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tabletoprealmco · 4 years ago
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Tomorrow morning on the stream we will be talking about objective markers! Things to buy, ideas for building them with spare bits, and discussions for using them for any game. Come hang out and hobby with me! Sundays from 11:00am to 1pm Mountain time. On my Twitch Channel . . . . #miniatures #miniaturepainting #paintingwarhammer #paintingminiatures #killteam #40k #warhammerobjectives #twitchtv #objectivesecured #tabletoprealm #armypainting #armypainter #terrainpainting #wargamescenery #warhammerarmies #warhammerwip #necrons #necrons40k #mephritdynasty #objectivemarkers #objectivemarker #tabletopwargaming #wargameobjective #kitbash40k #convertingminiatures #howtopaintminiatures #armybuilding #buildingwarhammer #hobbyhangouts #hobbyhangout
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tabletoprealmco · 4 years ago
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The army painting continues! Following my usual patterns i am ahead in some areas and behind in others, and satisfied with my progress. I spent a but of extra time on the Cryptek today, and confirmed the usefulness of purple as a tertiary (and split complimentary) color for greens and oranges. So far the purple is hidden in the shades, but it will appear more on models with the Noble keyword. Its been a therapeutic time i really needed! Don't forget you can join me Sunday mornings on Twitch for army painting! . . . . #miniaturewargaming #paintingtutorial #paintingnecronsarmy #paintstream #twitchtv #twitchstreamer #twothincoats #necronarmy #necronarmy40k #necronarmylist #paintingorange #paintinglight #canoptek #cryptek #staffoflight #necronimmortals #necron #splitcomplimentary #colortheory #armypainting #vallejopaints #vallejoacrylicos #vallejoflourescentorange #citadelpaint #mephritdynasty #tabletoprealm
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tabletoprealmco · 4 years ago
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WIP from Sunday's stream on Tamonhak the Lifetaker: Deathmark Scout specialist. I am really happy with the orange energy (Vallejo Flourescent Orange over white) Is it too many colors? Im not sure about the sights or the green body of the gun quite yet. Highlights may help with that part. . . . . #paintingwarhammer #paintingnecrons #miniatures #mephritdynasty #necrondeathmarks #necrondeathmark #killteamspecialists #warhammer40kpainting #40knecrons #warhammer40kkillteam #40kkillteam #killteamspecialist #scoutspecialist #synapticdisintegrators #necronkillteam #tabletoprealm #armypainting #batchpainting #armypainter #vellejopaints #citadelpaints #basingminiatures #painting #Gamesworkshop #tabletopgames
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tabletoprealmco · 5 years ago
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My first painting video is finally up on youtube! . . . . #youtube #miniaturepainting #paintingwarhammer #paintingminiatures #citadelcontrastpaints #citadelpaint #paintingtutorial #howtopaintminiatures #howtopaintminis #contrastpaints #paintingstarwarslegion #paintingdungeonsanddragons #paintingvid #paintingvideo #tabletoprealm #tabletopgaming #twothincoats #reaperpaints #talassarblue #gamesworkshop #nolzursmarvelousminiatures #flgs #starwarslegion #starwarsrebelcommandos
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tabletoprealmco · 5 years ago
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Join us tonight at 6pm mountain time for a miniature painting hangout! . . . . #miniatures #miniaturepainting #paintingwarhammer #paintingminis #paintingminiatures #paintingkillteam #paintingwizkids #paintingbloodangels #paintingstarwarslegion #citadelpaints #citadelcontrast #paintinghangout #paintingtutorial #tabletoprealm #howtopaintminiatures #bloodangels #rebelfleettrooper #lukeskywalker #skullforgestudios #citadelcolour #citadelshade #gamesworkshoppaints #contrastpaints #tabletopgames #miniatures #hobbyhangout #twitchstreamer #starwarslegion #fantasyflightminiatures (at Colorado Springs, Colorado)
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tabletoprealmco · 5 years ago
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Special thanks to @nerdy_rd_to_be, who took some awesome pictures of my X-34 Landspeeder! You can see the story and work behind this piece in my profile for the crew and the speeder . . . . #starwarslegion #starwars #paintedstarwars #starwarsminiatures #ffg #fantasyflightminiatures #miniaturepainting #contrastpaints #citadelcontrastpaints # #shopsmallbusiness #supportlocal #flgs #friendlylocalgamestore #tabletoprealm #starwarspainting #newcamera #x34landspeeder #fantasyflightstarwars #fantasyflightminiatures #starwarsgaming #paintedminiatures #stayhomeandpaintminis (at Colorado Springs, Colorado)
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tabletoprealmco · 5 years ago
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Some better pictures of my Rebel X-34 Landspeeder for Star Wars Legion. I changed the color scheme for the speeder after my fist pass, but decided to leave one engine in the first color scheme to suggest a rebuild from salvaged parts. I might go back and do some more with it at some point, though right now i am pretty happy with it for tabletop use. The crew was painted a while back with contrast paints. The speeder was layered and shaded but i used contrast for the seats and panels. I love these landspeeders and the idea of Rebels using them as technicals. I intend to collect one or two more for some SAS-style raid scenarios at some point. . . . . #starwarslegion #swlegion #fantasyflightminiatures #rebelspeeder #fantasyflightstarwars #x34landspeeder #rebelalliance #paintingstarwarslegion #paintingstarwars #starwarsminiatures #miniaturepainting #vehiclepainting #starwarsvehicles #fantasyflightgames #tabletoprealm #citadelpaint #citadelcontrastpaints #contrastpaints #starwarsrpg #jokaeroorange #zandridust
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tabletoprealmco · 5 years ago
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Part two of a narrative campaign for Star Wars Legion. 800 points of Rebels defending their captured Imperial compund from 960 points of Imperial attackers. The Rebels suffered equipment malfunctions and other setbacks, while faced down a strong imperial attack. In the end they were not able to keep enough Imperials out of the compound and died to a man fighting off every last imperial the could. With both sides securing territory and stuck in, the battle pushes into depths of the city for our next game. Special thanks to Landlubber for providing terrain and Imperials. Thanks to my local game store Gamers Haven for hosting us, and to my opponents and teamates for a great game! . . . . #starwarslegion #starwars #starwarsminiatures #ffg #fantasyflightgames #miniaturepainting #starwarslegionrebels #paintingstarwarslegion #x34landspeeder #rebeltrooper #miniaturepainting #paintingstarwarslegion #starwarspainting #tabletoprealm #fantasyflightminiatures #ffgstarwars #ffgstarwarslegion #narrativewargaming #narrativeplay #narrativecampaign #moseisley #battlereport #swlegion #starwarscampaign #battlekiwi #ttcombat #ttcombatterrain #4ground #4groundterrain #flgs
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tabletoprealmco · 5 years ago
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A tall building for 40K, Kill Team, etc. This one uses parts from the Shrine of the Aquila set along with the old Basilica Administratum set. The side view shows the collapsed section, including the rubble pile from the honored imperium set and one of the old resin urban barricades. The piece matches up to the Shrine parts and helps sell the overall effect. It's nice to be using some of this stuff which has sat on my shelf for years! . . . . #40kterrain #administratum #basilicaadministratum #40kruins #shrineoftheaquila #kitbashing40k #40kscenery #warhammer40kscenery #buildingterrain #honoredimperium #killteamterrain #killteamscenery #sectorimperialis #urbanconquest #urbanruins #cityfight #urbanruin #citiesofdeath
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tabletoprealmco · 5 years ago
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Work in progress on the Xenos Stasis-Crypt objective marker. I wanted to work with light with this one although I thought I was going to with amber I ended up red. I basecoated with contrast and then glazed Blood Angels red over areas that would be hit with light. Then i went in with wild Rider red to add highlights and point at points where the light would be most intense. After I tidy that up a little bit and then it will be up to dry brushing the outside frames and then adding on the glass. . . . . #xenosstasiscrypt #objectsourcelighting #40kobjectivemarkers #objectivemarkers #objectivemarker #stasiscrypt #genestealercults #genestealer #warhammerobjectivemarker #tabletoprealm #miniatureterrainpainting #workinprogress #paintingminiatures #miniaturepainting #miniatureterrain #paintingwarhammer #warhammer40000 #killteam #40kkillteam #necromunda #inq28 #inq28terrain #paintinglight #narrativeplay
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tabletoprealmco · 5 years ago
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Playing around with the old Urban barricades and walls set from Cities of Death and adding bits to bulk them out a little. Most of the barricades match a building kit from around the same time, so I got some parts out from those kits for the project. Even chopped a few sections up for some more severe damage. I've been hoarding some of these bits for years, so it's nice to finally put them to use! . . . . #40kterrain #killteamterrain #killteamscenery #40kscenery #barricades #40kruins #citiesofdeath #cityfight #40kcityfight #urbanconquest #urbanruins #urbanbarricade #warhammer40kterrain #warhammer40k #warhammer40000 #killteam #40kkillteam #killteam40k #40kkillteam #killzonesectorimperialis #killteamarena #sectorimperialis #basilicaadministratum #sanctusimperium #sanctumimperialis #buildingterrain #kitbashing40k #scenerybuilding #tabletoprealm #coversave
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tabletoprealmco · 5 years ago
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My Daemons got a chance to stretch their legs (and reality) the other day for a themed 40k event hosted by a friendly local game store. Here are a few pictures from game 1 against my friend's Squat Deathwing army. The Screamers and Chariots did a nice job of destroying objectives while Pink and Blue Horrors held up the Squat exo-suits. Huge thanks to my opponent, to Gamer's Haven, and to the coordinators of a very fun event, as well as the great tables they provided. . . . . #warhammer40000 #wh40k #chaosdaemons #Tzeentch #tzeentchdaemons #daemonarmy #daemonsofchaos #tzeentcharmy #pinkhorrors #bluehorrors #screamersoftzeentch #burningchariotoftzeentch #squats #movementtray #battlereport #warhammer #playingwarhammer #playingwarhammer40k #narrativeplay #warhammerevents #TabletopRealm
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tabletoprealmco · 5 years ago
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I helped a friend learn to put decals/transfers on his Salamanders last week. Like most, he was concerned about them and didn't want to mess up his nice paint job. After a short demonstration, he picked up the technique quickly and completed a combat squad's worth of Chapter badges. We used micro set to soften the decals and help them to conform to the curved surface of the shoulder pads. Along with just a little of the stronger Microsol to smooth out any remaining bumps. Decals are really good for finishing up models and adding extra detail. Especially for Space Marines and their heraldry. So if you are concerned about using them too, I recommend losing the fear and trying it for yourself! It is a lot harder to ruin a model with them than you might think. . . . . #miniatures #miniaturepainting #miniaturedecals #waterslidedecals #decals #waterslidedecal #waterslidetransfers #waterslidetransfer #chapterbadges #chapterbadge #howtopaintminiatures #microsol #microset #tabletopgames #friendlylocalgamestores #warhammer #warhammer40k #killteam #killteam40k #spacemarines40k #salamanders40k #modelpainting #paintingspacemarines #tabletoprealm #battlebrothers #losethefear #warhammertransfers
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tabletoprealmco · 5 years ago
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Two Burning Chariots of Tzeentch, magnetized to allow for a Herald or an Exalted flamer as well as ease of transport/storage/positioning. Some parts of these guys still need work, but they are tabletop standard at least. : ) My Tzeentch Daemons all have clear bases. I believe it helps them feel ethereal and I like that it shows off the play mat or board underneath. Plus it matches my Silver tower stuff that way. . . . . #paintingwarhammer #paintingchaos #burningchariot #chaos #chaosdaemons #burningchariotoftzeentch #chaostzeentch #Tzeentch #tzeentchdaemons #daemonsoftzeentch #daemonsofchaos #exaltedflamer #exaltedflameroftzeentch #tabletoprealm #magnetizingminis #screamersoftzeentch #tabletoprealm #paintedminiatures #wh40k #warhammerageofsigmar
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tabletoprealmco · 5 years ago
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Got to look through Faith and Fury and really enjoying it! 40k campaign books have been doing great things for narrative play lately. Between this, the Vigilus books, and Chapter approved, there is a lot of great narrative material to work with. Also, Word Bearers! I am particularly excited about the scenarios found here a tactics that go with them. They look great on their own, and as a toolkit for custom scenarios! . . . . #psychicawakening #warhammer40k #warhammer40000 #killteam #killteamnarrative #narrativeplay #narrative40k #forgethenarrative #narrativekillteam #wh40kcampaign #40kcampaign #narrativewargaming #wordbearers #tabletoprealm
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tabletoprealmco · 5 years ago
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More objective work. Today we have the soul stone from the Warhammer Age of Sigmar Shattered Dominion objective set. I love having objectives like these on the table. Helps with immersion in the game and forging the narrative. I appreciate contrast paints for helping me get them done and on the table more quickly! . . . . #warhammerageofsigmar #warhammerageofsigmarpainting #warhammerobjectivemarker #shattereddominionobjectivemarkers #shattereddominion #shattereddominionobjectives #ageofsigmar #aos #warhammeraos #paintingwarhammer #Gamesworkshop #tabletopgames #tabletoprealm #friendlylocalgamestores #flgs #wargameterrain #wargamescenery #miniaturescenery #miniatureterrainpainting #miniatureterrain #contrastpaints #citadelcontrastpaints #paintingageofsigmar #paintingterrain #narrativeplay #ageofsigmarnarrative #aosskirmish
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tabletoprealmco · 5 years ago
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Tomorrow is small business Saturday. Don't forget to support your friendly local game store and other small businesses in your community! Feel free to leave a shout out to your favorite FLGS in the comments and show your appreciation for all they do in support of our hobbies and communities. . . . . #friendlylocalgamestores #flgs #shopsmallbusiness #supportlocal #tabletopgames #tabletoprealm #smallbusiness #smallbusinesssaturday #warhammercommunity #fantasyflightgames #gamesworkshop #wizkidsgames #wyrdminiatures #wizardsofthecoast #tabletopwargaming #tabletoproleplaying #miniaturepainting #wargameterrain #wargames #roleplayinggames #warhammer40k #warhammerageofsigmar #killteam #starwarslegion #malifaux
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