#// idk if i can actually pull off his personality but i guess at this point it doesn't matter much
makostrife · 3 months
5 hours later and i'm pretty much done with reno's carrd, i only need to add personality traits, likes & dislikes, etc. i'm taking a break now tho and gonna play more rebirth, i think i'll throw a promo out tomorrow!
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elanorpam · 4 months
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it's been way too long since i last did wildly self-indulgent fanart, so of course i did it for an SVSSS AU that doesn't even have any actual fanfiction written of it yet. but what can i say! it's a compelling scenario! Just check the original post for details!
here's a workplace doodle for his mess of an outfit, too:
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Xin Mo is floating behind his back, wrapped in talismans. the collars are meant to be vaguely inspired on a flower bud.
Some notes i came up with for this version, copied straight from a month-old discord convo:
he may have protagonist halo now, but he's for sure not a stallion protagonist. he literally exchanged fates with his favorite person in the world in order to spare them a hellish trial-- that's romantic as fuck!! damn!! this is old CLAMP shoujo and no mistake!!
binghe may no longer be the protag, but he's still a half-heavenly demon. power-wise, heavenly demons can't be topped, and all the remaining heavenly demons are accounted for. so, SQQ can't be a heavenly demon, even in part.
HOWEVER, as a protagonist, there's a factor more important than power! it's the CHUUNI FACTOR. what's more CHUUNI™️ than being part demon?
one option is being part demon and part angel.
how would that even fucking work??????? IDK man, you can either pull from chinese folklore for fairies or heavenly beings or spirits, or you can blame Airplane and go "he accidentally implied the existence of christian elements by means of importing unexamined anime tropes"
Shen Jiu conveniently has a big fat blank on his parentage. We as fans can and have put whatever the hell we wanted there.
SQQ would jump into the abyss still under the impression SJ was a shallow villain. If his trip through the abyss involves recovering SJ's memories somehow, that sure would be fun times, huh?
so he awakens a mysterious ancestry and survives the abyss and takes Xin Mo, but he probably takes longer than Binghe did due to being squishier.
but Xin Mo isn't ACTUALLY his! so he papers it over with sealing talismans, and to battle the temptation to wield it he takes to wearing these longass sleeves. they're probably covered in talismans as well.
guessing Xiu Ya stayed behind to be mooned over by the clown trio in Cang Qiong. let's go full sparkle-sue here and say he's now fighting almost entirely via musical cultivation. i like swan-necked konghou harps so let's go with that, it'll look dope.
why is he barefoot? why WOULDN'T he be, is the question. fragile!! suffering!! dainty!! he's a shrinking flower, tormented by the weight of the One Sword To Rule Them All!!
also for extra pathos, his constant mental struggle against Xin Mo means he can't spare energy to front. it takes constant focus! he's still a bit in his delusional shit, but even when he's going "oh no, binghe is only latched throat-deep onto my dick because he's a good boy who's concerned about me and the danger i could pose by losing control" he'd probably… well, he'd probably say that out loud to anyone who asked. he's in a half-trance, mentally battling the crazy-making sword. lying is too much work.
Wouldn’t resisting Xin Mo’s influence be the mental and spiritual equivalent to training under 400x gravity or something? his wife-beam is going to be off the charts when he puts it down.
also also: who the hell dressed him like that? fucking shang qinghua, of course, after SQQ showed up in the northern palace to punish MBJ for hurting binghe in the conference. did the system explain shit to SQH? on the one hand, extremely funny if it updates him on the role change out of nowhere mid-alliance. on the other hand, extremely funny if he only finds out because Binghe is crying safely in Qing Jing while the scum villain apparently jumped into the abyss.
Here's another link to the original AU post! I've had it open on a tab all this time just so i could point to it when I was done, so make sure to check it out!
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p0ssywhippedcream · 1 year
Can u do a Percy Jackson x reader where he’s like trying to impress her by doing something and reader is just like “yeah ok pretty boy keep talkin”
babe idk but this reminds me of that one scene from ATLA where Aang is doing the rock spinny thing in his hands and NOBODY’S impressed. They’re like yeah airbender air bending wow so cool
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Percy feels like a magician being pulling out of a rabbits mouth by a hat. He impresses everyone else at camp, everyone, but not you. This is just wrong. He’s cool? He’s a child of the Big Three? He’s cool?
Okay fine, he thinks, I’ll just summon a mini hurricane.
And now half of the dryads at camp are pissed at him for messing up their hair and the lake is in semi-disarray.
You’re standing at the beach, sneakers kissing the water as you watch him attempt to juggle balls of seaweed and fail miserably. He’s got that cute charming smile on his face as usual and he totally thinks you’re into him until you shake your head and turn around.
He speeds towards you on his personal storm of H2O, plants and confusion.
“Percy.” You turn back towards him and shove a lock of hair out of you face.
Now, he doesn’t know what to say. He’s exhausted his vocabulary already. You save him the trouble.
“Need something?”
“What’s your issue?” Wow, great going Percy. Really awesome of you to start that way.
“I’m kind of hungry but otherwise, I don’t have any.”
“Well then why are you… why are you so-”
“So unimpressed with your circus act? Because, Percy, I don’t care.”
His heart dropped. His hurricane slowed and quieted down. He wanted to say he didn’t care either but you continued.
“I don’t care about seaweed juggling or completely-water squirt guns or manatee love triangles,” He was going to say that it was actually a love square but you cut him off, again. You were pretty good at that. “That’s superficial. And it’s not you. You, Perce, are more than water tricks and badly timed jokes. I’m not impressed with those things because I don’t care to know what makes other people laugh, I care to know what makes you happy.”
Percy’s heart regained its footing and found itself in his chest again, a little bit higher now but maybe that was from his puffed-out chest. At some point in your speech, you hands had landed on his cheeks. You pulled him out of the water and the hurricane died instantly, washing away without a trace.
He stood next to you on the beach, speechless.
You nudged his mouth close with an index finger on his chin. “You don’t have to say anything witty. I’m just happy you heard me.”
You almost closed his mouth another time as it hung open before it started speaking. “Yeah, me too.”
There was a pause, his hand found your nape.
“I like you.” He confessed.
“I know,” You agreed, “I like you too.”
He kissed you softly, you tasted like marshmallows and juice.
“So I guess this means I can tell the sea lions we don’t need to hear their cover of ‘The Lion Sleeps Tonight’?”
You laughed and it made his eyes crinkle. Maybe he couldn’t impress you, but at least he could make you smile.
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genericpuff · 6 months
bit out of nowhere but LO Hades reminds me so much to Bojack Horseman idk how to explain it
Oh we've talked about this extensively in the ULO chat circles n such, especially when it comes to the most climactic scene in the show, the second interview:
The entire tone of the show showcases a very bitter reality with a lot of celebrities and people in power. There are some messed up things that happen throughout the course of the show, but they always feel like they're being used for comedy or brushed under the rug with comedy, because the show is, after all, a comedy. But I feel like that was the point, because it's not until the final season that everything that happened throughout finally catches up to Bojack, and suddenly... it's not funny anymore. There's no punchline. It really reflects just how much people in power don't see their abuse or wrongdoings as "big deals", sometimes they even see it as "just some funny thing that happened", all while the onlookers and victims of their behavior and abuse either become so acquainted with it they don't even see it as abuse anymore until they finally break away from it (Diana, Todd, Princess Caroline, etc.) OR they fight to be heard while the media tries to snuff them out. So then when the consequences finally catch up to them, there are no laughs to be heard, as much as the perpetrator in question may try their best to pass it off as "not a big deal" or believe they shouldn't be held accountable because "it happened a long time ago".
Anyone who sees Biscuits Braxby as the villain here is missing the overall point - Bojack has been responsible for literally ruining people's lives on several occasions, and has never been held accountable.
And yeah, I see a lot of that in LO as well, but the issue is the framing of the story isn't making it clear if it's actually going to have its "Come to Jesus" moment with Hades and Persephone, or if it's just gonna keep celebrating them as the heroes.
There were no consequences for Hades pulling out Alex's eye. They played the resolution out for comedy.
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There were no consequences for Persephone turning Minthe into a mint plant. They played the scenario out for comedy literally by the end of the very same episode and then well into the next one.
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There were no consequences for Persephone cornering Tori at his job. The entire thing was played up for comedy.
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There were no consequences for Persephone raiding Leuce's home. She was rewarded with sex from Hades and it was, you guessed it, played up for comedy.
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Just like with Bojack Horseman, we don't see Hades or Persephone treat these situations as seriously as they ought to. They ultimately don't care how other people feel or how they may be affected by their own actions, they only care about themselves. Just like with Bojack, we see Hades enter sexual relationships with women who are in a much weaker position than him, women who stand to lose far more than he would if the relationship went south.
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(I need you all to realize that Hades is literally blackmailing her. He is trying to pay her off with a management position or some kind of severance and framing it in such a way to manipulate her into thinking it's 'better' for her that she take the deal, all for the sake of getting her out of the picture because he's with Persephone now. This is blackmail. And the narrative wants us to root for Hades here.)
Shit, I would argue Bojack is still a better character than Hades and Persephone because we 1.) see how the consequences of his actions do affect him on a deeper level (through his anxiety and self-hatred which he spends a long time wallowing in, making his situation worse, rather than seeking help for) and 2.) he actually does eventually start to seek help, but unfortunately there's only so much one person can do to fix themselves when their actions still haven't been brought to justice and their mindset hasn't truly changed; which is what we see in the final part of the show when, despite Bojack's attempts to be a better person, the Sarah-Lynn case catches up to him, and in his final moments up on that stage with Biscuits Braxby, we see his true nature come out - he thinks being an addict should absolve him from what he's done to others.
Sounds familiar, doesn't it? Except replace "addict" with "traumatized" as many of Persephone and Hades' actions are swept under the rug with "they went through trauma so it's fine". Despite the fact that other characters who have also been through trauma aren't given that same grace (Thanatos, Demeter, Minthe, etc.)
You could also go a step further and call out how the fans themselves will defend their actions as "but they're gods!!! gods were terrible all the time in the myths!" but isn't it funny how myth accuracy only ever comes up when it comes to defending Hades and Persephone? Meanwhile you'll never see anyone bring it up when it comes to Apollo SA'ing Persephone, or Hades having an emotional affair with Persephone, or any of the other number of things that Rachel rewrote for her 'retelling'. It's not funny haha, it's funny yikes.
I can only imagine how the fans feel seeing Hades and Persephone called out must be similar to how first-time viewers like myself felt seeing Bojack be put on the cross by Biscuits Braxby - "you're being an asshole, he's working on himself!" "leave him alone!!!" "the media is making a monster out of him!" "he's really not THAT bad!"
But he is. They are. And unlike Bojack Horseman, I unfortunately can no longer have the good faith in believing Hades and Persephone will have their comeuppance, or the people they've hurt will get their retribution. I have no hope that Persephone will see that she's the Sarah-Lynn of the relationship, a girl who was groomed into an abuser at the hands of an abuser, who had no chance of doing better because the person she fell for pulled her down to his level. I don't have any faith in Rachel whatsoever that she'll manage to end this story with any message besides "it's fine for Persephone and Hades to be who they are, because they're rich and powerful and really horny for each other!"
And Hades doesn't think he has any power over women.
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puckpocketed · 3 months
So do you actually believe PLD is a good player or is that part of the bit?
The PLD Post
i spent a good 2 days giggling about this to friends. i cant tell if ur a curious caps fan, a person who knows me from my other teams, a disgruntled kings fan (i’ve mostly ruled this out because im pretty sure i know all of the active ones on here) or WHAT. but i’m laughing. the tone of this ask is hilarious and vaguely accusatory but i will take it in good faith and answer <3 tl;dr yes and no. he’s better than people think he is rn, but he’s likely never going to live up to the potential of his tools unless something . idk. recalibrates his entire being. who knows!
i was working on something longer and more complex but i thought about it for more than 5 seconds and i REFUSE to go hockey-bro mode and pull out the microstats and i don’t wanna make this into a full on PLD manifesto. so. caps girlies (gn) HERE are your adoption papers under the cut!
if you are looking at pierre luc dubois who is 6’4 + 220lb and thinking “Oh he’s a power forward” i have to inform you he is in fact THEEE smallest mouse to ever play hockey in the whole world and in all of history. he sips nectar out of a thimble and sleeps curled up in a match box and goes fishing in a boat made from nutshells and twigs . he’s big, but he sort of plays small.
this is not necessarily a bad thing — he relies on foot speed and skill over hitting.
he can throw hits but prefers to stick check. he leverages his big frame to guard the puck and to defend, and it makes him simultaneously VERY effective and very much what i like to call a Nexus Of Crime. he is either drawing ten thousand penalties because people have to do something to stop him from driving the net with speed OR he is taking ten thousand penalties because he gets eager in the corners.
PLUS he’s huge and refs do just assume he’s committing a crime when they can’t see what’s going on <3 hence, Nexus Of Crime! if there’s a penalty he’s probably involved LMAO
not a “dirty” player by any means. not physical unless he decides he wants to. and there is no violence inside of him unless he’s deeply horsebonded to his team <- IMPORTANT re; playoffs aspirations. you won’t see him put himself on the line simply for the love of the game, he HAS to be committed to the team.
to be committed to his team… i’m honestly not sure what that takes. i’d guess a combination of knowing his role on the ice and in the locker room (this was very unclear on lak) consistency of messaging from coaches (also seemed to be an issue on lak)
i know nothing about caps coaching or management or the team vibes but i’m sure you can fix him <3 i’m ready to fall in love and ride this team to the sunset
this failhorse will NOT shoot the puck and if he does it will be the saddest soggiest most pathetic shot you’ve ever seen. you will tear your hair out in chunks if you watch him expecting an elite goalscorer.
he’s a pass-first guy. likes to drop pass! likes to drive play from the middle but is also capable of getting pucks off the boards. he needs a finisher on his wing. i could pull up stats here, there are stats to be pulled up, but i know this in my HEART from watching dozens of kings games: he would have had 10-15 more points easily if he wasn’t stapled to the 3rd line and had better finishers. many times i watched him tee up a very good opportunity only for his guy to miss the net or fan or just get knocked off the puck
individually, he thrives in front of the net. his ass is fat and he’s about to use it to screen the goalie. hes good at catching loose pucks in the crease to send them home <3 see his performance at worlds. he scored basically all of his goals right up there!!
most media coverage/narratives will tell you his point production dropped off bc of effort (which is true) but even the MOST resentful kings watchers will say pld wasn’t given his best shot playing with inexperienced+fringe nhlers, being line shuffled the moment he got a bit comfortable, and also not getting ANY net front time on the lak pp. i factor this into all my judgements of his performance.
He’s def earned his diva rep LMAO!! this is personal opinion here but he seems like a sensitive and easily rattled little clam… like he will have a couple of bad shifts and if there’s nobody there to shake him out of it he’ll lose his grasp on the game and play like shit <3 a rolling joke on kingstwt was figuring out which PLD we were getting that game, and you could tell by his 5th if he was switched on or off!!
they hate him for this but EYE think this is nothing new for athletes and if he can consistently stay in the zone he’ll probably be pretty good. mental fortitude of a wet tissue my beloved….
moving onto the Vibes section!! he was always good humoured in media availability and didn’t shy away from scrums even when public opinion soured against him and critiques of both his hockey and his character had reached a fever pitch. i like this about him. he always gave authentic answers and tried his best to accomodate them, and never hid behind his captains.
he gets along quite well with teammates despite the narratives. no seriously!! some of the the kings had a hang out during off-season right before they went to worlds!! there’s bisexual lighting!!!!
there’s interviews from old jets teammates that are just like. “he used to turn up at my house with his dog and text IM HERE with no warning and that’s how we became friends” or “his obsession with euro soccer teams bewitched me”. he had control of the aux cord. he was a den mother and planned group gatherings. a genuine sweetheart to every teammate he’s ever had!!
I don’t think he’s some. idk. secret 100 point producing star 1C. but i truly believe with the right environment he’ll probably hit 60 points again.
thank you for your time if you made it this far and i hope to see you all in the trenches (caps lb) next season 👍
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wren-kitchens · 11 months
guess who forgot they can post writing on tumblr againnn anyway this was bribery so stiff would watch rtc HKFHD
(this is part of the sniflins au! idk if it’s canon or not but it takes place in that world! the sniflins is an au by myself, @angeart @loveroped and @stiffyck !)
jimmy can feel scar smiling against his neck, nuzzling closer every so often, and his stomach fills with butterflies. his chest is filled with a fuzzy glow—a wonderful mix of both his own and scar’s happiness. he can no longer tell what emotion belongs to who, and it’s wonderful. under the lazy warmth of the afternoon sun, it’s as if there’s no one else in the world aside from them, and jimmy couldn’t be happier.
that idea is very abruptly disputed, as joel snores loudly from across the picnic blanket. jimmy stifles a laugh, and he can hear scar giggling quietly in his ear (which, for the record, might just be the best sound ever). 
both grian and joel fell asleep a good ten minutes ago—grian almost fell face first into a cupcake, and joel dozed off midway through insisting that he was not going to fall asleep at all. scar and he have since concluded that it was the sniffer traits that made them so sleepy in comparison to them, and that they will never let either of them live this down.
“ruins the moment a bit, doesn’t it?” jimmy jokes quietly, if only to hear scar’s laugh again.
scar hums, the sound vibrating against jimmy’s skin. “well, I don’t know. doesn’t make you any less beautiful.” 
jimmy feels his face burn in a way that is entirely unrelated to the sun. “oh my gosh.” he buries his head in his hands.
scar is laughing again, sitting up with the sole intention of making jimmy even more flustered, it seems. “oh, but you are! look at you!”
“I will hit you.” jimmy says, muffled through his palms.
“I don’t believe you.” scar teases, sing-song. “you love me too much.”
“I absolutely don’t.” jimmy says. even to his own ears, it sounds laughably false. but right now, he’s proving a point, so.. shut up.
scar presses a kiss to jimmy’s neck, and jimmy feels his face grow impossibly warmer. “oh yeah? now, unless our soulbound broke in the last few seconds, i’m fairly certain you do, sweetheart.”
and- whilst jimmy may not usually be the most forward person in the world, desperate times call for desperate measures. the desperate times in question being his immense flusteredness, and the desperate measures- well..
jimmy takes his hands away from his face, shifts to face scar, grabs his collar and pulls him into a kiss. scar is surprised initially, but melts into it almost immediately—that wonderful glow growing in jimmy’s chest.
and- wow. jimmy somehow manages to forget just how happy scar makes him—not that he’s complaining; it’s something of a fantastic surprise every time he remembers again. like right now, for instance. because scar’s hands are at jimmy’s waist and cupping his cheek, and he’s leaning ever further into the kiss, and jimmy can feel the thin scar that runs through scar’s bottom lips and it’s bliss.
they pull away to catch their breath, giggling breathlessly all the while, and jimmy takes the opportunity for payback. he peppers scar’s face in kisses, delighting as he laughs, and occasionally giving scar’s lips a teasing peck.
“point- point proven!” scar is saying, despite the fact that jimmy has considered stopping at least twice and each time scar whined until he kissed him again.
“mm, no, I don’t think it has.” jimmy grins. “I think I might have to kiss you forever, actually.”
“I mean-“ scar says, and jimmy cackles at the abrupt shift in his tone. “I wouldn’t object, per say-“
“you’re an idiot.” jimmy says, fond as anything. god, he loves this man so much.
scar beams, as if he knows exactly what jimmy is thinking. “I know.”
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guppybibi · 26 days
𖦹 pairing: John Price x gn!reader (i think)
𖦹 content: Fat shaming:c but no angst? idk what to count as angst, comfort & fluff, mild cursing
𖦹 notes: guess what? It's self indulgent! uhh im sick so I'll probably write a pt2 with actual comfort in it once i get better
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Another year, another family gathering. You’ve always dreaded this supposedly jolly reunion, and John knew that fully well. Even if you never straight up told him, the way you sluggishly prepared for the gathering made it awfully crystal clear. He wasn't blaming you either, he's been accompanying you to these events as your spouse ever since he could remember. And he's witnessed firsthand the horrid words being thrown at you, he never expected the sweet looking grandmas to call you out for being ‘fat’ the first time he came along with you. So after that, he understood why you disliked going so much.
“Are you sure you wanna go this year, lovie? We can say we got a fever or somethin’.” He questions, arms crossed while he watches you carefully comb through your hair. “You know we have to, I don't want to come but here we are..” To which he nodded in response, chuckling dryly as he attempted to help get the knots out of your hair. “Well at least the food is good.” You nodded, mind drifting off as you imagined the taste of the continuous plates of food and its aroma. “Yeah..maybe it isn't too bad.”
The two of you took your time in preparing, making sure you guys at least looked presentable. Though it wasn't just physically preparing, mentally as well. John could tell from the way your breaths were quicker, the way your chest heaved more than normal that you were internally panicking. He knew you felt obliged to come, he subtly starts massaging your tensing back, trying his best to make you feel at ease.
Soon the time came, the both of you pulling up to the reunion on time. You could already hear the women chattering, the men drinking and the children playing around. John properly parks the car, not taking any chances to get a ticket. (is that how it works??) “You ready, luv?” He questions, shoving the keys into the pocket of his jeans and linking your arms together. “Do I have much of a choice?” You question with an unimpressed look on your face, John laughs heartily while shaking his head. “Nope, no you don't luv. C’mon, let's get you in. Don't want my luvie to stay out in the cold for long.”
Then he lightly pushed you closer to the door, guiding each hesitant step you made. The closer you two got, the louder everything got. “Oh, there you two are!” One of the aunties exclaim once the door creaks open, unveiling the both of you. Unsurely, you wave your hand and feel all of the aunties surrounding you, it seems like personal space doesn't exist in the 21st century.
“Oh Y/N, we haven't seen you in ages!” One auntie comments, not so faintly glancing at your figure. “Seems like you're well fed, you've put on some weight!” Another woman remarks, pointing at your body. John could see how you try to laugh their words off, agreeing with them just for their own satisfaction. No talking back to your elders, apparently that was the right thing to do in these situations. They've said worse bullshit before, so John shrugs it off for now and keeps his temper down for the meantime.
Now (almost) everyone in the family is sitting at the huge dining table, the squirmy children already munching on the food because they could literally care less and since their family’s couldn't be bothered to sit them at a kiddie table. By due time, everyone is settled and happily eating the food prepared. Some small talks were made about how everyone’s life is doing, some well, some not so great. You and Price subconsciously engage with nods and commentary, so far they haven't asked you two any unnecessary questions that made you feel that your privacy was being invaded.
So far this was the case earlier, but now was the time apparently. “Speaking about our diets, it looks like our Y/N here hasn't been on one!” One woman spoke up, chuckling smugly while she downed a glass of wine. “Well it can't be helped, huh? It might be because of genetics, she's always been a pretty chubby kid!” Another noted, almost everyone at the table nodding along as they recalled how Y/N looked during their childhood. You could handle this, you thought to yourself. You've endured years of their countless insults, what's a little more going to do? Right?..It won't hurt as much anymore, right?
You sniffled as quietly as you could, possibly as quiet as a mouse. However, even if it was, John could hear it crystal clear. As if your feelings were a mere glass door for him, a fully opened book. Carefully, John wipes his mouth with the provided napkin. While you stare at him in mild confusion, wondering why he looks like he's about to dash out of here. “Excuse me and Y/N, something urgent came up. I’m afraid we have to leave now, thank you.” You could sense the hurry in John's voice, bowing your head slightly to apologize to your family as he drags you out of the venue.
Now John is driving you two back to your shared home, the radio playing a random jingle that neither of you cared for. “You didn't have to y’know..I can handle them.” “Doesn't mean you should endure them, if I were you I’d probably never show up ever again.” He sighs exasperatedly, the grip he has on the steering wheel tightening even further.
“They're still my family.”
“And true families don't treat family like that.”
“..You're going to have a rebuttal for everything I say, don't you?”
“No doubt about it, now sit back and relax while I take you home.”
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jellyfishoreo1206 · 4 months
You can ignore this if you want but!! I have an idea for a request: Gavril and mc trying to make homemade cheese together. Whether Mc already knows how to make cheese or not can be up to you!
Making Cheese with Gavril
Notes: I'M BACK, I SWEAR GUYS I AM NOT DEAD. Seriously I'm so sorry for leaving y'all w/o anything, my motivation to write anything had disappeared and finals bombarding me SUCKKKED. BUT I'M FINALLY FREE, RAHHHHHHH!!!! Anyway I was reminded of this one ask Part got last year with a cheese maker reader/food taster (I couldn't find it but it's somewhere on their dash, so credit to the person who asked the ask!) and I thought why not use that? Enjoy reading! (He may be OOC guys, it's been a while since I last wrote T~T)
Warnings: Mentions of alcohol in here (idk if Gavril drinks alcohol but considering the crap he goes through, that boy needs a DRINK)
Working as a cheese maker is a lot of work, as simple as it may seem to others outside of the profession. Physically demanding your attention each and every day. But that was part of the job either way. Doesn't mean it can't be fun, especially if you're a fanatic of cheese.
Tomorrow was your day off, your muscles finally being able to relax from the constant lifting, stirring, and pressing that they had to endure. You had a pretty good idea of what to do when you came back from work, and that was to relax until the early hours of the morning.
It was getting dark; the sun setting as it casted its long shadows onto the ground below. You felt yourself sinking into the couch cushion, the nerves of your limbs becoming fuzzy as your mind went numb watching the screen of the TV, some random show you couldn't bother to pay attention too for the last couple of hours.
A ping from your phone pulls your attention away from the show you were mindlessly watching, slowly pushing yourself up from the couch— wincing a bit as your limbs were finally moving again after so long—as you reached for it. You had a pretty good guess of who it was, as he was the only one who texted you on a daily basis.
Open your window please <3
"Didn't know my day could get any better." Smiling, you sent him a message back, standing up from the couch as you stretched your arms high above your head; a few of your joints popping in the process, letting out a sigh of satisfaction.
Which one?
Bedroom window
It scared the crap out of you when he first appeared at your window with little to no warning, but with how things usually played out in your life, you got used to it eventually.
A smile graced your face when you saw him perched by your window with an eager look on his face, his goopy tail seemingly wagging at the sight of you once you approached closer to the window.
Thank god he actually came when it was dark this time, you don't need another situation happening with your neighbor freaking out to the police.
"Hey." You offered quietly in greeting, wrapping your arms around his neck as you nuzzled into his skin—enjoying the warmth he seemed to radiate. He copied your actions, wrapping his arms around your waist—his grip gentle yet tight as he pulled you to himself.
"Hello, darling." He mumbles into your hair, placing a kiss atop your head.
"Didn't know you were coming back so soon?"
"Wanted to surprise you."
"Well, color me surprised."
"So," Your back was turned to Gavril as you poured the two of you drinks, "-anything new happened on your crazy adventure?"
At this point it was routine for the both of you. Gavril comes back, you make sure he isn't injured, catch up with each other's lives. Most of the time Gavril's stories seem to be a tad bit more interesting than yours, and concerning at the same time.
Very concerning.
"Not much," He starts, "-but I did get chased by some agents a few weeks back.." A awkward smile appears on his face as he shrugged his shoulders. His coat was currently laid across his lap, his fingers fiddling with the frayed edges while he looks around the room. Walking over to him, you offered him the glass as you sat down in the chair next to him, he gladly took it—taking a small sip of it before placing it down onto the table. You took a sip of your own drink, the liquid giving your throat a slight burn that soon settled into a slight tingle.
It's been a while since you last had a drink, not crazy long ago though, watching as the liquid swirls in the glass before bringing it back up to your lips again—embracing the burning yet warming feeling of the liquid.
"Did that same redhead appear again?" Gavril mentioned him once or twice before to you, you're not sure what the name of the guy is, all you know is that he constantly reappears and how cowardly he can be.
"No, only his buddy showed up this time. Wasn't like anything changed though." The corners of his lips hint at a smile, bringing a hand up to the one prominent curl of his hair as he plays with it for a bit, twirling it around his finger. "I wonder how he even got that far in without quitting." You murmured out. From what you've heard, FBI training is no joke, and very intense. Both physically and mentally. Those who can't handle the challenge usually quit early on; and if they do pass, then there's the insane amount of cases that would affect nearly anyone. So for the redhead to get that far still puzzles you.
"I wonder the same too."
You continued to talk for what seemed like hours, pouring yourselves a few more drinks as the day slowly faded away into the early hours of the morning. Your muscles felt relaxed, more at ease; a comforting haze overtaking your brain as you let today's worries slip away. It doesn't seem Gavril is feeling the effects of the drink other than the nearly invisble tint of red on his cheeks and his relaxed posture instead of the regular stiffness.
Drinking the last bit of the liquid left in your cup, you stand up from your chair as you head towards the fridge, looking back towards Gavril to offer him something to eat, "You hungry?"
He hums out in confirmation, head now resting on top of his folded arms, eyes closed. Peering into the fridge, you clicked your tongue; no cheese. Searching every corner of the fridge, nope, nada. What a pickle you were in.
You could just go to the convince store that's not far from here, 10 minutes by foot. But is it opened? Checking the time on your phone, no, they closed just a few minutes ago. Are you sure your eyes didn't just missed the cheese?
Second time looking, again, nothing.
While searching the fridge for a third time, a thought pops up.
'Well...there's milk, and a few lemons...' Looking in the cabinet next to the fridge, yup, salt and some leftover animal rennet.
Ah, a quick and easy solution to your small problem.
Quickly getting to work, you grabbed two small bowls, pouring water into both of them. Rinsing and cutting the lemon, you squeezed some of the juice into one of the bowls, mixing it and setting it aside. For the second bowl, you added some animal rennet into the water, mixed it and set it aside with the other. Once placing the pot on top the stove, you felt the embrace of two arms wrapping around your midsection with the added weight of something on your shoulder. Peeking behind you to see Gavril, with a curious look in his eyes.
"Something wrong?"
"What..exactly are you doing?"
"Ran out of cheese, so I'm making some." You respond cheerily, a tired smile spreading on your face. Turning back to the task at hand, you missed the way that red tint on his face seemed to have become darker, hugging you closer to himself as he watches your hands at work.
Despite you guys dating for several months, he still gets shy about acts of affection. Kisses, praises, gifts, being pampered; It just gives him that fluttery feeling that cascades through him. It's not that he hates it, no far from that, it's just that he doesn't know what to do. Being isolated from everyone—for who knows how long—and his only company as rats made him rather awkward. You don't mind it though—it's adorable to you whenever he hides his face in the shadow of his hood when you give him a kiss on the cheek—you want him to be comfortable around you, so usually give him ways out or just let him control the pace.
"Can I help?"
"Of course! Just, wash your hands first."
"So I just, pour it in?" There was a hint of hesitation in his voice, looking back and forth at the bowl with the animal rennet mixture and the pot of milk that was just taken off the heat. You had your phone playing some music— since you felt that the atmosphere was a bit too quiet—with one of Gavril's favorite rock bands playing as you guided him through the steps of making cheese.
"Yup, then just stir it in gently."
You watched as Gavril does as he was told, although a bit hesitantly once he began stirring. Walking over to him, you laid your hands atop his hands on the spoon, showing him the proper way to stir the cheese-to-be mixture. The contact brought a blush to his cheeks, a small smile forming on his face.
"Now that's done," Putting a lid on the pot, "-we wait for 10 minutes."
"You're gonna want to cut it in a grid-like pattern, like this!" Using a long knife, you cut two lines into the semi-solid mixture before handing the knife over to Gav.
"Oh, seems easy enough." He muttered to himself, changing the way he held the knife before holding it properly in his grip.
"Make sure to reach the bottom when cutting, cause right after this step is done, we're straining the liquid from the solids."
"I'll handle this part. I'll need to dunk the cheese in some hot water in order to stretch it properly." After straining out the cheese from the whey, you now needed to stretch it until it reached the right firmness. Gavril nods, as he lingers, a excited smile appearing on his face, his fangs peaking out.
Dunking the cheese into the water, you begin stretching. This part you somewhat don't like, it's not that the water is boiling hot, it just makes your skin irritated if it's submerged for long periods of time. Though it is a good way to release stress, it's like slime in a way. Edible slime, huh.
After adding the salt, you finally finished, good old Mozzarella cheese. Rolling it into small balls and storing it in some of the whey, you sit down as Gavril pops a ball of cheese into his mouth, a big smile appearing on his face.
A smile comes across your face as well, glad he's enjoying it. It's nice spending time with him, in moments like these. You kinda forget the fact that several month ago that he broke into your house and scared the living shit out of you when you realized you almost got killed.
...Does that count as Stockholm Syndrome??
Before you could think any further, a light poke to your arm brings you out of it. Looking towards Gavril, you see that he's offering you some cheese, a bashful smile on his face as a tint of red makes itself known. Aw, that's sweet of him.
"You can have some.."
"Thanks Gav." Popping the piece of cheese into your mouth, you savor the moment. Cheese tastes so much better when you're making it with those you care about.
What a great way to spend your day-off.
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mahs-dumpster · 1 month
A glimpse of the future
a/n: I'm at my aunt's house with nothing to do so I'm just doing random stuff on my phone to pass the time; I remembered I wrote this a while ago so I might as well post it
cw: uhhh idk man mentions of future children?? Is that a warning. I guess if u don't have patience for children maybe. Oh and oc x canon (Daisy x Ruggie), also like suuuuuuper self indulgent like it's kinda cringe low-key
words: 2k+
When Ruggie felt two small hand tugging on his pants, he wasn't expecting to turn and find someone so similar yet so different from the Ramshackle prefect, let alone a child. Her eyes were the exact same color and shape as Daisy’s, but her smile was different, more mischievous, something the prefect, due to her sweet personality, could never pull off.
“Papa, I’ve been looking everywhere for you!” The kid said, her small arms hugging his legs tightly and Ruggie stopped on his tracks.
I’m sorry, what?
“Uh… kiddo, I think you're mistaking me with your dad.” He tried to clear the misunderstanding up, his hand lightly touching her head as his ears twitched nervously. “Do you know where your mama or papa are so I can–”
“I'm not mistaken!” The little girl said, her nose wrinkling exactly like Daisy’s. It was almost freaky the amount of similarities the two had. “I was so scared, I couldn't find you or mama, but now I finally found you!”
Ruggie’s eyes twitched. He looked at her one more time and, granted, she was, in fact, a hyena beastwoman, but there was absolutely no way that was his child. He was 17 for goodness sake, and trust him if anything at all happened between him and Daisy he would remember. 
Great, now he’s blushing at the thought.
The boy sighs and crouches down, holding his groceries on one hand and the other fixing the small girl’s hair – same shade as his – as if it was instinct. 
“Kid, what's your name?”
“Magnolia Bucchi.”
Ruggie stopped his hand, taking it off of the girl's hair. What. 
“Do you know who I am?”
“You're Ruggie Bucchi, my dad!” She smiled again, a bit to the side, exactly like his smile. 
What the actual heck was going on??
“Ruggie.” Ruggie flinched at the sound of the prefect’s voice. She was walking towards him and holding Grim on one hand and a bag of her own groceries on another. Upon seeing the kid, she smiled softly, letting Grim jump off her arms as she crouched down beside Ruggie, taking a good look at the girl's face. “And who would be your little friend? She looks so much like you.”
“Yeah, look!” Magnolia didn't care about the girl touching her nose lightly, in fact, she giggled happily at it. “This little cutie has your nose, and your ears–” she played with the small child’s ears and she giggled again, Ruggie’s heart melted at the sight of them playing. “–and she has your smile. What's your name, sweetheart?”
“Mama, why are you and papa playing such a mean game?” Magnolia complained, crossing her little arms as her ears went down. She was starting to get genuinely upset. “You already know, I’m Magnolia Bucchi!”
“Wh– mama?” 
“You have a child?” Grim asked in shock as Daisy denied it, saying she had no idea what was going on. As soon as she heard Ruggie groan beside her, her attention moved to him.
“I-is she someone from your family? L-like a distant cousin or–”
“No, no. My only family is my granny.” Ruggie looked between her and the child, as he tried to settle his heartbeat. “I don't know what's going on but this kid looks scarily similar to… well…” he struggled to say, scratching his neck as his cheeks went pink. “Us.”
Daisy felt her face getting warm as she looked down, fidgeting with her fingers. The kid just stared at them both in confusion.
“I already said. You're my papa.” Magnolia pointed towards Ruggie, making his ears shot up in surprise, despite already hearing that. “And you're my mama.” She pointed at Daisy, making her stutter as she tried to deny it. “Ruggie and Daisy Bucchi.”
“Daisy Bu– w-wait, hold on–” Daisy waved her hands in front of Magnolia, extremely embarrassed, but Ruggie just touched her shoulder lightly and moved his head.
“Let's just… bring her to school for now. We don't know what's going on so let's stay close to her for the time being.”
He got up, offering his free hand for the child to grab, which she happily did, asking for Daisy to give her her other hand. The blonde got up and gave the small child her hand, nervously, as she tried to ignore Grim’s complaints about not being able to stay in her arms all the way back to NRC.
Ruggie had so many questions.
“Here sweetheart.” Now at Ramshackle, Daisy finally came back from the kitchen holding two hot chocolates, giving one to Magnolia and another to Grim. The two happily got their drinks, stopping their little playtime for a moment. Ruggie looked at Daisy judgingly, asking why there wasn't a drink for him, and she explained saying he wasn't a cute kid nor a cute cat. “Now, could you explain this situation again? If you don't mind?”
“What do you mean, mama?” Daisy wanted to correct her, as the word ‘mama’ made her embarrassed, but she assumed that it made the girl happy, so there was no reason to tell her to stop. 
“We wanna know how you're here, kiddo. I mean…” Ruggie glanced at the blonde beside him, clearing his throat. “Me and Daisy here aren't together, so if you're really our cub there must be an explanation, right?”
“You two are not together?” Magnolia’s expression changed to sadness, her eyes shifting between both of them. Grim stopped drinking and said a small ‘oh-uh’, imagining the kid would cry at any second now. “Do you not love each other?”
“That is–” 
Both of them stopped, their eyes meeting for a moment, before Daisy was the first to give up, looking at her lap as she fidgeted her fingers and felt her face heat up. Ruggie let out a small smile upon seeing her reaction, his own cheeks slightly red.
“I… really like Daisy, kiddo.”
“You do?” Magnolia asked, and Daisy looked at him for a moment. He wasn't really saying he loved her, but he guessed a kid wouldn't really understand the difference if he said he liked her. 
Plus, there was no way he was going to confess in this situation.
“M-me too. I am quite fond of Ruggie.”
“Oh…” Magnolia let out a small smile, her expression back to being cheerful. 
“Now, could you explain again? You said you were looking for your papa, did you lose hi– I mean, me?”
“Yeah… I was playing hide and seek with Kyra in the castle–” Ruggie nearly had a heart attack at the word ‘castle’, Daisy needing to put her hand on his shoulder so he’d act natural and not alarm the kid. “Suddenly, I saw this huge light! I was scared at first but I ran towards it and once I opened my eyes I wasn't at the castle anymore!” She explained, moving her hands to express herself. By that time, Grim had already finished his drink, deciding to get out of his chair and onto Daisy’s lap. 
“Honey, which castle?”
“Uncle Leona's castle.”
“Leona’s castle??” Ruggie’s eyes went wide. He sensed a headache coming from the new information, but took a deep breath. “Alright… this Kyra, who are they?”
“Oh, you must remember her, silly!” Magnolia let out the sweetest laugh both of them had ever heard. “She's uncle Leona's child and my best friend.”
“That big annoying cat has a child too?? Since when??” Grim said, earning a ‘shh’ from Daisy.
Daisy sighed herself as she tried calming her friend down. “Ok, so you passed through a light and suddenly you were here? Is that it?”
“Yeah! I don't know what happened…”
“Well, maybe it was a portal.” Daisy simply said. “I’m not from this world either, maybe there's portals that open up to other… time frames.” She explained, but decided against looking at Ruggie’s direction. “Maggie, are you certain that we’re your parents?”
“Duh!” She confidently said, a smile to her face.
“Well… there we have it.” The blonde chuckled and Ruggie rested his head on his hands, groaning. Daisy put on a hand on his back, asking if he was alright.
“I'm fine, it's just–” he looked at her and at his… daughter? He guessed? “We have to send her back to wherever she came from. None of us can handle raising a child at our age.” 
“I mean, she could be fun. A mini hench-human.” Grim joked and Ruggie glared at him. He rolled his eyes and rested his head again on Daisy’s lap. “Tough crowd huh…”
“I agree but… I'll talk to the headmage about this, maybe even with Mr. Trein. She’ll stay here at Ramshackle with me until we find a way to get her home.”
“What? You're gonna take all that burden on yourself?” He asks, a bit in shock. “Absolutely not, this kid’s half my responsibility. She's staying at Savanaclaw with me for at least some days… just gotta figure out a way to bribe– I mean, convince Leona.” 
Daisy chuckled and smiled softly at him, Ruggie suddenly felt at ease, like this crazy situation could be easily solved in the blink of an eye if she was there with him.
“Thank you. But you don't have to, there's plenty of rooms here at Ramshackle and it's just me, Grimmy and the ghosts.” She explains. “I think it's less troublesome to let her stay here with me.”
Ruggie stared at her for a moment, he then looked at Magnolia and made up his mind.
“Then I'll be staying here too.”
“I can't let you take care of her all by yourself, but it’d be troublesome for her to stay at Savanaclaw, so I'll just sleep here for a few days until she's sent back home.” he explained, then he looked at the kid who seemed to be a bit confused, and asked her: “would you like that? To stay here with me and Daisy for a while?” Magnolia nodded, a big grin on her face, so Ruggie looked at the blonde beside him. “No excuses.”
Daisy seemed a bit nervous. Ruggie? Staying at Ramshackle for who knows how long? She could barely hold it together around him on campus, now she has to act all natural at Ramshackle as if she didn't have any feelings for him? And taking care of a child who proclaimed to be their own?
She would have white hairs before she reached 20…
“Mama, can I sleep in you guys’ room?” The kid happily asked after finishing her drink, giving the cup to Daisy and saying a small ‘thank you for the drink'. What a polite little girl.
“Oh. Well, uh… Grimmy, you wouldn't mind another little one sleeping with us, would you?”
“I mean if there's no other option… but she better not be pulling on my tail or something while asleep.” The cat-like monster said, crossing his little paws as he frowned at the girl who simply laughed, talking about how funny Grim was. 
“Alright… I’ll go talk to the headmage and Leona. Keep watching her until I come back, ‘kay?” Ruggie said, already getting up, his groceries at hand. Daisy nodded, a smile on her face as she started petting the kid’s head.
“Okay. Take your time.” 
As Ruggie nodded and began walking towards the door, the little girl eyed both of them in confusion, a small frown on her face, not comprehending why they were being so strange.
“Papa!” Maggie called and Ruggie stopped in his tracks, looking at the small hyena that was currently looking at him with a confused expression. “You forgot Mama's kiss goodbye!”
They both froze, and Grim held in a laugh, knowing what was about to ensue was gonna be gold. 
“S-sweetheart, Ruggie really needs to go quickly at th–”
“But he always makes sure to kiss you goodbye… one day he forgot and you got super upset the entire day!” Daisy’s face went a deep shade of red as she went to cover it so they wouldn't be able to see it. This girl…! She was going to make her so embarrassed her entire stay there, she just knew it!
Ruggie on the other hand let out a laugh at what Magnolia said. What? Whatever other version of Daisy got upset because his counterpart forgot to kiss her goodbye? That was the most hilarious — and endearing — thing he had ever heard.
“S-stop laughing, you…!” Daisy tried, but knew nothing she could say would stop this situation from being anything else other than a nightmare… she sighed, looking away from the boy in hopes he'd just leave already. “J-just go, you have stuff to do…” 
Ruggie looked at the child, a small frown on her cute little face, waiting for him to do something, then looked at the embarrassed girl sitting on the couch. He really couldn't believe he was doing this, but…
“I don't think I can leave.” He said, making his way up to the blonde and stopping right in front of her. She looked up at him and tilted her head in confusion; his hand slowly cupped her cheek as her eyes widened and Ruggie chuckled. “I don't want you upset now, do I?”
Quickly, he kissed her forehead. His lips were warm against her skin and Maggie made a small squeal of joy as Grim rolled his eyes at the display of affection. Ruggie separated himself from her and looked aside, a dumb smile on his face as a pink hue started spreading to his own cheeks. Daisy held in her breath the entire time.
“Well, I’ll… be back in a few. Take care.” 
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Hello there!! Idk if I have already sent something in, but if I haven’t, I would love to request! May I please have the LS members’ (separate) reactions to a new member with “soulless” or “dead” eyes (basically like the anime eyes that have no shine in them), who always seems rather closed off, but at some point the members do something nice to them, and the reader blushes and their eyes just light up like the brightest stars? Sorry if this request is a lot! If it is you can ignore! But thank you so much! (I loved the housewife s/o HCs you wrote btw, they were lovely!) ❤️❤️
Ghiaccio pfp twinsies...woag- also i like this idea a lot!! this reader sounds absolutely wonderful <33 fair warning I wrote most of these while incredibly sleepy so if they're ooc that's probably why im so sorry-
La Squadra with a reader who has soulless eyes (that light up when they're happy/flustered)
When he first saw you, he wasn't sure exactly how alive you were.
I mean, those empty eyes and the way you barely talked to anyone definitely had him raising an eyebrow at first.
But he quickly got used to it. Nothing was wrong with responding to a joke with a tiny smile instead of a hearty laugh.
In fact, with enough time, he grows rather comfortable around that blank stare of yours. He gives you your space, but whenever you do talk to him, he's more than happy to get the chance to hear your voice and chat.
One day, before you went out for a mission, Formaggio noticed you nearly forgot to bring something vital. He managed to catch up to you and give you the item before you left, but before he could say anything, he noticed your expression.
The color spread across your cheeks, and your eyes -Oh god, your EYES. It was like someone finally flipped on a light switch in them. They were full of life for once, and the sight had him speechless.
But- shit, right, you had to leave. With an absent-minded nod and pat on the shoulder, he began to walk away.
"No need to thank me," he shouted to you before he was out of sight - and it was true. The look on your face had been thanks enough.
Definitely made fun of your empty eyes often. Like Formaggio he probably compares you to a zombie, but he is willing to say it out loud.
He tries to guess what your thinking and feeling all the time if you tend to not show emotion. Like he'd say things like "I bet you're pissed about that too, you just don't wanna show it."
But like. In an annoying way if that makes sense.
I'll be honest I can't think of what kind of nice thing he would do for you. This dude's section has haunted me for days, y'all.
But in the event of him doing nice for you, he notices your expression right away. boy is he surprised by it. and boy is he LOUD about it.
"Holy SHIT! You're actually alive! I managed to break that moody façade of yours?"
You might wanna walk away or hide your face before he calls the rest of the gang over to look.
Afterwards he's weirdly a bit nicer to you? He obviously wants to see your adorable expression again, but his exact intentions are unknown...
Doesn't care in much of a usual way. If anything I think he would comment on how your hard to read expressions and closed off nature makes you good for the job.
So he never really bothers to think you may be any other way.
The two of you were set to go on a mission together, and he insisted you work on a concrete plan beforehand. It turns out his idea for the plan relies VERY heavily on your abilities/stand.
When you ask about it, he begins to talk about how strong your abilities are, and how perfect you would be for the job, how he has faith that you can pull it all off.
Your heart flutters at his words and with every compliment you feel heat rush to your face.
When he stops talking and notices how your eyes lit up, he's....genuinely unsure what to think.
It was all true, you were strong and the right person for the job, but we all know how he gets when he's working with someone he feels is a bit too vulnerable cough cough pesci
He doesn't worry about it for the time being - it's a one time thing after all - but he keeps an eye out for if it happens again.
I think he is used to people thinking he looks strange/creepy, so even it might creep him out a bit, he tries to be nice about your soulless face.
Gives you your space, but this boy is sweet, it won't take long for him to do something that makes the darkness in your eyes fade away.
idk why my first thought for the moment is him baking something new and asking you to try it. You have a taste and quickly nod in approval, it's delicious.
Relieved, Pesci proceeds to let you know he made it because he remembered you mentioning [insert flavor here] was your favorite flavor. Yep, that'll do it.
He's incredibly caught off guard, seeing your eyes twinkle with appreciation - for a second he thinks you're about to cry! He stands there, unsure what to do, until either the interaction ends or you say something to him.
Is so overwhelmed afterwards no matter what happens - was that really the real you? That sweet face was really yours?
It literally doesn't matter to him - he can see right through your dead look. It's uncanny.
You could be completely stone-faced and he would find some way to be able to tell exactly how you feel about something. He'll tell you his predictions too to see if their right.
I imagine it's one of these moments that actually leads to him seeing that cute expression of yours.
It started with "you found that hilarious, didn't you?"
He was playing his guessing game again, and like every time before, he was right. You didn't even have to answer.
"You know, you're so interesting to read. You have all these little tells for every small thought, and I think you subconsciously change them a bit every time I take notice of them!" He suddenly began explaining to you.
But it didn't stop there, he began to tell you all about how he picked apart your body language, how he noticed changes in your emotions over the entire time he's known you. "You're.... fascinating to watch."
It's not until he finishes talking that you both realize you've been staring at him with a completely uncharacteristically bright look of wonder. Then it's his turn for his face to light up, pointing at the blush on your cheeks.
"So you do like how I watch you! I knew it."
"The hell are you giving me that look for!?"
Of COURSE he takes it personally a lot - especially if you're supposed to be listening to his rambling. He isn't exactly thinking straight, so he just thinks your blank stare is some kind of insult.
But beyond that, it's rare he'll get on your ass about it.
Over time, I think he might even find you a reliable person to spew all his ranting at, if you don't complain at him or cause a fuss.
Maybe even at some point, perhaps if you've been getting picked on especially hard by Illuso, he'll ask if you have any ranting to do.
"What!? That prick has got to be getting on your nerves, doesn't that make you- WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU GIVING ME THAT FACE FOR!?"
You're gonna have to end up explaining yourself or else he won't stop asking you. When you do, he'll scoff, saying he barely did anything. At least you won't have him blabbing about it to the others, you both know it would get real annoying real quick.
If you specifically ask him to keep it secret, he'll nod, and you swear you see him smile at you.
This man also looks pretty damn unapproachable (love him tho <3). He has the least amount of problems with how you are.
Like Prosciutto, he thinks your closed off nature is good for the job. But he never brings up that sometimes he wishes you were a little more open.
One day you return from a mission. It went smoothly. Enough. Okay, you had managed to get the deed done, but you had gotten injured in the process. In order to not endure lecturing from any of your teammates, you quickly dismissed everyone's questions about the mission and looked for things to treat your wound with, hiding it from everyone else.
In the middle of hastily wrapping up the bloody injury, you felt a hand on your shoulder, and soon after you head Risotto's voice. He warned you that you weren't treating the wound carefully enough.
He didn't scold you- a scolding wasn't going to help the sting and the crimson staining your skin. No, he asked if he could take care of the wound for you.
You felt your face heat up as he helped you, but although you were sure he noticed the look on your face, he made no mention of it. Just tended to your wound, and told you to tell him about any issues with a mission next time.
Afterwards you two agreed you would give him specifics later. You thanked him and that was that.
Walking away from you, Risotto replayed your expression in his mind....how cute.
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divinelolita · 1 year
yo idk if this will send cuz im at school but could i order erm🤓 headcannons with tokio hotel(separately) with a bf who literally cannot handle yelling or arguments between them like for example in an argument reader was already holding in tears and he was trying to keep his voice low as well but then (insert tokio hotel member) raises there voice and starts crying or smth but still tries to keep talking cuz he REALLY does not want to make them feel bad
this is based off of me but i swear im not a crybaby😩
nah bro that's crazy cuz I relate to this sm omg 💀
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・Bill hates arguing, but once he's in the mindset he defends himself alot.
・Kinda bad at taking signs, like if your voice hitches slightly or if you sniffle.
・He doesn't really notice it when he raises his voice
・Ig it's a singer thing 🤷🏻
・Once he sees you kinda freeze up and your eye get glossy he wants to smack himself.
・His heart shatters as he watches the tears start to overflow.
・If you continue talking he just kinda looks at you, stilling his movements.
・His eyes start to get glossed over too
・If you shake when you cry he almost immediately tries to pull you into a hug.
・If you don't wanna talk to him at the moment he just comes by later with some of your favorite treats and sits by you
・Kisses your forehead over and over, running his fingers through your hair as he repeatedly apologises.
・Cuddles you throughout the rest of the day 🤗
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・I write Tom as a 'fluffy' person but irl he's so different...
・He gets extremely defensive and can talk in arguments for hours.
・Like Bill he's not the best at reading signs since he so caught up in his own emotions.
・He doesn't understand why your being so quiet, probably calls you out.
・This is the point I the argument where he reaches his peak, starting to raise his voice louder and louder.
・If you take a shaky breath and wipe away a tear in your eye or if your eyes get glossy he just kinda pauses.
・Looks at you for a minute before inhaling deeply.
・Stays silent for a second before he speaks in a quieter tone.
・If you keep talking he does aswell, but he still keeps a soft tone.
・He's kinda bad at apologizing so he doesn't know what to do
・Mutters a small 'Sorry.'
・Sheepishly rubs his neck, avoiding eye contact. After apologizing he prob walks away.
・Later after he relaxes himself he comes up to you and actually gives a sincere apology that he probably spent 30 minutes rehearsing. Take your hand in his as he sits next to you.
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・Not as aggressive as Tom, but still gets defensive
・He's better at noticing signs, like if you shake or your voice cracks slightly he tries to ease himself and calm down.
・He takes deep breathes as he tries to ease himself and tone of voice but it goes up without him realising.
・Guess what he does next....... Raises his voice!!! 😱😱
・Once he does this it stays like that for a few minutes.
・At a certain point you get emotional and let out a soft sob.
・If you try to cover it up and keep talking he doesn't respond, just staring at you.
・Eyes flicker back and forth from yours.
・Takes another deep breath before he suggests you both calm down, sit, and talk about it.
・He tries to understand your side of the argument and listen to you.
・After your talk he suggests watching a movie or something to ease your minds.
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・Bro hates arguing. Like he tries to avoid it at all costs.
・Like normally you guys just talk it out and everythings ok 😍
・not today
・It must be a pretty serious topic for him to get so worked up
・Almost never raises his voice at you, so this was definitely a shocker.
・If he screams/raises his voice he immediately pauses after, watching the emotion on your face turn into sadness.
・If you start to cry he takes a shaky breath, looking at you with concern.
・Hes so mad at himself that if you continue to talk he doesn't process it, just looks at your broken expression.
・Like Georg he asks to talk it out in a quiet voice after your done.
・Holds you close to him, hugging you as he apologizes. Giving kisses to your cheeks and wiping away tears.
・He can't look at himself in the mirror for a good two days.
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crabonfire · 2 years
One bed trope part 3!!
warnings: none
characters: sniper and spy
note: finally lmao I'm sick of this damn trope at this point
also, they are the little spoons 👍👍👍 idk imagining spy as the little spoon is cute to me
• he'll just sleep on the floor 🤷‍♀️
"Oh-dude there's just one bed."
"I guess I'll sleep on the floor then."
"What? No! I'll sleep on the floor."
"It's fine, I don't mind."
"No sniper I don't mind."
"...so how will we do this?"
"...we could share?"
"Oh. Alright."
• woah woah woah woahhhhh??? sharing with...you? naurrrrr
Don't get me wrong, he adores you and loves the company. But...sleeping? In the same bed? With? The person he's head over heels for? The person who distracts him mid battle because they are constantly running through his mind? I don't even think he'll be able to sleep at all.
the entire night is quiet. it's an awkward silence from the both of you. any small talk made is,,,well, short. He wants to talk to you, just have fun but he's so tense. So are you, he can see how eager you are to strike up convo, but nothing seems to come out of your mouth.
• "I'm gonna get some shut eye, 's been a long day."
"Oh okay! Goodnight snipes."
• You quickly doze off after a couple minutes and he finds that the TV is not entertaining in any way, so he also decides its time for bed.
Turning it off, he takes off his hat and places it by the headstand on his side, awkwardly slipping into the covers trying his best not to wake your sleeping form.
He faces you for a bit, then feels the blush creeping on his face due to how peaceful you look like this. A soft smile appears on his face. He sighs and turns to the other side, arm under the pillows and eyes closed shut.
• He has a lot of trouble sleeping. So usually he spends his nights just pondering about life and how it could be for him. I mean it doesn't help, but it's the only thing he can do to make himself sleepy enough to actually rest.
But he's snapped back into reality when he feels soft arms wrap around his chest from behind, eyes now open and the blush on his face is back as he realises that your holding him in your sleep.
His body stiffens, he's completely frozen. What does he do in this situation? He really doesn't know.
But...this is nice. He hadn't been held like this in a while. He smiles when he heard your muffled murmurs in your sleep, feeling your face lie gently on his back as you snore. The butterflies he's feeling is immense, his heart is pounding...it feels like he's going to explode.
•Hes glad your asleep, because if you were, he'd look like a cherry red tomato to you.
aww rhat was so cute anywaysss wakey wakey
You find yourself awake before he is, and in a very very intimate position.
• Your holding him tightly without even realising it, his face in the crook of your neck as he wraps himself around your torso. You can feel his warm breath on your neck, sending small shivers down your spine.
You dont know what to do, you try to move but the response you get is a tighter grasp. It seems he doesn't want you to let go, and he's not planning on letting go himself.
He mumbles, making you feel a warm wave of heat spread through your cheeks. You smile weakly and silently scream inside. Oh my god, this is the shit they pull in romantic dramas. Holy shit.
You peer at the clock, your early. That means you can still sleep in, holding your crush in a warm embrace <333
• naur
• yea he planned this lmfaoooo
• no like idk how to make this sound romantic or silly he planned this 👍👍👍
• "Oh-spy uh...there's only..one bed."
"So it seems, well, I guess we'll just have to share, hm?"
The entire night is filled with playful, and downright romantic flirting. It's not subtle anymore, and the fond look he gives you doesn't make this any easier to deal with. You knew this man had his charm, but wow, okay.
When it was time for bed, he waited for you to fall asleep because ain't no way he's letting you see him without the mask.
• "Goodnight spy."
"Goodnight, Y/N."
He simply spends the time to do some light reading, and when he hears your faint snores, he takes that as the time he can sleep. He takes his mask off before he sleeps, he's professional of course but ain't no way he bouta do that.
He sets it aside, revealing his thick black hair, his grey hairs prominent, an endearingly adorable trait of his (hehe he's cute)
• he sleeps facing you, admiring your features one by one, memorising each miniscule detail he can find. It's not this often he can get so close to the person he finds dear to him, so he's going to cherish it.
He's not one to act lovey dovey, but right now, he's in the most vulnerable position he could be in. Maskless, with the person he loves, no weapon in hand and just comfortably lying down, ready for sleep.
The feelings he has for you are strong, and that's saying something, considering he usually settles for casual flings.
But, if its you, being like this is...New. usually, he'd always be on guard and being the perfect, charmer he is around others. But others aren't like you, your special. You make him comfortable with his vulnerability.
• rambling aside, he sighs before turning his back and deciding its time to rest. He has no worries about if you'll wake up to his maskless face because he always wakes up earlier than you ever will.
Good morning, sleepyhead. I have a gun to your head!! Wake up lmao
• he wakes up quick, blinking the last bit of sleep away. something about what he's feeling right now is unusual...he feels warm. like a big cozy blanket has enveloped him in its protective hold.
he blinks a couple more times and realises the position he's in. For once, it seems that he is the flustered one in this situation.
You're holding him in your arms, his head lays on your chest, being able to hear every breath you make and the slow, hypnotising beating of your heart. His hands wrapped tightly around your waist, as if in his unconsciousness, he had been aching to be closer to you.
Oh Y/N, what is he going to do with you?
• being in such a romantic position...its driving him mad. Never had he thought you'd be the one holding him, cradling his body till the day came. But here you are, comfortably asleep with him in your arms.
This sudden intimacy is not new to him, but it has been so long since he's been held by someone he truly loves...and it might be delusion or hopeful thinking, but maybe you feel the same to him too.
• though, as much as he'd like to stay with you like this, hell if he could he'd do it for all eternity, he has to get up. slowly, he unwraps himself from you, replacing him with his pillow, and goes to get ready for the day.
He's glad you're asleep because if the day ever comes for you to see him with red blush staining his cheeks, he'd rather die. <3
author note pls read :•(
hey sorry ive been gone for like...months. finals came up, second semester started, I've been getting unmotivated not only by writing but my other hobbies and even school too. I'm so sorry,,,I'm especially sorry to all the requests I've ignored for my hiatus,,,writing is NOT easy, and sometimes becomes a chore for me when I get pressured or unmotivated.
I hope you guys enjoy,,,sorry for any errors English is not my first language. I will try my best to post more, but I cannot guarantee I will be consistent. Thank you for reading :•)
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solarwynd · 3 months
The amount of hit tweets I've seen gloating about "no payola, organic, no remixes no versions" mannn. Tens of thousands likes stuff
I hate to bring back whatever Jungkook did with his debut in conversations about Jimin cause it was all already been said, god, but this stuff literally, honestly makes me feel gaslighted. It's like a collective amnesia.
And now Diana Ross is apparently praising jk's SNTY, which is sure, fine. But "MJ is coming through all of the moves" -- isn't it a Bit Much? Like, of all things, I personally had thought Jungkook's MJs cosplay was downright offensive. Justin Bieber and Justin Timberlake, yeah, but Michele Jackson? When BTS did MJs hommage in dynamite it was cute and fun and attractive. But Jk's takes himself Seriously and it's just.. not good? He can dance, sure, but all his style is basically highly aggressive tick-tock-hard-edit kind of dance. He lacks fluidity, detail work, ease, all that he compensates with aggressiveness and power.
And he can sing well, sure! But.. is it Anything different in tone and execution from countless other basic male pop artist and k-pop idols?тт And there's nothing bad with any of it! -- at least till you try to mediaplay yourself as This Generation's MJ.
It just makes me feel like, am I missing something? Does the Diana Ross sees something that I don't?
I'm sorry for ranting, I am actually truly enjoying SGMB rn! And I do understand that jk gets noticed because he's being aggressively put by sb in the limelight by all kinds of means and mediaplays. This gaslighted kind of feeling just sometimes gets to me, I guess.
I just really really hope Jimin will get and will keep getting the recognition and praising he deserves) Because I'd honestly (and I say it not because I'm a Jimin fan) name Jimin as the one that can have MJ's type of presence, but he actually doesn't need to name himself the next anything, because he can just be Park Jimin.
It’s definitely not amnesia with armys, it’s just that with Jimin they can say all those things confidently and know that it’s actually true lmao. The funniest thing about it though is how they would attack pjms for saying the same thing they’re saying about Jimin now for LC, because back then it was being shady. And “you can praise one member without bringing down the other.”
And honestly idk how it hasn’t clicked in their heads the clear difference in JK’s “success” vs Jimin’s. And I don’t mean them knowing how they both got it because they obviously know. But I mean finally come to terms with Jimin having more pull (without the tricks) than JK does.
About the Diana Ross thing…
It was random, but not unexpected because I know what their end goal is. I’m not saying that Diana Ross might not already be privy to who BTS as a group and maybe (and that is a hard maybe for any of them) them individually, but you can’t tell me this doesn’t come off as someone asking her to react to him and giving her thoughts on what she just watched. With other celebrities it’d come off as more believable that they brought him up themselves, but her? Nah.
But you see how all of a sudden even though you believe that JK isn’t that great or doesn’t live up MJ’s son title they’re trying to give him at first you’re questioning yourself just because Diana Ross said he was good? They’ve been doing it for a while now. Teaming him up with the big veteran names in the industry to give him credibility as an artist and performer. Obviously if these people have taken interest in him and is giving him all these praises he must be the best. It’s strategy on their end.
At no point during his debut have they ever let JK’s talent or numbers (without the payola) speak for themselves without having to push something into place. So I really don’t feel any type of way about it tbh. If Jimin gets noticed by those same people on level terms then cool, if he doesn’t that’s okay too. He’ll always be talented with or without their co-sign.
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hongtiddiez · 5 months
my stand in ep 2 thoughts, feelings, etc.
alright i wanted to write this up nicely but it took me... two hours to get through the episode bc i kept stopping to write notes, so i'll do my best i guess.
weird thing about me is when i watch shows and write notes for these posts i always write the notes on napkins? i have like 5 different notebooks in arms reach at all times but i really like scribbling on a napkin for the true unhinged effect.
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anyway blah blah reminder i'm just a silly dude on the internet, idk shit about dick, i just like to say shit, don't take me too seriously.
also please DO NOT leave novel spoilers in my reblogs, tags, or replies without some kind of warning label. please? it seems to happen with every show i write meta for and i LOVE that people get hyped but there's no way for me to avoid it when it's in my notifications like that.
some before the actual episode stuff; after learning last week that some of the kinnporsche people worked on this it really becomes apparent, especially in the style of the intro.
the music choices also seem a bit reminiscent of kinnporsche (and a little bit of not me) which i really enjoy. it feels kind of familiar and comforting.
immediately i loved how soft this episode started, the slight stubble on each of them, the way joe speaks so softly as if afraid to shatter their little bubble of peace, etc. i also love that the show doesn't skirt around the topic of sex and the fact that sometimes sex is awkward and clumsy, especially with a new partner and doubly so when it's your first queer partner.
and then the peace was shattered with ming kissing his back yet again. ouchies.
"will tong be at the set?" he's just not even trying to hide it. he basically said 'yeah ur great and all but tong????' but DAMN if poom isn't the absolute king of microexpressions.
at this point i can't really tell if tong is being a spoiled prince (derogatory) or if he's tired of acting in general? judgement withheld until a later date.
and then we jump into this actress being a parallel to ming and OOF OUCHIES MY ORGANS. she's a fan of tong but has to "settle" for joe - just like ming. and yet joe takes the time to be kind, to soothe her worries and put her at ease, because he has a heart of absolute gold. "it's her first movie but she was left to drown by the male lead." it's ming's first love and he has been left to drown in it.
mek's acting is really endearing. this is my first exposure to him (ive seen some of his social media and really like what he stands for as a person) and i'm instantly drawn to his performance. he also pulls off a great balance of adorable/sexy.
i personally find ming's jealously hilarious. what a little caricature of toxicity.
anyway, it seems to me that if ming could get over his feelings and enjoy what he has in front of him he could be part of and enjoy a very sweet family, as it does seem tong IS giving him love, just not the exact flavor he craves.
the cut to joe's training made me laugh. little oat lore dump but my bio dad was actually a stunt man for movies (which is another part of why i was so excited for this show) and i can promise you nothing like this was part of it. what do i know, though, maybe things have changed since the early 2000s lol.
(no, they're probably not any movies you know, aside from maybe wild wild west [1999]. he mostly did westerns, historical docudramas, and historical fiction.)
ANYWAY AGAIN. with this little glimpse into ming's home life we get to see that he's very accustomed to doing what he wants and getting what he wants, which makes a lot of sense when applied to his almost obsessive behavior regarding tong - and now joe. i did absolutely LOVE linin and her sassy independence (minus the 'i can buy anything i need'.)
but... girl... did you just spray perfume in your mouth?
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your actions are strange and unsettling. i like that in a woman.
ugh getting into ming venting his frustrations on joe's body. listen. liiiisten. while toxic without prior discussion... i'm into it. it may or may not be one of my favorite tropes in fanfic. toxic and unhealthy as fuck and i'm here for it.
AND THEN DAMN POOM THOSE NOISES. ACTING FOR YOUR LIFE BBY -- and the SNEEZE AT ORGASM LMAAAO oh i hope that's a running bit for some comedic relief.
because we then make a SHARP pivot into "then stop me" and there's so much potential for pain and self loathing there, for joe to think "i can't blame ming, i didn't stop any of it." i'm sat.
a little side bar, but i'm enjoying the fact that while there is discussion of topping and bottoming as a narrative device there really aren't any stereotypes here. i think on a surface level people would think "oh joe is the top" (pit babe style) and the show said no actually he isn't. love that for us.
"you can even move in haha jk" but the thing is, not jk, because joe would do that for ming - for anyone - bc that's the type of person he is.
[i had to stop and have a lil snack here]
hold up is this wut out drinking with them? OH SHIT IT IS. OKAY. it didn't give us much but at least it's a little connection to him finally. we knew joe knew him from his first life, just didn't really know how.
"i missed you" and when was the last time someone missed joe? not who he's replacing or the space he's filling, but HIM?
love ming's goofy ass locking the door and going inside just so he can make a dramatic ass appearance like he's 'the other woman' or some shit LMAO.
"what's in you to make me jealous?" quite possibly the worst dialogue tree choice ming could've picked.
[joe's emotional well being -45]
[everyone hated that]
"don't be so full of yourself" something joe has never been a day in his life. "you're just a stand-in." he knows. it's not something he ever forgets.
but after all that toxicity we have ming back home, seeking out joe's food for comfort, and we finally get to see him interact with his sister. i LOVE that she knows the importance of being a little silly as a treat, one of my biggest life mottos. we also get to see more of how ming is surrounded by love that he misses out on bc of his own wallowing and self sabotage.
oh, the homoeroticism of sparring with your bestie.
[everyone liked that]
oop- joe is wearing the shirt ming borrowed while sol is wearing a shirt with the word 'fantasy.' i'm good, i'm fine, gwenchana, gwenchana.
ough. sol with too many eyes on him and none of them sincere and joe with nothing but sincerity to offer but remains invisible. oof ouch.
enter ming with more religious imagery to match last week's cross scene. something something the sin of greed? confessing your sins? coveting - idk man, i don't have any religious trauma, my family let me just do my own thing.
but with ming knowing joe's true feeling every toxic thing he does is going to be 1000x more painful and i'm here for it. bring it you fucked up little guy.
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"we can't mess with each other's privacy" don't mess with MY privacy. "you can't mess around with anyone else" emphasis on YOU, not we.
and then it's driven home what a romantic joe is, both with his workout heartbreak poetry and this little lady and the tramp noodle moment. this man, again much like pit babe, wants to be domesticated so bad.
and i know we all have hated on ming, that's the point, he's been a caricature of a toxic relationship spelled out in neon letters --
but when was the last time ming laughed with someone like this?
ok im exhausted, i'm falling into bed to read fanfic, but i'm absolutely in love with everything this is doing so far. i haven't written anything as in depth as this since last twilight (pre-betrayal) so it's really nice to feel insane again.
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edgeray · 3 months
Hello Ray! 🍅 anon here again (I got a breather today). Pulled for Furina earlier to keep my Husband and Wife in the same team (Arle and Yelan), because Yelan was being dragged to the hyperbloom comp. Somehow my Furina is miles more cracked than Arle even though I've spent TWICE as much resin on the latter (I do not. understand.) [And Arle is the one I really do want built :,,,,) )
I know that I can ask you shorter stuff, but so many things pop into my head that I do want to say so these reqs become. really really long by accident oops.
Tumblr protecting everyone else from your Arle angst is REAL. Think it knows how it can break everybody's hearts so it saves us the heartbreak... Wow you broke even tumblr's heart! that's a next level achievement right there xD
Speaking of the occasional angst to let off the steam from the fluff, I think that's our cue to run. If an angst writer needs to let off steam they're about to give us the worst kniving of our lifetime and I think the rest of us should hightail our feelings out of here as quick as we can and read it like a robot /j
Dragon AU wouldn't be that popular if it wasn't so well written. HAHSHAHAH your world building really does do it justice and it shows! I love dragons personally so I am actually d.o.w.n. to discuss dragons (anoncryinginthecorner is me so yes!) and their biology (which differs from species to species which makes it highly interesting! Did You Know that Zhongli, as a chinese dragon, would have 2 pillars instead of one? Hence that C1 HAHSAHHAHA) Also pregnant reader... What did Lyney burn down in his excitement when he found out? Dragons should have a sharp sense of smell and whatnot, so the 4 dragons in the house probably found out that reader was pregnant before reader even knew lmao. Cue trio being extra caring and Arle being excessively protective! PART FOUR PART FIVE OMNOMNOMNOMNOM Also Arle being a whole head and torso higher than R in human form as a dragon is going to be hilarious (there's no need to transform into a full human so Arle goes into a form that saves more energy to transform into, hehehhe). Reader getting embarrassed by EVERYTHING because what do you do when your eye level is face to face with the most delicious abs and thighs possible? Not drool and want to worship even for good snuggles and for use as a pillow?
Dragon!reader makes this all the more interesting! Imagine magicking an egg that hatches as their child! Speaking of dragons a lot of them have what's known as a reverse scale, which is technically a weak point/treasure and getting to touch it is a huge symbol of trust. Thoughts on Dragon!R/Arle giving their SO the scale/letting SO touch it? And horns are really sensitive right? Arle petting D!reader's head and horns... oh my goodness. internally combusting due to Arle!!! Nuzzling deep into Arle's warm neck/chest to hide the embarrassment heheheh...
Also well written sfw blogs are a rare find because everybody is (rightfully) thirsting for Arle, like your mommas (whom I also read but don't dare to req because... tbh idk why they scare me even through the screen HAHSAHAHS I may have worse social anxiety than Bocchi of all people), so don't feel pressured in any way to change it unless you want to! We have your back always (I keep coming back for more of your writing as comfort food HASHHAH)
If I can hazard a guess, nobody req'ed Vampy!Arle yet because the people who would req vampy!Arle and the people who want a continuation of Late Night Devil (which has a similar atmosphere) is a circle (I am a part of it). DISHONOR ON YOUR FAMILY DISHONOR ON YOUR COW (but our fam doesn't even have a cow so the dishonor is going to the resident cat (me))
ONE UPPING THE HANAHAKI!!! How about 2 idiots in love who Hanahaki for each other but at the same time don't let the other know it, then someone (HotH trio, Furi, Tsaritsa, ANYONE) just locks them in a room and "here's the one chance you idiots in love have to talk it out, I am NOT opening this damned door if I hear coughing". WAIT NONONO THIS IS NOT A REQUEST THIS IS NOT A REQUEST THIS IS A ONE UPPER YOU HEAR YOU AXOLOTL (I KNOW AXOS DON'T HAVE EARS BUT THEY CAN HEAR SO THAT GOES THE SAME FOR YOU)
I love your fic lists! I have only one miff with them and it's my fault because I've read them all so there was nothing new to read HASHHAHAHA. But getting to read old classics again was great! (Istg why is mlm content so much easier to find... ao3 feeds haikaveh and chili well... but why not us :,<)
ALSO ALSO before I forget (because evidently i Forgot the last time) One Hell of a Butler... I MISS IT SM how did it take... what? 10k words for them to kiss under the facade of... FAKE MARRIAGE?? istg slow burn is the best but this is not even slow burning this is dry aging before it even goes to slowly roasting... (but like all meats treated this way it's also heavenly)
I think I've yapped too much with this one... oops. It's dead middle of the night here so I think I'm going to go read the Dragon fics again before getting some shut eye (hopefully it works)
Hi, 🍅 anon!! I'm glad you got your Furina even though she was more cracked than Arle, sadge ;-;. Furina is (or was, but I still consider her is) an Archon sooo.
I've searched up why Tumblr may not be letting me post my stuff, so hopefully I can get that fixed. Still really mad. The sad thing is is that I don't have a ton of ideas for arle angst ;-; except for arlevie. I love Clervie and Arlecchino 🫶 (but I love hurting them more). One of my friends is working on an arlevie fic and I'm so excited and I'm patiently waiting...
All of your dragon arle/reader thoughts are so hnghh ajk;flasjlk;as lmfao. Protective Arle 🥹 need. The fact that the trio and Arle can smell the baby before Reader even knows... a;jaafas. I honestly am trying to wrap my head around what a hybrid between human and dragon would be... maybe a wyvern? I have no clue lol. That is a problem for future me while writing dragon au pt.4.
Also yes, I'm aware that your user is anoncryinginthecorner, which is a genius name by the way. And ooh... Zhonglie has 2 dicks. Imagine Arle with -- well I'm sure you get what I'm thinking about.
I wish I made dragon reader cuter but I was hella tired and for some reason I kinda couldn't get any ideas. ;-; Also am I the only one who believes that d!arle/reader wrapping their tail around their s/o as cuddling is so 🥺 .
fa;fasjklasf; I'm like. stuck in between. I want to write smut, but I don't want to make it a thing. I know that smut is like 10x more popular than sfw so honestly it's a little tempting... but I'm not going to fall under the trap of more views/engagement! I have my little community here among the sfw and it's really cozy ^^. Also I don't know how nsfw blogs work... like how do you guys constant write horny all the time? I mean, I'm hypersexual but don't yall get tired of the same dicking around?? I'm pretty sure I would get exhausted of writing nsfw even if it's very self indulge.
anyways, point of that was I do want to stay sfw as much as possible, but I wanted to at least try posting smut once because i've never published smut before! and if it gets more engagement than anything I've ever written... oh well. I do admit it's a little saddening to me that I've put what, 3k, 4k, 5k, 6k words, however long my works are, and a 300 word smut blurb gets like more attention. It's unfortunate but eh. The dark side is not worth it. I love interacting with you guys 🫶. I also don't really like the idea of having to restrict my content to everyone, because I do want as many people who want my content to see it (though I hope minors don't read my smut, but they'll probably do anyways and that's just a fact of life I can't change).
I love my mommas, don't be scared (although that probably doesn't help, so...) They're really nice and I talk to them a lot outside of the occasional reblogs and comments under their posts. They have a discord channel if you want to talk to them but not request lol. I'm not in, because I don't use discord and talking to groups of people makes me want to combust...
anyways. I kinda get that those who want vampire arle may want more 'late night devil.' I've also seen you not mention nuit rouge, so to clarify, it's the idol arle with the delicious boob window. It's from the Srping? Hoyofair of this year. and I... need.
lmao, the one upping. what if... arle coughs out rainbow rose or lumidouce bells... that's the only thing i have for an idea currently. I mean @\aetherdoesthings is already making a hanahaki series for arle per my request 🥹 (i love you aether). if you're looking for a hanahaki, there's that. And okay, fine, I won't take this as a requset 🤭. I still have yours to do, which I think is the next one after the current one I have to work on.
ughhhh hearing 'One Hell of A Butler'... it's like nostalgia even tho it's not that old lmfao. I stopped working on it once I got requests and I'm just so-- man the amount of horny I had for demon butler arle... look. it is a really fine and unique opportunity for sub arle which is just so 🤤anyways, enough about that. high key, outside of horny, i had so much plot in mind including reader's and arle's traumatic backstory. maybe if somoene requests it i'll write the next part. 'One Hell of a Butler' was always supposed to be a slowburn but the slow burn is slow burning and oufff i just want to write them together ._.
speaking of another throwback, what about the series that probably built up my following 'arlecchino is a person.' i honestly don't even know how I came up with it, especially with 'arlecchino is a cold angst' (i prolly just wanted angst, and then I got another idea and another idea, and I thought-- why the hell not? might as well make it a series). I do want to do more series like that over my school break once that... maybe of a specific au or i could have each day a different au.
anyways, i've basically yapped as much you have so it's okay. we both know we don't mind haha. looking forward to your next response, whenever that is. no rush!
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moonswolfie · 11 months
Could we get Bokuto and 19? 🥺🥺🥺
Bokuto x gn!reader
But ofc!! Idk if u knew this nonnie but bokuto is my favourite boyo💕💕 i'm always happy to write about him🥰🥰
Time to prove to him that even his faults can be loved😤
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His teammates often tell him that he's too loud, childish and irresponsible. He always feels compelled to deny it, but his teachers say the same thing. Even his parents scold him for that sometimes.
So then it must be true, no matter how much he defends himself.
In volleyball, being too loud isn't much of a problem and even excites the crowd a lot, but something like math class is a different story.
"Honey, you're too childish and irresponsible for a relationship." His mom hummed from behind the kitchen counter when hearing Bokuto whine to himself about still being single. All she got in reply was a sad groan.
Do these parts of him make him that horrible? He already had a bad day at practice today and then the boys basketball club leader decided to taunt him about still being single. Being reminded of his "bad traits" wasn't helping in the slightest.
He slowly got up, going into his room to sulk.
"I think that was too harsh, darling. You know how he is, he'll take your words to heart." His dad worriedly glanced at his mom while chopping the vegetables.
"You're right, I should have phrased that better..."
So he found it quite surprising when one day you, one of his classmates, approached him out of nowhere during a break.
"Hey, ummm, I'm in your class, but we don't know eachother very well." You started, fiddling with your fingers. It took a lot of convincing from your friends to even get you here, but there's no way back now.
"OOOH! I remember you!! You sit in the second row!!" He had no idea what you wanted, but it was always nice to talk to someone new.
"So, I'd like to get to know you better..." you looked into his eyes with hope. From what little you did know about Bokuto, he was very outgoing and excitable. So hopefully this goes well.
His eyes widened. "Eh? I mean, yeah, sure!! Of course!!" His face quickly returned to his usual excited expression.
"So!! I'm the coolest ace of the coolest volleyball club in Japan!! But you probably already knew that..." he started. What a cute self-introduction.
"Yeah, I went to your matches before..." you really hoped that your blush wasn't showing too much at that moment.
After that day, you made it a habit to talk to him. He got to know many things he would have never guessed about you and his smile grew every day as your initial shyness dissapeared.
He grew increasingly close to you, to the point even his teammates pointed it out. He never noticed how he acts "different" around you.
But now that he thinks about it, he keeps reminding himself to speak more quietly and watch his mouth around you. That's quite strange, since he prefers to be his unfiltered self and tries not to be bothered by what others say.
Then why is he being subconsciously careful only around you, a person who never voiced their discomfort for his loudness or irresponsibility?
"Honey, you're too childish and irresponsible for a relationship."
No way.
Those words replayed in his head over and over. There's no way he's actually in love with you, right? You're just so amazing and beautiful and- UGH!
But if what everyone around him says is right, then that means he has zero chances with you, right? Ohhh, this is making him feel all sorts of sick...
Maybe google can fix this.
"Hey, bro. Come to dinne- What are you doing?" his sister's reaction shifted to one of worry when she found him laying on the bed, staring at the volleyball in his hands with a strangely solemn expression. Googling "how to get rid of your crush" did nothing for him since he doesn't want to distance himself from you.
"Are you having one of those mood swings again?" his sister sighed. "Come on, just come eat." she pulled him off the bed and he silently joined her for dinner. His family didn't question him all that much, already being used to his often times unstable mood.
Besides, they figured he needed space. Usually, a little "you're awesome" would work well in brightening his mood but instead of cheering up as he usually does he just hummed sadly, contuinuing to shovel at his food.
He himself hadn't expected those feelings to hit him like a truck. First love was supposed to be a cute, sweet, uplifting feeling...
"Hey, umm, Koutaro, I have to tell you something... Can you come with?" you asked one day out of the blue. The two of you were already on a first name basis, surprisingly you really clicked with him. Which made his little crush all the more bothersome.
He kept stuttering over his sentences when you smiled at him so sweetly, his heart swelling at the little things you remembered about him.
If only he wasn't so annoying and childish...
"I- Uh, sure!" he let you lead him off to a more private area, wondering what awaits him. You sounded nervous, like back when you first asked to get to know him. This could only mean something bad, right?! Or is he just overthinking it?
Since when does he do that, anyways?
"So... I kind of have a crush on you..." you looked down, too afraid to meet his eyes, missing the way his eyebrows raised and eyes blew wide.
"YOU LIKE ME?! You really like... me?" he almost couldn't believe his ears.
"Uhh, yeah.. I do." you yourself were a little surprised at his response. You thought for sure that Bokuto would just get really hyped and accept. Well, if he liked you too in the first place.
"Even though I'm loud? And childish? And irresponsible?" he asked in quick succession. What? How would those characteristics of his affect your feelings for him?
"Of course? I like you, even the less favourable parts." you smile at him happily. You think you know why he brought that up now. Judging by the amount of times the teachers scold him for those very things, he must think they're an annoyance and a hinderance to you.
You misjudged him, it seems. He lets things get to him more than you thought. Not that that's an issue at all.
"Ohhh, this might be my second favourite feeling in the world..." he said, relief evident in his tone as he hugged you tightly.
"Only second favourite?" you questioned, hugging him back.
"The first one will always belong to the feeling of a successful spike, of course!!" he squeezed you so hard you thought your bones might break.
"S-So, is that a-"
"Yes, yes!! A million times yes!! I'll be your boyfriend, your husband, your f- ANYTHING!"
oops i accidentally made it mutual pining and WAY too long bo bo tends to have that effect on me🌚
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