27 posts
art, autism, anarchy
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robbinnnnn · 9 months ago
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-eli clare
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robbinnnnn · 10 months ago
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bye 70 x 100 cm oil on tablecloth 2024
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robbinnnnn · 10 months ago
Yishay Garbasz hugged me and told me there are only two things that will matter: -how much money your parents have -your capacity to work yourself dumb
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robbinnnnn · 10 months ago
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teen wolf 70x60 cm 2024
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robbinnnnn · 10 months ago
Public speaking is actually really easy if you don't respect a single soul in that room. I've had an incredibly easy time delivering speeches when I hated everybody I saw and they all thought I did amazing because my disdain was read as confidence. I don't have any tips for you I'm just telling you a fact
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robbinnnnn · 10 months ago
How do you continue being a student in an institution that has failed to adress continuous acts of violence?
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robbinnnnn · 11 months ago
how come most group projects in my art school are organized and managed by women only? admin, communication, building and dismantling are part of an exhibition just as much as submitting an artwork.
how can an art school call itself progressive while teaching their students that it's okay to lean back while women and queers do all the work?
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robbinnnnn · 11 months ago
smartass kids in art school who claim "we don't need feminism anymore" and worry about straight white men being left out and underrepresented:
are they too pampered to remember what the world is like? do they listen to the women and queers around them in the same way they would like to be listened and catered to? have they taken a look at who gets exhibs and sells?
just because you're learning about something that doesn't relate to you personally, doesn't mean you are being discriminated against. welcome to life.
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robbinnnnn · 11 months ago
Die Lehrenden an meiner Hochschule spekulierten laut Aussage studentischer Prüfungshelfer:innen in der Aufnahmeprüfung darüber, ob eine Bewerberin autistisch sein könnte, ohne dass diese mit einem Wort Autismus erwähnt hat. Weil Professorin 1 sich schoneinmal um einen autistischen Studenten (P) "gekümmert" hat, erklärt Professor 2 sich diesmal bereit, die Betreuung zu übernehmen, sollte die Studentin angenommen werden. Alle wollen sie dabei haben, denn der letzte Autist, (Student P) war "das beste, was die Hochschule bisher hervorgebracht hat".
Währenddessen sind mindestens 3 autistische Studierende eingeschrieben, die genau 0 Extra-Unterstützung erfahren.
S1: Ist kurz vor dem Abschluss und hat trotz mehrerer Anfragen an Studienberatung, Gleichstellungsbeauftragte und ihre Professorin nie Unterstützung erhalten. Bei Gruppenprojekten wird sie regelmäßig mit Verantwortung überfrachtet. Andere Studierende verhalten sich teils herablassend, teils grenzüberschreitend ihr gegenüber, ohne dass jemand einschreitet oder ihre Bedenken ernst nimmt. S1 hat einen sexualisierten Übergriff auf dem Campus erlebt.
S2: Ist in der Mitte seines Studiums, wurde von anderen Studenten aus seinem ersten Atelierplatz rausgeekelt und hat sich daraufhin ein halbes Jahr nicht an die Hochschule getraut. Sehr verunsichert und überfordert.
S3: Ist am Anfang ihres Studiums und rutscht gerade in eine Drogensucht ab.
Mit dem Vorzeigestudenten P habe ich 3 Semester das Atelier geteilt. Dadurch weiß ich, dass seine Mutter ihn regelmäßig besucht und sehr unterstützt hat. Sein Erfolg ist keineswegs allein der Hochschule bzw. der Professorin zu verdanken. S1, S2 und S3 hatten mindestens genauso viel Potential wie er. S1 erhielt sogar ein Stipendium, aber heute ist sie überlastet und frustriert.
Als autistische flinta fühle ich mich hier einfach nur verarscht. Was ist los in Weißensee?
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robbinnnnn · 11 months ago
studying art in Germany has become hellish since Oct 7.
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robbinnnnn · 11 months ago
CW: Queerfeindlichkeit
Hab letzte Woche einen queerfeindlichen, sexualisierten Übergriff an meiner Hochschule erlebt. Die Täterin ist genauso trans wie ich. Als ich mit meiner Professorin / Betreuerin gesprochen habe, hat sie mir geraten, die Tat einfach zu "verdrängen", weil es nicht gut aussähe der Täterin etwas vorzuwerfen und wahrscheinlich eh zu schwierig zu erklären ist, um ernst genommen zu werden.
Was ist schwierig daran zu verstehen, dass es übergriffig ist, den benutzten Tampon einer transmaskulinen Person ohne deren Wissen in der Hochschule rumzureichen?
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robbinnnnn · 11 months ago
I think with the reaction to the Ursula K. Quote about women being able to think, not just feel blindly, fits nicely into the anti intellectualism we are seeing and peoples commitment to staying in the kiddie pool. Like at a certain point you can’t vibes your way out of stuff, you gotta pick up books and a news paper and get informed and start exercising your brain.
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robbinnnnn · 11 months ago
Angry outbursts in the name of justice feed into a broad hunger for spectacle.
This is a problem, especially for those of us who want to bring about real change.
It is absolutely necessary to voice concerns and practice institutional critique. It is also easier said than done to keep calm. And it is very true that tone-policing is a defensive strategy, often rooted in racist/sexist attitudes and a fear of open conflict.
A while ago a fellow student in my art university read a long, angry letter to the professors on exam day. Instead of reading it out in their studio, they made it a public performance in the hallway. Students were invited to listen and many did so.
I was there, and while listening and watching, I also observed the other students. One guy recorded the performance for his instagram, smiling. The 'boys club' of the painting department, not known to be politically or otherwise engaged, was there and really seemed to enjoy watching the professors get yelled at.
We need to be aware that we are under a gaze that is hungry for spectacle. Do these people really listen to what we are saying, do they share our beliefs and what we are fighting for? Or do they just enjoy the drama, enjoy watching us get our hands dirty while they continue to benefit off of their good relationships and institutional networks AND get something political to post to their story?
Art can absolutely be an outlet for anger. But be mindful of who this anger serves depending on when/to whom it is expressed. Silence will not protect you. But pure unleashed anger gives some people exactly what they want - a confirmation that we are not to be reasoned with, not to be taken seriously, not partners, but something to look at from a safe distance, something other.
This left a bitter aftertaste.
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robbinnnnn · 1 year ago
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robbinnnnn · 1 year ago
The recent MFA graduate dude who makes sUbVersive Zines about microaggression and claims to reject the commercial art world
just came to my group exhibit opening in a white cube, peak gentrificaticated neighbourhood
and congratulated me
pronounced my foreign name incorrectly
and started talking about "the Magic of art, the Beautiful Madness that has infected Everyone in the room"
big lolz
always remember to feck with the system jajajajajaja
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robbinnnnn · 1 year ago
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friendly neighbourhood pharmacy
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robbinnnnn · 1 year ago
Listened to a very cool artist talk today. When i tried talking to the speaker after the event, she turned away from me mid-sentence, not once but twice. I wasn't talking excessively or anything, just trying to start a brief conversation to ask her if she wanted to speak at my college. Guess I'm not inviting her there after all. Maybe she was just busy, but it hurts. As an autistic person i'm constantly talked over and i kind of didn't see it coming this time, at least not from someone practicing intersectional institutional critique. ow :(
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