nvraln-etsy · 3 days
Dreamwork Consultation
Hello beautiful souls! Last night, I had an eye-opening experince while working on a dream that has sparked a wave of insight. I'm eager to share and explore its meaning with you. Here's a summary of the dream and my initial and deeper reflections. I look forward to learning from your intuitive wisdom.
May 25th, 2024
P'Shat (basic recall): Part 1: At sometype of bar or night scene with Connor. I sit down alone. Some dude sits by and talks to me. Connor sits by self, so I move to sit near him. The guy says "moving for more room?" and I reply "yah". Some How at some point I"m way far away and the dude comes up with his shirt off and touches me. I Say "get your hands off me and my body" I repeat it Louder.
Part 2: I'm in class and I'm getting called to the dean. I'm running down the hallway and the lady from Hawkeye stops me to come in and talk. I say to her that "I'm not talking to anyone, I'm going to go to my car and leave". I yell repeatedly "I'm not re-living it again right now. I'll come back in a day or two and talk".
Remez (initial associations): Distance between, violated, Hawkeye embarrassing video recording, middle school called to office for skirt length, emotion of not being believed in high school, anxious instantly after being called into office, using voice, repeated "boundary" like how i do when i practice in waking life
Drash (pursued knowledge):
Through meditative state/dream re-entry: Not actually Connor, Representation of distance from men, examine relationship with men, holding onto feelings that others expect the worst from me, examine relationship to authority, how do I heal without re-living?, emotion of trauma still too overwhelming (how do i help my body hyper sensitivity?), body sensations are tough/sensitive to body sensations.
Through this post:
Teacher anticipated I would just leave, which I would of in the dream background (high school) but not at community college (where the teacher I was stopped by worked).
Drash reveals that in the end of my dream, the teacher does not give up on trying to get me to the office and that's why the second part occurs. Where my emotion gets heightened and the dream is at it's peak.
It's important to me that I realized Connor was not present in the scene. Because during dream recall, I was like "if connor was there I wouldn't of felt scared"
How many times is repeatedly? I said it until I woke up but how many times as that?
The experience about middle school came to mind because I felt violated in that moment. I think that was the time I felt the most violated in the front office.
SOD (transpersonal elements): humans and other beings violated daily, current war is full of the feeling "violated", changing mindset can help change the world.
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nvraln-etsy · 3 days
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Pattern: Spiral
Focus Stone: Red Jasper
Desire Stones: Chevron Amethyst, Bloodstone, Blue Kyanite
I may use this grid while meditating for the purpose of a variety of dreamwork methods. I may choose it due to uncertainty about what support I need or because of the overwhelming emotion involved.
Another option would be to place the grid on my nightstand and attend to it daily, particularly during periods of increased nightmares or stressful life situations. This helps to create a calming and supportive environment.
For this grid, I've chosen a red jasper point as the focal stone for its grounding properties and endurance. Bloodstone and chevron amethyst serve as way stones, enhancing energy flow with patience and clarity. Blue kyanite acts as the desire stone, reinforcing the grid's purpose to facilitate truthful communication and absorb negative energy.
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nvraln-etsy · 3 days
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i tried to make memes about what my crystal practice feels like -don't hate me
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nvraln-etsy · 4 days
My spiritual and healing philosophy stems from my mother's; "it doesn't hurt to believe in something" <3
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nvraln-etsy · 4 days
I learned about Leschziner's theory of the unfinished dream from Linda Yael Schiller's book PTSDreams. Dr. Guy Leschziner is a neurologist and sleep specialist that proposed due to the extreme emotions of some dream experiences the dreamer wakes before being able to finish their dream. Hypothesizing that the dream is not complete and thus the emotional memory is not fully processed.
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nvraln-etsy · 4 days
What I enjoy about crystals and my nightly ritual is the space I create for myself – a space to ponder my intentions and to practice balancing my inner world, including emotions, thoughts, and reactions.
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nvraln-etsy · 6 days
Night Ritual
Drained laying in bed without do any part of my night routine, I have an intuitive thought "get your bedside crystal". Too tired to do any type of ritual, I remind myself that a connection can be made on the simplest of terms. I grab my raw bloodstone, the one I typically pass over for it's --, rather than do a ritual that feels draining I hold the crystal in my closed fist, lying back in bed with an intention to connect in mind. I held this posture and then I felt tingling down my hand, energy flowing!! I held the posture awhile longer until my eyes were closing and my grip was loosening.
To finish the practice I hold the crystal once again in my fist this time with an intention of gratitude.
Feeling drained and skipping my usual nightly routine, I suddenly felt an intuitive nudge: "Get your bedside crystal." Too exhausted for any elaborate ritual, I reminded myself that connection can be simple. I reached for my raw bloodstone, usually overlooked for its less ridgid counterpart. I held the crystal in my closed fist and laid back in bed, maintaining an intention to connect in my mind.
I held this position, focusing on my intention, and soon felt a tingling sensation down my hand—energy flowing through me. I remained in this posture until my grip naturally loosened and my eyes grew heavy.
In the morning, I held the crystal once more in my fist, this time with a deep sense of gratitude.
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nvraln-etsy · 8 days
Nightmare Crystal Kit
I assembled these crystals as a personal resource, drawing from my experience with dream journaling and the teachings of Linda Yael Schiller in PTSDreams. Feeling a strong intuitive pull to share my interpretations and practices, I created this kit. Below, you'll find a brief explanation of my insights on dreams and nightmares, the concept of crystal grids, the rationale behind each crystal selection, and how these elements can harmonize to balance both your waking and sleeping world.
Some professionals perceive the dream state as irrelevant, while others are indifferent to its significance; however, many regard it as a powerful tool for personal growth and transformation. Personally, I align with the latter view. Even before starting my practice, I intuitively sensed that my nightmares were a survival instinct, preparing me for potential tragedies. To me, the dream state represents an expansive realm where one can confront the past, present, future, fears, dreams, and all that is uncertain, uncontrollable, and unknown. It serves as an inner universe of thoughts, feelings, and symbolic images within the subconscious mind—a space to delve into buried emotions, desires, and access hidden knowledge.
My perspective on nightmares shifted when I learned that they are essentially interrupted dreams that abruptly awaken us, leaving us stranded in that unsettling moment and preventing resolution. While nightmares are commonly attributed to unresolved trauma, their presence can also stem from various other factors such as spiritual and intergenerational influences, media consumption and dietary habits, developmental changes, or have a biological or hormonal basis. In this context, dreams are often interpreted as messages prompting the dreamer to address specific emotions or situations that require processing.
The kit includes raw Chevron Amethyst, Bloodstone, and Blue Kyanite because raw stones are believed to emit stronger energy in their untouched, unprocessed natural form. Red Jasper was selected for its ability to absorb negative energy and enhance endurance. Bloodstone complements by fostering patience, creating space for potential. Chevron Amethyst was chosen for its protective qualities and its ability to facilitate access to subconscious wisdom. Lastly, Blue Kyanite was chosen for it's capacity to supports dream recall while promoting honest communication. Whether used individually or together, these crystals can assist dreamers in navigating their dreamscape, coping with nightmares, engaging in dream journaling, and exploring various other possibilities throughout the day and night.
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nvraln-etsy · 8 days
"please absorb any negative energy that fills my aura and mind field tonight when I dream until tomorrow when i wake"
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nvraln-etsy · 9 days
your practice doesn't have to be perfect. it doesn't have to carry all of the right information or look like what you've seen online or in movies. your practice should be solely yours, unique to your experiences, aspirations, beliefs, and fears. the only part of your practice that truly matters is how you feel about it. a practice you believe in is a strong practice. a practice you believe in is perfect.
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nvraln-etsy · 9 days
After bringing a new crystal home and allowing it time to get use to it's new home, I will talk to the crystal with the intention of cleansing and connecting.
"I cleanse (crystal name) of any energy it gathered before entering my home. I cleanse (crystal name) of any energy it has gathered while integrating into my home, their new home. Releasing any unwanted energy from myself, my partner, Prin, Mini, or Rudey. I've enjoyed associating their energy with my energy. I intend to maintain an open and fluid path of connection between (crystal name) and myself until our relationship is no longer beneficial."
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nvraln-etsy · 11 days
"I am cleansing my bloodstone crystal with the intention of creating a connection of support, patience, and possibility"
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nvraln-etsy · 13 days
Homemade Crystal Grid
Materials Needed:
Cardboard (i used old cereal boxes)
Old t-shirt
Fabric marker
Books or some other weight
Circular object to trace
First you will trace circles on your cardboard, I used a medium sized embroidery wheel. Tracing a total of 12, 6 for each grid.
Next you will cut out your cardboard circles.
Stack 6 cardboard circles together, glueing generously between each layer.
Use books or other weights to press down on your circle stack. I left mine in the Arizona sun to speed up the process.
Repeat steps 3 and 4 to create as many grids as you would like.
While the cardboard circles are drying cut your old tshirt down the middle so it is laying flat. Iron the shirt flat.
Once the cardboard is dry, generously glue one side and firmly press onto a blank, smooth spot on the t-shirt. Repeat for as many as you are making
Next you will leave the cardboard drying on the t-shirt with weight on top of it.
Once the foundation dries you can cut the t-shirt alongside the edge of the cardboard repeating steps 7 and 8 on the backside to make a double sided grid. (OR) cut a few centimeters around the cardboard circle, folding the shirt over and glueing the edges down on the backside.
Trace design of your choice with pencil onto one or both sides
Outline with fabric marker
Enjoy a balance practice fueled by your inner creative.
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nvraln-etsy · 14 days
Night Ritual
To begin I like to read my written descriptions of my stones to influence or coincide with my intention.
Bloodstone as an anchor to increase my inner patience and the possibility of learning something about my inner world.
Blue kyanite to enhance my dream recall and use of conscious communication.
Throughout the remainder of my practice I will keep this intention in my mind, compassionately returning to the intention when my mind wanders. Tonights intention is "When I dream tonight I look to my crystal companions for support. Opening space within me to cultivate patience and conversation. Enhancing my dream recall and understanding of myself." "Allowing myself to accept their support in dream recall and understanding my inner wisdom" I ensure not to hold too much pressure on repeating the same phrase or wording, but rather work to incorporate the same feeling with my intention.
My next step is to cleanse the and choose the crystals I will be using. I cleansed all 9 of my crystals, 1 bloodstone in the center with 8 blue kyanite desire stones surrounding it, by smudging with incense. Then, the crystals get arranged in whatever grid pattern calls to me in the moment. Once I feel a strong connection between myself, the crystal, and my intent I know the practice is complete and the center crystal is ready to be placed by my bedside.
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nvraln-etsy · 14 days
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Quick crystal cleanse today
!!! remember to be careful with a handful of crystal types (citrine, rose quartz, celestite) in the sunlight, as they may fade. I wasn't worried about leaving them out too long since I had my crystals out while I was sunbathing with my cats.
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nvraln-etsy · 15 days
A nightmare is essentially an unfinished dream, where we are abruptly awoken due to an overwhelm of emotions. Red Jasper, known as the “stone of endurance”, enhances our strength and eases overwhelm, increasing the possibility of the dream finishing and reaching a new outcome. 
Chakra: Root 
Element: Earth 
Cleansing: Take a walk with the crystal in nature or leave out in the moonlight 
Charging: Bury overnight 
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nvraln-etsy · 16 days
do you have a preference for raw vs tumbled stones and crystals?
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