Okay but what if in the ST5 trailer there is a shot of Mike telling someone that “we would be better off as friends”
We would all go insane
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What happens when Mike and El are arguing about their relationship and El drops the “I wish you looked at me the way you look at Will” and then Mike has the aha moment
What then byler nation
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You know 2020’s bad when Sauron comes 😹
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You know what I hate about quarantine?
All teacher assume everyone’s all misrible and depressed about not having any social interaction, and that we all miss our friends.
Like hello? Introverts? Yeah, we exist.
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Ok, so something weird happened
So last night I remember taking out my phone and setting my alarm for 6:30. Then I put my phone and AirPods under my pillow.
Ok, then this morning my mom was just like “Sophia, did you forget to set your alarm?” So I was just like “no, I distinctly remember setting it.” So I reached behind my pillow to show her my phone, but it wasn’t there. So then I looked on my bed, and it was an arm reach away from me.
So that’s weird I thought. So then I opened my alarm app, and I saw that my alarm was never set. So that’s also weird.
So then I asked everyone in my family if they moved my phone while I was still sleeping. They all said no. My mom thought I had just fallen asleep fooling around in my phone, but I don’t ever do that.
I am thoroughly convinced that I was sleepwalking and unset my own alarm. (Either that or a ghost).
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Hogwarts houses as music styles
Gryffindor: indie and rap
Slytherin: rock and classical
Hufflepuff: pop and country
Ravenclaw: techno and alternative
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What the fuck Chipotle 😂😂😂
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!!True story!!
My mom: since you’re ace, do you ever think you’ll have kids?
Me: I mean, I’ve never wanted kids even before I knew I was ace
My mom: are you sure? 🥺
Me: I mean I don’t know now, I might end up adopting a kid, but I don’t think I want kids
My mom: wow, no kids ok. That’s so sad. I really wanted grandkids
Me: you still have Lauren, besides I’d rather be the cool aunt.
Later . . .
My mom: *to my dad and sister* Sophia says she doesn’t want any kids, and I’m still coming to terms with that.
Lauren: yeah, I know. She’s been saying she doesn’t want kids for like the last ten years.
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Ok, if I’m trying to think of something dumb to say, but I can’t think of anything that will make me sound dumb, does that make me smart of dumb??????
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Ok, so I had corona school today, and my schedule goes Math, English, and Health. So first, my math textbook deleted itself from my iPad, and those things take hours to download. Then whenever the teacher posted the homework pages on canvas, they would only show up as grey!
And then in English, my teacher gave us this really confusing essay to write about how we got our names, and my name is Sophia Rose, which is possibly the most generic name in all of history, so there’s really no story there.
And then I just zoned out in all of health, because I was so stressed about all the homework I had from the previous day! I had to write an essay on my favorite song, do 4 assignments for physics, and make 2 detailed art projects based on what people see on the outside of me, and what’s really on the inside.
Like, what the fuck school. It’s literally the 2nd week.
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Dolores Umbridge: boys and girls are not permitted to be within 6 inches of each other
W O W. I think we all know who is the real queer ally.
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True true true true true true. I love this.
For the people out there who think you need to have had sex at least once before you can really say your asexual.
I will say this
Straight men? You are no longer allowed to say your straight till you've fucked a guy and decided you dont like it.
Straight women? You are no longer allowed to say your straight till you've fucked a girl and decided you dont like it.
Gay men? Ditto. No saying your gay till you've fucked a lady and found you didnt like it
Lesbians? Fuck a dude first or you just not valid, sorryyyy!
Did this make you angry?
Guess what! Now you know how asexual people feel when you start this shit with them. I'm 30 years old. I am asexual. I have never had sex. Never had the slightest inclination to have sex.
And I do not need to have had sex to decided I'm just flat out not goddam interested.
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Ok, so I live in Oregon, and California always has these crazy wildfires. Well, a bunch of them got blown by the wind up to Oregon, and a bunch of people I know have had to evacuate. And I can see the fires from my house, like they’re pretty close. If you’re a firefighter, or other kind of first responder, thank you for your service.
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My health teacher: we will be talking about mental health, sex, and sexuality
Me, the closeted ace: *laughs nervously while eating cake*
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