skeksard · 9 months
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I forgot to post it here, but since Dark Crystal's anniversary there are discounts to all my Dark Crystal related items in my new shop until December 31st !
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skeksard · 2 years
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In honor of the 40th anniversary of the movie that started it all, Thra-Athon is proud to promote the Great Con-Junction, the second official Dark Crystal convention and the first one in the US! If you dare, join us in Los Angeles from November 12th to 13th!
The event includes guests from the franchise, workshops, original props and puppets, an after party at the Jim Henson’s Company lot and more. Even a visit at the Creature Shop for top tier tickets!
More information and tickets here!
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skeksard · 3 years
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Oh-oh, SkekZel doesn’t seem very motivated to perform in your play, don’t take it personally SkekSard, he knows nothing about your art!
Thanks again @feusus for letting me draw your fantastic Oc !
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skeksard · 4 years
SkekSard’s friends !!!
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Skeksis OCs (and UrRu !) portrait commissions ! As you can see I made a rainbow ! 🌈 A lot of my Discord pals are here ! 
From left to right :
(Yellow) SkekShakt by @queenofthetides ! He is SkekSa’s father
(Green) SkekGrim the Cavalier/Coordinator by @juliejewel24 !
(Purple) SkekDel the Culturalist by @kaijukian ! 
(Red) SkekVok the Specter by @creatureofmidnight21 !
(Blue) SkekTrik the Deserter and Urky the Protector by @skektrik
As I said in my last post, Skektrik’s commission was an exception because I really wanted to draw an UrRu too ! Now that I have more demands, I will stick to one character as first intended (only if the second character is a little animal/mascot) 
I had a lot of fun with all these imaginative designs ! Dark Crystal fandom, keep creating awesome OCs ! 
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skeksard · 4 years
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Thra-Athon Fan Fiction Contest
We would love for you to write an original Dark Crystal fan fiction or poem. What would a holiday celebration be like on Thra, in the life of a Gelfling, a Podling, or even the Mystics & Skeksis ? 3 winners will be featured in narrated videos and 1 lucky winner will have their entry illustrated by Eliane Torralba ( @feusus , the one who did that SkekOk above !) 
You must be 16 or over to enter.
The theme for this year’s Fan Fiction & Poetry Contest is to create your own Thra-themed holiday and tell us about it. This can be done in prose or poetry, from a character’s point of view or your own.
You must submit your entry to [email protected] by Sunday, November 22nd.
In the email SUBJECT, please put Thra-athon Fan Fiction (or Poem) Entry and then your name (e.g ‘Thra-athon Fan Fiction Entry Joe Bloggs’).
In the email you must include your full name, address, and a social media handle (if you have one and are happy to be tagged).
Word count must be a minimum of 350 words and a maximum of 500 words.
We would ask that you keep the content family friendly i.e. no swear words, sexual references, or nudity.
Limit one entry per person.
Entries must be in English.
Entries must be the work of the entrant and must not have been published or accepted for publication elsewhere.
Copyright of original content remains with the author. Trademarked characters are the property of The Jim Henson Company. This event and this contest are hosted by fans and for fans. It is not endorsed or run by The Jim Henson Company, its subsidiaries, or affiliates.
Entries cannot be returned.
The results of the competition will be announced on the Thra-athon social media event page and The Great Con-Junction social media pages.
Entries should be submitted as a Microsoft Word Document (.doc or .docx) or PDF (.pdf).
Entries not complying with competition rules will be disqualified.
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skeksard · 4 years
My boy needs to meet Gra ! Only him can understand his arrrrrrt !!!
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@feusus @candythemew
They do NOT appreciate the arts like you do, Sard. Sad. SO sad. :u
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skeksard · 4 years
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“ They glow too ! ”
Resting after playing with glow moss, Rian has a beautiful surprise !
Another piece for @stonegrotweek ! The prompt of the day must involve Deet wings and I literally had that idea in a dream ! My brain is full of those two this week… hehe…
I experimented some coloring styles with this piece and I’m quite happy with it !
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skeksard · 4 years
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“[The arara tree] bears sweet fruits that dangle dangle in large purple clusters. Normally, the fruits are edible and quite delicious; however, the tree has a fascinating defense against creatures that might otherwise strip the fruits before they have a chance to seed : When the tree senses danger, it emits a terrifying screaming sound (the mechanism of which is a mystery).”
When I read that in the Stonewood chapter of the “Songs of the Seven Gelfling Clans” book, I couldn’t resist ! In the show we see Deet talking about her Grottan culture, but I would love to see Rian teaching Deet some old Stonewood tricks. The StoneGrot Week theme for day 2 was perfect for that !
But things can go wrong very fast and all Rian can do is protect her sensitive Grottan ears !
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skeksard · 4 years
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The rules for the fanart contest !!!
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skeksard · 4 years
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In honor of Age of Resistance’s first anniversary we are holding a Dark Crystal Fan Art Contest in addition of that new Thra-athon ! Dark Crystal fans, stream your favorite show again and submit your art ! And I’m proud to announce that I’m in the jury !!!
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skeksard · 4 years
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skeksard · 4 years
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My interpretation of SkekSa the Mariner from JM Lee’s Dark Crystal book series !
I haven’t read them yet, but she seems like an interesting character and is very popular in the fandom. As much as I LOVE Cory Godbey’s wonderful illustrations, I’m not a fan of SkekSa’s design, so I decided to give her my own twist !
From what I know, she is kind of a rogue, critical of the Castle life. So no long dresses and overly pompous attires. And I heard that she sails the seas inside a giant living monster, so I gave her a very organic outfit. Like it was made with sea creatures. Of course, I maintained some things I liked in her original design, like her overall color scheme and her big head and athletic physique.
After reading the books, maybe my vision of her will change, so maybe I’ll do another drawing !
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skeksard · 4 years
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i dont think ive posted these here yet! :0
a charity commission for @feusus of skekSard
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skeksard · 4 years
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Recent skeksis commissions for @queenofthetides & @feusus
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skeksard · 4 years
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YEEEES !!!! I somehow love how he looks here !
I also love this scene. Throwing off and burying his armor is like him accepting to abandon his old life and his dream of becoming the new captain of the guard. Those dreams can’t be anymore because they are all lies.
Also, great parallel to Jen !
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“Out here in the world…
Look at me,
I’m no hero,
Master nothing is simple anymore…”
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skeksard · 4 years
Rian + 38
Pulling himself out of the water, Rian’s arms and legs ached with exhaustion. The strength it had taken to leap from the window and into the river below, was gone. He felt heavy and wet, and his boots sank into the muddy shore as the weight of his soaked clothes, his guard’s armor, and the sword at his side weighed him further down.
Looking back over his shoulder, the outline of The Castle of the Crystal hung dark on the horizon. He was lucky the current had carried him this far. Already, The General had likely sent guards to scour grounds for the traitor, the murderer.
Rian shuddered at the word. The image of Mira as the life drained from her flashed through his mind, as did the skeksis’ faces as they consumed her essence.
He reached for the vial strapped to his belt. It was still there, glowing faintly. At least he had this. With this there was hope - hope of being believed, of spreading the truth, of saving someone. Even if it was too late for Mira. Even if it was too late for Gurjin still inside the castle walls.
Rian turned away, facing the edge of the Dark Wood. The trees rose up, tall and sturdy, making him look smaller and more disheveled as he stood beneath them. It was a long way to Stone-in-the-Wood, but he had nowhere else to go now.
As he walked through the forest, his clothes still heavy and damp and clinging to his skin, Rian tried to clear his mind of everything but the next step forward - each one carrying him closer to his clan and his Maudra.
But he could not stop his thoughts racing. Scenes of that morning played in his mind. If only he had been here not there, done this not that. If only something had been different, Mira might still be alive.
But Rian had seen The Scientist’s machine, the skeksis’ hunger for essence, and the deep purple color of the crystal…
So, he walked on as the suns set and rose again, casting pale leafy shadows down onto the ground below.
His clothes were dry now, but they had molded to his body. The fabric of his tunic and pants was rough and cold. His cloak was crumpled and smelled of damp. Even the belt at his waist hung lower.
Suddenly, there were voices down the path. Pitched and frustrated, but still gelfling voices. And as Rian heard them, he felt his mind clear just a little with the joy of not being alone.
So he stepped forward to help them, lifting a wagon, fitting a wheel, even as their tone turned suspicious and biting.  
Because they knew his name. Already, the skeksis’ lies had spread and they spoke them with such confidence that Rian felt his stomach roil.
And as quickly as the comfort at their presence had come, it was gone - stinging of accusation and rejection. Disappearing quickly back into the forest, the sound of his own voice trailed apologies behind him.
Pushing deeper and deeper into the woods, Rian’s chest and throat grew tighter. It was a heavy aching feeling. But this time the water in his clothes was no longer responsible.
Finally, his exhaustion caught up with him and he stumbled forward, falling to his knees and breathing hard. Soft dirt pressed against his palms and he clenched his hands into fists, watching the soil squeeze out between his fingers.
Then his fatigue turned to fervor, and Rian scraped at the ground - digging hard and fast until his eyes watered, his skin stung, and his nails had grown black.
As the fervor faded, he sat and looked at what he had done, hands limp against his thighs. There was a hole, not very big, but there all the same. Taking a deep breath, his gaze steadied and he stood.
Reaching for the belt at his hip, Rian loosed his sword and cut into the dirt, making the hole deeper and deeper. He did it dispassionately, the last of his energy left somewhere long behind him - somewhere that felt distant and made him wonder what had carried him this far.
But as he dug the vial bounced against his hip with each scoop of black soil.
At last, the hole was square and deep.
Rian’s forehead glimmered in the low light with a fine sheen of sweat. Propping the sword against a tree, he started to tug at buckles and clasps.
Hands shaking, but back straight, he stripped. He removed his armor and the insignias of The Castle.
And one by one he tossed each item into the hole.
Left only in plainclothes he threw his sword down last. Standing there, he shivered without the added layers. He had worn that armor, the crest of The Castle guard, for years. He had seen his father wear them for years before that.
But Rian knelt and covered the pile over with dirt until it blended in again with the forest floor.
He was no murderer, and he would not wear the marks of those that were.
So fastening the vial tighter to his side, Rian stood and walked deeper into the forest. Each step bringing him closer to Stone-in-the-Wood.
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skeksard · 4 years
I’m normally not a fan of “novelisation” fanfics, but I really love this one ! Rian is a character who feels a lot but doesn’t always show it, and here we can really feel his emotions boiling inside him threatening to explode ! And his train of thought is very well depicted here, with his memories mixing up with what he is experiencing. His relationship with Deet described in the intro is exactly how I see them, so I can’t wait to read the rest !
All I Ask of You (Chap 1)
The Dark Crystal: Age of Resistance fic
Deet x Rian
She walked into his life when all seemed lost. He accepted her when the other surface dwellers didn’t. She was gentle. He was brave. Their first impressions dwelt in their minds and their feelings grew as their journey wore on. They supported each other, comforted each other, and gave each other strength. Together, they were a light in the darkness.
Chapter 1. 
Afficher davantage
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