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Refilled tea, off we go again
Saves: 3 types, Armor, Invulnerable, and Cover
Armor I’ve been over before.
Invulnerable: Mostly the domain of characters, Daemons, Kroot, and Termies. Very few weapons, notably phase weapons, necron warshythes, vortex weapons, Psicannons,and Daemon weapons ignored invulnerable saves. Also Perils of the Warp ignored them. Sisters did not have an invul save, they could spend faith points to give them 3+ invulnerable for a turn though. Some space marine chapters also got a invulnerable of 6 v shooting... at the cost of losing cover saves. You could also buy a army upgrade for guard that gave them an invul of 6 [Except abhumans and stormies]
Cover: ranged weapons only If you were in ‘cover’ you got a cover save.
Light cover: 6, Heavy cover 5+, fortifications 4+, destroy able bunkers: 3+
Some people, like ratlings, grots, swarms, and tanith guard got +1 to cover saves... if they already could get them
Catachans, being the worst army in all existence, got +1, but only in ‘jungle terrain’. They really were the ultimate overspecialized army
Eldar rangers got +1, regardless of being in cover or not, and thus had a 6+ cover save even if hanging out in plaza, because The Eldar Are Better Than You.
Very few ranged weapons ignored coversaves
Feel no pain was a special rule available to some armies units, were even if they failed the save, as long as it was not a “melee weapon that ignored armor saves” or something that triggered the Chunky Salsa Rule, they could ignore the rule on a roll, sometimes as high as a 4+. HH Mechanicus for example have FNP, and pre 8th edition skitarri had FNP 6+
So, did you lose close combat(take more wounds than your opponent)? Did you sustain 25%+ shooting casualties? Were you hit by a pinning weapon? Time to test morale
Vehicles do not care about morale. “The crew’s faith in their vehicle is absolute)
Morale was 2d6 roll
If number is less than leadership, congrats you pass
if less, you run away/are pinned
If you run away, you run 2d6 inches towards the nearest table edge until you run off the table or successfully roll leadership to regroup
Pinned means, well, you’re pinned and can’t moved or charge.
If you sweeping advance after winning close combat and reach the fleeing unit. They die. No ifs ands or whatfors. Termies cannot sweeping adavance.
Modifiers -1, unit took more than 50% casulties. -1 outnumbered, another -1 if more than 2:1, another if 3:1
If you fall below 50% unit strength, you can’t regroup unless you have a special rule. (Cadians for example)
Space marine commanders, as long as they are alive, let their army use their leadership value
Guard commanders can do this if you have a radio linl
Non chaos space marines autoregroup, to “reassess” (airquotes in rulebook) the situation
Some units are Fearless! They don’t care about morale. Most monsters are fearless, as are Space marine champlains, Greyknights, all garguantuan creatures, Eldar near an Avatar, Arco flagellets, etc. Fearless units never run, which means they make take extra wounds in close cobat when they are losing at outnumbered
Stubborn units don’t run, but can be pinned.
Inquisitors can choose to pass or fail morale checks rather than rolling
If you were guard and you failed morale, then blam but pass. Except commissars are deployed to officer squads first, then your choice and you cannot shift them from squad to squad unless you are tanith or terrax. Meaning the useless team killing bastard just killed your ld9 officer who was keeping your army from collapsing and your army Ld falls to 7. The commissar is Ld10, but he’s outside the chain of command, so sorry. Catachan commissars could die during deployment.
Purity seals let you roll 3 and pick 2 for fallback distance.
Powers are bought, or if you’re the guard, you roll. All guard powers suck anyway, with a 1/6 chance of “nope no powers today boss” you brought those idiots for the force weapon anyway
Want to activate a power/forceweapon? Roll leadership. on a 2 or 12, you get perils of the warp’d though on a 2 the power still works... unless the commissar is there. He blams the psyker. Psykers follow the same deployment to officers squad as commissars. You might be noticing a pattern.
Perils of the warp is a S6 no saves auto hit attack on the psyker. If you’re tzeetch, you ignore it. If you’re eldar and were not stupid and bought a ghost helm, you can cancel it on a 4+. If it triggers on a guard psyker the commissar blams them, nullifying even that 1/6 chance to survive.
No deny the witch.
Can’t use psonics around pariahs or Culuxus assassains. 24″ radius of Nope iirc
Vehicles are largely immune to psionics, as they have no Ld and many psionic abilities make Ld rolls happen. Superheavy vechicles and garguantuan creatures even more so.
[Next up: Deep strike]
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Should You Cover Your Air Conditioner In The Winter
Should You Cover Your Air Conditioner In The Winter
However most outdoor units are designed to withstand winter weather which argues against using a cover. Should i cover my air conditioner during the winter. View Video For Should You Cover Your Air Conditioner In The Winter View Video Review Decorative Wall Mount Air Conditioner Cover Insulated Ac Cover Art Window Air Conditioner Cover Indoor Air Conditioner Air Conditioner Coversave image To…

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Playing around with the old Urban barricades and walls set from Cities of Death and adding bits to bulk them out a little. Most of the barricades match a building kit from around the same time, so I got some parts out from those kits for the project. Even chopped a few sections up for some more severe damage. I've been hoarding some of these bits for years, so it's nice to finally put them to use! . . . . #40kterrain #killteamterrain #killteamscenery #40kscenery #barricades #40kruins #citiesofdeath #cityfight #40kcityfight #urbanconquest #urbanruins #urbanbarricade #warhammer40kterrain #warhammer40k #warhammer40000 #killteam #40kkillteam #killteam40k #40kkillteam #killzonesectorimperialis #killteamarena #sectorimperialis #basilicaadministratum #sanctusimperium #sanctumimperialis #buildingterrain #kitbashing40k #scenerybuilding #tabletoprealm #coversave https://www.instagram.com/p/B6O2N-iHEtF/?igshid=4r4mq2sicwrs
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