#goofy gas tuesday
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lesbian-vampyre · 20 days ago
happy goofy gas tuesday ignore that it's been cough cough 2 MONTHS COUGH COUGH
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im gonna be posting more of these valentines card recreation thingies later :3
update: i definitely didn't realize i forgot to color in looney's neck fluff an hour after i already posted it. i really didn't
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miss-couch-potato · 20 days ago
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Looneybob content
Edit: I'm sorry if the gif hurts your eyes. The gif and Tumblr make the quality horrible
Non gif below
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dogofthejunkyard · 20 days ago
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wat r they doing
fireless vers. cause he's cute
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aoifeart777 · 4 months ago
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goofy gas Tuesday!!! created by @misscouchpotatobew
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furbaccatronics · 3 months ago
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Suprise! My first art post! Drew Billy Bob for goofy gas Tuesday! Apologies for the weird lighting idk how to make my art look good in photos
I’ve been working very hard on being able to draw the rockafire and so far I can pretty consistently draw my favorite member of the band, Billy Bob! Still have to practice a bit with his proportions but I think I did pretty good!
I was originally going to post this last Tuesday. I had everything done line art wise and it was ready to color the night before, but one of the colored pencils I needed to use to color his fur broke and I had to go out and get a new one the next day. It was pretty late in the day by the time I got the new colored pencil and I didn’t finish coloring it in time to post it
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fox-guardian · 2 years ago
happy tim stoker tuesday have a small collection of tim headcanons
flirting is a work skill, he cannot flirt if there's actual feelings involved
he's terrible at guessing crushes (source: that time he thought jon and basira were having a Thing)
he's terrible at matchmaking (see above)
he's really not that good of a wingman (see above above)
he starts reflexively going a Goofy impression whenever he's flustered (ga-hyuck, gawrsh, etc.)
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iantimony · 2 months ago
hoo baby! hello first Tuesday of 2025!
listening: Usseewa (Ado) Aishite Aishite Aishite (Ado) bangers. girl can SING. and of course the anonymity is very sexy.
Middle Eastern Grooves (Selected by DJ Kobayashi): was tempted by the cool cover art, stayed for the funky jams. this led me to:
Kokoro (Sababa 5 & Yurika): vibey. citypop if it was in MENA.
reading: so I am in the middle of a two week visit home in which I am staying in my childhood bedroom. and I went. man. there sure is a lot of stuff in here that I simply have not thought about or missed since moving out. so I reread Marie Kondo's "Tidying Up" book and went to town. it's been really nice to do! found a few things that I forgot I had and actually am excited to keep and use! mostly got rid of things! her goofy little "thank inanimate objects" thing is unfortunately the exact flavor of personification of objects that my sentimental ass needs, so. yippee. her book has some . interesting. comments on people's weight and etc things which is very weird but also probably of its time and her specific cultural background baggage. I did some poking about her and found this article ("Marie Kondo’s life is messier now — and she’s fine with it" by Jura Koncius, web archive version linked to bypass paywall) which definitely tracks. I can't imagine having kids and following her [gestures] Whole Thing to a tee.
I also rented and started reading "The Sentimental Person's Guide to Decluttering", which opens with a bible quote so I am already a little wary. anyways.
I haven't followed the prescribed konmari order exactly - I left books til towards the end because they are already pretty contained, for example - so I have a few loose ends to finish up with that but we're basically there. sorry Stephen King but I really don't care to hang on to your work Just Because, except for maybe "on writing" because I could see myself rereading that. I have a shitload of old scifi paperbacks that likely do Not spark joy necessarily so if anyone wants a random paperback mailed to them just let me know :b
related to that: I'm reading "Earthlight" by Arthur C. Clark. it's good! slim volume so I'm hoping to finish it before next Tuesdaypost/when I leave town. the setup feels very common - Earth people vs federation of solar system settlers politicking - but there's some fun tidbits that have made me go HUH??? like the moon having an atmosphere (technically true, I guess, but definitely not in the way it's described here), for some reason the sun sets in the east on the moon (???), and MOON PLANTS???? cool moon cacti that are specially adapted to absorb as many gas/water molecules as possible? they have a little window in them??? and at first I was like damn is this meant to be an alternate universe? when I realized that this was written in 1955. so. maybe he did sincerely think there could be moon cacti. some really delicious descriptions in here that I'm enjoying:
"They were moving along a ridge that the sun had already left, but the track of the monorail, scarcely a meter above it, still caught the last rays. It seemed as if they were rushing along an unsupported ribbon of light, a filament of flame built by sorcery rather than human engineering."
caught up on Witch Hat Atelier! it's good! I'm very excited for the next volume to come out next week!
watching: a handful of Leah's Fieldnotes videos as background while I did some cleaning, re-stuffing a pillow, etc. we're the same age which is interesting to me. I have thoughts on her style of content and general vibes that are still cooking in my brain so maybe next time I will elaborate. more Caroline Winkler. some Sorry Girls (there is a theme here clearly). some Kurtis Connor/Danny Gonzalez/Drew Gooden-verse. nothing super notable. oh LegalEagle suing honey! that whips ass definitely. I'm going to avoid linking specific videos each week unless I have Something to say about them.
playing: mostly fallow BUT I am leaving this section in this year out of optimism! my boyfriend commented, and I agreed, that I am definitely missing out on some rich Media Experiences by neglecting the Gamez. this year I really want to play Nier: Automata (which he got me as a gift a while ago), Disco Elysium, and Hades 2. I own the first two already so that's def where I'll start. I'd also like to read umineko but that can go 50/50 as to playing or reading lol
however I DID look at Do you PASS MUSTER?, a solo rpg by @spikekat! it's a vibe!
making: finished One of my mom's fingerless gloves! onto the second! I'm trying to decide if I want to block it or not…probably, just because I did the cabling with a needle half a size too small by accident so there are a few gaps, although maybe using a smaller needle minimized gaps? who knows.
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eating: some good New York staples while I'm home but I haven't done much cooking.
moving: new section!! it is mostly empty this week beyond walking the dogs with my mom every day. I am hoping to populate this section with general notes on what worked/didn't work for me each week in the gym, outdoors activities, and so on.
misc: decluttering feels good but I also feel the albatross of the Dead Dad Bins in the basement looming over me. I'm thinking that's a summer activity where I can take breaks to be outside, lol. the goal is basically to have everything such that when I move after my PhD to wherever I'm going next, I can take what's left in my childhood room (books, some of the quality furniture that we scavenged from my dad's apartment, etc) without it being a big deal or strain. I'm definitely approaching that point with my own belongings! I have a few things that should be sold rather than donated but overall I've really pared it down pretty well so I'm pretty pleased about that. I'll probably do a pass over my apartment when I get back too - definitely some clothes come to mind that can be let go without any regret, and I definitely want to pare down some of my craft supplies that are getting a little out of hand. yayyy fresh start to a new year :)
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girlfriendsofthegalaxy · 2 years ago
tuesday again no problem 7/25/2023
still apartmentless (upside down smiley face emoji). six sentences or less per section, except when it's not
it's goofy poppy dance music for the duration baybee. Bye Bye by Haiku Hands and Ribongia is a stompy, bird-flipping breakup song with a chorus of "see you later/bye bye/alligator/don't cry". spotify
stealing the Untitled Wednesday Library Series from @morrak mostly to show him this book but you all can look at it too i guess
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The How: fifty cents at a religious thrift store whose vibes gave me the ick
The Text: it's one of these, yanno? a reference book that doesn't quite feel like a real book? put together by a team of "thirty anonymous experts in the field" which does not lend confidence. the absolutely gobsmacking number of images and illustrations and charts and graphs are similarly uncredited. god help whoever typeset this monstrosity.
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many many many cutaways. lotta stuff you gotta do to the air and/or gas to compress it
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a charming number of action shots in the field
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and of course some BEEFY reference appendices.
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The Object: faintly musty, some rather extreme acid? glue? yellowing on the endpapers. idk what horses they were using for glue in the sixties but this paper did Not like it.
The Why, Though: do we even have to ask this question
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i watched all the twilight movies this weekend bc they are vitally important to my best friend, and it was fun to shriek "EXPLAIN???" at her every ninety seconds. i am fully an alice/bella truther now.
i was not allowed to read these books growing up, and by the time the movies rolled around i was thoroughly uninterested bc i had a nearly-lethal Not Like Other Girls!!! period.
i don't know that i have much to say about them. i feel like i missed a crucial window of development here? like how the first time i went to disney (i have been twice for free bc several dear friends work there, not as cast members) i was twenty. it hit different, yanno?
it was SUCH a fun stupid two nights with my best friend, though. i remain fucking furious on bella's behalf bc she deserved SO so much better.
will i read the books? absolutely not.
i'm going to stop trying to explain what the fuck genshin is about and silently deliver an out of context screencap every week. this one made me force quit the game and go for a walk.
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i will say that this game has gotten better at creating fun little vignettes, even if it has to railroad you along to create it Just So. look at this fun temple!!! look at that big weird fuckin vulture thing posing in the sunlight!!! how droll!!!
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fallow week. maybe things will percolate in time for yeehawgust, maybe not. we shall see.
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operafloozy · 2 years ago
Real Life Update
So I had my hysterectomy and oophorectomy (yeeterus and throwvaries) on Tuesday - first thing in the morning, back home by 3pm. During my pre-op appointment I was told I was going to feel so horrible. I wasn't going to believe that they were going to be willing to send me home, I'd be so tired and nauseated. But honestly? Felt worse after my covid booster. Also, Oxy doesn't really do very much to me - it'll make me tired but it won't even put me out for very long.
The biggest problem so far has been the robot gas pain, but even that's kind of cool because I was operated on by robots?
I will say that I started writing this update on Thursday morning, maybe? It's Saturday night now, and then haven't felt able to spend my conscious brain cells towards writing this since. A lot of feeling fine and then deciding it's naptime.
Surgery, for those who are wondering, involved getting to the right area to the hospital, being immediately sent down to the first floor to actually check in to the hospital, being brought to a tiny alcove, asked to change, and do a pee test by one person, have someone else come in and ask why the first person went in the sequence they did and are told that you have to lay out, have two more people join in and ask you questions in rapid succession like they're speedruning a normal medical appointment check in, while having you hold out your arms and get slathered with something and random things stuck to your body. Then get you on oxygen and continue to ask questions while the surgeon arrives (and the guy on visiting fellowship, and the fourth year medical student), even though they told you you might be a little goofy. Then you get wheeled to a very bright room, have to shimmy over to the operating table, get a mask, and wake up a couple hours later. A nice nurse tells everyone that you're great, you get given some saltines and ginger ale and water, get some stickers taken off of you and are told that you can leave when you can pee. Then you get to have a pharmacist try to explain to you the seriousness of oxycotin while currently on oxy.
(I found two stickers on me afterwards, and then spent a lot Tuesday evening and Wednesday morning double checking.)
I highly recommend wearing a nightshirt for abdominal surgery, fyi. Who cares if you look ridiculous, it's easy to put on/take off when half-conscious, no waistband, and once you get home you don't have to change.
I'm now two potential cancers down (ovarian and endometrial). BRCA1 comes with a higher risk of breast cancer, pancreatic cancer, and melanoma, but two of those (breast cancer and melanoma) have pretty good detections and pancreatic is mostly a non issue. The endometrial cancer risk is potentially unrelated to the other cancer risks, but it was going to become more of an issue post menopause, which starts now for me, so. In any case, there's the probable double masectomy coming up, but otherwise, it's just semi-annual to annual check-ins.
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lesbian-vampyre · 3 months ago
silly lil sketch of the silly lil goober
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looney bird if he was evil and also did not have a beak
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miss-couch-potato · 4 months ago
💥SO... I wanted to propose something the tumblr rae community could do for fun!💥
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What it says if it's hard to read: Goofy Gas Day every Tuesday! Make art(and other stuff) with atleast Billy Bob or Looney Bird(or both) on Tuesday! Use the tag " #goofy gas tuesday "
I apologize if it doesn't make any sense. It sounded better in my head lol.
I'll explain more below ⬇️
I've kinda been thinking about this since last week and I wanted to put it into action. So every week from now on. If you want to, you can make something a little special (like art or other stuff you can come up with) that has Billy Bob and Looney Bird in it. You can add other characters but you have to have atleast Billy Bob or Looney Bird in it.
This is just for fun and no, you don't have to do it every Tuesday. It's just when you want to! for example: if you make art of Billy bob and Looney Bird, you could wait until Tuesday to post it and use the tag "#goofy gas tuesday"
I got inspiration from the Godzilla fandom and one of the Rae showtapes where Billy Bob said that Tuesday was Goofy Gas Day.
The Godzilla fandom has made this thing called: "Minilla Monday" (Minilla is Godzilla's son) They make art with Minilla and they post it using that tag. (If ur still confused, you could look up the minilla Monday tag to see examples!)
G fans don't always follow it and they post art of him on there when it's not Monday (I've done it myself lol)
So yea! Even if it's not Tuesday and you have art of Billy bob and Looney, you can post it on there anyway! It's not like I would get mad at you if you do. I want this to be for fun!!! I really want us to adopt something that we could possibly do weekly. I don't want to be an "admin" so you don't need to tag me in it (unless you want me to see it. I'll probably see it anyway. I watch people's art like a hawk 😅) I want it to be something we can do as a community on here (I also want more positive things after recent events.)
So yea! Questions, comments, opinions?
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nostalgebraist · 5 years ago
Hey to clarify with your post about the autonomous zone, are you saying the zone is a good thing / is helping? Or it's bad and theyre unwelcome and violent?
I’m going to use this ask as a springboard for a followup post I wanted to write -- to be clear, the rest of this post is not so much a response to your ask as stuff I wanted to say at some point anyway.  The “you” below is a general you, “the reader.”
This turned out to be super long and kind of rambling, so be ready for that.
I was definitely saying there’s less violence in the neighborhood since the cops left, which was also when “the Zone” started.
But, like . . . I also want to communicate that “CHAZ” is way, way less of a big deal one way or the other than the national media appear to believe it is.  If you don’t live in Seattle and you’ve only heard about it from the national media, your view of the situation is almost certainly very skewed.  Not politically skewed, necessarily, but skewed in terms of magnifying tiny things and overlooking huge ones.
This is just an information problem.   If you were to go and binge-read the last two weeks of Seattle local news, local journalists’ blogs and twitter feeds, etc., you’d come out the other side a few hours later, ready to laugh with the rest of us about how goofy the national “version” of this story is.  But that’s easier said than done, so . . .
Let’s forget about the Zone for a moment: this is a city whose municipal politics are in a state of chaotic upheaval.  The mayor and police chief have come under withering scrutiny for their role in the pre-Zone situation.  Here’s just some of the stuff that’s been happening lately, at the same Trump and everyone else is freaking out about ~the Zone~:
• Three of nine city council members are openly calling for the mayor to resign (see also this this article, this one)
• This is the tip of the iceberg -- “#ResignDurkan” is the hot new slogan, a  petition saying Durkan must resign has been signed by enough local politcos (mostly people involved in the local Democratic party org) that their names fill around 5 pages of a Google doc as of this writing, etc. etc.
• The city council is so on board with defunding the police that they’ve spent no time arguing over whether it should be done -- they’ve immediately jumped into the details of the police budget and the question of which parts specifically to cut (see also this article, again, and this post)
• Even the most right-leaning city council member, Alex Pedersen, is on board with defunding and (admittedly way back on June 1 -- I haven’t been following him too closely) was saying stuff like “I stand in partnership with my council colleagues on all of this. I pledge to be a genuine ally“
• One city council member, who’s been a prominent speaker at the protests, used her key to city hall on Tuesday to let the protestors in so they could demonstrate there
[... I promise we’ll get around to ~the Zone~ eventually, bear with me]
So clearly the city council is really pissed off at the mayor and police chief.  Much of their ire is about what I talked about last time, the tear gas and stuff.  There’s also the thing with mourning bands, which I won’t go into detail about here, see here or Google it.
But also.  It’s not just that Durkan (mayor) and Best (police chief) are the local authority figures who happen to be nominally responsible for bad police behavior.  They have also, in their daily public statements, been creating the most incoherent, least reassuring narrative possible, displaying the opposite of strong leadership.
Durkan, ridiculously, has been trying to frame herself as vaguely “woke” on twitter.  This at a time when many of her municipal peers are calling on her to resign because, among other things, she’s refused to take clear responsibility for tear gassing BLM protesters and those in their vicinity.  I imagine that (say) a transparent, consistent position on riot control methods would go a lot further with everyone -- protesters or not -- than any number of preening tweets about “white men” possibly could.
Durkan and Best, who often make public statements at the same meetings, have also established a pattern of making assertions and proclamations that are themselves often mysterious, then contradicting them almost immediately, as a confused populace tries to understand WTF is going on.
I already talked about them “banning CS gas” and then using it again within 2 days.  The next bullet point is another example.
• On Sunday 6/7, the mayor claimed the barricades by the East Precinct -- that’s where the nightly cop/protestor standoff was happening -- could not be removed, because they were protecting the building and those surrounding from some unspecified “credible threat” of property destruction which the FBI had passed along.  The relevant quote from her speech:
Since last Saturday, Chief Best and I have talked multiple times a day about reducing the tension, de-escalating and de-militarizing the posture, and removing the barriers Downtown and on Capitol Hill.  [...]
Based on the best assessment of Chief Best, in part because of specific information from the FBI about threats to the East Precincts and buildings in Seattle, they concluded that removing the barrier would jeopardize the safety of the public and the community, especially considering there are approximately 500 residents that live in that block. 
The very next day, Monday 6/8, they started . . . removing the barricades.  Then they announced that the cops would be leaving the East Precinct entirely.  To be perfectly clear: they didn’t say “we are doing this because that credible threat to the safety of 500 people is gone now.”  The action they said would constitute an unacceptable threat to public safety on Sunday was just, literally, the action they were conspicuously taking on Monday, no explanations or reassurances given.
In fact, they did the opposite of declaring the threat resolved: at least according to this generally trusted blog, they sent around an ominous message to area businesses that day:
[...] The Seattle Police Department (SPD) will be removing existing crowd barriers in order to support a peaceful protest march. While the protest is expected to be peaceful SPD has credible information about a potential intent to set fire to the East Precinct at the intersection of 12th Avenue and Pine. We don’t believe that this will happen, but out of an abundance of caution, the Seattle Fire Department (SFD) is taking some preventative measures to protect the East Precinct building and the surrounding apartment buildings and businesses. They will be assessing the need to spray a biodegradable foam fire suppressant on the buildings tonight if needed, as well as reaching out to the community. [...]
This was the day on which the protesters got “control” of the area, if you want to put it that way.
From being glued to twitter and livestreams that evening, nervously wondering whether something horrible would happen, I can tell you the mood at the protests was not “we won, we threw the pigs out, let’s declare autonomy!”  It was fear that some other group -- the default hypothesis was Proud Boys -- was going to come in and burn the precinct building, just like the FBI said, the protesters would get blamed, and it would be a Reichstag Fire kind of situation.
The #seattleprotests and #seattleprotestcomms twitter tags that night were full of people talking about staying wary, reporting groups they thought might be Proud Boys, discussing how best to defend the precinct building against arsonists (!), that sort of thing.  You are free to relive that twitter experience for yourself, if you like.
Maybe I’m missing something, but the whole FBI thing is still pretty confusing to me!  A credible threat of arson, close to where I live, potentially affecting the homes of ~500 people, is a scary thing.  No matter what your perspective, I think we can agree that “we think someone may burn down our police station, and we’re leaving the station behind and letting protesters deal with it” is a bizarre and unsettling thing for a person in a municipal leadership role to say.
Thankfully, no one burned down anything.  When asked by a journalist later why this threat seemed “credible,” the assistant police chief apparently said
I consider them incredibly credible in that there were incendiary devices used [against] some of the officers that were on the line in earlier protests, when you look at the fact that we had businesses downtown looted and set on fire, I think they were very credible.
Yes: this FBI tip abut arson, which me and plenty of other people (incl. the protesters) took seriously and were pretty scared about Monday night, was so “credible” because some people had committed arson elsewhere in the city recently, and some people threw some things that were on fire.  All of which was widespread public knowledge at the time.  Where there’s fire, there’s fire, I guess (????)
• I don’t have the time here to go into the whole candle thing but there was that too.
• Oh, and the curfews!  Ah, the curfews!  One of Mayor Durkan’s first notable moves in this whole thing -- to be clear, back at the end of May, in the one weekend where the protests really did involve lots of looting, burning cars, etc -- was to announce a 5PM curfew . . . on 4:46 PM the same day.
14 minutes is enough time to get out of downtown during a chaotic event, right?  This surely won’t piss people off and further escalate things, right?  (Ha ha ha.)  And that’s if you happen to be tuned in to twitter for some reason at said event.  IIRC, I got the official emergency system alert well after 5 that day, though I happened to be already home at the time.  For a week after that, the curfews turned on and off in a seemingly random fashion, with little warning.
• Let’s share one last moment of unintentional Seattle Police Department comedy before we move into the main event.
Have you heard the thing about ~the Zone~ extorting local businesses?  That thing that one right-wing clickbait guy picked up and ran with, which made its way from there to other culture war clickbait peddlers like Rod Dreher and even newspapers with reputations?
I was originally going to quote the various reporters who’d tried to find these extorted businesses and come up empty-handed -- remember, the “CHAZ” is tiny, there just aren’t many businesses in there -- but while I was writing this post, the Seattle Times has come out with the following, which I’ll just quote in full here:
Police walk back report that Capitol Hill protesters extorted businesses
The Seattle Police Department walked back its claim, widely repeated in the news media, that denizens of the Capitol Hill Autonomous Zone are extorting businesses.
"That has not happened affirmatively," Seattle Police Chief Carmen Best in a news conference Thursday afternoon, adding that the police department had based earlier claims on anecdotal reports, including in the news and on social media. "We haven't had any formal reports of this occurring."
That contradicts earlier statements from the police.
In a news conference Wednesday, Assistant Seattle Police Chief Deanna Nollette said police have heard from Capitol Hill community members that some protesters have asked business owners to pay a fee to operate in a roughly six-block area around the precinct. Best repeated the claim in a video address to officers Thursday morning.
The police narrative rang false to many in the Capitol Hill business community. Restaurant owners said they hadn't heard any reports of extortion in the Autonomous Zone. On the contrary: Sales are strong and the increase in walk-up business is cutting down on delivery costs.
"This protest has not hurt us at all," said Bok a Bok Chicken co-owner Brian O'Connor. When he came to the Autonomous Zone Wednesday, rather than extortion, he said he was met with an offer of a free bagel-and-cheese sandwich.
The claim seems to have gained traction after it was published in conservative blog The Post Millennial, in an article written by former Seattle City Council candidate Ari Hoffman. The article quoted unnamed police officers who alleged protesters were extorting businesses for protection money. Hoffman said his sources were "rock solid" and that he had first heard of the alleged extortion on conservative talk radio station AM 770 KTTH.
The claim was later repeated by a commenter under the name "Marcus S." on the Capitol Hill Seattle blog, and in a tweet by Andy Ngo, editor-at-large of The Post Millennial.
Apart from those sources, Christina Arrington, who heads the Capitol Hill branch of the Greater Seattle Business Association, said she has had "no other indications that this is taking place." The GSBA "found no evidence of this occurring," the group tweeted, based on conversations with area business.
The Seattle Times, among other local news outlets, repeated Nollette's claims that the police had received reports of extortion from community members.
But enough of all that boring shit, am I right?  I know what you’re here for.  You want to know about the marvel and the terror, the secessionist enclave of armed intersectional warlords and/or the next Paris Commune.  You want to hear about...
... ~the Zone~.
I walked around there for half an hour earlier tonight!  By “there” I mean “the neighborhood,” it’s literally just a small part of the neighborhood I live in, nothing especially wild has been done to it.
Uhh... any of you guys ever been to a hippie festival?  A Phish concert?  It was like a relatively restrained version of that type of thing.
Cal Anderson is a lovely little park.  I used to walk through it every weekday, before the pandemic.  Cal Anderson as the epicenter of “CHAZ” basically looks like Cal Anderson would look in the past, at times when an unusually large number of cheerful but otherwise sedate people were hanging out there.  If you don’t have “relatively sedate hippie festival” available as a mental point of comparison, imagine a public park on the 4th of July where a bunch of people are milling about and there’s a generally cheerful vibe.
Wasn’t subjected to any “checkpoints.”  I don’t know how to emphasize this enough: I walked through much of ~the Zone~ and it was literally just the experience I have whenever I walk through the same stretch of streets on a nice day, except this time with a lot more people.  If I had encountered the same thing on my walk home in 2019, I would have thought “huh! wonder what’s going on, I guess there’s a political rally or something?”  Wouldn’t even have registered as mildly abnormal for the area.
If this Raz guy is keeping the area under an iron fist (lol), he sure doesn’t seem to be scaring anyone away.  Tons of people there, mostly white (looked demographically typical of the area), milling through a park and some adjoining streets.  A genial street musician playing Pachabel’s Canon.  Some really cool chalk art on the ground.  Stands where people are soliciting signatures for the #ResignDurkan petition.  Somewhat heavier weed smoke than usual for Seattle gatherings.
This tweet captures the amused, weary tone I think you’ll hear from anyone who actually lives nearby, re: Trump and other national commentators:
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Or see this post, “An Exceedingly Chill Day at the Capitol Hill Autonomous Zone”
Last week, the constant background soundtrack of the neighborhood was a police helicopter.  The standard nightly experience, if you were housed and not working or protesting or something, was being kept up by flashbangs, thinking “that was a flashbang, right? that was a flashbang and not a gunshot? right?” over and over again, and saying to your spouse/housemate/whoever “oh, did you remember to pre-emptively close all the windows? The sun is going down, we’re nearing the tear gas time of night.”
This was apparently the price we had to pay for . . . I honestly don’t know?  The cops backed down and now we can walk in the neighborhood again without thinking about the omnipresent helicopters, the prospect of a randomly created curfew effective immediately, and the question of exactly which flavors of tear gas are consistent with being a woke progressive mayor and whether the answer has changed in the last 12-24 hours.  Now it’s just back to normal.
I’m seeing tons and tons of articles about ~the Zone~ whenever I go to Google News.  It’s apparently captivated the imagination of politicians, chin-stroking Op-Ed writers, and others in the same rarefied echelon in a way none of the preceding could.
The national conversation doesn’t care as much, it seems, about city governments having crises of authority, about justified loss of public trust in established authority, about those governments sitting down and saying “okay we are definitely defunding the police, the question is which lines in the budget to start cutting first,” about cops tear gassing protesters and bystanders when they explicitly said they were no longer permitted to do that (see under “justified loss of public trust in established authority”) . . . 
. . . they don’t care as much about that as they do about some crunchy left-libertarians deciding that, well, if the cops have suddenly left an area unilaterally and without warning as a big dramatic flourish, you might as well make a meme out of it and start calling the area an “autonomous zone.”
The atmosphere in the neighborhood jumped straight to “warzone” out of nowhere, and when the cops left it jumped back from “warzone” to “picnic,” and lots of people who didn’t know or care before are now going into fractal self-stimulating bullshit loops, inventing dystopias or utopias extrapolated from badly sourced rumors about the picnic, arguing with each others’ extrapolations.  It’s a picnic.  In a park you can walk across in three minutes, and that’s the long side.
Meanwhile, I’d guess the CHAZ people are happy they can finally relax, just like the rest of us, and also happy that they’re winning at least the local hearts and minds -- although, given opponents so perversely talented at seeming both evil and buffoonish, it world be pretty hard to lose the local hearts and minds.
This is a weird kind of “bona fides” to cite, in this or any context, but I’m not an activist, and I’m not usually someone who engages with local politics to the extent I’m doing here.  If all of the above sounds extreme and even cartoonish, that isn’t because I have an agenda to push, and would push it anywhere, and just happen to be pushing it here. 
It’s because this situation is just like that.  I cite a ton of sources in this post, and of course that’s mostly because I want you to know the information contained in them.  But I also want to convey to you that, yeah, this really is what reading Seattle news is like these days.  If it seems one-sided and cartoonish and blackly comic, that’s because the news and the stuff you experience day to day is one-sided and cartoonish and blackly comic.  Not all situations are like that, but this one is, and it would take a contrarian read on the news to tell any other kind of story.
The concept of ~the Zone~ appeared in the context of this fast-moving situation.  It only makes sense if you know basic things like “the cops suddenly decided to leave, without warning, one day as the next step in their sequence of erratic moves.”
Once you know that, you can understand how crowing about the space they left as an “autonomous zone” could be a funny and cool move, if not necessarily a radical or even important move.  If the police are reacting to you by dramatically storming away from a precinct, and your whole deal is that you think communities can police themselves on their own, you might as well say “yeah, it’s ours now, time to show we can do without you.”
This was clearly not where they expected this to go, and it’s arguably even a distraction from the broader issue of police brutality, which exists all over the place for all kinds of reasons that are not nearly as fun to talk about as ~the Zone~.  I don’t know where it’s going to go.  Maybe it will become less of a goofy LARP strapped onto an existing protest movement and more like an actual independent “zone” with its own rules and ways, I dunno, anything could happen.
Meanwhile, George Floyd is still dead, no one knows what the Seattle Police Department is thinking, the mayor may well resign or get recalled, the police are definitely getting defunded and the only question is what exactly that means, and Seattle as a whole is definitely going to change as a result -- remember, Seattle is ~4 million people, not six city blocks, and includes numerous huge businesses including one called “Amazon” which you may have heard of.  The mayor and cops have just made a stirring case against themselves, in a self-destructive performance which would seem like amateurish satire if it had appeared in fiction.
Big stuff is happening, and it’s going to keep happening, and if we have to keep shooing people away from “the supply level of the food cart that people are wheeling around a tiny park and whether it speaks to the horrors of the Hobbesian State of Nature,” and toward shit that anyone -- including the people wheeling around the food truck -- actually cares about, over and over again, it’s going to get old fast.  But we don’t have to do that, and I have hope that we won’t.
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fatehbaz · 5 years ago
The time I met the nicest snapping turtle and the most furious softshell turtle. I was a child. I was forced to go visit some far-removed extended “family,” the kind of passive-aggressive and authoritarian people who took in a distant cousin for a weekend and treated you like an obnoxious dog or something, people who I was only slightly familiar with, which made me uncomfortable. “Family” not being something that I ever consistently had access to, “family” not a concept I was (or am, honestly) used to, “family” being something I only knew less of as time passed. They had a job which they were contracted to do that day. They brought me to a decaying industrial site in northern Appalachia, a paragon of Rust Belt gothic, to clean out the junk from a riverside lot that was scheduled to be redeveloped. My impression:
It felt like that stereotypical scene of pulp Americana, where a middle-aged man sits in a construction job-site trailer, flies buzzing, an old outdated fan from the 1970s unhelpfully churning warm air, and he, face half-obscured in shadow, hires a bunch of 19-year-olds to go to a post-industrial site to “take care of things.” Despite it still being morning, everyone is sweating, nobody is happy. A developer, dealing under the table in cash only, who despite owning several private properties is somehow always on the verge of bankruptcies and calls you from a landline after midnight on Tuesday night to offer you $150 to spend the next morning chugging gas station coffee before clandestinely salvaging some rusted metal from an overgrown property he may or may not actually own.
You wouldn’t know how far you were from Morgantown, Pittsburgh, or Zanesville because of the nature of the hills, hills everywhere, always obscuring the horizon, and the density of western Appalachian slopes’ deep green foilage drunk on late spring rain. I was the youngest person present, like a fragile goofy dainty pre-teen stowaway, barely tolerated on their Gruff-and-Serious Mission to tromp through the stagnating mud to reclaim bent rusted metal in the oppressive humidity. Pungent vernal pools. Too many toads and frogs to count. And in the flooded oxbows, and where the rain puddles collected in gravel, there were two turtles, and both of them were tiny little babies that could fit in the palm of your hand. One was a snapping turtle, the other a spiny softshell.
I almost saw this as a spiritual experience, because: (1) I actually lived far away, nowhere near this kind of humidity, where there were much fewer reptiles and amphibians, in a region at the extreme range limits of both of these turtles, where these turtles were rare. Acres and acres of degraded cattle rangeland or barley monoculture. Not very friendly to streams. There was also yucca-covered badlands, shortgrass prairie, sagebrush steppe. Friendlier to reptiles generally, but not generous in providing streams for the turtles. However, if circumstances aligned, and you paid attention to the humidity and the insects and the goings-on of the prairie, you might be lucky enough to sometimes see a snapping turtle or spiny softshell in little stock ponds and vernal pools in the “wide-open” prairie. They were like harbingers of ... something special, I guess.
And it was also a “spiritual” experience because (2) they were my two favorite North American turtles, at least at that time, partially because they both had interesting distribution ranges on the edge of their range, and I often went out looking but could rarely find them, so the auspiciousness of seeing both species together was cool.
And both turtles are so unique. The snapping turtle is like a dragon or dinosaur, full of personality and charisma. The serrated shell, the rough skin, the mass of muscle escaping bursting out and escaping the shell’s confines, the long dragon-like, almost-horned tail. And spiny softshells are almost alien. The dramatically long neck, the unique flat pancake shell, the leathery soft texture of the shell, they’re highly aquatic even for a turtle, etc. Softshells can sit at the bottom of a river, and extend their neck up to the water’s surface, so that they can breath, like a submarine’s periscope. And they’re very skittish, very fast when you encounter them and they retreat, just a blur, like an apparition.
So these, like, dudes in their twenties, seeing me watch the turtles, they all wanted to either (1) take the turtles home as “pets,” or (2) kill and eat them. (!!! But don’t worry, everything was fine, I eventually convinced them to save the turtles, to re-release at the river nearby.) But for a while, these people placed both turtles together, each in a pail with some water, the pails side by side.
You know how snapping turtles have a reputation for being fiery, grumpy, dangerous to handle?
This little snapping turtle was - to this day, still - the most passive and pleasant turtle I’ve ever encountered. Just completely calm and charming. I swear she was smiling. The dudes “babysitting” me were insisting on handling the snapping turtle to demonstrate their fearlessness or some other bullshit. I don’t like handling reptiles and amphibians unless its necessary for their own safety (remove them from the road or residential yard, transplant amphibians from a dangerously drying vernal pool, transplant a rattlesnake to somewhere it won’t be killed, etc.). But this time, to keep these dudes from harassing the snapping turtle, I was the one who would take it, and place it back into the wet pail after each of these guys had Proved Their Courage or whatever. This snapping turtle, not once did it appear agitated or aggressive. Nervous and uncomfortable with the harassment? Yes, but not a violent turtle.
But the softshell? Violent turtle. In the best way. The two turtles were polar opposites.
To this day, that was the angriest turtle I ever met. Hissing, clawing, wriggling, biting. I was 110% vibing with this softshell, because I shared its righteous fury. This turtle didn’t want to be harassed by these guys, treated like garbage. I myself was not enjoying being teased and harassed by these guys. They had spent their down-time that day fishing for and arbitrarily/sadistically killing carp and catfish to toss to the crows.
The softshell, the snapper, and I, all hostages.
To this day, I still love these two “alien” turtle species.
The turtles ended up being transplanted somewhere safer. So did I, when I returned “home.” The turtles lived. So did I, I guess.
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roanniom · 4 years ago
Happy Friday Issa! Today I am thinking about Paterson, and what it would be like to end up on his bus one day by happenstance. It would be impossible not be smitten at first sight. I can't stop picturing the way his eyes would just bore into ours when he catches us staring in the rearview mirror. The blush that spreads over him would be just unreal. 😍🥺💜 Thanks so much for sharing nyour imagines with us!
Lovely Claire, as you know I’ve been excited to get to this one. Partly because I love Pat with all my heart and partly because I looked forward to bringing such a beautiful idea to life in that calm Paterson style. I hope you like this little story <3
Three Stops, Five Regulars, and You
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Word Count: 2,152
Warnings: Really just sweetness, the slightest angst from ~yearning~
Paterson drives the same route every day. He knows the people who get on, where they board, and where they disembark. The sweet old lady who gets her groceries at the corner store on Tuesdays. The recent emigrant from Nigeria who sits in the front and practices English with the local florist as they both commute to different jobs in the same strip mall. The high school baseball player who acts rowdy in the back of the bus with his teammates until the teammates get off on Maple Street and he remains on for eight more stops, always moving to sit shyly with a girl Paterson has gathered to be the boy’s old English tutor.
But never you.
When Paterson opens his folding doors and you walk in, he is immediately struck by your newness. The way the planes of your face reflect no familiarity back onto him unsettles Paterson as you pass him by to take your seat a few rows down. He inhales the scent that wafts in your wake, trying to place it but, as with your features, he draws a blank. Freesia? Gardenia? Paterson blinks at the expanse of windshield before him in an attempt to ground himself in the here and now.
It’s a Friday afternoon, almost early evening.
He’s on 5th and Potomac.
Three more stops till he’s done with his shift.
Done to go home to a microwaved meal and a comfortable couch.
Five more regulars to get to their destination.
And you.
Paterson looks up then into the rearview mirror only to meet those unfamiliar eyes. Beautiful eyes, he registers somewhere in the back of his short-circuiting brain. Eyes that take him in through the mirror. Appraising him. He wonders what they see in him, these eyes that can’t possibly know him any more than his know you.
“Hey Pat, we outta gas or something, buddy?”
The good-natured tease comes from Ollie, the auto mechanic, sitting in his usual seat in row six. This does nothing to stop Paterson from jumping a foot into the air and muttering his apologies before clunking the bus into gear.
It takes Paterson several minutes of silent driving before he works up the courage to glance at the rearview mirror again. He argues with himself internally before he does so.
You’re probably not even looking anymore. No, it’s much more likely you’ve become engaged in polite conversation with another passenger or pulled out a book or lost yourself looking out the window, taking in the outside world with those beautiful eyes…
Or, less likely but much more anxiety-inducing, you could still be looking. Looking at the lanky bus driver with the goofy ears who stared like an idiot instead of doing his job. He kicks himself at the thought of the way he’d gaped at you. Openly and so out of character.
What he should have done was averted his eyes when you’d entered, waited a respectable amount of time, and then peered back a few times to catch a glimpse. He could have taken in the curve of your jaw, the arch of your brow, the turn of your nose, all without detection from the comfortable anonymity of the driver’s seat. Gone home and written a poem or two about the ethereal creature who’d gotten lost and found herself on his bus route, a sprite or a fairy who would disappear tomorrow like some Freesia-scented vapor, perhaps never really there to start.
But no. He’d looked. And you’d looked.
And now he looks again.
His eyes dart back to the road immediately and his pulse races.
You were looking.
Paterson takes a few deep breaths and minds a stop sign before he hazards a glance again.
Yes. Still looking.
But this time he notices the smile on your face. The lips he hadn’t noticed, being so far below your eyes as they were, your eyes which had been just about as far as he had gotten to this point. The smile is soft but amused. Your hand lifts up in a small wave and Paterson feels himself heat up all the way down to his sensible shoes. His ears burn and he brings his eyes back to the road by force of habit and in order to do his job of steering this bus full of people but for absolutely no other reason. Because now he has two different things that require his attention – your eyes and your lips. Both deserving of equal consideration.
When his eyes revisit the road he realizes the next stop is upon him. When the bus pulls to a halt and deflates down steadily to allow passengers to climb out, Pat counts the seconds with his heartbeat. Wondering if this is your stop. Knowing which stop it is for all other riders but you. Knowing Mr. McKinney will get off to see his nephew and that the kind goth boy whose name he doesn’t know is off to the library with music blaring in his ears. Paterson nods to each of them as they pass, but does not look up to see them, opting instead to stare straight ahead.
When his peripheral vision doesn’t show him your retreating figure Paterson looks up to find you still in your seat, this time sitting lower. More comfortable. But still looking. Still smiling.
Involuntarily, Paterson feels a smile spread across his own face. He closes the folding doors and shifts back into gear.
Two more stops and three more passengers.
And you.
As Paterson navigates his way into the middle lane to avoid construction, he tries to settle his racing thoughts. He’s confused by this reaction, mental, physical and otherwise. It’s not like he’s never had a pretty passenger before.
So why does your face look like nobody he’s ever seen but everything he’s ever looked for?
“What’s your favorite thing about being a bus driver?”
Paterson inhales sharply and he jerks his head around at the unfamiliar voice to see that you are now sitting in the seat directly behind him. Your smile larger than ever.
Paterson swallows thickly, searching for the first words best to say to you.
“Passengers shouldn’t move about while we’re in motion.”
Wrong words.
“So is it that? The authority?” you joke, your smile becoming more lopsided, Paterson’s thankful to be able to see. Even with you right behind him he can still see you in the rearview mirror.
“No! No I didn’t mean to…I mean it’s really not that big…we’re only going 30 –” Paterson’s stuttering is cut off by your laugh.
“Ok if not that then what is it?”
“Um, what is what?” Paterson asks, looking back up after yielding to a bicyclist.
“What’s your favorite thing about being a bus driver?”
“Oh.” Paterson looks back at the road.
He’s never really thought of it. Mainly because nobody had ever asked it before, so he hadn’t bothered to ask it of himself. But it only takes another second of thought before he has his answer.
“It’s a weird limbo.”
“Come again?” Judging by your expression this was clearly not an answer you’d anticipated.
“Being a bus driver you are part of people’s daily lives. You go with them to work, you take them home after a long day. You see them with their friends and family. Or alone.”
“I’m alone,” you point out with a nod. It’s a simple statement, as if corroborating his assessment. Paterson grins and nods.
“Exactly, you’re alone. It’s very personal, in a way. Being there for these moments in between where they are coming from and where they’re going.”
“Intimate?” you offer. Paterson feels his throat go dry as he nods again.
“Yes. Intimate.”
“But you called it limbo?”
“Well it might be intimate, but it’s from a distance. A bus driver is only a small part of someone’s day, but my passengers are my day.”
“Oh,” you exclaim, voice softer than before. “I guess I never thought about it that way.”
The next stop, the penultimate one, comes into view and Paterson eases to bus to halt. A single mother known for jogging around the park in the evenings bids Paterson good night and Ollie claps him on the back as he heads out for dinner with his kids. Upon their exit, Paterson’s eyes seek out yours in the mirror once more. Wondering again if this is the place where you get off.
You lean against the back of your chair. Still very much seated.
Still very much a passenger.
It is then, as Paterson closes the folding doors once more, that he realizes the rest of the bus is empty. This startles him, as usually there is one more regular on the bus for this last upcoming stop. A man, very quiet and not unlike himself. Though Paterson doesn’t know much about him, he’s always wondered just how similar they are. Wondered if the man who enters a residential complex across the street from this last stop also has an empty apartment waiting from him. A lukewarm meal and a cold bed.
Paterson spares a moment to wonder where the man is, feeling a tinge of hope burn through the usual pity – perhaps the man is not alone, wherever he is, and perhaps tonight his dinner will be hot.
The folding doors hiss as they close for the second to last time tonight and Paterson pulls back into traffic. A glance in the rearview mirror reminds him that, not only are you still there, but that the absence of his final regular means that you two are very much alone.
The thought makes blood pound in his ears and he finds his eyes darting between the road and the mirror, not wanting to miss a second of whatever you may do, whatever you may say.
And you don’t make him wait long.
“That man called you Pat earlier,” you say in that lilting voice. “Is your name Patrick?”
“Paterson.” He says it wearily, bracing himself for the inevitable exclamation sure to come about how his name couldn’t possibly be what he says it is because no, that’s the name of the town.
Instead he sees you nod in the mirror as if this is the most rational name he could have given. Of course his name is Paterson.
The silence that follows is heavy with a lot of things, chief among them the things he wishes he could bring himself to say. Questions mainly, ones to counter the questions you’ve lobbed at him. After a block passes he opts for a simple one.
“What do you like best about being a bus passenger?” The question is timid and he hates himself for it, but the sound of your laugh is an pleasantly unexpected reward.
“I like the bus drivers.”
Paterson laughs with you then.
“Now you’re making fun of me.”
“No, I’m not!” you say with mock offense. Paterson flexes his fingers on the steering wheel, starting to feel them tingle. Probably a symptom of a long day of driving.
Or a symptom of you.
“Ok maybe you’re not making fun of me, but there’s no way that’s your answer.”
“You’re right, maybe it’s not the bus drivers,” you say then, leaning forward to rest your chin on your arms as they fold on top of the ledge separating the first row from the driver’s seat. Paterson can practically hear your breath as you speak your next words. “Maybe I just like you.”
If Paterson hadn’t already been pulling up to the final stop he’s pretty sure he would have slammed on the breaks. When the bus eases into motionlessness, Paterson’s hand automatically opens the folding doors, something he probably wouldn’t have thought to do if the action wasn’t so tied to muscle memory at this point.
Paterson’s mind is reeling. He needs to ask you out, or at least as you your name.
But his tongue is tied and you’re standing up and reaching for your bag.
You step down the one step that brings you to the level of the driver’s seat and he gets another good look at you, eyes skittering up and down in a vain attempt to take in every detail incase this was both his first and last chance.
“Good night!” you say cheerily as you move to the door.
Paterson’s heart is sinking faster than the hydraulics on his bus when suddenly you turn around once more, almost as an after thought.
“Oh and Paterson? You were my day.”
And with that you step into the night.
Perhaps to continued tangibility.
Perhaps to vaporize into thin air.
He’s not sure which possibility scares him more.
Paterson allows himself to sit still for a few more moments, not bothering to close the folding doors so quickly this time. Allowing the cool air to flow in. Air that contains the remnants, and potential, of you.
Tagging some lovely people (please let me know if you’d like to be tagged or untagged in future work!) @mariesackler @direnightshade @safarigirlsp @sacklerscumrag @paper-in-ashes-fanfiction @historyandfandoms50 @clydesfavoritegirl @wayward-rose @hopeamarsu @thegreenmatt @barbers-glimmerin-darlin @finn-ray-nal-beads @fizzywoohoo @maybe-your-left @aliveandlonely @han-not-solo @morby @emeraldsiren20 @maryforyou @aloneandsleepless @jynzandtonic @renmaulxo
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bigskydreaming · 5 years ago
So this is definitely one of my least favorite things to do, because there’s so many people on here that need help, but if anyone has a couple bucks or a five they can spare, that would be an enormous help to me today. 
For those that know my situation, as far as I know, everything is still on track for me to have the lets-pull-all-twenty-eight - of-your-remaining-teeth-at-once-it’ll-be-fun! surgery on Tuesday. I’m reeeeally looking forward to it, and also the Month of Living Without Any Teeth At All while I heal and they figure out the fittings and everything for my bionic teeth or whatever. Everything about it sounds swell. Can’t wait, it’ll be great.
SO. The plan is for me to take the bus out to the desert on Monday afternoon, reenact some of the best scenes from Saw on Tuesday morning while under hopefully heavy sedation, with fingers and toes crossed that these doctors actually listen to me for once about my ridiculous metabolism making most anesthetics wear off super fast. Because. Ugh. Doctors literally never believe me about that which has led to some pretty not cool experiences in the past, but none of those experiences have been yanking out every one of my teeth by the root all in one go, soooooooo, if ever there was a time for them to think maybe I actually know what I’m talking about and make adjustments for that, I’m pretty sure I want this to be that time. 
Thanks to my keen intuition, I have predicted that this whole process is something I probably want to be deeply unconscious for, and during, and tbh, maybe a week or so after that too. But like, I’ll mostly settle for just not waking up when they’re only actually on tooth eight, you know?
If I seem like I’m babbling cuz I’m nervous, its probably cuz I’m babbling cuz I’m nervous. I’m so not kidding about unpleasant experiences with anesthetics in the past, so while this wasn’t actually my reason for making this post, while I’m thinking about it, if anyone wants to also maybe shoot a quick prayer-tweet over to whomever you might personally @ with that kind of thing, I would be super grateful for anything of that nature, like something along the lines of “Dear Merciful Higher Power/Universe/etc, if there’s any way you could see to it that Kalen spends most of Tuesday knocked the fuck out, that would be awesome, thanks!”
Its just, I’m kinda over being in excruciating pain all day every day, like, I gave it a shot, just don’t think its for me, I’m afraid I just don’t have what it takes to be a hardcore raging masochist or whatever, so I’m just really not looking to set any new personal pain records next week if at all possible.
ANYWAY, requests for spamming higher powers on my behalf aside, the other reason for this post is I only have $3 in my bank account and an appointment this afternoon whose co-pay is going to be $50. But I can NOT miss this appointment, its super critical. See, so, the other thing is, my jaw has decided its reached the point where it just doesn’t want to close at all anymore, so I’ve gone from only eating once a day to only eating no times a day, and since I’ve already lost an absurd amount of weight and muscle mass over the last two years because of all this shit, they’ve put me on a regimen of regular IV intakes or whatever that’s called, just to like....get the nutrients I need into me somehow, y’know?  
And especially with the surgery coming up on Tuesday, and my immune system all shot to hell and my various other Vitally Important By-Products of Eating Food levels are low enough to have my doctor using mostly just four letter words when reviewing my latest labs, they’re literally trying to pump me full of as much of the various Nutrients And Other Stuff IVs as they safely can between now and then. And as much as I’ve been pretty much going 24/7 trying to stay afloat with all of this, I just...did NOT budget for needing to be hooked up to an IV every other day because my fucking jaw picked now to level up on being an asshole and like, physically will not cooperate with my attempts to survive on cheap $5 a day meals. 
So instead this week its been $50 co-pays every other day, because apparently when your body for whatever reason literally can’t take in the cheap 7-11 snacks and Happy Meals you usually live off of because That’s How Being Poor Works, it makes total sense that the one and only alternative for keeping your body fueled is to go to this little clinic place that hooks you up like you’re at a gas station, except you’re some kinda pretentious European model that won’t accept any less than the top dollar diesel, because I guess even Bags of Nutrient Water gotta somehow manage to be name brand shit, because yay capitalism. Everything about it is just so efficient and logical and works so well, especially if you’re part of the 99%.
Anyway I’m TRULY sorry I’m all over the place with this, I haven’t taken my ADHD meds because swallowing is the Devil’s Work right now, and also I haven’t had my daily Bag of Nutrient Water yet so my brain is like no I will not be cooperating. To sum up, once I get to next week I’m all set, everything’s in place for the surgery, insurance, I have a place to recuperate, I even already have my bus ticket for Monday purchased, my specific monetary issue right now is I am literally down to my last $3, I am currently physically unable to chew my way through a full meal, so I’m literally just paying co-pays of $50 every other day to spend 45 minutes sitting in a chair while my body sucks life-sustaining nutrient water through a needle. 
That might actually be the most ridiculous thing I’ve ever said or heard said and yet its factually 100% true. Our world is so fucking bonkers, jfc.
Literally ANY help getting me to today’s appointment, would be amazing, and then I have one scheduled for Monday morning before I leave, if I can find a way to make that too. And tbh I don’t actually know if one is even an option for tomorrow yet because the clinic I’ve been going to so far isn’t open tomorrow and I’ve yet to hear back if my doctor found somewhere else to send me that I can actually get to. So who the fuck even knows.
So yeah, sorry for making you ping-pong your way through that mess, this is my brain on Empty, like I said, I haven’t had my Bag of Water yet today. But any help is appreciated, whether reblogs, donations or good-thought-tweets for me on Tuesday. I’m a big fan of any of the above. Even $2 or $5 gets me closer to what I need, and if you can’t spare anything or have already sent or are sending what you can spare to another donation post, I totally and completely understand. And again, even just....good thoughts for Tuesday would be awesome, and certainly can’t hurt. I’m not like, worried about the surgery or whatever, its pretty simple, its more just....extensive. And my only real hope or want for it is just keeping the Ow factor as limited as it can possibly be. Whether that’s from the doctors coming through with a good strong hit of the goofy juice or some higher power telling all my nerve endings to take a sick day or just sit this one out, I am so open to either or anything in between or even coming out of left field.
And now I’m done. Thank you. You’re all rockstars, or insert your genre of choice. In conclusion, capitalism sucks, eat the rich, and buy a  bi a bag of water today please. I’m pretty sure there’s a T-shirt slogan in there somewhere, but fuck if I can pin it down.If anyone else does, hey, go nuts with it. I’m literally a bi guy who needs to buy bags of nutrient water every other day right now. That’s so fucking dumb, someone’s gotta be able to milk some mileage out of it.
My Paypal:
Or if that link doesn’t work, try this one instead:
My Ko-fi page: https://ko-fi.com/kalenp
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alex-guerin · 4 years ago
So, I know I'm not around much, have fallen into that realm of obscurity where people think they remember who I am, but they aren't sure, and why did they follow me again? Anyway, I just wanted to share something with someone, and figured the void that has become this blog would do.
At some point in the last month or so I managed to screw my finances up so bad that when I checked my account on Tuesday (after being told my card was declined for "insufficient funds"), I had a whole $92 to my name. Needless to say, I have been in a state of shock and dismay and utterly distraught the last few days. Trying, TRYING, to figure out where I fucked up, HOW I fucked up, and how I am possibly going to come out of this on top. Because, I'll be very honest, I am incredibly low right now and it's hard to see a way out.
Wednesday morning though, I woke up to a text message from my old work bestie who I haven't spoken to since December and miss terribly; along with a random goofy text from my university bestie; and finally one from @my-name-is-not-agent. None of the three knew of my issues, of how badly I needed someone, how hopeless I was feeling. Yet all three texted me and just seeing their texts made me feel a bit better. Later that day at work, one of the 1st shift guys who works in maintenance came up to me while I was on my forklift and set one 6in Ham and Cheese sub and one foot long Italian sub down on my truck and told me the sandwiches had gotten put out earlier for people to grab. Didn't say anything else, just turned and headed off to clock out for the day. I nearly started crying on my forklift. I'd only brought a little something for lunch and nothing for either of my breaks. Then all of the sudden Grant appeared with two sandwiches for me.
Today (Thursday), something similar happened. I was on my last break, had a bottle of ice tea in one hand and a cupcake in the other, trying to decide if I should spend the money on them, money that I really probably don't have. All of the sudden a pair of hands came into my vision, took both from me, and set them down with a package of pizza rolls. The guy who used to move trailers for me and be in charge of the truck lot, back when I was still on 1st shift freezer/cooler receiving, had come up and bought my stuff for me. Cue me nearly bursting into tears again (especially since he grabbed the last cupcake and bought that for me, too).
And on top of this, I was told today that company wide, everyone was getting a raise. Though no one would say how much because "numbers were still being crunched" but when I talked to a coworker who has family that works in corporate, he said it's going to be $3 for everyone. If that's the case, if that's true, I'll be making $20.39/hr. Which means...I'll have a way out. I just don't know how soon this raise is supposed to happen. I hope soon, because it is truly a terrifying place not knowing if I'll be able to make my next rent payment or where the money for food and gas is going to come from, if I have enough food stashed around my place to last me a week of lunches, at least. I can survive without breakfast or supper, but I need lunch at work.
I don't much believe in the teachings my Catholic upbringing taught, but I do believe in angels and Guardian Angels and I think I can safely say, mine has been doing overtime the last few days to keep me from getting too low, and help me keep my head above the dark and churning waters of my self-destructive thoughts.
Anyway...I just...wanted to put this out there, if nothing else so that I can come back to it and read it again when things start looking hopeless again.
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