#//your submit is closed
wispforever · 11 months
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iersei · 1 year
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friendly reminder that you are not immune to pop-aganda (featuring his canonical tramp stamp if that sways your vote <3)
remember to do your civic duty of supporting sexualizing old men by voting DILF of all time glenn close in the @sexiestpodcastcharacter polls !!!
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trainingdummyrabbit · 11 months
yes yes the inherently difficult and complex nature of angelas development and her intrinsic instinct to be guarded at all times But Also . i just want angela to get a fucking hug. or like. a pat on the shoulder, or Something
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theimpossiblescheme · 10 months
Say what you will about the Cyrano movie (and one day I'll be able to in a halfway articulate manner), but I am still mildly obsessed with "Every Letter", and I think about this ending couplet all the time...
Your letters are drawings on me from above I know who you are and I know you are loved
Just... the idea of Cyrano and Christian receiving a letter in return from Roxanne and feeling their breath catch both with ecstasy and with bitter regret.
I know who you are...
But she can't. But she mustn't. But it would break her heart--she would never trust them again. But it wouldn't be fair to Christian. But Cyrano could never show his face again. But they already feel themselves burn under her gaze, and to meet it honestly without the armor of a soldier, of these letters, would scorch them until nothing remains. But the only true honor is to hide, even if they know it's really the coward's way out. But the only safety (if they were being brutally honest with themselves) is to hide.
... and I know you are loved.
But God, they wish they didn't have to.
#It's four thirty in the morning and I have been slam-dunked back into Cyrano Hell...#Listen okay ever since the movie introduced the idea of *Roxanne actually writing back* I have been even less normal about these idiots.#The imagery is so fucking delicious either way because you get to imagine either the two of them sitting close enough together#that they can both read either together or over the other's shoulder and just... occupying that space together the two nearly becoming one#and I get to lose my mind over the proximity and the warmth between them forged in the fire of their love for Roxanne.#OR *or or*... the two of them taking turns reading and just *watching* the other's face as they read trying to glean from their expressions#what she might have said and the intensity of that study becoming its own terrible intimacy that right now they can only show through proxy#and I *also* get to lose my mind over Cyrano watching Christian and musing that even if his partner might look like a marble statue#he's never seen a marble statue make that face before but he's *definitely* seen it from Roxanne and it's just as coronary-inducing on both#and Christian watching Cyrano and musing that this might be the closest he'll ever come to seeing the pride of the cadets#and the mythic figure he's built around himself completely *shatter* if only for a moment... he's *human* and he's *exquisite.*#CANNOT be normal about it... it's 'So--here's my heart under your velvet now'--#it's 'I've loved but one (man) in my life and now I must lose him twice'--#it's the darkness of the balcony and the endless sunshine metaphors regarding Roxanne herself--#it's the goddamn Mortifying Ordeal of Being Known and how much Roxanne *craves* it from two men terrified to submit to it...#God these three make me sick I love them so much.#cyrano de bergerac
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captainsugaraddict · 25 days
Please click the link to confirm your application
*clicks* *form opens where I need to manually enter everything again*
I didn't have time at that moment so I closed the tab. I just reopened it and I am locked out of all the form fields and my application has been submitted with 'no answer' in every field....
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sorry to bother you but what happened to pablo (i cant find him on any page of the spreadsheet)
(or maybe my submission didn’t go through)
(pablo from the backyardigans btw)
(again sorry to bother you)
First off thank you for being kind in this ask! To answer your question, yes Pablo will be in there eventually. The next part is gonna sound rude so I’m sorry in advance but it’s not directed solely at you so hold on for the whole thing. Like the pinned post says, and like the sheets say, if a character only got one submission then I am manually reviewing each one and adding it to the list as I make and queue their polls. I am nowhere near P in the alphabet, and asking like this will not make me push them up in priority when I have hundreds to get through
Sorry if that seemed rude, this is not directed solely at you and I know and appreciate that you specifically were not asking for priority. I just get dozens of asks like this a day and I was actually waiting for a kind and polite ask like yours to address this issue, because some people just send “you haven’t added x character yet” or “can you do x earlier I only follow you for them” and l’m not gonna dignify those people with a response. So thank you for not demanding anything with your ask, I really appreciate it
I’ve just added a new sheet for all the one submission characters with a new reminder at the top to make it easier for people to know! I’ve put the information literally everywhere I can and still get these asks 10 times a day, so hopefully this new page will make the one submission character adding process more obvious
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lovers-eternal · 11 months
just did laezel’s first romance scene
i understand now.
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fellhellion · 1 year
Headsoup thoughts about Miguel and his early relationship with physical retaliation to bullies and fear, but man. Tyler Stone telling Miguel on the way to boarding school that if he does something to jeopardise George O’Hara’s chances for promotion on the back of Miguel’s efforts, it’s his fault when that anger is taken out on Conchata and Gabriel. Xina, who was only a child and didn’t know, trying to encourage Miguel to stand up for himself and hit back and him saying yeah he’s scared when she teases him. Miguel saying he wanted so badly to strike his father but was afraid he’d kill him, when he wanted George to suffer every indignity of age and decline.
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todaviia · 1 year
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sexiestfinweanpoll · 1 year
While the semi-finals for sexiest Finwean are underway, I'd like to offer you a preview of what's coming next to this blog! It will continue, but with a slightly different theme.
Instead of going with sexiest scion of Finwe, we are going with sexist member by marriage of the house of Finwe.
I am taking a rather expansive view of the word "marriage", allowing anyone who a member of the house of Finwe dated, was engaged to, or attempted to court as well.
Also, I have heard your complaints that the art in the first poll wasn't sexy enough! I am posting the list now, but polls will not open until June 12. That mean you have over a week to submit your favorite image of these characters!
List of Finwean spouses is below the cut. If you think someone is missing from the list, please send an ask!
EDIT: adding Luthien
EDIT: Narvi
EDIT: Hador
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great news everybody. 2000 word jonny sims submission is no longer the longest submission i've gotten
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Hi! I was wondering- how big of a bracket do you plan on having for the queer ships competition? Like, how many ships will you be accepting?
Well I’m not doing a bracket I do want to clarify that. I think it limits a bit cause size of image vs visibility of names. I’m gonna run it the same way I did the character tournament just randomize the matchups from a big list (that I will publish before tournament goes live so you guys can tell me if something’s messed up). As for how many … idk I don’t have a specific number 🤔 I just kinda vibe checked it last time and ended up with 208 characters and that was a lot of work 😅 so probably not like more than that. Once the numbers start making me nervous for how much time it’ll take I’ll shut down the form is the current plan 😂. First round will be larger to cut down the numbers to something more manageable, but also should be easier to make round one since I remembered to make you guys tell me the authors this time and won’t spend half my poll making time looking them up
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inklingofadream · 1 year
not having a campaign website + profile through the state voter info site is almost always a disqualifier, but for the rare double whammy, be sure to have a heavy, unconnected internet presence revealed when i google your email where you are revealed to be 1) an insane bigot and 2) as seen on TLC
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scp-torment · 2 years
Submission counts
(Edited: This was formerly a list of SCPs that needed more submissions. As submissions are now closed, that was unneeded.)
There was a total of 35 SCPs that got multiple votes- here's all of them! If your SCP isn't on here, then it only got one vote.
If you're looking to read these stories- check out the comprehensive competitor list.
7 Votes
SCP-5031: Yet Another Murder Monster
4 Votes
SCP-529: Josie the Half-Cat
3 Votes
SCP-085: Hand-drawn ''Cassy''
SCP-281-FR: The Day The Earth Stopped (Being Flat)
SCP-999: The Tickle Monster
SCP-3001: Red Reality
SCP-3008: A Perfectly Normal, Regular Old IKEA
SCP-5761 : When The Impostor Is Sus II: Nightmare Hour
SCP-6001: Avalon
2 Votes
SCP-001 S. Andrew Swann's Proposal: The Database
SCP-ES-31 : A Useful Jacket
SCP-046: "Predatory" Holly Bush
SCP-105 : "Iris"
SCP-166 : Just a Teenage Gaea
SCP-423: Self-Inserting Character
SCP-426: I am a Toaster
SCP-447: Ball of Green Slime
SCP-682: Hard-to-Destroy Reptile
SCP-914: The Clockworks
SCP-1000: Bigfoot
SCP-1057: Absence of Shark
SCP-1233: The Lunatic & SCP-4233: The Dreadnought
SCP-1313: Solve for Bear
SCP-1762 : Where The Dragons Went
SCP-2662: cthulhu f'UCK OFF!
SCP-4231 : The Montauk House
SCP-4335: A Welt In The Crucible
SCP-7000: The Loser
Duke Till Dawn
Major Tom
Portraits of Your Father
Stupendous Containment Procedures
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voidfell · 1 year
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Starter / Plotting call for Gal, Hunter, Felix, and Hugo? Specify your muse + mine if you would like a starter otherwise, I'll pop into DM's to rattle my muses around on a keychain.
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rangercorpstherapy · 1 year
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