his over bitten nails.
“Sorry, I mean, I appreciate it of course. Fuck, sorry, I get so awkward when I’m high. Not very good at holding conversations.”
“Well, now that we’re friends I’ll make sure to remind you how beautiful you are as often as I can.” Matt placed his hand on yours lightly, at first only as a friendly touch, but feeling a comfort in the embrace. His thumb moved slowly, the small movement between your flesh overwhelming you with desire. Your eyes were locked on his, an intoxicating silence overcoming the room. You opened your mouth to speak, not sure exactly what to say, but the sound of the door unlocking breaking you from your daze. You pulled your hand away from his quickly and jumped off the couch, watching as the door opened and your brother walked in.
“Heyo!” Danny, your brother yelled, greeting the two of you with a large smile. “I see you’ve met my sister!”
“Yes, uh, yeah. We were just chatting,” Matt said defensively, trying to avoid eye contact with you.
“I was just waiting for you to get back. That’s all.” You responded, nodding your head quickly.
“How sweet! Just in time to help me get the new couch up!”
“Absolutely not. I brought your box, that's all the free labor you are getting out of me.” You laughed awkwardly, looking back at Matt, who was still avoiding you.
“Alright, whatever, but don’t ever ask me for anything ever again.” Danny rolled his eyes, throwing his phone down on the counter and grabbing a beer out of the fridge.
“Well, I should get going. I’ll see you tomorrow night for my party?” You asked, heading towards the door.
“Oh, right! I almost forgot. Is it cool if I bring Matt?”
You looked at Matt, who finally looked back at you, and you nodded slowly.
“Of course. I’ll see you guys then.” You smiled at the two of them, gave a small wave and left, closing the door loudly behind you. Fuck. What the fuck was that? Was he flirting with you? Or was he just high? You closed your eyes and leaned your head against the wall, trying to compose yourself before heading home.
There was nothing that stressed you out more than when your roommate threw her chaotic ‘get togethers’ every other Friday at your place. It was always an exhausting mess, and now you had to think about Matt coming along as well. You hadn’t stopped thinking about your weird intimate moment together, and the thought of seeing him again made your stomach do backflips.
There was something about him that made you feel so comfortable, so at home. But he’s friends with your brother... he has to be a scumbag. Right? And what kind of guy just walks around telling random girls they’re beautiful. He was definitely just trying to sleep with you. Which of course you wanted to sleep with him too, obviously. But he was the kind of guy that you could find yourself falling for, and getting hurt, badly. He was the kind of guy that would break your heart. You could tell. And you could not let him in, no matter how much you wanted to.
Tonight has to be all about ignoring him. You cannot let him be alone with you, because the moment he’s alone with you and starts calling you beautiful again with his pretty face and intoxicating voice and touching your hand... you were playing a dangerous game. You closed your eyes and let out a deep sigh, trying to push the thoughts of him out of your head when you were interrupted.
“What are you doing? I told you to get the cups set out like 20 minutes ago!” Your roommate rolled her eyes, pushing you to the side and laying out the cups herself.
“Sorry, Callie. Just a bit distracted today.”
“I can tell. What’s going on with you? You were weird all night last night.”
“Just tired I guess. Don’t worry about it. I’ll go set the drinks out.” You walked away quickly, hoping she would be too focused on her party planning to ask any more questions. Whenever you told her about a new guy, she was stupidly optimistic. And you really didn’t need her telling you to go for it when your brain was giving you the exact opposite advice. She just shrugged, turned around and went back to mindlessly setting up. You felt relief wash over you as she looked away, and you could once again get lost in your own thoughts and anxieties.
You mindlessly laid cups and other dumb decorations out, Matt’s face continuously crossing your mind. You found yourself smiling every time you played his words over in your head. His voice like silk as it wrapped around your body, warmth flowing through you as his lips whispered ‘You are extremely beautiful’ over and over again. You felt your heart racing, and you took a deep breath as you were brought back into reality by the vibration of your phone in your pocket.
You grabbed it, only to see you had multiple missed calls from your brother. ‘Fuck’, you thought. He knew, he somehow knew about your little flirt session with Matt. You shook your head in distress, preparing for the oncoming conversation as you reluctantly pressed the answer button and brought the phone to your ear.
“Hello?” You muttered, squeezing your eyes shut to bear the impending rage from your brother.
“Jesus, I've called you like 18 times? What’s your deal?” He laughed, his voice full of his normal light and cheery tone. You took a sigh of relief after you realized he didn’t know a thing.
“Sorry, uh, helping Callie set everything up. Must’ve put my phone down and forgot it somewhere.”
“Well I need to know what liquor and illegal substances you’d like me to bring tonight- I’ve only got like an hour!” He said urgently.
“Uh, honestly whatever you want. We’ve got a few bottles here but nothing you’d like, probably.”
“You sound distracted, you all good?” You could head the concern in his voice, and you rolled your eyes aggressively.
“Everyone keeps asking me that today and it’s pretty annoying. I’m just trying to set up a party I don’t really want to be involved in and everyone keeps bothering me!”
“Jesus, grumpy pants. Looks like someone needs a nap... or a blunt.” Danny laughed quietly, and you bit your tongue to stop yourself from yelling at him again.
“Sorry. On edge today. Don’t want to talk about it.”
“No worries. I’ll see you later, okay? Try and cheer up a bit by then, I’d like to make a good impression on Matt.” Danny hung up quickly after that, and the word ‘Matt” kept ringing in your head over and over like a church bell. You put your phone down on the table and looked up at Callie, who was adjusting your work on the cups table.
“I need a drink,” you groaned.
“A little pregame shot, I love it!” She squealed, prancing over to the bottles and pouring shots for the two of you. You downed yours quickly, letting the liquor burn through your insides. You were hoping, after enough of it, it would burn through any thoughts you had of him.
After another shot, the next hour before the guests arrived flew by. Callie put on some music and you danced your worries away, deciding which outfit to wear by rampaging through your closet. You kept fighting the urge to look as sexy as possible, one half of you wanting Matt’s jaw to drop as soon as he saw you, and the other half wanting him to ignore you all night. You couldn’t resist the temptation, though, and chose an extremely well fitting and low cut dress that accentuated all of your best features perfectly.
“God, you are literally the perfect specimen,” Callie giggled as you walked out of your room to show off. “Who the fuck are you trying to impress?”
“No one!” You responded, raising your eyes at her. “Can’t I just look good for myself?”
“Not that good. That is for someone. I know you.” You were saved by the ringing of your doorbell, and you smiled, relieved.
“Whatever you say. Go welcome your guests,” you motioned to the door. Callie just rolled her eyes and walked gleefully over to the entryway to welcome your first partygoers.
A few more groups of people rolled in, and you paid no attention as you were too busy making yourself another strong drink. You poured sloppily into the cup, giggling as splashes of soda and vodka spilled down the sides of your cup.
“You better watch out there, pretty girl. Making quite a mess.”
You turned around quickly, Matt’s voice making you jump in surprise.
“Sorry, didn’t mean to scare you.” He smiled brightly, his perfect face begging to be touched, adored, kissed. You looked at every part of him, every beautiful part of him, stuttering to get words out.
“No... you’re... it’s okay. Sorry.” You put the bottle back down on the table and picked up your cup, taking a large swig, and nearly gagging on the taste of the strong liquor.
“Can I get in there and make a drink?” His eyes travelled up and down your body, his lips slightly pursing at the sight of you. You felt your heart pounding through your chest and he eyed you. His eyes finally locked on yours, his gaze paralyzing, your body refusing to move.
“Of course. We have lots of options. Anything you want,” you managed to squeak out, still unable to draw yourself away from his gaze. His eyes didn’t leave yours, and he smiled slightly, reaching his hand out to grab a bottle. For a split second you thought he was reaching out to touch you, and when you thought about the feeling of his skin on yours, you felt yourself melt. Desire and craving washed over your body in a wave that you couldn’t push away even if you tried.
“Thank you. I’ll see you around, (Y/N).” He finally looked away, and began walking back towards the small group of people who had gathered in your living room, including Callie and your brother. You felt relief as you were able to breath again, your body relaxing as he got farther and farther away. You waited a few moments before following him to join the rest of your friends.
“Ah, there you are, my sister!” Danny yelled, wrapping you in his arms so abruptly that you almost spilled your drink everywhere.
“Hey bud!” You hugged him back, grateful to have someone here to take your mind off of Matt.
“We were just about to play a fun little ice breaker game, since Matt is new to the group and all,” Danny motioned to Matt, who smiled and waved awkwardly as everyone stared at him.
“An ice breaker, really? What is this, college orientation?” You joked, taking another swig of your intensely strong drink.
“Shut up. Don’t be such an ass.” Danny rolled his eyes and pointed to an empty seat, and you realized it wasn’t worth fighting him. He loved to play stupid little games like this, that everyone else dreaded. But you have to admit, everyone always ended up having fun at the end of the day.
“What’s the game, Danny boy?” Callie cooed, getting comfy on the couch between a few of your other friends. She always had the biggest crush on him, although you forbid her from ever getting near him. It wasn’t her, you loved her and would love it even more if she was your sister. But he was such a dick, you knew he would break her heart, and you would not stand for that.
“Easy, everyone shares one surprising fact about themselves.”
“Oh god, I don’t think I have any,” someone moaned, and Danny just laughed.
“No worries, plenty of time to think. I can start. Uh.... I slept with my professors wife in college as revenge for him giving me a C- on my final.” Danny smiled proudly and took a long swig of beer. The group around you just groaned in disgust and laughed, but you knew the story. That wasn’t the entirety of it at all, in fact, Danny had fallen desperately in love with this woman and she crushed his heart by choosing her husband over him. But he would never tell all of that, because that doesn’t sound cool. Apparently you weren’t the only one who knew the truth, though, because Matt instinctively turned to you and looked at you in a way that read, ‘This guy is so full of shit.’ Apparently Matt and your brother were closer than you though, if he told him his biggest secret.
“Hmm, Matt, I think you should be next. Only fair since you’re the new guy.” Danny turned to Matt with an excited face, like a little kid on christmas.
“Oh man, alright. Well, I guess one thing that people have a hard time believing about me is that I am a bit of a hopeless romantic. I believe in soul mates, love at first sight. All of that bullshit. I’m a sucker for it.” Matt looked right at you as the words spilled out of his mouth, not even trying to hide the obviousness of what he was trying to say. You tried your best to look away from him, but you couldn’t pretend his words weren’t entrapping you.
“That’s super corny, bro,” Danny laughed, pushing Matt slightly. He just shrugged, and took a sip of vodka straight from the bottle. Danny bothered a few more people about their secrets, and you listened intently to stories about shoplifting and coke addictions, trying to avoid his obvious gaze. You knew he was staring at you, his eyes burning holes in your body as the liquor started to flow through him. He wanted you, he craved you, in a way he had never experienced before.
Love at first sight had always been a myth to you; something in books and movies. Fiction. Until you heard the words slip from his mouth. Love at first sight, soul mates. It was all impossible. But why couldn’t you stop thinking of him. Why did his state send shivers through your body? Why did it feel like you had been waiting for him your entire life, even though you just met?
“(Y/N)! It’s your turn!” You heard Danny yell, bringing you out of your thoughts once again.
“Uh... what’s going on again?” You murmured, the alcohol overcoming your brain as you tried to remember the dumb activity you were being forced to participate in.
“Alright, you might need to slow down on the drinks girl.” Callie laughed, pointing at the cup in your hand.
“I’m fine. Just lost my train of thought!”
“Tell us a surprising fact about yourself,” Matt chimed in, a flirtatious smile plastered across his face.
“Uh, right. Well... I have a really huge record collection. It’s kind of my hobby.” You shrugged, nodding your head slowly as the group around you seemed let down by the less than flashy secret.
“You’re kidding! I collect vinyls too. I have like a thousand,” Mattresponded, his eyes lighting up at the realization that he finally had a way to talk to you.
“You should show him your collection, (Y/N), it’s ridiculously impressive,” Callie said, nodding in excitement. Your heart stopped at her words, hoping that Matt would say ‘Another time!’ and you would forget about the entire interaction. But you knew he would take up any offer to be alone with you; and a part of you was hoping he would.
“I’d love to see it,” Matt said slowly, his voice now a serious tone as he waited nervously for your response.
“Uh... of course. Does anyone else want to see?” You asked, in one final last ditch effort to protect yourself from being alone with him. But the room had already moved on from you, and no one even heard you ask the question. You looked up at Matt, his perfect smile once again showing itself.
“Guess it’s just you and I, pretty girl.” He whispered to you, his hand on your shoulder. He leaned in as he spoke to you, as if to keep the nickname a secret. You looked around in hopes that someone noticed, someone would put a stop to it. But everyone had already moved on, started new conversations, brought themselves deeper into a state of inebriation. No one saw either of you, and you could easily slip away into the night with him.
You stood up slowly, and motioned for Matt to follow you into your room. He eagerly followed behind, not a single soul in the room even realizing you were leaving. You felt your heart pounding in anticipation and nervousness, not knowing how the next few minutes would play out. You took a few deep breaths to control yourself before opening the door to your room and letting Matt follow.
“Open or closed?” He asked, his hand gripped on the door handle as he awaited your response.
“Closed. I don’t like people seeing my personal space,” you said, moving over to the shelves that held your vinyls. Matt nodded and closed the door lightly, following you over to your collection.
You walked to the corner of your small, cluttered bedroom. Sat in the corner was multiple shelving units, all packed high and bending under the weight of your numerous records. Next to the shelves was a small desk, which your record player sat beautifully on top of. Your room was overwhelming to a stranger's eye, but every single thing in there had a purpose, to you. It was your sanctuary. And it wasn’t a place you regularly invited strangers. You barely ever let Callie or Danny in there. But seeing him stand there, gazing in fascination at your records, felt very comfortable. You knew that he would respect your space, and not question it. It was a nice feeling to be able to share something so private with someone.
“Wow... this is amazing (Y/N)... you have fantastic taste in music,” he whispered, running his hands up and down the records.
“Thank you. Some of them I don’t really listen to, they’ve just been collected from garage sales and thrift stores over the years.” You watched him in awe, every feature glowing in the low light of your room. He smiled at certain titles, pulling things out delicately to look at the covers. He was beautiful, perfect. You couldn’t take your eyes off of him.
“Do you wanna smoke a blunt?” He asked, turning to you in excitement as he pulled out a bag of weed from his pocket.
“Of course. Just crack the window,” you responded, your eyes still locked on him.
“Perfect! Let’s listen to something, too. Do you mind rolling so I can pick something out?” He asked, handing you the plastic bag. Your hand touched his as you grabbed it from him, and you felt time freeze as your skin made contact. He was warm, soft, angelic in his touch. You wanted more, you craved more. But you let go, pulling yourself away.
You watched him pull out various records and contemplate what to put on as you carefully rolled a blunt to smoke. His face was focused and concentrated, and the furrow in his brow made you smile. You couldn’t help but smile around him. He finally pulled out an album you immediately recognized as (Y/F/A).
“How did you know?” You asked, watching him as he delicately took the record out and placed it on your player.
“What?” He giggled, biting his lip as he looked up at you.
“That's my favorite album.”
“You’re joking. It’s mine, too.” He looked up at you, your eyes once again meeting. You didn’t need to speak to know what was going through his mind. The two of you were both thinking the same thing. He broke the stare first to start playing the music, his hands gently placing the needle on the record.
The music began quietly, but filled the room around you. You lit up the blunt and began to smoke, a wave of happiness coming over you as you took in your surroundings. A beautiful boy, your favorite music, some fantastic weed. It was paradise. It was pure bliss.
You smoked the blunt in silence, both of you taking in the beauty of the music, no need for words. You watched him, his movements, enthralled by his every move. The light from the blunt lit up his face in an almost angelic way, making your heart race every time he took a puff. The more high you got, the more you wanted to touch him, feel him, kiss him, love him. Love at first sight, it’s bull shit, right? But what if it isn’t? What if it’s sitting right in front of you?
“Dance with me.” Matt said, standing up quickly and reaching out his hand.
“I... what?” You asked, giggling slightly at the man who was standing in front of you.
“Dance with me. You know you want to.” He raises his eyebrows at you, hand still stuck out waiting for you. You rolled your eyes, a small laugh escaping your lips as you grabbed his hand and stood up. He wrapped his other arm around your waist and pulled you close to him. The smell of smoke and mint immediately overtook you, the warmth of his body wrapping you in comfort. Being in his arms, it was the most calming feeling in the world. It was the best feeling in the world.
In that moment, nothing else mattered to you except being with him. You would do anything to hold on to that moment. You reached your hand up to his face and touched it gently, the softened of his skin flowing on your fingertips. You brushed the few stray wisps of hair away from his face before bringing your lips up to his.
There are many different types of kisses in the world. You first kiss, which is awkward and usually terrible. A sad kiss, one where you know it will be your last kiss for a while. A lustful kiss, where you can’t keep your hands off of each other and want nothing more than to rip clothes off. But this kiss... this was a kiss you had never experienced before. It was a kiss that filled your entire body; flooded you with light and calmness, made every bad thing you’ve ever felt disappear into thin air as your lips pressed against his. It was a kiss that you knew was saved especially between two people who were meant to be. A kiss between soul mates.
As your lips worked effortlessly with his, everything else in the world disappeared except for you and him. You melted into each other, two paints seamlessly coming together to create a beautiful piece of art. You never wanted to let go of him. You never would, if it was up to you. But you needed a second, a second to catch your breath, a second to ground yourself back to reality.
You pulled away from him, your hands still locked in his hair and his on your waist. “We should go back out there. We don’t want to look suspicious,” you whispered, suddenly remembering the circumstances that led you in here in the first place.
“Of course, that’s for the best. But I promise you this is not the end of us.” Matt kissed your cheek and winked flirtatiously before heading back out to your living room. You sat quietly for a moment, your heart racing and your breathing unsteady. In that moment, you knew that was it. That was the last first kiss of your life.
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