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darleksaresupreme · 24 days ago
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Zerrah Boah
Like all Evasor assassins Zerrahs origins are a complete mystery, even to himself thanks to the Officio Assassinorums mind wiping. However his freakish height and slender limbs suggest he was native to a low gravity environment. Despite his build his strength is no less than that of any other Evasor Assassin, due to surgical and cybernetic enhancements.
This disturbing appearance has proven an asset on missions where targets may mistake Zerrah for an unknown Xenos or creature from children’s cautionary tales, thus sowing even more terror.
Inquisitor Vorbis discovered Zerrah in a cryo pod on the wreck of an inquisitorial black ship. There were no other survivors or even bodies aboard and whatever happened caused the wreck remains unknown.
Zerrah is not so much a member of Vorbis’ retinue as a weapon deployed by the radical inquisitor in the most dire circumstances.
#inq28th #inq28 #inquisitor #inquisitor28 #inquisimunda #inquisition #40k #warhammer #warhammer40k #30k #horusheresy #horusheresy30k #imperialagent #agentsoftheimperium #imperium #imperiumofman #assassin #40kassassin #officioassassinorum #miniatureconversion #kitbash40k #28mmminiatures #miniwargaming #stargrave #spaceweirdos #plasticcrack #tabletopwargaming #wargaming #evasor #evasorassassin
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dawfydd · 4 years ago
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Decided to finally build a Slash-Cannoness for my Order of the Bloody Rose force. Base is the Ltd Edition Sister Palos, with a spare Repentia Eviscerator standing in for Benificence (had to improvise a spare bit of hilt after clipping away the other hand), the Bolter replaced by an Inferno Pistol, topped off by a Sister Superior helmet and the backpack from the Ltd Sisters army box Repentia Superior that I had a spare of, and by pure happenstance the flame from the braziers marched the direction of the models robes & flames. A fun kitbash overall. #sistersofbattle #adeptasororitas #orderofthebloodyrose #kitbash #kitbashing40k #kitbash40k #warhammer40k #40k #warmongers #warhammerconversions #warhammercommunity #warhammer40000 (at Lyneham, Wiltshire) https://www.instagram.com/p/CNxqdhonvBU/?igshid=18kz4jf8o00vk
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tabletoprealmco · 4 years ago
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Tomorrow morning on the stream we will be talking about objective markers! Things to buy, ideas for building them with spare bits, and discussions for using them for any game. Come hang out and hobby with me! Sundays from 11:00am to 1pm Mountain time. On my Twitch Channel https://www.twitch.tv/tabletoprealm . . . . #miniatures #miniaturepainting #paintingwarhammer #paintingminiatures #killteam #40k #warhammerobjectives #twitchtv #objectivesecured #tabletoprealm #armypainting #armypainter #terrainpainting #wargamescenery #warhammerarmies #warhammerwip #necrons #necrons40k #mephritdynasty #objectivemarkers #objectivemarker #tabletopwargaming #wargameobjective #kitbash40k #convertingminiatures #howtopaintminiatures #armybuilding #buildingwarhammer #hobbyhangouts #hobbyhangout https://www.instagram.com/p/CNM-F4fnFfv/?igshid=hyf8xg4hxr2j
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darleksaresupreme · 2 months ago
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Xiāo Xū Zixuan
Born on a backwater Agri world bordering the Halo Stars, Zixuan and her sister were discovered a few hours after their birth by the Arbites. The twin infants were the only living things for miles, the girl’s parents, the farming community and even the higher livestock had been driven to kill themselves in the most horrific ways. While her sister cried Zixuan lay by the corpses in silence.
Upon examination the two girls were determined to be blanks with an extreme expression of the Pariah Gene. Their disturbing soulless non-presence in the warp having triggered the mass suicide. Narrowly avoiding euthanasia, the twins were given to the Calexus Temple.
Zixuan and her sister were both protégés, often assigned to work as a team, the sister’s only discernible difference was that, unlike her sister Zixuan enjoyed the killing of Psykers.
Inquisitor Vorbis pulled many strings to have the assassin Sisters assigned to his retinue for a single mission, however he made them an offer. The inquisitor would kill their handlers, fake their deaths and allow them far more free rein while hunting if they become his permanent allies. Zixuan quickly accepted on behalf of both sisters and has amassed enough victims since that their corpses could populate a Hive City.
#inq28th #inq28 #inquisitor #inquisitor28 #inquisimunda #inquisition #40k #warhammer #warhammer40k #30k #horusheresy #horusheresy30k #imperialagent #agentsoftheimperium #imperium #imperiumofman #assassin #40kassassin #officioassassinorum #miniatureconversion #kitbash40k #28mmminiatures #miniwargaming #stargrave #spaceweirdos #plasticcrack #tabletopwargaming #wargaming #calexusassassin #pariah
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darleksaresupreme · 10 hours ago
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Wheq Dyir, an unbound infocyte of the Vanus Temple, assigned to an execution force sent to destroy the Malstrain Patriarch within Hive Secundus on Necromunda
#inq28th #inq28 #inquisitor #inquisitor28 #inquisimunda #inquisition #40k #warhammer #warhammer40k #30k #horusheresy #horusheresy30k #imperialagent #agentsoftheimperium #imperium #imperiumofman #assassin #40kassassin #officioassassinorum #vanustemple #infocyteassassin #miniatureconversion #kitbash40k #28mmminiatures #miniwargaming #stargrave #spaceweirdos #plasticcrack #tabletopwargaming #wargaming
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darleksaresupreme · 16 days ago
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Inquisitor Vorbis
What is the mark of a great Inquisitor? Is it extreme adherence to orthodoxy any cost? or is it the will to pay whatever cost it takes to preserve the imperium of man? If the later then Vorbis is perhaps the inquisitions finest paragon, if the former, he is its most vile heretic.
Inquests into his origins and training have been utterly fruitless (testimony to Vorbis’ skill at covering his own tracks) he is known to be a radical member of Ordo Xenos. He is also known to admire former inquisitor Fidus Kryptman.
Vorbis has gathered a very specific Warband to his side to embark on a mission to the Hive world Necromunda, specifically Hive Secundus. There he plans to capture specimen of the Malstrain, though he has not yet committed why, even to his own retinue
#inquisition #40k #warhammer #warhammer40k #30k #horusheresy #horusheresy30k #imperialagent #agentsoftheimperium #imperium #imperiumofman #assassin #40kassassin #officioassassinorum #miniatureconversion #kitbash40k #28mmminiatures #miniwargaming #stargrave #spaceweirdos #plasticcrack #tabletopwargaming #wargaming #hivesecundus #malstrain
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darleksaresupreme · 1 month ago
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Xiāo Xū Xiaohui
Born and extreme psychic null, like her twin sister Xiaohui was likewise inducted into the Calexus Temple and proved to be another prodigy.
Xiaohui has long looked to her sister for guidance and decision making in all things, becoming all but Zixuans shadow. She seeks to emulate her sister in mannerisms and mission tactics, to the point few can tell the two woman apart. However this masks an unfortunate truth, unlike Zixuan, Xiaohui is not devoid of emotion, Infact she feels one emotion very strongly, fear.
Xiaohui fears her powers, fears her missions and most of all fears her sister and has done so all their lives. Non know it but Xiaohui is the weak link in inquisitor Vorbis’ retinue, she yearns to flee the inquisition and the imperium itself if possible, to take up life of hermitage away from any other human who might be effected by her powers.
But Xiaohui knows even if she could flee her sister would hunt her as long as they both lived.
#inq28th #inq28 #inquisitor #inquisitor28 #inquisimunda #inquisition #40k #warhammer #warhammer40k #30k #horusheresy #horusheresy30k #imperialagent #agentsoftheimperium #imperium #imperiumofman #assassin #40kassassin #officioassassinorum #miniatureconversion #kitbash40k #28mmminiatures #miniwargaming #stargrave #spaceweirdos #plasticcrack #tabletopwargaming #wargaming #calexusassassin #pariah
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darleksaresupreme · 1 month ago
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Interrogator Pygmalionus
Also referred to, mockingly by other members of the Warband as “little Vorbis” Interrogator Pygmalionus is Inquisitor Vorbis’ chosen heir, literally Taylor made for his possession in the same lunar gene facility as Vholkt, using the same technology that created the Afriel Strain. He is a modified clone of the inquisitor, the primary modification being that he is a blank. Vorbis hopes that by stunting any Psyker potential in Pygmalionus the peculiar bad luck that seems to curse the Afriel Strain will be counter acted, time has yet to tell if he is correct.
#inq28th #inq28 #inquisitor #inquisitor28 #inquisimunda #inquisition #40k #warhammer #warhammer40k #30k #horusheresy #horusheresy30k #imperialagent #agentsoftheimperium #imperium #imperiumofman #miniatureconversion #kitbash40k #28mmminiatures #miniwargaming #stargrave #spaceweirdos #plasticcrack #tabletopwargaming #wargaming #clone #clonetrooper #inquisitionwarband #warband #mordheim
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darleksaresupreme · 2 months ago
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5th Iteration Vholkt: a Magos Biologis
Vat grown in a mechanicus facility on Luna in the Sol system, that was itself a relic of the ancient Selenite gene-cults, the 5th iteration of Vholkt was the 5th attempt to amalgamate the genes of prestigious Magos Biologis past.
The previous 4 died not long survive from being taken from the vat, the 5th while born blind, deaf and limbless could at least breath and after extensive augmentation was put into service in the retinue of Inquisitor Vorbis.
The 5th Iteration Vholkt acts as a battlefield mechanic and medic as well as an expert in xeno biology and mutant biology.
#inq28th #inq28 #inquisitor #inquisitor28 #inquisimunda #inquisition #40k #warhammer #warhammer40k #30k #horusheresy #horusheresy30k #imperialagent #agentsoftheimperium #imperium #imperiumofman #miniatureconversion #kitbash40k #28mmminiatures #miniwargaming #stargrave #spaceweirdos #plasticcrack #tabletopwargaming #wargaming #adeptusmechanicus #mechanicum #mechanicus #techpriest #cultmechanicus
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darleksaresupreme · 2 months ago
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Hasdrubal Belisarius, a Navigator mutant
Hasdrubal is regarded the black Grox of his Navigator house, long neglecting his duties to the Dynasty. In his youth he squandered his portion of the houses wealth touring imperial pleasure worlds. He would traffic with, hive gangs, cold traders and the brats of noble houses, indulging in many vices not least of which was gambling.
After accruing a planetary governors ransom in debt he sought out then Interrogator Vorbis of the inquisition, fingering his creditors as a syndicate of heretical cultists. By shear coincidence this happened to be true, and, despite Hasdrubals nature as a mutants, a firm friendship was established between the two men, that has persisted for centuries.
Contrary to many Navigators Hasdrubal is relatively free of infirmity from his mutation, and is unafraid to wade into combat Welding an auto pistol in one hand and the power of the warp in the other.
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darleksaresupreme · 2 months ago
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Raivar van der Gron
An Unbound Infocyte of the Vanus assassin temple and member of inquisitor Vorbis’ retinue.
Raivar Van Der Gron, gifted since boyhood with a computer like mind, was inducted into the ranks of the Officio Assassinorum at an early age and assigned to the information focussed Vanus temple. His unique approach to problem solving and initiative led him to be assigned the status of an unbound infocyte, going into the field to carry out missions in person in contrast with most of his reclusive Temple.
Raivar came to the attention of Inquisitor Vorbis due to his ability to accurately reconstruct documents and information based on minimal fragments. In test scenarios his data reconstructions exceeded %95 accuracy and was once able to reconstruct an entire dead Xenos language from seven known words.
#inq28th inq28 #inquisitor #inquisitor28 #inquisimunda #inquisition #40k #warhammer #warhammer40k #30k #horusheresy #horusheresy30k #imperialagent #agentsoftheimperium #imperium #imperiumofman #assassin #40kassassin #officioassassinorum #vanustemple #infocyteassassin #miniatureconversion #kitbash40k #28mmminiatures #miniwargaming #stargrave #spaceweirdos #plasticcrack #tabletopwargaming #wargaming
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dawfydd · 4 years ago
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Well, not bad for having been awake for 24 hours… #kitbashing #kitbash #kitbash40k #spacemarines #ultramarines (at Lyneham, Wiltshire) https://www.instagram.com/p/CPdlrQOn34g/?utm_medium=tumblr
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dawfydd · 4 years ago
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The start of converting Doralia into an Interrogator of the Holy Ordos #kitbash #kitbash40k #warhammer40k #40k #theinquisition #warmongers #warhammercommunity (at Lyneham, Wiltshire) https://www.instagram.com/p/CP1JLbZHGri/?utm_medium=tumblr
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