#mitzi fabelman x y/n
danosrosegarden · 4 months
Glitz for Mitzi Fablemen maybe fem reader and it’s post divorce
silly girl - mitzi fabelman x fem!reader headcanons (NSFW)
elijah's anniversary celebration: post two!
✨ glitz prompt: give me a character, and i will write a nsfw piece for them. ✨
{contains: a lesbian relationship in place of bennie's existence lol, fluffy backstory, and descriptions of oral sex (fem receiving).}
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♡ Mitzi's ready for a fresh start all around. She's got a brand new, sparkling city to live in, she's got her girls by her side, and she's got a very special lady to fawn over. At her age and with her life experiences, she thought she was far past the point of schoolgirl blushing and drawing glitter gel pen hearts around a name, but here she was, doing just that each time you popped into her head.
♡ It was such an unexpected whirlwind, your relationship. Mitzi wasn't out looking for anything after the dark thunderclouds of her divorce soaked through her skin and broke her hope up into little jagged pieces. But into her life you came, the adorable waitress at her new favorite diner. You were so full of life. So bright-eyed. Joyous zest glimmered on the pads of your fingers and glistened on everything you touched. You reminded Mitzi quite a bit of the clear-skied life she saw when she was with Burt. But no...she couldn't be falling in love again this quick, could she? That would be ridiculous.
♡ Yet she couldn't help it. Damn what everybody else thought, you were enchanting. Mitzi would be lying if she said she didn't feel conflicted. She'd never even considered these feelings towards a woman before. But love just finds its way, doesn't it? she thought with a grin as you refilled her water glass.
♡ The months following were as big of an untamed, whipping windstorm as the feelings that cascaded through her mind when she first laid eyes on you. She wrote you long letters. You took her on daytrips. She played you gorgeous pieces on the piano. You tried to replicate her playing and you two snort-laughed together when you failed miserably. If she wasn't sure of it before, she sure was now...she was hopelessly lost in the velvety fabric of love.
♡ She hadn't felt so anxious in quite a long time than she did right now, writing a neat, heartfelt letter confessing her feelings towards you. She hoped with all the power within her that you wouldn't think her something horrible or strange. She hoped that if you didn't reciprocate, she could at least still hold your friendship close and dear. She hoped.
♡ Mitzi watches a wide smile spread across your face as she presents the letter to you and lets you read it one afternoon during a daytrip to the park. A crashing wave of relief engulfs her from head to toe as you envelope her into a warm, tight hug.
♡ "I thought you would never feel the same, darling," you whisper to her as the wind whispers through the bright green grass.
♡ You decide against labels or pressure. There are no expectations when you're with Mitzi Fabelman. You can just be.
♡ And the same goes for the soft intimacy you share with her in the dim, moonlight soaked haven of your bedroom. You're able to laugh it off when your teeth accidentally clack together as you kiss her deeply. It's effortless, feeling at ease with her as your hands brush against each other and her long, sparkling fingernails unbutton your top.
♡ You're physically naked, that's clear, but you also feel emotionally peeled. Like a raw, bleeding heart as Mitzi plants kisses on your bare chest. You shiver at the sensations, and you feel her mouth curve into a soft smile on your skin.
♡ You feel dizzy with adoration as you watch her head dip to reach towards your aching cunt. Her tongue's silky swirls are gentle, but your hips still buck and your toes still curl. Your body tingles with television static yearning as she rubs her hand against your soft thigh. Her tender pets on your skin and devoted suckling at your clit makes you want to cry.
♡ You feel a tight knot cord itself up within your gut as Mitzi's lapping picks up speed. Your hands find themselves in her hair, tugging ever so lightly and causing a playful squeak to skirt out from her mouth. You wished you could stay here with her like this forever, your bodies wrapped up together. The blanket of infatuation, the aura of affection. You could live off of this high forever.
♡ Mitzi thought she was silly for what she felt. You were molded so perfectly that you had to be unattainable. And maybe she was. Maybe she was just a lovesick fool. But here and now, her skin crackling with the warmth of this special trust and bonding, there was no role she'd rather play than the silly, silly woman who had fallen so hard for you.
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Sam Fabelman x Male Reader
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A/N: So after getting my hands on this movie on 4K, it’s finally time to tackle this thing. This takes place a little while into Sam and his family moving to Cali, before the whole monkey thing-. As we all know, Sam is really bad at school so you are tasked with tutoring him. I apologize if there’s any grammatical errors. This one’s for you @danny-boy27 
TW: none (I think-)
He/Him/His pronouns used for the reader insert.
Y/N woke up tired, like really tired. He had stayed up last night studying for a chemistry quiz and his brain was still fried. It took all his energy to get up and get ready for school. Once he got ready he trudged his way to school still on the precipice between being awake and falling asleep. He made it to his math class and was on his way to his seat before his teacher called him.
“Hey, Y/N.”
Y/N turned around and walked up to the teachers desk.
“Yes sir?”
“Hey, so, you know Sam Fabelman right?” The teacher asked.
Y/N nodded even though he never had any interactions with Sam, Y/N only knew him as the new kid.
“Would you mind tutoring him?”
Again, Y/N was tired so it took him a minute to respond.
“I, uh, yeah sure- I wouldn’t mind.”
“Ok great!” The teacher said with a big smile on his face.
Y/N just nodded and went to his seat.
Once Sam had made it into the classroom the teacher told him about the tutoring situation and Y/N supposed that the teacher had also told Sam to sit next to him since Sam was making his way to the seat next to Y/N. Sam sat down and timidly turned to look at Y/N.
“Hey, I’m sorry that you have to tutor me.” Sam said as he rubbed the back of his neck.
“Don’t worry, it’s fine.” Y/N said with a reassuring smile.
“I’m Sam Fabelman, even though you probably already knew that.” Sam said, holding out his hand with an awkward chuckle.
“I’m Y/N L/N.” Y/N said as he shook Sam’s Hand.
After school Y/N followed Sam to his house so they could begin their tutoring session. By the way Y/N got a 100 on his Chemistry quiz so he was very happy.
“Soooo, Sam, where are you from?” Y/N asked, trying to start up a conversation.
“Well, I'm originally from New Jersey, but we moved to Arizona after a couple of years.” Sam responded.
“That’s cool.” Y/N said looking up at the sky.
“So how was Arizona?” Y/N asked.
“Hot.” Sam said bluntly.
The two shared a laugh over that response.
“Did you do anything interesting in Arizona?” Y/N asked after the laughter died down.
“I, uh, made movies. Little short films.” Sam responded.
“That’s cool!” Y/N said, genuinely interested, “Have you made any more recently?”
 “Uh, no, I haven’t touched my camera in months.” Sam said, a tad bit sad.
“Ah, what were your films made in Arizona like?”
“Well, the first one I made was a western about a sheriff going after some criminals, and the second one was a war film about World War 2.” Sam said with a smile.
“Wow…do you still have them?” Y/N asked.
“Yeah, probably somewhere in my room.”
“Do ya think you could show me them? After we’re done studying of course” Y/N asked.
“Uh, well, sure! But they’d be without music since I don’t have the record anymore.” Sam said.
“That’s fine.” Y/N said with a smile.
“This is it.” Sam said, pointing at a house that the two were now in-front of.
“Wow, this is a big house-“ Y/N said as he admired it.
“Thanks… I guess” Sam said, unsure if that was the right way to respond to that statement.
Sam opened the door to the house and the two walked in.
“Do you want to, uh, meet my mom?”
“Yeah sure.” Y/N said as the two walked into the kitchen.
“Mom?” Sam called as he entered the kitchen.
“Oh hey sweetie. Oh, whose this?” Mitzi asked, looking at Y/N.
“This is Y/N and he’s here to tutor me.” Sam said, slightly embarrassed admitting that he had to be tutored.
“Well it’s nice to meet you, Y/N.” Mitzi said with a smile as she shook Y/N’s hand.
“And it’s nice to meet you Mrs. Fabelman.” Y/N said with a smile.
“Please, call me Mitzi! And it’s great that you're tutoring Sammy, he definitely needs it.”
“Mom!” Sam groaned, embarrassed.
"Alright, alright, you boys go do your thing, I'll be here being busy." Mitzi said as she grabbed some pots and pans from the drawer.
 “Alright , we’ll be in my room.” Sam said as he walked to his room, Y/N close behind him.
 Once the two made it to Sam’s room the two plopped their textbooks on Sam’s bed. 
 “Alright so, let's begin.” Y/N said, picking up his math textbook.
 “This makes no seeeennsssee!” Sam groaned, pulling his hair.
 Y/N smirked, “I know, I struggled, hard, with this stuff last year too.”
 “I doubt that, you’re like the smartest dude at school.” Sam said, falling onto his bed, defeated.
 “Come on Fabelman cheer up I’ve got faith in you, and we’re almost done with what we’re supposed to go over anyways” Y/N said with a reassuring smile.
 Sam got up and sighed, “Alright.”
 After an hour the two were finally finished and they were tired. 
 “Do you still want to watch the movies?” Sam asked
 Y/N smiled, “Sure.”
 Sam got up from his bed, opened a drawer and pulled out two small cans of film. 
 “This might sound weird but we’re going to have to move into the closet. It's the only place without light.
 “Yeah sure, that’s fine.” Y/N said, getting up from the bed.
 Sam reached under his bed and pulled out a box. He opened it and pulled out a camera. The two boys moved into the closet.
 “Dang, it’s dark in here-” Y/N said looking around.
 “Yeah, sorry, I just need to set this up real quick.” Sam said, genuinely embarrassed.
 “Don’t worry, take your time.” Y/N said.
 After a minute of darkness an image appeared on the wall.
 “Alright, aaannnddd action.” Sam said with a chuckle. Y/N laughed before putting his full attention on the image in front of him.
 Sam looked at Y/N’s face so he could see his reaction to the film but after a couple of minutes it wasn’t just to see his reaction anymore. Sam started noticing how good Y/N looked when he smiled, and how Sam got butterflies when Y/N smiled. Sam took in every detail of Y/N’s face, just in awe of how good he looked in this lighting, not even just in this lighting but just in general. Sam wished he could get a camera and film this so he could have this moment forever. Sam only came to when the film ended and Y/N looked right at him. Sam’s eyes widened and his face turned beat red. 
 “That was great Sam!” Y/N said with a smile.
 “I- uh, I- thanks.” Sam said, wiping his face, as if he could wipe the blush away, as he pulled off the can of film from the camera and put in the next one.  
 “You’re not even going to ask me what my favorite part was?” Y/N teased.
 “Oh, uh yeah. What was your favorite part?” Sam asked.
 “Probably the part where the sheriff was shooting the crooks, how did you do that effect with the shooting?” 
 “Oh, I poked holes into the film.” Sam said.
 “Wow, well I've got to tell you Sam, you might suck at math but you’re damn good at making movies.” Y/N said smiling and looking right into Sam’s eyes.
 Sam sighed trying to stop himself from blushing again, “Thanks.”
 “So are you going to show me the second one?’ Y/N asked , gesturing at the camera. 
 “I, uh, sure.” Sam said fumbling with the camera to get it to start projecting the movie. Once it finally did Sam didn’t look at Y/N anymore because he did not want to be a blushing mess again.
 “Damn, that ending-” Y/N said when the film was over. 
 Sam smiled, “So what was your favorite part,” “Hmmm, I think I loved all of it.” Y/N said with a chuckle.
 “I mean, just from those two, I can already imagine the billboards advertising your future movies with “Directed by Sam Fabeman” in big bold letters.” Y/N said gesturing the “billboards” with his hands.
 The two shared a laugh over that. 
 “Well I guess that's a wrap on our tutoring session.” Y/N said, getting up. 
 “Oh, um, yeah.” Sam said getting up as well and opening the closet. 
 The two stepped out and Y/N sighed.
 “Well I guess I’ll see you tomorrow Mr. Director.” Y/N said, making Sam chuckle and blush.
 “Yeah, thanks for your help.” Sam said with a smile.
 “Anytime.” Y/N said, smiling, as he walked out of Sam's room. 
 Sam let out a big sigh and collapsed onto his bed, his heart racing.
Yuuhhhh look at me finishing a fic 🤪🤪🤪🤪. I hope you guys enjoyed this and I just wanted to say that I am open to making a part two to this soooo if you’d like that, let me know. (But also know that I am very slow so a part 2 to this would probably take a while-)
Taglist: @danny-boy27
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danosrosegarden · 1 year
crazy for you (part one) - mitzi fabelman x fem!reader ⋆⁺₊⋆ ☾⋆⁺₊⋆
{contains: meet cute fluff!}
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Another shift at the diner, another evening of ache coursing through the balls of your feet and bitter exhaustion coating your veins. The checkered pattern of the shoe-scuffed floor of the diner had nearly been burned into the back of your brain. You saw the baby blue color that was splashed on the walls in the dark behind your eyes when you closed them at night. The smell of bitter coffee coated the skin inside of your nose.
Your work drained you. It was branded on your blood cells, sunk through into the deepest wrinkles of your mind. And it would all start again, bright and early, first thing tomorrow morning.
You rung out the waterlogged cleaning towel in the sink and wearily untied your apron when hell's bell's rung. That was what you and your coworkers called the door chime. And ten minutes before closing, at that.
"Welcome to LuLu's!" you called. "I'll be with you in a moment!"
You concocted a plastic smile and spread it across your face wide, trying to slow your fiercely racing heart pumping red-hot frustration.
The woman standing meekly in the doorframe was short, her brown eyes sparkling in the buzzing lights. A small, weary smile was spread across her blushing face.
"Are you closed?" she asked. "It's okay, I'll come back tomorrow."
Something inside of you flipped. "No, no, it's fine, you caught us just before closing," you said. "Can...can I get you something?"
The woman, dressed in overalls and a crisp white shirt, scoffed out a laugh and slunk down into a booth. "Just...just some water."
You walked to grab her a cup. You sensed something in her demeanor that was tired. Awfully tired, awfully caged in.
"Here. On the house."
Bags pulling at the skin under her eyes, the woman took the cup from your hand and gulped half of it down before taking a breath and finishing the rest.
You stood in front of the booth and watched the woman stare at the cup, shaking her head gently.
"Sit. Sit with me," she said softly.
You sat across from her.
"Is...is everything alright?"
She took a deep breath before answering. "I don't know anymore."
You nodded your head. It didn't matter that you'd just met the woman...you felt an odd sort of spirit tugging you towards her, urging you to say more.
"I'm sorry if this is weird," you felt yourself saying without the words even registering in your head, "but if everything's not alright, you seem to be holding it together pretty well."
The woman cocked a brow. "I'm sorry, I don't understand what you mean."
You cracked your knuckles anxiously. "I mean, come on, a person who's really falling apart couldn't maintain those bangs and nails. You're stunning, ma'am."
The woman laughed, unbridled and laced with a soft snort. "Oh, you're too kind."
It was your turn to raise an eyebrow at her. "You don't believe me?"
She stared out the fingerprint-smudged windowpane with a soft, wistful smile. "Well, I haven't exactly felt stunning in a while. Gosh, honey, you've made my evening."
You tried not to blush at the name she called you. It sounded like liquid candy being poured into your ear when she said it; thick and sugary sweet.
The woman stood from her seat, smoothing her hair. "Well, I won't keep you. You've probably got people at home waiting on you."
You chuckled. "Oh, no, it's just me."
"Just you?" She pointed to your left hand, where a band wrapped around the base of your ring finger.
"This is just decoration," you explained. "I...well, to be frank, I don't have much luck with men."
She smiled sweetly at you. Like she understood your frustrations. Like she knew your secret. "That's quite alright, honey."
Before she could open the door to leave, you called out to her. "E-excuse me, ma'am?"
She turned around, the swoops of her blonde hair flipping as her head swiveled to meet your gaze.
"I didn't get your name."
"Mitzi. Mitzi Fabelman."
You repeated it in your mind. You unwrapped the sound like a moist cupcake, the crumbs of her name tumbling and locking themselves into your brain. Mitzi.
"Maybe you could come in earlier next time, Mitzi."
Mitzi smiled brightly at you, pink lips turned in an enchanting curve. "I'll sure try."
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