#// these two are so important to me
acidsaladd · 6 months
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my boys 😭
[id: it is a digital drawing of leo and raph from rottmnt. leo is sitting on raphs shoulders, one leg stretched out over raphs arms and the other curled with his foot resting on his other leg. he is leaning back with his hands on raphs shoulders and he is looking down with a grin. raph has his arms crossed and he is looking back at leo with a smile. they are painted in a sunset lighting with the sun hitting them from the left, giving them very warm coloring. there is a painting of the sky behind them with purple clouds being hit by the sun./ end id]
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27-bones · 2 months
I've been playing pressure a lot and I love the trenchbleeders so much I was so excited when I encountered one for the first time (i didnt even know they were a THING) I'm so happy this game is inspired by ultrakill
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If these fandoms overlap enough; theyre such a good representation of The Vast and I go crazy for it. I love u giant robots who are capable of great destruction and also have a sad story
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minas-linkverse · 2 years
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Two Rabbit Roadtrip chapter 2 ✨
(The love yous are meant to be platonic, but u do u gang.)
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scribble-kitti · 1 year
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Huntlow fluff 💚💚
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schneesisterss · 1 year
“I think I love you—”
“I love you too.”
Blake didn’t even let her finish. She has been waiting for so long to hear those words from Yangs mouth.
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woffles-4-waffles · 2 years
WIP!!! I don't normally post WIPs on here but this is DIER. VOTE GARMADON AND WU IN THE PURPLE AND YELLOW POLLS!!!! @purpleandyellowshowdown so you can see the propaganda! <3
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!!!!!!! NINJA NEVER QUIT !!!!!!!!!!!
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creekschaoscorner · 6 months
For the requests how about Kid x Billy cuddling?
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Sorry this took so long! After I made the post I had a huge bout of artblock and then I got super hyperfixated on something else 😔 but it’s done now!
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acespacedweller · 1 year
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I just read a comment that during the dart scene Ted could have easily taken the 10.000 pounds Rupert offered him if he'd win, but it was more important to Ted to have Rupert out of the owner's box to protect and help Rebecca!
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demigodofhoolemere · 11 months
Things I can't stop thinking about from Steven and Vicki's Tales of the TARDIS episode
- This reunion. Seeing them together again kills me anyway, but when you look at the context of the last time they saw each other, both of them could have easily thought the other might be dead. The last Vicki saw of Steven he was bleeding out and slipping away from consciousness, and to Steven he woke up to learn that they'd left Vicki in a city that was being razed to the ground and its inhabitants slaughtered. There wasn’t a proper goodbye and neither could have known for sure whether the other had survived. These are two people who must have spent decades of their lives just hoping and praying that the other was okay.
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They take each other's presence in like it’s a miracle. I don’t know if they intentionally wrote/acted this with that particular context of their last time together in mind, but nevertheless it can very easily be read that way since their reactions lend themselves to it so well.
- ^ In particular, Steven’s voice breaks in a way that absolutely destroys me.
- Is this girlish giggling not the most Vicki thing you’ve ever seen?
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- There are certain moments that just really hit as, ‘This is them.’ I mean, look at her. That’s Vicki. It keeps blowing my mind.
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- Steven is SO happy to see her again, oh my word. “I’ve got my little sister back!” is gonna live in my mind for the rest of my life. To have that dynamic acknowledged in those words and to see how much they love each other kills me. Look at this unreserved fluff. This means the world to me.
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- Hearing that they’ve had wonderfully happy lives is so nice. Vicki could have been dealing with all kinds of turmoil given the time she chose to stay in, and with Steven’s luck he could have had literally anything happen to him, like Big Finish decided to do. I’m so glad they’ve been given full and happy lives onscreen, that Vicki has done so well in such a wildly different time and that Steven’s bad luck curse is finally broken. (The trauma curse is broken at least — it’s too much of a stretch for me to believe that he wouldn’t still have mundane bad luck lol.)
- Someone needs to either sue Peter for these faces or give him an award. There is so much emotion going on here and I can barely handle it. And knowing how much Peter truly loved this show and his time on it, I get the feeling some of this is real for him.
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- “Vicki, this might not be his TARDIS. I mean, can you imagine the Doctor wearing something like this?” Well I’m sure as heck imagining it now! Someone PLEASE make fan art of One in Six’s coat.
- Their reverence for the Doctor’s pocket watch. Vicki is so happy and clutches it with joy and Steven stares at it and strokes it for a good minute. 💗
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- Love having some skeptical Steven wondering if it could be a trap and warning Vicki to be careful. His older brother mode got reactivated so fast. And, “Don’t be such a spoilsport!” is so delightfully Vicki.
- Space helmet for a cow!!!
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- “Well, it had been a busy week.” Lol, more like a busy (or not so busy) 2 years on Mechanus! You’re more than excused!
- I know it was naturally gonna happen because they’re going over The Time Meddler but I love the references to the Monk, and I love that we also get a subtle reference to The Daleks’ Master Plan out of it.
- Another one of those moments that just strikes you. Look at him.
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- “He rescued me. I was an orphan and he became my family. I became the granddaughter he’d lost.” 😭
- Vicki’s little, “Come out, come out, wherever you are!” dance is so perfectly Vicki. It warms my heart how well-characterized they both are here.
- Anyone else see this and immediately start crying thinking about her putting her hands over her eyes in The Chase? Just me?
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- Steven’s face when he agrees with her about wishing more than anything to see the Doctor again. I love his relationship with the Doctor so much, it kills me to see him emotional about it, to see how much he still loves him after all this time. But on top of it, once again I feel like there’s some genuine Peter in here who misses Bill. You can see in a lot of interviews, panels, commentaries and so on that Peter really truly cared about Bill as his friend and is still protective over him as a person and his character. When Steven makes this face in agreement about wishing he could just see the Doctor again, I feel something else very real in it.
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- Look at them. Just look at them. No further comment.
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- Vicki’s face hearing the Doctor’s laugh is my face.
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I still haven’t been able to get through this without crying at his laugh. I don’t really have the words for how magical and touching it is that they included him in that way. It tugs on my heartstrings so hard.
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majoringinsarcasm · 1 year
“V9 was filler because nothing changed about Ruby or Jaune, she could’ve had her breakdown in Vacuo while the real plot was being fleshed out.”
1) Above all else you sound like you hate fun bc V9 was so freaking cool and visually stunning and new and different and weird and wonderful
2) Had Ruby gone to Vacuo right away she would NOT have properly grieved Penny nor would she have had time to vent her frustrations because she is a Leader, capital L, and it’s been 8 volumes of her not addressing her issues or having bursts of anger and then immediately trying to comfort someone else. See V4 when she tries to tell Jaune that Ren and Nora will be fine. He responds “you don’t know that” and we see her smile fade. Her uncle might die and it’s her fault he’s hurt but she’s trying to comfort Jaune. No time for her.
Or in V6 where she just learned the big bad they are fighting seemingly can’t die. She goes to Oscar and makes him feel human she comforts him even though she’s no doubt flipping out inside. And then later when she smashes the bottle to wake Qrow up she is visually upset that he’s passed out drinking again but she softens and hugs him and offers support.
She has been trying to prove herself since Volume 1. She is the one who tells Jaune that as Leaders they have to put their team first and themselves second and she’s stuck to that rule. She wants to prove that Ozpin making her Leader wasn’t a mistake. With Jaune, it’s similar, he doesn’t ask for help from anyone with his emotions. He’s the golden retriever, the lovable idiot stuck in the tree. He didn’t want to be a team player at all he wanted to be The Hero, someone who didn’t need help, someone who could save his friends instead of being shoved in a locker and moved to safety. He didn’t want to work With them, he wanted to save them all.
And that’s why V9 is so special. For the first time since the series began Ruby Rose “puts herself first”. She’s been lamenting all of her failures she’s been stewing in this hopelessly because she thinks SHE is the issue when that’s not the case.
“What about me?!”
“What happens if I choose me?”
She decides she is Enough, flaws and failed plans and all. She does not need to change into someone else to be better because SHE was never the problem. The world would have fought against whoever came out of that tree and she’s holding her own hand and saying “I will be there for this girl I will grab the weapon she made and I will fight for Myself as well as everyone else. I am worth fighting for.”
And with Jaune, well he got to be The Hero all by himself. He got to be the protector of a group of beings that did what he asked and wanted to make him happy. Who Let Him Help. No one shoved him into a locker, he wasn’t laughed at for making up silly team attack names, he was in charge all by himself. He was selfish but he STILL wasn’t putting himself first at the same time. He was clinging to unhealthy ideals because he was without a team to lean on or even help. He had no one to call him out nobody to keep him level. It’s not until the final battle that he gets to be “the man he’s always wanted to be.”
Jaune is a strategist. He’s good at looking at the whole picture BECAUSE he’s not on the frontlines from the start. He provides perspective and new ideas. In V4 he also plays this role but he’s a bit reluctant. He’s without a weapon and sees at first the role as lesser, but now he’s fully embracing it. He’s from a big family and then had a team he’s not Built to be a lone wolf. He’s built to be with a family, he’s meant to be part of something bigger. After years of being the rusted knight he never changed or got better and THAT was the lesson. He got to play out his ideal and was worse because of it because a hero isn’t what he thought it would be. Or what he wanted it to be.
In the end Ruby still doesn’t call herself a huntress. Somewhat calls her that. In the end Ruby still doesn’t pick that definition for herself, but someone she showed kindness to and helped just because she could called her that. THAT is what makes Ruby a huntress. It’s not just about fighting monsters or even protecting those who can’t protect themselves. It’s about kindness, it’s about love, it’s about patience.
Ruby Rose is a huntress, because SHE embodies what a HUNTRESS should mean, not the other way around. And That is why this finale means everything to me. She’s better than the heroes in the books, and now she gets to save herself along with everyone else.
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I'm sorry but I memed them
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What Are You Insinuating? That We’ve Come to the Wrong Place?
Samuel Beckett, Waiting for Godot
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summer-time333 · 1 year
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Sooo... there's this game-
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andreamland · 1 year
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ato-dato · 1 year
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Road help.
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