#;; the brat prince [ armand: on lestat ]
nalyra-dreaming · 4 months
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"By this point we've learned that, who tells the story is often more important than how the story is being told. How much of it is true, how much of it is used to paint Armand in a good light."
Assad Zaman, Episode Insider for S2x03 / Episode 10.
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maikuuro · 5 months
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Smols smols smols I am gonna make Claudia when I am less swamped at my day job :P
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pganotgolf · 2 months
reading QotD (around page 100) and guys I hate to say it but I’d be Daniel lmaoo simping asffff to be a vampire. Especially with Armand’s beautiful hypnotizing brown eyes
(I say everyone is me when me is really just sitting on the couch for hours)
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beautifulsavagegarden · 2 months
Everyone else: Prince Lestat.
Armand: The Queen of the Damned.
Lestat: Stop calling me that!
Armand: No.
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classiccvnt · 3 months
Happy that Interview With a Vampire, and the Vampire Chronicles in general, is getting more popular with people my age. Unhappy that the consequence of that is people with ZERO media literacy (On tiktok specifically, sorry to say.) ignoring or perhaps missing entirely the point. There is no bad guy! They are all complicated individuals who did fucked shit and will keep doing fucked shit!
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loustatshenanigans · 3 months
Okay let’s put aside the trial being nothing but a staged act, why is everyone okay with the fact that what they did to Lestat was okay? Like why is everyone siding with Louis and Claudia? For two seasons we’ve been watching Lestat being this big bad wolf, and I see that for fandom he deserved to die? Because you not blaming Louis and Claudia for his attempted murder (which would’ve killed Lestat if he didn’t have ancient blood in him) means that you want Lestat dead and wholeheartedly believe he deserves to die.
Why does this show has went to some weird places and why are we spending too much time watching Louis being seriously stupid when it comes to Armand?
And why isn’t Daniel has his fire? The fire he had the first season, we only saw the glimpse of it in the first episodes of the season! Don’t get me wrong I love the show and I also love all of the characters I just don’t understand why they’re doing this to Lestat and why's everyone literally okay with his attempted murder! (Don’t come at me with his abuse and all, you should first make peace with the fact that Louis forgiven him and he didn’t have to!!!)
And I’m gonna say it again we see all the signs of Lestat's love being grand for Louis, where’s Louis' love? (shoved into Armand or something? Uggh!)
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spiderkiss · 3 months
Spoilers for vampire lestat/queen of the dammed for show only people under the cut
I keep seeing images and gifs from the show off modern Louis and Armand hanging out and you don't understand how much i NEED to see their reaction to turning on the TV and seeing Lestat belting out a rock ballad with his band.
I need to see their faces, I need one of them to tell at the other to get in there and see what they are seeing
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ani-snkt · 2 years
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angrbodae · 1 year
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How I imagine Lestat on the front cover
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neverbpractical · 1 year
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"Mon dieu, how clumsy of me." a scene from a rp i recently did, attached below!!
… Instead of vaulting it though, Armand perches on it, legs dangling as he roots around in his little bag of misappropriated goods, retrieving the lighter and packet of cigarettes. He takes his time unwrapping the plastic, tapping one out and lighting it there, in the middle of Walmart, before blowing the plume of smoke in Lestat's direction with an unimpressed look. "Bonjour, votre Majesté. I see this place has already established its aristocracy." … Lestat watches Armand light up his cigarette with a bemused look. What in the world is this little creature going to do here without his pet human, without his money and his power? He'll be positively helpless. What a delightful idea. He crosses the floor, abandoning his cart for the moment, and comes to stand by the counter Armand is sitting on. He stretches out a hand. "Are you going to share?" "As you wish, monsieur.." Armand taps the packet on the counter, freeing one, and offers the whole thing up to Lestat. He waits until the other Vampire inevitably responds to the offer, reaches out and, just before he can retrieve it, lets the entire packet drop to the ground between their feet. When Lestat looks back up, Armand's smile is wider, eyes lidded in a pleased, feline like manner, enjoying the brief superiority of catching his fellow vampire out. He is, however, holding a single cigarette up, pinched between two finely manicured fingers and offered to Lestat. He must have palmed it when he tapped the packet, ready even then to be an obstinate terror, lest Lestat forget exactly who he's dealing with. "Mon dieu.. how clumsy of me. Here."
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nalyra-dreaming · 2 months
Be careful, it's one of a kind! - Or: the trial script.
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I took a few screenshots and put them through the editor, and there are a few interesting tidbits of information that can be gleaned from the few shots we got of the final trial script:
Supposedly the trial was written by the "Vampire Santiago", and the "Vampire Samuel Barclay". With... "additions made" by the "Vampire Lestat de Lioncourt".
Now the last part is particularly interesting, because as we see in the screenshots we get, that there are quite a few "additions" that Armand makes, but he is not listed there.
We now have (additional) confirmation by Assad (at the SDCC 2024 panel) that Armand was the one who orchestrated Claudia's / their deaths, so let's keep that in mind here. Especially since he is not listed.
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"Our red curtain. Our spotlight. Santiago acting as master of ceremonies. But this is the only part of the play that will mimic our normal fare. That and our finale."
There's several aspects to this.
We know that - at least in Armand's tale - Santiago "took over". "Master of ceremonies." But only acting, not actually being. The "mimic our normal fare" both hints at this being not what they normally do, and, given the mock aspect of the trial - it acknowledges the farce it is. It is not a play, not a trial, but something in between, framed as neither, while implementing both.
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Santiago's entry speech. With an interesting annotation by Armand: "You are standing half in and half out of your light."
Only, Santiago isn't actually standing in and out of the light. (At least in the version we got to see.)
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Now, those who know the books know that the force of Lestat's personality is often called a "light", and not always in a wholly positive manner.
For example there is this comment by Nicolas, which refers to it:
And for every aspect of our proposed damnation you found exuberance, and there was no end to your enthusiasm and the passion coming out of you-and the light, always the light. And in exact proportion to the light coming out of you, there was the darkness in me! Every exuberance piercing me and creating its exact proportion of darkness and despair!
The lights of the stage obviously put them all into focus, too, something that was forbidden before Lestat came and destroyed the old ways. The "walking in the places of light" was one of the things the Children of Darkness accused Lestat of when he encountered them.
I think the comment there is a kind-of-meta comment, of Armand being half in shadow hand half in light. There is a choice here, for light or darkness.
Here, he chooses darkness.
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Some things we haven't heard in the episode:
"If the prosecution's evidence convinces you to condemn those HERETICS for the heinous trampling of the vampire laws we will carry out our sentence before your very eyes as only we at the Théâtre des Vampires know how: slowly, inventively, gruesomely."
And then, this lovely stage direction 💀:
"Agency: If and when Claudia or Louis speak, (drive) them together, close their throats, (Santia)go will address it with the audience, as per the below:"
"I don't need to hear from you..."
That part we heard in the trial.
Apart from the stage directions and the part we didn't hear Armand's notes are also interesting once more: "Remember to comment...." and something starting with "Fi"... "Fine" - or "Find their thoughts" (could fit I think). Because this note, even largely unreadable proves once more that Armand was fully in on what they did to Louis and Claudia there. Made sure that the blows... would land.
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This one. This one we didn't get to hear! (The part after "Tik Tok")
Santiago reading from her diary: "He soaks in the light from everyone around him, making it all about Lestat. This is most definitely about you and your death."
Light reference again! (See the quote above.)
And (accompanied by Armand's notes to have Santiago hand the diary to the audience):
"I know she was your favorite. I know she was your baby lu. But she had us all fooled. She's the best actor of all of us. She lies so sweetly, doesn't she. But look closer. When the mask falls away, she's a monster."
Oof. When the mask falls away... Pot to kettle.
"I can't hear you." - say it louder.... Lestat.
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And then: Lestat's entrance. Being seated in an especially prepared "Bergere en cabriolet".
And here we have another "I can't hear you! Let me f...". It's the counterpart to the blend-over (below), another read from Claudia's diary there, after Lestat talks about loneliness and Louis "abandoning him". (Btw, I don't buy this shift to blame to Louis and Louis "hunting" Lestat for one second, for the record^^. I think that was all very much BS for the trial, in order to make Louis seem guilty to the audience.)
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Armand's comment (on Lestat's first lines) makes it seem as if Lestat was less than enthusiastic - or weak. Now, I said before, I think there's quite enough evidence to suggest that the "real trial" might have gone a bit more like in the book, with Lestat mostly out of his mind and his mind meddled with as well (see below).
But the counterpart to the blend-over is actually the most interesting one, imho:
(This is a hard one to see, it's only seen in blend-over and Louis' hand moves across it before the scene fades to Armand scribbling down the note!)
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"It This is too early for Lestat to acknowledg[e...]"
This is too early for Lestat to acknowledge. Louis and Claudia, would be my guess. This direction is proof that Armand made directions for Lestat especially as well. It's the only one (we have so far) where he actually writes the name.
Armand knew he could make this direction. And he made it.
Given Lestat and their history this, for me, is proof, that Lestat's mind has been meddled with as well, at times at least. Because there is no way that Lestat would have followed Armand's directions there, imho. Would not have done something, especially in that moment, where they set up the execution.
Yes, Sam is on record saying that Lestat played along with the play itself so he could get into the audience's heads, and therefore make it easier for him to make them shift Louis' sentence to "banishment" (that's where the "additions" come from, in all likelihood), but there, at the point of judgement and the execution being set up he does not look at Claudia (but he does look at her afterwards!), he's staring straight ahead, swaying on his feet.
Taken out of the equation, so to speak.
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(That's an extra shot btw, extra shots always carry meaning.)
Quite the script. -.-
Clear stage directions for Santiago, Lestat, and the other coven members should Louis and Claudia try to do something.
Now. I know there have been a lot of posts about Armand "master mind" or "villain" or victim, or what not. And I am glad that Assad has been so very clear on that just recently, though all of it is already given with what the show gave us, imho.
Armand did plan the trial. Did master-mind it. Did pretend. Did direct. Did lie.
He orchestrated their deaths.
And Lestat interfered with Louis' death. At the very least.
And.. Armand continued to betray Louis. For 77 years.
I said it before, I don't quite buy the tower scene, I expect it to get more context, at the very least.
It will be very interesting to see if they return to the trial next season, and in what capacity.
Because all the "hints" are, all the evidence is there already.
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peachykoya · 2 years
no but what if the Interview is Louis's last ditch attempt to call out for help, for someone to rescue him? The portrayal of Lestat is not flattering, and from what's been hinted at, it's not even accurate. His cruelty is played up, his romantic side played down, it doesn't paint him in a good light. And who, upon reading that, would be upset? Who would come demanding corrections to be made and a reprint issued? Lestat. And Armand's no idiot, he can see the entire chessboard. This man, who controls every aspect of Louis’s life, including when and what he reads [the library is only accessible to someone with the cloud gift], knows full well what will happen as a result of Louis’s interview. Armand is allowing it to happen. He WANTS Lestat to come knocking at his door, he wants Lestat angry and calling for blood, because Armand has always wanted LESTAT.
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faerywhimsy · 2 years
💅 : the unsung ladies of VC
Bless you my friend 🙏 You are doing the lord's work with this ask.
Allow me to share with you an excerpt, of what is in my opinion both the best and also smallest part of Prince Lestat.
"But I'll tell you that, why I am suffering," Bianca said, drawing near but talking in a normal and not a confidential voice, her arm slipping around me [Lestat]. "I lost one I loved in the attack in Paris, a young one, one I'd made and lived with for decades. But this was the Voice at work, not the one he'd brought out of the earth to do his bidding."
Excuse me? That's it!?
We've waited all this time to see Bianca in the present. That's 6 years and 5 books since she was first introduced in The Vampire Armand. While I can and do appreciate she's surrounded in this scene by what may be the only instance of a posse of strong women in these books, we are now presented with a piece of plot I would have loved to see Anne Rice dig into.
But, no, we must sweep this under the rug in favour of the Voice.
Which, yes, I do understand is the main plot of Prince Lestat. But you couldn't have introduced slightly fewer new, male characters to your cast and spent more time going that little bit deeper with the ensemble that remained.
I loved, for example, that we got all of Antoine's history up till his arrival at Trinity Gate, filling all the gaps from the time Lestat turned him. One day, I like to hope I'll read a fic like that with Bianca as the protagonist and I will launch. into. space.
Sometimes I've indulged in the somewhat grouchy thought as to whether the amount of screen time Gabrielle got comparatively to most of the women in VC was because she was coded as a trans man. But, since this post from @hekateinhell last week, I've been trying to allow in the benefit of the doubt that Anne truly didn't see gender in her vampires and the overwhelming number of men of them is sheer coincidence. I guess the other point in Gabrielle's favour always was the fact that she was the only one who was our main protagonist's mother.
I have a slightly different rant that has to do with the fact that this reunion scene happens between Bianca and Lestat and not, say, Armand or Marius, but this has gotten long already, so I've tried to keep myself just a little bit focused.
(Open invite right here though, if anyone does want to jump in my ask box requesting that rant.)
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beautifulsavagegarden · 5 months
Armand: Lestat is coming to visit. Quick, Sybelle, play anything from Les Miserables.
Lestat: Listen here you little shit, that's not funny.
Armand: You are correct. It is, in fact, hilarious.
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andessence · 3 months
armand tag drop!
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iloveyoulikexo · 2 years
I just finished binge watching Interview With A Vampire so it's officially over for you bitches
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