#who’s an early 1900s detective or something with a suit and no discernible gender
quibbs126 · 11 months
Okay, so the idea I came up with today was inspired by me listening to Mr Brightside at Gravity Falls (basically a mashup of the Gravity Falls Intro theme and Mr Brightside) while I was getting food this morning, maybe a bit too much
So we have this guy (don’t have a name for him yet), who’s basically just an office worker, nothing particularly exciting, and one night as he’s coming home from work, while on the train back everything goes dark, everyone else on the train is gone, and there’s some blue light as the train door opens, and when he gets out he’s transported to some freaky other world. I realize this just sounds like an isekai (I think, I don’t actually watch a lot of isekai). But instead of some fantasy world or some other, he’s transported to this dark world full of eldritch horrors, and he’s just trying to survive and get home, back to his cat Mitski
The premise in my head was specifically “Gravity Falls but the protagonist is a 20 something year old guy with an office job”. But also it’s not really Gravity Falls, the place is more messed up and a lot less friendly. Heck I’m not even sure if there are any other humans here. But it does have relatively modern buildings, it’s some sort of weird modern day torn in the middle of nowhere, it’s just there’s no one there but him and the horrors
The closest I have is him meeting a young girl that lives at a cabin who offers him a place to stay, but as it turns out she’s actually some horrifying creature (and her transformation is like really messed up too) that wants to eat him. Or at the very least he meets a young girl and declines her offer to follow her because he’s convinced this scenario will happen as it already has
But yeah basically, this place probably isn’t somewhere for family friendly TV, or at least wouldn’t be on Disney
I’ll be honest I don’t have a lot for the plot. There should probably be more characters
All I know is the protagonist is a bit of a coward and pathetic, but mostly just in a way of “he would much rather just run away from these things than find any way of defending himself, since he’s pretty sure he’d die”. He is just a normal guy, he is not equipped to handle cosmic horrors. He’s half convinced this is some sort of karmic punishment because he doesn’t really like his job. He swears that he will be so happy to go back to it once he’s finally out
I kind of don’t want to give him a way to defend himself, like a weapon or anything. I feel like it takes away from his character in some way, giving him a way to fight back. I know he has a briefcase. Don’t know if that’s important
Oddly enough though I have things about his cat, Mitski. Which in all honesty I probably shouldn’t name her that because I already have a character named Mitzi, but ah well. But speaking of her name, Mitski is technically Mitski II, with Mitski I being the protagonist’s childhood cat that at this point has passed away. Also Mitski is like, his only emotional support in life. He doesn’t have a girlfriend or boyfriend (maybe he had a girlfriend but she left him sometime before the story. Not sure if I need that drama though, it’s not like she’ll be important)
I don’t know if I should have Mitski in the town or not. I mean, she’s important enough that she should probably appear, but I don’t know how considering she probably didn’t come to work with the protagonist that day. If she does show up, then she generally locates herself on the protagonist’s shoulders. And she’s probably got some intelligence to her
Anyways yeah, idea I had
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