#//but for now... happy pride ;)
bisclavaret · 1 year
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a day late to my 6 years on t anniversary ✨🏳️‍⚧️ a short comic about looking back
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nataliescatorccio · 4 months
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NCUTI GATWA and JONATHAN GROFF As The Doctor and Rogue Doctor Who, 'Rogue' (2024)
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mroddmod · 4 months
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posting this old comic in honor of pride and the 1 yr anniversary of atsv 🫶
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transyashiro · 4 months
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spielzeugkaiser · 4 months
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[MASTERPOST] Being a witcher is not always easy - but what is, really? Still, Geralt feels bad that Jaskier is now living through something he never wanted him to experience again. (What is a spielzeugkaiser post if there isn't hurt/comfort, honestly-)
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everythingisliminal · 6 months
I did it. I called my parents, told them they need to use they/them for me for us to have a healthy relationship, and it worked.
My dad said his love for me is unconditional and he's invested in getting this right. My mom asked in a strained tone how this affects my relationship with my husband, how she's supposed to refer to me with people in her life, etc. (best case scenario given how abysmal this convo went with her a year ago). And we ended it all with our life updates and "I love you"s.
Since it took a lot of research to find articles more suited to adult children coming out as trans/nonbinary, here's the list of (primarily non-aggressive) resources on terms and mindset I texted them in case they can help anyone else:
Itchy sweaters: An ally’s guide to understanding late-in-life pronoun and gender changes (new pronouns = softer sweater metaphor)
Your adult child just came out as non-binary. Now what? (terminology)
The Wonderful World of Gender: What It Means to Be Nonbinary (terminology)
What Does It Mean to Misgender Someone? (terminology)
8 Things I’ve Learned Parenting a Non-Binary Kid That Might Help You (acknowledges parent's emotional response)
"I know I was quiet in today's conversation but you are my child and I love you and support you. I want nothing but happiness and a healthy life for you!!!😉😀"
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aveloka-draws · 4 months
It’s Pride month, Aveloka. You know what that means.
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hanatatami · 4 months
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his older sister reads BL
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okaioh · 4 months
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chat is this anything
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melonimili · 1 year
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these two are consuming my brain
(ID in alt text)
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therogueduchess · 4 months
Dear Penthouse I never thought it would happen to me— No
No shit, there I was. My very first ever Pride, in Providence Rhode Island. It was overwhelm in all the best ways. Sunny, music I could feel in my belly, people people people people people
Eventually, after wandering the stalls, seeing so many things, smelling so many smells, reveling in so many of our people all in one place, I got some pricey but really delicious chicken tenders and sat with my companion by the river. We talked about all sorts of things, and I took great joy in unfettered compliments to folks who walked by. Ears, wings, dresses, tiaras, skulls, glitter, tattoos—
And then someone walked by with, roughly, this shirt
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I have only ever seen this referenced on tumblr. And the person was wearing sneakers with colorful ties, and as they came level in front of me, I took a chance.
“Hey!” I called out, “I like your shoelaces!”
It took a moment before the person looked over at me from their phone, said thanks, and kept walking. My companion was chuckling, and I figured, ah well, I tried—
The person sitting on the low wall on the other side of the walkway was staring at me with the most singular expression. I pointed a finger, delighted. “YOU. YOU KNOW!”
That person was giggling now, and the person beside them turned to make a shame gesture with their fingers.
“Oh no,” I crowed, “you know too, which means you can’t shame me!”
Then we were all laughing. Like, tilted my head back, mouth wide open like the animated guy from the reach toothbrush flip top head commercial (if you understand that reference right away we are brain-buddies now) and laughed so hard my belly aches
And then the first person, the shirt and shoelaces person, was in front of me again, confessing. “I had a visceral reaction!” they said, they’d frozen. “…I stole them from the President.”
I l threw up both hands, fists triumphant. “YEEESSSSSS!!!!!”
After all - it is law.
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the blue castle (1926) - l.m. montgomery
"happy gay month"
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teehee-vibes · 3 months
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serendipnpipity · 4 months
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Thank you for living your truth, @danielhowell. You've helped me live mine, too.
Image Description under the cut:
[illustrated YouTube notification: “Daniel Howell uploaded ‘Basically I’m Gay’”]
Five years ago today, I was lying on the couch in my family home, watching the words of a person I had grown to find pieces of myself in as he bared his soul to the world just to make somebody like me feel a little less alone. 
[girl lying on her stomach on the couch, looking at phone]
He said something at the end of that video,
[Illustrated video screenshot of Dan saying “You are valid. It gets so much better.”]
And I’ll never forget hearing those words. Never forget drying my tears, quickly, before my parents came back. 
[Three panels: girl wiping tears from face, putting phone down, silhouette walking through front door]
See, the girl on that couch was planning far, far away futures. She couldn’t believe his words just yet, but now she could hope to. 
[open shoebox with rainbow flag inside]
Five years later, today, I wish I could tell her:
You don’t have to move halfway across the country to set a flag out on your desk. 
[school building and stack of books]
Your parents are coming over tomorrow to help bring you home for the summer. (They’re only an hour’s car ride away.)
[cartoon sun and car]
And see that?
[rainbow flag in a mug with a cat whiskers design]
Yeah, that’s the one decoration you haven’t packed yet. 
And that something he said at the end of the video, I still quote it to this day. 
[computer playing the Dan birthday livestream with "Misty" on a Zoom call in the corner]
Better yet, I believe it now. 
[same girl, older and with shorter hair, holding mug with flag and looking back at someone off-camera that’s saying “Ready to go home?”]
Happy five years of Basically, I’m Gay!
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pianta · 1 year
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she told me herself
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illuminchim · 4 months
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Pride Twins of Yunmeng somewhere after the Sunshot Campaign
There's my version of the Jade Twins if Gusu
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