#+ mitzi's left half
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dogofthejunkyard · 20 days ago
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wat r they doing
fireless vers. cause he's cute
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croxot · 2 months ago
Mitzy Lore Post
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Mitzy's true origin is lost to time, and possibly tragedy.
Gullybog was not known for being particularity foreboding or dangerous, other than having unsure footing. This was thanks in part to a local hermit-wizard, simply known as Simon. Simon was an aged man who had seen far more than most humans in their lifetime. A failed final adventure had him set aside ambition and recluse himself in the swamp. He never fully set aside his kindly nature, and consigned himself to helping the locals, albeit largely indirectly, avoiding most contact and creating a legend out of himself in the process. One day, Simon heard an infant's cries not too far from his abode. A small purple-skinned babe was found off the side of Gullybog Road, some few steps into the swamp. This child was proportionally similar to a halfling or a goblin, but her species was ultimately unknown. Attempts to divine the who or what left the child, despite pouring his magical prowess into the mystery, proved fruitless. And so, late in his life, Simon became a father. Despite being in the middle of nowhere, Mitzy's unusual upbringing included a great deal of intellectual schooling. Simon's magecraft and vast collection of magical and historical tomes meant the isolated Mitzy did not want for learning. She took to magecraft itself with gusto. Over the years she forged a bond with the elemental plane, collecting several loyal elementals which are still summoned to her side regularly in the present day.
During Mitzy's late teenage years, Simon's life waned. He passed away on an uneventful afternoon with his hand clutched by his daughter's. Mitzy saw to his cremation the next day, and thus began a new local legend of the Bog Witch. Mitzy carried on her father's minor do-gooding for the people of the swamp into her early twenties, until a chance run-in with a group of adventurers gave her an epiphany. She hungered to expand her knowledge and her aptitude, she needed to experience more than the swamp and the tomes she'd read and re-read a half dozen times could offer. She needed to find out where she came from.
After leaving the bog, Mitzy would go on to become part of an adventuring group of her own, two odd goblins from different societies who would become like sisters to her: Chakka the unyielding barbarian warrior, and Krix the shadow-manipulating thief. ----- Mitzy is a Wizard who's focus is on summoning a rotation of loyal Elementals. She can have one elemental consistently accompany her at any time without limitation. They can act on their own in accordance with their personalities, or can infuse Mitzy's attire, granting her additional defenses and augmenting her other spells. Her current elementals are: Ivan - Fire, Aggressive, burning aura sears foes and cleanses afflictions from allies. Slab - Earth, Protective, manipulates the environment in the party's favor. Leviafas - Lightning, Dispassionate, singles out high-priority threats, increases flow of mana. Melut - Ice, Sloth, chills foes and disperses enemy magics.
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rolfedewolfefan16 · 9 days ago
 Wolf in Sheep’s Clothing
Chapter 8:  The After Hours show was something the band did in honor of special events. After a big day of performing they hosted a small party amongst themselves till midnight and there was no manager to boss them around… Rolfe remembered what happened the very first day he stayed with Billy Bob. The axe fell inches from his shoulder, almost slicing it clean off. Rolfe didn’t show up to work that day. He called in sick and stayed at home until sunset. His stomach felt like an endless void of nothingness. He felt so nervous for what he was about to do but, he also felt kind of ecstatic. Rolfe drove all the way to Billy Bob’s house and stopped half way down the street. He kicked the shed door open and looked around. There it was. The shiny, hidden axe Rolfe saw on his very first stay. He took the weapon and eyed it up and down. He fingered the blade of the axe, marveling at its splendor. 
“This is great,” he whispered. He took the axe with him and drove off. Rolfe knew he needed to be sneaky and very careful. If he got caught it would be the end of his career…
He waited for nightfall. The time was 11 pm and Rolfe had one more hour until the party was over. He headed towards the back exit. He crept his way to his dressing room. 
“Such a shame Rolfe couldn’t make it,” he heard Mitzi say.
“Now, Mitzi baby, let's remember that he chose not to be here. Whatever happened, it probably wasn’t all that serious,” Fatz explained.
“Am I the only one who thinks he left after Billy Bob got announced as the new mascot? I mean he seemed fine before. Plus he said he forgot something then just…left,” Beach bear said. 
“Yeah, s-something seems, uh, fishy,” Dook said. The band suddenly heard a distorted voice singing Frank Sinatra’s “My Way”. The band fell silent.
“Hey-where’s that c-comin’ from?” Dook asked. 
“Sounds like it's coming from Rolfe’s dressing room,” Beach Bear suggested. 
“Hey Billy Bob, come here!” Fatz ordered as he glared at the hallway. Billy Bob along with Looney approached the group of friends.
“What’s up?” He asked.
“You hear that?” Fatz asked.
“Yup. Sounds like it's coming from Rolfe’s dressing room. But, isn’t he out today?” Billy Bob asked, a little puzzled.
“That’s what we thought too. Come on, let's go check it out,” Fatz said. The band crept their way to his room. 
“I’m scared, Fatz,” Mitzi whispered, holding on to his arm.
“It’s alright sweetheart,” Fatz assured, patting her hand. When the band opened the door the room was pitch black. They stepped inside with small shuffles. There, on the ground, sat a record player playing one of Rolfe’s records. 
“What the?’ Fatz blurted out, kneeling down to examine it. Suddenly the door shut and the lights turned on. In the moment they did, an axe hacked his way down Fatz’s back and the gorilla fell down with a thump.
“FATZ!” Mitzi screamed. Rolfe swung his axe on her stomach and pushed her out of the way. She led out a scream as blood gushed out of her. Rolfe hit his axe on her arm and sliced it clean off. Beach Bear leapt at him.
“Rolfe’s what the hell are you doing!?” Beach Bear asked. Rolfe hit him in the face with the butt of the axe. And aimed at Dook.
“NO!” Beach Bear screeched. Dook’s body fell apart with a swing of Rolfe’s axe and fling to his dressing table. Dook’s lifeless body broke the mirror and fell on the table, breaking bottles of cologne and face creams. Billy Bob stared in shock, trying his best to move his legs and run off.
“You stay right there!” Rolfe demanded Billy Bob with a snarl, darting a pair of barber shears from his dressing table right on his leg. Billy Bob let out a scream of pain, while Looney Bird tried his best to pick them off. Beach Bear stood up holding his bloody nose, ready to claw at Rolfe. In a quick instinct, Rolfe flung the axe his way. The axe’s blade now stood cleanly on Beach Bear’s head. The bear dropped dead, his blue eyes rolling to the back of his skull. 
“Run Billy BOB!!!!” Looney bird warned. Billy Bob finally got enough strength and scurried off down the hall. Looney bird tried to go after him but Rolfe grabbed him by his neck and slit his throat. Rolfe would not rest until the bear was dead. He tossed Looney aside, dumping his corpse on the rest of the band’s and hurried out the door.
Billy Bob dragged himself away trying to find an exit but Rolfe was faster. Rolfe stood in front of the exit, holding his precious axe. His shadowy figure walked closer to him. Billy Bob picked up speed and locked himself in his dressing room. He covered his mouth carefully not to let out a whimper of fear. Meanwhile, Rolfe crawled his way through the pizzeria, sniffing out the bear’s scent.
“Gotcha,” he said to himself. He flung the axe on Billy Bob’s door. Billy Bob screamed as the axe broke the door apart. 
“I found you, Billy!” Rolfe sang, his eyes glowing a yellow color. A paralyzing fear stirred inside Billy Bob. He wasn’t much of a fighter but he grabbed the first thing he could find. He held a chair with its legs out in front, hoping it would shield him. Rolfe finally made it inside. He swung his axe at the chair and kicked Billy Bob down to the ground. He stood above him, locking body.
“Rolfe, please! Have mercy! W-why are you doing this!?” Billy Bob shook violently.
“I’m tired, Billy Bob. I always did what I could to get ahead and I never got anywhere. I always wondered why and then I knew…you took the limelight from me. You encouraged everyone to pay me no mind. I told you about my dreams. You knew everything about me. And you still managed to be everything I’m not. Richer, younger, better. Always better. Well I’m tired of being left out…I’m tired of being stuck in the same goddamn place. As long as you’re around I’m never going to get anywhere. This must be done. Back then I was a lowly comedian but now I’m a big star and you're just another obstacle.
“Rolfe, I’ll give you whatever you want! Honest! I won’t tell anyone about this! I’ll quit my job, I’ll lend you the title of mascot, I’ll never show my face here again but, please! Please don’t kill me,” Billy Bob begged, his eyes welling up with tears.
“This isn't about what I want or what I could have…It’s about what I need. I need you out of my world. Keeping you alive is a risk I’m not going to take. The way I see it, When you REALLY want something, sacrifices must be made. Friends must get pushed away, family must get blocked…enemies must be annihilated. Sometimes to succeed you must be…selfish,” Rolfe said. He aimed his axe up high.
“ROLFE PLEASE!” Billy Bob sobbed. Rolfe took one final look at the pleading bear before hacking down to his gullet with a giant THWACK! There. It was done…Billy Bob had died. 
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Having read and reread the Lackadaisy comic more then once and looking through the Wiki on the different events. Mostly on Rocky and the familial tensions surrounding the McMurray household and why Rocky got the boot?
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So the year 1921 was a big event of change. In which Rocky was kicked out at 16-years-old and within that same year Freckle dad died. It leaves me to wonder was this one of the " Family Tragedies " that Rocky mentioned in the chapter ' Breakdown ' I know that he was mostly delirious talking about his mom Sophie who was severely sick at the time and how his father was "working on the railroad~" most of the time which explains why Rocky spent a good half of his childhood at the McMurray house and was raised along side Freckle. But reading the lines and seeing some of the interactions between Rocky & Freckle, there's obvious some underlying issues and unresolved problems between the two cousins. Whatever happened between the two that Rocky took the blame for.
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Closely looking through the many letters Rocky sent Freckle during his time on his own and going through different jobs after another, one of them that stands out specifically. Is Rocky asking for the whereabouts of his father, bits of it mentioning his dad haven't written back to him in awhile. ( Seriously need to know more about Rocky Pop's Ransom) In the present timeline of the comic it apparent that his mom passed away. But what about dear Ol Dad, is he also dead? Or did the man just took off after the death of his wife and left his son behind in the progress because he didn't want to deal with Rocky eccentricities. I know the series is still on hatius, but so far Rocky dad sounds like a major dick.
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Of the many letters that Rocky has to sent Freckle before he ended up back in St. Louis again has a few words within it that is missing. One of them seems to mention a "Birthday" perhaps wishing Freckle a happy birthday but also one of the words from the letter that stands out to me is the " Your Fault " line the most. I got a feeling this could be connected to whatsoever went down between Freckle and Rocky that lead to Rocky getting kicked out in the first place. From the bits of missing words in the letter it sounds like Rocky is either telling Freckle that " it isn't all your fault anyway " or he's telling him that its " All your fault anyway ". It's hard to tell what Rocky might have actual meant in his 1923 letter, but from what I gather at it is that maybe he was wishing Freckle a good birthday and went a bit on some sort of one-off small tangent about whose really at fault for what take place at the McMurray house and what lead up to Aunt Nina finally having enough of Rocky and kicking him out of her home and her likely thinking he's a bad influence on her sweet boy and not wanting him around Freckle any longer especially when it came to his schooling.
I swear the more you look more in-depth when it comes to Rocky and aspects of his past, including him basically having been on his own since he was sixteen and been hopping from one odd job to the next as well as going from one place to another until he ends up back in St. Louis again later on is pretty real sad when you think about it. I feel like its very much deeply explains why Rocky tries so freaking hard at the Lackadaisy speakeasy when it comes to him taking on the bootlegging side of things of the business and wanting to prove himself useful to Mitzi and all. After everything he's been through thus far it makes sense.
Also the still up in the air question mark of whatever mess that happened in 1921 besides Freckle loss of his father, or when it comes to his mom illness that Rocky blames himself for and took the fall for something that happened in place of Freckle.
Whatever might happens in the next future chapters of Lackadaisy especially on the familial tensions that still lingers with Rocky and his relationship between both his cousin and his Auntie, which leaves me to wonders is how long will it take for Aunt Nina to eventually sense and finds out what her son and her 0ff-beat goofball of a nephew is truly doing for a " Job ."
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How long before things between these rum-running cousin danger duo goes south? Especially when it come to Rocky on his part because I feel things for him might slowly take a turn for the worse again unfortunately.
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beanarie · 1 month ago
Comfort Fanfic Recs
tagged by @rcmclachlan
Rules: What are your old school comfort fics? The ones from fandoms that haven't been active in yeeeaaars, but you've read so many times you can practically quote them.
this took a hundred years because i started rereading everything lmao
in case of emergency by @amindamazed
elementary. A is the foremost scholar of joan and sherlock characterization and this is my favorite example.
That Burns a Building Down by embroiderama
white collar. neal's custody is taken over by beau bridges, who takes him to dc, cuts him off from pretty much any contact with the outside world, and makes him live in his furnished basement under constant threat of prison if he ever steps out of line. i first read this during lockdown and it was so unbelievably cathartic.
a safe way home by jojo
magnificent seven the series. it's about an assault and the aftermath. this author took wild, unexpected swings with characterization and dialogue that i've never seen anywhere else, while retaining what drew me about the source material (found family amongst seven dickheads).
crossroads by mitzi
magnificent seven the series. this baby can fit so much presumed dead in it, you have no idea. half the group spends most of the 300k story thinking the other half is dead and that it's sorta their fault and it's so good.
snake in the grass by nottasha
magnificent seven the series. it's just pure unadulterated whump.
across by affinity8
highlander the series. so highlander the movie was like there's these dudes with swords who can live forever if they don't get their heads cut off. then the sequel was like they're aliens actually, and are sort of reincarnated with the exact same names and personalities on earth which they don't remember until they do. and everyone hated that. but affinity8 took this unserious bong rip of a plot development, tied it into the most emotionally resonant parts of the show, and then made it make sense. she's a wizard. she also did a series about where immortals come from without the planet zeist which i consider canon.
blind sight by valerie j
x-men comics (i know they're alive and well, but the 90s-00s were a very different beast, shh). iceman joins the thieves guild, gambit becomes the head of the new york city chapter, and then bastion sets off operation zero tolerance, removing everyone's mutant powers. i keep coming back to this because the execution of ozt is intricate and terrifying to multiple pov characters. also the author essentially gave remy daredevil sight (infrared/heat-based, rather than motion or whatever tf matt has) at a time when any weakness could get him and an entire powerless x-team killed.
kinda mooks by kaylee
x-men comics. shortly after gambit was revealed to have been complicit in the morlock massacre and rogue left him to die in antarctica about it, he returned to the team. and that's the point where the author has him begin a relationship with iceman, who by contrast is fully embedded in and trusted by the x-men. this series is just really, really amazing character work and their love story makes me feral.
tagging @sanguinarysanguinity @amindamazed @setmeatopthepyre @livelaughlou @bidisasterevankinard @ambernotember @peppermintquartz @peapodbond @jujuberry136
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nichenarratives · 2 years ago
For those unfamiliar with the Lackadaisy comic created and illustrated by Tracy J Butler, the pilot animation developed by Tracy and her team, or the upcoming five-episode series crowdfunded by fans, I highly recommend heading over to check those out before consuming this Niche Narrative. 
St Louis, Missouri
America is deep in the throes of prohibition. Missouri proudly presents its alcohol-drained bars to the rest of America as a shining example of true patriotism in the dark shadows of the First World War. All across America, this same constitutional change forces citizens to surrender their right to free will, inciting dissent even as governments touted the benefits; working harder, earning more, stable family dynamics. The American Dream.
Many loyal Americans were not so convinced and so, they took their needs underground. An entrepreneur in possession of the Daisy Cafe, which was conveniently situated above a vast network of natural caves, Atlas May utilised both his wit and charisma - as well as the charms of his attractive wife, Mitzi - transformed the damp corridors into a vivacious playground even a most pedantic officer would overlook for a measure of fine whiskey.
The Lackadaisy Speakeasy was born, and she flourished for half a decade.
Though Atlas was not naive; he knew market exclusivity was limited and as such, the businessman quite wisely surrounded himself with the formidable associates one would expect from a smuggling operation; Viktor, a former Slovakian soldier built like a bearcat and Mordecai, a sharpshooting jack of all trades known for cooking books and cracking safes on the side. With those sour faces punctuated by a smattering of colourful characters to form the band and run errands, the Lackadaisy Speakeasy flourished in the bowels of St Louis, mostly undisturbed, through much of the twenties.
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Mordecai (left) with Mitzi and Atlas May (centre), celebrating the New year in 1926 with Lackadaisy staff months before Atlas’ death
Until tragedy struck; Atlas met a gruesome end at the hands of an unknown assassin. Yet what was already a crippling blow to the Lackadaisy crew would only fester and rot in the months to come. Rumours would flow of Mitzi May’s involvement in Atlas’ death, tarnishing her reputation and seeing clients peel away from the establishment with concerning velocity. In the wake of financial struggle, bills mount up and hopes turn sour, until even an employee abandons the establishment for their main competitor, leaving the Lackadaisy corpse little more than brittle bones and dust.
This deserter, who abandoned his mistress in her time of need, going so far as to disable a former friend and comrade in the process? He is Mordecai Heller, a stray Atlas saved from past repercussions and trusted.
What remains to be explained is simple. Why? A secretive, astute man with impeccable posture, little patience for anything superfluous and a sour expression permanently affixed to his features, Mordecai is not someone most would approach for a conversation, but an unwillingness - or perhaps an inability - to conform to societal norms and blatant treachery are not mutually exclusive. 
In this Niche Narrative, we’re going down the Mordecai Heller rabbit hole. Using every official Lackadaisy edition, mini strip, the Lackawiki plus my own research, we’re going to unravel the motives to explain how he became the Mordecai Heller portrayed in the comic series, why he decided to commit atrocities for both Atlas and the Mirabel Hotel and finally, if he could ever redeem himself in the eyes of former comrades, based on the information currently available.
Make some tea, grab a snack and get comfortable. We’re about to dissect Mordecai Heller, the principal antagonist of Lackadaisy.
Humble Beginnings
According to the Lackadaisy Wiki, Mordecai Heller was born on the 28th of March in 1899 in New York City. Not much is known about his parents beyond their first names - Issaac and Tzipporah - and that they are first generation German-Jewish immigrants. The eldest of four children and their only son, Mordecai would become the man of the house at the tender age of eleven after his father suffered a stroke and never recovered. His youngest sibling would also die in infancy, leaving three children and their mother living in abject poverty.
We don’t know if Mordecai was close with his father, but by how seriously he took his role as provider, we can extrapolate that he cared far more for his family than his adult persona leads most to believe him capable of. Utilising an inborn penchant for order and an efficacy with numbers, Mordecai became a bookie soon after his father’s passing, scraping together enough money to keep his family afloat while his mother assumedly raised him and his sisters.
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Left to right; Esther (9), Rose (5), and a severe-faced Mordecai (11) pose with their Mother, holding his infant sibling, on the steps to their home.
Years later, Mordecai would realise there's more money to be made in the city. The exact trigger for this escalation is unclear, but we can guarantee it wasn't greed after many years of remaining loyal to his mother and sisters. Most likely, increasing demands on his meagre earnings caused shortages, and with the conviction he's already proven to possess, the young cat made a questionable decision; to murder an employer's underling and take his place in the hierarchy in 1916.
While tenuous and arguably shortsighted, this new position gave Mordecai intimate access to his boss' accounts, and the tuxedo cat didn't hesitate to embezzle funds into savings for his family. It reeks of naive desperation an adult Mordecai would likely scoff at, but for a kitten trying to support his family, it was a lifeline. 
As expected, Mordecai's deception is swiftly uncovered. He's next seen riding the train south sometime between 1917 and 1920 with just the clothes on his back and a bloody nose, desperately attempting to scribble a letter to his mother. Detailing the location of the money he's stashed, as well as urging her and his sisters to move to better housing, it's hastily stamped and postage requested by a stranger, though Tracy has confirmed this edition of his final letter didn't make it to the mail; he drafted a cleaner one at a later date.
Watching the young man scramble to send this final goodbye is heart wrenching, showing just how much affection he carried for his family. He practically condemned himself to death to procure those funds and at just seventeen, he leaves behind not only his family, but the only city he's ever known. It seems Mordecai might perish on the train that night too, given the unsavoury characters in the carriage.
That is until divine intervention - or perhaps a spirit of old - swoops in at the last moment, changing the course of Mordecai's life forever. Taking the proffered olive branch, the young feline would enter an underworld even darker than the one chasing his coat tails, and that is where his story truly begins.
Mordecai Heller cuts a fine figure in a tailored, black three piece suit with a blood red tie slicing his otherwise monochromatic profile from neck to chest, an iconic pair of pince-nez adding to his glare. He often wears a broad brim hat and a black trench coat, often concealing a shoulder holster equipped with his weapon of choice; the cold efficiency of a handgun.
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Standard attire, including a Marigold pin.
Despite his status as a sharpshooter, Mordecai has congenital myopia and has worn glasses since entering education. Given myopia causes long-sightedness, it's assumed he is somewhat effective in his profession without them, but they are a fixture in his everyday attire likely due to his fondness for reading, accountancy and of course, simple habit. 
While not physically gifted, Mordecai's intellect is well above average, a childhood of reading in solitude affording him a diverse vocabulary that leads to verbose, complicated responses to simple inquiries.
Having grown up impoverished, Mordecai takes great pride in his appearance as an adult and, regardless of circumstance, is usually seen in a three piece suit. He has few occasions to dress informally due to his lifestyle, though there are a few interactions that suggest he would not be caught dead in casual attire regardless:
Tracy once discovered Mordecai dressed up to use an electric iron, because he felt such an occasion deserved respect.
Serafine recently carved a Voodou glyph into Mordecai's chest against his will. It can be seen to stain his collared shirt for some time after, even while conducting private investigations into Atlas' death.
Having used them in the past, 'Mordecai Heller' is assumed to be an alias, though no real name has been shared. This was likely a calculated move to protect his family from the backlash his questionable practices may incur. His only other known alias was Elijah Metzger - 'Butcher' - a fitting name given his hatchet-wielding future.
Relationships of Note
For a man who actively chose not to interact with most people, Mordecai developed quite a list of close relationships during his time at the Lackadaisy Speakeasy. Not yet the dignified feline of the web comic, these relationships - particularly early ones - helped shape Mordecai into the man he was when Atlas May was murdered. 
Let's break down the most influential, starting with the obvious.
Atlas May
It would be impossible to reflect on the man we know as Mordecai Heller without exploring his relationship with the man that saved his life on that train ride. A quiet man with an expressive brow, Atlas possesses the life experience to recognise a young man in need of assistance and the skill to offer it without a word. With just a glance, a heartbeat, and a firearm left within a discarded newspaper, Atlas May provided Mordecai with the tool needed to break free of fate and seize control of his destiny.
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Atlas May (right) with Mordecai Heller soon after his recruitment
There's little information regarding the four years between their first interaction on a train in the late 1910s and the Lackadaisy Speakeasy opening in 1920. Before becoming an entrepreneur of illicit substances, Atlas is known as a restauranteur, already owning the Little Daisy Cafe above the caves that would eventually disguise the true nature of his business when prohibition law came into full force in 1920. 
With his affinity for bookkeeping, it's feasible Mordecai was kept on to manage the accounts at the Little Daisy Cafe, though his history with embezzlement and bookkeepers lends itself to illicit trading. Mordecai is hardly recruited in the traditional way either, which only convinces me further that there was something going on beforehand. Sadly, we have no definitive evidence of either his or Atlas' dealings beyond together until 1920.
Regardless of the goods involved or seemingly the job required, Mordecai was devoted to his service until his untimely death in 1926. 
A young man in a new city and emancipated from his family for their protection, Atlas May becomes a veritable anchor. Under his service and guided deeper into the roaring underbelly of the city, Mordecai can be seen to fully take shape into the character we know, actively adopting a disinterested, flat tone and permanent scowl likely modelled off Atlas' own business appearance.
It's possible Atlas became a surrogate father figure to Mordecai, whose own father passed away when he was just a kitten. Additionally, little contact with his family since he fled New York places those at the Lackadaisy not only as the young man's found family, but Atlas as his role model, especially as he's newly introduced to the St Louis underworld.
There's limited resources in regard to both his personal and professional relationship with Atlas May, but what can be heavily inferred is a deep respect extending beyond simple loyalty. It's suggested Atlas helped Mordecai deal with some of his past pursuers, potentially indebting his life to the entrepreneur once more. 
Even after abandoning Lackadaisy for greener pastures, Mordecai actively conducts private enquiries while working for Mirabel Hotel, going so far as to conceal an intended target of Asa Sweet to question him further.
Whilst conducting these enquiries, Mordecai is seen in his least composed state; he lacks his waistcoat and suit jacket, his shirt is stained with blood where his chest still bleeds and he looks generally dishevelled. He agrees with the notion his new position may consist of tying up the loose ends of Atlas' death, and it troubles Mordecai greatly this could be true.
Taking this obsession into account, he seems to carry some level of guilt alluding to the snippet of information yet to be revealed he and Mitzi discussed. Atlas May was, and remains, one of the prominent influences in Mordecai Heller's actualisation as a career criminal, even after his death.
Mitzi May
From references, Mordecai's entire relationship with Mitzi is deeply intertwined in his association with Atlas. As the man's wife and confidante, Mitzi was a fixture at the Daisy Cafe and now owns the Lackadaisy Speakeasy, making her Mordecai's boss when he defected to the Marigolds for unknown reasons. Besides this affiliation though, their interactions are often a joke at Mordecai’s expense.
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Mitzi and Mordecai were never friends - nor did he ever view her as family - as from the outset, she did not respect his boundaries. An early interaction showcases this as Mitzi takes photos of him as he tries to work, for no other reason than she wanted Mordecai to do something other than scowl. She achieves this by teasing him, stating how his oversized shirt makes his arms look disproportionately short.
She can also be seen teasing him for a lack of social skills, inviting young ladies to persevere in engaging him to dance, despite his lack of interest. Needless to say, it did not go well, and such arguably petulant behaviour likely bred resentment against Mitzi that soured after her husband's death.
Any remnants of a personal relationship were shattered when Mordecai betrayed Mitzi's trust in spectacular fashion. Not only did he empty the armoury on his way out, but shot out the knee of former friend and remaining sharp shooter, Viktor Vasco. She has no reservations bringing it up when forced to face Mordecai at a luncheon with Asa Sweet and as a testament to their sour relationship, refers to Mordecai's presence as 'salt in the wound.' Mordecai ultimately excuses himself early.
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A rare candid photograph of Mordecai, checking the length of his arms. (credit: Mitzi May)
Perhaps their only shared interest was Atlas. Though for entirely different reasons, the pair both idolised him in life and remain fixated on his untimely demise. 
We learn a lot about Atlas' death during a terse, private exchange in Mitzi's car after the forced luncheon. It's revealed they possess information regarding Atlas' death neither has shared with their respective associates. Additionally, Mordecai can't quite explain why Marigold is acting so aggressively when there is almost no competition in St Louis and most interestingly, and a flashback frame shows them exchanging a firearm in the rain, though the circumstances are unclear.
Mordecai gets nothing useful from Mitzi, and the conversation culminates in two important things to note; reminders that Mordecai considers her complicit in Atlas' death and to stay under the Marigold's radar, as he won't hesitate to truly ruin all that remains of Lackadaisy if tasked. It's safe to say their only connection has always been Atlas May. Even after his murder is solved, there's almost no space for reconciliation, nor is Mordecai likely to return to Lackadaisy if the establishment survives. 
Viktor Vasko
If Mordecai were to call anyone a friend, Viktor Vasko would be the most likely name on his lips. While the word has likely never been spoken, there's an arsenal of evidence to support the hypothesis, both while working and at rest, but let's explore their history before we get into the intricacies of their current tumultuous state.
After receiving help from Atlas May for his court case and freshly missing an eye, Viktor Vasko joined the Lackadaisy crew in 1920. Mordecai had been associated with Atlas for four years before this date and was an established part of the company at the Little Daisy Cafe above. It's during this time, guided by Atlas' smuggling ventures, their partnership took shape.
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From left to right; Mordecai, Atlas May and Viktor Vasko
One of their earliest misadventures can be seen here, at the climax of what is aptly titled the Massacre. We might assume soon after Viktor's recruitment, as it's a rare glimpse of Mordecai seemingly trying to understand how someone else thinks and functions, all while Viktor pulls a litany of confused expressions, the pair covered in their victims' blood.
It suggests he somewhat admired or felt kinship with the older feline and was attempting to be funny, though Mordecai's sense of humour is… lacking, at the best of times. Viktor just doesn't seem sure what to make of it, but evidently isn't opposed to the idea, as there's evidence of a more personal relationships later.
A flashback within the comic itself shows their choreographed teamwork on assignment, early in their partnership. Although Atlas is pictured alongside Viktor and Mordecai in the aftermath, it's obvious the devilish duo deal with the dirty work themselves, assassinating operatives and burning their rival operation to the ground.
Mordecai also makes missteps, falling from the second storey during a shootout and losing his pince nez, then asserting that had been his intention the entire time to a brawling Viktor. In an early show of comoradare, after setting the place alight, Viktor retrieves the lost spectacles and returns them to their owner.
While it's rumoured a piece of shrapnel could be responsible for Mordecai's social shortcomings, he's been remarkably oblivious to social cues since childhood, which reflects in his own lack of expressions. While Mitzi has given offered him guidance (and set him up for failure) in the past, it's Viktor giving constructive criticism of his interpretations that shows how close they were, even if it results in a minor argument and a terrifying display for the poor recipient.
As they become more comfortable, they express their personalities more openly, leading to this gem while driving an ill-fated third feline to their doom. Mordecai doesn't beat around the bush this time with expectations, both for Viktor and their passenger. It causes quite a scene and the car barrels down into a cornfield, but this also provides a quick-fix opportunity to dump their cargo there and peace is restored.
Frequently tasked with the less glamorous jobs smuggling entailed, Mordecai and Viktor spent a lot of time in each other's company cleaning up for Atlas. This culminates in a number of almost farcical anecdotes much like this or the snippet below, where their shared disdain for a yapping chihuahua results in the dog digging itself an early grave.
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A dog, having offended both Mordecai and Viktor, being forced to dig its own grave
With Atlas' death, everything changed. There's not much information beforehand, but we know how Mordecal left the Lackadaisy Speakeasy; by emptying the armoury and kneecapping Viktor. He claimed this to convince the veteran to retire when Mitzi brought it up bitterly at luncheon, stating: "that's how one reasons with Viktor."
At first glance the move seems calculated and cold, especially considering the state Lackadaisy fell into with accusations of Mitzi's involvement in her husband's death. If there's any truth in his assertions however - and Mordecai isn't one to lie or mislead - he likely believed it the only way to keep Viktor from being a future target while he worked with the Mirabel Hotel.
It's confirmed that emptying the armoury was ordered by Asa Sweet during Luncheon, which crippled the Lackadaisy's ability to retaliate. Along with attempting to retire Viktor and warning Mitzi to lay low for the foreseeable future, this undermines his often cold exterior and belies affections he used to afford to family… and perhaps, that is what they are, even if he despises having those loyalties.
Regardless of his motives, Mordecai has backed himself into a corner with Viktor. The veteran is a formidable foe even with one working knee. Should their paths cross again, I doubt it will be resolved as amicably as previous altercations, and likely hinges on the contents of their last interaction as tentative friends.
Asa Sweet
A pompous, self centred man in charge of the Mirabel Hotel, Asa Sweet isn't the usual kind Mordecai is used to keeping company with. In fact, they seem to despise each other in every scene they're forced to interact, with Ada's clear mockery of his character breeding irritation in Mordecai on a daily basis. Unfortunately, as the tuxedo cat's direct boss, they converse often and almost exclusively to Mordecai's detriment.
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Asa Sweet mocking Modecai’s capacity for emotional breadth
The Marigold Room was already well established by the time Atlas began his own ventures, the entrepreneur visiting its halls and even pilfering Mitzi and her band from their lineup. Practices that could breed a bloody resentment when in the smuggling and bootleg trades. 
Mordecai is previously pictured in the Marigold Room with Atlas and Mitzi, assumedly not at his request given his disdain for idle socialisation. He could have been there to accompany Atlas to deal with Asa if we employ conjecture. There's another photo of Asa Sweet and Atlas May sat at the bar, seeming to smoke cigars and talk amicably, so they were likely friends.
This friendship extends to business, established at the luncheon with mention of suppliers the other would not touch. It should be noted it's also stated these agreements were with Atlas, not Mitzi, and Asa shows no remorse for trading with previously protected Lackadaisy sources after her husband's death. 
Incidentally, Asa claims he warned Atlas about bad blood beforehand. Mordecai tries to draw more information about this from his new employer but ultimately fails, leading him to begin private investigations that utilise one of Asa Sweet's intended targets, Gracie Grombach, to get the name of a potentially involved parole officer he's yet to meet.
Despite Asa Sweet's stature, Mordecai makes no attempt to pander to his new boss when they converse. Most likely because they usually end in a joke at Mordecai's expense; constant jabs at facial expression, apparent lack of empathy, social inadequacies and even the hatchet joke are but the tip of the iceberg, amounting almost to a vendetta against the pilfered sharpshooter.
There's no respect or loyalty to Asa. Known for not suffering fools lightly and being ruthless in his management of others, Mordecai probably has few motives for accepting employment with the Marigold Room, only one of which makes sense with the information at hand: he's certain that Asa or an associate of the Mirabel Hotel has more information regarding Atlas' death, which he intends to bleed out of whoever necessary.
I feel it can be said with confidence that, even with an inadequate motive, Mordecai wouldn't hesitate to put a bullet between Ada's eyes. 
Nicodeme and Serafine Savoy
Being relatively new to the comic, there’s little information to analyse between the tuxedo cat and the Nicodeme or Serafine. Regardless, these interactions showcase Mordecai’s apparent contempt for the pair and how they operate, especially the loud manner in which they manage dealing with the Lackadaisy crew in the show’s pilot. His serious, logical nature clashes with their spirit beliefs and even their characters frequently.
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An example of Mordecai’s general reaction to either of the Savoy siblings, Nicodeme pictured
While Mordecai expresses a desire to know more about Nico and Serafine, it is for his own knowledge and not an attempt to make friends. He does not seem to fear them, nor does he respect them, a sentiment that extends both ways. The siblings often make jokes at his expense, or criticise his inability to have fun on the job, which only ever causes Mordecai to scowl. 
Nicodeme is a few years older than his sister Serafine, though they both speak with a lazy drawl with a heavy Cajun accent that is almost identical. It’s established that the siblings were orphaned young and ended up at a segregated home, whereupon they decided to run away rather than be separated. It’s here they claim to have been led by Maitre Carrefour - a swamp spirit the siblings believe to be ever-present in their lives - to safety with Voodoo practitioners in the swamps.
It’s noted in the Lackawiki that Serfaine has become somewhat of a Voodoo priestess in her own right, skewing or rewriting established superstitions to form her own sect of Voodoo beliefs and practices. Of the two, Nicodeme is relaxed and laid back, while Serafine has arguably the strongest character and possesses some ambition, though what those ambitions will ultimately lead to have yet to be established.
Headhunted from a rival bootlegging operation by Asa Sweet, the Cajun siblings are assigned to Mordecai to assist with his current work, which has yet to be confirmed. Mordecai suspects he may be cleaning up loose ends in regard to Atlas’ murder or perhaps a wider conspiracy, but has not shared this with Serafine and Nicodeme. He does not trust them, nor does he like them, and willingly conducts work alone when he’s able to shake the pair for a while.
On one of their earliest engagements together, Serafine and Nicodeme convince the stoic feline to strip down to his underwear and create a veritable mess with a hatchet to murder Asa’s newest targets. It’s later disclosed that this was a joke, but once he complied neither of them wanted to stop him. Asa Sweet can be heard in the Lackadaisy pilot episode referring to Mordecai as the ‘infamous hatchet man’, proving the siblings did not keep this joke to themselves.
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Imagery of Maitre Carrefour over Mordecai as he nurses his ‘gift’, while Nico and Serafine watch on
Despite his lack of interest in their beliefs and lifestyle, Serafine and Nicodeme were not so disenchanted. They see within Mordecai something akin to themselves, a lost soul led to salvation, truly believing Maitre Carrefour altered the tuxedo cat’s course through life so he would interact with theirs. Either for Mordecai’s future success or a loyalty to the spirit, they trick Mordecai into joining a celebration in His name and share their history with Maitre Carrefour, implying the dozen others in attendance have all been saved at some point in their lives, then invite Mordecai to join them.
Mordecai refuses, sceptical of their claims and not inclined to befriend the siblings. He actively objects multiple times and even attempts to leave, however finds himself outnumbered and ultimately forced to comply, receiving a painful souvenir of the party; Maitre Carrefour’s protection glyph, carved into the flesh over his heart. 
Core Personality
At his core, Mordecai is intelligent and clinical, able to evaluate large volumes of data within a short space of time and react swiftly to protect both himself and those who possess his respect, though it is not easily earned. Should you be privileged enough to possess his respect, you'll find the frosty feline loyal almost to a fault.
Friendliness doesn't come naturally to Mordecai, but with his respect comes an undying loyalty. This can be seen in his continued investigations into Atlas' death, focused entirely on the man he respected and not the widow he disliked. He has no loyalty to Lackadaisy as a whole, only to the man he respected while alive.
Affection is difficult for Mordecai. His expression of it is usually through thoughtful gifts or action, such as a gifted tie or unquestioningly following orders. He has little sentimentality for things or gifts himself, keeping very few belongings other than clothing, nor bothers to invoke sentiments in others. They simply make him uncomfortable.
Mordecai prides himself in clean effectiveness in all aspects of his life. He does not like to be idle, choosing to trade stocks to boost his earnings and keep his mind busy. Gossip and needless socialisation bore him, as do parties, meetings and luncheons that don't achieve a purpose.
A focused individual, Mordecai despises mess or idleness, preferring to keep busy between jobs by trading stocks and keeping meticulous books for his own benefit. He possesses little patience for wasting resources and has a very dry sense of humour, often misunderstanding social cues and remaining oblivious of the true meaning.
Despite all of this, he can be distracted by his own unique preferences for order or symmetry, becomes so obsessive over Atlas May's death he actively undermines what Lackadaisy has left to get a shoe in with a competitor, and is often construed as rude or insulting in conversation.
Motives: Lackadaisy to Marigold Employee
While it's not exactly mentioned, it's possible he left Lackadaisy for financial reasons as well as to pursue his own investigation of Atlas' death. With swirling rumours of Mitzi being involved and their smuggling routes being muscled into by competitors, the Lackadaisy Speakeasy was on the verge of bankruptcy, leaving Mitzi unable to pay any wages when Mordecai left.
Emptying the armoury wasn't his own decision, but an order by his new boss, one he would need to complete to earn trust and wages at his new job. While it would further condemn his old establishment to closure, Mordecai's loyalty died with Atlas, leaving few conflicts of interest for the feline sharpshooter to consider.
It's possible he left solely to investigate Atlas' death more thoroughly and suspecting Sweet of involvement, agreed to a deal when offered the job transfer. In this possibility, he's using both his former and current employers to further his own ends, regardless of the consequences, but we have yet to have this clarified.
Mordecai Heller: Man or Monster?
Mordecai Heller is a product of past decisions, opportunities and active influences. He did what he had to to survive, afforded any who assisted him lifelong friendship and offered no apologies for atrocities committed, even against those he used to call accomplices, or even friends.
While he appears uncaring and detached, those who know Mordecai can tease the sentiments from his carefully devised actions. He does not enjoy killing or causing pain, doing so only in his own self interests - or the employer with the most generous wages.
He's lost his best friend, the family he found, all for his obsessive need to uncover the truth of Atlas' early demise. Deciphering the truth of the mystery that plagues his every waking moment and enacting revenge on the responsible parties might afford Mordecai peace, but it won't repair the bonds severed by leaving at such a crucial time in Lackadaisy's uncertain future.
I believe Mordecai has condemned himself to an emotional solitude he thinks will be tolerable if it means he solves his former employer's death. In reality it will likely drive him mad, but he and Rocky will have more to talk about at the next reunion.
Lesser Influences:
While Rocky Rickaby has some documented history with Mordecai while he worked at Lackadaisy, the pair don't have much of a rapport otherwise. Rocky is eccentric, loud and a little unhinged, all things Mordecai tends to distance himself from. Rocky even has a nickname for him - ‘Old Serious Face’ - that is not affectionately reciprocated. It should be noted he’s willing to shoot Rocky in the pilot, but misses his chance.
Knowing that Ivy Pepper is Atlas’ goddaughter, it makes sense he has some affection for the girl, even if it’s not overtly expressed. They’re not seen to converse directly in the comic or the pilot, though Mordecai consciously decides not to shoot her as she, Rocky and Freckle are fleeing with bootleg liquor. He doesn’t disclose this to anyone after the fact, instead stating the mission simply went awry.
Author's Note
Some of this information was a real struggle to dig up and took about a week to compile, but writing this has been mostly fun. Mordecai has been an obsession since a good friend got me to watch the pilot about a month ago, but I felt his character needed more deciphering than the Wikipedia pages could give me, so this exists now. I hope this was an interesting read for someone, other than myself.
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flimflamfandom · 1 year ago
3 Days to Deliver a Cake
A vignette about cake, Hollywood, and Love
"Train now leaving on track 5, for Anaheim, Azusa, and Cucamonga..."
Mitzi sighed as she got off the train. Mid december, 1939, and it was still warm enough without a fur on in Los Angeles. She walked towards the baggage car, holding a small box in her hands, when she heard-
Mitzi smiled and hugged Ivy, clutching her tight. It'd been ages, after all. She looked at s shy kitten behind her - his kother's fur, his f as ther's eyes."
"And you must be..."
"Finn." The boy said, shyly, clutching Ivy's dress.
"Well, Finn, it's nice to meet you." Mitzi said. "I'm Mitzi."
"This is your...grandmother" Ivy said. She wasn't- not to Ivy's knowledge- but she may as well be. Finn stepped out and held her hand.
"You have pretty eyes, Mitzi."
"Oooohoho, I know who's in the will~" Mitzi joked. She ruffled Finn's ears and walked with her luggage to a waiting car.
"Is Cary Grant that handsome up close?" Mitzi asked.
"He is." Ivy said. "But, I mean, he's a bit difficult to work with sometimes. He's not the best at Deciding what his character wants."
"Hmm...seems like it would be a problem, huh?"
"Well, once he knows, he KNOWS. Can't say much more about the picture until we're further along." She said.
"...he a good kisser?" Mitzi asked.
"Mitzi!" Ivy laughed and covered Finn's ears, as they went through a turn. "Shush!" The car pulled into the driveway, and Finn walked out sheepishly, heading towards the door.
"Cary's an okay kisser. But not like Cal."
"...and...and how is Cal?" Mitzi asked.
Ivy's smile went missing, and was replaced with a look of deep concern. She nodded slowly.
"He...he's handling it." She said. "It's a little frustrating, he acts like it means nothing."
"Is he sick?"
"Getting there...slowing down." Ivy said. "He can't pick me up anymore."
Mitzi chuckled. "He used to pick you up?"
"As a gag." Ivy smiled, and looked towards the lavish house.
"Does Finn know?"
"Cal told him that someday soon he'd...he'd have to leave and not come back. That God needs him, if I remember."
"He..I mean, Calvin handles it well." She said. "I can hardly talk about it." She choked up. "And...and when they said it spread-"
Mitzi hugged Ivy, and let her Nestle in.
"Easy, love. Easy. It's too hard to carry every moment." She held her there for a while.
"...I suppose you'll wanna come in?" Ivy asked. "No use coming 3 days to stand in the driveway."
"Of course."
Mitzi set her things down, as well as the little box. She heard Ovy scurry off towards the living room. She heard voices, and saw letters from the life insurance company and the hospital. She looked up to see-
Calvin looked...better than she thought someone with 3 months left would look. He was well fed, but gaunt in the face. His fur's luster was gone, and his eyes were hollow. Half his tail was missing, and what was left was stiff and sickly looking.
He smiled. He always smiled that way.
"Freckle...c'mere." Mitzi hugged Calvin, and sat him down on the sofa. "How do you feel?"
"Better than I look. Honest." He said. He sat with a grunt, as Ivy walked back into the room. She leaned on him, and purred.
"So, living things up?" Mitzi asked. "Traveling the world, seeing the sights?"
"I have everything I want." Calvin said, an arm around Ivy. "I've seen everything I want to see."
"Oh, stop..." Ivy shook her head. "Can you believe it? 10 years we're married and he still talks like this!"
"Ten years!?" Mitzi groaned. "Oh, Ivy, I think I just sprouted another gray hair!"
"You look fiiiiine- Finn thinks so." Ivy winked. "He adores you, Mitzi, he's just...unique in it."
"Of course." Mitzi said. "...so, Calvin, what have you been up to lately?"
"Well, I'm finishing that short story collection...just sent it off to my agent. Should do well."
"Mhm." Mitzi sighed. "...doesn't sound...restful." she added. "Shouldn't you be resting?"
"I've been restless lately." Calvin replied. "I probably took a month or two off of things getting it finished." Calvin laughed. Ivy didn't.
"...Calvin, I'm worried." Mitzi said. "About Ivy, about Finn..."
Ivy gripped Calvin, and sighed. "It's serious, but I'm capable. I'm less worried about that and more worried about the idea of...you know." She said. "Just...not having you around." Ivy leaned deeper into him, and Calvin held her in both arms. "Ah, mo croi..." he shook his head. Ivy kissed him once, and heard the phone.
"...always the worst times." Ivy fanned her eyes and walked to the phone, as Calvin sat and stared at the floor.
"...I'm scared." Calvin said.
"It doesn't show." Mitzi replied. "You're laughing about it and all."
"I'm scared that I didn't do enough."
"...Freckle..." Mitzi looked around the house. "You did pretty well for yourself, I'd say." She motioned to the size and view.
Calvin chuckled. "Ivy has done incredibly well...she's never been bad at anything she tried. I feel I've been bad at everything."
"...Calvin." Mitzi stood. "I speak as a widow myself - there's nothing you can do or say that will prepare her for how..." she sniffled, "how lonely it feels." She walked towards the counter. "But what you can do is stop working, and let her have you for the last but. My biggest regret with Atlas...if it hadn't been bullets it would've been work that killed him." She walked over with the box.
She opened it, revealing a slightly stale from travel chocolate cake. Mitzi shrugged. "...no good way to transport it, it's a tad-"
"I haven't had cake since the wedding." Cal said. He looked at it, as Mitzi found her way to a fork.
"I can get a fork, Mitzi, I-"
"Shush." She walked over, "no big time novelist needs to fetch a fork while he's dying." Mitzi came over, and Calvin got some. He ate - chewing slowly and softly.
"...it's wonderful." Calvin said. "Thanks..."
Ivy hung up the phone. "I swear, rocky moving next door was SUCH a bad deci- CAKE!"
Ivy rushed over and hugged Mitzi. "Ooooh, thank you!"
"It's all I can cook," Mitzi laughed, "it was bound to happen!"
"FINN! Get down here, you need to have this!" As Finn trundled over, and as Calvin and Ivy smiled andlaughed, Mitzi looked over the three. For a moment, they were just a family - a grandmother, her child, her son in law, her grandson. The half tail and slow movements melted into a Rockwellesque softness that Mitzi hadn't felt in years.
The next two weeks would be hard - watching Calvin slowly dying, even when the end was so far off, was hard.
But this was worth the train ride.
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unproduciblesmackdown · 9 months ago
another aspect of things i think i've at least half mentioned before but now i'm thainking about it again: take "maybe atlas dies ostensibly, perhaps at all truly, because of [whatever thing involving mitzi] while also at least in part to try to protect lackadaisy, &/or his own image" and add, as we could if we consider atlas more relevantly a potential parallel to other characters than as like representing more detached Forces, that maybe he could have (also partially) died to protect at least these two people who we know were, for their part, close enough to him for their part to be involved in his death & have this exclusive knowledge about it & continue to share the secret solely on this connection
like the mystery of it all is important insofar as it plays into Character & Themes, so it's like sure often turning to those things to like reverse engineer hypotheses about the mystery & then see how it holds up to like actual details we have. like that it sure matches "imagine how relevant to Character & Themes it'd be if mordecai was the one who shot atlas" to then cross compare like wow & the silhouette of the gun that atlas left for mordecai upon their first meeting sure matches what we see of the gun mordecai's passing to or taking from mitzi in the [that remains between us] flashback panel that has to do with their secret knowledge of How It Happened re: atlas's death. so like here we are in general with characters who know each other & have personal connections & all their supposed straightforward plans / ambitions concerning business are perhaps in conflict with whether these people they're emotionally invested in will be okay....maybe atlas also took that conflict into account and, for example, if he was assuming lackadaisy would close (but in a more controlled way than if atlas Didn't die, & whatever [dangers surrounding things that have changed such that asa did have something to warn atlas about] stayed focused on him & lackadaisy by extension) he also maybe didn't assume mitzi would try to keep lackadaisy running & would instead just kind of safely liquidate things.
of course, more difficult to speculate re: mordecai, like, oh yeah perhaps atlas had some genuine affection for his wife, right, but mordecai's official labels are all along the lines of like, bookkeeper, gunman, bodyguard. safe to say mordecai has the emotional investment re: atlas / matters surrounding him, but less so that atlas did in turn, when even with atlas being this deliberately Overall mysterious figure to us, we're looking at things like "wow maybe atlas is looking slightly towards mordecai when the latter's just gotten partially hit by a couple of shotgun blasts after another day on the lethal situations job" as like the potential biggest indication of possible warmth and it would be more of a stretch for atlas to assume "well if i die, mordecai will be totally fine" as for him to assume that mitzi would not, in fact, try to run lackadaisy. seems plausible that another theme that could be emphasized with mordecai here is "oops mordecai has the reasons to try to reconcile his situation with his feelings, while atlas just has to go 'wow he's effective at successfully fighting for his life / killing these guys who meant to kill him. sure could be useful for me to keep putting him in that position'" i.e. mordecai wants to find emotional value in someone seemingly looking out for him, whereas if anything atlas may as well actively try Not to care about mordecai besides as a business asset. including if/when he involves mordecai in his death, which could sure be as emotionally impactful for mordecai as it apparently was/is, while for atlas it could Just be like "well i could always trust him & the whole thing is he's really good at killing someone" and that's that. or maybe it's still this mix of like "yeah i'm Using you, and for incredibly demanding & dangerous purposes. but i'm also giving you my literal shirts, sure" nonzero bit of giving a shit still. possibilities. but still seems like mordecai (and mitzi, really) was much more emotionally invested, and thanks to atlas being such a mystery, we get this tension of like, how much of a misalignment is there between how much they cared and how much atlas really did / how much they think he did?
but anyways tl;dr would sure be yet more drama if atlas figured mitzi could be safe when he died but it's like whoops that sure wasn't guaranteed even by that Ultimate Backing Out. Themes
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danosrosegarden · 2 years ago
crazy for you (part one) - mitzi fabelman x fem!reader ⋆⁺₊⋆ ☾⋆⁺₊⋆
{contains: meet cute fluff!}
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Another shift at the diner, another evening of ache coursing through the balls of your feet and bitter exhaustion coating your veins. The checkered pattern of the shoe-scuffed floor of the diner had nearly been burned into the back of your brain. You saw the baby blue color that was splashed on the walls in the dark behind your eyes when you closed them at night. The smell of bitter coffee coated the skin inside of your nose.
Your work drained you. It was branded on your blood cells, sunk through into the deepest wrinkles of your mind. And it would all start again, bright and early, first thing tomorrow morning.
You rung out the waterlogged cleaning towel in the sink and wearily untied your apron when hell's bell's rung. That was what you and your coworkers called the door chime. And ten minutes before closing, at that.
"Welcome to LuLu's!" you called. "I'll be with you in a moment!"
You concocted a plastic smile and spread it across your face wide, trying to slow your fiercely racing heart pumping red-hot frustration.
The woman standing meekly in the doorframe was short, her brown eyes sparkling in the buzzing lights. A small, weary smile was spread across her blushing face.
"Are you closed?" she asked. "It's okay, I'll come back tomorrow."
Something inside of you flipped. "No, no, it's fine, you caught us just before closing," you said. "Can...can I get you something?"
The woman, dressed in overalls and a crisp white shirt, scoffed out a laugh and slunk down into a booth. "Just...just some water."
You walked to grab her a cup. You sensed something in her demeanor that was tired. Awfully tired, awfully caged in.
"Here. On the house."
Bags pulling at the skin under her eyes, the woman took the cup from your hand and gulped half of it down before taking a breath and finishing the rest.
You stood in front of the booth and watched the woman stare at the cup, shaking her head gently.
"Sit. Sit with me," she said softly.
You sat across from her.
"Is...is everything alright?"
She took a deep breath before answering. "I don't know anymore."
You nodded your head. It didn't matter that you'd just met the woman...you felt an odd sort of spirit tugging you towards her, urging you to say more.
"I'm sorry if this is weird," you felt yourself saying without the words even registering in your head, "but if everything's not alright, you seem to be holding it together pretty well."
The woman cocked a brow. "I'm sorry, I don't understand what you mean."
You cracked your knuckles anxiously. "I mean, come on, a person who's really falling apart couldn't maintain those bangs and nails. You're stunning, ma'am."
The woman laughed, unbridled and laced with a soft snort. "Oh, you're too kind."
It was your turn to raise an eyebrow at her. "You don't believe me?"
She stared out the fingerprint-smudged windowpane with a soft, wistful smile. "Well, I haven't exactly felt stunning in a while. Gosh, honey, you've made my evening."
You tried not to blush at the name she called you. It sounded like liquid candy being poured into your ear when she said it; thick and sugary sweet.
The woman stood from her seat, smoothing her hair. "Well, I won't keep you. You've probably got people at home waiting on you."
You chuckled. "Oh, no, it's just me."
"Just you?" She pointed to your left hand, where a band wrapped around the base of your ring finger.
"This is just decoration," you explained. "I...well, to be frank, I don't have much luck with men."
She smiled sweetly at you. Like she understood your frustrations. Like she knew your secret. "That's quite alright, honey."
Before she could open the door to leave, you called out to her. "E-excuse me, ma'am?"
She turned around, the swoops of her blonde hair flipping as her head swiveled to meet your gaze.
"I didn't get your name."
"Mitzi. Mitzi Fabelman."
You repeated it in your mind. You unwrapped the sound like a moist cupcake, the crumbs of her name tumbling and locking themselves into your brain. Mitzi.
"Maybe you could come in earlier next time, Mitzi."
Mitzi smiled brightly at you, pink lips turned in an enchanting curve. "I'll sure try."
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unscrupulousartist · 2 years ago
hellerby fic, part 7/10
20 May 1929
The lull in business lasted longer than anyone would've liked, but there was little else to be expected. But, by rote or will, nearly half the usual crowd were present come Monday's celebrations. Dragged, arm-in-arm with Mitzi, Mordecai glared at the balloons and streamers that decorated the bar.
"I put your name on a necklace," said Mitzi. She tugged him toward the same cluster of chairs and tables where they had played cards and—everyone else, at least—imbibed mushroom tea, currently empty.
"l already bought a gift.”
"I know, sugar, but lvy doesn't need another gun," she sat him down in the middle of a couch, then stepped away. There was something overly familiar about the motion, and a sense of deja vu washed over him.
“I feel fine,” he whined, feet faltering.
“I know, sugar,” Mitzi soothed. She rubbed his arms as she guided him into an improvised seat at the bottom of a staircase. “But no one needs you throwing up again. Now—”
"Now, wait here and try not to scare anyone."
Blinking, he smoothed down his dress jacket and fumbled with his pocket watch. "No promises."
Scoffing, she left him alone.
The band had started an early set, some easy listening for a group of gentlemen who had sequestered a corner of the bar to themselves. There were a few dancers already, but the crowd was thin enough that Mordecai could easily spy them all. The atmosphere was somewhat dim, since the chandeliers had yet to be replaced, but Mitzi made up for it by lighting candles on every table. An idle queue lined up at the bar, the service moving somewhat slower without Viktor to assist with beer. On stage, Rocky danced while he played, extra rambunctious in his efforts to make the rest of the band laugh and mess up their parts. To their credit, they recovered each falter with a new improvisation.
Across the room, the main doors opened. Giggling with a handful of her friends, Ivy took a few steps then paused to point out the bar and the dance floor. Before the small group could disperse—she’d brought along four girls, all whom Mordecai recognized from Ivy’s school days—Mitzi rounded them up. The Matron called something to the staff at the bar then looped her arm through Ivy’s to guide her along, much as she had for Mordecai.
“Here we are,” Mitzi sat Ivy at the head of the table, alone in an armchair, and her friends started settling into the nearest seats. One of them slipped into the spot next to Mordecai, offering a small smile—and then flinched into the armrest when he narrowed his eyes at her. Mitzi continued: “We’re just waiting on a couple more people. You girls chat, I’ll be right back.”
Ivy shimmied to the front of her seat as Mitzi left. “Mordecai! Have you seen Freckle?”
Holding in a sigh as all the young ladies looked at him, Mordecai leveled a stare at Ivy. “I assumed Mr McMurray would be coming with you.”
Looking past him, she perked. “Nevermind! I see him—” and she launched out of her seat.
The group left behind shifted awkwardly, and this time Mordecai did sigh. Following suit, he stood. “I’ll get some drinks,” he managed not to grind his teeth as he stepped away from the ladies. When his back was to them, he heard them lean close and start to mutter and laugh. Ears flattening, he ignored them.
Forgoing the queue, he slipped behind the bar and found a bottle of champaign. Guessing from the number of available seats, he took his time hanging a selection of glass flutes from his fingers. While loitering, he watched as Ivy introduced a shy Freckle to her friends, then scanned the bar again. Mitzi was standing with the group of gentlemen in the corner, laughing as she angled away—no doubt trapped in the conversation. Rolling his eyes, Mordecai caught another look of Rocky and the band; the violinist was backing off stage.
Managing to draw out his return, Mordecai lost his spot on the couch to Freckle and Ivy. Freckle was shrunken into a corner as Ivy giggled with her friends.
“Are we having a usual celebration?” Mordecai asked as he carefully set the champagne and flutes on the low table between everyone.
“Yes!” Ivy vibrated.
“I suppose Mr McMurray is getting the first dance?”
“Ah?” Freckle looked up, pupils narrowing as he squirmed.
“Nuh uh,” Ivy laughed and pointed at Mordecai. “Don’t think you can get out of dancing, just because I’m going steady! Nope, you’re up first, Mordecai.”
“Joy,” he drawled.
Then he stumbled as a weight collided against his back. Fur standing on end, he ducked to slip away from the arm that slung around his shoulder. Pivoting, he moved to wrack his claws against his wouldbe-attacker’s face, only to realize who it was just in time to freeze.
“Sorry, sorry,” Rocky laughed, hands raised to placate as he shuffled back a step. “I forgot, Mr Serious likes his personal space.”
Tail twitching low, Mordecai tugged his vest straight and held back a hiss. “I suppose it’s no surprise you’ve yet to learn any lessons, Mr Rickaby.”
“Ooo—” Rocky wagged his brows. “Are we being extra formal today? What d’you think, Miss Pepper—” he turned, bracing against the couch opposite where Ivy sat. “—how should we shuck the boundaries of expectations? I think I saw—no, I KNOW I saw some buckets of paint backstage. We could paint the town blue?"
A couple of the girls snickered, and Ivy rolled her eyes, grinning. "Wrong colour, Rocky."
"Yellow then."
“Don’t be absurd,” said Mordecai. “That paint is for repairs, as you would do well to know.”
“Ah, but how does one do well?” Rocky glanced at him with the question, then turned to soliloquy at Ivy’s friends. “I’m feeling well, does that mean I’m doing well? Or should we be spreading wellness, like jam across toast. Or is well not viscous enough to spread? Should I—”
“Enough,” Mordecai rubbed at his suddenly tense brow. “You cannot spread ideological ideas like condiments.” 
“Mordecai,” Ivy laughed. “Don’t encourage him.”
“Too late—” Rocky started. Still braced against the couch, Rocky gave Mordecai a lingering look. His attention seemed to catch on the couple bits of metal that adorned Mordecai’s clothes: the blackstone cufflinks, the gold chain of the pocket watch, the arch of glasses.
Biting his lip, Rocky’s eyes hooded half-closed as he leaned a little closer. He still loomed over Mordecai, balanced on an elbow as the opposite hand traced over the pattern of Mordecai’s brows. 
Something pleasant and warm vibrated deep in Mordecai’s chest, a slow drip of dopamine that scribbled past the linework of reality to recontextualize his sensate awareness. The world behind Rocky seemed to shimmer and sparkle in Mordecai’s periphery, a distraction from the musician’s blue blue eyes. 
“—I am encouraged,” Rocky’s grin twitched. He rearranged the line of his body, a subtle shift missed by the entirety of the seated party, and lifted a hand to press to his chest. “I do entreat your grace to pardon me. I know not by what power I am made bold. Nor how it may concern my modesty, in such a presence here, to plead my thoughts.”
Frowning, Mordecai tried to parse the change of tone alongside the rhythm of the words.
“Rocky!” Ivy hissed over the giggling chorus of her friends. Rocky winked at her.
Beside her, Freckle tilted his head. “If he’s the Duke—” Freckle gestured at Mordecai, but spoke to his cousin. “—who are you supposed to be flirting with?”
Heat burst across Mordecai’s face as all Ivy’s friends laughed, and his hands clenched. 
“Flirting?” Rocky managed to stumble as he stood upright, facing his cousin. “Who’s flirting? You mistake an availability and inclination towards prose with any sense of premeditation, dear cousin. Sometimes, one must abstract the words from their context to express something—uh—” eyes flashing, he glanced at Mordecai for a moment. “—impactful.”
Never able to contain himself from philosophical nonsense, Mordecai pushed up his glasses. “Your suppositions contradict themselves. Without premeditation it’s difficult, if not impossible, to create impact. For instance, a boxer must plant their feet and follow through to knock out their opponent.”
“You know a lot about boxing?”
“Enough not to get knocked out.”
Low where no one else could see, Rocky’s tail wavered. His brows quirked, grin growing to show off his back teeth as he exhaled with a puff of a laugh. Inhaling, his whole body rose up to join the debate.
Only to be interrupted by a returning Mitzi. "Boys!" She called as she approached, alongside Viktor. Carrying an album, she had one dainty hand tucked into his elbow as he managed an armful of presents. "I trust we have been behaving?"
Flailing, Rocky turned toward her. "Always, Ms M!"
"It would depend on your definition of behaving," said Mordecai. For a moment he kept his attention on Rocky, watching the way the musician reset his stance and leaned toward Mitzi.
"Sweetheart," Mitzi sighed. She came to a stop between Rocky and Mordecai, letting Viktor continue on to deposit the presents alongside the champagne. Propping her hands on her hips, she looked between them. "Usually I'd define it as getting along."
"Me and Mr Serious get along great!" Rocky boasted. A swaying step put him in range to swing an arm up around Mordecai's shoulders. 
Which Mordecai dodged. "The verdict is still out."
"Ahuh," Mitzi raised a brow at him, then shook her head and looked at the musician. "Rocky, sugar, I hate to ask—"
A brief frown disappeared beneath a thousand watt smile. "Ask anything, Ms May, and I'll move the moon to bring it to you."
Something sour curled Mordecai's tongue, and he grit his teeth to keep his composure. In need of distraction, he pulled out his pocket watch. Behind them, the girls had sobered as Ivy gushed at Viktor. There was a pop as someone—Freckle—opened the champagne to fill the flutes, and Horatio crept up to join the party.
None of it phased Mitzi, who pressed her freehand to Rocky’s shoulder. "Someone was asking about you."
One of Mordecai's ears twitched.
"Oh?" Rocky tilted his head, expression flickering between surprise and confusion before settling on amusement. "Not another trainhopper, I hope? Might be easier just to lie and say I'm dead."
"That is… an unexpected turn in conversation," Mitzi's lips pursed. "But no. It's one of the new gentlemen patrons—" and she angled to point at the group in the corner, several of whom were glancing at the celebrating party. Mordecai narrowed his eyes at them. "—the one with the blue handkerchief? He wanted to talk about your playing. Said something about, ah—paninis?"
"Paganini," Rocky corrected. Rocking on his heels, he followed her gesture. Then, gaze skimming past Mordecai, he looked at Ivy and her friends. "I may have played a few motifs."
"Sure thing, sugar," Mitzi nodded, pretending to understand. "It never hurts to play nice with money, but I understand if—"
"No no," pulling his jacket straight, Rocky grinned at her. "I can play nice. Give me two minutes with the guy."
Mitzi winced, and Mordecai tempered back a growl. "You may need more than two minutes," and she reached up to fluff his fringe and neaten his tie. "I got the impression he wanted to talk."
"Yes?" Rocky frowned at her ministrations, even as his tail wagged at the attention. "You said that."
"Yes, but I mean…" she raised her brows and leaned forward, tone dripping low. "...talk."
"Ah?" Rocky scratched the back of his neck, one finger probing beneath his collar. 
"Flirting, sugar."
"Ah." Rocky’s shoulders dropped as Mordecai tensed. He looked again at the group of gentlemen in the corner. "Are you sure?"
"Well, he was understandably cagey about the whole proposal," Mitzi admitted, stepping aside. "But I recognized the look in his eyes, and he was very insistent."
"This is a bad idea," said Mordecai. 
Both Rocky and Mitzi turned to him, Rocky with a small grin and Mitzi with a puzzled frown. Then Rocky laughed, pivoting as he moved so he still addressed the both of them. "The bad ideas are usually the best ones."
"No they aren't!" Mordecai called as Rocky stepped out of a comfortable conversing range.
"Where's Rocky going?" Ivy asked, drawing Mitzi and Mordecai's attention.
The matron continued on to the group, rearranging the album she carried to hold in front of her. "Just a little bit of shmoozing, dear. Are you ready to get started?"
"Yes!" Squirming, Ivy jumped up. She giggled at her friends, commanding them to stay as she kissed Freckle's cheek and rounded out of the center of the group. At speed, she grabbed Mordecai's arm to drag him toward the dance floor.
"Must we?" Mordecai sighed, the air of annoyance coming easier as he spied Rocky sitting on the arm of a gentleman's chair. "Could I bribe you to change your mind?"
"No," Ivy laughed.
Someone in the band must have noticed their arrival on the dancefloor, for the music came to an improvised end before Zib started up a quick number. There were a handful of other dancers to maneuver between, and then they were in the middle of the meager crowd. Then, just as Ivy arranged herself into a starting position—she gave Mordecai's arms a reprimanding tug, as if to remind him to take the activity seriously—he caught a glimpse of Rocky speaking into a gentleman's ear.
Whiskers tickled the side of his face as a nose nuzzled into his ear. "Heads up, buttercup—" Rocky sang. "Your friends are headed this way."
"No funny business!" Ivy warned, prompting him to blink and look at her pouting face. She took his hands in a loose hold. "I'm not one of those ladies you're trying to get rid of, so dance properly!"
"Naturally," he ground out. Then he loosened his limbs to lead, pulling a laughing Ivy into a series of quick steps and spins. Not with the same level of talent or flair of some of the other Lackadaisy residents—Zib was the self proclaimed virtuoso, but Viktor always managed a surprising amount of poise—but proficient enough to keep the birthday girl happy and occupied.
On stage, Zib and Sy steadily increased the rhythm until Mordecai felt flushed and had to fight against panting. Glaring over Ivy’s shoulder, he caught them and the rest of the band grinning and snickering around their instruments. Unfortunately, he could see no real harm in their antics; it had been years since they were last able to torture Mordecai through one of his least favourite activities. Though, truth be told, with Ivy it was bearable. 
Eventually, the music tapered to an end. 
“Thank you!” Ivy closed the space between them to wrap him up in a hug.
Expecting it, Mordecai placed one awkward hand on her shoulder blade and the other on her head. Petting her hair, he relaxed to the tune of her purring and thought, briefly, of his sisters back in New York. Then he made the mistake of looking up, his attention drifting to Rocky without his conscious permission.
Still seated on the arm of the gentleman’s chair, Rocky stared back. Mouth agape, his eyes were wide; at least, they were until the gentleman asked for his attention again. Then the musician turned back to his charge, grin in place around whatever flowery words he spouted.
Mordecai tensed. “I trust this was enough?” he asked.
Pulling back to look up at him, Ivy squinted and pursed her lips as if to contemplate.
Mordecai rolled his eyes and raised his brows at her as the next song started.
“Fiiine,” Ivy relented with a smile. “I release you.”
Scoffing, Mordecai led her back towards her party of friends. “Mitzi put my name on a necklace for you,” he told her. “But your real present is up in the office.”
Vibrating, she bounced closer. “Is it—?”
He interrupted. “The rifle you wanted? Yes.”
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quibbs126 · 1 year ago
Okay, so the idea I came up with today was inspired by me listening to Mr Brightside at Gravity Falls (basically a mashup of the Gravity Falls Intro theme and Mr Brightside) while I was getting food this morning, maybe a bit too much
So we have this guy (don’t have a name for him yet), who’s basically just an office worker, nothing particularly exciting, and one night as he’s coming home from work, while on the train back everything goes dark, everyone else on the train is gone, and there’s some blue light as the train door opens, and when he gets out he’s transported to some freaky other world. I realize this just sounds like an isekai (I think, I don’t actually watch a lot of isekai). But instead of some fantasy world or some other, he’s transported to this dark world full of eldritch horrors, and he’s just trying to survive and get home, back to his cat Mitski
The premise in my head was specifically “Gravity Falls but the protagonist is a 20 something year old guy with an office job”. But also it’s not really Gravity Falls, the place is more messed up and a lot less friendly. Heck I’m not even sure if there are any other humans here. But it does have relatively modern buildings, it’s some sort of weird modern day torn in the middle of nowhere, it’s just there’s no one there but him and the horrors
The closest I have is him meeting a young girl that lives at a cabin who offers him a place to stay, but as it turns out she’s actually some horrifying creature (and her transformation is like really messed up too) that wants to eat him. Or at the very least he meets a young girl and declines her offer to follow her because he’s convinced this scenario will happen as it already has
But yeah basically, this place probably isn’t somewhere for family friendly TV, or at least wouldn’t be on Disney
I’ll be honest I don’t have a lot for the plot. There should probably be more characters
All I know is the protagonist is a bit of a coward and pathetic, but mostly just in a way of “he would much rather just run away from these things than find any way of defending himself, since he’s pretty sure he’d die”. He is just a normal guy, he is not equipped to handle cosmic horrors. He’s half convinced this is some sort of karmic punishment because he doesn’t really like his job. He swears that he will be so happy to go back to it once he’s finally out
I kind of don’t want to give him a way to defend himself, like a weapon or anything. I feel like it takes away from his character in some way, giving him a way to fight back. I know he has a briefcase. Don’t know if that’s important
Oddly enough though I have things about his cat, Mitski. Which in all honesty I probably shouldn’t name her that because I already have a character named Mitzi, but ah well. But speaking of her name, Mitski is technically Mitski II, with Mitski I being the protagonist’s childhood cat that at this point has passed away. Also Mitski is like, his only emotional support in life. He doesn’t have a girlfriend or boyfriend (maybe he had a girlfriend but she left him sometime before the story. Not sure if I need that drama though, it’s not like she’ll be important)
I don’t know if I should have Mitski in the town or not. I mean, she’s important enough that she should probably appear, but I don’t know how considering she probably didn’t come to work with the protagonist that day. If she does show up, then she generally locates herself on the protagonist’s shoulders. And she’s probably got some intelligence to her
Anyways yeah, idea I had
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hazardously-unfunny · 1 year ago
Scoped In. Chapter 5 "Heart Strings"
Arty had been busy, orders going in, and going out. "5:59." He sighed He turned his head and yelled "Ivy! Anymore customers? It's closing time." He quickly got a response "Yeah! no-one's here!" "Got it!" He yelled back.
He turned off the stove and walked out of the kitchen. He turned and saw Ivy. "What's got you all dolled up?" He asked pointing a finger "Oh, nothing." She said with a nervous laugh. Arty stepped back and raised his hands. "None' my business." Arty walked back into the kitchen preparing to clean and lock up. Walking toward the sink he'd see the mountain of dishes from patrons.
He spent and hour and a half doing dishes, painfully washing and drying and putting away. At some point in time Ivy had left, but he didn't hear the door to the Café open nor close. "Strange." He thought, but he pushed the thought away. 20 grueling minutes of dish washing and he was leaning on a booth drying his hands with a towel. When a tap was heard on the café window. There stood a man dressed in a nice suit, It looked expensive. He walked over to the door unlocking it and peaking out. "May I help you?" Arty asked, The man replied "Uh, yes. May you find Mrs. May, tell her Wick is here." Arty nodded "Alright, I'll tell Miss M."
He left "Wick" outside while he went to the second floor to grab Mitzi. He gently knocked on the door and she told him to come in. "What is it dear?" Mitzi said, an eyebrow raising. "Uhh, there's a man outside. Told me his name was Wick." "Oh." Mitzi replied "Go ahead and let him in dear." "Alright Miss M." Arty said before leaving to open the door.
"Sorry for the inconvenience sir." Arty said opening the door for wick and his assistant. Wick headed up the stairs as his assistant sat in a booth. Her hair was a mess and he could tell she was tired. He took it upon himself to make a cup of coffee and a small plate of his semi-popular cornbread onto a plate. He walked over to her and sat the plate and mug down. She looked up at him. Arty smiled "Enjoy." He said returning to the kitchen. He looked back, Wick's assistant sat there. A smile on her face. An hour half an hour had gone by and Mitzi and Wick were still no where to be seen. Arty walked up to the assistant. "More coffee ma'am?" "No thank you." she responded. Arty walked over, and poured a cup of coffee of his own. He leaned against the booth across from her. "If you don't mind, can I get your name?" He asked taking a sip of coffee. "It's Lacy." She said yawning. "I'm guessing you're Wick's assistant with the way you're carrying that bag." Arty pointed out. "Yeah, Wick always complains about his paperwork." She smiled, Arty joked "I see why." The two shared a laugh as Mitzi and Wick walked down the stairs.
They observed Arty and Lacy sharing a laugh. "It seems you've met my assistant uhh..." Wick paused, he hadn't asked for the young man's name. "Arty sir." Arty said sticking his hand out "Oh, of course." Wick said as the two shook hands. Mitzi walked to Wick's side "Arty's taken over the oven for Ivy." Arty stood proud as Mitzi continued "He makes this amazing cornbread dish, you really should try it.
"I'd love to, but unfortunately it's getting late." Wick tapped his watch. "It was good meeting you sir." Arty said as Wick and Lacy started walking out. Lacy gave Arty a wave and Arty waved back. He walked to the Punch clock to clock out. Walking home, something was tugging on his Heart Strings.
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sewerpeaches · 2 years ago
I’m blown away but how much of a hot mess the TMNT 2k7 movie would have been if Peter Laird hadn’t torn apart Munroe’s original idea 😭
23.) Re: the following: "We discover that Joe is being kept alive by his own EXO-SKELETON, hidden under his clothes. He’s spent the past decades trying to stay alive and end this curse for the sake of Bella. He ends up taking off his own exo-skeleton support system and placing it on Raphael – bringing him back to life! In his dying breath, Joe clutches a photo of Bella. He tells Raph to “finish this”… not just for her, but for the world. Raph knows what he must do. He’s not a warrior… HE’S A HERO. Raph steps out in the streets filled with mayhem. He looks like half-Turtle, half-Terminator." I fail to see how an exo-skeleton can bring Raph back to life. I mean, just a few paragraphs ago, he was killed. Dead. This is starting to get really goofy. And while the image of a Turtle Terminator is somewhat intriguing, in this context it makes not a whole lot of sense. 24.) Re: the following: "During the battle, Mikey keeps on getting calls from their Temp Agent Mitzy who is convinced they’re moonlighting for someone else. “I can hear your party in the background! Are you working for Jeannie Templeton?! Why that conniving little…”" I have to say that this bit had me reaching for my barf bag. 25.) Re: the following: "The Leader Warrior is furious. He and his three partners MELD TOGETHER to form a Mighty Joe Young-sized creature. They square off against Raphael. Leo tries to help Raph, but then stops himself. Raph says he can handle this. So for the first time, Leo steps back… just as a good leader should every now and again. …as Raphael proceeds to rip this creature apart limb from limb. In a final blow, the Warrior Creature is blasted into a thousand pieces, red light shooting out of it! ON STREETS – One by one, the thousands of soldiers FREEZE WHERE THEY ARE. All is quiet. Until… Slowly at first, a swirling begins in the sky. Then a BRIGHT LIGHT shines down upon the darkened city. Then… one by one… we see the most beautiful sight of all… the souls of thousands of soldiers leaving their stone prisons and ascending into the afterlife with their loved ones. In the spirit form, we see the Soldiers as the men they once were. The Curse of Valdez finally broken." One of the things I really dislike in modern movies is the introduction of some special powers or abilities (for either hero or villain) that are not even hinted at throughout the movie, coming out of left field at some late point in the story just to solve some plot point or set up some new action sequence. This transformation of the Warriors is one such thing.  And although it's sweet -- and I'm a sucker for sentimentality as much as the next guy -- the whole "redemption of the army through the destruction of the Warriors" bit seems like yet another "deus ex machina" solution to the central problem of the plot, coming out of nowhere, with no set up. And I also find it hard to believe that, even with an exoskeleton (even one of those "it wasn't made for you, probably doesn't fit, and you don't know how to use it -- but somehow you can put it on BY YOURSELF within minutes and have it transform you into a Turtle Terminator"-type exoskeletons), Raph can tear this Mighty Joe Young-sized multi-Warrior thing limb from limb. 26.) Re: the following: "And finally, Raph’s body is lifted into the air. Blue swirls around him. His exo-skeleton is ripped off! The spirits of thousands of warriors shoot through him as he is GIVEN LIFE AGAIN." This is wicked cheesy. And let me see if I get this right -- all this time Raph was fighting inside his new exoskeleton, he was still DEAD???!!!
— Peter Laird's critiques during development of TMNT (2007) [Blast from the Past #649: February 8, 2005: PL notes on Imagi movie treatment first draft 12/24/04]
I implore you guys to click the link and read what Laird spared us from.
(Munroe was really gonna have Raph’s dead body flailing around in a mech suit I’m losing it. 😭😭😭)
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Honestly, when it comes to Mitzi May, I truly do feel for the woman, like seriously. I perhaps can get why some don't care for her or when it comes to disliking her actions at times. Which I find interesting considering all of the Lackadaisy characters aren't exactly the most upstanding or super high moral group of individuals except for probably Horatio or Lacy. Back to Mitzi, I feel she doesn't get enough love or that she underappreciated and not value enough.
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For real the woman is seriously and desperately doing all that she can to keep the Lackadaisy speakeasy afloat while at the same time still grieving over the lost of her husband and taking up as boss after his mysterious murder. Which is still up in the air on who could've actually killed Altas amongst the rumors of Mitzi being involved, but reading & re-reading the comic more than often and taking in the little details of dialogue and how Mitzi speaks of Atlas within parts of the comic or even in the pilot, I deeply think that you can feel also see that she truly did loved Atlas a lot.
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Like Mitzi is doing all that's she can to try to keep her late husband legacy and his once booming empire in tack. Although...very obviously struggling to do so, Since after Atlas death about most if not a good half of the Lackadaisy staff and those who where super loyal to Atlas rolled on out completely. With only a few of the original staff members left such as Viktor and Horatio including the band.
I'm not sure how super involved Mitzi was when it comes to the business side of handling a speakeasy and dealing with the "Dirty work" aspect of it when Atlas was still alive? From some parts of the comic it's seems that Mitzi obviously knew the dangerous surroundings and dealings of her husband business affairs.
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It seems pretty apparent that Mitzi most definitely knew the dangerous surroundings of what her husband was doing. I mean it's being during prohibition and all and running a underground illegal speakeasy and dealing with comparators. Of course it be a bloody dangerous way of living and business life and I'm certain from parts of the comic and even bits of the mini ones is that Mitzi knew of the dangers of said business life, but back then with her husband around she was just the boss wife and maybe wasn't as super involved with that side of the speakeasy except for the entertainment aspects. Now Mitzi is very much desperately trying to hold everything all together of what her husband left behind. Now I can get on some levels when it comes to Mitzi actions being questionable and some fans not caring for the way she can go about things.
Honestly I too don't always agree to the some of the lengths or certain things Mitzi does. But I can see her were she coming from sometimes and the fact that she doing all she can to keep Lackadaisy up. Also, I think her desperation in some cases and her trying so hard to keep the speakeasy going could be tie to some parts of her upbringing. Which I remember hearing from one of the Lackadaisy streams from the Official Youtube channel, on dealing with parts of Mitzi background and how she came from poverty growing up and honestly its really makes sense on why she so desperately doing all she can in terms of trying to keep Lackadaisy going.
From living and having to grow up in poverty to being constantly on the road as a musician with Zib and the rest of the band gang most likely getting gig after gig and probably maybe, perhaps not always having a whole lot of money when doing so. Until suddenly you find yourself performing at an fancy hotel and catch the attention of a highly esteemed gentleman that you thought you would probably never had the chance of being close towards.
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Also, the fact that the woman literally sold everything she had to keep everyone feed. Like seriously she sold her and Altas likely huge house and all the cars not mentioned she sold off all of her wedding china's. I mean I feel she wouldn't do that if she didn't actual cared about the band and what's left of the staff members or simply trying her best to hold onto what her husband built. Now who truly killed Atlas is still a mystery and I can see why some might assume and feel it's Mitzi, but this little scene right still gets me. When reading this specific scene and part of the comic on Mitzi selling off everything she had expect for the pearl necklace Altas gave her for the first time and how at that moment she truly felt like she was somebody and how Altas made her feel like a special girl.
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Honestly, there's so much going on with Mitzi that I seriously can't help but deeply feel for her and what she is dealing with. I can understand on some levels why she might not be everybody favorite, but I truly feel for her and her trying her hardest and best to keep things going...while not always using the greatest methods....but I do believe Mitzi deserves some love because lord the woman been through some rough shit.
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Letter eight: Shock (part one)
this chapter discusses rape kidnapping and murder please read with caution. <3
  You called me to let me know that you were on your way to our date. You had to stay late from work that day. We were going to our favorite little restaurant just a few blocks from our apartment. I freshened up in the mirror and headed out the door. As I was walking down the stairs I felt like someone was following me. “Well a lot of people take the stairs” I thought and kept walking. I should’ve turned around. I got outside and hadn’t walked half a block yet when I felt a set of hands grab my waist.
     It all happened so fast I couldn’t process what had happened. I’ve been abducted. I was struggling to get out of his arms. He threw me into the back of his car. I tried to scream but he started yelling at me. He said he was going to kill me if I shut up. I shouldn’t have shut up. I recognized my assaulter's voice. Fuck it was Ryan. He drove me out to the church outside of the city. Thank god I clicked the button on my bracelet. 
     Ryan dragged me out of the car and into the church. He threw me onto the altar once we got inside. He broke my rib. He then forced himself onto me. I screamed for what felt like hours, it hurt. I never wanted any of this. After he was finished he tied me up and left me on the floor. I laid there, unable to scream. No way of escaping, just hoping you were coming. Ryan came back with 4 things, barbed wire, a baseball bat, an ax, and a gun. I was so scared. He wrapped the wire on me so tightly, there was so much blood. Ryan was screaming at me about how I never paid attention to him or loved him like I loved you. It was endless. After the screaming he called you. He sent you the location and demanded you be there as soon as possible. 
        He hung up and grabbed the bat, he beat me with it until you got close. When you were less than a minute away he grabbed the gun and shot me 4 times in each leg and once in the stomach. He was unwrapping the wire when you walked in. Ryan pointed the gun at you and you stopped in your tracks. He gave you a 15 minute rant about how you stole me from him, and how this was the price he was going to pay. He moved the gun to my head, I knew I was going to die. He asked you if there was anything you wanted to do before he killed me. You pulled out a ring “Mitzy…will you marry me?” Was the last thing I ever heard. Before I could say anything he shot me in the head. I was dead. 
      I was surprised that I could still see and hear. It was like I was living, but I wasn’t. I watched your face. Horrified, you screamed. He forced you to watch as he cut off all of my limbs. He threw my hand at your face. Blood splattered everywhere. The room went from white to crimson in just a few hours, the orchids out the windows gained new red spots. You were devastated, everything you had was gone. Ryan was just...laughing. He lifted the ax high over my neck as he swung, you let out the most blood curdling scream I’ve ever heard. It’s stuck in my head to this day. God, every last bit of it hurt. 
     Ryan bolted out the door and took off. You came over and laid on what was left of me sobbing. I couldn’t take it. I just wanted to comfort you and tell you everything was okay even though it wasn’t. You struggled to get yourself together to call 911. It hurt to watch. I wish I could’ve helped you, I really wish I could. I love you.
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xeo-kunsatan · 2 years ago
Pmatga Twisted Doll AU
In what does consistent this Au?
As a context i have this 2 fan children of Stratos and Betrayus, Robin and Mitzy,
Robin Spheros is Stratos's adoptive child and Mitzy next to her younger brother.
this 2 gals were turned into Dolls in the final of the Pac War.
So... What if their parents were the ones who were turned into Dolls?
This is the answer... Would be terrible...
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Miss Robin
Robin will seeing her second Dad die in an awfull way, becoming orphan once again... She next to Bradley would be raised in Rotunda's house, Rotunda would force Robin to left her dreams as singer away to then start studying laws so she would postulate herself as the new president of Pacopolis..
At 20 years old, Robin finally became into President, the first thing she did was took Bradley's custody from Rotunda, giving her cousin a better life in honor of her Dear Cousin Mitzy. As well made a law for the acceptation of the Methabeasts into the society.
Robin at difference of Stratos it's more worried for Pacster and his team, making sure they're doing okay in any of their missions, sometimes helping them with them. She gets along very sudden with the habitants, even any Monday Miss Robin visits many orphanages to read books to the kids.
(Maybe one day she would be mother)
She loves to sing in her free days.
Only Sir C, her bodyguards, Aunt and Cousins from Pactokyo, Pacster and her team knows about her Methabeast secret.
Queen Mitzy
She would lost now her beloved daddy, ending devastated by that, her disgrace will not end there, next to her dad's army, Mitzy will be stripped of her physical body to then her spirit end banish in Netherworld.
In her kinda lost sanity, Mitzy will become into the Queen of the netherworld, waiting to one day return to have her revenge against Pacopolis.
Revenge who succeeded when Pacster opened the portal to Pacopolis, Mitzy and the other ghost will be free to invade Pacopolis, and the adventures will start.
At Difference of Betrayus, Mitzy doesn't torture Butler but Buttocks, instead of that she's more kind with him, after all Butler is like a grandpa for her and the only reason to stay "sane".
Still like Betrayus she eccentric, explosive and sensitive as hell, but more Sadic and with killer tendencies. Mitzy has her bunny plushie too haha
she's even stronger than the original Betrayus because of her half beast side, and the fact she can fuse that beast with her fire, only uses that form in very serious ocassions.
This 2 gets much better than the original Spheros Brothers, most because Mitzy is grateful with Robin for giving Bradley a good life and for her laws for the Methabeasts.
More wikis soon...
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