#// and it's driving me nuts xD
seaoftales · 15 days
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― ❝ Pirates are evil? The Marines are righteous? These terms have always changed throughout the course of history! Kids who have never seen peace and kids who have never seen war have different values! Those who stand at the top determine what's wrong and what's right! This very place is neutral ground! Justice will prevail, you say? But of course it will! Whoever wins this war becomes justice! ❞
Independent, highly selective, mutually exclusive, headcanon & mixed media inspired RED HAIRED SHANKS and ROB LUCCI of Eiichirō Oda's ONE PIECE, as featured on the multimuse blog SEAOFTALES. Blog also includes a lot of other One Piece canon and original characters, as well as canon and original characters from other fandoms. Crossover friendly, duplicate friendly, original character friendly, 20+. Personals DNI. ― penned by Rhea, she/her, 25+
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le-velo-pour-dru · 1 month
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elitadream · 1 year
I don't believe anyone has ask before. If they have, please correct me, but what got you into the Mario fandom? What spark your interest in it?
Extra question, what Mario games have you played or beated?😮
It all started when I played the games for the first time as a kid. It was in the late 90's, and my dad had just brought home a Super Nintendo console. With it were three games: Super Mario Kart, Mario World and Super Mario All-Stars. Then, only a couple years later, I discovered Super Mario Sunshine and Double Dash on the Gamecube.
Words could not describe the sheer nostalgia I still feel for these five games in particular today. My goodness. The memories! They were literally my childhood. ;_; 🌄
Time went by and I became engrossed in other things. I still liked this world and its characters, but I mostly observed the newest releases and developments from afar... until the first teaser for the movie came out last october.
That was what officially rekindled my full interest. Until then, Mario was a mostly silent protagonist to me. A universal figure that gamers can project themselves onto. But the movie did something different. It brought the concept of Mario living an adventure as a established, talking, written character. With his own thoughts and feelings and dreams. I had never seen him portrayed quite like this before, and it unleashed a potential I would never have envisioned otherwise.
The very thought of a movie based on this character implied the idea of Mario having a full human emotional range, which was a complete novelty in my mind. It told me that he could falter and struggle. That he could suffer and grow. Experience all the things a simple man can.
And this, added to the undying love I felt towards this franchise since I was little, got my brain buzzing with inspiration. 💗✨️ It still does to this day. ✍️😌
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kanaevamon · 2 months
you know that your nge fixation is back in full swing when you dream about watching ep 24 with Polish dub and loosing your mind over it (such dub doesn't exist and the only thing we had, which was a voice-over for the TV broadcast, is lost media for one episode only which is - you guessed it - GODDAMN EP 24)
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celestie0 · 2 months
ellie i need visuals and angles of that court wedding kiss like 20 consecutive black flashes
twenty consecutive black flashes 😭😭
pls in my head it’s sooo like old school (new school) kdrama coded like yknow where there’s a kiss scene and then the camera guy gets like fifteen diff angles on it and the editor goes crazy w the transition effects 🤣🤣 and then the sponsorship ads start to play at the bottom w freeze frames of the kiss and the main ost in the bg ✋🏼💀 yea that’s how the kiss at the end of ch2 plays out in my head LSKDJDJFHD
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when I tell you I have the WORST urge to redo my list one more fucking time
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queen-scribbles · 1 year
8, 20, 27, and 61 for the fic writer asks! -em
8. Do you prefer the beginning, middle, or end of a story?
Assuming this means "to write", probably the middle bc the beginning and ending have 50/50 odds of giving me trouble, but the middle always flows. (For reading, probably beginnings bc I love seeing the ways people draw you in to the story they want to tell.)
20. Have you noticed any patterns in your fics? Words/expressions that appear a lot, themes, common settings, etc?
My characters laugh/chuckle/smile a lot. And I have a tendency to, whenever possible with my POV character, go for a $50 word instead of the $10 words just bc a lot of the time I like the way the fancier/rarer one sounds. (loquacious vs chatty for example. Obstinate vs stubborn. That sort of thing. Probably why I like writing characters like Arcann or Adam or Morrigan; bc that fits their speech patterns really well.) I know there's other things-- OH. I do male-female friendships all the damn time.
27. What is your most and least favorite part of writing?
Most: COMBAT SCENES. I love writing combat, so. much. It's so fun. Also the rush of finally getting to drop things on your readers that you've been planning for a WHILE(I apologize to all the tLBT readers for the end of the last chapter, I really do😅, but it was FUN). Snarky banter is also really, really fun.
Least: Feeling too slow in getting to stuff I'm really excited about. No matter how much I'm enjoying the lead-up, if there's a scene I'm looking forward too, I don't feel like I can write fast enough in getting to it. xD It's even worse when I finally get to the scene/dialogue/whatever and then either a) have to leave to do something or b) my hand hurts too much and I have to stop. (I've pushed through the latter one a couple times. Don't do that, kids, you pay for it later.) I never feel like there's enough time.
61. Why do you continue writing fics?
Bc it brings me joy and the sheer volume of muses/ideas would drive me insane if I didn't let it out xD
Fic Writer Asks
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korruptbrekker · 2 years
Thinking about Pag and Momo recovering from the k-pop fans incident, sitting together as Momo takes small strands of Pag's hair, twisting them into little braids.
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softietrait · 2 years
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turquoisemagpie · 18 days
Omg I love your takes on the gods it’s all so cool and intriguing I love how Artemis is just an animal because humans lost the need to hunt how Apollo is a true reflection of artists and creation Hermes and Dionysus are just cool in general I love love love how Hermes is pan in disguise drives me NUTS!!! I looooove Athena’s struggles and I just LOVE how they reflect reality
Thanks! I tried my best to summarise them as modern concepts more so that characters, and somehow that made them more convincing and human as characters. XD
It’s also a nice mix of deep diving into the origins and etymology of each god, with help from the fantastic work of Overly Sarcastic Production and a lot of mythology books. Finding all the nice little surprising facts about them are great to work into the character in some way.
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saltynsassy31 · 2 months
Whats bothering about this grand festival me is the fact it has every reason to be the final fest
But, again, its been promoted as anything but that.
This season's catalogue has "thank you for playing" title. They are soon to release the switch 2, which is more the reason for them to start working on the next game now more than ever (and I am 99% sure we are getting a 4th game for many, many reason, but main one being that Splatoon has become Nintendo's new cash cow). Like the previous two games, it would have finished its 2 year run and they said they only had 2 years of content planned. The splatfest we are having next is the same one (according to a comment, I haven't checked this one yet) that they had in splatoon 1 before the final one.
It makes sense.
But something feels off.
And I'm wracking my brain over not having that final piece of the puzzle. Somethings missing and I can't seem to tell what that something is! Its frustrating, but we'll just have to see.
Because there are also reasons pointing to them doing it for at least another year. Things I found odd when I first noticed. Those being:
Off the Hook was added so much later, they missed better part of the special events like Splatoween and Frosty fest. It would be interesting if they brought it back one more round to see these two beloved characters have their chance to shine. They obviously know Off the Hook's popularity.
They introduced 2 new spaltfest mechanics way too late into the games life span, to the point we've got to enjoy it very little. It is odd also that they didn't add in sooner.
They only said they had two years PLANNED. Some people had speculated that they might do more.
Splatoon 1 only had two years because the Wii U was dying and they needed to quickly move to the next console. Splatoon 2 exists so that they could bring new stuff along side whay splatoon 1 already had. 2 years for splatoon 2 cuz, well, splatoon 2! Splatoon 3 brought in so many new things to the table. It be cathartic to have the final fest happen in the 3rd year of its life, a fitting end.
This fest is being pointed as "Grand Festival" and has only been said to celebrate the game's 2 year anniversary. Never once was it said to be its final.
Now, these aren't reasons enough to say they'll do more splatfests or catalogues. But it's something to keep in mind, at the very least.
The first point is a little iffy because, as much as I'd love to see reruns of it like many others; commercially, they'd want something new. We might be getting new outfits for EVERYONE if they do reruns, of just OtH.
Another theory is that this is technically the "final" fest, or at least the fest which choices affect the next game. But not the final fest of the game, the final fest might compliment this one. (Less likely, but a possibility to keep in mind)
I can't think of much else besides this, tbh. It's really driving me nuts here XD I like to be prepared for everything, so I've calculated this being the final fest since I first got the game 2 years ago. This is throwing me off incredibly hard 😫.
We'll just have to wait and see what they have planned. Splatoon 3 was already a huge change to the game, I wouldn't be surprised if they were trying to do something completely new and different after this Splatfest.
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my-name-is-apollo · 8 months
Hey! I was wondering if you had any speculation on how Hermes and Apollo caught feelings for each other AND what exactly happened for the big kiss to happen
You know this is a great question, inspite of me struggling a bit to answer.
For a while now, I've seen Hermes as someone who is pretty casual when it comes to romance. He's all about being charming and lovely but he rarely ever truly falls in love or gets attached (and it's even more rare when it comes to mortals) He is causal with sexual affection, and definitely not a fan of monogamy or any long term commitments. So he isn't exactly the kiss kiss fall in love type of guy. But on the rare occasions that he does get attached to someone, it is for life and Apollo is undoubtedly one of those people. When did he catch feelings? I like to believe pretty early on. I mean, he specifically stole Apollo's cows and decided to make friends with him, after all. He loves Apollo deeply and he will for the rest of his life ("And Hermes loved the son of Leto continuously, even as he does now" !!!!). Sometimes it might be romantic, or just sexual, or both or neither  - he wouldn't care to differentiate or label. It depends on his mood. But as long as he has Apollo's attention, gets to spend time with him in whatever way that he wants to, and remain Apollo's closest friend, he's more than happy. I bet their first kiss was also causal, with Hermes just kissing Apollo out of nowhere and saying he just wanted to try it when questioned.
All of this would, however make it difficult for Apollo. Initially at least. Because he might not be monogamous either but he can be very romantic and get attached easily (He's the type of person to care about even his ex-lovers and one night stands lmao) So I think he would be confused with Hermes' first kiss, and his causal intimate gestures and affections. Mostly because he doesn't know what Hermes wants of him. It would probably drive him nuts in the beginning but he would get it, eventually, as they spend time together. I think the tipping point for Apollo to realise Hermes' feelings would be when Hermes promised Apollo not to steal anything from him - that is the absolute peak of loyalty that Hermes can give to anyone XD and that probably sealed the deal for Apollo. Even in the hymn, Apollo promises to not love any god more than Hermes after Hermes promised to not steal from him. And maybe soon after that they had their first meaningful kiss? :3
Anyway, thank you for the ask. I feel like I did more of Hermes character study of than answer the question XD but i really enjoyed it <3
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sabrerine911 · 5 months
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Beth in Rise of the Ronin finished
Ok so I've been playing a lot of Rise of Ronin today. Made a decent enough Beth, altho I feel like the CC was a bit worse to work with (beat act 1 and got her final final Drip! )
Rant related to Beth ingame, whenever she is in a conversation cutscene, her model reverts sliders for some dumb reason and she has a big head, skinnier arms and is shorter, and that shit drives me nuts. (I remember WoLong having a similar issue, no clue what they fucked up after Nioh 2's cutscenes)
Outside of that little segment, the game is overall fun, as a big fan of Nioh 2 and WoLong it def feels like a Team Ninja game, it's neat to have their take on an openworld style game. The combat tho, Im very mixed on. Combat is good by all means, but the heavy reliance on parrying has felt really offputting, it has more depth than WoLong but at the same time it does the parry side of thing way worse in my opinion .
Overall its still a very enjoyable experience, Story feels better than the other games. I do admit I miss the monster type enemies, but im glad the "oh no, important ally or enemy turned into monster" trope that was EVERY story beat is gone XD
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judasgot-it · 1 year
a reader who ignores them after realizing they like them.. omg it’s so me. i’m the problem it’s me
BDUEGWUWH don't mention Taylor swift around me I have so much anguish because of her /j
But omg,,,, you are SO right, especially with some people like Dazai? He would go NUTS cause you know he would do anything for attention let's be sooooooo real
I feel like Dazai is a yandere idk I love him but he isn't the best guy let's be real xD
Cause he would KNOW and he loves the attention probably so you know he would just keep pestering you over and over just to annoy you. He wants your attention and don't deny him of it, he knows you want to give him it ;) He's horrible. You should probably run far far away.
I feel like this would also drive someone like Nikolai though mad cause he probably KNOWS how to get under your skin and wouldn't like your answer - like awww you're shy? TOO BAD !!
Nikolai would never make you admit it though. If anything if you ever say it out loud he would start to ignore you or even be mean, cause he's got severe emotional issues. He's like a situationship at it's worst. Dude doesn't know what he wants, he wants to be loved but if he actually got it? O lawd.
I love Jouno but like he would torture you if this happened like actually. C'mon. The dude would know before you even, and if you decided to ignore him, he would make your life hell.
He hates you. But he probably likes you, because he likes when people praise him. He would force you to tell him every part that you like about him. He's got a praise kink but god would he degrade you to hell and back for liking him.
These are just blurbs actually nothing substantial but...IDK I kinda wanna write Jouno once I get the time....mmm
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rachelordwayart · 1 year
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Just as Planetary Guardians have the right to submit their deceased disciples for afterlife training by their local Kai, Kais have the right to reserve any living mortal to be sent for training after their death. King Kai of the Northern Galaxy does this whenever looking in on a planet happens to involve looking in on a standup comedy special or open mic night and a particular comedian tickles his fancy. However, all of his reserved comedians take one look at Snake Way and NOPE right out of there, instead laughing it up across Other World and driving the Other Worldians nuts. Until one day when a frightened young comedienne (Colby, as in cheese, as in her sense of humor) suddenly poofs to after-life in King Yemma’s office and is set on the road without explanation, told only to get to the other side. For various reasons she believes she’s in hell and that walking an endless road is her eternal punishment. Eventually King Kai realizes someone’s on Snake Way (furious that once again no one in Yemma’s office contacted him or brought the trainee-to-be directly to him, you just can’t find good help these days), he flies his car at mach speed to pick her up, and thus begins a comedy of misunderstandings and angst and personal growth and the blatant fantasy of a kind and gentle authority figure helping you through life’s (or death’s) toughest moments.
Gonna try to do 1 piece a week for @icryink ’s Cringetober, so here’s #2, “Self-Insert.” Imagining myself in the worlds of my Special Interest series-es has been my go-to pastime since I was old enough to think (it requires zero effort and can be done anywhere at any time!), but over the years it’s gone from adventure fantasies to romantic fantasies to finally comfort fantasies aka This Is Just Me Having Therapy With Myself fantasies XD
In the last category, “King Kai’s Pun Apprentice” is a favorite scenario even when I’m NOT hyperfixating on DBZ. He’s such a wise, kind character, and the afterlife setting allows me to roleplay or imaginarily talk through big difficult feelings with an imaginary someone who’d be sympathetic but also call me out when necessary.
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slashingdisneypasta · 4 months
Jim Bickerman x Fem!Reader || (Long) Imagine
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Plot: You were lost in the woods, you almost died- but a nice man with an eyepatch saved you ^^
Warnings: Y/N kinda trauma bonding to Jim. Jim kinda abducting Y/N. Allusions to a pretty large age difference. I told y'all I wanted to write him worse XD Written on my phone+unedited.
Imagine being lost in the woods for a week, holding onto the brink of life, when you're found by a random poacher. You're terrified and deprived (of food, water, sleep, heat- everything), and he wasn't even looking for you, and the police you talk to seem all-too-familiar with him, but when he takes you to the sheriff's office you don't want him to leave you there. No. Please. Your eyes fill up with tears as you hold onto his arm, abandoning the hot coffee a deputy handed you and almost letting the wool blanket slip from your shoulders. "P- please stay with m- me. I dont know anyone."
"Y'dont know him, either." The Sheriff mutters, rolling her eyes but- trying, in some way, to remain compassionate.
The man - he told you his name was Jim, and you could call him Jimmy. He was nice. Well, you thought he was nice. He saved you, you felt safe with him, - looked unsure, eye flickering between your wide pleading eyes to the Sheriff with her eyebrow raised at him; waiting expectantly for a responce. A nervous smile washes over his face. "I mean, uh- who am I t' turn down a pretty girl in distress, huh?"
"For god's sake." The Sheriff shakes her head, leaving to make some calls, muttering. "Y'know the world's gone nuts when Jimmy Bickerman saves the day. Yeesh."
The entire time you're at the station waiting for someone who knows you to come, your mum or your dad or a friend- maybe a boyfriend? (You don't know. You hit your head, and you don't remember much) you stick right by Jim like a baby duck. You start to feel terrible anxiety fill you up whenever he leaves.
He doesn't leave you much, though, taking responsibility for you almost as soon as you flashed those teary eyes at him and begged for him to stay with you. He kept close tabs on you, making sure you were warm enough now and getting you something to drink if he thought you weren't (slipping a little Something in it to make you feel even warmer. It was his special stuff, he told you with a wink. You werent sure if alcahol was the best cure for you, right now, but you drank it anyway- it felt good. It warmed you up from the inside out), he bugged Sheriff Reba to order you food from the diner when you finally started to feel hungry again and eating with you so you didn't feel awkward being watched like a feral forest person (it was kindof like a date, you thought, as your senses were beginning to return to you. He flirted with you a little bit, but it just made you feel nice and normal), he talked with you to distract you...
When you started to remember things, why you were in the forest and who you were and where you came from- it was because of him. He was talking to you about himself, and you were listening intently (He was nice, he was interesting, he was funny. You thought you would've liked him whether he found you in the woods almost dead or not) and slowly things started to come back to you. Jim encouraged you, and then made a crack at Reba about him doing her job better then she did. How she should hand over her badge.
She mentioned how if he ran this town then he'd probably try to enact a bi-weekly Purge night, but gave you a kind grin and said she'd call your parents. They'd come to get you. You seemed better but she still didn't like the idea of you driving home yourself. Or letting Jim take you home, either. God forbid.
At this point you were full, warm, and had changed into some spare clothes the Sheriff station kept on-hand. But you still felt... out-of-place. Nervous. Like you had changed from this experience and no one understood you- you were afraid your parents wouldn't be the same either. It was silly, but you felt like the only person who knew you now... was Jim.
You didn't want to leave him. You wanted to stay.
He saw the worried look on your face after Reba left to call your parents, and nudged you. "Hey. If I didn't know better missy I'd think you were sad, now."
"I... " You start, but can't find words, and frown. Yes, you felt better-- but the talking was still a struggle. It was hard to put all your thoughts in order. It was hard, it was frustrating.
"Y'dont wanna see your mom and dad?"
... you just shrug. Of course you do- don't you?
At least part of you does. The part from a week ago. The little girl in you that just wants to go home.
... but the more prominent part of you feels like running. Are they going to like you now?? The confused, scared, rougher version of you?? Would you see Jim again!??
The thought that you possibly wouldn't, that your parents would take you away without a second word to him aside from 'thanks', not taking his phone number or anything, sends a spark of panic through you. You could ask for it now-
"Um- " Turning to him, you earnestly held up your hand and pretend to write on it. "Do you- have- um, a phone number?"
He winces, and your heart plummets. He tells you he doesn't have a phone, and you think- that sounds right, from what you've learnt about him over the past day. He doesn't even have a permanent home at the moment, he's staying in a motel room above the bar in town. Damn.
Jim seems just as put-put out, but after a moment, he leans over to you with fresh excitement; a new idea. He pats your thigh. "Tell you what- how about you write down your home address; and I'll send ya letters. Maybe pay ya a visit sometime~ Hm?"
Immediately you wilt. "I- I don't remember it... "
"... right. Damn."
Sighing, you break your gaze away from him and look sadly down at your hands in your lap. "... I could... call the bar?... "
"Yeah sweetheart, you better." This time he puts his hand on your arm, and squeezes. You let out another sigh; he's touched you so much this whole time you're going to miss it so bad when you leave.
When you don't look any happier, more like a wet kitten than ever (and he found you covered in mud and scratches and leaves), he can't handle it. He hates it. Truth be told, he'd caught some kindof feelings for you over the last day. You weren't just his responsibility here; you were a cute, sweet little thing, and when you started remembering shit you turned out to be pretty damn funny. And real interesting.
-and fucking damn him to hell for noticing, but the soggy forest girl had a nice ass, too.
He did not want to part with you, either. He sure as hell didn't want you upset about nothin, either.
Not if he could do something about it.
"Y'know what?" He starts, getting one of those ideas that the town calls him nuts for, looking darkly in the direction that the Deputy is sitting in the room; cheerfully going over documents. Curious, you raise your gaze and look at him, waiting for 'what'. "If you don't wanna see yer parents- I mean- well," Another nervous smile flickers across his bearded face- but this time its got a hint wryness to it. Almost wicked. "I might have an idea."
"... what?" Nothing about the look on Jim's face or the menacing tone in his voice suddenly makes you weary. You're almost... excited. What's he thinking?? "Whats- what's your idea?"
He takes a deep breath, leaning so close you can feel his shoulders raise with it. "-well, my truck's in the lot still."
"Mhm... "
"I'm bettin' we can get there before your parents can get all the way here."
It takes a moment for the meaning behind his words to settle in your muddled brain- but when they do, your lips part in surprise. "You- you wanna take me home with you??"
"Uhuh." He finally looks at you again, your wide shocked eyes and cute nose and nice mouth. The dark fog in his eyes clears up by about half, looking at you. "If you wanna."
Before you even know what you're agreeing to you're nodding, getting up. "Yeah- I mean- yeah. Let's g- go."
A roguish grin slips across Jim's face from under his trucker hat.
"Thats my girl."
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