Full of fire
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"No one is you and that is your power" just a side blog! - main blog: @movrings ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ currently a Tedbecca blog as tumblr doesn't show my main blog posts in the tags
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looking-for-a-sword · 25 days ago
So apparently we'll get three more seasons of Ted Lasso.. am I happy? Excited? Sceptical? Worried? OR EVEN PANICKING?
Probably all of the above. Idk if my low expectations can be low enough tbh. All I know is I won't survive it if I have to see Ted and Rebecca with other romantic partners (dare I say boat guy?) FOR THREE MORE SEASONS!
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We don't get them together? Fine. But then nobody else will get them either. Period.
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looking-for-a-sword · 4 months ago
Warm and Kind (available on youtube here)
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looking-for-a-sword · 1 year ago
Tell me this is not Rebecca dancing with Ted on their wedding day!!
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looking-for-a-sword · 1 year ago
Tell me please: WHY does the 3rd season feel like it's building up to a 4th one?
If you don't consider the finale and that weird unnecessary DREAM sequence it absolutely does not feel like they were going for a series finale AT ALL. No storyline was really resolved, not Keeley's, Roy's, Jaime's, Beard's, Rebecca's or Ted's (he looks fucking miserable in that last shot, you can't convince me otherwise!) hell not even Nate got enough screen time with the team.
If they were planning with only 3 seasons in total.. well they fully wrecked that half way through (i mean of course they did we all know that but still)!
They were aiming to tell a longer story somewhere in between but also didn't want to let go of their stupid ass 3 season arc plans from 10 years ago, so in the last moments they thought "oh wait what if we write S3 like there will be a 4th one but also wrap it up like it's a series finale just in case.." AND TA-DAAA this is what we got served.
Wow thanks
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looking-for-a-sword · 2 years ago
It makes me so angry that by Tedbecca not becoming canon every single shipper out there is still devastated/angry/hurt/let down because we were promised there would be thunder and lightning and everything will turn out okay, just believe in rom-communism!
But by them actually getting together the worst that would have happened is that people say it's "boring and predictable". That's it.
..and what did they decide on??
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looking-for-a-sword · 2 years ago
If they didn't have in mind for Ted and Rebecca to get together in the end.. I'm wondering if they just never thought about her love interest at all (?), but why make such a big deal out of it?! Aka:
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Why would they include this if the man they had in mind was just some random guy on a house boat of all places? Doesn't make sense to me, also doesn't play into the rom-communism mantra but that got lost along the line anyway...
this season is a mess..I enjoyed a lot of parts but it's a mess
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looking-for-a-sword · 2 years ago
I'm sorry but we need to talk about Dutch boat guy..
because I still don't understand how people are fine with this storyline. Not even for romance's sake.
I know the whole thing with him and Rebecca was written (last minute) to have her in a different state of mind. I know she needed some time away from everyone and everything. I get that.
But I can't stop being offended on Rebecca's behalf, because I don't know any woman in her right mind, who would act like that. We're not speaking of a "first date went great, now let's hook up"-kind of situation, because they barely talked before she got on board. He could have offered her a blanket instead and help her get a cab so she can go back to her hotel room and change. Now THAT would have been a nice and cute gesture.
But NOPE the writers wanted her to have a shower on this random guy's boat, who she knows like full five minutes and who is insistent that she drinks his weird tea that's "definitely not drugged", kisses her foot and (for me at least) gives clear stranger danger vibes. And I'm not even taking into account that last line he muttered to himself, which was confusing and creepy af. She couldn't even call for help if she wanted to because she lost her phone!
I don't know how this could happen... I'm SURE they didn't want to convey this but they (inadvertently or not) did.
If they wanted her to spend the night talking with this guy, they could have let her drop her phone into the canal. She wouldn't find her way back, boat guy could be a café guy who offers her a warm drink - they have a connection whatever - she stays at his café and then he walks her back to the hotel after closing. Just.. let it happen in public and make it make sense!
but oh no this means she wouldn't see his daughters room and wouldn't be able to see the connection to Trish's predictions! oh NOW you're worried about predictions and hints - what about the fucking green matchbook
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looking-for-a-sword · 2 years ago
If anyone is interested in a TERRIFIC Ted Lasso edit, here you go:
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looking-for-a-sword · 2 years ago
Just saw this and GAAAHHH if we ONLY KNEW what was comming!! This guy is all of us. I never wanted to watch in Hannah's head so desperatly before.
But we know she is the captain of this ship!
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looking-for-a-sword · 2 years ago
WAIT - this just came to my mind: The dance/wrestling scene from The Man from U.N.C.L.E. but with Tedbecca instead!!
There is an away match and Rebecca is angry and/or sad because of another thing dipshit Rupert said to her. Ted comes to her hotel room to check on her. The radio is on and he suddenly increases the volume and then just... starts dancing to cheer her up. She rolls her eyes but Ted doesn't give in and grabs her arms, swinging them arround until she smiles.
It ends with Rebecca laughing wholeheartedly and Ted spinning her around just happy to make her smile and of course a bit of wrestling and being waaaay to close to each other.
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looking-for-a-sword · 2 years ago
I mean yeah sure it's unlikely that Rebecca and Ted had sex with Beard and Jane being in the house too, but still... nobody knows for sure!
And if you go back now and watch the finale again it would actually make sense if the did sleep together.. 🤷‍♀️
Them not being able to really talk (at all!) afterwards, also no biscuits with the boss.. (makes you wonder if they made a pact to never talk about that night.) Also Rebecca having even more difficulties to accept the fact that Ted will leave, Ted not really reacting/saying much because it would make everything so much harder. And:
Them not being able to say I love you.
- because holy shit that would have turned things around
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looking-for-a-sword · 2 years ago
Two of my best friends finally started watching Ted Lasso. One of them is only on 1x02, already ships Tedbecca (even I didn't start shipping them until S3, but I didn't say a thing about any ships!) and is so happy about every scene they have together - it's heartbreaking really!
The other is already on 3x04, kind of likes a Tedbecca ending, but I told her I didn't like the finale at all, so I need to remind myself all the time that I can't tell her that I REALLY WANTED THEM TO GET TOGETHER!!
All this kills me all over again, but I try to focus on the happy things! I can do this 😅
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looking-for-a-sword · 2 years ago
If anybody has any idea how or preferably knows a remedy to get over a ship.. now would be the time to share it... Pretty please?
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looking-for-a-sword · 2 years ago
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looking-for-a-sword · 2 years ago
You can find the video on tumblr here (it doesn't show up in the tags)
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looking-for-a-sword · 2 years ago
For @imlorelai, sorry my dear. Let's suffer together...
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looking-for-a-sword · 2 years ago
I know it would have been cheesy and a bit implausible but how truly perfect would it have been if Ted and Rebecca did spend that night together and she'd got pregnant - against all odds - in an all "it only could have happened with you" soulmate manner?
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