#/so it pops up in roleplays a lot
mjm5655 · 1 year
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since this pops up enough in roleplays, i'm going to get specific on how much of a smoker this man is.
majima has a preferred brand of cigarettes, he personally purchases hi-lite cigarettes. they have a sweet flavour to them, but are quite strong. he will take cigarettes of other brands offered to him as he doesn't refuse the cabin one that sagawa offers him, but this could be because it's considered rude to refuse a cigarette offered ( just like how it is rude to refuse at least the first glass of alcohol ), as much as he hates sagawa, he remains civil with him in this cutscene.
majima easily can go through a pack, & more per day. he is a heavy smoker, he smokes when he's chilling, smokes when he's stressed/angry, smokes when he's being social, smokes when he's fighting, smokes when he's fucking ... pretty much this guy can nearly always be smoking.
even know the legal age in japan is 20 for smoking, majima picked the habit up when he was 14 years of age. this is around the time he starts to run about in a biker gang. he would have got into it via peers of these gangs, & has been hooked since.
he has no plans in quitting ever. he knows it's bad for his health, but he doesn't really care. majima didn't originally see himself living to his current age ( 58/soon 59 ), anywhere near it in fact, as he was willing to die for his boss in the 1985 hit at age 20. he knew if he was part of that hit, it would have seen him behind bars for life, & possibly executed.
he typically has no issue smoking in or outside. in 5, he's seen smoking within a restaurant whilst eating, as in japan, smoking inside is still allowed in various businesses. he smokes within his apartment in 0, but makes sure to open the window. he's seen various times smoking outside, mostly around west park, & his idle animation in 0 is him taking out a cigarette, lighting it really quickly, & smoking it wherever. if he has a child, or children are around, he does have some decency to not smoke around them, & definitely goes outdoors to smoke within his home.
the hole was torture enough, but it was even more torture for majima as he started to suffer nicotine withdrawal. though, the symptoms weren't seen that easily here as he was also being tortured, so he had other reasons for a lot of the symptoms involved with withdrawal too, but he really did miss cigarettes here, what made matters worse for him is men that came in to torture him smoked away, & he had to see that. as soon as majima got out, & was able to get some money to his name again, he immediately brought himself cigarettes ; sagawa would have also offered him one every so often, which majima would have taken, no question.
the next times he experiences withdrawal are times when he's arrested, & is in jail. the first time he lands into jail isn't so bad, but the second time, he's in there for several months, & it is literal hell for him, he gets angered, frustrated, & irritated by things that usually didn't have that kind of effect on him, his depression also deepens ( majima suffers depression because of events in his past, & having poor coping methods, he does not have any medication ). there are ways he can get cigarettes, but it's not enough for majima's habit. like when he got out of the hole, one of the first things he does when he gets out is buying himself a packet of cigarettes.
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ace-malarky · 6 months
In which Olizaar has a perfectly understandable reaction to his future being yanked violently out of the direction he thought it was going
(pertaining to things I Have Not Yet Written in the main story of this because it's really hard to have focus when your co-writer thinks the thing is dead lmao)
 Olizaar sits in the corner of the closet and has to remind himself to breathe. Maybe he’d breathe anyway, but it gives him something to focus on.
 Anything other than the fuss happening above his head.
 Distantly, he hears a dragon roar. Promithio, probably. He’d always been more vocal about – everything.
 Olizaar had thought he’d resigned himself to this reality, if not accepted it.
 The door of the closet creaks open. Olizaar tenses but it’s only Kiri poking his head in.
 The kid spots Olizaar – he hasn’t made much of an attempt to hide himself – and slips in, closing the door behind him. Mihin isn’t with him, and Olizaar is grateful for the drake’s absence. He doesn’t think he could take looking at a dragon right now.
 Kiri clears himself a space to sit at an angle to Olizaar, feet close to touching.
 Olizaar watches him, flinches at another roar, waits. Focuses on his breathing. Feels like he should be moving. He’s always moving. Olizaar never stops, normally. But here he is.
 “He wasn’t pleased when they found me, either.” Kiri offers him a lip bitten smile. “I think I made the concept too real.
 Olizaar frowns. “I didn’t intentionally do this. It was Nyssa’s cliff raptor that brought the egg out of its – whatever that was.”
 Kiri shrugs. “And I didn’t intentionally bond with Mihin, but there you go.”
 Olizaar shoots him a narrow look. “You’re different on your own.”
 Kiri hesitates, then smiles. “Fewer people make it easier.”
 “I meant without Mihin.”
 “Ah.” Kiri looks down. “Well, that…”
 “I don’t think Ishal – well, I can’t imagine her any different. I’ve only known her after she had Mals.”
 “And now–”
 “Don’t say it.” Olizaar cuts him off, holding up a hand. “Please.” His breath catches in his throat and Olizaar coughs like that would clear it.
 “Sorry.” Kiri draws his knees up to his chest. “Maybe I’m not… I just thought…”
 Olizaar flicks a glance at him and suppresses the flicker of irritation. He’s tired of – it isn’t fair.
 Kiri shakes his head before Olizaar can say anything else, which is perhaps just as well.
 One of the dragons roars. Not Promithio, Olizaar thinks. One of the others. They don’t roar nearly as often so it’s hard to say who it is.
 “It doesn’t have to change you,” Kiri says. “But I think we change anyway. Having a dragon doesn’t make it out of nowhere, not… not really.”
 “They just make it a different sort of change, right?” Olizaar laughs, the sound bitter. “And you can’t say no.”
 “Maybe you could.”
 “That would please Promithio.”
 Kiri snorts. “He’d be affronted you didn’t want it.”
 Olizaar tilts his head back against the wall. “Contrary son of a fuck,” he says, almost fond.
 Kiri laughs.
 Olizaar smiles in his direction. “Thanks.”
 Kiri shrugs. “Anyone would’ve.”
 Olizaar snorts. “You think the best of people too easily.”
 “Isn’t it better too?”
 “Don’t you get… disillusioned by people proving you wrong?”
 Kiri tilts his head as he thinks. “People haven’t, on the whole.”
 “Maybe you’re just a good judge of character then. You can tell who’s good for you.”
 Kiri laughs. “Maybe.” He reaches out a foot to tap Olizaar’s. “That includes you, you know.”
 Olizaar wrinkles his nose. “Sure.”
 “No, listen, you can’t say my judgement is good in one breath and then doubt it in the next.”
 “I said good, not infallible.” But Olizaar is laughing, and it finally feels as though the tension releases itself.
 It’s at that moment, of course, that Ishal pokes her head around the door.
 “There you are. Kiri was supposed to bring you back.”
 “You didn’t specify after how long,” Kiri replies.
 Ishal scoffs, clearly amused. “You two have spent too much time around each other.”
 Olizaar forces a grin. “Bad influence, right?”
 “No,” Ishal says. “It’s a good thing, Oli. You always will be.”
 Olizaar avoids looking at anyone by using the moment to get to his feet.
 Kiri scrambles to his feet. “Have they…?”
 “Reached a decision?” Ishal asks. “Not exactly.”
 “What does that mean?” Olizaar asks.
 “That when the egg hatches, it will be the hatchling’s choice to be wild or bonded.”
 “That’s… insane. So I just have to not be there when it hatches.”
 “Have your eyes on a penta like mine?” Ishal reaches out as if to ruffle his hair, but Olizaar is just out of range.
 Olizaar laughs at her. “Every boy’s dream, right?”
 Kiri taps at Olizaar’s elbow. “And – listen, Promithio is – well, he’s not all bluster, but – I can stand with you, if you want.”
 Olizaar does ruffle his hair, and Kiri submits to it with a sigh and a grin. “You really are the best of us.”
 “No, he’s right,” Ishal says. “Now come on. They’re waiting.”
 Olizaar steps close enough and grabs Ishal into a hug before she can instigate it. “Thanks,” he says, face pressed into her shoulder. He has to bend slightly, but it’s worth it.
 “It’s Kiri did everything,” Ishal says into his arm. “Hey, Kiri, c’mere.”
 He stutters out some kind of half-hearted excuse that doesn’t stop him stumbling in easily when Olizaar tugs him.
 “Thanks,” Olizaar says into his hair.
 “I didn’t do much,” Kiri mumbles.
 Olizaar snorts and claps him on the back as they disengage. “Sometime you’re going to have to accept a compliment, you know?”
 Ishal laughs and steps back out of the closet. “Come on.”
 “Yeah,” Olizaar says. “Yeah, we can do this.”
 Kiri bumps shoulders with him and smiles. “Just remember to breathe, right?”
 Olizaar nods, squares his shoulders. “Right.” He leads the way back up the tunnels to where the dragons wait.
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foldingfittedsheets · 5 months
A friend I had briefly in my teens years was this girl in Arizona. She was a junior when I was a freshman, and as I was socially awkward and very lonely she kind’ve pulled me under her wing for a while. I don’t remember how we met, but I remember riding in her car and meeting her cute miniature Doberman.
But the thing I remember most about this girl was that she loved lying to me. And I had a massive but I acknowledged crush on her so I adored being lied to. Her natural charisma and storytelling was hypnotic.
It’s not what it sounds like because it wasn’t malicious but she came up with this in depth lore to tell me about this fake job she had. I know autistic people are meant to be credulous but I truly never believed her stories, I just adored her storytelling and was very ready to listen to whatever tale she spun that day. Another of her friends chided her once for teasing me but I genuinely never minded.
In her lore she moonlighted as a Professional Liar. People would hire her to get close to a target they wanted rattled. She’d make friends, develop a strong relationship, foster a dependency on her, then disappear. Then when they were confused and missing her sometime when the employer needed their target rattled she’d show back up as a glimpse to knock them off balance. Often it was implied she’d faked her death in the interim.
That itself was fine, it was an okay story. But in order to support that lie she’d make up tons of supporting details that were way more fun. She had this fake boyfriend who got high as balls on a mission and ended up seeing a sheep in a field and carrying it to a farmhouse to try to buy it because he wanted a puppy. I liked that one but suspected she didn’t know how big sheep were.
She’d IM chat with me as this made up boyfriend sometimes; once she had him ask me if I noticed her limping and he told me she’d just lost a toe but was covering for it like a champ. That one was fun.
She told me about something she called “purple charge” which was a way to get instant night vision. I did try looking that one up on the off chance, but was sadly disappointed there.
She said that Professional Liars had such high stakes jobs that they needed a week of insane time where they just partied so hard it was like a Dionysus rave and her IM boyfriend persona implied she’d killed someone during one of those stints.
I had such a fun time with her elaborate fiction that I’d often ask follow up questions and she had to do a lot of world building to keep up with my fascination. We’d get to class and I’d have three or four new questions which I think is why her friend thought her teasing was too far. They genuinely thought I believed her but I was just loving the fiction.
If any of this sounds malicious I’ll also add that when I got harassed on a roleplaying board she went out guns blazing to go after the guy who’d been harassing me. She genuinely enjoyed my company.
I find myself looking back on our friendship very fondly. I can’t remember her last name or have any way of looking her up, but she really was a professional liar to me. The only downside is that I’m completely faceblind so if she ever wanted to pop unexpectedly into my life I’d have no idea it was her.
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kentocidal · 1 year
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USERS FOUND: stepbro!eijirou kirishima x fem!afab!reader x best friend! bakugou
WARNING! THIS FILE HAS BEEN CORRUPTED! DO NOT OPEN! stepcest, threesum, oral (m! and f! receiving), corruption, dubcon, piv, unprotected, dirty talk, coercion sort of, scummy!kiri, ask to tag
NOTES ABOUT THE VIRUS: your stebrother kirishima promised his best friend a taste of the forbidden fruit.
INTERNAL MESSAGE: i don't even care if this flops im posting it for me. happy first kinktober fic! visit the masterlist here!
NEW NOTIFICATIONS! @kaedescara @yaekiss @pvbbyb0y @voidshoutsback @4izawas (want to be added? send me an ask off anon!)
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“are you absolutely sure this is gonna go over well, red?”
kirishima huffed out a laugh at his friend’s question, glancing over at him from the driver’s seat of his car as he drove the both of them back to his house. “yeah dude! it’s gonna be great. she’s really sweet, y’know. i’ve already told you everything about her. she’ll be fine.”
bakugou shifted slightly in the passenger seat, jutting out his bottom lip and turning his head to look out the passenger window. the familiar suburban landscape opened up more around them as they turned onto a familiar street, one that they always walked up and down as teens growing up.
it was bakugou’s first time back on kirishima’s street in a long, long time. it wasn’t kirishima’s first, though.
kirishima’s mother had remarried another man after he had moved out of the house, and with him came the introduction of probably the most stunning girls he’d ever seen in his entire life. ‘she’s like an angel,’ he’d mumble over to bakugou across a table in the dining hall, showing him a candid of you in sweatpants and a tight tank top on his mom’s couch, ‘she just lets you do anything to her, man. it’s like a built-in girlfriend. she’s always like, ohhh nii-san…’ 
bakugou had been apprehensive about the whole situation. he’d known that kirishima had… a thing for that cringe roleplay stepsister porn, but the fact that he was going through with it now that it was a reality had originally made him a bit concerned.
it had taken a lot of convincing for him to agree to come home with kiri for a weekend for … a relaxing getaway, as kirishima had put it.
kiri made the turn into his small driveway and picked up his phone, tapping quickly at the screen. “lettin’ her know we’re here…” he muttered under his breath before the little whoosh sound of the message sending rang through the car. 
bakugou took a deep breath, feeling out of his element. he felt like he was walking into a temptation set up by the devil.
kiri whistled to himself as he got out of the car and wandered to the trunk, popping it open to grab their backpacks. they were only spending the night, not expected to be there past sunday, so they had chosen to pack light.
bakugou gathered himself and stepped out of the car, pushing the door shut a little too hard when the front door of the house smacked open suddenly.
and there you were, in tiny sleep shorts and a spaghetti strap tank top, house shoes still on as you grinned and hurried down the stoop to your stepbrother. “eiji-nii! you made it!”
bakugou felt like his mouth was full of cotton as you hurried into kirishima’s arms, nuzzling your face into his chest and kicking a foot up, giggling into him. you were… you were going to rot his brain out. you with those thick thighs, soft-looking skin, clothes tight to your body and the curves of your ass poking out of the bottom of your sleep shorts.
kirishima wrapped his thick arms around your frame and held you tight, pressing his face to your hair and breathing deep, as if he hadn’t just seen you this time last week. “hey, careful! almost knocked me over.” he laughed into you before letting you go to take your shoulders, pushing you back to get a good look at you. “beautiful as always.”
bakugou felt out of place, for the first time in his life, watching his best friend observe his little stepsister, a girl who fell into his lap that he got to stick his dick in. it should be wrong.
kirishima looked over you to bakugou, those crimson eyes of his meeting burning carmine, shark teeth on display. “you remember how i told you my friend was coming over?”
“hm?” you turned and looked over your shoulder, all wide eyes and plush, wet lips that made a knot form in bakugou’s throat. he instinctively clicked his tongue, averting his gaze while kiri squeezed your shoulders. 
“i know you remember that i told you he was staying with us this weekend. hope you still don’t mind. you don’t, right?”
you looked up at your stepbrother and pouted, face feeling hot from embarrassment, you had been so excited about your stepbrother coming home that you had forgotten about your guest. you pulled away from kiri to turn towards bakugou, sticking out a hand in greeting. “nice to meet you, sorry for being so rude, i just got excited.”
bakugou looked down at you with a mixed sort of facial expression. it read like he was angry, but he was more frustrated with his own feelings as he grabbed your hand in his to shake it once. (your skin was so soft, you smelled like coconut, you probably just applied lotion, what would your hand look like wrapped around his-)
“nice t’ meet ya too.”
kiri was sat on one end of the couch, bakugou on the other, beers in hand as you hummed to yourself while cooking dinner. you had offered, against bakugou’s protesting, and insisted that you needed to be a good host for your brother’s best friend while he stayed in your home. so he had allowed it, staring at you through the entryway into the kitchen from his spot on the couch while he watched the way your shorts bunched further around your thighs, long legs exposed. 
kirishima chuckled, startling him out of his trance. “you enjoyin’ the view, bro?”
“this is insane,” bakugou choked out, shifting to face a little more towards kirishima. “this is- this isn’t right. you’re a freak.”
“and yet, you still came.” he shrugged, swirling the beer by the neck of the bottle before taking a swig. “she’s fine with it. she came onto me.”
“i still don’t believe you.”
“dude! i swear! that’s what happened! i was gonna try to be normal about this, yknow. but she wanted me so bad.”
bakugou scrunched his mouth up and sat back on the couch. kirishima was fucking his stepsister who he claims came onto him. kirishima was fucking his stepsister, and he was going to fuck her next. 
“dinner’s ready!” you called out, smiling at the pair of them, and kiri grinned oh so innocently up at you as he stood. “you’re such a doll. thanks, sis.” he patted your head as he walked past you, and you just beamed at him.
bakugou could tell you were trying to act like you weren’t sleeping with your stepbrother in front of guests. he could see how you were holding off, sitting at the opposite ends of tables or rooms, fussing with your clothing a little more than someone who was completely comfortable in their skin. 
dinner was… interesting. there was a sort of heat in the room that no one chose to acknowledge. you asked bakugou about his classes, smiling so prettily when he gruffly explained what his major was, what he wanted to do after graduation. kiri cracked jokes as always, talking around mouthfuls of food as if he had never learned manners. 
things took a shift after you and kirishima did the dishes.
kiri had suggested a movie, except the movie was never picked.
you suggested snacks, too, but the popcorn was never made.
bakugou felt like he had blinked, and suddenly he was on one end of the couch while kirishima was again sat on the other, back to the armrest, one leg kicked up and stretched out on the couch cushions.
you had been pulled into kirishima’s lap after trying to reach over him for a blanket. that had been the catalyst. your back was to kiri’s chest, and his hands had slipped their way up under your tiny tank top to cup your tits with a low groan. “missed you, nii-chan.”
“eiji-nii, what are you-”
“shh, he wants to see. i told him all about us, and i let him know that we were good at sharing.” he mumbled against your ear, his wide forearms starting to bunch the fabric of your tank top further and further up.
your eyes, nervous and embarrassed, were locked dead on bakugou’s, knees knocked together, tits about to be revealed and spill from kirishima’s hands.
kiri was groping his little stepsister in front of his best friend, and he was getting hard.
bakugou felt his nostrils flare as the cogs started to turn in your pretty little head. and then, finally, what he assumed was the real you started to poke through the cracks of your innocent facade. 
“is he gonna watch us, eiji-nii?”
“i want him to join. he’s my best friend ever! you think you can help him out? make him feel just as good as you make me feel?”
“only if he wants to…” you murmured and started to chew on your lip, brows furrowed in concern.
the weight of both his best friend and his best friend’s little sister sat heavily on bakugou’s shoulders for just a moment. he could say no. he could get up and call a car right now to take him home. he could call kirishima’s mother, tell her about what her son and precious stepdaughter have been doing behind their backs. it wasn’t right. it was filthy, it could ruin them-
kirishima gripped the front of your tiny tank and tore the fabric off of you, causing you to squeal in surprise and flinch at the sheer show of strength. your tits, soft and pillowy, nipples hard from the groping, fully on display in front of him.
katsuki bakugou had morals, yes. but katsuki bakugou was also merely a man.
“i wanna fuck you, sweetheart.”
kirishima grinned. “told you bro. best pussy you’ll ever get.” kiri turned his attention back down to you, sliding a massive hand down your front to cup your pussy through your sleep shorts. “you’re not even wearing panties, spread your legs, show kats how wet you’ve been for us.”
you, with your head already swimming from the attention, dropped your knees and spread your legs, revealing the damp patch in the crotch of your shorts. bakugou practically choked. if he had just reached over at the dinner table, he could’ve felt your pretty pussy much earlier.
“now then, nii-chan, i want you to treat kats like he’s your big brother too. make him feel really special.”
“red, don’t-”
“trust me.” kirishima’s eyes cut back up to bakugou’s, and bakugou felt something in him falter. he always viewed himself as the leader of their small friend group while growing up, always taking charge in risky situations. but here, on this couch, in a house he practically grew up in, bakugou felt small next to his best friend, who seemed far too in his element to be normal.
you, lips wet and eyes glassy, nodded anyways and looked up at bakugou with a soft smile. “katsuki-nii.”
“oh, fuck.” bakugou breathed out, shifting closer to you on the couch. “let me see you, take those shorts off-”
kirishima helped you lift your hips up for bakugou to get your shorts down and off of your hips, and he practically started drooling at the sight. you, gorgeous you, your pussy drooling and almost clenching around nothing, puffy clit aching between glistening folds. 
kiri hummed in the back of his throat, dipping his hand back down and swiping two thick fingers through your lips, making you gasp and shudder. he brought his fingers up to his own mouth with a dirty grin. “she tastes good, bro. you should try it.”
bakugou’s gaze flickered between you and kirishima, before ultimately landing on you. you smiled at him, spreading your legs impossibly wider, reaching up a hand to cup his cheek. “katsuki-nii, please, want you to-”
you didn’t have to say anything else to convince bakugou to drop to his stomach and press his mouth to your sopping cunt, lapping over you with wide strokes of his tongue and groaning into your pussy.
you moaned, a hand flying to his hair while the other braced itself on kirishima’s thigh. you tossed your head back onto kirishima’s shoulder, already trying to rock your hips up to meet bakugou’s tongue halfway.
kirishima’s hands found their way to bakugou’s hair and to your mouth. two of his fingers dipped into your mouth, encouraging you to suck on them, which you gladly obliged, swirling your tongue around the digits and pretending like it was your big brother’s cock. 
bakugou felt his hair get yanked, and he hissed before looking up and meeting kirishima’s dark gaze. 
“get a good taste, man. you’re gonna fuck her mouth after. don’t let her cum.”
you whined desperately in the back of your throat in protest, but kiri only pushed his fingers deeper into your mouth to make you gag and gurgle around them. bakugou hummed against your clit, sucking your puffy nub into his mouth to really make you leak. 
you squirmed in kirishima’s lap, clutching bakugou’s blonde locks as his tongue expertly swirled around your clit and his fingers prodded at your entrance, two of them slipping into your hole without much resistance. you bucked your hips, clenching down hard around his fingers as he crooked them upwards towards the spongey spot inside of you, and bakugou had an inkling of a feeling that he wouldn’t get his treat if he didn’t listen to kirishima.
he felt the way your breathing suddenly changed, and sat up, fingers and the bottom half of his face soaked with your juices.
kirishima pulled his fingers from your mouth, and you cried out in frustration. “katsuki-nii, please! so close, please-”
“don’t you wanna cum on this cock, princess?” kirishima sat up a little more and grabbed his hard cock through his sweats, making bakugou let out a breathy chuckle. 
“he’s right, baby. you know the rules. you only get to cum on your big brother’s cock.”
you felt the coil in your tummy start to loosen as kirishima stood and maneuvered out from under you, pushing you back against the armrest. bakugou took the free moment to crawl over you and smash his lips to yours, letting you get a good taste of yourself while on bakugou’s lips.
you heard kirishima remove his sweatpants off to the side, listening to the familiar sound of him spitting onto his palm to start stroking himself to the sight of you being manhandled by someone else. 
“kats,” kiri grumbled, and bakugou sat up while wiping his mouth with the back of his hand. “yeah, yeah, ‘m goin’.”
“nii-chan, put your head over the back, yeah? gonna suck katsuki-nii’s cock just like you suck mine.” kiri crawled over you and grabbed your throat to guide your head back. you swallowed and nodded, obeying immediately with a small yes, eiji-nii that made a spike of heat go down bakugou’s spine.
bakugou dropped his sweats and boxers to the floor, stepping out of them to finally give himself a few precursory pumps as you laid back fully on the couch, your head hanging off upside-down on the armrest. you licked your lips as kirishima guided your legs around his waist.
bakugou took a good look at the situation he found himself in. his best friend was hovering over his stepsister, fat cock prodding her entrance, no condom in sight. he swallowed thickly at the little sounds you started to make as he guided his cock through your wet folds, slicking his cock up with your juices. he caught himself staring at kirishima’s back before looking back down to your parted lips and where you started to drool all over your cheeks, and he couldn’t hold of much longer.
“open wide, princess,” he murmured, a hand reaching to grab your throat. you opened your mouth as far as it would go, and bakugou made himself a home in the wet cavity of your mouth.
he groaned, loud and low, his free hand reaching down to flick one of your nipples and grope your breast.
kirishima’s eyes glanced up as he listened to how you gurgled around the thick, foreign cock in your mouth, trying to adjust to the position and the new intrusion.
then he smiled, because he knew he was going to just knock the air out of your lungs. he pressed the fat tip of his cock to your weeping hole, and slammed himself home.
you gagged hard around bakugou’s cock, jerking and moaning out, legs locking instinctually around his waist.
“oh, baby, ‘m sorry. just couldn’t wait anymore, my li’l sister’s pussy was just too pretty for me. you can handle it, you always take it.” kiri grinned up at bakugou, at how his face was scrunched up and contorted with pleasure from how your throat was spasming around his cock.
kirishima started a rough pace, barely giving you room to catch your breath as you did your best to breathe through your nose, bakugou was quick to follow, sinking inch after inch further into your throat with huffs of yeah, that’s it, good fucking girl, taking your brother’s cock, i can feel where ‘m at in your throat.
kirishima reached down to grab your hands and pin them by your head, keeping you fully pinned as the tip of his cock slammed up against your cervix over and over. he was deep, filling you in the best way possible, while his best friend’s fat balls smacked against your face as you sucked his cock.
you felt lost, fully debauched, becoming pliant and fully receptive to their wills. you were a toy, and you loved how it felt on your skin.
bakugou moaned as he felt how deep he was fucking your throat, thrusting harder against you and feeling his legs start to shake. “can’t- ‘m gonna cum-”
“told you she- ah- was good,” kiri groaned as he leaned down to bite into the skin of your shoulder, making you whine and gag again around bakugou’s cock.
you squirmed and thrashed with each hard thrust from kirishima, the force of his hips making you bob harder up and down on bakugou’s cock. you felt stuffed, your legs felt on fire, but you were right on the edge.
bakugou shuddered before whining, sinking his cock deep into your throat to spill his hot load in a place you wouldn’t be able to spit from. you moaned around his length as you felt him cum down your throat, warm spurts and twitching cock making your head spin.
kirishima slowed his thrusts, rocking his hips against you as bakugou took his time riding out his high before stepping back and pulling his cock from your throat.
you wheezed, coughing before absolutely making sure you swallowed every last drop, opening your mouth again and sticking out your tongue to show bakugou that it was all gone.
kiri grinned and chuckled in order to get your attention again. “what a good little girl, swallowing all your brother’s cum. think you can take my load, too?” “please! please, nii-san, please give it to me, make me cum-” you whined loudly as you got the opportunity to wrap your arms around his neck, pulling your big brother in close to you, his massive form towering over you as he practically bent you in half to get deeper.
“i will, i’ll give it to you. shh…” kiri almost sounded affectionate, fucking you so hard the couch started to creak. “fucking- cum for me, cum on my cock, lemme feel you-”
a few swipes of his thumb on your clit sent you finally over the edge, squirting on him and feeling yourself grip down on his cock. he groaned into your shoulder as he came right after you, tumbling into his high and hearing the squelching sounds of his load filling your tight pussy.
he rode out both of your orgasms before finally settling down on top of you, peppering your face with kisses as you shook. then he looked up to where bakugou was sat on a loveseat, dazed, watching from afar.
kiri shifted and opened up a space next to the both of you, and you smiled over at him. “come here, katsuki-nii.”
bakugou swallowed before walking right into the demon’s trap.
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bits-and-babs · 1 year
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könig x reader | smut, 18+ | 1.2k words
summary: as with all of your bedroom antics with könig, you plant the seed. but when he finally succumbs to your devious plan, you struggle to withstand the heat.
cw: f!reader, roleplay hostage situation, faux attack, faux disregard for partners comfort (könig cares a lot though, i promise) oral sex (m receiving), rough oral sex, face slapping, rough deep throating. 
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The answer is unyielding and finite; ❝ no ❞. 
König was consistent in his promise to separate work from pleasure, so to speak. He refused to amalgamate something as pretty and delicate as you with something as ruinous and hideous as war— as his job. 
KorTac and Task Force 141 were unaware of your existence. König assured you it was for your protection. The less his allies knew about his valuable and beloved, his adversaries knew little still. Despite this, he offered you insight into his hostile world through a minute embrasure; the Scottish bomb disposal expert, Soap, the handsome Gaz who König colloquially named ‘helicopter boy’. Ghost. 
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Still, he insisted upon keeping you pure. Scratch free, barren from the agonising shrapnel of grief and the devastating shells of brutal warfare. 
So when you pose the idea, quiet and shy in your approach, of König wearing his tactical uniform and treating you like a captive… The ‘no’ is adamant. However, as with everything you do or say to König, the idea worms its way into his mind. 
Days pass, but the thought seems to stick with König. He’s unsettled, fidgety almost. You suppose he thinks he’s being subtle, but with a frame as enormous as König lugs around, it’s almost impossible for the pitiful giant to do anything indistinctly. One nervous bob of his knee appears to set off avalanches in Tibet. 
When you return from work, everything is still, and abnormally quiet. It’s unusual for the house to be vacant upon your return from work, König always at the door as if ready to spring and remove the damn laptop bag that threatened to pop your shoulder from its socket as though it were an incendiary with a lit fuse. Nevertheless, the lights are off today, and the TV is silent. 
Creeping forward into the apartment, the door slowly swings shut behind you. The click of the lock setting into place isn’t alien to you– but neither is it, it seems, to your attacker. Poised and lethally swift, your assailant leaps from the shadows of the dimly lit apartment and smothers your mouth before a scream can even bubble past your trembling lips. Soft hushes breathe against your ear before terror can truly kick in, a familiar lilting accent turning your knees soft beneath your weight.
“You are to do as I say when I say it, Meine Perle.” König sounds so relaxed, as though he’s not breaking a sweat beneath the tactical vest you can feel digging into your shoulder blades. With a fizzling arousal skittering up your vertebrae and trembling beneath his touch, you nod your head slightly. It earns you praise, whispering a quiet ‘good girl’ against your hairline. 
So in tune with König’s non-verbal commands, you kneel as though he had barked the order when you feel him tap your shoulder absentmindedly. It’s foreign, the disregard König shows to your knees by making you settle on the hardwood floor in front of the entrance door– usually he would situate a pillow beneath you to ensure you didn’t bruise. Not today. You were his hostage. His plaything. 
Gazing up at the startling bulk of the behemoth standing before you, a thrill prickles at the nape of your neck when you watch him unzip his camo trousers deftly. It’s as though your taste buds tingle with anticipation as König pulls his already leaking cock from them, the leather of his gloves protesting quietly as he grips his length hard. 
“Open your mouth.” It’s an order. A threat. Excitement rouses between your thighs as you do just that, gazing up at your captor demurely and situating your palms on your lap. He’s unforgiving, winding your hair around his fingers and violently pulling your mouth onto his twitching cock. 
You barely register what’s happened before the rumble of his groan reaches your ears. A quiet ‘fuck’. 
Then he’s pushing, using the heel of his palm on the curve of your skull to sink you down his length before you’re ready. Firm, velvety flesh hits the back of your throat and sends you reeling, tears welling in your eyes as you gag around him, attempting to draw back. 
“Stop,” he barks, the frigidity of his tone triggering sparks in your abdomen– so unlike König. He halts your retreat, shoving you forward onto his cock until your nose is buried in the thatch of dark curls at the base of his shaft. Salt burns in the back of your throat, and tears spill down your cheeks. There’s a gleam in his eye that tells you he’s grinning. 
“If you value the air in your lungs,” König murmurs, voice sticky and thick with arousal as he rocks his hips slightly, your nose bumping his pubic bone and the head of his dick nudging your at your gag reflex, “it’ll do you good to stay put.” 
Heaving breaths through your nose, you flinch as König raises his leather-clad palm. It strikes downwards, connecting with your cheek harder than you suppose you’d both anticipated– because König lets out a sadistic groan of bliss, head lilting to the side slightly as he tries to bury himself further down your throat. It crushes your nose into his abdomen, and you feel the skin stretched above the bridge wrinkle. 
“Shit–” you hear him heave, the fingers in your hair tightening mercilessly, “I felt that in my cock.” The murmured admission, a slight deviation from that character König was attempting to play. Glee buries itself at the base of your spine, pulses in your clit. 
“Again,” he snaps back into character, with his dick buried as far down your throat as possible. Again, he lifts his wrist, bringing it down with a brutal smack against your cheek. The skin prickles, and you heave against the intrusion of his cock until tears spill down your cheeks. 
König’s lungs rattle with the force of his growl. His eyes are dark behind the mask, pleasure swallowing the pretty jade-green of his irises and he watched you choke on his length. 
Of course he’s getting off on you kneeling in front of him, dick buried in your throat and making a mess of your work makeup— but he can feel the vibrations of his slaps in your mouth around him. It’s making his nostrils flare; you can hear it. 
The crack that sounds against your cheekbone this time makes you whimper with the pain that follows. König loses control of himself, it seems, grasping desperately at your skull to hold you in place while fucking into your throat wildly. His head rolls back, grip bruising as his whole body seems to seize. 
Cum spills down your throat, heavy and thick and plentiful. König sounds almost pained by the force his orgasm is ripped from him, groaning loudly and high pitched to your ears as you gag around him again, the squeezing of your throat muscles adding to his bliss. 
“Hah—“ he gasps, pulling himself from your mouth to allow you to breathe. It’s not pretty, the ridiculous sounds of your frantic breathing, but when König kneels in front of you and cradles you in his massive arms, you feel precious. Priceless. 
König presses kisses to your temple, pushes your hair from your face and tells you just that. 
“Meine Perle.” 
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cod mwii/kinktober taglist:
@mortallyuniquepeach @not-a-unique-snowflake-blog @crybaby-blue-blog @heart-atttack @pansa-1-san @maviee @emotion-no-hot-yes-hotel-trivago @s-u-t @ghostslynx @solidly-indulgent @glitterypirateduck @gummyfang @bii-aan-ckaa @konigsblog @crissteetee @crissteetee67 @sylvanasthebansheequeen @akaym2 @exploremyworldsm @thriving-n-jiving @su57 @cabreezer0117 @cathnoneofyourbusiness @marygraceee @thatchickwiththecamera @legend-o-zelda @eatingtheworldsoffanfiction @tusk89 @bellasbees01 @dog55teeth
@mockerycrow @bubuslutty @cheezitwh0re @haunt3dh3art @levi-llama @thebiscuitsheep @maelstrom007 @alexxavicry @bug-sy-boy @glennrheesworld @kittenfrostt @luvfromkat @blingblong55 @whore4dilfs @wolfyland07 @doggydale @dog55teeth @cabreezer0117 @cathnoneofyourbusiness @marygraceee @thatchickwiththecamera @legend-o-zelda @whore-for-anime @i-love-ghost @cyberpr1m3 @mockerycrow @bubuslutty @lundenloves @cheezitwh0re @haunt3dh3art @babychoi03 @infectedkura @allekat1988 @whore-for-anime @soupbinsoup @passi0np1t @mockerycrow @cyberpr1m3 @i-love-ghost @allekat1988 @infectedkura @babychoi03 @freakquenci @maviee @yunggoblin @sleepystaarr @watyousayin @soupbinsoup @passi0np1t @damn-dean-blog @pheonyxmoon @magicalreviewphantom @limegreenbabx @johfaam0 @iaur @justsayk
@bloodmoon-bites @wiltedwonderland @doggydale @limegreenbabx @namelesshumanperson @ninahhh-brahh @km-ffluv @decaffeinateddinosauronearth @domaniquessidehoe2 @arrozyfrijoles23 @amisouki @sleepysheepsstuff @chunguk @lundenloves @marylovesdilfs @ninahhh-brahh @namelesshumanperson @limegreenbabx @doggydale @wiltedwonderland @justsayk
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txttletale · 3 months
what are some things you like about fnv?
so much! i like the character writing, i think every companion is well-written and compelling--i like the extremely tight and overarching but (mostly) unforced focus on theme. 'let go, begin again' gets said verbatim maybe a bit too much in dead money but it's also the theme of all the other DLC and every individual companion quest and the most popular of the four main story paths and i think that kind of broad coherence really shines. i love the quest and world design, i love how many different skills will pop up in conversation because it lets you genuinely roleplay, getting the option to e.g. tell dog the cage must be locked from the inside or bypass difficult combat encounters because you have a high lockpicking skill makes you feel like your character is an expert lockpicker in a way that just being able to get optional loot sometimes just doesn't--i love how you will be directed to important or interesting locations from multiple quests, how all these places interconnect.
and i also deeply love how fnv's world is a world of history and people, not of facts and lore. you can kill caesar and kimball and their factions don't just explode without them--and you will hear multiple, contradictory takes from people in the world about how those deaths will impact those factions. if you kill caesar, house says it won't matter at all, boone says he has successors, ulysses and some NCR guys say it'll collapse the legion, and you never really get to know for sure. and so much about the world is like this, stuff you can get endless perspectives on and no single authoritative 'neutral' information. and in that line i love how the world is more than those people! how the world is much more than you., as impactful as the courier can be, the world reacting and moving and changing is prioritized over absolute player freedom to Experience Content--i love that, for instance, if you're vilified by the NCR before House gives you the quest to protect kimball, he just says "they're not going to let you get close to them, we'll just have to let him die" and then you can't do that quest and kimball dies! little shit like that makes new vegas' world feel real instead of warping around wikis and lore bibles and the protagonist.
so yeah i like a lot about fnv! i am a bit more vocal about my criticisms just bc quite frankly i think all of the things i like are things most people like and i see people saying basically all of this every time the game is brought up while i don't see people talk about the stuff i think is weird/bad as much. and i'm naturally inclinced to like, say whatever i think my more original trhoughts are so i'm not just adding to a chorus. but i do love fnv a lot
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Summer Breeze 2
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Warnings: age gap (reader is 22, Andrew is mid 40s), dad’s friend, Andy being Andrew, other dark elements. As usual, be mindful of your content consumption.
I also beg of you to leave me some tuppence in the form of a comment and/or reblog. You are cherished!
Enjoy, my loverlies.
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You sit on the edge of the dock, watching the ripples as the sun drifts up the horizon. You forego the Adirondack chairs so that you can dip your toes in the coolness of the lake. It’s peaceful. The crisp water in the glass adds to the subtle coolness in the air. 
The dirt mulches as you hear someone descending from the house. You can assume who it is before they tramp onto the dock. You continue to watch the sky as you hear Andy sit in one of the chairs. He sighs as he so often does. 
“So, you don’t drink coffee,” he breaks the calm with his gravelly timbre, “how do you wake yourself up for all those early morning lectures?” 
You turn your head and glance over your shoulder. You shrug and look back out at the lake, “I guess I just get through it.” 
“Mm,” he hums and you hear him slurp from his cup. “Bad habit. Better not to have too much caffeine.” 
“Sure,” you agree, “guess I just never had the desire to try.” 
“Sounds like you have self-control,” he tuts, “definitely don’t get that from your dad.” 
You nod and reach for the glass of water. You’re not sure what to say to that. Your dad has a couple beers each night, you know it’s not great, but he’s harmless. 
“It’s nice that you can come up here. I know he was nervous about it. Didn’t think you’d like it,” Andy continues. 
“Oh, yeah, er, thanks for letting me.” 
“No problem,” he replies swiftly, “don’t mind. I’m more concerned about Jacob and his buddies. You let me know if they give you any trouble.” 
“Um, I don’t think they will,” you turn the glass in your hands, “but thanks.” 
“Mm, well I know how boys that age can be,” he intones. 
His statement tweaks your brow. You’re not sure what he means. Jacob and his friends are harmless. They’re like most guys you deal with in college; they talk a big game with each other but in reality, they’re not doing much more than staying up playing video games or some roleplaying table game. None of them are frat material. 
“So do I,” you balance the glass as you stand up, “I’m gonna walk around a bit. Explore before everyone else gets up.” 
“Right,” he sits back and sips his coffee, his shirt still open, exposing his hairy chest as he pays little mind to it, “be careful of bears.” 
“Bears?” You echo, “right.” 
You leave him as your sandals clap loudly. The ominous warning has you on edge. You forgot there would be more than cottage folk up here. You try not to think too much of it. You’ve heard bears usually avoid people. 
You stop by the back deck to leave your glass there for your return and trod back down the steps. You head off around the side of the cottage and to the dirt road behind the vehicles parked in the lot. You peer into the trees that line the way in and swat away the buzzing bugs.  
After another year on campus and with your last one ahead of you, you can’t help but bask in the remote serenity of it all. Your dad promised you a beach day and while your sad not to have friends of your own there to sunbathe with, it will be a good opportunity to do some reading. You continue on your trek until you feel like you might get lost and turn back. 
As you come back in sight of the porch, the morning birds tweet their good mornings. You hate to go back inside. You’re usually a homebody but up here, you could never put another foot indoors and be content. 
You climb the stairs of the deck and follow it around to the back. You grab your glass and the last mouthful of now lukewarm water. A distant splash draws your eye and you stare out at the empty dock, the water ringed and rolling towards the horizon. 
You stare out, trying to find the disturbance. It breaks through the water as Andy’s head pops up from the water and he pushes back his dark hair. He wades around, stretching his arms wide as he kicks himself through the shallow. 
You should go inside but the soft pink sky keeps you hypnotised. Your eyes flick past the body in the water as the sun warps the sky in shades of violet and pink through the stringy clouds. It’s like a painting. You peer up at the hues and grip the glass as the subtle blue slowly edges out the other colours. 
The water stirs loudly again and your gaze is drawn back to the thud on the deck. You gulp back a gasp as Andy turns his naked back to you and stretches his arms wide. From there, you can only make out his form, grateful that his finer features are left vague. 
You quickly retreat from what you shouldn’t have seen. You should’ve just gone inside. You go around the front so that you don’t give yourself away with the door.
Forget it. No big deal. It’s just a mistake. As long as he doesn’t know, it’s nothing to worry about. 
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n3kk1tty · 2 months
The Lost Boys Fandom Sound Off
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There are a lot of amazing and talented people in this community on tumblr and I'm happy to point people to and learn about more people who exist in this wonderful place along with me. To make it easier for others to consume copious amounts of fan content I hope to make and add to this list to make it easier to track people.
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If I miss anyone or you want to be added please leave a message on the post.
@tac-the-unseen : Absolutely phenomenal imagines. If you're looking for short and sweet imagines they are the place I usually go to.
@ria-coolgirl : Really friendly always supportive. Posts written questions or ideas.
@bubblegumbarbie33 : Funny quote posts that make me sit there day dreaming of new stuff.
@sad-ghost-of-garbage : Makes that good sweet sweet angst.
@lostbetweenvampiresandmusic : Lots of poly content.
@misslavenderlady : There fanfics are so well crafted and who can't appreciate amazing page set up.
@themarginalthinker : The best drabbles
@britany1997 : Makes awesome poly content and it's so easy to get lost in there fics.
@sunkendreams :
@charlizekkelly :
@luv4fandoms :
@darlingverse :
@berd-alert : amazing oneshots. 10/10 would reread repeatedly
@theyreonlynoodlesmike : Such amazing amount of lost boy variety content and a huge selection of top quality content.
@n30nwrites : Has x male reader content and good spicy writing posts.
@i-heart-slashers : Story scene set up is top notch
@redamancy-writes : Delicious angst and variety
@writinginatree : Platonic Fic and Romantic
@chubbyreaderchan : Fixed focused on chubby reader
@ebony-blood : Detailed yet more bitesized requests for the casual fast paced reader.
( recommended list by: @dustofbrokenheart , I took the direct dialogue and recommendations from their reply post to the list )
@thoushallnotfall especially for the "Blood and Water" and "Prey" series but all of Rachel's stuff is great!
@brideofcthulhu10 who was one of the first writers I found for tlb here on tumblr.
@datsrightbby shak has a bunch of fics and headcanon/preference posts.
@garlicdontwork has a few series that include thompson!reader and frog!reader.
@peacepey did a lot of good request work back in the day.
@monsterfuneral wrote some memorable poly imagines. (I believe violet's main account is now @grudgecollector.)
@tinywritinghana has a few series, as well as lots of one shots. A favorite of mine is the "Student's Guide to Raising the Dead" series!
@kurt-nightcrawler cara has fics for both the lost boys and a lost girls project she started at one point.
@dustofbrokenheart : who is another talented writer in the fandom who helped me tremendously with adding valuable members in the community to the sound off page. I couldn't have done it without them.
(end of recommendation list this portion)
@chevvsgotanumbrellatattoo : Have 2 wonderful fics of and trying their hand at lost boys drabbles. Undoubtedly they will be making even more amazing writing content in the future.
@marnievanhelsing: AO3 writer. Has some pretty funny chaotic Tlb head cannons posts that include the frog brothers. Up and coming in the fandom
@n3kk1tty : I qualify for artist/ writer but my art has more variety as I focus most of my writing on my lost boy Au / requests.
@popironrye : There art is so colorful and eye popping I always love seeing it on my feed.
@walmart-icarus : Also a writer. Such a cute style of art.
@hypocriticaltypwriter : Truly amazing person in community with such a bouncy art style. Their fan kids are amazing and give everyone baby fever. Also writes and roleplays.
@midnight-in-santa-carla : Wonderful realistic artstyle with vibrant colors.
@gryphonsthing : sweet cute artstyle that's always refreshing to see on my feed.
@persephone-s-moon : Amazing muscle shading / lighting.
@fleouriarts : Incredible moody / stylistic art that uses color in a eye catching manner my ADHD brain can't describe.
( recommended list by: @dustofbrokenheart , I took the direct dialogue and recommendations from their reply post to the list )
@witch-lass her drawing style is super cute and recognizable!
@garnetgh0st candy made my favorite moodboards back in the day. There's a seasons, mamma mia, and disney prince series among others. (I count moodboards in art category!)
@thornthehellhound he makes both funny and really pretty art pieces. Very talented!
(end of recommendation list this portion)
( I personally don't roleplay at all in the fandom but I know there's people who do and love to do so. I mostly compiled this list using @hypocriticaltypwriter 's recommendation list they have on their blog and thought putting it on the main fandom track sheet to help push the rp blogs center stage. I'm sorry I can't give much of a review. )
@blog4horror : gives great requests
I've reached tumblers max tag list. Which who even knew was a thing. I'll continue on my quest in the post reblogged from this one.
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daisyvisions · 10 months
✦ Day 33 - Wildcard (Double Penetration)
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‧⋆ ✧˚₊‧⋆. Pairing: Boyfriend!Hyunjae x afab!reader x Boyfriend!Younghoon
‧⋆ ✧˚₊‧⋆. Word Count: 1.2K
‧⋆ ✧˚₊‧⋆. Warnings: Smut (18+, minors DNI), threesome, porn with minimal plot, mask kink, poly!am relationship, double penetration (vaginal and anal), oral (m! receiving), fingering, nipple sucking, rough sex, lots of teasing, pet names (princess, good girl, sweet thing, baby, slut), double creampie, slight manhandling, ass slapping, slight roleplay, implied foursome
‧⋆ ✧˚₊‧⋆. A/N: I can officially say my kinktober list is complete! Sorry this took longer than it should’ve BUT as I’ve said before, kinktober ain’t over til I say it’s over. Had way too much fun writing this in the end hehe enjoy! Proofread once
‧⋆ ✧˚₊‧⋆. Network: @deoboyznet
✦ Kinktober Masterlist ✦
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You’ve always loved celebrating Halloween for as long as you could remember. From picking the treats that go inside the snack bowl at home to the movies that you planned to binge watch with your family.
But most importantly, every year you made it a point to always dress your best. From cute silly costumes as a child to more sexier options as you started becoming an adult.
So when your boyfriends Younghoon and Hyunjae said they’d give you the best trick or treat surprise for you this Halloween, you didn’t think it would end up like this.
“C’mon baby, can’t you tell who’s dick you're sucking right now? Thought it would be obvious.” The man wearing a ghost face costume teases as holds your face together, fucking his length inside your mouth.
The other ghost face behind you chuckles with him, giving you a hard smack on your ass as he continues to rut himself inside your wet cunt. The squelching noises coming from you turning him on with every thrust.
From a third person point of view and with no context whatsoever, anyone who might’ve been watching the scene happening in front of their eyes right now would’ve thought an incredibly kinky porn was being filmed.
But to you, it felt like you were in heavenly bliss.
Sure, this is the first time you're being fucked by both your boyfriends at the same time. But your hot boyfriends fucking you with ghost face masks on? And the fact they’re making you guess who’s who? Yes please…
You release the cock in your mouth with a pop, slowly jerking it off as you pause in between trying to catch your breath.
It would’ve been really easy to guess whose cock you were sucking by now. But these two were ten steps ahead by making the room incredibly dark, leaving you to guess based on feeling alone.
“C-can’t you give me a hint?” You try to hold back a moan as the ghost face behind continues to roughly pound you, pulling back your hips til his whole length is bottomed out inside you.
“Nuh-uh princess. Remember the rules-” The ghost face in front of you caresses your cheek. “If you guess wrong, you don’t get to cum.”
You suddenly yelp when the ghost face behind you delivers a particularly hard thrust before slowing his movements and snaking his hand between your thighs to rub your aching clit. His fingers start quickening their pace, trying to get you closer to the edge.
With the little window of time you have before you reach your high, you try to recall all the moments you had with each boyfriend to give you any sign of who is currently fucking you and whose cock you’re currently jerking off.
“Fuck baby. Keep doing that-” The ghost face in front of you hisses. “Such a pretty slut for us don't you think?”
“Only ours. Isn’t that right?” The ghost face behind you slaps your ass once more.
You try to see if you could guess by the tone of their voices, but they both sounded too similar since the ghost face masks they were both wearing had muffled their voices.
And suddenly, the clue to finding out who’s who hit you.
You look up at the ghost face in front of you, giving him the prettiest doe eyes you could give.
“Please Mr. Ghost Face, can I ride your cock?” You ask with the sweetest innocent voice while trying to somewhat play the role you’re currently in.
“Yeah? Wanna ride my cock sweet thing?” He rubs his thumb on your bottom lip. You nod in response.
The ghost face behind you give your ass one more slap before pulling out, while the ghost face in front plops down onto the bed and instantly manhandles you. Pulling you to straddle his lap before grabbing your hips and pushing it down onto his length.
He wraps his arms around your waist for a moment, holding you down as the other ghost face positions himself behind you, teasing the tip of his cock at your asshole before pushing his length completely inside.
You let out a desperate moan from feeling incredibly full from two cocks dragging in and out of you both inside your cunt and your ass. The overwhelming feeling of being this full pushing you closer to your orgasm.
You hold onto the edge of the headboard, trying to find balance from how hard both your boyfriends are going at it with you.
“Fuck- look at you. Those pretty tits.” The ghost face under you groaning as your breasts start to spill out from your bra. You tried to hide your smirk, knowing you’d be getting your answer in a few moments.
“W-want you to suck on them, please-” you beg.
“Yes please-” He groans as he slightly adjust his mask enough to free his mouth and take in your hardened nipple between his lips, sucking them like there’s no tomorrow. Swirling his tongue around and slightly nipping them, making his cock twitch inside you from the act.
“P-please. Wanna cum so bad-” you moan out, feeling your orgasm getting close to the edge and tipping off any second from now. You could also feel both of their thrusts starting to become a bit sloppy signaling their own highs nearing as well.
“Then what’s the answer princess? Who’s who?” The muffled voice of ghost face behind you whispering in your ear.
“Who’s fucking that little pretty cunt of yours?”
“H-Hyunjae, it’s Hyunjae! Please let me cum-” You whine.
“That’s a good girl. Now cum for us won’t you?”
The second the ghost face behind you says this, knot in your stomach snaps in two. Making you see stars as your cunt tightens around Hyunjae’s cock.
“H-holy shit, she’s gripping my cock. Gonna cu- fuck!” Hyunjae pushes your hips down, bottoming out his length in you as he fills you up to the brim.
Younghoon follows close as his hips stutter. His thrusts slowing down and becoming sloppy as he empties himself inside your ass.
All three of you take a breather for a moment before you lift Hyunjae’s mask off. His sweaty bangs clinging to his forehead while his cheeks glow a blushing pink.
“What gave it away sweetheart?” He smiles at you.
“Between the two of you, you’re the one who can’t resist sucking my tits whenever they’re in front of your face-” You chuckle.
“Wait, seriously?” Younghoon huffs as he lifts his mask.
“Can’t help myself-” Hyunjae replies. “Plus, our princess is way too smart.” He strokes your cheek before pulling you down for a kiss.
“Well, if that’s the case-” Younghoon pulls you back up, pressing your back against his chest as he leans forward to kiss the side of your neck.
“Why don’t we blindfold you next time? Maybe even give you noise cancelling earphones? That way you can’t even tell who’s fucking you...”
He nips your earlobe making you moan. He moves his lips close to your ear, whispering something only the two of you could hear,
“…And maybe bring a friend of ours to join, hm? What do you say?”
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vivalgi · 7 months
What in the AI f*ckery is PB up to again? There is 0 doubt the cover "art" for TDG was largely done with the help of AI tools.
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Let's start with Farah. There's a lot of similarities in the hair between the in-game sprite and the cover "art" portrait, so PB probably fed both images and text prompts to the generator. What gives away that it's AI generated though is that part of the hair on the right side is randomly swept back.
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Upon initial look Dante looks pretty genuine, a suave Latin-American actor, if not for the t-shirt changing to dress shirt. But if you zoom into the hair, it's definitely an AI generated smudgy mess.
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This young nerdy girl with deer-in-the-headlights look and piggy nose is supposed to be our deadpan doctor.
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I'm pretty sure I've seen this actress in an early 2000s black comedy movie. The hair color is totally wrong as well.
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People have complained for a long time that Choices (East) Asian characters don't look very ...Asian. Probably that's why this generic young K-pop starlet looks nothing like Astoria the influencer lady in TDG.
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The "artist" inserting the prompts should have clarified to AI that the COO has no gray hair or goatee. The pattern on his jacket doesn't even match his roleplay costume.
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PB just generated a random black guy and copy-pasted the toupée on his head, which is probably one of the only two non-AI generated objects in the cover "art".
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She is literally Sarah Hyland!
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Again, like with the influencer above, the AI isn't aware that generally Asian men in Choices look big and bulky, along with other western beauty ideals.
Please stop this bullsh*t, @playchoices! AI generated images are not art, it's blatant theft. In order to train their AI tools, companies steal billions of artwork made by hardworking and underpaid artists. I'm certain you wouldn't be happy either if someone used your stories and artwork without your consent for training their AI to then profit from it.
sprites: 1; 2
cover image
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gatheredfates · 2 months
How To Win Friends and Influence People: Dawntrail Edition ☀️
I swear the title is a joke.
Listen, we all know I'm one to furiously and viscously encourage people to venture outside their box and meet people, and today is no different! With the launch of Dawntrail, we're likely to see a lot of cool new people in the community, so these are a couple of affirmations I employ to myself when reaching out. Feel free to use them to your benefit!
That little voice telling you the person will think you're annoying is probably a liar. In all the time I have reached out to people in this community, I have never once heard a complaint about being annoying, overbearing or too much. As long as you're not inappropriate, respect boundaries and go in with pure intentions, it is likely to be reciprocated.
If people don't want to interact with you, that is their loss. Rejection sucks, but you cannot let the fear of it rule your intentions. Don't hyper-fixate on the loss; simply block (if needed) and move on. Not only will you foster healthy relationships with people who reciprocate your efforts, you will avoid drama by respecting and enacting your own boundaries. Trust me when I say this will improve your whole experience.
You don't need to message people right away! Start by leaving nice tags on their gposes, writing, etc.; make conversation and comment on their posts. Work up to a message first if you're shy.
I don't know what kind of comment to leave, you say? Easy! Find one thing about what they've done that you like. For example, I'm often like 'wow the x colouring in this is amazing! i love how it makes the character pop'! It shows engagement with their work beyond the superficial. Trust me, when i get these kinds of tags, it makes my day.
Remember you get out of a community what you put into it. If you have a cool idea for a space/event/roleplay concept, promote it! If you think your character's story would bolster another persons', offer to write with them! Reach out to other places with similar or adjacent concepts and see if you can work together. You catch more flies with honey than with vinegar, so they say.
If it's within your blog's scope, reblogging other people's outreach posts/commissions/gposes/etc is a great way to engage with the community in a low-stakes way. If you need to make a sideblog for promotional stuff, do it! I prefer tags, personally, but you do you. The more approachable you look, the more people are going to contact you first.
Befriend people because you earnestly want to get to know them. "Popularity" is a farce. There are amazingly talented people who have a small group of friends because they're shy.
Eat food, drink water and take your medication before you do any of the aforementioned. Actually, just cover all those basis before you do anything. If you start dooming and glooming your efforts, have a nap (trust me, it worked for me last night!).
A couple of things to keep in mind on the other side:
You are not obligated to reciprocate someone's efforts.
"No." Is a full sentence. It's always preferable to be kind, but know your worth.
If that shit don't stick, hit da bricks!! You can leave!!
Always try to assume the best intentions of people.
Tools of moderation are not drama-mongering or nasty; they simply tailor your experience to what you want to see/experience. You don't need to justify your reasonings, you don't need to explain yourself to anyone; block and move on!! You don't need to make a big deal about it.
If anyone has anything else they want to add, please do! But this how I operate and it's never done me a disservice. ✨
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snipersfucker · 1 year
Hcs for mirage and make it spicy too 😈
yall so down bad for that robot dick smh (me too)
its nsfw (mirage x human!reader) stuff here so mdni even though i know yall read that 18+ shit anyway but imma just put it here. also, i am a grown ass woman and was still blushing while writing this so. warning: its hella fucking long
mirage headcanons
let's start with something that just popped up in my head:
when he's the dom, he praises you a lot but also i feel like he's the type to slightly tease/mock you? hear me out. "aw, you're gonna cum? yeah? you wanna be good for me and cum?" while slamming into you and ridding you of any thoughts
and while subbing, he's so whiny... like, whimpering, begging you to let him finish (in general or inside you cause i have a breeding kink) but also, he's being a big fucking brat, literally provoking you so that you'd go harder, be meaner to him
loves edging, loves doing it to you, loves watching you squirm and turn into mush with that cocky smile on his face, only using his hands on you
he definitely likes being edged, too. definitely. imagine him with his wrists tied behind his back, you not letting him touch you/stop you from torturing him, him complying even though he could easily break free..... he's a good boy and lets you do anything you want. (whimpers)
overstimulation as well, he just loves seeing you in that state, begging, crying in pleasure, moaning, whimpering, whatever. really.
he loses it when you overstimulate him though, definitely overheating and not being able to do anything other than beg you to stop, even though he's so fucking into it
12 inches. at least tbh.
i don't even wanna imagine what his cum must taste like, it's either washer fluid, gasoline or fucking rainwater he collects inside him so that you wouldn't have to swallow the first two things idk
back to pleasant things:
he'd definitely take you on rides where he just tells you to touch yourself for him in the driver's seat so that he could watch and hear everything
if you're a bold person (me) and came up with that idea first? like, he's driving around, talking with you through the radio, the mood is already slightly sexual, teasing and all (you know how he is), and then you decide to win the war and begin slowly undressing and touching yourself.... i feel like he'd either go completely silent for a moment or be like "damn... didn't know you had it in you". and expect him to literally ruin your insides when you get back to the garage. the positions he'd put you in.....
speaking of positions. he's big. i really like to believe your human body would be able to take him (i definitely would) but i am not entirely sure. do i care, though? no.
so his fav one is cowgirl. you straddling his lap while he's sitting, his servos on your waist/hips, them not moving you up and down but only staying there, allowing you to do anything you want (he doesn't wanna hurt you as any normal person)
missionary, too. mating press when he feels like ruining you in the sweetest way possible.
he'd try most things you'd ask him to do. he's a whore tbh. but. choking is a no, slapping and any other thing that could potentially cause you unwanted pain due to his strength and size is a no for him. wrapping his fingers around your throat just so that you'd feel them there? hell yeah. actually applying pressure? you might die
doesn't mind your hands on his neck, though. he knows you can't do shit to him, he'd let you hold a knife to his throat if you wanted to tbh, he couldn't care less (turns him on)
he looks like he fucking enjoys roleplays and the cringe ones, too. like, police officer stopping him for speeding, him acting all innocent and then he has to get punished for breaking the law or some shit. he just has that face that looks like he likes these things
he'd be so bratty as well. "no, ma'am, i am sure i wasn't speeding. well, you could always handcuff me if you think otherwise....." in that fake innocent tone....
size kink, breeding kink (just pretend his cum is normal like, potential gasoline inside me is a turn off for me personally tbh), bondage... he'd tie you up but again, he doesn't wanna hurt you, he'd prefer if you had complete control over your limbs and all. but loves it when you do it to him as i mentioned earlier
he's gotta prep you real good before putting it in, again because of his size. fingers, lube, your spit, anything. he needs to make sure you're stretched out enough to take him
he'd definitely steal your panties to jerk himself off with them (will be writing a whole fic about it someday)
speaking of masturbation, he's a horny fuck, everything about you gets him going and there aren't enough occasions for you to actually have sex, so he just uses his own hand, imagining you in various positions, even the impossible ones just because.
i don't think they have involuntary boners that show and they have to transform a bit to get their dicks out so he just does it to get rid of the unbearable tension inside him, not because anybody would see him with a hard-on
he cums a lot. the fluid literally never stops coming out of his dick when he finishes. breeding kink goes brrrr once again.
once came up with a funny safe word and told you to use it every single time you feel anything else other than pleasure
his digits are so big, he could easily use just one and make you crumble for him with just pushing it in and out of you
his aftercare probably consists of him holding you after sex, although he's aware that the metal body might not be the most comfortable thing ever. he'd definitely offer to take you on a joy ride afterwards. oh, and praise, too. but would also probably playfully make fun of you for saying horny stuff you'd normally never say to him if your mind wasn't clouded with lust
he's so confident in his bedroom abilities, too, as he should tbh.
i want him to manhandle me but also make him my pet.
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slutforsilverfoxes · 11 months
Devil in Disguise
[A/N: Let's just pretend this isn't like two weeks overdue, mmkay?]
Request: Jethro Gibbs x female reader (possession, brat/brat tamer dynamic)
“Tell me you’re not wearing that right now.”
Pressing your phone closer to one ear and your finger into the other, you say, “What? It’s so loud hear, Jay, I can’t hear you.”
“I said-”
“Hang on.” Snagging a fresh beer from the cooler, you pass your favorite colleague on your way to the balcony and mouth, It’s Jethro, by way of an explanation for your absence for the next few minutes. She nods in understanding before throwing you an exaggerated wink, and you indulge in a smile back. “Okay,” you breathe once out in the fresh air. Music is still pumping from inside the building, but it’s at a much more reasonable level with the door closed behind you. “What’s up, baby?”
“What’s up? What’s up?”
“Mhm,” you respond easily, masking your delighted giggle with a pull from your beer.
“I found your little… gift,” he grumbles. “That’s what’s up.”
“You like it?”
He peruses the Polaroids spread out across the coffee table featuring you in a “Halloween costume” -that, to him, looks better suited for roleplay in the bedroom- in various suggestive positions. You had been kind enough to sneak the stack into Jethro’s current nightly read so that the photos would fall out as he settled into the couch to pass the time before you returned home.
“What do you think, brat?” he growls lightly, pulling one photo of you kneeling before the mirror in your bedroom closer to admire the way your lacy red lingerie peeks out from beneath your white skirt.
You hum in mock contemplation on the other end of the line before settling on, “Sounds like you like ‘em a lot.”
“I want to take you over my lap for wearing it out of the house without me there to ward off any straying eyes. And then I want to rip it off with my teeth.”
You inhale a sharp breath, then produce a dumbfounded albeit excited, “Oh.” 
“Yeah. Oh. When are you coming home?”
“A few hours?” you guess. “I didn’t expect your case to wrap up tonight.”
He grunts by way of a response, ever the poet. Then, “Are you having fun at least?”
An idea pops into your head, and you grin to yourself. “Not as much fun as I could be having, but yes. I’ll see you at home, okay? Love you, handsome.”
“Call me when you’re ready for me to come get you,” he says, one of his many versions of I love you. “See you later, honey.”
After catching up with your coworkers and downing some more liquid courage, you sneak off to the nearest bathroom, securely closing and locking the door behind you. You hike your leg up on the counter to show off your lacy underwear and tug your top down enough to free your tits from the confines of your push-up bra before snapping a picture with an angelic smile to complement your all-white outfit and wings. 
You type out, If only I had a strong, sturdy gunnery sergeant to teach me a lesson about respecting my elders… and send your text off with a sly grin before righting yourself and returning to the party.
You can’t help checking your phone and watching the minutes tick by without a response, wondering if your old man is upset with your bratty teasing- or if he even managed to open the attachment on his ancient device.
When you look up from checking your phone for the twelfth time in as many minutes, you find your friend’s eyes widening comically as she quietly announces, “Boyfriend at six o’clock and he does not look happy.”
Before you can even process her words, you find yourself hoisted into the air, your angel wings flapping in protest as you settle over Jethro’s solid shoulder. “Took you long enough,” you huff with faux indignance. Even without looking, he knows your lips are turned downward in a pout and your arms are crossed.
“Yeah?” he rumbles out, waiting until you’ve exited the building and are away from prying eyes to land a firm smack to your ass. You let out a yelp and he asks, “This what you wanted?”
“Pretty much,” you admit, shooting him a cheeky grin when he lays you down across the backseat of his truck before climbing in between your spread legs.
Jethro shakes his head with a laugh, plucking a stray feather from your fake wings off his shoulder. Then he leans down and captures your lips in a searing kiss, and you can’t help but moan and buck up against him in response. “Need you,” you whine, using the collar of his polo shirt as leverage to pull him closer.
“I know,” he soothes quietly, pressing a chaste kiss to the corner of your mouth while his fingers hook into your panties to tug them down your legs. His eyes grow a shade darker when you squirm beneath him with a whimper, the dim overhead car light reflecting in the wetness coating your upper thighs. “But first I need to teach my little angel a lesson about respecting her elders.”
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scaredyspooks · 7 days
BG3 Kinktober 2024
Because I'm a perverted conduit that the void speaks through, I'm doing a Baldur's Gate 3 themed kinktober this year on here and AO3. As I publish the fics I'll be updating this list with links to them, and so y'all can gauge your interest here's the list!
Astarion (spawn) - roleplay - what's an innocent magistrate to do when his assistant propositions him when they're staying late at work?
Gale - pegging - growing bored of the wizard's endless accounts of how he and his goddess' bodies once intertwined, you notice there's one pleasure she never showed him.
Shadowheart - sensory depravation - life's greatest pleasures can be found in loss and darkness.
Lae'Zel - leather - peeling the leathers from your lover's body are one of the greatest rewards of battle.
Wyll - chastity - just because he wants to take things slow, doesn't mean you can't torment him a little.
Karlach - temperature play - attempts to cool her down end up having an interesting result.
Minthara - bondage - an interrogation goes south as you try to get to the bottom of the Absolute's cult.
Halsin - olfactophilia - after almost a tenday of not having time to bathe you head to the river, only be blocked off by a large elf.
Mizora - public - shrouded in the cloak of the hells atop a secluded pedestal, only to find it is in fact a stage.
Rolan - electro - someone's ego boost at getting a new tower has him coming out of his shell.
Zevlor - glory hole - the commander and the cleric need a release, things get interesting when the stranger behind the wall ends up being far too familiar.
Ikaron - semi-public - tensions are high in The Hollow, but you think you can help.
Raphael - naked platter - the devil has made a patisserie of you for his guests, though they seem to fade from existence as he grows distracted by the meal he's making of you.
Haarlep - size difference - the succubus is shocked that you want to see their true form, turns out they're a lot bigger than their master.
Rugan - impact play - the Zhentarim seeks to punish you for trying to skip out on your deal, he doesn't get very far.
Gortash - power play - your relationship has always been somewhat of a dance, one that you're determined to lead.
Dammon - edging - the forge's flames illuminate more than the smith realises, but you're happy to "help" once things quieten down.
The Emperor - hypnosis - the ilithid believes he can still get through to you, with one last attempt.
Aradin - hate fuck - your competitor, the thorn in your side, but damn if he doesn't have good stamina.
Abdirak - sado-masochism - two priests of Loviatar aid in each other's prayer.
He Who Was - free use - his ability to travel the shadowcursed lands unhindered has him popping up everywhere, making you pay for his insatiable desires.
Lia - wax play - after the first few drops, it's hard to tell what's blush and what's burn among the giggles in the Elfsong.
Cal - play fighting - a little extra training won't do any harm, though the proximity may prove... challenging.
Gale - findom - what starts as a simple shopping trip to Sorcerous Sundries takes a turn as you drag the wizard to more and more shops.
Astarion (ascended) - biting/marking - your last night as a mortal will be one to remember.
Shadowheart - human furniture - god's favourite princess needs a throne.
Wyll - roleplay - the son of a duke has a duty to mingle at these important events, though it usually shouldn't lead him to a cupboard with a handsome stranger.
Lae'Zel - predator/prey - your heart races, your breathing to quick to catch, and you know the more you sweat the easier it'll be for her to catch you.
Karlach - human ashtray - she's been making fun of you all evening for your drunken confession about her cigars, but once the other's go to bed she's happy to indulge you on the Elfsong's roof garden.
Halsin - breeding - ever the beast of nature, with your perils finally at an end he lets himself run loose with you and you realise it’s going to be a long night until he’s done filling you.
Minthara - body worship - the drow isn't keen onbeing nursed after but with injuries so severe you need to make sure she's alright.
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toji-sweetheart · 6 days
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𓍢ִ໋ please be aware that all of these will be smutty and some will have dark content, make sure you curate your experience and read my tags and block as you see fit!
𓍢ִ໋ most of them will be longish fics 1-3k and some might be longer! I might do random drabbles from a kinktober prompt post though! these are subject to change at any given time with no warning! all characters are written to be over 21!
𓍢ִ໋ feedback such as reblogs & comments are always appreciated! please note that some or even all might not even get done or I might switch a few around, some of these were pulled from last year's lineup that I didn't get to also I know I said I wouldn't share this until September but I'm too excited and look how pretty it is!!
𓍢ִ໋ every single reader will have pubic hair and it will be described! and since I had a few things pop up this will extend into November..possibly December...
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hybrid - Toji x fem reader
synopsis: After your breakup with a long-time boyfriend who decided that stalking is the best way to get back to you it seemed that you needed protection and since you've heard good things about hybrids it was time to go adopt one, you just had no idea it would end up with him being more than just a protector. 
wife sharing - Ino x Kento x fem reader
synopsis: Takuma looks up to his mentor Kento more than anything, after all, he is his hero who just happens to be married to be his biggest crush as well, after one night and a spilled secret later Takuma finds himself invited into your shared bed.
roleplay & breeding & dubcon - Shiu x fem reader
synopsis: What was supposed to be a little bit of joking around about how your husband was the only one who found you attractive you both end up at the bar to see how many drinks you can get from random men while your husband watches acting like one of them. 
bdsm - Enji x fem reader
synopsis: What happens when a private recording between you and number one pro hero Endeavor goes viral the day after your honeymoon?
partner swap/orgy - SaShiSu x fem reader
synopsis: You and your wife wanted something different in the bedroom and bringing in her two best friends seems like a good idea to do so but what happens if you all fall in love?
threesome + breeding - Shiu x fem reader X Toji
synopsis: It wasn't something that he tried that hard to hide, being attracted to his best friends wife is a bastard thing to do but there's no way Toji can decline when you offer him a threesome that leads to more than any of you bargained for.
kidnapping - Touya x fem reader
synopsis: After finding out his dad has remarried and is happier than ever to have a second chance, Dabi takes it upon himself to ruin his father's happiness the same way he took his.
glory hole - Draken & friends
synopsis: Being with Ken means a lot of nights out filled with drugs and partying thanks to his friends, it truly was the best way to spend your life with the love of your life next to you and you were even talked him into going to a party where you're the main attraction.
omegaverse/hybrid - alpha! werewolf! Toji x alpha! werewolf! Shiu x bunny-hybrid f! reader
synopsis: You needed a week away from your house for a very intense heat, after running out of suppressant you knew you needed time alone but you didn't think that forging for food in the woods you'd come across two alphas who happened to be in their ruts. - this is for a collab!
virginty loss - Toji x fem reader
synopsis: Being the daughter of the only pastor in a small town you have a certain image to uphold, but the man next door to you is a temptation you want to indulge in. - this is for a collab!
bdsm - Toji x fem reader
synopsis: Your husband wants to show you off in the best way possible.
food play - Kento x fem reader
synopsis: After signing up for a bake sale for your neighborhood, Kento decides to help out not knowing how baking could turn someone on so much.
cucking - satoru x fem reader x suguru
synopsis: Satoru has always wanted to watch his best friend fuck you, it's always been a deep dark secret until you catch him jerking off to the thought of it and it's only fair to make his dreams come true since he's done it for you.
monsterfucking + knotting - alpha! Katsuki x fox! hybrid fem reader
synopsis: You've always assured Katsuki you could take his knot despite him always telling him no, you catch him in a rut and finally get what you're asking for.
makeup sex - Toji x fem reader
synopsis: With Toji coming home from a mission you were excited to see your husband but he has other plans to see his friend first.
rough sex - Sukuna x machoist! fem reader
synopsis: You love to push your husbands buttons to have him put you in your place, but what happens when you go a bit too far?
monsterfucking - dragon! Toji x fem reader
synopsis: It's always been a rumor of the dragon that lays on top of the mountain protecting it's treasure and you're a desperate thief wanting a better life for yourself so you sneak in to find the sleeping dragon, only to end up at his mate forever.
omegaverse - alpha! Toji x pixie! fem reader
synopsis: Toji video records himself fucking all sorts of toys but his fans request a cute little fairy so he sets a trap for his next toy.
bdsm + clicker training - dom! Toji x submissive! fem reader
synopsis: You've always been the perfect sub for John, always willing to go the extra mile even when he doesn't ask but yet there seems to be missing something.
free use - Katsuki x fem reader x Izuku x Shoto
synopsis: Playing seven minutes in heaven is childish to you until end up in the closet with the big three on campus.
stalking + kidnapping kink - Sukuna x fem reader
synopsis: Asking your fuck buddy to help you live out a fantasy seemed to good to be true and you didn't realize how good of an actor Sukuna is until you learn he isn't playing anymore.
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