#why did they bot ask them for more cheese?
shirleyxian · 2 months
Special Cupcakes.
Shipp:Ghost x Max
Today was the day off for ghost and max, today can be a unique day and more so because in the army they didn't have time for them . The couple are watching a movie on TV you could tell that they are both very focused on the plot, you can't deny that the plot is interested. A scene appears where the protagonist surprises her boyfriend who cooked her some delicious cupcakes that were decorated with cream of different colors and some pieces of chocolate, For the Latino, it gave him some inspiration to be able to give something special to his boyfriend.
- Cariño, what is your favorite flavor of cake. Chocolate or vanilla? And you like it if it had cream. What color would you like? Decorated or not? - Ask giving him a hint. -
- Well, honestly I like both flavors, but my favorite is the chocolate one, with pink cream and decorated with strawberries. Why the question?
- Emm... I was just asking.
At the end of the movie, ghost changes the channel to the sports channel to watch football because today Manchester City was playing against Manchester United all because ghost supports Manchester City. That gave Max the opportunity to surprise him while the Briton is hypnotized by the TV screen.
The brown-haired one began to take out the objects kitchen, bowls, mixer, flour, eggs, milk, chocolate and without missing the sugar, Starting to crack eggs so that he can separate the yolks from the white into different bowls, starting to beat the yolks first for at least 10 minutes, he did the same process to the white.
Take the chocolate to heat in a double boiler so you can melt it.
To start mixing the chocolate and egg mixture, along with the flour and milk, put the bowl in the mixer starting to do the process of letting it beat for at least 15 minutes until it does not have any lumps in the preparation.
While beating he looked to see if ghost did not come to the kitchen at least to look for him, he only saw ghost focused on football, the cry of angry ghost is heard saying:
He looked frustrated.
After whisking, take the muffin containers by putting each one in the mold and add the preparation and put them in the oven.
While he cooks the cupcakes, Max takes the opportunity to prepare the cream, I take another egg but this time without separating the yolk from the white, she does the same process of beating. To add cream cheese, condensed milk, sugar and milk, starting to beat for 16 minutes.
When the cream is taking shape, add red food coloring, beat again for only about 5 minutes, so that the cream has the pink color.
Then he takes the cakes out of the oven, fortunately they did not burn, but he remembered something, they did not have strawberries in the house, she could not believe that she forgot that detail, He thought about what to replace, he opened the refrigerator to see something to replace the strawberries, there were no fruits to match the cupcakes, but he found "dulce de leche", he recalled that in Argentina the magdanelas were still stuffed with dulce de leche. Use a churros filler to try to fill the cupcakes, take the piping bag and start creaming it.
When he finishes he hears his boyfriend shout "GOAL" it means that his team won the match.
- I see that Manchester City won, but celebrate it with a delicious cupcake.
- Nice detail my rabbit, thank you.
Ghost takes a cupcake, when he bites he didn't know it was filled, but you could tell he liked it.
- Honey this is delicious, plus that detail of the filling. How did it come about? - Very curious and happy question. -
- Well, inspiration and love for you. - Says while laughing at how cheesy it is. -
- Anyway, you outdid yourself. - Leave the cupcake on the table and hug max - I love you.
- Accept the hug. - I love you too, my ghost.
Well, it's my first mini-One-shot, I base it by a character bot.(one that I could create)
It makes me laugh that he wrote it while listening to kali uchis music.
This is my selfshipp with ghost.
By the way, I think I combined American English with British English, I learned both accents although it is difficult for me to differentiate them.
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rinzay · 2 years
Idea 16: Vanessa knows how to sew
You know, at this point my nickname should be Afton. Cause I always come back!
 uh moving swiftly on
This new idea/concept is probably my longest yet, I couldn't help but do my usual thing of trying to explain everything. I will also say that this one might not be “as good” as my other ideas so be warned. With that out of the way, grab yourself a snack/drink and strap in!
Once again, we must set the scene. Life has returned to normal for our faz fam, or at least as normal as it can be for a family consisting of mostly robots. Silver Parasol was able to find an abandoned restaurant and purchase it to give the bots a place to live. It took a bit to get used to its smaller area ( It is about the size of your average chucky cheese) but animatronics have acclimated well. The restaurant still has a lot of the same activities as the pizza plex once did, they are just a lot smaller. In some cases, such as with Monty's golf course and Roxy’s raceway, they’ve been replaced with miniature versions like mini golf and RC car racing respectively. There are a few new activities as well though such as “Chica’s cooking class'' and “Painting with Sun and Moon”. Roxy and Monty also hold “weekly challenges” and I will let you figure out what that means. (Some of you came up with some really clever ideas the last time I did this :) )
As for our human friends, they are doing quite well! Gregory has been doing well at school and has gotten his own little group of friends. H e has developed a reputation at the school for being the kind of kid who causes trouble. Not anything bad of course, he still gets amazing grades but has from time to time crested harmless pranks that everyone finds quite amusing. Vanessa has being doing good as well. She got a promotion at work due to how high quality her work has been (wonder why that is) and she has gone on several more successful dates with Luis and are "officially" a couple. (Everyone is happy for her, though Gregory still takes some slight joy at how flustered Vanessa gets whenever he asks about their dates. Once a gremlin always a gremlin)
Now, something that is important to mention is how Vanessa has been dealing with the memories of being under mind control. It isn’t just her memories; these also include all of Vanny’s memories. (While under mind control Vanessa didn’t see everything that Vanny saw or did. Vanny would only have her be aware of what was going on when SHE wanted Vanessa to see something, which normally meant murders ). Allow me to attempt and explain.
(if you don’t want to read all this, scroll until you see the asterisk*) 
When Vanessa was first freed she tried to just not think about her memories of that time and tried to live in the present. This proved to be a bad idea since the events of idea 10 kept happening. What I mean by this is that Vanessa would see something in the present that felt vaguely familiar, such as a child alone in the pizzaplex, and it would trigger one of Vanny’s memories. From there, Vanessa would be forced to watch the memory play out, which usually consisted of a child being murdered. Then she would come out of the memory in the midst of a panic attack. After a few months of this, she realized that this wasn’t the way to go about this. So, after the events of idea 12, she decides to try dealing with these bad memories in a different way. Her new method is to, just, think about them. Get used to the fact that they exist so she doesn't get overwhelmed by them when she sees something familiar. They are still bad, and she will never not feel guilty about the actions that take place in them, but it does help reduce the amount of pain that they cause to a point that she can live with them.
Through this methodic remembering Vanessa discovers that she also has access to Vanny’s memories that, other than having very bad implications, aren't really that bad One of these series of memories is of Vanny creating that suit she wore  (btw it has long since been burned, it was one of the first things that the Faz fam did together after “that night”) As such one of the skills Vanessa now has is sewing. She had known Vanny could sow for a while now, she had found a sewing kit in her room after she was freed and easily figured out the connection. Up until now though Vanessa herself hadn't attempted to use it since she didn't remember how to. Even though she now knows how to sew, she hasn’t used this skill for 2 main reasons. Firstly, it reminds her of Vanny, though this reasoning has been getting a lot less strong as time goes on; and secondly, she hasn’t had much of a reason to use this skill at all… until now.
*TLDR Vanessa basically got Acquired Savant Syndrome, without the necessary physical head trauma.
The situation arises on a normal day while Gregory was at school hanging out with his friends. They decide to challenge him to a contest during recess, who can climb a tree to a certain branch the fastest. Gregory, being… well Gregory, immediately accepts ( it would seem Roxy and Monty have been rubbing off on him) and is off to the tallest tree in the yard before they even decide on a prize. He climbs the tree and reaches the lowest main branch in around 15 seconds, much to the amazement of the children in the yard. 
However, in their collective excitement, the children failed to notice that the branch  Gregory is standing on has rotten and died. So after a few seconds, it breaks under the load  and Gregory begins falling to the ground. Thankfully his shirt manages to catch one of the smaller branches, slowing his fall but ripping his shirt in the process. He lands on the ground and, aside from some small cuts and bruises, is completely fine. The same cannot be said for his shirt though, the branch has made a tear from the bottom to the arm sleeve.
It should be stated that this particular shirt means a lot to him, it is one of the last possessions that he has from his old life, the one where his mother was still alive. The reason he knows this goes back several months, back to just a few days after “that night.” One of the first things that Vanessa and Gregory had done together was try and find his old house. They had done this to see if anything was still there and, if there was, take it back to Vanessa’s apartment so that Gregory would feel more “at home”.  
The 2 of them had found that the house had been claimed by the city since the owner, Gregory’s mother, had been found dead and she had had no living adult relatives. All of the possessions that were inside the house had been sold or given to charity in accordance with Utah state law . In a nutshell, all Gregory has from his old life are memories and the clothes he was wearing. It might seem kind of silly to a stranger, but the Faz fam knows how important it is to him. Besides, people tend to form emotional attachment to inanimate objects in real life (especially after traumatic events), so I think this might be plausible.
 Anyways, after picking himself off of the ground and reassuring the others that he is all fine, Gregory looks down at his special shirt and realizes that it is ruined and he thinks that Vanessa will likely have to throw it away. He really doesn’t want this to happen due to how much the shirt means to him, so he decides to try and repair it. After recess ends he grabs some duct tape, goes into a bathroom and tapes up the shirt. He hopes that the temporary repair will fool Vanessa long enough for him to try and find a more permanent fix for his shirt.
Vanessa isn’t home yet as she had to work late that day. (The company is planning on pushing out a new DLC that is based on the new restaurant the PizzaPlex animatronics now occupy as a way to advertise the place. So everyone is working a bit harder to get the update ready for release.) Gregory is about to take advantage of this and toss his ruined shirt into his room and put on a new one when he notices Freddy watching him, in his plush form. Freddy asks what he is doing, which means that Gregory has to explain the situation to him. He is just finishing up his explanation when he hears the door unlock, Vanessa has already returned from work. 
She enters and is in the middle of asking how his day was when she turns to look at him. She stops speaking, seeing him covered in scrapes and bruises and wearing a torn shirt. Vanessa, trying to remain calm and not get TOO worried, asks what happened to him. Before Gregory can even attempt to craft a response that downplays what actually happened, Freddy answers with “Gregory fell from a tree!” in a tone of voice that sounds like he is discussing the weather.
For several seconds nothing happens, then Vanessa fully processes what Freddy has just told her and launches into “doting parent” mode. She kneels down to Gregory and starts checking him over whilst asking him multiple questions about his well being. Gregory manages to calm Vanessa down after reassuring her that he is fine. Now a lot calmer, Vanessa notices that his shirt is ripped and the duct tape on it, prompting her to ask him what he planned to do with it. Gregory defeatedly tells her that he was going to try and fix it.
Vanessa remains silent, thinking. She knows how much this shirt means to him, and doesn’t want to get rid of it or have it not be wearable anymore. She wonders if she might be able to fix it herself, and then remembers that sewing kit and the memories of Vanny making the suit. Vanessa realizes that she might be able to solve this problem. So she asks Gregory if she can try and sew up the shirt for him. Gregory, who was expecting Vanessa to tell him to throw it away, is caught a bit off guard before saying yes.
So Vanessa takes the shirt to her room, opens the sewing kit and grabs some blue thread. She hesitates before picking up the actual needle, some of that old fear still lingering despite it being over 7 months since “that night”. Vanessa takes a deep breath and starts fixing the shirt. To her surprise she finds it to be quite easy, like riding a bike after a long break. Within an hour (idk how long this would really take lol) she has already patched up the tear and the shirt looks good as new.
She goes over to Gregory’s room and finds him having a conversation with Freddy about discretion “You can’t just bluntly tell people that someone fell out of a tree! You have to give them some sort of warning!” Vanessa gets their attention and shows them the patched shirt. Gregory takes his shirt, looks it over and places it on the bed. He then gives Vanessa a big ol hug while graciously thanking her for fixing it. She tells him that it was no problem, and then asks him how he even climbed the tree in the first place. 
That is where I will leave it, I hope you enjoyed this long boi. Again, I admit that this might not be as good as my other ideas, but I really just felt the need to write this one as it has been on my mind for a long time now.
OKAY SO- I may or may have not have to read this twice cuz i got distracted by the Acquired Savant Syndrome website and read all the info there (I'm a science nerd, sue me) but MATE??? All hail Vanessa getting an actual decent paycheck!! What I'm wondering right now is, did Vanny have to learn the skills herself? Or did Glitchtrap interfere with the learning process; like if something goes wrong with a single code you simply edit it? Does Vanessa have more access to Vanny's skill set? Strategical thinking (Yknow ,murder), Silent steps (She frickin skips and there's no noise, only static), and Working the security monitors (reference to a previous Idea, not sure which one). Also Gregory is such a gremlin, it would be April fools day and everyone would fear him. Small stuff; Chalk gets replaced with crayons, all whiteboard markers are permanent, there's random letters around the school leading to a fake scavenger hunt (the end prize is a note that contains a link to a rick roll), and Vanessa would join in on the pranks. (The Glamrocks aren't spared; even the company, I like to think they like to encourage Gregory to do it so they can produce gag toys for April fools or for the giggles. In exchange Greg gets to cause chaos.)
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I bawled my eyes out I think about an hour ago, started around 9 and ended at 10 (it's an estimate, I'm still processing my emotions about this so idk how I know) and one of the things I asked myself during was 'why' (in general,) 'why am i crying over two slices of pizza,' and 'this shouldn't be normal.'
Context, when they were making oven pizzas (the store bought ones, and Saturdays are usually our junk food day) and I usually went into the kitchen to go bug them when they did this but today I didn't cause both of them seemed to be in a somewhat sour mood during the process of shopping for stuff today (maybe I read their tones wrong but im bot sure.) and i see my dad come to me with two slices of pizza, claiming it as some form of tax similar to the cheese tax.
I was so confused on what happened when they both left i cried for a second and I guess my dad heard it cause a few minutes later I get a text from him saying that it was supposed to be a joke (I could tell they were joking but I was just so confused at the time) with a hug and heart emoji, we usually communicate this way to each other when we tell each other 'i love you' or something similar.
And once I finished the pizza I suddenly get a wave of emotions and after that wave of emotions I realized that the people who do things for me without asking are my parents, yeah my friends do it once a while. But my parents are the two people that do it 9 times out of 10.
I am from a country where the two main phrases that are usually said, but are usually forgotten by some. treat others they way u want to be treated, and don't be too selfless (I think I got the right word) or they will manipulate you (something on those lines, I don't think it's even a saying but it's a general rule of thumb here because majority of the people here are not that nice.) Which can make you have a guard up or just isolate yourself for protection. And during all of this I've realized that I took their love and affection for granted, and including for those around me that show it in their own ways.
I'm the mom friend or figure of majority of the friend groups I've been in, and some other things that happened in my life that also let me to become selfless, which usually ends up with me doing more while receiving less. And it made me realize that I don't experience gratitude often.
Idk if anyone will read this, but please. If you have anyone that's similar when it comes to them being selfless please do something for them without asking, even if they deny it or if it's something simple as food. Please do the same as you they do it to you. You don't know how much they need it. Truly, especially if they don't receive it often.
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junsei-draws-rotasu · 2 years
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles 1 1990 movie Live Blog
Completely forgot this was live action. Not animated.
Is that reporter April? Damn, she looks pretty.
Is this how pickpocketing works? You need several people to do that?
Is that a reference to SID in Toys Story or did this kid thought he’s slick having his back at his back?
Oh, didn’t realize that kid stole the wallet. Also, why is no one question someone is wearing that metal arm braclet. Like—clearly it’s trying to tell us it’s Shredder but! The lack of questions of his fashion???
Oh that poor man. How is he going to tell his customer he lost the merchandise.
Why are you watching television outside your balcony lady?!
Okay, that’s a hilarious steal.
Oh! The foot ninjas here are robot, right? I’ve watched a video saying the foot bots in 2012 TMNT was inspired by the 1990s.
“Who are we going to call?” “Unfortunately, the police—“ HA! Without rest of the context, the ducking shade thrown at their incompetency!
KNEW IT! Wow this April is pretty.
Channel 3? What happened being Channel 6?
Ok, dramatic on jumping into that chair because of a rat. I would’ve just booked it.
Why is there a knife sound when April got her keys? Oh I’m dumb. She’s about to be mugged.
Bopping to the sound track
THE EYE RIGES!!! How did they do that??? Are they muppets or in suites??? If in suite, props to the costume team on making sure the suite can express emotions!
The transition of Leo being informal to formal to Splinter 🥹.
Leo’s and Donnie’s eyes are brown!! *gasp* will they all have brown eyes??? Also, splinter doesn’t look like a rat.
Yup, that’s a Mikey move to order pizza while Splinter is delivering a life lesson.
Okay, why are they kneeling like that? Why can’t they kneel both legs?
I love the unexpected dance 🤣! Here I thought they’ll truly meditate.
The nonchalant conversation between Raph and Leo, when Leo asked where Raph is going and still dancing 😆. And Raph leaving, we see Donnie and Mikey still dancing!
Wooo! Donnie got some skateboard skills!
I totally blocked out Splinters lecture. What do you mean “Not having them” Donnie?
Donnie being neat and fancy for pizza… and yum! Look at that cheese stretch!
Not me seeing 90s Casey Jones before 87 Casey Jones.
Gosh, I’m so used seeing hockey stick being bigger than Casey from 2012. Seeing the 1990s version holding them is so weird.
Bogie??? Would’ve made sense if Casey called Raph Booger instead
Is Casey really going to ignore that Raph face is green?
Oh, so now you notice!
*snickers* these dorks
Ooh! Straight to the trash! Also, you could’ve dodge it Raph?
How come a taxi driver knows Ralph’s a Turtle by looking at him for 5 seconds, but Casey can’t??? Oh, right, this dude is a himbo.
Wow, that “Damn” you shouted Raph, the whole City heard you.
I really can’t tell between the Turtles voices apart from Splinter’s.
Master Yoshi?!? Oh… is this like TMNT 2003 origin story? I haven’t watch it, but I know who’s Yoshi or not.
Oh no, those diagnoses usually goes to Leo. Raph, I thought everyone was kidding when they say you’ll be the blue here.
I’m pretty sure you don’t bandage bruises instead you ice pack them first, then hot compress.
Kid. Danny. You will not steal from you father/uncle/older brother/whatever he is to you! THAYRE THE ONES TAKING CARE OF YOU!
I think Sterns looks like a dictator.
Wha—Is this every Mikey in movie??? From what I barely remember, the Bayverse TMNT, Mikey has a crush on April. Now this??? I hope, that kiss is more of a joke. Because your a teen Mikey, and April is an adult.
Oh. Oh. I’m hating Stern. He’s racist.
Is the backpack necessary for your disguise?
How is subway that empty???
I can see the eyes, okay, not foot bots but actual people. Huh.
“I deliver a message” *slaps April* “Shut it”
Why are you carrying that Sai with you April???
YA! Who needs a blade when you have a bag full of pain to hurt your enemies!
And Raph is kidnapping her. First crime I see the 90s turtles commit beside violence against criminals.
Raph being sarcastic is my favorite
Mikey, she’s not a pet
Ugh, keep those fingers away splinter.
Pft—The turtles reaction to April screaming 🤣! We got Mikey dropping his towel, Leo flinging his arms, Donnie squeezing and moving his pillow around, and Raph doesn’t know to back off and trying to tell her calm down.
I was about to diss April on how she’s trying to find logic in her situation until I realize I would do the same to cope.
How come they use a puppet for a rat but real turtles for turtles?
90s Mikey 🤝 12 Mikey interrupting Splinters Stories
Okay! Biblical Transformation Turtles.
How did they know the word pizza???
I Need better subtitles to tell the turtles apart.
13 year old and below that age, me doesn’t. I only ate Pizza when I putted chili on it. It turned into something I can eat until I don’t need it spicy anymore.
Mikey, I couldn’t tell if that was a joke. Seeing the other versions of yourselves (except Rise) eat anything in pizza.
Oh the awkward tension of this joking atmosphere
I can’t tell between Mikey and Raph here, why can’t they get vibrant Organe for Mikey :(
I totally forgot about the foot soldier
OH MY GOD! Did the 90s turtle started the Turtle pile trend for every tmnt versions!?
I’m loving the fact, 90, 12, and 18 Rapheals hug a teddy bear in their sleep.
Ugh, Problem children. I don’t even say this with endearing affection’s.
That boy looks too young to smoke.
Screw it, everyone looks too young to do these activities.
“Never lower your eyes to the enemy” DUDE! That dirty and supposed to be a sign that the lesson is over! Do you want them to never bow respectfully every match now?!
Don’t tell me everyone here is working for the Shredder—aaaand they are…
Pft–I was about to say the Shredder is intimidating until I saw the front. The bloody mask is too big for me to take seriously
Dragon doogie??? What happened being a foot?!
This is the third Shredder that is manipulative and a gaslighter. Taking vulnerable kids that are in the stage of “No body gets”.
Whatever you say, Dark Vader.
Oh hey, he kinda looks like from the Three Kid Ninjas Movie.
Oh god, the crush wasn’t a joke. April, never humor Mikey on a Date. Please. Your an adult and he’s a teen.
Yeah! Rat the him out! Make sure that Chief will be demoted by public demand!
Raph is my reaction when my siblings or friends tease me on a crush
Ooh, they’d been in this song and dance before, Mikey and Donnie develop a system.
Aw, the expression needs a mad and disappointed face. Leo face doesn’t match his tone.
Well isn’t this reminiscing on 2012 Casey and Ralph’s encounter.
So, Raph is fighting the foot in the rooftop alone… I see where this is going. Didn’t think it would be this early.
Wow, the tone is almost like the mirage comics. A piece of it at least.
The lack of concern on Raph is wow… also Nunchuck-off! Show you can duel wield Mikey! Now they’ll be impressed with that!
Slap slap punch. Bruuh, Leo, why won’t you use your weapons—wait. You’ll murder them, oof didn’t think of that
Despite not finishing yet, I wanna see a crossover with TMNT 1990.
Oh poor April. How will she explain this to her landlord?
Wanted to say on how not brutal this foot soldiers are since the foot I know would’ve go for the instant kill and me question what happens to their weapons. Until I remember, the ninjas are children, and there’s no blood on their hands as far a I can remember or assume.
Casey Jones!
I would say I need to know actors, but not really. I don’t care enough to get all references.
Is the internet a thing in the 90s? Like—April could still blog the truth.
I’m sorry, Shredder trying to be intimidating in his red suite with his big ass Face mask is too much. His freaking blades are also not intimidating!
Looks like 90s Shredder is the second least intimidating Shredder, the top would be 2019 Shredder from Batman vs TMNT
I know who Tetsu reminds me off! Tatsu! The blind nin that was second to Shredder in leadership and strength! But Tetsu has 2012!Shredders anger issues
I always question the pet rat origin. Since all of the wise advise that Splinter gives, did he heard them all from Yoshi or from all the TV he watch?
Don’t wanna be negative here and I know Splinter is trying to convince Danny that his father cared. But we’re banking on ‘all’ too much. If I revealed to my father I’m his son on some days, he would put me to therapy saying that’s all in my head and I’m a girl. Not a boy
So, Casey is all buddy-buddy with the turtles now? Or just that for April.
How is it moonlighting???
So this is where the farm hour arc is mostly inspired by. Are we going to see some horror tho?
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If I was drinking water I would’ve chocked or spitted it out cuz, why the hell is Raph positioned like that?
Ooh? Can you feel the love tonight~
Also, kinda sad the curls are gone for Casey
They didn’t bother removing Raph gear?! Then again, unlike 2012 Leo, 90 Raph just got a some concussion I think, not throat damage and broken knee. And a knocked shell.
Did Mikey have to be dramatic and find a cliff on night to shout “Splinter”? Also please tell me how long you guys stayed there.
Oh, thank you Tetsu. It’s been days since the gang left. Not weeks or months. Days… I’ll say Raph has been a 2-3 day comma?
Casey, why are using Leo’s sword for cutting?
Is turtle wax real? IT IS!
Leo, you look stupid.
Leo has the stereotypical mediating pose, Raph balled his hands in meditation while Donnie and Mikey are normal and open palms.
Awwww 🥺
I say they’ve been in the farm house for a week before going back.
HA! Casey’s expression!
They’ll be ambushed. If the Shredder has a brain, then he’ll be smart putting ninjas on the turtles lair. Or we’ll see the missing foot ninja.
I’m loving the Donnie and Mikey interaction!
Is Danny the McGuffin in this film?
Sheesh, didn’t bother closing the door, Danny?
waitwaitwaitwait did—did the Shredder took Splinter limbs?! Holy crap that dark for this supposed comedic movie!
NVM, I guess Shredded might be bad as 2012 when it comes to their ‘love’ ones.
Sosishjsiwhajkxbcjdish! THERES A TRAITOR AMONG US
Saki, your armor looks like plastic.
How did you know Splinter is his name, Danny? Did he say it in your therapy sessions with him?
YEAAAAH! Donnie security system—never mind.
Oh thank pizza supreme above, Mikey see April as a sister now.
If they turn now, would be great but unrealistic in real life. If I was told that, give me days or months to think about it. Since I’ve been, you know brainwash.
Saki, you need a better mask
Are we getting Casey chorusing the shredder in a joking way?
Just how experience are the turtles here? Like—April said their first defeat was in her apartment. And I’m pretty sure the turtles fighting experience are just a bunch of thugs that fights blind. And training.
Oh thank pizza, Splinter has his limbs.
Father and sons reunion!
Now give this kid therapy, they had been in a cult.
Ya gurl! You deserve this!
Is this how romance work? Like—a week for this to happen?
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What the fuck Chipotle 😂😂😂
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obsessive-mannerism · 2 years
The First Kiss
Eddie x reader (she/her POV)
Disclaimer: This is the first time I am writing something like this and any feedback is greatly appreciated! 
Warnings: none, maybe one swear word and cheesy fluff. AND IT’S LONG!
Summary: Eddie visits reader at work to finally get his answer. And they bot get a little more than that. 
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She had barely put away her stuff, let alone begun to work when Eddie entered the music store with the brightest grin she had ever seen. It was contagious. She didn’t want him to notice that his stupid smile had such an impact on her, which is why she looked down and hid her face from him. “Hey”, he greeted her sweetly, sitting down at the other side of the counter. As a response, she smiled at him but resumed her made-up work, where she looked at a few sheets of paper. Apparently, Eddie smelled the mislead, because he leaned forward and took a look at what she was staring at so intently. Knowingly, he sat back and supported his chin on his fist, elbow resting on the dark wood of the counter. “To what do I owe the honor of your company?”, she asked innocently, now putting away these meaningless receipts and finally returning his look. “I wanted to see you”, was his quick answer, to which she narrowed her eyes. “Admit it… you just want my lunch!”, she pointed her finger at him, now curiously raising her eyebrows, impatiently awaiting his answer. Eddie raised his hands as if he was caught: “You got me! Only here for the delicious goods.” She decided to ignore this ambiguous statement, turned around, and went into the staff-only room to gather her lunch packet. 
While she was getting out the sandwich, Eddie was drumming on the counter with his fingers, the silver rings leaving an audible sound that filled the little music shop. “I’ve got a cheese sandwich if you’d like”, she said with big eyes, but Eddie had already stretched his hands towards her to collect the food. To tease him, she pulled it away from his hands, just as he was about to grab it. The first time she did it, his face had a surprised, doubtful expression. The second time he looked at her with a suspicious glimpse and the third time he sank his head and laid it down on the counter. “You are going to let me starve, aren’t you?”, he asked with a dramatic sigh. “How can you be so cruel? I have been nothing but nice to you!”, he continued, but she just shook her head and made a reproachful sound: “Ts”. When she put the sandwich next to him, he raised his head and grabbed the sandwich so fast that she was afraid he would fall off the chair. “Finally! I escaped death once more!”, he announced and looked at the sandwich as if it was the most precious possession he has ever held in his hands. She couldn’t help but smile at his performance: “You should be in drama club, you know that?” Eddie gave her a quick look that said “Not in a hundred years” before he took a bite off that sandwich and made a delightful sound. 
The next moment, she heard the doorbell ring, announcing a customer. “Hello, welcome to Hawkins’ music store, how may I assist you?”, she asked with her friendliest of voices, before she attended to the customer, who wanted to buy a cassette for his daughter. She answered a few of his questions, settling on a rather “mainstream” music genre. “Perfect choice. I’m sure your daughter is going to love this!”, she said, as she was walking behind the counter, where Eddie was still eating the sandwich and eyeing the customer. “If your daughter doesn’t like it though, you can return this within fourteen days. Just keep the receipt and rewind the tape if it was heard”. The tall man thanked her with a nod, wished both of them a nice day, and left the little shop. Eddie mentioned as a sideline, that this was Chrissy Cunningham’s father. “How do you know?”, she asked, visibly confused. Eddie didn’t answer, he just shrugged and turned his attention back to the sandwich, which was almost completely devoured. 
“Hey!”, she said and took a step towards him: “I want to have a bite of that, too!” When she tried to grab it, he pulled back with that big grin on his face that revealed the dimples cornering his lips. “You still haven’t answered my question…”, he said in a challenging tone. “What question?”, was the reply he received with such innocent eyes that he felt the need to explain: “How often have I come here while you work? Do you think it’s simply because I have so much spare time on my hands? I asked you if you want to… hang out with me and I am still waiting for my answer!” She pressed her lips together and jumped from one foot to another: “But aren’t we hanging out right now?” - “That’s not the same”, he said instantly, now leaning over the counter and watching her intently. She mimicked his position, now resting her chin on her fist and staring into his brown eyes. 
For a moment she thought about what she wanted to say. Of course, she wanted to hang out with Eddie fucking Munson, but usually, she was just too shy around him to do anything about it. He could disarm her with the blink of an eye and here, at work, she felt like she had the upper hand and that she was able to flee any situation she felt uncomfortable in. Not that it was Eddie’s aim to make her feel that way - quite the contrary. But whenever he tried to make her laugh with his stupid over-the-top behavior, she felt her heart drop. She was scared of what could happen if they were actually alone somewhere. 
“So?”, he asked impatiently, after what seemed minutes of her not responding. “Can I hear your proposal again?”, she asked and gave him a sweet smile, hoping that it would disarm him the way he did with her. He sighed dramatically but obliged: “If you agree to hang out with me, you will get free guitar lessons, the coldest cheap beer you can imagine, and this sandwich”, he said, raising his hand and showing this last tiny, pathetic bite of a sandwich. She raised an eyebrow, obviously quite skeptical. “And what if I don’t want any of it?”, she said to challenge him. This was the moment where Eddie looked at her silently, his eyes switching from looking at her eyes to her lips. She tilted her head, awaiting his answer. “Well…”, he said, leaning closer towards her, putting down his hand on the counter: “There are of course other things we could do.” She didn’t dare to breathe, as he was so close that their noses almost touched. Oh God, this was it. The moment where she would usually flee, but she was unable to move. It felt like the air was filled with electricity, her skin was tingling. She began to grow nervous, biting her bottom lip, while the tip of his tongue stroked his lips, which she barely could recognize. She didn’t dare to look away from his eyes, which had such a mesmerizing effect on her, that it made her body shiver.
The next moment she felt his lips on top of hers and she froze then and there. First, it was disbelief that filled her thoughts - this couldn’t be happening, she must be dreaming. But she opened her eyes to see him right in front of her face, returned the kiss, and sensed his stiff shoulders that were now suddenly relaxing. She exhaled sharply before she gave herself into the kiss she has been imagining for such a long time. His lips were so soft and encompassed her upper lip so perfectly. His hand wandered up to her neck, while they were kissing each other softly, but still a little cautious. Her heart was pounding in her chest, her breath was unsteady and she felt like mist was filling her head, making it unable to be clear-headed. This might not have been her first kiss ever, but it surely was unlike anything she has ever experienced. 
The doorbell rang again, which at this point was the only reason she would end this kiss. Their eyes met and both of them were smiling awkwardly. Fast like a cat she grabbed the sandwich, stuffed it between her lips, and smiled at him: “Fine, I’ll hang out with you”. While she was chewing the sandwich and walking away from him slowly, Eddie looked at her in agonizing pain: “You can’t just leave now! Your lips, they are… the air I breathe… I can’t…!”. He held his hand to his neck and pretended like he was suffocating. As if something was pulling her away from him, she tried to fight against it, hands stretched towards him. “Don’t worry, I’ll give you the final blow.” Her fingers formed into a hand-gun, while Eddie was gasping for air. She closed one eye, targeted him with her pistol, and “pew”, shot him. He laid down on the counter, motionless. But only for a moment, because the smile on his lips deceived him. He really was too adorable.
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starwarslover11 · 2 years
Botsford-McCallister Fankids Headcanons (And life with kids)
They don't have kids right away, and Tobey manages to push aside his desperate want to be a father to see that Becky is clearly not ready, but when he asks her why, she simply states that she's not sure if they'll be half-Lexiconian And if they are, what kind of life will they have?
Tobey reassures her that they'll have the best life, because they'll have her as a mother. (And him too but pride can wait.)
Becky calls it corny but kisses him anyway because that's HER husband.
About four months later she comes to him and reveals she's pregnant, and the speed at which they manage to call teh WHOLE family is honestly something.
But former Villain and Wordgirl waste no time informing the EVA either. And no, Mr. Big, you are not allowed to come to the baby shower.
Because this is a reality where everything's fine Steven is declared God-Father and Uncle with no need to say so out loud.
Tobey made sure there were at least a dozen robots stationed across the mansion in case Becky's water burst at home and they couldn't get to the hospital in time.
As luck may have it this did indeed happen while Tobey was at work, but thankfully Violet had been over and was able to assist in the process.
After the babies (yes, twins), were born Becky told Violet they had already decided that she would be God-Mother and Aunt, and she immediately broke down to tears.
Tobey arrived shortly after, also positively melting when he saw his kids(!) and the babies were named shortly there after.
Beverly "Bev" Claire McCallister was the elder by forty-five seconds, and while everyone told her she looked exactly like Mom, Tobey convinced his wife to use his own mother's name sake because from birth her eyes were Grandma's eyes and no one could convince him otherwise.
Kiersten "Ki" Sally McCallister was the definition of fraternal twins. The only thing she had in common with Bev was their skin colors. After that she had Becky's eyes, Tobey's facial expressions, eyesight, and hair, plus she had powers whilst Bev did not.
The "Ki" nickname was only used and will only ever be used by Bev. NEVER ask why.
As a baby, Bev was always the silent one which scared her father out of his wits on a number of occasions and when awake would be unhealthily curious about things. Dangerously curious.
Kiersten was the opposite. She was very fussy, grabbed any thing attached to the person holding her all the time, and slept through most of the day while keeping her parents up at night.
None of this compared to toddler years Kiersten however, when she started using her powers. At this point in their lives, former Villain and Wordgirl had gone through at least ten Apocalypse's, three of which caused by Miss Power, and their little two-three year old daughter is the biggest cause of their stress.
Bev is an angel as always, and since she didn't have powers, her parents tried to see if she took after her father. She practically chucked the robot kit he gave her for her third birthday across the room, and almost tore apart Bee-Bee. It was then decided she would not be given any more robot related things.
The girls have a plushy collection of course. MANY Wordgirl dolls, one robot (Bee-Bee) for Bev and one for Kiersten (Bot), a pillow that looks like cheese (Uncle Steven of course gave them that), and a toy remote Kiersten is obsessed with playing make believe with Dad with. There are others but we'd be here for days and they are all Bev's anyway.
Kiersten treats Huggy like her lord and savior and he's able to keep her out of trouble every time he baby sits, while Bev just treats him like another stuffed animal she can hug to death.
After five years of dealing with these two disasters waiting to happen, the whole family is surprised when Beckh gets pregnant again.
At least they have the relief that it's not twins.
The birth is much easier then last time and happens at a hospital with Tobey there with his wife the whole time, and the baby couldn't be healthier, no complications at all.
(Except he's almost sent straight back with the doctor when he's brought looking as pale as THAT.)
Theodore "Theo" Tim McCallister IIII is the most well named baby on the planet, as in every way he is the spitting image his father, resulting in everyday lesson with Grandma Claire on how to raise a Theodore McCallister because not only did she have a son but husbands are sons too, if you didn't know.
Despite general warns not too, Tobey still throws hands and gives his son a robot kit for his third birthday which stays intact and makes the kid ecstatic so "Ha ha, Botsford, I win!"
Adding to the plushy collection, Claire managed to dig up Tobey's old teddy bear which he fittingly named Theodore McCallister the One-Hundredth, and he became just "Teddy" for Theo.
Bev incredibly protective over her little bro and Kiersten is the one he needs protecting FROM. Kind of like the relationship between Boy-Genius and Super-powered alien before they became friends. Which probably means they're destined to be as thick as thieves as well (it doesn't).
Tobey wants a fourth kid, Becky doesn't.
After two years Elizabeth "Beth" Victoria Violet McCallister is born. She is the perfect mix between to worlds, with Becky's hair (she grows it longer), skin, facial expressions, and powers, and Tobey's eyes and over all facial LOOK.
While she is highly intelligent and does possess powers, she refuses to take up the mantle of Wordgirl, (leave that to Kiersten), and instead pursues an interest in the arts, which she is surprisingly good at, especially acting and singing and dancing (though her Auntie Violet is VERY proud).
No one knows where she got her talent from, as it certainly wasn't her parents. (Claire and Sally only shrugged, and just LOOK at Tim. You don't have to ask him.)
Out of the four of them, Beth got the tallest, Kiersten coming in shortly after, Theo a few feet shorter, and Bev is a gnome's height.
As adults, Bev settled down to family life and a job as a childrens therapist, Kiersten of course became the next Wordgirl with a job at a fast food place on the side (she takes over and turns it into a restaurant eventually), Theo runs McCallister Tech but never once feels in his father's way or his shadow, and Beth became a famous actress, specifically on Broadway but she does movies too. This resulted in her falling in love and later marrying Scoops' daughter Emma Ming, as she was a director for many of her movies.
In perfect Kiersten fashion, she never falls in love. Bev settles down for family life, as I said, so does find a normal guy eventually who doesn't mind the family secret and has many kids with him. Theo bounces around and divorces at one point, but his soulmate ended up being Victor Best's son Everett. Beth, as said before, is happily married to Emma Ming.
Let me know if I should do any more!
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jingerhead · 3 years
Some DMs of mine that give me long-distance andreil energy
@archiveofourfoxes should we be concerned
Andrew: we are doomed to a life of misery tbh
Andrew: that's so rude of time
Andrew: it's only 10 here
Neil: Why can't I live by you
Neil: :(
Andrew: I'll drive to the airport then
Neil: Why does it take so long btw
Neil: Why can't I just drive to your place in 5 minutes
Andrew: because we'd be to powerful together so we had to be separated
Neil: I always feel bad when I don't respond to messages when I'm asleep but they're always a delight to wake up ❤❤❤
Andrew: don't feel bad cause you're literally asleep,, we're in dif time zones so it's really the earth's fault
Neil: Damn earth disrupting our discourse >:(
Neil: What time is it by you?
Andrew: ik earth must be a kevin stan
Andrew: rn it's 8:46
Andrew: it is no longer 8:46
Neil: I cant decide if I should sleep or not
Andrew: hmmmm
Andrew: probably yes but I would also say no
Andrew: like yes in a healthy way but no in a live your life way
Neil: I'm just doing more homework
Andrew: that is not a live your life reason to stay awake
Andrew: i'm like oh shit kevin exists
Neil: SAME
Andrew: i'm just gonna make them keep talking to me and then ask "oh who's kevin" and move on
Neil: You genius
Andrew: i know i am
Neil: Hehe
Neil: Also were we gonna watch Tarzan tonight? I don't remember for certain pfffff my brain is swiss cheese sorry
Andrew: *image sent*
Andrew: look i got my first sugar daddy spam bot
Neil: HELLO???
Andrew: RIGHT???
Neil: We truly have the best opinions
Andrew: truly unmatched
Andrew: 🧡🧡🧡
Neil: ❤❤❤
Andrew: this is going to be a heart battle now
Andrew: 🧡🧡🧡🧡
Neil: oh man
Neil: ❤❤❤❤
Andrew: 🧡🧡🧡🧡🧡
Neil: ❤❤❤❤❤
Andrew: 🧡🧡🧡🧡🧡🧡🧡
Neil: ❤❤❤❤❤❤❤
Neil: Tried to trick me huh
Andrew: no never,,
Andrew: 🧡🧡🧡🧡🧡🧡🧡🧡
Neil: ❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤
Neil: Hrmsmsmsm
Andrew: 🧡🧡🧡🧡🧡🧡🧡🧡🧡
Neil: ❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤
Andrew: 🧡🧡🧡🧡🧡🧡🧡🧡🧡🧡🧡🧡🧡🧡🧡🧡🧡🧡🧡🧡🧡
Neil: ❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤
Andrew: 🧡🧡🧡🧡🧡🧡🧡🧡🧡🧡🧡🧡🧡🧡🧡🧡🧡🧡🧡🧡🧡🧡🧡🧡🧡🧡🧡🧡🧡🧡🧡🧡
Neil: ❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤
Andrew: 🧡🧡🧡🧡🧡🧡🧡🧡🧡🧡🧡🧡🧡🧡🧡🧡🧡🧡🧡🧡🧡🧡🧡🧡🧡🧡🧡🧡🧡🧡🧡🧡🧡🧡🧡🧡🧡🧡🧡🧡🧡🧡🧡🧡🧡🧡🧡🧡🧡🧡🧡
Neil: Oh I have so many cups yeah that's what fills my desk
Neil: Most times I have my water bottle, a mug and a glass cup on my desk at least
Andrew: i use my windowsill as a nightstand so it's usually the first to fill up and then they fill my desk and then in truly dire cases my dresser
Andrew: they're my comfort cups though
Neil: Well that's understandable
Andrew: see i knew you would get it
Neil: Yeeeee we all have our comfort cups
If you made it this far then pls i'm scared how did this happen we literally made "why i'm neil" and "why i'm andrew" posts should we be worried
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kiki-shortsnout · 3 years
Hm, 11. sharing secrets for the intimacy prompts? With Tony and Stephen? Because I'm so curious what you'd make out of that. 🤍
‘So, this is normal then? The bunch of you hanging out like teenagers?’ Stephen asked after shutting the fridge door, pulling the cap off his beer with a spell.
‘Yeah, just a normal Saturday night….when we’re not fighting doom bots or trying to stop someone take over the world, kinda makes a change doesn’t it?’ Tony nudged him with an elbow, yanking out a bowl from the cupboard next to him to put the snacks into.
‘I have to say, when I used to think of the word Avengers, the lot of you hanging out in the tower talking about the best shade to paint your nails wasn’t what sprung to mind,’ Stephen spoke down to his bottle of beer.
Crumpling the chip packet up and tossing it towards the bin, Tony sighed as it hit the edge and bounced off onto the floor, frowning as it levitated by itself into the bin.
‘That’s cheating,’ Tony scoffed.
Stephen shrugged, smiling at him as he drank his beer.
Tony allowed himself to look, if only for a moment. Stephen Strange’s smiles were fleeting, rarely seen, and he treasured each of them, especially the ones that made the skin near his eyes wrinkle, dimples appearing in his cheeks.
‘Anyway,’ Tony shattered the thoughts by talking, waving away any of the fantasies he’d been having. ‘You forget that most of them didn’t have the chance to actually be a teenager. Steve was fighting in a World War, Clint was learning tricks at the circus, and don’t even get me started on what Nat’s been through,’ Tony rambled, shoving the bowl of chips into Stephen’s free hand.
‘And Thor?’
‘He’s an alien, asshole, he’s got no idea about Earth customs.’
Stephen made a noise of agreement, not moving even with the snacks in hand.
‘Go on through, I’ll be there in a minute.’ Tony tried to wave him away, still looking around for the Pop-Tarts.
‘I’ll wait,’ Stephen told him, the words said innocently enough, but the shuffling of his feet gave away his uncharacteristic shyness.
‘Do you want a Pop-Tart before Thor eats them all? I’ve got two different flavors, if I could find them,’ Tony muttered, trying to remember where he’d hidden them from the giant.
‘How long before they start playing truth or dare? or never have I ever?’ Stephen asked him, placing the bowl of chips down on the pristine ebony kitchen counter and grabbing a handful.
‘Don’t mention it to Nat, that’s like one of her go to games…I don’t want to hear about anything Clint’s done in his life again,’ Tony shuddered. ‘FRIDAY, where did I hide the Pop-Tarts?’
‘You hid them beneath the sink, behind the cleaning products. However, as Thor found those and ate them, I took the liberty of ordering some more. Miss Potts hid them inside the oven.’
‘Inside the oven?’ Stephen asked, munching on his handful of chips, orange cheese dust staining his long crooked fingers.
‘None of us ever cook,’ Tony rolled his eyes, waving his thanks to FRIDAY.
Stephen chuckled under his breath, the sound rich and melodic, making Tony stop and consider. Why would Stephen be hanging out here in the kitchen with him when everyone else was out in the living room? Why at all these social bonding events did Stephen stay close to him? It wasn’t as if Stephen was a timid wallflower, he spoke to the Avengers, joked with them, but it was Tony’s company he sought out.
‘Never have I ever painted my nails,’ Tony said hesitantly, keeping his back to Stephen.
‘I have once, lime green, wasn’t the most fetching of colors. Never have I ever cheated on a test,’ Stephen took up the conversation.
‘I’ve not cheated, but I once wrote down all the wrong answers to fail a test. Wanted to piss my dad off,’ Tony answered, opening the oven door and pulling the box of chocolate Pop-Tarts out. He wasn’t sure what he was hoping for, playing this with Stephen, but he loved the little slice of intimacy they’d created in the kitchen, a brief moment just for the two of them before they had to join in with the ruckus of the Avengers.
‘Never have I ever…’ He had to really think about it, not wanting to scare Stephen away, and trying to keep him interested at the same time. ‘Never have I ever hitchhiked,’ Tony decided on, moving around Stephen to grab the toaster, feeling the heat of the taller man radiating out through his thin shirt, his cologne. Stephen didn’t move, making Tony reach around him, deliberately brushing against each other.
‘I have, once to get out of Nebraska, my hometown.’
‘You’re from Nebraska?’ How had he not known that?
‘Hmm,’ Stephen agreed deep in his throat, watching as Tony wandered back over to his side of the kitchen to plug the toaster in. He could feel Stephen’s gaze on his back, feel it wander over his skin.
‘Never have I ever had feelings for someone in the other room,’ Stephen said cryptically.
‘Alright, I had a small crush on Thor and his bulging biceps. Come on, look at him,’ Tony laughed, shoving the Pop-Tarts in the toaster, finally turning to look at Stephen. ‘You said other room…not the tower.’
‘It’s your turn,’ Stephen told him, taking another mouthful of his beer and leaving the bottle on the side.
‘Never have I ever kissed someone called Stephen,’ Tony took the chance, careful with his choice of words, knowing he could fall back on the excuse that he hadn’t kissed Steve. They both had the same name after all.
‘Is that something you want to rectify?’ Stephen asked, his voice exquisitely sinful.
‘Dunno, should I go ask Steve?’ Tony countered, biting on the inside of his cheek at the sudden irritation on Stephen’s face.
‘Never have I ever had feelings for someone else before…’ Stephen whispered and Tony felt his heart stutter to a stop inside his chest, scared he’d made the wrong move, that he’d come on too strong.
‘Until now,’ Stephen finished his sentence, holding Tony’s gaze.
‘Never have I ever been a good boyfriend,’ Tony blurted, trying to take a step backwards despite the kitchen counter digging into his hips.
‘I don’t believe that,’ Stephen murmured, crossing the distance between them. ‘Never have I ever not meant something I’ve said,’ he told Tony once he was standing before him.
‘Stephen…I…never have I ever wanted to kiss someone more than right now.’
‘Good,’ Stephen told him, leaning down and pressing his lips gently to Tony’s. ‘Never have I ever been in love before,’ he whispered against Tony’s lips after he’d pulled away.
‘Whoo! Finally!’ Clint catcalled from the living room.
‘Thor you owe me twenty bucks!’ Nat crowed, clapping her hands.
‘I did not doubt their feelings for each other, but I did not think either would make a move for weeks to come,’ Thor grumbled.
Tony ignored them, still looking up at Stephen who was beginning to go pink in the cheeks from all the noise of the team.
‘Until now?’ he asked instead, referring to Stephen’s earlier never have I ever question.
‘Until now,’ Stephen agreed, closing his eyes to kiss Tony again.
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queenmuzz · 3 years
Happy Mother's Day
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I'm terribly sorry, this is supposed to be a happy day between mothers and their children, but you know how I am... Note: Set Between DMC4 and DMC5
Nero’s legs wobbled with numbness as he cautiously got off the bike, making sure that the motorcycle wouldn’t tip. He really didn’t want to bring it back to Lady with a ding in it. But when she had offered it to him to borrow, he couldn’t resist taking it for a spin. The vehicle was a beaut, lovingly taken care of, and...very, VERY fast. How that waif of a woman was able to hold on for dear life, he had no idea.
After he had steadied himself, he looked at his destination and frowned, looked down at the paper in his hand, and looked back up. The address was a match, but this place, right smack in the middle of downtown Redgrave, looked like a dump. A decrepit skeleton of what had once been a magnificent manor that looked abandoned for decades. Even though it looked like a prime location for a demon hang out, Lady had insisted that Dante wasn’t on a job. Nero had gotten the feeling she really wanted him to find the elder demon hunter.
Confused, and more than a little curious, he passed through the broken down wrought iron gate towards the house.
The overgrowth was tall and suffocating, but Nero noticed, just before what had been the entrance, a new path going to the left had been created, freshly trampled grass going around the corner. Nero didn’t see any other sign of disturbance, so this is probably where Dante had gone. So, he trudged along, wondering why of all places the man would have come here.
He pulled around the corner, and instantly came to a stop. Unlike the rest of the property, this area here had been recently maintained, the grass recently shorn (Nero had a sneaking suspicion it was Rebellion’s doing) A large oak tree, with bright green newborn leaves, cast a lovely dappled shadow upon the ground. And beneath the aged trunk was Dante, his back to Nero, facing a pair of granite stones. It took a few moments for Nero to realize...not stones… gravestones.
“Lady,” Dante didn’t turn around, “I told you that I didn’t need you here. I’m fine…” Nero caught the scent of flowers, specifically roses fluttering in the breeze. The young man awkwardly coughed, startling the man in red.
“Sheesh!” Dante rapidly turned around, revealing that the scent came from a bouquet of red roses in his hand. Well, nearly all red. In the middle of the bundle, was a single blue rose. “Didn’t expect to see you here kid! Heard Lady’s bike rumbling down the street, so I thought she was sticking her nose where it didn’t belong.” “Yeah,” Nero said, scratching the bridge of his nose. Had Lady used him as a tool to get to Dante? “You weren’t in the office when I came by, but Lady let me use her bike, and gave me directions to...this place.” He didn’t know the significance of this area, but it was probably very important to Dante.
“Did she eh...?” he murmured, slightly annoyed, slightly resigned for some reason.
“Yeah, Kyrie told me I needed to get out of Fortuna, to take a break from rebuilding Fortuna. And the only place on the Mainland that I knew about, was your place.” That was partially the truth. Nero had also wanted to ask if Dante would be interested in a business idea that Nero had come up with: A mobile franchise using the Devil May Cry name, centered in Fortuna, but he had the feeling that this was not the time nor place to bring up business matters.
Dante chuckled, and looked down at the roses he was holding. “I guess Lady didn’t tell you why I was here.”
“Nah, and I didn’t ask.”
“Welp,” Dante rolled his shoulders, the joints popping. “Might as well get this over with. You know what day today is?”
Nero was perplexed. It was just another Sunday in May. He shrugged.
“Ah, maybe they don’t do it in Fortuna. Here, today is Mother’s Day. Where kids and adults spend time with, and thank the women that raised them, and well… I’m visiting my mom.”
Nero felt the pieces of the puzzle falling in the place. Fortuna’s version of Mother’s Day was during the autumn, and Nero hadn’t really cared much about it, considering his background. But to Dante, the day was more significant.
Suddenly, he felt the yank on his sleeve, and before he knew it, Dante had dragged him towards one of the gravestones, the one that was older, and slightly more worn. It was simple, no words on it, but there was flowering climbing roses carved along the edges. The one stone beside it was similar, but newer, and there were no roses, just intertwined climbing thorny stems.
“Hey Mom, I’d like to introduce you to that kid I was telling you about. This,” he pushed the boy further in front of the stone proudly, “is Nero.” He stood there, partly awkward and partly proud at the thought Dante had talked to his mom about him. Dante hadn’t mentioned his mom much, but Trish had helpfully filled in the blanks when Nero had asked why Dante had a pic of her on his desk.
“Oh, that’s not me...that’s Eva, Dante’s mother. It’s complicated, but I was created by Mundus to look like her, to lure him into a trap many years ago. She was very important to him, and while I don’t quite understand it, I know that she loved him dearly she loved the bot-”
She’d been interrupted by Dante coming in the office, and Nero hadn’t pried further.
Nero tried to come up with some words “Uh...hi.. It’s nice to meet you.” God he sounded like an idiot.
Thankfully, Dante swooped back in. “She was a wonderful woman. You’d think she was soft and demure, but the moment you pissed her off, she was as hard as steel. I can still feel her pulling on my ear when she caught me sneaking into the cookie jar before supper.” He chuckled and winced as he rubbed his earlobe, “A fantastic cook, a wonderful violinist and… an irreplaceable mom.” Dante’s voice trailed off, and for a moment all that could be heard was the rustling of the wind through the grass. Strange, despite never meeting her, with no connection to this family, Nero had a feeling he...belonged here.
“She would have adored you…” Dante murmured softly, startling Nero. He turned to find the older man with a wistful, almost melancholy look on his face.
Instantly, that softness, that rare glimpse of something seldom seen, was locked up behind a steel grin. Dante laughed. “It’s nothin, just me talking without thinking. So, what about you? You’re on the Mainland now, best time to talk about your mom.” Dante must have seen his sudden scowl, and placed his hands up in surrender, realizing this was a sore spot. “Doesn’t have to be your blood mom. Can be any woman that helped you grow up!”
“Well,” Nero mused, “There was Cecilia, Kyrie’s mom,” he explained, “she was a heck of a woman. When Kyrie brought me home after I’d gotten into a scrap with the other kids at school, when they took my lunch, after she made sure I was okay, she gave me a ham and cheese sandwich on two pieces of fresh bread. She was a baker by trade, you see. And every day after that, when school was day, Kyrie would bring me to her, and Cecilia wouldn’t let leave until I couldn’t eat another bite. She was always looking out for me afterwards. Making sure I got my school work done, mended my clothes, and then when the Orphanage didn’t have clothes my size, she got Credo to get me measured up so she could get me several sets of clothes. But most of all…” he continued, trying to figure out why his eyes were getting all watery. Must be from the newly cut grass. “Unlike the rest of the island, she never judged me, never made me feel like I didn’t belong. I…” he took a deep breath, “I would have been proud to be called her son-in-law. But she never got the chance to see Kyrie and me grow up, to become a couple… Maybe if I had been there when the demon attack...” he trailed off, feeling a bit lost and alone. He couldn’t feel the same pain as Kyrie or Credo had, but there was pain nonetheless. He was surprised by a firm hand on his shoulder, and looked up to see the older man giving a smile of sympathy.
“I kinda feel where you’re coming from. My mom, she died in an attack too…she died protecting me from demons.” That smile vanished as Dante looked down at the gravestone...not this mother’s, the one beside it. “Our positions should have been switched” he murmured softly, grief on his face, “things would have been so much different, so much better...” Nero was perplexed. Was Dante wishing he had died so his mom had lived?
“Well, if she’s even half the mom you claim her to be, she’d probably be happy that you’re alive, strong enough to protect yourself, and others….” Nero tried to say what he was feeling, and it seemed to be what came from his heart. It seemed to do the trick, because Dante had perked up, and that mask of a grin was nowhere to be seen.
“You’re a good kid, Nero.” Dante said, and rubbed Nero’s head, laughing at the halfhearted scowl that earned. Dante looked up at the sky, the noon sun shining happily down. “Welp, I’m famished.... How bout we get our asses- I mean butts, sorry mom, back to the office and order some pizza. I’m pretty sure Lady owes me a couple boxes of them, for what she’s done…” Dante glared at her bike, barely visible from their location. Nero didn’t quite understand, but he’d never turn down free food.
“You go ahead, bring that bike back to her, tell her I’ll be there a bit later, just have to do a…” Dante looked down at the pair of graves. “A few more things to spruce up the place.”
Nero nodded. Obviously, Dante deserved some privacy, this was his mother’s resting place, so he turned to leave, his stomach already growling at the thought of pizza. He slightly worried he was turning out like the old man. Next thing he knew, he’d be having questionable tastes in fashion, and have a penchant for shooting old men in the head without explaining beforehand that the guy was trying to take over the world. Strange, he thought as he got on the bike, and looked back at the manor. It didn’t look as decrepit and creepy as before. Instead of a carcass of a house, it was a dignified memorial of happy times long since gone. A place that seemed to welcome him to return as often as he’d like. As he drove off, he remembered that he’d forgotten, in all the emotional unloading, to ask about the other gravestone….
When the sound of Lady’s engine had finally faded away, Dante let out a breath that he’d been holding in for longer than he thought. Damn Lady, trying to get him to break down and tell the kid the truth. Well, there had been a few close calls, a few words slipped out, but that façade had been maintained, with the kid none the wiser.
He looked down at the bouquet in his hands, and then at the grave before him. “He’s a great kid, like I said.” He sighed, “I know you’re probably disappointed at me for not being truthful, you were always a big stickler for ‘Honesty’ but…” he pulled out the single blue rose out of the bouquet, and spun it between his fingers. “Bad stuff happens to us Spardas. You, me…” he placed that blue rose before the newer gravestone, “Vergil.... I just don’t want that to happen to him. The less he knows...the better. He deserves the stability that we never got...” He placed the roses down, and knelt down, eye level to the grave.
“I hope, wherever you are, that you’re at peace, and that he’s with you, so you can tell him what I never could, that he was loved just as much as you loved me….” His forehead touched the cool stone, and a few drops of water splashed onto the crimson blooms.
“Happy Mother’s Day”
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enha-woodzies · 3 years
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starring: enhypen ft. i-land daniel
pairing: jungwon x fem!reader x sunghoon
genres: royal au, romance, angst, slowburn, 18th century setting
warnings: very mild swearing; brief arguments
word count: 2.5k
taglist: @serendipitysung (betareader) @en-sun @affectionaterainoflove @renkiv @softforjungwoo @jislix @gyeraniee @fluffi @stxrryemxlys @jungwon-luv-bot-pt3 @lost-lepord-beanie @hyunsunge @hooniecore @thenoceurgirl @thonkingdeepo
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I stood there at the side, leaning against the arched entrance. I never meant to eavesdrop in the conversation you were having with the firstborn of the Yang family. It piqued my interest upon hearing your troubles and impulsively decided to help you. To pass time, I guess… or to stall my father into giving me his magnificent title of a duke and have me marry some lady I don’t even desire to have.
Without any significant bargain in the offer, I suggested anyway with the thought that maybe this could help me look at myself the way everyone did before I made history with your brother. The physical bruises and scars we both afflicted on each other faded with time, but the torturous memory continues to haunt us. I may look fine around his presence, but he never had the slightest idea of how I curse myself every single night knowing I not only ruined him and his tender affections with Yena, but our budding and steadfast friendship as well.
I was heinous then. But I swear with my whole heart, I don’t ever intend to hurt you now the way I did with your brother. The moment I let myself drown in your alluring gaze under that brightly lit moonlight, I told myself I won’t take another girl for granted. Not just because I owe it to Niki, but because you were the first person who looked at me without judgment despite knowing your brothers detest me with the entirety of their souls.
I’ve been courting you for over a month now and I’m completely aware of the things we’ve agreed upon about the ruse; needless to say, one might catch feelings in the aftermath. I know this was all a show to give Jungwon a headstart for his own game, but why am I gravely pained every time his name slips out of your lips? Why do I keep myself up on most nights thinking about this lingering question of who do you love? Why do I want to hold you even closer to my side every time he looks at us in dismay?
I’ve come to know that I had myself caught in the middle of whatever this is between you and him; that I’m just the fuel to the fire that’s already been there, left neglected within time. But I can’t help but feel like I need to protect you from him; from whatever hurt he might cause you over time. Although I know my place in all of this and where I stand, it still stings thinking that it isn’t in your heart.
Why would it be, anyway? I’m only just a page you couldn’t keep; a filler in your romantic novel who had the part of the villain origin story but couldn’t fight your hopeless hero. Sadly, Jungwon’s five steps ahead of me. So much for telling the ton there was us in the making, but you weren’t even mine to begin with.
Your mother invited me and the Yang family for dinner a sennight ago. She said it was to properly introduce me as your husband-to-be to your family, that includes your lover’s sitting across the table discussing the recent blow from the Daily Tattle, which was, of course, us.
“Jungwon, dear, have you wished your friend, Y/n, luck on her future wedding with the duke-to-be? Need I remind you that she’s going to need some of it from her best friends.” Lady Yang gently nudged her son who was busy tapping his spoon and fork upon the table. “Jungwon here is finally courting someone, have you heard of that, dear? Lady Choi, daughter of the-”
“The ever famous cheese merchant of our city, Viscount Choi, whom without, we wouldn’t be eating this opulent cheese on the table right this very moment.” I finished, which made the two mothers impressively smile in my direction. Realizing how uncomfortable you become at the very slightest mention of Jungwon’s new lover, I figured butting in could end your agony; seeing that your man is stupid enough to not read the situation in front of him. He seemed more occupied with the utensils than your disheartened state.
As predicted, you excused yourself, and it went without saying that Jungwon followed after you as you rushed out the dining hall and out to your garden. Your brothers and his soon left the hall and went with their casual discourse on the parlor, leaving his and your mother exchanging wedding plans with the company of champagne bottles and cheese. I held my head up high as I walked into the library to reflect on matters that kept me wondering at night. Until Niki strode in, with a pocket watch in hand.
“Riki, I’m-”
“Save your breath, Your Grace. You’re going to need it in case you piss the hell out of Jungwon and he lands his knuckles on your pretty face again.”
“Why don’t you do it then? Can’t get your hands dirty for your sister yet you can for Yena?”
“Do not fucking tempt me, Sunghoon.”
“Too bad. I’d love to see you try, though.”
“And I’d love to see your little mouth shut, Your Grace. You’re impressive, but I’m sure you’ve always been told that. For a moment there you really had me thinking you were about to apologize to my brother. Turns out you’re still the coward that you’ve always been.” Jay walked in unannounced, slightly scaring me. He’s like a lion ready to hunt for prey, even though he’d just sit there looking unbothered. I’ve always deemed your eldest brother with veneration. All I did was drop my head low when he threw me those harsh words, though I completely agree as they embody me in so many ways possible. I hate it.
“A wedding, huh? Don’t you think you’re going too far, already? This ruse is nothing but a shame to both our families. Heed me while I’m asking you nicely to end this foolishness you’ve invoked on our sister.”
“Forgive me… but I’m afraid I can’t.”
Fortunately, Niki was quick enough to grab a hold of Jay when he was about to come at me. I must say this now before it’s too late, and better be in front of your brothers than your lover.
“I will take full responsibility for Y/n. I will be a man of worth to her and a word of honor, I will end any future causes of grievances upon us both. I will protect her from it, just as I’m doing now.”
“You’re doing nothing but stall her from her fate with Jungwon!”
“And how do you know she still cares for him? Haven’t you seen the look on your dear sister’s face whenever Jungwon’s name is brought up? Haven’t you seen that man strolling around the town with a fancy girl in hand a week after breaking your sister’s heart? I thought so. But you just want things to go your way. I’ll respect that. For now.”
I dashed out of the library after giving them a piece of my mind. Though I had planned to apologize to Niki, Jay’s words got the best of me. I headed towards the garden to look for you, but before I could have your attention, Jungwon already did.
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 Jungwon rushed to the garden, following Y/n’s quick pace in an attempt to block out any possible thoughts about her lover. Basking under the bright moonlight, Jungwon grabbed her by the wrist, making her turn and crash against his jabot-clad chest.
“Y/n, please-”
“Really, Jung? God! You totally had me fooled that day when I thought we were having a moment!”
“We did! But-”
“But what? You can’t hold yourself accountable for the things you left me with so you squander your way with another lady? Tough blow, don’t you think?”
“Please, Y/n, I just need you to listen to me and-”
“I’m tired, Jung. All these years, you let me wait for you for five years just to have you run back and hurt me again. I’m tired of you making a fool out of me, and I’m dumb enough to always let you. Because I love you. I love you so much, it fucking hurts. I have so much love for you yet here you are, always welcoming me with fleeting bliss and leaving me with endless torment. But the damage has been done and I’m out. I love you, but I guess I’m going to have to leave it like this.”
“You still do?”
“God! I poured out my heart for you and all you could say was that? Jung, how can you be so dense?! I wouldn’t have let you hold me that day in the forest if I don’t love you! I asked you for a new start but you ran off and a week later you’re traipsing around Northumberland with Lady Choi! Right in front of me!”
“You were with that man that day too, in front of me! You look at him with so much admiration with your hand hanging on his arm. How do you think that made me feel?!”
“More than the damage you did to me? What a load of nonsense, Jung! And here I thought you already knew that Sunghoon and I were just fooling around to get to you.”
“Well, I’m here now, Y/n! I’m all yours now!”
“No, you’re not. You just can’t bear the truth that you lost me to him. At the end of the day, it will always be your pride. It always has been. I’m sorry. I don’t even know why I’m apologizing but I still will. This ends here, Jung. I wish you well.”
The entire time that Y/n and the young lord were arguing out the garden, Jay and Niki were carefully listening from the library’s window; Niki figured it was finally time to spill the truth to his sister.
Niki followed Y/n to her room, taking note of the soft sobs and sniffles she emitted. She turned around when she felt her brother’s footsteps trailing after her.
“Riki…” Niki was suddenly enclosed by Y/n’s tight embrace, dampening his jabot shirt with her tears. He returned the warm hug as he gently rubs her corseted back, feeling the constant huffs from her crying.
“I’m sorry about Jungwon.”
“He doesn’t deserve me.” The lady muffled against her brother’s chest.
“Maybe you’re right. And neither does Sunghoon. Listen, Sister. There’s something I need to get off my chest. Come.” The two entered the lady’s room and Niki carefully shut the door tight, locking it in the process. He sat atop the neatly arranged bed while patting the space next to him, gesturing Y/n to sit closer to his side.
“Jay isn’t happy with the sudden announcement of your engagement, and neither am I. But always know that I will always have your back, just like how you always have mine. I’ve seen how Sunghoon made you smile and laugh like how you used to with Jungwon back in the day. This day feared me but we’re here now, and I must tell you the reason why we’re all against him courting you in the first place.”
“Remember Yena? The girl I told you about in the letters? Sunghoon… he deceived her. He made her cheat against me, fed her with lies, and tricked her into thinking our love was nothing but a hoax. I saw them one day in his father’s garden, I followed them, curious enough to see how he made her happier than when she was with me. Until he kissed her. He took her first kiss when I thought we’d be sharing it with each other. And she kissed him back... like I wasn’t even someone to reckon with. Needless to say, I attacked him. The boys went against him afterward. Jungwon was there too. With all the lies he wired into her brain, Yena never looked at me the same after that day. And the many days that followed. She and Sunghoon just suddenly stopped seeing after the fight that erupted between us.”
“The thing was, sister, Sunghoon never loved her. He was young and didn’t want to let the opportunity pass, that’s what he told us when I had his collar by my clutch. That was the only excuse he could ever give us. The asshole that he is.” Niki clicks his tongue while dropping his head low, gaze fixed on the carpeted area on the floor across them. “Fuck. I would still have Yena if he didn’t try to treat things like we were playing a game of who could get the girl first. Thinking about the time he wasted on nothing genuine, Yena could have spent it on me instead and I would have had her here, introduced to Mother and the ton.”
Y/n placed a hand on her brother’s closed, shaky fists. Niki let out soft sniffles, trying his best to keep himself from cracking. “I’m sorry, Riki, I didn’t know. He told me it was all in the past and that he desires to make amends now.” Niki jerks up, eyes fixed on his sister’s eyes. “You’ve only heard his point of view, you never heard mine. Sunghoon’s made a whole record in university, Y/n. He goes around the grounds breaking hearts like he owns them. Girls would swoon over him and he would gladly oblige. What an ambitious, cunning little prick. And now he has you wrapped around his fingers, the same way he did to Yena.”
“I’m sure he means no harm now, brother. He’s been nothing but kind and gentle to me. He makes me utterly happy; the part of my romantic story where I used to want Jungwon to be consistent of.”
“You know, I’ve always been considerate of your choices and aspirations, sister. But I will not lose you to Sunghoon like this. I’m afraid Jay and I will have to be very uptight with you seeing him from now on. I’m sure by now you’ve come to understand why Jungwon’s scared of surrendering you to him. He means well, sis, Jungwon…”
“I will not settle for someone whom I have to spend a lifetime second-guessing whether he wants me in his life or not.”
“But he’s been missing you a lot lately, hasn’t he?”
“I’m afraid him missing me is far too different from him wanting to marry me.”
Niki only sighs before planting a soft kiss on his sister’s temple and fixing his fit to present himself back to the lobby. Y/n was left in her room, fidgeting with her fingers while anxiously biting her bottom lip in deep contemplation.
Sunghoon may have stolen her attention from Jungwon, but she had to admit, she never regretted it. She has felt safe with Sunghoon the past months they’ve been together. Jungwon did nothing but torture her constantly with every chance he got. Although they hadn’t been sticking around their ruse’s ground rules lately, she feared the time between her and Sunghoon would be up soon and she wouldn’t feel his comforting presence around her anymore.
Sunghoon may have gotten her used to their dilly-dallying that time apart from each other could make her feel miserable. Not to mention the embarrassment that would come with it considering she is foretold to be Northumberland’s next duchess after all.
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lovelyirony · 4 years
that rhodeytony piece with the bots........... iconic. do you think we could have more of that sweet sweet mit era?? I just think they’re neat
Look. Rhodey hadn’t meant to build another robot. But Tony was at some business conference for the weekend, and Dum-E was just pitifully sad. If Tony had been there, he would’ve convinced Rhodey that Dum-E is a drama queen and acts like the end of the world is happening at any minor inconvenience. 
But why not give Dum-E a little sibling? This is how U comes to be, and he’s quite the gentleman, far more gentle than his big brother. 
Rhodey enjoys teaching him how to pick up socks and shoes, and how to put the coffee mugs on the counter gently, something that Dum-E is not good at yet, but they’re trying their best. (He has a stuffed coffee mug that they got from the pet store that he’s flung at every single surface so far.) 
Tony comes back from his business conference (which ugh) looking for cuddles, dinner, and maybe a movie date night if they can get Dum-E to stop trying to escape the apartment. 
What he isn’t expecting is for his boyfriend to be mediating a fight between two robots. 
He stares at his boyfriend for a moment. 
“Rhodey, darling, is Dum-E having a...play-date?” 
Rhodey freezes. 
“Oh!” He says, grinning. “I, um...made him a sibling?” 
“And they’re...fighting?” 
“Well, for now. Dum-E’s mad because he didn’t get to put actual coffee mugs on the counter, and U is mad because Dum-E stole the couch blanket. I think U is really into decoration!” 
“Yeah, that explains everything,” Tony says faintly, sitting. “So...U? Like, the letter?” 
“Yeah, you like it?” 
“And you thought that it made a good name for what?” 
“Well, it was more of a placeholder, honestly. But then he liked it!” 
U looks over at Tony curiously. 
“U, this is Tony. Your other dad. We used part of his code to make you!” 
The arm bumps softly against Tony’s, which is an improvement from Dum-E, who tends to go full-force. (Although they’ve worked on it.) 
“So...” Tony says. “You think with U, we won’t need to look for a babysitter for date night?”
“No, we will. We definitely will. Dum-E hasn’t adjusted to a sibling yet.” 
“Poor baby,” Tony coos, patting Dum-E on the claw. “You thought you were going to be the only attention-seeker for a while, didn’t you?” 
He glowers, wheeling back and acting very high-and-mighty for a robot who just threw the equivalent of a tantrum. 
Rhodey looks at Tony, kissing him on the forehead as he leans over to lay on his legs. 
“How was the business conference, honey?” 
“Utter shit. I didn’t need to go, I was an ego boost for Obie to tote around.” 
“Told you that you shouldn’t have gone.” 
“If I said ‘no’ one more time, we would’ve had to have a phone call about my ‘five year plan’ and ‘legacy’ bullshit. You know that that gives me a migraine. Besides, he gave me a gift certificate to a fancy restaurant, so that means we get to have a good meal one of these weekends when you visit.” 
“Who said I would visit with you?” 
“Because Jarvis adores you and I think Ana wants to adopt you and force you to stay.” 
“You make a compelling argument,” Rhodey says, pretending to think about it. “I’ll...consider it.” 
Tony snorts. 
“And they say I’m the asshole here.” 
Two years later, Dum-E and U demand that they get a sibling. The dads are back home together (for now) and Jarvis has grown tired of reason. 
“They want a sibling, Sir.” 
“What, each other isn’t enough?” 
“They have requested many movie nights where there are siblings or groups of friends, and I think they want to, in a sense, replicate the scenarios.” 
“They’ve already done all of it? Wasn’t it them who got onto a plane for DC just because they wanted to see Pops?” 
“Yes, yes it was.” 
“You know, J, I still think that you helped them with that one.” 
“I most certainly did not.” 
(Jarvis totally did. He gets bored, you know? Besides, Colonel Rhodes hadn’t been home for three months, which should have counted for cruel and unusual punishment.) 
“Well, regardless of your guilt in certain situations, we’ll have a family discussion about maybe a new sibling.” 
Rhodey gets a text as he’s grocery shopping. 
hey, need to talk about family stuff. can you also pick up some more colby jack cheese? 
sure. what’s it about? 
your son has decided he wants a sibling. he convinced dum-e....
got it. 
Rhodey laughs to himself as he turns his cart around, going towards the dairy section. Of course U would decide something like that, it makes sense. 
Tony is looking at Rhodey with a disappointed look on his face. 
“This is all your fault.” 
“How is this my fault?” 
“You dote on the boys too much.” 
“Oh, I do that? Who makes them Halloween costumes every year and hosts a party with all of the other appliances we’ve made over the years?” 
“Oh like you hate those, Mr. ‘Here’s-the-hand-made-Halloween-playlist’.” 
“True,” Rhodey says, setting down the bags. “Help me put away all of this stuff, half of it is yours anyway.” 
“We have a shared fridge, Honeybear.” 
“Tell that to your pomegranates taking up about two shelves!” 
“Only for now, and half of those are Pepper’s! They’re not all mine.” 
“Do you think she would want a say in the robot? After all, she does have to deal with U and Dum-E worshiping the ground she walks on.” 
“And she is the reason that Dum-E usually succeeds in his smoothie-making,” Tony admits. “Yeah, sure, invite her over.” 
Whenever Pepper is asked what it’s like having to be a personal assistant to Tony Stark, she always wants to answer with something like “oh, it’s really fulfilling to help a company reach its goal and learn so much from my boss to apply to what comes next” or even “oh, it’s nice.” 
She got invited to dinner, and is now in a conversation about whether or not Dum-E and U, her boss’s children, should get a sibling. 
And the fact that her boss’s children are robots, have two dads, and think that Pepper is the best thing since life itself. 
“Why do they need a sibling?” Pepper asks, chewing on her pasta. 
“Because they’re bored, and we think that maybe we’ll stop getting calls from the fire stations around town that they’re trying to wreak havoc again,” Rhodey says. “They’ll want to teach the new sibling how life works around the house, and we can start on security measures.” 
“Can’t you just put a genetic lock on the door or something?” Pepper asks. 
“They’re surpassed it,” Tony says grumpily. 
“Don’t look at me!” Tony defends. “Look at Jim-dear, who is obsessed with true crime documentaries! They picked up how to gain evidence and use it for proof from him and Forensic Files!” 
Pepper puts her head in her hands. 
“Just once, I wish that we had a dinner to discuss a business proposal or something normal instead of whether or not your two boys need a sibling.” 
“Well, we are thinking about a daughter,” James admits. “And we wanted to talk to you about that.” 
“Why, because I’m the only female either of you know?!” 
“No,” Tony says quickly. “We know plenty of women!” 
“Name seven.” 
“Plead the fifth,” Rhodey jokes. “But you spend time here, and so we wanted to know what you’d want to see in a robot.” 
“How the hell should I know?” 
“You work for the best tech mogul in two hundred years,” Tony says. 
“Tones, you’re entirely too cocky.” 
“Oh shut up babe,” Tony says, no real heat to the sentiment. “Besides, I’ve treated you well, haven’t I?” 
“Other than embarrassing me in front of every single government official every time you interact, sure.” 
“You love it, they hate it, win-win,” Tony says, stirring around his mocktail. “But Pepper, seriously. What do you think about a third robot?” 
“Well, can’t get anymore chaotic,” Pepper sighs. “And I think having a girl around would be...nice. Not as chaotic.” 
“You saying girls don’t bring as much chaos?” 
“No,” Pepper says. “I’m just saying that we know when to bring it.” 
Butterfingers is born, and she is the most perfect definition of a “daddy’s girl” any robot has ever been. She wheels around with grace, although she can’t stop bumping into things and dropping things, being worse than Dum-E. (Which he actually adores.) 
She follows Pepper along in awe, and can be seen usually in her office. 
Curiously enough, the only time she doesn’t live up to her name is in Pepper’s office, where she handles things with grace and Pepper gives her little tasks to do, like delivering cups of pens to employees or papers. 
Rhodey gets her (and the brothers) little souvenirs from his time away, and Tony has an absolute ball of a time making them all costumes and taking a million little pictures that are hung up everywhere in the building. 
But perhaps the crowning achievement are the Christmas photos. 
Usually, Stark Industries will take pictures of their employees, put a newsletter out, and wish everyone a happy holiday and all that. 
But then the employees have an entirely different idea. 
It comes from one of Pepper’s assistants after she’s made CEO, Julia. 
“Why not have the bots be the Christmas picture?” she muses, restacking some of the papers Miss Potts had to sign. “They’re always around the office, and they’re the unofficial mascots of the business. I think it’d be fun to see their Christmas hijinks!” 
Pepper smiles. 
“Julia, remind me to add a little extra to the Christmas bonus.” 
Rhodey finds the idea to be the best idea anyone has come up with in years. (Although it just gives him an excuse to take more pictures of the bots during the festivities.) 
Dum-E is only too happy to finally be allowed within two feet of tinsel. (Unfortunate incident in 1998.) U is very excited to show off his understanding of symmetry and how to pick out the perfect tree, and Butterfingers just wants Pepper to tie ribbons around her wheels so that she looks “extra-pretty.” 
Stark Industries’ holiday card involves Dum-E and U at either side of the tree, with U gently readjusting one of the many ornaments they’ve had the bots make over the years, and Dum-E is trying to pull off a ribbon from the top of the tree. Butterfingers is at the center, guarding any attempt to unwrap presents, and presenting her bow-filled-wheels. 
Pepper has the picture framed in her office. 
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silkling · 3 years
Silkling, I really love your writing. Could you please write a TFA fic of Isaac and Bulkhead bonding over growing up on farms?
You know, I always forget Bulkhead grew up on a farm. But I would be thrilled to! I hope it’s to your satisfaction!
Bulkhead was painting again. That in and of itself wasn’t something new. He painted a lot. What made this time different was that he was alone at the base. Sari had taken the others to something she’d called a “theme park”. He didn’t understand exactly what a park had to have to be called a theme park, but she’d told me it usually involved lots of things called “rides” and lots of games. He also didn’t understand how a ride could be fun, but then again he didn’t know what a ride was. He had a feeling that the way Sari used it, these “rides” weren’t the kind of ride that was defined by the dictionary definition of the word. She had also, helpfully, said that theme parks were always popular and the funnest part of the “rides” was the screaming. He had opted out at that point, being more confused by what exactly that weird park entailed. So, here he was. At the base, alone and painting with peace and quiet.
He rather liked it, actually. He knew Bumblebee didn’t understand, but it was moments like this Bulkhead found himself really getting Prowl. Stillness and quiet could be nice, sometimes. He was intending to do a big project today, wanting to take advantage of the rare peace to be found in their make-shift home. The others had said they’d be gone all day. He wasn’t expecting them back till close to sunset.
So when he heard a voice from the front of the base, he was rather startled. Thankfully, he didn’t ruin his painting as he jerked, and he sighed in relief before dropping the brush in the water pot. Then he turned to the voice, head tilting as it called out again. Oh, wait. He knew that voice! The large bot lumbered towards the unexpected guest, and as soon as the smaller form came into view his engine let out a soft churr of greeting.
“Hey, Professor Sumdac.” he said contentedly. “I didn’t expect to see you here.”
The human had turned at the sound of approaching pedes, his gaze locking on the Autobot at the soft rumble of his engine. He blinked rapidly, not having expected the largest of their alien guests to be the one to greet him. He would have thought it would be Optimus, or perhaps Bumblebee. Still, it wouldn’t do to be rude. He may have had more humble beginnings than most of his wealth, but his mother had taught him manners and he intended to use them. Besides, Bulkhead had been polite enough to come out and greet him, even though he was technically intruding on the gentle giant’s own home.
“Good afternoon, Bulkhead. It is very nice to see you. I apologize for the intrusion, but I was looking for Sari. You wouldn’t happen to know where she is, would you?” he asked hopefully.
Bulkhead only blinked a few times, looking a little surprised. “She took the others to something she called a theme park. I stayed behind. Screaming for fun doesn’t really…sound good. I’m surprised she got Ratchet to go.” he paused. “Actually, that may be because I’m pretty sure she has blackmail on him.” he added, as if to himself. Then he seemed to remember the point of the question, and he frowned at the older human. “She didn’t tell you?”
“That she’s going to a theme park or that she’s blackmailing senior alien robots?” Isaac said dryly. “She told me neither of those things.”
Bulkhead smiled sheepishly. “Sorry, Professor.”
“Ah, don’t worry about it. I’m certain she would have found a way to the theme park either way. I do wish she would stop skipping her lessons, though.”
Bulkhead blinked. “I suppose. You’re very patient with her. On Cybertron, if a youngling consistently misbehaves than their creators wouldn’t be as patient.” he said offhandedly.
Isaac blinked. “Youngling? Is that your word for a child?” he asked. Then the second part of the statement caught up. “Ah, pardon me for asking, but what are “creators”? I was under the impression you are living robotic organisms, not built by someone else.”
Bulkhead hummed. “Yeah, youngling! I’m one, technically. Though I’m closer to being considered a fully grown mech than Bumblebee. I’d be considered the equivalent of a 16 year old human?” he said, running the calculations in his head. “Yeah, somewhere in that range. Bee is the equivalent of a 13 or 14 year old.” He was pretty good with math. His numbers were mostly right, or at least close enough for his point to be understood.
Isaac was staring. “You and Bumblebee…are not yet adults?” he seemed stunned.
“Nope!” Bulkhead was cheerful. “Bossbot and Ratchet are. Prowl is too, I think? He’s really private but I’m pretty sure he is. He’s older than Bossbot is, anyway.” he smiled, humming to himself. “I actually think Prime is only just considered a proper mech? Like, uh….between 19 and 21 in humans terms?” he tapped his chin with a finger, only just then noticing the open mouthed gape the professor was sending him. The large bot squirmed, uncomfortable. “Professor?”
Isaac snapped his mouth shut with a audible click, then shook his head. “You and Bumblebee-“ he cut himself off, shaking his head again before he kept speaking. “You are not yet adult on your world?” he repeated, still internally flailing over that revelation.
Bulkhead blinked. “Well, no.” he said, tilting his head. “Why?”
“Because if you’re still so young you shouldn’t have been allowed off the planet!” Isaac answered, his hands flapping with his distress.
The Autobot frowned. “Well, I’m close enough to being an adult that I’m considered capable of any type of non-combatant work. When I flunked out of the Academy that left space bridge repairs.” he said. “My creators were fine with it cause they were sure I’d be staying in Autobot space territory, and since they know how well I know space bridges they weren’t actually worried about me being in danger.”
“What about Bumblebee? You said he’s even younger than you!”
“Ah….” Bulkhead hunched his shoulders. “Bee, um. He doesn’t have creators. He wasn’t cold-forged, which means he wasn’t just placed in a protoform after Vector Sigma spat out his spark, but he was a abandoned at a Youth Center as a sparkling. A, uh, a baby.” Bulkhead explained awkwardly. He squired at the probing stare. “Please don’t make me explain Cybertronian reproduction differences. Ask Ratchet.” he said desperately. He did not want to have that discussion.
Isaac sighed. “Oh, very well.” he agreed. He didn’t want to make Bulkhead uncomfortable, after all. “So, creators…I gather they are the equivalent of human parents?” he tilted his head. “Would you mind telling me about yours?”
Bulkhead perked up. “Yeah!” he confirmed. “My creators were real proud when I joined the Academy. I’m lucky they weren’t disappointed that I flunked out. They understood.” his gaze went soft and fond. “I do miss them. I know they were a little sad I didn’t want to continue on with the family business like my older brother, but…” he shook his head. “Breakdown didn’t mind staying at the farm. I always wanted more.” he sighed. “Roadbuster and Beachcomber, my creators, were just happy I was getting the chance to do something I wanted.”
Isaac stilled. “Farm?”
“An energon farm!” Bulkhead supplied cheerily. “The farm was built on top of a really big underground energon spring. Our job was to extract it, purify it, then refine it into different grades and types of energon to be shipped out to the rest of Cybertron.” He shot a fond look around the building. “This place reminds me of the energon refinery on the farm, actually.”
Isaac blinked. “You grew up on a farm.” It was a statement.
Bulkhead frowned. “Didn’t I just say that?”
Isaac smiled. “I grew up on a farm as well, Bulkhead.”
The Autobot’s eyes quite literally lit up at that little tidbit, and he shot a glance at the small lounge area they’d put together. “Sit?” he asked hopefully. “I’d like to know about earth farms.”
Isaac nodded, leading the way and taking a seat on the himself couch while Bulkhead sat himself on one of the odd tire seats. “It was a dairy farm, primarily.” Isaac smiled. “My family raised cows for their milk and sold it to stores and at farmer’s markets.” he sounded fond as he reminisced. “We also made our own cheeses. I still have the recipes!”
Bulkhead tilted his head. “What happened?”
“I…” a pause. “I was always good with machines. I suppose that I, like you, wanted more. So I went to school for robotics and then, well…” he put out his arms. “Here I am.”
Bulkhead hummed. “…I miss the farm sometimes. Even if it was annoying to have to get up so early.”
“Ah, yes. Early mornings.” The human groaned. “I remember those. I despised them. Especially when I had cleaning duty for my morning chores.”
Bulkhead made a look it disgust. “Tell me about it. Cleaning out the energon purifiers and refiners was the worst job on the farm, but I always got stuck with it cause I was the youngest.”
Isaac hummed. “I remember the smell, even years later.”
“I remember the slime.”
He paused, unsure if he wanted to know. “…slime?”
Bulkhead nodded. “Yeah, see, when energon is being refined and when it’s being purified, the process involves removing unwanted contaminates or components at a base level.” he tilted his head. “The finished product comes out looking fine, but then it leaves a very thick, sticky slime on the insides of the machines that has to be cleaned out.” He grimaced. “I really preferred the work of extracting the raw stuff from the spring. It was really hard and labor intensive but at least it wasn’t slime.”
Isaac found himself grinning. “I was much the same with the cows. I detested mucking out the barn, so much so that I would prefer to do twice my share of the milking. That was dull work, but at least I could plan out blueprints for my projects in my head while I worked.”
Bulkhead found himself humming softly. “I liked the farm. I would have been happy there, I think. But…”
“It wasn’t what you wanted to do with your life.”
He grinned. “Yeah.” he paused. “I do miss the songs, though. And my brother, though Breakdown is probably annoyed that I missed so many calls. I miss my creators too.” he frowned. “I hope they don’t think I’ve offlined. I was in stasis for a while.”
Isaac softened, sighing and feeling something fond well up in his chest. “I’m sure they held out hope. Speaking as a parent…well, I don’t think I’d ever stop hoping if Sari were to go missing.”
Bulkhead glanced up, then smiled faintly. “Thanks, Professor.”
“You mentioned something about songs?” he asked with a smile in return, hoping to shift to topic in order to cheer up the green bot.
“Yeah!” Bulkhead brightened. “My creators had old songs that were passed down from their creators, and that they taught us. Whenever we were all working together we’d sing!” he seemed fond as he recalled the memories. “It was always really nice. When we were singing, I almost wouldn’t mind cleaning duty.” he shuddered. “Almost.”
Isaac barked a laugh. “I see! My family never had any songs, but we had recipes we shared and cooked together. We would all make dinner together after a hard day’s work. Those were my favorite moments of the day.” he sighed.
“Your parents must be proud of how far you’ve come.” Bulkhead mused.
Isaac smiled sadly. “They’re dead, Bulkhead.”
“Oh…” he reset his vocalizer. “I’m sorry.”
The human sighed. “It is alright. I have had time to mourn and grieve. And you are right. They were very proud. My father was proud even when I left the farm. He was happy to see me trying to pursue a better life. My mother was disappointed that I would not carry on the family legacy.” he sighed and tilted his head up. “But she did come to terms with it. In the end, she was happy for me and proud of all I’d accomplished.” He glanced at the Autobot, considering. “I own the farm now, though I no longer work there and I have far fewer cows. One of my cousins stays there when I am not to take care of the few cows there are, and I return with Sari during holidays sometimes.” he shot Bulkhead a warm grin. “In fact, I was going to bring her there again for the upcoming Fourth of July. Perhaps…you would like to come as well? I can show you life on a human farm in person.” he offered.
Bulkhead almost seemed to vibrate with glee at the prospect. “I’d like that a lot, Professor! And hey, if you’re ever on Cybertron, I’ll show you may farm!” he said brightly.
Isaac laughed, loud and free. He doubted that he’d ever see the alien planet, but the sentiment was still very nice. “I’d like that very much, Bulkhead. Thank you.”
Just then, he heard the sound of approaching engines, and when he looked towards the door he realized he could see the sun setting. Goodness, he and Bulkhead had been talking for hours. As the other bots stopped and transformed, Sari hopped out of Bumblebee before he did so and froze when she saw her father.
“Uh, hiiiiii, dad!” she squeaked.
Isaac sighed. “Sari, you should have told me where you were going! I was worried about you!” he scolded. “Come, we’re returning home. It’s getting late and I have the feeling you haven’t had proper food all day.” he said.
“But dad-!”
“No buts! The car is outside. Go, please.”
She groaned and grumbled, but after a quick goodbye to the others she obeyed.
Isaac turned to Bulkhead, smiling. “Thank you for taking the time to talk to me, Bulkhead. I enjoyed it.”
Bulkhead, for his part, merely beamed in response. “You’re welcome! I had a lot of fun! It was great to learn more about you, Professor Sumdac!”
Isaac smiled. “Please, Bulkhead. You can call me Isaac.” he said warmly.
The Autobot blinked a few times, and before smiling even more brightly. “Right. Isaac.”
Isaac grinned in response. The young bot’s joy was positively infectious. “I would enjoy talking further another time, Bulkhead. For now, I must take my leave. Goodnight!” he said, before walking out the door.
Bulkhead waved. “Goodnight, Isaac!” he called.
When the sounds of the human car had faded into nothing, Bulkhead turned to find everyone else staring at him. He smiled at his teammates, standing from his seat. “Hey guys! Did you have a good day?” he asked. Then he realized he had forgotten his painting. “Awe, scrap. You can tell me about it later! I have to go!” And then he was gone, hurrying to see if his art couldn’t be saved.
Even if it couldn’t, he didn’t mind. He’d gained a new friend today, and that was worth a thousand paintings in his optics.
Back in the main room, Bumblee could only stare after his friend. “Uhhh…what was that all about?”
And there it is! I hope you liked it! I gave Bulkhead a family because I wanted to, and yes his big brother is Breakdown. That means his brother-in-law is Knock Out. Ratchet is horrified when he learns this. Roadbuster and Beachcomber are very worried for their youngest. They were told he’s dead but like Isaac said, a parent never stops hoping. The team is currently very confused about what they just witnessed.
Also, poor Ratchet. Sari will never let go of her blackmail on him. How does a child get blackmail on a millions-of-years-old giant alien robot? It’s Sari. You could tell me she convinced Megatron to agree to peace purely by annoying him and I’d believe you. I love her. :D Anyway.
Until next time, folks!
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penn-dragon · 4 years
Tangled Adjacent AU
That reminded me I still have more parksborn snippets to post
Context: This is from what I lovingly call my Tangled Adjacent AU which is inspired by, you guessed it, Tangled. The basic premise is that after Harry’s mother died Norman became obsessively overprotective of Harry and keeps him locked away in Oscorp to the point that no one even knows Norman Osborn HAS a son, feeding him inflated stories that keep him scared of the world and ESPECIALLY the menace Spider-Man. Until one day Peter accidently stumbles across him and becomes determined to help draw this misinformed, sheltered kid out of his shell.
Peter pushed open the grate and pulled himself out of the vent, tumbling to the floor and knocking a stack of books over on his way down.
“Yowch,” he groaned, pushing himself to his feet and rubbing his aching head for a moment. “Not one of my more graceful landings, I’ll give me that.” 
He dropped his hand to wrap both arms around his sore ribs, lifting his head and coming face to face with… a teenage boy. A teenage boy who looked terrified and furious all at once. Peter’s eyes widened.
He was holding what appeared to be a microscope above his head, ready to strike. A nice one. Probably the first thing he’d grabbed when he heard Peter come in. Peter held one hand up in front of himself, keeping the other pressed firmly against his ribs.
“Woah there.”
“What are you doing here, Spider-Man?” The boy hissed. 
“Oh man—” Peter started uselessly, a little taken aback by the hostility. “I—uh— Look I didn’t mean to barge in, but—short version—I just got done beating a baddie, saving the day, you know the drill— Swung a little too close to Oscorp and had a run in with the security drones. I just ducked in the first vent I saw and ended up here.” He paused, glancing around the room. “... Wherever here is.” The little room looked like it was part of an apartment, but wasn’t recognizable as one of the few residential floors Oscorp had for it’s CEO and the small number of employees who could afford the rent. 
“Please,” the boy snapped, lifting the microscope slightly higher above his head, “you expect me to believe you ended up here by accident?” 
Peter wondered if his arms were getting tired holding that.
“I mean, I guess you don’t have to believe it, but why else would I be here?” 
“To inject me with venom and suck out my insides?”
He said it so matter-of-factly, even with the sarcastic lilt to his voice the suggestion was so ridiculous coming from a boy glaring daggers at him and holding a microscope above his head that it surprised a laugh out of Peter. The boy startled at the sudden sound, jerking back slightly.
“Seriously? These rumors have gotten so out of hand. I know the press doesn't like me but—jeez— Not only am I physically incapable of doing that, I really wouldn’t want to.”
That seemed to take some of the steam out of the boy’s engine, his grip on the microscope loosened slightly. Not off guard, but thrown for a loop definitely.
“Who even told you I do that?”
“My… dad,” he answered haltingly, like he hadn’t actually meant to say it.
“Who’s your dad,” Peter muttered, more to himself than anything, “J. Jonah Jameson?”
“No…” the boy trailed off, clearly not intending to continue.
“Well,” Peter filled in the silence with a short shrug of his shoulders, “I promise I’m not here to suck out your guts. So you can put that down—”  Immediately the tension was back in the boy’s muscles, holding the microscope ready to swing, “—or not.” Peter let out a short sigh lifting his left hand again to wave it placatingly. “Look you can keep that if it makes you feel safer, but I’m really banged up here, so I’m gonna sit. Please don’t hit me in the head with that thing, it would hurt.” Peter slowly lowered himself to the ground, scooting back so he could lean against the wall and shuffle himself into a semi-comfortable position. “Plus that looks like a really nice microscope, it’d be a waste to crack it over my skull.” 
Being given the high-ground—or maybe concern about the microscope—seemed to deflate the boy once more. He lowered his arms slightly, then let the microscope sink all the way to his chest where he wrapped his arms around it in a more comfortable hold.
“... It’s my favorite microscope,” he said after a pause. 
“No kidding? I can see why, wish I had one that nice. Mine’s a piece of second-hand junk from Ebay.”
“You like science?”
“You bet! Made all my own gear.” Peter held out his hand, folding his wrist down to show off his webshooter. The boy flinched back at the sudden movement, pulling the microscope further against his chest and retreating backwards to the mouth of the door. “Sorry! Sorry,” Peter called, tucking his hands under his armpits. “No webs, got it.” 
The boy continued to hover cautiously by the door. Now that his initial fire had calmed down he looked small. Mostly in a metaphorical sense, he was probably a couple inches taller than Peter, but he was skinny, and his jet black hair stood out in sharp contrast with how pale his skin was. His eyes, however, were a soft, muted blue that watched him wearily. 
“Do you… live here?” He asked, eyes darting around the room. It was definitely a bedroom… or at least, something close to a bedroom. There was a double bed pushed up in the corner, nearly eclipsed with stacks of books, notebooks and loose papers. Opposite was a desk covered in slides and petri disks where the boy must have been working when he stumbled in. The rest of the room was disturbingly bare. No pictures, posters, or any kind of memorabilia that would imply someone lived here. Nothing he would expect from another teenager’s bedroom. The boy didn’t answer, just continued staring at him from the doorway. As the silence stretched on uncomfortably long, Peter realized he didn’t intend to answer.
“What’s your name?” He tried again, tilting his head to study the other boy.
He didn’t get a response right away. After another stretch of silence under that unwavering blue gaze, Peter assumed he wasn’t going to get one. But as he dipped his head to check on his battered ribs, a quiet voice rose in the silence.
Peter looked back up.
“Harry?” The boy—Harry—didn’t speak again, but he did avert his eyes for the first time since Peter entered the room, almost like he was embarrassed hearing his own name said aloud. “Harry,” Peter said again, testing the name on his tongue. “Well, it’s nice to meet you, Harry. I’m Spider-Man, you can call me Spidey.”
Harry looked back at him, clearly struggling to think of a response. Peter decided to spare him from thinking of one.
“Look, it’s clear my being here is… not so welcome. So I’ll just bounce.” He slowly stood up, minding both his injuries, and Harry still cowering at the door while trying to look like he wasn’t cowering. “I just needed to catch my second wind, so I can get out of range of the security bots before they turn me into Swiss cheese.”
“You fought the security bots to get in here.” Harry’s voice chimed back in. Peter turned his head to look at him. He was a step further into the room and there was a different look on his face. A spark in his eye that wasn’t there before.
“Yep,” Peter answered, popping the ‘p’ playfully. He turned back fully, curious to see where this was going.
“How were they?”
Peter tilted his head.
“Well they didn’t kill me if that’s what you’re asking.”
“Well, obviously,” Harry snarked, “But i mean aside from that. How was their reactivity? Could you spot their patterns easily or no?” Harry moved forward and set the microscope back on the desk, lifting his hand to his chin as his eyes sunk to the floor and Peter was actually startled by how suddenly his demeanor changed. “I’ve been fiddling with them recently, trying to improve their efficiency—”
“Wait,” Peter cut in, “you built the Oscorp security bots?” 
Harry’s head snapped up, and he flinched back, ducking his head like he just realized he said something he shouldn’t have. He crossed his arms over his chest and suddenly his guard was back, and all the personality spilling out of him a moment ago was slammed back behind a wall.
“No, I— I didn't build them… Robotics aren’t really my thing… I’ve just been tinkering with them recently, as a side project.”
Peter watched him for a moment, wondering what he’d said to cause such a sudden shift, and how he could get that excitement back.
“Well, while they were trying to kill me it seemed like they worked pretty well,” he said, and Harry’s eyes lifted back to him, intrigue shining through in the blue of his eyes. “Little tip though, you should add a section in the coding that keeps them from flanking with each other. It seems like a good idea to surround an intruder but it’s way too easy to just duck out of the line of fire and watch them shoot each other.”
Peter knew very well that he was making it that much more difficult for himself the next time he had a run in with Oscorp’s security, but in his mind it was worth it when he once again saw the caution drain out of Harry’s eyes as he ran through Peter’s advice in his head.
“Hm,” he said, “I’ll keep that in mind.”
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raph-and-spike · 4 years
My Hero - Mikey x fem!reader
requested? yes/no
“Well i just found your blog and im super excited to see where this goes! My request is April has a cousin the turtles have heard of but never met and before they finally do she warns them that shes a little reserved, keeps to herself but over time when she warms up shes super dorky and like mikey? Idk if that makes sense. Just some fluffy michelangelo x reader 😅”
a/n: My first request! I was sooo excited for this one! I kinda took it in a different direction, but I tried to keep it as close to your request as possible. I can’t wait to write all of the other requests you guys have sent me!
warnings: none :)
“Oh my God, that movie was crazy!” April exclaimed. 
You had just moved back to New York two weeks prior, and your favorite redheaded cousin invited you to see a movie with her and her boyfriend friend, Casey–much to his dismay–which you’d been thankful for; April was the only person you knew at school. 
As someone who tended to keep to yourself, April was aware of your anti-social tendencies, and she’d do everything to avoid it. She was determined to make New York City actually feel like home. 
“Eh,” Casey shrugged. “It was alright. I don’t really see the hype.”
April rolled her eyes. “Don't pretend that we didn’t see you jump at all the jump-scares, Casey.”
Casey grinned. “You paying attention that closely to me, Red? You must like me or something.”
You couldn’t help but giggle as you watched the two bicker back and forth.
“Shut it, Jones,” she rolled her eyes. 
A crash behind you made the three of you jump and turn around instinctively. Though, nothing could be visible. 
“What the hell was that?” you muttered to yourself. The eery streets of the city at night had yet to make you feel welcome.
Suddenly, what had looked like slender robots in black robes began sprinting toward you three, jumping out behind trash cans and street corners. Your heart sank to your stomach at the scene in front of you, your body frozen in shock.
“Footbots!” April screamed, exchanging looks with Casey. “Casey, get Y/n back home, I’ll handle them!”
Casey raised his eyebrows. “What?! No way, Red! You go home with Y/n, I’ll handle it.” He grabbed one of his hockey sticks and charged at the Footbots, leaving you not knowing what to do.
April grabbed what looked like a steel fan from her pocket and began fighting as well; it was a sight you never thought you’d ever see.
“Y/n, run!” April shouted over the sounds of steel against steel, and hockey sticks against cement.
You began running in the opposite direction of the chaos, in the direction of your home. Though it’d take about another ten minutes to get there, you were eager to do anything you had to get away from what you'd just witnessed.
You weren’t able to get far before one of the robots appeared in front of you, causing you to stumble back onto the cement. Your eyes wide with fear, staring at the huge being towering over you with a sword in hand. As it raised its sword, a blade sliced across its torso with a quickness you would have missed if you weren’t watching so intently. As the robot’s body fell in half onto the pavement in front of you, another being with green skin and a blue mask appeared, holding the katana that had saved your life. 
“Woah,” was all you could manage, staring at it. Green speckled skin, a plastron and a shell...was it a turtle? 
It left, fighting off the rest of the bots with three more that looked just like it, all with different colored masks and different weapons. Your heart was racing, you could feel your body pulsating with the very beat of your heart as the fight ensued. 
“Guys,” one of them spoke up. “Splinter’s not gonna be too happy about another human knowing about us.”
They can talk?
The four turtles and your two friends looked your way as your eyes rolled back and you felt your head hit the pavement before falling into unconsciousness.
You woke up in your bed, your redheaded cousin sitting at the foot of your bed. You groaned, your hand going to the back of your head where gauze had been placed. 
“Y/n,” April began, her voice soft. “We need to talk.”
“What happened last night?” you moaned, your vision spinning as the pain in the back of your head increased.
She grabbed a glass of water on your nightstand and handed it to you.
“Here,” she kept her hands on your own to ensure that you were holding it tight enough, tipping it back as you gulped. 
She stared down at her fingers, fumbling with them. This was a nervous habit you’d remembered your cousin having for as long as you could remember. But why would she be nervous, you thought to yourself. 
“Last night–”
“I saw something,” you interrupted. “Or some things,” you corrected, goosebumps rising along your arms as you thought about the turtles.
April sighed. “I know.”
You furrowed your eyebrows. “What exactly were they? And what was attacking us?”
And so she began.
She told you everything; the turtles, Master Splinter, Shredder, the Kraang, mutagen. It was a moment of trust, a moment of trusting in one of her favorite people–one of the only people she had left.
“And now that you’re going to be living here,” April began.
“Then I should learn how to defend myself,” you finished for her.
She nodded, letting out a sympathetic sigh. “I’m so sorry for dragging you into this.”
You shook your head, grabbing her hands to hold within your own. “’United we stand, divided we fall’,” you quoted, a quote both your parents had said to you multiple times as children. “If you need another addition to your army, then count me in.”
As you both walked through the tunnels of the sewers, you kept your nose plugged.
“Does the smell get any better?” you groaned.
She nodded. “You get used to it; I had to live down here for a few weeks.”
You nearly gagged at the thought, before entering the lair.
There they were, once again. The red masked one was punching a large punching bag, the blue masked one was sitting in front of a television whilst the orange masked one sat next to him, pizza in hand. Pizza?! The fourth one was nowhere in sight. 
April gestured. “Y/n, these are the turtles,” she pointed to the red masked one, “that’s Raph,” she pointed to the blue masked one, “Leo,” she pointed to the orange masked one, “Mikey,” she paused, looking around. 
“Where’s Don-”
“Hi, April!” a voice exclaimed, nearly scurrying over to you both with a blush painted on his cheeks.
She rolled her eyes playfully. “And, that’s Donnie.”
Supposedly, after getting permission to bring you to the lair from Master Splinter, she’d warned them that you were coming. 
Leo looked over, his eyes finally peeling away from his show with a smile. “How’s your head feeling?” he asked, walking toward you.
You shrugged, gently blushing at the sudden attention. “It’s, uh, better now, but I don't think I hit it too hard to begin with.”
“Actually,” Donnie spoke, “the impact wasn’t enough to cause a lot of bleeding, but it'll be bruised for the next couple of days.”
You frowned. “W-were you the one who took care of my head?”
He nodded, invisible eyebrows furrowed in query. 
“Oh, thanks,” you said softly, “it’s healing really fast.”
He blushed, about to say something in return before his orange-masked brother interrupted him by running up to you.
“Well,” Mikey began, “I was the one who saved you a slice of pizza!”
The gang groaned in disgust; the slice of pizza had lint, worms, and an undetectable bug species sitting on top of the cheese. 
“Mikey, did you get that from under your bed?!” Leo scoffed.
Mikey smirked. “Mayybeee,” he eyed the slice. “It’s still good though, I think.”
He grinned at you, but could see the disgust in your appearance. He hung his head. “I guess I’ll just eat it,” he sighed.
You felt horrible, but in all honesty, the sight alone made your stomach churn. 
“Y/n,” you heard, distracting you from the moldy pizza.
You looked up, seeing the one and only Master Splinter. He looked completely different than how you’d pictured him in your head; he was much taller than you expected. He walked closer to you, until you were just feet apart. 
“April has told me a lot about you,” he began, his voice soothing to the ear. “I hope that you fulfill my wish to keep my sons and I a secret.”
You nodded. “Of course, urm, Master Splinter.”
He nodded, before calling the turtles to train with him.
“See you latah, Dudette,” Mikey bid with a wink, before running off to train with his brothers.
April looked at you, an eyebrow cocked at the deep blush on your cheeks.
“What?” you asked shyly.
“Nothing, Dudette,” April mocked with a grin.
You began to spend multiple days of the week at the lair with April and Casey, even bringing your homework down there after school; Master Splinter offered to train you, and you obliged. Mikey would be over your shoulder, asking you questions about your homework even after Leo had told him to give you some personal space. 
But you began to feel comfortable with the turtles, and you started to open up and reveal your personality. 
“Hey Mikey,” you announced, walking up to him in the kitchen. “Want to go train with me?”
You could have sworn that his pupils grew the size of bowling balls, and he was there with his nunchucks in no time.
You began training with the turtles, almost always with Mikey, though he refused to fight back or hit you. You’d share a pizza after, watch television, and eventually take a nap before he’d have to leave for patrol.
“You’re getting so good, Dudette!” he exclaimed after training, shoveling pizza slices into his mouth.
You blushed. ���Thanks, Mikey...” You rolled your eyes as you watched him finish the box to himself. “Do we really have to eat pizza everyday?” 
“Yesss,” he said in a sing-song voice. “I love days like this; it’s my two favorite things!”
You furrowed your eyebrows. “What?”
“You and pizza, duh!” 
Your cheeks heated up, and you pressed a kiss onto his green freckled cheek.
“Thanks, Mikey. You know, if it weren't for you and your brothers saving me from those Footbots, then I wouldn't even be here,” you pointed out.
He grinned. “That makes me, like, a hero!”
You planted a kiss onto his lips, causing him to nearly melt into the floor.
“My hero,” you corrected.
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sw124 · 3 years
Monster Boyfriend!Reader insert!
Female Reader! Shadow boyfriend.
[The reader is nicknames are Angel by the boyfriend and Bo by everyone else]
Another day, another chewing out by your asshole of a boss who as usual promoted the skinny collage girl over you; despite the fact you worked at this office for over five years and kept it running! In your opinion your boss was a misogynistic piece of garbage who believed all woman had the minds of toddlers, that and their only purpose was to be servants/playthings/baby factories to all men. The only reason he promoted this new girl was because he was looking for new eye candy.
It was just your boss who shared this view however, the other members of the office didn’t share their views. All of them were married and had kids, you could feel the unease when the boss made filthy jokes about someone’s daughter…especially when that daughter was only thirteen years old.
The father of this girl was your friend and neighbor Roy, he was tempted to punch his boss senseless but at the moment he couldn’t afford to. He just found out he and his wife were expecting baby number two, his wife worked from home but he always believed in having a safety net.
[Lunch break]
You sat down by Roy and Trevor, he was from accounting and pretended to be a bachelor when he actually dating a very nice young person, they preferred not to be labeled with a gender.
“Hey Bo, heard the boss yelling at ya; what was it about this time?” Asked Trevor opening his lunchbox.
“The account he assigned to the new girl was lost and he’s blaming me despite I had no part in its loss. He just wants to get on the girls good side so he can try an sleep with her…” you mumbled as you pulled out your own lunch.
You weren’t skinny, you were round with curves and a belly. This lead to many comments from your boss but you brushed them off, especially when you got home cooked lunches from your boyfriend. Today’s lunch was as beautiful as before, he got into making those character bento lunchboxes he saw on tiktok. Today’s lunch was fried chicken meatballs with rolled up omelet and little rice balls. The meatballs were decorated to look like hedgehogs, the little rice balls made to look like penguins and the omelets were speckled with green and filled with cheese.
“Lee went all out on that didn’t he?” Retorted Roy with a chuckle, his lunch was a grilled panini he ordered from the shop next door.
“He loves to cook and I love eating his cooking.” You smiled as you chowed down into his creation.
There was a small avocado salad on the side with diced raw onions and a small squirt of hotshots on it. It was a interesting combination but it actually worked out well.
You were about to dig into this salad when your boss walked in, so begins his usual walk around the tables giving comments on everyone’s choice of lunches. Mocking men who didn’t have properly made lunches by their wives or joked about being bachelors. You finished the penguin rice balls when he came your table.
“An what has this group prepared hm?” He leaned over Roy and his sandwich. “Wife not making you lunch anymore, what you two get into a fight again?”
Ugh; you hated how he smirked every time he put someone down, he looked over at Trevor. His lunch was simple homemade steak and cheese wrap his partner made.
“Huh, thats surprising; most single guys don’t know how to cook, where’d you buy that?” Trevor was about to answer but the ass turned to you and eyed your lunch. “Well what does the pig have today? Something that looks decent, bet it tastes like shit though?”
He reached for your food, Roy was the one who pulled it away from him. “Sir, need I remind you that the last time you took someone’s food the CEO of the company came down here to scold you?”
Your boss glared at him but backed off, yes he literally took someone’s food from them and was reported. He managed to play it off as a misunderstanding but it didn’t stop the CEO from chewing him out.
“Fine, let the pig eat her slop.” With that your boss left.
“Thanks Roy…” you sighed, this was going to be a long day…
[A few hours later]
Finally it was time to leave, three’o clock, you got all your things and bolted for the elevator. You made it in time too, you knew your boss came looking for stragglers to do extra work. The doors closed just as he walked into look for anyone; preferably you. But you escaped, you learned when and how to avoid him near the end of the day.
Now piled into your car you, Trevor and Roy all heading back to the same apartment building you shared. Trevor lived on the fourth floor of the apartments while you and Roy were on the second floor, he lived in the apartment across the hallway from you and your boyfriend. You said goodbye to them and walked into your apartment, the money you made was good despite your boss.
You composed yourself before hand and as you were closing the door…you saw your shadow growing, it grew larger, bulkier and once it reached a hight of 9ft…three bio-green eyes appeared; feral and happy.
“Welcome home Angel.”
His large clawed hands picked you up and cradled you in those burly arms, the term ‘broad chest’ didn’t do your darling justice. He had hair but it was so molded to his body it almost looked like a helmet minus the part that hung off. He had what you called an inverted pixie bob, he nuzzled you and peppered your cheek with little kisses. He didn’t have a visible mouth, nose or ears but that only added to his charm.
“Hi Caine, I’m so happy to be home. Lunch was soooo good, I loved those little penguins you made.”
You watched those eyes of his turn into stars as he hugged tightly, you hugged him back….oh you needed this. You needed ‘him’ right now more then anything, just him and his big arms hugging you.
“I’m making pizza tonight, I figured it’d be cheaper then buying it.” He whistled.
“Ooh that sounds good.” You whined happily.
You only had your eyes closed for a moment before you found yourself in your bedroom. He sat you on the bed and proceeded to remove your shoes, what on earth did you do to get a guy this awesome?
“Oh, so you know; Brandy called me and told me about your company throwing a family picnic!”
Right…the picnic, another excuse for that ass of a boss to mock everyone’s lifestyle and show up his wealth. You smiled at him, he loved picnics and meeting all the people you worked with. No way were you gonna say no, but that didn’t mean you weren’t gonna try and stay as far away from your boss as possible.
“Its gonna be a potluck kind of picnic so lets make something yummy together hm?” You smiled as you stood back up and changed into your comfy clothes.
He squealed with glee and whisked you back up into his arms, dinner was delicious and so was dessert. Just simple store bot gelato but still good, the two of you sitting on the couch bing watching documentaries and internet cat videos.
[two weeks later]
The weather was perfect, there was a nice light breeze and there were clouds, lots of them. White, fluffy clouds that casted shadows to shield you from the sun from time to time. Not that it was terribly hot, warm but not hot. You and Cain parked the car under a tree and got out, the company picnic was being held at the local park near the river. It was a very nice place, already you saw many of your co-workers here.
Cain had already delved into your shadow, not out of fear but it was easier to move around crowds. You already saw a few other co-workers who brought their spouses. Mark from HR was one of the few you knew who was dating someone who wasn’t human, his girlfriend was the same height as Cain but unlike Cain she was more mammalian. She was what many called a ‘wendigo’ but she had more of a wolf appearance mostly due to her skull face; her name you recalled is Sophie.
You and Mark had that in common, the two of you love large, adorable creatures that could crush you in their embraces. You watched Mark talk as Sophie filled a plate with ribs and handed them to some other co-workers. You walked over, greeted her and sat down two large bowls. One had your famous fruit salad while the other had Cain’s spicy garlic Parmesan chicken wings.
Cain was about to come out to say hello when everyone was silenced by the tapping on a microphone.
“Everyone, thank you all for coming! I’m so thrilled to see everyone’s bright faces here!”
You gritted your teeth…it was your boss, here it comes. He did this whenever possible, bringing people up and passively insulting them for whatever reason an pass it off as a joke. Well today he was bringing couples up and joking, he already had Roy up there and joked about his family. It was clear Roy wanted to punch the guy’s lights out an you didn’t blame him.
“Thanks Roy for being a great sport, up next…why our own Ms. Bo!”
Well crud..it was your turn, you felt Cain gripping your shoulder but you had no choice. You patted the invisible hand and walked up onto the stage, you saw how he leered at you.
“Well everyone, here she is Miss Bo. Where’s your boyfriend, oh I’m sorry dear I guess the rumors are true men don’t like chubby little bitches like you.”
Uh oh…now he didn’t, you watched your shadow shift and move, steadily growing behind your boss as he continued.
“Any single men out here wanna plow this porker? No? Well thats to be expected, lots of smart men know to stay away-“ the mic was yanked out of his hand, he spun around…only to be face to face with three murder colored eyes.
You reached an took the mic. “Sir, I’d like to introduce you to Cain, my beloved boyfriend of four very happy years. We met in middle school, started dating in collage. Thats all you need to know….Cain put him down please.”
You didn’t need to look, Cain had your boss by the scruff of his shirt, dangling him over the edge of the stage….he relented and sat him down; he turned and took the mic from you.
“An for the record; you call my girl anything other then her name…well..” he exposed his rarely seen mouth, inside were rows of razors ready to tear him apart.
“The last thing you’ll be seeing are these.”
You refrained from saying anything..especially about your bosses soiled trousers.
[later, after the picnic]
Back in your apartment, cuddled on the couch; sitting in his lap with a box of macarons and other sweet treats. You look up at Cain who still seemed a little mad from what he heard.
“Honey its ok, the boss got fired for what he said and we’re getting a new one, its all thanks to you.” You give him a kiss, that seemed to melt the grump off.
“Yeah, though I’m still upset that you went through all those nasty things…”
Oh no the puppy eyes…the sad ‘mama I need love’ puppy eyes. He always got his way when something happened. Last time he did this was when you had you wisdom teeth taken out and you were in pain.
“I know but you know what?”
Cain looks down at you.
“You made it worth it, every day I’d come home to the best thing nature ever created.”
You saw stars dance in his sweet eyes as he hugged you tightly, for the rest of the night was filled again with cat videos and documentaries until the two of you slowly drifted off to sleep, you safely tucked into his loving embrace.
[so you know all of this was inspired by the drawings of @semisolidmind and her monster boyfriend series oooh their sooo cute! Semi I hope you like this you inspired this!]
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