#/ him angy. just needs someone to hold his hand and let him cry
astarab1aze · 3 months
Addie begs to differ about that rude ass tsundere
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i apologize i didnt specify but cody from tdi and the yandere alphabet
OH YES OF COURSE!!! ( I am scared of K-pop fans)
NOTES/WARNINGS what do you think bud?
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Affection: How do they show their love and affection? How intense would it get?
ughghg boy needs to hug you 12819318984879324 times a day or he dies on the spot
NEEEEEEDS your attention and talk your ear off or her may just explode
Blood: How messy are they willing to get when it comes to their darling?
uhh I don't think he has the balls to kill someone. he really wants to, but he always chickens out.
Cruelty: How would they treat their darling once abducted? Would they mock them?
FUCK NO! he just wants to smother and bother you all day. It may annoy you, but he's just so glad you're with him!
Darling: Aside from abduction, would they do anything against their darling’s will?
He constantly needs to touch you, so holding hands at the very least.
Exposed: How much of their heart do they bare to their darling? How vulnerable are they when it comes to their darling?
As much as you want, babe!
Fight: How would they feel if their darling fought back?
He's a bit sad, but he gets it.
But he's getting you back.
Game: Is this a game to them? How much would they enjoy watching their darling try to escape?
Hell: What would be their darling’s worst experience with them?
Every day is a new annoyance.
Ideals: What kind of future do they have in mind for/with their darling?
He has... no idea. So far his plans are that tomorrow he'll wake up, kiss you, hold you, and probably go back to sleep.
Jealousy: Do they get jealous? Do they lash out or find a way to cope?
He gets SO angy. he normally lets it out once you get home or when you two are alone so he can walk around in a circle and rant.
Kisses: How do they act around or with their darling?
He's such a needy guy, he needs to hold your hand, he needs to have your attention, hold you near, talk to you, hear your voice, anything!
Love letters: How would they go about courting or approaching their darling?
He tried to talk to you a few times, but it never really went well (unless you think him telling you a horrible pick-up line and running away [and tripping in the process] is suave and the best way to get a girl/guy/etc)
Mask: Are their true colors drastically different from the way they act around everyone else?
Naughty: How would they punish their darling?
He can't really do anything to hurt you in any way, maybe just some silent treatment, but he can't even bring himself to do that.
Oppression: How many rights would they take away from their darling?
Not many! He only takes them away if you try to get away from him once too many times.
Patience: How patient are they with their darling?
He's pretty patient! Unless you keep going away, then it'll thin.
Quit: If their darling dies, leaves, or successfully escapes, would they ever be able to move on?
Regret: Would they ever feel guilty about abducting their darling? Would they ever let their darling go?
nahhh. He needs your attention and love to survive!
Stigma: What brought about this side of them (childhood, curiosity, etc)?
Honestly, meeting Sierria kinda had a hand in all of this, all her clingyness and weird actions freaked him out, but soon he found himself doing the same to you.
Thankfully he noticed he was being a creep so he tried to tone it down to the best of his ability.
Tears: How do they feel about seeing their darling scream, cry, and/or isolate themselves?
He feels horrible. He doesn't know why you're acting this way, but he'll do the best he can to soothe you...
He's lying to himself, he knows deep down inside he's most likely the reason you're crying, If he finds out it was someone else, he'll do his best to either hurt them or get them to leave you alone.
Unique: Would they do anything different from the classic yandere?
He's a total sweetheart and is way too soft on/with you.
Vice: What weakness can their darling exploit in order to escape?
The fact he's soft on you. If you continue to build up his trust, he may eventually trust you to go out on your own. Just make sure to have a good excuse, or make it look like you're super excited to leave the house.
Wit’s end: Would they ever hurt their darling?
no, No, NO, never! Never! He loves you too much!
Xoanon: How much would they revere or worship their darling? To what length would they go to win their darling over?
Ohhhh quite a lot! He really loves you, no matter how you meet. If the way you met was with you showing him some kind of kindness or love, he may feel he needs it... and just from you, please!
Yearn: How long do they pine after their darling before they snap?
A few weeks or months, tops. That's if you're in the show together, but if not, it'll be a year or two so he can get more info about you. the games of the show already tell him so much about you.
Zenith: Would they ever break their darling?
But it's not like he wants to!
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Daughter of the Sea
Chapter Twenty-Eight: Hold Fast (Read on Ao3 here)
I wandered around for a while, trying to make any sense of the conversation I had just had. But the more I thought about what Hestia had said, the more confused I felt. And the more angry I got. I had spent the last few weeks coming up with every possible way to take Percy’s place, made peace with the fact that dying was worth it if it meant I was saving him. But now I wasn’t sure. 
In a way, hearing from Hestia affected me more than hearing from my father would have. I knew Poseidon had been watching over me my whole life, but it was Hestia who was protecting me day in and day out. It was Hestia who took up residence in the fireplace of our home and kept vigilant watch on me. Out of all the gods, she knew me the best. And hearing her say words I knew were true but I didn’t want to hear put me in a sour mood. 
I eventually found myself on the archery range. It was empty, which was extremely odd. I had never seen it so quiet—Apollo had a lot of kids, and they were all talented archers. You could always count on someone practicing their gifts while the sun was still shining. 
But not today. I guessed that a lot of the campers wanted to go back to their cabins or do something to take their mind off the funeral. I didn’t blame them. 
I pulled out the throwing knives I always kept on my belt—four beautiful bronze blades with golden hilts that glinted in the light. 
They had shown up on my doorstep last November with my name on the package, and Percy had been extremely jealous. I reminded him that he didn’t use throwing knives, but that didn’t seem to change his mind. The only thing accompanying the gift was a small piece of pristine white paper, no bigger than a business card, with a beautiful, golden and shimmering symbol of the sun on it, almost like the one in Tangled. I looked down the empty hallway, shrugged, and picked up the package. I waited a few days before opening them, just to make sure it wasn't some sort of trap, and found that they were perfectly balanced and fit in my hand exactly. I still hadn’t found out who sent them, but I had an inkling of an idea. 
I still wasn’t fantastic at throwing knives—Percy and I were notoriously bad at ranged weapons—but I had gotten a lot better in the last year. I usually hit the target, and one out of every fifty or so times I would hit the bullseye. I considered that an impressive improvement. 
Cady had insisted I train in the weapon in case my sword ever got knocked out of my hand, she said a demigod should never be caught defenseless. I didn’t need to worry about losing my weapon anymore, thanks to the gift from my dad, and even without a sword I had learned to wield my abilities enough to always be able to defend myself, but what started practical soon turned comforting. I usually gave up on anything that I wasn’t immediately good at, but I had decided to stick with this one, and it was nice to see my hard work was starting to pay off. It felt good to have something to work at, something I had to struggle in. Something I could see improvement in—it gave me a sense of control over my life. Which, as a demigod, didn’t come often.
I had just loosed my first knife when a rustling in the grass behind me made me whip around. 
“Juniper!” I called when I saw the elfish face. “You’re lucky I didn't have that knife in my hand anymore.” 
“I know!” she squeaked. “I’m sorry, Angie.” She stood up from where she was crouched in the grass. “I shouldn’t have been sneaking, but I need to talk to you.” 
I gave her a curious look. Now that she was closer, I could see her eyes were tinged green—chlorophyll from crying, I told myself. 
“Is this about Grover?” I tried to keep my voice gentle, but she let out a small sob at the mention of her boyfriend’s name. 
“The naiads told me that you were going through Chiron’s reports this morning and there was a report from a protector in Canada and he mentioned Grover in it.” Her words came rushing out, getting closer to hyperventilating by the second. 
No secrets here, I thought. Those naiads are the worst gossips. 
“I did see a report, yes. It was talking about how—” 
“Can you come with me, Angie?! I can’t be away from my tree for too long.” Even though she asked me a question, she didn’t wait for an answer. She grabbed my wrist and started dragging me towards the woods, and I gave up any hope I had of retrieving the golden knife stuck in the target. 
She didn’t stop running until we had come to a small clearing near her tree. I could see Zeus’ Fist standing tall in the middle of it and the sight sent a shiver up my spine. It had been a full year since the Battle, a full year of tension and loss and war. The clearing was a reminder of my first few weeks at camp, and a reminder of how far I had come. But it was also a reminder of my failures. 
“Now, what were you going to say about Grover?!” Juniper looked so hopeful, I didn’t know how to break the news to her. 
“Well, the letter didn’t exactly say anything about him.” 
“It was from a protector, Gleeson Hedge, I think, asking for Grover’s help. It was addressed to him. I don’t know why it ended up here.” 
“But—” Juniper looked like she was about to cry again when a voice startled both of us. 
“Ah ha!” I turned to see an old, fat satyr waddling towards us with surprising speed. He had a smug look on his goatish face. “It is obvious he has run away from his duties, abandoned us all. Trust me, nymph, you are better without that traitor.” 
Juniper’s green skin took on a red hue, and I wondered what it would look like for a tree nymph to fly off the handle. I didn’t know Grover well, I had only spent a little time with him last summer, but I knew he was Percy’s best friend. I knew he was brave, and funny, and was there for my brother when no one else was. In short, I knew I wasn’t going to put up with this old goat talking about him like that. 
“That’s not true, umm, whoever you are.” I snapped at him. 
“Whoever I am?!” He sounded utterly offended. “And just who are you?” 
“This is Angie Jackson!” Juniper announced proudly. “Percy’s sister.” 
The satyr’s nose crinkled. “Of course I should’ve guessed by her impertinence.” 
If I knew what that word meant I was sure I would’ve been offended. 
“Nice to meet you…” 
“Leneus! Lord of the Wild and Member of the Council of Cloven Elders!” 
I only caught about half of what he said. 
“Oh, alright. Sounds important.” 
He let out an aggrieved huff and stuck his nose in the air. “It is important, thank you—” 
His sentence was cut off by a small boy in black jeans and an aviator's jacket appearing out of nowhere. Leneus let out a scream. 
“Whoa, am I interrupting?” The pale boy looked more tired than I had ever seen him, and the sight of him made my stomach drop. On one hand I was glad that the conversation with the angry satyr had come to an end, but on the other, I knew what him being here meant. I knew what was about to begin. 
“Hey, Nico.” 
He gave me a small smile. “Hi, Angie. Nice to see you again. Know where Percy is?” 
I had gotten used to that question in the last year. “No, sorry.” 
“Will someone explain to me what's going on?” the satyr asked in the most annoying voice possible. Juniper ran and hid behind her tree. 
“Sorry, there’s usually no one here.” Nico said in a sheepish voice. “I came to see Percy.” 
The satyr let out a huff and rolled his eyes. “I have heard far too much about that upstart today.” 
I was about to tell the old goat off when a large hellhound came bounding through the trees and barrelling into the clearing. I reached for my necklace instinctively and was about to pull on it when I saw the glimmering collar around her neck. My hand relaxed as Mrs. O’Leary ran up to Nico and began to lick his face excitedly—which is quite the sight when the dog's tongue is almost as big as the boy. The son of Hades broke into a wide smile, but Leneus and Juniper weren’t as pleased. 
I was too busy laughing at the sight to see the boy jogging behind the hellhound, but when Nico perked up and nodded to someone behind me, I spun around. My heart beat a little faster when I saw who it was. He cracked a smile when he saw me, but his expression was immediately replaced with confusion. I understood why—he was walking into a strange quartet. 
"Will someone—what is this underworld creature doing in my forest!" Leneus began shouting, waving his arms and trotting on his hooves as if the grass were hot. "You there, Percy Jackson! Is this your beast?"
"Sorry, Leneus," Percy said. I swore I could hear the faintest hint of laughter in his words. "That's your name, right?"
The satyr rolled his eyes. "Well, of course I'm Leneus. Don't tell me you've forgotten a member of the Council so quickly. Now, call off your beast!"
Mrs. O’Leary let out another bark, shaking the ground a bit. Nico had found a tickle spot right behind her ear. 
The old satyr gulped. "Make it go away! Juniper, I will not help you under these circumstances!"
Juniper turned toward my brother. "Percy," she sniffled. "I was just asking about Grover. I know something's happened. He wouldn't stay gone this long if he wasn't in trouble. I was hoping that Leneus—"
"I told you!" the satyr protested. "You are better off without that traitor."
Juniper stamped her foot. "He is not a traitor! He's the bravest satyr ever, and I want to know where he is!"
Percy had just opened his mouth, probably in protest, when the hellhound barked again. Leneus’ knees started knocking. "I . . . I won't answer questions with this hellhound sniffing my tail!"
Nico looked like he was trying to not crack up. "We'll walk the dog,” he volunteered, “Won’t we, Angie?" He turned towards me with an expression that told me he wasn’t asking. I pushed away the feeling of cold dread that crept up my spine whenever I was around him. 
“Umm, sure!” Percy looked uneasy as he shot me a cautious glance. I nodded at him, and he looked back to Juniper. Percy and I were getting better at communicating without words, twin stuff, I guessed, and I knew what he was trying to tell me—be on your guard. It’s not that we didn’t trust Nico…but as children of Poseidon, we had to be a little more careful around the other kids of the Big Three. Especially since Hades didn’t like Percy all that much. 
He whistled, and Mrs. O’Leary took off like a shot to the other end of the grove. Nico raced after her, and I took that as my cue to follow. 
When we finally caught up to the hellhound, she was sniffing around some boulders the way she did when she was about to, uh, relieve herself, so Nico and I gave her plenty of space.
“You’re nervous about what comes next.” Nico spoke, his voice grim. It wasn’t a question. 
“Yeah.” I couldn’t meet his eyes. 
“It’s the only way, Angie. The only way Percy has a chance against Luke.” 
I knew he was right. But that didn’t stop me from hoping. “What if there is another way? Maybe there’s something that I can do—” 
“Angie, how many times do we have to go over this?” 
I snapped my head towards him, desperation filling my eyes. “Everyone keeps telling me the same thing! But I won’t give up on him! Not until—” my voice broke and I took in a sharp breath. “Not until I can’t fight anymore.” 
Nico’s eyes softened, and he looked more sad than usual. Which was saying something. “I understand wanting to hold on to him. Trust me, I do. but you have to let go. You have to believe when people tell you this is his fight. The things that are coming…” he got a faraway look in his eye, like he was looking through me into a scary future. “We’ll need you.” He focused on me again. 
Nico was always saying strange things. Being a child of the underworld, he spent most of his time underground, talking to ghosts. And ghosts could see more than livings could, sometimes even into the future. Nico always knew more than other demigods, but he had learned quickly that most of the time, those things were for him alone. It was almost impossible to get information out of him. 
“Everyone keeps saying that, too. But it doesn’t make me feel better.” 
Nico cracked a small smile, and I noticed the way it made his dark eyes shine. When he didn’t have a permanent scowl on his face, he actually looked pretty kind. “I know. But give it time—sometimes the only way to understand something is by going through it.” 
I considered the small boy, and decided he was much too wise for a twelve year old. 
Mrs. O’Leary, finished with her business, bounded up to us and nearly knocked me over. We pet her for a little bit before Nico turned his head in a curious way before announcing, “Let’s head back.” 
I didn’t question him. 
We reached the clearing in time to hear my brother say, “I've got worse enemies than overweight satyrs." 
"Good job, Percy.” Nico said as he walked up to him and Juniper. “Judging from the trail of goat pellets, I'd say you shook him up pretty well."
Percy gave him a weak smile, and I could tell he knew why the son of hades had come calling. "Welcome back. Did you come by just to see Juniper?"
Nico blushed. "Um, no. That was an accident. I kind of…dropped into the middle of their conversation."
"He scared us to death!" Juniper said. "Right out of the shadows. I heard that Angie got a note about Grover when she was going through Chiron’s reports, but it didn’t say anything helpful.” She sounded so dejected, but immediately perked back up. “But, Nico, you are the son of Hades and all. Are you sure you haven't heard anything about Grover?"
Nico shifted his weight. "Juniper, like I tried to tell you…even if Grover died, he would reincarnate into something else in nature. I can't sense things like that, only mortal souls."
"But if you do hear anything?" she pleaded, putting her hand on his arm. "Anything at all?"
Nico's cheeks got even brighter red. "Uh, you bet. I'll keep my ears open."
She nodded glumly. "I hate not being able to leave the forest. He could be anywhere, and I'm stuck here waiting. Oh, if that silly goat has gotten himself hurt—"
Mrs. O'Leary bounded back over and took an interest in Juniper's dress.
Juniper yelped. "Oh, no you don't! I know about dogs and trees. I'm gone!"
She went poof into green mist. Mrs. O'Leary looked disappointed, but she lumbered off to find another target, leaving Nico, me, and Percy alone. The atmosphere immediately shifted into something tense and dark. My brother turned to face me, putting a hand on my shoulder. 
“I think I need to talk to Nico alone for a bit. Stay here?” 
I swallowed the lump that formed in my throat. “Yeah, okay. Just…just don’t leave without saying goodbye.” 
His eyes got sad. “I won’t.” He ruffled my hair a bit, and this time, I let him. Nico gave me a small smile, his face still a shade of red, before the two boys turned and walked deeper into the woods. 
I sat in a small meadow that was on the edge of the clearing we had been standing in, passing the time making and unmaking small flower crowns. Katie Gardener had taught me how to make them, although mine were never as good as hers were. I knew I should be doing something more productive, like practicing my throwing knives, running sword drills, or even working on strengthening my abilities, but I couldn’t make myself do any of that. It all felt too heavy. Just as I was about to get up and walk back into camp, assuming Percy had forgotten about me, he came running back into the clearing. 
I made my way over to him quickly. “Are you leaving?” 
I could tell by the look in his eyes that the answer was yes. 
“It’s time.” He didn’t have to say more. 
I threw my arms around his neck and didn’t try to stop my tears from soaking the shoulder of his orange Tshirt. He held me close, smoothing my hair and whispering some comforting words that I wasn’t paying attention to. Before long, he pulled away. His eyes were red and wet. 
“Don’t go.” 
I knew it was selfish of me to say. I knew it wasn’t fair. I knew he didn’t want to be anyone’s martyr just as much as I didn’t want him to die. He didn’t ask for any of this—and he didn’t need any more reminders of how close to the end he was. 
“I have to, Angie.” Percy sounded exhausted. Now, just the two of us, he let his shoulders slump and there wasn’t a trace of a smile on his face. 
“You know It’s the only way to stand a chance against Luke. If he’s invincible, then I have to be, too.” He continued. “We’re no match for the Titan army. You know that. This comes down to me and Kronos.” The words sounded like they were coming from someone else, his eyes faraway and distant. I recognized them as the ones Nico had told him, almost a year ago. 
“But it’s not fair!” I sounded like a petulant child, but I didn’t care. “It’s not fair that it has to be you.” 
Percy sighed like he was disappointed I was only now figuring this out. “It’s not.” He admitted. “But the life of a demigod isn’t fair. Especially for a child of the Big Three. It’s…it’s just our fate.” 
He tried to tuck a stray piece of hair behind my ear, but I flinched away from him. 
“But I don’t want to lose you! I can’t lose you! I don’t know how to—” the words caught in my throat, a sob taking their place. I dissolved into tears, and before I knew it, Percy’s arms were around me. I didn’t try to fight him. 
“Can I tell you a story?” 
It was such a strange thing to say that it caught me completely off guard. 
“What?” My voice cracked. 
“A story my mom, our mom, told me when I was very small.” He began. “And one I’m sure she would’ve told you. It’s the reason why she named me Perseus in the first place.” 
“Because he was a hero?” 
Percy chuckled. “That’s what I thought at first, too. But no. Because, against all odds, he is one of the few heroes who managed to find his way to a happy ending.” I thought about that for a moment. His happy ending was living a life with the person he loved, Andromeda. I wished that could be true for Percy and me, but the thought felt too far away to reach. 
“When he was a very little boy,” Percy continued, “he and his mother were placed into a wooden chest and cast out into the sea by a very angry king. Alone. Afraid. And at night, his mother would whisper in his ear: ‘Hold fast, Perseus. Brave the storm that was made to break us, for we are unbreakable. As long as we have each other.’” 
Percy whispered as he smoothed my hair. My breathing began to steady. 
“As long as we have each other.” I echoed. “Don’t go where I can’t follow.” 
Percy chuckled, probably remembering the time I forced him to watch all of the Lord of the Rings movies this past year. I had always loved that quote, and after he heard it, it had become our mantra.
 “You’re such a nerd.” There was a smile in his voice. A comfortable silence fell over us as we held onto each other, not knowing when either of us would get to hug our sibling again. When he spoke again, his voice was low and gentle, but very sure. 
“So…hold fast, Angie. That’s what mom said to me when I first came to Camp, when I was figuring all this out. Hold fast. Brave the storm.”
“Hold fast.” I echoed, wanting the words he was saying to sink into my heart and find a permanent place there. 
 I had only known Percy for about a year, but in that time, he had become a part of my soul. The thought of losing him tore me apart. Every fiber in my being was screaming at me to hold onto him forever, to never let go. I wanted to beg him to take me with him, plead to take his place. 
But I knew it was no use. In that moment, I knew I wasn’t strong enough. But Percy was. 
And more than that, I knew Percy would never let me. This was a journey he had to take on his own, and I would just have to find some other time to save him further down the road.
I let go of him and looked into his sparkling eyes, identical to mine. 
“You can do this.” I put all the power I had into my words. “I’ve never believed in anyone more than I believe in you.” 
He managed a smile. “I’ll see you again.” 
“I know you will. We are unbreakable, as long as we have each other.” 
I swore I saw tears begin to pool in his eyes, but I didn’t say anything. He pulled me into another hug, tight and quick, before letting go and messing up my hair. And this time, just this once, I let him. 
Then he turned and disappeared into the darkness, only stopping to look back once. 
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channoticedmeuwu · 1 year
tsk — who were you? what were you? that's all 𝐂𝐇𝐎𝐈 𝐒𝐎𝐎𝐁𝐈𝐍 thought about when you stood next to him on the auditorium stage, smiling at the dozen school photographers and fingers holding a plaque that now belonged to both of you. How dare you; disrupt Part-Time Perfect's chance of being the one and only. How dare you; try to make your way into being the face of the school next to him, after being someone he watched from afar for years? and how dare you look so fucking hot while doing it
W — soobin being unrealistically hot
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the last thing you thought you'd find yourself doing was chasing soobin down for taking your prized possession; the airpods you bought yourself for your birthday. Of course, it sounded pointless since that boy was currently wearing countless Luigi merchandise and was incapable of even hurting a fly. you knew would eventually give it back, but you chased him for the hell of it.
something about choi soobin actually acknowledging you beyond a mere school partner satisfied you— so you'd let yourself bask in the feeling of finally being noticed by someone you didn't even like. not like that anyway. it was choi soobin, for crying out loud.
he would occasionally glance back and check if you were still chasing him, tongue resting at the corner of his mouth, wearing the sneakiest smirk you've seen the guy wear. and of course, the wink he'd give, knowing it just fueled your anger even more, was too much. and how did you even take this seriously, he was fucking Luigi.
you gave in with a huff, hands on your knees as you stood trying to catch your breath. Eventually, he noticed and walked back, taking the stupid hat off and combing his hair. beads of sweat dripped down his forehead and down his neck. his tongue still poked in the inside of his cheek. damn, you thought as you took the airpods from his hands, which made the case look way too small at first glance. you'd have to give haerin and angie credit where it's due; choi soobin was no joke.
eventually, he noticed your eyes staring him down as if it's the first time you'd noticed him—or rather, as if it's the first time you actually realized that he wasn't as ugly as you always called him to be. whatever the case was, he found himself swallowing, grabbing your shoulders to make you look up.
then, you scowled, and something about that scowl was more relaxing than the genuine look of awe your eyes gave him earlier.
"fuck you," you huffed as you reached for the bag you had slung on your shoulder to put your airpods back in, when you realized.
where was your bag?
you looked at soobin's hands. then behind you, then around you, and your hands went to your hair.
all your valuables, money and everything you'd need for the day was missing. in a place you didn't even live in. fuck. fuck. fuck.
"what's wrong?" the genuine curiosity in his voice caught you by surprise. you didn't think he was capable of care when it came to you, even if it was out of general courtesy.
"my bag." you glanced around the crowd, your heart crawling up your throat, causing you to repeat yourself. "fuck. My bag. My bag, soobin, my bag."
your bag, he mouthed to himself as his eyes glazed around the crowd.
"what am I going to do?" you found the sun to be hotter than it was before, your mouth going dry, tears of panic stinging your eyes, "jesus, soobin, what the fuck am I going to do?"
maybe it was seeing you break out of your cool exterior for the first time that hit him between the eyes with a pang, or it was that you're actually telling him the truth rather than just hiding it behind a scoff. but regardless, he grabbed your arm, making you blink the tears away and focusing on the now.
"look, we'll find your bag. it'll be here somewhere. maybe you dropped it?"
and that's when you caught the eye of someone, dressed suspiciously in all black in this scorching heat, fan themselves with gloved hands. oh you've got to be kidding me.
"THERE!" you pointed, making soobin snap his head in the direction you were looking, "IN ALL BLACK."
and soobin took off.
the guy must have seen a 6'1 teenager wearing a Luigi hat chasing him down like he was prey to a hawk, because he screamed and ran, causing soobin to yell "STOP" and "THIEF" in every language he knew except Japanese.
you tried to run after them, echoing whatever soobin screamed back in all the broken japanese you knew, trying to catch a glimpse of the scene.
but you realized that soobin must have been running slow enough for you earlier while you chased him, because if he was fast earlier, there is no comparison to him right now.
and then you stopped, leaning against a wall to catch your breath yet again. whatever happens now, you're just praying soobin catches up with the guy.
who wears black in this heat anyway?
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28 — its-a me-a, mariooo
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glosskirt · 11 months
we work .
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Synopsis; Y/N enters the hallway of the college she chose. A music major. While walking, she passes by a door that says 'Recording Room' and hears someone yelling. After the yelling was a not-so-good singing voice. Who was this?
Genre; Somewhat fluff, what I find amusing, platonic, the start of romance
Warnings; A LOT of cursing, angy Yoongi
While walking around the campus of your new school, people were looking at you weirdly. Maybe it was because of your music-themed everything, but you're just really excited!
"Excuse me, where's the main office?" You asked a student. She just looked at you. How rude. You tried asking a couple more students, but they all gave the same reaction. While looking for more people to ask, you passed by a door. It was labeled 'Recording Room,' so, it was probably meant for the demo recordings of the songs the students make. What you heard inside was yelling. "What the hell?! Why can't you just hit the note?! It's A for fucks sake!" Is what you heard. After that, the person who was getting yelled at started singing. And, the yelling was probably necessary. The person's voice was really raspy, and he really couldn't hit the note. "Well maybe it's because you can't play the piano properly!" The singer yelled, exiting the booth. "You say A, but you're pressing B! The A key is here. Not here! They make different noises, you know!" He yelled in the pianist's face. "Yoongi, this isn't gonna work. Find someone else for this project." The pianist said, packing up his bags and leaving the room. When the pianist saw you on his way out, he looked at you with an annoyed face. "He's a hopeless case, don't even try." And left.
When you looked back inside the room, the singer, who's name is Yoongi, was crying. "Fuck, fuck... I'm gonna fail now! That dumbass ditched me,, this is the fifth time this has happened!" He cried. You felt bad for Yoongi. Wait a second... You can sing! You can definitely help him with whatever project he's doing! Without thinking, you entered the room.
"Hey, are you alright? I saw you crying." You said. He looked up at you, "Huh? Oh, I'm fine. Just had to deal with a bastard. No biggie." He said, sarcastically smiling. He picked up his things and was ready to walk out, but you spoke. "Are you doing a project?" You asked. He nodded. "Yeah, but I'm a shit singer. I'll probably fail." He said. Getting his beanie. "Can you play piano?" You asked. Approaching him. "Yeah, it's my first love. Of course I can. Wait, are you suggesting that we do the project together?" You nodded, enthusiastically. He ruffled his hair and asked, "Well can you sing?" You nodded again. He smiled. "Let's do this then! I need to pass this fucking semester." You laughed at his face.
"So this is the song I wrote. But, it's written for an alto. I'm guessing you're a soprano? Or are you an alto too?" He asked. Flipping through the pages of his notebook to find a blank page. "Yeah, I'm a soprano. Sorry." You said. "Oh, that's fine." He said, writing some stuff on the paper. "Can I hear you play the instrumental?" You asked. Wondering if Yoongi was going to let you hear. "First tell me your name. I need to write it for the grading paper." He looked up at you. "Y/N L/N." You said. He smiled, "Y/N? Nice name. My name's Yoongi. Min Yoongi. Nice to meet you, Y/N." He wrote your name down on the paper. And his handwriting was nice. After he did, he held his hand out. You took it, and you both shook hands.
He played his song for you. It was so beautiful. "It's called eight." You were amazed. A college student wrote better than how your parents wrote your life plan. "It's beautiful." You said, smiling at him. He looked back at you and smiled too. "It'll be more beautiful once we record the vocals. Are you ready? Do you need more practice?" He said, holding a thumbs up that would go to a thumbs down once or twice. "I think I'm ready." You said, standing up and heading to the recording booth.
He started the instrumental, and you sang to it. Carefully pronouncing the t's and d's. Making your hands flow to the melody, since that makes it easier. You stopped singing when it was Yoongi's turn. When you exited the booth, he smiled. "You have a mellifluous voice, do you know that?" He said, walking past you. You blushed while you sat in his chair. When he nodded, you played the instrumental and listened to his voice. It wasn't that bad. Maybe it's cause of the song choice him and the other guy chose. When he was done, he exited the booth. "Sorry, we can't share the chair. If you want, I can work on the floor." He said. Moving his equipment to the ground. "No, it's okay! I'll sit on the floor. You deserve the table." He pouted and moved his equipment back onto the table.
While he was working, you got a little tired and rested your head on his leg. He caressed your head for a bit before getting back to work.
"We sound beautiful together." You mentioned.
"We work." He smiled.
"What? It's the truth."
tagging; @haecien
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i-cant-sing · 2 years
Just thinking about a deadly disease spreading throughout the RE8 village and reader being one of the unfortunate to get infected. Its a supert painful disease that kills you very slowly. Chances of survival are next to none.
Poor reader is just having the worst time of have her life because this disease is eating her from inside out but she doesn't even have the time to rest or process it because she's still on her mission to find Rose.
Her only comfort is Handsome, the zombie cyborg growing more distressed by the hour. Your skin is turning pale, you're losing weight faster than you're consuming calories, you're feverish, breaths are shallow and you can't even seem to hold your own weight, having to lean on Handsome for support, all while chanting "Rose. Rose. Need to find her."
Eventually though, you pass out in his arms.
Handsome doesn't know what to do other than provide you some very basic care, but it worries him when you don't wake up. So, he caries you towards Heisenberg's factory, where Heisenberg is having yet another argument with Lady Dimitrescu. But they drop it the moment their eyes land on you.
Soon, word spreads to the other Lords as well that you're sick and they're all gathered together to find a cure for you because no way are they gonna let you die.
But it's agonising to watch you suffer through it. You're feverish, in extreme pain, in and out of consciousness and yet you're still incoherently mumbling your sister's name.
As more time passes, your symptoms worsen. The disease feels like its eating up your organs from inside, your head feels like someone is hammering nails in it, and your bones feel like someone is snapping them very slowly.
You may have a high pain tolerance but now, you wanted to much rather die than spend another second through this curse.
So you begged them. You begged them to kill you.
"Pleass- please, just do it. I don't care- I don't care how, but please do it!"
Alcina tried to soothe you. "Sweetie, no. It's gonna be okay! We're finding you the medicine. You're gonna be all good in no time!" She smiled, wiping the sweat off your forehead with her handkerchief, but you knew the truth.
"Y-you're lying- you're lying. You don't have the cure- don't have any medicine for me-" You started coughing, blood staining the rag you'd hacked up into. "I'm gonna die anyways. Why make me suffer through it?"
Moreau shook his head. "No, no! We are working on the cure!"
You chuckled dryly, wincing as your throat hurt. "Yeah? I bet you're gonna propose she turns me into a vampire."
Alcina peeked from under her hat. You shook your head. "Dont bother. If I became one, dad would never accept me."
Silence fell over the room at the mention of Ethan. It was no surprise that they all loathed him, maybe even more now than before.
Heisenberg left the room, his hands shaking in rage. He didn't want you to become a vampire, he didn't. But if that was the only way to save you, he'd do it.
Yet all you could think about was Ethan, the man who abandoned his one daughter in favour for another. He bets Ethan isn't even worried in the slightest about you right now, or trying to track you down.
Donna is going through all of her father's books to find anything useful in it for you, while Angie is crying with the Dimitrescu sisters.
Moreau is testing medicines upon medicines upon other infected people from the village, sighing as he crosses off the drugs as more people die.
Alcina and Heisenberg are both extremely frustrated because of your wish to die. How can they kill you when they've never even imagined of hurting a hair on your head?
You're still a child for fucks sake! You're too young to die, too young to even think about contemplating death.
And it broke their heart to hear you beg for them to do it.
"Handsome?" You called out to the man standing silently in the corner. His drill whirled in response. "Can you do it?"
He walked closer to you, wanting to know what you're asking.
"Can you kill me?" He didn't reply. "I know you can hear me, Handsome. Please, just- you know what? Give me the gun. I'll- I'll do it myself. Yeah, I'll do it-" you cut yourself with another coughing fit and he rushed to give you sine water.
Handsome didn't sleep a wink that night. How could he, when all he could think about was you waking up and picking up a revolver to off yourself. He couldn't trust you to not hurt yourself, not anymore.
After a few more agonising nights, your health started to return, and a week later, you were normal again, and soon you were back on the road to find Rose again with Handsome.
However, you also had many others following you around in the shadows. It was the Lords, because they couldn't bare to be at rest now (or ever again) after all they had seen you go through.
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Oof imagine how Chris and Leon would react to a sick reader. Like I can see their anxiety going through the roof, Chris is coaxing you to drink the warm soup and drink your medicine while Leon is threatening one doctor after another to find a cure.
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heisenberg-simp257 · 2 years
Hello! Could you please write some headcanons for the Four Lords and reader who by their nature is a compassionate, romantic and sensitive person? Thank you so much!
Sure thing!❤️
The Four Lords with an S/O Who is a Compassionate, Romantic, and Sensitive Person
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Alcina Dimitrescu
-She finds your nature enchanting. Alcina is generally a woman of high confidence with a dominant nature. She’s never had someone truly care about her in her life, hence why she has such high walls built, so much so that even her daughters couldn’t penetrate.
-Alcina gets kind of flustered whenever you are being romantic because she’s just not used to it. She is used to doing everything she wanted by herself. However, now she gets to have you planning things like dinner together or wine on the terrace. 
-Also, you give her lots of surprises. It gets to the point where she gets excited to see what you’ve got planned next. Not that she excepts it obviously.
-Your compassion is something she admires, especially towards her daughter. Again, she blocked kindness out of her life because she’s never really received it. In turn, she would start to learn to be compassionate as well.
-If anyone points that out, she gets aggressive once more. She’s only nicer to you.
-Sometimes Alcina gets sensitive about her own life. So, you both just end up being sensitive together. It can either be comforting each other, holding one another, or something along those lines.
-She absolutely cherishes having you in her life because it’s one speck of light that she can absorb when she’s feeling weak. Your romantic, kind, and sensitive nature is something that’s so reflective of what she once was. It’s very comforting to have you around, and she would destroy herself before letting anything happen to you.
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Donna Beneviento (and Angie)
-Donna never feels like she deserves any of it. She’s always been rather insecure and not worthy of any love. I mean, after all that’s happened in her life, she never expects good things. That’s why, she keeps thinking you are an illusion.
-However, no matter how much Donna “pushes” you away, you never stop your actions. You are a compassionate person by nature, and you’re not going to let Donna degrade herself. 
-Not only do you shower her with kind words, but you also help out around the house. It was a big place for someone like Donna, so you don’t blame her for feeling lonely now and again. So, you help out with chores even when she asks you to stop.
-You also help out Angie and the other dolls whenever Donna isn’t available. Like, if they need new parts or something. You aren’t as good as Donna, but you try.
-Going hand-in-hand with your compassionate nature, you are also quite romantic. It’s hard to tell, but Donna gets rather flustered when you surprise her with a bouquet of flowers or something.
-Something that truly brings you two together is your sensitivity. Donna is rather sensitive as well, so there is no judgement here. You both can cry or comfort each other without worry or hiding. Donna is greatly appreciative of this.
-It takes Donna a long while to get used to your nature. She’s just used to all the bad that she never stops to notice the good. Thankfully, you’re there to help turn her around on that, and show her a happy life full of love.
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Salvatore Moreau
-Moreau is the complete opposite of Donna. Instead of rejecting all the love and kindness, he practically gets absorbed by it and nearly bursts into flames because of how happy he is.
-All his life he’s been searching for love and compassion, even before the Cadou destroyed his life. You coming to him was like a blessing, and he was so thankful that his search had finally ended.
-Your compassion surprised him at first. I mean, no one was ever nice to him. And now here you were, offering activities that you guys could do together. You’re willing to watch any movie with him, even if it’s a movie that you don’t really like.
-You defend him from Heisenberg is the most passive and kind way possible. There is just not a mean bone in your body, even when someone is being rude to your beloved. 
-Moreau also never expected to be with such a romantic person. He was, surprisingly, the lord who knew the most about romance thanks to his shows. So, you both are romantic saps together which sickens everyone.
-You guys are also so sensitive. Like, your sensitive by nature, but so is Moreau. Like with Donna, there is no judgement or anything here because you guys’ just kind of share each other’s feelings.
-The two of you are so sickeningly similar that it’s practically fate that brought you two together. I mean, you are the perfect fit for Moreau, and he can’t believe he got so lucky to have met you.
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Karl Heisenberg
-So, Heisenberg just doesn’t understand you at first. He’s an asshole, so why are you being so nice to him? Your nature was foreign to him, so it annoyed him at first. However, no matter how much he resists, he starts to adore your nature, even though he hates it a bit.
-You think everyone deserves kindness, that’s what you told him. Heisenberg just didn’t understand why you were so nice when it was just so much easier to be rude and push everyone away. You realized that came from his own nature and how he was raised. And thus, the loving and reforming of Lord Heisenberg began.
-Your compassion didn’t go unnoticed by Heisenberg. You would be nice to him when others would say otherwise, and you happily helped him out on his projects, even when they seemed to disgust you greatly.
-Of course, he sometimes feels unworthy of you because of how opposite you guys are. I mean, you’re so gentle and stuff while he’s the exact opposite. It takes a lot to convince him to break down those burly walls and accept your love.
-Speaking of that, you are quite the romantic person. This is the one area that Heisenberg is down for because romance can lead to a bunch of other things. Not that his mind is fixated on that mind you. He just loves how suave and loving you can be, such as planning a dinner for a date.
-Something that he doesn’t really know how to deal with is your sensitivity. Heisenberg is used to being gruff and not caring about others. Now, he has to care for someone, and he has no clue how. So, when something upsets you or something along those lines, he just lets you do what makes you feel better.
-You guys are the best definition of opposites attract. He’s all crude and gruff while you are compassionate, sensitive, and romantic. It’s an ironic duo, that’s for sure. However, you guys make it work, and he would be lost without you.
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books-and-catears · 3 years
MC pranking the brothers that they're dead?😢 ANGST TO FLUFF PLS😫💕💕
I'm in love with your writings omg
Oof MC that's gotta hurt 😣 Don't do that again you almost broke all of them at once! Also aww thank you for your kindness :') So sorry for such a late response.
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It was supposed to be a joke. You'd seen so many people doing this prank - you thought of giving it a try. And besides they'd already seen you die once, what's the worse that could happen this time?
But the worst really did happen as the door opened and the brothers walked into the house only to see you lying in a pool of red at the bottom of the stairs. The horrified screams, rushing footsteps and cries of help, you needn't even open your eyes to see the ruckus.
"There's still pulse and breathing! We need to stop the bleeding first!" Satan was the first to detect. He rushed to bring the first human aid books he could find.
You could feel Beel's arms urgently picking you off the ground while Mammon kept cupping your cheek and calling your name. Asmo and Lucifer were on their D.D.Ds not far behind trying to get Solomon and Barbatos to come help.
Belphie and Levi had already rushed up to your room tidying and cleaning everything for you to have a good rest.
"Guys guys! It was a joke! Look, fake blood!" You chirp the moment your head hit the bed. You were smiling but noone else was. Now you could see your real impact.
He was on his knees, holding your hand. Now he squeezed it. Tighter.
First there was relief and then there was rage. You watched him grit his teeth and apologize to Diavolo before cutting the call.
"Your death is NOT a joke, MC." He said, shaking his head. "NEVER do something like this again."
Still gets Satan to check your vitals just in case. Later comes by and talks to you all night. Maybe you just needed someone to care for a while.
Yeah those are real tears in his eyes, dripping down his face, staining his leather a darker brown.
The moment you wake up he's hugging you tight and rattling you at the same time somehow.
"WHY WOULD YA DO THAT, HUMAN?! WHAT AM I SUPPOSED TO DO WITHOUT YA?!" He blushes furiously after realising what he said.
But he doesn't let go of you. Insists he wants to stay with all night just in case, making a elaborate show by locking all the windows and keeping watch.
Levi was holding your arm with one hand and looking up human revival methods on his phone with the other.
His face looked like it was going to burst into tears and minutes later he did, howling like the wind.
"MC?! You're okay?! YOU'RE OKAY!! I thought I lost the only friend I ever had DON'T DO THAT TO ME AGAIN! I DON'T LIKE THIS AT ALL!" Levi wailed hiding his face on the bed.
Brings a bunch of mangas for you to read together. Accidentally brings one where the protagonist dies, remembers your prank and starts crying on your shoulder again.
Satan was constantly checking for your pulse and heartbeat, using every healing spell he ever knew.
He tried to look calm but his eyes showed his panic. He heaved a long sigh and let his head fall on your shoulder.
"Damnit MC, why would you feel compelled to pull something like this?! This isn't how a prank works!" He pulled you closer. "None of this again please."
He stayed there the rest of the night, reading and ignoring you (cause he angy) but still holding you tight against him so you don't escape.
Asmo had glittery tears running down his cheeks. He's right there with Levi, panicking and screaming for help to Solomon on his phone.
His eyes lit up the moment you woke back up. An excited squeal and you are tackled down to the bed. He's just glad you're okay.
"Why would you do that to me, MC?! I thought I lost you!" Asmo cried, "How are you going to make up for this?!"
He begs you to use his shower and wash the fake sticky blood off your hair and clothes. He wouldn't even mind washing you himself.
Beel felt dread in full force as he carried you to the bed. It was the same kind of dead weight he'd already held once.
When he heard your voice again, he sighed softly, placing his head against your hand, his hair tickling your knuckles. You saw small water stains on the bedsheet when he finally lifted his head again.
"MC you're really okay?" Beel cupped your face trying to look for any obvious signs. "Really, really okay?"
You thought he went to back to his room but turns out he was sitting outside your door, just in case something happened to you. You invite him so atleast he can be comfy.
Belphie fluffed up the pillow for your head as Beel lowered you on it. Your body felt cold so he tucked you in with blankets too.
He stared at you wide-eyed and slack jawed before he groaned and threw a pillow at your head. Why are you out here pranking your own league MC?!
"Seriously MC, don't do that again! I don't care if it's a joke" He insisted while you both kept chucking pillows at each other. "It wasn't funny."
Oh he's going to annoy you the whole night. Bed hogging, sleep talking and putting his legs on you at random hours of the night. It's his own wayof revenge. And maybe because it makes him feel better to see wake up alive over and over.
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wallflowerimagines · 3 years
Hi! I looove your posts! Thank you so much for sharing your writing!
I was wondering… could you maybe write about the Four Lords with a shy S/O that gets bold and defensive when someone insults the lords? or calls them names? And the Lord’s reaction to the S/O acting different? Dk if im explaining myself >.<
Again! Love your work! Have a great day!
We stan protective partners on this blog!!
Warnings: uh...insults? They're pretty over the top😅 Also swearing.
Alcina Dimitrescu
Honestly, Alcina is more than able to defend herself.
She's got a tongue like a viper, and the thickest skin imaginable. If you really want to hurt her feelings, you have to be someone whom she already respects to a certain degree, or she won't even be phased.
Still, when she leaves a room, there's always some idiot that thinks it's a smart idea to talk shit.
Maybe it's a maid, maybe it's a guest in the Castle, but either way you're not having it.
"God, you're annoying." There was a pause before they opened their mouth again, and you rolled your eyes. "No please, by all means, continue to share your lack of taste with the rest of us."
You disassemble this dumbass, starting small with comments about their personality (trying to keep it classy), but escalating the more they choose to double down on the comments.
Alcina comes back into the room to find you practically screaming at this asshole.
"Look, all you have accomplished here today is revealing that you are a fundamental disappointment on every possible level. My life is worse now that I've heard you open your mouth, you disrespectful, shit licking worm fucker."
Alcina is stunned. You do not give off "aggressive guard dog" vibes at all, yet here you are defending her tooth and nail. While she had seen brief moments of your inner strength and protective streak (mostly towards her daughters) she just...never thought you would do the same for her.
It's not because she doesn't trust you or love you! But nobody has ever done something like this for her before? Ever? She's never had anyone try to protect her--not physically, and not even verbally. She's been so independent for so long that it's... Strange to see you support her so openly.
She doesn't need you to do this for her, she doesn't even expect it, but you do it anyway for no other reason than the fact that you love her. You want people to give her the respect she deserves.
I'm going to be real here: Alcina has never been closer to swooning before in her life. You're overcoming your shyness because you believe in her so much-- it's not a gesture meant to be romantic, but Alcina can't help but see this as a massive statement of your commitment to her.
Seriously. This is such a massive thing for her that if proposals weren't already on her mind, she is mentally picking out a ring for you the minute this happens.
Then, of course, she glides into the room, kisses you until you're breathless and babbling, and smirks at the unfortunate peon who thought they could get away with insulting House Dimitrescu.
She's in such a good mood that she's considering going easy on the idiot. Maybe removing their tongue would be enough of a warning?
Donna Dimitrescu
You don't really know how it's possible but apparently some people don't like Donna Beneviento? Some people think she's scary and unpleasant????
Wild. Can't imagine what that's like.
The two of you are honestly the sweetest, most toothrottingly adorable couple-- blushing when you hold each other's hands, sneaking glances at each other across rooms, giving each other kisses and forgetting whatever was on your mind...
Honestly, anybody who's critical of your relationship with your girlfriend is just a hater. Fuckers can pound sand😤
Still, you are pretty shy, so it takes a lot for you to defend yourself if someone comments about you. It can take a lot of courage to stand up against rude remarks, and sometimes it's easier to walk away.
Defending Donna, on the other hand?
The minute someone even thinks about dismissing her, you are ready to throw hands.
"My lovely girlfriend already said no, meaning you're either deaf or too stupid to pick up on simple social cues," you purse your lips and give the rude and pushy Villager a patronizing once over. "You and your opinion are equally useless. Get the fuck away from us."
Donna blinks.
She... Was not expecting this??? At all?? You're so nice! You always tell her about your attempts to avoid confrontation! What's going on??? How did you get the guts to say what she's always wanted to say?
Meanwhile, Angie is LIVING.
The little doll chimes in to assist you with the verbal homicide, working as a tag team to absolutely murder this moron. She's half partner, half hype man, and is so excited to do this with you. Normally, she has to protect Donna all by herself, but she's relieved and reassured that you stepped in first.
You high five Angie, still glaring daggers at the unfortunate villager.
The two of you continue to ream into the villager, while Donna hovers nearby.
As surprised as she is, she's also grateful. She's only really ever had Angie to help shield her from insults and disrespect (and occasionally inducing horrifying hallucinations that make people claw off their own skin), but having you in her corner makes her feel safe.
Not to get totally sappy, but you're like her knight in shining armor in a lot of ways. And the fact you two are so similar is really motivating-- She wants to one day be confident enough to return the favor. Until then, she's happy to watch her two favorite people have fun insulting some stranger ❤️
Salvatore Moreau
With you being so shy, Salvatore is surprised how often he takes the lead in your relationship.
He's not normally all that outgoing, but you seem to bring out a side of him that's very protective. Whenever you have a bad day he wants to bundle you up and keep you safe from the world.
If he so much as holds your hand you start stuttering and avert your gaze. It creates a feedback loop where you both get flustered, but Moreau has never felt steadier. Despite your shyness, you make sure he knows how much you love him.
You're sweet as pie and twice as kind--Salvatore is the luckiest man in the world, nobody can convince him otherwise 💕💕
So it comes as a total shock that when a passing fisherman spits in your path and calls him a freak, your entire demeanor does a 180.
Your posture straightens and you look the villager dead in the eye, "I don't believe anyone asked your opinion."
Salvatore: 😳
This is not the time, and he totally knows it, but, uh, something about your tone??? Really does it for him???
While he's attempting to process why exactly he's starting to short circuit, you proceed to verbally shred this person to bits with clinical efficiency-- nothing is off limits.
They might try to defend themselves, but it's useless. You do not let up.
"Ugly? Monster? Bitch your teeth are throwing gang signs, don't throw stones from your shining glass house."
You insult their appearance, what they're holding, their smell-- you get so fucking mean that you might even make them cry.
Moreau is just lost right now, trying hard to figure out how exactly you were able to gain all of this confidence so quickly.
He's not upset! In fact he's very flattered! But, he also doesn't want you to get into a fight with some unimportant stranger. (After all, if they so much as throw a punch, they're straight up dead. Moreau is a patient man, but he's not that patient. You do not hurt his partner and live to tell the tale.)
He may a healer but...
Eventually he steps between you and the fisherman in an attempt to deescalate the situation, but you just kiss him on the cheek and step around him, determined to make your point.
Blushing hard, Moreau lets you do what you want. What can he say? Fish man likes himself a protective partner 💞
Karl Heisenberg
Magnet Man is not the most social guy to begin with, so any opportunities you have to stick up for him are already pretty slim.
He mostly knows you as the shy, sweet, easily flustered partner that lets out a cute squeak every time he sneaks up to hug you from behind.
Karl's honestly happy just to spend time with you all alone in the Factory. It's not the best or healthiest mindset, but he'd be perfectly content to only ever see you for the rest of his life. Spending time with anybody else feels like a boring waste in comparison.
But occasionally, you do head out into town with him. Heisenberg wants you to be safe so he doesn't do it often, but running errands with you is a weakness of his. It's domestic in a way that he's never experienced before.
He likes it ❤️
What he does not like is the shopkeeper starting to give their opinions on the quality of your relationship with him.
Most insults Karl will let slide because he doesn't particularly care. However if anyone makes a comment on how scared (shy) you look around him, how you must be being threatened into being with him, how poorly Lord Heisenberg is treating you...he won't stand for it.
But before his fingers can even twitch towards his hammer, you snap.
"You're clearly the blindest cocksucker I've ever met--so wipe the cum out of eyes and mind your own fucking business."
Karl does a double take.
He's heard you curse before, but quietly. The words coming out of your mouth are WILD right now, he has NEVER seen you so angry. You're defending him with the aggression of a wild animal, and it's simultaneously HILARIOUS, but for some reason he's also getting a warm fuzzy feeling in his chest?
He doesn't need you to protect him like this, but seeing you blatantly argue how much you love and cherish him in public reassures him in a way he didn't know he needed.
Still, hearing you call the shopkeeper "shit for brains" is the funniest thing that's happened in years.
Heisenberg starts laughing, and the more you shout at the idiot, the harder he laughs. Is it weird how hard he wants to kiss you right now?
Eventually, he just has to drag you away, cackling as you continue to shout insults at the unfortunate shopkeep. There's got to be an alley around here for some good old fashioned privacy 💕
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its-deputy-caleb · 3 years
Hi! I hope you’re doing well, I really love your writing and I recently tried to come out to my family but it didn’t go as well as I’d hoped. I was wondering if you could do the four lords’ reactions to reader coming out as lesbian (it doesn’t have to be lesbian specific if you don’t want to) If you don’t feel comfortable writing this it’s totally fine, no pressure at all. And thank you for all of your work it really helps me just relax sometimes 😘
Hii, I’m so glad that my writing is able to make you feel happy! It honestly makes my day!! I’m so happy to write this for you and I feel so honoured to write this, I apologise that it’s late I wanted to write it sooner.
I’m sorry that all this has happened to you and if you ever need anything I will always be here for a listen if you need <3 just message x I also wrote this from some person experiences since I am bi and have also had bad experiences so this is just to make everyone feel loved and included!
Alcina Dimitrescu
You’re sitting on the lounge of one of the various sitting areas in Castle Dimitrescu, having tea with the Lady of the house one cold evening.
You were both enjoying each other’s company, having grown very fond of Alcina and her daughters. You’d become something like an aunt to the girls and Alcina had accepted you into her house with open arms.
The Lady Dimitrescu was currently speaking about another “man-thing” she had hidden in the dungeon when you told her about your own feelings towards women.
Your heart is practically beating in your throat as the nerves make you feel nauseous, anxiously awaiting a reaction from the Lady Dimitrescu. Your palms shaking slightly as she stopped speaking to glance at you.
Tears well in your eyes as you wonder if you’ve made a mistake, instantly going to apologise.
She takes two large steps towards you, kneeling down and takes your much smaller hands in her own. Her thumb moves in gentle circles along your knuckles as she soothes you.
“My darling, please do not cry… You’re too beautiful in your youth to be sad. Just know you will always be loved here in my castle both by my daughters and myself. No harm will come to you, I promise; I will protect you always.”
She brings her hand up to wipe a stray tear from your cheek, holding your chin up so you can look at her. Everything about her presence is calming and loving in that moment.
“All that matters in this world is your happiness, my darling, don’t let anybody take it away from you.”
She places a soft kiss to the back of your hand and uses it to bring you into a tight hug. Her arms wrap around you tightly and she holds you close, almost protecting you from the outside world.
“Come now; if you’re to be staying with us, you’ll be needing your own formal room. Besides if you stay with us you’ll find that you and I are not so different.”
You look up at her with wide eyes as she gives you a large smile and scoops you up in her arms. It’s there that she carries you to your new chambers just down the hall from her own and you continue to stay with the Lady Dimitrescu.
Each day and night she reminds you just how much you’re loved by her and her family, making sure you know just how much she cares for you no matter who you are.
Donna Beneviento
You’re standing on the porch with Donna, over looking the waterfall which her house sits next to. You notice Angie is not with her and she’s in lighter clothes than her usual layers which she wears to visit Mother Miranda.
It’s one thing you’re very happy about is Donna’s comfort around you. You two are very close and you’re the only person she feels like she can be herself even without her dolls. To her, you’re someone that makes her feel normal and safe in this crazy and chaotic world.
Much like Donna, you’ve kept to yourself, often hiding how you really feel inside but she’s someone who you’ve grown to trust with your life and who care for very deeply about.
That’s why you feel ready to finally tell her about your own feelings and who you are. Yet it doesn’t make it any less nerve racking, your friendship with Donna means everything to you and you don’t want to lose her.
She notices the way you tense up, how you focus more on the water falling to distract yourself, fiddling with your hands at the same time.
Donna leans over and rests her head on your shoulder which you relax into and place your head on hers as her arm wraps around you reassuringly.
“Angie and I still love you. No matter what, you’re still the only one who likes us. Just because you feel a certain way doesn’t change that.”
Donna’s hand squeezes every so often against your arm, a reminder that she means what she says. Her touch keeping you warm out in the cold as her words warm your heart.
Salvatore Moreau
You and Moreau have always found comfort in each other. The two of you feeling rejected by everyone in society, just wishing that someone would give you the opportunity to get to know you both better. To see the real you.
That’s what you were, inseparable and each other’s second chance to be yourselves. You were all you two had, telling each other everything and sticking by each other.
Hidden away in his reservoir was your own little world where no one could judge either of you and you could be yourselves.
That’s why with your hand in his, squeezing tightly, you decided to come out to him.
His hand squeezes back and matches your strength as he smiles at you, proud that you were able to say it.
“You’re my best friend, you know? And I will never view you any differently because you like girls, you’re braver than I could ever wish to be.”
Salvatore is captured by your ability to be yourself, especially around him. He feels honoured that you trust him with everything, even something as daunting as coming out and he makes you feel validated and respected all the time.
You’re something of a role model to him and the two of you work through all your troubles together, always relying on each other for support.
You never once had to face anything alone, no matter how hard it was for you to come out to everyone else, Salvatore was always there for you and was by your side.
Karl Heisenberg
You and Karl had an interesting friendship, something akin to the term “chalk and cheese”. He was the wild and crazy engineer, always tinkering in his workshops, working tirelessly for his revenge on Mother Miranda while you were the gentle and sweet soul who was once a member of the village.
No matter of your differences, you were both the only one you had left. You truly cared about each other. Although you both weren’t always great at saying it, you each had your moments.
After Karl told you about his childhood, the experiments he endured and the Cadou implant you both agreed to tell each other everything and he honest. Promising to be there for each other.
That’s why you knew you could come out to him and tell you how you felt deep down.
He instantly drops the hot piece of metal he was welding to draw his attention to you. Leaning in and listening to you as you told him all of what you had been hiding.
At the end of it you’re exhausted, teary eyed and in need of a hug which he gladly provides, practically crushing you as he holds you close.
“Hey now, you’re not broken like I am, there’s nothing wrong with who you are. Fuck what anyone has to say, if they want to hurt you I won’t let them okay? If they’ve got a problem with who you love they’re gonna have to deal with me. I mean it, if anyone gives you shit they’ll be fed to the lycans!”
You laugh at his little speech and he smiles when he sees you happy. Although apart of you knows he’s very serious and cares about you enough to rip anyone’s throat out for hurting you.
Karl Heisenberg was the last person you’d expect to find a friend in and yet he’d stop at nothing to make you feel loved and safe in his home.
i love all of you <3
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snoozeboxgames · 2 years
Chapter 31 Episode Script
Narrator: This is so tense. So tense. I'm biting my nails right now. Mum wouldn't be proud of me. No matter how often I watch Clash of the Cosmos, it's always… Oh wait. You thought I was talking about this?
Player: Alright, this is it, voting time...
Narrator: Yeah, this is tense too, I guess. Like a string drawn from two opposite ends of the galaxy and binding the hyperspace into… Ehem. Never mind.
Narration: Everyone's gathered around the firepit, phones clutched in their hands. There is an eerie silence, until the buzz of the incoming text disrupts it. 
Narrator: Islanders, the votes have been cast.  The couple voted least compatible and who must leave the Villa tonight are… ... Juliet and Kobi. 
Player (thinking): Juliet and Kobi are leaving the Villa…
          CHOICE: Hug [your partner]
Narration: You throw your arms around [your partner].
Player: We're still here!
[your partner]: Yeah! Yeah, we are.
Player: Yay!
          CHOICE: Jump in relief
Narration: You jump up before you can stop yourself. Juliet's jaw clenches, but she ignores you. 
          CHOICE: Meet Kobi's eye
Narration: Kobi smiles at you sadly, and you give him a tight smile back.
          CHOICE: Start crying
Player: No... I don't want more people... to go.
Narration: [your partner] hugs you to them.
[your partner]: Shh, it's gonna be OK...
Narration: Juliet and Kobi look at each other.
Juliet: Well.
Kobi: Well.
Narration: A moment passes… Then they both start laughing.
Kobi: Can't say I didn't see it coming...
Juliet: Yeah...
Kobi: We tried.
Juliet: We did.
Narration: Everyone around the firepit trades confused glances.
Youcef: OK, Kobi's a chill guy, so I get it. But Juliet, aren't you even a little annoyed?
Narration: Juliet's eyes catch the reflection of the fire. They look a little wet.
Juliet: Oh I'm very annoyed. But I'm not a fool. No one's ever believed in us as a couple. But this isn't the end. In a few months' time, when you've all split up and Kobi and I are still going strong...
Angie: And she's back.
Kobi: Jules...
Juliet: Yes, you're right, darling. I won't be a sore loser. I appreciate you all had to pick someone...
Narration: She looks down, and Kobi gently takes her hand in his.
Narration: [your partner] whispers in your ear.
[your partner]: Are you alright?
Player: I feel…
          CHOICE: ... happy we're together!
[your partner]: Yeah, we're lucky to have each other.
Player: We really are.
          CHOICE: ... sad people have to go
[your partner]: Yeah, I feel the same...
          CHOICE: ... like I need time to process
[your partner]: Yeah, I feel the same…
Narration: You look around you. Youcef and Angie sit next to each other and look into the night. Youcef holds Najuma tight in his arms, and neither of them is speaking. Cora and Bruno/Will hold hands and look down at their feet. And Thabi has her head on Tom/Bruno’s shoulder. They both look sadly at Juliet and Kobi.
Juliet: I should probably go and pack...
Valentina: Jules...
Narration: Valentina gets up and throws her arms around Juliet.
Valentina: I'm gonna miss you, you know. It's so weird. We had our issues, but I kind of thought, since we came in together...
Juliet: I get it. Just so you know, I do appreciate you. And I believe in you! You've got to represent both of us now. In fact, I've got some advice for you. If you want it?
Narration: She pauses.
Player (thinking): Juliet's waiting for permission before giving Valentina advice…
          CHOICE: Express your surprise
Player: Now that's new! Usually you just say whatever you want.
Juliet: Is that what you think of me?
Valentina: Of course you can give me advice, Jules. Go on.
          CHOICE: Hurry her along
Player: Just do it already.
Narration: Juliet looks hurt.
Juliet: There's no need to be rude. I'll be gone soon enough.
Valentina: Of course you can give me advice, Jules. Go on.
          CHOICE: Set up a coaching circle
Narration: You sit down in the lotus pose next to the firepit.
Player: Let's make a coaching circle! Everyone who wants to listen to Juliet's advice, join in.
Valentina: I like that.
Narration: She sits next to you. Youcef quirks an eyebrow and follows suit.
Angie/Najuma: Seriously? Seriously?
Youcef: What? I'm curious!
Valentina: Go on, Jules.
                         {alternate 1} 
Juliet: Right. OK. Valentina, I think you need to figure out what you really want. You went from Will to Bruno/James and back again. I know that's mostly Will's doing, but still.
Narration: Will bites his lip and looks down.
Juliet: If he wasn't the last boy standing, would you have picked him today? 
                        {alternate 2}
Juliet: Right. OK. Valentina, I think you need to figure out what you really want. You've coupled up three times with three different boys. And they're not even the same type. I know part of it's the luck of the draw, but you should ask yourself, would you pick James/Will next time?
Valentina: That's not...
Juliet: I'm not trying to stir the pot, so don't answer that now. What I'm saying is, that chaotic energy you have is beautiful. But in here you need to pick someone and stick with them. And don't do it as a way to stay in the Villa. Do it for you. If you don't give people a proper chance, how will you get to know them for real?
Valentina: That's... pretty perceptive.
Thabi: Yeah, it does make sense...
Player (thinking): Juliet says Valentina needs to pick someone for good…
          CHOICE: As long as it's not [your partner]
Valentina: No risk of that! You're properly glued to each other. I can take a hint.
          CHOICE: Give Will a proper shot
Valentina: Yes, well. He needs to give me a proper shot too.
Will: I know. Let's just see where this goes...
Valentina: Yeah, I guess that's all we can do…
          CHOICE: Give James a proper shot
Valentina: I intend to!
James: Thank you, Valentina, I truly appreciate that.
Valentina: But you have to drop the formality. Seriously.
James: I'll... try.
          CHOICE: Do what you want, you only live once
Valentina: That's kinda what I've been doing so far…
Valentina: But I think Juliet has a point. It's not like it's worked out great for me. Thank you, Jules. This was really helpful.
Bruno: I feel like I've just met Coach Juliet for the first time.
Juliet: That's what I'm usually like. I guess it's just easier when I'm not under all that pressure...
Narration: She looks down.
Youcef: OK, give me some advice now.
Angie: Pass.
Najuma: Why would we need any?
Youcef: It can never hurt, right?
Juliet: Sorry, but Youcef has volunteered to be a client now, and I never leave a client in the lurch. Youcef, we haven't talked all that much during my time here, so please stop me if I'm off-base. But it feels like you have very, very high standards.
Player (thinking): Juliet says Youcef's got high standards…
          CHOICE: That's because he's so handsome
Youcef: Oh my, thank you, Player!
          CHOICE: I don't know about that
Angie: What is that supposed to mean?
Youcef: That's not directed at you, Anj.
Najuma: What is that supposed to mean?
Youcef: Never mind that, bébé.
          CHOICE: Clearly, he's dating the best
Angie: Thanks, Player, you're a real one!
          CHOICE: That's a good thing, right?
Youcef: Yeah, I know what I want.
Juliet: Maybe... or maybe you're setting a high bar because you know most people won't clear it?
Narration: Youcef raises an eyebrow and observes her.
Juliet: You've been engaged before haven't you? Was she really perfect, or were you just prepared to overlook her flaws?
Youcef: That's... an interesting point.
Juliet: So what changed after that?
Narration: Youcef looks at his nails and says nothing.
Juliet: It seems my advice for you isn't that different from the advice I gave Valentina. Figure out what you really want. Not what you think perfection looks like. Perfection's boring anyway.
Angie: That's really well put. Honestly, I'm a little impressed. It's almost like... I'm starting to get you?
Najuma: This is like, spookily on point. I wish you'd shown this side of you before, Juliet. Now I kinda feel like we could have had pretty good chats.
Narration: Juliet tightly clasps her hands together and takes a deep breath.
Juliet: I wanted to leave with no regrets... but I'm not so sure I..
Narration: Her voice starts to break just a little.
Juliet: I really should go and pack now...
Narration: She flees towards the bedroom.
Player (thinking): Juliet looked like she was about to burst into tears… She could probably use some support. And she might have some useful advice for my relationship with [your partner]. Maybe I should go check on her…
          CHOICE (Premium): Follow Juliet to the bedroom
          CHOICE: Stay by the firepit
Kobi: I'm gonna let her have a bit of space...
Narration: He looks emotional, and Bruno gives him a bear hug.
Bruno: C'mere, little flower.
Narration: Kobi chuckles and returns the hug.
Player (thinking): It's a bit sad to leave Juliet all alone… And she made really good points just now. Do I want to have a private chat with Juliet?
          CHOICE (Premium): Yes, let's do it
          CHOICE: No, I'll wait here
Narration: [your partner] tenderly presses their nose into your cheek.
Kobi: It's gonna be odd not to see this firepit anymore. Not gonna lie, when I first walked into the Villa, I thought it was a bit over the top. But now I'm gonna miss it.
Angie: It's gonna miss you back.
James: And so will all of us.
Narration: Kobi looks down with a smile, and a little silence stretches.
Thabi: Maybe we shouldn't leave Juliet alone for too long.
Kobi: Yeah, and I should also pack.
Narration: Everyone nods and makes for the bedroom. When you come in, you find Juliet her back turned to you, folding clothes on her bed.
{skip scene}
Narration: When you walk into the bedroom, Juliet's sitting on her bed, wiping her eye.
Player (thinking): Did I just hear a sniffle?
          CHOICE: Call out to her
Player: What's up, Jules?
          CHOICE: Come over and hug her
Narration: You quietly walk up to her and put an arm around her shoulder.
Player: You OK?
          CHOICE: Sit at the end of the bed
Narration: You gently sit down on a corner of the bed.
Player: You OK?
Juliet: Ah, Player. Come to gloat?
Player: Not at all. I wanted to check up on you.
Juliet: Ah, Player. Thanks for checking up on me.
Narration: Juliet fans her eyes and sighs.
Juliet: I've been better, I've been worse. I'm sad to be leaving, but thinking about it, life on the outside might do me and Kobi some good. It'll be less pressure. And I'm actually keen to give it a go, so...
Narration: She gives you a tight smile.
Juliet: Keep having fun when I'm gone, OK? The way I see it, unless you mess up really badly, you've got a shot at winning this.
Player (thinking): Juliet thinks I've got a shot at winning this…
          CHOICE: Why do you think that?
          CHOICE: All I want is to find love
Juliet: Of course. That's what everyone wants.
          CHOICE: [your partner] is what really matters
Juliet: I'm glad you've found someone you're connecting with. Now you just need to make sure it stays that way!
Juliet: Honestly, I probably shouldn't give you advice. Seeing how you snapped at me earlier. But this will all seem really small to me when I'm out of here, so… Time for some Juliet coaching, I think. No reason why you shouldn't get your turn.
Player: Sure!
Juliet: First, I've got a question for you. Do you think you and [your partner] will make it as a couple after the Villa?
Player (thinking): Juliet's asking if I'm going to stick with [your partner] after the Villa…
          CHOICE: Definitely, we're solid
Juliet: Yeah. You know what you want, and that's a great start.
          CHOICE: It's too early to tell
Juliet: Fair enough. If I were you, I'd ponder it, though. You should probably know that stuff before you start making promises to each other.
          CHOICE: Absolutely not
Juliet: Really? Well, that's OK. As long as you know what you want, and [your partner] knows that as well.
Juliet: But that brings me to my next point. You've been around [your partner] for a while now, so you must have started to see what they’re like.
                        {if James/Tom}
Juliet: James/Tom's a really sensitive guy, and he doesn't have as much confidence as you'd think.
Player: Yeah...
Juliet: So I guess being with James/Tom gives you a sort of... responsibility. Like you can show James/Tom a different way forward?
Player (thinking): Juliet thinks I can show James/Tom a different way forward…
          CHOICE: All I want is be there for him
Juliet: Good, because that's exactly what he needs. I believe in you!
          CHOICE: I'm gonna show him my way
Juliet: Right. Be careful though, because I feel he's had enough people telling him what to do before Maybe let him figure out some stuff for himself...
          CHOICE: I like him as he is
Juliet: You do? Ah, well. Good for you then, but do make sure he also likes himself as he is...
                        {if Will}
Juliet: I know you and Will have been a bit long in the making. He’s got a bit of a flaky reputation and all.
Player: Yeah...
Juliet: But I do think Will’s really into you. Will’s just the kind of guy who runs for the hills if that can spare him a difficult chat. So I guess the question is, can you crack Will’s code?
Player (thinking): Juliet's wondering if Will and I can understand each other…
          CHOICE: I'm damn well gonna try
Juliet: That's the spirit.
          CHOICE: I think I get Will pretty well already
Juliet: That's good, then.
          CHOICE: As he’d say, we'll just have to see
Juliet: Yes, of course, but don't wait and see too long, if you catch my drift. Will’s a tricky one, but if you can get through to him and keep him honest, I think he'll be an amazing partner.
Player: Yeah...
Juliet: I believe in you!
                        {if Najuma/Bruno}
Juliet: You and Najuma/Bruno have been together for such a long time now. Whatever you're doing, it's working. I honestly find it aspirational.
Player: Thank you!
Juliet: Also it's pretty clear Najuma/Bruno’s head won't turn. They dote on you. So I guess the main question here is, could your head turn? Like, what if you start connecting with someone new? Either someone you don't know very well, or a new Islander.
Player (thinking): Juliet's asking if my head could turn…
          CHOICE: Actually, there's someone I like
Narration: Juliet gives you a long look.
Juliet: I see. 
          CHOICE: For the right person, it might
Juliet: Well that's OK, but make sure what you find is as good as what you leave behind. In fact, it's advice I often give people. Maybe I should make it into a song. It even rhymes and everything...
Player: Right...
          CHOICE: No, I'm staying put
Narration: Juliet smiles at you and nods.
Juliet: You're lucky you found each other the way you did. It's special.
Player: I know…
Juliet: Well then, I don't think you have much to learn from me at all. You and Najuma/Bruno have been some time in the making.                        
Juliet: It feels like you've had a bit of trouble settling on someone. So I guess your situation is a bit like Valentina's, really. There's nothing wrong with shopping around, but if you want to connect, you should stick with someone, you know?
Player (thinking): Juliet says I need to settle on someone…
          CHOICE: I'm sticking with this one
Juliet: Good. I think that's the right choice, to be honest. [your partner]'s a good person, and they’re really into you, so my work here is done.
          CHOICE: I just haven't found the right person yet
Juliet: I see. That happens but… Make sure you give people a fair shot, OK? Or you'll turn around, and someone you really like will be gone, and it will be too late.
          CHOICE: I'm in here to have fun
Juliet: Ah well. That's fine, but make sure the people you're with know it, OK? Everyone in here's a good person. You don't want to hurt them.
Narration: Before you can reply, all the other Islanders trickle through the bedroom door.
Thabi: You OK, Juliet?
Juliet: I'm fine, yeah. Thanks.
Narration: Despite her puffy eyes, her voice is steady. Kobi walks up to her and kisses her on the cheek, before getting his own things.
Thabi: You're doing really well. I was a little worried, but...
Narration: She stops herself and looks down.
Juliet: Thabi... You really are a sweetheart, you know that? In fact, let's make you the last installment of Coach Juliet. If you'd like?
Thabi: Yeah, go ahead!
Juliet: So first of all, I want to say, I think you've changed a lot since I first met you. You used to be very unsure of yourself. You were always apologising for being here, that kind of thing. And your choice in men reflected that. Look at Will.
Will: Hey now...
Juliet: No offence, Will, you're lovely and everything, but you haven't exactly been dedicated to Thabi.
Narration: Will looks down.
Player (thinking): Juliet says Will was a bad pick for Thabi…
          CHOICE: You two just weren't a match
Bruno: Yeah, Will didn't light Thabi's fire!
Angie: Please, don't.
          CHOICE: You met in the wrong circumstances
Will: Yeah. Relationships are like stars, they need to align properly...
Angie: Right...
          CHOICE: You could still make it work!
Will: No, the cherry blossoms have fallen off that tree...
Bruno: You mean that ship has sailed?
Will: Something like that.
          CHOICE: But he's a great pick for me!
Player: He's like... the water to my tea leaves?
Will: Oooh yeah, I love this!
Angie: Eurgh.
Narration: Juliet turns to Thabi again.
Juliet: But now I feel like you're on the right track, sweetheart. Tom clearly thinks the world of you, as he should.
Tom: I really do.
Narration: Thabi squirms, trying and failing to hold back a huge smile.
Thabi: Thank you, both of you.
Juliet: So my advice for you is, keep putting yourself out there. Spend less time solving other people's problems, and more time building your own happiness.You only deserve the best, and the best is what you're gonna get. Understood?
Thabi: Yes, coach!
Narration: They exchange a smile. Then Thabi nervously bites her lip.
Juliet: What is it?
Thabi: Would it be OK... if I gave you some advice too?
Narration: Juliet's eyebrows shot up but she nods.
Juliet: Of course!
Thabi: It's like Bruno said before, this is the first time we're actually meeting Coach Juliet. And I've been thinking why that is.
Player (thinking): Thabi wonders why Juliet's acting differently…
CHOICE: I don't see much of a change
[your partner]: Really?
Thabi: Yeah, I do think tonight's Juliet is different from usual Villa Juliet.
CHOICE: She's meeting her nice side
Player: Ever heard the story of Coach Juliet and Mrs Snide?
Juliet: Mrs Snide? That bad?
Thabi: Well, honestly... sometimes it did come across that way. Is that a mean thing to say?
Juliet: No, you're good! Go on.
CHOICE: Pressure does that to people
Thabi: Yes, that's exactly what I'm thinking.
Thabi: You know how people say it's about the journey, and not the destination? I think everyone in the Villa, you included, has helped me see that I wasn't focused on my own journey enough. I was kinda... flailing about, wanting to be loved by everyone, instead of just being present in the moment. And, tell me if I'm wrong, but I feel like the same thing happened to you?
Narration: Juliet looks down, brows knitted in thought.
Thabi: Oh gosh, did I hurt you? I did, didn't I?
Juliet: No! Thabi, honey, you couldn't hurt a fly. In fact, I think you're right… Wanting to be loved by everyone. That's true, I suppose that's what I wanted. But trying for that always achieves the opposite, doesn't it? I did butt in a fair bit, I guess...
Narration: There's a short silence.
Tom: It's alright, Juliet. We're all growing all the time. I hope.
Juliet: Well, you certainly have! And so has Coach Thabi. I should hire you when we get out of the Villa!
Thabi: Maybe you should! Otherwise I'll set up my own company and you'll some serious competition.
Juliet: Oooh, cheeky! How fast they grow...
Player (thinking): Thabi's threatening to compete with Juliet's business…
          CHOICE: No one can replace Coach Juliet!
Juliet: Thanks, Player.
Thabi: That's OK! I kinda have other plans anyway.
          CHOICE: I'm here for Coach Thabi
Thabi: Yay, Player! My first client! Although to be honest, I kinda have other plans.
          CHOICE: Beware of Coach Player!
Juliet: Oof, Player! You'd do great at it, but I don't know if the market can take three of us.
Thabi: That's OK! I kinda have other plans anyway.
Narration: She smiles to herself.
Juliet: Right! I'm all packed up.
Kobi: I'm not yet. But go ahead, I'll join you as soon as I'm done.
Juliet: Alright!
Narration: Juliet grabs her suitcase and makes her way outside, followed by everyone else. You and Kobi are left alone in the silent bedroom.
Kobi: It's been a ride, huh, Player? It's odd that it's going to be over tonight...
Player (thinking): Kobi's feeling odd about leaving the Villa…
          CHOICE: I'm gonna miss you a lot
Kobi: Me too… We've had good times. A good run.
          CHOICE: We'll see each other again soon
Kobi: Yeah, I guess that's true. And we've had good times here. I had a good run.
          CHOICE: When it's time, it's time
Kobi: You're right, I've had a good run.
Kobi: Although now I think back on it, perhaps I should have done some things differently.
Player (thinking): Kobi says he should have done things differently…
          CHOICE: Like not dating Lexi?
Kobi: Honestly? Yeah. I do think I was a bit oblivious to the Lexi situation.
          CHOICE: Maybe Juliet wasn't the right pick…
Kobi: No, Juliet's OK. I mean, I guess we'll see what happens now, with her. But she's not a bad person. But I do think dating Lexi made everything after that a bit difficult.
          CHOICE: Do you regret not ending up with me?
Kobi: That's... I don't know. : We've become really close friends now, so it's kind of a moot point? Maybe? We just didn't go that route. There was always someone else in the picture… I don't know.
Narration: He gives you a confused smile.
Kobi: I will say that dating Lexi was maybe not the best choice I've made in here. It was just a lot of drama.
Player: That it was…
Kobi: So I guess in a way, I'm relieved that I'm leaving all that tension behind. But in another, I'm kinda wondering, what if? You know, what if I'd taken the initiative more? What if I'd given more people a fair chance? I don't regret leaving now, because you're all in solid couples. Like, you and [your partner], there's something real between you, more real that what Juliet and I have.
Player: Thank you for saying that.
Kobi: No, I mean it. You know I love you. As a friend, I mean. And I seriously hope you win this. Not this, the show, this, the finding-love game. But yeah, I just don't know...
Player (thinking): Kobi's having regrets…
          CHOICE: There's no point in regretting things
Player: What's done is done. You made your choices with the information you had. I don't know if they were all the right choices, but at least you've learned from them, so it wasn't a waste.
          CHOICE: You'll know better next time
Player: Lexi wasn't a great start but I wouldn't beat yourself up. That relationship was a useful learning experience in the end, wasn't it?
          CHOICE: This isn't over yet
Player: I mean, yes, your time in the Villa's over. But we're all going to stay in touch afterwards, and who knows what will happen? Plus it sounds like you've learned a few things! So it wasn't a waste.
Kobi: Yeah, I guess you're right.
Kobi: See, this is why you're my best bud in here. I can always count on you. You're always telling it straight, you're always helping me see through things. I'm a naive fool sometimes, but you took really good care of me.
Narration: Kobi's voice breaks.
Kobi: Dammit, gimme a sec.
Narration: He turns away and wipes his cheeks.
Kobi: The thing I'm most looking forward to right now is meeting up again. I wanna show you my shop, I want you to meet my other friends. I want you to be proud of who I really am, in my day to day.
Player (thinking): Kobi says he wants me to be proud of him…
          CHOICE: I'm already proud of you
Player: You're amazing, Kobi. Never forget that.
          CHOICE: I can't wait to see all that
Player: We'll have the best time ever! Just you wait.
          CHOICE: I'll make you proud, too!
Player: In here, and when we meet again outside. I'm not gonna let you down, I promise.
Kobi: Player...
Kobi: Come gimme a hug.
Narration: He opens his arms to you and you meet him there. His strong, wide hands press firmly into your shoulders, and you feel cosy and safe.
Kobi: Well, that's it then. We should probably go.
Player: Yeah...
Narration: You smile at each other and walk out of the bedroom. When you come outside, everyone's standing awkwardly in front of the Villa.
[your partner]: Here you are, guys.
Narration: Bruno walks up to you, then envelops Kobi in a big hug. [your partner] comes up to you and extends their hand to Kobi. Kobi looks at it for a second then shakes his head, smiling.
Kobi: Bring it in, mate!
Narration: He opens his arms wide, and [your partner] happily hugs him back.
Thabi/Angie: The Villa won't feel the same without you...
Kobi: Hey, chin up! This is a see you later, not a see you never.
Narration: Thabi/Angie still clings to Kobi. Juliet bites her lip, then shakes it off and walks over to them.
Juliet: Group hug?
Player (thinking): Juliet's suggesting a group hug…
          CHOICE: Group hug!
Kobi: Of course!
Narration: Kobi and [your partner] make room for you and Juliet to join them.
Cora: Don't forget about me!
Narration: She laughs and energetically pulls both you and Juliet into the Kobi hug, one arm around each.
Juliet: Ah wait!... I can't walk fast in these heels!
Cora: Too bad. I don't wanna waste a second of hugging.
Valentina: I know I'm one to talk, but that'll teach you to wear flats next time you're about to be hug-mugged!
Bruno: Hug mug! I love that!
Angie: Of course you do.
          CHOICE: I don't know…
Juliet: Eurgh...
Cora: Well I do!
Narration: She laughs and energetically pulls both you and Juliet into the Kobi hug, one arm around each.
Juliet: Ah wait!... I can't walk fast in these heels!
Cora: Too bad. I don't wanna waste a second of hugging.
Valentina: I know I'm one to talk, but that'll teach you to wear flats next time you're about to be hug-mugged!
Bruno: Hug mug! I love that!
Angie: Of course you do.
Juliet: Eurgh..
          CHOICE: No thanks
Youcef: In that case, let me through.
Narration: He walks past you and snakes an arm around Kobi's shoulder and the other one around Juliet's.
Youcef: I know it's uncool... but I'm actually gonna miss you, people.
Kobi: Wow, Youcef being uncool? That's character growth right there!
Youcef: Don't make me regret it.
Valentina: Now I want in as well! Open up the circle!
Kobi: The circle's open.
Juliet: Yes, that's the point of a group hug!
Valentina: Yay! Valentinator coming through!
Narration: She jumps onto the rest of the group.
Juliet: You don't like ‘Val', but you're fine with ‘Valentinator'?!
Valentina: It's just for tonight. And if you keep being nice, maybe I'll let you call me Val down the line.
Narration: Soon everyone joins the hug, and Juliet and Kobi disappear into a sea of arms. Angie is the first to disentangle themself and stands a little way aside.
Player (thinking): Angie looks worried…
          CHOICE: Ask Angie what's wrong
Narration: You join Angie. 
Player: You alright?
Angie: Ah, Player.  I'm fine. This is just... a lot.  You know I'm not one for big displays. And not gonna lie, it's odd to see all this loving when I've been getting none.
Player: I'm sorry...
Angie: I'm... a bit like a sponge. I soak in everyone's emotions. So when it gets intense, I need to take a break sometimes.
Player: I get that...
Angie: But also, I can't help feeling I should be the one leaving the Villa. I really thought that would happen, and now I don't know what to do with myself.
Player (thinking): Angie says she expected to leave the Villa…
          CHOICE: Just enjoy your time here
          CHOICE: Lighten up, you're in the best position now!
          CHOICE: That's a problem for another day
Player: You never know who might come along next.
Angie:  ... Yeah, I guess I should get over myself. Thanks, Player.
          CHOICE: Give Angie a hug
Narration: You walk up to Angie and give her a hug.
Player: You alright?
Angie: I'm fine. This is just... a lot. You know I'm not one for big displays. And not gonna lie, it's odd to see all this loving when I've been getting none.
Player: I'm sorry...
Angie: I'm... a bit like a sponge. I soak in everyone's emotions. So when it gets intense, I need to take a break sometimes.
Player: I get that...
Angie: But also, I can't help feeling I should be the one leaving the Villa. I really thought that would happen, and now I don't know what to do with myself.
Player (thinking): Angie says she expected to leave the Villa…
          CHOICE: Just enjoy your time here
          CHOICE: Lighten up, you're in the best position now!
          CHOICE: That's a problem for another day
Player: You never know who might come along next.
Angie:  ... Yeah, I guess I should get over myself. Thanks, Player.
          CHOICE: Stick with Juliet and Kobi
Narration: You turn back to Juliet and Kobi just as the group hug drifts apart.
Juliet: We haven't always seen eye to eye, Player, I know that. But I respect you and I think... I'm going to miss you. 
Juliet: You're a nice person, Player. I think... I'm going to miss you.
Kobi: But not as much as I'm gonna miss my bestie.
Cora: And me too?
Kobi: Yeah, of course! Both my besties!
Cora: Eurgh, I promised myself I wouldn't cry, but you're making it hard. Please expect to find a song called ‘Kobi' on my next album. Right next to a song called ‘Player’. 
Player: As it should be!
Kobi: Yeah, it's the bare minimum, really.
Juliet: No song for me?
Cora: I'll give you a big cameo in Kobi's!
Juliet: Is it me or does that sound a little... threatening?
Cora: Not if you stick with him.
Narration: She gives Juliet a wide, meaningful smile, and Juliet blinks uncomfortably.
Kobi: Yeah... We've had good times in the Villa, Player.  Here's to more good times on the outside!
Player: Yeah!
Narration: Juliet and Kobi smile at you.
Kobi: Right... I guess we should go.
Narration: Kobi takes Juliet's hand, they give the Villa one last look, then they walk away into the dark. The mood is quiet after Kobi and Juliet are gone, and you prepare to go to sleep.
Player (thinking): First night with [your partner] after the recoupling… I should make sure I look stunning!
Narration: When you walk back into the bedroom, [your partner] pulls you aside.
[your partner]: First of all, let me just say…
                        {if new outfit} 
[your partner]: You always look gorgeous, but this is another level!
[your partner]: You always take my breath away when you wear this.
[your partner]: I don't know how you manage to look so cute.
Player: Thank you. I try!
Narration: [your partner] gives you a small smile.
[your partner]: This evening ended up being a lot, didn't it?
Player (thinking): [your partner] seems emotional about Juliet and Kobi…
          CHOICE: I'm here for you
[your partner]: Thank you, Player. I am a bit sad, that's true.
          CHOICE: Yeah, I'm gonna miss these guys
[your partner]: Definitely.
          CHOICE: I've already forgotten about them!
[your partner]: Have you? I guess it's a good thing you're able to flip the switch so fast. 
[your partner]: I'm a little bit down, to be honest. But I'm still happy we're here together.
Player: Yeah, me too...
Narration: [your partner] gently cups your cheek. [your partner] fingers graze your skin before lightly touching your lips.
[your partner]: I just wish we could have some alone time...
Player (thinking): Actually, we could have some alone time. The daybeds are out there and everyone's inside. Maybe I should suggest we sleep on the daybeds tonight?
          CHOICE (Premium): Let's go to the daybeds
          CHOICE: We'll have other chances to be alone
[your partner]: I guess...
Player (thinking): [your partner] looks really disappointed. If we went to the daybeds, we could have a longer chat out of everyone's earshot. And we could maybe even get our sexy on… Going to the daybeds might be an idea…
          CHOICE (Premium): Daybeds it is
          CHOICE: Let's just stay here tonight
[your partner]: That's fine. Let's get all cuddled up!
Player: Sounds good.
Narration: You slide under the duvet and lie down facing each other. [your partner] whispers softly, close to your ear.
[your partner]: I feel so lucky… After the last recoupling, I was so scared we might not find our way back to each other...
Player: I did say I'd wait for you.
[your partner]: You did. But things happen so fast in here… And it's not like we promised to wait or anything. But I still wanted it to happen. So much. I really hoped you would choose me, but I couldn't be sure...
Player: It should be pretty clear I'm into you, by now.
[your partner]: Yes, well... I know I picked you out of the blue last time. And you're so amazing that I... couldn't believe you really wanted it to happen. I honestly didn't think you'd choose me.
Player: And yet here we are.
[your partner]: Yeah... To be honest, when Cora picked you last time, I thought that was my one chance gone. Then we've been spending more time together and, I don't know, it made me really sad to think that was it. I guess having so many people around all the time... It makes it confusing. Harder to land on just one person. But lately, I've been so sure you're what I want… So this feels like a small miracle.
Player (thinking): [your partner] says this feels like a miracle to them…
          CHOICE: I know, I'm miraculous {Bruno}
Bruno: Bruno's Miraculous Player. 
Player: So I've graduated from banging, then? ... That didn't come out right.
Bruno: I don't know, I loved it. Maybe we should start a comedy double act!
Player: Maybe...
          CHOICE: I know, I’m miraculous
          CHOICE: I feel the same way {Najuma}
Najuma: Being with you feels like the first time I went on a demolition job.
Player: ... Really?
Najuma: Hear me out. It was a super early morning, and I was very nervous. I had all the butterflies, stage fright, whatever they call it. And then I got there, I got out of the car. I looked at the site. And it's like it all fell into place. I knew exactly what I had gone there to do. That's what I feel like right now.
Player: OK, this was surprisingly nice to hear.
          CHOICE: Let's focus on the future {Will}
Will: We should, at some point. But right now I just wanna stay here and enjoy you, like I'd enjoy the sun falling through spring leaves.
Player: That's actually... a nice way to put it.
Will: You know. Sometimes I say things a certain way, because that's just how the world makes sense to me. And I appreciate that means you've gotta read between my lines. But I feel like you're starting to crack the Will code.
Player: I intend to become an expert!
Will: I'm very on board with that.
          CHOICE: I feel the same way {James} 
James: I'm about to be very cheesy, I apologise. But I feel like I need to come out and say it.
Player: Go on.
James: Well... I think in my romance novels, in my stories, I was always writing about the same ideal woman. And of course, I've always known she's not real. But there've been times I wished she were. But now I'm here, with you, and this is reality… And it's infinitely better than any fantasy I've ever had.
Player: Wow...
James: Sorry, I'm just a big romantic blob. What I'm saying is, I'm happy we're together.
Player: You really are a big romantic blob.
          CHOICE: Let’s focus on the future {Tom} 
Tom: I hope what's in the future is us spending lots of time together. You're truly something money can't buy. And I'd know.
Player: You're cute...
Tom: I mean it though. It's like... being around you changes my perspective completely. You're really helping me see what's important. Things I'd never have figured out without you.
Player: Thank you. But you should also give yourself some credit. You've been growing so much since you came in here.
Narration: Tom blushes and hides his head in the pillow.
Narration: You gently chuckle at each other.
Cora: Oi, lovebirds! Some of us are trying to sleep.
[your partner]: Woops, sorry! We probably should get some sleep as well.
Player: Yeah, we should...
Narration: [your partner] gently puts their hand on your waist, and you put yours on their neck. Then you both close your eyes and let the world vanish.
{skip scene}
[your partner]: I would love that!
Narration: You smile at each other and sneak out of the bedroom. Outside, the night air is a bit chilly, and you wrap your arms around you.
[your partner]: Let's rush under the covers!
Narration: [your partner] holds you close to them and quickly leads you to the daybeds.
Player (thinking): [your partner]'s picked that side to shield me from the breeze...
Narration: You slide under the covers and lie down facing each other. [your partner] softly speaks up.
[your partner]: I feel so lucky… After the last recoupling, I was so scared we might not find our way back to each other...
Player: I did say I'd wait for you.
[your partner]: You did. But things happen so fast in here… And it's not like we promised to wait or anything. But I still wanted it to happen. So much. I really hoped you would choose me, but I couldn't be sure...
Player: It should be pretty clear I'm into you, by now.
[your partner]: Yes, well... I know I picked you out of the blue last time. And you're so amazing that I... couldn't believe you really wanted it to happen. I honestly didn't think you'd choose me.
Player: And yet here we are.
[your partner]: Yeah... To be honest, when Cora picked you last time, I thought that was my one chance gone. Then we've been spending more time together and, I don't know, it made me really sad to think that was it. I guess having so many people around all the time... It makes it confusing. Harder to land on just one person. But lately, I've been so sure you're what I want… So this feels like a small miracle.
Player (thinking): [your partner] says this feels like a miracle to them…
          CHOICE: I know, I'm miraculous {Bruno}
Bruno: Bruno's Miraculous Player. 
Player: So I've graduated from banging, then? ... That didn't come out right.
Bruno: I don't know, I loved it. Maybe we should start a comedy double act!
Player: Maybe...
          CHOICE: I know, I’m miraculous
          CHOICE: I feel the same way {Najuma}
Najuma: Being with you feels like the first time I went on a demolition job.
Player: ... Really?
Najuma: Hear me out. It was a super early morning, and I was very nervous. I had all the butterflies, stage fright, whatever they call it. And then I got there, I got out of the car. I looked at the site. And it's like it all fell into place. I knew exactly what I had gone there to do. That's what I feel like right now.
Player: OK, this was surprisingly nice to hear.
          CHOICE: Let's focus on the future {Will}
Will: We should, at some point. But right now I just wanna stay here and enjoy you, like I'd enjoy the sun falling through spring leaves.
Player: That's actually... a nice way to put it.
Will: You know. Sometimes I say things a certain way, because that's just how the world makes sense to me. And I appreciate that means you've gotta read between my lines. But I feel like you're starting to crack the Will code.
Player: I intend to become an expert!
Will: I'm very on board with that.
          CHOICE: I feel the same way {James} 
James: I'm about to be very cheesy, I apologise. But I feel like I need to come out and say it.
Player: Go on.
James: Well... I think in my romance novels, in my stories, I was always writing about the same ideal woman. And of course, I've always known she's not real. But there've been times I wished she were. But now I'm here, with you, and this is reality… And it's infinitely better than any fantasy I've ever had.
Player: Wow...
James: Sorry, I'm just a big romantic blob. What I'm saying is, I'm happy we're together.
Player: You really are a big romantic blob.
          CHOICE: Let’s focus on the future {Tom} 
Tom: I hope what's in the future is us spending lots of time together. You're truly something money can't buy. And I'd know.
Player: You're cute...
Tom: I mean it though. It's like... being around you changes my perspective completely. You're really helping me see what's important. Things I'd never have figured out without you.
Player: Thank you. But you should also give yourself some credit. You've been growing so much since you came in here.
Narration: Tom blushes and hides his head in the pillow.
Narration: You gently chuckle at each other.
[your partner]: I don't know about you, but being together like this is giving me... ideas.
Narration: [your partner] draws a little closer to you, and you can feel the warmth radiating from their body.
[your partner]: What do you say? Want to put this daybed through its paces?
Player (thinking): [your partner]'s suggesting we do bits…
          CHOICE: Let's give the daybed a night to remember
{insert intimacy module}
          CHOICE: I thought you'd never ask
{insert intimacy module}
          CHOICE: Not tonight
[your partner]: Fair enough. We'll have other occasions.
Player: It's a date!
[your partner]: Cross my heart.
Narration: [your partner] relaxes in your arms. Your eyelids grow heavy, and the last thing you see is [your partner] gentle smile before you fall asleep. A night bird sings somewhere in the distance, and [your partner]'s hand finds your cheek.
[your partner]: No matter how many times I'm next to you like this, somehow it's always new and exciting.
Player (thinking): [your partner] says it's always new and exciting to be with me…
          CHOICE: I feel the same way you do
[your partner]: I love to hear that.
          CHOICE: Same old, same old
Narration: [your partner] pokes your cheek.
[your partner]: How dare!
Narration: You stick your tongue out at [your partner].
[your partner]: Seriously, though.
          CHOICE: I hope we feel this way for a long time
[your partner]: I think we will.
[your partner]: What we've got is special, and I think it's always gonna be special.
Narration: [your partner]'s other hand softly caresses your arm. Your eyes meet, and [your partner] smile changes.
[your partner]: I'm so glad we're growing closer. And I hope it's going to keep getting better and better.
Player (thinking): [your partner] hopes we're going to keep growing closer…
          CHOICE: I already feel very close to you, you know
[your partner]: I'm so happy to hear that... Like, really, really happy.
Narration: [your partner] hand on your cheek trembles a little.
          CHOICE: I'm excited to spend more time together
[your partner]: Me too...
          CHOICE: We're literally in the same bed
Player: How much closer could we be?
[your partner]: Pff! That's not what I meant and you know it.
Narration: [your partner] gently pokes your cheek.
[your partner]: Naughty Player. 
Narration: Your eyes meet, and [your partner] smile changes.
[your partner]: This, now, it feels both so new and so familiar… It's comforting. Like coming home.
Player (thinking): [your partner] says being with me feels like coming home…
          CHOICE: Right back at you
Narration: You both pause for a moment.
[your partner]: I'm really happy this means something to you, too.
          CHOICE: It feels like moving into a new place!
Narration: [your partner]'s hand on your cheek trembles a little.
[your partner]: Is that a good or a bad thing?
Player: That depends on the place!
[your partner]: Then I gotta make sure it's a real nice one.
          CHOICE: Come home into my arms
Narration: [your partner] laughs and hugs you. Your eyes meet, and [your partner] smile changes.
[your partner]: I'm so excited. Is it alright if we cuddle a bit?
Player (thinking): Do I want to cuddle with [your partner]?
          CHOICE: Agree to it
Player: Get in here.
Narration: [your partner] smiles and gently draws you to them. [your partner] arms tremble a little around you.
[your partner]: I'm a bit nervous to be with you like this. Does that make me a fool?
Player: It doesn't.
[your partner]: Good. Because I'm not sure I'd know how to fix it. And I don't think I want to. I love feeling these butterflies.
          CHOICE: Hug [your partner] to you
Narration: [your partner] plants a soft kiss on your forehead. [your partner] looks like they’re about to say something else, but then hesitates.
Player: What is it?
[your partner]: Well... I don't want to go too fast. But I'm looking at you like this, up close, and you're so pretty, and I really, really want to kiss you...
Player: Way ahead of you.
Narration: You throw your arms around [your partner]'s shoulders and pull them close. [your partner] hugs you back. [your partner] arms tremble a little around you.
[your partner]: I'm a bit nervous to be with you like this. Does that make me a fool?
Player: It doesn't.
[your partner]: Good. Because I'm not sure I'd know how to fix it. And I don't think I want to. I love feeling these butterflies.
Narration: [your partner] plants a soft kiss on your forehead. 
          CHOICE: Ask to wait for next time
Player: Actually... Do you mind if we take it slow? I'd be happy to just stay like this tonight.
[your partner]: Oh, of course! We'll have other occasions. I can wait.
Narration: Soon [your partner] relaxes next to you, and their breathing slows down. Your eyelids grow heavy, and the last thing you see is [your partner] gentle smile before you fall asleep.
Player (thinking): [your partner] says they want to kiss me…
          CHOICE: Then maybe you should
[your partner]: Alright then... Let me consider it.
          CHOICE: I love the sound of that
[your partner]: Alright then... Let me consider it.
          CHOICE: Let's wait for next time
[your partner]: Sure. I really don't want to make you feel rushed. Is it even OK that I asked?
Player: Of course it is.
Narration: [your partner] relaxes in your arms. Your eyelids grow heavy, and the last thing you see is [your partner] gentle smile before you fall asleep.
Narrator: 🎵 Twinkle, twinkle, little star... 🎵 🎵 Thank you for your tiny spark. 🎵 I know, I know, everyone tells me I should have been a pop star. But what can I say, living in a cabin without a working shower is just so much more fun. If you've never poured a bucket of ice-cold water on your head, have you even lived? ... Don't answer that. The spark between [your partner] and Player burned nice and bright tonight.
Narrator: [your partner] and Player had a nice sort of tiny spark going on there. But tomorrow, it will be time to fan another sort of flames!
Cora: A talent show! Yay!
Narrator: What? A talent show? Well now that's hot. Wait for me! My pop star career is finally within reach!
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pudimsuki · 3 years
Shoto Todoroki+Mall(fitting rooms?) +NSFW
Fitting rooms | Todoroki x reader
Warnings: NSFW (18+ content), public place.
Hmmm... Spicy? Spicy.
Tumblr media
Your boyfriend was a peculiar man, as many would say.
Everyone always expected a lot from him, especially with the start of his hero career and the legacy left by his father. Yes, a hero of the people. Talented. Strong. Serious. Stoic, even.
What no one would have expected, of course, was to see him fuck his dear girlfriend inside a fitting room in the middle of a public mall.
It started innocently enough. All you wanted was a little help with a stuck zipper that was out of reach. Todoroki, as the good partner he was, quickly rose from his position on the waiting benches, ready to help you.
"I can't open it", you whispered as he entered the same cabin as you. He looked you up and down, modeled on the dress whose sales tag was still sticking out of the fabric.
“Beautiful.” He said. His intense gaze on you.
You smiled, knowing he never said anything he didn't mean. “Thank you, Sho. Maybe I should buy it then, hum?”
“Do it, I’ll pay. I want to take you out to dinner tonight, you should wear it.”
You wrapped an arm around his neck, fluttering your lashes at his heterochromatic eyes. "Yeah? Anywhere special?"
"You'll see. Now turn around." He commanded.
So you did, smiling at his conduct. He gently brushed your locks off your back, placing them over your bare shoulder and guided himself to the top of your zipper, which he slowly lowered, revealing your immaculate skin.
You were ready to turn around and thank him before you went back to change into your own clothes, but his hands held you in place, long fingers pressing into your hips.
Oh? You raised an eyebrow, even though he couldn’t see it.
You could feel his warm breath on your back at how close you were, but still you remained silent.
Slowly ー way slower than necessary if you ask ー, he traced the line of your spine, the cool fingertips of his right hand creating a contrast to his breathing, making you close your eyes and arch your back slightly at the sensation.
You could vaguely hear the conversation of people in the store and the noise of other people entering and exiting the changing rooms surrounding yours, but that was far from your attention.
He touched the straps of your dress, running them with sensual speed down your arms, until they went through your wrists and hands. You didn't wear a bra.
With eyes still closed, you felt his soft lips touching the back of your neck, kissing the spot gently.
"Sho?" You whisper.
"You're just so pretty, love." He muttered over your skin, making you sigh in glee. Todoroki gripped your shoulders with both hands and began to trace your back with his mouth.
"We're at the mall", you tried to reason, already losing yourself in the sensations he always caused you. "Let's go home."
"Can’t. Need you now."
In mere seconds, your outfit was on the floor, leaving you in nothing but lace panties. You looked to the side, where a full-length mirror graced the wall and could see how Shoto towered over your back, tall, strong, and fully clothed, making you look even more vulnerable almost completely naked, your pert breasts reflected sideways on the glass and your hands resting on the wall for support.
You felt a wet spot forming on your panties at the sight.
“You’re still clothed.”
You swallowed, mumbling. “And it’s not fair.”
Shoto just chuckled behind you, face close to the curve of your neck. His hands traveled through your waist.
“I think I'm spoiling you too much. Don't worry, tonight you can see what you want. For now, this will be just an appetizer.”
“For who?” You grumbled sarcastically.
“For me, of course.” He simply replied, his voice a tone below normal. Suddenly he presses your hips against him, making it clear the tent in his pants. You purred in desire, making him laugh once more. "Although something tells me you'll enjoy it too."
“Sho, please…”
“Shh, I’ll take care of you. Now, be quiet or people will hear you.”
You closed your eyes as you felt him circle your clothed intimacy with his fingertips and just nodded, hearing some laughter from other customers chatting near the dressing room.
"Always so wet for me." He praised, close to your ear.
He released you for a brief moment and you heard the noise of his pants being unzipped. You were about to take off your own underwear, but he was quick to grab your wrists.
"Hands on the wall."
You swallowed, obeying his orders.
He then lowered your panties over your feet, pulling them off completely. Before you could do anything, he was wrapping his arms around your figure, holding you close. The tip of his cock touching your ass.
Your piece of lace was crumpled in one of his hands, which he brought to your face. The smell of your own arousal rose in your nostrils.
"Open your mouth."
"What?" You questioned incredulously.
"Open it." He repeated. You couldn't help but feel your folds even wetter from it. "I don't want anyone listening to you and interrupting us."
You parted your lips, feeling the fabric being shoved through your mouth and touching your wet muscle.
Is this just the appetizer? You thought to yourself, but couldn’t form any other notion before feeling him press your clit, letting a muffled moan escape your mouth.
“Sorry, honey. I can’t wait now.” With that, he pulled your hips up, setting you at a desired angle before slowly thrusting into your unprepared, but still wet, hole. Your cry was muffled by the fabric in your mouth and you arched your back even more to try to accommodate the full length of him inside you.
“So tight.” He breathed. He was going to take all the time in the world with you after dinner. But right now, all he needed was to feel your warm walls tighten around him. “I promise I’ll make it up to you later.”
You just nod your head, eyelids pressed together. Just the feeling of him was making your legs weak.
“Shoto”, you tried to say, even with the panties stuffing your lips, but he understood the message right away, already starting his lunges at a fast pace, a complete contrast to his earlier slow touches.
You moaned, and you knew immediately that the idea of covering your mouth was appropriate, since you were pretty sure someone would have heard your lewd sounds if he hadn't done that.
Shoto just groaned in your ear, making you even more alight.
You ground your teeth into the fabric, your saliva soaking your panties. How would you use that later? You had no idea.
He returned to circling your clit, as fast and hard as his thrusts.
You sought support on the wall in front of you, gluing your forehead to the surface.
"Look at you," Shoto panted, eyes traveling between your bare back and the mirror beside you, unable to decide which view was more pleasing, "so pretty."
Within minutes, you soon felt the knot forming in your stomach. You tried to warn him, but all that came from your clothed mouth was reduced to muffled cries.
“I know, love.” He said, knowing your body language like the palm of his hands.
You gasp, throwing your head back when you feel your knot exploding outward. Todoroki grunts and you tighten around him, but he doesn't slow the pace of his thrusts, seeking his own release.
You feel your legs soften and you moan with the overstimulation. When he finally comes, you have one hand gripped on his arm, which circles your body, keeping you steady.
The two of you are silent for a few seconds, just your breath filling the cubicle. You internally prayed that no one had heard the sex noise coming from your cabin.
Shoto finally turned you to him, pulling the intimate piece out of your mouth right away and delighting in your expression, spittle running down your lips.
He bent down towards them before you could dry them and kissed you fondly, as if to make up for his earlier actions.
"How am I going to get out now?" You questioned with wide eyes, noticing the liquids from both of you trickling down your thighs. Your panties were equally wet. "I can't use this."
"Well, there's nothing to be done." He simply said.
"It's your fault!" You hissed, trying to keep your voice down. "And don't say that when you're still fully dressed."
"Technically," he commented after zipping up his pants, reaching for the dress you had tried on and watching you pull your own clothes off the hanger, "you called me here. So we're even."
Oh, if looks could kill. He thought and couldn't resist the smile playing at the corner of his lips.
"I'll pay for the dress. I'll meet you outside."
"What? No, wait! Don't just leave me he-"
Too late, he was already sneaking out of the cabin.
You just stood there, mouth open in disbelief.
Perhaps the society of heroes would lose one of its rising stars today.
Cause you would kill him.
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That was fun, haha
Hope you like it! Thank you for reading and for the support!
Angie ❤
[any comments will be answered with my main account @angie-1306]
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dirt-cup-draco · 3 years
Tethered- Fred x Reader
‘Don’t ever scare me like that again’ kiss with Fred where he lives (I’ve been crying about it lately) xoxo @starofthedawn
Your chest was tied up in knots, eyes burning and bile rising in your throat. The dust that permeated the air felt like gravel in your airways and you couldn’t help the wet cough that slipped past cracked lips. Even as you blinked away the tears that were running out, the world remained blurry and unfocused. 
After all, how could anything make sense when Fred was face down on the cobblestone. Pieces of the castle you two had called home burying him. 
“Lost in my eyes again, Y/N?” Fred asked, a playful tilt to his mouth. You were in the library, head buried in a book and not at all gazing into Fred’s honeyed eyes. You must’ve not heard him come in so when you looked up and saw him you couldn’t help the warmth that blossomed in your chest. 
You liked the way his lips were pulled up by an invisible thread as you finally took notice of him.  It wasn’t quite a smile, but a familiar expression that you held dear to your heart. It was understated, especially for Fred Weasley, but the expression was one of his most sincere. 
“Can’t help the fact you’ve got dreamy eyes, George,” 
“Sod off,” Fred said with no real venom, sitting in the chair beside yours and kicking his feet up onto the table. He was lucky Madam Pince didn’t often come to this corner of the library, otherwise she’d have his head.
You stuck your tongue out at him, even daring to toss a quill at his head- but before you could he caught your hand and held on tight. Your bright grin wavered at the edges but that joy was still blooming in your chest. Suffocation was a sure thing. 
“Everything okay, Freddie?” Voice soft, slow. You understood sometimes he just needed a hand to hold and you wouldn’t let yourself believe it was more than that. What it was, was Fred trusting you and needing you as a friend and that was more than enough. 
He nodded, his eyelids heavy and his demeanor sluggish. He almost seemed like a sleepy cat but you could see the way his shoulders dipped as you posed your question. 
Fred squeezed your hand as he sank down into his chair, knees now drawn to his chest in a protective ball. “Course I am, nothing could ever be wrong when I’ve got you to tether me to what’s good,” 
Your knees buckled as you stumbled the last foot to where Fred lay. Unmoving, broken, probably not breathing- You shook your head wildly even as the tears burned and your brain ached. Just like every other wizard, every other soldier at Hogwarts today, you had your fair share of injuries but you felt the pain dull to nothing; Your vision tunneled to the familiar hand that stuck out from the rubble, the feather soft shock of red hair that was visible under all the grey, lifeless stone. 
With a flick of your hand, some of the rubble broke loose and found themselves discarded on the burned and torn up grass ten feet from you. The panic pounding at your ribcage was only eased by the determination you felt to get Fred out of there, alive. There was no other option. 
Waves would stand still without the moon, plants would dry up without water, and you would cease to be anything but a shell without Fred Weasley. 
It had been an honest mistake at the time, George had tugged you away after class one day to an empty corridor and nearly begged you to ask Fred and put the both of you out of your “self sabotaging misery”. Problem was, all Katie Bell saw was George whisking you away somewhere private a week before the ball was to commence, both of you dateless. 
By the time you had both gone to the great hall for lunch, your group of friends were deep into speculations. 
“Going to the ball with Y/N then?” Fred fixed George with a look you couldn’t quite decipher but the shock of him thinking such a thing had you missing that usual twitch of his eye when he was aggravated. 
George whipped his head to you in confusion but it went unnoticed when Lee said, “Great! Of course you two got dates before me,” gesturing wildly to the twins. 
All of the confusion had your head spinning but hearing that Fred had a date to the ball made you steady again, the lead pit in your stomach anchoring you. Anyone would be a fool to not want to go with Fred. 
“You’ve got a date?” You said a bit too loudly, eyes narrowed at Fred. 
“Asked Angie,” 
“Yeah, two minutes ago,” She snorted. “Guess he didn’t want George to beat him by too much of a landslide,”  
George let out a too-loud laugh and tossed his arm back over your shoulders. “Take that Lee, we got two of the hottest girls in school to be our dates,” 
“Go with me instead and I’ll buy you as many sugar quills as your heart desires, Y/N” Lee bargained and George swatted him on the back of a head with a faux glare. 
You couldn’t help but snort at Lee’s antics, looking at George with gratitude. You could tell he was trying to talk you up, keep your heart from falling too far. However, his efforts couldn’t completely ease the ache in your chest. You were tethered to Fred and you didn’t think anything could change that. 
You’d done your best to completely immobilize Fred when most of the rubble was removed, only some of the smaller chunks of wall now littered over his legs and back. The immobulus charm had to be enough to keep him stable. If he was still alive. 
It was the uncertainty that kept you going in this moment. If there was even a slim chance Fred could be alive, you would do all you could to save him. You refused to lose him and that was that. You wished you could see his chest moving, or any sign of life but he was still too buried and the dust that settled over the battlefield made your eyes unfocused. 
Even though the final battle had ended an hour or more ago, how long had it been since you’d found Fred?, you were shut off from any of the joy that the win could have brought you. If Fred wasn’t going to be there to celebrate then how could you? 
“We’ve got to fix up the shop a-and get butterbeers,” You sniffled, trying to keep your hands from shaking as you worked your way through the rubble. You kept speaking as if holding Fred to his promises would bring him over the threshold and into your waiting arms. 
“You’ve got to give me that birthday present you’ve been bragging about for months, and you’ve got to help me prank Lee for singeing my favorite sweater with one of your fireworks,”
And on and on you went, all of the promises Fred had ever made you falling from your lips as you pulled the last of the rubble from his body. One of his legs and all of the fingers on his right hand were bent at grotesque angles. There was a line of blood that started somewhere behind his hairline and trailed down his temple, dripping off of his jaw and onto the ruins he had nearly become a permanent part of. 
You wouldn’t permit your legs to shake as you stood, the sun being further down in the sky than you remembered. The wave of your wand was light and methodical even as every step towards help weighed you down. 
Time passed you without you taking note, the sun sank beneath the horizon and you stumbled your way through the dark. Eventually, you were taken off guard by the light of someone’s wand. Time caught up to you then as you stared with bleary eyes, trying to recognize the face before you but having a hard time sorting anything in your over exhausted brain. 
“Help him,” Was all you had energy for, before darkness took over. 
“...understand how she did it,” 
“...miracle, really,” 
“Poor girl must’ve....” 
Conversations floated around your head as you lay cemented underneath the sheets that you had been securely wrapped in. You wanted nothing more than to swat them away like pesky flies, the voices weren’t loud but to you it was as if someone had put a speaker in the empty space of your skull and turned the volume up as high as it could go. Everything ached. 
“Am I dead?” You croaked, eyelids still too heavy to even attempt opening. 
Immediately, a woman nearly screamed and a cacophony of other voices rose up- both familiar and not. 
“You look like you wish you were,” Someone joked to your left and your eyes snapped open so quickly you became dizzy. You felt frozen in place as honey eyes swept over you from the top of your head to the tips of your toes. Despite being covered from the chin down you felt as if you were being looked through. A shiver ran down your spine and it was followed by a deep ache that had you groaning despite the emotions bubbling up within you. 
“Damn you Fred,” Was all you had to say before everyone else around you was clearing out. For a split second you felt guilt when you realized your parents as well as the Weasleys had come to stand beside you as you healed. 
“I’ve come back from the brink of death and that’s what you have to say to me?” He teased but his voice was torn to shreds and you had the terrible image in your mind of him screaming for help until he lost consciousness. The blood drained from your face. 
Fred seemed to take notice as he shuffled out of his bed that was right next to yours. He paused at the edge, fumbling for the crutches that were at his bedside. It felt like years the time it took for him to fall into the chair nearest you, his hand stretching for yours. 
You moved pathetically against the sheets but in your weakened state you couldn’t grasp his hand. “Freddie,” You croaked, eyes filling with tears in frustration. You’d thought him dead and now you couldn’t even move a damn blanket to touch him, to make sure this wasn’t a dream. 
“I’m here,” He reassured, moving the sheets on your side gently until your hand was free and you could tangle your fingers with his non-broken hand. 
“I’ve been telling you for years now, you’re my tether. Just when I thought I was going to cross over, I heard you. All the promises we made, and all the chaos we have yet to make, all the things I haven’t said,” Fred’s bottom lip trembled as he brushed his thumb over your scabbed knuckles. You were faintly aware of a needle in your forearm, attached to an IV but all that mattered was the warmth you felt from Fred. 
“You could break them all and I’d still be counting my lucky stars that you’re here,” You cried, falling into a coughing fit. Fred was quick to press a still cold glass of water into your hands and help you sit up even from his place on his chair. 
“I’m not going anywhere,” He promised, hand remaining at the back of your neck as he settled you against your pillows. That genuine not-smile was back and you chewed on your lip to keep from crying again. You still weren’t sure he was here so any reminder that it was really him had you at a breaking point. 
“Can you make me one more promise then?” You caught his gaze but found you couldn’t hold it, the intensity making your stomach swoop and your heart pound against your rattled ribcage. 
Fred had yet to move, his hand steady behind you and his face close. Your noses were nearly touching as he said, “Anything.” 
“Don’t scare me like that ever again,” 
You chanced one more look at him, eyes wide and pleading. You were going to make him promise on everything in him but the rest of your words were lost when you stumbled over the loud adoration in his eyes. As if on autopilot, you removed your hand from his to brush your fingertips against a gash on his cheek. 
“Never again,” He whispered, frozen in place. He didn’t dare move when you let your movements wander over his lips, taking your time before you let your hand fall against the junction of where his shoulder met his neck. Beneath the collar of the hospital gown you could see garish bruising that only served as another reminder you’d almost lost him. 
That was enough to remind you that there was much unsaid between you and the man you loved. You could feel his shaky breath, his hand squeezing yours just enough that you felt the reassuring pressure. When you took your third look at those eyes, you knew. 
You moved at the same time, in tune to one another in a way you always have been. It was with a sigh that your lips met, frightened and curious and wonderful. You were careful of his head would as you played with the hair at the back of his neck and he made sure not to move you anymore than tilting your head to slot your lips against his at a better angle. 
Fred pulled away when his smile dared to take over his face but you couldn’t complain about the loss when you could feel his pulse beating strongly against your fingers, his chest moving steadily with life. 
“I’m just as tied to you as you are to me,” You laughed softly, in disbelief. 
Fred looked surprised for all but a second before he was placing his lips against yours, cautious but deliriously happy. 
Waves swayed with the moon, plants flourished with water, and you were never far from Fred Weasley. Each were tethered to their counterpart and nothing could change it. 
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7dsheadcanons · 4 years
okay but,,, how would the sins + elizabeth react to Y/N getting injured in a fight 👀
Sorry for the late response ^^;
oh no he’s angy. Someone hurt a person he holds dear and they’re gonna pay big time
He helps you care for your wounds of course
He probably wouldn’t want you near or in another fight as to avoid this happening again
“Please be more careful, y/n. You had me pretty worried!”
No he won’t talk about how angry he got with the person who injured you
Yes he accepts kisses as thank yous
He immediety gets scared he’s gonna lose you
He won’t let anyone touch you and insist on carrying you even if you can walk
He won’t leave your side even after you’ve heald up
Ban, like Meliodas, will try and keep you from any fights for a while so you don’t get hurt again
Over protective mode? Yup
“You nearly gave me a heart attack, y/n! I don’t go doing anything wreckless you hear me?”
He sounds angry but he’s just scared to lose you like he lost Elaine
He’s going to defend you till you guys get out of the fight
Even if he’s hurt he’ll insist on you getting treated and dealt with first and for most
Harlequin will probably cry about how he wasn’t able to keep you from getting hurt and apologize about a thousand times
You bet he’s going to be clinging to your side after you’ve heald because he’s afraid you’ll get hurt again
“I’m so sorry it’s my fault you got hurt I should have been more focused on protecting you, y/n!”
He won’t even give anyone a chance to argue, if your hurt the fight stops there
He insists on helping you heal up, maybe even asking Merlin to speed up the healing
He won’t understand why he’s so concerned for you but know he is
If your in pain he’ll use his magic to take your mind off of it and give you a distraction
“Please, try to be more careful, y/n...can I hold your hand?”
He’s soft he will hold your hand while your resting up
Immedietly places you under protection until the fight is over
She will insist on taking care of your healing herself
Hardly ever leaves your side even after your better
She’s hesitant about letting you fight again after that but she’s ready to protect you
Will be ehansing your magic and strength while your healing so you come back stronger
Just in case she can’t protect you
“What you did was stupid, but I’m glad it wasn’t anything too major, y/n...you’ll be alright”
Will insult you but means it with love
Just like Meliodas she gets really angry with whoever hurt you
She’ll put you in her bag till you get to a place where you can be healed
She might be a little upset with you for going and getting yourself hurt
Of course she’s super worried, after all you’re so small so it’s easy for something bad to happen!
Diane will be over protective for a while
“No, y/n! You’re not arguing with me! I don’t what you getting hurt again!”
He will defeat whoever hurt you and tell you not to worry because he’s there
He will take you to Merlin to be healed if he can
He won’t let you do any fighting later, he’ll be doing it all
But when he’s not so buff he’s fussing over you and making sure everything’s okay
He’ll get you anything to help he’s so worried
“Oh dear, y/n! I know merlin said you’ll be alright but I can’t help being worried”
You’ll need to reassure him that you’ll be fine
She will start to panic and be at your side as soon as she can
She insists on you not continuing to fight
Elizabeth will do her best to heal you as much as she can
After the fight she’ll make sure you’re resting up
Once you’ve healed she’ll be so happy and relieved
“I’m so glad your doing better! You had me really worried, y/n!”
She so sweet and caring give her a hug
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deadly-departed · 4 years
Awwww thank you for appreciating my request!! I actually love it when you do one of them so I come and check if there's anything new everyday lol. Ok ok so how about some fluffy headcanons with Hanako, Tsukasa, Teru and Akane (male) and how they would react when s/o is on her period? I'm currently on mine rn and I. AM.DYING.
Qfohsxohwgjpvshpcd OMFG YEEEEEESSSS!!!!!!!!! I love your requests much! I didn't expect so many of them at once lmao but I love them!!! Also if you wanna know when I post you can turn on notifications for my acc if you're on moblile-
You are by far my favorite anon that I've had over the course of my Tumblr HC days, which honestly hasn't been too long, at most a few months over all my accounts but still!!! I love you-
Hanako-kun The Bathroom Ghost, Wonder No. 7
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He'd be pretty confused and worried
You're bleeding??? Out of your baby maker hole??? Why?????
Once you explain to him what's going on and that you're in pain he'll be the sweetest little ghost boyfriend ever
Are you craving something? He'll do his best to get it. And by that I mean he'll ask Kou or Yashiro to get it for you.
Do you want cuddles? He's not exactly warm but he'll happily cuddle you whenever you want!
Having mood swings because hormones? He'll understand and not hold anything against you!
He is kinda clueless as to why you are on your period and why it's so necessary but just give him time, he'll understand eventually.
He can't exactly do much for getting pads or tampons so guess ya gotta ask Yashiro or Aoi-chan for those but you can't blame him, he's dead.
If he notices blood on your skirt before he understands what's going on his have a panic attack, thinking someone hurt you.
But hey, at least it was him who noticed and not a classmate or teacher.
Just so that he doesn't seem dumb, he'll ask Yashiro questions to help him understand. That leads to her being a blushing mess though.
But you really gotta give him some credit for trying
He never got to learn this when he was alive!
He's just really trying his best, comforting you when you're cramps are bad, playing with your hair to call you down if you get upset, whatever
He's always there for you, even if he doesn't completely understand what's going on with your body
Tsukasa Yugi, The Rumor Spreader
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You will never see this boy more confused then when you tell him you're on your period
Like, fr, he would be absolutely clueless and wouldn't understand a single word you say
Use small words, like you're talking to a 4 year old
"Me go hurtie hurtie, body want make baby." You say, trying to hold in your laughter as you watch Natsuhiko in the background losing his shit
"Well then tell it to stop." Tsukasa says, smiling like he had just solved a cold case that has been ongoing for 23 years.
"I can't do that." You say, laughing as Natsuhiko wheezes behind Tsukasa.
"I have to just wait it out. And while I do, I'm going to be in a lot of pain." You explain, trying to help him understand what you're going through.
He nods a bit, seeming to understand.
And like that, he brought you literally everything he thought would help you.
Some of it was nice.
Like tea, sweets, heating pads, a stray cat to pet and keep you company.
Other things, not so much.
"Why did you bring me homework? It's not even mine."
"How did you get a hold of an Exorcist's Staff? It can't even work, it has a seal on it!"
"Did you just bring me someone's shirt?"
Meanwhile Natsuhiko is desperately trying not to fall onto the ground as he laughs.
Sakura has the look of 'yep, same old shit'
Once you leave to go home, he'll ask Sakura questions about periods and for some reason the questions get more and more personal???
"Why do they happen?" "Will I have them?" "What are they like?" When was the last time you had one?"
Yeah after that last question Sakura just noped out of school for the rest of the day.
But like, the boy has a morbid sense of curiosity, what do you expect?
When you come back to school, hell hopefully have a better grasp on the concept (thanks to Natsuhiko being shameless in talking to him about it)
So he'll be better at comforting you
Akane Aoi, The Time Keeper
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Gets exceedingly flustered when you mention that you're on your period
Like wow ok that's something to hear at 7 in the morning
Will try to help out as best he can, grabbing a pad or something out of your backpack for you, getting you something to snack on
Just like, not around Teru.
He'll try to laugh it off then immediately feel really bad and just silently get up and get the thing you asked for.
Akane will also cuddle the life out of you if you want, he will never he able to get enough of you
Probably has a stash of your favorite foods somewhere in his room for you to eat when you start to get cramps
His moods will swing with yours.
Are you happy bouncy and giggly? So is he! Are you crying because you just accidentally dropped a pop tart on the floor? He'll be on the floor with you, crying.
But!!! If you get angry for any reason, he'll be so calm and understanding and just let you get all that angy out of you.
Once you're done he'll hug you and kiss the top of your head and ask if you feel better now
Man's really out here, buying a heating pad or a heatable stuffed animal if your cramps get too bad
Cannot tell me that Akane wouldn't make an excuse for you if you have to skip school because of the pain
"Sorry sir, she can't come in today, she has a doctor's appointment."
Teru Minamoto, The School Prince
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Surprisingly knows very little about periods
Like yeah he has a sister but she's like, 5 so-
Hes probably red in the face when you told him
He's not grossed out or anything! Just wasn't something he expected to hear when he walked into school that morning.
Has absolutely no shame in asking one of his female classmates for a pad/tampon if you need one
Besides, what are they about to do? Tell the school prince no?
Yeah that's what I thought.
We know this man can't cook for his like so he'll ask his little brother to make some cookies or something.
He's not going to be specific, he doesn't want to embarrass you.
Hell just be like 'hey, would it be alright if you make my girlfriend some cookies? She really likes your baking'
And Kou will just 'yeah why not?' And do it
He'll bring them to school along with one of those stuffed animals that are also a heating pad and hand them to you with a smile on his face and fidbdj-
Just an overall nice experience. Kinda. Youre on your period after all.
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lottiebagley · 4 years
Don’t get over me- Fred Weasley
Fred sits with his arms crossed and a fake smile on his face. Half listening to George who is rambling on and Fred feels like his head is spinning.
The memory of her looking insanely beautiful and yet nervous as she entered the common room. She was timid when she asked Fred if she looked okay. She was laughing when he twirled her around calling her a princess. She was blushing when he pressed a kiss to her cheek before sending her on her way, watching as Alicia double checked the girls hair and touched up her make up before sending her out of the room.
He watched on the map, that he'd asked Harry if he could borrow for the  very reason of torturing himself, as she left the castle grounds. Blood boiling at the thought of her date asking her out and then not picking her up.
Blood boiling at the thought of anyone but him asking her out.
He scowls as he sits in the courtyard, George had coaxed him out into the summer heat to help get his mind off his best friend he was in love with and her date with Adrian Pucey.
"Here comes trouble," George calls with a smirk, the grin on his face falling immediately when he recognises the look on his girlfriends face. "Angie, what's wrong?" He questions worriedly, jumping up from his seat to approach her.
"Fred you need to come now," She instructs, George even more baffled and almost hurt that his upset looking girlfriend was seeking his brother for comfort.
"What's the problem?" Fred questions, not really in the mood to deal with whatever's happening, his plans to sulk all day ruined.
"It's Y/N, she just-" Angelina is cut off as Fred leaps to his feet, George not sure if he should feel happy Angelina is okay or worried for his friend.
"Where is she?" Fred demands, feet already carrying him away from the others
"Her dorm, but she won't-" Angelina sighs, giving up on trying to talk to Fred as he sprints away.
Having successfully knocked down a first year and been shouted at by Filch, Fred arrives at the Gryffindor girls dormitory. Stopping his sprint at the sight of Alicia, knocking on the door with worry in her eyes.
"What's going on?" Fred questions, panting slightly
"We aren't really sure. We were in town and she ran past crying so obviously we followed but she's locked herself in and she won't talk to anyone," Alicia explains as she moves away from the door to allow Fred to take her place.
"Thanks Al, I've got it from here," he smiles to the girl who nods and leaves the best friends in peace. Fred knocks on the door
"Go away!" he hates that her shouted response is enough to let him know she's still crying, he can hear the crack in her voice.
"Sweetheart, it's me. Can I come in?" he calls through the door.
"Why? it's only me I promise," he sighs, she never turns him away.
"I don't want you to see me like this," she groans. His heart sinks in his chest.
"Lovie, I hate to be the bearer or bad news but I've seen you in some pretty low points, cleaned sick out of your hair, nursed you to health, we went camping and you didn't sleep for 32 hours and couldn't shower. Reckon I can see you upset, it's nothing I haven't seen before," he tries to compromise, his head leaning on the wooden door
"It's embarrassing," she cries out, voice cracking
"Whatever it is I will have done worse, besides, it's just me sweetheart, I'm not gonna judge you," he assures, not quite realising that it being him was the whole damn point, unable to say no to him she sighs and moves towards the door unlocking it.
Fred pushes the door open the second he hears the lock shift, throwing his arms around her in a tight bear hug as she sniffles into his shirt.
"What happened darling?" He cooes, moving carefully to sit on her bed and pulling her into his lap without a second thought, holding her to him as she stares at him. Her eyes look sore from crying and her nose is red, her makeup streaking and damp sticky cheeks and yet to Fred she's the most beautiful thing in the world.
"He stood me up," she admits, not bothering to try and hide what was sure to be the talk of the school no matter how embarrassing it is to admit to her crush. "He stood me up and his friends sat at a table and laughed at me,"
Fred feels his blood boil, his heart beating faster. He wants to throw her from his lap, find Adrian and pummel the guy to death and then find any friends involved and do the same to them.
Instead he forces himself to take a deep breath, pulling her back to his chest and stroking her back gently, whispering sweet nothings into her hair as another round of cries escapes her. He holds her close until she settles down in his lap.
"Hey, you listen to me sweetheart, he is so fucking stupid. You are the most beautiful girl on this entire planet and you are smart and kind and funny and if Adrian Pucey can't see that then good riddance you didn't give him a minute of your time. You can and will do so, so, so, much better than him and you saying yes to him is the best thing that'll ever happen to him and I mean that," He rambles, his eyes searching hers, trying to find any hurt in them so he can melt it away with gentle touches and loving words.
"I just feel so stupid," she admits with a sigh as Fred adjusts his arms slightly to better hold her on his lap.
"He's the stupid one. You, my lovely, are golden, and he's an idiot if he doesn't realise that,"
"I'm just never good enough,"
"Hey," he scolds lightly "None of that,"
"I'm not though. Not enough for him, not enough for Cormac-"
"That was a blessing," Fred smirks, laughing when she rolls her eyes
"Not enough for Leo, I mean I had a boy who is practically a saint and he cheated on me, not enough for my dad, not enough for you, not enough for Oli or Alex or Chr-" her ramble is cut off by Fred who's heart is falling to his feet.
"Me? What do you mean me?" he asks, eyes wide. How had he ever let this girl think she wasn't enough for him?
"I-it- I don't know," she sighs, he raises his eyebrows and she takes a deep breath before talking once more. "I guess, well- look don't freak out alright? I've liked you since third year and I always just thought if I was more. Y'know prettier and smarter and funnier- I guess I just thought if I had been enough you'd like me back, but you don't and that is fine. I don't hold  it against you and it's not your fault and I don't want this to change anything and-" she cuts off her own ramble, her tears misting over once more at the feeling in her stomach. She was about to loose Fred. "Please say something," She whispers.
Fred had never been someone who struggled to talk, but, in that moment he feels his entire world stop spinning, everything falling into place and his heart soaring.
"Like me?" He questions
"Yeah. It's why I said yes to Adrian, thought maybe it would help me get over you,"
"Don't do that," He speaks too quickly "Don't get over me," he demands, she blinks a little "Get under me- wait!- I didn't mean- well you can if you want I very much welcome that-I just- I have liked you since the day I met you on the train and I never said it cause I didn't want to ruin us but, sweetheart, I liked you so much it might even be love and I have wanted this forever," He rambles, his breathing becoming easier when a large smile overtakes her face.
"I could get under you," she teases, giggling as he rolls his eyes, leaning down from her seat in his lap.
Her lips meet his and the whole world takes a moment. Nothing matters. Not that when he cups her cheeks in his hands her face is damp, not the slightly salty taste of her tears, not that Fred is still ready to go and kill Adrian, not that George and Angelina are listening in from behind the door, not that it could have all happened so long ago.
All that matters is her and him. The feeling of him pulling her closer and the way her fingers tangle in her hair. The way they're smiling into the kiss. The way everything fits perfectly. It's her and it's all they ever needed.
She pulls away breathless, giggling when Fred's lips chase after her's subconsciously, willing to be close to her again.
"It could definitely be love," She whispers, her eyes fluttering open to see Fred beaming up at her.
"You think?"
"Yeah. Yeah I do," she grins.
"I'm going to go and kill Adrian now," Fred announces
"There's plenty of time for that," She argues, gripping herself to him tighter as he laughs at her clinging to him
"Something you'd rather be doing?" He teases
"I believe you mentioned something about being under you," She smirks, Fred's grin widening
"You're right. Adrian can wait,"
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