#/j /lighthearted
ask-shane · 4 days
....are you a millennial....? /very neg
no. i’m a boomer.
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that’s how old some of you seem to think i am…
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ghost-of-a-system · 7 months
the term "host". a short comic about being a system who, well, doesn't exactly have one.
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i really hope this post comes across right and not in a bashful or hateful light because that is !! not intended whatsoever!!
this is just a bit about the way some of our personal and inner struggles affect us, much like many of our posts, and is again just posted in case it may make anyone who relates feel seen (especially if it's an "obscure issue". i think we've only ever met one other system who doesn't have a host of some kind, and even then it was just because theirs went dormant and nobody took their place.)
we've never really had a host, or even actual co-hosts, from what we can remember. even in our earliest memories which we've looked back on from a system lens, there was (at least) two of us with no clear "main" one. that extended all throughout our teenage years up until now. it was always at least two who had no awareness of the other, but they were both here just as much as the other, "taking turns" fronting. weird stuff to try to make sense of.
we've tried to slap the host/co-host label on a few alters over time, but it never sticks and they always end up fronting just as much as anyone else or having their own other roles they front for. so i think we'll just stop trying to force it lol
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meri-meri-mwah · 1 year
Now thinking about it...V was low-key a menace throughout VoV and probably shouldn't have been walking around the streets alone...
- He was walking around the streets butt naked and mugged a stranger for their clothes (and ACCESSORIES).
- Instead of getting a JOB, he and Griffon thought it was a good idea to rob someone so they can reach Dante.
- That robbery resulted in V slaughtering 3 other robbers (must I add, BRUTALLY) in front of a woman.
- Pissed Dante off by mentioning Vergil.
- Told a child he wouldn't care if the demons attacked the child (in context, he did tell the kid to run away cause it wasn't safe, but the kid wanted to protect his injured mom).
- Got hungry and decided to eat RAW demon meat (it wasn't delicious).
- Moments later, he toast more raw demon meat to see if it makes a difference (it did NOT).
- Let's not forget the obvious, he brought several devil hunters to a fight NONE of them were prepared for (and have the nerve to act surprise when everyone is DEFEATED).
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Officer, this is a wanted man. 🧐
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thepenguisalive7 · 9 months
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The ghosties can be a little protective over Bagi 😆, on a side note, I really love this duo clip
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The ghosts in question
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small-z24 · 30 days
One-Shot: Baking Mishaps
Baking with Azriel doesn’t go quite as planned 
Word Count: 619
Warnings: None just fluff
The House of Wind was filled with the warm, inviting aroma of baking. It was a rare day off for the Night Court, and Y/N had convinced Azriel to join her in the kitchen for a fun, relaxed afternoon of baking. Despite his stoic exterior, Azriel had a soft spot for spending time with her, even if it meant getting his hands covered in flour.
Y/N laughed as she watched Azriel struggle with the measuring cups. "Az, you’re supposed to level off the flour, not pack it in like it’s a weapon."
Azriel looked up, a rare smile tugging at the corners of his mouth. "I’m trying, but this isn’t exactly my area of expertise."
She stepped closer, gently taking the cup from his hands. "Here, let me show you." She demonstrated the proper way to measure flour, her hands brushing against his. "See? Easy peasy."
Azriel’s eyes softened as he watched her, his shadows swirling lazily around them both. "You make it look easy."
Y/N grinned, a mischievous glint in her eyes. "That’s because I’ve had lots of practice. Now, how about you handle the eggs?"
Azriel nodded, taking the eggs and cracking them into the bowl with surprising precision. "At least I can do this part right."
Y/N giggled, nudging him playfully with her elbow. "Look at you, Mr. Perfect."
Azriel chuckled, the sound warm and rare. "Only when it comes to cracking eggs, apparently."
They continued working together, mixing ingredients and sharing laughter. The playful banter and lighthearted teasing created a bubble of happiness around them, a stark contrast to the usual seriousness of their lives.
As they moved on to mixing the batter, Y/N noticed a smudge of flour on Azriel’s cheek. Unable to resist, she reached out and brushed it off with her thumb. "You’ve got a little something right here," she teased.
Azriel’s eyes twinkled with mischief. "Oh really?" He dipped his fingers into the bowl of flour and gently flicked some at her, a playful smirk on his face.
Y/N gasped, feigning shock. "Did you just—"
Before she could finish her sentence, Azriel flicked more flour at her, and she retaliated by grabbing a handful of flour and throwing it at him. Laughter filled the kitchen as they engaged in an impromptu flour fight, both of them covered in white powder within minutes.
"Truce! Truce!" Azriel called out, holding up his hands in surrender, his face covered in flour and his eyes shining with joy.
Y/N giggled, lowering her own flour-filled hands. "Alright, truce. But only because I don’t want to waste any more flour."
Azriel wiped flour from his face, his smile softening as he looked at her. "You know, I don’t think I’ve ever seen you this happy."
Y/N’s heart warmed at his words. "That’s because you bring out the best in me, Az."
He reached out, taking her flour-covered hand in his. "And you do the same for me."
They stood there for a moment, the world outside forgotten as they basked in each other’s presence. Finally, Y/N broke the silence with a laugh. "Come on, we should probably clean up before Rhysand comes in here and sees the mess we made."
Azriel nodded, still holding her hand. "Agreed. But I think we make a pretty good team."
Y/N smiled, her heart full. "The best team."
As they cleaned up the kitchen, their laughter and lighthearted banter continued, filling the House of Wind with a sense of warmth and love. And in that moment, Y/N knew that no matter what challenges lay ahead, they would face them together, hand in hand, with love and laughter guiding their way.
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lorephobic · 4 months
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wisecrackingeric-2 · 1 year
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You know you wanna vote for him. You wanna vote for him sooooo badly. That man is on twitter and twitch BEGGING to win. You wouldn’t let Joe Hills down, would you?
Also my partner described him as “looking like what an awesome guitar riff sounds like” if that’s not convincing enough idk what is
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aldermos · 7 months
Surge secretly loves those comically large plushies you can get at fairs and carnivals. When she moves in with Amy, her half of the room gets filled with some comically large stuffed bears, among other things.
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amy with the high striker game = instant profit 🤭
hcs where surge softens out (or is a softy at heart) always get to me (´°̥̥̥̥̥̥̥̥ω°̥̥̥̥̥̥̥̥)
I feel like they would definitely have some sort of competition to see who would get the biggest plush available pfff
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sm-baby · 7 months
*kisses carnival! jax's cheek and disappears*
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gncrezan · 10 months
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the two most annoying deities have just started trying to make it work (they're about to make it everyone else's problem) (or, @chrysanthemumgames is finishing up foa soon and i giggle about established hermesmance twice a day to myself)
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jonahmagnus · 3 months
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Reeves.... hes my favorite guy<3
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ilovelyneysm07 · 4 months
I don't know why, but I feel like a relationship with Vox would basically be "Meant to Be Yours" of Heathers: The Musical. Vox gives me JD vibes if you try to leave him. (I was listening to the Heathers soundtrack while drawing and it popped into my head. That's crazy)
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milkbreadtoast · 7 months
random but i resolved to post abt it every time i find a webtoon that I enjoy... and lately I've been having fun reading this one...
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*rubs nose* heh... I do dabble in het from time to time... no but seriously it's a p straightforward lighthearted enemies to lovers romcom, not groundbreaking or anything yet im over here kicking my feet and giggling the main couple is SO cute to me... i luv them... I actually couldnt wait to find out what happens next so ive been slowly reading ahead in the kor whenever i have time and they're sooo cute😭😭 I also like the art style and costume design a lot!! it gives me like. a nostalgic 90s shoujo anime vibe tbh... w the puffy hair and babyfaces...
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buwheal · 1 month
Anon that was probably saying sorry, I said sorry because I find what clown roll was saying judgy, it's not easy being broke and not being able to afford food, the last thing a poor person needs is a lecture on how unhealthy their lifestyle is. Like of course it's not healthy, you think someone would CHOOSE to live like that? To eat nothing but trash? Pretty sure if spamton could be eating something not out of the trash he WOULD, he doesn't need someone rubbing how awful his life is in his face when he doesn't really have a way to make it better, like "oh yeah just get some food not in the trash" for free??? Or if you're expecting him to pay, with what money??? I swear financially well off people seem to just forget you need money to do almost anything because of how much they have. If clowny roll really cared so much they should give him some damn money to buy something, granted maybe they can't because of askbox rules, but still.
THAAANKK YOU DUDE arrghhhhh,, frustrates me a little because theres some people in this box talking to him like he has a choice!!! HE DOESNT!!! I already did a WHOLE nasty thing with a whole bunch of the asks rubbing that shit in his face as if it were an apology,, reminding CONSTANTLY with stuff like "I had trouble finding sucess once!" sorry but that doesnt help guys... This isnt some one time thing where hes down in the dumps cause he got fired or smth HES HOMELESS... thankfully ive stopped getting those, but now its THESE ones about how unhealthy his lifestyle is............... like yeah......... hes not fucking stupid he knows....... they talk to him like hes a child waaghhh /lh Like, heres some examples, sorry to these anons, but if i had chosen your ask you'd get yelled at by Spamton AND the audience anyways,, so heres some that i think maybe... they forgot he cant really do a whole lot....
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...do you see the irony in this one......
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guuuyyyysss do you see the freaking issue here???? "EAT HEALTHER!"
But. Dont go after anyone,, esp Clowny Roll!!!!! I think a lot of them dont ....really think about it. I also have a tinge of a feeling that Clowny Roll has a bit of bait intention with theirs!! nothing wrong with that!
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ossydrawsthingz335 · 2 months
snowballs the type of guy to say his pronouns are "nor/mal" when u ask him what his pronouns are
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24-guy · 12 days
When you made that post about the heat I briefly blanked out and thought you were omegaverse posting 😭😔 I got scared and thought I somehow was transported into a universe where omegaverse is real and you were an omega. Im so sorry
This is the wildest anon I've ever gotten.
So I suppose we're even now.
I don't even know how to respond to this. This is hilarious and horrifying all the same.
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