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wakyu-waku · 5 months ago
I love your writing! Can I have an Astro x Reader, please? Reader is usually very outgoing and energetic, but around Astro they’re very calm and quiet. Astro asks about this one day, and Reader is like “oh you don’t like loud noises.”
Slides you two dollars and a stick of gum
Of course! I love the idea very very much, and you anon have the honor to be my first Dandy’s World x Reader story! And apologies for the delay, I’ve had a mini break to charge my power to start writing everybody’s requests!
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Astro x Reader - Slumber Party
You and Astro were exact opposites in every way, with Astro being the calm yet timid introvert he was- and you the energetic flower. Always happy to have fun and help other toons, as Astro observed from afar about you.
You and Astro were exact opposites in every way, that it came as a surprise to him and every toon that you’d caught feelings for him- and made it very clear by confessing to him.
You and Astro had already been close friends before such feelings blossomed, however Astro always noticed when it was just the two of you alone- you suddenly were all calm and quiet. You were still your kind self, however such a shift made Astro wonder- even after your confession to him.
And your confession to him gave him more questions than answers.
It was just the two of you looking at the starry sky, when you whispered your love to Astro with the same happy grin.
You expected Astro to be asleep already by the time you whispered your love to him, but suddenly his eyes sprung open and a blue blush was cast over his cheeks.
It’d been a few weeks then when you two started dating, and now you were planning a slumber party for all the toons!
“Brightney, I’m really grateful you were so eager to help organize everything for the slumber party!” You energetically say as Brightney crossed off some checkmarks on her list, not knowing Astro was watching from afar as usual.
“Of course [Your Name]! I’m always happy to help you and Astro!” Brightney giggled.
“Everything’s ready for this awesome slumber party! See you tonight!”
As Brightney waved goodbye, you would notice Astro putting some lavender on the vases. You’d go over and help him out.
“Lavendars?” You ask with a warm smile, your voice now a mere whisper.
“Mhm..” Astro nods, smiling back at seeing your face. “They help with sleep and anxiety..”
“I remember the smell.. Did you put some of it on your blanket?” You ask, making Astro a bit shocked you’d notice such a small detail on such a quiet Toon like himself.
“Mhm.. I have..!” Astro nods, a blue blush dusting his cheeks.
Soon enough, the sun had set and it was time for the slumber party! Toons started flooding in, and you did most of the greeting as Astro watched.
“I HATE SLUMBER PARTIES!!” Shrimpo shouted as he stomped in.
“But you came by anyways! Hehehe!” You giggled as Shrimpo grimaced.
“You know [Your Name], this slumber party is so gorgeous! Really sparkling decorations!” Glisten praised until he froze up at the sight of a familiar fish bowl.
“Glisten’s right, [Your Name]! This really is Fin-Tastic!” Finn laughed as Glisten scowled, and you couldn’t help but laugh along as well.
Astro watched on with a smile on his face at all the toons you talked to during the slumber party. Although he didn’t participate in the activities himself, he felt a fuzzy feeling watching you and everyone else have fun.
But if you’re so happy all energetic and outgoing, why weren’t you that way around him? Was he making you unhappy all this time?
He always had these questions in him, but at this particular night they started to claw at him so tightly like the second pair of arms around his body.
When it was finally time for all the toons to go to sleep in their own sleeping bags or spots on the couch, you and Astro stayed awake.
Astro couldn’t believe the look of love in your eyes as you at him.
“[Your Name]..” Astro shakily sighed out, worry weighing his back. “You’re always so outgoing and excited with the other toons.. However with me, you’re so quiet.. Why is that?”
You only gave a reassuring smile and opened up your arms.
“You don’t like loud noises Astro, so I’m quiet so you’re comfortable. Because I love you very very much..”
Sleeping in your arms felt like the softest cloud in the world for Astro, and his worries all flew away to the wind. Your love for him was the most comforting blanket, and that night every toon had a good dream.
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wakyu-waku · 5 months ago
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(Remember you can always ask a question or request a head-cannon or a story ^^ No pro-shipping or creepy requests/questions of course! Be respectful!)
Dandy’s World
Gigi x Reader
Glisten x Wandering Reader
Feelin’ like Tisha
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wakyu-waku · 5 months ago
i ssaw ur Gigi headcanon post and I loved it sm OGMGMH I love Gigi she's my fav
Also can I req for a glisten x reader where they REALLY like to go absolutely nowhere or smth
"Reader where are you it's 3 am" "oh yeah I'm at like New York" "YOU WERE IN BED WITH ME 1 MINUTE AGO??" "Sorry I slept walked"
Reader doesn't know what self control is because one second you turn away they're already like 1000 meters away
Also I'd like to see idol reader x glisten later on if I even request tbh it sounds cute
I love gigi so much too!! Im definitely on that grind to get her, she’s just too adorable and cheeky!! And for your glisten x reader, I’d love to! I’ll definitely get to Idol Reader x Glisten after this cuz I love Glisten too!! xD
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Glisten x Wandering Reader (Head-cannons)
It’s a high hill trying to read the infamous expectations of Glisten the mirror. Why with his ego and approval for perfection, he’s as high above the clouds!
However surprisingly (or unsurprisingly) for every toon, you were given the elevator all the way up to the mirror- having special access to his golden heart!
Glisten would have it no other way, absolutely feeling perfect around you. Just being around your presence has the mirror shining- both glass and frame.
But with all his desire to stay by your side, you make it so hard for him with all your wandering!
“Hahaha! Did you hear that splendid joke of mine, [Your Name]?” Glisten asked as he whipped his head beside him- only to find thin air.
“[Your Name]?!” Glisten shouts, leaving even Rodger himself confused by your disappearance.
Glisten would never admit it, but he’s a little clingy- so seeing his favorite Toon in the whole wide world suddenly disappear drives him nuts!
He’d spend minutes- hours- maybe all day looking for you before scolding you and crying how you had him worried sick! He’d have to hold back tears not to ruin his makeup- but he’d hold you very tightly after that.
“[Your Name]?!” Glisten yelps as she watches you pet Pebbles. You let Pebbles free before turning to Glisten with a smile.
“Yeah Glisten?”
“OH MY GOSH WHY DID YOU SUDDENLY RUN AWAY FROM ME?! I WAS SO SCARED!!” Glisten yelled as he grabbed you and shook you up and down- left to right.
“S-Sorry Glisten! Augh- It’s just- Pebble was doing neat tricks so I wanted to check up on him!” You explained.
“Don’t do that again!!”
Jokes on Glisten though, you’d eventually do that again- and at night too! Your sleep walking makes him more scared than ever before from your disappearance again.
Reader, have some poor mercy on the mirror! You’re ruining his beauty sleep!
“[Your Name]?! Where did you go?!” Glisten cries through the phone.
“I-Im sorry- I guess I sleepwalked again, I’m out on the streets now!” You explained.
Eventually Glisten does get used to your wandering, becoming a Reader finding master- but he will always fuss over your safety and be worried as he does try finding you.
After all, you mean the world to him. He’ll never want to leave you!
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wakyu-waku · 5 months ago
Washing the dishes today and inspecting the kitchenware very intensely made me feel like Tisha for a moment there eheheheh
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(Ask me any questions or give me any requests for character’s you’d like to see head-cannons or stories for! No pro-shipping or creepy requests of course. Be respectful!)
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wakyu-waku · 5 months ago
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Gigi x Reader (Head-cannons)
Gigi has always been fascinated by wacky and amazing treasure
She enjoyed the rush of excitement at what new item she would get next..
However ever since you came along, you’ve become Gigi’s most prized treasure of all!
Gigi always tends to keep her treasures close to her, and you’re no exception as she’s particularly glued onto you
However the treasures she usually keeps guarded and hidden from the rest of the toons, are all proudly shared to you
“Hey hey [Your Name]!” Gigi whispered as she hurried to your side, slightly out of breath.
“Yes Gigi?” You ask, before Gigi pulls out a special Astro figurine.
“Whaddaya think?~ It’s one of a kind! Mwhehehee, and one of the earliest manufactured Astro figurines too!” Gigi boasted with a smug smile as she presented it to you, beaming so brightly she could outshine Brightney.
“I think it’s lovely Gigi!” You giggle, making Gigi’s red face even more bolder in color. All she does is snicker back before hiding the figurine away.
However just as you are Gigi’s most prized treasure, you’re also her most protected. So naturally Gigi would become jealous if your time away from her was taken by another Toon.
You were talking about Vee about helping with some supplies for her next show soon, when Gigi stepped in with her arms behind her back.
“[Your name]! Wanna come see this exclusive dvd movie I just so happen to have? It has bloopers in it too!” Gigi interrupted, holding up the dvd in its case.
“Oh wow Gigi, how did you know about that movie?! Thats my favorite!” You exclaim.
“But I have to help Vee..” You murmur, turning back to Vee with a solemn expression on your face.
“Im sure it’ll be fine, right Vee? You can always ask Shelly to help ya!” Gigi suggested, only earning a scoff in response from the robot.
“See ya then!” Gigi chuckled as she grabbed your hand and whisked you away.
If you were chaotic, you’d become an unstoppable duo! You’d two would be inseparable just as you two are insufferable.
However if you were the more mature and calmer between the two, Gigi would be safe knowing she’d always have a shoulder to lean on. Of course, Gigi would always have your back as well- defending you in anything.
Because to Gigi you are the most priceless treasure of all.
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